coldnstinkyjinky · 7 months
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I was scrolling through Tumblr and I got intrigued by the Ryoba Aishi × Togo Atatsuma ship so I wrote this short story of Ryoba leaving her daughter in the hands of her trusted friend. Also Togo's older now and the pompadour trend died down so I gave him a hairstyle similar to his older brother's except he ties it up????
The sun began its descent, casting long shadows that stretched across the tranquil suburban street. The car pulled to a halt, its engine rumbling like a dormant beast. The driver's door swung open, and a woman emerged with her 6 year old daughter. As they stepped onto the pavement, the atmosphere shifted like a gust of wind through a silent forest. Two men stood a few paces away, their presence casting an imposing aura. One, tall and broad-shouldered, radiated an intensity that could be felt even from a distance. The other, older and standing with an unwavering stance, emitted an air of sternness and discipline. The woman strode toward them, her strides purposeful, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to the gravity of the scene.
"Hey, Atatsuma-kun," she greeted, her voice a burst of sunlight cutting through the shadows.
Togo turned, his countenance shifting for a fleeting moment into a fraction of a smile. The woman approached, her arms enveloping him in a hug that seemed almost contradictory to his intimidating presence. As they separated, she planted a quick kiss on his cheek, a brief touch that softened his hardened edges.
"I'm glad you're willing to look after Ayano until I come back," she said, her gratitude piercing through his tough exterior.
Togo grunted, his voice a rough timbre. "Yeah, yeah, now go get your shit together, Ryoba," he retorted, a hint of a smirk dancing on his lips. His gaze held hers, a blend of camaraderie and concern that spoke volumes.
Ryoba's laughter echoed, a melody of carefree notes. She turned to her daughter, her cheerfulness undiminished as she knelt before her. "Be a good girl for Togo-san and Runosuke-san, alright, Ayano?" she whispered, her voice a soothing breeze.
Ayano nodded, her face still devoid of expression, her eyes like distant stars. "Yes, Mother."
Ryoba stood, her smile a radiant beacon even as she turned away, her footsteps fading as she walked back to her car. The engine roared to life, a rumbling crescendo that reverberated through the air.
As the purring engine of Ryoba's car grew fainter, Ayano's gaze shifted from the receding vehicle to Togo, the imposing figure who stood beside her. With a child's innocence, she reached out, her small hand extending in a tentative gesture. Her fingers trembled slightly, like delicate petals swaying in the breeze, as she aimed to grasp Togo's hand.
Togo's eyes flickered downward, catching the sight of Ayano's outstretched hand. His expression tightened imperceptibly, his internal struggle hidden behind the mask of his stern demeanor. He shifted his weight, a fleeting moment of uncertainty flashing across his features.
In a swift movement, Togo withdrew his hand, his sudden retreat as if recoiling from an open flame. He glanced away, the tension in his shoulders betraying a depth of emotion he was hesitant to acknowledge. His gaze locked onto the ground, avoiding Ayano's hopeful eyes.
Undeterred, Ayano's fingers, initially reaching for his hand, found purchase on the fabric of Togo's jeans. She clung to the material with a quiet determination, her touch light but persistent. Her gaze remained fixed on her mother's fading car, a mix of longing and acceptance shimmering within her emotionless eyes.
Togo's breath caught in his throat as he felt the soft, insistent grip on his pants. He stole a furtive glance at Ayano, her small form an embodiment of vulnerability and trust. The conflicting emotions within him waged an internal battle, torn between his instinctual self-preservation and a burgeoning connection he was struggling to resist.
As Ryoba's car dwindled into a distant speck, Togo's resolve wavered. He let out a heavy sigh, his guarded facade momentarily crumbling. With a measured hesitation, he lowered himself to one knee, bringing himself to Ayano's eye level. His hand, still uncertain, hovered in the air for a heartbeat before finally settling atop Ayano's fingers that clung to his pants. His touch was gentle, almost tentative, a gesture that spoke of a rare vulnerability. A fleeting moment of connection passed between them, the unspoken understanding that their paths had converged, if only for this moment. Ayano's gaze flickered from her mother's retreating car to Togo's face, and for the first time, a glimmer of curiosity and something resembling warmth danced within her eyes. Togo's internal struggle raged on as he allowed Ayano's delicate grip on his pants to remain. Her presence, innocent and vulnerable, tugged at something deep within him, a thread of connection he had been trying to suppress. He cast a sidelong glance at her, his expression conflicted, a battle between his protective instincts and his fear of attachment. Just as a fragile understanding seemed to settle between them, Togo's older brother, Runosuke, emerged from the shadows. His stern countenance, as unyielding as ever, cut through the moment of vulnerability. He approached Togo with brisk strides, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the scene.
