#she also LOVED lostmyhead and every time i see her she makes me give her my headphones and play it because hers dont have good audio quality
flashbacks to the time i played Girls to my grandma and she laughed at the 'tearing off your blouse now youre living in my house' line for like. three full minutes. she also thought anobrain being called that instead of a no brain was the funniest thing shes ever seen
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floralseokjin · 5 years
— crystallised 06 (m)
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crystallised /ˈkrɪst(ə)lʌɪz/ (verb) make or become definite and clear 
Six weeks, that’s all it takes to forget about the threesome you shared with your boyfriend, Yoongi, and your past... fuck buddy, Seokjin. After all, it’s no big deal. Yoongi and you are doing better than ever, there’s no reason to regret such a night shared. That is until you hear some gossip in the library one day, and then slowly, little by little, everything starts to fall apart... Can you begin to make sense out of all this confusion, or is it too late? 
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  genre/warnings; fluff, fluff and more fluff, smut in the form of dry humping, and did I already say fluff???? here, have some more  words; 10,481
sequel to; memoirs of a mistake and lostmyhead
chapters; 01 ⤑ 02 ⤑ 03 ⤑ 04 ⤑ 05 ⤑ 06 ⤑ 07⤑ 08 ✓
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Seokjin ended up staying the night. It was inevitable really. You weren’t letting him go after you’d only just got him back. Not like he wasn’t dropping enough hints though. Could stay like this forever, he’d murmured hot in your ear, your body smushed to his as you lied down on the sofa, watching Netflix again. Some things, you realised, wouldn’t change and actually, it turned out Seokjin and you had already practically been acting as a couple anyway. It was just now he had his arms around your middle, hands woven together and his mouth on your neck. Lips too. Yeah, the kissing fest was still happening. You wouldn’t be able to tell anyone a damn thing about what had happened in the last three episodes of The Vampire Diaries if they asked. 
Spend the night didn’t really have a question mark after it. It was Sunday anyway, neither of you had work and just the thought of doing nothing all day with Seokjin seemed like pure bliss. Your plan had been to call Lina tonight and gush about everything, but you guessed that could wait until tomorrow night. You’d just have to evade her messages until then, because keeping information like this from your best friend was killing you, but also, maybe you weren’t ready for the “Oh, my God, it was all down to ME,” I told you so’s… 
You got ready for bed in the bathroom one by one, almost giddy when Seokjin came out in just his t-shirt and boxers. Knees practically vibrating against one another as he got into bed next to you. His side. You were finally sharing your bed with him again, and then you were a tangle of limbs, his body glued into yours. His legs warm against yours, chest warm, body heat encasing you with the help of his arms. This was it. Pure bliss. How it was always supposed to be. 
In the safety of your bed, surrounded by darkness it was easy for even more confessions to slip from Seokjin’s lips. There were funny ones. Thoughts that slipped into his head. Like how he’d been unreasonably jealous of every guy who’d checked you out at the gym. How your ass had looked quote, “fricking delectable,” unquote, with a side helping of bum squeeze to go with. “Been wanting to do that forever,” he sighed in complete and utter content. You giggled, revelling in it really. How could you not. It wasn’t like you hadn’t ogled him while he was squatting or doing press ups… He was very happy when you let that slip… It was cute to fill in the missing gaps, but there were also unhappy confessions too. Ones that made your heart pang with sadness. 
Every time he’d pined for you. Not far from him, but still deeply out of reach. Like how he’d hated seeing you cry after your argument with Yoongi the night of that party. He was awkward and he didn’t know how to comfort you, but that was because he wanted nothing more than to tell you the truth. The truth about his feelings, and how he thought you should be with him not Yoongi. When he’d walked you home and you’d made to kiss him, (so he had realised) it took him everything not to give in. He knew you were upset, vulnerable and he didn’t want to take advantage of the moment. It wouldn’t be right, but the hug was the best sensation he’d felt in all his life. Then you’d turned up at his door after the breakup. Like some sign from the heavens above he was making a mistake with Jemma, and even if he could only have you as a friend, even if it hurt like crazy to hear you talk about Yoongi, it was okay. Because he had you in some kind of form. The best form. Just you. 
With your glassy eyes, you both began to reminisce into the early hours of the morning. Muffling your laughter at some points because it got too loud and your neighbours would hate you. 
“Was it just me, or when we went to watch Endgame did you get distracted remembering back to that time you gave me a hand job? It was the exact same screen room too.” He spoke into the darkness. Just when eyelids were getting heavy, legs still tangled together, your head on his chest.  
“Oh, my god.” 
“No. Not even in a perverted way. I thought of that as our unofficial first date for the longest time.” He was trying to be funny, but that was actually really cute. You’d held hands for the first time that night. You’d done so as a joke, teasing him. Actually, he’d been adamant it wasn’t a date, not a fan of your jesting. You understood why now. He was afraid you didn’t feel the same. 
“I remember we held hands as we walked back to your car.” 
“Mm. I liked that.” On cue you felt one of his hands find yours to slip them together, kissing the top of your head at the same time. You smiled to yourself. “Let me take you on an official first date.” 
“Where do you have in mind?” The smile was still on your face, could hear it in your voice. 
“Zoo.” He replied matter-of-factly. 
“You pretty much stood me up last time.” Silence. The memory came back to you instantly.  “–annd you don’t remember…” His tone was light, playing with you, but nope, you wouldn’t have it. 
“No, wait!” You exclaimed, turning around in his arms to find his face. Your eyes had long adjusted to the dark, you could make out the greatly amused grin on his face easily. “I do remember! I just didn’t think you were serious.” 
You hadn’t actually figured out what he was trying to do when he’d asked you out back then. You’d been too distracted anyway… Too excited for your date with Yoongi… 
“So serious. So jealous. So sad.” That didn’t help either. He was messing around but it still made you feel all not good inside. 
“Seokjiinn.” You whined. 
He laughed, arms wrapping around your middle to squeeze you to him. “No, but I do really want to take you to the zoo on our first date.” He pecked your mouth, ridding the pout that had formed. “Let’s go Tuesday. We can skip class.” 
“Oh,” you cocked an eyebrow. “You’re making me skip classes already. You’re a bad influence Kim Seokjin.” 
“And what are you going to do about it?” He grinned, voice now a little croaky from lack of sleep. Sexy though. 
You both did manage to get a few hours sleep in the end. Voices were sleepy, conversation waning off and then eyes were closed. You woke up first. Your body clock didn’t seem to realise when it hadn’t had eight hours sleep. So here you were wide awake on five. Seokjin was still dead to the world though. Hooked around you like some sort of monkey. You wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever, but you forgot the cost it came with. Excessive heat. Maybe you hadn’t woken up naturally… Anyway, somehow you wriggled free, Seokjin not even stirring as he rolled onto his back. You took a moment to study him. Cute in sleep, gigantic lips pouting naturally, forehead slightly creased, like he was dreaming of something serious. The events of the night before were truly sinking in. This was actually happening. You and him. 
You didn’t want to wake him just yet. No. You had a better idea. You were sure you had the right ingredients to make pancakes. First, a quick detour to the bathroom to empty your bladder and brush your teeth – hair too. You knew you looked this unkempt in the morning, but Seokjin wasn’t used to it anymore. Silly of course, like he gave a shit. You tried to keep as quiet as possible when you started finding and weighing ingredients, aware that there were basically only four walls in this open apartment, if you didn’t count the bathroom. Which was just about hiding Seokjin out of view, the jutting wall part of your kitchen storage. 
Distracted from mixing as you messaged with Lina back and forth, (she really did love bitching about this one coworker…), you nearly dropped your cell into the bowl when you read what she came out with next. 
Lina (9:58am)  So are we just gonna ignore the fact u probably fucked Seokjin last night? MAYBE you’re doing it right now  Sorry my bad for interrupting 
So much for evading her messages. Impossible, and now look. 
