#she covered him in that blanket and he didn't mind??? he fell asleep like that lol
ratstuckinamarble · 1 month
Happy lesbian visibility week to you!!!
Aw hey thanks! Happy lesbian visibility week to you too!!! What a lovely time to be extra gay B)
And you know, something is making this lesbian visibility week extra special. It's my cat's birthday today!! He's five now :0 Hope you don't mind me derailing this XD
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Look at this darling boy
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So pretty
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He's smelling the rose... Adorable... I'm not sure how you celebrate a cat's birthday exactly- I'm sure he would have preferred if I'd spend the whole day with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't do so- but now he has fallen asleep on my legs, and I think he's very content with that XD
...I am bound to my bed now. And I'm not complaining.
Happy birthday Chito!!! I'm sure he's a good ally jdhsi
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lovelyjj · 10 months
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Hopelessly Devoted
jj maybank x reader
wc: 2.7k
(not my gif)
a/n: the first time I posted this it didn’t show up in the tags so i’m posting it again!
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JJ has never experienced this before. His whole life he has never felt this way before. The only word that he could describe it is lovesick.
JJ was absolutely totally undeniably completely hopelessly in love with you. and you had no idea. It wasn't like it wasn't obvious. The way he looked at you with hearts in his eyes.
Other people noticed it too the way JJ looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky. John B, Pope and Kie could tell their friend was in love.
"Does she ever talk about me?" JJ asked Kiara as they were out on the boat.
You were working and missed out on the boat day but you didn't mind you were gonna catch up with them later.
"I mean she doesn't not talk about you." Kiara replied.
"Come on Kie, I know you guys have your girls night. She has to say something" JJ begged.
"I think she loves you as a friend" Kie offered.
"You don't ask her about me?" JJ frowned.
"Not really slipped my mind."
"Well next time you see her will you." JJ asked.
"oh no i'm not getting in the middle of it." Kiara reasoned.
"You already are in the middle of it."
Kiara turned away from JJ shaking her head and looking out at the ocean. John B was driving the boat back to the château after a day of swimming and fishing.
Later that day when it started to turn into the evening you came over bringing snacks with you for a movie night.
You knocked on the door and then entered the château.
"Hey I brought snacks," you shouted hoping they could hear you.
"thank you y/n" John B acknowledged.
You walked into the living room ready for a chill night with your friends.
JJ patted the seat next to him on the couch gesturing for you to come sit next to him.
"Sit with me" JJ spoke.
You climbed over Pope and Kiara who were on the floor cozied with blankets and a air mattress.
John B and Sarah were on the couch too. The space JJ pointed to was small and so you sat down a little squished.
The movie started and everyone settled down. However, you seemed to inch closer to JJ progressively throughout the movie.
It got to the point where half your body was on top of him. Then JJ took it upon himself to haul you onto his lap.
"There. That's better huh," JJ whispered in your ear.
You simply nodded focusing your attention on the TV.
Near the end of the movie you started to grow restless. You shifted around and ended up straddling JJ's lap. Now you were facing him.
"Hi there princess."
"Shhh" Sarah hissed.
You then proceeded to lay your head on his shoulder, nose nudging at his neck. Eventually you fell asleep.
There wasn't that much left of the movie. JJ was shocked you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on him. He felt like he was in heaven. He couldn't believe it, your soft breaths hitting his neck. Occasionally, JJ would rub your back, soothing his hand up and down. When the movie was over and the snacks have been eaten JJ got up.
"Alright guys Im gonna hit the hay, and get this one to bed."
Your legs unconsciously wrapped around JJ's waist. JJ carried you by the back of your thighs.
When JJ made it to his room he laid you down on his bed. He brought the covers up to your neck and kissed your forehead.
"Good night angel."
JJ went to the hall closet for some blankets. Then he made himself comfortable on the floor.
You woke up from one of the best sleeps you've ever had. Maybe it was JJ's scent in the sheets or being in his bed but you were unbelievably comfortable.
