#sevika the boxer
sevikasbeloved · 4 months
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It’d been a month since you last saw your girlfriend, and it was killing you.
Of course you knew that dating a boxer would come with consequences like these, her training sending her away for months at a time, abstaining from relaxing Sundays, your world famous cooking and most of all you. The last thing you struggled to handle as much as the others, not knowing her touch for days was already too much for you but a whole month…
You felt your body turning in on itself.
However, today you walked with a pep in your step and a smile on your face, because that long standing streak would be broken, and she was finally coming home.
She knew you’d be at her fight, and you imagined she was just as gripped with anticipation as you were, for more reasons than just seeing you.
You put on your nicest dress, a sparkly gold one that slit itself dangerously high on your thigh, just as she’d like it. You tied your hair up so her favourite part of you was shown in full glory, ready to be stained with her lips.
You walked over to your dresser, pulling out a sleek black box. Inside was the most gorgeously elegant necklace she’d gotten you after her biggest victory. As your hand ran along the diamond encrusted chain, you could feel tears welling up in your face.
You weren’t one for material things, but you knew that was her own way of showing you how much she valued you, and boy, was it a lot.
You took the necklace from its box, taking yourself back in front of the mirror as you put it to your neck, clasping it easily so it hung just below your collarbones.
You smiled at your own reflection, knowing how much she’d appreciate the effort you’d gone to, even though she always said,
‘You’re already enough, without all the extra.’
The venue was booming, the line to get in stretching around the corner and across the street. Eyes looked on you like you were a goddess incarnate as you walked coolly past the long stretch of people, all dressed up almost as well as you.
These boxing matches weren’t your typical run of the mill. People would put their life savings on a winner, rich people. A part of you didn’t enjoy the spectacle that Sevika had become, the ‘scary lady’ men wanted to get a peek at and women wanted to court. But you knew at the heart of it, it was what Sevika loved to do, and she was damn good at doing what she loved.
As you reached the front door to the venue a tall yet stocky security guard dressed in all black caught your glistening attire, immediately recognising you. He approached you with a gentle smile, ushering you ahead and into the building.
Cameras flashed on you, almost obstructing your view as you cautiously stepped ahead of your guard, weaving through the press asking you probing questions about your lover.
“Tell us Miss, what does Sevika do on her off days?”
“Is she as good in bed as she is in the ring?”
You rolled your eyes, ducking your head as you hid a smile, sure that everyone could guess the answer to it if they saw the red blush on your cheeks.
You were directed into the main arena, the pure size of it making you feel a little queasy. As you walked down the aisle you spotted a small promotional sign reading;
It’s simple!
No rules, regulations, just pure fighting!
Your heart sank.
You’d seen that sign many times, and even still it made your heart drop like it was the first time you were seeing it. As said earlier, these tournaments were no run of the mill fights, they were uncut and uncensored, pure blood fighting.
A fight to the death, if you were lucky, and if you were unlucky, life long damage that would kill your career faster than you could blink.
You grabbed a seat in one of the front boxes, looking around at the empty stadium moments before it filled. You imagined what Sevika had to have been doing, prepping for her fight, doing her final weigh in, thinking about you.
Her name shone in bright lights on the jumbotron ahead of you, forcing you to take a breath. It was scary, you couldn’t lie. There were times you imagined you’d be sitting front stage as you watched her life be taken, and all for entertainment.
But it hadn’t happened, not yet anyways.
The room burst into music and chatter as the doors opened to the general public, your head swivelled round as you watched people flood into the building, scurrying to find their seats.
“Are you ready to rumble?!” A faceless voice roared as the crowd roared louder.
People across the stadium began banging the back of their seats and stomping their feet, shaking the foundation of the room. A small smile fell on your face despite your previous anxieties. Despite their bloodthirst, the crowd always brought the energy expected at an event this major.
“That’s what I like to hear!” The voice exclaimed, “let’s not waste any more of your precious time and welcome our beloved fighters.”
The cheers grew louder than you imagined they could ever be.
“Y’all know him best, the hornet, the python,” the voice rattled the crowd into an even bigger frenzy. Sevika’s opponent was a surprise and it had been that way for the past three fights, since people could guess who’d win before the fight would start, “the town's meanest sheriff, Marcus!”
Oh fuck.
The smile on your face dropped. Marcus played dirty and no rules meant he was glorified for it. There was rumour that he’d once stabbed his opponent to get his victory, hiding the blade between his teeth. You fucking hated him, and Sevika damn sure didn’t respect him.
She was a fair fighter to a fault, her prowess proving more than enough to win countless fights. You’d both spoken of the possibility that one day she’d have to square off with him, but you never imagined it would actually happen, because you never imagined she’d agree to fight him.
“Alright, alright, simmer down ladies and gentlemen, as I have yet to introduce to you,” he paused dramatically and the crowd fell quiet, but you could feel the buzz of energy arising again as everyone waited with bated breaths, “Our undefeated champ, the one we all wish we could be…”
The crowd, unable to hold its applause erupted again, and this time you joined too, whooping along with everyone else,
“The panther, our very own scary lady, SEVIKAAAA!” He screamed, his voice almost turning singsongy as the music played again, booming violently along with the flashing strobe lights.
You stood from your seat, cupping your hands to your lips as you cheered raucously. Suddenly the strobe lights honed in on two separate parts of the stadium.
Marcus emerged first, wearing a dark blue robe to match with his blue gloves and shorts. He hopped on his toes as he punched the air, winking grossly at the camera, his face supersized on the jumbotron.
He made his way to the ring, backed by his crew who were all matching with his colour palette, trading his gloves for some corny ass sunglasses. You rolled your eyes.
He hopped around the ring energetically, blowing kisses to the audience who cheered him on and raised a closed fist at the ones who booed. He made his way to your side, leaning up against the rope as he looked at you with a cocky grin.
“Hi there Sevika’s girlfriend, sorry in advance, I’ll try not to send her home on a stretcher.” He teased, not bothering to wait by you for a reaction as he returned to the rest of the crowd to receive his premature praise.
The music suddenly changed, the bass of it stopping Marcus right where he stood as he turned to face her corner.
“She’s here…” the voice called out teasingly.
You scoffed as you watched Marcus’ face shine with a sliver of doubt. You turned, leaning anxiously against your seat as you peaked over multiple heads to try to get a good look.
The music had switched to more dark and foundation shaking music. You couldn’t get a good look from where you were as you heard the crowd scream out, pointing to her entrance, so you turned to face the jumbotron, and in all her glory, there she was.
Just feet from where you sat, Sevika wore her hair into a tight bun, donning a rich gold and purple combo on her shorts and sports bra, a royal purple robe shrouded over her muscular body. She walked out alone, her head bowed as her face remained hidden by the large hood over her head.
You bit your lip just at the sight, this the first time you’d seen her in months and you could feel your stomach turn a thousand times as you switched between her walkway and the jumbotron, trying not to miss her in person despite being unable to see her immediately.
Then she rounded the corner, and she was there, finally, in the flesh. You’d almost forgotten how tall she was, at least in comparison to you and over half the attendees, and Marcus.
You gazed over at him for a second, noticing how his jaw tightened at the sheer sight of her, but as you turned back you saw Sevika standing right infront of you.
Your face glowed, and you stood up immediately, hugging her tightly. Her arms came around your waist, pulling you against the divider between you.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby.” She whispered in your ear.
“Missed you more.” You giggled, placing a small kiss on her cheek.
She looked from beneath her hood at you, her sterling eyes looking at you with complete adoration.
“Look at that ladies and gentlemen, isn’t that just something!” The voice called out again, reminding the two of you of the stadium filled with people.
A camera came up beside the two of you, supersizing your intimate scene onto the jumbotron. You waved at the camera with a smile, Sevika’s chuckle rumbling through your body pressed against hers.
You leaned into her side again,
“Win this and come home to me, okay?” You whispered, the crowd cheering not only Sevika but now also you on, scattered wolf whistles filling the arena.
She flashed a toothy smile at you then turned away, letting her gloved arm ghost against your body for a little while before hopping up into the ring, meeting with Marcus head to head.
She stood towering over him for just a second, before shrugging her robe off and tossing it off the side of the ring. A short man came running behind her, picking it up in one hand and in another holding a bottle of water with a towel thrown over his shoulder. Her coach. He’d been by her side for close to a decade and had practically become family, and as long as he was there you trusted she’d be okay.
“Let’s get it started, the fight we’ve all been anticipating!” The voice said, his words ushering Sevika and Marcus into position on each side of the ring.
In a flash it started, the sound of a bell chiming had them hot on their feet, dancing around the ring, circling each other like sharks.
Marcus was fast with the first punch, socking her in her abdomen, but she hardly flinched, taking that second where his defences were down to side hook him, sending his stumbling into the rope.
The crowd went wild and so did you, anxious in your seat, you cheered louder than anyone in there. He gained his footing again, shaking his head straight as he hopped on his toes again, throwing out false punches in hopes to psyche her out, but she didn’t waver, not one bit.
He came in again, connecting a punch to her jaw, then her side. She faltered back a step, the hit to her jaw causing her to lose her bearing a little, but again, as expected, she was back without a second for Marcus to revel in it.
She didn’t hit him back though, the crowd jeering her on to take a hit, but you could see the look on her face. She was learning his moves, studying him as the match progressed.
The first couple rounds had passed and both of them had gotten their hits in but Marcus looked tired, wary. Sevika sat on her stool, arms stretched across the rope as her coach dabbed her glistening forehead, flailing his arms about as he spoke tactics and moves.
Once he had finished his rambling she picked up her bottle taking a long sip of water. She folded her body over placing it down again, looking over her shoulder at you with a wink. You could only blush, still feeling as giddy as the first day she pulled you.
She stood up again for the third round, rolling her shoulders back as she stood head to head with Marcus. You watched Marcus say something with a bloody smile, his head cocking over to you. Your brows furrowed but before Sevika could respond and you could process anything, the bell rang again and they were off.
Whatever Marcus had said to Sevika had obviously pissed her off, because she was on him like a bloodhound, throwing wild punches at every weak point on his body, forcing him back into his corner. The crowd went crazy, people standing from their seats, thrusting their fists in the air in an attempt to get in on the action from where they were sat.
She let up, stepping back as Marcus put his weight on the rope behind him. He spat out a spitball of blood, staining the ring's flooring. He looked at her with murderous rage.
You couldn’t help feeling nervous. As much as you didn’t like Marcus you were very well attuned to his fights, and you knew when he was backed into a corner, just as he was now, that’s when he played as dirty as the ground beneath him.
He tucked his hands into his pants, then put said hand into his mouth. Some of the crowd groaned in disgust, but the ones that knew him, sat on the edge of their seats.
