#sekai ichi gifs
owarinaki · 4 months
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KiriYoko 1 // 2 // 3
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red-hot-temper · 1 month
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Seriously, I waited 12 years for this!!! I did my waiting for that confession!!!
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nostalgiacountdown · 9 months
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No.4.5 // No.37
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h4desian · 10 months
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Takaritsu Week - 2023
July 31st - Day 1 - First Kiss/Pink
Happy @takaritsuweek! I decided to start with a gifset. I am still figuring out how to do them, but I really like how this one turned out :)
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nutton-of-tata · 2 years
Do you wanna become friends with other sihjr fans? do you wanna show your art to other people or show off your fanfics? or do you just wanna show your awesome merch collection?! 
or do you just wanna ask someone in this fandom how their day is going and form a life long bond?!?!?! and are YOU an adult 18 years or older?
We’d love to have new members join this lil fandom space! Just join, read the rules, recite em, and introduce yourself to be granted access! it’s free~! 
what’re you waiting for? just join already!<3
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pethkurayami · 1 year
Anyone in Sekaichi Hatsukoi fandom has a clue where to read from No 28 onwards? (ENGLISH)
I am not even sure that's what the correct number is but Ritsu is with fever in Takano's bed, wanting to confess. According to wikia it's vol 15.
I really don't want to buy physical copy, it would mean I gotta buy EVERYTHING!!!
Thank U
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poisoft · 2 years
he is beauty, he is grace
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have you looked into the “normal couple/yaoi couple/yuri couple - i see no difference love is love!” meme yet?
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You mean this one? Let's see...
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幸せという夢を — めいこ
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Episode 08 — Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi - World's Greatest First Love Season 2
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Official possibly edited Artwork — Strawberry Panic!
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Episode 05 — Fullmetal Alchemist
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daily-leoneed · 2 months
Ichika’s Colorfes Story Analysis
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To start of this blog’s analysis of each Leoni Colorfes card, we have to start with both the unit’s first member and the first one of the four to receive one. Hoshino Ichika’s Colorfes card released on October 1st, 2021 alongside Miku for Project SEKAI’s 1st Anniversary. The card is titled ‘The Starry Sky I Saw’.
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How she sparked her fragment SEKAI
Ichika is having issues transferring her feelings into lyrics. After a practice session Saki asks her how she’s doing and after Ichika explains her dilemma the group starts talking about it. Miku says something about wanting to see some of her lyrics and Saki is ready to tell her. Somehow they end up talking about the guitarist when they were younger. Honami comments, ‘Back then, Ichika, you really just let your actions speak for themselves.’ Junior High changed them all, but Ichika feels like she’s lost all the traits from before then.
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These words spark the fragment SEKAI to appear up on the school rooftop. Miku finds, leads, and accompanies Ichika.
Fragment SEKAI
The SEKAI features a very similar playground to the one Leoni use to frequently visit as children. The night sky directly resembles the night the girls watched the Leonids. Their character colors are present in the night sky.
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We get a minor explanation about Fragment SEKAI’s from Miku
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She doesn’t outright say it at first, but it’s quite easy for players to put two-and-two together that the ‘someone’ Miku talks about is Ichika. The feelings aren’t strong enough to create a whole SEKAI, but still forms a half-complete one. It’s interesting to think about in relation to characters whose feelings made a whole SEKAI on their own, yet also have a fragment SEKAI. However, this is a Leoni-focused blog, so I won’t be looking into that much further. The fact is, Ichika could create a whole new SEKAI if her feelings were stronger. I’m very excited to see how they handle this in the future with the next ColorFes rotation.
What exactly is the reason for this Fragment?
As stated before, Ichika sparked it by feeling like her past self is better in comparison to her present self. She knows those years in junior high changed her, but she only views that change in a negative light. While that is understandable, it causes her to ignore what she gained from surviving it. Each member of Leoni uses their past to strengthen themselves throughout the story, but at this point they only finished the first event rotation and their first appearance before an audience. They’ve recently changed the goal for Leoni, and so, haven’t started the development they get in their second, third, and fourth. And, to top it all off, Ichika had her event a month before her ColorFes was released. We didn’t see her next one till April of 2022, six months, and once again finished the event rotation. Apologies for the tangent, just something that caught my eye while looking over the event list.
