#shannon beiste
jazziehart · 1 month
Gleeboot Main Character Descriptions (Original Cast)
Hey everyone, Yes, I know you all know the basics of each Glee Character and what their personalities are, however, what I am going to show is who they are in my series and what issues I will be focusing on fixing for each character. I sincerely hope you enjoy this rebrand of Glee and will consider reading my rewrite. Also, I consider Blaine, Sam, and Coach Beiste part of the original cast so I will be including descriptions of them as well since they all played large parts in the show.
Starting off with the very first character shown, the queen herself, Sue Sylvester.
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What went wrong: Sue became a one-dimensional villian as the series went on with an irrational hatred for the glee club and its director Will Schuester making the story predictable. Whatever growth Sue had in her feelings towards the club was always rejected in favor of her being their biggest obstacle which became tiresome as the seasons went on. She also was given an insane storyline of being obsessed with Kurt and Blaine's love story in the final season. What went right: The exploration of Sue's family namely her mother and sister truly gave the depth that was needed to show why Sue became who she was. Her softness with Jean (her sister) and Becky were always so heartwarming and what made Sue a person rather than a characture.
What this means for Gleeboot: Sue will absolutely remain the villian until the needed character developement is cause for her to grow and have new enemies (ex. Coach Beiste's arrival and cutting Sue's budget in Season 2, Coach Roz Washington trying to take Sue's job in Season 3) to keep the story fun and interesting while still keeping the edge to Sue that's needed to make her hilarious yet effective.
Up next is a character who needs a lot of redeeming the coach of the New Directions, Will Schuester
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What went wrong: Where do I even begin? Will came off as incredibly creepy with his relationships with students instead of being the inspirational teacher he was intended to be. Also he was incredibly toxic in his relationship with Emma as the seasons went on putting her down constantly and never seeming to support her hopes and dreams which was so uncharacteristic of who Will was shown to be in the earlier seasons of Glee. He also stood his ground on issues that clearly didn't matter (ex. When he got pissed at Sue for banning twerking in school rather than agreeing to help Unique get a gender-netural bathroom). He also bent over backwards to appease Rachel which he was rightfully called out for but the show made it seem like whoever did so was 'jealous' or 'complaining for no good reason'.
What went right: In the first season Will was mostly everything we could hope for as an inspirational teacher particularly in the episode 'Wheels' when he had the entire Glee Club spend a week in wheelchairs so they could understand the hardships wheelchair bound Artie went through. He also rightfully tried to showcase and lift up the entire club earlier rather than focus on his two favorites (Finn and Rachel).
What this means for Gleeboot: Unlike Glee, Mr. Schuester will not be the prime focus but rather a supporting character as the teacher of the New Directions who tries to inspire the group and give everyone an equal shot to feel special. He also will be a teacher that the students lean on for support with issues that they are going through but he will also have his own personal life separated from the club, boundaries will be important.
Moving onto the next character showcase and the first of the original New Directions, Mr. Kurt Hummel.
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What went wrong: Honestly I believe a certain writer who shall remain nameless sadly put his own predjustices and voices them through Kurt (the whole Kurt is biphobic story arc anyone?). Which is so unfortunate because Kurt was one of the most accepting characters of anyone who was different. I also believe that same writer would do so many out of character things to make him seem like he was in the wrong all the time which is so sad because so many people looked up to Kurt.
What went right: Kurt was one of the first mainstream gay character which helped and inspired so many closeted gay people to feel like there was someone like them on TV. He also was so proud himself that it was inspiring to watch week in and week out especially in the earlier seasons.
What this means for Gleeboot: Since Gleeboot will be taking place in 2024, so much in the world has changed towards the majority of people's attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community especially in schools where any sort of homophobic slander that Kurt faced would've resulted in displinary action. While unfortunately homophobia still exists especially in a small conservative town like Lima was shown to be a lot of Kurt's early arc won't change as much as far as bigoted students bullying him but the faculty at McKinley High would most likely be a lot more helpful than they were on the show. Kurt will also be one of the most accepting people in the club who will help so many others come into their own.
For our next character, I will not be showing the actor's face out of respect for all of his victims but the character is definitely a controversal one as Noah 'Puck' Puckerman
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What went wrong: A lot of Puck's earliest storylines are very wrong, especially in relation to what happened that night with him and Quinn. Unfortunately, the show played it off as just cheating but there are so many indications to it wasn't consentual which is problematic in itself. Also Puck going onto 'date' Kitty is also quite problematic because of the age gap between them.
What went right: Puck's redemption arc from beign a bully to ending up in the air force. I feel like his character is actually one of the few characters who benefitted from the later seasons rather than was hurt by those apperances, although his role was significantly reduced compared to the other characters we've discussed.
What this means for Gleeboot: A lot of Puck's behavior would need to change in order for him to be a rootable character but I believe it would change the essence of his character too much to do that, so Puck will remain a very contraversal character who will eventually learn and grow from his mistakes.
