#seto kaiba reader insert
chimerickat · 5 months
Seto was playing with the children earlier, and now his tie is askew. You follow him as he heads toward the stage and grab his arm. "Let me fix your tie." You pull him off to the side.
The tie hangs loose and part of it has gotten stuck in his jacket. You reach for the knot with one hand and hold the tongue with your other. It only takes a moment to readjust and tighten it. Then you tuck it in properly.
He places his hands over yours, holding them to his chest. When you look up, the expression on his face is serious, hungry.
He would kiss you if you weren't in a crowded room. You can see the desire in his eyes. You drop your eyes down to his chest. It's hard to look directly at him when his gaze is so intense.
"Maybe next year we can spend New Year's Eve alone?" you suggest.
"It would be preferable to this."
You flatten your palms against his chest as releases your hands. Under the guise of pretending to straighten his shirt, you let your hands run over his broad chest, feeling his muscles through his shirt.
You look back up. His desire is still plain to see. It makes your heart beat faster knowing he wants to grab you and kiss you.
His hand cups your cheek. "I want you to be the first thing I see in the new year."
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goldenmetstli · 5 months
What would Seto Kaiba be like if he were in love?
NOTES: I wrote this with a Reader Insert in mind, but to be honest you can also read it just as a general headcanon! Reader Insert is gender neutral.
I tried my best to write him as close to canon as I could because I think it's pretty interesting to explore how a man like Seto Kaiba feels romantic love (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡
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★ He doesn't register his feelings and would never cross his mind that he likes someone. He is a little obsessed with them, that's all. And even then, he sees it as "being focused"
★ He doesn't know how to have healthy and normal relationships, not only romantic ones but friendships too.
★ He would never fall in love at first sight, it takes a loooooong time for him to even trust a person enough to consider them worthy of their time. He is the kind of person who sees everyone as a means to an end.
★ Seto has an obsessive, competitive, and antisocial personality, so in his mind, he associates liking someone with wanting to prove that he is better than them.
★ Every time Seto sees you he feels a mixture of excitement and smugness. He knows he would say the perfect thing that might disarm you and make you feel like an idiot but is always a little bit delightful if you have a comeback.
★ As his feelings grow, he notices that he NEEDS to see you. The fun thing about Seto is that he always has the perfect excuse to convince himself that there's a bigger reason why he randomly appears at a place that you frequent or why he knows a lot about you.
★ I don't consider him yandere because he doesn't have bad intentions, he is just navigating his emotions in his own way (he leans more into the tsundere territory). But as I said: he does get a little obsessed with you.
★ Would he ever acknowledge his infatuation? Well, after many situations and even comments from Mokuba pointing out his odd behavior (and that is saying a lot), in a moment of solitude where is just him and his thoughts, he might question for a moment if what he is feeling is attraction.
★ He then would laugh at how ridiculous that sounds and that would be the end of it lol It needs to pass more time for Seto to actually confront himself with his feelings.
★ Seto has been single his whole life, and even if his emotions have always been pretty intense (when he is angry he gets furious, when he is frustrated he gets desperate, etc) he doesn't register feeling romantic love for anyone, so this is new territory.
★ This man goes through all 5 stages of grief just by accepting his feelings for you and desperately tries to find a logical reason as to why he feels this way. Is uncomfortable, and awkward, and at times he gets angry at you.
★ It depends on the situation, on who you are, and what is happening around him to say if he would ever make a move.
★ But if he doesn't then he can live without you, he deals great with loneliness but that doesn't mean Seto would stop trying to see you on any occasion. He would just get better at controlling his feelings.
★ But what if his feelings grow to be LOVE? Then we are in trouble.
★ Another 5 stages of grief lmao poor guy HATES not being in control, and emotions are confusing, weird, and annoying. Why does he, of all people, have to deal with this? He hates you. But also don't. He hates your face, but he likes to see it, he despises your voice but he gets weird tingles when you talk to him. He admires your resilience but also wants to throw you from a cliff.
★ It depends if you are another duelist, an employee, or a normal person with a profession as to how he would act but I can see him being more aggressive towards you.
★ If you two are DUELISTS then he would get even more competitive and intense during your duels.
★ If you are an EMPLOYEE, Seto will raise your position to one where he needs to supervise you and create a lot of challenges for you to overcome (is his way to revenge for what you are making him feel).
★ If you are a NORMAL PERSON with a profession, he would make excuses to make your company work for him and feel near you. This is his way of making him feel like he is in control of his emotions and the situation...
★ Well! That's all for now! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 This is getting really long, so I might write in the future a second part as to how Seto would act as a boyfriend
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renoed · 1 year
overworked | s. kaiba
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❥ — PAIRING seto kaiba x gn! reader
❥ — SUMMARY seto can be a bit of (a lot of) a dick sometimes, but he more than makes up for it with his moments of tenderness
# CW unsure if it needs a warning but there's mentions of Seto going prolonged periods of time without eating
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Seto works hard, there's no doubt about it. Before you started dating, Mokuba had given you countless warnings that his brother would be working more often than not: he'd cancel plans, get in sour moods, lock himself away in his office and be generally difficult. Seto Kaiba was the antonym of normal.
Today was one of those days - you were sprawled across a sofa in Seto's unnecessarily large office, scrolling through your phone to the sound of your boyfriend typing away on his keyboard, occasionally pausing to let out an exasperated sigh or pinch the bridge of his nose.
As the clock creeps closer to sunset, your stomach lets out a small growl, letting you know that it was time to get some food. If you didn't, Seto wouldn't eat until tomorrow, he had a nasty habit of working until the early hours and then going straight to sleep once he arrived home, having not eaten anything since you had forced given him something.
Shuffling into an upright position, you stretch your arms before getting up, "I'm gonna get some food, anything you want?"
The brunet just lets out some sort of mix between a huff and a hum of acknowledgement. He'd learnt that grumbling 'I'm not hungry' isn't an acceptable response if he hasn't eaten since he woke up at the ass-crack of dawn and made a measly bowl of porridge. You didn't understand how he could function most days. Maybe the conspiracy that he was a robot CEO wasn't too far-fetched.
Assembling your bag, coat and phone, you say a quick goodbye and leave the Kaiba Corp office. Almost all of the employees had already left, save for a few that regularly worked until dark (although they couldn't hold a candle to the big boss). You had become quite friendly with most of the employees you saw often, enjoying their normality while Seto holed himself away in his office.
You decide to walk to a nearby takeaway, texting to ask if he wanted anything specific. He wouldn't respond, his phone was always on silent, with the exception of notifications from you and Mokuba, and when he was working you were also muted.
The trip was quick, getting there and back within half an hour, although in that time the sun had dropped considerably lower in the sky and the building seemed to be almost empty on your return.
"I got food," you enter the office unannounced, quickly putting your bags down to take off your shoes before walking over to the sofa and beginning to lay things out of the glass coffee table, "can you take a break and eat with me?"
"No," comes his mumbled reply, gaze not even meeting yours for a moment before the tip-tapping of his keyboard is the only sound in the room again.
You recognise his furrowed brows and ever-so-slight frown as an expression that means something has happened or someone's fucked up.
"What's wrong?"
He doesn't reply, doesn't spare you a glance, so you get up once again and shuffle over to his desk, peering over his shoulder at his screen. Normally you don't concern yourself with his work - he likes to keep it separate from your relationship and you feel no need to be constantly updated on what's happening - but sometimes you like to be kept in the loop with what's stressing your boyfriend out.
On his screen there's about 20 tabs, the current one open being an email. The email's from Mokuba, his title in bold at the bottom. You quickly skim through it, seeing something about a deal 'falling through', someone 'refusing to go lower' and a frowny face tagged on the end.
You aren't completely sure what it means, but for Mokuba to have emailed instead of leaving an obnoxious text with countless emojis (used to get under his older brothers skin for lack of professionalism) you can tell it's serious.
"Why don't you take a break and eat? You can't be getting anywhere just glaring at your emails," you propose, placing a hand on his shoulder. He feels tense and stiff from sitting at a desk for the majority of the day, a chiropractor would probably have a field day if they ever saw him.
"Are you done being noisy?" he retorted, taking the moment of distraction to close his eyes for a minute.
This time it's you that doesn't offer a response, padding back to the sofa and beginning to eat in silence. The atmosphere is thick and you can't help but feel slightly awkward.
When you finish eating you check the time on your phone, frowning at how quickly the sun had been replaced with the moon. The slight clatter from you setting your dish onto the coffee table causes Seto to meet your gaze,
"Please leave, you're distracting me."
You collect your things and go home without another word, Seto still hunched over his desk, feeling slightly soured by the whole interaction. You knew that he could get short when he was stressed. You knew that he didn't mean to be a grouch.