What’s the change in her feelings?
After asking a few questions about the playground and that night with the meteor shower, Miku climbs to the top, right where Ichika sat when she was younger, and invites the guitarist to follow. This interaction follows after Miku asks how the view is.
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Miku explains how though the park is different, it’s still holds the same special place in Ichika’s heart. Just like how they’ve all changed, they’re still Ichika, Saki, Honami, and Shiho. Personalities change, but they do not change who you are. While she does agree, Ichika stil, doesn’t feel certain.
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‘You’re the most amazing person ever, Ichi!’ Saki says this in the cards first side story, and now Miku is using it to reassure Ichika of everything they’ve just discussed. After this, they return back to the School SEKAI. These words, have such meaning to her because they are from Saki. Those three mean so much to Ichika, and their words carry more than others. Even Miku couldn’t get her to realize her strengths until Saki’s statement was brought up. Leoni is a unit that have known each other the longest, most other units never meet until their main stories. That’s why childhood friends is talked about so much. It’s very important to how they interact and react to each other. They know more, have seen more, understand the suffering the others went through because it unfolded before their very eyes. Ichika especially. She watched them drift away, and helped piece the bonds back together with Saki’s help. Yet, she doesn’t see how much character a person needs to live through that experience and still strive to reforge that friendship. Miku does mention this, but only touches briefly on it. At the very end of the card story, Ichika thanks Miku.
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And how does the vocaloid respond?
‘Great. I’ll be looking forward to seeing them, Ichika.
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Mod Rant
I love everything about this card, from the story to the symbolism. This made me realize how amazing Ichika’s character is, and truly when I first fell in love with it. Many people tend to overlook her because Colorful Palette gives her lots of mascot privileges. I use to dislike her for stealing all the lines, but she is the band’s lead singer, so they have every reason to give her more. The story beautifully ties in her doubts and her junior high trauma. She overcomes it, and becomes more confident in the abilities she possesses. We also get to see a good example of a vocaloid giving subtle hints and allowing the character to piece together the solution. The card’s art is meant to symbolize (very much my opinion) Ichika’s growing confidence. She’s sat right in front of a paint splatter, causing her to stand out from the white background. Painting and writing lyrics are similar in ways. Both are meant to convey a feeling or story by the artist, and Ichika has made a mark on the room. Just like how her lyrics tend to leave a mark on a person, she is conveying her emotions and smiling about it. She looks proud of her actions, holding onto the paint bucket as if to let viewers know it was Ichika, not someone else. The hairstyle could even add onto this. Some cut their hair to symbolize a new start, or show that they’re confident in their own actions. Kohane is an example of this, and so is Ichika in this card. One last thing before I end my rant. If you look closely, you’ll notice her guitar in the background, but it’s blank. This could symbolize how music is the blank canvas she paints upon (that wording sound familiar?), and she’s left it untouched for now. Maybe it’s linked to her struggles in conveying her message or even how she’s starting a new chapter in her musical path. All I can do is hypothesize about it, but it’s just something to think about.
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You’ve reached the end! Congratulations, I hope this helped you to understand Ichika better or just brought her into a new light. I may do Honami or Shiho before Saki, but that may be a while. Depends on my motivation sadly. It would be amazing if I could just sit and write paragraphs about Leoni. I’m always open to dissecting cards, so if you have one you’d like me to do, please let me know! Events are welcomed too, but that may take longer and multiple posts. Anyways, that’s it from me! Thank you so much for reading my analysis and stay tuned for more.
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mccnstruck · 3 months
their warmth.
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characters: ichika hoshino x saki tenma x honami mochizuki x shiho hinomori
tags: poly/need, pure fluff, fantasy au but could be read as regular au, op died from cavities from making this, self-indulgent, not proofread
a/n: this is for @queer-prosekai for the @winter-sekai-gift-exchange !!! i hope you like this cuz i had way too much fun writing this and realized polyneed is my comfort ship. anyways ENJOY !1!
