#rose x scorpius
innuendork · 1 year
Ron: Hermione, Rosie! Guess what happened! Hahahaha! I encountered Malfoy in the elevator today
Hermione: -as every day
Ron: And you know, we had a small talk on the way up to the 17th floor.
Hermione: I'm pretty sure any dictionary isn't strong enough to cover the meaning of "small talk" in your sentence.
Ron: Apparently, little Scorpius has grown up and will enable Draco to become a "father-in-law" in the near future. And Draco already looked like a much older and grumpy geezer! I almost consoled him. Poor old man!
Rose: Maybe he'll be consoled to learn that his future co-father-in-law is his elevator buddy.
Ron*betrayed*: What? Which elevator buddy?!
Ron: Oh you mean me! For a second I thought the poor man has another elev-
Ron: Oh you mean me...
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languidbones · 3 months
i just read a bouquet of scandals for the first time all the way through--and then immediately reread it. it's taken up every spare minute this week. i am so, so enthralled with this universe and these characters. they are all so wonderfully unique! rose in particular is beautifully drawn, i've never read a romantic heroine quite like her, and it's really satisfying reading scorpius's POV because he takes such open delight in her strangeness. i love that you lean into what an odd couple they are. they shouldn't work, and yet they suit each other so well! too many lovely worldbuilding details to count. i'm especiallly fond of greta the giant squid.
you move through mood and genre so gracefully. i was struck in particular by the gleeful brutality of the quidditch game; i've read a fair amount of potter fic featuring quidditch but never enjoyed reading a game so much! and then there's the gentleness and the poignancy of the music scenes! scorpius playing piano, rose lending him her earphones...my heart! i loved how cuddly you write them, the story is packed with physical affection and kindness in a way that makes their love more convincing than a fast burn would have been. that line about scorpius seeing through the curtain was pristine!
i am on the edge of my seat to find out what happens next. i'm so eager to read how they decide to take on the scandal sheet amidst hermione's political rise, how their families cope with their relationship...it's all built up so perfectly. every scandal in the bouquet! hope that you know how talented you are and feel proud of your writing because you deserve to be. it is gorgeous
Ahhhhh this really made my day! Such detailed and thoughtful feedback. I'm super fond of Greta the Giant Squid too. And I love that you mention the cuddliness because that's the kind of relationship I love reading... it's the seemingly small, cute gestures that feed into a more urgent intensity. I lean hard into their Scorpio/Pisces vibe, it's just dreamy as hell.
A lot more scandals to come, that's a certainty. Thank you for for reading and following the work, despite its slow-going!
+ Sending love to everyone who sent me notes of encouragement over the past few months... I appreciate all of you sooooo much.
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alohaemora · 1 year
Day 12: Rose
Thirteen Days of Christmas
A collection of thirteen seasonal one-shots — one for each of the Weasley-Potter grandkids (including Teddy, of course). Chapter artwork by the lovely, incredibly talented @thecatisdrawing.
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"Hey," Rose said quietly, reaching out and taking his hand. "Where's this coming from? We're hardly ancient, Scorpius—we're wizards. We've got decades ahead of us."
Scorpius's jaw clenched. Rose peered at him closely, pressing her lips together against the sudden tightness in her throat.
They did not speak often of his mother. Her untimely death had devastated Scorpius—and his father—so thoroughly that Rose could not bear the pain it caused him to remember the many things he had loved about her. Albus had met her a few times, had been there for Scorpius in the very worst days of their third year, but Rose had learned of Astoria mostly in bits and bobs, in odds and ends of old, fond memories—and it had become clear to her, over the years, that the joyful, persistent, fiercely loving man she'd married was every bit Astoria's son.
She was certain that Astoria had loved Christmas, too. That she had roused her grouchy husband in the middle of the night to help her wrap presents for their son. That she had dreamed of many Christmases she'd never made it to.
That Malfoy Manor had become a much quieter place in her absence.
Read Chapter 12: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus on AO3. Read from the beginning on AO3.
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rosevalleynb · 1 year
Microfic May 2023
Entry for day 6 prompt shatter.
Make It Better
Summary: Rose wished she could make things better.
Scorose || gen || light-hearted
Or read after the cut.
