#rpg make over
sakasakiii · 2 years
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happy april fools!! i have a super soft spot for oldschool pixelated jrpgs and so here are some wistful reimaginations (reimaginings?) of silm moments that never properly happened in canon except the last one lol as playable moments in the style of some :DD
i used to dabble in rpg maker before my old computer kaputed and i never learnt how to script events lmao but boy, the things i'd do to have a short wholesome kidnap fam game where you play as elrond and go around amon ereb on one big fetch quest for Maglor's Spectacular Dinner™...
i meant to make more but ran out of steam after the last one huehdshjss but hey!! these are fun to do so i might make a second batch hehe (if anyone's got any suggestions for possible scenarios/interactions feel free to suggest!!!). the backgrounds were put together with the help of existing tilesets, the creators of which i'll leave the links and credit to under the cut along with additional facesets i made for fun in the spirit of rpg hehe 😚😚
last year's april fools post: short king curufin
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tileset credit: Celianna, Looseleaf/LaFlibuste, kingdragoon32/Mack, Newtrality, Indrah, chalkdust, Candra Faulkner, infamous bon bon, Selviam/KODAKOA, Raymi, PandaMaru, Hishimy, Ayene-chan, ovate/レティラナティス, and ofc Enterbrain/Kadokawa
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aquapede · 3 years
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daily-fantasy-ideas · 2 years
CW: Food
You know how food in games refills a character's health points?
Well I feel like those healing effects aren't just from the nutrients in the food can also be from a placebo effect of the food being eaten.
For example, two meals could have the same ingredients but one could be cooked in a way that makes it taste incredibly bland bordering on bad, while the other could be cooked in such a way that enhances it's flavours to the absolute maximum.
And despite both meals being made out of the same stuff the better cooked one would heal more of a characters health.
Could also have a character's favourite food just heal them more than other foods, although if they eat too much of said favourite food it'll probably slowly become less and less appetising to them.
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tampire · 3 years
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Penance Destroys The Calm Lands
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rovermcfly · 2 years
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Sterling Lee was 12 when their 8-year-old sister disappeared. No one believed them when they insisted they saw the monster that took her. After years of throwing themself into the school's swim team and all kinds of exercise to forget the guilt, the horrors seem to have returned to the local woods. Now Sterling is out for revenge. Based on the Monster of the Week playbook of The Wronged, Sterling lives in a seemingly unremarkable town in 1986 when crytpids start roaming the woods again. (playlist)
image in original quality without animation
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pikkish · 2 years
anyway y'all should go play Jupiter Hell
#pikspeak#bideogaem rambling :)#jupiter hell is great i dont talk about it nearly enough#a little indie turn based rpg made bg doom fans that is absolutely fantastic#like i know i say that a lot but i really really mean it there is so much love and care put into this game#and even though its turn based it still plays fast as heck#which makes it great for when u wanna play doom but dont have the energy for quick reflexes#and its. good music. good environments. good gameplay. addictive#bought it on release day and in the ten months since i have probably put#....oh id guess well over 60 hours into it (number of hours counted on steam is 35 but thats innacurate bc most the time i just launch it s#traight from the game files and skip launching steam entirely. much faster.)#jus keep coming back to it.#been meaning to do more doodles for it too but. art hard sometimes#undoubtedly ranks in my top games list#and one of a very VERY select few games that has at some point made me think 'i didnt pay ENOUGH for this game; it is worth MORE money'#not to mention the devs are still actively updating it#polishing it up; fixing bugs; balancing features; even adding new content nearly a year after full release#oh oh very good voice acting too#there is only 1 character and his entire dialogue is just idle quips on like picking up weapons or#if u leave the game paused for a minute he'll yell at you to get back to it (turnbased doesnt mean IDLE; motherfluffer)#but its like a quarter of the games charm and he talks exactly how a doom space marine SHOULD talk#heckig. love mark. decided he is like. doomguys little brother. or maybe cousin.#anyway this game deserves so much more love especially from doom fans please go check it out
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discount-komaru · 2 years
The mood for today is two of my players irrationally hating one of my nicest npcs to the point they want to kill her, and me thinking it would be a great character development/reveal moment for the party and going "Well I'm not going to stop you."