Once you're home you drop your bags next to the door with your shoes, hanging up your coat and mumbling a string of complaints to yourself. It's best to just go to bed, you decide.
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Seto feels a nagging guilt in his chest the moment you leave, but he shakes his head and continues his work, writing a swift response to Mokuba's email about potential next steps.
Thirty minutes pass and he's spent the entire time staring at the clock in the corner of his screen. Would it be obvious that he missed your company if he left the office to go home now?
He shuts his eyes and lets his head tip back, feeling the strain in his neck as he does so. He should've just eaten with you, he mentally chastises himself, you weren't even bothering him. Another five minutes pass before he opens his eyes again and decides that he's getting nothing done now so he might as well go home. To you.
The house is silent when he arrives, only one lamp is on in the hall to signify 'I'm in bed but I knew you'd be getting home so I left a light on'. He notices the plastic bag of food and picks it up, peering inside to see what you had bought. The pair of you had eaten at that takeout before, so he's not surprised to see you had mostly gotten his favourite things.
He would eat it with you for lunch tomorrow, even if he didn't have the space - he could make the time.
Trying to keep quiet, he cringes at the constant rustling of the bag as he practically tip-toes to the kitchen, very softly opening the fridge to place the food inside.
Mission successful.
When he opens the bedroom door, bringing a slither of light into the room, you keep your eyes closed. You don't want to upset him so you stay still as if you're asleep, even though you hadn't settled down that long ago. You aren't exactly in the mood to talk after being shooed away so promptly.
He shuffles around in the room for a few minutes before gently pulling the door shut and padding over to the other side of the bed, silently climbing in.
"Goodnight. I love you."
His voice is a whisper, low and smooth, as he shifts the covers slightly to get comfortable. The room is still and with Seto now beside you, you begin to feel yourself drifting to sleep.
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When you wake up, it's with the feeling of an arm around your torso. You try to turn in your boyfriends' arms but he tightens his grip, letting out something between a whine and a groan, "don't move please."
"'morning," you mumble, keeping your eyes closed and following his wish, "what have you done with my boyfriend?"
Seto scoffs, pulling you into his chest so that he can rest his face in the crook of your neck. He presses a kiss to your skin, humming against it when you wriggle an arm out of his grasp to run a hand through his hair.
A few minutes pass with you wrapped in his arms until he decides to pull away. You expect him to get up and start changing into his work attire, but instead he tugs on your arm to turn you over and kiss you. You're barely awake and haven't even opened your eyes as his lips meet yours, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. He pulls away and mutters an almost-incoherent, 'I love you' and then kisses you again. And he kisses you again. And again.
You break away with a grin, cracking your eyes open to look at him: brown hair sticks up defiantly and his gaze is as soft and sweet as honey.
"I'm sorry for my attitude yesterday," his voice isn't as gentle this time, a firm sincerity held in his words, "I shouldn't have snapped."
"Thank you," you kiss him, "I love you too".
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# A/N this was so much longer than I expected oh my- talk about a comeback, right?
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seshen · 2 months
a little something from the fic i'm writing:
You could feel him watching you as you walked along the bookshelves. A book caught your eye, you pulled it out. “What’s this one?” You asked as you looked at the cover. Your jaw dropped open as you saw it. The cover was like an old romance book but it was a woman embracing a dragon. 
You heard footsteps coming up behind you hurriedly and you turned, Seto was there snatching the book out of your hand. You had never seen him look so embarrassed before. You grinned at him playfully.
“Is that one you have yet to read?” You saying teasingly. 
His face grew a shade you had never seen on him before. He looked away from you trying not to make eye contact. “It was a joke gift from Mokuba.”
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roseprincesskristina · 3 months
Blue Eyes White Serpent ((Naga!Kaiba X Reader))
((Heyo, peeps and peepettes! Princess Tina here to present y'all a very special fanfic I may have wrote something short or not ((😅)), but still a great treat for all the Kaiba fangirls out there. 😊 So, I had an idea in my head for a late Year Of The Dragon event where the multibillionaire genius CEO becomes a tyrannical half hybrid draconic naga known as the Blue Eyes White Serpent, the most powerful specimen as well as deadliest predator in the forest. Now then, hope ya enjoy the story 😄))
Upon this tranquil paradisic environment of a polluted free scenery that is the emerald wilderness underneath the purified orb of morning light like a sunshine pouring its gentle glistening brightness onto the cleansing meadows teeming with harmless naturistic creatures both enormous as well as miniature combined in once, you, a beautiful ordinary young woman who lived alone into the residential abode protectively surrounded by fences other than only several lonesome vegetative trees, are lounging quietly onto the comfort sofa within a decent living room with your legs firmly crossed instead of spreading them wide for an unreasonable purpose whatsoever.
Quietly reading a regular novel in both palms using an exception about holding it with one hand, there's nothing more serene or pleasant than to just simply indulge some quality time studying at ease, sipping silently on a warm cup of peppermint leaf herbal tea to your unblemished lips while feasting your ears to the soothing volume of outdoor music played by the radio as a medium-sized stereo box delivers its harmless waves across the indoor area.
Whistling out a relaxing sigh forming as a songful hum that escapes from your non bacterial lungs during an average activity in the comfort of your own domain, carefully flicking parts about your hygienic hair/bangs aside preventing it to barricade your view on the favorable fable.
Lingering within the mildest cesspool of absolute serenity siding by Mother Nature's courteous palms cherishing both her vegetative homeland and visiting humans conjoined together inside a similar society on this earthly atmosphere instead of one singular race by lonesome, is truly a compassionate utopia to utterly dream of or live into eternal prosperity.
Lacking any form of aching anxieties about further dangers, cash loving poachers, even furious endangered species intending to shoot a ruin on such a perfectly well balanced wonderland of the wildlife just for ruthless ambitions as well as sinful amusements to their cruel liking.
Speaking of something or someone whose completely dangerous as well as cruelly powerful to the core than all three meaningless non threats alongside weak willed vicious animals in the environmental fields, an ultimately superior half draconic serpent headed with efficient hazel colored short hair, deadly sapphire crystalized eyes, a flawless muscular torso that is unscathed from measly predators, then an arrogant demeanor which incredibly possess unlimited arctic daggers yearning to impale any spinless fool who would dare stood in his way impatiently when it comes to apprehending his fresh prey.
His name is Seto Kaiba, predatoric tyrant from the unknown depths of Kaiba Kingdom, secondly known toward every other imperfect underlings of both kinds as the Blue Eyes White Serpent. All have heard, been gullibly frightened of, more so, would become thousands times more foolish enough to oppose or encounter him with countless countless means necessary, of course if they are fully prepared to face their optionless demise by the cerulean serpentine's supremely devastating attack so vilely indestructible called White Lightning Burst, a terrorizing element for which he unleashes the blazing energetic aura carrying an issueless control once accumulated an abundance of power and then, fires the atomic winter lighted beam from his mouth to instantly dismantle imperfect foes as well as human garbage from his sight.
He demands no wretched equal, disgusting friendship or measly tag alongs. Most importantly of all, nothing in this circle shaped ball decorated of sea as well as ground will ever measure upward to the glorified predatory emperor of power. For every single goal shall always descend into his claws, never forgetting about taking anything he desires by force.
Sauntering aimlessly throughout the lively pillaring pine woods holding an empty bucket in your hand by a handle to fetch some clear H2O, you unhastingly began to feel the mellifluous gale generously caressing on your fairly smooth skin alongside your gorgeous locks as you allow it to do so.
Accompanied with innocent hearted quadruple feathered birds greeting in a sweet loveable chirp to you until one of them glided over to your shoulder, petting it with a finger onto the head writing a warm smile in your expression.
Finally arriving toward the majestic lake after an "exhaustingly" long stroll around the green maze, possessing no signs of complaints, you advanced closer to the elegantly crisp liquid with a pale in two hands being prepped for liquid hunting, bending down cautiously to scoop up a small pint of water from the gigantic puddle heretofore returning to the house.
Suddenly, out of the blue, there was a menacing hiss that emits somewhere into the territorial grounds following with several soundings of rustling bushes caused by an anonymous reptile, however, it wasn't an original snake or a large andocanda. Instead, it is yet a much colossal encounter for some people like you to watch out for, or act literally concerning about warnful encounters.
Becoming extremely cautious of your unprotective surroundings, wielding a water filled bucket toward your chest, the sibilated sound has started to increase thus closely, poking out its deadly iced peepers throughout the bushes straightly at you to observe your species. This time, an unknown noise have chosen a better victim, one who poses as a helpless little damsel foolishly lost her way inside the center of a jungle.
"Hmm.... What do we have here.....? A defenceless little bitch with no proper sense of direction whatsoever? How utterly curious...." The darkly voice mutter inaudibly, spying on you without notice as it soaks its lips by the long tongue slowly rotating.