“I’m sorry, love,” Rose murmured, kissing Scorpius’s hair.
She held him in a tight embrace as he cried against her chest. The news had broken him, and she wished she could make things better.
“I’m sure the Tornadoes will win the championship next year.”
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Today I saw some Qs about Scorpius and Rose pairings and yk I remember once I read a scorose fanfic. It was years ago. I was new to fanfics and that fic had lots of reviews and favourites.
Rose was a Gryffindor and Scorpius was a Slytherin and they hated each other. I couldn't get past 1st 10 chapters bcz it was M rated and they were having pretty explicit sex. It felt like reading about my child having sex. LMAO.
Now if the topic is Rose's parents having steamy sex that would be a completely different matter...... 😏
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christmas presents
all nervous, scorpius held a bag in his hands. oh, is this for me? rose asked and got all excited. she knew he wasn't too fond of giving gifts, which is why it meant a lot to her, that he spent time on preparing something.
yesterday i spent like two hours on doing the card, at some point even my mom got involved and wanted to draw something on it. but still, just don't expect a lot. scorpius explained and seemed to be a little timid. whatever it is, the fact that you put effort is what means a lot to me. rose said and kissed him, she was full of appreciation already.
while reading the card, which was decorated with the drawing of a huge heart and different stickers, she started crying. she could feel the love through the handwritten words and was overflown with happiness.
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Another one-shot for @thehousescompetition! It's called "Death Canoe" and it features the budding relationship of Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy.
Summary: It’s the summer in between her sixth and seventh year at Hogwarts, and Rose Granger-Weasley looks forward to introducing her boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy, to the Muggle pastime of canoeing.
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29 on the ao3 wrapped, perhaps?
Excited to have discovered your stuff this year!
First of all, thank you!!! Second, do you know how much stuff I’ve written this year??? I don’t think I can name one line or passage, that’s my favorite! It changes on my mood and temperament every second of the day, but I’ll try to limit it:
Putting everything under a read more because I don’t know how to limit myself and I put 12 lines/passages 🤷‍♀️, though I did write/post 30 fics this year so it is less than half 😂😭😂
“They call her Rose because they want something beautiful in the world.”
From Goddaughter, it’s the very first line but it always makes me smile.
“Her mum had taught her how dance and her father was her favorite partner, but Ron takes that spot quickly.
He has a surprising grace to him, years from helping his mum in the kitchen.
He hums under his breath, and it’s the only noise between them for months when she’s seventeen and he’s sixteen almost seventeen. Lavender Brown and her blonde curls and purple eyes don’t matter to her, in fact they don’t matter to each other at all, and Hermione knows that she’s in love.
She’s in love and she’s tired of hiding it, but they don’t have the time.”
From Books (let’s read together), just early Romione fluff that I’ve tided into other fics. I love writing about developing relationships.
“Roxanne felt normal.
For the first time in over a year, she felt normal, like herself again. Her hair was washed with gentle hands, it was sectioned out and brushed carefully, the colorless section of hair had been dyed a dark red that was nearly identical to her natural color, and then trimmed to an easy and manageable bob. It was actually quite cute, and she could braid it back easily, or fluff it out into an afro.
It was just one more step forward.
“Look at you,” said Angelina as they sat across from each other in a private booth in the Leaky Cauldron. “You know my mamma always said that a good haircut could cure any sadness.””
From a curling crown lays atop my head, just some Roxanne/Angelina bonding. I really love both of them as characters and writing this story just gave me so many feelings about me and my own mom’s relationship with each other.
“It would be a nearly a year before they could be together properly, but he could wait, he would wait.
He would be ready to worship her again soon enough.”
From we’d still worship this love, this fic made me love the song False God, and it also gave me such an appreciation for young/post-war Hinny! I adore their love and this fic set off so much for me and my love for Ginny Weasley!
“Harry sighed, and Arthur felt his stomach twist. For six years, Harry had been a guest in their life, he was Ron’s best friend, he was in love with their Ginny, he was their seventh son. He had stood with them as they buried Fred, and he was living with them because he had nowhere else to go, though the truth was that they wouldn’t let him stay anywhere else.
