#scrapped concept
renklix · 2 years
Yes yes yes i know big great crystalized just dropped and everyone’s worked up about it but look at this
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Like imagine the ninja somehow losing Kai in the pyramid and thinking he’s dead
But him getting lucky and surviving, waking up, seeing all this chaos and kinda just assuming that the others are dead
And the main fire chapter plot being about Kai going on this solo adventure, living in his car, fighting Pyro Vipers all over Ninjago, mourning his friends’ “deaths” and being realllly depressed, kinda like Lloyd in S9
While the ninja are fighting Aspheera in Ninjago City and mourning Kai
There are a lot of details to figure out, but come on, this would’ve worked
Art by Matt Betteker
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not-souleaterpost · 2 months
20th century boys - scrapped reveals and plot twists?
Don't know if anybody cares about speculating something as hard to proof and irrelevant, but I had a few ideas while reading, which even if didnt come true, seemed to be getting hinted at and with how much was made on the spot I wonder if they were originally the plan...
So not really them mentionened besides random yt comments that may or may not be an alt account of me...
Spoilers of course.
Donkey was supposed to be friend?
Remember how Donkey was first introduced? As the weird kid others ostrociced and didnt really want to include, who actually was very smart and talanted all excentricitys aside.
And he was the first "friend" to die, as a classic misdirection - while having an obvious excuse introduced to fake his death "Oh all his siblings look just like him..." (Also the evil twin angel was really emphasised with the fat bully kids at the start, hmmm....)
Donkey was the one that had the skills and near supernatural abilities while being the classic story of a good kid cracking and turning - tieing the dark subversion if shonen magazine tropes.
His whole skepticism of things could tie into too with him cynically learning that "Oh people want to fall for superstitions for illusions, really friendship is fake as well, so why not start a cult, not like its hard for me to make some tricks..."
The symbol being sent by him would be than a cheeky hint, the intentional start of a goose chase, but no geese will ever outrun a donkey...Even all the showing of Donkey in the first half would not just be as motivation for the middle aged friend group, but a setup for this dark twist, while laying the seeds of the themes, maybe even having Dunkey in his twisted logic think he did it for their sake, to make them be the heroes they didnt become.
Oh and also the whole Aldrin Moon Nasa thing seems to work the best for him - with him being the stereotype of a "I fricking love science" kid (who if I dont misremeber is said to have actually wiaited till it happened and didnt fall asleep, but maybe Im misremebering that part) and also his familys lack of money stoping him from enjoying many activities with his "friends" (even having to watch tv with Kenji...)
Oh and for any "well how would he set it up, was the one injured guy lieing about what Donkey said before he threw him of??? Or was that all part of his plan??!"
And yeah its convoluted and kinda breaks the "trying to figure out a mystery without the author just lieing and pulling bullshit" part - but Urasawa does it anyways, with all the reveals obviously not being planned before getting changed again (as he admits)
Oh and also that applys to the "real" reveal (the first one) - we literally saw the friend guy have an emotional breakdown, say he knows who the real friend must be, remove the friends mask and say he isnt that and then fall to his death
So if the Dunkey twist goes against the story, so does the real one. "Ohnono, you just had to assume that he lied and hired actors for his family and then did a double misdirection plunge to the dead and-" Yeah ok Donkey could have done that too.
but for the other theory
Kiriko/the protags sister had a "virgin birth"
So remember when there was that random detail about "Godzilla being a girl and giving a birth without a father"? And how this godzilla thing getting a callback with the mom saying she is one cause her virus killed that many people?
Well isnt it weird that the actually weird part wasnt adressed? Especially when Kanna was mysterious from the start and that at the same time talks of a "Holy Mother" started, as did all the Christian imagery with saviors dieing, resurecting and the pope (with Catholics having the biggest connection with Mary...)
But then it didnt pay of - guess she really had a secret relationship with a random half-friend of her younger brother🤷‍♂️ Not saying that that is more fantastical than all the magic and conspiracys but still a weird detail, especially with the romance and relationship not being explored at all.
It even seems to be anti thetical, with the sister being very mature and selfless, while "friend" is childish and egoistical (well maybe a certain codependent weird thing makes sense now but ehh...)
Still what would make more sense in a dramatic story with supernatural elements - the model sister suddenly just having a kid and abandoning it without ever telling anyone about the father who she only found out was evil after having a consensual relationship which she didnt really have a reason to hide at the start
Or if she DOES have a miracle birth...
Like Kiriko was literally shown to be a perfect sister, doing everything for her brother, being responsible, taking everyones shit, even sacrificing her well being for her brother and others while having a stoic expression.
Maybe she actually did magically get a baby and that scared here enough to abandon it without explaining because who could believe it.
Or maybe something cause it, something she couldnt explain.
Like Friends "magic" or "science"(magic) - hence why Friend calls himself "the father" - he kinda is, in some way, indirectly, idk
Or, as a subtheory...
Kiriko was friend. Think about it, she would be "the father" if her research developed a way to create a child without a fathers DNA (I mean there is a magic anti-proton bomb, and the virus is also not really scientific), the "father" being the part of her that is the alter ego executing the plan, the magic and the tricks.
But more importantly, it would be the perfect obvious misdirection - they were so busy searching for a boy in their class, missing the obvious girl who was just a few years older, who may even in younger photos, if she could have had short hair as that other girl love interet with the dog as a kid had, may have looked as a standard early middle school boy.