You started to sit up when you did you noticed a mop of blonde hair peaking out from a blanket on the floor.
He slept on the floor? You were shocked. What a gentleman. You would have been fine sharing with him though.
"JJ," you called to him.
When you got no response you threw a pillow at him.
JJ propped himself up on one arm and threw you a nasty glare.
"Seriously" JJ asked.
You scrunched up your nose, "You weren't waking up."
"So you through a pillow at me?"
"Yes." you laughed.
And JJ who loved the sound of your laughter grinned.
"Why'd you sleep on the floor?" You asked curiously.
"I wanted you to have the bed," JJ spoke sincerely.
"You could have shared with me," you reasoned.
JJ hitched his throat. The thought of you sharing a bed with him had his heart hammering in his chest. He wondered if you would have cuddled with him. No that he couldn't handle. He was practically blushing.
"No baby girl you just seemed so tired I didn't want to disturb you." JJ responded. He didn't even notice the pet name. It just flowed out of his mouth so naturally he didn't even notice how flustered it made you.
You buried your face in your hands hiding your flushed cheeks and smile.
When you uncovered your face and looked at him JJ was already looking at you. To him, you looked breathtaking. Your hair was messy and your lips looked plump. Your face looked ethereal. JJ could feel his blood rushing through his body. Then he got himself thinking, if he could wake up to this beautiful sight, to her, every morning he would die a happy man.
The next day you all went over to Sarah's house to go swimming.
The boys came to pick you up at your house since yours was closest to Sarah's. You were the last stop.
You were wearing a purple bikini and some jean shorts over it. When you entered the twinkie JJ took notice to your lack of clothes and exposed skin. You looked hot and JJ was practically drooling.
Your legs were pressed together in the back of the twinkie as John B drove. Pope was in the front seat leaving Kie, JJ, and you in the back.
JJ reached over and put a hand on your thigh. This causing you to blush furiously. This action unnoticed by kie.
"Hi pretty girl," JJ whispered.
"Hi," you whispered back.
The rest of the drive over to Sarah's house was quick and you all casually conversed.
"Alright ladies, here we are," John B shared.
JJ was first to hop out of the van. The rest of you quickly followed.
After entering Tanny hill you all headed to the pool area. Sarah was happy to host everyone over.
The pool was huge and you forgot how well off kooks are.
"Here are some towels," Sarah commented.
"Thank you."
The pogues were lounging around the pool no one was going on just yet.
You stripped down into your bikini. Not even 10 seconds after you did so JJ was picking you up bridal style.
"JJ don't you dare."
JJ swung you over the edge of the pool and acted like he was going to drop you by releasing you from his grip over the ledge. Each time he would fake drop you you would cling onto him a little tighter. He would fake drop you three times and on the fourth he actually threw you in.
When you surfaced you gave JJ the stink eye.
"Your welcome," JJ offered.
John B got up and made his way to sneak up behind JJ. It only took one shove for JJ to end up in the water.
"Hey!" JJ said as he surfaced wiping his face.
"Thank you John B," you voiced.
In no time the rest of the pogues joined you and JJ in the water. Pretty soon everyone was splashing each other.
You all had a good time swimming and splashing.
About an hour or two later you sat in a lounge chair working on your tan.
Kiara came and sat by you.
"So tell me what's going on between you and JJ," she spoke resting her chin in her hand and her elbows on her knees.
"What do you mean? There is nothing going on between us," you stated shocked.
"Just admit you like him already would you," Kiara put out.
"I don't know what your talking about," you smiled smugly.
Your smile did not go unnoticed by Kiara who just shook her head and looked the other way.
JJ walked over to you and sat at the end of your lounge chair.
"What are you guys talking about?" JJ says nonchalantly.
"Nothing," you and Kiara say at the same time.
"Right we'll I was wondering if y/n wanted to come surfing with me tomorrow morning?" JJ placed his hand on your knee and uses his thumb to stroke the area.
