#s;; banana fish
motorcycleboy9 · 3 months
I hope that in the other universe we're not a blond&black hair duo in the US during 80's in which one desperately wants to protect the other hates the social distributions and wishes to escape the world of cruelty and live as plain normal people
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mctxart · 2 years
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Shorter WONG
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bwunnipaws · 4 months
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snailvee · 1 year
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being haunted by this au
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bananafishmanga · 1 year
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bananafishdepression · 10 months
Song "Daddy" by Korn and Ash Lynx :(
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chaoslynx · 2 years
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they made it :)
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puppygirldanhowell · 1 year
i think there are lots of reasons that yuugo's death is dissatisfying. from the most obvious- he's a wonderful important character and now he's gone to the (however intentional or accidental) use of the trope of killing off the traumatized characters instead of letting them heal.
but the thing is- yuugo did heal. while i think that his 180 into supporting emma was Very rushed, he was eventually able to put an end to Goldy Pond, be reconnected with his best friend, and spend a year and a half healing and learning to let himself love and actually enjoy being alive. But, despite the fact that he did not die in place of healing from his trauma, his death is so incredibly devastating and dissatisfying (to me at least) because we didn't get to see him heal. he healed during the biggest time skip in the entire manga, that we only really got a quite rushed and pretty vague (if only compared to other arcs where we were fully immersed and kept on the same information level as the characters themselves) summary of before immediately being thrown into another mini arc and his subsequent death. i think i and a lot of other fans would feel differently if we actually got to see him heal, but, with the way the manga handled that, i don't think i'll ever recover or be fully happy with the way that went
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lyn-rambles · 2 years
Lost Polaroid: My Apartment.
Pairing: A Wall full of Polaroids (Shorter Wong × Carolyn Marroquín)
Summary: The quiet mornings shared by the two lovers were something so unusual that Carolyn had to take a photo.
Word count: 298
Warning: I think just teeth roting fluff, but besides that nothing.
Road to Lyn Masterlist
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Light shone right between the curtains. Ash laid sprawled on the other room. Eiji was tucked in the couch snoring softly.
Shorter laid resting peacefully at Carolyn's side. Their foreheads touching each other, as she hummed contently.
"Shouldn't we get up babe?" He asked pressing his warm hand over her hips. "They'll wake up soon." 
"Ash won't be up in a while," She said stretching to her night stand. While it is true that Ash wasn't going to be up soon, Shorter wasn't supposed to be on her room, after swearing time after time, they weren't dating. "Eiji will be up later," her hand reached for the camera. "and you don't want to leave, don't you?" her lips found his cheek, her leg had slipped between his. 
Shorter laughed quietly enjoying the warm of her body as she nuzzled the side of his face. He heard the camera click and the sound of the photo coming out. 
Carolyn moved the polaroid then showed it to him, her curls sprawled on the pillows, his messy purple Mohawk, the way his eyes closed at the affection and their tender smiles. Shorter smiled fondly.
"I think I'll keep this one, love." Carolyn whispered absentmindedly. Her gaze absorbed on the photo, she didn't saw the way his eyelids parted when he heard the pet name, his brown eyes might have become a shade lighter given the way how they shone.
"Did you just called me "love", Caro?" He whispered excitedly. She tensed, her whole face became red she almost let the camera and the photo fall from her hands "Babe?" 
"How embarrassing" she murmured covering her face. Just to avoid his grin. 
"Nonono," he laughed. "Come here." His strong arm locked her in place allowing him to pepper kisses along her face. 