You (9:58am)  Wtf  im making pancakes like i said  …………. but yeh jin might be in my bed  we didn’t bang tho  we’re taking things slow 💖💘💗💕💞💓💝
You (9:59am)  i was going to tell you last night :(but got distracted  come over later???? i’ll text u 
Lina (10:00am)  So you actually made a move at the party??  I KNEW IT 
Strange. You’d taken it as a given that she had. Especially with the very direct accusation… Or maybe she just knew Seokjin and you couldn’t keep up this ~friends~ bullshit for any longer. Someone would cave, especially after Brian’s party. A ticking time bomb but no one blew up after detonation. Thank God. 
You (10:00am)  🤔🤭🤫😶
Lina (10:00am)  YOU BETTER SEND HIM HIME TINIGHT  I NEED to know the details  Have fun being a sexy housewife making pancakes  😘
You (10:01am)  hehe 🥰 << me rn 
You were so preoccupied, you hadn’t heard Seokjin waking up, jumping a little when his arms wrapped around your middle, face nuzzling your neck as he hugged you from behind. 
“Where did you go?” His voice was thick with sleep and whiney. 
Putting your phone down, you tried to fight your smile, but nope, this was really happening, and it was better than you could have ever imagined. “I’m making breakfast.”  
“I wanted to cuddle,” he whined again. Sounded cute. “Literally been dreaming about it forever. You’re evil.” 
“Am not.” You laughed, twisting in his grip. “We cuddled all night.” 
Facing him now, you wrapped your arms around his neck, an amused grin on your face. You didn’t think it was possible to cuddle all night, but hey, you’d been proved wrong. You should’ve known. Seokjin was as determined as ever. Only now softer. You liked soft. You liked him.
He squeezed your waist, a pout already formed. “I want more.” 
“Patience, bitch,” you hummed softly, bemusing him for a second before he chuckled. You leaned up to kiss him. “Haven’t brushed my teeth,” he murmured. 
You rolled your eyes. “Like I care.” There were some things you’d waited long enough for, even without realising, and you’d be damned if you didn’t take every opportunity you had to kiss him. One of you had brushed your teeth, that’s all that mattered. 
It wasn’t a showy kiss, mostly slow and lazy. Definitely indulgent though. You almost clung to his bottom lip each time you grazed against it, feeling warmth whenever his breath shook. You felt warmth in the way his hands gripped you too. Safe but free in his hold. Giddy when one wrapped around the small of your back and his fingers grazed the top of your ass. It was exhilarating to feel him touch you so casually. A little tiny niggle of frustration too, because why hadn’t he been doing this from the beginning? You both were fools, but not anymore. 
“What you making?” He murmured when you both parted, curious. 
A hand slid around your hip as you turned your back to him again, picking up the wooden spoon in the bowl to begin to mix again. You gave him a tiny shrug. Not wanting to make a big deal. “Pancakes.” 
He sighed like a king. “Spoiling me already.” Your tut in response choked out when he tapped your ass playfully, wondering off to nose through your cupboards. “Don’t burn them.” 
He found what he was looking for. A box of cereal on the top shelf. “Seokjin,” you chided gently as he grabbed a bowl from the draining rack. “Cereal? Really?” No way could he have room for two breakfasts. 
He grinned goofily. “Appetiser. The starter.” 
You stared him down, practically calling his bluff, but nope, there he went, shaking the cereal into the bowl. Milk following. That’s when you laughed. You couldn’t help it. “You’re nuts.” 
“Yeah, for you.” 
You scoffed quietly at his comeback, a small smile on your face, unable to hide your happiness, and went back to mixing your pancakes. Yeah, it would take a little time getting used to that cheesiness. You needed to step up your game. 
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If you were joined at the hip before, it wasn’t nothing on you now. Not that dating changed much overall. If people had already thought you were together, that was only affirmed as you held hands around campus and kissed goodbye at the door of your next classes. Lina was super happy you’d finally admitted your feelings to one another. And not in a gloating way either. Like a piece of fan fiction, she said: The girl who tamed a fuckboy. Yikes, how basic. Sounded like something from Wattpad. You much preferred the trope “Two idiots finally realise their feelings for one another.” Fit you both perfectly. 
Surprisingly, there were no I told you so’s from her, just a rare guilty look as she confessed she felt “kinda to blame.” Her distaste for Seokjin in the beginning may have hindered your view. You did after all keep your hook ups a secret for so long. But no, you reassured her, that was all on you. Despite the great sex, originally the idea of people knowing you’d given into Kim Seokjin was, how should you say, unappealing, but you’d soon (ish) seen how judgemental that was. If anyone was to blame for the delay, it was you. Not that you dwelled on that anymore. 
It was the little things that made you vibrate at a high frequency. Sheer happiness just doing doing the most mundane things. Being able to land a kiss on Seokjin anytime you wanted. Binging so many shows it was probably unhealthy now, yet it didn’t matter with his arms wrapped around your waist. Lying in his bed watching him grow frustrated as he gamed at his desk. Taking him shopping with you and hearing him whine in complete and utter boredom… It all brought you joy. There was no awkwardness, no trying too hard. It just all came naturally. You worked perfectly like this. 
The Pet names started. The first time was when you’d been in near tears on the zoo date. Hating the way the animals were all so far from home and trapped. Seokjin had felt beyond guilty, a distraught, panicked look on his face as he apologised for even thinking of taking you here as a first date. He even said sorry for being shit at comforting you, but as soon as the Baby, please don’t cry had rolled so casually from his tongue, so endearingly in fact, and gentle and soft, he’d done his job perfectly. It was your turn to comfort him. No matter what, your first date wasn’t a complete blow out. You got to feed a giraffe and watch the guy you were crazy about lose his shit over a cute little deer. All while skipping class… Couldn’t get much better than that. 
And for someone who’d never been on a proper date before, Seokjin sure made up for it with you. You tried the fancy dinner route. Found out it wasn’t for you when you accidentally rubbed the eyeliner from your right eye. Seokjin thought about waiting until you realised, but inevitably couldn’t do it to you. Although you were sure it was because he couldn’t hold his laughter in. You both enjoyed simpler, less showy outings, and of course you planned stuff too. When you took him to the gig of one of your favourite groups you thought his head was going to explode. He complained his ears hurt all the way back home. You took the time to rinse him on his own music taste. 
“It’s okay, next time Taylor Swift goes on tour I’ll get you tickets,” you teased. To which he scoffed. 
“You seem to forget I work in a gym. I listen to whatever comes on the radio.” 
Of course you had a comeback. Quick and witty, you were an unyielding duo. “You seem to forget earphones exist.” 
You weren’t one for posting your life on social media. In fact, you didn’t really post on there much at all. Mainly because you sucked at aesthetically pleasing photos on Instagram and regretted every time you overshared on Twitter. And yes, by oversharing you meant an I’m tired after a full day of classes and a shift at work… Seokjin was little of the same, but the first time he uploaded a selfie of you two (a highly unflattering one at that, but hey ho) you may have melted… Made it all feel so real. 
Caption: Me and my baby 🤧💞 80 likes
You: Yes! You’ve finally given in to that emoji life 🤗😍😭 Seokjin_Kim: Yes! You’ve finally learnt proper grammar (Capitalising correctly) 😘  itsholly: so cute!!!  JungHobi: @Joon94 @San_deul That’s it guys… we’ve lost him to luuuv 🥺 hi_itsbri: Legit?! Congrats man!  Seokjin_Kim: @hi_itsbri Legit! Much appreciated!  Seokjin_Kim: @JungHobi So glad I’m free ^_^ Joon94: RUDE  Joon94: @Seokjin_Kim  San_deul: @Seokjin_Kim Nice try. You live with me 
After that, it didn’t take you long to start double dating. Seokjin wasn’t brave enough to accompany any of your friends yet, despite Lina being adamant her and Jimin wanted to hang out, but you went plenty with Sandeul and his girlfriend. You favourite was the time you went to the VR arcade with them. You’d never laughed so much in you life—nor felt so scared! You also seemed to hang out with Hoseok, Namjoon and their girlfriends a lot, who preferred to stay in most of the time, eating take out or drinking some. It was on one of those occasions that Seokjin adorably got moody because you laughed at Hoseok too much…
“What’s up with you?” You asked, coming out from the bathroom to see Seokjin still sitting on your sofa with the same frown he’d had since you’d left Hoseok’s place. 
