#sat in my drafts forever lol
cancerian-woman · 6 months
It could be(it is) from TVDU’s racism but you would think that after Davina’s death and Kol’s rants on being ignored in the family he would’ve sided with Marcel and not against him..
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
(burning the memories of when you were mine- denethor to faramir) i'm so sorry ~meg
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leclerc-hs · 3 months
ex's and oh's - CL16
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pairing: ex!charles leclerc x fem!reader summary: in which you and your ex-boyfriend are in complicated territory OR your ex fucks you in the drivers seat of his car warnings: 18+, SMUT under the cut, badly translated french (pls correct me), not proofread!!!! word count: 2.4k author's note: ok I just want to sincerely apologize for my long absence on here!!! i know you’ve been waiting for me to finish this for a while now LOL but I've been insanely busy balancing life with two jobs lol. So I'm going to leave this here. I can honestly say it's not my best work and I apologize for that but I really wanted to give y'all something in the mean time. I have a bunch of drafts I plan to work on whenever I get the chance. Love you all!! pls forgive me and don't forget to leave me some comments and thoughts xoxo
THERE WAS NOTHING that could’ve prepared you for this fight. You weren’t drunk, as promised. Although you weren’t sober either. 
You and Charles were...complicated. Exes but…. still, something more. You would always be something more. Your history stretched back almost forever, and that alone made it challenging to stay apart from each other.
There was a point in time when the aftermath of your breakup made it impossible for both of you to share the same space. It invariably led to bitter arguments over seemingly trivial matters. One such instance was during a movie night with your group of friends when you showed up in a sweatshirt that was far too big for your body, obvious that it wasn’t your own. Charles simmered with silent resentment in the corner until he could no longer contain it. The memory etched vividly in your mind, recalling the knots in your stomach throughout the night, feeling the intense burn of Charles’ gaze upon you. He didn’t cast a single glance at the movie that evening.
“Who’s fucking sweatshirt is that?”
“Already fucking other people, hm?”
As you slid into the familiar supple leather seats of his Ferrari, you felt the warmth of the car hug you like a blanket, providing much relief from the contrast of the cold air outside. In the process of slipping into his car, your skirt had ridden up higher than Charles would’ve preferred, your panties nearly exposed if it weren’t for the sheer tights providing more coverage. Did you really go out dressed like that? He felt his hands grip the steering wheel tighter than normal as a waft of your perfume enveloped the car. 
“Did you have fun?” His tone was neutral, but his body posture was tense. He barely turned his head to check if you placed your seat belt on before peeling out from the curb at a speed much too fast.
Sober you would’ve caught onto his attitude almost immediately. But tipsy you, thought nothing of it. 
“Oh Charlie!” You exasperated, the click of your seatbelt filling the car as the radio was turned on the lowest possible volume. “It was so fun!” 
He dropped one of his hands from the wheel, bringing his hand to rub the scruff of his unshaven jaw, as a deep sigh falls past his lips. He was annoyed—more than annoyed. The sole fact that you left him unanswered for hours wasn’t his only issue. What had his muscles all tight and the permanent frown on his face was the images of one of your guy friends being way too close to you. Too close for Charles liking. It was the same guy that his friends had briefly mentioned weeks ago on his boat. 
“Cha, l’aimes-tu toujours?”  Do you still love her? His friends sat around the table; half-eaten food left on their plates. He didn’t answer the question immediately. But everyone knew, subconsciously, that he did.
“Elle et Nick été proches récemment,” Her and Nick have been close lately. The phrase alone made Charles choke on his water. In that moment, he thanked the lord for the sunglasses covering his widened eyes. The burn in his chest began simmering as the conversation continued.
“Oui, ne sont-ils pas partis ensemble l’autre soir?” Yeah, didn’t they leave together the other night?
He couldn’t blame his friends for the discussion. They didn’t know that you two were still in complicated territory. Everyone always figured you two would rekindle, but it’s been so long, no one knew if it would happen anymore.
So, although Charles felt like the air was being sucked out of his lungs, he plastered a big smile on his face while throwing his arm around the back of the chair beside him. “Nick, hm?”
He made a genuine effort to control his anger. Honestly, he really did try. However, as you persisted in discussing the night, particularly when the name ‘Nick’ slipped past your lips, he couldn’t help but lose his composure just a little bit.
His voice took on a lethal edge as he maneuvered the car to the side of the desolate road. The act of driving demanded attention, but his mind was a whirlwind of a million thoughts. He was consumed by anger, it oozed from every pore of his skin as he scoffed and turned to confront you. Your eyes were already fixated on him, and his gaze instantly met yours.
“A-t-il touché à toi?” Did he touch you? His voice rumbled like a low growl, and the green in his eyes was so deep and intense that it masked their actual color, making it nearly impossible to discern the green hue. But you memorized those eyes. His eyes. You were familiar with every nuance of shade that adorned them. His breath was slow and even as he awaited your answer.
The idea drove him insane—the notion of another man laying his hands on you. And even worse, you wanting another man’s hands on you.
For a moment, you found yourself taken aback, only to fully comprehend his tense posture and the sharpness in his tone. Suppressing any inclination to react visibly, you wrestled to maintain a neutral expression, ensuring your lips didn’t betray a hint of a smirk at his jealousy. You didn’t even need to ask who he was. 
“Et est-ce que cela aurait de l’importance s’il l’avait fait?” And would it matter if he did?
The fact that you didn’t need to even address who he was talking about, only caused him to spiral further. As if you were confirming that Nick is the only other option. 
The car felt increasingly smaller as the anger in Charles grew. His knee was bouncing with impatience as he clenched his jaw. Yes. Yes, it fucking mattered. He wanted to shout until his lungs gave out that it mattered. He began to lose the evenness of his breathing pattern, becoming more erratic as you didn’t answer the question.
“Dis-le-moi et nous le découvrirons,” Tell me and we’ll find out. His eyes traced your every movement as your eyes narrowed at him, a scowl forming on your lips. The lips he dreamed about almost every night. 
The silence in the car heightened, and with each passing second, you could feel your heart rate quicken. His gaze remained fixated on your face, unwilling to divert elsewhere. It was as if he were a predator, and you, his prey, captivated under the unrelenting focus of his eyes.
“What? No snarky remarks for me?” C’mon play with me. Although he felt like his chest might crack in two, he needed to mask it. Needed to be nonchalant. 
The tension lingered until you took a sharp swallow, the muscles in your neck twitching, that his eyes shifted, descending to the nape of your neck. They fixated on the subtle gleam of your collarbones, still glistening with a thin sheen of sweat from the night’s dancing. His gaze traced the gentle rise and fall of your breasts with each breath. He wanted to devour you whole.
You felt your thighs clench slightly from his pressuring gaze. He is so fucking hot. His hair in complete disarray from running his hands through it. He wore a pair of grey sweats and a black hoodie that made you want to cling your body around him as soon as you saw him.
“Y a-t-il quelque chose entre vous deux?” Is there something between you two? His patience was wearing thin. You still haven’t answered his question, and the silence was eating him alive.
You detected a subtle waver in his tone, prompting a softening in your gaze. Your hand gently reached for his face, and he allowed his head to lean ever so slightly against the palm of your hand. It was as if your touch alone had the power to appease the turmoil of anger and jealousy rising within him. 
And as much as you loved to get under his skin like he did yours sometimes. You couldn’t find it in you to provoke him. To cause him any pain. “No.”
The corner of his lips twitched up slightly as your thumb brushed against his jawline. His hands tremble when they reach for you, pulling you out of your seat and across the center console into his lap. “Est-ce que cela aurait de l’importance?” Would it matter? You repeated the question as your legs straddled him. His hands slid around your waist, resting on your backside in a tight grip, so you couldn’t move. 
His mouth formed into a hardened line, as if he forced it to show you just how serious he was when he answered. “Bien sûr que cela a de l’importance,” Of course it matters. 
“Porquoi?” Why?
“Why?” He repeats your question. Scoffing at the fact that you even had to ask him. As if you didn’t already know why.
You suck in a sharp breath as soon as his warm tongue meets with the nape of your neck, trailing hot and wet kisses up until his lips meet yours for a moment before pulling away. 
“Mon coeur t’appartient.” My heart is yours. There was no questioning in his words. “Il a toujours été tien.” It’s always been yours. As those words hung in the air, your breath caught. You love this man. You love this man with every fiber of your being. 
His fingers gripped onto your thighs with an almost bruising intensity, as if he needed to confirm your presence by feeling you in his hands, ensuring you weren’t a figment of his imagination. His nails traced along the thin fabric at the apex of your thigh, before digging them in and tearing them open instantly. You let out an audible moan as his fingers found immediate solace to the damp spot on your underwear. Of course, you were already wet just by looking at him.
“Est-ce que tu m’aimes?” Do you love me? He questioned, adding slight pressure to your cotton covered clit. 
You moaned in delight at the contact but did not answer his question. It drove him mad.
His fingers slipped past your underwear, shoving them to the side, and slipping his fingers into your heated core. His fingers curled, hitting the spot you needed him most just right. Your back arched, barely grazing the horn of the steering wheel. Your hands were frantic, reaching for the waistband of his grey sweats as Charles lifted in hips off his seat to help you.
“Oh fuck,” You moaned out loud. The pace of Charles’ fingers had you careening forward with a cry, before he pulled them out of you completely, leaving you shouting “No!”.
“Relax cherie,” He clicked his tongue before pulling your chest flush with his, raising you up an inch to slide his cock right into you. He groaned as your pussy clenched tightly around him, squeezing him so tight he could barely focus on anything else. He held you down against him, letting neither of you move. 
It wasn’t until you fully sat, completely full of him, that he rips the buttons of your shirt open, revealing a lacy ensemble across your chest. He traces the tip of his finger along cup of your breast and says, “Did you wear this on purpose, hm?”
You shook your head, wiggling your hips with a groan. You needed to move, needed to feel the force of his cock into you, but he wouldn’t let you. He just held your hips down as if he was waiting for something.
"You feel so good," He groans. "Squeezing me so tight."
“Cha, please.” You begged, getting agitated at the lack of movement.
“Est-ce que tu m’aimes?” Do you love me? He repeats again. A grin stretched across his features at your obvious struggle. The fact that you needed his cock this badly, had him only growing harder. 
You bit your lip as Charles’ fingers sprawled across your neck in a tight grip, pulling your face to his. Close enough that your noses were touching.
“Réponds, et je suis tout à toi.” Answer, and I’m all yours.
“Est-ce que tu m’aimes?” Do you love me?
You don’t know what held you back from answering before. Because you did. He knew you did. He just needed to hear the words from your lips. Needed the reassurance that this was more than a quick fuck to you.
“Oui!” Yes! You half-shouted, eyes blown wide with need. “I will always love you!”
His hand released your hips, giving you the immediate go-ahead. You wasted no time, working yourself over his cock, moans eliciting from the both of you almost instantly. His hands slid to cup your ass, controlling your movements as he urges you to move faster.
“Mon dieu,” Charles groaned, his fingers dipping into the cup of your lacy ensemble, rolling your nipples between his index finger and thumb. “Je t’aime,” I love you.
The mere utterance of those words had you instinctively squeezing his cock with an intensified fervor, bringing you perilously close to the brink of ecstasy. A sly smirk played on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the effect his declaration had on you.
You moved your hips faster, the bounce of your breasts had Charles in a trance before he brought his eyes back to your face, looking you deep in the eyes. “Je t’aime,” He muttered again, bringing his lips to your mouth, swallowing your moans as if they were the oxygen he needed to breathe. “C’mon, give it to me.” He begged, thrusting his hips upward into you as much as he could, eyes rolling to the back of his head until you both reach that point of ecstasy you both needed.
His face was bright red, cheeks flushed, as you worked yourself over him in a hurried pace. His sweatshirt no doubt, making him feel like a furnace, as sweat forms near his eyebrow. His eyes were wild, unsure where to look until they met with your eyes. His cock twitching inside of you from the clench of your pussy on him, and the gaze of your eyes.
“Je t’aime!” You shouted, releasing all over him and falling forward in exhaustion onto Charles chest. 
Charles groaned hotly into your ear, his release catching him completely off guard due to the words you uttered. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest as you rested against it. 
“Mon Coeur est à toi.” My heart is yours. His fingers caressed the ends of your hair behind your back. The both of you made no attempts to move.
“Mon Coeur est à toi.” My heart is yours. You repeat back to him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
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midnight-on-pluto · 10 months
Hi. So this is my request.
Tenya Iida x reader where the readers parents kick them out because they want to be a hero and are in UA. Then they just show up at Tenyas door in the pouring rain to ask if they could sleep at his house for a night. And Tenya is just so 😠mad. Protective Tenya activated.
so sorry that this took me ages to get out! I had no motivation for months and am finally attending my drafts and rebranding lol! so here's the first of many to come ♡♡
warnings:  emotional abuse, reader is kicked out by their parents, self-deprecating and unhappy thoughts
SFW, fluff, angst but not really, mostly comfort.
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I should have been a doctor, I thought. My clothes clung to my body, skin prickled with goosebumps as I collapsed onto the ground. The unsigned, now drenched, permission form was bunched in my fist, my nails digging into my skin. 
“Why would we sign this?” My mother’s voice was ringing through my mind as I recalled tonight’s events. “Just so you to go kill yourself for some dream?” 
“Stupid,” I scolded myself. The cold rain only picked up as I began to cry, choked sobs being drowned out by the pouring rain. 
“If you don’t want to give up on this silly dream then leave!” My father slammed his fist down on the table as he spoke. “I don’t want some mediocre hero claiming to be my child. Go play hero somewhere else.”
I took a deep breath, eyes shutting tightly to blink away my tears. “This is pathetic,” I said to nobody. My hands rubbed the tears off my face, replacing it with mud from the ground. 
I stood, legs tired. I didn’t even think to look at where I was going, just running as fast and far as I could. I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, the only light coming from the streetlights. I patted around, luckily smacking something hard and rectangular shaped, my phone. 
I pulled it out, 3% battery remaining. Quickly I pulled up my GPS, trying to see where I was and what the closest place to go was. I’d run close to UA, luckily. Perhaps I could see if anyone was still there, although unlikely. 
I tried looking around more, finding a familiar street name. Tenya’s street, I thought. Something inside me sank, dreading just showing up at his doorstep, soaking wet with tears and mud staining my cheeks. But it was the only place to go, and I trusted him more than anyone else in my class. 
The walk wasn’t very long, but it felt like forever. The rain only worsened, I would definitely be getting sick. By the time I got to Iida’s street, my phone died. I continued, walking up the street and stopping at the mailbox reading IIDA. A light was on inside, I could see in the dining room. Tenya sat there with his family, eating dinner. They were smiling, even laughing as his older brother said something, a huge grin on his face. 
I took a deep breath before walking up to their door. I stood for a moment, enjoying the roof over my head before shutting my eyes and raising my fist. 
I took a step away from their door. Eyes willing themselves to open and hands behind my back, gripping my wrists tightly in anticipation. 
A few footsteps came from the otherside before their dark blue door swung open. A woman, blue eyes and black hair, answered with a smile. I opened my mouth for a moment but said nothing. As she studied me, I could see her smile fade lightly and her face contorted into confusion. 
Tenya came up behind her, his brother following behind. His blue widened after seeing me, hand going to the woman’s shoulder and leading her out of the way. 
“Tenya,” was all I could manage for now. “Hi.” 
The girl and Tenya’s brother shared confused looks, then left us alone. Tenya stepped out onto the porch, hand immediately flying to my forehead. 
“You’re cold,” he said. “What’re you doing out in this weather?”
“Can I stay here?” I asked him softly, “just for the night.” 
His head tilted, eyes focusing on me. “Sure,” his hand slipped into mine before he used the other to open his door again. He pulled me in, shutting the door behind us. 
“Stay here,” he told me, gesturing to the welcome mat I stood on. I looked at my feet, wet socks leaving dark wet marks on the fabric. Shit, I thought. Forgot shoes.
The woman peaked from the dining room archway. Tenya’s brother tugging on her shirt, “leave them be, mom.” He whispered. I didn’t look over at them, too embarrassed to look. Instead, I studied the inside of his home. The beautiful stairs leading to the second storey, their living room to the left of me, their dining room on my right. Bookshelves lined their walls, golden trimmed books glittering in the light of their entrance chandelier. 
It wasn’t long before Tenya came back, a grey bath towel with him. He put it around my shoulders, telling me to dry off before he disappeared into the dining room. I pulled the warm towel to myself, covering my face with it in embarrassment. My legs started shaking as my thoughts wandered, tears threatening again. 
I could hear light whispering from where Tenya had gone, a woman’s voice questioning, then Tenya’s voice answering. I inhaled sharply, willing my arms to move so I could dry off before he came back. 
Tenya’s footsteps approached, I kept my gaze limited to the floor, my hair blocking the view of anything else, rain lightly dripping down to the mat. I felt my cheeks burning. 
“Come upstairs,” his voice was calm, understanding. “You need to get out of those clothes, take a bath.” 
I only nodded and let his hand grip mine, letting him guide me upstairs, turning a few corners and into his bathroom. 
“I’m going to start a bath, okay?” He waited for my nod before turning on the water.”Feel this, tell me if it’s too hot.”
I stepped towards the bathtub and reached my hand into the water, “it’s good.” 
He sat on the edge of the bathtub while it filled up, hand still in the stream of water to regulate the temperature. 
“Do you wanna tell me why you’re here?” He asked. His voice was soft, not an ounce of annoyance or grievance coming out. 
“I was kicked out,” I spoke. “No more home for me, I guess.” The light chuckle that left my lips turned to a sob and I quickly breathed deep to stop the impending breakdown from happening. 
“What?” His voice now sounded slightly angry, but still filled with kindness. “Why would your parents do this?”
I didn’t say anything, still trying to hold back my tears. I only shrugged my shoulders pathetically as an answer, and he turned the tap off and stood up. 
“Take a quick bath, you can use anything you’d like in here. I’ll wait outside so just knock once you’re done and I’ll bring you some clean clothes, okay?”
I nodded again, then he left. I let the tears fall from my eyes the moment the door shut. The towel fell from my shoulders and I sniffled back as I peeled the clothes off my body. Stepping into the steaming water, skin tingling as it enveloped me, I finally let myself cry. The water smelt of my favourite scent, something I assumed Tenya added while filling the tub. 
I dipped down, fully submerging myself into the water and coming back up for air. I curled into a ball, arms reaching for the bottles of soaps and creams on the tub corners. I started reading what they were through blurry eyes. 
Birch scented shampoo and conditioner, moisturizing body wash, shea butter body scrub. I used the scrub, rubbing it up my arms and silently crying. 
I took a long bath, testing out every product on his bathtub. I heard his brother come to say goodnight to him, asking if I was okay and then leaving once Tenya told him I would be. His mother came to say goodnight with his father, asking what was wrong and asking if I would be here for breakfast tomorrow morning. 
After a while, the water had turned cold and the bathroom smelt like a mix of Tenya. I reached into the tub, pulling its plug and reaching for the towel. I dried my feet off first, stepping onto the tiled floor and then rubbing the rest of my body until it was slightly dry, no longer dripping everywhere. 
I walked up to the door, giving it three light taps. 
“Can I come in for a moment?” Tenya’s voice came. 
The door handle turned and Tenya walked in, handing me a small pile of warm clothes and then leaving, closing the door shut behind him. 
I dressed myself, then stepped into his hallway. He’d given me dark blue sweatpants and a matching hoodie, both too big for me. I had to pull the drawstring of his sweatpants tightly and tie them into a bow. 
Tenya was waiting in the hallway, leaning against the wall dressed in his pajamas. When I stepped out he quickly turned to me, eyes landing on mine as I finally looked up at him. 
“Did you eat dinner?” He asked quietly. I shook my head, no. “Follow me.” He led me down the hall and into his bedroom, which had the bedside lamp on. A mug of hot tea and bowl of soup were placed alongside the lamp, and glass of water with them. He had set up a mattress on the floor of his room, blankets and sheets fitted on it. 
I started to walk towards it, but was caught by Tenya. “No, you take the bed tonight. Have some soup too, please.”
