the-grin--reaper · 6 months
That one scene in Soulsmith
Jai Long, startled: WHAT THE SHIT-?!
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m-jay-gee · 1 year
big wtnv energy here
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cheezekeyn · 4 months
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Buckshot Roulette but make it sandviper :33
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credince--writes · 4 months
Deep In Those Woods- Chapter 7
Keegan P. Russ x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6- Chapter 7
You find a strange man in the woods, no doubt running from the federation. He seems, well, in simple terms beat to shit. May your act of kindness not go unpunished.
A/N: Womp Womp Taglist:
@dindjarinsmeshla @tessxq @ladyvlolypop @tiny-kasper
@biggiecheeselover @konigsleftkidney @mykneeshurt @katsufairies @noname0756 @brain-has-left @vinithechocolatevampire
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The sun was hot on his face, glaring down and heating the sand crusted onto the exposed skin of his face. The sky was clear- no moisture- not a cloud in sight.
Keegan was in the desert.
He was in his own personal hell.
His eyes glanced down to his hands, filthy in dark red tones and crusted over too many times to count with layers of filth and flesh, blood, and dirt. Driven so deep into the crevices of his flesh that he wasn’t sure where the filth ended and his skin started.
There’s a dull blade grasped in his hand.
A man leaps from over a pile of sand- knife drawn throwing his body forward ready to fight to the death. Keegan bares his teeth like a rabid dog. Because that is all he is. A wild animal, ready to bite and tear flesh, feels the splatter of blood against his skin. The dust crusted onto his disgusting form and built upon it like a trophy.
The warmth of the blood soothed his chilled skin in the cold desert nights, and cooled his skin in the hot daylight sun. The blood tacking up, soiling the dusty sand under him. Ponds of blood against the dirty yellow sand.
He’s grinning, knife dug into the neck of the man below him. Twisting his knife until the viscera of blood pops in a horrible, twisting, snapping, and schlepping of tendons veins and gore. Flicking the dulled blade as he’d done what? At least seven times that night, he looks up to see the sky has turned dark. The full moon illuminating the hellscape he’d metamorphosed from.
Your corpse, torn open with brute force and dull metal, staring up at him with tears running down dirty cheeks. 
Eyes unfocused up at him, cloudly, dead.
And God, do they look beautiful shimmering in the moonlight. The warmth pooling from your neck warming this tips of his fingers- reaching in to cup the wound. Hold it in-
He’s sitting on the couch next to the window, dozing as the afternoon sun radiates against his face.Jolting forward and wheezing, lungs screaming and heart rate pounding in his ears. He glances down, to assess his hands and frowns at the dark smudges of dirt against his knuckles. Mentally chastising himself as he closed his fist and squeezed, nails pushing in against his palm in a near-satisfying twinge of pain. Keegan was angry at himself in a way he had trouble defending. Here he lay, on a couch in some woman’s home after getting injured. Stranded without contacting his team- he was sure that Logan would be worried sick over the lack of his check-ins.
And here he was sunning himself, content and full, like some kind of civilian. He’s not. As much as he could play- he is just a rabid dog, looking for its next hunk of flesh to tear into. Your eyes, dull, unfocused.
He needed to leave.
He needed to get his radio working- or at least get back into contact with base to let the other Ghosts know he was alive. Lurching forward, forearms against his thighs he leans as far as he can until the creak in his ribs almost forces a whine from his lips. As subtle as he can, leaning back and resting his head against the cushion.
He needed to get out.
The more he thought of hiking his ass out and away, he found his eyes trailing over to the window.
Then trailing over to you.
He frowned, forcing himself to stand before rubbing his fingers against his temples.
He needed to leave.
He was a soldier.
He had a mission.
This was no time for weakness.
And that's how you found him. Standing in the center of the room fully kitted back up- vest pulled back over his bruised chest, his pants with freshly mended holes from the wear and tear they took out in the woods. The same clothes you’d found him in and peeled off of his cold body- mended together, washed, and hung out on the line.
