#sean macguire x f!reader
arthurthethird · 2 years
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First request for @arthurmorgansleftear
I hope this will be good enough since it's pretty much first request I do on here. Please enjoy.
Camp boahs comforting reader after Micah comments on their weight
The day started calmly. Birds singing, fish swimming, rats wondering around the kitchen.
Speaking of kitchen, you decided it's a good time to get some food. You haven't eaten in a while and a good outlaw has to eat plenty, so you decided it's your time.
Speaking of rats, it so happened that one of the camp rats was sitting there. Not really doing anything else than sipping whiskey, a sight no one can be surprised about.
You calmly ignored him. You learnt that that's the best way for you to go on with your day without having to break his nose.
Yet he always asks for it.
Even now.
As soon as he saw you approaching, Micah immediately grinned.
"Didn't expect you here"
You stay quiet, only giving him a confused glance.
Now, depending on your silhouette, he'll find a way to get under your skin.
Either "Didn't you come here today already?" "And I've been wondering where all the food goes..." "Look at that, you'll soon have to buy yourself new clothes if you keep eating so much!"
Or "first time in a month, ey?" "You finally decided to eat! Everyone thought you're sick" "If you like starving so much, why are we wasting our food on you?"
He has his ways.
And we all know he doesn't have the perfect body either, so you try to ignore him.
Try to.
Of course, it doesn't end well, since you end up trying to hide your feelings.
It hurt. Of course it did, why wouldn't it?
You quickly walk away, not even bothering to actually eat something. You only hear his sickening laugh as you walk away.
He knows he has won.
Arthur's first reaction as soon as he heard that familiar laugh was to check what's going on.
Obviously if Micah's happy, someone's not.
You bumped into him just as he walked towards the place.
His hands landed on your shoulders as he looked down to you.
Now, Arthur might be an idiot, but he can easily read someone's emotions from their face.
You were hurt. Micah was happy.
That bastard.
He looked at you with a concerned look.
"what happened?"
You just mutter that it's nothing. That it's just Micah trying to get under your skin. And that's what takes him over the edge.
Arthur walks up to the blonde rat and punches him right in the face.
While Micah's busy cursing him out, he takes you by the arm, gently, but firmly, and walks to your tent.
You want to ask what is he doing, but before you can, he hugs you.
Telling you that you shouldn't listen to stupid Micah. You're beautiful and everyone in the camp knew that.
Then he brings you a bowl of Pearson's stew.
You try to decline but he basically shoves it down your throat.
"Don't listen to that son of a bitch. You have to eat no matter what."
Charles isn't even bothered at first.
He learned to stay away out of camp conflict, so he couldn't be bothered.
But when he sees that it's you who's stomping away from Micah, he quickly jumps into action.
He walks to you, asking what happened.
Even if you don't want to tell, he makes you.
As soon as he hears what happened, he goes for the rat.
You know that moment where Charles throws Micah because he said something assholish?
Yea, that. He does that.
After that he walks to you and sits you down for a proper talk.
And that means him telling you why the food's important and why you're beautiful no matter how much you eat.
Then he gets some food and goes to his own tent, pulling you along of course.
Proceeds to feed you.
"You need energy. Besides, I didn't caught that deer for you to not try it."
John immediately tries to locate where what is happening.
As soon as he sees you with Micah, he gets up and makes his way over there.
He heard everything while coming over.
Wraps an arm around you, covering your ears and proceeds to curs the snake out.
You stand there, not knowing if you're supposed to cry or laughed.
You just watch Micah's expression go from annoyed to confused.
You didn't even noticed that John leaded you away.
He went outside the camp with you and looked at you.
Proceeds to hug the shit out of you.
Telling you that you shouldn't listen because what you eat is your deal.
And it definitely shouldn't impact on your self image.
For one's he said something smart.
"I don't care what other people say about you, you're goddamn beautiful. And everyone in the camp knows that. Shut up, you can't disagree"
Hosea usually doesn't care about the camp fights.
Prefers to stay out of it unless it includes him directly.
But he heard you mutter something to yourself.
So he raised his head from the newspaper to see what was going on.
Oh boy.
He doesn't do much.
Just gets up, rolls the newspaper, walks to Micah and smacks his head with it.
He ignores the rat cursing him out. Instead walks to you and leads you back to the fire.
Similar to Charles, explains why eating is important, telling you that you're beautiful and who cares about what Micah says.
He gives you a hug, then encourages you to eat something.
If you don't want to, he'll leave you alone.
But definitely will come to check on you every night.
"You gotta eat. So what if someone cares, are you harming them with your food?"
Dutch heard everything.
He was smoking a cigar outside of his tent when he noticed the situation.
Immediately walks there.
"What's going on?"
Micah tries to show the situation to Dutch as lighthearted, but when he noticed the leader isn't buying it, he looked away grumbling.
Dutch proceeds to explain to him that they accept everyone and that he didn't care about Micah's looks when he took him in.
He then takes you to his tent, sitting down with you and asking what was that about.
Talks you through why you think what he said might be true.
Basically a therapist.
He then gives you a hug, telling you to eat something.
"we need you big and strong! Another job's comin'!"
Javier was playing his guitar nearby.
As soon as he sees Micah's mouth open, he stops, turning his full attention there.
As soon as he starts talking, Javier took his guitar, walks there and smacks his head.
Micah will definitely have a bruise, but who cares.
Curses him out in Spanish.
Then pulls you with him back to his tent.
He let's you vent about everything.
Then plays you a song while you lean to him, bummed out.
After that, definitely makes you eat something.
"I know it's hard mi amigo, but you have to try!"
Sean is confused when he sees you walking away without the food.
He didn't hear anything happening, he only knew that you went to eat.
He gets up, going to you.
"where's your food?"
You look at him and mumble you weren't hungry.
He's confused, but then looks over to where you came from.
Ah. Micah.
He narrows his eyes and walk over there. You try to tell him it's okay, but he doesn't stop.
"oi! Don't bother my friend!"
Basically screams at him to the point his accent is too thick to be even able to understand.
It doesn't do much, but you appreciate it.
He then walks over you and cups your cheeks.
"look, I love you Y/N, but I don't want to have to stuff food down your throat"
Tries to make you laugh.
Eventually ends up eating with you so you'll feel better.
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unmaskthewriter · 9 months
You’re A Great Man, Arthur Morgan: Part Two {Sean Macguire x F!Reader}
Summary: Arthur was always a ghost of a person, but now that he’s gone, the grief will remain. The only family left is the one you’ve made for yourself. Part One is HERE.
A/N: A few of you have requested and I delivered! I will be tagging you so that you see the update :) also, the first half takes place in Yukon as that’s where the Marstons go first several years before purchasing Beecher’s Hope. I don’t make it clear but they share a house in Canada, but are neighbors at Beecher’s Hope ~ @photo1030 @12timetraveler
I do not give permission for any of my work to be copied, published and/or translated on any platform including Tumblr.
Word Count: 1517
Warnings: angst, mention of criminal activities and canon character death
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January, 1900; Yukon, Canada
You lay in bed, beads of sweat slowly trailing down the side of your face. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as Abigail returns to your side, carefully handing the baby to you. The baby was wrapped in a beautiful blanket made by Abigail herself.
“It’s a boy.” She tells you as you carefully move the blanket aside, looking over your son’s features. A head full of reddish brown hair, and blue-green eyes.
God, how you wished Arthur could be here.
The baby yawned as the front door to the home burst open. Quickly, Sean and John entered, shutting the door behind them before the cold wind could blow inside. Unfortunately you had gone into labor a week early, and Sean was in town working when John had called for him.
“Where’s me girl?” Sean shrugged off his jacket by the front door, and began searching each room until arriving at yours. He froze at the door to the bedroom, holding his snow-brimmed hat over his chest.
“Oh lass…” He spoke softly, forcing one foot in front of the other until he reached your bedside. Carefully, you handed the babe to your fiancé. Sean admires the babe in his arms, checking for all ten fingers and toes.
“He’s so beautiful,” Sean whispered, “Hell… if it weren’t for Arthur we wouldn’t be ‘ere… my boy.” Sean tells his son, letting the babe’s tiny fingers curl around his one.
“Have you thought of any names yet?” A familiar voice questions. You look to see John standing in the doorway with young Jack.
“Traditionally, we would name him after me Pa-“
“Not this again.” Abigail muttered, holding her head in her hand.
“Ye of little faith, Abigail!” Sean chuckled, looking at the young woman, “We already chose a name. A strong one.” Sean stands with the babe in his arms, looking back down to him, “Artúr Macguire.”
“That’s a wonderful name. John, perhaps we should give them some time with their son?” Abigail suggested before leading her boys out of the room.
Later that night, you stood over the bassinet as Artúr slept peacefully. Sean came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you ever so gently.
“I meant what I said earlier, darlin’. If it weren’t for ya’ brother… I wouldn’t be ‘ere… I’ll always be grateful for that ol’ grouch.” Sean mentioned, emitting a small laugh from you.
“He was a bit of a grouch but he had his reasons,” You add, placing your hands over his, as his chin rested on your shoulder. A moment passes and your eyes divert to the worm satchel bag hanging from the edge of the bassinet. “When he comes of age, he will know what Arthur did for us, for him.”
1910; Beecher’s Hope
If you had asked yourself ten or so years ago if you would ever work on a ranch, the answer would be no. You were used to moving from one heist to the next, never truly considering tomorrow, only living in the moment. Despite that, John had bought a piece of property outside of Blackwater of all places, and built a ranch from the ground up with help from Charles, Sean and Uncle, but mostly Charles and Sean.
It is Artúr’s birthday.
You sit on the edge of the bed you share with Sean, the sun having barely crept up over the horizon. The room was still dark, the candles having been put out hours ago. In your hands, a journal with worn edges and pages. You felt knots in your stomach as the opened satchel sat beside you. In the ten years of having possession of it, you didn’t dare open it and seek its contents. The satchel alone was haunting you, to have something that belonged to your brother before he…
You remember when Charles took you to his grave for the first time, back when the ranch was first built. Abigail had offered to watch Artúr, giving him some time to play with Jack whilst you were away with Charles.
“Oh, Charles.” You whisper, slowly dismounting the horse. His grave was facing the west, in the direction of the setting sun. Flowers adorned his grave. Etched into the wood, it stated: “Arthur Morgan: “Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness”. You are reminded of an earlier conversation back at one of the earlier campsites with Tilly, Hosea, Lenny and Arthur.
“When I die, I just want to be buried with friends.” Hosea admitted plainly. It made sense for him, such a simple man considering your shared lifestyle.
“Me too,” Lenny joined in, “with friends, or with family. I don’t think it matters more than that.”
“What about you, Arthur?” Hosea looked up from where he was sitting to meet your brother’s gaze.
“Me? Ah, I don’t care about that nonsense.” Arthur brushed it off, his hands resting on his weapons belt on his waist.
“Come on.” Hosea urged, taking a sip of his coffee. A moment passes as Arthur presses his lips together, thinking for a moment.
“Face me to the west, so I can watch the setting sun… and remember all the fine times we had that way.” Arthur explained.
“See, Tilly, I told you Arthur had a soul.” The old man jokes and you smile.
Your hands shake as your fingers rest on the outside of the journal. You blink away tears, wiping your eyes with the collar of your nightgown. As you prepare for the day, you can’t help but keep looking at the satchel. You hated how upset it made you, that no matter the time that’s passed, grief still had its hold on you. As the rest of the house slowly woke from their slumber, you had begun to set the table for breakfast. Sean and Artúr come downstairs, dressed for the day. Hanging on the edge of a chair was the all too familiar satchel.
“Good mornin’ love.” Sean greeted, coming behind you with a kiss to the cheek. You smiled and turned to face your son who was walking towards the table. It was adorned with a variety of hot food.
“Oh, happy birthday, my son.” You approached him and welcomed him with a hug.
“Happy birthday! Are ya excited for later?” Sean gently ruffled his son’s hair.
“Paaa, stooop!” Artúr laughs, pulling away. Sean only stands beside him with a proud grin.
“What’s later?” You question, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m taking ‘im out on his first hunt. I thought I mentioned it. John and Jack will be joining us.” Sean explained with a tone of excitement.
“Perhaps you did… I feel like my mind has been miles away…Sit, both of you. We should eat before the food gets cold.” You insist, sitting at the table beside your now husband. Everyone eats, discussing the plans for the day. After the hunt, the Marstons would be joining you all for dinner to celebrate Artúr’s birthday.
“I have something I want to give you.” You tell him, your breath is shaky. Sean takes your hand, squeezing gently as to reassure you.
“Before you were born, your Pa and I lived a… bad lifestyle. We were criminals, Artúr. Towards the end, very bad men were coming after us, and my brother, your uncle Arthur… s-saved us…” You explain as you blink away tears, carefully reaching for the satchel and placing it on the table in front of your son. Sean lifted your hand, placing a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“It belongs to ya now, son. Your uncle would have wanted you to have it..” Sean added, watching as Artúr opened the bag carefully. He pulls out the journal, along with a few other various items Arthur had collected over the years. As Artúr opens the journal, a single photo falls out. Artúr examines it closely, flipping over to look at the back.
“Oh, Ma, I think this is for you.” Artúr extends the photo to you, and you carefully take it. Sean scoots closer to look at it with you. The photo was of the entire gang standing on the porch of an unfamiliar shop. You and Arthur stood alongside each other, while Sean stood a bit aways.
“Oi, there’s me beautiful face!” Sean laughed, pointing to himself in the photo. You flip the photo over.
“Nothin’ means more to me than this gang. I would kill for it. I would happily die for it. I wish things were different, but it weren’t us who changed. We can’t change what’s done, we can only move on” - A.M
You let out a stifled cry, smiling as you look back at the photo before handing it to your son. He looks over the photo once more.
“My uncle was a good man, wasn’t he?”
“A great man, son.” Sean corrected, his eyes glistening with tears as you both listened as Artúr began to read through the journal aloud.
“I bought this new journal after the last one got destroyed in that fire all those months ago, whenever it was…”
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levithestripper · 2 years
Gaelic Gladiator
warnings: none
summary: sean macguire finally returns home from blackwater and there's a new face at camp to greet him. sean, being the brave irishman that he is, makes it his mission to get the new guy to like him. let's just say, it may have worked a bit too well.
length: 1.8k || read on ao3
⤷ if you want to be added to the taglist click here
a/n: i was cleaning out my masterlists when i realized i never posted this here.
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Baking has always been a passion for you ever since you were a kid, sitting on a stool with your mother watching her bake. When you moved away and joined the Van Der Linde Gang, cooking her recipes helped make you feel closer to your family. You kept whatever leftovers you had on the small side table next to your cot.
Baking, however, was an expensive hobby now that you were running with the gang. You couldn’t afford to buy the extra flour and eggs needed for the batter, let alone extra ingredients like chocolate chips or vanilla extract. That stuff was like liquid gold. So for the time being, you fulfilled your hobby by helping Mr.Pearson cook and prepare the camp’s food.
After living in Horseshoe Overlook for a while, Arthur finally comes back with Javier, Charles, and Sean in tow. You had only seen Javier a couple of times in Colter, along with Charles, but you had never seen the red-headed Irishman before. You soon found out who he was at the ‘welcome home’ party the camp had for him. Turns out his name is Sean MacGuire, who had been running with the gang for maybe a year or two. After thinking about it for a bit, you remember Javier and Charles talking about this ‘Sean’ guy back at Colter. From what you heard, you were excited to meet him.
Over the course of the night, Sean got drunker and drunker, laughing and singing around the campfire with the other guys. You watched from your tent, trying to read a book, which wasn’t to far away from all of the commotion. Sean’s singing wasn’t all that great, but he was probably the best singer out of all of the guys; at least in your opinion. Most of the other gang members had already gone to bed, not interested in the men’s drunk antics.
Sean looked around the camp before setting his sights on you, getting up and stumbling over to your tent. He saw the plate of leftover cookies on your side table and reached for one, eating it happily. “Heeeyyyy, theese cookies? Don’ min if I doo...” Sean mumbled, leaning on the table and taking one. “Mm, didn’ know ya’ could bake, darlin’. Y’Know, my Da used to-” He stumbled around a bit more before passing out cold.
