gedankenschnipzel · 1 year
Wenn ich nach drei Tagen wieder gut Schlaf 
Warst du kein Wolf, sondern das Schaf.
Auch wenn du einen Wolfspelz trägst 
Und Dich wie ein Wolf bewegst
Erkenne ich die Angst in dir.
Ist das Schwäche, die ich da verspür? 
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data2364 · 1 year
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via Trekcore.com
James Doohan (Montgomery Scott) 1967 in Star Trek: The Original Series "Wolf in the Fold“
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thatswhywelovegermany · 2 months
ein Wolf im Schafspelz sein
literally: to be a wolf in a sheep's fur
to have evil intentions but present oneself as kind-hearted to the outside world
Origin: In Matthew 7:15 the warning against false prophets, “who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
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unfug-bilder · 19 days
Die Frage für mich ist: Tut Voigt das aus eigenem Interesse oder im Auftrag der Bundespartei? Mit Zustimmung der Bundespartei kann als sicher gelten, sondern hätten Fritz und sein Accountbetreuer Kai Diekmann sich längst zu Wort gemeldet. Also tippe ich auf BEIDES.
Und darauf, dass Höcke "gewinnt". Voigt ist zwar erzreaktionär, aber kein Charismatiker. Höcke hat Tausende von Stunden im Schafspelz vor Oberstufenschülern gestanden, (deutsche) Geschichte unterrichtet und ist nach allem, was wir wissen, dort niemals als Nazi aufgefallen.
Spannend ist also nicht, die Debatte zu verfolgen, sondern was die Bundes-CDU dann tut.
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mordsfesch · 1 year
Hiii everyone!
Ich brauche mal euer Schwarmwissen, beziehungsweise eure Tatort-Sammlungen. Ich bin nämlich noch auf der Suche nach ein paar Tatort München Folgen und dachte, vielleicht hat ja jemand die ein oder andere davon in seiner Sammlung und würde sie liebenswerter Weise mit mir teilen (oder weiß, wo man an die herankommen könnte). Vielen Dank schonmal! <3
Mir fehlen noch:
Einmal täglich
Und dahinter liegt New York
Wolf im Schafspelz
Der Fremdwohner
Wenn Frauen Austern essen
Nur ein Spiel
Macht und Ohnmacht
Aus der Tiefe der Zeit
Die Wahrheit
Der Tod ist unser ganzes Leben
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moss-bride · 11 months
Wolf im schafspelz
Strade x fem reader. |chapt:1
Her back hurts and the lights are clinically bright. She sits up, her head dizzy as she takes a bleary blink at her surroundings. "Where….?"
An unfamiliar room bare of decorations. Stairs to her left lead up to a door. It looks like a garage, or maybe a basement. All the same, she doesn't recognize it.
She tenses, darting her eyes to the state of her body and the chain. A real metal chain. Not the styrofoam Halloween decoration they sell in pop up stores. It's heavy when she attempts to raise her limbs. The gears in her head are slow to turn, Numbly asking no one. "Why?" The situation is confusing to her freshly awakened. 
The side of her temple hurts and something sticky clumps the area. With her wrist tied she can't check but she doesn't need to, instinctively knowing that it is blood. Dried and cracking.
"I'm scared." she whispers helplessly into the air. Not for anyone. Just a statement. She repeats it several times, humming it like a song to gain some semblance of what the hell is happening. Is this a nightmare? Oftentimes in sleep she's stuck in an endless cycle of fake wakings and now she prays that's the case.
Beginning to rock herself in a pathetic attempt to focus her senses as panic sets in. This bear room with tools and shelves smells of storage and metal.
"It's alright Mauser."  this voice comes suddenly in the room, with its deep like and foreign tinge. Ever teasing as she blinks up, terrified. Her trembling lips form his name. "Mr Strade?"
His brown hair is still messy and he appears climbing down the stairs just as jolly as ever.
He is all teeth in his smile. Her neighbor that cooked them burgers on his grill once in a summer past is the one holding her in this basement. "Please, just Strade."
She thinks of all their interactions up to this point for something she might have done to deserve this. An indication that she'd been rude or annoying. Coming up with nothing. "I didn't do anything wrong." she says stupidly. 
He tilts his head and trudges closer. "Do you think I'm here to punish you?" he's acting like he's talking to a particularly slow individual. 
'Yes". Because why else would a person kidnap another except to punish? She says her graces and respects others. In her naive version of the world: people hurt others who have hurt them.
What grudge does he have against her?
He laughs at her admission. "It's never too late to learn." he tells her "Sometimes the world is cruel and senseless. I'm not here to punish you."