It almost felt like an insult, staring back at him dressed in his gear. You’d mended him back together, and he would just…
“Where is my mask?”  
His voice was cold.
So far from the soft and meek mumbles in his sleep, the breathy moans of pain as you lifted his back off of the floor and sat him up as you fed him.
“I’m leaving.” Your brother spoke, detached and cold as he turned on his heel and left.
“You can’t!” You yelled, hand gripped onto the doorframe as he picked up his bag and a jerrycan of fuel. The tips of your fingers screaming against the pressure on the wood, joints creaking. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I can’t just sit here and hide anymore!” Your brother lashed out, screaming- the rasp in his throat as the words cracked like thunder against the quiet of the field.
The chickens startled.
“Then let me come with you-” You begged.
You pleaded.
You wept. “I won’t risk it.” He bit back. “You’ll be a liability.” Was he right?
Were you a liability?
Could you face the consequences of your existence? Of your choices?
“I-..” You paused, hand releasing from the doorframe and dropping to your side.
“I’ll be back soon. I just- I have to see. The fires, they mean something.” He sighed. “I’m sorry.”
And he left.
Without looking back.
He needed to compartmentalize. Put this fucking cabin in a little box, and lock it up and stick it somewhere it’ll never be opened up again. There was an ache in his ribs that wasn’t from the injury- a tightness in his throat as he pulled on the armor, his second skin.
His armor.
His hand reached up, not yet donning his gloves, and rubbed the side of his face. Feeling the stubble long since grown out, feeling wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be there- that long. At least it shouldn’t be- he shouldn’t be in this situation.
He took a deep breath.
It would be fine. He needed to get out of this damned cabin- he needed to get his gloves on, mask on, toss his gear over his shoulder even if he body screamed against it. He needed to get out and get a radio and get out of here-
His mask-
His mask?
Where is his mask?
He rummaged- looking as quietly and efficiently as possible for the damned thing while you weren’t paying attention. Stalking room to room with silent footsteps and sharp eyes. Hand hovering over the knob to your bedroom, staring.
He’d rather rip his arm off than be caught dead rummaging through your bedroom- Rather poke out his eyes than cross a boundary like that, even if there was the possibility of you stowing it away in there. 
He’d just have to ask-
“Where’s my mask?” He’d slipped into this before- the body of a soldier. Maybe he never really left it- he was what he was after all. 
A Ghost.
Ghosts can’t change, they are what they are. The remnant of what someone once was,
Could’ve been.
But deep down, the tone of his voice surprised him- the change- it ripped away any warmth that he’d clung too. Anything he’d foolishly accepted thinking that it could become the norm.
He didn’t deserve it anyways.
“You’re leaving.” Your voice was quiet. Small.
Small like you.
He simply nodded, silent.
You shrunk back, stepping to the side and striding across the building. Tearing open the door to your room- the sound of something clattering against the floor. And in a flurry- you rushing out and throwing the piece of fabric at him. The threads spreads across his fingertips, tilting the mask to the side- where the paint was starting to fade, where a rock had torn through the fabric and stabbed into his skin.
Fresh stitches mending the fabric together. 
"I just..." You trailed off.
"Want to make sure he's ok?" Keegan finished.
"Yea." You nodded. "Or at least have some closure. Sometimes just knowing- as much as it'd hurt. To know he is dead, would be better than to wait- to expect."
"I'll help you." His voice was soft- quiet. As if his words came out just above a whisper.
"Why?" You questioned.
Keegan stared, mouth opening and trying to speak but nothing coming out- his mind rushing a million miles a minute.
"Because you owe me?" You teased.
He releases a breath. "Yea, Princess. Because I owe you."
“Yes.” He breathes out- shattering the semblance of control he had on his firm, cold tone.
Your eyes are like fury- hatred, malice. Pain. “You promised.” You say it with such a conviction he nearly flinches back. Blinking once, twice- anger and bile rising back up in his throat.
Could you not see he was saving you? Blessing you? Fulfilling your stupid little promise? “I never said you’d come with me.” He replied.
He was saving you from him.
