#sending lots of love your way and hope the day is going great 💖
mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
Every time I remember the "single dad here 😉" scenes with Don I think about the conversation I had with someone after ep 4, about how this season Loki kept being put in positions to choose between alternatives and always chose Mobius, to the point that it felt like it was building to a final choice that Mobius would be central to. And the person went 'eh that would be nice, but Mobius has "wife and kids on the timeline" energy written all over him :/'
So that possibility was front of my mind when Loki approached Don, and my heard did in fact sink at 'your son's on the line', but then !!!!!
Right!??? What's so wild is I think we all collectively kind of decided there was the smallest possibility Mobius could've had a tragic life on the timeline but that it was way more likely Marvel would go the obvious route of him being some guy with the obvious white picket fence, 2.5 kids life and went in a little resigned to seeing what might happen but. Then Don "single dad here can I get you a drink 😉" happened and let me tell you I'll be chasing that high for the rest of my life 😂😂
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vikkirosko · 5 months
Hello! I’m seeing that requests are open and here I am sending one in! I’ve been reading you’re writing for a while too and you’re a very good writer (: anyways here I go!!
May I request Lucifer, Alastor, Angel Dust, Stolas and Millie (if you do all characters and separate ofc) with a GN! Reader who was a Vkei Singer for a band in the 90s? :D and they also dressed like Kaya Rose? ( : here’s this link if you wanna see the visual of them.
Thank you so much!! Have a great rest of your day/or night!
Headcanons Vkei Singer
🕷 Angel Dust x gn!Reader 💖
You and Angel met at the hotel where you came to find temporary accommodation. You didn't really believe in the idea of redemption, but you had to live somewhere. Angel quickly noticed your unusual appearance and when he got to know you better, he found out that when you were alive you were a celebrity
You were a singer in the vkei band, which was popular in the 90s. However, due to an accident, you died and were essentially left alone. There were people in Hell who knew you, but it didn't help much, so you decided to go to the hotel. Angel thought it was funny that even after death you wore the same image that you used at concerts, as if this image merged with you
You often went out together with Angel and several times he dressed up in a similar style to yours. You attracted a lot of attention, but you were both fine with it. Both of you are used to being the center of attention, so the looks directed at you did not bother either him or you
You and Angel lived and died in different years, but that didn't stop you from getting along great with each other. You both loved being stars, albeit in different fields. It wasn't the only thing you had in common and you communicated better and better every day
📻 Alastor x gn!Reader 🎙
Your acquaintance with Alastor happened shortly after he came to the hotel. You were one of the few guests and you took Alastor's appearance calmly, while he watched you with a familiar smile. Your style stood out from the other inhabitants of the hotel, but it wasn't what changed in you in Hell, but what happened to you when you were still alive
You were a singer in the popular vkei band in the 90s. This was your image when you started performing with your friends, and over time you began to use this image even outside of performances. In Hell, your image literally became a part of you, but you didn't mind. You died at the peak of your career and your fame, and your image remained with you even after death
You and Alastor had completely different musical tastes, but you were interested in learning from him about the music of his time. You understood that when he was alive, you couldn't even think about vkei, but you hoped that you could get along despite your differences, and Alastor, it would seem, was not against it
Alastor treated you with interest. Your appearance made his stay at the hotel more interesting and he hoped that this would not be the last thing you changed at the hotel
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x gn!Reader 🐍
Lucifer has always liked music. He watched the new sinners who were famous in the human world and associated with music. That's why he was interested when you appeared in Hell. You were the singer of one of the famous vkei bands of the 90s. He was curious to get to know you better, so he decided to get to know you personally
You were one of the first members of your band to die, which made you feel a little lonely, but even in Hell you stayed true to your style. For you, your image was more than just a way to stand out from other bands. It was your special style that you had for several years and that was with you even in everyday life and Lucifer respected your choice
Sometimes you joked that when the rest of your band died, you would be able to start performing again. You doubted very much that they would not go to Hell, because you knew them well. Lucifer considered this possibility and was even willing to help you arrange your band's concert again. He was interested in listening to your live performance
You didn't know why the ruler of Hell was interested in you, but so far you've been fine. Hell wasn't what it was described when you were alive, but it wasn't as bad as you thought. As long as you could practice music, everything was fine with you, and Lucifer kept you company
😈 Millie x gn!Reader ⚔️
You and Millie met during a rehearsal for a performance by a musical group you were a member of. You were arranging rehearsals in one small room and one of your friends called them new friend there, who turned out to be Millie, only she was much more interested in you, not your friend
You were a singer in your band. You performed in the 90s, but there was a tragedy that caused all the members of your band to die. But you didn't despair and were sure that you and your friends would be able to revive your band in Hell. Millie listened to you with curiosity, studying your vkei image with her eyes. She liked the way you looked and it was obvious
Millie has helped you with makeup several times. Even after death, in Hell, you continued to use your vkei image. It was originally your way of standing out. It was a vivid image that you used during concerts, but over time you got so used to it that even after your death, this image almost merged with you
Millie loved listening to you sing. She was sure that you would be able to achieve your goal and revive your band, and Millie was ready to be with you, both in difficulties and in joy
🦉 Stolas x gn!Reader 🎩
Stolas knew that his daughter was interested in different music and it was thanks to her that he learned about you. Octavia told him that she had met a sinner who, during his lifetime, was the singer of one of the famous vkei bands of the 90s. His daughter told him a little bit about your band and about you, and he decided that he needed to meet his daughter's new acquaintance
You turned out to be not exactly what he imagined. Even in Hell, you continued to stay in the same style as when you performed on stage. This image almost merged with you, but you didn't mind. Stolas had not communicated with people who looked like you before, but despite your image, you treated him with friendliness and were completely not against talking to him and you both did not notice how you began to communicate more and more
Other members of your band were still alive and you sometimes talked about them and how your concerts were going. Sometimes you remembered your past and sang different songs. You haven't sung all these songs before. You just liked singing. Stolas listened to you sing and didn't notice how you started to smile
Stolas hoped that you would be able to continue to communicate. He liked you, he liked that you didn't care what position he held in society, for you he was just himself, that Stolas whom even his daughter hardly saw him. You saw him as he had never been able to show himself to anyone before
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wolfytae-exe · 8 months
Hii, i hope you're having a great day so far! Can you maybe write about reader being drunk and needy for txt or the other way around please :) (also i really love your works so much💖 and this is my first time sending an ask cuz i'm pretty "new" on this app)
Hi hun! I left you to simmer in my inbox im sorry😭 You probably aren’t as new anymore lol!