You had barely gotten a word in before Sean had passed out on your floor. He didn’t even eat the cookie, how rude! But you are a nice gal so you set down your novel and hoist Sean into your arms, dragging him over to his small tent. Given that he has a good couple of inches on you, you held him by his armpits and dragged the rest of him behind you. Some of the other men laugh from their seats around the campfire, making fun of Sean for passing out at his own welcome home party. Arthur offers to help you, but you said it wasn’t needed, since his cot wasn’t too far away now. Once there, you laid him down gently, tucking him like Abigail does for little Jack. You thought about sitting there with him to make sure that he was okay, but not wanting to seem creepy you stood up and left for your own tent, going back to your book.
Usually, mornings in the camp were peaceful, quiet, and serene. But today was not one of those mornings. Not by a long shot. When you woke up, the first thing you heard was the all too familiar sound of a man vomiting. What a thing to wake up to! Fun! Stretching out on your cot, you got dressed and walked out to the diminishing fire, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. Looking around to see where the noise was coming from, you saw Sean hurling up his guts in a corner of the camp. Grabbing a cup of water for him, you walk over to him quietly. “Heya, Sean. You feelin’ any better? You had quite a night yesterday.”
The redhead looked up at you from his hunched-over position, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and taking the cup of water offered to him. “Oh ya’ know, never better Miss. L/N. Bein’ kidnapped is good on ya’ stomach.” He said with a small chuckle, taking a sip of the water you gave him. “I heard from some of the guys that last night that cha helped me back inta my tent. Sorry about passing out on ya’ like that, Missy.” He gave you a soft smile, taking another swig of water.
“It ain’t a big deal. I couldn’t just let you sleep on my floor like that.” You smiled back at him. “I’m just glad you don’t feel too bad after all that whiskey you drank.”
“Aww, thank ya’ darlin’. If I’m bein’ honest with ya’ my heads poundin’ fierce. Now, I think that some of ya’ sweet baking might make me feel better. Given that I barely remember last night, somma your lovin’ an TLC must be in order.” Sean chuckles again, looking down to rifle through his bag to get a mint to chew on. “I heard from Arthur and Dutch that I was beggin’ ya’ for some of ya’ baking.”
You smirk back at him, shifting your weight to your other foot and tilting your hips. “Well, I wouldn’t say you were beggin’ but ya’ sure were excited for ‘em.” Looking around the camp, you saw everyone getting ready to start the day. “Hmm, alright, Sean. You can eat the resta my cookies if you take me into town. I need some ingredients.”
Sean crosses his arms, grinning evilly from ear to ear. “Ah, I see ya’ Missy. Ya’ wanna get with this Gaelic Gladiator, don't'cha darlin’! I knew not even you could resist ma’ dreamy Irish charms!” He ran a hand through his hair, preening in front of you. He didn’t realize that it was just making you laugh instead of making you fall in love.
“You know, I think askin’ Arthur would be a better idea, he is much better looking than ya’.” You tease, the smirk still on your face, crossing your arms to mock him. You begin to walk in the direction of Arthur’s tent, only to be cut off by an angry Gaelic man.
“Ay ay ay ay! No talkin’ to that overgrown Englishman! You asked me to take you inta town. If ya’ agree that itsa date, I’ll take ya’ into Valentine. See, the towns even got itself a romantic name!”
Finishing off the rest of your coffee, you sigh and nod. “Alright then. One date, I get my ingredients, you get ya’ cookies. And maybe, if you aint’ completely annoying, you’ll getta ‘nother date. Lemme go get my stuff, don’tcha go runnin’ off somewhere.” You walked off to your tent, winking at Sean as you left him.
There you go! You killed him! Nice job! The poor boy got as red as his hair, his brain short-circuiting from all the blood rushing to his face. Karen passed by, laughing at the flustered man as she went.
You got your stuff quickly, putting on a nicer dress as well. You weren’t sure if you wanted another date with Sean, given that you just met him, but why not look presentable at least. The dress was golden yellow in color with white trim on the bottom and around the waist. Okay, you wanted to impress Sean just a little bit. Come on, the accent is fucking hot as hell. You grab your bag and head back out to where you had left Sean, only to kill him again from your new outfit. This man is such a sucker for pretty women, goddamn. “So, you ready to go?”
Poor, poor Sean. He died and went to heaven. There’s simply just too much blood in his face for the rest of him to function. “Fucking hell, ya’ gorgeous, darlin’. Who knew ya’ could look so fancy.”  Sean eyed your waist provocatively, loving the way the snug fabric showed off your hips. “Even if ya’ are justa thug like the rest of us.’ He chuckled deeply, biting his lip as he looked you up and down.
“Ma eyes are up here, Mr.MacGuire. Be a gentleman for once, why dont’cha!” You slapped his arm lightly. The two of you walked over to his horse, Ennis, and got into the saddle. You felt Sean sit right behind you, his strong arms wrapped around your middle. After a bit of thought, you placed your hands on top of Sean’s, fingers rubbing over his knuckles.
“Look at that, I just metcha and we’re sharin’ a saddle~” You could just hear the smirk on his face, which made you want to either smack him or kiss him.
“Shut up and drive already.”
Sean rolls his eyes, riding out of camp and down into Valentine, arms wrapped tight around you with his hands resting in your lap as he held onto Ennis’s reigns. “Ya’ that they’ll have all the stuff you’ll need, darlin’? I love it when a woman cooks for me. ‘Specially when it's my woman that’s doin’ the cookin’.” He whispered it into your ear teasingly, leaning back as they approached the general store. He got off his horse, and hitched it to the post then turned back around to help you off the horse, Sean’s big hands once again placed on your hips. They stayed there for longer than they probably should have, thumbs rubbing against your abdomen. “Fucking hell, darlin’, you’re still so gorgeous... Better not go flirting with the other guys, ya’ hear?” He whispered, pulling you close. Seeing that you weren’t gonna pull away from him, Sean kept getting closer until his lips pressed up against yours. Your hands went to wrap around his neck, preventing the redhead from pulling away. The man's warm hands drifted up to your ribs, then up to your face.
You both pulled away a few seconds later, silently agreeing that there’d be a second date and a third date, and hopefully more after that. Sean escorted you throughout Valentine, buying everything that you needed for you, insisting that ‘the gentleman always pays for the lady’. Don’t tell anyone, but he did manage to snatch a few things off of the shelves.
From that day on, Sean always had first dibs on whatever you cooked or baked around camp. Sure, everyone else could have some, but as your boyfriend, he automatically got first pick. Every time you made something delicious, which in his opinion was everything, he’d go up to everybody in camp and say “Hey! Did ya’ taste what Y/N made today? She’s quite a talented little lady!”
Don’t tell anyone, but Dutch and Hosea get such pleasure out of watching Sean go around camp singing your praises. They may not have raised him like Arthur or John, but they definitely cared about him like he was. Hosea will look over at Dutch with a soft smile as if to say, ‘we did a good job with this one, honey.’
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taglist: @reddeadrevolutionn, @floup-doodles, @mesangelique, @mrsarthurmorgan7, @orphangrinder187, @myglitteringstardust, @tecker, @psychcticminds, @ban-canram
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amorgansgal · 2 years
Sweet as Sugar - Part One
RDR2 Modern AU - Arthur finds a strange message on his phone and realises he's been signed up to a Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby website. Does he respond to your message or forget it even happened?
Warnings: Sugar Daddy/Sugar baby relationship, customers being dicks.
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‘Shit,’ you thought. ‘Shit, shit, shit.’
You stared at your payslip, your heart was beating furiously in your chest and, while you had managed to stop crying earlier, your eyes felt itchy and sore. You got stiffed on tips from time to time (and that already would send you into a rage at the best of time), but this was absolutely top-notch level shit. A large tabletop had given you a huge tip, then later decided to call the restaurant and ask for it back. It felt somehow worse than when you saw a pathetic dollar left on the table or ‘Sorry, I’m broke’ scribbled on the receipt.
Your manager had been nice and sympathetic enough on the phone, but there wasn’t much they could do other than offer you more hours. You tossed your phone aside and lay back down on the bed. What the hell were you going to do. Rent was due in two weeks and you knew you wouldn’t have enough money to cover bills, food and rent. Maybe you could live off rice for over a month, but you would undoubtedly be in debt.
You thought about asking your parents to cover the costs just for the time being, but the idea already made you feel sick. Doubtless your mother would again insist that you ask for a job at your cousin’s company, but last time you had worked there you were basically treated like a slave. Working all strange hours, being called at two or three in the morning, because your cousin needed someone to open the store at five and barely getting a pittance! Also, you didn’t need your mother berating you for deciding to pursue art either!
There was a tentative knock on the door. You looked up as Mary-Beth cautiously opened the door with a cup of tea in her hands. ‘Can I come in?’
You tried to answer her, but your voice came out as a scratchy tight squeak. You coughed, then said, ‘Sure.’
She passed you the cup and you gratefully took a sip. The sweet, sharp taste of peppermint warmed you. ‘Sorry, I kind of overhead everything that happened when you were calling your manager.’
You let out a low groan and rested your forehead against the warm ceramic of the cup. ‘I don’t know what to do. I can’t ask my parents for more money, they already lent me some ages ago and I don’t want to work at my cousin’s. For all the customers are a pain, I like my job!’
‘Didn’t you want to be an artist though?’ Mary-Beth asked, tucking her legs underneath her as she sat on the bed.
‘Yes, but that doesn’t exactly pay the bills. Hell, even if I take commissions again, I’d probably only get maybe one or two, and it’s not enough to cover everything.’
You both fell silent for a moment. Mary-Beth was playing with a coil of her curly, brown hair. She wrapped it around her finger and tugged it, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. You gazed around your small bedroom, trying to figure if there was anything worth selling.
‘I could-’ Mary-Beth began to say.
‘No, I know what you’re going to say, and that’s not fair. You work stupidly hard. I’ll figure this out.’
Mary-Beth sighed. ‘Ok, but I know you’re a good housemate and a better friend, so if you do need help I’m sure we could all put in a little donation for you.’
‘Look, I appreciate it, but I don’t want to do that to you all. It isn’t fair.’
‘And I don’t want you to leave or end up in so much debt you… I don’t know, end up in jail!’
You snorted slightly at that. ‘I’m sure it won’t come to that.’
She gave you a soft smile and then a hug, before getting up from the bed. ‘Ok, but if you do need help you let me know. Tilly, Karen and I won’t let you end up begging or on the streets!’
You nodded and gave her a small, tight smile in return, then took another sip of the hot, sweet tea. ‘Thank you, and thank you for the tea.’ You tapped your nails against the cup. ‘Guess I could open up commissions again. Every little helps!’
Mary-Beth had just placed her hand on the door, when she suddenly froze and turned to you. You frowned in puzzlement and raised an eyebrow. You weren’t sure how to read her facial expression, she looked both delighted and terrified by the idea that had apparently popped into her head!
‘What?’ you asked suspiciously.
‘Look, I know it didn’t quite work out last time-’
‘Just tell me what you’ve got on your mind.’
‘Well, you know that Sugar Daddy app you were-’
‘No! No. Absolutely not.’
‘I know you had that awful date-’
‘Yes, awful is the word for it. I had to sit there listening to him blather on about cryptocurrencies and stock exchanges! I don’t think he even asked me one question about myself.’ You sighed. ‘I get it, that’s the point. I’m just there to be paid and look pretty, so he doesn’t have to go to therapy, but all I got out of that was a mediocre bottle of wine and an “expensive, designer” bag that turned out to be a fake!’
‘I know, I know, but maybe you could find one that would be willing to give you a bit of cash or pay you decently for some art or something like that! You wouldn’t have to do it forever, just until you got paid.’
You pursed your lips, considering the idea. As much as you didn’t want to consider it. Sugar daddies were like any form of dating really, there were good apples and bad apples. Last time though you had been comfortable enough to not worry about the financial aspect so much. You just quite liked being well treated and some of the men had been lovely to spend time with. And admittedly you did have a thing for older men, that was true whether or not you were in a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship.
‘Just a thought,’ Mary-Beth said as she slipped out the room.
Perhaps… perhaps you could just take a quick look at the site. Just a quick look wouldn’t hurt. Just to see who was on there, maybe some of your previous flames would consider it. Or as Mary-Beth suggested you could offer to paint their house or yacht or dog just to earn a little more cash. Then you wouldn’t have to go through the whole debacle of actually being a sugar baby.
You reinstalled the app and then opened it. You flicked through it quickly, there were evidently some new faces but you needed to scroll down to you previous matches - assuming they were still there!
You were just about to when you suddenly saw a new profile and quite honestly the man pictured took your breath away. He was leaning against a white fence, his blue checked shirt unbuttoned, his golden hair just touched his collar. You bit your lip. Usually, men with long hair weren’t your thing, but it suited him. His gaze was intense and seemed to study you. He had incredibly beautiful sea-green eyes.
‘How the hell did you end up on a site like this?’ you muttered. You couldn’t believe he would be here on a sugar daddy site, surely this guy had plenty of women who would be interested in him regardless of any freebies thrown in! But then maybe it was his kink or something.
You paused for a moment. This was a dumb idea. It was smarter to go back to your old acquaintances and see if they would help you out. There wouldn’t be any need to build up a relationship. And yet… This man was something else! You tapped onto his profile and opened up the message centre.
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‘The hell is this?’ Arthur growled, staring at the notification in the corner of his phone. It had a little jelly bean that changed colour rapidly. The message read: ‘You’ve got a message from a sugar baby, open up Daddy!’
He turned the phone to John, who frowned as he read it, then snorted with laughter. ‘Why do you think that has anything to do with me?’ John put down the axe he was holding. They had been clearing out a new plot of land, both to get some more wood for fencing and Arthur’s stove, and to make sure the new trees had room to grow.
‘Pretty sure you were the last one to use my phone.’ Arthur glowered at John, who rolled his eyes.
‘I used it to call Abigail. I hardly had time to make a profile for… Mr Arthur-Big boy-Cowboy-Morgan!’ John read the name on the profile and snorted. ‘Nice choice, Arthur. Real subtle!’
‘Shut up,’ Arthur muttered. He looked back down at the phone. The notification had changed its message to the picture of a beautiful, young woman. Arthur blinked hard on seeing the picture. That had to just be an ad, some model the app’s company had hired to tempt people into thinking everyone looked like that!
His finger hovered over the app, thinking about uninstalling it, but then how had it got onto his phone in the first place? Arthur sighed and shook his head. He shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t. Better to delete it and forget all about it. But then… he had been single for a long time and he had seemingly tried every and all dating apps without much luck!
‘You just goin’ to stand there staring at the phone or actually help me with this?’ John called out.
‘Yeah, just give me a minute!
He quickly opened the app.
Hi Arthur… or should I call you by your full name? I can’t say I’ve ever seen you on this app or anyone like you. I like the pictures of your dog. He’s cute!
Do you live in Blackwater or outside the city? I guessed maybe the latter because it looks like you live on a ranch. Sorry, if that’s too many questions, I get curious and end up chatting too much!
You didn’t sound like a bot, but then he wasn’t going to get his hopes up. He clicked onto your profile. You were stunningly pretty, with a beautiful smile and warm eyes. He scrolled through your hobbies, the fuzzy feeling in his chest growing as he saw you liked drawing/painting, reading and hiking. He looked at your pictures, there were some nice selfies, a few of you on a hiking trail by the looks of things and then one that made him stop and stare. It was a self-portrait, done in pencil, a slight frown on your features as though you were trying your best to capture your appearance. Underneath you had tagged it with: ‘Not my best, but I try!’
This was stupid, he thought. This was the dumbest thing he had ever thought about doing. He didn’t even know the first thing about being a sugar daddy, well apart from the basics. But what would you expect from him? What would he be expected to give you, assuming he had to give you something of material value? What would you give to him? Was it just companionship, someone to look pretty out on a date and gaze at him in wide eyed wonder as he talked about himself? Or would you do anything further? How did it all work-?
‘Hey there, you two, how goes th’ work?’ Sean’s jovial voice carried over and when Arthur looked up at him, he suddenly remembered how Sean had asked if he could check his emails on Arthur’s phone. Perhaps Arthur should’ve considered that odd at the time, but he had been a bit too trusting.
‘Hey Arthur!’ Sean grinned at him, then took in the other man’s expression. ‘Ah!’
‘AH! Indeed!’ Arthur grumbled. He turned his phone towards Sean. ‘Checkin’ yer emails were you?’
‘Now, now, Arthur. I can explain!’
‘Can you?’ asked John.
‘Yes. I was jus’ thinkin’, well it’s been a while for Arthur. So I thought, let him try somethin’ new, somethin’ excitin’!’