Our next character is our leading male of the group as far as Glee was concerned, Finn Hudson
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What went wrong: Instead of being the rootable leader of the Glee Club, Finn did many unforgivable things that to me seemed so out of character for him most importantly being the way he outed Santana in Season 3. Also encouraging Quinn to cheat on Sam in Season 2 made absolutely no sense and seemed more of a Puck thing to do than Finn. Him kissing Emma when she was freaking out in Season 4? Not okay.
What went right: Finn was the glue that held the New Directions together and there were so many occasions that it showed. He was a natural born leader who helped the New Directions when they were at their lowest.
What this means for Gleeboot: Finn was definitely an imperfect character, especially at the beginning of the show but as he emerses himself in the group he learns that image isn't everything and eventually finds his way to do what he loves even though it isn't what's cool, performing. There also will not be any physical cheating from his character.
Our next character is my personal favorite and one that I have done many deep dives into, Quinn Fabray
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What went wrong: Much like Kurt, Quinn seemed to be a punching bag for certain writers of the show who took out their frustrations on her leading to her doing many things that were out of character. Also like Sue, Quinn was frequently reverted back into a one-dimensional villian that stood in the way of what many fans saw as the love story of the show, Finn and Rachel.
What went right: Quinn had great character development particularly in Season 1 as well as during Season 3 where she was faced with the reality that popularity wasn't everything and eventually found her way, getting into her dream school Yale.
What this means for Gleeboot: Quinn is such a multi-dimensional character that goes through one of the most intense transformations which will be showcased throughout the series with her going from villian to rootable hero who we all want to see succeed and feel all the pain she goes through. Unlike the original show all character growth will stick.
Moving onto one of my least favorite characters from the entire show, Rachel Berry.
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What went wrong: Instead of being the rootable ambitious girl that show wanted us to see, Rachel was incredibly selfish and did cruel things to innocent people (ex. sending Sunshine, who she just met to a crack house) or ruined her friendships by needing to be number 1 (ex. Running for senior class president despite knowing it would hurt Kurt). It got to the point where many didn't want her to have a happy ending, especially when she began to self-sabatoged her chances of her dream role in Funny Girl in Season 5.
What went right: In my opinion not much went right on the writer's behalf for Rachel who was supposed to be the main protaginist. Season 1 was the best showcase of Rachel being the underdog that so many were inspired to root for. She did at times grow like in Season 2 when she tried to help Sam win the duets competition but sadly the positives were shortlived since she was rarely ever put in her place when she was in the wrong.
What this means for Gleeboot: Rachel will maintain her competitive edge and ambition to become a Broadway star but with the self-awareness that she had throughout the first season where she looked out for the group besides just herself, but that doesn't mean if an opportunity comes up, she won't just jump on it.
We are heading back to the adults of Season 1 with our OCD guidance conselour, Emma Pillsbury.
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What went wrong: Emma became religated to Will's wife and love interest and we lost all of what was special about her by the end of the series which is sad. Her and Finn kissing making her freak out and not want to get married was such a strange storyline that never quite sat right with me. Also her not having sex with Carl even after marrying him quite frankly made no sense. She was willing to lose her virginity to Will in Season 1 so what changed?
What went right: Emma was shown to be incredibly caring and compassionate for the students which most of the other teachers didn't seem to have other than maybe Will. Though she had her struggles with OCD she did try her best to overcome them eventually going to consuling herself which was an interesting story arc.
What this means for Gleeboot: Much like Will, Emma will play far less of a leading role in the show and will be a supporting character that many of the students will go to with their varying issues and she will do everything she can to offer them help and support.
Our next adult is someone we love to hate, Terri Schuester
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What went wrong: Terri being brought back in the Legen of Doom was probably one of the worst things that could've happened during the series. While her character was always shown to be off her rocker, Season 2 was laughably bad with the attempts the writers made to try to sell her as evil then redeem her in the end by having her get the New Directions tickets.
What went right: I feel like her arc in Season 1 was incredible showing how manipulative she was by trying to convince her then husband that she really was pregnant and finding an alternative way to get a child. While in the end they weren't right for each other, I think Season 1 had a more fitting end to their relationship.
What this means for Gleeboot: Much like the other adults mentioned before, Terri will play far less of a main role in the series and be relegated to a supporting role. I will still be showcasing how awful she can be towards her husband and how she would do anything to keep him but there will be far less of an emphasis on it.
Up next we are going back to the students with someone who I completely believed deserved better though I haven't touched as much on it as I would've liked to, Mercedes Jones.
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What went wrong: Mercedes in truth was barely ever paid her due with how much she truly brought to the New Directions, frequently being relegated to a background singer who gave out the last jaw dropping note which truly was a complete shame because in my opinion she was quite possibly the strongest vocalist of the entire show (I'm always torn between her and Santana on that one). I also didn't love some of the writing of Mercedes, particually towards her treatment of Sam in the later seasons who had always done everything to show her how much he cared about her.
What went right: Mercedes was shown to be a strong woman who didn't take anyone's nonsense and was one of the few characters who dared to stand up to Rachel which I find commendable. She was a worthy advesary who pursued her dreams and ended up becoming a successful artist.
What this means for Gleeboot: Mercedes will have much more of a strong prescene throughout the series and will not be relegated to a glofied backup singer as she said "I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland" and that is exactly how she'll be treated.
