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Unser Thema im Oktober ist „Endurance“.
Unter der Wasseroberfläche existiert eine Welt, die den meisten von uns verborgen bleibt.
Doch nicht für Daniel.
Daniel Bichsel ist Freitaucher und Umweltaktivist und seit er sich erinnern kann, zieht es ihn in die Welt unter Wasser. Nach seinem Biologiestudium ging er nach Australien, wo er seine Leidenschaft für das Speerfischen und das Freitauchen entdeckte: Es war ein perfekter Tag unter Wasser, als er einen Fisch erlegte und die Welt im Bruchteil einer Sekunde ihren Zauber verlor. Seitdem geht Daniel anstatt mit der Harpune nur noch mit seiner Unterwasserkamera auf die Jagd.
Mit seinen Bildern und Filmen fängt er die beeindruckende Schönheit der Unterwasserwelt ein, aber auch die unhaltbaren Zustände, unter denen die Ozeane leiden. Verschmutzung, Eutrophierung, Überfischung und die Erwärmung der Ozeane zerstören die Unterwasserlebensräume immer weiter.
Um dies zu thematisieren, produziert er zusammen mit Chris Keller die Kurzfilmreihe Oceans #searchforhope. Das Freiburger Filmemacher-Duo will mit seinem Projekt den Schutz der Ozeane vorantreiben. Dabei lernen sie Menschen kennen, die mit ihrem Engagement und ihrer Arbeit Hoffnung machen, dass wir die Meere schützen und erhalten können.
Zudem ist seine Arbeit als Freitauchlehrer äußerst erfüllend und abwechslungsreich, erfordert jedoch gleichzeitig ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität und Ausdauer. Sicherheit und Regelmäßigkeit stehen nicht immer an erster Stelle. Hinzu kommt die ständige Konfrontation mit dem negativen Einfluss des Menschen auf die Natur in der Umweltarbeit.
Bei Creative Mornings zeigt Daniel Einblicke in sein Leben, zeigt, was sich hinter den Kulissen seiner Projekte verbirgt und verdeutlicht, was ihm die Ausdauer verleiht, an seiner Vision festzuhalten: eine Welt mit gesunden Unterwasserwelten.
Wir begrüßen euch am 20. Oktober ab 8 Uhr im 'Baumraum' des Grünhof Coworking, Belfortstr 52 im Freiburg.
Das Thema "ENDURANCE" wurde von CreativeMornings/Timisoara ausgewählt und von Ana Kun illustriert.
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thespiceboy · 4 years
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What a March it’s been!! I’ve never in my entire life seen any scarier situation. People are dying. People are flooding hospitals in the entire world. The Coronavirus is not something we should take lightly, it’s a pandemic. I’m begging you my friends, stay socially distant and keep at least 3-6 feet between you and others. Act like you have the virus. Save yourself and save others. The elders are at a huge risk and we should all make it as easy as possible for them to get their groceries and give them a chance to stay inside as long and content as possible. That doesn’t mean the rest of us are immune. Basically, we ALL are at risk. And safety starts with each single one of us. Wash your hands every 30 minutes. Use antibacterial soap, sanitizer and wipes. Be mindful and be very careful please. #covid_19 #searchforhope #corona #coronavirus #staysafe #savealife #quarantine #washyourhands #useyourbrain #bemindful #USA #lordhelpus #keepdistance #stayaware #mindfulness https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AxWKGBSOl/?igshid=j6zfs6aclt4a
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henrycavilledits · 6 years
henrycavill #SearchForHope @ACEConicCon
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love-rosiie · 6 years
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Henry Cavill thanks to his fans on Instagram.