‘You god damn fool, I don’ know the first thing about being a sugar daddy!’
‘Well, I can’t imagine it’s too complicated!’ Sean eagerly reached for the phone, though Arthur snatched it out of reach. ‘Aw c’mon, English! Yer had any luck with the ladies then!’
‘NO!’ Arthur snarled. ‘I don’t need luck and I don’t need yer help getting’ lucky.’
He shoved the phone back into his pocket and stormed off over to John, intending to finish the work rather than hearing Sean jabber away.
‘If it helps, just think of it like charity! Like yer givin’ to some poor, unfortunate miss who needs a couple of dollars!’
Arthur scowled and began to pick up the fence posts. John raised his eyebrows ever so slightly, but even he knew to keep his mouth shut when Arthur looked like that!
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bimrsadler · 3 years
Honor Among Thieves
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Pairing: Sean Macguire x F! Reader
Summary: The gang is unsure what to do with you after you’re caught stealing from them. Deciding you could be useful, they allow you to join Sean on a robbery.
Word count: 1,484
Warnings/tags: smut, mild dirty talk, language
Notes: Request/prompt for @mrs-blooooom Sorry it took me a bit but I hope this turned out how you wanted!
It took you a while to gain the trust of the Van der Linde gang, after all you did steal from them, but they were all thieves as well weren’t they? It was Sean who brought this up to Dutch, the young Irishman seemed to take a liking to you since your arrival, recently bringing you half of his stew and telling jokes to cheer you up.
“Stealin’ is our livelihood Dutch, if yer gonna tie ’er up then why not the rest of us? I was no angel when we met. Still ain’t.”
“I gotta make sure I can trust her first, son.”
“Lemme take ’er on the robbery then. If she could steal that easily from us thinka how easily she could steal for us eh?”
“You do have a point there.” Dutch considered this carefully as he puffed on his cigar, “Alright fine, but use some discretion please? And don’t let her run off.”
After you acclimated to your new freedom with the gang, Sean approached you at the fire. “So ya enjoyin’ the night with us rascals?” He laughed as he gently nudged your ribs with his elbow.
“Now that I ain’t tied to a tree anymore,” you smiled and took a drink of your beer. You noticed Sean’s eyes lingering in your lips.
He leaned in and lowered his mischievous voice, “ya really wanna spice things up an’ join me fer a robbery?”
Eager to prove yourself and perhaps to spend time with your scrappy new friend, you obliged. “Damn right I do.”
Sean explained there was a small group of robbers with a stash hiding out in a secluded cabin, the type of folk who wouldn’t go to the law. The two of you left first thing in the morning as it was a long ride. Having been new to the gang you had no horse to call your own and no one was particularly keen on letting the new girl borrow theirs. Sean quickly offered a seat on his.
It was a pleasant ride, Sean chatting the entire time. While you heard others rib him for this personality trait, you found it endearing.
“So, are ya a good shot?”
“I’m a great shot actually,” you said confidently.
“Y’are? I’m not surprised, betcha could hold yer own with me and the rest of the lads.”
“I reckon I could even shoot better than y’all.”
“Heheh I like yer spark love. I hear these boys at the cabin’ll put up a fight. How ’bout we see who shoots the best?”
“You’re on,” you looked back at him and winked.
When you arrived Sean distracted the man at the front of the cabin while you snuck around back. Like most home robberies it resulted in shots fired, and although backup came, it was manageable.
Sean took out more of them but you were more accurate. “Told you I was a better shot,” you smiled and raised your eyebrows at him.
“Ahh well how ’bout we see who can steal the most valuables then? Though I hear yer already pretty good at that,” he teased.
“Shut up. Let’s get our score.”
A respectable amount of loot was recovered including the stash under the floorboards. Sean found several expensive watches and you a few large jewelry bags. In the end it was impossible to say which was the better take.
“I’m sure mine’s worth more but I’ll let ya have this one.”
“Oh you’re gonna let me huh? Gettin’ a little cocky there Macguire.”
“Oh I haven’t even started to show ya cocky my dear,” Sean laughed as he helped you onto the horse.
You began the long ride back with the excitement of the day was still at a high. As your bodies rocked rhythmically you could feel Sean tense with every brush of your back against his chest and particularly when your hips met his. “Ya did good back there, should be proud a yourself,” Sean stated with his breath on your ear.
“I had fun, and we both did good…maybe we should celebrate?”
“Well I love a good celebration. Whatcha thinkin’?”
You arched your back and slowly adjusted so that your backside was flush with his groin, already feeling his excitement. Turning your head slightly to let your cheek gingerly brush against his lips you whispered, “got a few things in mind.”
Sean shuddered behind you. “That so?” He brought his lips to your neck for a remarkably restrained kiss, testing the waters. “Like this?” You let out a pleased hum and nodded, signaling to continue.
Now that Sean had your okay to keep going he wasted no time in pursuing you further. His kisses were still gentle but now firmer, nipping along your shoulder as he went. You felt one hand move from your hip to caress your inner thigh. “Ya like bein’ touched there love?”
You extended your arm behind you to grab the back of Sean’s head and pull him in for a slow kiss, teasing his tongue with yours. The warmth in your center was growing. “I like you touching me there.”
“Heh, good answer.” Sean moved his needy hands with more boldness, one massaged your breast as the other wandered up your skirt and and trailed along your heat. “What about ’ere?”
Your grip on the back of his neck tightened. “Especially there,” you purred.
You felt Sean’s hardness pressing against you as he explored further. His adept fingers moved your undergarments to the side and toyed with your wetness. “Jeeesus girl, yer soaked.”
You writhed against him as his fingers moved in and out, “we need to stop,” you panted.
“Shit I’m sorry, did I do somethin’ wrong?”
You giggled at the misunderstanding and his prompt apology, “no Sean I mean we need to stop and get off the horse.” You moved your hand behind you to rub him through his jeans, “I need you right now.”
“Oh!” He was clearly flustered in his exclamation. “Well that can be arranged love,” Sean veered to the left on a path that lead to a small clearing in the forest. After hitching the horse he helped you down, “c’mere you.”
You felt the rough bark of the tree hit your back as Sean rutted against you, one leg wrapped around his waist. He moved clumsy and swift to undo your undergarments, letting them fall to the ground as you worked at his belt. “Ya ready to meet Macguire Junior then eh?”
You rolled your eyes and playfully slapped his chest. He was ridiculous, but he made you laugh. Besides, the strokes you gave to his hard member shut him up quick.
Standing against the tree with your leg still around him, you guided him to your entrance.
“Oh darlin’ you feel so good.” Sean propped your leg up with his hand clutching your ass and began thrusting hard. You guided his hand to you your sensitive nub and showed him what you liked. He took your signal and rubbed his thumb gently over you as you responded with enthusiastic moans.
“That’s it Sean,” you panted, running your hands through his red hair. He moved one hand to open and pull your shirt down enough to expose your breasts. Cupping one in his hand, he moved your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, sending flutters of pleasure straight to your core. “Yes, more!” He continued the stimulation as you felt the waves of your climax building to its peak. Your walls contracted around his cock, prompting him to cry out your name.
Your legs shook as Sean picked you up and wrapped them around his lower back, pinning you to the tree as he slammed into you. He may have been smaller than most of the other men around camp but he was strong and used his body well.
“Yer so gorgeous,” he mewled in awe of you. “Fuck…ya like bein’ taken like this?”
All you could manage was a whimper as you dug your nails into his back. His pace became erratic with shallow movements, swearing as he got closer. He readied his hand around himself and looked at you for approval, to which you nodded. Pulling out, Sean thrusted against your wet folds until he released onto your stomach and thighs, groaning and tightening his grip on you with every twitch.
After helping you clean up, the two of you took a moment to gather yourselves while sitting beneath the tree he’d just fucked you against.
“Never in me wildest dreams did I think a lovely woman liked you’d want me,” he said as he put his arm around you.
“We make a good team, oughta do this again sometime.”
“The sex or the robbery?” He snickered.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “How about both?”
Sean pulled you in for a surprisingly tender kiss, “you’ll never catch me sayin’ no.”
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Some of the Red Dead boys (maybe Sean if you write for him) with a s/o that laughs and giggles during sex?
My brain couldn’t think of anybody else to write BUT Sean, cause he’s spot on for this. so here u go! fem reader btw, nsfw under the cut
Sean was very comical and quickly picked up on the fact that you found him hilarious. He'd practically follow you around the camp, trying his best to crack jokes at everything. You, sadly, had the same sense of humour, so even Sean just breathing made you laugh. This is how the two of you got close, eventually leading to a more intimate friendship. However, Sean wasn't expecting you to still have that bubbly personality in the bedroom. You couldn't help it! The way Sean introduced you to 'Macguire Jr.' had cracked you up, and he was happy you enjoyed it. A crooked smile came across his lips, looking up at you in awe as you actually waved hello to his dick. "You're real incredible, you kno' that?" Sean told you as he wrapped your legs around his waist, lining up against you. "Oh? Why?" you replied. "Just.. you kno'. You think I'm a real funny fucker and that makes me feel all mushy inside," Sean replied, holding back as he didn't want to push into you mid-conversation. "You gettin' soft on me, Macguire?" You ask him, playfully squinting your eyes as you watched his cheeks go red. "Maybe I am?" Sean shrugs, "So what? Ain't nobody who can help how they feel." Sean's gently stroking himself, trying to stay hard. "And you've decided to confess your sins during sex?" you tease. "'Durin sex'," Sean mocks. "This ain't even sex, love. I ain't inside of ya... yet." You let out another laugh as Sean mocked you, trying to change the tone of his voice to sound like you, his voice cracking instead. "Aaaah!" Sean sighed. "Stop your gigglin' for just one second, alright? I'm tryna be romantic 'ere." You comply, forcing yourself to stop, though your cheeks remain rosy and full as you hold back your laughter. Sean praises you as he lines himself up, finally thrusting inside of you. Your urge to laugh is cut off as Sean buries himself inside, the two of you sighing in unison. Sean doesn't hold back, fucking you with all his might, sending you a couple of cheeky glances. You finally let out another giggle when Sean comes down to kiss your neck, his stubbly facial hair brushing against you, ticking your skin. "There she goes again," Sean says between kisses, not minding at all. You try your best not to laugh, worried you're going to knock his confidence, but all hell breaks loose when Sean decides to blow a rasberry on your neck, the two of you laughing together at the fart sound. Yours and Sean's encounters always have their playful moments, the two of you unable to remain serious. You've often had camp members give you real funny looks, wondering what the hell happens in your tent.
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kaziklubaby · 5 years
Micah Bell x F!Reader
Title: A Killer to Die For!
Words: 5.2k
Pairings: Micah Bell x F!Reader
Warnings: (+18) That’s the one with the party and unrealistic scenes, when we rescue Sean and we see things and do some stuff too. And I love making Micah laugh.
Forgive my typos, as always.
Summary: Chapter 5.
Yes. He did it. As you mended a shirt, you thought about why he did it, because certainly wasn't because of new found feelings. If he had actual feelings – which of course he had, he was human, wasn't he? – they were buried deep enough so not even his thoughts could touch it. And his feelings were not kind towards you, anyway. Oh, you could imagine why he did it. Territorialism. In some level, he must have thought about you as some kind of property, and a disrespect to you was, indirectly, a disrespect to him, and he had to assert some kind of dominance. Not romantic at all, just pure instinct. That actually made sense to you, and you didn't even flinch. What were you supposed to do? Appear hypocritically offended?
"Oh my, my honor!" – you scorned.
That didn't pass as anything feeling-relatable at all, but gave you a little leverage as well. But for how long? That couldn't continue, because he would sooner or later ask for something in return and you expected that to be a one-time thing. In fact, probably he might be thinking that you would open your legs to him whenever he pleased. And your cunt whined about it. But, what if you could continue doing him? What was the problem, really? Well, you were disappointing Miss Grimshaw, and he was an asshole, that should be pretty serious in your eyes.
"Think about it, you is going against everything you thought was right. Sleeping with a man, and worse, for pleasure! He didn't have any feelings for you, and would never have, merely seeing you like a hole to put his cock in" – you thought to yourself.
Yeah, that was a problem. But you didn't want his feelings. Did you? Of course not.
Should you confront him about it? Or maybe, you could just wait until he tried something, so you wouldn't sound like you were expecting him. Anyway, it could not be under the eyes of the gang, or they would have another reason to think that you should go for a walk, for good this time.
-You know, Miss, I've killed girls as betrayed us, and done it happily – said Miss Grimshaw to Mary-Beth, right next to you. You didn't look, you weren't crazy enough to meddle in that discussion, not when you already had troubles enough. Also, you didn't pity Mary-Beth that much, she was used to reading and writing more than actually doing any workaround, usually, Tilly had to do most of it to cover for her.
-Is reading betrayal in your world, Miss Grimshaw? – said Mary-Beth, and you, for a moment, admired her cold blood.
-Not reading, Miss, idleness. – and Miss Grimshaw paused for a second – Idleness is betrayal, because it means I work so you don't have to! – and Miss Grimshaw was screaming at full lungs – That's not right, is it?
Mary-Beth got up as fast as you ever saw her do before.
-I guess not, Miss – she said, going for the laundry
-You're right not, missy! On!
You kept your eyes low, mending the shirt. You adored that woman, but she could be scary as fuck when she wanted to.
-Y/N, taking long mending those things, ain't you? – Miss Grimshaw said.
-I'll go faster – you said, without lifting your head.
-You better – Miss Grimshaw said, leaving you and Mary-Beth alone.
-Must feel good be the favorite – said Mary-Beth, in her sweet way, but behind it, you could feel her sting.
-I'm not anyone's favorite. – you said, but you wish you were – I just do my work.
-I see you working – Mary-Beth said, and this time her tone was more suggestive than sweet.
You didn't answer that. At first, you were tempted to start a quarrel about it, but, what good would it do? More fights? Better stay quiet and hold your ground, she was just upset about Miss Grimshaw. Although, if the circumstances were different, you would feel inclined to be – just a little bit – devilish with her.
And you smiled.
All people used masks. All of them had flaws and scars, even the kindest one. Mary-Beth, deep down envied Karen and how she was so carefree and strong, and when alone and thinking that no one was hearing, she would touch herself and moan Arthur's name, yet she looked down on you for your marks. Karen would cry herself to sleep late at night, when everybody was already sleeping, like a baby without its bottle. Also, you could see how she looked at other girls at Valentine, frustration and despise. Tilly was by far the more emotionally constant one of them, she had an objective, survive, and she was firm on her will to get through everything, although you could see in her eyes that she had experimented, in some level, the same things that you had too. Molly O'Shea usually cried as Dutch pinned her down and fucked her into oblivion, begged for him as you did to Micah, but still, in her eyes, you were the lowest of the woman. Even dear Miss Grimshaw had her blue days. Sometimes she would wear her old dresses just to see how she looked on them, she would put old jewelry, and pinch her face, trying to discover where the young girl went, and how this girl - the one in the picture - was replaced by an old crone – but she would never cry, not her. Her tears had dried a long time ago.
They all had scars too. The only difference between yours and theirs, was the fact that yours was showing to everybody see at broad daylight.
Even worse was how people usually thought that woman, in general, should be obedient, calm, motherly inclined, sweet, educated, and most of all weak, so men would feel strong near them, as if being a woman meant to be a boost on man's ego and a hole so he could take his pleasure – but woman should be sacred and pure too, because men didn't want to openly assume something that others had tasted before, it seemed like it diminished them under the eyes of other men, but, ironically, they would pour all their desires and perversions on a woman who didn't fit on that specific profile. So, a woman could kill herself as an individual, or, let the world kill her piece by piece. That's why you admired Miss Grimshaw too. She escaped that profile and still was respected by all, strong-willed and brave, she conquered her place in the world.
And then, your mind would be filled with thoughts of Micah. He too had a wrong idea of what a woman should be, although you could see that to him, every woman on Earth was not worthy of his attention, just his cum, he made no distinction. It seemed like he didn't have a good relationship with his mother, after all – if he had a relationship at all.
You had known men that were rejected by their mothers, and they ended up having a bitter view of a woman later in life, because they saw their mother's rejection on other women too. Could that be the reason? You didn't know, for you were no expert, just pointed out things that you had experienced yourself.
Days passed, Hosea didn't pressure you to make yourself scarce for a while, so you stayed, quiet and calm, mending and feeding the chickens, attending to your regular affairs. As for Micah, was but a shadow in a distance. Sometimes he would be close to you near the fire, always silent and pretending you were not there, reading a newspaper or smoking.