Suddenly, he started tweaking, his head seemingly imbalanced on his head, he craned it backwards as he screamed out, and when his head knocked back forward and you saw the purple in his eyes, your mouth stuttered open, and not a breath came from it as you could only stare on in horror.
You saw Sevika falter back, and your heart sank lower than you imagined it could, she was scared. You could see it in the way her arms contracted and her shoulders tensed up.
“Getcha head in the game, Sevika, bloody hell!” Her coach yelled from the sidelines.
Her head swivelled to his voice, shaken by the state of Marcus, the effects of shimmer taking over his smaller frame, his body now built like a beast.
In a moment Marcus was on her, toppling her over as he pummelled her face in. You stood up, your knuckles turning sticking sharply from your hand as you gripped the divider.
“No!” You screamed, tears welling in your eyes.
This was one of those things you hated. Watching her take a beating. But this one was worse than all the other ones, she’d never been toppled like she was, beat like she was.
“Sevika, fucking get up! Get up!” You screamed again, in a hope to get through to what you could imagine was a tunnel vision moment for her.
Her arms wrapped around his bulging body as she struggled with him on the ground.
“C’mon, baby, you got this!” You called out again.
She turned him over so she was now above him, their roles reversed within seconds as she began pounding his head in.
The crowd, as if affected by the shimmer themselves roared, probably never having seen a fight this close before, especially a fight with Sevika.
Marcus seemed almost unaffected by the hits, and Sevika was looking down at him, her eyes wild as she kept hitting and hitting and hitting and…
The bell went again, signalling the end of the round.
She stood up from him, hurrying back to her side. He got up a moment after, limping over to his. You didn’t even give Marcus a second look as you searched for Sevika’s eyes, but she was standing talking to her coach, her leg bouncing on the lowest rope that lined the ring.
Her coach reached into his pocket, pulling out a vial with purple liquid inside. Her face scrunched at the sight as murmurs filled the arena. As everyone knew, Sevika was a pure blood fighter. She’d never taken anything to enhance her performance, but you could see now in her face that she was really considering it.
She looked over at you, a conflicting expression plain on her face. You knew what she was saying without a word shared between you.
You nodded.
She picked up her bottle, practically snatching the vial from her coach's hand, mixing the shimmer into the last bit of her water.
“What’s this? Sevika is taking shimmer?! People of the night, this is raring to be one for the books!” The voice narrated the scene in front of you.
She shook the bottle, the shade turning a soft purple colour. She looked at the liquid sloshing around, like she was still debating for a moment on whether she’d make that choice. She looked back at Marcus who’s eyes were still vibrant and jaw was still trembling despite how spent his body looked. She turned back, flaring her nostrils as she worked up the courage to drink it.
And she did, she drank it all.
She closed her eyes, leaning her hands against the top rope as she let the shimmer run through her system.
Marcus was already standing, his fists up by his face as he waited impatiently for the bell to go, not bothering to wait for Sevika to meet him in the middle again.
Then that thrice chiming and foreboding sound rang throughout the arena.
Marcus charged at her, pulling his right arm back, ready to sneak her from behind. Like the shimmer had perfected her quick timings, her hand shot out behind her, grabbing him by his face, an unbelievable scene, her hand easily covering the entirety of it.
His hands flailed wildly as he tried to reach her at arm's length. Her eyes peeled open, and lit up with a vibrancy you’d never seen before. She grinned easily, cockily almost.
Her body turned impossibly as she held Marcus in his place. She pulled her other arm back, then thrust it forward slamming it into his stomach, knocking him to the ground without trouble.
She walked over to him coolly, bending down as he struggled to catch a breath, evidently winded by her blow. She watched him as he spluttered and coughed up blood, the fighting pressures finally breaking him.
Through the roars of the crowd you could hear her chuckle as she peered down at him. He lurched up trying to hit her but she dodged it easily, returning his weak attempt with a swift blow to his face.
The crowd went silent as they waited for his next move. But it was in vain, as Sevika and the rest of the stadium watched him call in defeat, completely unconscious by her final blow.
It was so quiet. You never imagined a crowd like this could hold a silence this long.
“She’s done it again…” the voice said, almost emotional at the display, “SHE’S GONE AND DONE IT AGAIN!” He said even louder, moving the crowd into a belting applause.
She stood up, her eyes still glowing purple as she raised her fists in the air, circling his limp figure as she welcomed the adulations of the crowd.
You stood up, rounding the divider as you jumped onto the stage with ease, Sevika noticing you in an instant as she grabbed you, spinning you around in her arms.
You both shared in laughter, squeezing each other impossibly tight.
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myrkkymato · 6 months
Angry fictional character, please save me
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artinvain · 2 months
sevika’s personal stress reliever 💋fuck this got long and dirty :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: sevika is tired. her knuckles are sore — blood crusted and cracked, her muscles are pulled taut and she can’t think straight no matter how many cigs she smokes. when the day is done and sev is on her way home to you, she realises that today the carnivores violence and fear she’d instilled had made her forget that she had reprieve — you. she didn’t question whether or not she deserved it, she knew the answer.
in you’re home, she’s greeted my warmth, your soft hands helping her out of her jacket, kissing her cheek. you’d asked her something about her day. but, all she could focus on was the way your lace night dress exposed your nipples, hugging your breasts and falling soft on your hips. she can feel her muscles relax, blood draining from her head, she’s throbbing for you.
when you turn to ask her something again, you’re met with her hard chest, her strong arms coming to engulf you. she looks… ravenous, her nose scrunched up, eyes hard and demanding and you already know what she wants, so you don’t think twice before leaning up and pressing a kiss to her mouth. sevika I’m moans at the softness of your lips, the taste of your fucking tongue. her warm hand groping your ass, grabbing handfuls and smacking— her bionic hand wrapped gently around your throat.
she doesn’t think about how many people she’s killed with it, because here — it is for your pleasure. she knows you like the feeling of it cold and hard pressing down on the sides of your throat, that dizzy look in your eyes is what makes her grunt, swallowing hard as she kisses over your jaw and whispers,
“go to the couch — get on your fucking knees for me honey,” she watches you scamper to the couch and follows after you, biting her lip at the sight of your ass, the night gown just barely covering you, and she’s salivating.
sevika looks down at you adoringly, how you’re gnawing at your bottom lip impatiently awaiting her instructions, your eyes glazed and your breathing laboured. sev taps her belt and smirks when you jump to unbuckle her and when your pants are down at her ankles you can’t help but sit up on your knees and press your forehead against her belly, nosing at her mound and nearly mouthing her through her boxers. she lets you silently praise her, her shoulders relaxing as you do so.
“boxers down baby,” she commands and you gulp, pulling them down and groaning at how sticky she is. sevika steps one leg out of her pants and underwear, spreading her legs. “c’mere,” she whispers, her hand soft on the back of your neck, guiding your face toward her pussy.
“please,” you whimper, your tongue is begging to taste her, drooling for her and Sevika smiles at your desperation, “no,” she answers softly, teasing and shaking her head. pulling your head back by your hair when you try to lean in too close.
“oh my god, please sevika,” you whine, your hands on her thighs, nails biting marks there as she finally guides your face toward her and she moans when she feels your tongue dart desperately. you lick and suckle at her clit gently, bending your neck so you can lick deep between her lips and really taste her. sevika groans, her deep baritone making your belly tighten. you moan as your tongue circles her clenching, wet cunt.
“fuck okay-“ she groans, her grasp on your hair tightening, “need ta - shit, m’gonna fuck your face okay doll?” she’s not really asking and you’re nodding your head vigorously. “open that pretty mouth for me, let me see your tongue,” she taps your cheek as you open and slips two thick fingers into your mouth. her own mouth gaping at the sight as she presses down on your tongue, her bionic hand holding your head steady in place as her fingers reach in deep enough to make you gag.
sev clenches her jaw at the sight of your drool dripping down the sides of your mouth, pulls your tongue out and guides your head between her legs. she can feel your warm, thick, waiting tongue on her pussy and her hips buck. holding your hair and securing your head she gasps for breath as she fucks herself on your tongue huffing and grunting your name. your nose grazing her clit with every grind, she’s never unstimulated. “fuuck, atta girl — taking me so well,” she groans “so good for me, letting me fuck your face like this,” her hips unrelenting as she fucks you, looking down at your big teary eyes she can’t help but tell you — “look so pretty angel, shit!”
sev steadies herself and pulls your head back, “you’re being so good honey, just suck on my clit yeah? just like that,” she bobs your head on her pussy, your nose grazing her mound and you’re taking deep, grateful whiffs of her scent. the underside of your tongue rolling and sucking her in. “jesus fuck, you’re good at that huh?” she chuckles, moaning when your arms wrap around her thighs fingers scratching and squeezes her thighs, her ass. “god, yes my pretty little slut,” she grunts, honing your head with every word as you moan around her clit, your panties wet and sticking to the insides of your swollen cunt you whine at the torture of not having any friction. and sevika notices how your winding your hips and she chuckles.
“struggling there sweetheart?” she huffs, too drunk on the feeling of snapping her hips against your face and bobbing your head on her to really do anything about it now and she knows you love being teased, edged. you both know she could make you cry cumming by touching in a moment and the buildup made your whole body sizzle.
“fuck honey, christ-“ sev whines “I’m gonna cum, love,” she moans “m’gonna cum and take such good fuckin care of you yeah?” her hips snap a little sloppier, her huffs and whines making your eyes roll back and fuck finally she whimpers, holds you close while you suck on her clit and she cums, lets you lick deeper for more of her taste, lavishing her pussy until she’s too sensitive and pulls her head back. she pulls you up by your hair, “my greedy girl,” and all you can do is fall against her chest.
she lets you lay on her as she sits down on the couch, perched you on her lap as you wrap an arm around her shoulders. “you did so fucking well for me angel,” she sighs, her warm hands rubbing over your thighs, and spreading your legs over hers. she gently squeezes your inner thighs and you’re so fucking wound up that she’s just barely grazing your soaking cunt and your hips are bucking and your whining loudly into her shoulder.
“it’s okay baby, just keep being good for me yeah?” she cooes in your ear and fastens a bionic arm around your waist, holding you to her and letting her fingers feel you through your panties, rubbing your clit softly, “no, no please sev, please,” you whine, “okay baby no teasing,” she acquiesces and gets her hand under you panties, spanking your clit harsh and fast and then while you’re yelling pushing two fingers into your sopping cunt,
“yes baby, god so fucking soft for me,” she inhales through her teeth, twisting and drilling her fingers into you, holding you tight as you flail, one hand in her hair, tugging deliciously. the other holding on to her bionic arm on your waist as her fingers curl into you, “oh my god baby,” you groan, her thumb rubbing your clit.