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toripar · 2 years
im gonna im gonna i was gonna punch my phone
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ontologicalmoki · 2 months
unsolicited parenting advice of the day tell your kids what to expect! If your two year old is anxious about when dad is going to get home from work, teach him to recognize what patterns indicate that dad is coming home soon! After lunch we will do an activity and then clean and THEN dad will get home. Listen when the calendar day starts with an S dad does not have to go to work!!
and if something goes wrong and today does NOT go according to the plan your little guy expects, tell him!! Hey, dad has to go to work after all today, but he will be home after lunch! Today dad has to get groceries after work, so he’ll be home later than normal. But he will return with more bananas! Focus on the positives too, give them things they can understand. Don’t just say “not today,” they understand the concept of grocery stores and unexpected trips. Just tell them the problem. You’d hate being in the dark about everything that happens to you also. Let them control their situation, even if it’s just their own emotions and expectations.
or even! Teach them to read an analogue clock! Let me tell you, church nursery in the 1.5-3.5 age group got so much less stressful and anxious for EVERYONE when I taught my kids how to read the clock. They don’t have to ask me anymore how much time is left and fish for answers I can’t give them. They know that their guardians will come for them when the long stripe on the clock touches the 2, and that if they aren’t there then then they’re LATE and they get to hold this over their parents head. Because they know their parents can be late. And they LOVE knowing when this has occurred. There is so much less anxiety.
anyway explain stuff to your kids, they want to know. This has been an unsolicited parenting advice PSA
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ooh-its-simp · 1 year
Omg self insert is finally (almost) done for Banana Fish! 😩 Might add extra detail below too. She's still a WIP (3 years later) so she might change later on. (Also the sentence "has a 'crush' on Shorter" is an underwhelming description, its more like "She's madly in love with him" 🤣)
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Age: 19 (arriving to New York City)
Sexuality: Demi-pansexual
Gender: Genderfluid
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/her, he/him, they/them
Blood type: idk how this thing works yet o3o; but looking into it
Hobbies/interests: Joining every tournament NYC has to offer, finding the Freedom Tunnel and placing her most favorite work there.
Likes: Food... lots of food, trying food she's never had before, art and music, video games and TCGs, hanging out in large groups, staring at the Liberty Statue, watching adult comedies, having nostalgic phases, air soft and tactical gun play, anything cute and soft, finding possible solutions to world problems.
Dislikes: Being stuck in one place (e.g her apartment), creative block, the poor treatment of foreigners, politics, being in city noises for too long, real gun violence.
Useless facts:
-She arrives to New York on the 25th of January, 2020.
-She doesn't meet Shorter until she was she was turning 20, so most of her time was spent working in odd jobs for a proper apartment for her own personal studio to pursue to her dream art school.
-As social as she can be, she prefers to wind down by herself.
-She also doesn't like to draw too much attention to herself... unless she's trying to showing off.
-She stops at nothing to get her work/projects/commissions done.
-She's pescatarian if she can help it.
-Her favourite color's purple.
-Her most participated competitions are TCG and e-sport tournaments, she's never won a single one of them and is determined to win.
-She can truly be an advocate sometimes, especially when it comes to disagreeing with political ideas.
-She does not at ALL function right when developing feelings and distracts herself as much as possible.
-She's quite the environmental, so her apartments fill of house plants.
-She has two pet goldfish named Jay and Victor, originally she wanted a pet rabbit named Benjamin, but it's against apartment rules.
-Her idea of owning her own studio didn't come to her until she witnessed the city's street conditions.
-The Freedom Tunnel inspired her to open her art studio exclusively for homeless artists of all ages.
-Her hair color is based on bees.
Other things:
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bagofshinyrocks · 5 months
Period Comfort
Prompt: How the boys act when their S/O is on their period. [Requested by @weebumochi]
Featuring: TF141 and Los Vaqueros - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, and Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra (separately) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: reader menstruates, but no mention of genitalia; menstruation discomfort; nothing else i can think of, but lemme know if there's more
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John Price
Always gets you water and a fresh cup of tea once your cups looks a little low.
Finds out what meals are best for someone on their period and focuses on making those for the week.
You two would make food with beef, eggs, and fish (if you eat them); spinach, squash, and brussel sprouts. All the nutritious stuff. 
And then he would make treats for you, especially dark chocolate on almonds or walnuts. Bring you bananas, berries, figs. You felt like ancient Mesopotamian royalty. All things that were also good for you, but were more traditional period comfort food of “sweet”. 