Going into the New Directions, our next showcased student is Tina Cohen-Chang.
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What went wrong: Tina was severly underdeveloped as a character which lead to many confusing choices as the show went on with her becoming quite the diva which made no sense to the shy character we were introduced to in the first season. Tina also became quite selfish and obsessed with popularity which once against left many scratching their heads wondering who truly is Tina Cohen-Chang?
What went right: I absolutely loved when the writers showed Tina to be supportive, especially of her boyfriends (ex. trying to help Artie learn to dance in Season 1, submitting applications to dance schools for Mike because it was his dream in Season 3). This was the true heart of who she was deep down. She also wasn't afraid to stand her ground on her beliefs (ex. When she felt she wasn't being treated right by Artie she stood up to him).
What this means for Gleeboot: First and foremost, Tina will not be faking a stutter in Season 1, to me it was one of the most unnessarcy storylines of the show. I know the character was originally supposed to have a stutter but I think eliminating the whole stutter part completly would work. Tina will be a very shy and reserved girl who struggles to find her voice as part of the New Directions but eventually finds her courage and becomes a strong woman.
Moving onto Tina's best friend, Artie Abrams.
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What went wrong: The writers truly lost the essence of who Artie was turning him into a misogynsitic jerk most of the time who degrated women, something he clearly wasn't when the show first started.
What went right: Artie was great respresentation for those who were physically disabled being that the character was in a wheelchair and was able to show so many people that their disablities don't have to limit their lives.
What this means for Gleeboot: Artie will return to form as the sweet but dorky guy that we grew to love in the first season. While he may be influenced by many of the other guys in the club, he won't turn as misogynistic towards his girlfriends/love interests.
Our final character who made her debut in the pilot is Santana Lopez
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What went wrong: I feel like a lot of Santana's insults went too far, especially ones where she body shamed many of the New Directions (ex. Finn, Mercedes, Quinn). Santana also manipulating Brittany who is supposed to be the love of her life without any consequences was questionable at best.
What went right: Santana was one of the first mainstream lesbian characters who helped so many people be seen and heard. Naya's portrayl of the character was perfection. The developement of Santana was one of the few characters who's arc felt complete and well written.
What this means for Gleeboot: Not a whole lot will change for Santana character wise other than her insults evolving to 2024 where she will still roast the hell out of everyone but keep weight out of it.
Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks? Up next is the third member of the Unholy Trinity, Brittany S. Pierce.
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What went wrong: Like so many airheaded characters as the seasons went on Brittany became dumbed down which was unfortunate. Also making Brittany into a secret genius made absolutely no sense and making it canon that her biological father was Stephen Hawking also felt in really poor taste.
What went right: Brittany was a hilarious comic relief with her one liners in Season 1 and her relationship with Santana was one that inspired so many fans. What this means for Gleeboot: Brittany was a great respresentation for bisexuals everywhere who like many of the characters made them feel like they were being seen, unfortunately the show never fully embraced Brittany as a bisexual and that is something I would love to change in this story. There also will be no 'Brittany is secretly a genius and goes to MIT' storyline instead Brittany will be mainly focused on her dancing which is a huge part of who she is.
Now moving on to the forgotten football player and New Directions member, Matt Rutherford
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What went wrong: We literally learned nothing about Matt other than he was a football player, he was one of the strongest dancers, he was friends with Mike, and he might have had a thing with Santana at one point. Other than that he was a huge mystery which is sad considering he was an original member of the New Directions.
What went right: Honestly, not much for poor Matt which is why his actor left not wanting to be reglated to the background.
What this means for Gleeboot: Matt will absolutely be more developed in the series with him being more than just a body for the New Directions. I don't want to reveal too much about his character but he will have love interests as well as a backstory of why he leaves the New Directions after Season 1.
Finally, from the original cast here is the Asian Dancer himself, Mike Chang.
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What went wrong: Much like Matt, we hardly got to know Mike outside of his relationship with Tina only getting very limited characterization in 'Asian F' which was in Season 3!
What went right: Mike's relationship with Tina was one of only two things that was fully realized, the other was his passion for dance which is clearly showcased in his defining episode in Season 3.
What this means for Gleeboot: Like Matt, Mike will be developed a lot more because his dynamic with his parents, particularly his father who didn't approve of him pursuing dance instead of law would be so intersting to pursue.
Moving onto the our main cast who joined the show after Season 1, starting off with one of the best teacher characters introduced, Coach Beiste!
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What went wrong: Okay, I really hope my intention is seen rather than what I'm about to write being misconstrued but I truly feel like the show undermined the character of Coach Beiste by making her the first transgender character which did not suit who we had grown to know Coach Beiste as. If the show had wanted a transgender storyline I fully believe they already had the character there that was right for it in Unique, who had already shown signs that she was a trans woman but with Alex Newell not being a member of the main cast, it seemed that role got assigned to Dot Marie Jones as Coach Beiste which to me didn't suit the character at all.
What went right: Coach Beiste was shown to be a caring and kind person who valued their students no matter what. They also generously bought Artie a ReWalk to help keep Brittany's faith about Santa being real which was adorable.