"Togo," Runosuke's voice was as sharp and uncompromising as his gaze, "We need to leave. Now."
Togo's jaw tightened, caught between his concern for Ayano's emotional state and his understanding of the urgency in his brother's words. He met Runosuke's gaze for a moment, an unspoken communication passing between them. With a reluctant nod, Togo kneeled before Ayano, his rough hand resting gently on her shoulder.
"Ayano," his voice was surprisingly soft, a rare warmth softening its edges, "I'm going to pick you up, okay?"
Ayano's gaze met his, her emotionless eyes holding his for a moment, as if searching for something she couldn't quite comprehend. Slowly, she nodded, her grip on the fabric of Togo's jeans loosening as she stood still.
Togo's arm slipped beneath her knees and he carefully scooped her up, her slight form light in his strong arms. He rose to his feet, cradling her securely, her head resting against his shoulder. She was an enigma, a fragile puzzle piece in his rough world, and yet his grasp on her felt strangely right.
Runosuke stood by the open door of the sleek black van, his eyes fixed on Togo and Ayano. The urgency in his gaze was palpable, a reminder of the danger that loomed if they lingered too long.
Togo carried Ayano towards the waiting vehicle, his steps purposeful and sure. As he neared the van, Runosuke stepped aside to allow them entry. Togo carefully settled Ayano into the backseat, his touch gentle, almost tender, despite his typically harsh exterior.
Inside the van, the air was tense, heavy with an unspoken understanding of the dangerous world that surrounded them. Runosuke occupied the front seat, beside his getaway driver. Their eyes focused on the road ahead, Runosuke's stern demeanor reflecting his role as the one in command. Beside him, the hum of the engine provided a steady backdrop to the weighty silence within the vehicle.
At the back of the van, Ayano sat on Togo's lap, her small form cocooned by his protective presence. Her emotionless eyes, like two bottomless pools, took in her surroundings with a detached curiosity. The faces of the criminals surrounding her carried the marks of their own experiences, etched into every scar and line.
As the van rumbled on, one of the occupants, a man with a rugged demeanor, couldn't resist his curiosity any longer. He turned his gaze towards Runosuke, his voice breaking the stifling silence. "Hey, boss," he began, his tone a mixture of intrigue and suspicion, "Who's the kid?"
Runosuke's gaze flickered towards the man for a brief moment before returning to the road. His expression remained impassive, a mask that revealed little of his thoughts. "She's under our care now," he replied curtly, his voice clipped and authoritative.
The man's brows furrowed, his gaze shifting to the other occupants of the van. Around him, nods of agreement and murmurs of concern rippled through the group. Their eyes held a mixture of skepticism and shared unease, the weight of their criminal lives clashing with the presence of an innocent child.
"Don't ya think it's a bad idea that she's surrounded by our kind?" one of the men ventured, his tone a mix of genuine concern and disapproval.
The sentiment found resonance among the others, their voices blending into a chorus of agreement as they voiced their shared reservations about Ayano's presence amidst their criminal lives.
Amidst the growing unease, Togo's voice cut through the conversation, his words a rare contribution to the discussion. "Her mother wouldn't be any better." His tone held a note of finality, a conviction that spoke of insights he had gleaned from Ryoba's actions and choices.
The van fell into a tense silence at Togo's words, the truth in them hanging heavy in the air. Ayano, nestled on Togo's lap, remained a silent observer, her emotionless eyes taking in the exchange. The truth was a double-edged sword—while it acknowledged the reality of their world, it also cast a harsh light on the limitations of their options. The van rumbled on, the tension within it palpable. The weight of their choices, their pasts, and the responsibilities they now bore mingled in the confined space, painting a picture of lives intricately interwoven. And amidst it all, Ayano sat, an enigmatic presence that had unknowingly become a mirror reflecting the shadows and struggles of the world around her.
This story is a portion of a book I'm writing in Ao3. Chapter is not released yet, but the book is!
On another note here's the reference I used to draw the artwork! (The reference art is from Old Xian)
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ricihh · 1 year
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It's almost 2023 and I'm not sorry.
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blood-2-rain · 9 months
Yan Sim rewrite/redesign pt.1
The Aishi’s are an experiment by Saiko corp to create the Perfect japanese woman.