And you would not talk to him either. Was he waiting for you to break? Like hell you would.
That was another night like those, where silence filled the space between you. At first, that strange situation had bothered you, even more than when he just couldn't shut up. It took a little while, but now it seemed natural. -What are you looking at? – he said, suddenly.
You looked around, maybe he was saying that to someone else, but there was no one awake. Uncle, who had been talking nonstop about the time when he stole a herd of cows, now was sleeping, cradling his bottle of whiskey as it was a teddy bear.
-What is it that you want, Micah? – you said.
-Huh, it seemed like you wanted something from me – he said, with that confidence that couldn't fool you – You is looking at me with those doe eyes, what is it that you want?
And he laughed. Was he really trying to convince you that it was you who wanted him? Cheap Trick.
-I'm not even looking at you, you dumb fuck – you said.
-Yeah, sure doll, you can tell whatever lie you want to convince yourself, fuck... – he purred – you can even insult me but I see in your eyes what you want. Come here – he said, giving soft slaps on his thigh.
You looked around again.
-You must be drunk, or stupid in the head – you said – Why would I want anything with you? -Looks like you forgot about our little stroll – he got up and came in your direction – What a bad memory you have, Y/N, should I remind you what is like to be with a real man?
Micah sighed deeply and held your throat, not tight enough, just a light touch like a reminder of what could be.
-It's a shame your bruises is fading, they was so beautiful – he purred.
A shiver ran down your body again. -Why don't you keep those cheap words to someone who cares? – you said, slapping his hand away from you – or I will kill you dead.
He laughed more and lifted his hands backing away.
-I'm still waiting for that – he said.
He backed off, but his eyes were like the ones of a hungry animal with nothing to lose. He smirked, victorious, one last time and walked away. Logically, he was a piece of trash, and you knew that dealing with him was going to end badly, but you felt divided between accepting his invitation or denying it.
Your body didn't have any doubts, though.
Could you deal with his rejection? Because he was bound to pull the same shit as before, and leave you alone and stained by him. That's when something crossed your thoughts, something so simple and yet, you would have to be really invested in it to make it work. First of all, life was much like a poker game, tables could turn with a good bluff, and this way you could put him to the test. 
How much he desired you? Enough to risk a little gamble? Your cunt ached for him, but, so you could give in to that desire, you would have to change the terms. You didn't want monogamy nor compromise, even less loyalty.
You just wanted him to admit that he wanted you too.
Your opportunity appeared when they heard about Sean, he was alive and being kept by some lawfolk, Arthur was going to rescue him along with Javier, Charles and your favorite conman, Josiah Trelawny. Something about Josiah made him almost impossible to be hated, and you guessed that it was his way with words and his manners, you just couldn't help but laugh at him whenever he pulled one of his magic tricks, like a kid around a show. He dazzled people, that was his best trick.
Your plan, though, didn't include him, but the probability of success of the mission and what it could mean. Arthur was a skillful gunslinger, Javier a master with his knives, and Charles by himself was strong as a bull. You doubted that mission could go wrong.
Only if Sean was too stupid for his own good.
You saw when Charles' girl gave him a little trinket before he left the camp.
"A Lucky charm" – you heard she say. That smart little witch. Against all magic, what could go wrong? And when they returned with the big-mouthed leprechaun... There was going to be a party.
A party.
Dutch wouldn't miss the chance to make everyone believe he had everything under control, and to show that we were all under his – merciful – wings, for the man liked his speeches way too much, and that was a moment too perfect to be wasted. Even if the guy smelled like bullshit a mile away, you wouldn't say anything. You were having a nice life, after all, didn't have to suck cocks that tasted like piss and old cum for a few cents, and you ate regularly, that was a great improvement in your life. You had to be grateful, at least a little.
And, you were focusing on Micah and his pretentious attitude rather than Dutch's. Micah needed to be taught a lesson.
So, the Irish had returned home safe and sound. More or less. His voice echoed, above a crate, holding a beer and his dignity as both were the same. -... and don't you worry Mr. Pearson, you drunk old shit bag... – he just arrived but was already drunk – It'll be nothing but, uh... the finest game in the pot, now Dead Eye Macguire's back!
You were near Miss Grimshaw, sitting against the table, and looking to the faces around you.
-... and don't worry about nothing Miss Grimshaw, we'll have this camp running like clockwork... I love you bastards... have fun! Have lots of fun!
-We intend to! – said Mary-Beth, laughing.
-Yeah, come on... Let's party! – said Karen, drinking her beer.
And Sean descended from the crate, drinking his beer.
-Even you, you grumpy old bastard, Arthur. – said Sean.
-Uh oh, here comes trouble. – said Karen, but you could tell she wasn't all against his presence. Their sweetness was even more complex than you had foreseen.
They were sweet on each other, but could only admit it when they were drunk, almost like they were ashamed of each other when sober. One more reason for Karen to cry at night?
-I just can't get rid of you, can I? – said Javier, tuning his guitar.
-Mind if I join you fine folks? – Sean said, sitting with them at the round table.
-I suppose – said Karen, looking silly. The way her eyes gleamed looking at him almost made her look younger.
-I owe you one, Arthur Morgan. The drinks are on me! – said Sean.
-They always are, when you ain't buying – said Arthur, walking away to sit by the fire with Hosea and the others.
-You are looking lovely as ever, if I may say so – said Sean, not his first attempt to flirt while drunk.
-Oh stop it – said Karen, smiling shyly
-Imagine riding with him all the way from blackwater to here – said Javier – estúpido.
-So, what now? – said Sean, completely unaware that Javier called him stupid.
-Come on, how about a song? – said Dutch.
The music started. You walked away from that place. Micah wasn't around, almost like happiness made him sick or something.
-You is going to see him, ain't you? – said Miss Grimshaw.
-But not in the way you think I am – you said.
She looked deeply at you.
-You better, girl – she said.
As you walked away from her in the direction of the trees, your whole body trembled slightly, excitement trapped in a bottle too tiny for it. You wanted to do it - play Micah - but, a part of you wanted to flee as you had been doing your whole life – fear weighed in your stomach.
Soon, you found him against a tree, with a bottle of beer. If you didn't know him better, you could say he was peaceful there alone in the woods.
-So, changed your mind? – he said, his smile mocking you.
You scoffed.
-Can’t a girl smoke in peace around here? – you said, using a match to light your cigarette. It was a peaceful night, alright, no wind to even blow a candle.
-Sure, and you came here just to smoke – he said, holding his belt – tryin' to fool me?
-If I'm bothering you, then I will leave you and your nasty personality alone – you said throwing your cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.
-Oh, come on - he purred, all convinced that he called the shots with you - there is room enough for both of us here – he said tapping the tree near him.
You laughed.
-Don't go thinking you is such a big deal Micah, I fucked better with my hands.
-Is that so? – he said.
Micah was patient when he wanted to, he knew how to buy his time and push your buttons, just to strike where it hurts the most. Too experienced to fall easily in any trap. The only way to destabilize him was through his ego.
Lucifer didn't fall for it too?
You gave your back to him and returned to camp. It was more or less like fishing, you threw the bait and now you would wait. Would Micah bite it just by sheer desire to see what you were up to? He was a stubborn man. Would he be stubborn to the point of wait to see you play yourself or stubborn to believe you, and seek to prove you wrong? What would give him more pleasure? Much of your plan was going to carry on based on probability and improvisation. Were you right about Micah Bell, after all?
As you approached the center of the camp, you heard they singing the ring-the-dang-pussy song. You watched in disbelief how grown man liked to sing about cunts like little boys. Uncle had red cheeks and a bottle in hand, making obscene gestures.
Oh, you enjoyed that old man just enough, and that was a whole lot to you. You had to give it to them, it was funny alright. All seemed fine, the gang was happy again, playing and laughing like nothing was wrong. Even Pearson didn't seem so stupid.
That was a good night. Felt nice to have people around you, sometimes... The only thing that seemed strange to this scene was Dutch's music playing in his phonograph. People were actually drinking and talking about pussy and he was listening to some kind of classical song?
You sat by the table where people usually polished their guns, and tasted your first beer of the night. You couldn't get wasted so soon, not yet anyway. Soon Micah appeared, looking as flustered as possible, walking in that crooked way that only he does, shoulders up, head down facing you. Your heart started pacing, but you maintained your face neutral. He sighed deeply, almost like a threat to you. -So, you fucked better alone alright? I see – he laughed, but was mad enough too.
You shrugged and didn't answer, just took a sip of your bottle.
-I see what you are doing, Y/N, thinking you is smart? I won't fall for that.
-Oh, I'm doing something now? What am I doing Micah?
-Don't pull that on me, thinking you can provoke me. Trying to get me angry?
At this moment, Sean walked by almost falling to the ground but still holding his beer. A true drunken, sure he was. Karen walked behind him too, so drunk that neither one of them seemed to care about you and Micah. They hid behind the girl's wagon.
-Look at that lucky fucker... – Micah said.
-Huh.. – you were indifferent, sipping your beer.
-Hah, don't try to play it cool, Y/N, it doesn't suit you.
-Like you would know that.. – you scoffed him.
Then, you heard Sean laughing, and this time we waited in silence.
-Admit you love me – Sean said in that drunken fool way of his – Admit it and I'll stop annoying you.
-I'll admit nothing – it was Karen who spoke.
-You love me – Sean said.
-I'd rather love a snake!
-Come here – it was Sean's voice, but it faded quickly.
A slap sound, and more laughter. Soon Karen came by running and laughing as Sean stood near the wagon.
-She loves me... – he said, more to him than to us – I'm the happiest man alive.
-That fool wouldn't know what hit him not even if it was a train – Micah said.
-Sure – you said.
-What do you want, Y/N? – he said, at last.
You shrugged again.
-You want to give me something now? – you said.
-You wish. – he said, getting down to your level, his hands over the table. He sighed again – I won't fall for that Y/N. Just letting you know.
-Okay. – you said, as quickly as you could, as if you didn't care for what he did or said.
And he picked a bottle out of the crate over the table, moving his brows - emphasizing what he said - as if he didn't care about you at all. Sean got up and now was standing near the tent, close to us. Drinking his thoughts away, most likely.
-Oh, there she is... the finest lady I know – he said, suddenly.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Karen coming by.
-I hate you, you Irish bastard! – she said. She was all too drunk to care about much at that point.
Micah and you stood there, watching the scene.
-Ah, come here. – he said, going towards her.
You were so tempted to make a bet with Micah, but you feared to ruin the moment.
-You hate me too, I can see 't ‘n your eyesss... – she wasn't talking all the letters, others she pronounced too much.
Sean held her hands in his, caressing them slowly. 
-I love you – he said.
-You only love me when we're drunk – she said divided in laughter and tears.
-Well, you're always awfully superior when you're sober... – he said, his words filled with emotion.
She didn't need much time after that.
-Come on, then... – she said, taking him by the hand and guiding him to the nearest tent while he laughed – I hate you, you know that... I hate you.
You couldn't bear any more, you had to look at him and laugh.
-Shush now doll, let's hear them – Micah said, finding it all terrible funny too.
They were laughing at first.
-It's alright John's tent, isn't it? – said Sean – hasn't seen any action like this since nine months before young Jackie popped out!
-Sean! – Karen said, whining.
-Move over, will ya? – Sean said.
-What are you doing? – Karen said.
Sean was trying to get his pants off, with no success.
- Sorry! – Sean said – Ohoho, there they are, look at them. Magnificent.
-Is he talking about his balls? – you asked Micah, making fun of them, for obvious reasons.
Micah laughed, and it was nice to hear him doing so.
-Like the peaks of the Derryveagh! – said Sean.
-Oh, shut up, you idiot! – said Karen, laughing.
Okay, her breasts.
-Nice compliment, you could use that too – you said.
-I have better ones for you, you nasty thing – he said.
-Come here, you – Sean said inside the tent.
They started moaning and whining. You could imagine, but you didn't want to, expecting to preserve some of your sanity for later.
-Hey, what are you doing? – Karen said, kind of annoyed.
-Anal – you said to Micah, putting your hands over your face and pretending to be surprised.
He laughed hard.
-It's an old trick my Da taught me – Sean said.
-Ugh, no! Don't ever do that again! – Karen said, relaxing again.
-Oh, okay, okay, here we go... Miss Jones, meet Macguire Junior – Sean was having fun.
-Creepy – you said. Before Micah could say something, Karen was talking again.
-Is that it? – she said, not pleased at all.
This time Micah laughed hard and loud. He couldn't help it, and probably would bring that up to Sean until the end of days.
-You wait, he's a fighter... – Sean trying to save his reputation was a terrible thing to hear – Okay...no, that's not... there... no...
Sean didn't seem very comfortable.
-Guide me in here a bit, will ya? – he said.
-Jesus! – Karen said, irritated.
-That's the ugliest thing I have ever heard. And I heard a lot in my life – Micah said – That woman is a true fighter. Brave Karen.
-Oh yes! – Sean said.
-Finally – you said.
-You're a lovely woman – Sean said, gasping – Oh – his voice trembled a little – yes! Oh yes, that's it!
-Stop pulling that face! – said Karen.
-He's a virgin – you said – must be.
-And you would know that, don't you baby doll? – Micah said.
You shrugged again. Sean was gasping, and Karen was not whining of pleasure. You could almost precise his rhythm by his sounds.
-Yes! – Sean said – Ohoohoh Miss Jones!
-Will you shut up? – said Karen.
-Are you close? – Sean asked.
-Nowhere near! – Karen said, uncomfortable and irritated.
-Oh! – Sean screamed.
-That's a record alright – said Micah.
-Ohh – Sean's voice was trembling – There she blows! Phew... it's like all worries have floated away... Hey, where are you going?
-She must have sobered up already – you said.
-We're done, ain't we? – she said, bored and tired.
-We certainly are, darling. – Sean said, his laugh somewhere between nervousness and tiredness, but nowhere near the fact that she was completely unsatisfied.
When she left the tent, she didn't even look around, so you were not sure if she was completely aware that you and Micah were there. Sean, however, spotted Micah first of all. Sean was a messy mixture of shame and confidence, and soon as he found out that Micah had heard the whole thing, he gave him gis back and made his walk of shame towards his bedroll.
-That was disturbing – you said.
-See? You should be grateful for what I give you – Micah said.
-Yeah, what about you be grateful for what I put up with you? – you said.
-I knew it! You are all sour because I didn't say anything.
-You wish – you got up, stretching yourself – What about you pestering me about it? All I see is you trying to convince me that I want anything with you, why don't you admit that you are a pussy that's afraid to like it too much?
-Oh, you want me to admit? – he said, walking around the table, coming in your direction – You coming too sassy for my taste.
-Your loss – you said.
He sighed deeply again, his nostrils opening like the ones of an angry bull.
-Don't you think I could just take you here, now? You can't stop me.
-And that would be rape. You don't scare me. Besides, what rape would prove? That you can't satisfy a woman so you must take her by force? Thought you had some pride.
He was so close that you could feel his breathing against your skin.
-Okay. You want me to say it? I will say it.
-I don't want you to lie to me. Or else, what's the point – you said.
-Cards on the table doll. Who's holding what.
You looked deep in his blue eyes, blue as the summer sky. He held you close, against him, your breasts crushed against his chest.
-I want you – he said - Is that what you wanted to hear?
-I don't know, keep trying...
-Don't test me baby doll, you wouldn't like it
-Wanna bet? – you whispered.
He held your dark hair in his hand, pushing backwards and making you face him. He was almost two heads taller than you, and you enjoyed how big he was near you. Then he kissed you, his lips were rough against yours, but you molded yourself to him, to his strength. His kiss kept getting deeper, more thirsty and demanding.
At some point, you had to fight to back off a little so you could breathe.
-Satisfying you enough?
-Shut up and kiss me, now! – you said, holding his face, bringing his lips closer to yours.
He smiled, but there was nothing funny about it.
-I will just give you a treat tonight, you have been a very bad girl, you don't deserve...
-Shut up Micah – you said, pushing him against the table – We will fuck!
He wasn't all comfortable with that. Seemed confused, yet interested.
-What's now, gonna use me? – he said.
You didn't say, just pressed him, and started opening his shirt, passing your hands against his chest.
-This way they will see it all – he said, mocking you – Let me help you a little – he held you and walked to the other side of the table, putting your back to his chest – now all they is gonna see is my back.