You sighed and bounced into the seat next to him. “Are you in a sulk?” As if it wasn’t obvious. 
He shook his head. “No.” 
“Jiiin!” His name left your mouth in a whine as you pounced on him, climbing onto his lap. Despite his one word answers, he reached for you hips naturally. “You’ve been acting strange since the ride back to mine.” You paused to side eye him, sounding snippy yourself now. “Maybe you should’ve just gone home…” 
“No,” he answered immediately, clinging to you tighter. “No. It’s nothing.” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. He hesitated. “Do you think Hoseok’s funnier than me?” 
You stared at him for a moment, a bemused look on your face, because no, that couldn’t he it. Could it? How adorable. “What kind of question is that?” 
“Is that a yes,” he pouted, dropping his hands from you. His jaw tightening. 
“Not at all. It’s a reply of confusion.” 
He sighed. “You’re delaying” 
You had to laugh then. He was being ridiculous. Was he really self-conscious about it? Hoseok was a funny guy, he knew how to entertain, but it wasn’t something you took notice of much. You leaned in, making sure Seokjin was looking at you and spoke slowly. “No. I don’t think he’s funnier than you.” 
It didn’t work. In fact, he averted your gaze to look down at the arm of the sofa. Pout in his voice. “You were laughing all night at him. Ignored me when I said something. I’m used to the guys brushing off my jokes and never laughing, but you…” 
Wrong. You had not been ignoring him all night, but he sounded so dejected you really did think he believed it. You cupped his cheek. “I always laugh at your jokes.” 
“Yeah, probably because you think you have to.” Voice a mumble, you rolled your eyes. 
“Have I, or have I not always thought you were funny?” You’d been laughing because of Seokjin for as long as you’d known him. Even when you didn’t want to admit it. “You’re much funnier than Hoseok. Namjoon? No question. Never met someone so unfunny.”
Seokjin actually managed a little smile at that. Your lame attempt at being funny yourself.
“Yay. That’s what I want to see. A smile.” To emphasise, you pulled the corners of his mouth up with your thumbs.  
“Get off,” he grumbled, but there was now a gigantic grin on his face. “I just need to make sure, y’know? My humour is all I have.” 
You scoffed. “Shut up.” 
“Okay, humour and face.” 
You leaned in once more, tone sincere. “You have way more important qualities.” 
“Great.” He sighed. Fairly dramatically. “Now you’re calling me unfunny and ugly?” 
But mouth already open in argument, he was kissing you with an amused chuckle, not knowing you’d never let him forget the day he worried Hoseok was funnier than him…
After a few weeks the novelty of going outside wore off, and soon you were back to staying in. Sharing time between homes, although yours was the preferred, living alone and all. It got pretty domesticated some nights, cooking together, back hugging him as he cut onions because you complained it made you cry. When you said you binged TV too much, you weren’t playing. Somehow you’d completed The Vampire Diaries and were onto The Walking Dead now. Zombies made you a bit uneasy, but actually you found yourself getting quite into it. So into it you searched spoilers ahead of time, too guilty to tell Seokjin your secret. It turned out he was doing exactly the same thing behind your back… You’d both found out your favourite character was soon to die, and reading it had already emotionally broken you, so for now, binging was paused. 
Not that you had much time these days. College was kicking up a notch. You had a final piece that needed to be finished by the beginning of February that was a large percentage of your grade this year and Seokjin seemed swamped with assignments and tests. Along with a part-time job, it was a struggle to find some time to spend together. And that’s how Seokjin convinced you to join the gym again. It was a hard no at first, but he put up a good argument… You could hang out together while he worked and you found not everything was completely body destroying there… You could keep up a worthy enough pace on the treadmill. Look somewhat passable on the elliptical… They were both also very great vantage points for some light viewing (perving) of your man… Squats really were invented for him. Just no one tell him that because he’d get a big head… 
Caption: The only plus side of going to the gym 🏋🏻‍♂️🍑🤤🥵 43 likes 
Linaa: GROSS  Linaa: can you not publicise your weird kinks 🤮 You: @Linaa were you or were you not going on about Jimin’s booty two nights ago ????  You: @PJM tell your girlfriend to shut up  PJM: Guys 😩😩 me and Jin really don’t deserve this  Seokjin_Kim: WHEN DID YOU TAKE THIS?! 
He may have seemed outraged but that wasn’t what he sounded like over text two minutes later… 
Jin💞 (5:47pm)  So I hear you have a thing for my butt   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“You know I can’t control myself,” you told him later on that night when he’d come over, pinching said butt as you hugged. 
“Stoppp,” he whined, bottom lip jutting out but he didn’t sound very believable. 
“What? I can take full advantage of butt squeezes now.” It wasn’t like he hadn’t been doing the same. You try getting to sleep with two hands cupped firmly around your ass. It got annoying after a while… 
He shook his head slowly. Like he was disappointed. His arms still slung around your waist though and a small smirk itching its way across his mouth. “Twisted. Should’ve known… I still get nightmares.” 
You met his eyes, a glint in them. You knew exactly what he was referring to. To avoid all the crude details, let’s just say an experiment might have occurred…to see how much pleasure one could derive from the prostrate gland…  “Shut up. You’re the one who brought it up, so like, obviously you enjoyed it.” You moved in slowly as you spoke, looping your arms around his neck, a grin on your face. 
He sighed your name quietly. “I’d enjoy anything if it was with you.” Dead romantic over some anal fingering. No sarcasm. It really was. You lips were centimetres apart. So close you could almost taste him, but then he pulled away abruptly. “But that’s besides the point. You obviously told Lina–mfphh!”
You couldn’t wait any longer. Kissing him was your favourite pastime, and well, there had been a lot of kissing this past month. Lots of cute kissing. Chaste or stolen. Soft and gentle. Slow. Fast. Lots of fast kissing. Messy and wet. Eager, sometimes impatient. Lots of heavy breathing, warm bodies and ruined underwear on your part… Although Seokjin had his fair share of problems in that area too. An overactive erection. Taking it slow didn’t mean you couldn’t kiss until you were overheating, grind until you were shaking… Grope until you were moaning. 
You were straddling him on the couch doing just that when you heard a voice calling outside your door. Sounded like your mom but god, that would be the worst thing ever. 
“Yoo-hoo! Are you in?” 
Nooo. It really was your mom. Who needed a cold shower at a moment like this? You were pulling away from Seokjin immediately, hazy mind clearing like magic. No one wanted to be caught getting frisky by a parent. It had happened once a couple of years ago and you in no way wanted to relive that. 
“My mom,” you groaned at Seokjin, answering the puzzlement on his face. 
It quickly turned to panic. “Oh shit. What?” You nodded, quickly getting off him to make your way to the door. “Where are you going?” He panicked harder. 
“To open the door.” You laughed. “Can’t leave her out there.” 
He jumped up. “Hold on. Hold on. My dick”s half hard.” Luckily he did remember to keep his voice down, shoving a hand down his pants. “Shit. Try fully hard.” 
“Hide it.” You hissed, not bothering to check what he was doing as you turned your back to him and ran for the door. He was a big boy (HA), he’d work it out…or not… 
You took a deep breath, smoothing down your hair as you composed yourself and pulled it open. “Hello mother. You do realise most normal people ring the doorbell.” 
“I did.” She sassed you right back. “You took too long.” Really? You must have missed that…too distracted. Oops. She walked inside, stopping when she saw Seokjin stood awkwardly by the coffee table. “Oh.” 