Lastly, without any additional volunteers present, including other differential females to appear as well as come up here to bravely obtain the rap, that defenseless young damsel....is you. Having no plentiful time to ponder about retaliation nor attempting to seek for a safe spot to hide, you decided to run away from the unstoppable threat immediately deserting behind a bucket of cool water afar of the bayou earlier without looking back.
"Heh.... That's right, you impudent little bird.... Fly away to your nest.... As far as you hardly can... For it'll only be a matter of time until I apprehend my sweet meal without breaking a pathetic sweat...."
Unexpectedly behind, an inescapable pursuer exceeds the average speed of pathetically slow beasts such as cheetahs, foxes, the other types also by his ginormous wings atop of his back. Making this useless game of cat and mouse as effortless as solving a diamond theft case to his part. You started to flee even faster to your hardest than ever before, especially when your own well being is at stake or in peril. Unfortunately, it was already too late for you to reach toward your household as your chaser's tail unnoticeably grabbed you from nowhere.
A shocking gasp flows right out of your mouth due to an easy apprehension, your body has been sealed by a beastly grasp of a coil as you inaugurately tried to struggle yourself free out of this predicament. Afterwards, a devious chuckle is now magnifyingly heard towards you, belonging to none other than the legendary tyrannical dragon naga himself.
"Well well.... Look what I have caught in my tail.... A naughty little treassser who ignorantly filched something that doesn't belong to her... Just my luck..." Spoke the cockingly handsome brunette, slowly revealing his extraordinary self with a carving smirk on his boned face while restraining your every move to scram safely.
Gulping in infinite silence with a side of an undoubtable petrified look into your eyes as you first witnessed your merciless captor in the flesh, Kaiba can actually sense your unfleeing fear too clearly. Slithering toward your helplessness then extending his hand to cup your soft cheeks, he coyly tsks.
"Foolish little tramp... Haven't your idiot parents ever told you not to steal someone's important possessions without consent? For example, my luxurious bathing pond?"
Now that you really thought about it, since the early day where you went onward at a pond to grab some water before this incident had occurred, you have infiltrated his most restricted but also secretly rare kingdom, it all come back to your senses.
Your pupils redirected from the ground to his, bowing your head an apologetic matter for infiltrating his formal property. Although that the all mighty remorseless half snake such as him would always turn down as well as refuse to accept anyone's blabbering apologies for wasting his flawless time, which he never does, he had some occasional ideas on what to do with you instead.
"Fine then. I'll accept your little apology for now. But on one condition..."
Your head once again starts to nod as you would listen to him very closely, doing your best to not get on his nerves, waste his competent time, or piss him off quickly.
"Until you will learn to stay out of my domain and to know your place like an obedient little pheasant, you'll become my personal slave for the rest of your worthless life. Otherwise, your precious little body belongs to me only. Nobody else can have you nor will you go back to your ridiculous home. You obey only to me. Understand?"
Thirdly, you had no choice but to offer him a covenant nod of your head complying to his utter whim without resistance. His smirk grew slightly wider at your response.
"Good. At least you learn your lesson by now, little bird. Never invade my personal territory again or I will have the pleasure of devouring your slutty body whole myself. So you had better remember that and do as I command. That's your first order from now on." He demanded coolly, having you to reply at his command simultaneously.
"Mmm... That's better. You're beginning to behave yourself like a good little tweetling for once. Despite your puny resistance against my maximum superiority or foolishly attempting to escape my reach, you would do well to satisfy my needs. Whether you will like it or not...." Grinned Kaiba, still holding your damageless face in one hand yanking it closer to his.
"As of right now, you will address me as "superior master". Meaning that I alone will dominate everything in my path by force. That includes you too, birdie~ Just so long as you don't disappoint me any further like the repulsive lot~, that is...."
Casting aside a now forgetful misunderstanding accident to the breeze, Kaiba initiated his seductive personality into complete secrecy just for you, reaching his face over to yours before impaling your lips deeply with his. Traditionally, presenting a slightly painful nibble unto your soft thin neck first. A whimpering moan hurls afar of your lovely maw as he then bit into it. Symbolizing you as his personal irreplaceable slave for eternity.
Lastly, the moment of truth now arises from its slumber as the draconical genius directs his attention from the bitten neckcollar, aiming it toward as well as laying dual clawed hands on your heavenly puff cheeks to gladly consider your apology with acceptance of a kiss.
"And as for your apology, I will declare this....acceptable. In other words, you'll forevermore belong to me, my troublesome little bird~...."
His cold thin line lips has been granted an honor to jammed them into your sweet warm ones so deeply and with enough white energy inside his hybrid anatomy, extra hungrily to only absorb an ever living breath thoroughly from your lungs. You respond this harden osculation properly despite yourself becoming unable to be released from the coiled up position.
Endlessly making out along with the ocean eyed naga holding your body close into his smexy arms in an embracive cuddle, sharing each other's tongues, this too, will surely be of your magical once and a life time fantasy you'll never wish to forget or ignore at all. Rearranging from a decently singular girl, to accepting of being Seto Kaiba's cute little love slave forever, disregarding about you not asking for this.
All has becoming fascinatingly perfect for the both of you. Regardless of the polar opposites in the world, Mother Nature, not to mention a treasured relationship between Kaiba as well as you, has hardly ever been this gracefully harmonious.
"You're all mine now, my helpless little slave~...."
The End
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Stuck in Another Dimension (Part 1)
Word Count: 1,413 words Post Duel Monsters anime. This takes place a few years after the end of the show. Dub continuity plus a version of DSoD. Female reader. Summary: The reader and Kaiba have been accidentally tossed into another dimension. After a series of adventures, they’ve landed in the possession of this dimension’s version of a man Kaiba was hoping to never see again. *** This version of Gozaburo wore a snow white suit. He seemed more at ease than the ones you had met in the past, but even a child could read the predatory gleam in his eyes. “So you two are accidental travelers from another dimension, hmm? It sounds like you might be of some use to me, Seto.”
“I’ll never help you.”
“Do I allow you to talk to me this way back in your home dimension?”
“You don’t allow anything, old man. Where I come from, you’re gone.”
“Gone? I’m surprised you can function without a strong hand to guide you, Seto.”
It had been a very long day, and your frustration overcame Kaiba’s instructions to leave the talking to him, “Kaiba’s stronger than you ever were—he outmaneuvered you back when he was just a teenager! All you managed to do was mess up a good kid and then off yourself when he bested you and took over Kaiba Corp.” You avoided looking over at Kaiba as you took a deep breath, “So quit acting so superior and deal with him as your equal.”
“Seto, are you in the habit of permitting your woman to interrupt important negotiations?”
You bristled at the phrase “your woman,” but already regretted your outburst enough to keep quiet and avoid a second one.
“Which is one of the reasons” Kaiba continued coldly, “I requested you leave her with the petty criminals in Satellite until the conclusion of our business.”
“And here I thought you were nobly trying to protect your lover.”
“I’ve never been a fool who wasted my time with romance. She’s my assistant.”
“Then you no longer have any use for her. My Seto will be able to provide you with any assistance you may require.”
“I told you, I won’t—”
“Roland?” Gozaburo interrupted, “Take the young woman out to the courtyard and have her shot.”
“Now now, Seto, giving yourself away when faced with an obvious ploy like this? You do have an emotional investment in the girl.” Gozaburo turned to you, “What are you to him? Be honest.”
“We’re friends.”
“Lovers always say they’re friends.”
You glared. “Yes, well, if you know Kaiba at all then I think you know we’re not. But thanks to you, what should have been a simple friendship took years to acknowledge.”
“Nevertheless, tell me about your relationship without trite words like ‘friends.’”
“I’m…He trusts me.”
“Go on.”
“Uh. We’ve been through a lot. We’ve worked well together. And we’ve…”
“At this point Kaiba’s realized I may be the only person who will neither fall in love with him nor leave him behind. Frankly, it’s a quality I appreciate in him as well.”
“Anything else?”
You hated this, “He gives me freedom, and I give him…whatever the heck it is that makes people like being friends with me.” You shrugged.
“You’re friends?” Gozaburo asked.
You glared and nodded. 
“Now that is interesting; friendship is a relationship of equals—souls standing shoulder-to-shoulder and facing life together. It’s a powerful force.” Kaiba looked surprised to hear Gozaburo talking like this. “That being said, I don’t tolerate anyone acting above their station. And however Seto may view you, you’re not at my level, and I do not allow underlings emotional outbursts during business dealings.” 
“Don’t worry. Pawns are useful, and I’m not in the habit of destroying what I can use.” Gozaburo looked past you. “Roland, fit them with a pair of collars.”
“Very good sir. And shall I have them sent Underground?”