“I know honey, such a good girl, want you to cum for me,” she moans, “been so good to me honey, you’re fuckin angel”
“sev- ungh, god It’s too, I can’t fuck,”
“yes you can angel,” sev gently removes her fingers and rubs your clit gently, cooing all the time in your ear with each smack how lucky she is to have you, “love you so much baby, just want you feel good yeah? you feel good?” you nod your head vigorously before it falls back against her chest and all you can do is babble and whine on “nuh-uh use your words or I stop,” she says
“yes, yes I feel good vika so so good. pl-please I’m so fucking - oh my god!” sevika moans at the feeling of your warm, wet walls pulling her in, clenching around her, she can hear your moans reaching a fever pitch, feel your walls clenching erratically “that’s it, just like that baby, be good girl and fucking cum for me yeah?”
so you do, your body tremoring hips bucking wilding against her fingers that just sound more ludicrous and crass with your wetness, that’s coming in small streams and spurts, your mouth open in a loud whimpers and whines and groans.
sevika lays you down and surrounds you, her hand brushing the hair out of your face, “you did so well angel, thank you, you’re so good to me.” she kisses your forehead and cheeks and eyelids and chin. “you know that right? that you did well for me?” you start to nod — “words, baby,”
“yeah, yes, I know I’m a good girl,”
“yeah you are angel,”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Been thinking about this at work all day
Tags: @archangeldyke-all @sexysapphicshopowner @sevsbaby @iamaboringrattat
Concept inspo: @butch-bf
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archangeldyke-all · 13 days
Reader waking up to Sevika having a wet dream about her? I’m so normal about her
love this. gonna combine it this ask another ask and make it ceo sevika:
men and minors dni
neither you or sevika are morning people. if it were up to the two of you, work would start around one in the afternoon. unfortunately, with sevika's job, neither of you get to sleep in often when both of you have to be at work two hours before the day starts to get ready for everyone.
once you moved in with her, you and sevika came up with a nice system to allow each of you some time to sleep in a bit on weekdays.
mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, sevika wakes up at five in the morning to make the both of you breakfast, pick out your outfits and pack your briefcases, and tidy up the house from whatever mess the two of you left behind after dinner the night before. and then, when she can put it off no longer, she'll gently wake you up at six fifteen with sweet kisses and bribes of coffee to get you out of bed.
you do the same on tuesdays and thursdays.
this morning, when the alarm blared, sevika grunted and kicked you awake.
you chuckled as you slammed the alarm, then kissed her head, snuck out from her grasp, pulled the blankets back up around her, and headed to the kitchen to start the day.
you made breakfast, brushed your teeth, dressed yourself, then picked out a nice outfit for sevika that not-so-subtly matches your own outfit.
and now, you're balancing a plate of scrambled eggs and a mug of coffee in one hand as you tip toe back to the bedroom to wake up your wife.
"babyyyy..." you sing, setting the food down on her nightstand table.
sevika's responding grumble is not the typical responding grumble you get most early mornings. it's... needier.
you gulp as you turn back around to study your wife where she lay, blankets tucked under her chin, body obscured beneath the mountain of fluffy blankets on your bed. there's a little furrow between her brow, and her eyes are moving rapidly under her eyelids, her eyelashes twitching against her cheek.
suddenly, sevika gasps, her whole body going taut-- and then she sighs a pretty "ahh" as she relaxes against the mattress again.
oh, fuck. sevika's having a wet dream.
you stare in disbelief, not sure what to do with yourself. do you wake her up and not mention the tiny whimpers she's letting out right now?
"sh-shit, baby." sevika whimpers.
well, now you can't ignore it. it's not just some random wet dream, she's dreaming about you.
you bite your lip, then reach out and grab the corner of the blankets, slowly peeling them away from her body.
sevika slept shirtless, clad only in boxers beneath the covers. she shivers, goosebumps popping up on the surface of her skin, her nipples hardening. you chuckle, then bite back your own whimper when you see the tent in her boxers.
"oh, honey." you coo, sympathetic. sevika's face scrunches in recognition of your voice, and you chuckle, reaching forward to gently push a few strands of her hair off her forehead. you don't want to wake her up just yet. you just want to watch her for a while.
still, you can't help but hum happily when sevika subconciously nuzzles against your hand on her face. the corners of her lips twitch up happily for just a moment at the sound, and then she's pulled back into her dream, huffing and smacking her lips at something.
you giggle again and press a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose. then, you slowly straddle her waist, sure not to shift too abruptly and wake her up. you hover over her on all fours, just watching her shudder and shift beneath you. sevika grunts.
"h-harder!" she suddenly whimpers, her eyebrows pinching. you giggle.
"not even touchin' you baby." you whisper. sevika pouts in her sleep at this, and you chuckle.
"but i wan' you." she whines, her eyes still closed, her mind still off. it seems like she can hear you in her dream, though. you giggle.
"well then wake up an' you can have me. but i gotta tell you, baby, i'm happy to just sit here and watch you cum in your sleep."
sevika scowls, suddenly angry, and her hips shift enough for her cock to graze your ass. you both gasp, and then sevika growls. "wanna cum in you."
your plan to simply watch flies out the window then. now you have to touch her. "wake up." you whisper, ducking down to kiss her lips. she hums against you, but her lips remain unresponsive. "wake up sevika, don'cha wanna touch me baby?" you whisper, trailing kisses down her throat. she shivers underneath you.
you look over at the clock on your nightstand. you've got forty minutes before you need to leave for work, and if you account for the ten minutes of post-coital cuddles sevika insists upon, you need her to wake up now in order for the two of you to get to work on time.
you've only got one option.
you press one more gentle kiss to the tip of her nose, grinning at the sweet way her face scrunches and memorizing the sweet, sleepy grunts she's letting out with each intermittent twitch of her hips under you; and then you reach forward and pinch her nipples as you sit down and start grinding on her cock.
sevika bolts upright the second you do, gasping and wrapping her arms around your waist as she blinks awake. you burst into giggles.
"goodmorning." you laugh, pinching her nipples one last time before letting them go and wrapping your arms around her shoulders.
sevika's still hazy with sleep, blinking at you with wide, owlish eyes as she tries to catch up with what's happening. you give her a second to collect herself, then start grinding on her again. she growls.
"you were havin' a dream about me. i was just gonna dream-land-me get you off and watch you cum in your pants, but you two started havin' too much fun and i got jealous." you explain.
sevika's lips twitch up at the side as she starts to understand, and her hands find your hips, starting to grind you against her cock. you both moan.
"how long do we got?" she asks, her voice still raspy with sleep. your cunt pulses at the sound of it.
"ten minutes to fuck, ten minutes to cuddle, ten minutes to get ready and ten minutes to eat." you say. sevika grins.
"i can work with that." she chuckles. then, she flips both of you, pinning you to the bed and quickly stripping you of the clothes you'd just put on. you giggle, reaching up to thread her finger through her hair.
"tell me about your dream." you request. sevika grins.
"can't remember it all. one second i was eating you out on the conference table in the middle of the meeting, then you were fingering me in some underwater cave?" she asks, scrunching her face as she tries to interpert her dream. you giggle. "i think you were a mermaid." she says, her face pinched as she tries to recall the quickly fading memory.
you laugh, lifting your hips to help her pull your bottoms off. when she's got you naked, she starts kissing up your legs, headed toward your cunt. you sigh, relaxing against the mattress. "how does mermaid sex even work?" you ask.
she chuckles against your thigh, then pokes her head up from between your legs to speak. "you were fingering me, babe, it didn't matter." she explains. then, she dives face first into your cunt.
you gasp, and sevika wastes no time getting you soaking wet and ready for her cock.
you guys fuck on a time-crunch more often than not, and sevika's got working you up down to an art. she's slobbery and messy, groaning against your cunt like this is her breakfast, sucking your clit so hard it makes you see stars, and only letting go when your legs start to shiver, just to duck down and start fucking your hole with her tongue.
"sevika, c'mon." you whine, tugging her hair. she giggles, pulls away and pops two of her fingers in her mouth, smirks at the way you whine, and then shoves them both in your cunt with no warning.
you gasp. "fuck!" sevika finds your g-spot with no effort, pressing against it on each pass as she slurps at your clit. "fuck, sev, get inside me baby, i wanna cum on your cock."
sevika shivers at your words, and she presses one final kiss to your cunt before pulling away and shoving her boxers around her thighs. you make grabby hands at her as she crawls up your body and lines herself up with your cunt.
you reach down and help her find your hole, and both of you gasp when she starts to push in. "fuck." sevika curses. "shit, thank you for wakin' me up baby." she whines as she waits for you to adjust and give her the go ahead. you giggle, and sevika smiles at the sound.
"better than the mermaid?" you ask. sevika barks a laugh, then swoops down to kiss you.
"much better." she whispers against your lips.
"good answer. gonna fuck me now?"
sevika gives you one quick harsh thrust and you squeak. she smirks cockily down at you. "sure you're ready?" she asks.
you snort, then smack her ass. "c'mon babe, we got five minutes. get to it."
sevika kisses you one more time, and then starts fucking you like her life depends on it.
the gentle sounds of morning birds singing outside are quickly drowned out by wet squelching noises, the rhythmic smacking of sevika's hips against your thighs, and your shared moans.
"fuck fuck fuck, baby, 'm not gonna last." sevika whines in your throat. you reach between the two of you to pinch her nipple, giggling when she jolts. "fuck off! don' make me cum!"
"you're my wife, baby, that's like, half my job." you tease, nibbling her earlobe like you know she loves. she whines.
"cut it out! fuck are you gonna do when i cum before you and we gotta get to work before you can finish?" she asks. you consider this, then shove your free hand down between your bodies to rub your clit, your hold on her tit not lessening as you do. sevika half-laughs half-growls. "fucker." she says fondly.
you grin up at her. "come on, cum inside me, i wanna feel it, sev. fuck, i'll put my panties right back on, keep your cum inside me all day. you can clean up the mess when we get home--"
sevika growls, sinks her teeth into your throat, and cums deep inside you. it tips you over the edge.
you gasp at the feeling, giggling as you cum around her cock, satisfaction flooding your body as you fall apart to the feeling of your wife falling apart inside you. "fuck, sev, just like that, good girl, i fuckin' love you!" you laugh.
sevika's tiny thrusts die down as your shaking thighs settle, and she collapses on top of you sighing. you nuzzle against her hair, kissing her scalp. "i love you too." she mumbles. you smile.