I might make this more soft because i’m not comfortable writing an intoxicated person having sex with anyone sober, just doesnt feel right❤️
The poor guy wouldn’t know what to do with you, begging for him to hold you and very blatantly pulling his hands to cup your ass when he does so. “Y/N you’re drunk.” He would deadpan, mostly reminding himself not to listen to you and give into your neediness because of your intoxicated state. “Want you soooo baddd~” You slur out, hands all over him while he changes you out of your spoiled clothes and puts you under the warm covers. “You need some rest.” He’d tell you, backing away despite your whines to go get you medicine and water. His sweet, shy girlfriend wouldn’t throw herself on him this way, so it’s easy for him to tell when not to act on urges.
He wouldn’t catch it at first, the way you felt up and down his arm and chest while he held you in his arms. It’s not til you’re literally humping at his thigh that he has to pull you off and take you home. “Soobin please~” You whine and beg but Soobin has already come to the conclusion that you were going to eat a lot and get a lot of fluids in you until you were sober enough to hold yourself together. “Let’s get you right, then maybe I’ll let you.” He would tell you, convincing you each time to take that swig of water or that bite of pizza he heated up for you. And once you were sober enough to stand properly he would run you a nice bath, make sure his baby is clean before helping you into bed and making sure you’re warm enough to sleep.
Oh man, poor Beomgyu has to hold you away from his body, you have gotten way too drunk and have made it your sworn duty to get into his pants tonight. “Lemme just hold your hand gyu” You’d pout as he avoided your advances. “Absolutely not. I love you but no.” He’d deadpan, a form a guilt that rises when you begin to tear up, so drunk you can't help but feel your heart crack at the rejection. “Oh god please don't cry” Beomgyu would try his hardest to stay away in the moment but when your small whimpers turn into sobs, he’s holding you, making sure you can't do anything you’ll regret but also attempting to stop you from sobbing. Beomgyu would have to figure it out himself this time when taking care of you, you were usually buzzed or tipsy, able to dress, shower, and take headache medicine on your own, but this time, Beomgyu had to do it all for you, giving you tiny kisses to make up for the lack of physical attention you begged for while he did so.
When I say Taehyun was not having it with your clinginess, that's an understatement. Your drunk and clingy behavior had him constantly rolling his eyes and pulling you off him, telling you multiple times that you were drunk and that whatever you wanted from him wouldn't happen, that only made you whine and cling more however, “God Y/N, I’m not fucking my drunk girlfriend.” He’d say multiple times, and multiple “I’m not even drunk!” comebacks would come back to him before he was dragging you home and forcing you to stay in bed before you went to sleep. Taehyun loved you, but he had no patience for your drunk personality which would only cause trouble for you and him in his eyes.
Kai is an angel, letting you cling onto him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear while he rubbed your back. He knew you were drunk, wanted a lot more than your back rubbed but Kai also knew better, he’d give you taught smiles and giggles before taking you home to take care of you, every time you’d whine for him to take care of you in other ways he’d shut you down with the happiest smile, telling you “maybe if you drink some water!” or even “Sober up a bit and we’ll see how you feel about it.” It was always enough to convince you yet the moment you sobered up a bit, all you wanted to do was go to sleep, your headache way too painful. And of course Hueningkai agreed, cuddling you throughout the night and taking care of you the next morning.
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ferris-the-wheel · 7 months
Hi! How is ur day going btw? I thought the event ur running is super cool so I wanted to send smth in.
For the new Disney fic event, is it okay if I could get a male reader that’s based off of Mother Gothel from Tangled? I hope I formatted everything okay.
-🌠 anon
{ Disney Character Event }
Hi, 🌠 anon!! My day is going great so far and I'm glad you like the event! Thanks for the ask! And I saw the follow up you sent as well, don't worry, it's totally fine, I've done the same! <3
m!reader (as Mother Gothel) x twst characters
ೃ⁀➷ Included characters: Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit
: ̗̀➛ Info: You care a lot about your appearance and how others see you, so you'll often lie to save yourself from being embarrassed.
ೃ⁀➷ Just 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Established relationship
ೃ⁀�� You're in your s/o's dorm
ೃ⁀➷ Kinda proofread, please ignore any mistakes
TW: None
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"Uh— Y/N?! How much baking powder did you add to these?!" Jamil asked, pulling the flat cupcakes out of the oven. You glanced over from making the icing. "The amount you said." You responded.
"Clearly not since the tops of the cupcakes are all flat and sunken. How much did you add?" He repeated. You thought for a moment. "Three quarters of a teaspoon." Jamil actually froze for a second. He took a second to collect himself.
"Darling, you're supposed to add a quarter of a teaspoon per one cup of flour. I added one and a half cups of flour to the mix." He said. You smiled inwardly at the nickname.
"You said earlier that you'd added three cups of flour." You said. To be honest, you were lying. You'd heard him say the correct amount, but you'd already put the baking powder in and hadn't wanted to admit your mistake.
"I know for a fact that I said one and a half. I even checked the recipe to make sure." Jamil stated. You shrugged. "I probably misheard you, then."
