jasminerobotnik · 2 years
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little fan art of Tails and Cosmo. they were so cute in the show
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supersecretnerd · 2 years
I love Cosmo and adore both her design and character, but there is an aspect of her story I dislike- (based on the original Japanese story, that has been subtitled to English)
Ok so when the Metarex went aboard the Seedrains ship and started to kill them all, it is shown that Cosmo was thinking about how she didn't want to die and that she grab onto a Metarex troopers hand in order to stay alive-
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And then in the next episode, after finding out the Metarex had been using her as an unwilling spy (see they implanted a device in her brain so that their leader Dark Oak could hear and see everything she heard and saw), she immediately regrets surviving and wished she Shadow had just killed her-
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And she also feels like her emotions to her trauma will lead to all her friend's downfall
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So with all this and her newfound friends supporting her and ensuring that none of this is her fault and that she doesn't deserve to die, you'd think her arc would be healing from these past traumas and survivor's guilt, right?; accepting that the past happened and learning to accept her emotions and realize she deserves a happy ending.
WELP YA WRONG- Instead the end of her arc is realizing that she has to suffice her life to save the entire universe! Yep, her arc can be summed up to her finally accepting her death! (While in the story it's portrayed as her finding out what's worth fighting for, which being Tails and the rest of her friends, but honestly I disagree with that; Like she was already trying to protect the universe from the Metarex, to make sure no other species will be killed off like hers was- she already had a reason worth fighting for in the story!)
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And what's worse is she never actually learns to accept herself; before she gets shot she even tells Tails "I'm sorry I keep troubling you to the very end".
I'm not saying the sacrifice isn't significant nor that it wasn't touching; hell makes me want to cry every time I see it. I just feel like they did a disservice to Cosmo and her story by killing her off in favor of furthering developing Tails and giving him angst.
I- I think perhaps my feelings can just be boiled down to better enjoying stories where characters heal from their traumas and my favoritism towards this character makes me want her to have a happy ending.
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mocha-roses · 1 year
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noeggets · 1 year
If you're a seedrian, what flower are you?
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idk but one of the first seedrain i ever made which was one of my many sonicsonas had a flower that look like this
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don't know what type it is but i just kept it cause i associate my username with purple
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lea-andres · 10 months
My lineup of fankids fall into five categories:
-Lab Made (Intentional)
-Lab Made (Explosion)
-Oops Baby™
-Intentionally Had Biological Children (and this category is literally just Patience and Marzipan lmao)
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moonlight-selkie · 1 year
Made some tropical themed Seedrain Adopts a while ago and posted them on my Toyhouse page. they are all still available so i'm cross posing them hear in cases anyone wants one of them.
Before you leave a comment or dm me pls read and agree to my TOS
Payment Method is via PayPal OR Ko-fi.
Base Price = £4
£10 for me to make it a fully body design 
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Row 1 - (left to right)
Peach - Open
Grapes - Open
Plum - Open
Banana - Open
Dragon Fruit - Open
Row 2 - (left to right)
Apricot - Open
Coconut - Open
Mango - Open
Oranges - Open
Lemon - Open
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cattyanon · 8 months
Sonic Voltron AU lore post: The Chaos Emeralds, Master Emerald, and how they change canon in regards to the Lions.
Instead of the Chaos Emeralds being only on Earth, they are spread throughout the galaxy and are main power source for what will replace the Lions (more on that later). Thankfully for the Sonic crew, they at least have the Master Emerald in lieu of Chaos Emeralds to use in their constant fight against Eggman.
Instead of the Lions, the Chaos Emeralds create a giant construct/mech animal that is best suited for their pilot along with the bayards. And there is still only five main mechs... so what about the other Chaos Emeralds? Well the Black Arms have 1 (technically 2 before the red one is reclaimed) while the other is in possession of either the Seedrains replacing Allura and Coran. As for what exactly that means for both sides, I have yet to exactly decide.
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jazzybrealarchive · 1 month
Seedrain of paradise by Jazzy-b-real
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Mirage the Echidna (age 16)🔥
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Friends; Sonic, Tails, Knuckles (childhood friend), Shadow (brother figure), Rouge, E-123 Omega, Amy Rose, Cream & Cheese, Big the Cat, Team Chaotix, Blaze, Silver, Marine, Sonia, Manic, Queen Aleena, Tikal, Cosmo & the Seedrains, Maria Robotnik (the Hedgehog), Shade the Echidna, Elise, Chip (Light Gaia), Vanilla, Berry the Chao, Blast Sakahory (husband), Lavender (daughter), Karoline Oakwood, Bella Kong, Velvetina Rosebutter, Skyler Lightningmist, Ella the Owl and Moss the Wolf
Enemies; Dr. Eggman (Arch Nemesis), Mephiles the Dark, Babylon Rogues
Height - 95cm (3ft 1in)
Weight - Secret
Skills, Moves and techniques; Capable extreme gear rider, Knowledge of the Chaos Emerald, Skilled swimmer, Chaos Thunder, Super transformation (with a Jewel), Black Star (dark form), Midnight Mirage (super form), Climb, Glide, Homing attack, Light speed dash Psychic powers, Punch attack, Wall jump
Identity; Sir Kay
Ability Type; Power, All Around
Relationship; Married to Blast Sakahory the Hedgehog
About; A former resident of Angel Island since childhood after she fell off the edge on the floating island, but until a certain flying black alien creature saved her and took little Mirage to Black Doom, so he can train her to join the Black Arms, Mirage become his dark apprentice after Black Doom cast a dark minded spell on her and renamed her Black Star.  After a few years later, when Westopolis is on fire, Black Star met Shadow the Hedgehog, who's asked to get those Chaos Emeralds for Black Doom, and start a battle until Shadow beat her, but when Black Star's defeated, she looked at herself not knowing what she's wearing, and couldn't even remember who she use to look like (someone with a letter 'M') or wear after the mind control of Black Doom faded, so Black Star's decided to team up with Shadow to find the Chaos Emeralds together, figure Shadow's past and help remember her usual name.