His actions don't go unnoticed by you but you let him touch you as you found it sweet and endearing.
"Yeah i'd love to go surfing with you J," you added.
"Great. It's a date."
You woke up on the pull out couch in John Bs den. It was all a haze waking up to hushed voices in the living room. The sun peaking through the window.
"Hey sleepy head." JJ's voice rang through your ears. You let out a groan and covered your head with a pillow.
JJ grabbed the pillow and threw it on the other side of the bed. "Ready to go surfing?"
JJ's eyes were bright and he had a faint smile on his lips. Truth be told he was excited to spend some alone time with you. He was deeply in love with you and you were absolutely clueless.
"Yeah give me a minute."
You and JJ sat on the sand after crushing the waves. JJ had his arm around you.
"Thank you for coming out with me." JJ spoke softly, digging his hands into the sand at his place next to you.
"Yeah no problem, the waves were great," you smiled.
JJ was at war with himself. He desperately wanted to tell you how he feels about you. How he loves you so much. He wanted to shout it from the roof tops. He just didn't know how you felt and it was torture. He didn't think you liked him back but then again he didn't know for sure. Should he risk everything including you friendship and tell you.
JJ was conflicted. Right now was the perfect opportunity. You were alone overlooking the beach. And here you are sat next to him without a clue that his heart is beating faster with you next to him. JJ finally decided to do the next best thing: ask you out.
"Hey, So I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?"
"With the other pogues?" you questioned.
"No it would be just us." JJ answered.
"Like a date?"
JJ panicked. "No not a date. Just two friends hanging out."
"Oh okay. Yeah I'd love to."
You and JJ had your dinner and it was lovely. You guys talked and laughed like there was no tomorrow. Your legs touched under the table and you felt like you were floating.
It was three days after the dinner when you were walking to the château.
It was a 5 minute walk but you decided to stop at the store to get some beer, making your walk a little longer.
You were almost to the store when a truck pulled up right next to you. To your horror it was Rafe and Topper.
"Hey there girlie," Rafe commented stepping out of the truck.
"Rafe." You gave him a mean look.
As he got closer to you, you could see his face more clearly. He had a black eye and a busted lip.
"What happened to you?" You asked, not that you really cared.
"Your little boyfriend is what happened. But you should see him." He whistled, "Not pretty."
"I swear if you hurt him-"
"What? What can you possibly do to me." Rafe spoke.
Without thinking you threw a punch at Rafe hitting him in the nose.
"You little shit!" Rafe snarled.
"Topper grab her!" Rafe shouted.
Topper took your hands and held them behind your back holding you in place.
"That pogue really got me. Now it's time for some payback."
Topper held you down while Rafe hit you. You were able to kick him in the balls but he was beating you pretty badly.
All of a sudden the three of you herd a siren. Topper let you go immediately and tried to act natural.
Sheriff Peterkin stepped out of the car.
"What's going on here?" she questioned.
"Nothing sheriff." Rafe yelled.
"Why don't you run along and get out of here," sheriff peterkin announced.
Rafe and Topper were quick to move. They quickly drove off not wanting to get in trouble.
"You okay miss."
"I'm fine," you whispered.
Then you fell to the ground and everything went dark.
When you first woke up you were confused as to where you were. Slowly becoming conscious, you realized you were at the police station.
"Oh good your awake. I'd like to see you in here please." Sheriff peterkin ordered.
You slowly got up and made your way to her office.
"Have a seat."
You sat down quickly realizing that everything in your body ached.
"Now who did this to you?"
"I think you know," you replied weakly.
"damn it!" she cursed.
"Would you like to press charges?"
"No. I just want to go home," you spoke truthfully.
"I highly advise-"
You cut her off, "I just want to leave please."
"Ok." She motioned for you to exit the room. You breathed a breath of relief.
On your way out you looked at the time. It was almost 3pm. You were supposed to be a John Bs an hour ago.