Jamil sighed. He suspected that it was a lie as you'd done similar things in the past, but he decided not to call you out on it. It'd only lead to an unnecessary argument that would result in you being angry at him for the rest of the day. And he'd grown used to cuddling you at night; it was a good way of relieving stress. If you were mad at him, that certainly wouldn't happen.
"Well, it's nothing serious, we can just remake them." Jamil remarked, dumping the failed batch of cupcakes and the batter into the trash. "Maybe I should do the measurements and you can mix." Jamil said. You swatted at him, but he ducked out of the way.
"Looks like someone's in a bad mood." He said with a smirk. You hated that smirk, it got under your skin so easily. You turned you head away with a scowl. Jamil backtracked, moving around the counter and walking over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist.
"My apologies, my love, I didn't mean to make you upset. Don't be mad at me." There was a slight pleading tone in his voice, which made you smile. You knew that Jamil normally only showed affection or called you by nicknames behind closed doors, so you figured that you had the upper hand.
"Fine, fine." You said. "On one condition." You saw his face immediately become wary. "I suppose it depends on the condition."
You turned around to face him, still in his arms. "The condition is... that you have to give me a kiss." You smiled, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. Jamil looked caught off guard and his face flushed. "Can we... kiss later? Someone might walk in here."
"Nope. Right here." You said. Jamil sighed, walking to all the entryways and peering around, then returned. "Fine, just a quick kiss." He relented. You grinned and leaned closer to him. He closed the gap, pressing his lips against yours.
After a moment, you separated. Then he leaned forward to plant another soft kiss on the side of your neck. You felt a slight shiver, feeling his lips leave your neck. You moved to kiss him again, but he was already there. This kiss was more firm, more needy. You felt your mouth curl upward into a smile and you giggled.
You cursed yourself inwardly as Jamil leaned back, regaining his composure. "My apologies. I..." He trailed off. Then he made a face. "That was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." You said, slipping out of his grasp. "Oh, I guess we should finish making these cupcakes." Jamil nodded with an annoyed look on his face. "Why Kalim wanted cupcakes is beyond me..."
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"Y/N, did you use my eyeshadow palette that I bought yesterday?" Vil asked, rummaging through the drawers of his vanity. You were sitting on his bed fixing your eyeliner, which you had realized was slightly off. The question made you stop for a second, before continuing. "No. Is it not there?" You asked.
"I wouldn't be asking if I could find it." Vil remarked. You nodded, though Vil couldn't see it. "I guess you're right." You said. You hissed with annoyance, your now shaky hands not allowing you to make a straight line. Vil turned around. "Hm?"
"I just messed up my eyeliner." You explained. Vil frowned, standing up and firmly grabbed your wrist. "Your hands are shaking. How many cups of coffee have you drank today?" He asked.
"What have you eaten today?"
"An omelet with some toast and bacon. I had some yogurt about half an hour ago."
"And how have you been sleeping?"
"About eight hours. Why?"
Vil didn't answer. "Y/N, did you lie to me just now?" He crossed his arms. "No? I slept for—"
"Not about how long you slept; about my eyeshadow palette." He interrupted. You felt your heart skip a beat. Uh oh. "No, why would I?" You asked, hoping he'd leave it at that. Unfortunately, he didn't.
"Because the only other reason you might be shaking is because you're nervous. It's not even remotely cold in here, and even if it was, your hands wouldn't be the only part of you that was shaking." His eyes narrowed. "I don't appreciate being lied to."
You fidgeted uncomfortablely under his gaze until the silence became unbearable. "Okay, yes, I did take your eyeshadow palette." You admitted, feeling your face heat up with embarrassment.
"And where is it?" Vil inquired. You fidgeted with your fingers. "Well... I was bringing it to my room to use it and some other students were playing around and ended up running into me. I dropped it and it broke." You said. Vil's gaze softened and he sat down next to you.
"Well, if what you're saying is true, then it's not your fault that it broke. No need to feel guilty about it." He said in a soothing voice. He put a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
"You're... not mad??" You asked. He shook his head. "No, I'm not. I was the one who said you didn't have to ask if you wanted to use something of mine. It was those spudlings' fault that they were fooling around and caused you to drop it." Vil wrapped an arm around you and kissed you on the cheek.
"Cheer up, dear. I can always replace it." You felt better with the truth revealed. You leaned up against him with your eyes closed, smiling. Though you couldn't see it, he smiled back.
"Now then, do you happen to remember what those potatoes look like? I think I'm going to have a little chat with them." He asked with a wicked grin.
Hiiiii, I'm done! First event request done ☆ (Sorry if the parts were kinda short!) I hope you guys liked this post! Thank you again for the request, 🌠 anon! I wasn't super sure how to go about the m!mc's personality because I didn't want him to be a super manipulative person like Mother Gothel 😅
Anyways, thanks for reading and requests are always open! Bye~~ 🧡
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alexturne · 5 months
hiii lovely!! hope you've had a great day, and also - happy alex's birthday!! 🥳 for the ask game, 7, 12 & 19? sending hugs! 💖
Hiiii lovely, hope you're doing great ❤️❤️
7. how long have you been a fan? tell us about your journey!
Okay, so I've been a fan for a while. I don't remember how exactly I came across it, but I used to spend a lot of time online looking for new music. And I found them on myspace way back in the day, around 2005 or something. And the first song I heard was the demo version of Cigarette Smoke, and I was just instantly hooked. I loved Alex's voice and lyrics and the music was just so fun and refreshing, punchy and stripped back and so much less silly and kooky than so much of the other music out in the scene, dramatic in a different way and it just felt so fucking real and very different and unique. And I've been obsessed pretty much ever since 😂
12. do you have any arctic monkeys tattoos? if not, do you want any?
I do have some tattoos but no am ones so far. I wouldn't mind getting one though!