"ten minutes, babe. then we gotta go." you remind her, knowing she's tempted to fall asleep. she grunts.
it's quiet for a while, just the gentle sound of your fingers scratching her scalp and the birdsong outside. you wordlessly pass sevika her plate, feeding her bites of eggs as she rests on your tits. she kisses your chest in thanks between each bite.
and then: "were you serious about keepin' my cum in you all day?" she asks. you giggle.
"sure was. when you pull out, if you're quick, you can pick which panties i use to soak you up all day." you bribe. sevika growls and then looks up at you with sparkling eyes.
"we should do this every morning." she says.
you burst into laughter.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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sevikasenby · 3 months
just you (ao3 link)
wc: 1.9k
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i think that grinding your cunt against sevika’s is probably the most effective way to fuck her stupid. sevika is actually quite a touchy person when she’s with someone she loves. it takes her a while to get comfortable with the fact that someone wants her to touch them, not even in the sexual sense, just like holding hands, a hand resting on your back, legs bumping into each other or tangling your legs together while getting warm under the covers.
it goes the other way as well, sevika took time to understand that someone wanted her to touch them but also that she wanted someone to touch her. whenever she fucked you, you were always gripping onto her in some way, pulling her impossibly closer, just showing that you needed her. but she also needed you. she needed you so fucking bad.
it usually happens after a very long, tiring, and frustrating day of work where sevika will come home and just need you. whether that means in a non sexual sense of taking a shower (or sometimes bath) together, cuddling on the couch and eventually falling asleep or in the sexual sense of her eating you out to help her relax, and vice versa, or one of your favorites, her fucking you into the mattress to let out some frustration because you can never say no to getting fucked by your painfully hot, angry and frustrated girlfriend.
even after all of that, you still have one absolute favorite. when she needs you. when she needs you to be on top her. when she needs you fucking her and telling her how good she is. when she needs to come home and be taken care of by you.
and when sevika came home tired, frustrated, and almost immediately going to change out of her work clothes (because a lot of the time she will sit around for a bit or go and do something like work on her arm in said clothes) you knew it was one of those nights.
a couple minutes went by and you went to check on her. you found her sitting at her desk, already out of her work clothes of course and into a loose t -shirt and a pair of boxers, cleaning some excess shimmer off of her arm. you didn’t need to say anything as you walked up behind her and grabbed the rag she was using and started cleaning her arm for her. she let you, she always does.
you leaned back against the desk while she watched you. you’ve gotten pretty good at cleaning her arm, and sevika’s gotten good at letting you clean her arm. you would clean it from time to time. normally if there was too much blood or dirt down in between some of the mechanics she wouldn’t let you clean it since she could get too it easier. on the rare occasion you did, sometimes having to extract the blade or get in between her claws, sevika always tried to see it as a reminder for her that you weren’t scared of it.
after you finished cleaning, you dropped the rag onto the desk and sat yourself in sevika’s lap, wrapping your arms around her neck. you rested your forehead against hers as your fingers gently ran through her dark hair, feeling her relax against you. her arms curled around your waist, pulling you flush against her chest.
your hand came up to cup the side of her face, your thumb caressing her cheek, “what do you need, love?”
“just you.”
her lips were quick to capture yours. it’s the first time you’ve kissed since she’s been home. you could still feel the scar that was on her bottom lip from just a couple days ago and the taste of her cigars still lingered on her lips. she normally has a smoke on her way back from work.
her flesh hand made its way underneath your shirt, lightly scratching your back. her soft lips never left yours, the kiss becoming more and more desperate but still gentle as ever. her breath quickened, her heart was starting to race, and her grip on your waist had tightened, not wanting to let you go, not even for a second.
you took the opportunity to roll your hips against hers, making a soft moan escape her lips. one of your hands trailed down between you and brushed your fingers against her core. another moan fell from her along with a breathy “i need you.”
thats all you needed and next thing you knew you were on the bed with sevika underneath you. her shirt was removed first and your mouth instantly attached to one of her hardened nipples, the one other being rolled between your fingers. her tits have always been so sensitive and you can make her come just from touching or sucking on them.
you felt yourself growing wet as sevika’s flesh hand cupped the back of your head, bringing you closer her, if that was even possible. she was squirming underneath you, moaning so so pretty, her mech hand gripping the sheets beside her. you released her nipple, making a wet pop noise and moved over to her left one, her most sensitive one. faint blue scars traced her skin. they were very faded but still present.
while your tongue swirled around her nipple, your hand slid beneath the waistband of her boxers, and much to sevika’s delight, finally touching her. not surprising, her cunt was soaked and still growing wet as you continued to suck on her breast.
“f-fuck, baby.” she moaned as she arched into you when your fingers brushed over her clit.
“that feel good, sev? hmm?”
“so good, feel’s so fuckin’ good.”
her clit was throbbing as you continued drawing circles over it. you could now feel the wet spot you had made on your own underwear. sitting up and pulling away from her breast and your hand out of her boxers, you took your own shirt off and then your pajama pants and underwear. you moved to her boxers, looking at her for a moment so she could give you a nod that she was ready.
you slipped her boxers off her, finally revealing her wet pussy and watched as she clenched around nothing. god, you just wanted to dive in and suck on her sweet clit till her thick thighs clamped around your head but instead you kissed where her happy trail lead down into the beautiful patch of hair she had.
sevika squirmed under you again, whining and grabbing at you to bring you closer.
“you want something, love?” you knew she did.
“need to feel you, please.” and you knew exactly what she meant.
as bad as you wanted to tease her, to make her plead and beg for you, the desperate look in her eyes made you want to give her everything she wanted. she needed you, so she had you.
you made her lift her leg up so you could slot in between them. you hovered over her heat, not wanting to touch her just yet. you leaned down to capture her lips in a soft kiss, hearing her sigh happily against you. you didn’t pull away as you finally lowered yourself onto her, connecting your already soaked cunts together and you got what you wanted: her gasping against your lips.
still not pulling away, you started moving your hips to rub your cunt against hers, wanting to hear and feel her moan and whimper against you. her flesh arm wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly closer. her soft breasts were pressed against yours, making you both sigh in contentment.
it was easy to figure out why sevika loved to be the one on top fucking you so much, hearing your moans was music to her ears and now hearing her moan so pretty because of you made you never want to stop pleasuring her, never want to stop taking care of her.
while you wanted to let her stay wrapped around you, you decided to pull away and sit up, letting you hit just the right spot every time and letting out your own moans and curses. between the sound of your cunts kissing and sevika’s sinful moans, you weren’t sure which was turning you on more.
maybe it was the way your warm, wet cunts molded perfectly together, maybe it was how sevika’s eyes rolled back every time your clits touched just right or maybe it was how she couldn’t form a coherent sentence together besides strings of curses and the occasional “please”, “more”, “faster”.
“closer, please."
you weren’t going to deny her this time, there was no way in hell you could. you leaned down letting her wrap her arms, both flesh and metal, around you. she buried her face into your neck, muffling her moans, not in a way to try and hide them, but because she just wanted to be as close to you as possible.
you ended up wrapped around each other, faces buried into each others necks, the combined wetness of you both was definitely soaking into the sheets beneath you and was making an obscene squelching noise. the way her hands gripped harder at your back as if you still weren’t close enough, you were never close enough.
you tried your best to keep your own moans down, only wanting the sound of hers filling your ears but the feeling of her warm, wet cunt drove you absolutely crazy.
“you feel so fuckin’ good, baby.” you told her. “so fuckin’ good for me."
when she pulled away for some fresh air, her mouth was slightly opened, her breathing was heavy, a thin sheen of sweat covering her forehead and her hair was all messy. one of your hands came up to brush the hair out of her face so you could rest your forehead against hers.
you watched as she fell apart beneath you even further, getting closer and closer. you sped up when you felt her legs start shaking, doing your best to keep yourself steady while you were also getting close.
her throbbing clit rubbed against yours so perfectly, you were both reaching the edge so quickly now.
“aah, fuck!”
“thats it, sev, let it out, i’ve got you.”
sevika shoved her face back into your neck, streams of moans falling from her lips.
“i’m not gonna let you go.”
and you didn’t. you held onto her while her whole body shook with pleasure as she came.
feeling the way her cunt pulsed against you made you finally tip over the edge, gripping onto her shoulder while you slowed down your thrusts, not wanting to send either of you into overstimulation.
you both completely relaxed, still holding onto each other while catching your breath. you felt something wet against your neck and you pulling your head up and saw sevika with tear streaks down her cheeks. she wasn’t actively crying but she obviously had at some point. it wasn’t unusual at all either. it wasn’t like this was uncommon for her, or for you at times.
sometimes it just happened. it was happy crying. sometimes the pleasure you were making her feel was too much, too good and she just couldn’t help it. same goes for you.
your hand reached up and cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears with the pad of your thumb. her eyes were already droopy, near falling asleep as you placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“i love you so much.” you whispered to her.
“i love you more.”
taglist: @abitohoney @archangeldyke-all @shimtarofstupidity @sevsbaby @zaunite-leo
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Attractive things Sevika does
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tags: modern au, sfw but with some suggestive content
Puts her arm around the back of your headrest whenever backing up the car. Also likes to rest her free hand on your thigh while driving.
Whenever you're walking by her and place your hands on her arm, she likes to flex her arm muscles because she knows you love the feeling of her strong biceps underneath your fingers.
Stretches her back while sitting down so you get a perfect view of her abs and happy trail.
Always holds eye contact and has all her focus on you whenever you're rambling about something, letting out deep but quiet hums so you know that she's listening.
Always holds the door open for her girl to pass through first. Also rushes to open the car door for you, her cute passenger princess.
Whenever she feels as if you're paying too much attention to someone other than her, she gently grabs your jaw and turns your attention back to her. Sevika can't help it, she wants all of her babygirl's attention to herself.
Smirks whenever you blush and try to hide your face from her by covering it up with your hands. Gently grabs ahold of them and moves them away while saying ''Come on baby, let me see that cute red face of yours.''
Grunts and moans whenever you're giving her a relaxing massage after a taxing day at work.
Always offers you a bite of her food and gently wipes off any crumbs or cream off of your pretty face (and licks it off of her finger while looking into your eyes seductively ofc).
Wears only boxers to sleep and on occasion a sports bra, but prefers to sleep topless.
Wears a wife pleaser whenever the two of you spend a lazy day at home.
a/n: ill probably do a nsfw version soon if anyone would is interested :) also might do this for other characters too hehe
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fyeahnix · 5 months
Though Sevika doesn't mind the rowdy bustle of The Last Drop, she finds solace in the quiet calm of night on your balcony.
Sometimes when she gets home in the ungodly hours of the night, she'll go there to smoke and relax.
It was a quarter past two in the morning when you stirred awake to a half-empty bed. Your girlfriend's side was dead cold. Your balcony door, however, was cracked. So Sevika had come home, probably wanted to unwind first before she joined and embraced you.