You took a glance at him, eyes wide, like a rabbit caught in headlights. You mean, it could’ve been the erection, but also, this was the first time he was coming face to face with your mother. You’d been too flustered to realise that before you’d flown open the front door. Hadn’t had time to reassure and ease him. Poor guy. 
“Mom, this is Seokjin.” You introduced, walking towards him for some moral support. 
“I know who he is.” She smiled at you, before turning to him. “It’s so nice to meet you finally.” Ugh. That was right. You’d spent a lot of time talking about him these past few weeks. Mostly done subconsciously when you were still in the “friends” phase. Yeah. You didn’t think she bought it either… Especially when you told her you used to “be involved” in the past but things didn’t work out. What? You couldn’t call it hooking up could you… It was a nicer way of putting it. Sort of. She’d been eager to meet him for a while now, ever since you’d started dating. Probably why she’d shown up without notice… 
“Hi.” Seokjin smiled. You moved closer to him. Reassuring him without touching him directly. 
“Even more handsome than his photos.” 
You groaned loudly. “Mom, you’re embarrassing him.” And you. For multiple reasons. Yes. She had made you show her pictures. 
She shook her head. “Nonsense. What are you two up to then?” 
She was looking at Seokjin when she asked so he really had no choice but to reply. “Uh… Uh, we were just… just hanging out.” The smile on his face didn’t look too natural. You nudged him. Hopefully enough to settle him. 
“Seokjin had a late class so he’s only just come over. We were gonna watch some TV.” You helped instead. 
“Oh. Sorry for interrupting.” Like hell she was. “You’re a business major, right?” Seokjin nodded, curious as to how she knew. Uh oh. “My daughter’s told me all about you.” 
“She has?” He sounded surprised. Good surprised. Like a lot of gloating could come of it later surprised. And of course, even when he was still inwardly shitting himself, he turned it around, charming your mother expertly. “That makes me nervous.” 
“Only nice things of course.” Your mother reassured. “She never shuts up about you.” 
“Mom!” You exclaimed. This had been what you were dreading. You changed the subject real fast. “What are you doing here anyway?” It worked. 
“Leftovers.” She replied, pulling out a plastic Tupperware box from her purse. “Your dad was cooking again and thought we were a family of ten.” You chuckled, taking the container from her. Classic. You were sure he’d always thought that. You mom took another look at both you and Seokjin, a smile on her face, before she spoke again. “Well, I’ll leave you both to it.” Seokjin couldn’t help himself and laughed at her choice of phrase. You elbowed him. Childish fucker. 
“Thanks for the food, Mommy,” you smiled sweetly. 
She laughed. “Oh, now you’re nice.” 
“I’m always nice!” 
“That’s what she tells me too,” Seokjin piped up, making your mother laugh.  
“Nice meeting you Seokjin. Eat some too.” She told him, directing her head to the container.  “Sorry for my husband’s cooking.” 
He chuckled. “Nice meeting you too.” 
You followed her to the door, nodding in agreement when she told you she’d see you soon. Like you said, life had been busy. You were spreading yourself thin, but not thin enough to go visits your parents. 
“That went well,” Seokjin said as soon as you closed the door. He sounded relieved. 
“It did.” You agreed, placing the leftovers on the kitchen counter before walking towards him. 
“Didn’t have time to overthink too much. Which is odd considering I was hiding a terrified boner.” You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. He reached for your waist. “It’s gone now, thank the lord.” 
“You’ve been overthinking it?” 
He nodded “Yeah. Meeting parents is a big deal.” That made you smile. Cute. “Thanks for talking about me so much though. It definitely worked in my favour.” 
There it was. One simple gloat. He couldn’t help it. You pushed at his shoulder. “Shut up.” 
“Okay, I’ll keep my ego down.” He laughed. “Whew. Meeting your mom, huh. It’s getting serious.” 
“Giving you permission to back out now.” You rolled your eyes, but despite playing it cool you couldn’t help but feel giddy at his words. Serious with Seokjin. It was all you’d ever wanted. 
He scoffed, leaning down to place a kiss on the tip of your nose. “Never. You’re stuck with me now.” 
You tried suppressing your smile but failed. You managed to sound casual though. “Doesn’t seem like a bad thing.” 
He smiled back and you hugged him to you. Couldn’t help it. He squeezed your middle as he pulled away to speak. “Maybe it’s time you met my parents soon?” 
Oh boy. Serious it was. 
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Not surprisingly, Lina couldn’t comprehend the taking it slow aspect. She knew your history with one another. Heard a few stories she’d rather forget. The fact you were starting from the beginning again – well, you’d never really started from the beginning in the first place, but y’know… The fact you were waiting boggled Lina’s mind. 
“I really did think you’d last a week holding out.” She said tonight, girly night in taking a turn with boy talk. Check you two out, couldn’t last an hour without talking about your men. What had you both become? 
“Like how come you don’t have all this built up sexual tension going on? It’s a love story like no other. You both waited so long to get together, you should be tearing off each other’s clothes. Going at it animal style.” 
“Oh, my god,” you laughed. “Okay, maybe too much wine for you.” You took her empty glass and placed it on the coffee table. She had never been able to handle wine. It turned her into a different person. Tonight, one who was very passionate about Seokjin and you, it seemed… 
“It’s not that I don’t want to have sex with him.” You explained. “Of course I do. But…” You paused, face flushing a little. Maybe the wine was getting to you too. “I know when it finally happens, it’s going to be amazing. The waiting is only going to make it better.” 
That made you both giggle, giddy from the wine and sex talk. Lina reached over for some chips, crunching loudly as she thought something over in that (drunk) head of hers. “Maybe he lost his dick in an accident in between?” 
“He didn’t lose it in an accident!” You laughed. It was like you hadn’t gone into full detail about last night’s vigorous palming activities not half an hour ago. He still had his dick alright.
Lina shrugged, stuffing her face again. “Maybe he has stage fright…” 
She really was determined to get an explanation. Jesus, who’d have thought she’d wanted you to have sex with Seokjin this much? “I don’t know, I find it cute,” you shrugged yourself. He definitely wasn’t suffering from a case of stage fright. He’d had a healthy case of Erection every time your tongue slipped into his mouth. “Romantic.” You mused. “It’ll happen when the time’s right. Until then, we’re building this whole other layer to our relationship.” 
If truth be told, you’d never felt like this in a relationship. All the others seemed like a joke looking back. Even with Yoongi. You’d been searching for these feelings with the wrong guy. Too dumb to see you could have everything you’d ever wanted with Seokjin. You’d never felt this comfortable. This happy. He really was the other half of you. You didn’t care how cheesy that sounded. Even if maybe you wouldn’t admit it to him yet. 
“Yet he hasn’t made it official…” Lina couldn’t help herself. Muttering under her breath but loud enough for you to hear. 
“Will you stop,” you told her. She was also waiting “patiently” for Seokjin to put a label on it. You, not so much. At this point you knew you were both serious. You were in a relationship, just not technically confirmed, and that was okay. Even if you were yet to call him your boyfriend out loud. (Read: You really wanted to.) 
“What?” She feigned ignorance. 
“Being negative. Me and Seokjin are happy. Everything’s amazing.” 
Lina couldn’t stop her smile then, seeing your grin. “I know. I like seeing you like this. I’m just… You know me, I’m suspicious of everything.” 
“Suspicious when it comes to Seokjin.” You corrected lightly. 
She laughed but didn’t deny. Baby steps. She’d gone from despising the poor guy to practically ordering you to make a move in a year, so it was definitely getting somewhere. You wouldn’t forget she’d referred to you both as a “love story like no other” in a hurry though… You wouldn’t let her forget either!   
“Oh, by the way,” she began, changing the subject – kinda. “We haven’t had a chance to double date yet… My parents are out of town for the weekend. What do you think about this: Lina’s Fancy Dinner Party. Got a ring to it, right?”
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“I’m shitting myself. I’m actually shitting myself.” 