I turned to him. “Tenya, I can’t take your bed. I’ll be fine on the floor.”
“Please,” he begged. I gave in, walking to the bed and gesturing to him that he sit beside me. I sat cross legged as he handed me the bowl of soup. 
“They don’t like me being a hero,” I managed in between spoonfuls of soup. “Not good enough for them.”
He looked at me. “You don’t need to explain if you don’t wish to,” he said.
“It’s okay, that’s really all they said.” I lied. My mother’s shrill scream of, “don’t bother coming back until you can say you’re done disappointing this family,” ringing in the back of my mind. 
I wished I could fool him, but the look in his eye was showing his true disbelief in my lie. His face was left with a frown, teeth chewing on the inside of his lip while he thought. 
“How could you not be good enough for them?” He asked quietly, but not low enough that I missed it. “You’re an excellent student, an even better hero. You save lives, and it’s not good enough for them?” His voice was starting to rise slightly, anger lacing his tone. 
“Iida please,” I tried to get him to lower his voice. “It’s really not a big deal, they just don’t like heroes, that’s all.” 
“A parent is supposed to be a hero, someone who uplifts their kid’s dreams and supports them.” He was at a normal voice level now, his navy eyes locking with mine. “How could they kick you out over your dreams?”
“My parents aren’t like yours,” I whispered to him, “they don’t understand, just please keep it down.” My hand found its place on his before I knew what was happening and he froze slightly, eyes flickering down to his hand before looking back up at me. 
“You’re amazing,” he whispered. “Just know that. I would’ve died a million times if you hadn’t helped me.” 
I smiled at him, “thank you.” 
“Now please finish your soup, it’s late and if you don’t warm up you’ll catch a cold.”
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please take some time to view my masterlist or navigation pages.
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woozten-x · 5 months
#. 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫 | 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚
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[ ; m.list including other darl+ings! ]
─ Synopsis: Running away from your problems of being the child of a king, you end up stargazing with the God of War.
Underneath the stars, you found beauty within the deity however.
─ Pairing: Deity (God of War)!Joshua Hong x Royal!Gender-Neutral Reader
─ Genre: Fluff/Wholesome, Angst w. Comfort
─ Concepts: joshua is THE god of war!!, joshua lowk condescending and just kinda a smartass (i promise he's nice), reader is lowk whipped, stargazing concept!, conveyance of joshua's violent past, joshua is the angsty one not reader lol, reader comforting joshua<3
─ Count of Words: 1.9k
─ Inspiration of the work: Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun (Manga) + Running Through The Night by Seori + meme of "You're Staring" "You're Beautiful"
❒  a/n: ok so like i had this au in my drafts for SO long...But, the main story including this au with Joshua is taking forever and ive been incredibly lazy to write it LOL. so, ill be introducing this au of Joshua with a drabble / one-shot ! this gives some introduction of how he is like and what to expect of him during this au
other members will be having a fantasy au / based on mythical creatures? type of au. so, there will be other members of svt being a deity or some mythical creature! they will have their own story also.
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Fingers tap lightly against the wet surface, the grass cold against his fingertips and soil moist just underneath his nails. Thoughts raced through his head, his head tilted upwards to face the cloudy sky of the night; the moon and stars shrouded by the dark clouds, as both celestial spared no light from where he sat. The breeze carries through, the wind gently caressing his pale skin and stray strands of black hair is ruffled by the night’s wind.
His eyes fluttered close, a sigh leaving past his lips; a calm rise of his chest then a slow release of his breath, feeling relaxed. It was a quiet night, one where he could sleep easily for the night; or so he thought. Unfortunately for the God of War, he hears approaching footsteps from the distance and his eyes flutter open.
“Joshua, you are here!”
Annoyance expresses from his features, a visible frown appearing on his pink lips upon hearing your voice. Just when he was getting comfortable, you simply had to ruin it for the deity. You approach him, steps heavy along the steep path - “Ah...I didn’t think this would be so steep.” You complain, a huff leaving past your lips as you work your way towards him.
He watches from his spot, only watching how you slowly climb up the hill with a slight struggle. “Maybe you should work out more.” Joshua remarks, his words holding a dryness to them, but spiked with a drip of sarcasm. You loudly scoff, “I'd rather be stuck with one of my father’s lectures about royalty and expectations of being the next leader of the kingdom than physically work my ass off!”
Joshua tilts his head, leaning back on his hands and his legs extended out crossed over one another - “Ah, right. You humans with royal blood tend to be lazy…”
Once you reached him, you let out a sigh of relief before plopping down next to him. Joshua recoils slightly, seeming to adjust his position from where he sat and establish distance between your bodies; you noticed this, but you did not say anything. As you’ve learned, the deity was not fond of physical touch; whether it be accidental or intentional.
You glance at him, observing the way he sits a bit more upright; his body not poised, as before. “I assure you, royals are not lazy. Everyone is just always doing it for us, that’s why.” You say with a shrug, trying to save some bits of pride for being part of a royal family; although, you never wanted to become a royal, you still have a pride to protect!
“Cowards.” Joshua plainly states, a small smirk playing at his lips; oh, a given that he is trying to press one of your buttons. You roll your eyes, “For a God, you really are so mean!” You huff, deciding to act childish in hopes of changing the topic. Despite your childish complaint, Joshua hums in reply, glancing up at the sky once more. The night sky remains dark, empty of stars and only a void of complete darkness.
A silence overtakes the two of you, one that is heavy and you are sometimes unsure on how to speak to him. After all, he is a God, an infamous one at that; though his own reputation never scared you away, it only drew you closer to him like a reckless fool attracted to any signs of danger.
“Why are you here?” Joshua asks suddenly, showing hints of curiosity breaking through the aloof nature he had. You shrugged, “I have no idea.” You said, a lie leaving your lips; you do know why you are here. You have snuck away from the kingdom itself for a reason, and it was apparent to Joshua. His purple gaze had a slight glow, possibly from amusement, at your lie.
Joshua lets out a low hum, “You know how dangerous it is at night.”
Although his words seemed caring, it had no intention of sounding gentle or showing concern for your well-being; it was completely lacking any regards to your personal safety. You sigh, a heavy one that made your shoulders rise then fall - “I just couldn’t sleep that’s all.” You say, a half truth this time. Joshua looks towards you, “Being out here in the cold will help you sleep instead?” He questions, eyeing at you with skepticism.
Maybe as a God of War, he holds a strong sense of nosiness.
Rolling your eyes, you fall back on the soft grass, your back resting against the cold yet soft greenery. You place an arm over your eyes whilst Joshua watches your reaction carefully. With a momentary pause, you finally answered - “I wanted to get away from the kingdom.”
Joshua looks at you, his eyes softening and he slowly turns his head away - “I understand. I think.” He says, a tenderness replacing the tone he held before when you first arrived. “Was today not a good day?” He asks once more, glancing at the sky. Oddly enough, the clouds are beginning to drift apart, revealing the moon that hid behind it.
“It was not good nor was it bad. But, maybe I just felt overwhelmed.” You admit, removing your arm from your eyes. Beyond you, the stars hidden away were revealed and you sit up to point at the star littered sky - “The night is bright, after all!” You exclaim with a grin, a finger pointing towards the stars displayed. Joshua rolls his eyes, already staring at the stars.
“They are just stars.” Joshua said, detached from the sight he has been accustomed to for centuries. Nothing changes within the sky, but his gaze did not fall away; he was captivated and maybe those clouds had drifted him along, away from reality itself. You chuckle at his reply, looking at him to see his expression; as you’ve learned, Joshua is someone who expresses when he thinks no one is looking.
For a moment, the mask melts away and a longing expresses from his round eyes. His amethyst-like gaze only became dull, as those the jewelry embedded had lost its richness; the firm press of his lips, showing how deep in thought he was. Rarely you ever see this side of him, but when you do - an ache resonates in your heart, as he holds a burden of loneliness upon his shoulders.
After knowing Joshua, you learned that it was lonely being a God.
Joshua notices your staring, looking towards you with furrowed brows of confusion. The vulnerability is long gone, as he scowls - “What is it?”
You watched how his eyes hardened, his violet eyes holding a coldness that is always used to push you away. You smile at him, however.
“You are beautiful.”
Confusion expresses from his beautiful face again, but slowly dissipates into embarrassment. Joshua lets out a small laugh of disbelief, his head turning away to avoid looking at you directly; a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. “What are you talking about?” Joshua asks, his voice low…No, small like a mouse. It was endearing to see him so flustered, but you meant it.
“Way more beautiful than the stars above,” You add with a chuckle. You look away, giving him time to compose himself; you glance up at the stars again, sitting back on your hands with a stupid smile on your face. Joshua tenses slightly at your words, your words seeming to clear the haze in his mind; the usual haze he found comfort in, suddenly diminishing and bringing a realization that made his stomach churn.
He is unsure whether to feel disgusted by your words…Or accept it.
But, how could someone like him hold a beauty for anyone to admire?
“You always speak of nonsense.” Joshua says barely above a whisper, glancing down at his hands on his lap. The same hands that hold evidence of the violence he possesses deep within, he is not created to be admired or loved.
You shake your head, looking at him and ready to give your reply; but, you stopped. Anger…No, resentment flares within his eyes, creating an intense glow of violet. You’ve always seen the deity holding a look of arrogance or sometimes joy, but you have never seen this expression. Not even once.
To you, he looked like he was burning; flames of hatred burning him alive at that very moment, and he looked much brighter than the stars above. But, you realized those flames weren’t directed to your words - it was the flames that Joshua always held as the God of War, a showcase of a war that never ended for him.
Joshua, the God of War, hates himself.
Slowly, you reach out towards him, placing a hand on one of his hands. Underneath your touch, he shook and he looked towards you; looking frightened, as though he feared that with one touch you would burn away. But, you did not withdraw, instead you sat still with your hand over his. Your fingers curl around his, grasping onto him with a gentle squeeze surrounding them.
A gentleness that surprised him, one that made his own body tremble slightly; a swirl of emotions whirring inside, his own heart twisting painfully - seeming to punish him for the way things had turned out. Joshua wasn’t supposed to reveal this side to you, he is a God, he needs no pity from a human like you.
“Why?” He sputters out amongst his emotional turmoil, sounding hurt and…Heartbroken. The very question only made you squeeze his hand tighter, realizing the shatter of his own heart; the feared God with a reputation of being the source of chaos - was revealed to be a lonesome God, who was ruined by what he was.
Unexpectedly, tears stream down Joshua’s face, the warmth contrasting his cold skin and falling onto your hand as droplets of his own sorrow. Instantly, you raise your hand to place upon his cheek, your thumb wiping away his tears. Surprised, Joshua moves away from your touch and wipes them away with the back of his hand; he hasn’t cried for centuries, why now? He needed to get away.
Although, his mind tells him to, his own heart desperately craved the tenderness you gave him. The way you looked at him with concern, a look that seems to convey how much you cared for him; he didn’t understand.
Quietly, you watch how he takes shaky breaths, the tears continuing to fall from his delicate eyes - no matter how many times he wipes them away. Leaning forward, you wrap your arms around him, the warmth of your embrace only making him freeze. You held onto him tightly, fingers grasping onto the coat he wore, your head buried in the crook of his neck to hopefully take away his sadness.
His pain.
His hatred.
Gradually, his body relaxes into your touch, a hesitant hand rising to place on the back of your neck. The same hands that handled many things roughly, held a gentleness that contrasts the reputation he held as a God; his fingers warm against your skin, fingertips caressing the back of your neck.
Underneath the stars, Joshua holds onto you, welcoming you into his own embrace.
“Thank you.” Joshua whispers, his arms wrapping around you to alleviate the emotions embedded inside him. After so many centuries, he finally recalled the familiarity of acceptance from you.
For once, this type of warmth felt right.
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aseaofyoongi · 1 year
caught in waves | ksj
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kim seokjin x reader (f)
genre: chef & bmx ksj | strangers to lovers | fluff | smut
rating: mature audiences only (strictly 18+)
summary: after graduating culinary school you are fired from your very first job as a sous chef — so you move to a small town for the summer only to meet the very cute nephew of the restaurant and airbnb owner.
warnings: not another smut au; strangers to lovers; thoughts of self doubt; brief mention of death beginning with the line “sleeping forever would mean.” to the end of that paragraph; parental death (jin’s unnamed mother); foul language; public sex (twice - cause wtf is a bed); clitorial stimulation; vaginal fingering; tongue fucking; six nine (m./f. receiving); face riding; penetrative sex; unprotected sex, wrap it up my brothas and sistas; creampie; riding (cowgirl); brief orgasm denial if you squint; did not proof read so sorry for any errors now; that was a mouth full but i think thats it lol
word count: 13.1 thousand words
posted: june 25, 2023 at 9am
notable songs: tangerine - anthony watts and anthony russo | otro atardecer - bad bunny | summer love - crush | seaside - seb 🎧
The bus was nearly empty. 
Just you and two strangers with two remaining stops on the lined route. From your place at the back of the vehicle life seemed to have stopped and you were sort of trapped in the legato vibrato of the RnB beats playing in your ears. But you were here alone with rows of vacant seats ahead of you — while your eyes aimed at the everlasting fields of green pasture filled with an abundance of trees. The vermilion leaves swayed to the rhythm of the wind as the cool draft swept by gently. 
And while you sat inside the muggy bus you couldn’t help but feel like those leaves who have lost their way from home. The ones who we ripped away from their branches and were on an aimless journey only to end up on the ground. All but forgotten and only to be stepped on and torn to shred in the process. 
That was you. In a stump, torn and forgotten. 
You didn’t always hold that ideal synonymous with your name but the sparse roots in the. . circumstances of life were less than perfect and while you tried to drive down the highway of your early twenties on a steady road there were just numerous obstacles hurdled in your path. Some of which affected your life greatly and derailed you from what you believed to be intended and bestowed upon you. 
Back then, you were twenty-one just fresh off culinary school with zealous ambitions and a hunger for success that gnawed at you eagerly. You had a drive ignited in you like an overbearing fire incapable of being put out. Today, that fire lacked its fuel and there were just clouds of smoke left behind while the ashes of the once burning wood were scattered around. 
Everything in your life has gone to shit. 
In just the matter of months everything has gone to absolute shit. 
You couldn’t hear much, so you weren’t alerted to the mechanical voice triggered by the yellow pull cord. You weren’t quite sure if it was due to the music blanketing your hearing or if your sense had gone completely haywire but you couldn’t hear it. Not at all. Your eyes however could see the rectangular screen displaying the ‘stop now’ bold red letters at the front of the bus and as soon as the doors opened. The doors of the bus door opened and closed and quickly the two other passengers on the bus hopped off leaving you entirely alone. This precise moment; these surroundings, took you right back to the big city and its maze-like roads. It sent you right back to the exact time when you felt like this, entirely desolate and empty in all the worst ways possible. 
You hated it. It was suffocating and you could feel the way your airways began to constrict. You didn’t like that feeling — being alone. Yet, it always crept up on you like a lingering shadow. 
It was always fucking there. 
It wasn’t always that way. Before your sporadic travels to the isolated roads adorned by thousands of skyscrapers — back at home things were different: you had a loving family, and you were wrapped up in the warm embrace of your parents and siblings. A hug so tight sometimes you could still feel their phantom body heat warming up your skin. Their touch was your medicine and with their clutch you were cradled right into a cure for wellness. 
While you craved the warm nature of their love. You couldn’t head back home. Not after descending so harshly from the disappointment of your crushed dreams. You had pierced through earth’s stratosphere and crashed your metaphorical ship right in the middle of nowhere. 
You were astray. Off-course. Adrift. 
You couldn’t head back home. 
It’s only been six months since you left home. 
Just half a year. And everything went to shit. 
Though you knew your parents weren’t usually the type to be painted with looks of disappointment — you knew that right below disappointment sat a worse expression, one you weren’t quite ready to experience just yet: commiseration. The awful and dreadful imbue of pity. 
Their youngest had failed. Miserably. You could already see their torn expressions dashed in the horrid tones of black and white, maybe even a bit of gray. It was bad enough in the flashes of your imagination. 
God, no. You couldn’t head back home. 
Instead you ran as far away from home as you could and headed towards a small town. It was nearly invisible on the map unless under the stern squinting of the eye. But you figured a scenic change would likely bring forth a change of spirits. Perhaps, being enveloped in the vibration of the soft melody coming from the crashing of the oceans waves and the aroma of the tide in this new town could become your new remedy for the soul. 
As you neared the houses toned with aquamarine, salmon pink, and citrus yellow wood sidings the bus began braking softly nearing its final stop. 
“This is the end of the road young lady,” the bus driver announced as you peeled your headphones off, placing them around your neck. 
“Yes. Sorry,” you quickly stood up, clinging your backpack onto your back and hurdling the duffel bag over your right shoulder causing one of the straps to snap. Great. You sighed, “thank you so much.” 
“No need to apologize,” he waved off as soon as you stepped off onto the asphalt, “enjoy your stay.” 
Using the navigation on your phone turned out to be much more complicated than you’d originally thought it would be. There were countless seafood shops and though the repetition of the color on the houses was initially very appealing to the eyes you quickly realized how much harder it made it to differentiate and determine your precise location. 
Okay, currently, you stopped in front of the ice cream shop. To the right there was the souvenir store, the convenience store and the flower shop, along with dozens of other stores scattered all around — all of them sat parallel  to the boardwalk right near the beach shore right across the street. 
Kim’s Aboard. You hummed looking down at the opened up map. The blue dot was highlighted. . Still. So you were at your destination according to this, except, you were not. This was way harder than navigating your way through the big city for the first time all of those months prior. Who would’ve thought small towns would be the cherry right on top of your greatest failures. Just what you needed. What the fuck. 
Sitting on the curb you felt defeated. Feeling as if life had taken control of your life while  you were the punching bag just waiting for another jab. 
“Fuck this,” you shrugged off the duffel bag, sinking your head into your lap, “fuck life. Fuck it all.” 
Minutes passed on but you remained. There. On that lonely sidewalk. Not empty but again lonely. Fuck, you didn’t care okay? You were well past the point of feeling fazed, moving through life but not living, finally succumbing to the presumed complications of your days — officially, having given up mentally and physically through and through. 
You simply did not care. Nope. 
You didn’t. . 
Then, you felt a single droplet land on your skin. From overhead the sky was being consumed by the gloomy darkness, and soon enough you knew the clouds would begin their torrential weeping. Very soon. 
Okay. Maybe you did care after all. 
“I get it,” you hissed up at the heavens, “I am damned. Doomed. Cursed. I get it.”
You probably looked mad. Well, more on the edge of insane. Whatever, it was. It likely did not look good at all. 
“Uh,” he approached you in paced steps but the squeaking of his black finishing boots gave him away. Initially, your eyes were averted to the leaden clouds, but quickly, your eyes met him as he kneeled right beside you. The simplicity of his appearance (composed of dark denim washed overalls and absolutely nothing under — but the radiance of his honeyed complexion) drew you nearer to him. “Are you doing okay, miss?” 
His voice was sweeter than the composition of ballads and while the crashing of the ocean waves against the shore constituted its very own euphonious sonnet, in the shortness of six words listening to him was already so much better — so pleasing. 
“I-uh,” surely you remember how to talk. . Right? “I was just looking for the apartment I’ll be staying at for the next few days but I’m a bit lost.” 
“Here,” he sat beside you and his shoulder brushed yours continuously. It was distracting. Very distracting, “The trick is the town is circular shaped. Sort of like a big round about. There’s one road throughout and if you follow it through, you’ll see everything you need to see.” 
You hummed, signaling you understood his breakdown in small towns for dummies, “So, are all of the stores on this main road?” 
“Most,” he said, adjusting his blue cap now having it face backwards. His toned bicep flexed slightly when he reached up, “but there are some down the road. What store are you trying to find?” 
When you turned towards him you swore there was a glimmer of light shining down on him like a spotlight — except, that was impossible. The day was now gloomy robbing the sun of its usual glimmer. But, you weren’t crazy. You’re living it, clearly experiencing the way his radiant glow nearly blinds you. 
You were clearly gawking at him. Too immersed in the perfection outlined in his features. The richness of his dark chocolate eyes seemed as sweet as a candy bar, his full lips and the apples of his cheeks carried the same elements of the carmine mimicking the vibrancy of roses. 