What this means for Gleeboot: Coach Beiste will remain a female coach in this series because to me she always identified herself as 'such a girl' and it felt strange for the show to do a 180 on that in its final season. While this may be contraversal, it's what I truly feel is in character for Coach Beiste. We will have a transgender character in Unique when she arrives.
And now we move on to my favorite male character, Sam Evans.
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What went wrong: Sam went from being an absolute gentleman and a sweetheart to becoming a sex obsessed clone of Finn as the show went on. I also hated how they made him like every other guy encouraging Mercedes to cheat on her boyfriend Shane. Not to mention the ridiculous storyline of him being hyponotized to be with Rachel which was ridiculous.
What went right: Sam was patient and kind to a healing Quinn after the year she had. He also was one of the first guys to truly stand up for Kurt and be willing to duet with him which is something none of them would've done. Sam was also such a dedicated boyfriend to all of his girlfriends which made him endearing and adorable.
What this means for Gleeboot: Sam will maintain his sweet and caring nature towards the New Directions and will be one of the first popular kids to call out the town's homophobia towards Kurt. He also will be a loyal boyfriend to whoever he dates, never once cheating or encouraging cheating on anyone.
Our last and final character we will talk about is one that became so popular, he became a mainstay in Blaine Anderson.
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What went wrong: Blaine went from a very sure of himself posh character to becoming somewhat of whiny and clingy manchild who couldn't go without contact from his boyfriend which led him to cheating. It was so disappointing to see the downfall of a once great and promising character.
What went right: Blaine was Kurt's rock through a rough time in his life where he was being severely bullied for being gay by a closeted gay. He also helped Kurt adjust once he transferred to Dalton Academy and slowly feel in love with him.
What this means for Gleeboot: I'm going back to basics for Blaine where he will be much more like he was in Season 2, sure of who he is but kind of clueless with love but learns along the way with the help of Kurt.
And that's all for the character descriptions. I hope you enjoyed a small preview of what's to come as far as Gleeboot is concerned. If you have any questions or comments you can leave them down below but as always please be respectful.
Much love, Jazzie
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marley-bean · 2 years
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This person on YouTube put into exact words why I hate Beiste’s transexual storyline.
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ladyofdecember · 1 year
Coach Beiste is transitioning?? 😮
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1908jmd · 2 years
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Shannon was introduced a qs coach of the football team in season 2, and broke the idea that a female coach could not be successful. She put up with Will and Sue’s stupidity, then the boys and Tina’s mockery of her, Karofsky and Azimio’s hatred of glee club, survived her first kiss from Will; and developed friendships with characters like Puck and Sam. She became a good friend to Will.
Season 3 she married Cooter, the talent shark, despite him cheating with Sue. He becomes abusive towards her, and she leaves him.
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In 4 she was a superhero and present at the school shooting scene.
In six, she continued to coach, but disappeared and came back having transitioned from female to male.
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Iconic performances below!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
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❝ Audrey Beiste was absolutely no stranger to bullying or how cruel other people could be. Having lived with her aunt Shannon, known to most others as Coach Beiste, since she was seven and her father had gone to jail, she had always known very well what other people thought of her and the only family she really had. She had heard people mocking her aunt for the way she looked and sounded, calling her every single mean name in the book and, when it was adults who were doing the insulting, only smiling condescendingly when young Audrey had attempted to stick up for her auntie. And Audrey herself was no stranger to taunts and insults, either; she’d been being bullied for her size since she could remember, mocked with loud pig snorts or yelled suggestions to eat a salad almost every time she walked down the school halls.
She’d never let it affect her, however, at least not the cruel words directed at her; Audrey was the kind of person to always choose kindness and sunshine, and she did her best to honor that principle, constantly having a sweet smile on her face and a positive comment on her lips, even when those around her rolled their eyes at it and went right back to insulting her. The only pain or anger she ever allowed herself to show, outside of defending her aunt against people who were old enough to know better than to be so rude, was in the pages of her songwriting notebook, in the lyrics she spent most of her free time jotting down and singing out loud to make sure they sounded right. She put her pain into those lyrics and kept the notebook that housed them close to her heart, knowing in her soul that one day she would turn them into actual songs that could be used to prove wrong all the bullies that had told her she would never amount to anything.
When her aunt decides to take a job offer to coach a struggling football team in Ohio, Audrey hopes for a fresh start, a place where she and her aunt can begin again away from those who tormented them. But her illusions of the grass being greener in Lima are quickly shattered when she starts attending McKinley High - a fatphobic word painted on her new locker and a slushy in her face ruining one of her favorite sweaters will do that to a person. Desperately trying to find a place where she can be free of judgement, Audrey auditions to join the school’s glee club, and there she finds a great deal of drama and divas, but also a group of people who love music as much as she does and who accept her as she is, because they’re all freaks in the eyes of the rest of the school, after all.
However, it’s also there that Audrey quickly develops a crush on one Finn Hudson, an awkward football player with a heart of gold, and the first boy who’s ever called Audrey pretty. But of course, there’s also the issue of Finn already having a girlfriend as well as a complicated relationship with his cheerleader ex, and anyway, someone like him would never go for someone like Audrey, even if they’re part of the same chaotic, unusual found family… right? ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag.