“Will you calm down,” you laughed, hooking your arm with Seokjin’s as you stood in the doorway to Lina’s parents’ house. “You’re going to have fun.” 
He’d been dreading this night ever since you’d told him about it a couple of days ago. It wasn’t just Lina and Jimin now, she’d also invited Yumi and her boyfriend, Taeil. The impending doom was real and the whole Uber ride here had been pretty amusing. You’d never seen him so nervous. It was cute. He really, really wanted your friends to like him. Not that they didn’t already, but could you tell him? No! He wasn’t listening. 
“Fun? I’m pretty sure all your friends hate me.” He muttered, before his eyes widened comically. “This isn’t some kind of satanic sacrifice, right?” 
“You’ve seen too many horror movies,” you tutted. You glanced at him, sighing softly when you saw the pitiful look on his face. Despite the jokes he really was anxious over this. You unhooked your arms and rubbed his back before straightening the collar of his dress shirt. This was a fancy dinner party after all. There was a dress code, and you weren’t complaining. Seokjin looked hot all fancy like this. 
“Only Lina had some… misjudged opinions on you, and it’s past tense for a reason.” 
Seokjin pulled a face. He still wasn’t too sure about that, but the kiss you landed on his mouth seemed to help. 
“They’re here!!” Interrupted by the clicking of the door and Lina’s loud voice, you broke apart. “Found them kissing on the doorstep!”
You rolled your eyes and clasped Seokjin’s hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. “We hadn’t even rung the doorbell yet. How did you know we were here?” 
“Porch light.” She replied flatly, pointing at you both and stepping aside to let you in. “None of that once you get inside. This is a sophisticated dinner party.” 
“Got you,” you nodded, walking into the lounge to find Yumi, Taeil and Jimin already sat around the coffee table. “Here I was thinking it was some type of orgy…” 
“Now that sounds like a party,” Taeil cheered. 
Everyone laughed at that – apart from Lina of course… and surprisingly Seokjin, who looked too scared to even think about joking around… Or perhaps he just didn’t want to piss Lina off. Suck up. 
“Get a room you two,” Yumi teased, wiggling her eyebrows as she watched you and Seokjin from over her wine glass. The dinner had been a success – Lina could actually cook. Who knew? Not you because you ordered takeout every time you hung out – and swiftly after that you’d moved onto entertainment. In the form of drinking games. Seokjin had seemed to loosen up by then, actually beginning to enjoy himself without any nerves. He and Lina had a few conversations. He’d even made her laugh which you thought he got rather smug about… After a good old game of beer pong (which wasn’t very fancy at all) you quickly moved onto ‘Never have I ever”, which of course had turned the three of you girls into a cackling mess. Things were said, things were confessed, and you were sure the guys didn’t know how to handle the details. 
Now it was getting late, you were all winding down, sipping on wine or beer. Lina and Yumi were sharing the sofa with Jimin and Taeil, and Jin and you were curled up on the love seat. Definitely a little drunk, giggling and flirting together. His hand casually up your dress a little as he stroked your thigh. 
“Surprised they got out of one long enough to come here,” Taeil commented. 
“What do you expect? It’s only been a few weeks. They’re fresh in the feels.” Yumi almost pouted, turning to her boyfriend. “Babe, do you remember when we were like that?” 
“How long have you been together?” Seokjin asked, and you kissed him on the cheek, proud he was making conversation. You’d been hanging out with his friends so often now it was normal, so it made you happy to know the same was beginning to happen with yours. 
Taeil grinned and got Yumi into a bear hug, rubbing his cheek into hers as he answered. “One year, one month and 8 days. Want me to add the hours, baby?” 
“Shurrup,” she shook him off her, but she was grinning from ear to ear at his dramatic display. 
“Hey, Lina. Will that be us one day,” Jimin teased, draping his arm around her shoulders.
She played nonchalant, sipping on her wine. “Possibly.” Jimin just laughed, greatly amused by his girlfriend’s antics. It was obvious to anyone that she had fallen for him hard. Despite her cool façade. 
“You guys were together before though, right?” Taeil directed the conversation back to you and Seokjin. 
Your eyes widened, unsure on how to answer. “Uh, kinda.” Little did he know that every single thing you’d both answered during ‘Never have I ever’ had been about one another. Poor innocent Taeil…
“Big history,” Lina explained, puffing out her cheeks as she exhaled. They were bright red. She was drunk. Could tell by the way she was keeping everything that came out of her mouth short. 
“I was there when they first hooked up,” Yumi added excitedly. “Well, not actually there. I was at the party.” Valid correction. “I didn’t know until a few months later though.” A pause. 
“Honestly though, it was such a shock. Who would have thought it?” She continued. You shifted a little uncomfortably. You were never good with attention. “You and Kim Seokjin. Mind blown. I always thought you’d rather take a vow of celibacy than get dicked down by. Kim. Seokjin.” 
Okay. So everyone was drunk, and here you were feeling like you were sobering up now. The sound of Jin’s laughter beside you eased you a little. “Let’s quit with the full name talk.” 
Everyone laughed bar Lina, who turned her head to Yumi. “That’s why she kept it to herself for so long. He was her dirty little secret.” 
“Hardly,” you piped up. You got she was kidding around, but for some reason you felt defensive. “Just know what you guys are like.” 
“Well I think it’s cute how you guys decided to give it a proper go,” Jimin smiled. “You’re good together.” 
Before you could say thanks, Lina was butting in. “I didn’t say they weren’t good together. They are! All we have to do now is wait for Seokjin to pop the question…” 
“Marriage?” Taeil asked uncertainly.
“No, you idiot,” she laughed. “Girlfriend! They haven’t made it official yet.” You felt Seokjin freeze beside you. You didn’t dare look at him. Lina was in deep shit when you got home. Wrath over text was a scary thing. 
“Oh, well no rush,” Taeil shrugged. “It took me two months to ask Yumi to be mine.” 
“That’s true. Remember?” Yumi directed at you and Lina. “I was getting pretty panicky.” 
“Awh, I’m sorry babe.” Taeil apologised. You all wrinkled your noses as they kissed, thankfully distracting the conversation long enough for it to change. 
Surprisingly thanks to Lina herself. It was her groan that did it, as she buried her head into Jimin’s shoulder. “My head hurts and I need to stack everything in the dishwasher.” 
“Didn’t you say no more wine a few nights ago,” you chuckled, throwing a cushion at her. She yelped dramatically. When you put your hand down, Seokjin clasped it, entwining your fingers. You snuck a smile his way. Knowing he wasn’t too traumatised by the direction of tonight’s conversation relieved you.  
“Yeah Lina. C’mon. Lightweight,” Jimin prodded her. “We can clean up everything in the morning.” 
“Noo. I think I’m going to be hungover tomorrow.” She whined. “Can someone help?” 
“I will,” Seokjin offered. Shocking you, and everyone else in the room while he was at it. “Maybe some water will help you too?” 
“Lina doesn’t hate me,” Seokjin sang in the back of the Uber. En route to his place. 
You were wrapped into him, warm, cosy and a little sleepy. You couldn’t wait to crash out in bed. “Oh?” This piqued your interest though. He just sounded so pleased. 
“Uh huh,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. “We talked while in kitchen.” Oh okay. So he had ulterior motives when he helped her load the dishwasher. “She’s just suspicious of me. I get it. I don’t have the best track record. I think I put her mind at ease though.” He squeezed you happily. 
Even though you were curious about their conversation you didn’t pry. “She still embarrassed you in front of everyone though.” And you… She still wasn’t let off the hook regardless of how drunk she was.  
“It’s fine,” he sighed. “She put my mind at ease too. Told me I was worried for no reason.” 
You frowned. “Worried? About what?” 
“Asking you something.” Your heart stilled. Oh shit. He squeezed you again, murmuring in your ear. “Wanna take this further. These last few weeks have been amazing, huh?” All you could do was nod. You were getting all hot, cheeks a rosy hue no doubt. Forgetting the Uber driver could probably hear everything despite Seokjin’s low voice. Not that you really cared. 