Success- black hair dark eyes pale skin,extrodinary strength,resistance to diasease,intelligence,loyal
Backfires-Mostly accepts female embyros in body,miscarries males.3% chance of giving birth to a son. Obessive,tendency for becoming a sociopath,manipulative nature
Aishi’s are versitale and adaptive beings,they’ll blend in to their enviroment.They can have many faces.Not all aishi’s are homicidal,some use other manipulative techniques to ensure their love is theirs.Such as matchmaking,social rejection,brain washing ect.
Saiki keeps an eye on the Aishi’s as they are intelligent enough to not trust saiki corp,other wise they’d kill them all.
Ryoba Aishi is the only Aishi to learn the full truth.
She fell in love with a boy,who she knew would reject her because of the court case. She was about to snap when she fell in love with Togo Atatsuma.Who she later married.She became an assasin for the Atatsuma yakusa family.She is the only Aishi to “break the curse”.Now she’s the perfect woman.Saiko corp allows yan chan at school in hopes of recreating Ryoba’s reaction.
This explains why Yanchan’s mom is such a good killer,and why Saiko corp allows yanchan at their school.Also i like the Ryogo ship.
Ayano doesn’t know about her parent’s yakusa affiliation.In this universe the takisa never fell out of power and works alongside Saiko corp.
Known Family Members
Ryoba Aishi- Ayano’s mother,refused to take husband’s surname as precausion for yakusa affairs.Same applies to Ayano.
Ayaka Aishi- Ayano’s cousin,known as the matchmaker.
Aki Aishi- Ayano’s aunt,used bullying to isolate victims and ruin reputations.
*During the week Ayano can call her aunt and cousin for advice for various elimination methods.
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tunapesto · 2 years
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date night date night !!!!! (hell yeah)
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whiskey-corridor · 2 years
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shibaleeart · 12 days
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Read that CANON side story where a succubus tried to seduce Shizuo by turning into Izaya
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ppdaily · 1 year
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Post Card by Kyoji Asano (HQ)
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narwhalpanda · 1 year
Ryogo Narita, the author of Durarara and Baccano, has a new show and it has kind of isekai initial premise which worried me at the start but i can assure you all that so far it fucks severely and after two episodes it is set up for a really fun urban fantasy
Dead Mount Death Play is the name, check it out
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tori-go-ya02 · 8 months
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成田作品ログ 2023/04/02~10/01
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ricihh · 2 years
Ryoba Aishi Headcanons!! (Not Yandere Au)
She has the big sister personality.
And she is a really good sister to her little sister.
Quite responsible.
She is tall for the average girl in school.
Straight ally.
Friendly with everyone, but has trouble forming deep bonds.
A good listener and adviser.
One of the smartest students in Akademi.
Good at just about everything, therefore quite eclectic about clubs and her participation in them.
Her behavior is seen as suspicious by the journalist (besides the clear fact that the Aishi family name is quite dirty) because her natural way is too perfect and charming to be true, especially when Ryoba decides to help and do chores for her classmates and the school like throwing the trash in the incerator, cleaning the floor and returning lost objects. Being friendly with Sumire days before her death, and then being seen by Ui with a knife was enough for Ryoba to get in the Journalist's sights.
Holy-faced, but extremely provocative and sarcastic (especially with Togo).
Physically strong. Sometimes just likes to pretend she is not to see Togo protect her.
Extremely protective of her loved ones.
Uses her charm to get the things she wants.
Loves flowers, especially lilies.
Very jealous, but knows how to hide it well.
The Yakuza approves of their relationship because he thinks it is a good way to keep his brother out of the life of crime.
Tries her best to convince Togo not to follow the same path as his brother and is always stressing his individual qualities—because she knows that Togo has self-esteem problems.
She knows everyone she relates to like the back of her hand.
She married Togo and had two children (202X).
Ryoba is neutral about her mother, as she was never present in any way. Always busy with Ryoba's father, her mother was so devoted and passionately obsessed with him that even though she played her role as a traditional mother, it seemed artificial. Without the company of her father due to his mental condition, and without the company of her mother who only did the basics as a mother and was totally addicted to teaching her daughters about love, Ryoba had to mature early and take care of her sister and herself. Ryoba doesn't know exactly about her mother's past, but she knows that it is always bringing her trouble, since there are still people chasing the Aishi family (like the journalist).
Chaotic good energy.
Of all the rivals, Kaguya is the closest to being her friend.