You could hear a man walking up behind you as Gozaburo said, “ Not yet.” You flinched as the man pulled aside your hair and clamped a metal band around your neck. Raising your manacled hands, you tugged at the item experimentally. Immediately, a shock of pain coursed through you. A moment later, when the pain ended, you were panting on your knees, glad to have stopped screaming, disoriented, afraid.
Kaiba was still on his feet, barely. “Whatever you did, don’t do it again.”
“Right.” You mentally kicked yourself for tugging on the stupid thing, of course it would be designed to prevent removal. And although your memory of the moment was hazy, you were pretty sure your actions had triggered Kaiba’s collar as well.
“Is there anything I can invent you won’t steal and misuse?” asked Kaiba as you shakily stood.
“How perceptive, Seto. These shock collars are an invention of your counterpart.”
“So you’ve got access to a contactless neural interface. What do you need us for again?” You suspected you wouldn’t like the answer.
Gozaburo appeared to see you in a new light, “You could recognize the technology after only one use?”
You kept quiet.
“I asked you a question!”
“Yeah, of course. It’s the primitive version of the neural interface we use in our Adventure System.”
“Which is?”
You wanted to be out of the spotlight, “An escape game system which combines Solid Vision with a neural interface to create an immersive experience for the player. Obviously our technology is much more advanced than yours, but I remember the earlier prototype stages well enough to recognize the sensation.”
“I’ve always assumed Seto’s obsession with games developed as a coping mechanism to deal with his separation from Mokuba. But perhaps you’re simply fated to waste your potential on frivolity.”
“Mokuba?” You could hear the change in Kaiba’s voice.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll be spending a great deal of time with your brother’s counterpart.” Gozaburo walked back to his desk and pushed a button on his intercom, “Seto, come to my study.”
You raised your manacled hands.
Gozaburo smiled, “Ask your question.”
“What exactly are you planning to do with us?”
“She’s rather direct, Seto. But then, you’ve never had much subtlety either.” Gozaburo turned back to you, “Seto will be sent underground, where he will work in a labor facility until I send for him.” 
“I’m not working for you,” Kaiba interjected.
“Oh, Seto, I think breaking your spirit will be much more fun this time around.” Gozaburo smiled and placed his hand over his wristwatch.
Your eyes widened in realization, and then you were yelling in pain, dropping to one knee, yanking desperately at your collar in a mindless effort to remove it. When it was over, you could see Kaiba in a similar pose. For a moment, it was all you could do to fight off a wave of dizziness, “What about me?”
“My Seto has his birthday in a few days. You will be my gift to him. A reward well earned.”
“Oh?” You weren’t in the right frame of mind to respond intelligently.
“He’s never had a slave of his own before. I wonder how he’ll put you to use?”
“Wait,” Your mind finally cleared, “you’re splitting us up?”
“Indeed, although with these collars your lives will continue to affect one another. I find it rather poetic.”
“I hate you.”
“No doubt you do. But if you want to say your goodbyes, you should reorder your priorities.”
Kaiba sneered, “If you think you can hold either of us for long, you’re delusional.”
“You have spirit, Seto. But how long can it last?”
“Kaiba…” You weren’t sure what to say. 
“Same rules as always?” he asked.
“Yeah. Of course. Do what needs to be done. But…if we could limit your rebellion to the bare minimum, that would be good.” You forced a small smile, “The pain settings on these collars are really high.”
“You can take it.”
“Yeah, but I’d prefer not to.”
“You're rather different than I expected,” observed Gozaburo.
“Shut up, old man.” Kaiba turned back to you, and his eyes softened a smidge, “I forgot; this is your greatest—”
“Don’t,” you tilted your head towards Gozaburo.
Large men grabbed Kaiba and pulled him to his feet. “If my duplicate gives you any trouble, don’t hesitate to make him suffer.”
“You’ll pay for this, Gozaburo!” Kaiba shouted his last words before the men dragged him out of the room.
“Now,” Gozaburo loomed over you, “I believe we still have the small matter of your outburst to settle.”
“You’ve made your point abundantly clear, there’s no need to make it again.” You tried not to sound panicked.
“Without consistency, rules are useless.”
You tried to keep from crying out when the pain came, but couldn’t. You could hear Gozaburo chuckling over your anguish, and then your vision blurred, narrowed, and faded to darkness as you passed out. Part 2
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vivinightingale · 3 years
Okay, so u've done a single Mom x Fatgum... But Imagine a single Mom x Seto Kaiba. He sees her during a tournament, thinking how beautiful she is (in his own tsundere way lol) and decides to get to know her more. He ends up falling for the Mom, and expecting him to run, the Mom introduces him to her daughter (who's a little shy at first, but warms up to him). The more time that passes, the deeper he falls in love with the Mom and begins treating the little one like he would his own daughter (namely spoiling her rotten) Mokuba loves the idea of being an Uncle and even helps watch over her whenever Seto and the Mom are both busy (often times the little one falls asleep in Seto's lap)
Ooooh BET!
Seto Kiba x Single Mom!Reader
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Who knew going to a duel could change your life for the better?
Perusal there was an announcement when THE Seto Kiba was gonna duel or participate in tournament. Everyone in Domino city wanted to watch the matches, you included. So when you heard he was dueling you decided to attend since you didn't have to pick up your daughter till sometime later.
Luckily you got there early enough to snag a front row seat in the middle, so you could see the monsters and players so clearly. When the rest of the stadium filled up was when the match started.
The duel was between Seto Himself, and the Duel monster champion Yugi. It wasn't a title match, but you knew it was gonna be fun anyway. Little did you know the youngest CEO had his eyes on since he walked on to the field.
It was a close match between these legendary duelists, but in the end Yugi won the match. Seto seemed to be distracted by something in the crowd, but you couldn't quiet pin what it was till stopped by a staff member. They asked you to stay behind because Seto wanted to talk with you.
What did he want with you?? You weren't a duelist, just an ordinary mother?? Still you waited till the man himself, and all his bodyguard were approaching you. You grew nervous as he stood in front of you, but that was slowly fading when you got a better look at him.
His face was slightly red, body language nervouse, and all the while he tried to act like this was another business meeting. "I would like to discuss some...propositions to discuss with you."
You knew what he was getting at, so you giggled agreed leaving behind your number for him.
Well that was months ago, now your currently in you living room getting your little girl ready to meet him. You never introduced the two, but never hid her existence either. You tend to wait till you've dated the guy awhile to determine if he is safe to bring around her.
You determined long ago that he was safe to bring around her, it was just fear for awhile. Fear that when the realization sets in that you DO in fact have a kid he would leave. You knew he wouldn't be like that considering he was always asking about her, but the fear still remained.
Even now as you untangle the last of her hair putting it into cute pigtails that fear remained. "Momma?" Rin whispered up to you successfully knocking you out of your head. "Yes my love?"
She stood up from her chair, her kuriboh plush in her tiny arms "is Mr.Kaiba nice?? He always seems angry on TV..." You gave her a reassuring smile as you held your hand for her to take "oh he is very nice! He treats momma so well." Rin gave you simple nod grabbing your hand still slightly nervous at meeting the "nice" stranger.
Seto had picked out a family friendly restaurant for the three of you. Thought in his own way he was excited to meet the little girl there was still a nervousness nawing at the back of his mind. He was never good with children despite having to raise his younger brother, so he was trying everything in the book to make sure she is comfortable.
When the two of arrived at the restaurant he was in awestruck. Not only did you look great, but your little girl looked exactly like you. You two were the perfect little family, and he never wanted to be apart of a family more then right now.
When the two of you got close you gave him the bright smile he adores as you introduce the two "Rin this is Seto Kaiba...Seto this is my daughter Rin." The two seemed to have a sort of stare off , before Rin shyed away behind your legs.
Seto stiffen slightly before clearing his throat. He kneeled down so that he looked less intimidating, and gave her a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you rin...your...mother has told me a lot about you." Rin looked up at you, then back at seto never budging from her hiding spot.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him an apologetic smile. "She is a little shy at first. Let her warm up a bit." He nodded as he stood back up, and gently taking your hand leading the three of you into the restaurant.
The dinner was going really well, though your daughter didnt talk much she did hang on to Seto's every word when he talked about his duels. When he told stories of the fights him and joey would have your daughter would let out a giggle at the antics. Pride was clear in Seto's demeanor as she giggled. A smile forming on your face the scene in front of you. He would be such a good father in his own way.
Man were you right. You and Seto have been together for two years since then, and he has done nothing but spoil and treat the two of you. Mokuba was even ecstatic at being an uncle that he spoils her more then Seto if that was even possible.
The two brothers even got the little girl into duel monsters. Dont get me wrong she knew what it was before, but they taught her how to play, and she would practice with them everyday. Seto even got her a Blue eyes plushie to replace the old kuriboh plush.