Percy came back into their lives just as they lost Fred, and Arthur would be damned if they lost Harry too.”
From Glasses, just Arthur being a father figure in Harry’s life! I love this relationship and wished it was seen more in the books, we need more Arthur/Harry, father/adopted son bonding!!
“I better get my sweater back,” George told her as they walked hand-in-hand along the beach. He had both of their shoes in his hand, while she held her wand tight in her hand, with their fingers locked together between them. “Mum would be upset if she knew that it was stolen.”
“I’ll write her and let her know that you gave it to me,” said Angelina, and George smiled, squeezing her hand and wishing that he could kiss her. Beside them, the first rays of the sunrise were coming in, which meant they were way past due to get back to school. “And that chivalry is dead…killed by one of her sons.”
From Last Kiss, this whole fic is a gem, but this passage always makes me laugh. I love writing George/Angelina, their story, their relationship, it’s one of my favorite ships. This piece is probably my favorite one shot of the year. (Also one of my favorite TS songs too!)
“I love him,” said Rose, because she did, she loved him and adored him as much as he loved and adored her.
She had it in writing.
“You’re fifteen, Rose.”
“You knew at fifteen.”
Ron looked down at the scars on his arms, faded but still there, given to him at sixteen, just barely a few months older than Rose was now. They twisted around his arms and midsection, and Rose remembered tracing them when she was little.
“What did your mum say about it?”
It was the perfect distraction, the perfect segue. Trying to push the conversation away from him and to her mum.
“That it’s okay,” said Rose, because that was what her mum had said. It was okay if Rose threw herself into this relationship if only to get her heart broken later. “If I get my heart broken then it happens, but it’s okay if I want to throw myself into it.”
“Your mum is so much smarter than me,” said Ron and Rose shook her head before pushing herself into his arms and resting her head on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him, and held him close to her as he did the same.
“You’re just as smart as her,” Rose mumbled into his chest, as he ran a hand through her hair and patted her back. “And I love you just as much as I love her.”
“Thank you Mija,” whispered Ron and Rose smiled as she looked up at him
From august, this one is long and it took me a while to decide, but it’s probably one of the most important passages in the whole fic. I think we often forget that teenagers have BIG emotions that matter. We all once had crushes and possibly bfs/gfs that we “loved” at that age, and to know that it’s okay, it means a lot. This is such a defining moment in Rose and Ron’s relationship, and it’s important to both of them. I love this fic so much, it’s very personal to me, and it means a lot to me, but this passage is one of my favorites. It’s a little hopeful and a little bittersweet and everything I know Ron can give to his daughter and Rose can give to her dad.
Percy loved Ginny with his whole heart, even if she was annoying, even if she once followed him from room to room. He was around her whole childhood, while Bill left in the weeks after her birth and Charlie just a little while after. Percy was around, he held her during thunderstorms, and he read her the same story about an old witch that turned into a rabbit. He kissed her knees when she fell and bruised them, he held her hands as she slowly learned to walk in the living room. He remembered her life where she couldn’t, he remembered the details of a childhood she wouldn’t ever recall.
Ginny loved Percy like a house on fire, she loved him with sadness and then anger and then hope. She loved him in shared smiles and matching brown eyes and nights spent sharing a single twin sized bed. She loved him in rain puddles and muddy glasses and little braids that fell out of their hair. She followed after him in a way that none of the others understood, she followed after him as a devoted baby sister did her favorite older brother.
From August Siblings - Major and Minor, just some Percy/Ginny sibling love. Their relationship is never explored and I adore them both sooooo much!
“Oh well,” said James, finally blushing at something Lily said, “you know what they say about missed opportunities.”
Lily rolled her eyes, leaning in even closer and smiled at him. “I decided to not give up.”
“So does that mean I should be calling you Doctor Lily?” asked James, and Lily giggled.
“Dr. Lily seems like a lot,” said Lily, even if it was officially part of her title now. “But you can call me that or whatever you want.”
“Can I ask you a question then, Dr. Lily?”
“Baby, will you kiss me already?”
“I thought you would never ask.”
From (And I Watched It) Begin Again, just some cute Jily.