Against your better judgment, you crawled out of bed and padded to the balcony. You poked your head out, slowly.
Sevika sat relaxed in one chair with her head tilted back and her eyes closed, clad in a loose muscle shirt and her boxer briefs. Soft amber fire ignited from the blunt between her fingers as she took a slow drag, her face illuminated against the sickly grey-green of upper Zaun. Smoke dribbled from her mouth into her nostrils. Held there. Then expelled through the nose. She was quiet, calm, lost in her own little world of bliss.
You regretted coming to bother her.
As you aimed to close the door, you misjudged where the handle was, knocking it with your wrist bone. Any swear you conjured up was stamped down with sheer force of will alone.
Sevika's eyes flew open and she sat upright immediately, attention turned towards you. She snuffed the blunt in her ashtray on the table. "You okay, sweetheart? Did I wake you?"
Funny. Here you were disturbing her few moments of peace and she was concerned with having disturbed yours.
"No, just... wondering where you were. Gonna head back to bed now."
"Wait," she called out. She beckoned you closer with a jerk of her head. Patted her left thigh. "Sit with me?"
Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't hesitate. Now? You felt like an intruder, disrupting a sacred space only rivaled by the warm embrace of an afterlife. You had already crossed the forbidden threshold, disturbed the peace, and now you were being asked to embrace it? You didn't feel worthy.
But it was far, far too late to spiral into reasons why you shouldn't. And you were much too tired to debate your inner thoughts.
You accepted. Curled yourself into Sevika's warm lap. Rested your head against her collar. Let the lingering aroma of smoke and spice lull you back into slumber.
taglist: @gaudesstuff @archangeldyke-all @abitohoney @lesbeaniegreenie @sexysapphicshopowner
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sevikafanpage · 5 months
Amab sevika x female reader 🔞 fluff smut
You and sevika lay on the couch lazily wasting the day away. Because it’s her day off work she’d like to spend it relaxed. You sit on her lap, laying your face on her shoulder.
You hear her mumble “missed you”. A giggle escapes your lips and reply with “you see me every day bby”.
Sevika groans “yes but I don’t get these days alot”. Your fingers trace her face as she speaks.
You and her know you are her stress reliever, you help keep her grounded.
You begin to feel a hand graze along your back down to your ass. “What are you doin?” Suspicion fills your mind. “M’lovin you” she mumbles in your neck. You feel the hard warmth beneath you. “Oh? It’s one of those days” you tease. “Will you hush and stop ruining the moment?” She chuckles. You shrug and make your way off her lap down to her buldge.
Her breath hitches and she tenses up as she feels your hand caress her pent up buldge in her pants. “We haven’t been able to do this since last week” she sighs. You nod knowing just what to do. You unzip her fly and pull her cock out her boxers. It being wet from pre-cum.
You lick down the sides of her member than kiss the tip. Your hands massage her and spit drips down onto her. Then you take her all, going all the way down and gagging just a little.
“Fuck-bby” sevika grips the back of your head. “You look so pretty like this, takin me all in. M-my pretty girl” she grunts. You begin to Bob your head up and down, letting it get a tad messy from your saliva.
13-15 minutes go by and she’s close. She’s grunting and jerking her hips as her climax inches closer. “Fuck fuck-“ her breathing quickens and she pushes your head all the way down. Her hot load fills your mouth and you moan in pleasure. She chuckles “just like that, take it all bby”. You swallow then come back up for air.
Your make up and hair is a mess, your face is wet but your smilin like you won a million bucks. You get up and pull her boxers up her hips. Kissing her cheek, she smacks you on the ass.
“I love you Yk that?” She sits you back on her lap to gently scratch and rub at your back. You nod in acknowledgment “yes and I love you just as much”. She wipes your lips with her thumb, then gently plants a kiss on your lips.
Your moan, “you better fix the situation you got goin on down there”. You refer to your soaked panties. “I would never leave my girl hanging bby”she smiles and picks you up, taking you to your shared room.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
now im thinking about abby fresh from bath ready to cuddle
this ,,, but with farmer abby ,,,, also just a reminder, farm abby and farm sevika were 100% spawned from @jupiter-va's beautiful farm audios and my lovely lovely wife @pinknightsinmymind
but thinking of farmer abby coming back into the house after a long day of planting. she's covered in dirt and grime, sweaty as all hell, bone tired and ready to fall into her wife's arms. but she can't! because she knows you wouldn't want her to get into the bed you spent so much time fluffing up and caring for.
so after she eats dinner with you at the kitchen table – because the bed may be off limits but dinner cannot wait – she heads up to the bathroom. she nearly melts when she sees a set of pajamas laid out of her, some soft boxers and a light cotton bralette, that had to have been there since before dinner. it makes her so fucking soft, all the little things you do to take care of her. she showers as fast as possible, making sure she's completely clean before she can even think of getting into bed with you.
by the time she's out and done with her routine, Abby is practically jumping into bed. you're already there, in your soft lil pjs, waiting for your wife. the second she's in bed, you shift to lay on your back and pull her into you. abby, sweet needy girl that she is, instantly shoves her face into your chest and snuggles close, mumbling in your soft skin.
"missed you so bad darlin'," she drawls, the accent coming out when she's this tired. her rough hands trail up and down your sides, making you shiver. you're rubbing soft circles on her back, feeling up swaths of freckled, water-warmed skin.
"mmm, I was in the house all day, baby, but I missed you too," You murmur, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. abby, big strong girl that she is, whines and wiggles closer, pressing a kiss to your chest.
"yeah but you were so far away, just wanted to cuddle you."
she's just so fucking cute when she's like this, tired and sore and clean, the scent of her pine soap mixing with something so distinctly warm and Abby, it makes you soft. "now you can, big girl. we can cuddle all night, my love."
she lets out a happy little whine, murmuring a little " 'love you" into your chest before settling in, letting you two drift off to bed.
she's soooooo fucking soft I need farmer abby and her southern drawl ok she is very gorgeous to me!
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
Dating Sevika
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Just some fluffy thoughts :)
Contrary to popular belief, she listens. I imagine she's the type to listen to you ramble about your interests with an annoyed face, but the moment you stop out of worry she immediately looks at you to continue.
She remembers it all too, just doesn't act like it until she randomly points to smth she sees and says: "Over there, you like that kinda shit right?"
She tends to follow you rather than walk beside you. She does that to keep you safe, but teases that if she doesn't go your pace she'll lose you. (Cuz off your short ass legs–)
I think Sevika would like dates inside tbh. I think truly relaxing to her is being away from people cuz they annoy her. So lots of movie nights and drinking games lmao
I think she swings her arms over you all the time. Just cuz.
She definitely wears boxers and is in em all the time at home. Soooo you get to see that amazing view 24/7 :)
Also the smell of her cigars is on you more often than not. If you're ever an on and off couple, even if you say you're done with her...one wiff and everyone knows where you went last night lmao.
I think there's a lot of Sevika saying stuff like "Gonna be gone for a few days, don't open unless I do the knock ok?" And her showing up at 3am covered in mud and blood.
Off of this^ lots of helping her patch up her wounds and stitches, silently washing the blood off of her in the shower and then hugging her hard in the end.
It's also her coming home simply tired at 3am, waking you up cuz she's stroking your hair and whispering "Did you miss me baby?"
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sevikasbeloved · 4 months
After it had all died down, you found yourself alone finally with Sevika. She sat down on the metal bench in the middle of the locker room, and you joined her, sitting on her lap as you quietly inspected her cuts and bruises on her face.
“I can’t believe he got you this good.” You mumbled as you wiped away the fresh blood with a warm and damp washcloth.
“Yeah, me too.” She husked, although her tone seemed as though she was focused on something entirely different from the conversation you had started.
You smiled, biting the plump of your lip each time she tried fighting back a wince every time you’d hit a deep cut. Your thumbs rubbed against her cheeks as your eyes stayed absorbed on each other. Your close proximity allowed you to hear the rapid beating of her heart, paired with her sudden deepening breaths. You looked at her from beneath furrowed eyebrows, trying to read her clearly unrested mind.
Like she knew you were looking for an answer, her hand hooked onto the joining straps of your dress, the other gliding up and down your waist.
“I couldn’t stop thinking ‘bout you.” She whispered, “Everyday I was away from home, I would only think about you.”
You tucked your bottom lip entirely between your teeth, biting back an even bigger smile than what was already plastered on your face.
“What were you thinking about?” You hummed, your hands cupping around her neck as you rested your forehead against hers, feeling dampness from the sweat and blood on her face.
“Was thinking about holding you, loving you,” she husked, “fuckin’ you silly.”
Your heart skipped a beat, travelling to your member as you felt her hips buck up into you, causing your dress to ride up just a little, the slit sitting even more dangerously high on your thigh.
Her fingers that toyed with your straps rose to your plump lips, her thumb grazing against your bottom.
“Fuck, you look so good right now.” She growled, immediately pulling you into a raunchy kiss, her tongue forcing its way between your lips as she explored your mouth like it was the last thing she would do.
You moaned into the kiss, your body rocking into her front. She broke the kiss as she looked at you from beneath lowered eyelids, her breaths deep and sparse.
“How bout you let me make up for all the days you’ve missed me?” She said, her hands already wandering your body, fingertips curling as they curved into the dip between your thighs through the slit in your dress.
“I dunno, Sevi, you’re all roughed up from that fight, maybe we should take it easy tonight.” You said as you straddled her, her knee ever so slightly bouncing up against your clothed clit, making your concerns sound less serious than they were as you poorly attempted to muffle a whine.
“Baby, listen,” she muttered, her forehead flush against yours, “this shimmer is runnin’ through me like a goddamn viagra, so, either I fuck the shit out of you right here, or I tear apart this locker room.”
You bit your lip, biting back a smile,
“Oh well, we can’t have that can we?” You whisper in her ear as you begin to nip at her earlobe.
She pulls your body in close to hers, bucking her hips up purposefully to rile you further. You groaned into her ear, only egging her on further as she took your sarcastic retort as a go ahead, picking you up like you weighed nothing as she laid you out against the warmed bench.
She wasted no time as she began running her hands up the length of your thighs, bending down as her lips placed chaste kisses on their way up.
“Oh my god- I’ve missed you so- much.” She mumbled through shallow breaths in between kisses.
You couldn’t help a giggle at the complete adoration she showered you with, feeling like you were young again and fucking her for the first time.
Her fingers stroked along your barely clothed member, your thong leaving little to imagination as her fingers quickly became coated in your juices.
