#scoring the end of the world
lalalychee · 7 months
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wasting away in the dark's not an option
this painting took two months for no dang reason 😵‍💫 hope y'all like it!
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take-me-back-to-eden · 9 months
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Motionless In White // Sign of Life
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ciginatree · 3 months
I would sell my soul for Chris to look at me like that
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itconsumesyou · 3 months
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I will not terminate I will annihilate
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skyjanquest · 6 months
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#miwweek DAY 2- Favorite Album 💥✨️
I wanted to draw something related to the art of the album just like @arkquackie but then I decided to make a small doodle of some of the tracks I love from STEOTW!
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merelyafacade · 5 months
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I can't fucking tell if he's kidding...
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*audio cuts to suspicious drilling noises*
Link to the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TyantQ7gow
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waking-hell · 2 years
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Motionless In White // Werewolf
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feelingsofaithless · 1 month
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@miwnet Motionless in White meme → [2/5] music videos ↪ Werewolf I could be honest, I could be human I could become the silver bullet in your head But no one can break my heart like I can
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mzmagzart · 9 months
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Hometown heroes Motionless In White headlined the Scranton Apocalypse Fest of course! Really hoping it becomes a yearly thing. It's so awesome how far they've come! (I posted some vids on my insta)
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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pairing: joe cooper x nb/gn! reader
summary: you caught coop cheating and he doesn't know how to handle you leaving him
genre: angst
word count: 1879
cw: cheating, drinking, they/them pronouns for reader
author’s note: HEAVILY inspired by masterpiece by motionless in white if you haven't listened then you should because it was on repeat as i wrote this
All the stupid lies and the stupid games
Left a vacancy in this picture frame
A prisoner by my own hands
'Cause if I can't have me, then no one can
His eyes watched as he pulled away from the girl he was with. The girl who wasn’t you. The girl he told you that you had nothing to worry about. “She was just a girl.” He watched as you stood in the doorway to the locker room, hand over your mouth, tears filling in your eyes. He quickly climbed out of the hot tub and tried to chase after you. He grabbed the closest towel and yelled for you as you ran down the hall, but by the time he reached the hallway you were leaving out the door.
“Fuck!” He knew he fucked up. He knew he shouldn’t have lied. He knew he shouldn’t have done what he did. What he had been doing. He walked back to the locker room and started grabbing his things, seeing the picture of you two in his cubby. The one he kept close for good luck, the one he wouldn’t even let Remer touch in fear that it would wash away the luck. It was almost as if the picture meant nothing now, he knew that. The girl walked over from the hot tub, wrapping her arms around him before he pulled away, “You’ve gotta go.”
“What do you mean go? We haven’t even done anything yet?” She asked, running her finger down Coop’s torso, practically twirling the hairs from his chest as she did so. He lightly grabbed her wrist, dropping the hand to her side, “I said go. You’ve ruined everything and I want you to go.” He practically spat at the girl before turning back and laying the photo face down. He heard the girl behind him scramble for her clothes before the door of the locker room slammed shut.
He walked out of the locker room and went to his shared house where Remer and Squeak also lived, and on occasion where you would stay. Especially after games. He walked to the fridge, grabbing a beer before slamming the fridge shut. He knew he couldn’t blame the girl. And he couldn’t blame you. He could just blame himself.
I need to heal what I inflict
But I'll burn that bridge when I get to it
As I play roulette with a broken gun
I confess these sins with a sharp and spiteful tongue
“You have to talk to them.” Remer spoke up, breaking the silence. Coop had barely left the couch after that night in the locker room. There was basically an ass indent on one of the cushions, he even slept on the couch. Knowing if he went to his room, your scent would be on the pillow, the blankets, hell even the clothes he would wear would have your scent on it. He would look at the phone every hour, hoping it would ring and it would be you, wanting to talk. Because he was too much of a pussy to do it himself. Afraid you’d ignore the call or afraid you wouldn’t want to hear him out.
What was there to hear out? “I cheated. Well almost. But I lied. I told them there was nothing to worry about and yet I was in the hot tub and they saw it.” Coop said, looking over at Remer. His roommate let out a sigh, Remer didn’t have much experience in the game of women but he knew what not to do, and cheating was definitely in the top three. Coop felt Remer give him a pat on the shoulder, “I don’t know dude. I do know that if you don’t talk about it at all. Nothing will happen.”
Coop shrugged, taking another swig from the beer bottle, emptying it before setting it in the trash with the pile of others, “I’ll get to it eventually. I just need to think about what to say.”
So how do I apologize
And put the tears back in your eyes
When every canvas that I paint
Is a masterpiece made of my mistakes?
Coop stared at the notebook paper in front of him, it was surrounded by wads of other pieces of notebook paper that he had torn out and thrown to the side because he felt like it wasn’t the right thing. He had been rehearsing his apology over and over again, writing down different strategies to go about it.
It had officially been a week since the incident and the look on your face kept playing on repeat in his head. The tears welling in your eyes before you ran, the last image he had in his head. The last time he saw you.