“You shouldn’t keep exhausting yourself like this,” whispered Percy as he sat beside her in her bed, his fingers warm as the moved through her hair. Ginny didn’t open her eyes, she didn’t need to know that he was still dressed in his pajamas, his glasses dirty to everyone but him, and his curls an overgrown mess.
He looked more like the Percy she loved and knew as a kid than the man he was now.
“Trust me, I know how easy it is to burn all the fire all at once…how it makes sleeping feel better,” continued Percy, moving his fingers down her forehead and tapping her nose softly. Ginny opened her eyes and looked at him, seeing exactly what she expected and knew she would see. He looked tired himself, as if he too had gone on a midnight run.
“What do you know about sleeping?” asked Ginny, slowly sitting up and tucking herself into his side, into his arms.
“I know how not to sleep, Gin,” whispered Percy as Ginny carefully took his glasses off of him and cleaned them for him. “You don’t want to be like me.”
“I’ve always wanted to be like you,” mumbled Ginny, pressing her face into his shoulder blade and holding on tightly to him. “Stupidly stubborn and way too brave for his own fault.”
“Ridiculous,” said Percy, and Ginny nodded as she closed her eyes and let his calm heartbeat lull her back to sleep.
From Enough, more Percy and Ginny being siblings, just featuring them post-war. This fic is really about Ginny and Tom, but this little bit always makes me smile.
He didn’t hear the shutter click, but when he returned back to Hogwarts that year, sitting on his desk would be a new photo. Him and Gus, matching the one that was taken nearly forty years earlier, of Frank and Neville pruning the exact same rose bushes.
From Plants (let’s garden together), I love Neville and this image is just adorable to me.
Her life was a hodgepodge of stolen and gifted items, of knickknacks and pebbles given to her by a sixteen month old baby.
It was a life of sweet nothings.
From (all that you ever wanted from me was) Sweet Nothing, more Jily, this time during the war.
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⛄ Skirmish At The Burrow ⛄
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Author : RosevalleyNB
Prompt : This Photo and/or Snowball Fight + Midnight + Excitement
Pairing : Scorpius Malfoy / Rose Weasley
Rating : G
Words : 813
Summary: “You know the rules – no magic whatsoever,” Albus sternly reminded him. He kept a serious expression for a few heartbeats before bursting into laughter. “So, naturally, you’ve hidden your wand up your sleeve.” Or It's that time of the year again, and Scorpius is hellbent on winning.
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wizarding-world-povs · 2 months
You ignore 90% of The Cursed Child because what the bloody hell was that about.
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i need to write a fic where albus and scorpius start dating but albus hasn’t told his family yet and they end up spending some of summer together and james proposes a scheme to do together because he feels guilty about not being a better brother to albus.
and james, being slightly oblivious, thinks albus sees scorpius as a brother and out of guilt and his desire to prove that he really does care about his little brother he keeps pushing to spend more time with him but it just comes across like he doesn’t like scorpius.
and albus, thinking that james hates scorpius, is super nervous to tell his family about them dating because he thinks james will be mad.
rose and lily know exactly what’s going on on both sides but neither with intervene because; rose doesn’t think it’s right to meddle in their relationships and thinks they should sort it out and; lily sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos.
hugo’s vaguely aware of what’s going on but is mostly interested in helping lily cause problems.
teddy is the only one who knows about albus and scorpius dating and james’ fears from the people themselves and is the person they defer to for advice. unfortunately for them, teddy has decided to play the role of “older sibling that encourages your worse impulses”
harry: the children are getting along really well actually :)
teddy, staring out the window at the children recreating lord of the flies in real time: yeah they’re getting along so well :)
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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regretfulcorrine · 8 months
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A Very Harry Drawtober | Day 14: Trick or Treat
As you can see, I'm pretty behind in @basiatlu 's prompts but I wanted to do another 'Trick or Treat' one really bad so here it is :v
The year the Potter-Malfoys introduce the Granger-Weasley kids to trick or treating and it's serious business.