You slowly but surely made your way over to the château.
When you arrived the pogues were all out in the porch. You were anxious to face JJ because you don't know how he's going to react.
You walked up to the lawn and the pogues could see a shadowy figure. When you stepped into the light on the porch all the pogues gasped.
Your face was badly bruised.
JJ stood up. "What the fuck!"
"No stop. Who did this to you?"
JJ started walking. "I'll kill him."
"No JJ. Please don't," you pleaded.
JJ was fuming. How dare someone hurt his girl. JJ felt a little bit guilty because he fought Rafe a couple days ago.
"It's all my fault I shouldn't of provoked him. I'm so sorry."
"You didn't know he would come after me. it's ok."
"It's not ok," JJ expressed.
JJ took your hand and led you to the bathroom. He had you hop up on the sink. He began cleaning your wounds.
"I can't believe he laid his hands on you." JJ spoke.
"I'm fine JJ."
"Look at you. No your not."
JJ dabbed at your eye and you winced.
"Sorry," JJ apologized.
When JJ was just about finished assessing your injuries he began to speak. "I can't do this. This is breaking my heart."
"JJ wha-"
"No let me finish."
"I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. My chest physically hurts and I feel like i'm going crazy because Im crazy about you. I can't pretend like i'm not in love with you when I am."
JJ's chest was rising up and down. He was breaking down over his love for you. He was ripped to shreds at the sight of you hurt. It tore him apart.
"JJ I have always loved you," you confessed.
As if he was holding his breath he let out all the air in his lungs. He gave you a bright smile.
JJ wasted no time as he leaned forward in his spot between his legs. He cradled your face in his hands and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and frantic.
You were surprised at the passionate nature of the kiss. Your stomach was tingly. Your mouths explored each other's. When the need for air became too strong you pulled away.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." JJ expressed.
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animehideout · 4 months
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Part 8
Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
Check out Part 9 here 🆕✨
Check out part 7 here
A/n: Hello! I'm back with another part, I hope I didn't make you wait for too long. Anyways, grab a snack and let's get into it since this part is kinda long ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
W.c: 4.4k+ words
Warnings: Not Proofread
Have a fun reading session 🫶🏻🤍
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You sighed as you stood at the entrance of the room, the walls of the room seemed to close in as they faced the awkward reality of sharing it. With an annoyed tone you looked at Gojo who already started unpacking and said,
“Can you leave the room for a moment? I need to change!”
He looked back at you with a dismissive glance and retorted,
“Why would I? I thought I was your husband”
“Are you for fucking real” you scoffed.
“You can change here! I’m not dying to see your body anyway” he shrugged, without a warning he started unbuttoning his shirt in front of you.
You quickly looked away, not ready to see him shirtless. He began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants and that’s hit was your last straw.
You clenched your jaw, determined to not let him get under your skin, you snatched your pyjamas from your bag and shot back,
“Asshole! You’ve got no shame”
You stormed out of the room, heading to the bathroom, sneaking so no one can see you. Gojo was smirking to himself after managing in getting on your nerves again at least to some extent. Since you were in the bathroom, you stayed there for a bit, and took a warm shower just to wash the tiredness away. (note, gojo took a shower when Y/n was packing at home)
With a deep breath, you walked inside again. As you entered, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his sight, he was shirtless, his hair falling down on his face, comfortably nestled on the bed, a self-satisfied grin played on his face.
“Really?” you muttered under your breath, an irritated edge to your voice.
“What? “
You ignored him and climbed onto the bed, keeping a clear boundary between you and him,
“Stay in your side of the bed and we won’t have any problems” you warned
“Oooh look at me I’m shaking with fear”
He chuckled, deliberately stretching out his arms as if to test your patience,
“Relax princess! I’m not interested in crossing your precious territory”
You huffed in frustration, edging away from him,  pulling the blanket to cover yourself,
“Fine then, and can you put some shirt on I won’t be comfortable with you sleeping naked like that beside me”
“Geez you really need to chill and loosen up a bit, I’m used to sleeping naked, deal with that ”
“Whatever..” you mumbled and laid down .