You cleared your throat forcing yourself to finally rip your stare away from him, “Kim’s Abroad,” you began, “seafood store and restaurant combo but also Airbnb adjacent.” 
He chuckled, again a sound so light and airy it traveled in your inner ear like the whistles of a peaceful tune, “Kim, huh?” 
You opened the Airbnb app, moving the phone over for him to get a better look, “Yeah, Kim is what it says,” you confirmed, 
“Yeah, it does,” he looked at your phone screen, “but you’re in the wrong place.” 
“I’m in the wrong town?” 
His lips were still sculpted into a smile. Was your demise an amusement to him? You were almost offended but dimples were just so mesmerizing as they impaled his bread cheeks and you found some ease in them. Momentarily. But the man sitting beside didn’t go back on his word and suddenly there was no denying the rising panic bubbling deep in your stomach. There was no question that your luck has always been absolute shit but you never imagined it could extend this far. It never occurred to you that something like this could happen. 
You laughed and you weren’t sure if you actually found the situation amusing or if it was only a coping mechanism. Who knows perhaps you misheard what he said — Yeah, you probably. . Definitely, did, “please tell me you’re fucking with me. .” 
“Yeah, I’m fucking with you,” he smirked. The curves of his stretched lips now synonymous with the equivalent of a warm embrace yet the playfulness of a jest, “I’m Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. Kim’s Abroad is my uncle’s shop.” 
“Oh,” you finally exhaled, releasing the breath you didn’t even realize you had been holding in the first place, “you got me good.” 
“Did I scare you?” He stood from the sidewalk and dusted off the bits of sand and gravel from his bottom. 
“Did you scare me?” you huffed, “you damn near killed me.” 
“Well, technically, you are in the wrong place,” he stretched his hand out for you to grab and you did. 
“Don’t even start,” you scoffed playfully. 
“But—“ he cut in, “you’re just on the wrong part of town. Come on. Before it actually starts raining.” 
“You have a car?” 
He shrugged, “something like that.” 
Seokjin did not have a car. You’d digested the grim realization when you two of you walked to the nearby parking lot and instead of approaching the valet he walked the opposite way in the direction of the bicycle rack. 
The bike chained to the rack was blue. . a sapphire which mimicked the color of the ocean waves. It also looked pretty new and like a very competent mode of transportation as everything in this town seemed just a walk or quick ride away. 
 “Hope you don’t mind but I’m not much of a car person,” he emphasized the word car highlighting the stance of his words. And you couldn’t help but wonder why it was — that he wasn’t much of a car person — but you didn’t ask, shoving the plethora of questions right back down your esophagus determining you didn’t need to know. You didn’t know him. . Besides, he was practically your landlord. 
“Of course,” you smiled, tightening the straps on your bag to get it to sit higher on your back, “should I put this here?” you slid your duffel bag off and pointed at the red wagon attached to the bike. 
“Let me help,” Seokjin was toned and built as fuck. You had not really noticed when he approached you ten minutes prior, but now? Now, he was kneeling right in front of you using a variation of ropes to secure your bag in the wooden attachment. And while you hadn’t meant to stare you couldn’t resist the urge to drink in every detail of his every move. 
It was truly like observing an artwork in some museum. . except you had to keep reminding yourself that he was real — This was real. His muscles flexed whenever he tugged on the rope to verify its tightness and his fingers worked diligently to produce an effective knot. His long long fingers. 
Your mind couldn’t help but wonder which other activities he indulged in containing those slender digits of his. 
Focus on yourself; focus on your own journey. You shook your head in an attempt to push those beguiling thoughts aside. 
“Ready?” he asked, straddling the bike and signaling you to hop on the pegs. You simply nodded hoping on, placing your palms on his broad shoulders for support. The contact felt as if his skin had been ignited with tiny strings of fire — kind of like you hovering your palms over a burner on the stove. 
It was distracting; the way the heat particles traveled past the layers of your skin warming you to the touch. 
It was so fucking distracting the way your touch felt at ease against him. 
“This is a very small town but we have a lot to offer,” Seokjin peddled down the street — already sounding mildly out of breath having to carry both your weights. 
Your eyes settled on your surroundings; the road ahead, “I can see that. We have the beach on our left and a cozy vintage town to our right. Believe me, it is all I truly need at this very moment.” 
“What are you trying to escape from reality?” 
“More like—“ as the bike moved deeper into town and against the late afternoon wind you felt a wave of relief in your sweaty scalp and forehead, “I’m trying to get away from it forever.”
He chuckled, “forever’s a long time.” 
“Forever is categorized differently for each person,” you shrugged, “my forever could end tomorrow whereas yours could run its course for an abundance of years.”
“I suppose you’re right. .” he said, “but tomorrow is also forever away.” 
“Tomorrow is forever away.” you repeated. 
Within the cold avenues of the buzzling city tomorrow would be a blink away — sparing all extra hours, minutes and seconds right into oblivion. Tomorrow would arrive in the blink of an eye and twenty four hours would perish right into nothing. However, this town seemed different. An hour here has felt like a wrinkle in time and you were comfortably tucked under that luxury of time. 
Sparing time to stop and take everything in and time to breathe. You were spared all of the time in the world to breathe. Finally. 
Back in the city your life had been sort of a blur. The foundation of your days were composed of half assed obligations. Such as getting up to the boisterous roars of the city (which you hated), getting dressed in clothes you hated all to keep up appearances (which you hated), attending classes in an attempt to perfect your culinary skills (which you hated) and then finally going to work at that fucking restaurant until the late hours of the evening (which you guessed it — you fucking hated). There was nothing to look back on and long for and certainly nothing that you missed as everything you ever dedicated a spec of your time and energy to never truly made you happy. 
There was always a vast hole in your heart. It was huge and it only ever grew in width and no efforts ever minimized its size. The pain was great and all you could ever do was endure. 
The ride so far had been quiet and you found peace in that. It gave you a bit of time to swim in your own thoughts for a bit — something you haven’t done in quite some time. Perhaps, substituting the rustling tracks of the subway and the constant beeping of car horns for the songs of the sea would do you some good. It already kind of was. 
“You doing okay up there?” he asked, continuing to peddle his way down the black paved road. 
“I’m doing okay,” you reassured him. 
“I figured you’d just been taking everything in,” he said, “you’ve been a bit quiet.”  
“Yeah, I’m definitely admiring and loving the scarcity of skyscrapers. I like the build of the ranch-style homes. It gives the curb appeal sort of like a homey feel,” your eyes remain glued to your surroundings. While Seokjin was a sight on his own this town — you were beginning to fall in love with. 
“I agree. It’s the primary reason why I’ve yet to leave,” he parked his bike on the bike rack right in front of the two-story building. The sign read, ‘Kim’s Abroad’ in big red letters engraved in a baby blue outline against the white exterior. “We have arrived.” 
“Seafood restaurant and market,” you mumbled reading the tiny black font displayed right below the vibrant sign. 
“All things seafood restaurant and market,” he repeated, getting a hold of your luggage from his wagon, “we are connoisseurs. Don’t you forget that.” 
You giggled, “Kim Seokjin the seafood connoisseur. Noted.” 
Kim’s Abroad sat on the other side of town. Just a couple of steps away from the blue waves of the ocean crashing against the golden shores. Approximately, a ten minute bike ride away from the main pier. This side of town seemed like a hidden gem, like a slice of privacy for the locals. Though the sidewalks remained occupied with on-goers, it wasn’t as congested or loud as where you began your journey earlier that afternoon. 
Up above the weather seemed to settle down as the nimbostratus clouds were being swept away by lighter; fluffier; whiter clouds highlighting the cerulean hue of the late summer afternoon. The sun also seeped through and already your skin prickled with the rising heat. 
“Let me help with that,” you reached out to grab your backpack. 
“Help?” his eyes wide with shock, “you’re our first guest to offer assistance with their own luggage. I like you.” 
“I’ll wear the stamp of approval proudly.” 
Walking into the restaurant was like entering the multiverse of culinary delicacy. The aroma of the various seafood dishes had your stomach grumbling as hunger began its loud roar. The set-up didn’t allow much space for dining in which explained the small tables and chairs lined up outside. Seokjin walked right up to the counter with a sign right above the register which read, order here. To the right of that there was a display with numerous varieties of fish, shrimp, clams, oysters, lobsters with small chalkboards identifying the prices per pound. 
The interior design of the small shop was fairly simple yet very charming. There were wall decor items hung on the white walls in the shape of different sea creatures and fishing nets drapped from the ceiling. 
Seokjin signaled you over to join him by the register, which you did. 
“Our summer neighbor has finally joined us. She’ll be staying for the summer.” he turned towards you. Quickly, you nodded confirming. 
“Hi, I’m Seokjin’s uncle, Gong. Nice to meet you,” he stretched his hand out over the counter which you quickly shook. Gong wore a tender eye smile and pearly white teeth that glimmered under the sneaky rays of the sun invading the shop. You introduced yourself hoping to reciprocate the same amiability. 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you added, “I’m really looking forward to spending the summer.” 
“We’re glad to have you give our little town a chance,” he said softly, “Seokjin, why don’t you show her where she’ll be staying. Then, you can come down and grab some food for the two of you.” 
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The residential area was deeper into the property. Just a couple of feet behind, Kim’s Abroad. You’d notice there was a continuation of the color white — it was neutral. But also made the small living space seem a bit bland. Colorless walls encaged a small kitchen which led right into the living room. There were two medium sized oval windows facing the ocean. A view you knew you’d spend a lot of time admiring and never getting tired of. 
Seokjin signaled over to the wooden door separating the bedroom from the living space. The bedroom was huge compared to your dorm back in University, and it was accompanied by an on suite bathroom. 
Thank God. 
If there was something you hated while in school it was the fucking communal bathrooms. The working around schedules to avoid the crowded showers, having to do your. . . Well having to take a shit (practically in public) was less than ideal and having to share bathrooms amongst ten other girls was not the most hygienic living situation you’ve had to live through.  
After dropping your bags near the bedroom door you plopped down on the full sized bed. You closed your eyes as tiredness weighed heavy on your eyelids. 
With the fluffiness of the mattress carrying your body, you sensed the way every bone, every muscle and every inch of you became cumbersome against your better judgment.  Though you tried and tried to sit up you couldn’t. It was so fucking impossible. . As if there was a ton sitting on your abdomen preventing you from doing anything. 
You were exhausted. Numb to your surroundings and your thoughts. You had honestly forgotten Seokjin was still in the room with you — that was until you felt the mattress dip right beside you. His body heat radiated off of him in waves and the warm sensation comforted you closer to a deep slumber. 
“Are you still up to eating or are you too tired?” Seokjin mumbled. His voice, so soft and poise almost as if he was afraid to blow your tympanum. 
Your eyes still remained closed. Behind them there was an invasive darkness — much darker than the night sky but there was also peace and all you wanted to do was to succumb to that very feeling. 
It kept you high and you felt light as a feather. You had never engaged in drug usage but you imagined this is what it felt like to be intoxicated. 
“I’m hungry but I’m also so tired,” you yawned almost instinctively, “I just want to sleep forever and ever.” 
“Sleeping forever would mean. . Well, you know. .” You know what he implied and though, that’s not initially what you meant you wouldn’t mind that either. Sleeping forever was peaceful and would spare you the burden of figuring out whatever the fuck your life has turned into. Imagine falling into a deep slumber and roaming over into the afterlife peacefully; serenely. Or maybe not. There were a million thoughts etched onto your brain and while you tried to make sense of it all, you couldn’t. You didn’t mind it but there was also a tug at your heart just urging to allow yourself to see things through. 
“I just meant. .” you paused, “I just meant I’m really really tired.”
“I know. .” he stood from where he sat on the bed and your eyes met him by the door. “Are you still down to get food though?” 
“Have you heard my stomach?” His smile was contagious as you'd quickly learned as a smile was painted on your lips as soon as his lips carved into a bright beam almost as illuminating as the golden star prancing in the late afternoon sky, “I think hunger trumps sleep at this moment.” 
That was a fib. But you didn’t really feel like being left alone with your thoughts at the moment — they were loud, overwhelming and deprecating.  To be honest you’d been lonely for way too long and you hated basking in the solitude of your own company. It’s not what you wanted or what you needed. 
Perhaps, tomorrow will be kinder. 
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The sun was less brutal now. 
Likely, because the sun was en route to kiss the ocean as it continued to move closer and closer towards the horizon. The blazing star still had quite a journey ahead but it no longer sat in the middle of the sky shining down with its stinging rays. 
Late afternoons were always your favorite part of the day. Back in the city the congestion of buildings on every street wouldn’t allow for this kind of life; for a scenery like this — and again you began to feel at ease in your heart. You love it. The loud cackling of the neighborhood kids, the sound of skateboards, skates and bikes against the pavement, the smells of backyard barbecues and the briny waters just ahead, which was technically your front yard for the summertime. 
Back in the metropolis you’d learn to suffer through each passing day. Falling into the safety nets of routines and hoping for a better tomorrow.  
There was never fulfillment or satisfaction, just emptiness. A profound and very overbearing emptiness that swallowed you from the inside right into a dark pit of nothingness. 
“I hope you’re not vegan or anything,” Seokjin took a seat right beside you on the ledge of the building, your legs dangling from the edge, “otherwise we’d have to head back into town for some more dining options.” 
“I’m not vegan,” you confirmed. 
“Good, cause uncle Gong made us some crab cakes. He swears they’re his specialty but it’s my recipe,” he beamed. 
“Bullshit. .” I raised my eyebrow at his claim. 
“I’m serious!” he took a bite of the fritter, “well actually it was my mom’s but she taught me how to make it.” 
Was. Past tense. Did he realize he’d refer to his mother’s existence in such a way? He must’ve. Then, that would mean she’s no longer here. . No longer in Seokjin’s life. Did she abandon him or did she pass away? There were a million questions roaming around in your head but again you didn’t dare ask. 
Though, it was hard to imagine him caged in the torment of sorrow. Sure, everyone experiences it sooner or later but it just didn’t seem like him. You’d met him just a couple hours prior and you could already tell Seokjin was a bright soul. With a tender gaze that wrapped you up like a warm blanket and a smile that could ease any burden or pain even in the absence of words.
Already, you’d felt closer to him than anyone you had crossed paths back in the despondent sidewalks of the city. 
Seokjin is a friend. He is your friend. 
“Well, her recipe is amazing,” you utter in between bites, “so thank you for passing it on to your uncle to make.”
“It was my pleasure,” he smiled. 
A brief silence fell between the two as you finished your meal but you didn’t mind the lack of words. It was just the two of you, the lullaby of the waves, and the orange and pink hues set the sky ablaze as the sun continued its journey sinking deeper into the horizon.
Life here seemed to come right out of a painting — sort of like those you would see hung on the wall of an art exhibit and be completely divulged into, finding shelter behind the intricate lines and vibrant colors. 
“Where are those kids headed?” you asked, nodding towards the kids speeding down the street in skates and skateboards. 
“There’s a skatepark down the street,” he said, “I ride my bike there all the time whenever I wanna run away from kitchen duty.” 
“Kitchen duty?” you tittered. 
“You think I’m bullshitin’ again don’t you?” 
“You said it, not me.” 
He shook his head, laughing quietly at your playful banter, “do I not seem like a chef who also happens to be into bmx?” 
“I’d have to see you partake in both of those activities to believe it,” you shrugged. 
“I’m on prep duty early morning so I’ll get back to you on the cooking thing but we can begin with the skate park tomorrow,” Seokjin offered. 
“Tomorrow it is.” 
Seokjin swung back and forth, he seemed to have something on his mind but his lips remained sealed until finally he spoke, “What about you? Do you have any hobbies?” 
“Yeah,” you picked at the blue chipped nail polish on your nails, “I went to culinary school actually. I was a sous chef back in the city but I was fired.” 
“Oh, shit,” Seokjin’s eyes were the size of pool balls, “Led me right into the lion’s den. Didn’t you? Now, I can’t cook for you. You’d put me on the chopping block.” 
“I promise I won’t,” you clasped your hands together, “Contrary to what you might believe, cooking is not my passion.” 
“Parents?” he didn’t need to elaborate, you understood perfectly. 
“Kind of. .” You moved your head from side to side, “They didn’t really influence my decision but my dad’s a chef and I thought I needed to be just like him.” 
“And you learned you didn’t?” 
“Exactly,” you nodded. 
“So what’s your true passion?” 
“Art. I’ve always wanted to illustrate books,” you turned away sensing you’d peel too much back. Perhaps, you have. Perhaps, not but no one had ever asked you that before. No one has ever shown even the slightest interest in learning what fills your heart with joy and consumes your days with a sense of accomplishment, “it was my minor in college.” 
“You should go for it.” 
“You don’t even know if I’m good..” 
“I don’t need to,” he tilted his head in your direction, he was glowing — truly the textbook definition of beauty, “I can see the way your eyes twinkle at the mere mention of it. You should do what makes you happy.” 
“What makes you happy?” 
“This place.” His words weren’t elaborate yet somehow you kind of understood exactly what he meant. 
“What makes you stay?” 
“That’s what keeps me here,” he nodded signaling out to something in front of him but you couldn’t really decipher what he was pinpointing. 
Finally, your thoughts settled, “the people?” 
“The tide,” his chestnut eyes remained on the scenery laid out in front of the two of you. Then he continued, “it’s always serene; peaceful. And even in the havoc of storms the ocean manages to sing a tune that fills me with comfort. It calms me down.” 
“The tide.” You mumbled in solidarity with his words. Because it was true. The ocean was a music box kept open and the more you sat and listened the more at ease you felt. 
As if you were meant to be here, like you belonged here, right where you were. 
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Remnants of the night before flashed in your mind and you remember Seokjin’s sweet words as he communicated that the roof was your official hideout as it was closed off to the public and uncle Gong despised climbing anymore stairs than he had to — a place where only the two of you could escape to and just get to know each other for hours and hours. You really liked the sound of that. 
You yawned, rubbing sleep off of your lids and walking into the bathroom to carry out your morning routine. Soon, you moved over to the kitchen preparing yourself a quick breakfast composed of eggs and toasts. After your rooftop adventure Seokjin had accompanied you back into the main part of town to grab a few groceries at the mini super market. Thank God for that. 
Time was now nearing the late afternoon and after throwing on a pair or shorts and a crop top you were flying out the front door, down the stairs and towards Kim’s Abroad. Seokjin said he had the early shift today. It was too early in the day for customers but he was helping with prep before the restaurant opened in about 15 minutes for the lunch rush. 
“You ready?” he asked, exiting the shop through the back door and hanging his apron on a hook you couldn’t particularly see. It was astounding how fine Seokjin looked even in the simplest outfits. Like today, he wore denim shorts which cut off mid-thigh, a white tank, black converse and the same backwards blue baseball cap which he tucked his floppy bangs under to keep them away from his face. 
“Ready.” you confirmed following him to the bike rack as he began unlocking his bicycle from the metal bar. 
Again, for the third time since you two met you hopped on the pegs placing your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself from falling off the back of his bike. You looked down at his soft golden skin stretching over his massive shoulders. You hadn’t noticed the day before but Seokjin was well-built. The dark veins stretched up the dorsal side of his hand and forearm as he gripped the handlebars steering the bike down the street. His bicep flexed whenever he pressed on the hand brakes. 
It was distracting. But whenever you tried to take in your surroundings and drink in the beauty of this town you found your gaze focused on him. 
He was the swirls of black and white psychedelic lines inducing you into a state of hypnosis — demanding your attention be set on him and refusing you spare even a second thinking of anything else. 
That gravitational pull you felt drawing you closer to him despite how close in proximity he was terrifying. You barely knew him and already you felt as if you’d known him forever. 
“We’re here,” he said, pulling up to the green metal bench inside of the skate park. Hoping off, you finally peeled your eyes away from Seokjin and looked ahead to the crowded park adorned with ramps, stairs, rails, dips and countless other obstacles.
“What if. .” you began, ogling the kids successfully landing their tricks, amazed by their effortless talent, “what if they get hurt?” 