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snoopysvalentine · 11 days
Shannon beiste the masculine straight woman coaching high school football in Ohio in the 2010s was 1000x more progressive than having the actress get into drag in order to make that character a trans man tbh
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anothergleekgirl · 2 months
by anothergleekgirl
SUMMARY: Finn & Rachel are best friends since childhood and set to be each other's 'Best Friend of Honor' at their respective weddings. As they move ahead helping each other plan, they begin to awkwardly discover that maybe what they'd always thought was 'just friendship' runs much deeper.
Alt Universe/Canon Divergent – FUTUREFIC. A friends to lovers Finchel story! - Set in NYC.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor Status: COMPLETE Chapters: 14 Words: 108,847 Published: Dec 4, 2023 Cast: Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Jesse St James, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Burt Hummel, Hiram & Leroy Berry, Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Shannon Beiste, Emma Pillsbury, Holly Holiday, Sue Sylvester --------------------------------------
“Say you’ll do it? Be my Best Friend of Honor, pleeeeease??”
“Didn’t we always promise each other? ‘Course I will! I’m so happy for you, Bite-Size!”
She stands on tiptoes and throws her arms around her best friend’s neck to squeeze him tight while exhaling into his shoulder “Thank you thank you thank you! Oh Finn, this means so much to me... I couldn’t possibly dream of anyone else standing by my side for this. I’ll need my BFF or it just wouldn’t feel real.”
With his long-reaching arms still wrapped around her waist he kisses her on the cheek.
“Anything for you Rach. You know I’m always here for you.”
With a sweet smile and a slight blush she suddenly looks up into those honey warm almond-shaped eyes. “Now we just need to get you squared away. Exactly when are you planning to set the date?” She pokes her little index finger teasingly into his chest a few times.
“Set a date?” He chuckles heartily, wrapping his large hand around hers and tickling at her palm with his thumb. “Jumping the gun a bit aren’t you, Rach? You know full well the ring is still sittin’ in my sock drawer... how ‘bout I maybe ask her first?”
“Right. You should probably actually do that! I swear, you’re the King of Procrastination.” She smirks at him.
“It’s not procrastination. I’ve just learned with her, it’s best not to make too many sudden moves. Slow and steady is the safest play.”
Peals of laughter burst out of her. “Okay, if you say so... but you do know Tana’s getting impatient, right?”
He aims a glare laced with sarcasm at her. “Ya think?? She keeps bringing home new bride magazines like, daily, and watching hours-long marathons of Say Yes to the Dress. Between you and me? I really hope she wants one of those Panini Turkay dresses, y’know, the ones that look like corsets and see-through lingerie?” He wiggles his eyebrows with a suggestive smirk as he nudges her with his elbow.
“Finn Hudson! You’re ridiculous!” She chastises him through laughter. “I swear your mind is always in the gutter, isn’t it? And her name is Pnina Tornai... A panini is a sandwich, Finn. We’ve discussed this before.”
Shaking it off he doesn’t miss a beat, images of those dresses still dancing in his smiling eyes. “Whatever. Those are some super HOT dresses... especially the ones that lace up the back.”
Rolling her eyes, she gapes at him with mock disgust, then resigns with a sigh. “First of all, Finn, they are not dresses, they are GOWNS – very expensive gowns, I might add. But... Well, I guess I can see the appeal from the groom’s point of view. Although, I’d suppose they’re really only meant for a certain type of bride...” Her voice softens a bit, and he can almost hear a sadness behind her previously cheery tone. “I, for one, don’t think I could ever pull off something so... risqué or revealing – not that it’s really my style anyway. Besides... I’m just not built for a dress like that.”
“You serious right now, Rach? You know you’d totally rock one of those Panini dresses.”
“It’s Pnina. Pronounced pa-nee-NAH, Finn.”
“Don’t care. Stop deflecting... You always do that though, you always put yourself down – and it sorta pisses me off. You gotta stop doing that. Don’t you know you’re beautiful Rach? And I bet anything you’d look super awesome in one of those dresses. In fact, I know you would. I’ll even prove it to you.”
She laughs hysterically as he pokes her lightly in the most ticklish spot on her left side – the spot only he seems to know about since he’d first discovered it at the age of ten. He knows it’s her kryptonite and she’s utterly defenseless against his tickle attacks.
She blushes at his sweet words and squeals through her giggles, "Finn, STOP! And exactly just how do you think you’re gonna prove anything?”
“Well, as your official B-F-O-H, I get to go to the dress shop while you’re picking out a dress, don’t I?? So... I’ll pick one out, you’ll try it on and I’ll prove my point.”
“You wanna help me pick out my wedding gown? You’re insane.”
“Hmmm, maybe. But we both know you’re gonna insist on getting my approval either way. Plus you’re going to Kleinfeld's anyway, so...”
She looks at him for a hard minute with narrowing eyes laced with suspicion.
“You seem to be very well informed, not only about the designer names and dress styles, but also with the name of the bridal shop... Admit it, Finn. You actually watch Say Yes, don’t you?”