You looked to the wagon, your heart racing, trying to see if someone was awake. He lifted your skirt.
-No undergarments? – he laughed – You was expecting this, wasn't you?
-One may never know – you said.
He put his cock out, rubbing it. You started to rub yourself against him.
-Oh yes, you was waiting for it all day, waiting for me – he said.
You held his thighs, over his pants.
-Just as much as you. – you said.
-Then, you were waiting big time – and he shoved himself in you.
You screeched, but he quickly held your mouth. You could hear Sean singing near the fire.
-No sound, or you want them to notice us? – he whispered – I will release you, but only if you promise to be a good little slut to me.
You shook your head. He released you and started pounding hard inside you, you could feel him hitting deep, and you bit your lips, so you wouldn't scream. You enjoyed how he stretched you, and made your cunt ache, no mercy, only pleasure. He held you by your neck with one hand, the other holding your hip so you wouldn't break apart not even a few inches from him. But even if he didn't hold you, you still would hammer yourself against him, guessing his movements.
-Ain't you an obedient one, huh? You love some good cock fucking you, don't you? – he whispered.
-Yes – you whispered.
-I said don't make a sound – and he scratched your thigh, ugh – You only answer when I say you can.
You shook your head.
-Huh, your cunt is hungry tonight, what is it that you doing? – he asked, really low – You speak now.
-I learned it a long time ago...
-It's like you're giving me a blow with your cunt – and he gasped.
And he pushed your back, making you bend for him, touching the ground with your hands, then he pounded harder, and you couldn't catch your breath – he was touching every inch inside of you, all the right spots, and the way your cunt ached only increased the sensation, it was too quick and too strong... too much... You cried trying to keep it quiet.
-Already? You just can't have enough, can you?
Micah got down in his knees, pushing your head against the ground now, you two hidden behind the table. He kept pushing you further.
-You fucked better alone, was that it? – he said, and thrust himself inside you with anger – better than this?
And he made you close your legs, making you really tight and difficult.
-Tell me, you fucking cum-hole, better than this?
-No... – you moaned really low, barely breath leaving your mouth.
-You bet – he whispered in your ear.
And he fucked you into another orgasm, just to prove a point. What was the point? That he was good. He came in your thighs. Micah got up, closing his pants and looking around, trying to notice if someone had seen you both. Luckily, the ones that were still awake were too drunk to even notice.
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Play For Me (Arthur Morgan x f!reader)
A/N: This could be read as a part 2 to Goodbye Kisses but it can definitley be read as a stand alone. This takes place after the events of Blessed Are The Peacemakers mission. Here is my RDR2 masterlist and here is the link to go to if you’d like to be on any of my taglists.
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: slight spoilers for chapter 3, pure fluff
Summary: Rarely does Arthur get a chance to play his guitar. So when he’s stuck at camp healing from a bullet to the shoulder, he takes the opportunity to play. 
Your eyes flickered around the small group gathered at the fire nearest to Pearson’s wagon. You chewed on your bottom lip when you didn’t spot him among the faces there. 
“Come have a seat with us, Y/N!” Sean patted the empty chair next to him. His words drew everyone’s attention to you.
“No thank you, Mr. MacGuire.” You looked over to one of the tables where poker was sometimes played or where Tilly or Mrs. Grimshaw played dominos. The table was empty. 
“You look lost.” John commented. 
“Just lookin’ for Arthur.” You sighed. “He’s been gettin’ more and more restless with havin’ to stay at camp, especially since he’s been gettin’ better.”
“How is his shoulder doin’?” 
“Still hurts him, but he can move it. I’m sure he’ll have trouble with it the rest of his life.”
“Yeah. Well, I haven’t seen him.” 
“He probably slipped out while you were busy lookin’ the other way.” Bill snorted. “That’s what I woulda done with all you’re nagging.”
“And that is precisely why you haven’t found yourself a nice girl like Y/N.” Karen gestured to you.
“Thank you, Karen.” You smiled at her. 
You excused yourself, turning to make sure none of the horses were missing. Arthur’s horse was still hitched right next to yours, but you knew very well that he wouldn’t take his horse. If he truly had left camp, his horse would be the first thing you’d look for. 
As you were approaching one of the two areas the horses were kept, you spotted Hosea brushing down Silver Dollar.
“Good evening, Hosea.” 
“Ah, Y/N!” He glanced up only momentarily before returning to brushing the horse. “Good evening to you.”
“Have you seen Arthur? I’ve been lookin’ all over for that man and I swear….” You trailed off, shaking your head. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about him leaving camp.” Hosea chuckled, shaking his head. “He wouldn’t dare leave camp before getting the okay from you and Mrs. Grimshaw. I spotted him earlier taking that guitar of his down towards the water.”
You turned your head to look in the direction of the lake. 
“I didn’t even think to look down there.” You thought out loud. 
“How’s he been with having to be on bedrest?” Hosea tucked the brush into a pocket on a saddlebag and buckled it up before moving around to the front of Silver Dollar and rubbing his nose. 
“He did fine at first…. For maybe the first four days. But then he wanted to get up and at least do somethin’ around camp.” You absentmindedly picked at your nails. “He hates not doin’ nothin’. He’d rather be out there gettin’ shot at and startin’ fights at saloons than be here and have me gettin’ after him for not listenin’ to me.”
“Oh, I know. Always made such a fuss when he was younger and he had to act with manners.” Hosea smiled fondly. “But he cares about you. That’s why he listens to you.”
Your eyes met him for a few moments, something inside your chest swelling at his words. Had Arthur told Hosea this? Or was it that easy for Hosea to see?
You looked away from him, tucking a few stray pieces of hair behind your ear. 
“I better go see if he’s down by the lake.” You took a few steps away from him. “Thank you, Hosea.”
“Anytime, my dear.”
You found Arthur sitting at the base of the tree that grew near the edge of the water. He sat with his knees bent slightly and his guitar resting in his lap. He wore a pair of jeans over top of his gray union suit. The sleeves of the union suit were pushed up to his elbows. 
As you drew closer to him, you could hear the quiet music coming from the instrument.
Sensing someone was watching him, Arthur turned his head to look back in the direction of camp. He caught sight of you and the look of panic and concern that someone had caught him disappeared. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“You’ve been hidin’ from me.” You pulled up your skirts just a little so you could sit on your knees. You sat next to him, facing him so you could see him. 
“Just wanted some peace and quiet. Uncle was gettin’ rambunctious. Talkin’ ‘bout how we were like one in the same and best friends now and all that nonsense.” Arthur muttered, shaking his head.
“Oh, he’s just teasin’ you. He knows how easy it is to get you worked up, especially right now when you’re stuck at camp.” You reached up to brush your fingers through his dark blond hair. “Should’ve told me you were playin’. I would’ve come down here with you to listen. You know I love it when you play.”
He looked down to watch his fingers as he strummed the strings. The movements were slow and steady. 
“How does your shoulder feel?” You asked softly.
“Hurts, but I don’t think that’ll go away. Just gotta get used to it.”
“What kind of hurt?”
Arthur thought about the answer for a moment while his fingers worked over the strings of the guitar. 
“Like someone’s takin’ their thumb and pressin’ as hard as they can right on to the nerves in that one area. It doesn’t hurt that bad. I can ignore it. Annoyin’ more than anything.”
“Can I take a look?” 
He nodded and quit strumming the guitar. You reached out to start working the buttons on his gray union suit, but before you could even get to the very first one, Arthur was taking one of your hands and bringing it to his lips. He kissed the back of your hand softly, tenderly, his thumb tracing a circle over the space he didn’t kiss. 
No words were exchanged as he released your hand and let you go about unbuttoning his union suit. You only had to undo the first three buttons. You pushed the shoulder of the suit down enough so you could see the healing wound on his shoulder. There was a bandage over it, but you pulled it aside. 
“How does it look?” Arthur asked, cornflower blue eyes glued to your face. 
“Looks a lot better than it did four weeks ago.” You replaced the bandage and pulled the material of his union suit back into place. 
“Good. Maybe now you can sleep through the night without wakin’ me up to check on me.”
“Oh, I doubt that.” You began to put the buttons through each eyelet in the suit. 
“You worry too much.”
“I’ll always worry too much. You have a nasty habit of drawin’ bad things to yourself, Arthur Morgan. Especially since Dutch has started lettin’ Micah take the lead on things.”
He said nothing. 
Your eyes drifted up from his union suit to his face. 
“How are you likin’ this beard?” You asked, your gaze flickering over the dark beard he was sporting. He hadn’t shaved since before he was hurt, so it had grown out to be much longer than either of you were used to. 
Arthur grunted and brought his hand up to rub his jaw. 
“Need to shave it off. It’s too long.”
“I kinda like it.” You smiled. “Think it makes you fit in with everyone else here. Bill and Uncle and John.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. 
You giggled. 
“Will you play for me for a little bit?” You asked him, moving to sit against the tree beside him. “At least until the sun goes down?”
Arthur shifted his hold on the guitar, turning his head to watch you get comfortable next to him. Though you had asked him if he’d play, you had already made up your mind that you were going to sit there and he was going to play whether his answer was yes or no. 
“Only for you.” He leaned over to kiss your forehead. 
He kept his eyes down, focusing on how he was moving his fingers across the strings. But he could feel your gaze on him, feel your eyes studying the side of his face. 
It was so strange how if it had been anyone else staring at him, his stomach would twist up and he’d get too nervous and mess up. He’d want to immediately retreat to the comfort and safety of his caravan. He didn’t like people watching him too much, and especially not too close. 
But you weren’t staring at him. You were observing him. Your eyes were soft and kind, taking in every little microexpression he made. You were mapping out his face- as if you hadn’t done it a thousand times before. You were admiring him like he was some breathtaking beauty. And it confused the ever living hell out of him. He couldn’t understand how you were so captivated by him. There was nothing special about him. 
You leaned over and kissed the corner of his eye, then when he turned his head to look at you with furrowed brows, you stole a kiss from his lips. 
“You’re bein’ soft on me.” He commented, his voice low and quiet. It matched the beautiful sound coming from the guitar. 
“I’m always soft on you, Mr. Morgan.” You smiled. Your eyes flickered down to the guitar, unable to hold his intense gaze any longer. “I’m…. Arthur, I know you’ve heard it from me a dozen times in the past few weeks…. But I really am glad you’re okay.”
He pulled one hand away from the guitar, making the music stop, and reached over to cup your cheek. He tilted your head up so you had no choice but to look at him once more. 
“Wouldn’t’ve been able to do it without ya.” His breath was warm as it fanned over your face. His lips ghosted over yours and then he kissed the space in front of your ear. “I know it hasn’t been easy for you.”
You pulled away enough to be able to look into his eyes. Your lips parted as if you wanted to say something, but they got caught in a lump in your throat. 
With his brows gently crinkled, he leaned forward to kiss your head. 
“Thank you for bein’ strong for me. I know it wasn’t easy for you to see me like that. All…. All busted up and beat to hell. But thank you for takin’ care of me. Thank you for-for stayin’.”
“I love you, Arthur.” You leaned forward against his lips, shivering under his touch. “Even when I’m scared as hell, I-I won’t leave your side. I couldn’t do it.”
He held his breath for a moment, his hand coming up to the back of your head. Then he chuckled. He moved his head so he could kiss your cheek. 
“Anybody ever tell you that you might be crazy? I mean, fallin’ in love with an outlaw?” 
You giggled softly as his breath tickled your ear, turning your head instinctively. This put your nose into the crook of his neck. You took the opportunity to kiss him on the side of his neck, knowing very well he was ticklish there, and smiled when he brought his shoulder up to his ear. 
“Hey now! That ain’t fair!”
“It was too good a chance to pass up.”
Arthur’s eyes found you, but they didn’t stay on you for long. There was something moving behind you that caught his attention. It was Karen and Sean walking along the shore of the lake. They hadn’t noticed you yet but they were heading in your direction. 
You could sense Arthur tense up and see the look on his face shift from the carefree, tender one only you got to see, to the more hardened Arthur that the rest of camp knew. 
You looked over your shoulder, frowning as you saw the couple idly walking along the shore. 
“Come on.” You patted Arthur’s knee. “Let’s go back to camp and change those bandages.”
“Didn’t you just change them?”
“Yeah, this mornin’. It’s past noon. You need to change them again. We don’t need you gettin’ an infection.” 
He sighed and muttered something incoherent under his breath as he got to his feet.
“You drive me crazy, woman.”
“That is what I’m here for, sweetheart.”
Taglist: @winterwolf @doggone-cowgirl @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @krenee1drful @zodiacaldust
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johnnycranes · 3 years
“I need you to pretend we’re dating”
Micah x F!Reader
But it’s the 1800s so “we’re together” instead of dating i guess lmao. This was supposed to be a short fic, how in the world it reached over 2k words idk. 
Anyway I’ve missed writing for Micah so here’s my attempt at a comeback. Prompt masterlist here.
Rating: T with just a splash of M but nothing too crazy. 
Micah x F!Reader
Karen finally convinced Arthur to let you and her go back to Valentine after what happened the last time the blonde woman visited. 
‘Course, this time Karen decided to bring Sean along. The Irishman just happened to be free when Arthur said he’d be too busy himself, taking care of something for Dutch. 
So here you were, in the Valentine saloon with the two lovebirds. You knew you should’ve stayed at camp and shared stories with Tilly and Mary-Beth but noooo, Miss Jones just had to bribe you with a free drink and a “I heard a real interestin’ lead the last time we was here!” 
Karen and Sean were off by the piano, singin some tune while you were trying to scout any leads from the drunks by the bar.
You were about to ask the bartender for another drink when one of the locals, breath reeking of alcohol, placed an arm around you. 
"Well hellooooo there, beautiful. I ain't seen you 'round here before." he said, his words slurred and voice a little too loud from where he was. 
You smiled politely as you could back at him, tried to put distance between you two, but his arm felt like lead on your shoulders. "Just passin' through, mister. Here with a few friends." you pointed towards Karen and Sean, who, unfortunately, weren't looking at anyone but themselves. 
And apparently the man with you picked up on it as well. 
He chuckled. "Awww, there there, sweetheart. Seems your friends ain't leavin anytime soon. Why don't I keep ya company instead, hmm?" 
As much as you wanted to slap the man or kick him where it hurts the most, Dutch specifically requested that there be no more rowdy bar fights after all the trouble the gang caused in town already. 
Smile unwavering, you tried to look around for anything or anyone to help you get rid of the local. 
So when you heard the saloon doors swing open and saw Mr. Micah Bell III himself enter, you prayed he was sober and in a good enough mood to help you out. You were always one of the friendlier people towards him in camp, so hopefully that little friendship meant something. 
"Oh, there he is!" You yelled, looking at Micah. This distracted the local enough so he could loosen his hold on you and you slipped out, making your way to the blonde cowboy. 
He looked surprised to see you, even more so when you put your arms around him, leaning your head near his.
You felt him tense up and had a feeling he was going to push you away so you knew you had to say something quickly. "I'll wash your clothes and sew 'em for a week if you please just pretend we're together. Feller by the bar's tryna do more than just buy me a drink." you said by his ear. 
You could sense he was processing what you just told him. But suddenly his arms were around you and he pushed you away just enough to place a kiss on your cheek. 
You look up at him, even more shocked when you see the unmistakable smug grin on his face. 
"I was only gone a few minutes, darlin'. Didn't think you'd miss me that much." he said in a surprisingly sweet voice that didn't sound at all like the tough gunslinger you knew him to be. He placed his arm around you and started walking up to the bar. 
Not missing a beat and thankful that he seemed to be ok with playing along, you wrapped one arm around his waist and placed a hand on his chest. "You know me, just can't get enough of ya."
You both stopped by bar, Micah tipping his hat to the bartender and signalling for two more bottles. 
Unfortunately, the man who was harassing you hadn't left. "She with you, mister?" he asked rather blatantly, turning towards Micah. 
The blonde tightened his grip on you. "That is correct. Ain't I just the luckiest feller?" he actually tapped your nose with a finger. Seems Hosea has some competition in acting.
And you couldn't help but blush when his voice became just a bit huskier at the end there. The poor local didn’t seem to be giving up though. 
“Really now? ‘Cuz the little lady told me she came with just those two.” he said, pointing to Sean and Karen who were giggling about something or other.
Man, they really did have eyes for only each other, especially when they were both drunk.
Micah let go of you and you were quick to shove down the disappointment you felt, no longer in his arms. He was surprisingly warm.
