#robin des bois
horsefigureoftheday · 1 month
Hi, I'm so happy to have found your blog! I'm collecting horse figures since I was a kid and always thought I was the only one in the whole wide world with this... Now I can even enjoy other people's collections! That's just amazing. I have a question: Can you help me identify 3 of mine? Maybe you have any ideas about their brands and origins? The height corresponds to Breyer Stablemates (approx. 7 cm). Thank you in advance!!
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Sure thing!
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Schleich Brown Foal #13103
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Plaho knight horse, DDR, circa 1960s
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Robin des Bois et la fabuleuse histoire des Chateaux Forts, 1998
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josh-xd-2004 · 5 months
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Meeting of twin brothers.
I took advantage after the introduction of Larry and Lawrie was announced (in February) by meeting the twin sons of the Sheriff of Nottingham.
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myevilmouse · 10 months
Tag Games
@beebee-76 tagged me for my 10 Comfort Movies! Thank you so much for the opportunity to share faves with y'all this evening!
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To the surprise of no one, I have to put Star Wars at the top of this list, Return of the Jedi in particular. It's my fave of the three, and always welcome on my TV.
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Anyone who knows me knows I'm an insane and devoted Godzilla fan, so pretty much any Godzilla movie is a comfort movie, with Showa-era Godzilla my go-to. Godzilla vs. Hedorah (or Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster, as it was called when I first saw it) is probably top of that list.
I don't have words for how happy this musical makes me. Just watch um...from 10:25, that song and the choreography, showmanship, and sheer joie de vivre. It's a beautiful beautiful thing.
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I love him. Predator, folks, is one of my comfort movies. A masterpiece of genre filmmaking that transcends each one it tackles (sci-fi, horror, action). RIP Kevin Peter Hall.
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The Lost Boys. Forever a fave.
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The Red Violin. A heartbreaking, perfect film with music that elevates your soul.
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Very often and repeatedly, Jareth. 😍
I have always loved Fred MacMurray, in everything from Double Indemnity to Flubber, but let it be known that nothing is as pure, as perfect, as his sentimental performance as a Scoutmaster in Disney's overlooked film Follow Me Boys. It's a holiday tradition in our house. (And YES that is baby Kurt Russell!)
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I love Furious 7 with a devoted and enduring passion that would make the gods envious. THIS IS A PRACTICAL EFFECT FOLKS! THEY REALLY DID THIS! James Wan understood the assignment.
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I would put the entire LOTR saga as one, but again, if forced to choose, let's go with the grand finale. I love everything about it, but most of all, like Star Wars, we have heroes who triumph over evil, and are rewarded with a happy ever after (not without scars, but nonetheless). There is still good in this world, and the unironic sincerity of filmmakers like George Lucas and Peter Jackson will forever be a comfort to me.
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delightful-mirth · 4 months
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luukka · 10 months
I love drawing my couples in others couples they could be and
I was wondering what couple Jim and Ivy would be if they weren't Ivy and Jim and it was so clear like HONESTLY who else could've they be unless Robin Hood and lady Marian ?
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Look at them.
How cute 🥰
It was funny to draw, especially Jim/Robin because Jim isn't that cheerful and it gives him a funny face, but I like it, it made me practice 🤌🏾
The little vignette was a nightmare yet neat to do.
I thought reversing (Ivy being Robin and Jim Marian lol) but it was SO outcharacter so I didn't, I don't even know why I thought this xD it could've been fun tho
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tomoleary · 8 months
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Pierre Mouchot aka Chott (1911-1966) and 3 of his post-WWII creations: Fantax “the first full-fledged super-hero in the history of French comics,” Big Bill Le Casseur (Big Bill The Breaker) and Robin des Bois (Robin Hood).
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daisydesetoiles · 7 months
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Reposted from my Deviantart in honour of Halloween 2023.
Basically Robin of Locksley from Prince of thieves and his half-brother Will Scarlet. Because they have been my favourite siblings for four years, which is long for a fangirl of sibling stories as I am !
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luttesmuricoles · 1 year
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Paris, 2022.
"Fais comme Robin des Bois Reprends l'argent aux rois"
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lucaf2019 · 10 months
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"Robin Hood", regia di Ridley Scott, 2010
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rhmis-user-2020 · 11 months
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I will never in my life get over how completely bonkers that french Robin Hood musical is..... I finally watched the pro-shot (about ten years late lol) and WOW.
First of all 10/10 incredible performances and creative direction. Choreography so clean you could eat off it!!
But also, *Stefon voice* this show has everything: parkour, the wicker man, Tron suits, two men in bondage gear with zero explanation, high camp, shadow puppets, confusing religious overtones, wood nymphs, references to the film Jaws, also Daft Punk is there.
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josh-xd-2004 · 3 months
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My stupid brain: Hey boy, why don't you choose a secondary character to partner with?
And then in the end I came up with the stupid idea of making the lumberjack a family, an older character who almost goes around extracting firewood in the forests of Sherwood and seems to live alone.
Here I present a description of the two of them:
- She is the wife of the lumberjack, they got engaged when they were 30-48 years old (I didn't like doing it so young so that they would know each other although such engagements were not uncommon in the Middle Ages. 💀)
- She is a farmer and she does not like her husband's work for fear of depraving the forest.