“They stand up and just try again.” Surely, it couldn’t be that simple. It must hurt. It had to hurt. Your past of disdained misfortune resulted in you landing on the floor, head first, one too many times which hurt like hell. Those were slips and stumbles nothing hard enough to cause any real damage — you really couldn’t imagine busting your ass here on this fucking concrete. 
“Standing back up must hurt so fucking bad though.” 
“It does,” he pointed out the scars adorning his upper and lower extremities — some healed, some not. 
“So you spend a lot of time with these kids huh?” you asked, simply wanting him to open up a bit more; to learn all of the details unique to him. Those details which made Seokjin who he was.
“Sometimes. When I’m not in the shop,” he shrugged, taking a seat right beside you on the bench. His thighs rubbing up against yours, “don’t go judging me for hanging around here on my down time. I’m not the only twenty year old in this skate park.” 
“I wasn’t judging.”
“Your eyes tell.” 
“Are you saying I’m easy to read?” you asked, his eyes shed their usual tone of dark brown under the sun rays now glowing closer to caramel. 
“Right now you are,” you didn’t know if you were daydreaming but his vision continued to circle your features, first back and forth between your eyes and then lower down to your lips. 
“Are you going to show me what you got or are you just going to sit here all afternoon,” your voice barely above a whisper. You were afraid your stupid mind would lead you to do something stupid. 
“Actually. .” he pulled a pair of white and purple skates from the backpack he previously carried on his back, “we’re here for you.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Why not?” 
“I know we only met approximately twenty-four hours ago but I have a confession to make,” you cleared your throat and he moved closer towards you, (As if that could even be possible. . He was practically sitting on top of you), wanting to preserve your privacy, “I’m a klutz. I’m clumsy. I am a walking liability.” 
“Now, you’re just making things up.” 
You shook your head, “I’m not making it up.” 
“If that is the case then it’s okay,” he pushed the skates closer in your direction, “I’m here to help.” 
“I just hope you have a first aid kit near.” 
Seokjin reached into his bag showing me a red pouch with a white cross on it. A wide smile plastered on his face. “I’m always ready.” 
“Of course, you are,” you grabbed the skates from his hands, “ but I’m expecting you to catch me if I fall.” 
“I will, don’t worry. I’ll always be here to catch you.” 
In the middle of your chest, where the seat of your soul beat rhythmically on its day to day course, today in that moment, after those two words were uttered from his dulcet lips there was a stutter in your palpitations and for a brief moment you felt a ping at your chest. It hurt so much — but it also reminded you that you were alive. 
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Beads of sweat strolled down your temples as you tried to maneuver the roller blades strapped to your feet. Your balmy palms remained clasped against Seokjin's holding on for dear life. Your eyes were glued to the floor but you continued leaning into his guidance, determining that you would get it and you would not stop until you did. 
Seokjin was extremely patient. Even with your frequent squealing and the death grasp you maintain, he remained calm. Slowly guiding you over the small ramps and the mini cylindrical cone shaped obstacle with the flat tops. 
“You got this,” his words of encouragement dozed you with overconfidence and soon you began feeling invisible. As if you could conquer this and anything else thrown your way no matter how big or difficult. 
With his guidance and instructions you continued being led around the skatepark with your knees slightly bent, your upper body leaning towards him for balance and the slowed gliding of the eight wheels against the pavement. 
“You’re doing great,” he wore a gleeful grin.
You didn’t know if his praise was tainting your lack of better judgment but the words escaped your lips before you even realized what you said,  “can I try it by myself?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I forgot your helmet, knee and elbow pads,” he guided you towards the green bench once again, “let’s keep your first lesson simple. Just until we come back with the proper equipment. Yeah?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I think that was the adrenaline talking.” 
“I hope that means you’ve enjoyed yourself.” 
“Of course, as long as I’m invited I’ll definitely be tagging along more often,” you smiled. 
“You’re always invited.” 
Unlike the betrayal of your tremulous legs and arms while skating Seokjin maneuvered his bike with confidence. He dropped into the bowl without hesitation, then jumped. . levitating in mid air. You were stunned, it was as if he could fly — soaring in the sky like an eagle. He did it again, and again, and again and you cheered him on loudly hoping to reciprocate a fraction of the support he’d expressed as he helped you skate. 
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“How did you even manage to do that. . without even breaking a sweat?” you were still stunned as the two of you walked down to the shore after leaving his bike back home after leaving the skatepark. Home. Well, temporary home. 
He shrugged, still a cocky smirk planted on his lips, “I used to practice a lot.” 
“You’ve got to teach me to do all of that.” 
“First, I gotta teach you to not fall off your skates.” 
“Right,” you smiled. 
The two of you walked right beside each other leaving no room for space in between — your hands kept brushing against one another and that friction alone radiated prickles of heat to crawl on your skin. 
“You’ll get it soon,” he leaned towards you, bumping his shoulder into yours, “you’re an amazing student. . So far.” 
“So far?” you gasped, taking fake offense at his meager ‘compliment’. 
“So far,” he nodded, “. . because you also did try to go off riding on your own after one lesson.” 
“I didn’t go off running,” you rolled your eyes, “I asked if I could. Drama queen.” 
“Because I was holding on.” 
You shook your head, “again, drama queen.” 
You and Seokjin walked on the sidewalk parallel to the shore line for quite some time now but he kept babbling about this secret spot he swore was worth it. Without a line of questions or an inch of hesitation you followed along knowing that each adventure promised contained a photo album of memories in your mind to go along with it. Still, you didn’t mind the distance and you didn’t care what the destination looked like as long as the plans involved having Seokjin presence right there with you.  
“This way,” he said, cutting down a small pathway leading towards the beach, “I don’t think your flip flops will cut it though,” 
“We’re not too far from the house. I could go back for some sneakers.” 
“There’s no need for that. We’re practically almost there. Come on,” he crouched down in front of you. Was he really insinuating you’d do what you thought he was? “Hop on.” 
Whoever said Mt. Everest was the highest peak on planet Earth was fucking lying.  Though, you have never found yourself on the mountains’ slope, already, you knew being carried on Seokjin’s back was far more exhilarating than any other journey you could embark up the Himalayas. From his back, the world seemed anew. It was brighter, clearer and scorching too. You weren’t really sure if that was because his height boosted you a bit closer to the sun or if it was because his palm rested on your bare thighs, holding you in place as he ascended down the large rocks. 
Perhaps, this is the kind of freedom he felt while riding his bike at the skatepark, quickly you began to understand why he chose that high. 
“Are you doing okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Except you weren’t. His touch was ardent against your skin and while it felt like you played too close to fire, it was also addicting. All you knew is you wanted to feel that blaze on every inch of your body consuming you into lively flames. 
“We’re almost there.” 
“Hey Seokjin, can I ask you a question?” 
“Whatever you wanna know. I’ll answer,” you wrapped your hands around his neck, resting your elbows on his shoulders. His warm breath fanned your arms causing goosebumps to etch on your skin. For a brief second he rested his head against your forearm before continuing, “but first please call me you gotta start calling me Jin.” 
“Jin,” you mumbled, “it suits you.” 
He chuckled, “you had a question?” 
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “back at the skatepark you said you used practiced a lot. . on your bike.” 
“I did.” 
“You’re still referring to it in past tense.” 
“I am.” 
“Why?” you really didn’t want to push too far but you also had a desire to ask and know. 
“BMX, the competitions,” he began, “it’s something I did in the past.” 
You furrowed your brows, “But you still do it. What I mean is you still go to the skatepark.” 
He sighed, where was something weighing on his heart. You could feel it, “Yeah, now it’s just a pastime. Something I hold onto. Just to have some sort of life line between the old me and the present version myself.” 
You and Jin were polar opposites. While he chose to dwell in the past, in the blink of an eye you ditched yours back in the city. Without hesitation you abandoned your sluggish life as a caterpillar lurking through the shadows of skyscrapers — awfully slow and urging a better brighter tomorrow. Metamorphosis indicates that after the cocooning stage the insect should blossom into a beautiful butterfly. You weren’t at that last stage yet but you hoped one day you would be. 
“What was the old you like?” 
He shrugged with sour thoughts tugging the corner of his mouth downward, “I was young. . way too young obviously and naive but I also urged for calmer waters.” 
“Did riding help out?” you asked. 
“It did. It helped quite a lot for a long time,” he mumbled, “. .until it didn’t anymore and now I guess I’m trying to make peace with it.” 
“Is there a particular reason why it ever stopped helping?” You felt his muscles tensed as his slender fingers sunk a bit deeper into your skin. It didn’t hurt but you’d hit something you were trying to avoid, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” his feet finally came in contact with the golden grains of sand but he didn’t make any effort to put you down. No, he only held on tighter, “it just drags along a string of. .” he paused, “memories.” 
“Bad. . memories?” 
“Bad memories,” he confirmed. 
The ocean sang its soulful tune just a couple of feet away as the waves continued their rhythmic crashing on the shore. It was soothing. . peaceful and it eased your nerves against his warm palms. 
“During that time. .”  he began, sighing heavy as the soles of his feet continued sinking into the sand as you trotted further down the beach, “I was wandering around aimlessly—in my head for too long. I lost someone close. Someone who I loved more than I even tolerate myself.” 
“Jin, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” there was a slight tremble in his voice, as if he was trying to get a massive knot down his esophagus, “it happened years ago.” 
“Still, time measures no grief. It must’ve been hard then and it probably still is,” unconsciously, you found yourself laying your head against the back of his neck, “but it is okay to feel, and cry and allow ourselves time to process and make our own peace. We’re only human after all.” 
“I’m still trying to make peace with it everyday but I choose to remember our positive days,” his eyes focused on the footprints he left behind on the sand, “her love, her embrace and tenderness, her charisma. . it was very easy to love her.” 
Her? Her. 
The only woman he’s ever referred to in the past tense was his mother shortly after the two of you met. You wanted to ask and express proper condolences. Not to be nosey but to be there for him and provide a shoulder for him to lean on. Make sure he’s actually okay, although he seems to be dealing with things well you still don’t want to trigger any melancholy memories. 
“The good memories will keep her alive and grounded in your heart,” your hand hovered over the center of his chest. “I’m glad you’re on the road to making peace.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“You should continue riding though,” you murmured, “Despite what happened I’ve seen you soar on your bike. It makes you happy and you should do what makes you happy.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he giggled, “I see what you’re doing.” 
You gasped, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Of course not,” he laughed. 
“I mean it though.”
“I know,” his hands roamed higher down the avenue of your thighs a bit closer to your bum but not quite. The feeling was sensational—vertiginous and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t read through all of the scenarios blooming in your head. . The ones where his touch doesn’t  just stop mid way up your thighs. No, instead he continues inching higher and higher until. . “Thank you,” 
His words pulled you out of your daydream yet you still felt the despotic heat coursing through your body. Too potent to ignore. 
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Seokjin’s secret spot is breathtaking. A monument right out of a National Geographic magazine cover. The two of you lay in the small cave with an oculus skylight at the top allowing the sun to peek through when it sat high on the cerulean sky along with two archways opened right up to the roaring sea. 
The grains of the golden sand felt therapeutic and warm under your indolent frame. There was a brisk breeze cooling you down, not too cold but just cool enough to dry your previously balmy skin. 
It was a slice of heaven. . right here, right now. 
And Jin, he laid right beside you his body heat radiating in eminent waves. Finally his dark strands on full display no longer hidden under the cap the way it’s been since you met him days prior. His shirt was off displaying his sculpted physique which captivated your attention entirely. 
Seokjin’s secret spot is breathtaking but so was he. And fuck was it blinding the way he was shining brighter than the amber star overhead. He was ravishing; stunning through and through. 
“Was the trip worth it?” he asked, his dark eyes burning a hole at your side. 
“I barely made as much as a trip, you carried me the entire way here,” you scoffed, “is your back really doing okay?” 
He rolled his eyes, “for the hundredth time my back is doing just fine.” 
“So, let me ask you, was the trip worth it with me on your back the entire time?” your expression was deadpanned.
“Wrong question. .” he smirked. “Did my hands and back find comfort in carrying you the entire way? Yes.” 
His hands on you. Your mind flashed in spurs to that very moment where his warm touch birthed goosebumps on your skin. Quickly, that feeling became looped in your mind and even now, when his hands were no longer on you, you felt it—God, you felt it. 
“And the truth comes to light,” you tutted, kissing your teeth and shaking your head in disapproval, “is that all you wanted? To feel me up, Jin?” 
The apples of his cheeks were dusted in a deep roseate shade, “I mean. . it’s not all I wanted.” 
“Are you blushing, Seokjin?” you mumbled, “I thought this was a confessional. I mean you enjoyed having your hands on me the entire way here, right?” 
“Right,” The crimson shade traveled to the tips of his ears. He’s bashful; how cute. 
He hummed. 
“I also enjoyed it,” you said, “it’s too bad though.”  
“What is?” His eyes were doe-like, holding a luminous glimmer which projected the intricate ocean waves on them as they continued rocking right before you. 
“Your hands never really made it where I needed them.” 
He gulped, “and where was that?” 
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about,” your fingertips toyed with the button of your shorts. Typically, you weren’t this forward and simply let your misfortune map the adverse roads of your life but today you didn’t care to fight against yourself. You wanted him. You needed him, “of course, we can pick up where you left off and actually progress higher this time.” 
“Yeah,” he nodded. 
“Are you okay with that?” 
“I’m so okay with that.” 
“Is that the only way in?” you pointed in the direction the two of you came in. 
“Boats can pull up through the archways as well,” Jin’s bottom lip was tucked under his lips and his gaze devouring you entirely. 
Of course, you began the show by slipping your hands under the fabric of your denim shorts. Your middle finger began drawing vertical lines against your clothed slit—dragging it slowly. Up and down, again and again, until the friction became useless to your zealous desire. 
“Then, we better be quick,” you breathed out. 
“I better be quick,” he emphasized moving closer to you. 
The shadows of his face were so close to yours you could draw out every little feature and decipher the hints of eucalyptus and mint from his morning shampoo. Your hands landed on his cheek, leading him closer to you; pressing your bodies to one another. 
Seokjin’s lips were warm and soft like velvet moving in a uniformed dance against yours. It was slow yet passionate as if he was trying to savor every inch of your lips—as if he wanted to be consumed by the taste of your tongue. 
The pads of his fingers left behind a trail of goosebumps as they moved lower and lower, until they came in contact with your shorts. In a swift moment he unbuttoned them and began drawing small figures onto your skin right where the hem of your panties sat. 
Between his lips and his touch you felt inebriated, as if you were mindlessly roaming around somewhere between the clouds and the sky. 
He pulled away but his forehead rested on yours. His lips still hovered over yours as his paced pants fanned his cool breath on them. 
“Can I. .?” 
“Please, Seokjin. Please touch me,” the pleads dripped from your lips semi-automatically and you had to admit there wasn’t a hint of shame to hold you back. 
There was nothing on earth more exhilarating, more enlivening than the feeling of Jin’s hands sinking under the fabric of your silk underwear. Not riding a roller coaster, not climbing the highest mountain on earth, not even winning the fucking lottery. His touch was intoxicating. . just like his kisses and there was nothing you’d rather feel. Except, probably a bit, more. 
“Faster, please,” you whined, swaying your hips against his touch as he drew circles on your aching clit. If obeying and compliance was a stern trait then it is one Jin conveyed with no push backs or arguments. 
“Tell me something doll,” his fingers traveled lower lining up against your entrance. He pressed against your cunt but never pushed past—the squelching of your wetness echoed in your ears. It was all you could hear, “did you ever think we’d be in this predicament this early on?” 
You gasped, urgently shaking your head as his fingers became wrapped in your walls moving in and out of you slowly, “I-I didn’t. But I did hope for it.” 
He sneered, “you hoped for it, huh?” 
“Dreamt of it on my first night here actually.” 
“I dreamt of it too, you know,” he whispered softly, his lips traced the shell of your ear, “the way you’d feel, your sweet sounds, the way you’d be clenching around me the exact same way you are right now.” 
His name was a mantra laced on your tongue and you uttered it once and once again as if it was muscle memory. The only thing, the only name coherent enough in your head—the only one you knew, which was probably true. You couldn’t even recall your own. 
But he had no mercy on you, his digits had no mercy on you—they just moved in and out of your slickness quicker and quicker as time progressed and you were so close, you practically stood at the edge as your orgasm approached in a massive wave. 
“Please,” you moaned, “please let me-“ 
He shook his head, “Just a bit longer, doll.” 
You hadn’t even realized your eyes were shut tight, the back of your eyelids tainted with desperation. And Jin was no longer stationed beside you, instead he kneeled in front of your bent legs spreading them farther and farther away from each other. 
The ocean still sat just a couple feet ahead, still singing that soulful song which eased your nerves the longer you laid on that very sand waiting—urging for Jin’s touch on you. 
It was all you could think of. . the way his touch burned trails of passion on your skin leaving behind a desire so potent that you just couldn’t extinguish without his help.  
He was the only one who could put it out. 
Seokjin removed both your shorts and panties leaving them pooled at your ankles. His austere gaze remained on your cunt and he seemed to be drinking in every detail of your blossomed rose. 
“Beautiful,” he mumbled, almost inaudibly.  
“Jin,” your eyes, your voice both dripped with desperation. 
He nodded understanding your unspoken command almost instantly inching closer and closer between your thighs until his face sat just a couple inches away. His tongue was frigid against your slit it weaved a bolt of electricity intertwined along the ridges of your spine. A gasp escaped your lips as he perfected the combination of sucking and licking your sensitive bud before dragging his flattened tongue along your folds. 
A delectable repetition. One, more saccharine than any dessert you’d had the burden of making back during your days in the kitchen. 
This was better. It was so much fucking better. 
Seokjin’s slurp noises against you, your sweet incoherent sounds and the cries of the ocean were one in the same. All of them were the end product of an orchestrated ballad. 
“Jinnie,” your nails massaged his scalp before gripping his face, pushing him closer to you. God, you needed him closer. So much fucking closer. 
“Yes, doll?” His words almost muffled an evident refusal to stop what he was doing. 
“Can I h-help you out?” 
“With?” he continued. 
“Even from up here I can see how tight your shorts have become,” you hissed, “I want you in my mouth while you eat me out.” 
Seokjin pulled away. Your juices coated his chin and mouth, “That’s fine baby, but I want you sitting on my face.” 
Jin took your spot sprawled out on the sand. You climbed on top of him, placing your knees on either side of his face claiming your seat on his features. His hands snaked around your thighs, pulling you down, positioning your soaked cunt to be aligned with his mouth. Meanwhile, you leaned forwards helping him pull down and finally kick off his briefs. 
Seokjin was big. Bigger than you’d imagined. 
Your hand wrapped around the base of his cock as you took his tip past your lips, finally getting a taste of his pre-cum. At the same time you felt him take a swipe on your fold before his eloquent tongue dug inside you diligently licking your walls, ridding them off your juices. 
The iteration of a sinful melody. Building up tension in the pit of your stomach while your back arched and your toes curled. 
Though, you tried to focus on the way his cock moved in and out of your mouth—his deathly grasp on your thighs and his tongue. . It was all too distracting. 
“Fuck, Jin,” you keen too dazed in pleasure to fully grasp the way you tugged on his hair keeping his head in place as you began to grind on his face, finally succumbing to the urgency of reaching your approaching peak. 
He hummed under you, leading your unoccupied hand down to his cock and guiding it up and down his shaft. This went on for some time. Felt like forever and then finally he came in warm spurts coating your hand. And that very image drove you to your climax as he licked you dry. 
Carefully, you climbed off his face and laid right beside him, his chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breath. 
Your name sounded like peaches in his strained voice, “you. . that was amazing.”  
“You’re amazing,” you giggled, “but once again you did all the work.” 
“I don’t mind doing all the work,” he leaned over leaving peppered kisses on your cheek. 
“You say that to all the girls who occupy the Airbnb?” 
“Nope,” he emphasized the p, “just you.” 
“I find that hard to believe. Just look at you.” 
“You think my charms and good looks are hard to resist?” he beamed. 
“That and the third leg in between your thighs.” 
He laughed. “Well, believe it. You’re the only girl I’ve done. . anything with for years.” 