While throughout the scene, Black Star finally remembered her usual name 'Mirage the Echidna' so she then stands up to Black Doom by not being his apprentice anymore, she even stands up for Shadow, Knuckles and the rest of her new friends and/or Dr. Eggman. So Mirage and Shadow chases down Black Doom to stop him, but when one of his army tries to kill Shadow with a dark sword Mirage ran in front and (unseenly) gotten stabbed to save Shadow's life, before Mirage has her last breath, she told Shadow to get the Chaos Emeralds back, stop Black Doom and save the planet, she also added by telling Shadow that he's like a half brother she never had and fainted by her last dying breath.
But as the Chaos Emeralds glow out of nowhere, her Floral Medallion glowed too by having a connection with them and turned her into Midnight Mirage, her super form, she helped unfreeze and teleport everyone to Westopolis, so she can finally help Super Shadow defeat Devil Doom. In the end Mirage came to Sonic and the rest and asked to join the team, much to Knuckles' delight. Meanwhile at the ARK, she went to Shadow by implying that he left his past behind him, but it's worth it for making Maria happy, so their new adventures awaits them for the future...
Birthday; March 16th
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skull-keeta-art · 2 years
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They're finally done!! Here are my Sonic oc's that I first created in middle school, but they have a brand new coat of paint! This was a very fun project to work on, and it's good to finally have a pretty solid design for these guys. Their names are under the cut, along with transparent versions of their art.
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Keeta the Cat (my sonic sona)
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Lacerta the Seedrain
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Welkin the Peacock
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Guinevere The Anglerfish
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mangomarbles · 3 years
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If I wanna draw my old sonic oc! Then I will!
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supersecretnerd · 1 year
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artistdove · 7 years
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Some more of my Sonic OCs designs.
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lea-andres · 2 years
Fuck it, it's slow at work today and I have nothing better to do. (*Side eyes the next chapter of my fanfic that needs like two more fucking sentences before it can go up*) 😂😂😂
No one asked, so here's what my fankids smell like:
Briar the Squirrel: Peanut Butter and Play Dough. Sometimes burnt fur if he was using his teeth as wire cutters again. Depends on when you got him.
Rosella the Seedrain: Motor Oil, grease, gasoline. Also burning if you caught her right after an explosion.
"Maria": A weird, faint chemical smell. Like a hospital, almost. Also wet dog. No reason. 👀
Ivy the SugarGlider: Sugar Cookies.
Yumi the Chameleon: She tries to keep herself pretty odorless for ninjaing purposes. But sometimes she smells like honey or Vector's cologne if she visited with Uncle Charmy or Grandpa Vector recently. The cologne smell sticks for ages, to her irritation.
Patience the BugBear: Dirt. That kid smells like dirt constantly. To be fair she's usually digging for things.
Bridget: Some fancy new perfume she's wearing. She cycles through them too frequently to have a consistent smell but always smells nice.
Leaf: Water. Yes, somehow a robot smells like a nice freshwater river. No, no one's certain how that's being accomplished. Not even Wave (who built the damn kid) can figure it out.
Marzipan the BugBear - Flowers, plants, sometimes mulch if you caught him actively tending to his plants.
Stella and Luna the Sloths - Lavender and fresh laundry.
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This was the previously mentioned ‘Queen Ishara as a Sonic character’ art.
I will assume most of you aren’t Sonic fans, so I’ll explain-
I based this design heavily off of the Seedrain race that was exclusive to the Sonic X series. They were very plantlike aliens, all having consistent design motifs includingbangs, a stone embroidered on the chest of their ‘jacket’, long pettaled skirts, and some sort of flower on their head.
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Cosmo and Galaxina were arguably the most often seen of the Seedrains, but there were a good amount of other characters in the show I used as inspiration. The most clear inspiration, as I’m sure you can tell, is the Seedrain Earthia
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Earthia was always one of my favorite characters (even though she was hardly in the show? Maybe I just like milfs.) so I of course wanted to take a lot of reference from her specifically.
Anyways, thanks for reading all this mostly unnecessary explanation lol
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cattyanon · 8 months
For the Voltron AU I am soooooo bending both canon/plotlines to my whim to make this as interesting as possible. Especially Sonic Canon.
Anyways, this post is specifically about whose replacing the Galra and how that works.
First thing I wanna say is that the Galra are now Black Arms. At first I considered using the Metarex to go with the Seedrains but the opportunity to have Shadow take Lotor's place (in which Shadow is completely a good guy) was too good to pass up.
For anybody familiar with Voltron, you may be asking how Maria and Gerald play into this... Well I'm thinking that both Maria and Gerald are Seedrains and aren't Robotniks. Shadow used to be very good friends with them, especially Maria, but then a fight ensued for the Chaos Emeralds (which will be expanded upon in a different post) that resulted in the two Seedrains being killed and this made Shadow loathe Black Doom.
And as a side note: while the Black Arms aren't a hivemind in this AU, Black doom, being the leader, can feel the emotions of other Black Arms if he desires. And if he really concentrates he can also feel the emotions of others.
Unfortunately, despite Shadow eventually killing and overthrowing Black Doom and reforming how the Black Arms operate, Black Death stages an coup and usurps the throne from him. Shadow still retains the perks of defeating Black Doom though, he's just not on the throne. In the aftermath Shadow still has a small legion of followers but he's no longer in charge of the majority of Black Arms.
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