“I already think of you as my girlfriend. Just too scared to call you it. In case I jinx things. In case you’re secretly sick of me already.” 
You managed to give him a tiny scoff. Voice shaky. “As if.” 
“So…” He whispered. “Will you do it? Be my girlfriend?” 
You swallowed, composing yourself and glanced at him. “You’re really asking me in the back of an Uber?” 
He grinned. “I spot a moment and I’m going for it. Lina’s orders.” 
You laughed, cupping his face. “You know you don’t have to listen to her, right?” 
“I know,” he nodded. “She was just right this time.” 
You turned, resting the back of your head on his shoulder. “I’ll only be your girlfriend under one condition.” 
“Hm?” He placed another kiss on the top of your head, both arms wrapped around your chest. 
“You’ll be my boyfriend.” 
He hummed in contemplation. “That doesn’t sound too bad. May have to think about it for a few hours or so though. Maybe a night–ooff.” 
You cut him off with a whack to the chest, twisting around to face him again. “It’s a yes or else.”
He curled his tongue against his cheek. “That’s hot.” You waited patiently. “Of course it’s a yes.” 
“Wait. Wait, wait,” Seokjin half panted, breaking away from your mouth. It was a wonder you’d made it as far as his bedroom, let alone his bed. As soon as the Uber had dropped you off, you were on one another. It had finally happened. You were Seokjin’s girlfriend. He was your boyfriend, and now everything was right with the world. 
“Let me do something.” He reached for his phone in the back pocket of his pants, rolling off you to unlock it and start clicking away. “Check your phone.” 
On cue it pinged, still in your purse which had been slung on the floor. You sat up and rushed for it curiously. Laughing along the way because what was he up to? You laughed even harder when you read the notification. 
Kim Seokjin sent you a relationship request. 
Facebook official, huh? Check you two out. He came up from behind you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, his breathing still a little heavy. You had quite literally kissed his face off. “Was just gonna ask you like that but I thought it might me too lame.” 
“Aw. That would’ve been cute.” 
“Fuck,” he cursed, looking regretful. “Second guessing the Uber now.” 
“Shush.” You murmured, leaning back to kiss him softly. “I liked that too.” You were sure the driver really appreciated the cringe fest too… 
Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. 
The noise from both your phones interrupted you this time. You begrudgingly pulled away, looking down at the screen. 
Jung Hoseok commented on a post you were tagged in: HOLY SHIT  Jung Hoseok commented on a post you were tagged in: IT’S HAPPENING IT’S HAPPENING IT’S HAPPENING  Hwang Lina commented on a post you were tagged in: FINALLY thnk me later Seokjin 😘 Kim Namjoon commented on a post you were tagged in: marriage next 😉
Seokjin read them over your shoulder, laughing at your idiot friends as you groaned. “God. You’ll get scared away before we even start.” 
He hugged you closer, kissing your cheek. “Not a chance in hell. Wanna elope?” 
“Shut up,” you giggled. Despite your joking around, you didn’t think you’d ever been happier. You wanted to tell him that but then his mouth was on your earlobe. He knew that was your weakness. He was on his back and you were straddling him as soon as his tongue slipped inside the shell. If he wanted to make you all hot and bothered, a heads up would’ve been nice. You definitely weren’t tired anymore. Even more so feeling his hands drag up your thighs where your dress had ridden up. You viewed him from above, realising you must’ve tugged at his shirt a little too hard already. It was stretched around the collar, a button undone. He looked amazing. You tilted your head to the side. “Did I tell you how hot you look in a dress shirt?” 
He paused to think. “Hm. You may have mentioned it a couple hundred times.” As he spoke he grabbed your butt, pulling you down to level with him. You giggled, letting him kiss your face like something possessed. He paused before he got to your mouth, murmuring sweetly. “You looked beautiful tonight.” 
You pouted. “Don’t use big words to brag on my shitty vocabulary.” 
He looked at you questioningly, amusement dancing in his eyes. Maybe you were still a little tipsy. That paired with the giddiness of tonight’s turn in events and it really felt like you were floating on a cloud of happiness. But it was really Seokjin’s body. Firm and large underneath you. 
You really couldn’t get enough of his mouth. His taste. You think you’d kissed him way over a couple hundred times since you’d gotten (back) together. He argued and said it was more. You didn’t know, you had trouble keeping count. You couldn’t get enough of him. All perfect and pretty and amazing. He was yours. For real this time. Confirmed. Boyfriend. You smiled into his mouth at the thought again. 
“What?” He chuckled, grin just as wide. He knew what. He felt it too. 
“Tonight is the best night ever.” 
“You’re drunk.” 
“Am not.” You quipped. “You’re drunk.” 
“Am not.” His lips were mashed with yours. “I’m just really fucking happy.” 
You slipped your tongue into his mouth, not caring if you turned it sloppy. You wanted it to be messy. You wanted to just let yourself go. To give into every little feeling of pure joy you had in your body. It was wet and warm and sticky, and Seokjin’s hands were naughty. They slipped up your dress, over your ass, rubbing the flesh and pinged your thong with two of his fingers. Your stomach flipped. It wasn’t the first time he’d touched you like this in a while but it was the first time he’d been so blatant about it. The snap of elastic stayed ringing in your ears as you moaned. You uncontrollably rubbed against him. He grunted into your mouth and something throbbed. 
You broke away from his mouth with a pop, sitting up on him wobbly. “You’re naughty, Kim Seokjin.” You scolded.
He just looked smug, a shit eating grin on his face. “Not anymore than you are.” Had you pulled at his hair without noticing? It looked a little wild. Regardless, you were getting distracted again. His hands still up your dress, gripping your ass as he rubbed you against his crotch. He was fully hard. You felt it strain against his pants and press into the pulsing between your legs. 
“Mario is watching us,” he whispered. “Wants to be me.”
“Ew.” You wrinkled your nose. You’d forgotten all about that creepy figurine. 
“Want me to turn him around?” 
You shook your head. “He can watch.” If truth be told you couldn’t bear it if Seokjin got up right now, even if he was coming straight back. You circled harder into him, such a simple pleasure never feeling so good. Moisture grew and collected in your thong. Barely. You were a few minutes away from spoiling his dress pants. He held your weight as you leant back, letting you grind to your heart’s content. 
“Does it feel good? Grinding on my dick like that?” 
“Mhmm.” It was all a moan. Couldn’t think to do anything else. Such a simple way of words but it had you burning up. You’d missed what his mouth could do to you. You’d missed him like this. Memories came back, swarming the front of your mind. Clouding it. So when you felt gravity leave you, back landing on the mattress with a silent thud, you were momentarily stunned. Pinned down, wet and horny. 
“What are you doing?” You gasped, which flew into a moan when you felt his crotch thrust into you.
He spread your legs, dress riding up even more, bunched up around your waist. “Protecting your modesty. Mario’s a pervert.” To give it to him, he really did want to sound causal, but his voice was strained, breathing hard and you rubbed against him shamelessly. 
It was odd. You were beyond frustrated. Craving him like you never had before, but this became enough. Feeling him solid against your barely covered core, starting to thrust into you like he was actually fucking you. It was hot. It was working. It was enough. Just as pleasurable as his dick would be inside you. 
Needy and raw. Messy and crude, but just so amazing. Pent up feelings finally getting their own way. You clung to him, wrapped your legs around him, rutted against him obscenely until you were a moaning, sweaty mess. Simulating sex desperately, because you needed him and wanted him any which way. 
Seokjinnn,” you whined, unsticking yourself from his mouth to catch your breath. Back arching as he gripped your legs from behind the knee, thrusting forward hard. 
He was panting, sweat collecting between his brow which was furrowed in effort. “C-can you cum like this?” 