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Ichika smiled, for the snow started to fall down on city streets.
It was a beautiful day for a stroll. Well, Ichika would have to properly define what is considered ��beautiful”.
It was a busy afternoon, and markets began to close at the sight of snow. People rushed to confide in the warmth of their fireplaces, and children huddled with their parents from the gusts of winds. A thin blanket of snow began to cover the roofs of houses, and gusts of winds were the only attacks to worry about.
Saki, protected under the endless amounts of layers, rested her head on Honami’s shoulder.
“Honaaaa, my love! I’m so cold, won’t you protect me from the merciless, ever-bitter winter?”
Honami smiled at Saki’s antics and enveloped Saki in her arms. “Always, Saki.”
“See, Shiho, this is what you do when I want a hug!”
Shiho let out an exasperated sigh and removed her hat, before placing it on Saki’s head and patting it down.
“Saki. You can’t just rely on us whenever you want warmth. You have to wear more layers.”
“Shiho, I am wearing layers! Are you saying you would refuse to lend me your warmth whenever your poor lover is freezing to death-“
Saki paused when she felt lips touch her forehead, before smiling and leaning into Shiho’s touch. Shiho leaned her head onto Honami’s other shoulder and looked back into Saki’s vibrant eyes.
“Never. I would never, Saki.”
Ichika looked back at the serene scene of her lovers and almost forgot about how sore her smile was starting to become.
This. This is what Ichika would call beautiful.
Honami’s eyes widened at the sight in front of her and loosened her arms around Saki.
“Look, they have a sale going on over there. Should we go and check?”
Saki nodded, before taking Ichika’s hand and dragging the group forward. “Hehe, let’s go! I bet they might have apple pie we can eat at home.”
Upon nearing the shop, the seller brightened at the group.
“Welcome! There is a sale for some of these pastries and foods. Please, let me know if anything comes up or you would like to buy anything,” before he returned to his task beforehand.
Honami leaned forward and scrunched her eyebrows. “What to pick….what to pick…. There’s so many good options we could choose. There is a classic apple pie, but the one with nuts inside adds for a crunchier bite…ooh! There’s also that one there too, for a different taste. Hmmm, what to choose…”
Ichika raised her hand to laugh behind her hand. “Hona, we can choose whatever you would like.”
“I know, but I would rather get something all of us can enjoy without any issues.”
Ichika’s hand took Honami’s covered ones and raised it to her lips, before placing their intertwined hands near her heart. Honami felt a warmth rush her cheeks, and her face countered the bitter cold of the winter they were in.
“Hona, you don’t need to worry so much. Do you want me to choose something?
Honami smiled and nodded.
“Thank you Ichi.”
Ichika looked around the shop, scanning every single item she was free to choose. But, one of them spoke out to her.
“Let’s get this one, hm?”
Honami peered over Ichika’s shoulder and smiled.
“Let’s get this one.”
Ichika dropped the money onto the counter and the seller smiled, pulling out the fresh, warm, caramel apple pie.
“Enjoy, and stay warm!”
Ichika responded in kind and took the apple pie. When Honami and Ichika reunited with the group, Saki’s eyes sparkled in excitement.
“It looks so good…”
If Saki’s eyes sparkled at that moment, Honami’s eyes became the equivalent of stars.
Shiho looked up at Honami and sent a knowing look to Ichika.
“Let’s go, we can warm this up at our place.”
Ichika looked back at Shiho and shared the same look back.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The sun had begun to set, and the skies had begun to consist of a dark blue. Lanterns glowed throughout the city streets, and the pure snow sparkled underneath. And yet, the serenity of the view had not captured Ichika’s eye. For when she looked back at Shiho and smiled, and saw Saki’s and Honami’s excitement for returning to their home, Ichika was enamored with what was in front of her. No amount of city views or apple pie could have Ichika so in love, than the three people in front of her she got to call hers. She would forever be enraptured in their heart, their warmth.