He can see the glassy haze on your eyes, putrid, vile, hatred.
The glint of your cloudy eyes against the moonlight. Gritty sand trapped in your eyelashes.
He pulls the mask over his face, and leaves without looking back.
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Elias, shortly before sandviper: "this will be fine right? How hard can it be to guard a simple Hospital?"
*cue to faint clown music starting to play*
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It was in fact; Not overkill, and not easy.
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sushiikando · 3 months
hi guys heres some art ive done recently
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for upcoming dnd campaign... some tokens/icons for my sillys
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yeahhhhhhh spiders woohoo!!! theyrsocool
1st one is vessel, my pc, 2nd one is lucien who is vessels dad and the 3rd with the ref is sandviper who is vessels mother!! what a happy family i hope nothing tragic happens to them
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bonus skecthes
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last 1 i was trying to figure out a more consistennt way to draw my interp of the species cus i kept changin it so a personal guid for myself lmao
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Lonely tree :: Sahara Desert
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“It was a lone tree burning on the desert. A heraldic tree that the passing storm had left afire. The solitary pilgrim drawn up before it had traveled far to be here and he knelt in the hot sand and held his numbed hands out while all about in that circle attended companies of lesser auxiliaries routed forth into the inordinate day, small owls that crouched silently and stood from foot to foot and tarantulas and solpugas and vinegarroons and the vicious mygale spiders and beaded lizards with mouths black as a chowdog's, deadly to man, and the little desert basilisks that jet blood from their eyes and the small sandvipers like seemly gods, silent and the same, in Jeda, in Babylon. A constellation of ignited eyes that edged the ring of light all bound in a precarious truce before this torch whose brightness had set back the stars in their sockets.” ― Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West
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glittergrubz · 1 year
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I really got inspired by Roguein recent WoF characters and I needed a break of the Silkwing adoptables. I also figured I could hit two birds with one stone and practice posing/anatomy. I'm still having trouble but man I'm really proud of myself! I hope my art really improves as time goes on. ---
This here is Omen, a design I got from Scribblespider a while ago. I bought it on my old Meat-Monster account. I felt like it was due for a redesign as I struggled with the original lore n design alot. But the colors were very eye catching. 
Omen was genetically created by an Icewing scientist who let's just say has a mysterious past with the royals. This Icewing wondered if 1) A Allwing could be made and 2) How would it live and what would be the pros and cons of an Allwing. This has been a strange obsession for the Icewing for years and after many many awful years of mistakes he created Omen. 
Omen is Intersex (She/Her) and her birthday was an awful day. With her genetically modified body she struggled the moment she hatched from the egg. Not only were her claws not normal (extra digits, mutated wing arms and muscle issues) but her genes were not the greatest selection. Some of the DNA came from the scientist himself, the others were from strangers he managed to stalk and take precious pieces from. Some of those dragons were related (hybrid siblings) while others were fighting off chronic illnesses and sadly had a fatal end to the Icewing scientist. She could not control her poisonous smoke breathe as a hatchling and quickly became very very sick. The Icewing scientist was absolutely outrage that the first Allwing to successfully hatch was going to perish soon, and so he abandoned Omen in the freezing winter storm and went back to his studies. She was no use to him anymore, although he did regret throwing her away so soon. Not because of his awful actions, he was upset he could not dissect her and study her body. His anger got the best of him, and he's quite annoyed about that. 
Omen was found crying in the storm, and was quickly found by Tardigrade, a Ice/Hivewing (They/Them). Tardigrade quickly  took Omen in and managed to heal Omen's poison, as it had the same properties as an old poisonous plant from her old home. Once she made the remedy Omen was quite spry, it took a while for Omen to control the smoke but she learned before she could get severely sick again. She even gained some immunity to it. Tardigrade raised Omen like their own daughter. Although Tardigrade was not a innocent dragon, a bounty hunter. They killed many dragons, and even more to protect their sweet Omen. 