“Y-yeh,” you nodded eagerly. It was great you were on the same page. Sweet relief was close. It tingled through your body and curled your toes. You were so turned on you’d cum from anything right now. “Can you?” 
“I think so,” he breathed into your cleavage. Mouth now distracted with kissing the tops of your breasts. Your nipples were painfully hard, desperate to be freed from the dress and desperate to feel his tongue. But not tonight. “Actually.” Seokjin knelt up, shaky hands undoing his fly and pushing his pants down to the middle of his thighs. His erection strained against the underwear and you throbbed at the sight. 
“Now I can,” he grinned goofily. He moved closer, and you flattened one of your legs to the bed, letting him slide in between it and the one still folded at the knee. “I’m so hard,” he laughed breathlessly, a hand reaching down to grip his dick. You followed, unable to help yourself. Squeezing tightly. Greedily. “Fuck.” He sounded impatient and desperate, rushing to thrust into you once again. You moved your hand to his hip, holding it tightly as he held onto your knee, gaining leverage to begin rubbing into you hard. “This feels so good.” He astounded and you nodded wildly in agreement. 
You were close. Not long left, and as soon as he began circling into your core, swollen and dripping by now surely, that was it. The final push. “Don’t stop.” You begged, reaching for him any way you could. “I’m g-onna… I really am…” You trailed off, laughing in disbelief.  
You nodded again, words now failing you as the heat built up, body shuddering to its orgasm. Seokjin didn’t relent, circling harder as you came, until he couldn’t take it any longer and collapsed onto your body. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He was spent. Exhausted, sweaty and near orgasm himself. You shifted a little so he didn’t rub against the sensitivity still hot between your legs and let him finish off on the inside of your thigh. You could tell by how his body stiffened, a moan like grunt dragging from his throat. You moaned back, wrapping your arms around him tightly as he burrowed his behind your waist. You clung to one another, both masses of sweat. Heavy breathed and unable to talk for a little while. 
It was Seokjin that came to first surprisingly. Despite practically dying to get you both to cum. He laughed into the crook of your neck, and you looked down at him curiously. He rolled off you a little. Hair stuck to his forehead.  “Jesus fucking christ. Feel like a teenager just done humping my pillow.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “You don’t do that anymore?” 
His eyes widened. “You do?” 
You nodded as you wriggled free from him fully and pulled down your dress. Your underwear clung to you. You felt extra sticky now that you’d cooled down. “It’s a valid form of masturbation.” 
“Well, shit. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
You laughed, sitting up. Seokjin stayed lying down, looking up you with the softest look in his eyes. He was definitely exhausted from all the humping. “Shit. Sandeul isn’t here right?” You hadn’t thought about that before, severely distracted as you’d rushed into the apartment. 
“I dunno. I can’t remember if his door was closed or not.” Jin rolled onto his back, shimmying his pants up. “Oh well. Not like he wasn’t used to it before. Won’t take him long to adjust again.” He shot you a smirk and you giggled. “Wanna shower or something?” 
You groaned. It was too late to shower, and you were tired again, but there was no way you could stay like this. You jumped off the bed, grabbing your stuff that had a permanent home at his place already. “I’ll clean up quick and get ready for bed.” 
“I’ll go after you.” He pulled a face, adjusting his crotch. “Bit gross.” 
Laughing, you stopped beside him and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Wanna go first?” 
“Nah. It’s fine.” He smiled. “I need a moment anyway. Whew.” 
On your way out you paused by Mario, twisting him to face the wall. You winked in Seokjin’s direction. “For next time.” 
You were tucked up in bed trying to stay awake on your phone when Seokjin came back from his shower. “Near naked?” Damn. What did you do to be gifted with such a sight. You’d seen him come out the shower a few times since you’d gotten together, towel slung around his waist, or watched him get dressed before you went out somewhere, but he hadn’t gone to bed in just his boxers. He better watch it, you’d jump his bones again. 
“I’m so hot.” He moaned. Tell you about it. Although you didn’t think he meant that type of hot. “That was a bigger work out than the gym.” 
“Not used to it anymore.” You teased, pulling up his side of the duvet so he could get in. As soon as he did you were attached to him, cuddling up. “You lied to me by the way,” you murmured, pulling away as you dragged your hand down his chest. 
“Hm?” He looked confused. 
“Remember you said you didn’t have abs anymore…” 
He took a moment to think before he scoffed. “That was ages ago, but these are not abs regardless.” 
“Are to.” 
“Are not.” He tried to pull the comforter up, attempting to cover his body. “This is just normal. I mean, I can try and get them back for you?” 
“Shut up,” you exclaimed. “Really, Seokjin?” You clung to his neck. “I don’t care about things like that. I like you any which way. I really like you.” You emphasised, placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. 
“Get off,” he chuckled. You could feel his grin underneath your lips. 
You buried your face in his neck instead, showering it with little kisses. “I think you’re hot, Hot, HOT anyway.”
He was laughing loudly now, grabbing your elbows to try and push you away. “Tickles,” he whined. “You’re crazy.” You sprung from him as soon as he began tickling under your armpits. Relenting instantly, head falling back into the pillows with a cry. 
“I think you’re hot too,” he whispered, leaning over you, mouth now on your neck as one of his hands ran up your side, cupping your boob gently. “Grinding on me. Making me lose my shit. Only you could make me cum like that… In my fucking underwear.”  You giggled, squirming under him as he growled and nibbled your earlobe. You were heating up again, a fool to his words. But of course your body had to betray you. A yawn escaped. You didn’t even know you’d been holding it in. 
“You’re tired,” he commented, pulling back to push stray strands of hair away from your face. 
“Mmm,” you admitted, eyes heavy and begging to be closed. 
He kissed the tip of your nose. “Let’s go to sleep.” 
There was no point arguing. Besides, it just felt too good being wrapped up in Seokjin’s arms once he’d flicked the lamp off. “Goodnight girlfriend,” he murmured in your ear, shaking you a little when you only hummed in response, half asleep. “Say it back.” 
‘Goodnight girlfriend.” 
“Nooo,” he whined, squeezing you. 
You giggled, entwining your hand with his. You were just teasing. “Goodnight boyfriend.” 
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Written 2019. Reworked/Edited 2020 Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2020
641 notes · View notes
lostmyhead - part 1
Word Count: 1,850 words Prompt : Lovecraftian – Horrible and indescribable platonic love. Or in which you don’t know how to deal with your emotions. Warning(s):  Sad stuff in the beginning, then some badly written fighting scene. Mentions of blood. My attempt at violence.  A/N: This is my entry for @hellomissmabel‘s 2k Birthday Celebration. Thank you for letting me join! This my first action stuff so please be kind with your criticisms (of which I want to know!). It’s also not proofread sorry. Happy reading! 
series page || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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** gif not mine ** 
read previous >> The Prologue
A soft touch on your shoulder jolts you back to reality. Your body, trained to be distrustful on instinct, grabs the threat’s wrist before swiftly moving to their back, pulling their whole arm behind them forcefully.
“Hey, it’s just me” came a voice, a familiar voice. For a moment all you could see was the distance between you and the drawer that held all your guns, forgetting that you’re just in the Quinjet waiting for the others to join you.
You halted your movement, tensed shoulders relaxing as you release a sigh. “Sorry” you mumble, freeing your hold of Bucky before you settle back to your seat, feeling his gaze at the back of your neck. You move to your ammo bag that’s situated on your seat, unzipping and taking out the contents as something to do.
You hear the faint footsteps of his boots, an intentional movement to let you know he’s right next to you. You’re hyper aware that he’s standing just at arm’s reach, the heat of his body almost radiating in the cool air of the hangar.
“What’s going on?” he asked softly as if you both were sharing a secret. Blue eyes bore into yours, an intense clear blue-grey, sharp yet tender as he leans closer. “Talk to me” he continues with a low voice when you’ve yet to answer him. Worried eyes locked with your blank stare.
He takes another step closer, taking his hand over to yours in order to stop you from digging through your bag aimlessly.