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henrycavillju · 6 years
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@Regranned from @portalhenrycavillbr - #ACEComicCon: Mais! More! . 📸: Karina Herlambang; Bobby Ammirato; Alex Larsen @henrycavill #henrycavill @ACEcomiccon @NYCBLive #SearchForHope #superman #justiceleague #ligadajustiça #manofsteel #henrycavill #dccomics #dc #comic #comics #comicbook #hero #comiccon #ccxpexperience #ccxp #ccxp2017 #dceu #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity #WeWantAHenryCavillLIVE #meetandgreet #WonderWoman #MulherMaravilha #superwonder - #regrann
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allyjones86 · 4 years
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The sky is the not even the limit #lensball #sky #cloudyday #cloudysky #searchforhope #heart #love #lensballphotography #lensballshots #picoftheday #sonyphotography #photooftheday #photography #cool #instagram #instadaily #instalike #mood #weekend #thereisaworldoutthere #skyisnotthelimit #explore #trynewthings (at La Cuesta, San Cristóbal de la Laguna) https://www.instagram.com/p/B66onB4B7DZ/?igshid=3gbxolsqnx4y
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hcbraziliansfans · 6 years
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Lindos! . #Repost @photobymar: "Liam meets Superman! Read about the experience on my blog (link in bio) More photos to come #henrycavill #justiceleague #acecomiccon #comiccon #superman #searchforhope #superhero #superheroes #sundayfunday
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It is necessary for you to adopt a correct attitude towards life, to make it successful and fulfilling. Count your blessings and tick of your problems. "Troubles like babies, grow larger by nursing " Lady Holland. #wisdomoflifetime #beingstrong #mentalwellbeing #searchforhope #believeinyourself #positiveattitudewins #waytosuccessfulliving https://www.instagram.com/p/ByrUCixgbMi/?igshid=9bvypt4wje8d
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justberosy · 6 years
Time to start counting the reasons to be alive...wish me luck in finding things to reblog?
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tinderboxpix · 6 years
#Repost @henrycavill ・・・ 8 of the world’s best (or my favourite) comic book artists, created 30 original pieces of Superman art for our Search For Hope Treasure Hunt, which my team and I hid all throughout the Nassau Convention Center. From Friday to Sunday we released clues where fans raced to find said pieces of art, for a chance to win a limited edition Superman coin and to hang out with me for a 1 hour Q&A after the convention. Thank you to the artists for making this possible, thank you to the vendors at the Con for playing along with us and a particular thank you to you, the fans. Your passion, energy and your joie de vivre made this weekend something truly special! We had a great time setting it up and we hope those that played, had an even better time on the hunt! (Find the link the the full video in my bio) Until next time... #SearchForHope #Superman @AceComicCon
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hardrocker721 · 6 years
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Thank you @henrycavill for being such a wonderful person and just being such a down to earth guy! Your portrayal of #Superman is by far my favorite and it was great to finally meet you and tell you that in person! #henrycavill #superman #justiceleague #acecomiccon #searchforhope (at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum)
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tracilala · 6 years
How exciting!! @Regranned from @henrycavill - Thank You to all of you Superman fans out there who wave the banner and do Superman proud through your words and actions. #SearchForHope - #regrann
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#Repost @henrycavill ・・・ Thank You to all of you Superman fans out there who wave the banner and do Superman proud through your words and actions. #SearchForHope
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henrycavilledits · 4 years
does henry do conventions or anything like that where you can meet him?
yes he’s done several San Diego Comic-Con panels. he did a autograph session at the 2015 sdcc. Also at the 2018 ACE Comic Con Long Island he did photo ops plus panel and he had a #SearchForHope treasure hunt. here’s highlights of the ACE Comic-Con X , Oh and at the Comic Con 2016 he walked the convention floor in disguise 
recently he did a couple meet and greets for the witcher promo tour. 
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henrycavillportal · 5 years
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Começando o dia com aquela música 🎶 Hoje é sexta-feira...🎶 😁
Begining the day with that music 🎶 Today is Friday...🎶
@HenryCavill #HenryCavill #AceComiCon2017 #AceComicCon @acecomiccon #Superman #comics #searchforhope #hesthebest #sextafeira #fimdesemanachegando #descanso
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henrycavillju · 6 years
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@Regranned from @portalhenrycavillbr - #ACEComicCon: #HenryCavill meeting his fans at @NYCBLive @ACEcomiccon! HC conhecendo seus fãs em Long Island. ______________ 📸: MelonLord @ ACE Comic-Con; Grant Woody Hudson; Monica Lesmana #henrycavill @ACEcomiccon @NYCBLive #SearchForHope #superman #justiceleague #ligadajustiça #manofsteel #henrycavill #dccomics #dc #comic #comics #comicbook #hero #comiccon #ccxpexperience #ccxp #ccxp2017 #dceu #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity #WeWantAHenryCavillLIVE #meetandgreet #WonderWoman #MulherMaravilha #superwonder
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