And the thematic motivation would be perfect too - she allways just saw everything from the outskirts, she had to be the older and responsible one, not having a chance to ever play like her younger brother did, being resentful of not being able to have a secret base and alll, especially when the other girl could join later.
The scientific angel is there too, as the metaphor of "being in the space capsule while the others got all the fun and glory"
Also it would be a perfect hiding in a plain sight twist thing "Oh my sister disapeared and left a baby, I wonder who this mysterious masked individual is who seems to know me and my friend so much while even knowing the name of my sisters kid... Guess we'll never know🤷‍♂️" (bonus connection - the concert being "not real rock" could be the sis either trolling him on porpuse, or doing it as a intentional thing while also not understanding why it doesnt work, showing that there is this misunderstading between siblings that could get solves in the end)
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kittygamer2888 · 4 months
So.. got all that from my last post? Good.
Now have an old drawing of Sonic about to beat the crap out of Eggman for hurting Tails-
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No shot, I actually did make some mini comics in parts here and there with concepts like these, I was just too shy to show them--
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ruuxa-elk · 2 days
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concept work for a DND Warforged I never got to use. Figured someone other than just me should see the nonsense of his design
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novanexusart · 1 year
Scrapped Design Concept
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I came up with a weird design concept for a character in the Luckless Protagonist comic and then immediately decided it didn't quite fit with the whole thing but I coloured it anyway cuz I thought it would be cool
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kyuuuu · 10 months
Got this scrapped idea of El4n getting uploaded into the blue keychain bc I got feels over seeing him again at S2 but I spiraled into an existential crisis over whether he can constitute as the 'true' El4n. Eri doesn't count bc she's explicitly stated to have the same data length as Aerial so she would have gotten all her her brainwaves/nerves/science mumbo jumbo uploaded, while all the others would only be very fragmented bc their permet thingies don't match up. So that probably means that the images of Norea, Sophie, etc. we see aren't ghosts as in a formation of their souls but rather imprints of the past that the Gundams were able to glean slice by slice.
So I had to ask myself if El4n does get uploaded, wouldn't he technically be just a collection of already fragmented memories copied partially once more? Is he allowed to call himself El4n? Wouldn't this be a whole new hell for a digital being, to question whether 'he' exists? The concept of himself torn apart yet again, this time, by his own hands instead of Peil.
... And this is why I hate myself for reading SOMA.
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moon-kitkat134 · 10 months
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A couple older concept doodles
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raincandyy-u · 2 years
I want to see a tbhk crossover AU with Madoka maybe like
Nene is Madoka and Hanako is Homura or
It could be Aoi and NeNe as Kyoko and Sayaka
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kiraleestudios · 10 months
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I tried to make myself a new icon, and while I love this design it didn’t fit right when I tried to make it my new icon.
And when I tried to corp it to make it fit better, it just kept coming out wrong.
The design however was too good for me to just disregard it so I decided to share this with you guys.
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soosoosoup · 1 month
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scrapped snowzone
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moremaybank · 5 months
being nervous when rafe cameron wants you to sit on his face. you've never sat on anyone's face before, and now he's lying flat on his back, his head resting on his silk-covered pillow. rafe's always been gorgeous, you've never been crazy enough not to notice that. but right now, he looks angelic. shimmering blue eyes and sharp features and bravado. his hands urge you to come to him, and you keep resisting. not because you don't want what he's dying to give. no, that's not the reason at all. there are just too many insecurities swirling around in your brain, each one louder and louder, drowning out all the promises he's made about bringing you to heaven. and you're crawling more and more into your shell. rafe notices, though. he knows your little mind, how it turns on you. and he's going to shut it up whenever it dares to give into your doubts. "what don't you get, sweetheart?" he's stern, but you know it's coming from a place of love. he just wants you to let go, to trust him. "come put that pretty pussy on my face. i don't care about suffocating, or whatever lame ass excuse you're about to give me next. you're beautiful, you taste like fucking heaven, and honestly, princess, that pussy's mine whenever i want it. now get over here." once you oblige, hovering over him carefully and gripping at his headboard with a strong hand, he pulls you down, encouraging you to ride his face by pushing at your hips. quickly erased are all the negative thoughts that had you shying away from the experience. the ecstasy is much too strong, and you're left wondering how you ever talked yourself into denying yourself, and rafe.
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renklix · 2 years
So I found yet another awesome unused concept
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Thundertown looks like it could’ve been one of the coolest places in Ninjago
Oooo imagine if they made it a Jay season and explored some stuff about his birth mom and actually gave him character development (looking at you, S12) and maybe explored his powers a bit, basically Master of The Mountain, but with Jay. It would’ve been really cool, but repetitive. But cool.
And I REALLY wanna see Thundertown on screen, it’s such an awesome location
Art by Matt Betteker
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spooky-pop · 2 months
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Introducing Ivy, my design for Poppy & Branch's daughter. I can't wait to share more about her! I have so many plans for my ParentAU :) She is a wild child and def a dad's girl.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
These are all the unused Golden Cheese update cookies designs from the beginning
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I haven’t actually gotten a good look at them or what the people were saying, because I was taking screenshots literally one right after the other so I could get them all. But they seem neat from what little I saw
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columbojumpscare · 4 months
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Got the MHW:IB artbook and made myself very mad over how good the original Safi'Jiiva concept art was. I genuinely don't know what they were thinking when they made it what it is ingame.
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rassicas · 7 months
I'm not counting a player character that you made and never thought about further. i mean like. It can be your player character but at least one that has a name (or you intend to name) and some semblance of a story that you've thought about. bonus points if you've been continuously using this character for several years
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