It’s a simple action, but the aftermath of it isn’t. It manages to send every alarm in your brain blaring, the voices in your head whispering angrily to run but your heart. Oh, your heart. It is begging you to savior the simplicity of such an innocent action, jumping slightly from the contact before settling back to its quiet beats. It’s making your body torn between yanking your hand away or to let it be, making your body scream at your inner turmoil to make a decision.
This is dangerous, (y/n) the voice in your head hisses. It’s rationality speaking.
You pull your hand away from his, pretending to bring a box of ammo over to your weapon compartment. “I’m just nervous for this mission, I guess” you say to him as you walked over, pulling a drawer with your name on it and taking out your favorite firearm.
“It’s going to be okay. Besides” he tells you just as he stands next to you again before continuing “You’ve got the best partner there is” with a smirk.
You could let out a small laugh before nodding, just as the rest of the team begin to appear from the distance and onto the ramp of the private aircraft.
Throughout the whole flight, you keep to yourself, trying your hardest to avoid Bucky so the unfamiliar confusion between your heart, mind and body wouldn’t appear again. You can’t afford to be distracted, not when the mission objective is to get a high-ranking member so he could be detained, questioned and sentenced for prison.
You weren’t going to let these emotions swirling inside of you whenever Bucky’s even near you get the best of you.
You take the small earpiece from the open palm of Bucky’s hand, pushing it into your ear as he begins to speak to a device tucked in his sleeve, making sure your comms are working properly.
“T minus 10 minutes” Clint informs as he operates the jet alongside Natasha, looking at a screen beside him. You stand up from your seat and begin to count the amount of weapons you have.
The belt around your waist is secured with ammos, thigh holsters holding your trusted pistols, the hidden pockets of your tactical suit hiding more guns and a selection of knives. You’re in the middle of running your hands along your calves, bending forwards and patting to ensure that the extra knife you concealed was there safely, when a hand brushed past the small of your back. Immediately you snap your head to see who it was.
“You need to relax, woman” smirks Natasha. You hadn’t even realized she’d unbuckled from her seat and made her way to you. She pulls her compartment, pulling out her electrocution bracelets, taser disks and other gadgets before tucking in a few of her hand guns.
You can physically feel the Quinjet slowing down, making Steve walk over to the side of the ramp, repeating the plan yet again; Sam will be up for aerial coverage, with Clint over-looking the grounds for when it’s time to move out. Natasha and Steve are the ones in charge of getting the person of interest while you and Bucky cover for them.
It was a standard operation that you’ve done a thousand times and more. It wasn’t any different from any of your previous missions –ones that you’d led yourself and ones you’ve had the pleasure of working with your team mates.
You breathe in deeply, closing your eyes as you did so. You needed to be professional on the field and handle whatever it is you’re feeling once everything was done and dusted. Exhaling slowly, you pushed any lingering emotions away, making your way to the ramp that was slowly being unlocked just as Clint lands it smoothly.
Bucky’s already standing there with a rifle in his hand, looking at you next to him. With a simple nod, the both of you walk out of the safety of the jet and make your way to the gated building. 
Did you say it was easy?
The mission was far from easy.
Throwing a quick punch to your assailant’s throat, you heard the satisfying sound of his choked breath, before ultimately shooting him squarely on his chest. Before his body could hit the ground, you grabbed him by his neck, using him as your shield just as more agents came from around the corner. Thankfully your training with both Clint and Bucky paid off, having managed to fire a round of bullets to each of them.
The sound of whirring from behind made you turn, seeing just in time your partner throwing a punch that thundered around you. You’re definitely grateful not to be at the receiving end of that punch, seeing how such a blow managed to throw even the people behind the unfortunate agent.
Distant echoes of footsteps made you grab your gun from its holster, raising it just as more agents came charging at you.
All hell broke loose after that. Everything’s happening all at once as adrenaline kicked in, and you’re fighting mercilessly against so many foes, shooting, throwing punches and kicking your way through them all. Your ears are ringing with so many frantic voices overlapping one another as your team members shout warnings to retreat
“It’s a trap” Steve grunts. “Get back now!” he barks after the faint sound of knuckles against flesh.
“Lukin isn’t here” Natasha explains as she throws one of her disks to an enemy. “Me and Steve are retreating now. Where are you, (y/l/n), Barnes?”
“Three floors below you” you manage to reply, hurling yourself to an agent before digging a knife on his ribs, making him emit an almost inhuman ear-splitting shriek before he gurgled.
“Roof is clear” “I’ll get the jet” “Get up there. Now!”
You hear Bucky shout from behind you, spinning your head to see multiple people holding him down, stabbing his neck with a slim syringe.
Nothing mattered to you after that.
Instantly your hand grips the knife tightly, only to throw it speedily to the forearm of an agent that’s holding the syringe. Bucky is still fighting, grabbing hold of an agent’s head and tossing him over like a rag doll. You yanked a weapon from one of the bodies that lay there, realizing you’ve used up everything you’ve brought, you shoot at one that’s adamant on pulling Bucky away.
Bucky is screaming words at you, his face beginning to lose color as he continues to fight, but you don’t listen. You can’t listen to anything besides your rapid heartbeats that you fail to notice an agent creeping behind you. He kicks you, hard, making you lose balance and the weapon slips from your hold. You fall face first before his hands grab a handful of your hair and slams you violently to the concrete ground.
For a moment you can’t breathe, eyes going in and out of focus when warm blood starts gushing out. He raises your head one more time and you think that you’ve lost everything when you don’t see Bucky in front of you.
But the blow doesn’t arrive. Instead, your opponent goes limp next to you after a horrific crack, his head twisted. Bucky turns you around, calling your name vaguely. Your eye-sight is slowly returning though its hazy, bringing with it a pounding headache. Bucky’s helping you stand up but again another came charging at him.
Your heart, though it is scared right now, is yelling ‘save him, save him’, giving you enough energy to will yourself to move, crawling to find the weapon that you held moments before. Another painful scream and it’s enough to make you deliver a shot to the enemy.
Both of them falls to the ground, and you’re so scared when you see Bucky’s not moving.
“Don’t you dare die on me, Bucky” you say, eyes wide when you finally make it to him. You place two of your shaky fingers to his neck, grateful when you feel his strong pulse. The ringing in your ears are ceasing, and you can hear Steve’s worried voice through the comms, needing answers.
“They got… injected Bucky… ‘M not sure…” you stumble with your words as you stand up, bringing Bucky with you to a door.
You’re praying to any higher being that’s listening to you, pleading to them to just make the staircase be vacant so you could bring him up to safety, begging to any God to take you instead of him.
You’re so caught up in your own fear that you don’t see Natasha and Steve up ahead, calling your name as they take two steps at a time to reach you, both of them grabbing Bucky from you when they see your bloodied state. Neither of them look too good either.
“Just one more flight” Steve informs as you follow behind him. “Hang on”.
You yelp in pain when you feel a sharp sting at the back of your thigh, followed by another one up on your hip, making you lose balance and stumble down to the bottom of the stairs with a painful gasp.
“If we can’t have him, then we’ll take you inste–“ your attacker spits in a foreign language but doesn’t complete his sentence when Natasha puts a bullet in him.
“Just go. I’ll be right behind you” you tell her as you struggle to get up, trying in vain to not give into the excruciating pain.
“я не оставлю тебя”. It’s Natasha.
It’s her words that you hear before your body finally gives up.
Next part >> Part 2 
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tagging: Angst Royalty Babes @captnbarnesrogers @barnes-heaven @alphaabucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @minervaem @hellomissmabel @rotisserierogers @buchananbarnestrash @heartmade-writingbucky || Permanent Babes @whitepanthergirl @iamwarrenspeace @lovely-geek @sarahp879 || For This @sebstanwassup @cami23593 @southern-frued-chicken @chuckennuggets1213 @elorajaii @exploratiionist @mizzzpink ps if you can’t be tagged, read here. 
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