If you really needed to eat half a family sized bag of barbeque potato chips, he would fetch them and put them in a bowl for you. No questions asked. No movement in the eyebrows. A loving smile as he asks what movie you two were going to watch.
 But for dinner, he’s making something without so much… sodium.
Does everything he can to make your period easier on you.
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Simon Riley
Doesn’t tell you that he knows you’re on your period, but that shit is on the calendar. Doesn’t want to make you feel like he’s all “oh is it that time of the month?”. So he pretends nothing is different.
He’s always so sweet to you, but he’s especially so when you’re on your period.
There are absolutely no gibes or pokes at the tender part of your heart. And whenever you’re most hormonal (which is also on the calendar), he might not tease you at all. Because one time he was a little snarky with you, and normally it would roll right off, but you were just a teensy bit too hormonal. And you got quiet. And your lip quivered. And he didn’t stop apologizing the whole day.
Any shows or movies he normally sighs about (but still sits down and watches… and gets invested in, the lying shit), there is no fussing.
“Alright, lovie, sounds good. Do you want another cuppa while I’m up?”
Need some quiet time by yourself? He has some errands to run, let him know what you want for dinner.
Just does his best to make sure you never feel crazy when you’re on your period.
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Kyle Garrick
When the worst of your period comes in, it becomes the typical night in.
The dumbest movies that you two love. Dessert eaten before dinner. Favorite takeout and all the accoutrement available. A glass of wine or some other treat beverage. Matching pajama sets.
Kyle had almost fallen asleep when you massaged a yummy-smelling hair mask into his scalp, and then pulled a ‘oh I was just resting my eyes’. And then he returned the favor, painting a luxurious facial mask on you. Making hearts on your cheeks, then spreading them out. You were fairly sure he drew boobs on your forehead, but then smeared it out and insisted you were just imagining it.
You give each other manicures, and hand feed the other food whilst their nails dried. Kissing chocolate and strawberries off each others lips and chins.
Once his hair was wrapped up, he’s all snuggled up in your arms. The heat and weight of his body against your abdomen was soothing. And the gentle snoring of the love of your life.
Everything he can to make you feel comfortable and attractive in your own skin.
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Johnny MacTavish
He gets up at the ass crack of dawn to go for a run (like a fucking psycho). Once you wake up, he wants to go to the gym with you. Whether or not you work out, or just poke his butt because it’s funny, he wants you there. But not today. Your cramps, or just the general yuckiness of menstruating, makes you want to not leave the house.
So he hops on the internet, and finds the workouts, stretches, and yoga poses that would help you feel better.
The most gentle workout he’s had in his life. Stretching with the speed of tai chi, leaning against your back and chatting quietly.
Kisses wherever he can reach as you two figure out the yoga poses. Sticks his ass out as far as he can so you’ll poke it. Whistles whenever you begin a pose that’s even marginally suggestive. Waggles his eyebrows and maybe even cops a feel.
Double checks that you aren’t overexerting yourself. Stops for water (and kiss) breaks and asks how you’re feeling. What’s helping, what’s not helping? Time to stop, or keep going?
Helping with the physical and visceral symptoms so you’re more comfortable.
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Alejandro Vargas
If he can, he’s clearing the schedule for the worst day of the week. Does grocery shopping and laundry before, so there is essentially nothing to do that day when Mother Nature is curb-stomping you.
Spoils you with a long lie-in. The sun has long since come up by the time you wake up to massages and kisses.
You join him for breakfast and a quick rinse off shower, and then you two crawl right back into bed. Leaning against him as he kneads the skin and muscles of your abdomen or back, a movie or the radio as ambient noise.
Maybe you fall back asleep. Maybe you watch an entire TV show. Maybe you putter about and do some light home-making. The goal is that you are fully rested.
I bet science says that you can’t “catch up on sleep”, but it’s still nice to have a day where you sleep for most of it. Especially when it’s curled up in bed with your sweet lover. His hands on you for the entire day, closely followed by his lips.