Your heart beat rhythmically in your chest at the utterance of his confession. His words didn’t mean much at all but you couldn’t help the fluffers in your head and the way your stomach felt so giddy you thought you’d vomit. 
It felt foreign but you welcomed it nevertheless. You liked that feeling. 
“You wanna go swimming?” you asked. 
“Skinny dipping?” he quirked a brow. 
“You’re not worried about someone coming?” 
“If someone’s come in for the past like fifteen minutes they saw me neck deep in your pussy,” he stood up taking off his shirt and leaving his shorts behind before running towards the aquamarine waves, “I don’t really think it matters anymore.”
“If?” you asked following behind him. 
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The day before yesterday was a dream. 
A dream, no a wet dream. Composed of your fervent fantasies. And you? You lived in that cave and you probably would for the rest of your time here. Dwelling on his warm touch on your skin—goosebumps rose on every inch of your body causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand straight. 
Your fingers followed the trails he’d mapped on your body, paved so intricately, they were so easy to follow and all roads led to the same exact place. 
You were so wet, but you probably had been ever since that day. Was that normal? You didn’t care, you just wanted him to touch you again. 
There was a knock on the door waking you right out of your daydreams. Grabbing your robe you wrapped it around your figure before heading towards the door. 
“Hey,” you opened the door standing aside allowing him to come in. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been MIA since yesterday,” he kissed your cheek—you guys weren’t nearly official but it kind of felt like you were. . or you hoped so anyway, “Uncle Gong has been on edge lately. There’s another seafood restaurant opening up on the pier. It's got him going crazy.” 
“Crazy prep hours?” 
He sighed before slouching down on the couch, “crazy prep hours,” he confirmed. 
“You must be so tired,” you cooed, “do you want anything to eat? I can make you something.” 
“I’m okay, besides food is not exactly what I’m craving.” 
“Hm,” you straddled his lap. “Then, what is?”
“I should’ve kissed you after I ate you out yesterday,” his hands slid under your robe kneading your upper thighs, “you would’ve gotten a chance to see how addicting you taste.” 
His phone began buzzing, it was Uncle Gong. Jin sighed before pressing the accept button and in a matter of seconds you heard the older man’s voice in a frantic banter. 
You were one hundred percent sure it wasn’t Uncle Gong’s intention to cockblock but you just wanted Seokjin to stay and fuck you into the mattress. 
You were still dripping just thinking about it. However, by the look on his face you were certain he had other news—ones which hindered your fantasies of early morning sex. 
“I gotta go.” 
“Do you have to?” you whined. 
“I don’t want to,” he leaned over, leaving a kiss on your lips. It was brief and your body screamed for more but you didn’t vocalize it. Instead you sat in silence as he continued to carry out a mental battle attempting to find a victo. He had to go, you knew that much. You also knew he wanted to stay. You wanted him to as well but he couldn’t. 
He stood from the couch but before he could make his way towards the front door Jin turned back around, kneeling right before you. His hand reached up cupping your face as he leaned closer until his silken lips landed back on yours. However, this wasn’t just another peck. 
This kiss. 
It swept you under the currents of the bestial sea and you sank deeper towards the ocean floor but you weren’t scared. In the void, under the darkness of the tide Jin was a beacon of light—guiding you towards an eternity where his lips kept moving on yours the way they were right now. 
This fucking kiss. 
Is your beginning but also your end. 
It took your last breath but also made you feel alive. 
You didn’t want it to end. . but it did, “meet me at the restaurant tomorrow tonight. Uncle Gong is letting me prepare something for you. Took a lot of convincing but I had him come around.” 
“I’ll be there.” 
“Seven o’clock.” 
“Just twenty four hours.” 
He smiled before closing the door behind him. 
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Back in the city dating was rather difficult. 
Not only were you a workaholic, you also avoided any kind of social events and situations outside of the restaurant. 
Here, things were a bit different. You came here for a chance at self reflection, to work on yourself and find the real you but instead your path became intertwined with Seokjin and while you didn’t mind you also couldn’t help but reprimand your heart whenever it skipped a beat at the sight of him. 
Sort of like it was doing right now, Jin was in the kitchen of Kim’s Abroad and you sat at the small table set-up for a candlelit dinner for two. 
The gears in the rules of the universe shifted Noone ever went through this kind of trouble—to plan something this nice after they’d already had their fun with you. Especially if things would have taken their  course as easily as they did with him. 
Well, except, maybe Seokjin. 
“Tonight’s special,” he set both of your plates on the table revealing a cut of grilled salmon garnished with lemon wedges, and accompanied by coconut rice and roasted potatoes, “I hope you like it. . but please do lie if you hate it. I’m sensitive.” 
You laughed, mounting your spoon with the perfect bite of all the foods he’d prepared combined before taking it in your mouth, your taste buds danced in delight, “Seokjin, this is heavenly. It is truly amazing.” 
“Is that the honest truth or are you just looking to spare my feelings?” 
“I would never lie,” you swallowed before continuing, “This is all absolutely delicious.” 
“Better than Uncle Gong’s crab cakes?” 
“I thought that was your recipe?” 
“It is,” he shrugged, “but he thinks he makes them better than me.” 
“I don’t know, I think he wins this war,” you joked, “those crab cakes were killer.” 
“Traiter,” he scoffed.
Dinner was exquisite but small talk was left to a minimum when you both realized Uncle Gong’s restaurant curfew was quickly approaching. After cleaning up and closing up you and Seokjin headed towards the roof, unwilling to give up the night and let it cease. 
The street lights lit up the street corners and while there were people roaming around here and there—it was nothing compared to the congested afternoons. 
But you liked this. 
The feeling of you and Seokjin being the only people left behind in the world, the songs of the waves still playing in the background and the stars gleaming overhead. 
“Has this always been your secret spot?” you asked, laying beside him on the navy blue duvet. 
“Yes,” his eyes glowed under the light of the moon, again they looked lighter than you’d remembered, “I practically lived up here like three summers ago.” 
“An escape?” you asked, not really needing to emphasize. 
He nodded, “after mom passed the house choked me with her lingering presence, her scent, her love. I wanted her back. To spend just one more day with her and make sure she knew how much I loved her and how much I would miss her but that’s just not how life worked and she was no longer there.” 
“I’m so sorry,” you snuggled closer into him, laying your head on your chest—his heartbeat thumped against your ear, “I can’t even imagine how hard that time must have been.” 
“It was,” he laid his head on yours, “It was harder than hard if that even makes sense. I shut a lot of things out and no longer found comfort in the things I loved. .” he paused. 
“Like riding?” 
“Yeah,” he sighed, there was a slight tremble in his voice, “it’s just mom wasn’t there to cheer me on anymore. Looking out at the stands was depressing because her usual seat was empty. Sadness overshadowed everything on the track, she was all I could think of.” 
You didn’t say anything, just allowed him to carry on without interruptions. He continued, “Uncle Gong tagged along whenever he didn’t have to manage the restaurant but it just wasn’t the same, you know?” 
You hummed letting him know you still listened attentively. 
“Wounds heal over time though and while this one tears a bit every time I think of her, I know she’s up there watching over me,” he said. 
“She is, she’s always been watching over you and she always will be.”
“I know,” he simpered, leaving a soft peck on your forehead. “What about you? Are you missing your life back in the city yet?” 
“Not a chance.” 
“What is this vendetta you hold against the city?” 
“The city is such a hypocrite. I never understood how so many souls could live in the same place and yet one person could still manage to feel so lonely,” you exhaled rather loudly, “life. . things were supposed to be different, you know?” 
“Different isn’t always bad.” 
“I suppose not.” 
“It’s not,” a slight smile sat on his lips. A brief silence fell between you two and then he asked the question you’d avoided giving any thought to since setting foot in town, “do your parents know you’re here?” 
“Not. . really?” 
“That sounded like a question.” 
“It kind of is.” 
A slight smile was displayed on his lips, “Are you here hiding from them?” 
“Kind of. .” you cackled, “it’s not really hiding if they don’t know I’m here to begin with right?” 
“So they don’t know you left the city?” 
“They know—I’m not in the city and taking a small break but they don’t know exactly where,” you say mushing all the words into one long word, not really wanting to decipher what you were saying, “they also don’t know I was fired. I think that’ll break their heart too much.” 
“Are you planning to tell them anytime soon?” 
“I was going to tell them. . once I make it back to the city and find a new job.” 
His embrace grew tighter, he held you closer and you could feel his warmth wracking your nerves. It was like he didn’t want to let go.. not now. Not ever. And you didn’t want him to either, “but I’m not sure if that truly is the reality of what I want,” you sighed, “I was miserable in the city, the life I lived there was rigid. Besides, cooking is not what I intend to do for the rest of my life. I just. . I don’t know what to do.” 
“All of the roads leading to our destiny are paved the way they are for a reason,” Jin offered, “they mold us and guide us to the exact spot where we are supposed to be.”  
“You’re right.” 
“Also call your parents. You deserve to pursue what you want but they should also know,” he said. “Plus, I bet they’re worried sick.” 
“Again. . you’re right.” a low sough escaped your lips mimicking the swift draft blowing by in the late night. 
”I know I am,” he said smugly, “what would you even do without me?”
“You’re a cocky motherfucker you know.” 
“If by cocky motherfucker you mean multi-talented handsome Jin. Then, yes I do agree with that.” 
“Not what I meant,” you mumbled. 
“You know, you weren’t talking all this shit when we were in that cave a couple days ago.” 
“Yeah, I think that’s because my mouth was kind of a little busy.” 
“Right,” Jin drew in a deep breath, his fingers toyed with the straps of your dress, “you know I think we left something unfinished back in your apartment a couple of days ago.” 
“Yeah, it’s too bad that you had to go,” you turned around now lying on your side facing away from him, “because I wanted—I needed you to stay so bad.” 
“Needed, huh?” he asked, pressing closer against your back side. Lingers of sandalwood and citrus invaded your nostrils. An aromatic scent so rich and so addicting all you craved was to bury your nose to the base of his neck and grow faded off his fragrance. 
You closed your eyes, ensnared in the trance of his soft pants as he began grinding his crotch against your ass at an agonizing pace. 
His clothed dick marked you before you even had the chance to feel him inside you.
 It was torture. 
“Jin,” you moaned. 
“What’s wrong, doll?” he replied in a derisive tone while clicking his tongue. His hands reached lower and lower until they landed on your inner thighs, “am I close to where you want me?” 
You nodded frantically, “Higher.” 
His fingers delineated the goosebumps forming on your skin as he dawdled his journey to your soaked cunt. 
“Higher, Seokjin. Please,” your voice tainted with desire and desperation. 
“Tell me, is this where you want me?” His digits traced your folds spreading your wetness en route. Your dress now hiked up to your waist as Jin began rubbing small circles on your clit. Then, slowly he repeated, “Is this where you wanted me?” 
“You were anticipating this weren’t you?” Jin whispered, causing downpours of chills to trickle down your back, “is that why you wore no underwear?” 
His fingers continued working in-between your folds, “Uh, fuck yes!” You screamed out. 
There were approximately billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, a lot of which you were looking up to at that very moment. And yet as you laid there under the incantation of Seokjin’s finger you witnessed the birth of many stars flickering into life. 
Your chest heaved as you settled down from yet another astounding high. 
“Doll,” Seokjin swiped his fingers coated with your juices onto your lips, as if he was applying lip gloss on you. You opened your mouth taking his digits in licking them clean. “Holy fuck, you will be the death of me.” 
“I need you.” 
He laid flat on his back patting his lap, “come on, baby girl.” 
You straddled him, your wet pulsating cunt rubbing against his clothed erection. There was a painful hunger rooting in between your legs—craving nothing but to have him buried deep in you. 
“Take it out,” he instructed. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down along with his briefs just enough for his erection to spring free. 
Slowly, you began sinking down on his cock. Your mouth agape at the overwhelming feeling of him filling you up while your hands landed on his chest for balance. Once accustomed to his size you began to move up and down on his length as he disappeared deeper and deeper inside of you. 
Seokjin was full of pleasant surprises; his fingers, his mouth, his tongue so it was really no surprise his dick was equally as blessed. 
“Seokjin,” you whimpered. 
“Oh doll,” his hands gripped your waist, fingers digging into your skin likely to leave marks behind—guiding you to move at a quicker pace.  “Fuck!” 
“God, you feel so good.” 
The composition of your bodies moving against each other molded into the perfect whole. You were two, but while he fucked into you the way he was you felt as if he belonged inside your walls and you never ever wanted to feel empty again.  
“Doll, I’m so close,” his rough and raspy voice was a bass tune in your ears, “so fucking close.” 
“I want you to cum in me. Please, Jin,” you continued riding him, your skin slapping on his continuing your journey on his cock sliding up and down over and over until your walls began to clench around him. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you reached your peak and you collapsed on top of him, out of breath and too tired to do anything that required moving in any way. 
“Now tell me, is there any chance you’d stay even after the summer’s over.” 
“I’ve been thinking about it,” his skin was scolding even over the layer of his t-shirt, his chest and forehead glistening by a thin layer of sweat, “a lot actually.” 
“And what was the conclusion?” 
“I like it here,” you kissed his cheek, “I think I’ll be staying. . For now. Take some time to myself and explore things.” 
“I like it when you’re here.” 
“That reminds me,” you reached for your purse, “ I have a surprise for you.” 
You pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over to him. His eyes scanned the sketch, “Is this us?” 
“It’s us. . in the cave,” you giggled, “I tried to capture every moment.” 
“I especially like the one with my head between your legs,” a rosey shade painted his cheeks. 
“Had to portray my favorite moment from that day.” 
“We can always recreate it. To liven the memory, you know.” 
“Right now?” 
“Right now,” he disappeared lower in between your thighs, his head hiding under the fabric of your dress. 
Kind days were definitely in forecast especially if you had Seokjin right there by your side. 
an: holy fuck this was a blast to write. as always if the smut is intolerable pls look away (although, that may be hard cause there are multiple smut scenes so. . uh, yeah).
for the seokjinnies who miss seokjin very dearly .
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deanstead · 1 year
Model Husband
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Requested: yes, by @lelaartt
Summary: Stressful day, but at least there's Connor.
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Word Count: 819
Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship, mentions of death
A/N: I know I haven't posted in a while, but this has been sitting in my drafts for... forever lol. Please bear with me, this semester is kinda crazed.
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It had been a long day. A long draining day and Connor was just looking forward to seeing you and having a quiet night together.
Figuring he’d check if you were ready, Connor left the doctor’s lounge still in his white coat, taking the lift right up to the ICU.
As he stepped in, he caught sight of you immediately, running towards one of the rooms where there was an obvious code blue, a rush of staff heading towards the room.
Connor stood to the side against an empty side of the station, quietly watching as you worked quickly to assist the doctor standing next to you.
It must have been a tough day for you too, Connor caught himself thinking as his eyes followed you. Anyone else would have missed it - the slight droop in your shoulders, or the way you stood telling him you had that persistent ache at that one point on your shoulders that kept coming back to haunt you.
Connor looked down as he picked up on the sounds of “Clear!” from the doctor that was working on the patient. But Connor also knew well enough the chances…
He held back an audible sigh as the faint sound of a flat line made its way out to him. Now, the look in your eyes told him he really needed to get you out of there.
You looked up, catching sight of your husband now. Even just seeing him from afar made you want to cry, so you gave him a small smile and he nodded, telling you not to worry and that he’d be right there waiting.
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If anyone asked how you’d gotten from the hospital back home, you’d have to ask them to ask Connor.
You were drained, both physically and mentally. The knotted ache in your shoulder that was consistently giving you issues was acting up again, you felt dead on your feet and the ICU had lost three patients today.
You weren’t exactly emotionally attached. You were an experienced enough nurse to handle that well, but even so losing patients was draining no matter what.
Connor handed you a plate and you smiled up at your husband from where you were seated with your legs crossed on the couch.
Like a model husband, Connor had insisted on preparing dinner while you took a hot shower which had definitely made you feel a lot better even though the knot in your shoulder was still there.
“Thanks, babe.” You answered, not realizing how hungry you were until the smell of pasta reached you as you took the plate in your hands.
The both of you ate in mostly silence, but Connor sat close by and that in itself made you feel better and you glanced at your husband, who returned you a smile.
Connor took the empty plate out of your hands and you frowned.
“You already cooked.”
Connor shook his head. “Just fulfilling my husband duties.”
“I knew I married you for a reason.” You announced in a sort of teasing fashion that would have been more convincing if you weren’t so exhausted.
Connor just smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before you heard him patter off to the kitchen, flipping on the stereo on his way.
Music was now playing softly in the apartment and you closed your eyes for a while, the faint sound of running water from the kitchen mixing together with the soft music tones. This was the kind of evening you needed, especially today.
You opened your eyes again when you felt Connor’s hands touch your shoulder from behind you and you glanced up at him.
“What’s going on?” You asked with a smile. “Is today a special day I don’t know about?”
The words were barely out of your mouth before your brain started working, trying to figure out if you had forgotten a date or something.
Connor shook his head. “Relax. The ache’s been bothering you today, hasn’t it?”
You felt his thumb press firmly against the knot, and you exhaled, the stress seeming to leave your body almost instantaneously.
You closed your eyes, feeling Connor’s fingers seemingly press out all the negative feelings and stress from the day.
Angling your head upwards again, you reached up for his hand. “You must be tired too, come here.”
“You sure?”
You smiled, tugging gently so that Connor would make his way back around to the front of the couch and next to you.
“This is the best way you can help me recharge.” You said, fitting yourself right into his arms , both of you sprawled on the couch.
Connor smiled, his arms looping around your body. “Me too.”
You chuckled, resting the back of your head against his chest, feeling the edges of Connor’s stubble against your temple and knowing this was the perfect way to end a stressful day.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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slytherinshua · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. felix as a dad. han makes an appearance. pregnancy fic(?). baby stuff lol. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: uhh adorable baby stuff and some kisses. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: felix x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: adorable fluff with felix as a dad, ft. han ♡ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 1.7k ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: i hath risen from the depths of my 2 week hiatus and brought you this lmao. the first part of this had been written for a long time and it was just rotting in my drafts waiting for me to finish it. the title is shit btw. enjoy! ♡
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“It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” You whispered as you tried your best not to hyperventilate. Your body shook slightly as you sat on the bathroom floor. Tears stained your cheeks and your nerves kept spiking up again every few minutes.
The little blue and white test that you held in your hand was the source of it all. Or maybe it was the 2 red lines it showed. Or the baby that you were now aware was growing in your womb. Or the fact that this was all happening while Felix was away for a short time due to promotions.
You two had always wanted to have kids, but there was no guide you could read to feel ready enough to be pregnant, or be good parents. 
It might have been the worst or best time to find out. You were so overwhelmed with everything, but despite that you felt so so happy. 
You had just come home from the most stressful day at work, and had not seen Felix for almost a month. But the joy you felt underneath your nerves was just what you needed to feel a bit better.
The past month had been all sorts of overwhelming, but nothing compared to this moment. It felt surreal that your life was about to change forever.
Your phone started ringing and the beginning of “Cause I Like You” echoed through the bathroom.
You looked down at your phone, seeing the screen display his contact. Your eyes widened. You hurriedly grabbed the phone from off the floor and answered it, holding it up to your ear.
“Hey Love!” His voice sounded like music from the other side of the phone, a much needed comfort amidst your anxiety.
“Hi baby.” You breathed. "You're okay", your brain told you over and over again, and you started believing it now that you could hear his voice.
“Did you miss me?” He asked cutely. Thankfully, the phone didn’t pick up uneven breaths or slight sniffling from all the crying..
“Way too much.” You smiled, feeling a million times better in just 10 seconds, and all because of talking to him.
“Aww, baby… I’ll be back in 3 weeks… it’s not that long.” He said, and you could tell from his voice that he was trying to convince himself of the fact too.
“We can last 3 more weeks… I have a surprise for when you get back actually.”
“Really?” You could hear his voice perk up in excitement, before dropping slightly again, “But I told you not to get me anything.” The pout in his voice was very clear and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“This one was a bit unplanned.”
“Hm…” He hummed, “Can I have a hint?”