Exhausted from the verbal sparring you finally fell silent both of you, making sure to turn off the lights. It was late anyway and you needed to sleep, but could you?
Backs facing each other, only the steady rhythm of your breathing is heard, but eyes still wide open, mind fully awake. The bed was warm, but t felt cold, you were in each other’s company yet felt so alone. That’s your truth, not only you but also Gojo Satoru. Maybe being the strongest served him to maintain that perfect image but no one really knows what’s hidden behind this perfectness.
Gojo’s Pov:
I laid beside her, staring at the darkness, it’s better than staring at her anyway. I can’t fall asleep, I won’t fall asleep even though I’m exhausted as fuck. She can’t catch me in that situation again, I won’t give her a single chance to think that I’m weak, vulnerable or scared by my night terrors that haunt me every night. Spending the coming days locked in this room with her at every night fall is a bitter pill to swallow. I’m not used to anyone sleeping beside me, especially not her. She can’t find out, she’ll use that against me, and I won’t let it happen.
End Of Pov
As the night proceeded, Gojo looked behind, stealing a glance at you, you weren’t moving only your steady breathing is heard. He leaned in closer to you, to get a better look and make sure you’re asleep before he goes to sleep himself. He inched closer, peeking over your shoulders to look at your face. Your eyes were closed, hair strands falling on your face, lips pouting. Your small hands clutching onto the pillow, your chest rising and falling in  a rhythmic pattern. His eyes traced the delicate features of your face, soft features that were the complete contrast of your harsh attitude towards him. Unable to resist the nagging curiosity, he found himself leaning in closer and closer, his face only inches away from yours, completely lost in your sleeping figure. He never paid attention to any of your details before but now he does. His fingers tried to move to tuck that hair strand that was tickling your nose, but he stopped midway. Realization struck  him like a lightening bolt, he blinked as if he was awakening from a trance.
“The fuck Am I doing?” he said to himself.
He swiftly scooted back to his side, pulling the blanket over him again, shaking his head in disbelief of his own actions.
“Guess I crossed her imaginary line that she drew between us” he added to himself.
Y/n Pov:
I was so sleepy, so I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to just take me. But I couldn’t, my mind is a busy place, crowded with thoughts that made drifting off almost impossible. The room was silent but inside me was loud, noisy. Suddenly, I could feel the subtle shift in the mattress. “Is he still awake?” I thought to myself. I thought he was going to use the bathroom but no even with my eyes still closed, I sensed his presence, drawing nearer to me. Every muscle in my body tensed up, clutching onto my pillow tighter “Is this the end? Is he gonna strangle me in my sleep?” I thought to myself again. My eyes firmly shut, waiting for any action, but all what I can feel is his hot breath on my face. A shiver run down my spine. Too caught in the paradox of the situation, why would he watch me while I sleep? Is he dreaming? Long moments of an unspoken tension, got me twisted, unsure of his intentions, unsure of what’s between us. I can feel him backing away from me, finally relaxing my body, but my mind took another direction, and what I’m sure of, is that it’s impossible to fall asleep tonight.
End Of Pov
That was right, none of you fell asleep that night. Your backs turned to each other, patiently waiting for the dawn to break so you can just leave your bed.
You  already foreseen the awkwardness once both of you are awake and leave the bed and you wanted to escape that. You quickly glanced at him, the blanket wasn’t covering all of him, and you got to see is his back, his muscular back. Your eyes swiftly travelled from his back, shoulders, neck and finally his undercut. You carefully slid out from beneath the covers, the soft creaking of the mattress filled the room. Silently, you gathered your clothes avoiding any unnecessary noise that might draw his attention to you. Without looking back, you slid out of the room, closing the door behind you, making your way to the bathroom. A shower would definitely refresh you and get you ready for the day, even thought you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
Meanwhile back in the room, Gojo turned to lay on his back, his arms behind his head, watching the ceiling  while sun rays leaked through the window, he wanted to sleep since now you weren’t in the room, but he has got a long day of work waiting ahead.