Micah stood in front of you, blocking you from the drunk local. 
“Not that it ain’t any of your business, feller, but I passed by the gun store, left my woman with our two friends over there.” He glanced back at you. “Startin’ to think that was a bad idea.” 
You smiled sheepishly, knowing Micah meant to tell you that it was your fault for not thinking about how drinking with Karen and Sean was going to be anything but good. 
“I’m sorry, love.” You said, and you swore you saw Micah’s cheeks turn red from calling him love. “I leave ‘em for 5 seconds and suddenly they think they’re the only people in the world or somethin’.”
Micah laughed and you felt heat pool in your stomach from the sound. “Quite all right. I know you can handle yourself.” 
The local scoffed. “Actually mister, who knows what woulda happened to the girl if I hadn’t shown up.” the man said rather smugly.
“She woulda finished her damn drink in peace, that’s what.” Micah growled.
And it really did seem like the feller had a death wish because the next thing she knew, he was leaning towards Micah, glaring at him. “We was just about to have a lovely evening if you hadn’t shown up.” 
Micah barked out a laugh, obviously not intimidated by the other guy’s rather poor show of masculinity. “That’s real funny, friend. Cuz I reckon that’s my line, not yours.”
“Listen yo-” 
Before the man could finish talking, you heard Karen Jones squeal, saw Sean Macguire break a bottle on top of some poor feller’s head, and then the whole saloon was in an uproar.
Micah took the opportunity to punch the drunk man square in the jaw. It was no secret he wasn’t the toughest fighter among Dutch’s boys, but his ‘opponent’ was drunk enough that he went down without much of a fight, knocked out from all the alcohol. 
Micah took a swig of his whiskey, placed a few coins on the bar, then grabbed your hand, guiding you around the chaos until you finally got out of the saloon. 
“Well, that ain’t what I had in mind when I got to town, but that was fun.” he laughed, adjusting his hat. 
You couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Trust me, weren’t what I expected either.”
You looked down and saw you were still holding hands. You hesitantly let go, remembering how all this craziness started. 
“Thanks, Mr. Bell. I was tryna avoid another bar fight but it seemed Sean had other plans.” 
He smirked. “Well I can’t blame the boy. He only wanted to help his woman. ‘Case ya forgot, I did the exact same thing.”
You grinned, not sure if your cheeks were warm from the alcohol or from his charming words.
Probably both.
“Yes, and as promised, you’ll get clean and sewn clothes for a week, no more waiting for Ms. Grimshaw gives it to one of us girls.” 
Micah chuckled lowly, moving closer to you and you forgot how intimidating he could be. “As lovely as that sounds, miss, I actually had another... reward in mind.”
He leaned towards you and you could feel his breath touch your skin. You unconsciously licked your lips. “And what is it?” you asked, surprised at how small your voice sounded.
He grinned. “Oh, somethin’ we’ll both enjoy, I assure you.” 
You felt his fingers gently tilt your chin up and you didn’t stop him. You closed your eyes and thought you felt the prickle of his moustache on your face-
Before two familiar laughs and the saloon doors swinging open hit your ears. You jumped back and saw Micah do just about the same, only much more subtle, slowly backing away from you and adjusting his hat. 
Sean and Karen all but stumbled out of the bar, the Irishman still holding a bottle in his hand as he kept an arm around his woman.
“Micah you bastard, what the hell you doin’ here then?” Sean said, his accent thicker now that he was drunk.
Micah scoffed. “Savin’ Miss (Y/N) here, I reckon.” he said, tilting his head towards you. “Now I ain’t no stranger to a bit of fun at the saloon either but what do you suppose Dutch’ll think if anythin’ happened to these fine ladies?”
Sean laughed, almost falling over if Karen hadn’t steadied him. “Since when did you care about anyone other than yourself?”
Micah stomped towards the younger man. “Easy there, cowpoke. Don’t think I wo-”
You stepped in front of Micah, placing your hands on his chest. He looked down at you. “It’s fine, Micah. The idiot’s drunk.”
“Hey!” Karen yelled. “He ain’t an idiot.”
Sean leaned his head on her. “Aww Miss Jones you do-”
“He’s my idiot.” She finished. “Now, I don’t fancy headin’ back to camp just yet. Stole enough money from one of the fellers in the saloon to afford a bath and a decent room at the hotel.” Karen faced you. “You gonna be okay gettin’ back yourself? Or I do have some leftover for another room if ya want.”
Sean took one last swig before dropping the bottle on the ground. “Hey, I ain’t drunk enough that I can’t bring Miss (Y/N) back to camp meself.”
“You Irish fool, the room’s fer us!” she yelled.
Sean blinked before going “Oooohhh” and you laughed when you heard Micah mutter  “They’re both morons.”
You smiled at the other woman. “I’ll be fine. Mr. Bell can bring me back.” you looked at the blonde man and saw him shrug. Karen however wasn’t convinced, as she glared at Micah.
“Don’t you try anythin’ now or I’m tellin’ Arthur and kickin' your ass myself.” she said.
Micah waved his hands mockingly. “Oh I’m shakin, Miss Jones.” he brought them back down. “We’ll be fine. Now you two get the hell outta here before Mr. Macguire pukes all over the damn ground.”
Karen told you to take care before guiding a giggling Sean towards the hotel. 
Once they were inside the building, Micah faced you. “The hell were ya thinkin? Hanging around those two drunk idiots?” 
You shrugged. “Hey I was bored, ok? And Karen offered free drinks.” 
Micah huffed.  
Part of you was buzzing to continue what Sean and Karen interrupted between you and Micah. You rarely interacted with the blonde cowboy whenever he was in camp, but you knew you were friendlier towards him than most of the others.
He’s flirted, or tried to flirt with every girl in camp already so you weren't surprised at him trying to kiss you.
But dammit you really wanted him to.
He coughed, more to get your attention than anything else. “So… if you’re done here darlin’, we better get back to camp.” 
You felt yourself blush hearing him call you darlin’ again. You also almost laughed at his complete personality change. First he was a charming and dashing cowboy, next he was growling at Sean and now he looked a little nervous and unsure. It was kind of endearing. 
Feeling like a little girl too afraid to talk to the boy she was sweet on, you actually tucked your hair behind your ear, trying to avoid his gaze. “Actually I… I ain’t exactly lookin’ forward to headin’ back just yet.”
Micah’s expression looked guarded and you weren’t sure what he was thinking. “What did you have in mind?”
You blamed the alcohol for wanting to grab his head and kiss him senseless then and there. 
So you did.
Your lips were on his and you felt him go stiff before relaxing and kissing you back with just as much force, his hands going to either side of your face. You felt the rough texture of his beard and moustache on your skin, tickling you yet he couldn’t get enough of him.
It didn’t take long for Micah to take charge as he bit your lower lip gently, you opened your mouth just a bit but it was enough to allow Micah's tongue entry. You moaned against him and Micah was the first to break the kiss, letting you breathe while he placed some more open mouthed-kisses on your jaw and neck.
“Been wantin’ to do that for a while now.” he whispered against you.
You laughed breathlessly. “Reckon Sean and Karen killed the mood earlier. Glad I went for it, anyway.”
“Oh so am I sweetheart, so am I. Weren’t sure when the next opportunity was gonna present itself.”
You smirked as Micah finally stopped kissing you, and looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes of his. “Who knew all it took was a drunk cowboy to get us together, hmm?”
Micah brushed your hair out of your face and, in the most un-Micah way you’ve seen him be, placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “The man was a pathetic loser but I made sure to give him somethin’ as thanks.”
You looked up at him, brows furrowed. “You did?”
He grinned before he placed his arms around you and guided you towards Baylock. “Yep! Was about to break a bottle on his head, good thing I didn't, he can have the free whiskey as thanks.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
The next morning at camp, John yelled at Sean for the… mess that was left in his tent. Sean tried to defend himself saying “Excuse me sir but Miss Jones and I had a lovely evenin’ at the Saints Hotel back in town.” John wasn’t having it though, unconvinced and already asked Ms. Grimshaw to just burn the sheets while he goes and gets some new ones. 
As Sean grumbled on about how he didn’t do anything for once, Micah approached him, with a shit-eating grin on his face. You were close enough that you could hear what he said. “Awww, don’t be so sour, cowpoke. I reckon you should be more careful, like (Y/N) and I were last night. No one knows a thing.”
Micah walked away, hands on his gun belt and a swagger in his step. You waited about five seconds before-
You made a note to yourself that next time maybe make sure John’s tent is immaculately clean afterwards.
Or get a room in town.
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ao3feed-connor · 4 years
Multifandom x Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35W6yc1
by Lilya (Touch_The_Sky)
I write x reader fics just cause I can, requests are almost always open so feel free to ask if you'd like something written!
Words: 71, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Haikyuu!!, Bloodborne (Video Game), inFAMOUS: Second Son, Red Dead Redemption (Video Games), Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Nishinoya Yuu, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu, Gilbert (Bloodborne), Javier Escuella, Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Eugene Sims, Delsin Rowe, Alistair (Dragon Age), Cailan Theirin, Morrigan (Dragon Age), Leliana (Dragon Age), Zevran Arainai, Cullen Rutherford, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Sera (Dragon Age), Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Ravus Nox Fleuret
Relationships: Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader, Gavin Reed/Reader, Alistair (Dragon Age)/Reader, Zevran Arainai/Reader, Morrigan (Dragon Age)/Reader, Leliana (Dragon Age)/Reader, Cullen Rutherford/Reader, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age)/Reader, Sera (Dragon Age)/Reader, Kageyama Tobio/Reader, Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader, Oikawa Tooru/Reader, Tsukishima Kei/Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi/Reader, Kozume Kenma/Reader, Hinata Shouyou/Reader, Kuroo Tetsurou/Reader, Miya Osamu/Reader, Miya Atsumu/Reader, Gilbert (Bloodborne)/Reader, Eugene Sims/Reader, Delsin Rowe/Reader, Reggie Rowe/Reader, Arthur Morgan/Reader, John Marston/Reader, Sean MacGuire/Reader, Leonard "Lenny" Summers/Reader, Charles Smith (Red Dead Redemption) & You, Javier Escuella/Reader, Prompto Argentum/Reader, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Reader, Gladiolus Amicitia/Reader, Ignis Scientia/Reader, Ravus Nox Fleuret/Reader
Additional Tags: I Don't Even Know, I Blame Tumblr, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35W6yc1
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littlestarofthewest · 5 years
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Thank you again for the request. Since both the original post and the reblog got flagged, I post this again, and tumblr better not f.... with me. Please enjoy! :)
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Title: Red Hot Copulation | Word Count: 2606 | Rating: Explicit!!!
Pairings: Sean MacGuire x male reader, Javier Escuella x Charles Smith, Sean MacGuire x Javier Escuella (but technically it’s all of them together)
Tags: spit as lube (very sorry about that one), blow job, hand job, anal sex
Today has been one of the worst days you have ever had. The job you were supposed to do was deemed so easy that you could handle it on your own, which means that it went south fast. You were lucky not to get arrested. 
Then you decided to do some hunting, so you'd come back to camp with something at least. Of course, a freaking cougar chose to sneak up on you while you were trying to shoot a deer. You got away with your life but pumped the predator so full of bullets that both the flesh and the pelt were pretty much useless. The deer disappeared for good, and your horse bolted. It took you a freaking hour to track it down and be on your way. 
As if that wasn't enough, some yokels thought it was a good idea to rob you. You gunned them down, no problem, but when searching them, you found that the bullets you used on them were worth more than the three of them together.
Riding along the road back to camp, you look around, desperate to find anything worth taking. Even a bit of ginseng or oregano would be a blessing right now. You search the ground on both sides of the road when you hear a screech and something hits you square in the chest.
Your horse gets so spooked, it promptly bucks you off and bolts again. Lying on the ground, you try to catch your breath, and only when your lungs don't scream in protest, you get yourself on all fours. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see your horse wandering around in the nearby trees. That's at least something. Then you check the ground for the bird. It's a simple raven and an ugly one at that. You pluck some of its feathers, hoping that Charles might find some use for them. As you toss the bird to the side of the road, something else draws your attention. 
You walk over to one of the trees, pulling away some weeds that are overgrowing the tree trunk and find a flower you've never seen before. It's blood-red with big petals and seems to have a reservoir of golden powder in the middle. Hosea's voice sounds in your ear not to take anything that you don't know, but this thing has to be worth something. 
You put on your gloves to be safe and cut the flower carefully down with your knife. After whistling for your horse, you take off your bandana and wrap up the flower in it. It still might take some damage during the ride, but that's something you can't help. Soon after, you're on your way back to camp, your mood clearly improved. 
By the time you get there, all the fires pretty much died down. Bill, who's on watch duty, is in an even fowler mood than you are, so you don't even try to talk to him. After taking care of your horse, you bring the flower along, putting it up on an empty crate near your bedroll to make sure it survives. After opening up the bandana, you get engulfed by a lovely smell, and some of the golden powder flies up and gets carried away over some of your sleeping gang members. You're looking forward to hearing what kind of flower it is, but for now, you desperately need to sleep.
You wake up to hushed voices talking near you. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and look around, the only light coming from the moon and the watchfire at the other side of camp. For a moment, you think about going back to sleep when you notice the bulge in your pants. 
It's been a while since you woke up rock hard in the middle of the night, especially when you don't remember an exciting dream. Usually, you would just turn over and continue to sleep, but your cock is pulsing like crazy, and you have a sudden urge to put it to good use.
Sitting up, you finally see where the voices are coming from. Just a few steps away from you are Sean and Javier. They're not talking anymore, and you rub your eyes, wondering if you're still asleep. What you're seeing can't be real. The two men are kissing, almost violently, tearing at each other's clothes. Your own cock twitches at the sight, and you press a hand between your legs in surprise. 
Your sleepy mind tells you to give them some privacy, but the heat under your hand makes you get up, taking a step towards them. They don't notice you, too busy with pushing down their pants. Without the tiniest bit of hesitation, they grab each other's cocks, going right to work. In the dim light, you only acknowledge the basics. Tongues, rubbing against each other in sloppy kisses, fingers clenching around hot hard flesh, a constant rub and tug. You get drawn to it like the moth to a flame.
"What are you doing?" you finally manage to say, but Sean just shakes his head, and Javier waves you away.
None of your business," he says, thrusting up into Sean's hand.
Sean looks good like that. His skin almost too bright under the moon, his hair falling over his face, ready to be pulled. You move behind him without thinking and reach for him. "It's my business when you're going crazy not five steps away from me," you say, running your hand over the swell of Sean's ass.
"What are you doing?" Sean quips but doesn't even bother to stop moving. 
You don't have a good answer for that. It's just that the bulge in your pants is getting more and more out of control, and Sean looks tempting as hell. You unbutton your pants, finally getting your cock out of that enclosure, stroking yourself to take the edge off. 
When you bring your hand back to Sean's back, he arches it, presenting himself to you. "C'mon," he whines, "at least get on with it then."
His words spur you on, and you barely have the sense to warm him up a little first. Spitting on your fingers, you try your best to get a little fluid on him, even when you know that it won't do much good. It just becomes harder to even think, let alone make rational decisions, when your skin is so hot that you fear it might burn off. 
You spread Sean's cheeks, and for once, he keeps still until you manage to push in, going as slowly as you can. He sucks in air through his teeth but doesn't shy away. Javier grunts, and when you look up, you realize that he's been watching you. 
"Why is this so good?" he says, holding on to Sean. It's almost like he's keeping him in place to give you better access.
You wish you could give an answer, but Sean pushes back against you, and you moan as you bottom out, tight heat the only thing on your mind. Your fingers dig into Sean's flesh, so you can push him up and down on your cock, and suddenly, Sean fists his hand in Javier's hair, sighing. "Lord, have mercy."
Something is glistening in Javier's eyes, and he moves lower along Sean's body, not caring that Sean has to let go of his cock. Instead, Javier positions himself in front of Sean, pumping his dick before taking him in his mouth. Sean and you both moan at the same time, the sounds horribly loud in the night. This is getting out of control fast, but you have lost all sense, the only thing you can do is to rut into Sean, eager to get rid of that horrible pressure that's growing inside of you.
"What are you doing?" a deep voice says next to you, and your body jerks, making Sean let out a small cry.
Javier looks up, barely taking Sean out of his mouth, and the three of you look at the newcomer. Charles stops a few steps away from you, taking in the scene. At first, you're sure that he's going to take your heads off, but just like you, he seems to like what he sees. 