At first she take to the plush as much Seto had hoped, but one day as he was working in his office she came trotting in the blue eyes plush in hand as she crawled on to his lap for nap time. (You have tried multiple times not to disturbed him while he works, but he truly doesnt mind it's nice having her around.) He was smiling the whole time.
The biggest surprise was when she called him papa for the first time. The three of you went out shopping, your daughter in the middle holding both yours and his hands. When she tugged his sleeve, let go of your hand, and held her little arms to him "I'm tired papa...can you carry me??" Set didnt skip a beat as he picked up the girl "of course little one." You had to do a double take.
All in all Seto has been an amazing father to your little girl, and even better lover to you. You cant wait for the day the two of you give your daughter a sibling.
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setoslut · 3 years
So... I recently came across this and literally the first thing that came to my mind was what if kaiba’s s/o wore it and went to show him while he was on a conference call (which they had no idea about)
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Character: Aged up! Seto Kaiba
Time Period: idfk when he’s legal?
Warnings: little fluff, little sexual hints
Word count: 320
Genre: hc/imagine?
Gender: Male/Female/Gen
You know this bitchass is acting so nonchalant about you walking in when he’s on a conference call cause boy has a whole mofo BUSINESS to run HAHSH
A little peeved that you came in because he knows you know he doesn’t like to be iNtErUpTeD when he’s working and having meetings smh,, (like you listen anyway-)
But this time you didn’t know 😩😼
You come in all happy and excited to show him cause he’s been working ✨ oh so hard ✨ lately
Kaiba is about ready to scold your ass when he’s having an important ass phone call but mAn oh mAn he didn’t expect you to look fine asf sheeeeesh
Although he’s mostly stoic, it ain’t hard to miss the pink layer that spans across his pale skin uhuh, you ain’t fooling no body sis, PERIODT 💅👏
But baby still loves you and seeing you excited about something makes him feel a weird emotion called happiness-
So you bet his ass he wraps that conference call U P
(Denying that he did that Ofc, he just found it BoRiNg LiStEnInG tO tHeM pAtHetIc CoCkRoAcHeS tAlK oUt ThEiR aSs AnY lOnGeR)
Smh stfu simp
pERSONally, i think kaiba isn’t super sExUaL but every man has their needs amirite 👀👀
This boy loves yo body so make sure to ROCK the absolute sHIT outta that set darlin 😩
From your Curves, to your s/m to anything else you may be slightly insecure about, there his favourite thing and you can’t even tell me other wise smh boy is a hardcore SIMP (although he may hide it;))
Manz makes sure the door is locked and curtains are drawn closed so he can actually tell you how stunning you look with more than just words 👀
IM NOT DEAD AHA- I really want to write like, a story ish thing to this but I currently have writers block even though I kinda know how I want the story ish bit to go?? Send help pls sissy NEEDS it
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pregkaibaarchive · 2 years
Pregananant!? Yum!
Seto grumbles, feeling particularily unwell. He’s on his ninth month of pregnancy, and of course this isn’t his first time dealing with morning sickness, but it’s never been this bad. He turns his head towards the entrance of his room when he feels your prescence.
“Hey, my little kitten," you sing, carrying a cup of tea you made for him. “How’s gestation treating you?" you wink.
Seto just ignores you, obviously not in the mood. You huff and hand him his beverage. He takes a small sip, fearful of puking it back up if he drinks too fast.
Suddenly, his eyes blow wide as he feels a gross wetness seep into his pants. It seems you've noticed too, judging by your expression.
"My baby's coming!" he wails. Seto writhes around in agony as you stare in horror.
Once you get over the fact that your boyfriend is in labour, you can't help but notice how beautiful he looks sitting there: screaming at the top of his lungs, pantless, Face red from intense pushing-- it's eye candy honestly.
You lean down between his legs, begining to lap at the clear fluid draining from Seto's body. "What the--" he pauses to huff. "The fuck are you doing?!" he curses, pulling at your hair in an attempt to shoo you off, but you keep drinking, determined to suck up every last drop of his delicious father water.
You raise your head a little and catch a glimpse of a tiny leg popping out of Seto's bussy.
Still drinking all the way through the birthing process, it's finally over and the baby's been born; only now has your thrist been quenched.
Seto picks up his newborn, tears of joy pricking his eyes. "He's so beautiful. . ." he whispers, almost to himself.
"Just like his father," you coo as you lean against his shoulder. "What did you wanna name him again?" you ask.
"Blue Eyes White Dragon."
By: Victor, but Richardson III typed it digitally for me because it was originally on paper
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chimerickat · 5 months
You closed your book, letting your finger rest between pages to keep your place. Then you leaned your head back as you reclined on the couch. 
Seto had a pile of cards strewn across the table. He’d spent the past hour sorting through them, picking some cards up and discarding others. 
“Are you sure you haven’t been sitting there playing solitaire?” 
He scoffed. “As if I’d spend my time on a game for simpletons.” 
“So you’re doing what exactly?” 
“Building my deck for the upcoming exhibition match.” 
You understood what he’d said. Too much time married to Seto Kaiba did that to a person. But at the same time, you couldn’t understand how or why he would want to spend so much time just putting together cards. “What was wrong with your previous deck?”
“It lost.” 
“Right, yeah, of course.” You turned back to your book but can’t concentrate on any of the words. “So can I go and cheer you on?” You looked back and noted a frown on his face. He stayed quiet for too long. “Do you not want me there?” 
“No, of course you should come watch me win.” 
His words sounded flat. It made you wonder if you’d made a mistake somehow. “You sound like you don’t want me there.” 
A moment of silence stretched out between the two of you. Then he said, “I’m not used to anyone watching except Mokuba.”
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springismss · 3 years
Let’s gather the ingredients we need 🪴
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All the herbs you could ever need and more are placed on a table in front of you, more spread out on two other tables that are for other herbs. Picking up the one you’re most drawn to, you smile before learning how it can be used to help enhance your journey..
Each herb you touched had a million different uses - perhaps you needed a bit of help to decide. The list on your side seemed to be a good place to stay.
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➵ Aloe - Yami Yugi
Tested by Time (female reader) *
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* = series
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renoed · 7 months
so smitten | manager! s. kaiba x idol! reader
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❥ — PAIRING manager! seto kaiba x gn! idol! reader
❥ — SUMMARY It was noticeable from the moment he was assigned to you as your manager. The way your eyes lingered on him.
# A/N a request!!! eek!! I loved writing this! Seto is just ♡♡♡ love of my LIFE
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Seto Kaiba stood at the head of a long glass table, hands tucked away in the pockets of his black trousers. He was the first thing you noticed when you were ushered into the room - the only member of staff you didn't recognise. The fact he stood taller than everyone else made him difficult to miss.
You'd been sat down at the opposite end of the table and one of the senior staff members had began rambling about how your manager was moving on to a rival company. It wasn't new information; she had actually come to you before she accepted the position and you'd encouraged her to make the jump.
"We hope that you'll be able to get along with Kaiba as well as you did with Kujaku!"
The tall brunet bowed down politely to you, "I'll do my best."
As he straightened himself up again, you noticed that his rectangular glasses had slipped down his nose. A long, slender finger pushed them back up to frame deep, blue eyes. Attractive was an understatement.
You let your lips curve up, crossing one of your legs over the other, "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."
He didn't falter at your words, or the suggestive hum you put behind them.
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It didn't take long for Seto to prove that he was a phenomenal manager - better than Mai had been, as much as you hated to admit it.
Your schedule was consistently filled, while also providing you with consistent breaks. From follower increases to sales increases, Seto seemed to know exactly how to achieve anything.
That's why it came as such a surprise for you to hear him shout from your place stood outside his door, a paper bag of doughnuts tucked under your arm and two hot drinks in your hands.
"Seto? Is everything okay?" you were lucky nobody else was in his office, dropping formalities always got you scolded. You couldn't remember when you had gotten so casual with him.
Walking into his office you were met with an unfamiliar sight: tousled hair, an untucked shirt, glasses lazily left on his desk. The room, and Seto himself, looked like a tip.
"No, this could permanently damage your career. It's the furthest thing from okay that we could possibly manage."
"Slow down a second," you placed your things down on his desk before moving to stand next to him, "what's actually happened?"
A brief moment of silence settled between you before he opens his mouth again, "dating scandal."
You didn't think before you'd asked, "between me and who?"
He tilted his phone so he could show you the screen, free hand moving to massage his temples, unwilling to look towards you.
Any words of encouragement dropped away at the realisation that it was a photo of you and him on the screen. He's holding an umbrella over the pair of you and you're laughing at something, smile hidden behind your hand. If you squint you can see the hint of a smile on his own lips.