- They do not live permanently with him, and on several occasions she and her son move to different places so as not to see face to face with the prince unlike her husband who preferred to stay in Nottingham.
- Only when the news reaches him that the king is in the castle, both of them come to visit the lumberjack.
- He is the only one and he would be 14 years old.
- Although he is always with his mother and she educates him, he likes to be with his father more and visit him frequently.
- At first, he almost found it hard to believe the times Robin saved his father and the other villagers when Prince John seized all of his especially valuable items or demanded they pay his high taxes. (For that reason, I found it impossible for him to interact so much with the son of the Earl of Locksley or with any member of his gang.)
- On the other hand, with the arrival of the Vikings, he always carefully goes to the camp, very curious about the plans and training, although his father forbids him to approach them so as not to get into trouble.
This is what I have for a description of these characters although I may never use them XD. As I say, they will only be there as part of this absurd idea of mine.
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thecoffeelorian · 1 year
...I think I just found the perfect song for a future one-shot, though I’m not yet sure if I’ll compose it in just English or try translating it into French as well, HOLY KRIFF IT FITS.
It’s from the French musical Robin des Bois, and it’s the first song Robin Hood sings after he learns that he and Marian had a son 15 years ago, that he’s just met for the first time, and his Ultimate Dad Mode gets activated on the spot.
The perfect material, which I hope, will inspire me to write a much better third ‘first meeting’ between Crosshair and Omega in Mount Tantiss...and now, I will post both the original French lyrics and the English translation after that, just in case it inspires anyone else to write later:
Être un héros, pour les autres, Tel qu’il apparaît dans la lumière, j’ai pas choisi, Risquer ma peau pour les autres, Quand il le fallait, je l’ai fait, mais pas choisi J’attendais j’attendais sans le savoir J’attendais j’attendais l’innatendu J’attendais j’attendais sans te prévoir, et tu es venu Maintenant que tu es là Maintenant que tu es là Etre un héros pour quelqu’un, Ca change toute une vie, tous les repères, Parce que c’est lui Même ce flambeau, qu’on détient, Le jour viendra de s’en défaire, pour lui aussi J’attendais j’attendais sans le savoir J’attendais j’attendais l’innatendu J’attendais j’attendais sans te prévoir, et tu es venu Maintenant que tu es là Je sais pourquoi je me bats Tous les héros ne sont que des hommes Je le resterai pour toi Les héros ne sont que des hommes A côté de toi
Maintenant que tu es là Je sais pourquoi je me bats
To be a hero, for others, As it appears in the light, I did not choose, Risking my skin for others, When I had to, I did it, but I didn't choose
I was waiting I was waiting without knowing it I was waiting, I was waiting for the unexpected I was waiting I was waiting without foreseeing you, and you came
Now that you're here Now that you're here
To be a hero for someone It changes a whole life, all the landmarks, Because it's him Even this torch, which we hold, The day will come to get rid of it, for him too
I was waiting I was waiting without knowing it I was waiting, I was waiting for the unexpected I was waiting I was waiting without foreseeing you, and you came
Now that you're here I know why I fight
All heroes are only men I will stay for you heroes are only men Next to you
Now that you're here I know why I fight
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emacrow · 17 days
Robin met Nekomata
Previous original plot
Batman have been getting heist reports committed for the past 3 months all jewelry related along with cat themes ones.
Batman had check and rechecked 17 times in the vide surveillance camera and only see a glitchy mesh of some glowing green cat slits eyes before statics and then the jewelries goes missing without triggering any alarms in seconds..
Batman had Robin after they searched through most of Catwomens hideouts, only getting lucky on the 9th one ironically.
Selina was viewing a beautiful ancient vase of a cat made with pure Green Jade with a glee in her eyes before Batman and Robin smashed down from the glass ceiling of the warehouse.
"Catwomen." Bruce said looming menacing in his batsuit. Robin on guard in the back taking in the sight before him.
"Aw, Batman~ what a purrrrrrfect surprise to see you again~." Selina said smiling with her black lipstick gleaming a bit, gently putting down the jade vase back into the comfy cushioned containment wooden box.
Robin could see a numerous of cat related jewelry was almost overwhelming behind selina, but then something didn't seem right before Robin noticed a tiny bundle of blankets and a NASA rocket ship.
Before he could tell batman about what he observed, he was suddenly slammed into the blind side on the left, before he could wack whoever slammed into with his boa, it was missing from his hands..
And the culprit was zooming at top speed in front of Selina.
It was a meta toddler holding his Boa with two tails .., with the most excited face as if he was about to bounce off the walls.
"I see you met my newest stray, Nekomata~. You did a great job hun." Selina said petting the little cat like boy who was purring louder then motor.
Robin has several questions as he trying not to mentally adopt the cat like meta child. (But it a cat, and cats are animals and he wanna know badly where he can get one of those or somehow steal Bruce adoption forms to bribe selina into keeping that precious kitty right there)
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dailyrannells · 8 months
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the boys in the band || fave moments (requested by anonymous)
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