"Just go with it, that's what we're doing," you say out of breath, and Javier goes back to sucking Sean's cock as if nothing happened. You honestly wish you could get a better look.
At first, Charles hesitates, but then he starts moving with a curse on his lips that you can't quite make out. He walks over to Javier, positioning himself behind him. Javier looks back at him over his shoulder, a grin spreading over his lips. "Sure you don't want to switch?"
"Shut up," Charles says, opening his pants to get his own erection free.
You always guessed that Charles had to be big, but you're not sure you envy Javier right about now. At least, Charles has a bit more sense than you did. He parts Javier's cheeks and buries his face between them, his tongue a lot better at getting Javier wet than your fingers did with Sean.
At the sight, you dig your fingers deeper into Sean's flesh, and Javier moans around his cock, his ass eagerly pushing back on Charles' tongue. It's a mystery how Charles has the patience, but he takes his sweet time riling Javier up, and you rut into Sean while watching Javier's expression of bliss.
Finally, Charles gets back up, and he's clearly at the end of his rope now, pushing into Javier without pause, eliciting a needy whine from him. Having to watch this while getting pounded by you, Sean tumbles over the edge. He comes all over Javier's fingers, his muscles clenching around you.
Catching your eye, Javier licks his fingers clean, and you pull out of Sean with a grunt, squeezing your own cock to hold out just a little longer. Sean gets to his knees, and you don't even have to ask him to turn around. He takes you into his mouth, and you finally get to fist your hand into his hair while you watch Charles pounding the life out of Javier. 
It still makes no sense to you, how all of you suddenly went off the rails like that, but you're still too riled up to even care. You glide in at out of Sean's hot mouth, not able to hold in the moans that tumble from your lips. Javier is just as bad, spouting a constant stream of words that you don't understand, until Charles pulls him up, his large hand coming to rest around Javier's throat. It's probably meant to keep him quiet, but Javier begins to ride Charles like his life depends on it, moaning just as badly as you, while Charles wraps his hand around Javier's cock.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" Arthur's deep voice drowns out all other noises. He comes walking towards you in a bad impression of Miss Grimshaw, but when he stops in front of you, he lifts his hands. "Not gonna judge, but in the middle of camp? Really?"
"Just couldn't help myself," Charles groans, still rutting into Javier. He buries his face at his neck and shudders. 
Arthur stares at him, and you know why. Charles just came while still talking to him, and somehow it turns you on. Javier moans, rocking into Charles' hand, and a second later, he's spilling his come all over Charles' hand. The sight of him pushes you fully over the edge, and you can't help but hold Sean's face in place, shooting your own load so deep down his throat you fear you might actually hurt him. 
"Are you mad?" Arthur whispers in disbelief as you let go off Sean. 
You shrug, not knowing what to say. Although you're completely spent, you still feel hot, and looking at the others, you wouldn't mind a round two.
"Felt like the only thing to do, you know?" Javier says while Sean nods along.
"I'm not even sweet on the fellers, but that was good," he says, wonder in his voice.
Suddenly, Arthur's expression changes. "Did anyone of you bring something back to camp? A flower?"
Your blood turns cold, and you have to swallow a lump in your throat before you can speak. "I did. This one," you say, pointing over to the crate. 
"Ah, shit," Arthur grunts. "Get away from it."
He pulls his gloves out of his jacket pocket and walks over to wrap the plant into your bandana. Then he fetches the buck of water you use to top off the washing bin and submerges the flower in it. 
"What is it?" Charles asks, and you feel a little better. He's the one who could have known.
"Hosea calls it 'Devil's Desire.' Nasty bitch of a plant. Makes you want to jump anything in reach."
You all look at each other in turn, and Arthur takes his gloves off to rub a hand over his face. "Just get dressed and go to sleep. As long as that thing stays underwater, it should be fine."
The next day, you find Arthur sitting by the river, writing in his journal. It makes you wonder if your little escapade just made it in there.
"Arthur," you say in greeting, and he closes the journal.
"Hey Y/N. You back to your senses?"
You rub your neck, embarrassment creeping up on you, not for the first time today. "Yeah, I think. Just apologized to the others."
"And you're all good?"
"We agreed to move past it."
"Good," Arthur nods, happy that the piece in camp won't be disturbed.
"Can I ask you something?" you ask.
"How did you know?"
This time it's Arthur who gets rosy cheeks. "Found one of them flowers once. Stayed hauled up in an empty cabin and, well, let's just say I didn't touch myself for weeks after that."
You can't help but laugh, and Arthur shrugs, not blaming you. "Not sure who got it worse, you or us," you say.
"The next time you blow a job," Arthur says, biting his lip when he notices his own words, "then just come home, alright?"
"Alright. Thanks, Arthur."
You pat him on the shoulder and walk back through camp. Walking past the central campfire, you see Javier sitting there with his guitar. You just give him a side glance, but for a moment, it looks like he's winking at you. 
Shaking your head, you go on. Charles steps into your way, holding up a few arrows. "Here, I used those feathers you gave me."
"Thanks, Charles." You take the arrows, Charles' fingers gliding along your own. The touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you quickly walk away, telling yourself that you have that stupid plant still in your system.
To take your mind off it, you get to feed the horses, away from anybody else. You put down the bale of hay, and when you turn around, Sean is leaning against a nearby tree.
"Jesus, you surprised me," you curse, but Sean only grins.
"You did way worse to me," he says, and you want to apologize again, but Sean pushes himself away from the tree, walking closer. "What are you doing tonight?"
You bite your lip, trying hard not to say "you." Sean smiles, and you have a feeling that maybe, you had to have that shitty day for a reason, and you don't care if the devil has a hand in it.
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unmaskthewriter · 2 years
Thank you all for supporting my work! As of October 2023, this masterlist is up to date :)
+ fluff
! angst
Strange {Benedict Bridgerton x Fem!Reader} +
Star Wars
Ocean Eyes {Anakin Skywalker x GN!reader} !
Haven’t I Given Enough? {Anakin Skywalker x GN!Reader} {Sequel to Ocean Eyes} !
God of War
Sacrifice {Kratos x F!Reader} !
Red Dead Redemption 2
You’re A Great Man, Arthur Morgan {Sean Macguire x F!Reader} !
You’re A Great Man, Arthur Morgan: Part Two {Sean Macguire x F!Reader} ! +
Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern {John Marston x GN!Reader} ! +
Everywhere {John Marston x F!Reader} ! +
O’Death {Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader} !
Home {Charles Smith x Native!Reader} + !
Scars {John Marston x GN!Reader} + !
Tuesday’s Gone {Arthur Morgan x F!Reader} !
Free Bird {Arthur Morgan x F!Reader} !
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You {Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader} +
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levithestripper · 3 years
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Sean MacGuire’s Masterlist
One Shots:
➳ Sean x F! Reader- Gaelic Gladiator (1.8k) SFW
Sean Macguire finally returns home from Blackwater and there's a new face at camp to greet him. Sean, being the brave Irishman that he is, makes it his mission to get the new guy to like him. Let's just say, it may have worked a bit too well.
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➳ Arthur, Javier, Charles, & Sean with a tall F! S/O
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bimrsadler · 3 years
──※ ·masterlist· ※──
I write for RDR2 and TLOU (Arthur Morgan and Joel Miller primarily) but am open to others. If you see me posting about any media feel free to ask if I’ll write for it or specific characters.
Requests are closed
UPDATE: Taking a break on writing to focus on health, will resume asap
Requests in progress: 5
Last fic posted: 7/20/23
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request rules
Fluff ➵ ♥ Smut ➵ 🌶️ Angst ➵ 🥀 New ➵ ✨
❁One Shots❁
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader -
Look at Yourself 🌶️ ♥
A Job Well Done 🌶️ (high and low honor Arthur)
On the Edge of His Seat 🌶️
Graphite and Gratitude ♥
Pleasure and Purpose 🌶️ ♥
A Softer Sin 🌶️ ♥
One Shots:
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader -
"Don't mind me. Just enjoying the view." ♥ 🌶️
"You're Mine." 🌶️
"Bed. Now." 🌶️
All of You 🌶️ (modern Arthur, chubby f reader)
Untamed Appetites 🌶️ (enemies to lovers)
Rough Rendezvous 🌶️ (LH Arthur, petite f reader)
Easy Rider 🌶️ (mid-LH Arthur, petite f reader)
Illicit Affairs 🥀♥🌶️
Unburdened 🌶️ ♥
In Hot Water 🌶️
Goodnight and Goodmorning ♥
Goodnight and Goodmorning: Pt. 2 🌶️ ♥
Dancing and Daisies ♥
Fortune Favors the Bold 🌶️ ♥
Unholy, Unworthy (vampire!arthur) 🌶️ ♥ ✨
In A Bind (LH Arthur, cnc) 🌶️ ✨
Arthur Morgan x gn reader -
Safety in a Storm ♥ (modern Arthur, "there was only one bed")
Creature Comforts ♥ (modern Arthur)
Patience is a Virtue 🌶️ (grumpy Arthur x sunshine reader)
Short dialogue prompt ♥
Dad!Arthur Morgan -
A Pretty Dream ♥ ✨
Sean Macguire x F!Reader -
Honor Among Thieves 🌶️
Arthur Morgan Vampire AU -
The Last Sunrise 🥀 (Arthur's pov)
Abigail Roberts x F!Reader -
A Birthday to Remember ♥ 🌶️
Dutch Van der Linde x F!Reader -
“I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional” and “don’t forget who you belong to” 🌶️
Arthur Morgan -
Random intimacy hcs 🌶️(mild)
Arthur x pregnant reader/miscarriage ♥ 🥀
Charles Smith -
Random intimacy hcs ♥ 🌶️(mild)
Abigail Roberts -
Random intimacy hcs ♥ 🌶️(mild)
❁One Shots❁
Joel Miller x F!Reader -
Whiskey in the Morning 🌶️ ♥
Joel Miller x F!Reader -
Rest and Reward ♥
Rest and Reward Pt. 2 ♥ 🌶️
Joel Miller x chubby reader hcs ♥
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Poor Boy - Female Version
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Summary: Sean headbutts Kieran after an argument, giving Kieran a bloody nose and bruised cheekbone. You step in to help Kieran clean himself up.
Pairing: Kieran Duffy x f!Reader
Word Count: 2507
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Minor descriptions of blood and violence
Tags: Arguments, Nosebleed, Bruises, Fluff, Friends to lovers, First kiss.
Notes: Based off that camp interaction where Sean goes BONK on Kierans' poor nose.  EDIT: The bathing Kieran fic is HERE, nsfw warning tho :^)
Male version  |  Read on AO3
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You'd overheard Sean and Kieran bickering from across the camp. Sean was as always, calling Kieran an O'Driscoll, winding the poor boy up for being something he's not. You'd not spoken to Kieran much. He seemed very timid and kept to himself. Most of the gang bullied him like their life depended on it, so you weren't surprised that Kieran kept his distance and didn't bother trying to be-friend people. Sean was one of the many few who would purposely go out of his way to torment Kieran, following the poor boy around the camp, shouting at him at every opportunity he got. He used Kieran as his personal punching bag. Kieran would sometimes just accept it and walk away, but today Kieran was fighting back. 
"You better stop that," Kieran hissed at Sean.
Sean laughed to himself. "Else what?"
"I'll get ya for it, that's a damn promise," Kieran snapped.
By now, most of the gang members were watching the two argue. A handful of them were calling out to try and get the two to stop, though no one had fully stepped in.
"Whatever you say, O'Driscoll," Sean teased, grinning as he saw Kieran's face go red.
"You know, I ain't no O'Driscoll," Kieran replied as if his words were going to get through to Sean.
Kieran approached Sean as he spoke, pointing his finger at him, huffing. Sean grinned again before suddenly headbutting the poor boy. A loud crack was heard and Kieran fell backward onto the floor. Miss Grimshaw was the first one to march over and begin screaming at Sean. Sean walked away, Grimshaw on his tail. Sean tried to brush her away, making up excuses as to why Kieran deserved what he got.
You had automatically approached Kieran to see if he was okay. Kieran was sat on the floor, his hand clutching his nose. He slowly stood up, watching blood drip down his white shirt.
"You okay?" you asked him, placing a hand softly on his back which accidentally startled him.
"Oh!" Kieran said as he spun around to see you stood there, a concerned look over your face. "Yeah, I'm fine," Kieran lied.
"No you ain't, your nose is bleedin'," you replied. Kieran sighed and looked at the ground. The poor boy looked like a dog that he been scolded far too many times for things he never did.
"Yeah. Hurts pretty damn bad if I'll be honest," Kieran replied, not looking at you. His spare hand picked at his neckerchief and managed to take it off, using the rag to press against his nose. He wiped his bloody hand down his already ruined white shirt.
You huffed at him. Messy boy.
"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up," you told him.
"Oh, it's okay, Miss. I'll be fine," Kieran replied, finally looking up at you.
"No, you won't. Bet you don't even know how to get blood out a shirt. C'mon," you insisted as you softly took him by the arm, leading him over to the lake. On the way, you stopped by your tent, grabbing a few items to wash his clothes with, along with a rag to press against his nose rather than his neckerchief.
Kieran sat down beside you on the pier. His nose had mostly stopped bleeding, but his face was covered in smeared blood, along with a bruise starting to form under his right eye.
"I need your shirt," you told him.
"Erm.." Kieran paused for a moment, seeming rather nervous.
"I won't look," you say as you looked away. You overheard Kieran quietly laugh, followed by the sound of him undressing his upper half.
"Here you are, Miss," Kieran said, holding out his shirt and neckerchief. He had put his hat back on, along with his unbuttoned blue shirt. You could see the outline of his ribs and collarbones, his body was so scrawny and thin. Poor boy.
You tried not to stare, taking his clothes and leaning forward on your knees so you could begin washing them in the lake. The two of you were silent for a while, only the sounds of you scrubbing in the lake could be heard. Eventually, Kieran spoke.
"Erm.." he quietly muttered, catching your attention. You looked over your shoulder at him. Kieran looked away.
"Thank you... I really appreciate it, Miss," Kieran quietly said, clearly embarrassed about the whole situation.
"You know, you can call me (Y/N)," you smiled.
"Well, (Y/N), I appreciate you helpin' me," Kieran said as he looked at you. He had removed the bloody rag from his nose.
"You should probably wash your face," you told him. You didn't mean for it to come across so blunt. His eyes widened.
"Am I that bad?" Kieran asked.
All around Kieran's nose, mouth, and chin was red from where he rubbed the bloody cloth against it. He looked like he had shoved the lower half of his face in a watermelon.
"If I say no, will it make you feel better?" you joked.
Kieran pulled a face that resembled 'whoops,' and lent forward to begin washing his face in the lake. You overheard him whine under his breath, not realizing how bad the bruise under his eye was.
You finished washing his clothes, the bloodstain pretty much gone. You saw Kieran dry off his face with his sleeve, then began to button up his blue shirt with the few buttons left on it.
"I need to go put this on the line. I got something to help that bruise also," you said to him as you wrung out his shirt.
"Oh, lead the way," Kieran said as he stood up, offering you a hand. You accepted, letting Kieran help pull you up.
The two of you walked back into camp. You could see Sean glaring at Kieran in the corner of your eye and only hoped that Kieran was choosing to ignore it. You flung his shirt and neckerchief over the camps clothesline then lead Kieran over to your tent. You invited him inside your enclosed tent; there was more than enough room for the two of you to comfortably sit.
"Here," you say as you give Kieran a spare shirt.
"Oh, I don't mind wearin' this. I don't wanna get your clothes dirty," Kieran responds.
"I've seen how conscious you feel. Just put the shirt on, it's your size," you say as you place the shirt on his lap.
"Thank you," Kieran quietly says.
Kieran begins changing once you look away, going through your stuff to find the ointment you were looking for. You quickly find it and turn back to see Kieran pulling his braces up over his shoulders, then placing his hat back on.
"Suits you," you smile at him. You can see him blush, despite how dark it is in your tent. You had given him a yellow plaid shirt to wear, the colour going well with his brown pants and hat.
"T-thank you," Kieran replies, rubbing the back of his neck.
"C'mon, let's get that bruise sorted before your eye swells up," you say as you try and shoo him out the tent. Kieran doesn't move.
"Miss (L/N), I don't mind doin' it myself. You've already done too much for me," Kieran replies.
"Kieran, it's fine. It's always nice to have someone take care of you. Now come on," you shoo him again and this time, he moves.