19. what's your favourite quote said by someone in the band? feel free to share a link/clip!
There are genuinely so many incredible quotes said by this band, I find them fucking hilarious, so it feels impossible to pick 😂
One moment in the video diaries that always cracks me up is when they're on the rooftop bar and Matt says "Aw dear, someone's smashed a glass!" and it's so stupid but it's so fucking funny and cracks me up everytime. Basically all the diaries are golden for good quotes! "Slept like a glove" is also a classic. Or when Nick said in the behind the scenes for Crying Lightning that "it's not that the clothes don't fit, I'm just a weird size" or something, and then he had to be painted with silver paint.
I also love when Alex was interviewed by Zane, and he complimented the AM album and said it was pretty much the perfect album, and Alex deadpans and says "I think that was deliberate." He is such a dumbass, I love him. So many of his turns of phrase are so so delightfully weird and wonderful. Like when he lamented that he'd "sat himself too far from his internal cue cards" and couldn't answer a single question or when he said in that super old Dutch interview that he was always so happy when the sun was shining 🥹🥹 Perfect little happy bean.
Or when they're playing some sort of motorcycle arcade, and Jamie sits at the back of Alex and asks if he should undo his top, and Alex says "You're driving with t'wrong man!" Or when Jamie said "If you want...." to Alex suggesting they become astronauts in the driest, most deadpan fashion. Or when they got to go inside a shop and get merch, and they were under strict instructions not to skate and Jamie emerges on a skateboard and yells "I can't turn! If a car comes I'm dead!" completely disregarding not being allowed... I could go on forever...
Thank you for the lovely questions 🥳🥰
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starleska · 1 year
Heya! I am sorry if you aren't looking for f/o's now or anything, or if I accidently like... Submit this wrong or something. But uhh... I saw that you like scientists, and although this character isn't a scientist, he IS a doctor so it might be in the same range?
He's this weird, creepy goober from a game/manga/anime called Angels of Death, and his name is Dr. Daniel Dickens. He's like, REALLY obsessed with eyes and a specific type, to the point of killing people to collect them. It all comes from his backstory and such. Without spoiling too much, he was born with only one eye, and he was bullied relentlessly for it. A lot more happened, but I believe that was a big part in creating his eye obsession, at least in the manga. He's a creepy dude, but I LOVE HIM SO MUCH FOR IT OMG- He's so like... skrunkly imo. He can be very sweet looking one moment, then terrifying the next! I think his eyes look beautiful, too, and I have always wondered what his life would've been like if he was shown so much more love and affection in the past, which I wholeheartedly believe he deserved! He was such a sweet child from what I have seen, so far, but nobody could really look past his appearance.
I don't have a picture of him, plus, he looks slightly different in each iteration of Angels of Death, but I love him SO MUCH and I want to know what you think of him (if you know enough about him, that is). Again, sorry if I maybe formatted this wrong, or you already had him suggested and made a post about him, but I just love him so much! I love my creepy doctor goober! ❤️
hello lovely!!! i hope you're having a stellar day 🥰💖 thank you so much for sending this fascinating fella in, aaa!!!! i absolutely love getting long gushing asks about characters i know nothing about - it's just so wonderful getting to share in your love!! and it's clear you have a great deal of love for this doctor 😉
wow!!!!! okay okay i went and did some reading and watching and oh man this guy is a freak 🥴💖 i am genuinely so disturbed but in a great way - fella's got a real fixation, doesn't he? i've gotta say, i adore his aesthetic - you're right, doctors are well up my alley 😖 but oh my god the glass eye with the double irises and pupils??? that's sick as hell!!!!
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i see what you mean about him being sweet one second and creepy the next…i adore the disturbing yandere types, so thank you very much 😳😳 i used to be a big fan of Conway from Pokémon, and he's giving those vibes!!! 🔥🔥
what do i think of him? i want to know more!!! i don't want to go reading too much in case i get spoiled for any iteration, but Dr. Daniel Dickens is - and i hope you'll forgive the pun - eye-catching 😉💖 i am sure he would just love to gaze deep into your beautiful eyes, hm? :3c
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musette22 · 4 months
Hello! Sorry for popping in with this random message but I need to vent somewhere and it was always your place that I used to go to. It’s been long, maybe over three years, since I’ve ventured down the stucky-rabbit hole but I was just going on about my day as usual when my brain decided to remind me of the line “but I loved you first”.
Naturally, I had to sit down and stare into a wall for a bit, and once I got home I started rereading Not Easily Conquered. Now, when I was in the fandom I was an avid re-reader of my favorite fics, getting at least five or six reads before I was satisfied (sometimes a LOT more). I’d almost learn entire paragraphs through and through. With NEC, however, I simply couldn’t do more than one reading. It was too emotionally charged, for one, and I also didn’t want to “tarnish” what it made me feel the first time I read it.
But now it’s been such a long time. I think I read it almost seven years ago. And here I am, in the midst of rereading. As I write this, I’m currently bracing myself to start the part with all of the letters in chronological order. I’ve already cried multiple times so it’s not looking great for me.
I’m really happy to see you’re still here. Makes this feel less of a harrowing experience, honestly. And despite what all of this sounds like I actually enjoy reading the greatest love story of all time, of course. Not to be a SAP or anything but it feels like coming home. Anyway. Lots of love to you! :)
Hi my love! Thank you so much for this message, it's so nice to know you found your way back to Stucky and my little blog! You don't sound like a sap at all, that is actually a really lovely sentiment ❤️
Ah, NEC never really leaves you, does it? It's the kind of fic that haunts you, the kind of fic you'll find yourself thinking of out of the blue sometimes and bring back a surge of memories and emotions that can knock you off your feet for a moment. I totally feel you there.