“Damn, baby, you’re so wet for me.” She almost groaned, pressed her slick covered fingers to her lips as she licked them, her eyes still vibrant in their right as she watched your reactions.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, the sight almost being enough to send you reeling, but the sudden sharp feeling of her hand groping your sensitive breasts had your eyes shooting open again as you wriggled under her sinful gaze.
“You’re not gonna wanna miss any of this, baby girl.” She chuckled, standing up to her full height as she began pulling her dirtied tank and sports bra off, letting her breasts slip out and sit pretty against her toned abdomen.
“Fuck, sev.” An impish smile found itself on your face as you beheld the god given sight. She always knew you were obsessed with her body, oftentimes comparing her to the Greek gods with her always trumping them all.
Your hand mindlessly found its way between your thighs as you watched her chest rise and fall, the sweat glistening underneath the warm, overhead locker room lighting. You began drawing circles against your clit, your back arching as you noticed that all too familiar sadist smile finding its way across her face.
You expected her to stop you, but she let you please yourself as you watched her, her eyes never once looking at the wilder and faster circles you were rubbing against your clit. You whimpered, wanting nothing more than her to snatch your hand away, replacing them with her own skillful ones.
“Keep going for me, I wanna see you cum just by looking at me.” She grumbled, feeling a heat rise in her own cunt as she watched you writhe, your legs barely holding themselves up as they fell limp on either side of the bench you laid on.
“Please, Sev, I need you so bad!” You cried, your wrists burning up as you moaned through the smaller waves of an oncoming tsunami.
“I can see that, love.” She chuckled deeply, her hands resting against the waistband on her bottoms, thumbs toying with your feelings as they teased and pulled on her shorts, revealing just an inch of the dark hairs on her pussy.
“Fuck!” You groaned, another wave of pleasure going through you again, you felt your eyes pool with warm tears, a big part of you not wanting to make yourself cum when she was standing right fucking there.
But her frame, the way she stared at you like you were the only woman in the world she desired, her deep chuckles, the pet names she gave you…
You felt your cunt twist and coil as your hole tightened around your fingers, forcing you to curl the tips of your fingers, hitting your g-spot at the perfect angle.
“Sev, please, please, I don’t wann- come without you!” You spluttered out in a moment, feeling the peak approaching ever fast.
Her eyes finally snapped down to your sopping cooch, her eyes dilating impossibly so as her hand came flying out to your hand, stopping you dead in your tracks, leaving your pussy throbbing around your fingers.
She moved her hand off your wrist, immediately pressing her thumb to your clit, stroking it slowly, your hole quickly loosening its grip as you pulled out of yourself, fighting your own body’s desire for release as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“You close, baby?” She whispered, leaning down into the side of your neck as she sucked against the thin skin, knowing damn well it’d leave a mark.
You hummed meekly, her voice practically muffled as your mind stayed on her thumb that teasingly ghosted over your swollen clit.
Her free hand grabbed the hand that was just inside of you, taking your slick coated fingers into her mouth, her tongue cleaning it smooth before letting it slip back out with a pop. She let your arm fall above your head, as she stood up again.
She stepped over your body, pulling her shorts and boxers off in one go, leaving you with nothing but the sight of her naked muscular figure, dripping in sweat, blood infused with shimmer even still.
“You were never gonna come without me, Angel,” she said, pushing your dress up around your waist as she grabbed your right leg, holding it up as she slotted herself between your legs, her breath hitching as your wet cunts met.
“Just wanted to see you squirm.” She mumbled as though it was meant for herself.
You rolled your eyes, she was still the same old Sevika.
“Fuck you,” you chuckled, though it faded into a dull moan as she adjusted herself against you, smirking as she heard you.
“You’re about to.”
In an instant, she rutted against you, beginning a steady rockin rhythm as she held your leg in between her breasts. Strained moans left your lips, the feeling of her strong body, overtaking yours pushing you to a level of bliss you’d never thought you’d reach.
You felt yourself teetering already, completely forgetting how close you were from before, your half lidded eyes gazed at Sevika who, as she picked up her pace, her sharp breaths matching her intensity, you knew she wasn’t anywhere near done.
You tapped her side lazily, your eyes struggling unbelievably to stay open,
“I’m so close-“ you breathed, your fingers scratching against her lower back as you felt that same coil wring tight.
“You got it baby, just ride through it for me.” She grunted, her grinds becoming slower yet as you watched through blurry eyes, you saw the way her back and ass rolled like water into your cunt, your clits rubbing raw against each other.
All the air left your lungs as your head fell to its side, your eyes succumbing to your inevitable release as your eyes closed shut, and your upper body convulsed.
Sevika kept going though, her slowed pace extending your orgasm, forcing you to take in a deep breath, a string of squeals and moans escaping your lips in an instant as you came back to reality, still being fucked out of your mind.
“Cmon baby- just a bit longer- hold on for me.” She panted, her grip on your leg getting tighter as she ground her hips into yours, hitting every sensitive part of your pussy without hesitation.
Tears didn’t dither from your eyes as they came streaming out, overstimulation bordering on its limit. But despite the stabbing butterflies you felt, the pleasure that resided above you, that rippled through your body, made you never want to stop.
You muttered vulgar words of encouragement, stained with ‘I love yous’ and ‘keep going’s’ as you felt her body begin to twitch above yours. She rutted into you once more before her body almost folded in half, her foot finding its floor again as she raised her cunt from yours.
After a couple shared deep breaths you managed to prop yourself up on your elbows, slapping her ass lightly to get her attention again. Her head, tucked down into her chest, turned slowly to look at you, the sweat acting as a lament for her hair as it stuck to her face and neck.
“C'mere, babe.” You hummed.
She leaned over to you, placing her forearm beside your head as she looked down at you, her nose grazing lightly against yours, airy breaths fanning your face as her tired eyes gazed into yours.
“Hi,” you whispered, observing as her eyes finally began fading from violet back to their starry greys.
She scoffed, combing her fingers through your hair as she moved to kiss you gently on your lips.
“Love you, baby.” She smiled against your lips.
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abitohoney · 1 year
Wake Up Call
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AMAB Sevika x female reader drabble/ficlet
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Tags: AMAB Sevika, somnophilia (I guess), smut, blow jobs, sex photos
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Just a ficlet inspired by some AMAB Sevika ideas from a friend (whom I shall not call out because she was too shy to make a post with said ideas, but she knows who she is and this is dedicated to her 😉) Call this a Modern AU I suppose, cause Sevika’s got a cell phone.
AN: A very late Sinday treat (would have had this ready much sooner but have been dealing with an insanely persistent headache. 😭)
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It’s barely morning when you wake to find the sun filtering in through the soft white linen curtains of your bedroom window. The sheets are no longer covering you, likely kicked off by you due to the furnace of a woman beside you. Slowly, careful not to wake your warm bedmate, you roll over to peer at Sevika. She’s still sound asleep, as evident by the soft snoring that makes its way past her slightly ajar mouth. You prop yourself up on your elbow, head in your hand, and just take a moment to watch your girlfriend.
She’s truly beautiful like this, you think. So peaceful, serene, and free of her typical worries. Her dark, normally furrowed brows are relaxed, as are her full lips– a contrast to their typical downturned scowl or curled smirk. Not that you don’t adore her typical expressions, because you most certainly do, but it’s just indescribably refreshing to see her lying there completely stress-free.
Your lips pull into a soft smile as your eyes trail over her face and spot her little tooth gap through the sliver of teeth revealed by her parted lips. That image paired with the sweet sounds of her snoring has you covering your mouth to stifle a giggle. She still doesn’t stir though. She’s out cold. Probably from the previous night's bedroom activities.
As your mind plays back said activities, your gaze slowly drifts down her body. Over her chest- covered only by a sports bra- as it slowly rises and falls with deep, even breaths. Down to the snug-fitting boxer briefs that reveal her very obvious morning predicament.
Now you don’t normally like to wake your sleeping girlfriend, but your thoughts quickly turn dirty at the sight and memory of her. Besides, would she really complain about that sort of wake up call?
Not likely.
So, with your eyes still fixed on her face, closely watching her expression, you slowly slide your hand over the bulge of her briefs, deliberately applying only enough pressure for her to register the touch. You know you’ve succeeded when you see her brows pinch together and hear her suck in a breath through her teeth. She doesn’t wake, but you can tell she’s teetering on the edge of consciousness– her long, deep breaths now closer to the quicker pace of her waking state.
You discreetly move down the bed to straddle her calves. This time, you slip your hand between the opening of her briefs and carefully slip her hardened cock out. It’s warm in your hand, and twitches when you gently run the pad of your thumb across the tip.
“Mmm. Baby,” Seivka hums, eyes still loosely closed.
Your lips curl into a satisfied smile and you give her one loose stroke.
Sevika’s hips jerk toward your hand and her eyes fly open just briefly before fluttering half-way closed. She’s awake, but not fully. Her gray eyes, clouded with sleep, find your face, but aren’t quite focused. They close again, though, the moment you give her another- much firmer- stroke.
“Fuck,” she groans breathlessly, her voice somehow that much more raspy, low, and undeniably sexy.
As if the wonderful sounds she was making weren’t enough to give you the urge to just get right to it, the tiny drip of precum leaking from her sure as hell is, but you maintain your restraint. You lower your head, gaze locked on her face, and drag your tongue deliberately slow up the full length of her.
Sevika’s brows furrow again, and another low groan escapes her parted lips. Her fingers curl against the sheets, gripping the fabric as she fights between the urge to stay lying back and the urge to just take control and fuck that pretty little mouth of yours. The still half-asleep side of her wins, and she remains in place, watching you through lust and sleep-heavy eyes.
Confident her attention is on your mouth you slowly lick across her sensitive tip, taking that tiny bit of cum into your mouth with a satisfied hum you know she can hear.
Her hips buck again and she sucks air through her teeth in a hiss, the stimulation too much in her current drowsy state. She lifts her head a fraction off the pillow and fixes you with a pathetically weak glare– an attempt to look threatening. However, the moment she opens her mouth to scold you, you wrap your lips around her length and drag.
“Oh- fuck, baby,” she groans as her head falls back against her pillow.
You don’t give her a moment to recover either, quickly taking her into your mouth again, all the way down to where your hand still wraps tightly around the base. You drag your hand up along with your mouth, earning another delightfully low moan from Sevika.
You start with a slow, steady pace, mouth and hand working in synch. Each squeeze of your hand, and each press of your tongue, earns you another sinfully sweet sound from your girlfriend.
It doesn’t take long for one of Sevika’s hand to find its way to your head. She simply rests it there at first, but the moment you hollow your cheeks and pick up the pace, you can feel her nails dig into your scalp and push your mouth further down.