Looking away nervously, he shrugs her off. “Uh... no comment.”
A chorus of giggles rings out as her lovely plump pink lips curl up to the apples of her cheeks and make her eyes shine bright. “Oh, you're so BUSTED!”
“Shut up. Hey, I’m a GUY, alright? So I can’t help it if I happened to be walking through the room during that one episode where the bride wanted to be practically naked and had a dress special made that was like HOLY FU–”
“Finn!! Language!” She slaps him lightly on the bicep. “And please stop objectifying women like that; you know it annoys me. Not to mention, how do you think Tana feels about you making those comments?”
He chuckles. “Are you joking right now? She’s the one who comments on the hottest brides on the show most of the time! She even rates them on a scale from g-strings to granny panties. Which, that alone is pretty hot and reason enough to watch.”
“Mmhmm. I forgot. She’s a little... peculiar like that. It’s almost like I’m talking to Puckerman instead of her most of the time. Sometimes I think you two are kind of an odd pairing.”
“So what, you think I shouldn’t—”
“Hey, I never said that. I mean, you love her, don’t you?”
“Well, yeah. Sure I do.”
“Okay then, it’s settled. Just get off your procrastinating ass and get the deed done already, BFG. She’s going to be in my wedding party too, don't forget, and you know that’s just going to make her even MORE antsy if you don’t hurry the hell up.”
“Yeah yeah, Bossy Baby Spice, as long as you’re sure... Annnnd as long as you say you’re gonna be my BFOH.” he teases back with a wink.
She beams her megawatt smile and reminds him, “Didn’t we always promise each other?”
“Cool. You’re the bestest y’know that, short-stuff?” He brushes her bangs from her eyes and wraps a loose strand of her mahogany locks behind her ear, a sincere smile stretching across his dimpled face. “And you’re gonna make a beautiful bride too, Rach. Seriously. Jesse’s a lucky dude – and he’d better treat you right, or he’ll have me to answer to.”
“Is that a fact?” She laughs softly and leans her head against his shoulder. “You’d still defend my honor, huh?”
“Always, Rach. Hey... you wanna grab a bite? Since you mentioned paninis I’ve got a craving now.”
“Oh god... Sure. C’mon, let’s go feed the human garbage disposal.”
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manyfandomocs · 3 months
World Building Wednesday: Zeke
full name: Zeke Marlon Beiste
gender: Cisgender Male
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Sullivan Beiste (father), Denise Beiste (mother), Sheldon Beiste (uncle) ((Coach Beiste is referred to as Shannon and as his aunt during most of the fic but when it hits s6 Zeke is all on board))
birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio (but grew up in California)
job: Student, Skateboarder, Future Career TBD but likely either a nepo bf to a famous Marley or a producer or something
phobias: Blood, claustrophobia
guilty pleasures: Energy drinks
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
hard-working/lazy (depends a lot)
otp: Zeke/Marley
ot3: Zeke/Marley/Jake
brotp: Zeke/Unique
notp: Zeke/Ryder
Send WBW and an oc for…
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bearcreekhq · 5 months
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Full Name → Seth Alexander Beiste
Age → 28
Birthday → September 23rd, 1995
Order & Type → first (adopted), solo
Gender & Pronouns → cis man, he/him
Sexuality → heterosexual
Occupation → kennel technician at Wags 2 Riches Animal Shelter, photographer
(tw: fatal car accident, drunk driver, death) Seth Beiste was born to two very loving parents by the names of Dennis and Sheila Harrison. Though shortly after his fourth birthday, everything that he knew in such a short time was taken away from him. His parents had gone out for their anniversary, one of the few date nights they’d truly had since Seth was born, and unfortunately they did not make it back home. It was a drunk driver, the police had told the babysitter, and unfortunately there was no family close enough by to take the little boy in. This led to child services taking over and he was placed into foster care. It was a very confusing time for him, especially being so young and not fully understanding everything that was going on.
When he was five, Seth was placed with Cooter and Sheldon (at the time, Shannon) as they were hoping to go through the process of fostering to adopt. He most definitely gave the two a bit of a hard time, he didn’t know these people and they most certainly were not his parents. And although it was a struggle on both sides, there were moments where Seth would realize that these two weren’t trying to replace his birth parents, but give him a new chance at having a family when his was taken from him so suddenly. He came to learn that if it weren’t for these two, he could be sent back into the system where it could take longer even to find another couple or single-parent even, to take him in. Though he was legally able to be adopted within six months of them taking him in, it was about a year before they made the adoption final. His new parents hadn’t wanted to rush him into something until they were sure he was ready. 
Though he still gave them trouble from time to time, life as a Beiste wasn’t too awful. There was some confusion when Sheldon began his transition, though he was able to accept it as he had been taught by them to not judge others and that there’s nothing wrong with those a little different from us. However, when the changes that Sheldon was going through started to bring about a different side of Cooter, Seth started to act up again, especially when the divorce was brought up. And this all only worsened when the time came that Cooter signed away his parental rights. Seth was angry, first he blamed Sheldon and then he’d blamed himself. He was full of worry that now with one dad gone and out of his life, a second dad that he’d now lost, he was going to only end back up in the system. 