I personally also haven't reread NEC yet, for the same reasons you mention, but I did get it bound, so I am actually planning on rereading it one day! It just hasn't been the right moment yet for me, but I will wait patiently for it to arrive.
I'm glad to hear the moment came for you today, though! And I am absolutely unsurprised to hear that it's still making you cry, even seven years later 🥺 It's just that heartbreakingly good, isn't it? The letters are the most intense, the most beautiful and the most devastating imo, so I am sending you all of the hugs and strength for your rereading of that part! ❤️ I hope you love it just as much as you did the first time around, lovely. I totally know what you mean about it being a comfort that there are so many others who feel so strongly about this story (and I'm glad to hear you're also enjoying it, and not just in excruciating pain..!)
Thank you for your kind words about me and my blog, that means a lot 🥺 I'm not here quite as much as I was before, but I can't imagine ever leaving! Stucky and this community just mean too much to me.
Sending lots of love (and good luck) back at you! 💖
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shelly-ya · 1 year
Hi love!!! I hope your having a great day! :D I do see you request are open! c: If its possible to request something for the lovely Shuji hanma!? If possible with a fem reader, first time he sees he, he knew he was gonna put a ring on it? Thank you so much if you could love! Have a great day! sending you lots of love and kissies!🥰💗💖
Omg a request from you is amazing... aaaahhhhh. Hanma shuji x female reader. Fluffy and snarky hanma as follows. Hope you don't mind I used older hanma.
Your hips swayed to the beat of the music, eyes closed and lost in the tunes. You were here to let yourself be free of all the hard work you put in for the past week. With the song now ending you decided to get a quick drink to soothe your parched throat. Drink sliding your way before you even ordered.
Eyeing the bartender. "I never ordered this sweet pea."
"I know, the guy in the booth over there ordered it for you." Looking to the booth his pointed to the first thing you noticed in the dark was a glass raised and tilted slightly to you in acknowledgement. His smirk next as he brought the glass to his lips. The little light glinting off his earring on his left ear and glasses. Picking the glass up and returning the gesture you downed your fresh drink.
Once you were done you made your way back to the dance floor. Closing your eyes once again you offered yourself to the embrace of the beat. Unbeknownst to you your drink sponsor was on the prowl and he was ready to pounce. He shielded eyes devoured your body, at the way you sashayed around with no care. Gulping he made a hasty decision.
You felt warm, sturdy hands placed on your hips and the hard, muscular chest on your back. Opening your eyes in shock you were about to slap your assailant. Looking back you recognised the smirk and glasses and earring.
"Aww why'd you stop I wanted to dance with you a little?" Looking at him clearly now you saw his golden piercing eyes peering deep into yours. Pushing back onto him your perky butt pressed into him, he audibly hissed a little. "Let's dance shall we" he encourage your hips to move against him again. In that moment you decided to tempt fate and continue your dance. Your right hand moved up and found its way to his neck and your left landed on his hand that remained on your hips. You both swayed and girated to the music. He brought his head closer to your neck as you felt his hot breath brush over you as you continued to dance. Deciding to turn around in his arms you faced him his still moving to the beat. Arms around his neck your hand stringing through his relaxed hair. His hands never moving down lower to grab fistfuls of your ass and pulling you closer to him.
"Oh god I want to make you mine." He breathe into your ear. "Let's get out of here."
"What if i say i wanna wait till marriage" you whispered back to him. The music shifting to the next song as you both stopped moving at all. Grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the club. "Where are we going?" You asked panicking.
"We're going to get married. Didn't you hear me before I'm gonna make you mine." He looked back at you with a smirk plastered on his face
"Huh?" You questioned
"Look woman I knew from the moment you walked onto that dance floor that I needed to be with you for the rest of my life." Looking at him in shock
"Huh?" Flicking you on the head you noticed the back of his hand was tattooed. Holding his hand in your you grazed you thumb over the ink. Punishment? And looking at his other hand you notice the ink there as well. Sin?. Almost memorized by them you started to unconsciously play with his hands.
"Is that all you know what to say?"
"Huh?" Snapping you out of your trance
"Seriously?" He grabbed onto your hand again and pulled you out the club completely. To say seeing him in a well lit area made you change your mind was understatement. He kept walking in the parking lot.
"Wait wait?"
"Oh she speaks" he quipped. Smacking him across the head "ow, what was that for?"
"How am I going to get married to a perfect stranger? I don't know your name and you don't know mine."
"Shuji, hanma shuji. That's your new husband's name remember it well. And you Mrs. Hanma your first name"
"Last name first name."
"Don't you mean hanma first name" he smirked again as he walked up to a car in the parking lot. Pulling his keys from his pocket as he disarmed the vehicle. Opening the passenger door to let you in.
"Where are we going?"
"To get married. You said you were waiting to get married and I am willing to marry you now." He said jumping into the driver side and pulling your seat belt on for you and then his own. Starting the vehicle and pulling out of the parking lot.
"Let's not get married and let's go to your place instead." You wrung your hands together a bit shy. "Let's just have a one night stand" you looked away and out the window.
"Sure we can have sex but it's not a one night stand I said it more that once I am making you mine. And that is final" he spoke with resolve as sin and punishment gripped the steering wheel. To say the way he wanted to claim you as his was not making you wet was an understatement because you began to rub your legs together in anticipation of the love making he wanted to give you.
The end
I hope you enjoyed it.