(Better quality I think under the cut, tumblr destroyed it :,0)
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cringefailkralie · 4 days
ridiculously long list of things i’ve noticed about thomas grant and adam wadsworth’s portrayals of albus and scorpius
sorry in advance if this is messy, i wrote this at like 4am
albus flinches away when james steps too close to him!!!
when scorpius asks albus whether he prefers albus or al, he doesn’t have to think about his answer. instead he just looks shocked that someone was actually asking that, like nobody’s ever considered his feelings before. makes me feel like he’d been waiting his entire life for someone to actually ask him that.
tom’s albus doesn’t cry during the fight with harry like i’ve seen a lot of the other actors do. he just stares blankly ahead of him and completely shuts down. i’m head over heels in love with this choice because it really hammers home how hard it is for albus to express his feelings or communicate with anyone.
albus’s reaction to the love potion really really makes me believe that ron intended it to be a mean gay joke. even if ron didn’t intend for it to come across that way, that’s definitely what albus takes it as.
scorpius is just staring vacantly at a wall before he spots albus on the train in their 4th year. not sure if this is a specific acting choice or if i’m just reading into it too much?
they hold hands for a second and stand with their faces an inch away from each other as soon as they duck into their train compartment. their body language in private is so different from their body language in public.
albus squeezes his eyes closed when they hug. he really needed that physical affection but he hates anyone but scorpius being near him.
scorpius puts his hand on albus’s chest when the train starts moving. nothing to say about that its just really gay.
my favorite delivery of “oooo a quiz… WIZZO!!!” i fucking love how he does jazz hands when he says it, especially because it’s the second time he does jazz hands in that scene. he’s so me.
albus does so many little hand gestures in this scene, he’s way more comfortable being expressive around scorpius. he almost mirrors scorpius’s stupid little mannerisms.
bonus- not scorbus related but craig is first seen wearing his beanie on the train during the this sequence (where albus and scorpius decide to run away)!! idk if they don’t do this in other productions or if i just hadn’t ever picked up on it before, but it’s a really cute detail. does anyone know if he canonically got it when he became head boy?
when amos first tells them to leave, scorpius grabs onto albus’s sleeve
not even technically them but the ron and harry actors grab onto each other sooooo much (as albus and scorpius)
in love with how long scorpius hold out his “WIIIIIIIZZZOOOO” and how albus tries to match his energy with the “DOUBLE WIZZO”
delphi steals scorp’s little phrases and his awkward way of speaking and his mannerisms to try and appeal to albus because she knows that he reeeeally likes him- and i hate hate HATEEEE how she makes him feel like a freak for being himself when all the while she’s stealing his personality. scorpius plays with the fabric of his sweater and then fidgets with his hands after she tries to make him feel left out in the forbidden forest and i can FEEL what he’s feeling through the screen.
scorpius is JEALOUS jealous of delphi and when he talks to her his voice is quiet and monotone, which is the most un-scorpius thing ever. i love it. you can feel how much he hates her. i hate her too, this delphi is despicable. (very talented actress!!)
when scorpius tears his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of them to look at albus and say “you’re my best friend” (which is crazy enough on its own) he talks in a really sweet, low voice before returning really quickly to his normal scorp-voice, as if he was afraid to let albus think about what had just happened
albus jumps up and down with excitement when they announce the triwizard tournament. he starts and then has to stop himself from cheering for hogwarts. funny that a guy who was just saying how much he hates hogwarts would do a thing like that.
everyone around scorpius gets startled when he starts cheering for krum because his screaming is so weird lmao
at the end of the scene where albus tells scorpius they’ll be better off without each other, scorpius just slumps over on the steps and stays there for the ENTIRETY of the next scene until he eventually gets wheeled off with the stairs. it looks like he’s fiddling with something? maybe his wand? maybe just his hands?
obviously the staircase ballet is the staircase ballet, but the way they look at each other is just AAAAUUUUGHHHHHHH
at the end of the ballet scorpius steps towards albus first, but albus is the one who reaches his hand out and slinks down onto the steps
obsessed with that gay little purse scorpius carries the time turner in
delphi gets scorpius to let his guard down during their conversation and scorpius starts talking like himself in front of her again!!!
albus does the little puke-gag-joke-thing in the library to try and make scorpius feel better </3
they’re both fidgeting with their hands throughout their whole conversation :(
this isn’t specific to this production but scorpius’s shoes are one of my favorite details. in the normal world, he wears big clunky shoes to showcase his awkwardness, whereas in the dark dimension he wears running shoes!! evil scorp is athletic!!!