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nirbanox · 2 years
Sōya Azashiro
The only person we know is in Muken beyond Aizen is the 8th Kenpachi, Sōya Azashiro (Kenpachi Azashiro), who is hundreds of years after the Gotei formed.
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He's a novel character, from "Spirits Are Forever With You"
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Here's the quick rundown:
Strong child who got Bankai Young like Hitsugaya
Bankai ability is to fuse with his surroundings and he can do shit like make himself dissapear from your vision or make himself untouchable
He fused with the entire sereitei and could hear all that was happening there
Approximately 250 years ago he "learned something he shouldn't", apperently a grave crime that is not expanded upon in the novel, however it's clear that he learned the true nature of the world considering what we know now
All captian class soul reapers move to arrest him for this
They can't kill him, as he was literally fused with the sereitei at the time
Squad 0 Gets is going to be called down
He surrenders
gets thrown in the muken
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Prologue is out...
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天満尊詠 - Mikoto Amamitsu
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堂園詞葉 - Kotoha Dozono
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斎宮粋クローディア - Croudia Saigu Sui
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武藤凌雅 - Ryogo Buto
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江星航 - Wataru Eboshi
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The house to his Uncle from Mc and the guys from PLUST are renting the mansion
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Mc's uncle
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Their manager
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The dogs are called Gluten and Rice...
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This is stupid.
I can't even begin to tell you how stupid this is...
Not the concept of an Ancestral Zanpakuto! That doesn't bother me.
What bothers me is Narita's inability to come up with an original name for the Kuchiki Clan Ancestral sword, picking up on the one that would be quite impossible to be THE ancestral sword!
Muramasa was already presented to us in the Zanpakuto Rebellion Arc.
It was Kōga's sword. Kōga was only a Kuchiki by marriage. And he was already a Shinigami when he married Kuchiki Ginrei's daughter.
Which means he already had Muramasa!
And even so, an Ancestral Zanpakuto would only be passed onto a CLAN MEMBER BY BLOOD, that the Zanpakuto itself would choose, (Or, in Enrakyoten's case, be simply taken and subdued by it's user, like Tokinada did...) not to a stranger that simply married into the family...
So, let me tell you how fucking fast I'm ignoring this and get straight to making up my very own Kuchiki Clan Ancestral Zanpakuto!
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 4 months
enkidu hates her so much i can't hfjdskfh... every chance they get
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I haven't caught up with DRRR but Izaya's plan to use it to make a war and enter Valhalla always made me go 🤨 when I first watched the anime
Like...OK, you're operating on the assumption/theory that a Dullahan is a Valkyrie when they have a few things connecting them in their respective lores. Big leap but fuck it ok. Even a basic bitch in Norse lore can tell if Izaya resembles anyone in Norse mythology, it's either Odin the eternal knowledge seeker or more fittingly, Loki. Loki, the trickster who yes, could/can enter Valhalla, but not because he died nobly in battle. It's because he was accepted into Odin's court and they're technically distant kin (Odin is the child of a giant and so is Loki, and every other woman the Asgardians fuck is a giant of some sort). Loki also dies in Ragnarok and before that, the gods get so sick of his shit that they chain him in a cave and have a snake continuously drip venom onto his face. I'm not sure you want to go to Valhalla if you're emulating Loki, mon frere. Not unless you're into everyone getting sick of you and fucking you up. You already have that in Ikebukuro lmao.
That almost feels like the point of the series. The connections between characters and the shit happening in Ikebukuro is already so much like a modern mythos inspired by the messy drama-filled pantheons of Norse, Roman, Greek, Irish, Egyptian, etc gods. It's why humans love those ideas of gods being just as flawed as we are, and that the real Asgard is the various friends and enemies we make along the way. The realm of gods would, if anything, probably bore Izaya compared to Ikebukuro. It feels like a goal where the whole reason he's doing it is because carrying it out and planning it is so much more fun than ever actually reaching that goal.
Also you don't need to engineer a war to get to Valhalla. Norse culture back then dictated ANY death in combat gets you there; every American to whip a baseball bat out after getting cut off in traffic and dies as a result would be able to get in. Back then you only got sent to their purgatory/hell/Hel if you died dishonorably, like of old age or illness or an accident. Also once you enter Valhalla, you're on the side of those destined to lose when Ragnarok goes down anyway.
If his motivation is explained further in the story than I'd like to know what it is, but I think I'm also taking his goals too literally lmao.
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
Are there any other Dead Mount Death Play enjoyers here
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