“Nope~ You’ll just have to wait, my love.”
“Fine.” He sighed. “I have to go… but I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Mhm~ Love you…” You sighed, missing him like hell.
“I love you too. Stay safe, okay? I’ll be back in your arms soon. Bye!!”
“I love you~!” He sang as he hung up, making you smile again.
You looked down at the little gift box you held in your hands. It had the pregnancy test in it along with a baby onesie and baby bottle. There was no way he wouldn’t get the message from this. You just needed to give it to Felix once he walked through the door in 5 minutes. Easy, right? 
The morning sickness had set in a couple days ago, but you tried to not mention it until Felix knew you were pregnant. He would be so worried about you if he knew you were throwing up and feeling sick without knowing the reason.
The doorbell chimed and you stood up immediately, setting the gift box down and going to the door. There he stood on the other side of it, the brightest smile on his face.
“I’m back~” He giggled.
He pulled you into his arms immediately, kissing your cheek and swaying from side to side. You sighed and hugged him tighter, the feeling of having him back in your arms was better than anything else.
“I missed you soooo much… I just wanted to be back with you all that time.” He pouted and you pressed a kiss right on the pout.
“Me too…”
Once he had gotten food and settled on the couch, you grabbed the gift box.
“Remember the surprise I told you about?”
He looked up from his muffin, eyes wide with excitement. You handed over the little box and sat back down beside him. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation, making you giggle. 
“Just open it.” You urged.
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he lifted the lid off of the box, revealing the baby things. He picked up the test, and bottle. You noticed his hands start to shake slightly and the recognition dawn on his face immediately. 
He turned to you, eyes teary, “You’re pregnant?”
You nodded softly, starting to tear up as well just from seeing him emotional. He pulled you close into a hug, struggling to stop the tears from flowing down his face.
“I love you.” You whispered into his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He nodded, sniffling and wiping his eyes.
You laughed, “You’re such a baby. I didn’t expect you to get so emotional.”
“I’m gonna be a dad, how could I not get emotional?” He croaked, and broke down again in tears.
“Cutie…” You whispered, not being able to help the smile that stayed prominent on your face. You loved him so much.
“Are you sure you’re okay?? Do you want water?” Felix continued to ask while you two set up the nursery together. He wanted to do it by himself and let you rest, but how could you not want to decorate as well?
“I’m fine, don’t worry about us.” You smiled, opening up another box filled with baby things.
Felix smiled at you, eyes filled with so much love for you and his daughter that you were carrying. You were almost 34 weeks and your baby bump was very visible. Felix thought it was the most precious thing in the world. He would talk to the bump all the time, and singing to it was one of his favourite things to do.
Finishing up the nursery was more fun than you expected. And when surrounded by adorable baby things, it was hard to fight back the smiles and excitement for when she finally arrived.
Once everything was finished, there was an added bookshelf with children’s stories on it, paintings on the wall, stuffed animals, pillows, a soft rocking chair, and a consistent theme of Teddy Bears. The walls and furniture all matched as well, everything going together in soft brown tones with a scattering of pinks and greens.
“Do you like your room?” Felix asked, kneeling down so he was in level with your stomach. “I think it looks cute… Just like you and your mom.” He pulled up his your oversized sweatshirt and kissed your tummy softly, making you smile.
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“I’ll be back in 2 days, are you sure you’ll be okay with Quinn?” You couldn’t help but feel bad that you had been called on a business trip with little warning. 
“It’ll be fine, love. We’ll have fun without mummy, right Quinn?” She paid no attention to his words, too immersed in playing with his fingers. “See, we’ll be fine.” Felix smiled.
“Okay. I’ll get going then.” You gave Quinn a kiss on the forehead and Felix a kiss on the lips before stepping out of the house as Felix waved goodbye.
He hummed, taking Quinn over to the kitchen and setting her down on the counter as he took out food from the fridge to make dinner. As long as Quinn had her stuffed bear, Waffle, she was content. 
“Dada?” She smiled, looking at him with doe eyes, and his heart melted at the sight.
“Yes baby?” He hummed.
Incoherent babbling followed out of Quinn’s mouth, and Felix nodded along.
“Mhm… You’re so right.” He cooed, eyes full of love whenever Quinn tried to have a conversation with him. She had only learned a couple of words so far, but they could get the attention of Felix anytime.
Soon after Felix put food in the oven, his phone rang. He picked it up, smiling as he read the caller ID. Jisung had called.
“Hi!” [ . . . ] “Mhm! we’re doing well… Y/n’s just gone on a business trip so I have her allllll to myself.” He smiled widely, making Quinn giggle.
“You’re free? You should come over… Can’t keep up that ‘favourite uncle’ status if you don’t come over, now can you? Chan hyung might overtake you~” Felix teased, soon hanging up the phone and turned his full attention back to Quinn.
“The Quokka is coming~~” He sang, patting Quinn’s hair softly.
“Qui…kka?” Quinn tried, drawing Felix’s attention as he looked at her with visible heart-eyes. 
“Quo…kka.” He sounded out.
“You got it!! My baby is so smart, aren’t you?” He praised, scrunching up his nose and giving her a nose kiss.
“Quokka!” She said excitedly, making Felix smile wider. She kept repeating it amongst giggles and kisses as the two waited for Han to come over.
A knock was soon heard, eliciting giggles from both of them. Felix went to answer it, but was swiftly ignored as soon as Jisung spotted Quinn standing in the middle of the living room with Waffle. 
He came over to her, immediately picking her up in his arms, both of them smiling widely. She went to grab his cheeks, and Jisung giggled.
“She learned a new word just now.” Felix said, leaning on the counter smiling at the two of them. “Baby, do you want to tell uncle Han what you learned?” 
“Quokka!” She exclaimed excitedly, making Jisung’s eyes go wide. He turned to Felix, in disbelief that he just heard the word Quokka come from Quinn’s mouth. Felix’s face held a giant grin and he laughed as he saw Jisung almost tear up. 
“My lovely, adorable, baby!!” He let out, making her giggle as he sniffed back his proud tears. 
“I think you might keep that favourite uncle status.” Felix said proudly, checking on the food in the oven. 
“The members will get so jealous when I tell them!” Jisung said excitedly, making Felix laugh.
It was safe to say that Quinn was adored by everyone.
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High Praise
AO3 Link
Ominis accidentally walks in on MC with his robe, and they both get something out of it
Ominis x fem!MC
NSFW—sexual content
Exploration piece on Ominis' praise kink, mainly, but also plenty of teasing, dirty talk and the use of each other's hands.
Word count: 4,782
A/N: This is my challenge to myself to write more smutty content and less of the preamble/afterwards stuff that probably nobody reads LMAO. I've had this scenario on my mind for a lonnnng time now. It sat in my drafts forever bc I kept writing myself into corners and caught a bad case of perfectionism lol oops
It was springtime of their seventh year, with graduation closing in, and as Ominis and MC were already 18, they were more than eager to escape the constant supervision of the school and get on with their lives. The pair had been inseparable for the past three years, and MC had only one hesitation: she still needed the standard issue uniform robe. But not just any robe—she needed Ominis'.
Ominis was always more than happy to lend his robe to his beloved MC when she asked for it. She sometimes had trouble sleeping, and if his robe helped her rest easier at night, he would give it to her in a heartbeat. Had it not been a required piece of his uniform, he would have gladly let her keep it permanently. It was the next best thing to having him right there next to her, she told him when he asked why she wanted to take it to bed with her so often. Sometimes she laid it out on top of her sheets for extra warmth. Other times she hugged it close to her chest, his scent faintly lingering on it and soothing her to sleep.
So when Ominis quietly entered the Room of Requirement late one evening in his blazer, he expected to find MC curled up asleep on the couch under his robe where he had left her earlier in the evening. It had been getting late, and she had already fallen asleep with her head in his lap when he felt exhaustion taking hold. MC had taken to sleeping in the Room more often than not, as her dorm-mates were noisy sleepers, so he chose to leave her where she lay as he got up to go to bed himself. He had been halfway to the Slytherin common room when he realized he had forgotten his potions textbook back up in the Room where MC had been helping him study earlier that evening. He cursed himself under his breath for his inattentiveness, blaming how hopelessly smitten he was by her.
He had snuck into the Room, not wanting to wake her, and planned to slip away with his textbook before she would even notice, but couldn't resist the temptation to check on her. He wandered towards her, just to make sure she was still safe and fast asleep with his robe. He heard a curious noise, however, as he strode closer. His wand indicated she was stirring on the same couch where they had eventually given up on studying and chose instead to hold one another, basking in gentle kisses and murmurs of sweet nothings. Ominis had felt his hands begin to wander over the pretty little divets her waist made and the small trail of her spine nestled between her back muscles, but he did his best to control himself out of politeness.
These noises before him now were different from anything he had heard from her before. As he drew closer, his sensitive ears picked up on her muffled voice, the sound of fabric shifting gently, and something else he could not identify. He inched closer, extremely curious about what was happening.
"Oh—Ominis," MC mumbled. It did not seem as if she were speaking to him. She must have been having a vivid dream to say his name so clearly. He heard short gasps and moans, too, as if—
Ominis stopped dead in his tracks. Adrenaline shot through his veins, and he held up his wand once again. It revealed a clearer silhouette of MC in his mind's eye now that he was closer. She had one leg hanging off the side of the sofa, the other bent upwards and resting against the sofa's back. She must have had her eyes closed, as she still did not spot him. He guessed one of her hands was curled up near her chest because she was holding his robe tightly. It seemed her other hand was... between her legs.
He could not help but drift closer, still, and listen with great interest. He could hear her moving her fingers in and out of herself with an appealing sound, sometimes stopping to do something his wand could not identify. He was painfully curious to know more, and despite a twinge of guilt, very pleased to have happened upon her like this.
"Well, I am quite glad you're enjoying my robe," he said aloud. His voice was smooth, and his devious smile played upon it.
MC shrieked and scrambled to cover herself with his robe, despite knowing he could likely detect very little. She glared at him and huffed. "How long were you standing there?!"
"Long enough to be quite flattered," Ominis smirked.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she growled. "I thought you had left already."
"I needed to retrieve my potions textbook," Ominis replied with a shrug. "I assumed you would still be asleep, but it appears you've been quite busy without me."
MC narrowed her eyes at him, still hiding beneath his robe. "And what exactly is it with which I was so busy?"
Ominis strode towards her and leaned down smoothly. He lifted his scowling young lady's chin. "I may be blind," he murmured softly, "but I am not stupid. I was neither hoping nor expecting to walk in on you pleasuring yourself, but hearing you moan my name is quite exciting. And frankly, as I said, I am flattered. I must admit that, with you being my first love, I know precious little about this. But I would like to learn. Perhaps I could help you in the future so you wouldn't need to rely on fantasies alone—with your permission, of course. I can also leave now and never speak of this again. Whatever you want, darling." His voice betrayed an impish tone, and MC couldn't help but smile at knowing the answer for which he was hopeful.
MC had woken in a rather needy mood from her light sleep shortly before he found her. She had noticed he was gone, but his robe was laid tenderly over her. She would have never dared volunteer these amorous feelings to Ominis, at least not while she wanted to maintain her image of a virtuous young lady. But even the most virtuous of young ladies had their needs, she had rationalized as she breathed in the soft scent of his robe laid so carefully across her. Weight lifted from her chest as her lungs filled with a comforting swirl of cologne and his soft, clean skin. She felt a familiar, delicious ache claw at her abdomen as her fingers glided over the silky green lining. She had felt this attraction to him for a while, but was quite embarrassed to admit anything about it to him. She was a bit perplexed by the feelings herself, if she was to be honest. She knew why they were happening and what they meant, but they felt so strong and she often had no idea what to do with those feelings—except close her eyes whenever she was alone and sink into fantasies of Ominis and her committing unspeakable acts of desperate passion. Gently lifting her skirt and reaching between her legs, she had begun to tease herself when Ominis had snuck back in. She was entirely unsure how to tell him that having him next to her right now as she continued what she had started would be a dream come true.
MC sighed as she looked at Ominis' smug face, giving up and letting the color rise in her cheeks, still smiling. "You are correct," she admitted quietly. "But... you aren't upset or offended? What I was doing was, well, hardly appropriate."
"Hmm," Ominis gave her question some thought. "I suppose I am slightly disappointed I could not join you in the beginning of what sounds like a delightful little activity. But that's not to say that I can't join you now—if you would not mind, that is." He sat down and leaned over her, blank and heavy-lidded eyes ensnaring her own.
MC's mouth dropped slightly at his words, and thrill shot down her spine and straight to her core in a massive surge.
"Of course I wouldn't mind," was all she could think to whisper. Ominis chuckled and pulled his robe off of her, draping it over the back of the couch. Hr reached out and slowly ran his hands up her bare legs, savoring every square inch. They were still slightly parted beneath her skirt, which had been pulled up until it covered the absolute bare minimum. Ominis' eyes twinkled mischievously and he tutted when his fingers found where the hem of her skirt was.
"How indecent—you must have been quite desperate to bare your pretty legs" he smirked. He leaned down to gently press his lips to the inside of her knee, making her shiver with delight. "Not that I mind, of course."
MC allowed the haze of arousal to settle back over her, and her eyes grew heavy. Before she could stop herself, she sighed. "Mmm, your lips are perfect as always. I often wonder how they feel elsewhere, too."
Ominis froze for half a breath, processing what she had just said to him. As if a dam holding his attraction broke, he moaned softly against her knee.
"You know," he mumbled into her warm skin, "I have kissed you so many times, and felt so much of you over your pretty clothes. Perhaps it is time we were more... direct. In fact, I must insist. It seems a waste to have you all to myself and not even be able to fully enjoy you the way I've wanted for so long, now."
MC groaned almost silently, and another wave of heat washed over her core. She reached down slowly and untucked her blouse. Adrenaline was spiking through her blood and making her tremble ever so slightly. The sound of her blouse coming free of her skirt caught Ominis' attention. She grasped his wrists and gently slid his hands partway underneath her blouse as his eyes widened every so slightly, and his tongue darted between his lips.
"Like this?" MC breathed, and Ominis could only growl in agreement. He wanted to take his time and savor this moment, he truly did, but Merlin—it was difficult, and he was not that strong. His hands began slowly grazing fingers over her smooth stomach, and they slipped up to her sides. He slowed, fingers moving gently as he began to feel her soft breasts. He touched only the edges at first, a hot blush rising in his face and his trousers quickly feeling much tighter than before. His cool fingertips crawled slowly upwards, and MC shivered. Gently holding her soft breasts over her clothing had been one thing, but with nothing between his hands and her skin, this was a completely different experience altogether. He gently massaged each one and listened to her breathing quicken. He smiled when her heart began thundering as his fingers slid slowly over her nipples.
MC unbuttoned her blouse as quickly as possible. The heat rose furiously from her chest, and she could see how her heart pounded against her ribcage. She placed a hand over the back of his head and his perfectly groomed hair, and guided him downward. "Kiss me," she moaned, and he obeyed with enthusiasm. He dragged his lips across her hot skin as he familiarized himself with this new part of her body, leaving goosebumps as he went. He felt her heart beat against his lips, and his own heart raced to match pace with hers. He pressed tender lips to her fluttering chest and trailed smaller kisses to the side. Finally, he tentatively kissed a nipple and heard her groan in pleasure.
"Please... again," was all she could gasp as her fingertips gently buried themselves in his hair. Another gentle kiss made her groan, and her hand lazily slipped down to the back of his neck. She could smell his cologne and the sweetness of his pomade, and her head swam at the reminder that this was no mere fantasy.
Ominis smiled again, feeling bolder. "You're so cute when I tease you. I've always loved the way you desperately press yourself to me, so eager to get what you want."
MC could only whimper in response, and he felt a tiny, coaxing push from her hand on his neck. He closed his lips around her nipple again and sucked at it. Her chest flared against him and she released another whimper. Ominis got right to work learning how she reacted to his ministrations. Circling his tongue caused a high-pitched gasp. Flicking made her breathing quicken again. Massaging with the flat of his tongue, however, was clearly what she wanted most when she whimpered his name and vaguely rubbed his neck. He matched the motion with his thumb from the other side of her chest, and her back arched.
"So desperate for my touch," Ominis smiled against her breast as his thumb kept lazily circling. "I had no idea you were in such dire need. How fortunate that I stopped by, hm? You ought to have asked for my help from the start."
"But it would have been so untoward," she protested softly. "I could never."
"Please," Ominis murmured with another gratifying kiss that took her by surprise. "Getting to kiss your bare skin is the least offensive thing I can possibly think of."
MC's hand drifted down her body and between her legs again, desperate for release, but Ominis noticed and grabbed her wrist. He stopped his ministrations, making MC whimper with disappointment. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? I want to be the one to pleasure you. I want to give you a beautiful, earth-shattering orgasm, so that whenever you're alone in bed with your pretty little fingers shamelessly between your legs, you crave only my touch."
His words sent shivers down her spine, and she could only sigh in dreamy acceptance. Ominis slowly released her wrist and smiled when he heard her. "Good girl," he cooed. "You learn quickly."
Ominis returned to teasing her as if nothing had happened, and through her haze, MC grew curious.
"I thought you wanted to learn how to... well..." she said between gasps.
"Oh, I do," Ominis replied. "But you'll have to ask for it, my darling."
MC sighed and tried to focus. "Then will you? Please?"
"Be specific," he chided as he dragged his lips over a breast and listened to her groan. "I want to hear you beg for it."
MC's face turned a bright red. "Please... pleasure me," she moaned. When he remained unmoved and only hummed expectantly, she knew to continue. "Pleasure me... I want you to make me come—I want to know your touch on every part of my body. Please, I want to remember this night when I'm alone in my bed and missing you."
"Hm, a decent start," Ominis smirked. He leaned back up and let one of his hands travel down her side until he felt her hip bone. He dragged his hand down and under her skirt, relishing her silky skin. His fingers moved upward and quickly found their target.
Her skin was smooth and soft, and running his fingertips over it was addicting. He found that little crease, which he knew from the books he had read hid what he wanted. Sitting back, he pulled MC towards him until her knees were around his waist. He reached down to feel her core, and she sighed. Just the sensation of his soft, slender fingers mapping out her core was enough to make MC shudder with pleasure.
"So pretty," he sighed. "All the books in the world couldn't prepare me for how much I would enjoy this." He ran a single finger up her core and put his finger in his mouth. A moan escaped MC's lips before she could stop herself as she watched him.
"You taste simply wonderful," he murmured as he returned his fingers to her core. “And what a cute, sensitive little clit. To think that all I have to do is find how you like it to be touched, and you'll be whimpering my name.”
Before MC could say anything, his thumb was pressed gently to her clit, rolling over it and exploring it thoroughly. Her hips bucked against his hand, and he held her down with a growl. Ominis slowly leaned forward to brush his lips against her ear, and his weight pressing down on her was intoxicating. His soft vest was almost painful against her sensitive nipples, and his warmth was electrifying. "Tell me what you like to do when you pleasure yourself," he breathed. "No fair trying to guide my hand or thrust against me, either," he smirked, squeezing her hip. "I want to hear how desperate you are—how much you need me to make you come."
MC whimpered pathetically and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His attention was overwhelming, and her speech came out slurred. "I like to move my fingers in little circles over my clit while I think of you."
"Like so?" Ominis hissed, his thumb slowly massaging her desperate, aching clit.
MC buried her face in Ominis' shoulder to muffle her pleasured cries. "I'm already so close," she mewled. "Please don't stop—I need to come."
"Not yet, my sweet little hummingbird. I still have more to do before you're ready for that." Ominis tenderly nuzzled the side of his face against hers, but his words were like hungry flames on her ear.
"I can't," she whimpered, barely coherent. "I'm so close—"
"Oh, are you?" Ominis teased as he withdrew his hand. He chuckled at the cry she made.
"Ominis, please—" MC craned her neck to kiss him in an attempt to convince him. "Make me come," she tried to whisper in a seductive voice, but it fell upon his ears with a small, pleading tone.
"I appreciate your efforts, adorable as they are," Ominis smiled between kisses. "But you can't coerce me that easily. You ought to know the effect this is having on me, as well."