"Is it money? I don't have any-" She barely manages her parents' rent.
He assured her. "Money isn't an issue."
He waves that away and looks half amused, half offended. "I'm doing this because I like you and I want to get to know you better."
Normal people would take someone they like on a date or ask them to dinner. Not kidnap them and tie them to a wall in an unfamiliar place. In her girlish fantasy she had yearned for these same words from her foreign neighbor. Had struggled with gathering the courage to ask him out on a date. 
A walk in the park and the sound of his giddy laughter. Whatever she thought about her neighbor is wrong. She had put their curt interactions on a pedestal, ignoring any ill intent.
Tears resurface to blur his smiling face. She blinks rapidly. "Let me go please." 
"Can't do that." he's chuckling at her silly request. He suddenly claps. his hands together. It startled her. "Before we begin. Do you want something to eat or drink?"
Her stomach clenches. She only remembers the breakfast her mother made that morning before work. Pancakes with milk, a distant memory far from here. "Eat."
Strade produces a wrapped bar of oats. She opens her mouth for him to shove it in and the harsh movement scrapes her throat. Almost making her choke. 
Still not comprehending that this isn't a nightmare she'll wake up from eventually. She chews the protein bar and swallows the mass of fiber, it goes down gradually. Not appetizing but she's trained by her upbringing to automatically say a courtesy- "Thank you."  she cringes after. 
Strade hums a note and tosses the wrapper. "So polite. Now ," He produces a big knife seemingly out of nowhere. As soon as she sees it she jerks back into the wall, uttering a sharp cry. The bindings scratched skin off her wrist and ankles as she scrambles.
Freely weeping into her lap. Her hair sticks in wet schlop to her face and neck
He ate this reaction up with hungry eyes. "You poor little deer, you are shaking."
He draws closer so she can smell the heady musk of him. Pungent sweat, metal, oil, male scent that's indescribable and terrifying. Unwashed skin.
She's still and waiting for the knife to strike down onto her chest, instead, he does something more horrifying. Strade slides the knife, tearing her clothes off. Uncaring of how the blade bites into her skin leaving ruby gashes.
Hot blood, heated skin, meeting cold basement air. The tattered clothes are thrown to join the bar wrapper.
Strade cups her cheek and pats her head again. Good girl. "You were so sweet and kind, I wanted to get to know you better."
Free of her clothes and freezing on the floor. He scans her body. Not missing a single nook or cranny. She clenches her thighs together to obscure his view of her privates and wishes she could fold her arm over her hanging breasts.
If he will maim her body, her spirit can take it, but if he wants to do that she'd rather die. Thankfully he is focused on the bleeding stripes of red. She hopes this won't be enough to kill her. They are deep. 
His large hand squeezes up her leg then goes above her calf. She tenses. The dig of metal invades her leg. Mind going blank and seeing nothing but flashes of color before stopping at a blinding red mist with a loud sound of a pure single note laced in pain. Strade enjoys this and only goes further up until the large gash stretches to her hip.
He takes a deep breath of the metallic air then suddenly jams his knife in again, slicing a chunk of her thigh. Past the second layer of protection fat and into meat, where nerves come alive and fire all at once. 
She shrieks. Spasming. His labored breathing were the only sounds beside her screams.
Cheeks flushing with red to his neck and disappearing into his collar, brows furrowed in fascination as he's huffing like an overworked dog. "Those big eyes were begging for it."
She wants to chant why why why. It rings in her head as clear as a church bell that she's never going to see her family again. Won't be making it out of this basement alive
Strade calms himself down. Fidgeting the knife in his grip. his breathing slows and she is sitting in a pool of blood gushing out of her body. "Would you like me to sew it?"
I want you to go away! 
She doesn't want this unstable man near her. The puddle is quickly cooling and she thinks he nicked an artery. 
After collecting her thoughts, nods. "Please."
The blinding sting of the needle as it hooks into her flesh almost makes her vomit to the side, snapping her head to the left is a trial hope to decrease the nausea he only chuckles again, the pain is rhythmic, hole after hole he pulls sharp at her skin, pinching the tear together. He adds more stitches than necessary and ducks his head down to her thigh, his warm breath puffing against her prickled aching flesh and cuts the thread with his teeth. She gazes at the top of his head, chestnut brown
Strade stands. "Oh, can't forget!" he pours on the alcohol to make her sing one last time for the day.
Her eyes renew their watery state. Her muscles flinch and burn on the freezing floor
Her neighbor turned captor is all too fond of her actions. "You're going to be here for some time. We're going to have fun. "
He shuts the door and she's left in the dark. 