You remove your hand from her cock, allowing her to guide your mouth around her entirely. It takes every ounce of your concentration not to gag around her. Spit dribbles down her hardened flesh and onto her thighs as you struggle to meet her demand. Your relief comes quickly though, as it only takes a few more wet drags and your watery eyes meeting hers before her other hand flies up to grasp at your head, holding it in place as warm spurts of cum fill your mouth.
Sevika presses her head further back into the pillow and releases a deep, long string of unintelligible words as her body jerks erratically. Her eyes shut tight, overstimulation kicking in when you continue to milk her dry.
“Too- Too much, baby,” she groans and weakly tries to pull your head away.
Obediently, you slide your mouth off, and just as obediently, you sit back on her legs to wait for her to give you the okay to swallow.
It takes her a bit longer than usual to recover, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. When her eyes finally open to find you patiently waiting, her lips instantly curl into a proud smirk.
“That’s my girl,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from sleep and the aftermath of her climax. “Show me.”
You stick your tongue out, careful not to spill a drop of her precious seed, and anxiously wait for more approval.
She props herself up on her elbows to get a better look and her smirk curls higher. “Good girl.”
You beam at the praise and expect her to let you swallow, but to your surprise, her gaze drops to the tiny lace camisole you’re still wearing from the night before and she gives you a command to wait longer.
“Keep that tongue out."
Mouth full, you couldn’t ask why if you wanted to, so you watch as she leans over and grabs her phone from the bedside table. She leans back again and holds her phone up, the camera turned to you.
“For my personal collection,” she says with a sly grin.
Then you hear the snap of the photo being taken and your chest swells with pride. Pride at the fact that she finds you so sexy that she wants to save a picture. Pride knowing that you can please her so well.
“Go ahead, baby.”
You pull your tongue back in to swallow the bitter, thick liquid, making a scene of licking your lips afterward. That earns you another sexy grin and her hands sliding up your bare thighs.
“Good morning,” you say sweetly as if what you’d done had just been the most innocent thing.
“Mmm. A very good morning, baby.”
“Since you made me breakfast in bed, how about I do the same for you?” you offer with a coy smile.
“Been craving to taste you,” she husks. She grasps the sides of your thighs and pulls you further up the bed. “Now bring that pretty pussy over here and let me get my fill.”
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
You've answered alcohol tolerance levels for the Arcane characters. What about dancing? Who has the best moves?
By order of least likely to dance well to most likely:
Viktor - Sadly, as a casualty of his health condition more than his need to use a cane, he sits out every dance. But he's got a secret appreciation for rhythm; will tap his feet and clap along with the beat, while looking wistfully out into the dance floor. Sometimes, you'll catch him humming a catchy tune from the party the next day... ("Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard / When we drink we do it right, gettin' slizard... hmm, Jayce, what does 'slizard' mean?")
Signature move: Agrees to thump the table while you do the Bart Simpson.
Caitlyn - She was classically trained in ballroom dancing by family tutors. Cassandra expected her daughter to carry herself well at social gatherings. Unfortunately, she hadn't anticipated that her daughter would have two left feet and the rhythmic competence of a sunstruck sump-vole. Girl cannot dance to save her life. The natural grace she displays in the shooting range is displaced by backtracking stumbles and profuse apologies each time she steps on someone's foot. Which is... often. ("I'll, erm, fetch some drinks, shall I?" - proceeds to disappear and never return to the dance floor again. )
Signature move: Accidentally slapping someone in the face during a minuet.
Jayce - He's so goshdarn awkward. Like Caitlyn, he's received tutelage in classical dancing; his father was fleet on his feet, and Ximenia hoped her boy would literally follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately, Jayce has inherited his mother's adorkably awful sense of rhythm. Unlike Caitlyn, he's good at keeping up and following the steps. But he doesn't enjoy it at all - and it shows. Will waltz you around like a teenager forced to be sociable at the prom, and look for the narrowest excuse to dip. ("Oh, is that Councilor Bolbo? Let me go say hello." Jayce, that's not Councilor Bolbo. That's a coat rack...)
Signature move: The self-conscious shuffleshuffle until he's safely barricaded behind the dessert table.
Vi - Her best footwork is in the boxing ring, not the dance floor. She can move credibly enough, and even throws in a few funky moves. Will do the Dougie, first goofily, then in perfect sync. But on the whole, her dancing looks a bit like pre-game warm-ups. Bonus: those hips get to work when the beat is right. It's almost like a precursor to when she's powering up to throw a punch. Oof, she did throw a punch. ("What? The creep grabbed your ass!" Sssh. It's ok, Vi. Let's sit this one out and treat ourselves to some nachos...)
Signature move: Shadowboxing in time with the beat. It's mad fun to watch.
Vander - He isn't particularly fond of dancing, but any boxer knows it has its uses for building endurance and balance. Will get downright over-the-top with the Dad moves to crack the kids up, but for such a large man, he's surprisingly light on his feet. Bonus: if you're into it, he will absolutely pick you up and twirl you like a baton. ("Mind your head doesn't hit the ceiling fan, luv. Blood's a bitch to scrub out." What? He's kidding!)
Signature move: The Sprinkler. The kiddies love that one. Also the Anti-Gravity Lean. For shits and giggles, he'll sometimes pretend he's about to fall on you. Timbeeeeeeer!
Sevika: On the whole, she'd rather be playing cards at a party. But if she's in the mood to get the sweat flowing, she will decamp to the dancefloor. She moves with the sort of strutting grace of a prized thoroughbred at a parade. She also goes for solo dance styles rather than partner dancing. Feel free to admire her from afar - but you'll need a few shots of tequila and a shitload of courage to approach her while she's in her zone. ("Either you've got two lazy eyes, sweetheart, or you really like my tits..." What-? No! Well, yes. But it was her footwork you were admiring! Her footwooooork!)
Signature move: A smooth scoop arm + languid hip sway when she's feeling the beat.
Silco - Do ya like Jazz? 'Cause this man has moves. That whippish physique translates into immaculately sharp footwork on the dance floor. Will do the Charleston like a champ and put those skanky little hips to work during a shimmy. He's also got a sly way of leading, even when he isn't, so more often than not, you'll be following his moves rather than the other way around. If you can keep up, you'll get a wry smile paired with a rarer compliment. If you can't, he will purr the meanest insults in your ear. ("Do try to put in the work. The Swing's not a spectator's sport." Try not to burst into tears. The last thing he needs is snot on his cravat.)
Signature move: On request, you will get the sluttiest Slut Drop. And he will hold eye contact. The. Entire. Time.
Mel - Naturally fluid and elegant. She glides like a swan in a boardroom; she unfurls like a blossom on the dance floor. Even Ambessa - grudgingly - acknowledges that her daughter knows how to make an impression through all forms of her art. She's skilled in most formalized forms of ballroom dance, but what gets her little golden motor revving is actually the more earthy styles of dance. It gives her a chance to let those closely-reined emotions come loose. ("'Slum it up' with you at an Undercity saloon? Now there's a notion... Perhaps later I might take you up on the offer." Shit - she said yes. Now what?)
Signature move: Piltover's equivalent of the Viennese Waltz. A highly advanced dance that she breezes through like schoolyard hopscotch.
Jinx - Some people should not be allowed to dance. Jinx is one of them. As with everything else, she takes things to a frightening extreme. She's already a walking acrophobia trigger. Also just a living breathing trigger. When she dances, it shows. She can transition with unnerving rapidity from cute flighty bouncing to a very provocative sinuosity to something out of a Junji Ito horror manga: all feral eyes and zero bones uncoiling to squeeze the life out of you. ("I call this move the lit fuse...or is it the boomstick?" Whatever she calls it, you've already gotten blown to smithereens. R.i.p.)
Signature move: Murder on the dancefloor. Actual, literal, screaming murder.
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
Imagine Sevika and reader going at it, reader riding Sevika and then all of a sudden sevikas phone rings and it’s Silco and she knows she HAS to answer it. So instead of pulling out she just makes reader pause her movements but that makes her pissed off so instead she waits until she half way into the call and just slowly goes back to riding her.
Sevika struggling to not moan or anything in the phone, glaring at reader who has this bratty smirk on her lips and once the calls done Sevika pins her and pounds the fuck outta her for being a brat saying things like
“You wanna get me in trouble huh?”
“want my fucking cock that bad?”
“My needy little, cumslut”
hehehehehehehehehe, gonna combine this with two more asks
Pregnant horny reader who is constantly ready to jump Sevika’s bones any chance she gets
hii i know youve written like the whole little fucker and reader and sev thing (trust me ive read all of them like 5 times) but i absolutely need more pregnant reader i have such a strange obsession with it. ofc if u dont want too that fine i love your work so much xoxo <3
men and minors dni
at seven months pregnant, you've gotten pretty used to being uncomfortable.
your feet and ankles are almost always swollen. you always have to pee, even when you're sitting on the toilet. your tits are sore more often than not, you run out of breath walking from the kitchen to the bedroom, and you're so round that you've had to stop sitting on the couch-- once you sit down on the soft cushions, you can never find the momentum to get back up.
so, yeah. you're pretty used to being uncomfortable.
but what you're not used to is the hormone induced, near constant, horniness you've been experiencing in the past few weeks.
you're fucking ravenous. you can't get enough. if you're not going to the bathroom to pee or doing your pre-natal yoga, you're riding sevika's face or shoving a vibrator down your pants.
you're honestly getting kind of annoyed with it-- just wishing you could have a moment's peace without feeling the need to dry hump the nearest firm surface, but sevika's been thrilled. for the first time in your relationship, you're the one wearing her out in bed.
you would worry a bit that you're too much for her or that she's only reciprocating your advances so often because your pregnant, but then you get her between her legs and see the awed, honored, slightly goofy look on her face as she takes care of you and you realize you've got nothing to worry about at all.
all this is to say-- you guys have been fucking a lot.
and it's been getting in the way of things, sometimes.
like right now, for example.
you'd woken up from your midday pregnancy nap horny like always. you'd had a dream about your wife, something vague and sensual involving her hands on your hips and her lovely raspy voice in your ear, and you wanted to find her and make that dream come true. you found her on the sofa, looking delicious as she lounged, one hand tucked into the waistband of her boxers, the other holding her phone. it took one second of eye contact for her to figure out what you wanted, a sly smile spreading across her face as she patted her lap.
so you crawled on top of her and started riding her into the couch.
it was going great. you had sevika's cock inside you, her lips against your ear, whispering dirty words to you, her nails digging into your ass and nails, and just as you were about to cum, her phone started ringing.
"you better not answer that." you say between huffs and puffs as you catch your breath. sevika cringes, guiltily. "sevika!" you scold as you watch your wife reach over for her phone.