You remembered when that was taken: Seto had been particularly nit-picky with your performances and was telling you all his 'constructive criticism' without a single positive comment. Normally you wouldn't have batted an eye - that's just how he is - but it had really upset you and, in a rage, you decided you'd walk yourself home in the pouring rain because you couldn't bear to be in a car with him.
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The pattering of rain on the pavement had completely drowned out any other sound around you, except when a car drove past and narrowly avoided getting you absolutely drenched. You weren't very far off anyway.
"You're being childish."
Seto's voice was barely audible above the rain but it was loud enough to make you stop in your tracks and wait for him. The tap of his business shoes against the pavement was unheard as he walked over to you, only stopping a couple of paces behind. In his left hand was an umbrella.
"You'll catch a cold-"
"I don't think it's childish to be upset when all you ever give me is negative feedback," came your mumbled reply, "is that all you see in me? The worst parts of my performance?"
You waited for him to make a snide retort; something about you being sensitive or unfit for being an idol. It didn't come.
Instead, the umbrella he had been holding above himself was outstretched to you. It was difficult not to break into a small smile at the action: Seto Kaiba was useless with pretty words but he knew how to make his actions count.
"I'm sorry," the words were stiff and he bowed slightly, still holding the umbrella above you as rain trickled down his hair, dropping onto his glasses and falling from the tip of his nose.
"You'll catch a cold."
Anybody else would have missed the way his eyes widened as you gently pushed on the umbrella, stepping towards him until you were both covered from the rain.
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"Well, that should be easy to manage, right? Just put out a statement about how I'm being escorted by a member of my staff?" this wasn't the first time something like this had happened, a collaboration with solo-artist ATEM had created rumours immediately. You weren't sure what made this situation any different.
Seto didn't spare you a glance, just shoved his phone into your grasp and buried his face further into his hands.
The original photo had been captioned 'Them ♡: a 🧵' and beneath it were countless photos of you and Seto.
Standing together at a shoot in the winter, your hands in fluffy mittens wrapped around his. Red dusted his cheeks and at the time you had just brushed it off as the cold.
Talking together at an event, both dressed to the nines with amicable smiles on your lips.
It went on and on and on: him handing you coffee; you poking fun at him; eating at a restaurant together (although other staff members were there).
It was when you reached the last post - a short video with a screenshot next to it, captioned 'so smitten', that you began to understand.
Taken from fairly early into his role as manager, you're both stood with some other staff. They're talking to the small group about something and you glance away from the speaker to look at Seto. He does the exact same.
This moment of you catching his gaze is what has been screenshot. It's an unspoken softness that makes your stomach twist and throat tighten.
"I'm sorry," his voice was barely a murmur, eyes unwilling to meet yours, "I'm not sure how to fix this."
You had never seen him look weak before. Now he was sitting next to you, hunched over with a creased shirt, tie hanging loose and hair standing up in every direction. It felt ironic that the sight made your heart catch in your throat. You put the phone down on his desk.
"Maybe I don't want to fix it."
The words were unsure and shaky as they left your lips, but they were loud enough for Seto to hear.
"That's ridiculous- did you not hear me say this could permanently damage your career? This isn't just a joke for us to laugh at in a few months-"
Before he has chance to continue his rant, your hands grasp at the collar of his shirt and pull him towards you, lips clashing together messily. He stiffens for a second before kissing you back, only to pull away a few moments later.
"Let me be childish this time: I don't want to fix it."
The damage was done already; the rumours had already started. There was little you could do except entirely remove Seto from your staff, which was a none-option for you anyway.
You lightly tug on his collar again, "are you okay with that?"
His hands gently move to clasp your wrists, pulling you into him wordlessly until your lips meet again. More than okay, is what you settled on as his answer.
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reblogs are hugely appreciated ♡ [masterlist]
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New Kaiba Fanfic
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To help get back in the swing of things I wrote a new fanfic. This one is meant to be super short, five chapters at best. It is to help get the inspiration for writing to stay, so once an idea pops into my head I will be writing a one-shot or short fic based on it.
The Cluster
Being married to one of the world’s most powerful men is something that shouldn’t be fantasized about. It can often feel like a dream, that is understandable. The parties, the finery, the social engagements, and nothing is worth wanting as you can have it in the snap of the fingers. Some really say it is the way the world should be for everyone.
But it really shouldn’t.
Being married to power means one thing. You must be willing to get your hands dirty for the man you love. Thankfully getting dirty is something of a fun pass time.
Romantic Drama
light humor
Eventual Smut
can't put more without giving away story
Family Drama
Gun Violence
Family Death
The limo ride was uneventful. Most of the time you adjusted the under garment so your thighs wouldn’t have chafing. Upon arriving to the reception hall, you were aided out by Isono. Once more you were greeted by the sounds of violins and quiet chatter. Though, this time the wedding party was much smaller, more private and not publicly announced. As you walked down the aisle, you smile almost faltered. Your love of your life, while he stood proud. Seto Kaiba, however the sling his arm was in could not be ignored. You raised your head higher and with a straight back, you made your way to him. Once united with him, he smirked before his expression turned hard.
“Are you sure?” He whispered.
“Now and always.”
His smirk returned. Both of you faced the front and the wedding was afoot.
Chapter 1 -> CLICK
Thanks everyone who has been there through my weird absence.
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seshen · 1 year
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Wanted to sketch some scenes that happen in the new chapter of Sweet Romance. I put my high school self in readers place. + Chap 1 + Chap 14 +
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chubbyreaderchan · 3 years
Review | Seto Kaiba x youtuber!Reader
Warning: Female Reader
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Kaiba bit his lip, watching the fairly popular video. A young woman was reviewing quite a few different tech products. One of them happened to be his newest duel disk.
He was pissed.
He wasn't sure if it was her she was pissed at or the production company he employed but this video was tarnishing his reputation. Seto thought about forcing her to take it down but that would only make people think he did it. It would also hurt his sales.
It wasn't as if it was her fault that upon opening the box it fell apart and wouldn't even turn on. He picked up his phone, calling to see if the manufacturer had found out anything about that particular batch.
It was why it went viral. People where saying Kaiba was cheapening his products.
Scamming people.
"Well?" he said roughly into the blue Kaiba brand cell phone.
"S-Sir! It does look as if that batch was dropped off of the pallet before shipping." A nervous voice said.
Kaiba huffed. "Did they get fired?!"
"Y-yes sir,"
"Good. Also, I need a new duel disk sent to my office in the colors of that woman's channel colors..." Kaiba responded coolly.
He had a plan.
"You heard me. It better be on my desk by tomorrow,"
Seto pressed the end button aggressively. The next step he took was began an email to the young woman. Hopefully this would be good press.
"Hey, guys!" (Y/n) said into a camera as she walked. "You won't believe where I am! I am in Domino City! This is like a gamer's Disney!"
She spun happily to show the city. "I have a big surprise as to why I'm here too!" She continued her introduction, filming her day up until she was standing in front of the original Kaiba Corp building.
"Here we are! The big surprise! The real Seto Kaiba saw my video on the duel disk. He wanted to be able to explain the whole situation! I even got a special key badge for today," She grinned and pushed through the crystal glass doors.
Putting the camera at her hip, she stopped at the security desk explaining why she was there. They were pointed to a special blueish chrome elevator. She walked over, scanning her badge. It pinged. The doors opened smoothly, she stepped in carefully. It made her feel a bit claustrophobic for a moment that was until she turned around to see how beautiful the lobby was. The shaft of the elevator was all glass inside, encased by a clear waterfall. The building had cubicles and workers but large statues of different duel monsters filled the center. They were disturbingly realistic. As if that giant blue eyes white dragon could fly off any second. She couldn't resist filming her trip up.
Her thoughts were interrupted when the elevator opened to his floor. Three doors, a desk with a secretary... Or was he security? Both? He looked up at her with a grumpy look, noticing the camera.
"So you must be her." He crossed his large arms. "Mr. Kaiba is waiting."
(Y/n) swallowed hard, nervous suddenly. It wasn't her first celebrity she's met. At least gamer celebs. She even met Yugi Moto once at a convention they were both guests at. But they had all been good.
Seto Kaiba's reputation really wasn't the best.
She stepped forward, knocking on the large doors at the end of the short hallway. The way it looked, his office must take 1/3 of the floor.
They opened automatically, there sat the handsome young CEO. A big box with blue wrapping paper and a silver ribbon sat on the desk.
"Sit." He nodded towards a blue chair across from him, sewn in a blue velvet.
He really knew themeing.
"Where do you want to set up the camera?" He asked coolly, looking her over.
He could admit she was... Cute.
She had appeal. Maybe he could use her as a face for Kaiba tech? Interesting.
"Oh! Uh." She had been wearing a large bag all day filled with equipment, she almost forgot she had it.
She placed said bag down and glanced around. There was a nice white leather couch with blue pillows and nodded. "That looks comfortable."