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hacked-by-jake · 9 months
hey hbj!! happy birthday, I hope your day is going to be just as lovely and special as you 💖
to be honest, I've been meaning to send u an ask for a while but I've been lacking the motivation to do so- I really don't feel the best during summer and I'm glad that it passed fairly quickly, and that we're one month closer to moonvale as well!
feels like the only thing motivating me to start my day sometimes was seeing a notification from you and wanting to check it out. when u went into hiding I def felt it, really seemed like something was missing from my routine. and here I thought I'd only ever say something like that about jake 🤭
but anyhow, I really hope you're doing well and I hope you can be happy not just today, but as much as possible every single day. I think it's super sweet how u always wish everyone well every weekend, and in general you're really funny and seem like such a nice person. I hope you can be as kind to yourself as u are to everybody here <3
can't wait to see u get excited over moonvale content when it comes out, and I can't wait to be feeling the same along with you! always take care of yourself and stay safe, take breaks when u need them, you're doing well :)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🥹 Thank you soo incredibly much for this absolute lovely ask. You can't imagine how much your words mean to me.
First of all, no pressure in sending me asks but I'm still very happy about your words. And I'm sorry you're feeling so low during summer, I can understand that very well, sadly. But yes, fortunately, we almost made it. I'm so excited for autumn, hehe. So I hope you will feel much better soon, you deserve only the happiest times.
But I am very honored that you seem to enjoy my posts so, it really means everything to me. Unfortunately, if I may be honest, my time is quite difficult at the moment and I’m in a pretty tiring phase so it’s pretty hard to be here on Tumblr at the moment. Or to do anything in general. But if I'm here I realise every time how much I miss it and especially you all. So to hear that people notice my absence.. I am sorry about it, I would like to post more of course, but I must honestly say that it is also a very nice feeling to see that people want me here. And I thank everyone for that. And thank you so much for letting me know about it. It's really one of the most wonderful compliments someone can make me. 🥹
And I can only give it back to you. You deserve only the best in the world and I hope life will treat you very kindly. You're so kind and loving, that you came here to let me know about all this nice things shows how wonderful you are and I only try to be as kind as you all are. I'm very happy you like the weekend posts. They mean a lot to me, tbh. I just hope that this little gesture with a little reminder can help someone or at least cause a little smile. We all don’t know each other in real life but still you mean a lot to me so I try to show this.
And that you find me funny also means a lot to me, maybe too much. I am just very happy if someone finds what I write here funny or similar. 🥹
I'm very looking forward to talking about Moonvale with all of you. And I really miss the excitement we all share every time we get news. And when the game itself comes out.. It's going to be amazing. And I'm glad to share this moment with amazing people who feel the same way about it. Even if I fear I might freak out too much but well, by now most of you should be used to it. 😂
Again, a big, huge thank you for taking the time to write all this. I will never forget your words and you just made my day. Really. And I hope I answered everything, I'm very sorry if not. I just can’t say it enough, your message made me really happy. You are a wonderful person and it is a great honor for me to get such beautiful words from you.
You deserve all the best and I hope you will experience so many beautiful things. Please take always care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. You're loved and important! 💚
Thank you! 💚🥹
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
From @mrtobenamedlater
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! ☀️
How about 3 random Halo facts about me? 😎👍
There are so many characters that I know woefully almost nothing about ( and who several of my fellow Halo friends write about). If they come from the books, Halo 5 or Infinite, chances are that I'm seriously winging it on who they are. A couple of times I've had to look them up to see who is a canon character and who's an OC. On the plus side if you're a writer for any of them, you're obviously great at it because I can't tell the difference between your OCs and canon characters, lol! Good work, keep going! 😎👍
2. I'm legit not kidding that this is one of my proudest moments:
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I have a bit of a tremor in my hands, sometimes worse than others, so I really didn't know if I'd be able to play well enough to even finish the first game on Easy. (I ought to record it sometime just so y'all can see what I mean as my reticle is BouNcINg aLL OvEr thE plAcE on a bad day while I'm trying to aim, lol.) But I figured out strategies based off of Youtube tutorials that helped me to mitigate it as much as possible, helped me figure out my strengths as a player and then sometimes I just devoted a lot of time to grinding it out, trying to get through. Halo 2's Regret boss battle took me about 2 weeks to get through on Legendary. Halo 3 ODST's Coastal Highway was almost a month. Learning how to get on the rooftops to avoid the Jackal snipers on Halo 2's Outskirts is a MUST, lol! (And they'll still sometimes snipe you from, like, the other side of town! 😧😜) Mastering grenade jumps made me so happy and I adore learning ways to break out of bounds!
3. I do love every Halo game in the MCC but the only one I routinely play from start to finish without skipping any missions is Reach. There's just something about it that makes it such a joy to me, I can't even explain it. Though it's not a joy if you're trying to do the Legendary speedrun achievement. I still haven't gotten even close to getting my total time under 3 hours. 😔
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From just under 8 hours to under 6, so at least I'm getting better, though! (And look at Heroic, I took its Fastest Clear Time from over 11 HOURS 😱to under 3, so that made me happy!) So, hopefully one day! 🤞😣🤞
Bonus Halo fact: I really adore these games. They came into my life at a time when I desperately needed something to distract me, something I could learn, was ABLE to learn, something that lets you be creative, to challenge yourself, to play it easy, to play it hard. I will always be thankful to the MCC for that. I hope to one day be able to play 5 (currently is not available for the PC) and Infinite (borked up my previous computer, yikes) but even if I can't, the 6 beautiful games of the MCC will hopefully be with me for the rest of my life.🤗🤗🤗💖
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Hi....I saw your requests were open and I have one for Seong taehoon and SeongJun Baek (they are my fav characters)☺️
Jealous seongjoon and taehoon. If their s/o is getting attention from someone they admire and the guys are feeling jealous. How would they react and have their s/o turn their attention back on them.
I don't see a lot of work for SeongJun so if it's okay with you I'll be sending some in, if you are okay with that. Have a great day.
stealing their s/o's attention back from someone they admire
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: hello and thank u for the request !! + i dont mind at all, i'd love to get more seongjun requests T_T i haven't written for viral hit as much as i'd like to so any requests are welcome~ also hope u have a great day too :]
side note; i assumed "someone they admire" meant someone the guys admire so i apologize if you meant someone the s/o admires 😭?