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ask-void-time · 3 years
Hello secret voices...
And those who may have never heard of this blog before
As some of you may know...we are making an Unus annus game with rp maker Mv
It is our first game so please go easy on us
Though be have a bit of....a problem now because our former pixel artist for sprites and such has been excused from the project for reasons I will not name for their privacy.
We are in dire need of a new pixel artist who would like to join our team
There is no money involved in making or producing the game so you will not have to pay nor will you get paid
It would help us a lot if you'd re-blog this post of ours and spread this to your friends if they'd be interested
Contact us over discord
🍁🌟 Autumn Nova System 🌟🍁#9976
Or send an ask!
We really need a pixel artist
- The Void Host
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fenharel · 3 years
replaying mass effect made me realise how much i missed playing linear/smaller games and how exhausting and bad (most) modern open world games are to me
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
I just feel really bad for Kard. I mean, getting killed trying to save your friends, winding up a zombie, and then on the same team as the one who killed you ten years later with your old friends trying to end you? Oof.
I will say, while you're not wrong, Kard's position with Taylor against his old friends is not really something he's the victim of as much as a moral decision he made- frankly, even in as bad of a state he's in, if he made an earnest appeal with his violin (a thing they'd all recognize) the surviving heroes probably would've taken him back with open arms no matter him being an undead monster- they all genuinely loved him and missed him terribly, and while it's not great from his perspective to be fighting his friends, most of what angers him is the sense that he needs to, and the nasty shock that he's back from the grave and 'betraying' them is more on his former friends' side.
By the time Taylor's party and the Heroes of Light are really at open mutual loggerheads, Kard isn't on the side he's on by accident.
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doctorjohcoy · 2 years
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uh oh
#i hope we get sooo many garbage vtm games out of this#grabby hands! hand them over!#if i ever learn how to make rpg.......u know what ill do#cuz like bloodlines is good and i love it but i wish it was more expansive#and more roleplay-ey#id make a bajillion more choices and routes!#and maybe make it multiplayer#and a little open world#god damn it id need an army#id make a city area and a country area and include ALL the clans#yes bitch all of them#maybe make the big story about the week of nightmares? im fascinated by the week of nightmares#oh oh and id put garou in it!!!#the only way youd be able to even come close to being friendly w garou#is if u had high humanity or were a neutral/good gangrel#basically tabletop with graphics i guESS#id put my fave characters in it hell yeah#and the customization wiuld be as high as i could manage#no more skinny white conventional ppl man id put variety#in height weight skintone etc#and each clan would have their own powers like in bloodlines#and maybeee id put like two sires u could choose from for each clan? or 3?#like this ones good this ones evilish this one doesnt give a fuck#goddd id need a team to do this game itd take EONS#id fucking shovel in the accessibilities settings man#and id add seasons. dont ask me why a game about tge week of nightmares needs seasons#duuuude id put sooooo many little plot things in it#maybe the player could have thralls? or romance other vamps? aw hell#oh shit do you think i could reference changeling in it?#semi personal
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soerdinan · 3 years
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Some new rpg character portraits.
Sara and Helme are couple of gal pal mercenaries.
Vurron studies alchemy, had near fatal encounter with a prasaan.
Alain is a scholar who studies old elven stuff. They found out about an old elven ruin that they want to go check out.
Darun handles the logistics of the expedition for Alain.
Drafra does the negotiating with the insectoid queen on whose territory the ruins happen to be.
Hirro is a fighter and a lifelong friend of Ziraflem who takes care of the animals on the expedition.
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magicmalcolm · 2 years
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Once again I am left stunned that Miitopia is not in one of these Top 3's.
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kindofwriter · 3 years
all your rqg posts today are giving me *life*
Well, you have the fandom’s talented, talented artists to thank for that! Absolute top quality stuff 😊
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daisy--devil · 3 years
Goodnight, Sunny!
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