As a teenager, he started to fall in with the wrong crowd and his anger issues and acting out only got worse now that Sheldon was a single parent. Seth felt that if he was only destined to go back into the system, something that he understood more about now that he was older, he may as well make sure that he didn’t have any emotional ties to another set of parents soon to be lost. Of course, he didn’t expect Sheldon to not give up on him, especially after a run-in with the police after being caught vandalizing a park. He was 13 at the time, the judge was thankfully lenient on him given his situation and past, and allowed him to even choose where he’d be doing the community service he was sentenced to. Seth, being a typical teen, figured that the animal shelter would be the easiest option and it was definitely not. He had to clean up after the animals’ kennels, on occasion he’d have to walk the dogs and of course pick up after them doing their business.
Ironic as it was, after putting in so many hours of his community service, he started to connect with the dogs and relate to their situation. He’d have conversations with them and really get to know their personalities. By the time his sentence was up, he found himself continuing to volunteer at the shelter in hopes of helping with finding the right homes for them, by learning their personalities while cleaning their spaces. Even the cats, though he’d take picking up dog poop in a bag over cleaning a litter box any day. And once he was old enough, he picked up a part-time job doing the same thing.
Another part of his sentencing for the vandalism was mandated therapy to channel his anger and find a better outlet in dealing with his feelings and emotions. Of course, his father being the football coach at the time, he went out for the team, and during the winter season he had also gone out for and joined the wrestling team. 
Of course, though he loved the sports he got into and the animals he helped care for, his biggest passion fell into his life in a very unexpected way. One spring when his dad asked him to clean up his room, go through his things and make a box up of stuff to donate or throw away, depending the shape it was in, he came across a box with a camera bag in it. He didn’t know where it came from exactly or how it came to be in his possession, but as he looked it over he found his mom’s name stitched in it. Opening it, there were film canisters with used film and a camera that still had a roll half-used in it as well. Maybe it was packed up with his things by child services, he’s not really sure. But of course, he needed to know what was on the film.
Sheldon had suggested that he take it to the photography teacher at the high school, which then turned into Seth taking on photography as an elective and learning how to develop the film on his own. There were photos of him, of his dad, some of his mom, family photos of the three of them, basically memories of the entire first four years of his life. And it was this moment that inspired him to do even more with photography. He wanted to take photos like his mom did, capturing moments of his family and friends, creating those solid memories to hold onto for as long as he could. And he was good at it. 
After graduating high school, Seth went to college taking both courses to continue his photography education as well as some business courses. Since graduating with his degrees, he’s been continuing to work at the animal shelter as a kennel technician, though he also does the photos of the animals for social media, and he’s saving up to buy his own studio space. In the meantime, with his photography, he also takes photos for the Bearcreek Community Center for their events and social media as well, and in exchange his payment for doing that is the use of one of their open rooms as a make-shift studio until he can get a studio of his own.
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ads-whatif · 11 months
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       We’re in a battlefield, this world is made of steel,        We’re fighting every day, I wish’ I could run away
What if everything was now between Lima, New York and Los Angeles? Six years after graduation, where are your favorite glee clubbers? What if Rachel and Jesse were not the oh so in love couple every single Broadway fan loves? What if Kurt and Blaine can't seem to find happiness with their new little family? Will Santana Lopez and Brittany S. Pierce have a good life in Los Angeles, or will they run back to their friends and family? Where is Quinn Fabray after YALE? What about Artie, Mercedes... Sam, Tina? Where are they? What about the old 'new members' of the Glee Club? Will Jake, Kitty, Marley and Ryder finally find their place? What will happen to your favorite character? Will your favorite couple make it? What if Mr. Will Schuester, Miss Shelby Corcoran, Miss Holly Holliday and April Rhodes were all Glee club teachers now? What if Sue Sylvester, Shannon Beiste and Roz Washington were working together to make the McKinley High proud of their teams and helping Glee club? What if Bryan Ryan, Carl Howell, Dustin Goolsby and Grace Hitchens were working together to make Vocal Adrenaline the champions? Fame? Money? Reputation? Family? Love? Friends? Loneliness? It’s all up to you! Welcome to What If! The place where you decide what you do with your favorite Glee character, and where all the original characters are also very welcome.
                   Welcome! What If is waiting for you!
                                   We welcome Original Characters.
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darecruit · 2 years
Yess! Thanks for fanfiction, honestly! Or, from what I know, Coach Beiste was trans? From Shannon to Sheldon. I have nothing against trans storyline (Unique was RIGHT THERE) but they did Coach Beiste and when I learned about it I was confused as I didn't see that coming :( IDK, was it indicated in any way? I thought Coach Beiste was a woman who was simply built differently and wanted to have someone to love them back. I really didn't see that coming :(
Yeah I didn’t see that coming either. Season 2 and 3 it’s made clear she’s a woman and interested in finding a man that will treat her like a “pretty lady”. I am all for inclusivity and having characters that represent LBGTQ+ and minorities. Representation matters. What I don’t want is a token character or one that doesn’t feel true to the character itself. And that’s exactly what the Beiste trans storyline was. And that is the problem with Glee. And the problem with Ryan Murphy. He’s a fabulous storyteller when there is a clear cut time frame/story to tell. That’s why the first season is so good. He loses it when it’s open ended. Glee suffered tremendously from that. And let’s not even get started on the continuity issues.