"it's silco, it's a work call!" she whines. you glare at her, your legs shaky as you try to get off her lap. she gasps. "don't leave!" she says, pulling you back down to sit on her cock. you both moan.
"sevika i'm so fucking horny i'm going to cry if i don't cum in the next ten minutes."
"just give me thirty seconds babe, then we can get back to it." she promises, pulling you forward to rest your head against her shoulder as her other hand answers her phone.
she takes a deep breath, then speaks. "hey, boss." she says, completely casually, like she's not balls deep inside of you right now.
it's equal parts hot and frustrating. hot, because sevika's so good at controlling herself it drives you fucking crazy, and frustrating because the one time sevika's not supposed to be in control is when she's inside of you. she's supposed to be a whiny, babbling, eager mess-- not mrs. professional all cool calm and collected.
you huff, and start nibbling at the tendon in her throat. sevika's thighs tense under yours, but she doesn't make a sound.
"we can't do eight, we gotta stay under six." sevika says into her phone. you can hear the familiar sound of silco's voice muffled against sevika's ear.
you reach down to start rubbing your clit, a breathy sigh escaping your lungs as you clench around sevika's cock. she jolts, her free hand smacks your ass hard, and you have to muffle a giggle when you hear silco on the phone ask, "what was that?"
"nothing." sevika responds. "i'm outside, a car hit a pothole." she lies. you laugh again. silco seems to buy her lie, and he continues chattering. you continue rubbing your clit and grinding against your wife.
sevika suddenly pulls you away from her neck with a firm hand on the back of your neck, and she glares at you.
you snort, your free hand coming down to gently pat your pregnant belly-- the ultimate get out of trouble free card for you these days. sevika's eyes soften immediately, and the second they do, you begin to pick up your pace, bouncing on her cock while you continue to stroke your clit.
smacking sounds start filling the room, and sevika's breath starts quickening. her eyes drop to your tits, pupils wide and hypnotized as she watches them sway.
over the phone, silco shouts. "sevika!? are you listening to me?"
"fuck, i'm listening, i'm listening." she groans. "fuckin'... tell them five and a half is our final offer." she grunts.
it's all greek to you. you're much more interested in the breathy way her words are coming out than the words themselves.
you want to make her whine-- that pretty high pitched whine she likes to make for you when your riding her like this. so you snake one hand under her t-shirt to start palming her tits, and just when she opens her mouth to talk to silco again, you pinch her nipple. hard.
"aa-ah!" sevika squeals. you grin, sevika glares, and silco groans on the other line. "i gotta go silco i'll call you back in twenty minutes." sevika rushes out.
she throws the phone to the end of the couch, not bothering to hang up, and you can hear silco's annoyed response.
"you two have fun. disgusting."
then, the dial tone.
you begin to giggle, only for your laughs to get caught in your throat when sevika flips the two of you over, pinning you to the couch beneath her as she grabs your wrists and pins them above your head.
for a second, she only looks at you. it's like she can't decide if she's angry or horny or just admiring at you. you try your best to appear innocent, batting your eyelashes at her and lifting your hips up so you can brush your pregnant stomach against her washboard abs.
she softens a bit at the touch, and a smile blooms on her face.
"such a fuckin' cumslut you can't even wait for five minutes?"
you gasp, your eyes rolling back in your skull and your cunt clenching at her words. sevika hums, satisfied by your reaction.
"y-y-you're the one who d-did this to me." you whine. sevika's smile only grows.
"you're damn fucking right i did." sevika growls as she beings to fuck you again. you groan, and sevika leans down to kiss your lips.
she pulls away only to gasp, then she dodges your puckered lips to press her lips against your ear. she stumbles on her first word, because her action launched you back to your dream, and you clenched around her cock so hard she whimpered halfway between syllables.
"in-ah-insatiable, aren't you?" she growls. "i should just keep you pregnant all the fuckin' time, huh? all leaky and needy for my cock-- makin' a fuckin fool of yourself just to have me."
"yeah, baby?"
"i'm gonna fucking cum." you whine. sevika chuckles in your ear.
"i bet you are."
she bites your earlobe, her hips continuing their relentless pace, and you wrap your legs around her waist.
"a-are you?" you whimper.
"fuck, yeah."
"inside me?" you beg. sevika shivers, gives you one solid thrust and a whimper, and you cum. "sevika!" you cry. sevika grunts in response, chasing her own orgasm as you fall apart beneath her. "sevika, sevika-- breed me, cum inside me, fill me up, you fuck me so good, i love you so much, you-- oh!"
sevika sinks her teeth into your shoulder as she cums, growling and shaking on top of you.
the only reason she doesn't collapse is because you're belly's between the two of you. instead, she rolls to the side and tumbles off the bed.
you burst into giggles, turning on your side to smile down at your wife who's grinning up at you as she catches her breath.
"i love you so much." you sigh. sevika hums, reaching up to take your hand in hers. she kisses your knuckles.
"i love you, baby."
"...we should probably send silco flowers or something." you say.
sevika bursts into laughter.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved
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sevikasenby · 6 months
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sevika walking in on you touching yourself but making you keep going bc she wants to watch you. so you do as she says as she sits down in front of you on the bed.
you close your eyes, not being able to keep them open as your fingers circle your clit again. the longer you go on the more and more you whine, knowing sevika’s sitting right in front of you and could touch you at any moment. it wasn’t helping that she kept encouraging and praising you. “keep going”, “you’re doing so good”, and “that’s it, be a good girl and show me how you touch yourself”
as you got closer and closer, you kept pleading and begging with her.
“please what, sweetheart?”
“want your-your fingers.”
“sorry, baby, they’re preoccupied right now.”
you open your eyes to see her sitting back, her eyes glued onto your dripping cunt and her hand has disappeared under her boxers. you didn’t even hear her taking her pants off. when she saw that you noticed her, she smirked as she took her hand out in order to take off her boxers completely. she spread her legs to reveal her equally as wet cunt, her fingers automatically going back to her clit.
going back to touching yourself as well, you tried your best to not moan too loudly because you wanted to be able to hear her. you were very certain you could come just by listening to her moan while touching herself.
“look at me.”
your eyes flew open and fought the urge to roll them back in pleasure like you wanted seeing as sevikas mouth was slightly open, her breathing heavy, and louder and louder moans were leaving her lips. you were locked onto each other as you came first, sevika quickly following.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
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minors dni; afab reader. nsfw ! — lowercase writing intended, g!p sevika, bottom-ish sevika, blowjob, sevika receiving, cum play (?)
wc; 899
moss' notes; dunno, don’t care, don’t ask, just please enjoy :D 
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there hasn’t been a night that sevika didn’t need to spend outside after silco’s death, cleaning up whatever mess that was storming through now her streets. you knew she was anxious, that she was on edge every time she got home, kicking off her combat boots and emptying more than a box of cigarettes while leaning out on the bedroom’s window. 
how could you just watch her all these times, do nothing just look at her and wonder what could you do for her to make her feel better? it was so obvious, it just took a little sweet talk, a pair of well-placed hands, and kisses on sevika’s neck to get her to comply with you. her attention only on you now, following you like a lost puppy without protesting, wanting to kiss you, turning the whole situation into a playful pecking competition. you chuckled at her, letting her do it before gaining leverage over her and plastering her face with kisses. your hands clamped around her cheeks to keep her in her place, sevika had a really ticklish skin close to her ear and you made sure to bother it.
but suddenly the mood changed from out of nowhere, the room suddenly feeling hotter than it initially felt as the two of you shared a long stare. the playful exchange of sort of meaningless pecks quickly changed into heated kisses then the two of you were making out like horny teenagers, tumbling over almost anything that was on the ground in the bedroom before the backs of her legs hit the bed and she fall onto the mattress.
“can i?” you asked after falling on your knees between sevika’s legs, your eyes pointing at the forming tent in her pants. she gave you a hurried nod with a couple of hastily muttered armies of ‘yes’ before you even slip your fingers past her waistline. you lean forward, pushing her shirt up the slightest, plastering kisses on the underside of her belly as you slowly pull her pants down, helping her step out of them and discard them somewhere behind you. but you couldn’t do the same with her boxers, impatiently hooking your fingers into the elastic waistband and tugging it down just enough for her cock to spring free out of its confines and stand tall in front of your eyes.
you let your hand wrap tightly around her erected cock, sevika’s eyelids growing heavy at the sight with an additional sheer of lust hazing over them. you decided to not waste any more time, opening your mouth to place her right on top of your tongue before carefully sliding her in. you softly moaned around her girth while graciously suckling everything she was giving you. there was something about watching her cock slide past your plump lips, releasing a soft noise upon feeling you tighten your mouth on her girth. she thickly swallowed, her breath slowing down from the increased pace you were going for now, feeling her pre cum slowly making its way into your throat.
sevika’s eye fixed on you, on the way your cheeks were hollowing whenever you would have her completely sheathed in you, not to mention how your eyes were closed in concentration, ever so often humming around her cock which elicited multiple shockwaves that went all the way to her toes.
“f-fuck…” sevika whines, chewing down on her cheeks as she leaned a bit forward, making it possible for her to thrust her hips a bit up. your hands were running carefully up and down her thighs, feeling the muscles shiver with delight as you pulled your head up until only sevika’s tip resided inside your mouth. one of your hands stops the delicate caressing of the inner of her thigh, taking a palace on her shaft, lightly squeezing around her girth, and adding circular movements with your thumb.
“y/n… c-come on now.” she sighs, her arm reaching behind her to keep herself up while the other lands to cover her eyes as her head tilts to the side, the tip of her ears fainting a blushed tone. taking a glance through the small space between her arm and eye she notices as you open your eyes, looking up at her through your lashes, blinking a few times, innocently so before pushing your head as far down her cock as you could, gagging when her tip was ticking the back of your throat.
sevika closed her eyes again before her lower lip trembled, her erect cock feeling every lick of your tongue while you were gracefully fondling her balls with your warm hands. she was so close, practically tasting her climax, the sudden rush of adrenaline dancing through her veins as a familiar feeling of warmth caught her body in surprise, the extreme sensitivity holding onto her as she finally released herself into your mouth, her cum gushing past your lips and running down her balls before you pulled yourself off her, rubbing the mess away with the back of your hand. in the drunken haze of her high, reaching over to hold one of your hands before her gaze fell to your mouth which was still filled with her seed. once she witnessed you swallow it all, fuck, she was about to come just yet again from the sheer amount of lewdness surrounding the air.
“feel good, ‘vika?”
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taglist ; @mxyx-rx444 @darlingmisa @einrosa @sevikasangel @nopealoupe @pixiegirlz @gonegonethankyouuu @xthescarletbitch @orang3-ish @bigboobslilheart
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