*time skip to breakfast time*
All of you were gathered around the table in the common room eating your breakfast. You , your husband Gojo, Nanami, Principal Yaga, Mei Mei and all of your students.
Both you and Satoru fighting to keep your eye lids open, barely engaging or even catching up to the conversation.
“Satoru, y/n! are you even listening?” asked Principal Yaga.
The way he called you, woke you up from your awake slumber.
“hm?” you said in union.
“Geez sensei! You look tired? Are you okay?” asked Yuuji directing the question to both of you.
“yeah fine!” you said in unison.
“had a long night huh?” said Nobara
Both of your eyes widened, Gojo almost choking on his drink.
“I mean, it’s a new place and the bed mattress is kinda hard for the back… I struggeled to fall asleep too when I first moved here” she added blushing trying to fix the misunderstanding tha she caused by that innocent question she asked.
But Mei Mei insisted on misunderstanding, she kept on glaring at you, her hand tightly holding her cup of coffee, thinking that both of you had sex.
“And I thought I couldn’t hate you more Y/n” she mumbled to herself under her breath, knowing that she’d spend the rest of her day thinking, scheming how she’d take her revenge.
“Satoru and Nanami, meet me in my office after breakfast, you’ve a got a mission” ordered principal Yaga.
Both of them nodded, and headed to his office straight after they finished eating.
You had class with the 1st years today and you had free time in the evening so you all what you were thinking about is taking a long ass nap after teaching and that what kept you going for the day.
You students were there in the field waiting for you. You headed to the weaponry room to grab the ones that you’ll use for today’s lesson.
“The famous Y/n! having a good time huh? Enjoying your time with your husband? I see your relationship evolved!” started Mei Mei taking you by surprise.
“Mei Mei? What are you doing here?”
“Came to see you of course!”
“I don’t see any reason for that, besides I’m working right now!”
“Oh of course right! You gotta do something and contribute to the Jujutsu world in the easiest way possible”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well don’t get me wrong but you’re enjoying the luxury life aren’t you? Something you weren’t used to?”
“Stop speaking in riddles!”
“Having a rich, handsome husband that brought you up from the shitty life of yours, working here locked inside, teaching some martial arts moves that everyone already knows, while others are fighting outside to protect you.. What could be more pathetic than that?” she said in an offensive tone.
You were clearly confused, not knowing what she meant exactly but protecting you.
“The hell are you talking about Mei Mei? Are you that desperate for a morning argument?” you spat back.
“No no sweetheart! I’m spitting facts that’s all”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but those are not facts, they’re just bullshit that you like to create.. as always! I’m doing my job here as a teacher, and I’m not waiting for anyone to protect me..I can totally protect myself”
“Oh I doubt that, since Principal Yaga assigned all of us to watch over you… to be honest, I hate it, I didn’t wanna do it. Because you see, I don’t care if you get hurt or not ..but just so you know that everyone here is stronger than you even your students”
“I don’t understand! Why would he assign you to watch over me?” you asked genuinely confused.
“Oh poor girl! Your lovely husband didn’t tell you that he’ll protect you from to Toji Zenin who’s scouring every corner of Tokyo to find you”
“Huh? Who’s Toji Zenin?”
“Well! When he catches you, you can ask him in person!” she said and then left.
You furrowed your brows, completely perplexed, who’s Toji, why would he search for you everywhere? Why principal Yaga assigned them to protect you? And from what exactly?
All these questions burned your throat, but who’s gonna answer them?
You grabbed the weapons and headed to the field, Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara, already there bickering as always.
“Hey guys! So today we’re learning about the usage of arrows! Of course later on you’ll use your jujutsu energy and transform it into the arrow” you started.