MC's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly forgot about her frustration. He leaned back up, MC still clinging to his shoulders, and he gently untangled himself from her hold. She huffed in impatience, but Ominis only pressed a finger to her lips. He reclined far enough to begin unbuttoning his trousers, and MC watched carefully, dizzy with anticipation.
Finally, Ominis' cock sprang from where it had laid hidden, and MC gasped softly. Like him, it was pale and slender. Ominis was not the only one to read books on this topic, and a dozen brand new fantasies flashed through her mind as she stared. "So beautiful," she murmured out loud by accident. She immediately clapped a hand over her mouth and blushed. Ominis only chuckled and moved her hand away from her mouth as she stared. The tip was deep pink against his pale skin, and she watched a tiny drop of precum fall from his cock and hit the sofa under them both.
"I'm happy I made a good first impression," he purred. "Please, don't be shy with your thoughts, my darling."
“M-may I touch you?” MC whispered much more suddenly than she wanted. She was quickly losing her composure, and Ominis was clearly enjoying it. Ominis chuckled and leaned back on his arms as an invitation. She reached forward and hesitantly grasped his cock, only faintly remembering what to do next. All learned knowledge seemed to evaporate, leaving her to rely on instincts. Tentative fingertips feathered up and down his shaft, and he groaned deliciously, squeezing his eyes shut and knitting his eyebrows together. He bit his lip, and MC stared at his face. Merlin, he was beautiful. She could see just a few strands of his meticulously-groomed hair falling out of place in the late hour, and it was perfect. He was perfect.
Ominis leaned forward. His movement made MC shyly begin to take her hand away, but he snatched her wrist in an iron grip. “I can tell we are going to be a wonderful match in every way,” he breathed. "But I did not tell you to stop. Your fingers feel incredible when they're tangled in my hair or gripping my leg, but it's as if my cock was made for your fingers."
MC flashed a smile and took a firmer grip. Her thumb glided over the underside of his tip and he groaned loudly, his head dipping. She could feel the slightest twitch as Ominis suppressed the urge to fuck her hand. Her skin was so soft and warm, and thoughts pleasantly flitted through his mind about how he wouldn't mind a bit of help from her now and then after this, either. Ominis fought against the stupor that was quickly taking hold and reached between her legs again. Trying to stay focused was getting extremely difficult, and he felt himself slip deeper into bewitching lust.
Ominis stroked her core with his middle finger, listening to his name spill from her lips in hot breath next to his ear. He felt the palm of her other hand press admiringly to his chest. Her thumb, with feather-light touch, traced circles around his tip. It was clear she was working hard to find which spots would drive him wild. "You're too good at this,” he sighed. “And you’re positively soaked—even more so than just a minute ago," he smiled.
"It's all your fault," MC moaned as she returned his smile.
"I should hope so. You're mine—and mine alone." With those words, he gently slipped his finger inside her. MC groaned and suddenly pulled Ominis towards her by his tie with her free hand, nearly making him fall onto her. He caught himself and gently bit her ear in smiling reproach. "Feisty, aren't we? I've always admired that about you."
Ominis stroked the side of her neck with his free hand. "I do hope you know what you've gotten yourself into with me," he purred against MC's ear. When she murmured incomprehensibly in pure bliss and kissed him again, her hand wandering up and through his soft hair, he slid a second finger inside her and began searching for that little spot that would send her over the edge—if he desired it.
"You could have had any eligible young man of your choosing... I've heard them talk about you, you know—Weasley, Thakkar, Cooper—even our own dear Sallow let his admiration slip once or twice long ago. I had never heard of a girl with so many admirers until you arrived. And here you are with only my name on your lips as you writhe, half-undressed, beneath me. It's utterly delicious."
MC arched her back as she moaned, too drunk on his words to respond properly anymore. Her bare chest pressed against his clothes and sent jolts of electricity through her body as she gently squeezed his cock, making him groan. He kissed down her cheek and neck, stopping to gently suck at the spot along her jawline she loved so much.
"Ominis, please—you'll leave a mark," MC murmured with a smile.
"Let them all see it," Ominis growled. "They would do well to remember that I'm the only one who can do this to you—only I may kiss your bare skin and make you beg for release under my touch. Let them be reminded that you chose me, and not any of them, to tease and worship every sensitive little part of your body until you can no longer form words and you're trying desperately to fuck my hand like the good little slut you are.”
MC whimpered and redoubled her efforts to kiss him into submission. If anyone could trigger an orgasm from speaking alone, it would be Ominis, MC dimly considered somewhere in the back of her fogged-over mind. He continued, unaffected, dragging his lips down each protruding rib on her chest. He pressed his lips to her breast and smiled at how soft it was. He shifted to his hands and knees, centering himself over her, and forcefully grabbed the wrist of the hand currently exploring his cock. He wrapped her fingers around his hard, warm shaft and guided her hand up and down part of it in the hopes of some relief for himself. He massaged her nipple with his tongue again. His fingers curled gently inside her and his thumb resumed circling her clit, slick with her arousal.
MC's voice had begun to raise in pitch when Ominis slowed again. "I want to hear your pretty voice just once more," Ominis smirked.
MC thought she might faint. She could think of nothing more that she wanted in the world than release, and she let it be known. "Ominis, please, don't stop. Your touch feels so much better than pleasuring myself, and I need to come. It almost hurts how badly I need this. I'm yours, Ominis—I need your fingers inside me and on my clit, and I need your beautiful voice in my ear. I need you."
Ominis appeared satisfied. "I could get used to your desperate little cries and the way you're so wet for me. Just promise me one thing, darling,” he whispered, voice rough and low. MC pulled him closer again until his weight was overwhelmingly heavy on her chest, grasping at any part of him she could. He smiled. “The next time you need to pleasure yourself, promise me that you’ll come find me and let me do it for you. Even if I have to bring you to my bed in the middle of the night while all the others are asleep and make you whisper your desperation. You sound so pretty when you’re pleasuring yourself while holding my robe, but a mere robe cannot bring you within an inch of orgasm and make you beg in that pretty little voice I love so much—mmh, I'll certainly have your help more often, too... you're going to make me come doing that.” He punctuated his words with a subtle thrust of his hips and groaned quietly.
MC nearly fell apart, and she gave a desperate whine in agreement as she buried her face in his neck. Ominis’ fingers inside her flicked, and his thumb carefully stroked and massaged her aching clit. He balanced himself and roughly put his other hand around hers, quickening her pace around his cock until he was losing his breath.
Ominis breathed in her ear, his dominating tone falling apart as quickly as he was, "you're going to come for me. You'll scream my name and beg me to keep going as you ride out your orgasm. You'll tell me you're mine and arch your pretty back. I want to hear and feel as much of you as I can... Now, who's my beautiful girl?”
Ominis' thumb ground exquisitely into her clit, and his fingers inside her fluttered. She was faintly aware of Ominis’ voice coming out as longing groans as her own climax struck her hard at his words of adoration. It was a glorious blaze of searing pleasure that erupted through her body, lifting her back and hips further off the couch with each wave. It rippled from between her legs up to the roof of her mouth and over her tongue as a scream. She barely gave any thought to the words she spoke so freely, about how she loved when he made her come and how she wanted him all the time now.
As her back arched and her grip on his cock tightened, she felt his cock pulse aggressively. The growl in Ominis' throat melted into whimpers in each breath he took, and he made gorgeous noises each time his hips bucked and his seed spilled onto MC's stomach and chest. It felt as if they were perfectly aligned in every way in that moment, swimming together in pools of unearthly euphoria.
Finally, their breaths grew longer and their voices quieted. MC gazed into Ominis' eyes, and he felt his eyelids become leaden as he faced her and listened to the air rushing in and out from between MC's barely parted lips. She lifted a gentle hand to the side of his face and softly brushed at the thin sheen on sweat on his temple. Ominis was the first to break their pleasantly stunned silence.
"That was... I don't even know how to describe it. But we need to do that again. Soon." Ominis breathed. He was still on all fours, and felt as if he might collapse at any moment. Whether it was due to exertion or pleasure, Ominis had no clue.
"I don't know how I'll ever manage without you after this," MC murmured in amazement. "I fear I might have an even stronger need to keep your robe with me whenever you're not next to me," she laughed.
Ominis gave a loving, airy laugh in return. "If keeping it made you happy, then it shall be yours."
MC sighed, more than content in her new acquisition. She gently ran her fingers through his hair and he leaned into her touch, his eyes sliding shut in bliss. Her moment of paradise was interrupted by a cheeky smile that danced across her lips, however, as she gazed downwards. "Perhaps we should clean up a bit, though. Care to help? I'll find a cloth, and—"
MC began to shift, and Ominis placed a gentle restraining hand on her shoulder. "We shouldn't trouble ourselves with getting up to find anything."
MC was about to protest in confusion when Ominis shed his blazer and vest, unbuttoning his cuffs and pushing his sleeves up so MC could see his beautiful forearms dotted with a few tiny beauty marks. He leaned down on his arms and kissed her side. "Just be a good girl and tell me where to put my mouth."
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jarchaeology · 30 days
i really appreciate your work archiving jensen’s run on days of our lives, i am having a blast watching sammi’s wedding lol
is days of our lives considered lost media in any capacity? it seems crazy that there is really no way to watch previous seasons on DVDs or streaming. you have preserved literal YEARS of television, are other eras of the show that are just gone?
yay i’m glad you’re watching it!! sorry this took so long for me to answer. it was a super interesting question, which means it sat in my drafts forever.
old episodes of days are really fucking hard to get a hold of, but they do exist. they aren't sold in dvd boxsets or on any streaming service, but generations of soap fans have managed to capture a huge chunk of them on vhs. they just aren't accessible to everyone.
when i started this blog, i couldn't find more than a handful of jensen's episodes. the playlists people used in the past were all nuked for copyright reasons, and most private sales were just straight up scams. i finally found a site that i trusted, but it wasn't cheap. once i was able to raise enough to buy the episodes, i was determined to make them STAY available. that's why the youtube playlist is private. and even if that gets taken down, i have everything on the drive and have encouraged people to download and make their own copies. nothing lasts forever, but my collection has lasted longer than most.
all that being said, there are chunks of days of our lives that might truly be lost media. take a look at the "complete" days collection from the site i used. 1984-2024 is all accounted for, but 1965-1983 is pretty sparse. fans might have copies of those "missing" episodes in their private collections, but that's a whole new research question when you consider the fact that most homes didn't have the ability to record tv until VHS came around in the late 70s.
also, i do think that the network has some, if not all, of this footage. that's kinda the case with most "lost media." we presume it's lost, while also acknowledging that these giant companies probably have scrooge mcduck levels of storage somewhere. there is a time limit on how long material can last in the format it's recorded on, so i hope those archives are at least being well-taken care of.
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Dean x Reader:  They Don’t Know About Us (Part 1)
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 They Don’t Know About Us (College Uni Hockey AU)
Couple: Dean x Reader
AN: AU, set in college and our main couple are in a secret relationship since Y/N is the coach’s kid. I'm in my hockey era so this is why I wrote this. Also, might get spicy in Part 2
 They Don’t Know About Us (Part 1)
People say we shouldn't be together
We're too young to know about forever
Y/N stood there; dressed perfectly in black, while you waited for him to arrive. It was not just any him.
Dean Winchester. 
Dean Winchester, captain and the center of the U of K’s mens’ hockey team. He was an exceptional athlete and a loving boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend if you had to be honest. 
The hockey team was on a temporary dating ban because of your father. Apparently, it was a tradition that started when your father was a player for the team before he went professional. 
“Where is he?” Y/N muttered, glancing at the old-fashioned watch you wore on your wrist. It was just then you heard the sound of a familiar engine. The strong purr of metal greeted your ears as a small grin sat on your face. 
Dean got out of the car, “Hey Sweetheart,” He whispered, leaning into place a small peck on your lips, pulling you into his embrace, “Sorry that practice went a little longer than expected.” He whispered into your neck, “Coach has been pulling my leg.” 
“Please don’t talk about him right now,” You muttered, “I don’t want to deal with his insufferable dating ban that you all are put on and the fact that he doesn’t want me to date any of his players.” You leaned back away from him to look at his face, “I just want to talk about us, you and me, forever.” 
“You and me,” Dean smiled, “Just us forever, our forever.” 
Cause this love is only getting stronger
Dean Winchester was the perfect boyfriend. 
Thoughtful, attentive, and strong. These are the three words you would use to describe him based on what you learned about his personality through your interactions with him over the years. You and Dean met freshman year but did not start dating until the summer after junior year. It was the middle of senior year, also known as your final year of college. 
It was common knowledge that Dean would be getting drafted or traded into the NHL pretty soon. And knowing your father, he was obviously pushing Dean beyond his limit. Whenever Dean would return to his single resident dorm, you would be there for him. 
He was sleeping with his head on your shoulder. Carefully, you laid down with his weight on your upper half. Maneuvering his head to be under the crook of your neck near your collarbone. The movie you both had on was forgotten as Frodo or Samwise lost the ring. But, to be honest, you were not paying attention to the film while you were running your fingers through the strands of Dean’s nearly dry hair. 
It was moments like this you loved. It was moments like this when the outside world was blurred and silenced but you two existed together. You’d marry Dean in a heartbeat if he asked.
To be continued... (Later because I'm sleepy now lol)
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soft-hard-peaches · 1 year
Reaction: You Changing Your Hair Style
Note: long time no see everyone! i've really miss making fic so i'm posting things i've had drafted forever ago lol. i'm a bit rusty but wrting again was fun.
+fluff+ +crack+
Kim Hongjoong
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>”Busy thats why but i should be done by 7”
>”Busy? You have no life thooo”
You ignore his last message. You weren’t going to dignify that with a response. You put down your phone and look at yourself in the mirror. Hair fully saturated with drugstore box dye, forehead stained messily, and adorning an old no longer white tee shirt that you never gave back to your ex. Usually you ask your bestfriend Hongjoong for color recommendations but you have a sudden burst of energy and now youre here I guess lol. You laughed at your appearance thinking would a person with no life clear up their busy schedule to dye their own hair because paying a professional sounds ridiculous and expensive. Once the laughter dies down you start to have second thoughts on your logic and skill set but you are already twenty minutes into the process so you must see it through. 
*VRRRR* The vibration grains your attention downwards. You unlock your phone to see the full message for Hongjoong.
>”I’m bringing your favorite for dinner as an early apology because I might be late since my boss wants me to head back to the studio for a bit.”
“Thank god!’’, you exclaimed. This means you have more time to talk yourself into thinking this was a good idea again and hop in the shower to finish this possible disaster. As you stain your porcelain white tub with colorful dye you think of Joong’s possible reaction. In all the years of your friendship, you’ve really admired his sense of fashion and eye for art. You don’t put him on a pudistal but you look up to his opinion. Maybe you were too confident thinking you could both choose a color and dye your whole head by yourself but you hopped out and headed to the mirror to see the finished product.
You gasped at your reflection, covering your mouth as you muffled yourself. “It’s actually cute”, you say, uncovering your mouth. You needed some more convincing so you grabbed your hair products to style it into something presentable for the hour or so. After styling your hair, you change into something not discolored and cover up the clumsy stains on your forehead just in time to hear your doorbell. It’s time to show off your totally perfectly planned dye job to Joongie. 
You practically swung the door open giving a little pose for a startled Hongjoong. "So this was why you were so busy today!” He laughed holding the hot food, shimmying into the apartment. You grabbed the bags to place on the table so he stopped to marvel at your work. “Y/N, you really should pick my next color.” 
His words were an ego boost.
Park Seonghwa
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Every now and again you’d visit your boyfriend in the practice room to keep him company during his long practice hours. You would bring him something to eat or drink to keep his energy up and tell him about your day. He enjoyed this time together as much as you do. With both of your schedules usually clashing, this is one of the few moments of the week that you can enjoy one another.
He sat down in front of you admiring the vibrancy in your hair.
"…what?", you sheepishly ask.
He doesn't respond yet, still gazing at your beauty. Wide eyed and enamored.
"What??", you slap your hand on the dance floor between you two trying to gain his attention.
In attempts to play it off cool, he shoots you a smirk, "N-nothing. You just look really good in this color." You both cringe slightly at his corny behavior as he lets out a breathy laugh, looking away finally. You smile knowing his compliment was genuine.
Jeong Yunho
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“Babe, looks like we’re twins!” You messaged him a picture of your new look fresh out of the salon. You wanted to try a new look so what better than having your hair colored like your boyfriend’s. Yunho loves when you two match whether it’s clothing, accessories or miscellaneous items. He’s 100% the type of boyfriend who would buy matching sets of things just to show off. You’re his first love so he wants the whole world to know your love for one another.
Today while you had a free day you wanted to surprise him with this eccentric display of partnership by getting your hair dyed to match his oreo styled white and black hair. You were pretty proud of the results and thought your puppy dog boyfriend would be obsessed but when he finally messaged back you were confused to say the least. 
> 🥲🥲🥲🥲
>”what do you not like it??
You were worried if maybe you took the matching too far. I mean matching hoodies and bracelets are one thing but you fully dyed your hair for him. While wondering what his message could have meant you get a face call from him and immediately picked it up. As his image pops up you immediately gasp at the sight of his black hair… not oreo but black. He tries to explain with a straight face that the company had planned to dye his hair black earlier that morning unbeknownst to both of you. As you hear laughter from his bandmates in the background you couldn’t do anything but giggle at the ridiculous situation with them. 
“The look suits you better anyways baby.” he finally compliments between chuckles.
Kang Yeosang
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Though this isn’t your first acting gig, it is the first where you had to dye your actual hair. You’ve never even gotten highlights before but they want you to dye the whole head. You’re pacing his room thinking out loud as he watches, eating potato chips. Yeosang is more than used to having his hair changed every other comeback or so but he understands how you feel. He gets up to hand you the bag of chips and sits you down on his bed in his place. “So what color do they want for you?” he asked, now standing. You respond, now stuffing your face with chips,” Light brown. Like a milk tea color.” He claps in encouragement, “That’s not that bad Y/N. I’ll probably look really good in it.”
Yeosang tends to be optimistic most of the time but you take his words as honesty. “Really?”, you ask, wiping your mouth. He walks towards you planting a few kisses on your lips, “Of course, nothing can stop your beauty.
Choi San
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You’ve always been hesitant to try out new things whether it’s a new restaurant or a new look, to the point that it took you this long to pierce your ears. You are a creature of comfort and disrupting your routine doesn’t sound pleasant to you but deep down you want to branch out even if in a small way. Your bestie San has always been the first person to hold your hand and encourage you so when you told him that you made an appointment with a salon to change your look. You reassured him, or more like yourself, that it’s not going to be a huge change but he’s excited either way that you're ready to get out of your comfort zone.
He drops you off at the salon for a few hours while he runs some errands. When you text him that you're done he gets back to you excitedly. Ready to see your new choice of look.
“San!!”, you waved at him cheerfully, “Do you like it?”. You seem so happy with the outcome that San didn’t want to pop your bubble. Honestly he’s happy youre happy and trying new things.
"... Wow...Y/n it’s great." Practically it’s the same color but you’re so cute when you’re giddy that he’s excited for you.
Song Mingi
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Getting tired of the same old same old, you wanted to spice up your look somehow before your boyfriend came back from touring. Mingi would have loved you if you were a worm but you wanted to wow him nonetheless. You messaged him about your thoughts and he suggested you to maybe get your hair trimmed or try lightening the color. He’s so gentle with your feelings, he didn’t want to over suggest and seem like he wanted you to make a big change. He adored you and wanted you to be happy with yourself more than worrying about what he wants. So with those few options you took them and ran. A handful of days later and it was time to meet your boyfriend from his long travels.
He knew that you did something to your hair but not to what extent since you kept it a surprise. You eagerly headed to his dorms, excited to greet him and show him your new look. Once his manager opened the door, he greeted you with a compliment and a welcoming gesture into the house. Luckily the boys weren’t around to see you before he did. Once you called out his name he came jogging down singing yours offkey but the sight of you caught his eye and his heart. “Wow you’re like a new person babe! So beautiful.” He walked up to marvel at your newly colored short shaggy hair. Smiling ear to ear, you're happy with the new look and more than happy that your boyfriend loves it maybe more than you do.
