#saint helena
keepingitneutral · 28 days
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The little house, Saint Helena, CA, United States,
Maddie and Ryan Chandler Architects
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illustratus · 2 months
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Napoleon's Tomb by Horace Vernet
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empirearchives · 5 months
Napoleon hallucinates Josephine a week before his death in 1821
From the timeline based on the St Helena notebooks of General Henri Gatien Bertrand, Cahiers de Sainte-Hélène. Les 500 derniers jours (1820-1821)
28 April 1821:
Napoleon was no longer himself, was becoming anaemic because of internal bleeding, was becoming less and less lucid, indeed occasionally delirious. During the night he said that he had seen Josephine and spoken to her, he thought he had been walking in the garden at Longwood, he kept requesting oranges. The doctors began to fear the worst. The Grand Marshal Bertrand exclaimed: “I kept thinking about how great the change was! Tears kept coming to my eyes as I looked at that man, so awe-inspiring, who had commanded so proudly, so absolutely, beg for a coffee spoon, asking permission, obedient like a child… “Voilà le grand Napoléon”: to be pitied, brought low!”
(Fondation Napoléon)
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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A 2017 photo of Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise thought to be the oldest reptile living on Earth. Jonathan lives on Saint Helena, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean.
(Image credit: Gianluigi Guercia / AFP via Getty Images)
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bambooale · 7 months
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loislame84 · 3 months
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recent pictures… she is gorgeous.
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The Vision of Saint Helena – Paolo Veronese // King – Lauren Aquilina
suggested by anon ❤️
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hudsonlowesbills · 7 months
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UK: hey. Can we use your island to put Napoleon in Angry Baby Jail?
East India company: I mean I guess. It’s really easy to escape from tho
This is just so funny to me because Saint Helena has retroactively been declared inescapable, but the Company at the time thought it was pretty much like putting Napoleon in an untied paper bag, and this author goes on to cite future escapes from Saint Helena
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Like this is actually funny. My boy Hudson lowe wasn’t as paranoid as we thought he was yes he was
Kitching, G. C. “Sir Hudson Lowe and the East India Company.” The English Historical Review 63, no. 248 (1948): 322–41. http://www.jstor.org/stable/555342.
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bunniesandbeheadings · 4 months
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One of my favorite activities is to compare the Saint Helena tourist website with Napoleon’s litany of complaints about what a piece of garbage loser island that Satan shit when he fell from Heaven. It gets a hardy chuckle from me, at least once a week
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joachimnapoleon · 11 months
The St Helena Edition—featuring bonus Gourgauds
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[The Empire Edition is here]
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Saint Helena surrounded by a garland of flowers Spanish School of the 17th Century Saint Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, discovered the cross on which Christ was crucified in the Holy Land. She is usually depicted, as here, in regal attire holding the cross and three nails.
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Napoleon's Tomb on the island of Saint Helena
British vintage postcard
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illustratus · 3 months
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empirearchives · 6 months
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“In his room beside the noisy café, he restudies everything conceivable, copies whole speeches out of the report of the parliamentary proceedings at Westminster, and sketches the remotest parts of the earth. At the end of the last of his copy-books, the final entry runs: ‘St. Helena, a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. English colony.’”
— Emil Ludwig, Napoleon
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ic-napology · 1 year
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josefavomjaaga · 6 months
Are there multiple versions or confusion over how Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine de Beauharnais first met each other? Is Eugène de Beauharnais the only who told the story about them first meeting because of his request for his late father's saber (or sword)?
Oh no, there's actually (at least) four French sources for this and two in English - it's just not clear to me in how far they depend on each other.
I've written a bit about it and cited the most important different versions verbally here.
In short: The oldest mention I could find is in a British source, in Warden's "Letters written on board HMS Northumberland" of 1816.
Then we have Napoleon's own account in Las Cases' original "Memorial" script, that was seized by the British, and the somewhat changed version that Las Cases rewrote back in Europe and that was published in 1823.
Also in 1823, one year before his death, Eugène put down his version of what had happened.
In addition, there is O'Meara's book of 1822 (I think) that has Napoleon tell a similar version as in Warden's book, and then the versions in Hortense's and in Lavalette's respective memoirs that I translated in the post I linked to above.
While it looks like a well-documented and thus corroborated story, I assume for historians it's actually not that easy 😊. Because when you look a little closer, you'll find that the first three sources all go back to one and the same story told by Napoleon on Saint Helena. And as these accounts were published, and as Napoleon's family probably read everything related to the First Empire, it is very likely that the three other people who wrote about this event, Eugène, Hortense and Lavalette, had read them and could adapt their own stories accordingly.
As a matter of fact, we can confirm that Eugène knew about what Las Cases was going to write because he met with him. And we know that he had knowledge of Warden's book even before an official French translation appeared, because among his papers there are several booklets with a handwritten translation into French. Obviously he had somebody translate it for him as soon as the book came out. - Hortense, as to her, surely had read her brother's memoir fragment at some point (because she takes an anecdote from it for her own memoirs) and she also was in contact with Las Cases as on her request he changed an expression in a comment Napoleon made about her. Finally, Lavalette stayed first with Eugène, then with Hortense during his exile from France.
Sorry for detailing this at such length. I must admit that I find the way these different memoirs were created and speculations about their interdependece almost more interesting than finding out what actually happened. I feel like everybody was trying to control the narrative. I'm still not over Joseph sending documents - including a highly polished curriculum vitae - to Belliard (who had not even asked for any) all the way from America just in case Belliard would publish his memoirs.
In any case, thanks for the Ask!, once again! 💝
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