When Omen turned 4 years old sadly Tardigrade fell ill and passed away. With this Omen used the skills Tardigrade taught her and began her nomadic life. Tardigrade's death still haunts Omen, her nightmares are filled with their death. She gets barely any sleep now. As time went by she became harden and paranoid. Many dragons hunted her down as a trophy, others stole from her. She became what others call a monster, "death itself". Stories began of her awful kills and her bruteforce. She still wished even with dragon's necks in her mouth, seering the scales of dragons with her stinger that maybe Tardigrade could be brought back. 
When Omen was 8 years old she almost died, this time ambushed by one of the 5 Sandwing Gangs that now rule Sandwing territory. One member of the Sandviper Gang had knocked her out and began suffocating her, she was powerless to this dragon. But she was saved, the Bone Gang rushed the member, killing them immediately and quitely. Omen was taken in, nursed back to health by Bonez, the leader of the gang and the most powerful gang in the territory.  Bonez made an offer, stay with us you'll be safe, feed and warm. But you'll have to work for me, Omen nervous but being reminded of the family she once had she accepted. Now she's Bonez personal bodygaurd/henchman. Omen still mourns over Tardigrade but now she has a family, a disfunctional family with lots, lots of issues but a family nevertheless. Her and Bonez are very, very close. 
Her crazy fighting from her young years have now been carved to be brutal, precise and dominating. Even with her disadvantages she is quite the opponet and their are many stories of her battles and kills. She kills if she has to, and while she does have her morals now she will kill those who pose a threat to Bonez or her family. She will do absolutely anything, even if it means killing the Preist of Pests. Her weapons are her claws, stingers and horns, but she has been trained in weapons. When she is not killing or intimidating threats, she's often found by Bonez. 
Voiceclaim: Death (Puss in Boots) --- ★ Not for Other's Use ★ ★ Feel Free to Take Inspiration but Credit Me ★ ★ NOT FOR AI USE OR NFT USE! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ ★ DO NOT REPOST/TRACE/EDIT! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND BLACKLISTED ★ DA: https://deviantart.com/glitterbonez TW: twitter.com/GLITTERBONEZx FA: https://furaffinity.net/user/glitterbonez/… Tumblr: khaleern.tumblr.com/
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Could you rate these names? Id just like to know what you think of them :)
Sunburst - 7/10, even if the suffix isn't my cup of tea, I really like the sound of this name!
Peachblossom - 9/10 a nice name! it's pleasant on the ears and brings forth of a very pleasant cat.
Silentstride - 8/10, makes me think of a stealthy spy or assassin cat
Snowbranch - 10/10, I love this name?? it sounds nice and makes me imagine a tall, lanky white or silver cat lol
Hollowberry - 6/10 not a bad name, though not my personal cup of tea
Cloudjumper - 8/10 sounds like a very soft, bouncy friend!
Mosswood - 10/10 I love this name, even if my inability to read words doesn't like it as much lol
Honeythroat -9/10 sounds like a cat with a very sweet-sounding voice! plus a nice combo cause -throat as a suffix needs more love.
Sandviper - 6/10 a fun name, even if it's not my type! certainly makes me think of a sand viper but as a cat
Skipperbreeze - 10/10 I love seeing Skipper- used as I love bug-related names [assuming they're named after the skipper butterfly]
Goldencloud - 10/10 a nice and pleasant name! gives me soft parental vibes!
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the-grin--reaper · 7 months
Okay but Eithan said that Lindon exceeded even his expectations, in Soulsmith. This man is the literal Reaper of Worlds, prodigy extraordinaire, milennia old expert who wants to raise people that can "reach the end of the sacred arts with him". And despite his misgivings initially, Lindon actually managed to impress him.
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Sandviper Class Cruiser - Spearhead of the fleet, by Me via ImaginaryFutureWar
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goodtimeswithgrian · 1 year
I'm going to be honest and say that I don't know if there are any rules to how a cat is named but I think scar could be sand viper or swift petal
Swift petal because scar is somehow always Abel to very swiftly get himself into trouble and petal because just like that last ask I am also a fan of desert duo.