He sighed before ripping out the piece of notebook paper, crumbling it into a ball, and then throwing it in the pile with the others. He ran his hand through his bleached blonde hair, the roots had grown out a bit longer than normal, usually you would help him with that but you weren’t there this time to do it. He hated every draft he wrote, feeling like it wasn’t enough or it was too much. He didn’t know what to do. He had never been in this situation before where he needed to apologize for being an idiot. Because that’s what he had been. An idiot.
Outlined in guilt, my portrait stares
In a gallery where the walls lie bare
As I modernize my antique ways
True colors can't escape the brush of fate
He stared in the mirror in the locker room, his hair was a disheveled mess and his eyes were puffy and red from the emotions he finally let out. He still hadn’t heard from you and he didn’t blame your decision on that. His roots still hadn’t been touched up, even with both Remer and Squeak offering to take your place but he refused. He didn’t want anyone else to do it. He wanted you to do it.
He wanted you to be in the crowd tonight, cheering him on, wearing his extra jersey. He wanted to be able to dedicate every shot to you, and dedicate the winning game to you. But he couldn’t because you weren’t there tonight. He didn’t know where you were at all. He just knew that he was by himself now. Despite what Remer told him, you weren’t there. You had slowly become his other half, he felt as though your relationship was written in the stars.
“Coop, we gotta go.” Remer’s voice rang through the door of the locker room. “I’m coming,” He said softly before taking one last look in the mirror, fixing a button on his shirt and then walking out of the locker room.
So how do I apologize
And put the tears back in your eyes
On every canvas that I paint
Is a masterpiece made of my mistakes?
He looked around the stadium, hoping to see you. Hoping you would still come despite everything. When he didn’t see your face he sunk back to the dugout, plopping himself in his spot next to Remer. He knew the time was running out, if it hadn’t already. It had been almost two weeks and neither of you had said a word to one another since the incident. Remer had talked to you, but he wouldn’t tell Coop what was said. Just the same thing of, “You’ve got to talk to them.”
He sighed when his name was called to the plate, he stepped up, not even caring if he picked up his lucky La-Z-boy ball or to do his little kick that you loved. He took a deep breath closing his eyes to make his shot, “Hey Coop! Is that your girlfriend?” The opposing player spat out, Coop shot his eyes open looking in the direction of where he pointed, revealing you in the crowd. He immediately dropped the ball, making the referee count it as a shot as he stared, not even caring about the point he lost.
You were there.
Illustrate all my pain
And set it all ablaze
And set it all ablaze
“Where are you going? You could cost us the game if you leave now.” Remer grabbed Coop’s arm as he tried running out the closest exit. “I’m going after them.” He said, forcing Remer’s grip off before forcing himself out the exit.
He didn’t care if he lost the game or if the team had to forfeit. He knew what he had to do. He wanted to see you. He wanted to hold you. He didn’t want to let you go. He wanted you, and all of you.
So how do I apologize
And put the tears back in your eyes
When every canvas that I paint
Is a masterpiece of my mistakes?
He called your name out in the parking lot, seeing you walk to your car. You stopped in your tracks, turning around to look at him. “Don’t go,” He pleaded, taking steps closer to you. He was still in his uniform, once the two of you made eye contact, you quickly turned around and made your way out of the stadium. He didn’t want you to leave so he left immediately, catching you just in time.
You slowly looked down at your shoes as he walked closer. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve been thinking about it for the last two weeks and everything I think of makes me a bigger idiot than I already am. I fucked up. I hurt you.” He said, as he continued walking closer to you. “I just know that I need you. I realize that without you I’m practically nothing. You’ve changed me and made me a better man.”
“You lied to me Coop, you fucking told me that there was nothing to worry about when I asked you about her weeks ago!” Your voice was cracking as you tried to hold your ground, and you were right. He told you exactly that.
And in the light of my demise
I see my failures in your eyes
Every canvas that I paint
Is a masterpiece made of my mistakes
He walked close to you, seeing your eyes from the streetlights in the parking lot, seeing them full of disgust and anger as you looked up at him. He sighed, fighting back his own tears, “I just want a second chance. Please. I’ll never hurt you again. I just need a second chance.”
His own voice was cracking as he almost got down on his knees in front of you, begging you for a second chance. Begging for you to forgive him and at least start over. “I love you.” He whispered, the first time he spoke those words to you, and he meant them. He meant them with the entirety of his heart.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at him, “I love you too Coop. But I can’t trust you. Not after you lied. I’m sorry.” You told him before you turned around, getting in your car. He watched you as you drove away from the parking lot, leaving him there with his own mistake.
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lalalychee · 29 days
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you would not believe how hard i worked on these outfits for my sister and me. i wanted to make something inspired by cyberhex/scoring the end of the world. the makeup is also done by me. made for the motionless in white show last night in houston ❤️🖤
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neon-vocalist · 8 months
there’s something so nice about the way “landmines composed in command lines” is like. the same sequence but backwards?? land → mand / mines → lines idk idk i just love them
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itconsumesyou · 8 months
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You still belong to me
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sweeter0da · 9 months
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Making bracelets for the Dallas show if anyone is gonna be there 🫵😳 please take one
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foliosriot · 6 months
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masterpiece; ❝ illustrate all my pain and set it all ablaze. ❞
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merelyafacade · 5 months
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Chris throwing *maximum ass* for Ricky's part on the Sign of Life vid
Link to the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TyantQ7gow
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