> most of the time he gets jealous rather easily, but other times he barely bats an eye unless he thinks, "actually. i'm jealous annoyed now" and goes to do something about it
> he's perfectly confident in himself, so his jealousy doesn't stem from insecurity. he just wants you to himself <3
> there's not many people he admires! maybe few adults in his life (his father included, even if he won't admit it) and some of his friends. he's not really the kind of guy who looks for role models so... ^_^;;
> to be honest his only "real threat" amongst the people he admires might be yeonwoo. he thinks the guy's a wimp but he can't deny the guy is good looking and, y'know. a decent, likable person. still, he knows, "my s/o could've had this goody two shoes but they chose me so i have nothing to worry about" but tinges of jealousy still come around
> his go-to is physical contact with you, even if it means inconveniencing you. yes, he will pull you in to sit in his lap, yes, he will hug you from behind. he is very loud about it all 💖
> if he can, he'll interrupt whatever's going on between you and the other person. just as a reminder that he's there, and that he's your boyfriend. also why bother talking to that person when you should be kissing him and--
> if he can't interrupt, he'll straight up change whatever's happening or at least talk to you so you look his way. and as a last minute resort, if needed? he will be very annoying by pulling you away from the situation lol
> he Might say sorry if you're particularly annoyed after his antics ★ will also deny any jealousy allegations, but rarely, admit it through gritted teeth if he "thinks you need to know" (whatever that means)
> he doesn't like people messing with what's his, period. either way, he knows his scary reputation and your love for him so he doesn't get jealous easily
> i can't put my finger on it but i feel like there's a speck of insecurity hidden somewhere in him. otherwise his jealousy doesn't come from a lack of self confidence, but rather you spending more time with someone instead of him
> ...i don't think seongjun admires anyone at all. except maybe hobin, but that was something he said during his death 😭
> well. just for this scenario let's pretend he does have someone he respects and sees on equal footing--because honestly if it's anyone less, he's even less likely to get jealous. why should he care for someone he views poorly? as if they'd have a chance with you anyway, right?
> the way he acts depends on the other person. he's not too keen on stealing your attention right away because he wants to respect how you choose to spend your time, and apparently it's hanging out with this person...
> he prefers to be subtle; staying close with you (usually wrapping an arm around your waist to show the ~intimacy~) and putting on passive aggressive smiles. may make comments with said passive aggressive tone if needed
> the second the person seems to show interest in you, seongjun amps up his attitude. just a little bit though, he doesn't want to lose his cool with you around ^_^
> doesn't readily admit his jealousy but if you prod at him enough, he'll say the truth. isn't too embarrassed by it either because jealousy is a normal feeling and he thinks he's not being dramatic whenever he gets jealous so <3
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
The brits taking over Broadway? Yes, please 💯
Paul: Broadway hasn't invited me 😅🤷🏼‍♂️
Broadway: *hold my tickets*
Yoooooooo what an amazing way to find out the news, so happy for him and Jeremy!!! 😍🥰 (Also a little crushed to be missing the opening by a couple months next time I head that way but what can you do 😅) Gosh they've really gotten their mileage out of the show as well between the West End, a film, and now Broadway! Must be an incredible show and we'll have all kinds of fun content waiting because of it 🥺
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bubacorn · 4 months
Hey you. Just wanted to let you know that i love your fics. I read and reread them all the time and i feel so fuzzy reading them and enjoy the love they have for each other. But i mostly wanted to let you know, that i really really love your long comments, if someone writes a nice one. They’re mostly nice i think. It’s so great that you enjoy what you write and that you let us know more about , why you wrote sth and that you have so many ideas. I’m absolutely thrilled every time i get a notification that you wrote sth new.
I hope you have a wonderful evening/ day and that you get a lot of great comments and i send you big hugs, if you want them.
Hey! First things first: you're so incredibly lovely for this, I cannot even express it! 💖 The way I almost teared up reading this last night and had to collect my thoughts to try and answer. Just. Thank you! I cannot tell you how much this means to me.
To think that people go back and reread my works is so unbelievable to me ??? I'm just me and they're just my silly words, but I'm so happy that you enjoy them so much and that they bring you warm feelings! 🥹
I gotta admit, I'm a little self-conscious that people might not like it when I ramble in the comments/notes. But sometimes the words just come and I hope that they would enjoy a little more context or share their thoughts. I love it when people interact with my works, I cherish the comments, sometimes go back and reread them when I need a reminder that my writing is worth something, even if it's about characters from a silly masked band.
It's still strange to me when I get perceived by someone, or when I get a reply on my comment on someone else's work and they recognize me. (This just has to do with me viewing myself entirely different than other people and I think this helps in a weird way? Like I exist beside being trapped in my body if that makes sense.) The thought that my thoughts and ideas resonate with others and make them feel something. That's just incredible, even if it's this small and only fanwork. And to think that people are excited to see notifications from me updating? No way, I never thought that was something that could be me.
I'll stop oversharing, I apologize if this is too much of me, but I just wanted to put this out there. The most important things is: Thank you for the nice wishes, I love you, we don't know each other, but you chose to reach out to me and that means a lot! 💜 Have a lovely day and I gladly accept the hugs! 🫂
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
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Hello and Welcome to my blog❤︎
In case you skipped my bio then here is all you will need to know about this blog along with requesting and other fun exciting things I have planned for your entertainment *:・゚✧
but if you don’t like my writing then that’s ok just please don’t write “ Go kill urself” or any crude insults on my page or directed toward anyone you will be blocked please thank you
I am 15 a minor so there won’t be any smut here if that if what you’re looking for :(
I love to draw and write sometimes in my spare time
I am not the most best at keeping track of time so sorry if I am late on a request or don’t post for a while
I will include some drawings of mine on here if anyone is interested and if so I would love to also take drawing requests when I open them ◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠
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So for request on this blog I would appreciate if you would do it similar to this example please 🙏
“ Hey love your work!!! I was wondering if you could do (Character name) with ( scenario ) and make it ( Fluff/Angst/Yandere)( Or two of the options your decision).”