The two of you step out of your tent and you instantly notice a bunch of eyes look at the two of you. Kieran stands awkwardly with his feet turned inwards, looking at you for a sense of direction. You look over at the campfire and decide not to go there as Sean was still there, prominently glaring at Kieran but thankfully not you. Sean knows you'd help him if he needed it, but will definitely question you as to why you helped Kieran the next time he saw you alone.
"Let's go sit by the horses, hm?" you suggest. Kieran seems eager and begins walking away. You closely follow.
You sit yourself down, your back leaning against the log. Kieran pokes at the fire, relighting it as you pour ointment onto a clean cloth. By now, it was dark and the temperature was beginning to drop. You enjoyed the temperate pick up as Kieran got the fire going. He soon leaned back against the log beside you.
"Here," you say as you turn to face him. Kieran doesn't have any time to react before you press the cloth lightly on his cheekbone where the bruise was forming.
"You gonna do everything for me, Miss?" Kieran jokes. This was the first time today you'd seen him actually smile, and probably the first time in a while.
"You ain't enjoying me care for you?" you joke back at him.
"Oh, I am. I just... wasn't expecting it," Kieran pauses for a moment, shuffling his legs till his knees rest close to his chest, his arms in his lap. "I ain't had anyone take care of me since my parents passed."
"Oh, Kieran," you sighed, feeling sorry for him. "Enjoy it then, hm?"
"I will," Kieran smiles. The two of you sit in silence for a little while. Your arm begins to ache from holding the cloth up against Kieran's face.
"Here, lie down," you say, patting your thighs as you move the cloth off him.
"You.. you want me to sit on your lap?" Kieran questions, laughing lightly as he gives you a puzzled look.
"No, silly! My arm aches. Lie your head on my thighs so I don't have to hold this up against you," you explain.
"Like I said, Miss, I don't mind sortin' myself out here," Kieran tells you yet again. You brush him off, encouraging him to get comfy. He jokingly rolls his eyes and shakes his head, making you laugh.
Kieran lies back on your thigh and tries not to make direct eye contact with you, feeling a little awkward. He wasn't used to any attention, so to have someone suddenly grab a hold of him and not let go had made him feel rather anxious. He props his hat on the log, his hands resting on his stomach. He watches you pour more ointment onto the cloth then place it back down on his face. Kierans head is rotated slightly so he can watch the fire dance. You notice him fiddling with one of the buttons on his shirt, a sign of nervousness. You lift the cloth up and brush some strands of hair off his face. Your hand goes back to his face, whilst the other remains on his head. You start to run your fingers along his hair, very gently combing it, giving him a slight head massage. He eventually stops picking at his shirt, slowly feeling at ease.
"You need a bath," you pick at him, noticing his greasy his hair is.
"You offering to wash me as well?" Kieran jokes with you, turning back to look up at you.
"You want me to?" You ask him, seriousness in your voice.
"?!" Kierans eyes widen and he's not quite sure what to respond. He fumbles about, a string of 'err' and 'uhm' coming out of his mouth.
"Like I said, I'm happy to care for you," you shrug.
"If I knew gettin' headbutted by Sean was gonna get a beautiful woman offering to bathe me, then I wouldda got him to headbutt me a long time ago. Hell! I wouldda got him to run me over with one of the wagons," Kieran states.
You laugh loudly, your laugh definitely being heard across the camp. Kieran laughs with you, noticing how your face lights up. He suddenly sits upright, startling you slightly. Kieran turns to you.
"I'm serious. Honestly, (Y/N), you're beautiful. You know that, right? When I..." Kieran pauses for a second, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from you. "When I saw you comin' over I wasn't sure what you were gonna do. Hell, I was so nervous! I assumed the worst cause everybody in the camp is like that to me, but I didn't think you'd help me out this much. I really appreciate it."
"Awh, Kieran. You don't need to thank me, but I do appreciate the compliment," you smile.
"If you ever need a favour, I'll be there. Why, I owe you more than one," Kieran speaks directly at you.
An idea springs to mind.
"I've got somethin' you can do for me," you reply.
"Anythin, Miss. Whatever you need, I'll do it," Kieran insists.
"You could give me a kiss?"
"Wait, what?!" Kierans' eyes widen. "You better not be jokin' with me here."
"I ain't. I think a kiss is fair payment," you smile.
"Well, if that's really what you want, then I ain't gonna turn you down," Kieran replies. There's a nervous shake to his voice and he's struggling to make eye contact with you.
You cup his left cheek, avoiding the side with the bruise. He calms into your touch, finally looking at you. Your fingers brush over his scraggly beard, a lot softer than you expected. Kieran shuffles so he's on his knees and pauses. He seems starstruck. His mind is still processing today's wild turn of events. Nobody could have predicted that Kieran was going to get beat up and kissed on the same day. Kierans fumbling about with his shirt. He was always a nervy little fella, but being on the spot only made him worse. You began to feel bad for asking him to do such a bold thing.
"You don't have to if you don't wa-" Kieran cuts you off with his lips pressed against yours. His hand is on the back of your neck, fingers running along your hair. Your eyes slowly shut, softening into his light kisses. You can faintly taste iron on his lips, along with a stronger taste of tobacco. He doesn't try pushing his luck, slowly pulling away. The two of you open your eyes; he's looking at you calmly but there's a tint of lust in his eyes.
"You happy with your payment?" Kieran jokes. You laugh with him.
"I think I may need more, you know."
"I can't deny you that, not when you've done so much for me." Kieran seems bolder as he sits directly beside you, stretching his arm behind you against the log. You rest your legs on top of his, your shoulder burrowing in the crook of his neck.
"Might have to bathe you too," you purr. Kieran squeaks and blushes.
"I'd like that, a lot," he admits as he lifts your head up gently with his hand on your chin. He kisses you again, this time confidently.
The two of you spend the night making out by the scout campfire. Kierans more than happy with this turn of events, despite the bruise on his cheekbone.
An angry Sean watches in the distance.
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cowboy-canoodler · 5 years
Sean Macguire x F! Reader x Arthur Morgan NSFW
This is pure, unadulterated, smut. Pure fucking sex, no fluff, pure sex with two hot ass cowboys and you’re going to enjoy it because I needed this release. Thank you.
Requests are OPEN, please read my FAQ first!
Word count: 2.2k (yeah I really wrote 2.2k words on pure smut, sue me)
Warnings: Smut, Double Penetration, Domination, Edging, Dirty Talk, Biting
Rhodes offered little in the way of luxuries, a saloon run by the towns biggest family, a half decent bank not worth the time, dust kicked up into your boots, and a fine spray of sand dusting your face as the wind whips past your head. A small troupe rode into town, you, Sean, and Arthur, troupe is a different word than you usually use, in a matter of truth you were all lovers, the happy-go-lucky Irishman, and the grumpy emotional American, it works better than people think.
“Camp don’t offer much in privacy so why don’t we scope out the town t’morrow? I have a better use of our time right now” Sean made his remark as he nodded towards the local hotel, both you and Arthur raised your brow as Sean gave you his signature smirk, a beat passes and before you know it you’re hitching the horses as Arthur pays for a room and Sean makes himself at home, sprawling out on the bed.
“This’ll do nicely” Arthur looks around the room, a double bed in the centre, dresser and drawers in the corner, mirror opposite, and two bedside tables finishing the room off. “Not too shabby indeed” Arthur placed his hands on your hips, his chest pressing against your shoulder blades, and nose nuzzling into your neck. Your hair shifting slightly at the invasion of its space, stubble grazing on your skin sending electric waves through your nerves, a rush of goosebumps running over you from head to toe.
Sean looks up and furrows his brow, “She ain’t all yours Arthur” his feet swing to the side of the bed and he walks towards you. A light placement of his finger beneath your chin and his lips crash into yours, Seans other hand resting on your thigh. A low down grunt comes from Arthur as the other man shows a sign of dominance, hands fighting over your skin, lips battling to show their own claims upon your land.
The door closed, a room secluded for your intimacies, Sean lightly pushes you all back into the wall and Arthur lands with a low grunt, maybe even a snarl his hands no longer resting on your hips but moving up to your waist and wrapping around you, accompanied with light bites to your skin, the first making your lips part from Sean’s and ring out with a gasping breath of adoration.
The men fight over you and your skin, Arthur biting at the back of your neck, his hands roaming all over your waist, Sean kissing you, his hands running over your thighs. Between the two men was heaven, their heat running into you, tongues licking and whetting you, scenting you as theirs. Sean pushed his thigh between your legs and pressed himself against the wall even more, like a snake choking its prey to submission. Arthur didn’t like that, not one bit, as Sean works his leg on your groin Arthurs hand moves to your neck, choking you ever so slightly, red marks covering your bare skin from the infatuation of the gruff man alone.
“She ain’t all yours neither” The men stared at each other as they ravaged you, Seans hands now off your legs and up your shirt, placed on your breasts, tips of his fingers pinching at your budding nipples. There was no love at this time, just pure sex, hands not embracing but hungry, lips not adoring but animalistic, these men weren’t here to love you at this moment, they were to prey on you, and ravage you.
The only time they worked together was to get you naked, your clothes in a pile on the floor, and theirs still on their bodies. You were open to them, your hands tried their best to show the men you could provide for them but it all moved too quickly. Arthurs hands now squeezed your ass cheeks, fingertips digging into the skin leaving dimples, a remnant of nails grazing at the flesh. Sean on the other hand was whetting his trousers with your sex, your juices visible on the fabric and his mouth licking at your nipple while his hand was pinching at the other, fingers from the other hand in your mouth, tickling your tongue as you gasped for breath.
The two of them on you was almost too much and you quickly felt the heat rise in your lower abdomen, your hips began rocking of their own accord, sweet moans running through Seans fingers, sweat beading at the base of your hair line as the heat encompassed you, your brows kitted together, the taste of Sean on your tongue, breath hot and ragged as your body climbed the mountain to your orgasm, chest rising and falling heavily notifying the men to your cause.
“Looks like she’s ready t’ pop Sean, can’t have her havin’ all the fun” Arthurs voice exuded lust, you could feel the smirk in his words as they melted into your ears, that low and husky drawl sending shivers through your legs, Sean looked up at him and agreed his leg then removing itself from your sex and his mouth leaving your nipple, he walked over to the bed and left you high and dry. Your mouth agape and legs shaking in anticipation of your climax, but it went away, each pulse draining more and more of the pleasure from you.
Arthur pushed you towards Sean, now naked and laying on the bed waiting for you, dick standing high awaiting its pleasure from you. “Go on and give Sean a good go, I think you’ve had enough for now” Arthur commanded and you obliged, climbing onto the bed and positioning your head above Seans dick, your body between his legs and feet hanging slightly off of the bed; your ass in the air.
Sean lay there, a hand resting behind his head and the other at the base of his dick, the head teasing you with precum, a low whisper of your name comes from him, a small demand for you to please him as he has pleased you and you happily oblige. Your tongue begins looping around his dicks head, a taste of salty sweat exposed on your tongue. Moans come from Sean as he receives what he craves, his hips bucking ever so slightly at your touches. The sounds of clothes hitting the ground along with boots and guns alerts you to Arthurs presence behind you his hands resting at your hips once again, and you feel the presence of him at your entrance, his head slightly brushing against your sex.
“Mm fuck, yer really milkin’ me here doll” Sean joked a smile on his face as he brings his hand to your hair, “I’m gonna need more from ya, right now” Sean smirked as he pushed your head down, his dick barely hitting the back of your throat a stifled groan coming from him through clenched teeth. The sudden feeling makes your hips reel back and Arthurs dick begins to enter you, both of you surprised at the feeling.
“You’re real eager ain’t ya?” Arthur remarks as your hips slide back, “Guess I’ll have to indulge you then won’t I?” One move and Arthur is fully in you, his dick hitting what feels like your throat, the two men connecting inside of you, their dicks filling you up. 
Sean pushes your head down fully, moans and growls from his throat bringing out the primal side of him, this hips of the Irishman bucking ever so slightly as your head is bobbed up and down his shaft. Arthur is thrusting into you, slow and drawn out, the polar opposite of how Sean is wanting to be treated. The feel of your vaginas around Arthurs dick is something he savour, these thrusts are precious little treasures he wishes to keep to himself; so the thrusts are slow and savoured.
As the men please themselves with you, you feel the heat rise back once again, the feeling of Arthurs long drawn thrusts hitting slightly at your sweet spot sending waves through your body, goosebumps attacking your spirit as it’s guided to your heaven. Your hips begin moving again, rocking and swaying to their pleasurable rhythm, Sean’s too caught up in throat fucking you to notice but Arthur does; with one big thrust that hits right at the tip of your climax, if he had done it again you would be orgasming right now. Arthur didn’t though he pulled out, painfully slow and knowing exactly what he was doing. Nothing but a lowly whine came from you as you pulled your mouth from Seans dick and turning to face Arthur, a smirk playing on his lips as you tried to confront him to his misdoings.
“Get up and face me, girl” Arthur demands, you look between him and Sean before obeying. Your hands now rest on Arthurs shoulders and Sean takes up position behind you.
“It’s a good thing you got my dick all wet, cause yer gonna feel it now missy” Sean pressed his chest against your back and you could feel his dick at your ass cheeks, cheeky grins spread on both of the mens faces as you played a quizzical brow. No word of warning and Arthur lifts you up by the waist and positions himself by your entrance, Sean behind you with his dick poking at your ass.
“Wait what-” You couldn’t get your words out because Arthur kissed you as he slid you down onto him once more, slowly again so Sean could push himself into you and you could adjust accordingly. Whimpers came from you, tears pricking at your eyes as the men filled you once more, their dicks bringing the very heavens into your body. Grunts of your name and how tight you are from Sean, the hands supporting your waist and his thumbs rubbing softly against your skin in a vain attempt to show some affection in this time.
Arthur parted from your lips when you were fully filled by them, waiting for your confirmation to keep going, and this came quickly as you could once again feel the bowels of your orgasm hitting you. The soft lapping waves of release teasing the toes of your mind as you stood along the beach edges of climax.
You feel Sean and Arthur pull out from you and thrust in once again, slow and accommodating, but only this once for after wards they pull out and slam into you, the ecstasy running through your veins, arms wrapped around Arthurs neck and head leaning back into Sean. The whimsical rhythm of moaning coming from the three of you, you cuss and rhyme, they’re saying your name, you’re saying theirs, and you’re all cursing the lord above, sinning in the eyes of the beholder.
All 3 of you are close, you can feel it, in Seans panting, the eay he’s biting at his lips, the way that Arthur can’t keep his eyes off of you, his tongue poking out slightly from his parted lips as the breath is hot and heavy. You’re on the edge once more, the men ravaging you and using you as theirs, legs wrap around Arthurs torso and you hear him grunt and moan.
“Shit I- I’m close” Sean whispers into your ear, you pant and flutter your eyelids in response, all thoughts leaving your head as the words escape you. Arthur agrees in a low grunt, something that sounds like ‘me too’ but you can’t even hear them. You finally get to taste the sweet embrace of your own orgasm, the denials making the fruit so much sweeter than you could have ever asked for.
Your legs are twitching, Sean is thrusting his last few thrusts, hard and clapping against your bare skin, Arthur is deep within you, his dick sliding out an inch before going back in. The feelings wash over as you scream out their names in pleasure, muscles spasming and legs bucking your hips to rock into the men. This act begins their own decent into cumming, Sean moans out a howl as he bucks into you one lat time before releasing his seed into you, his arms wrap around your waist bringing you in close and embracing your body into his.
Arthur pulls out and cums onto your stomach, his hand pumping at his dick as he appreciates the view of Sean holding you, like a canvas before the painter. His cum spraying onto your stomach, white and creamy, lighting up your skin as the sweat and seed mix. You stay there for a few seconds, or maybe even a few minutes as the world simply passed by without warning, gasping for breath, the come down from the most momentous orgasm you had endured, the men panting akin to wild beasts after the sprint to catch their prey.
Slowly Sean pulls out and plants a tender kiss on your cheek, “Y’did so well love. ‘m so proud of ya, I really am” He nuzzles into your neck slightly before parting to allow Arthur his moments respite with you.
“He’s right y’know, y’did might fine darlin’ Dare say I even love you for it” Arthur pulls you in for a kiss, his hand brushing your cheek and into your hair, deep an tender. You revel in the relationship you have with these two men, and how lucky you were that they were in your life to give you the satisfaction some could only dream of.
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