Their warmth would forever stay with each other, no matter the bitter cold winds of winter.
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ichistardreamer · 1 year
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Ichi's blog
🌠 hey im ichi or ichika and this is my age dreaming blog
💫 you can use any pronouns for me that aren't he/him or she/her
🌌 my dreaming range is around 10yrs old. but that can change. I'm using this to cope.
⭐ I don't wanna share my big age, but I'm still a minor
☄️ I love yokai watch, pokemon and other things like prj sekai. and I love the space and stuffies.
🚀I'll just reblog things I find cool. or post sometimes.
🌟 also I'm ichika hoshino btw /srs and honami mochizuki is my caregiver f/o
🪐 im new to this community. and this is a sideblog, so you won't get follows/likes from me directly. but I hope you enjoy your time here
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owarinaki · 4 months
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Kirishima x Yokozawa : Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: Propose-hen 3/3 END
KiriYoko 1 // 2 // 3
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turtlycute · 3 years
2021 Anime Watch List
June Pride Month:
This post is part of my ongoing record for the new (to me) anime I watch this year. My 2021 goal is to check off some of really big name shows on my "To Watch List" that I never seem to get around to. So, as this list grows through the year, expect to see shows that everyone has seen but me.
This month I'm focusing on anime with LGBTQ+ characters and themes. There are some new shows listed but I also rewatched some of my favorites.
* indicates shows that are rewatchs
Stars Align (2019) episodes: 12 started: 6-3-21 finished: 6-4-21 rating: 8.5/10
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Yuri On Ice* (2016) episodes: 12 started: 6-5-21 finished: 6-6-21 rating: 10/10 note: this is my all time favorite anime!
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Given (2019) episodes: 11 started: 6-7-21 finished: 6-8-21 rating: 9/10
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Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens* (2018) episodes: 12 started: 6-9-21 finished: 6-111-21 rating: 9.5/10
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Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi* (Worlds Greatest First Love) (2011) episodes: 12 started: 6-12-21 finished: 6-13-21 rating: 7/10
Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi 2* (Worlds Greatest First Love) (2011) episodes: 12 started: 6-14-21 finished: 6-15-21 rating: 7.5/10
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Aoi Hana (Sweet Blue Flowers) (2009) episodes: 11 started: 6-16-21 finished: 6-18-21 rating: 7/10
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Bloom Into You (2018) episodes: 13 started: 6-21-21 finished: 6-23-21 rating: 8.5/10
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Paradise Kiss* (2005) episodes: 12 started: 6-23-21 finished: 6-26-21 rating: 9/10
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Hourou Musuko Wandering Son* (2011) episodes: 11 started: 6-28-21 finished: 6-30-21 rating: 9/10
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Previous Months:
January Watch List
February Watch List
March Watch List
April Watch List
May Watch List
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h4desian · 10 months
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Takaritsu Week - 2023
August 4th - Day 5 - Regret/Support
My longing is for a past where I never committed the mistakes that tore me apart from you. My love, could you give me another chance? I promise I will love you the way you deserve to be loved.
My prompt for the fifth day of @takaritsuweek! I'm getting better at making gifs! :D
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sekaiichis · 2 years
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@sihjrweek Day 1 - Mascot
Tinkle but as a Tamagotchi pet! 
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shiruba-tsuki · 4 years
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When it comes to crying at weddings, it would be you. Me? Why? In the future, when Hiyori gets married, you’re definitely the type who would be bawling your eyes out. No, I won’t. In the first place, I won’t let her get married. Huh? Well, we have a house and we’re financially stable. It will be fine if we just keep living together. If some weird bug caught on, I’ll let him live in the next room. Do you think of him just as your in-law? Well, even if getting married is her personal choice... In ten years or so, she’ll be pursuing higher education and start job-hunting. Eventually, she’ll be independent. Argh! What’s wrong? Who do you think you are, hurting me like this? Really, when it comes to Hiyori, you’re just so... It’s just the average story.
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