His whole body squeezing you tight when you try to leave, and wrapping around you again once you return.
Just physically reminding you of how much he loves you.
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Rodolfo Parra
Once he sees a menstrual product wrapper in the bathroom trash can, he’s off to make the most professional grocery run you’ve ever seen.
Knows exactly which products you use, and checks which are low. Buys the right medications or products. The snacks that you love (that won’t betray you later with a stomach ache), and the little drink treat that’s for special occasions. 
You swear that he hears the crinkle of a wrapper in the bathroom and marches to the store.
Puts the groceries away while you’re finishing up the breakfast dishes and then offers you the little beverage and maybe a treat.
He guides you to the couch or back to bed, sidling up next to or behind you and kisses you deeply. Arms roaming and then settling in a way that keeps you as close as possible. Pressing against you as if you could become one.
Cuddles in the way that is most comfortable, whether you’re in his lap or laying down. Kisses you all over. Hand feeds you until you’re giggling too hard.
He never wants you to run out of the supplies you need, or feel any less sexy while menstruating. Because you are always so sexy to him.
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Posted: 2024 January 7
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vidavalor · 7 months
Good Omens has shown us, among other things...
-Crowley pointing the paintball gun at Aziraphale and giving the office workers miraculous escapes from death *before* it showed us The Blitz, Part 2's Bullet Catch that shows us what he was referencing to Aziraphale by doing so
-Aziraphale's love of human magic and his vanishing coins act and Crowley grumbling about all of it *before* it showed us "the farthing has vanished!" and The Marvelous Mr. Fell and his "volunteer assistant" on stage in 1941
-The 1862 breakup *before* the 1827 scene that gives context for their traumas that led to the breakup
-The sexy lunch in 2008 *before* the ox rib date that started it-- all the way back in 2500 B.C..
-Crowley telling Aziraphale about his night dealing with the antichrist baby: "Well, not, delivered-delivered, just... handed it over" *before* professional midwife/cobbler Bildad the Shuite "birthing" Job and Sitis some "new" kids
-Crowley, alone, forced into the start of Armageddon by delivering the antichrist in a picnic basket *before* 1967, in which Aziraphale dreams of a world they could get to before they run out of time in which they could go on a picnic together
-Aziraphale looking to the side Crowley always comes up on when he hears the miracle sound in the sushi restaurant in 1.01 *before* we even know that Crowley always comes up in the same way from various scenes teaching us this
-Aziraphale's tartan obsession *before* its origin story, which is the date in Edinburgh in 1827 wherein he became spirituality Scottish and thought he lost Crowley and after which he adopted the tartan as a thing related to the two of them and never stopped wearing it. See also: showed us 1967 and the tartan thermos *before* explaining to us that the tartan isn't just something Aziraphale likes but is something with meaning to the two of them together as a pair
-Crowley rambling drunkenly about bananas, fish and gorillas in the bookshop *before* his and Aziraphale's 'banana fish gorilla shoelace with a dash of nutmeg' conversation over wine in 1941, showing us that he was drunkenly remembering in a scene in S1 a romantic scene in their history that we didn't know then and wouldn't know until S2
-Crowley & Aziraphale dining at The Ritz in 2008 in 1.01 *before* we even know that was The Ritz or why it matters that it was, which they don't tell us until the final, romantic moments of S1
-Crowley obsessively growing a large, lush, overhanging canopy of plants in his apartment *before* telling us he's got a thing for vavoom-y erotic gazing and kissing under the shelter of canopies the likes of which have never been seen in a Richard Curtis film
So, my dear, dear loves... explain to me why I'm not going to be adding to this list next season:
-that heartbreaking 2.06 kiss *before* the first one they had a bazillion years ago?
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bananafishmanga · 1 year
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everytime i go back to banana fish i know im gonna cry and i always forget my fyckin tissues and i feel like im dying inside and i CONTINUE WATCHING alksjfljdfka jfjkas im in tears even as i write this 
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