“ Hey love your work I was wondering if you could do a (Scenario) ( Angst/Fluff/Yandere) with ( Character name ) please!”
I am sometimes not the brightest tool in the shed so your thank you if you’re reading this and do this💖
If you want to be anonymous and don’t do it anonymously don’t worry I got you just tell me!
Rebloging and Commenting are very greatly appreciated!
Do’s for request
Twisted wonderland (Mainly do)
Obey me( Mainly do)
Demon Slayer(maybe I’m not that far in the fandom yet)
I will always put trigger warnings on Yandere + Angst for any sensitive viewers out there
Only gender neutral reader because I want my content to be for everyone and for everyone to be happy so no gendered readers please
I write a bit slow so if it takes a month or so with a request I apologize
I will except request in messaging or my inbox your choice
Never for requests
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I won’t right smut because I am not of age and please don’t request it
For any angst or yandere themes I am very lenient on these but if I feel uncomfortable writing them then I will message you and ask for maybe another request ( if you are rude because I won’t do a request know that you will be blocked )
Female or Male reader will not be a thing on here so please don’t try I want this blog to be for every and anyone to enjoy not just one side of the internet please ( I will send a reminder about this if it happens and for fill the request but make it gender neutral if I like it a lot)
I will not tolerate any hateful comments
Once again if you don’t like my blog or what I write then please don’t read it and go read something you do like
I won’t ever do Adult x underage characters so any request for staff will be aged up!
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If you have read all the way here then thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to do this ಥvಥ way to go champ!
Hope you have a great day or that your day gets better
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a ༺♥︎༻
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ttrpgsmoved · 8 months
sending a bunch to make sure at least some aren't answered 😅 you don't have to do all of them ofc!!
oh god those are a lot uh. Sorry D:
oc emoji ask game!
(i'm skipping the one i have asked. though there are a lot that i haven't kjfhks. also NEVER be sorry . in fact thank you so much for these asks <3)
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
for sure fight. whether it be with words (usually the case) or with magic.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
he eat literally everything. he loves food. not that great of a pallet tho since everything goes. fun fact about him. he loves to eat a lemon like it's an orange. one day shadowheart caught him eating one like that and she hasn't let it go since. no one has really
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
they like nature sure! but only in small doses lmao. there is such a thing as Too Much Outdoors. it loves to sunbathe tho... since it doesn't rly feel the heat on his skin... so he loves to just bask in it... like a cat...
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
he can swim but not very well. never lived that close to (clean) water. the docks in athkatla were absolutely nasty and he never dared to swim there. he usually just swims a bit to cool off. doesn't like the idea of swimming in the ocean. too big.. to unknown.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
HE. LOVES. IT. he loves gaining more knowledge. he loves to get lost in all the worlds and information available to him. it loves to learn about worlds far beyond its reach yet still available at his fingertips.
his fave fiction books are mystery novels. while he also loves to read encyclopedias about the flora and fauna of other worlds/ecosystems.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
not much of a planner, no. it has a VAGUE idea of what to do, but he mostly just wings it. he is also very impulsive. gale kinda balances him out in this aspect (he is impulsive yea, but in a different aspect. i gale very much plans his every move and every word)
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
he doesn't care if he is remembered or not. he just wants to live a good life. these things are not important to him
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
OH YES. he's a bard. he plays the flute and the hand drum :) he entertains the camp a lot
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
not at all 😭 his handwriting is also awful... it's readable... kinda.. so you can imagine his artistic skills
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
not at all! it enjoys the rain, and standing in it too. lightning + book + gale = perfect night for him lmao
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
whenever he looks at the stars he just thinks of lae'zel honestly. she was its closest friend... and she went back to the gith and misses her so dearly... sometimes him and gale watch the stars together and make up stories about what she's doing. he still hopes to see her one day
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
physical touch honestly. hug! that! dude!
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
showy. HE LOVES PDA. but also respectful if his partner doesn't :)
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musette22 · 1 year
I wanted to share something with you to check what you think.
I haven’t realized Bucky did this that much and I don’t think it is a sebastianism either. He does seem to be hiding that hand a lot in yesterday’s pictures. What do you think?
Also, I wanted to say thanks for your blog. You are a very nice person and I really like how to handle this blog and the way you speak to everyone. Thanks a lot!
Hi honey! First of all, thank you for your message and for being so incredibly sweet! I'm so happy to hear you like my blog, that means a whole lot 💖💖 Thank you so much for telling me 😘
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As for Sebastian & Bucky: oohh I don't know that I was aware that Bucky has his hand in his pocket a lot? Does he? I do (unfortunately) recall those scenes in EG where he's wearing a bomber jacket and has both his hands in the pockets, but from what I gathered, that was because they couldn't be bothered to put the metal arm/hand on him for that scene so they just made him hide his hands instead. And maybe he does it in TFATWS too, but I haven't seen that, so I don't know. Unless I'm forgetting something, which is also definitely possible lol! (and I know he does it in fics a lot, though, to go unnoticed in the street and not draw attention with the metal arm).
And I think what the person who made the tweet meant was that with one hand hidden, it makes it easier to imagine that hand is made of metal and this is Bucky instead of Seb! That's my guess anyway, I don't think him having his hand in his pocket was anything other than him striking a pose on the red carpet to be honest! Most guys put one or both hands in their pockets or on their cufflinks or something like that on the red carpet, just for something to do with their hands, and so they don't look gangly and awkward! And Sebastian is a pro at posing by now 😉 So I personally don't think the two are connected.
Hope you're having a great day/night, lovely! Sending lots of love ❤️ 
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