Then she moved to grab her bag only for that large security man from before to grab it politely.
She frowned but let it slide, Kaiba stood up.
"Wow, you are tall."
Did she just say that out loud?
Kaiba raised a neatly manicured eye brow at her. It was always interesting how he made people feel. Nervousness reflected so differently on different people.
"I mean I've only seen you on tv," She was so embarrassed.
He smirked but didn't say anything as he sat down. The man grabbed the wrapped present and (Y/n) began to set up her video equipment. Maybe she should hire a producer?
It took a bit of time but she finally sat down next to Seto. He was so tall that when sat at an angle his knee gently bumped hers. This made her face feel warm. Why was he so handsome?!
The camera was rolling but Kaiba barely changed his personality. "I noticed your duel disk didn't meet Kaiba Corp standard." He explain. "It seems there was an incident in shipping that I wasn't informed of. We recalled all of the duel disks from that shipment."
He picked up the gift making it obvious for the camera. "I want you to be the first to get your replacement."
Her heart fluttered when her eyes met his, what she didn't know that his did the same thing.
"Oh! I see! I'm so glad that you are accepting responsibility! So many companies just brush it away!" She was actually shocked that this was what it was about but yet had a feeling.
Her hands shakily opened the wrapping paper showing the custom machine. It was her favorite colors and matched her channel asthetic so well. Internally she was squealing.
"Oh wow!" She moved and began to open it on camera showing a beautiful working piece of machinery. "I'm very impressed." They talked a little longer. Kaiba using it as an advertisement moment and they finished it quickly. That was when a young man with black hair walked in. Probably only nineteen. He must be the now older Mokuba. His eyes widened.
"Woah! Seto. I didn't know she was coming today!" He was excited it seemed. "I loved the videos where you just unbox capsule monsters. Even though I have most of them it's so satisfying!"
She was in shock he even knew her.
"Thank you! I'm so glad." She glances at time. She needed to be at her hotel soon to call her friends back home.
"I'm sorry" she bowed. "I have to go soon. Morning back home is happening and everyone wants to see me safe!"
Mokuba watched her leave with a frown then looked at his older brother.
"If you don't ask her out... I will,"
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Yu-gi-oh x Avatar:TLA
Been re-watching Avatar the past week and when I searched for it I legit couldn’t find, like, any Yugioh Duel Monster x Avatar The Last Airbender content??? I mean the search feature sucks here so maybe I’m just not seeing it, but, now I have a mighty need for this cross over, so I guess I’ll do it myself! (if anyone knows any other posts about this though please link me to them!)
So first off, Yugi is the Avatar
I don’t care if most think Yami is the main protag it just makes sense to me that Yugi is the Avatar
Much like Aang, Yugi is an airbender, but instead of being raised by a group of monks he was actually raised by his nomadic grandfather, who is also an airbender.
Yugi is basically what everyone thinks of when they think of the stereotypical airbender, he’s intelligent, prefers pacifism, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, fun loving and worldly due to his travels, etc.
On the other hand Grandpa, while kind and not prone to violence, isn’t exactly a “monkly” airbender. He’s way too familiar with gambling halls, tomb raiding, pirating, and pretty much every other seedy side of the different nations you can think of. 
While grandpa definitely toned down those..*ahem* less than virtuous adventures when he started raising Yugi, he did not shield Yugi from these things during their travels. Yugi's safety was always his priority, but he also knew it was important for Yugi to learn to take care of himself if he was going to travel the world.
Plus, I mean, when Yugi beat a pirate captain at pai sho at age 12, and won them an ancient water tribe artifact, grandpa knew his bright young airbender could handle his own.
Oh also, Yugi’s flying bison is a brown fluff-ball named Kuriboh. Kuriboh was the runt of his littler, much smaller than most male bison, but that didn’t stop Yugi from bonding with him almost immediately when they met near the air temple (in fact if probably helped them bond more), and the two are now inseparable <3
Grandpa took Yugi against the wishes of the council in charge of the Avatar. The council wanted to shelter Yugi and deprive him of a normal life (much like the monks wanted to with Aang), but grandpa basically said “F all of you” and took Yugi with him so he could have a fun, free life away from all that...at least for awhile.
When Yugi turned 16 the council tracked the boys down, finally told Yugi he’s the Avatar, and demanded he come with them to finish his airbending training and start learning the other elements.
Yugi was honestly, understandably, pretty devastated, his whole life was being stolen from him in the blink of an eye, but, he’s also heard tales of how important the Avatar is for the world and how people would suffer without the avatar, and he couldn’t handle the idea of letting the world down.
Yugi whet with the council, unknowing of that was about to come.
Okay so for Atem I have two possibilities for his role in this AU that I really like, so I’ll just list them both:
#1 is that Atem was the Avatar before Yugi, born as the son of Fire Lord Aknamkanon. 
He grew up in the lap of luxury, but never took it for granted thanks to his father, the most peaceful Fire Lord the nation had seen in a long time. 
His father dedicated his life to improving relations with the other nations and maintaining peace.
Atem’s uncle, Aknadin on the other hand, was an authoritarian jerk-wad, who thought Fire Lord Aknamkanon weak and unfit to rule the Fire Nation.
You can see where I’m going with this. Aknadin hatched a plan to assassinate both Aknamkanon and Atem, and put himself on the throne, using the death’s of the Fire Lord and Prince as cause for war.
What he did not count on though, was Atem being the Avatar. 
Atem didn’t even know he was the Avatar at this point, they were going to wait until he was 16 to tell him, like most Avatars. Atem had no idea he could bend other elements besides fire, let alone realize he had the power of the Avatar spirit. 
Even still, when Atem was attacked by his uncle’s assassins, and he was on the verge of dying, his Avatar sate kicked in.
Well, not quite. It began to kick in just before Atem was overpowered by the assassins, but not quick enough to save him. You know that whole thing about “if the avatar dies while in the avatar state, the avatar will cease to be”? Well, this was a strange In-Between.
The avatar cycle was not broken, since the avatar spirit wasn’t fully awoken, but now Atem’s soul, that incarnation of the avatar, is in a strange form of limbo.
 It was only 16 years later when the new avatar, Yugi, went into the avatar state for the first time, that his soul was finally brought out of limbo. Only now he and Yugi have a strange bond. Instead of residing somewhere deep inside Yugi’s soul like the other past avatars, Atem seems to be one with Yugi, able to commune with him like a constant companion, and even take over Yugi’s body in times of need.
In this version the new Fire Lord waited years to launch his war, gaining the trust of the other nation while slowly changing and manipulating the ideologies of his own people through propaganda and fear mongering.
Yugi fled the air temple when the firelord finally launched his attack on the air nomads in an effort to kill the new avatar, and during that tramtic ordeal is when Yugi went into the avatar state for the first time and awoke Atem’s soul. 
Now Atem’s main focus is helping train Yugi to save the world from Fire Lord Aknadin, who’s hell-bend on world domination.
If the whole “Atem dying in a half avatar state that affected his soul” plot doesn’t work for you, I also think we could just simplify things and say that Atem is a Fire Bender dedicated to helping the avatar defeat the tyrant Fire Lord.
In this version Atem would still be a Fire Nation Prince, whose father was dedicated to peace. Only in this version Atem’s father died unexpectedly, and Atem was deemed too young to take the throne, so they put Uncle Aknadin on the throne in Atem’s place.
Atem watched for years while his uncle slowly, meticulously dismantled all of his father’s hard work for peace and was powerless to stop him. All Atem could do was train, improve his firebending, and hope that he could challenge his tyrant uncle to an agni kai for the throne someday.
During that time Atem also found it hard to hold onto his own morals, as his home was every-changing under it’s new Fire Lord, becoming more and more authoritarian and xenophobic. He became a bit harsher during that time, but deep down still held on to his core belief in peace and mercy that his father taught him.
So, when he found out that Aknadin was making plans to wipe out the Air Nomads, and thus, the new Avatar, Atem had to take action.
He fled the Fire Nation to warn the Air Nomads, and he did manage that, but it wasn’t enough to save everyone. Yugi was still too young to fight an army, or the Fire Lord, he hadn’t even begun to learn waterbending let alone anything else. So, when the Fire Lord’s soldiers attacked the temples, the monks insisted Yugi and Atem flee together, live to fight another day, and become strong enough to fight the Warmongering Fire Lord.
No matter which version of Atem we go with everything else stays virtually the same. In the version where Atem is just the spirit of the previous avatar and Yugi’s guide, the Fire Nation still attacked the Air Temples, hoping to kill the new Avatar, he just waited longer to do this, accumulating support and maybe even some alliances with other nations.  But either way, Yugi escapes (after a LOT of arguing against leaving any one, let alone everyone, behind) so he could start his avatar training and defeat this new threat.