the second “im fighting for albus” that comes out of scorpius’s mouth is said almost entirely to himself
their little hug in the water :,)
i LOVE LOVE LOVE that scorpius tries to hug draco and he pushes him away and throws his jacket at him in such a cold manner. it makes their hug near the end feel so much more important to their relationship. as soon as we meet scorpius he immediately refers to himself as having daddy issues and we don’t see nearly enough of that in this play.
bonus p2- one of my favorite parts of this show is the in trouble again number!!! i love the background gang and all of their little scenes like this. craig being a little gossip monger is funny as shit!!!! it gives him so much personality and makes his death that much sadder :(
the delivery of “scorpius….. he matters to me…. you know that don’t you?” is INSANE. tom grant delivers all of the coming out adjacent lines so perfectly.
i love how scorpius moves his body. he waves his arms around in the air so often.
scorpius tickled albus lmao they’re so weird
when scorpius talks about hating the other world, albus throws in “apart from polly chapman fancying you” quite bitterly and scorpius almost completely cuts him off. he doesn’t acknowledge what he said in any way shape or form and albus seems to notice that he’s not interested in polly.
scorpius rubs his socks on the floor while he talks :3
the choice to have scorpius move from his bed to albus’s bed and pull albus’s blanket into his lap when he tells him that he changed himself back for him is so AAAUGHHH
AND SCORPIUS DOES THE SAME THING THAT HE DID EARLIER AGAIN!!! he gets all quiet and sweet when he’s sort of admitting his feelings to albus and then all of a sudden he stands up and goes back to his normal loud voice
delphi mocking scorpius and him immediately tensing up oh he hates her ass so much
scorpius reaches out to try and intercept albus handing delphi the time turner and albus giggles at scorpius because he’s happy she’s not extremely pissed at them
scorpius holds onto the railing right up until he gets his hands bound together because he’s afraid of heights. thought it was cute that adam chose to do this even though his fear of heights isn’t mentioned anywhere in this version.
i LOVE the torture scene in this version. albus is stone faced when delphi is threatening to torture him and then he IMMEDIATELY falls to his knees begging and pleading when she turns toward scorpius.
delphi is quite literally outing albus in this scene. the silence after she says that love is his weakness and points to scorpius is SO long and SO loud omg. it’s quite literally ten whole seconds (i counted) of albus and scorpius just looking at each other. it genuinely feels like she just spilled out what he’s been keeping inside of himself for so long, it’s gutwrenching. i guess they did just watch craig die so they do in fact have bigger problems, but you can see albus’s heart stop beating and its so terrible.
i love how albus turns to scorpius when the stationmaster starts unintelligibly talking to them like “hey, you’re doing the talking rn just so you know”
i’m obsessed with how excited scorpius is to tell albus all about the history of the place they’re in. in love with his little gasps at everything he sees and his jump when he says “SQUEAK!”
albus motioning for scorpius to stop when he’s demonstrating how to scream for help lmaoooo
albus pointing with both hands at scorpius while they try to come up with a plan is so cute. albus believes in him so much.
i love how scorpius keeps hugging draco even as he’s talking
their foreheads are literally brushing against each other my god these bitches gay
albus asks “and thats who you want in your palace?” in an almost panicked way like he’s afraid scorpius doesn’t feel the same way about him.
albus holds onto scorpius’s shoulders while rose tries to reassure them that they didn’t just get walked in on lmao
3rd and final instance of scorpius trying to change the subject- asking immediately about quidditch so albus doesn’t get the chance to say anything related to what just happened
scorpius says “come on” like he’s trying to get albus to come cut a rug with him at a middle school dance
obsessed with their little gagging and puking bit and how they made it a callback to what albus does in the library
maybe my favorite hug moment from any scorbus duo. i love how albus initially reacts with shock but then melts into it and closes his eyes, only pulling away to make sure he’s not reading the situation entirely wrong (he’s not)
my favorite ending scene by far. the coming out hits SO hard. the way albus fiddles with his zipper and scrunches up his sleeve in his hand, you can tell how absolutely terrified he is of saying this to his dad. the line delivery is genuinely fantastic. the more he pauses the longer you have to take it all in- and he pauses a LOT.
okie thanks for reading!!!!!