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marley-bean · 1 year
@sudenlyimuzui commented:
“Why do you dislike Sheldon? No hate or anything I just haven’t watched the show in a while and can’t think of anything that sticks out about him”
And because my answer is so long, tumblr wouldn’t let me finish it in the comments. Besides, I think it’s a good idea to let everyone know why I have a problem with Sheldon. So here’s my answer:
I “hate” him because I hate that the writers took a strong, non-traditionally beautiful and feminine woman and made her trans. Don’t get me wrong— I have absolutely nothing against the trans community. Don’t twist it that way- I didn’t say that. I just hate that the writers tore down Shannon’s empowering story. Like here’s a woman who isn’t “beautiful”, who’s pretty masculine, but she’s attracted to men for 5 seasons and has been all of her life. She isn’t pretty, but people still love her, she has a support system and friends, and she’s comfortable in her body. That’s such a great example for girls who aren’t traditionally pretty, for girls who are more masculine in looks, for girls who love sports but feel like they should love “girly” things. Shannon proved you don’t have to be, to quote Meghan Trainor, “a stick figure silicone Barbie doll” in order to be beautiful, have love, have friends, have success, etc etc. And the writers, once again, ruined that message by trying to be inclusive of everyone.
Now, if there had been signs of Shannon, or any character really, feeling like they don’t belong in their body- like Unique for instance- I wouldn’t have a problem with that storyline. If it had been a consistent, “oh maybe Shannon doesn’t feel like a Shannon/doesn’t feel like she’s in the right body” all throughout seasons 1-5, then I wouldn’t have a problem with the storyline. If they planted the seeds, then let it bloom in s6, it wouldn’t bug me. It’d feel natural— or as natural as Glee can get. The storyline came way out of left field, and, in trying to be inclusive, they tore down one of their most relatable, most empowering storylines.
TL;DR: I hate Beiste’s trans storyline because, in doing so, the writers tore down another story of empowerment.
(Also see my Shannon Beiste tag. There’s a screenshot of a YouTube comment that says what I’m trying to say much better and more concise.)
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ladyofdecember · 1 year
I don't understand why Beiste let her husband hit her?? I mean maybe it's just because I had to learn that lesson way early in life but there's no way I'd let a dude hit me TWICE. The first time sure but a second later he'd have a butcher knife in his guts. 🙂✌️
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youreallminorities · 3 years
My thoughts are consumed by the fact that Beiste and Sue are played by lesbians, and their characters both fit stereotypes of lesbians, but they each get a turn-to-camera confirmation of heterosexuality because RIB hates butch milf lesbian icons
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
🌟 + Audrey Beiste for the 10 facts!!
Ahhhhh, an ask for one of my newest babies, thank you so much, Grace!! (And I shall also tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs since she also asked for this with Audrey, as well as the other Glee lovers @ginger-grimm, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @manyfandomocs!! <3)
Tina very quickly becomes Audrey’s best friend after she moves to Lima with her aunt; despite being the exact opposite of a Goth, Audrey loves Tina’s whole aesthetic, and Tina finds Audrey’s determined optimism very refreshing and endearing.
During the New Directions’ “Born This Way” number, where they all wear t-shirts with things they don’t like about themselves written on them, Audrey’s shirt reads White Whale, after a mean nickname she was given by bullies at her old school.
Audrey really loves card magic, even if she isn’t very good at it herself; sometimes she’ll spend hours watching videos of it on YouTube, or rewatching the performances of card magicians who were on America’s Got Talent.
She and her father often exchange letters - despite the fact that he’s in jail, he really is ultimately a good guy who loves his daughter and is glad she has a good life with Shannon, and Audrey loves her dad as well.
Audrey is actually bi! She’s known since she was pretty young and came out to her aunt when she was only eleven, and of course Shannon was incredibly supportive and loving (and, of course, Audrey is also incredibly supportive when her aunt becomes her uncle years later).
She isn’t much of a person who swears, and always tries to find alternatives for curse words, some of which wind up being kind of funny to hear (such as when she uses flicking in place of fucking).
Audrey loves strawberries and strawberry-flavored anything - strawberry ice cream, hard candies, popsicles, you name it, she’ll definitely eat it, along with the actual fruits themselves.
She’s a big fan of Minnie and Mickey Mouse, often wearing outfits that are inspired by Minnie, and the first Halloween after she and Finn get together, she definitely convinces him to do Mickey and Minnie for a couples costume with her.
Her love language is definitely physical touch, both for giving and receiving - my girl loves hugs, giving them and getting them, and she gives amazing ones, too.
She really loves learning about different heists throughout history, and definitely watched every episode of the History series History’s Greatest Heists with Pierce Brosnan when it came out.
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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The best moment of glee?!
Beiste answering to Cooters Question: “Who’s gonna love you now?”
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