Finally break time after three hours of teaching. As they started walking away, you cleared your throat maybe Megumi knows something
“Megumi-Chan!” you called,
“Hm? Yes sensei?”
“Um was wondering if I could talk to you for a second!”
He nodded and walked back towards you, you had to many questions but you didn’t want to overwhelm him, he was only a student so you picked up a one important question, principal Yaga should be the one answering your questions anyway.
“Who is Toji Zenin?” you asked
Megumi’s eyes widened, not expecting this sudden question. Air got caught in his lungs, not sure how to answer it.
“It’s –Um…he’s um-” he stuttered, hesitant to tell you.
“It’s okay if you don’t know him!” you smiled.
“He’s my father” he blurted out.
Why on earth would Megumi’s father search for you? And if he’s his father then how come he doesn’t know his own son’s teachers?
“Your question was very sudden! Is there any motive behind it?” he asked in confusion.
The students have no idea about Toji Zenin breaking loose and searching everywhere just to kill you, they’re as confused as you. You hesitated to ask more questions since he seemed uncomfortable and you didn’t want him to overthink anything so with a sweet smile you said,
“Nah t-there’s no motive! It was just a simple question,  please don’t worry about it continue with your day!”
He nodded, sensing that there’s something off about it. He hasn’t met his father in so long and it got him wondering.
You couldn’t handle it so you headed to principal Yaga’s office. You’re one the teachers and its your right to get informed about anything just like the other teachers.
“Yaga Sensei?” you started knocking on the door.
“Yes Y/n come in!’
“Sorry for bothering you but I had to ask some things!”
“Sure anything go ahead!”
“Why would Megumi’s father search for me everywhere?”
Principal Yaga cleared his throat, shifting in his chair, but insisted on hiding the truth.
“Why would he look for you? Who told you that? No one is looking for you y/n!”
“If no one is looking for me then why’d you assign the rest of teachers to protect me?”
A sudden surge of tension ran through him, the air in the room seemed to thicken, he found himself obliged to tell you since you already know so much. He took a deep breath and said,
“Who told you that Y/n?”
“Mei Mei did! But why doest it matter? Why did you keep me in the dark, I’m a teacher here as well”
“Mei Mei you say? Alright! Take a seat please!”
You did as he said, patiently waiting for him to explain. But would he reveal the whole truth after getting orders from the higher ups that he needs to conceal it? You don’t even know your full potential yet.
“Toji Zenin! He’s known as a sorcerers haunter. He was locked up after committing many crimes, his last crime was killing a student Riko Amanai, she was the potential star plasma vessel. But she got shot by him. It was a big loss for the Jujutsu World. Gojo found him and brought him to his trial, he was locked away but we got information that he managed to escape, we don’t know who’s his next target is, he’s targeting people with potential, strong sorcerers…”
“Then I’m supposed to be safe, since you said he’s targeting strong sorcerers and I’m no sorcerers, so why would I need any protection here?”
“The protection is needed for all of us, especially students ! it’s not he’s got a personal issue against you, he doesn’t he just enjoys killing, that’s his job”
“I see, you said that student got shot, so he’s using a gun instead of Jujutsu technique?”
“He’s not a sorcerer actually! He’s a normal man with 0 jujutsu energy.. but he’s very strong”
“Oh o-okay! Is there any way I can help?”
“You’re already doing a lot, teaching your students how to defend themselves against their enemies is a lot of work”
You nodded, completely swallowing his words not knowing that the full truth in kept hidden.
“There’s no need to worry about anything Y/n! but one thing don’t tell your students anything! We don’t want them to stress out! School is about learning while having fun”
“Sure” you said politely, then excused yourself and headed to your room.
You changed into comfier clothes and rolled down on your bed, taking the whole space, even Gojo’s side. You stared at the ceiling, why would he tell you now and not earlier, why you’re the last one to know, are they underestimating your contribution to their world and see you as someone who’s not capable of protecting others? It made you sad, because you thought you were doing great.