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rosevalleynb · 1 year
Microfic May
Entry for day 10 prompt moon and stars.
Promises, Promises
Summary: Rose was promised the moon and the stars.
Rose x Scorpius || first time || SFW
Read after the cut.
The disappointment Rose felt was enormous. She had expected her first time to be similar to what she had read in countless magazines and books or heard from her friends about their first times.
She was promised the moon and the stars - absolute perfection. Unfortunately, Scorpius, in his selfish eagerness, had only shown her the stars - of pain.
Rose hoped that things would be better next time.
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rewritingcanon · 4 days
do you have any headcanons about post-hogwarts scorbus? :)
oh DO i!!
scorpius gets a huge glow-up after hogwarts sometime around his mid twenties and everyone is shocked by it except albus (who always thought scorpius was drop dead gorgeous) and draco (who knew astoria’s model genes would kick in sooner or later)
i think most of nextgen would do better than their parents and not marry as mind bogglingly early as them. all except scorbus, who would probs marry each other at 19 or some ridiculous bs.
would have the weddings to end all weddings too. theres no “small intimate gathering” absolutely not, not with DRACO MALFOY being the grooms father ��💀 its more fancy than the royals i swear its making headlines.
also albus would take on the malfoy name in my opinion. no hyphenation, just full integration
scorpius will be over at the potters house every second week just to suck up to all of them and win the favour of everyone especially ginny (because ginny is the alpha of the household). hes of the opinion that he cant ask albus to marry him unless everyone accepts him (they all do but scorpius doesn’t believe it for at least eight months).
he also tries to win rose’s favour but she pretends to not gaf just to fw him.
i always go back and forth between their careers, im never set on one. for scorpius i predominantly like the idea of him being a healer and going through the wizard-equivalent of med school because it just feels like something he would needlessly put himself through. i also like him doing a career he’s passionate about, like something to do with history, or working in a really obscure department of the ministry.
i fluctuate with albus’ career the MOST. i can see him working a desk job and hating it and being that guy whos disassociating staring at the clock on the wall waiting for his shift/workday to be over do he can go home and love all over his husband. i also see him quitting it all to go full house-husband/stay-at-home dad when he gets sick of it. but i think he’d like having a muggle career better than a wizard one.
albus does ALL the cooking. scorpius is BANNED from touching the kitchen because he burns everything (poor thing tries his best)
the only reason they didn’t move out immediately after graduating was because scorpius was scared to leave draco alone in the manor. so draco pretended to be sick of albus basically staying over at the manor every night to push scorpius to do what he wanted
i think scorpius and albus would move into a young-adultish flat/apartment when they first move in together, even though they can def afford a proper home 😭😭
they still literally follow each other everywhere. deadass cannot separate them.
ginny goes on solo holidays with the boys 😭😭💀💀💀
scorpius is an early waker and albus will sleep until 3pm if not roused. albus keeps wanting to wake up early to make scorpius breakfast in bed but alas hes not built for it…..
albus has to teach scorpius how to not be so ostentatious when buying things for their home or nursery or whatever. that boy has no idea how to save his money 💀
always go to family functions in matching accessories like ties or watches or socks or jewellery or SOMETHING. they just have to outdo all the other couples there smh.
also always wears matching pyjamas because they’re sickening
albus would be more passionate about following the tradition of naming their kids after stars/constellations than scorpius would be.
albus is very wifey material like he gives scorp the best massages after work, runs him hot baths, cooks and cleans, handles financials, spoils scorpius by buying him lots of things he likes (tbf scorpius is very easy to please), listens to his rants, so whenever scorpius feels hes not doing enough he’ll panic and buy out an entire cinema for a date night or something similarly corny 💀
albus gets the white streaks in his hair that make him a honorary malfoy
albus gets a pot belly when he’s older im so passionate about this
i also like the idea of scorpius needing to wear glasses when hes old too
lmk if you want more scorbus hcs i am always ready and willing to yap about scorbus
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