"We should go out today so everyone can see how hot my girlfriend is." He says leaning down for a kiss.
Jung Wooyoung
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"Bestie! Open the door bestie! My arms hurt!!" He proceeds to bang on the door impatiently, "Y/N?" he shouts almost completely without energy. You finally open the front door causing him to step back.
"Stop it, youre gonna wake up my neighb-"
You grabbed the food and tried to close him outside for yelling so much but he fought his way in. You both laugh from the bit of rough housing then Wooyoung closes and locks the door behind him, following you to the kitchen to help you set up the breakfast. The way the sunlight from the window shines on your now golden locks distracts him causing him to fumble with the cups.
You catch him staring with his lips parted a bit making you chuckle, "So how do you like it?" It takes him a moment to respond, "you know Y/n I've never really noticed how wavy your hair is. You blonde brings it out nicely."
That comment causes your face to flush suddenly. You hardly ever get complimented on your curl pattern. Honestly you're more used to backhanded compliments. Wooyoung senses your awkwardness and reassures you. "Your hair is really pretty."
Choi Jongho
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You like company whenever you have to run errands around town but usually Jongho is busy working so you’d have to either go alone or ask other friends so when he had a day off you took that opportunity to drag him around from place to place. Usually he wouldn’t mind because quality time is his love language but when you told him you needed to get your hair touched up he tried to get out (unsuccessfully). He begged, pleaded, even started pouting since it always works on his hyungs, nothing worked.
Being a seasoned idol, he’s all too familiar with how long and grueling salon trips can be (even though he hardly gets his hair dyed lol). But you told him you need to get your hair done for work and once you gave him your puppy dog eyes he stopped protesting almost instantly.
He sat patiently, making small talk every now and then with the stylist and patrons there during the few hours of wait with his only time of freedom being when he left to get you a snack. To be completely honest, Jongho enjoys any bit of time with you just as much as you with him. He’s enjoyed your time so much that he’s started developing feelings for you, even if he hasn’t realized yet.
Once you’re finally done paying for your hair you walk up to him ushering to leave but the sight of you with lighter hair makes him lose his sense. Already at the door, you look back at him still sitting. “Come on, this is just one place i need to go today”, you say smiling down at him.
He gulps as he regain’s himself to get on his feet. Realizing the budding feelings.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 9 months
Yeonjun x Reader: Thrill ride
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Summary: You're the head of one of the most feared mafia groups in the town, along with your Racer boyfriend. Just a drabble with this scenario.
A/n: Happy Birthday 🎂 Yeonjun 🎉 the loml. This one has been in my drafts forever, thank God I completed in time lol.
W/c: 1.6k
"Yeaaah" you cheered as you watched Yeonjun zoom down the track leaving the challenger far behind eating dust. You cocked an eyebrow and side eyed the chick that was accompanying him, where the smugness now?, You thought. With ease Yeonjun touched the finish line and stopped the bike and you walked to him, intertwining your hands behind his head as he pulled you close by your waist. You heard yelling and turned to find the losing biker grumbling. He rushed towards Yeonjun, pushing you away, but you reacted just in time and held his hand, immediately twisting it behind his back. Your assistant Ryujin pulled out her gun and pointed at him. He froze.
"You thought you could touch my boyfriend in front of me?" You said now turning him as your men walkin to hold him. "Take him away and put him on the banned list, also find his whore and do the same'' you said and walk to Yeonjun. "Are you okay?" You asked, "I should be asking YOU that!" He said "I've told you I can fight" he pouted. "I know you can fight, but I don't want you to," you said, kissing his cheek. "You get ready for the next set, I'll go check with a few VIPs okay?" You informed him and walked away with Ryujin at tow.
It was after two more races when Yeonjun finally sat down to rest for sometime. He suddenly felt a hand on his arm. "Hey" a coy voice said, "sorry, why are you here?" He said flinching away. "Oh don't be like that, I could give you a better night than that harsh girl friend of yours" she said looking at him with fake coy eyes while she twirled her hair.
"You know you really shouldn't be doing this" he said, plucking her hands off himself gingerly and stepping back. "Leave me alone." he said and was about to turn around but the girl touched his shoulder and stopped him, and before he could react. The sound of the safety of the gun was heard and a cold metal touched the back of the chick's head.
"I thought he asked you to back off. Hands off my man bitch" you said. The chick stopped in her tracks and cowered in front of you as you put the gun back and signaled the security to take her away. "You do know you're free to leave if you wanna" you said shrugging, looking down. "Where would I go without you?" He said and wrapped his arms around you. "Dude, no company would hire you for racing. You're an exceptional engineer and mechanic" you said, trying to hide the pain it took to say these words to him. But he must know you don't wanna hold him back. "I don't even want to," he said, rocking you in his arms. An idea came to your mind as you smirked and asked. "You. Want me to show you?" He asked.
He took your hand into his and pulled you to your trailer that was parked by the side and pulled the door close shutting it. "Fuck" you say and crash your lips onto his, he tasted of fresh mimt and your strawberry lipbalm (that be steals often). Watching him all dressed up in this tight suit just does something to your brain. The kiss got heated as he slid his tongue into your mouth and fought for dominance. You grabbed him by his collar and pulled you as close as possible by your waist. He pulled you further inside and pushed you onto the couch. "We have the races going on" you said as he nibbled onto your neck leaving marks and making you a moaning mess. "Then we'll just have to be quick," he said. And pulled down your trousers. "Fuck baby you're so wet" he moaned massaging you aching core over the cloth of your panties. In a single move he pulled them down as well. You see him quickly pull out his hard member and before even giving a warning he rammed it all the way in, making you jolt. He rammed into you, as you grabbed his hair and pulled him into a kiss.
"That was so hot out there" he mumbled into your ear. "You see what you do to me without even trying. Only you. That's all I want. Don't you dare to ever think otherwise" he said. "Ah- Jun-Jun- I'm-" you whimpered. "Together" he said and so you did, you lied breathless as Yeonjun rode the two of you through your highs.
⚠️smut end⚠️
"When will you come back?" Yeonjun asked you, pouting. "I'll come home as soon as I'm done with the meeting. Why aren't you going to the garage today?" You asked him and he shook his head, "I don't want to, beside there's no need all the deliveries have been done it's a slow day" he said. "Call me if anything is up" you said and kissed his cheek. "Be careful," he said. "It's just a meeting," you said.
"Are you missing your pretty little assistant?" came the voice. Indeed neither of you had seen Ryujin since the morning and her phone wasn't reachable either. "Wtf? Whoever you are. If you hurt her-"
All your staff looked at you in alarm. You signaled them to clear the room. Your security personnel Taehyun and Chan looked alarmed.
"I have no interest in hurting this pretty little thing. Cancel the deal and come and get her alone. She's dead if you don't maintain either of the two" they said and an image was sent to your phone, it was Ryunjin. Tied up to a chair, passed out.
"FUCK!" you cursed and took one of the cars alone and left for the area they had sent the coordinates of. "Don't follow me," you told them and left.
It was in the outskirts of the town and of course secluded. You stepped out of the car and walked into the building, of course it's an abandoned factory, how cliché can these bitches be. Suddenly you felt a hit on the back of your head and everything went black.
"What?! And you let her?" Yeonjun exclaimed. "We can't talk over the boss or not obey her. So we came to you" Chan told Yeonjun. "She even took a car without trackers," Taehyun said, panicking. "Tracker!" Yeonjun said and pulled out his phone. "Please Y/n don't switch it off" Yeonjun said as the application loaded. "Please, please" he said tapping into his phone. "YESS" He said and showed the location to Them. "Let's go," he said, grabbing his bike keys. "No. No. No." Chan stopped Yeonjun, who immediately glared. "We can't lead you into danger, Y/n would kill us" Taehyun said. "Either I go alone, or you come with me" he said, locking the phone, "that's my girl's life on the line" he added. So the three set off for the location.
"The fuck do you rascals want?! Bloody bastards can't even face me head on!" You cursed as what looked like henchmen sat in front of you. You hoped that by now your personnel had figured some kinda plan out because you didn't think twice before jumping into the situation.
"Did you think you could just walkin here and get away with you little bird so easily?" another voice said from behind and Kwak Dongyeon stepped in front of you. "So it's your doing. What else do you want, I even gave you the shares you wanted" you said. "You think your petty shares can make up for my father's death?" He said bitterly. "Your father killed My dad! I brought him to justice, if he decides to suicide in the jail, that wasn't my fault! I! I made sure you and your mother are taken care of! You ungrateful bastard!" Your berating came to a halt when a crash sound was heard. Immediately bullet fires were heard, and three very familiar men rushed in. There he was your knight in shining armor or more like a shining leather jacket. Rushed in. The moment his eye fell onto you his features hardened. He kicked and disarmed and injured (making sure not killing) the men who tried to guard him as Taehyun and Chan made way for him.
"Fuck!" Dongyeon cursed, you quickly kicked him with the leg you had been trying all this time to free without these idiots noticing. You quickly grabbed the knife out of that boot with a little struggle, and freed yourself. In a moment the other three were by your side as Chan held the now silent Dongyeon on his gun point.
"Don't!" You said as you freed Ryujin who was unconscious. Taehyun picked her up, and you turned to say "set him free. I cut ties with you, the money of the shares will reach your account and I am done with you." You said and walked away.
The moment you left the building you were pulled in a hug. "Thank God you're okay!" You heard Yeonjun mumble. "Thank you for working your brain, but" you pushed him away and hit his chest, "why would you throw yourself at the face of risk like that, these two were more than enough to take down those clowns" you said, he held you neck and pulled you into a kissed a brief one that left you wanting more and he said "I know you'd do the same. Besides, nobody touches my girl" as he climbed his motorbike revving the engine alive and you climbed on, behind him.
Other work
Send an ask to be tagged or for requests.
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"Too much..."
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Pairing: Caregiver!Frank Castle + Little!Karen Page.
Summary: its all a bit much.. (idk what to say for a summary really, sorry 😅)
Warnings: brief mentions of blood/violence, it's Frank sooo, nicknames. (kid, sweetheart)
A/N~ listen- I know noone requested this and what's worse is I actually have another Frank request in my drafts however I had this lil idea when watching season 2 of Daredevil and I just had to write it lol.
NOT Proofread
Karen stood at an awkward angle practically begging for Frank to not do it, blood dripping down her forehead as she held onto her arm.
"If you do this you'll be dead to me forever!" Her face showed all her emotions right then and there. She seemed both shocked that she had said it but also like she truly meant it.
Frank paused before picking up the Colonel and dragging him off into a shed, before shutting the door he turned around to face Karen.
"I'm already dead." He said blankly before shutting the shed door.
She wasn't sure how she got here but she was now sat in her apartment with Frank. All she could remember was her knees hitting the dirty floor of the forest as she tried to make it back to the car. It wasn't like she would have been able to drive in this state even if she had made it, her head was pounding from the crash and she had slipped and regressed. And now she was sat on a chair in her living room whilst Frank quietly worked around her, cleaning up her cuts (along with any mess he was making in the process)
"Karen.? ..are you okay.?" Frank asks in a surprisingly calm voice (for him at least.)
"Mmm.. 's too much"
"It's too much? ..I get that.. it's been a long day hasn't it Sweetheart.. I think it's time to take a break, yea Kid? Why don't we.. umm..- what about we watch a movie or something?"
Karen gives a meek nod, exhausted from the day.
She was still holding a grudge, even as she sat partially curled up on Frank's lap whilst the soft sounds of Tangled played through her apartment. Shortly into the film Frank starts to run his hand through her hair, which ends up lulling her into a peaceful and well deserved sleep.
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alj4890 · 1 year
Escaping for a Moment
(Ernest Sinclaire x MC*Catherine Mills) in a Choices Desire and Decorum drabble
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: forbidden lovers sharing a kiss in the shadows
Not quite sure who to tag for this one since it has been so long since I last wrote a drabble for this pair. Plus in cleaning out my drafts folder I lost my permatag list 🤦🏻‍♀️Tagging some who won't be too angry at me for doing so, LOL! @hopelessromantic1352 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations @krsnlove
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"Enjoying yourself, my dear?"
Lady Catherine Mills stiffened at the sound of her fiancé's voice.
There was nothing that made her skin crawl quite like Tristan Richard's oily tone.
A scathing insult sat on the tip of her tongue to give the odious man the set down he so rightly deserved. One glance at her grandmother's stern demeanor instead had her forcing a smile.
"I am. Thank you, your grace."
The Duke of Karlington leered at her. He purposely moved closer and placed her hand within the bend of his arm. He enjoyed watching her suffer being trapped with him.
The Dowager Countess beamed at the pair. She was pleased beyond measure that her natural granddaughter had managed to capture such a prized suitor. There wasn't a young lady here who had done so well in such little time.
Nor with such a questionable background.
"You should dance and show her off, your grace." She prodded.
"What a marvelous notion." Tristan remarked.
He placed his hand over Catherine's, smiling all the more with her trying to avoid his touch.
"Shall we show them how it's done, my lady?"
Catherine knew she must say yes. It galled her to have to spend a single moment in this man's presence much less dance with him. The thought of his hands upon her body made her wish to find a chamber pot to wretch in.
If only she was allowed to marry the one man whom she so deeply loved. Mr. Ernest Sinclair was so many things to Catherine. He'd been her savior, her friend, and finally the one who stirred her soul like no other.
Why had they tarried so long that night before sharing the joyful news of their engagement? If they'd only found her grandmother sooner, Catherine would be eagerly taking a turn on the dance floor with her fiancé, Mr. Sinclair, instead of the fiend pretending to be a gentleman at her side.
Life seemed determined to be unfair for the young lady. Not only was she denied her true love, she also was denied even a glimpse of him. For reasons she assumed were because she was promised to another, Mr. Sinclair had yet to make an appearance this evening.
If it were not for Ms. Parsons and Prince Hamid being there to bolster her spirits, Catherine would most likely have dissolved into tears. Her heart ached for Ernest. She was near the point of throwing decorum out the window and running off to Gretna Green with him.
She no longer cared if her beloved father had intended to leave Edgewater to her instead of her stepbrother. Mr. Marlcaster wasn't a bad sort. Catherine could see that he truly had a kind heart when not under the thumb of his mother.
If her dear Briar believed he was all that was good in this world, then Catherine couldn't doubt it. Her friend had a way of seeing one's true nature. Mr. Marlcaster might fumble the finances and such, but he would be a good steward to the people of Edgewater.
She knew if she was to run away with Ernest, scandal would be forever associated with her name. Did it matter though? Her questionable birth already tainted her reputation, though she had no control over those circumstances. At least the new gossip would be something she could happily live with.
"Lady Catherine?" Tristan hissed. "Are you not paying attention?"
Catherine jerked her head away from the feeling of his breath on her ear.
The Dowager laughed at the notion.
"She is most likely lost in thought over the notion of marrying you, your grace."
Tristan's smile was one most ladies deemed charming.
Catherine found little to like in it.
"Is that true, my dear? Are you thinking about our wedding?" His voice lowered for her ears alone. "Or is your baseborn nature concentrating on our wedding night?"
Catherine jerked her hand from his. Trembling with suppressed rage, she pleaded for them to excuse her.
Blinded by angry tears, she wound her way through the crush of guests in search of an escape. Since the retiring room was filled with giggling ladies, she next hoped to find a quiet corner outside to try and calm down.
She shook her head when Prince Hamid asked if she needed him. After tripping her way to a side door, Catherine slipped outside and rushed deep into the shadows.
Her exit was halted by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her.
"Catherine?" Mr. Sinclair said softly to try and shush her cries.
"Ernest!" She twirled in his arms, her hands cupping his face as her lips immediately sought his.
Ernest deepened the kiss, holding her even closer within his embrace.
Catherine broke away to catch her breath. "I thought you were not coming."
"I could not stay away." He caressed her cheek. "I do not care what anyone thinks. I refuse to stand by and see you married to such a man as Duke Richards."
Though she couldn't see him well, his voice made her heart sing with his next words.
"You were created for me, Catherine. You are to be no one's wife but mine."
She sighed into the heat of his next kiss. Her hands moved along his broad shoulders, glorying in the fact that he was truly here and still wanted her for his own.
"My love," she breathed as his lips brushed kisses down her neck, "I want nothing more than to be Mrs. Sinclair."
"And so you shall." He fervently promised. "We will find a way out of your betrothal. The Duke of Karlington will not lay another finger on you."
The mention of her fiancé's name forced Catherine to reluctantly pull away.
"I should return before my grandmother sends the duke for me."
"I'll escort you back." Ernest pressed a kiss to the back of her hand before releasing her.
She took his arm, leaning closer than appropriate. She needed a few more moments near him if she was to endure the rest of the ball.
Once inside, notes were played to signal that the Allemande was about to begin.
"Would you do me the honor, my lady?" Mr. Sinclair asked in that proud proper tone of his.
Catherine looked up at him. Her eyes traced his handsome features in the nearby candlelight. Her first genuine smile of the night appeared upon her slightly kiss swollen lips. She could continue to play the part of a respectable noble as long as he was near.
"Thank you, Mr. Sinclair." She said with a polite tilt of her head. "I would love to."
As he took her in his arms to dance, Catherine felt both her hope and courage return.
She would find a way to freedom and celebrate it with the man at her side.
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wip wednesday, sorta - the story i've been noodling with has hit i think a pause point in that an idea emerged in drafting that i think might call for some major revamping, and i gotta marinate on it for a while before committing, which is sort of annoying but also sort of a relief since i do actually also really want to be able to turn my focus back to the fic i was in the middle of, lol. but here's a little of the non-fic thing i've been writing:
After the funeral, I came home. Each sound seemed perversely amplified: the tectonic friction of the key in the lock, the batwing smack of my purse against the wall, the strangled thunder of my boots on the wooden floor. The apartment felt insurmountably empty. I could not imagine how I would live here alone.
I hadn’t washed the sheets since the accident. It occurred to me—truthfully for the first time—that this could not go on forever. That one day I would have to fall asleep in a bed that no longer smelled like David. That there were little pieces of him here with me, clusters of dead cells that had once been his, and I would be the one to cast them out. I fell into bed with my shoes on and cried myself nauseous, howling to wake the dead until my body gave out.
When I woke up, it was dark out and there was a glass of water on my nightstand that I couldn’t remember getting. I sat up to drink it, confused and half-asleep still, with a headache from crying.
David was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me with a sheepish smile. He wiggled his fingers in a goofy wave. Hey, babe.
I screamed.
So it’s definitely been an adjustment. I don’t want to undersell that. What he’s doing, it’s not the same as coming back from the dead. Death is death—you can’t turn back the clock. It’s just a little more permeable sometimes than I had assumed. That’s a lot to process, in and of itself. I still wake up alone, just like I would have if he’d stayed; manifesting takes a lot of energy, so he usually doesn’t bother when I’m asleep. The whole corporeality thing is kind of touch-and-go, too—pun intended, forgive me, because it’s been a rough couple months and sometimes you have to make your own fun.
And David—it changes you, dying. It would be stupid to expect it not to. Yes, he’s a little more subdued than he was before. A little less adventurous, a little more unreliable. But he’s not even sure he can leave the apartment. And our spreadsheets have yet to evince any kind of pattern to what we’ve taken to calling his signal. (Even that is a simplification: sometimes it acts like cell service, flickering in and out for its own inscrutable reasons, and other times it’s more like a battery, drained by exertion and taking time to restore.) More importantly, he’s still David. He’s still curious and kind; he still loves Leonard Cohen and heist movies. He still plugs in my heating pad when I’m doubled over from cramps, and he still makes me laugh. It’s not nothing, to live through the worst of all possible things and still come home to someone who makes you laugh.
In some ways it reminds me of that first pandemic year. I’m still going to work this time, but of course he’s not, so whenever I’m home, there he is. We hadn’t lived together long when it hit; those strange, sad, death-suffused months were what turned our fourth-story walk-up into a place that meant each other. It’s not so different now. We’re learning the new shape of ourselves in a state of close proximity and existential upheaval. My friend Laura and her husband just had their first baby. From what she tells me, our situation isn’t so different from that, either.
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