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thiefking · 1 year
every time i say my newest oc's name it is met with delight. my newest oc's name is cecil fluffolomew zzzobeslaus schafspelz von maangel
this is what his names mean
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and thiis is what he looks like
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he is also an egotistical maniac perfectionist serial killer. do you like him ?
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tatwaffle · 1 year
Wolf im Schafspelz is an odd little nugget. It’s all about Franz being hangry. Sure, Ivo tricks him into stepping in sheep manure but Franz gets the bigger victory.
All I can find about Bierkur is bathing in the stuff so I have no idea what he’s up to. Can we also blame it for booping of a snoot?
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sawahqigong · 1 month
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Auf der Leipziger Buchmesse 2024:
Stand von Uwe Pauly in Halle 5, Stand B107 mit seinem neuen Buch
„Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen: unser tierischer Sprachgebrauch“,
Unsere Sprache ist geprägt von Redewendungen, Sprichwörtern, Begriffen und Assoziationen. Vieles davon bezieht sich auf die Tierwelt und wir benutzen es fast täglich. Wir aalen uns in der Sonne, fühlen uns manchmal hundeelend, können kauzig sein, stehen bei Problemen wie der Ochse vor dem Berg oder sind zickig. Den Tieren werden Verhaltensweisen zugeschrieben - stimmig oder nicht - die sich dann im Wortschatz wiederfinden. So die Naschkatze, der heulende Schlosshund oder der Killerwal. Hier im Buch werden die Redensarten und Begriffe mit ihrer Bedeutung und ihrem Hintergrund erklärt, denn schließlich sollten wir immer wissen, was wir da reden und ob es den Tieren auch gerecht wird. Informationen, Fakten und Geschichten über die entsprechenden Tiere kommen dabei nicht zu kurz.
Link zum Buch:
#lbm24 #lbm2024 #uwepauly #eichhörnchen #stefanwahle #buchberlin2024 #fbm24 #books #wolf #schafspelz #bookstagram #BookTok #amazon #anzeige #werbung
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kitkatkatastroph · 2 months
Du bist der Wolf und dein Schafspelz täuschend echt.
Es fängt schon wieder an: Ich sehe Monster. Aber diesmal weiß ich, dass sie da sind.
Pass in Zukunft besser auf, wem du Macht über dich gibst.
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korrektheiten · 5 months
Globalist im libertären Schafspelz: Mogelpackung Milei?
Ansage: »Der völlig überraschende Wahlsieg des Libertären Javier Milei in Argentinien hat bei vielen, der linksstaatlichen Bevormundung überdrüssigen Europäern Freude und die Hoffnung ausgelöst, hier sei vielleicht der Beginn einer Trendwende hin zu individueller Freiheit und einer Bekämpfung globalistischer Übergriffe zu erkennen. Dies könnte sich jedoch als trügerisch erweisen. Keine drei Tage nach Mileis Amtsantritt zeichnet […] The post Globalist im libertären Schafspelz: Mogelpackung Milei? first appeared on Ansage. http://dlvr.it/T050J2 «
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illusionandcigarette · 5 months
Deine Stimme ist mein Untergang. Lockend, vertraulich, voll (,) Versprechung.
Durch das Timbre war ich taub für dein schamlos buchstabiertes Geständnis.
„Ich bin der Wolf im Schafspelz.“
Deine Zähne blitzten.
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musikblog · 7 months
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King Nun - Lamb Da zählen Bands so illustre Inspirationen wie Television oder Sonic Youth als ihre Vorbilder auf und klingen dann doch selbst in der kleinsten Faser nach einem von diesen Querverweisen. King Nun sind auf “Lamb” das Schaf im Schafspelz und klingen so harmlos, dass es schon fast wieder angenehm wird. Schon seit Schulzeiten 2013 macht das Quintett aus London gemeinsam Musik. 2019 erschien mit dem Debüt “Mass” dann der erste Langspieler im öffentlichen Raum, Support-Touren für diverse namhafte Bands standen an. Im Spotify-Zeitalter funktionieren King Nun auch vollkommen okay, die Songs sind eingängig genug, um schnell im Gedächtnis zu bleiben. Mit […] https://www.musikblog.de/2023/09/king-nun-lamb/ #KingNun #Album #AlternativeRock
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gazetteoesterreich · 8 months
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clearblazedaze · 8 months
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ambrose-and-aislinn · 9 months
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Der Wolf im Schafspelz  kommt als Unschuldslamm auf die Welt.
Gerhard Uhlenbruck
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