Sand viper for similar reasons and also because it sounds cool.
i mean i don't think there are any rules other than "prefix and suffix have to be words a wild cat would know", a warrior name can be anything, really. there's a canon cat named twigbranch. mountaindew is a valid warrior cat name.
Swiftpetal sounds cool, i feel like it fits both 3L!scar and HC9!scar, i really love the meaning of it. Sandviper is cool too, but not really my vibe. nothing wrong with it, just that i personally don't like animal suffixes (but it's mostly because the polish naming convention works better with animals being the prefix and i'm used to that).
that being said, Quicksand would also be a valid wc name for Scar that would fit the theme.
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militaryleak · 2 months
Defenture GRF Vehicle Chosen for Austrian Special Operations Forces
On 8 April, Austria's Ministry of Defence signed the contract with Defenture for the delivery of a batch of GRF (Ground force) vehicles. With this order, the Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (BMLV) chooses a special MilitaryOfTheShelf (MOTS) light tactical and air transportable mobile platform for their Special OperationsForces (Jagdkommando) to replace the PUCH G 290/LP Sandviper. The GRF is recognized as a high-performance platform in terms of agility, speed, traction and payload. Together with high ground clearance for extreme off-road capabilities and a special 4-wheel steering system, this results in a high level of mobility and safety. The flexibility of the GRF platform allows the vehicles to be provided with a specific configuration and different system integrations, tailored to the operational needs of the Austrian Jagdkommando. Delivery of the vehicles will start as early as 2024. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
On 8 April, Austria’s Ministry of Defence signed the contract with Defenture for the delivery of a batch of GRF (Ground force) vehicles. With this order, the Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung (BMLV) chooses a special MilitaryOfTheShelf (MOTS) light tactical and air transportable mobile platform for their Special OperationsForces (Jagdkommando) to replace the PUCH G 290/LP Sandviper. The…
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high-tech-info · 5 months
How a Sand Viper conceals itself to prepare for an ambush #sandviper #hi...
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tokillamockingbird427 · 8 months
Elias, who was a fucking menace when he was younger. Like being the "fucking around" kinda guy. It's the whole reason he got to go to Sandviper. Rorke probably had some say in the people being there as he (if i remember right) was Captain of that whole thing.
What if he brought in Elias, because when they first met sometime earlier, Elias wouldn't take shit from him and even talked back with "i'm not gonna let a marine tell me anything, i don't care" just to see what would happen. It did kinda impress Rorke.
Also if something happened, first thought from everyone "where was Walker when that happened?"
Menace Elias my dearly beloved.
Rorke going "That guy, I wanna take him with, I like him, he was mean. :)" is so real. He sees great potential in anyone who doesn't put up with his shit and Elias is one of those few who deals with exactly 0% of it. Less than 0% actually. He makes Rorke put up with HIS shit rather than the other way around, so -100% of Rorke's bullshit.
Something wild happens and everytime they get the news about it everyone turns to Elias wondering if he had anything to do with it. Usually he does. Either he made it happen through some weird Rube Goldberg machine or he is the main cause lmao.
It doesn't let up even when he gets older through less people do the Slow Turn Of Accusation thing. Mostly just the Ghosts. The boys are very confused when they see this for the first time, wondering why everyone's accusing their lovely father of some shit like a tank being found on top of an airplane hanger or somewhere equally ridiculous.
They'll learn eventually.
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Posted @withregram • @earthunaltered Me hiding from my finals🐍 A sand viper in morocco prepares to attack it’s prey Greay video by @javier_aznar_photography For more posts, please like and follow☘️ #sandviper #sandvipers #viper #vipers #snake #snakes #reptile #reptiles #animal #animals #nature #wildlife #biology #zoology #animalvideo #animalvideos #finals #finalexam #animalmeme #animalmemes #tagsomeone #tagfriends #hidingfromexams #cuteanimals #funnyanimals #weirdanimals #coolanimals #beautifulanimals #loveanimals #lovereptiles https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZJ0BYBI3w/?igshid=185w1h6extwe9
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