In this AU I believe most of the gang’s time would be spent trying to train Yugi in the next elements, but also avoiding capture by the Fire Nation, who’s put a big bounty on Yugi’s head. They also aren’t sure who to trust, as sides are often picked and alliances formed during wars and they have no real way to know what nation would aid them vs the Fire Nation. Unlike the original ATLA show, this is a new war unfolding before their eyes, not one that’s been known and ongoing for 100 years. 
Now on to the rest of the cast! Honda is a non-bender, but don’t underestimate him, in a world where he constantly has to avoid the Dai Li and thugs who can earthbend, he’s learned to take care of himself. 
Jonouchi is an earthbender, and Yugi actually met both him and Honda while traveling the world with grandpa (before learning he was the avatar). 
Jou and Honda were both street kids who joined the gangs in Ba Sing Se in order to survive. Their fellow thugs tried to mug Yugi, thinking him an helpless monk. Peace-loving Yugi didn’t attack them, of course, but used his airbending to dodge their attacks with ease and grace... and ended up humiliating them all when he blew them into a fountain. 
While Jou was initially against mugging Yugi (even when he was a thug he always went on about facing opponents who at least stand a chance against you, not picking on the weak) after that incident Jou basically made it his life’s mission to make Yugi’s life hell the whole time Yugi and Grandpa were in Ba Sing Se. He’d track Yugi down pretty much every day to harass him, trying to get Yugi to “fight him like a real man” and just generally being a bully. 
Yugi always refused to fight him, even the few times Jonouchi actually landed a hit on him with his earthbending. Grandpa intervened a couple times, but ultimately left it up to Yugi to handle.
Right before Yugi and Gramps made to move on to the next city though, Yugi came across a frantic and injured Honda. 
Turns out Jou spoke out against their gang stealing from a family that was already down on their luck and said thugs decided they had enough of Jou’s mouth and wanted to “teach him a lesson”. Honda tried to stop them and defend Jou, but was overpowered just by sheer numbers.
Yugi couldn’t stand by and let this happen, of course, and together he and Honda found where the thugs had taken Jou. Despite the fact that Yugi still refused to strike a damaging blow on anyone, his and Jou’s opposing bending styles actually worked pretty well together and they were all able to escape.
That was the turning point for both boys, but especially Jou and he finally realized that he mistreated Yugi and that Yugi was someone to be admired, not mocked. They unfortunately did not get a chance to make amends then, however, since Yugi and Grandpa were gone the next day. 
So about a year later, when Yugi returns to the city after escaping the raids on the Air Temples, Jou and Honda are eager to help him and insist on joining Yugi and Atem, “as the avatar’s bodyguards” if nothing else. And despite being against the idea of endangering them, Yugi had to admit he teared up at the mere thought of friends joining him on his journey.
Next, we of course have Anzu, a waterbender, and Mai, a firebender.
Anzi and Mai have a traveling act together. They combined their bending with intricate dances and make a marvel of it, sometimes doing synchronized performances that focus a lot on how their opposing elements can compliment and balance each other, other times they do solo numbers that are just as mesmerizing with Anzu’s captivating grace and Mai’s mesmerizing passion. They also wear full, intricate face paints (or sometimes even masks) while on stage to help keep them from going unnoticed when traveling.
Anzu also knows a bit of healing with her waterbending, and as they travel through towns/cities, Anzu often uses her time between shows helping heal those who can’t afford medicine. Mai sometimes goes on about how ppl will take advantage of Anzu is she isn’t careful, but secretly really admires Anzu’s kind heart.
Don’t ever underestimate these girls though, their bending isn’t just for performance, they can and will kick your ass with their bending and have held their own again a whole crew of highway men. You don’t travel the world without knowing how to defend yourself, especially if you’re women thugs think they can take advantage of.
The boys came across Anzu and Mai soon after leaving Ba Sing Se. The first glance they got at them was one of their shows and were impressed to say the least (Yugi was particularly captivated by the waterbender, like the big-hearted bi-disaster that he is).
What really impressed them though was that night, when Yugi was taking a walk through the town to clear his head. Once again he was seen as an easy target by his “weak” appearance (season 0 anyone?) and some thugs ambushed him. Before he even had the chance to defend himself though, two women came to his rescue, water-whipping and fire-blazing. It didn’t take much for Yugi to put two and two together and realize they were the dancers from the show, and, being thoroughly impressed by their bending skills, he begged Anzu to teach him waterbending.
Anzu was actually interested in the idea from the start, when they heard about the attacks on the Air Temples and the Fire Nation declaring war, she was outraged. Anzu is nothing if not compassionate and all that life being burn away gave her a slowly growing need to take action, and now the avatar himself was asking her to teach him!
Mai on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Yugi and his “band of do-gooders” and insisted Anzu turn him down. Mai grew up in the Fire Nation during the rise of the tyrant Fire Lord Aknadin, she knows first hand how ruthless his soldiers can be, and sees it as loosing battle to resist them. In her mind, her and Anzu have a good life going for them, why change that to fight a war they aren’t going to win?
The girls argue about this for awhile, to the point that Anzu actually thinks about leaving Mai to go with Yugi without her, despite the idea of leaving Mai behind tearing her up inside.
Then the town they’re staying in is attacked by Fire Nation soldiers. Everyone, including Mai jumps into action to defend the towns people and together they’re able to fight them off. In the aftermath, having the war’s carnage brought right into her lap, Mai sees that the ruler of her homeland has to be stopped and agrees to join the gang too. 
I haven’t thought a ton about the other characters honestly, and I’m especially having trouble placing Ryou in all this, but here are some half developed/misc headcanon:
Seto is a firebender and the son of Fire Lord Aknadin, making him and Atem cousins. 
In the version where Atem is just a regular firebender and not the previous avatar, Seto and Atem grew up together. Atem tried his best to convince Seto to leave with him when he set out to warn the Air Nomads of the attack, but Seto refused, already being drawn in by Aknadin’s power-centric teachings. 
In the version where Atem is the previous avatar and shares a body with Yugi, Seto was only a few years old when his older cousin Atem was “mysteriously killed” and Seto grew up hearing stories from his father about how they could avenge the young prince and the previous fire lord.
In both versions Seto is similar to a Zuko character. He’s sent out by his father to capture the avatar, but eventually he comes to realize what a warmongering monster his father is and turns on the firelord, joining Yugi and the gang. He’s still an egotistical ass though and is basically constantly criticizing the whole gang the entire time he’s with them. The rivalry between him and Yugi/Atem is still there, because of all the times Yugi whipped him with his airbender while Seto was trying to capture him. Also, Seto honestly believes that he’d make a better avatar than Yugi and thanks to @readerinsertfanfiction now I can’t get the thought out of my head that Seto would try to science his way into becoming a second living avatar 😂
I really want to include Mana and Mahad in this AU as well (since they’re my fave side characters) and thought maybe they could also be firebenders who grew up with Atem and were his close friends. Then when the tyrant Fire Lord took over they started plotting behind the scenes and formed a rebellion within the fire nation. (for real could you imagine the version where Atem was killed by his uncle and now an older Mahad and Mana, who’ve been waging a rebellion in the name of their prince and best friend, meet Yugi and can talk to Atem again and how heart wrenching a scene like that would be??)
Another possibility I thought of for Mahad and Mana was that they’re spirits of deceased airbenders who have gained some power in the spirit world. They commune with Yugi and help guide him and even step in to save him a couple times. This idea play more on the whole “Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl Duel Monsters” side of things. Heck maybe we could do both these ideas since DM and DMG are usually considered separate entities from Mahad and Mana.
Duke/Otogi, I could image being a character similar to Jet (a charmer/flirt, who’s cunning and vengeful, at least at first? Come on I know you can see it) and maybe even having a similar story of tricking the gang into helping him do something horrible in the name of fighting the Fire Nation, then redeeming himself later.
I’m still a little unsure of Ryou’s story in this AU, but, I think I have an idea brewing involving Ryou being a waterbender who’s been processed by an evil spirit. Said spirit is thriving/feeding on the carnage of the war and often takes over Ryou’s body in order to stoke the fires of said war. This could lead to some interesting stuff involving Ryou wanting to join Yugi and the gang, but the evil spirit always stabbing them in the back. The gang, especially Yugi, would see it as a personal responsibility to save Ryou from the evil spirit and Yugi tries to learn more about his spirit powers in order to help Ryou.
I have some more vague ideas floating around my head, but I think that’s it for now. Boy, these are the longest headcanon I’ve had in while lol. I’m really loving the idea of this AU and I’m even really tempted to write an actual series surrounding it. I’d love to hear your guy’s thoughts about any of this or whether all this is even appealing at all. Please feel free to invade my inbox if yall wanna talk about this AU! <3
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