“But I’m no sorcerer why would they count on me” you mumbled to yourself, slowly drifting to sleep.
You woke up from your slumber to a dark room, your head pounding but at least you got to make it up for staying awake last night.
“For how long did I sleep? 11pm !!? shit” you said to yourself.
You looked beside you and there was Satoru, sleeping.
Gojo’s Pov:
I returned to Jujutsu High at 8pm, it was a long hectic day and it drained me to my core, I let Nanami do the rest of the work in informing Yaga Sensei, my social energy was fully spent and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. It wasn’t a tough mission, I was just out with Nanami looking for any trace of Toji, we were trying to find him and catching him before he commits any crime, but it was useless, he’s like a ghost, each one of his move is calculated, he knows where to hide so we’ll wait for him till he comes to us. I was struggling to keep myself awake, ate all the sweets I can find but I seriously needed to sleep. I got to Jujutsu high, took a warm shower to wash away today’s tiredness, hoping that Y/n fell asleep. It would be a torture if I had to wait a more couple hours for her to sleep before I do, but for my luck she was already sleeping, light snores escaped her slightly mouth. I dried myself, put on a grey sweatpants and joined her on bed making sure to not cross any lines tonight. It was easy for me to close my eyes and sleep without worrying about her next to me.
End of Pov.
*End Of Flashback*
“Oh he’s here” you said to yourself.
Now you were fully awake for sleeping all these long hours, it was midnight what could you do? Everyone is sleeping, but you can’t go to sleep, you’ve had enough, more than enough actually.
“Ugh I just ruined my sleeping schedule-ahh” you gasped when Satoru spoke out of the blue.
“I do-don’t …No sensei I-”
“Is he having a bad dream again ?” you mumbled.
Taking a closer look to him, just like last time, panting, breathing heavily and sweating. But you’re not gonna wake him up again, you don’t wanna get slammed down by him on the bed like that night.
“I don’t wa-nna k-ill him..my f-friend, G-geto”
“Geto? Who’s Geto?” you thought to yourself.
He got more disturbed in his sleep, tossing and turning and it freaked you out, you really wanted to wake him up and set him free from what he’s seeing but you decided to not get involved this time, so you put on your slippers and tiptoed outside.
Finally some fresh air, watching the tree leaves as they danced to the night breeze. The stars above you completed the scenery. Luckily you were kind of away from Tokyo’s light, away from light pollution, making you catch a glimpse of the stars that decorated the sky. Your eyes widened in wonder as you saw a star cutting through the darkness. Your breath caught in excitement, an involuntary gasp left your lips. Time seemed to momentarily freeze, bringing back your habit of making a wish.
You closed your eyes, putting your hands together and whispered,
“I wish I become something! Something special and not a useless person”
Funny, because everything seemed to change except you. It was the same wish since you were a kid, patiently waiting for it to come true.  
“Can’t sleep?” said a soft voice from behind, making your eyes shot open.
“N-nanami? Oh god, you scared me” you stuttered, placing your hand on your chest.
“Sorry for that” he chuckled
“I see you’re still awake! You can’t sleep either?” you asked
“Yeah, the night is long and it got boring..what about you?”
“Um- I had a long nap and woke up a few minutes ago so-”
“Oh I see! Stargazing?”
“Yep what’s better than that? My favorite night activity” you chuckled
“Why are you here alone?”
“Now I’m not” you smiled, keeping an eye contact with him.
“Right, you got me” he said and got closer to you.
“Um so how was your mission today, I hope it wasn’t that tiring?”
He paused before speaking trying to find a good lie, he can’t tell you that he’s been out looking for the man who’s trying to kill you. Even though he knows that now you know who’s Toji Zenin is, since Principal Yaga told him.
“Yeah not tiring.. we were just exorcising some curses at a school as usual.. that’s all”
You could sense his discomfort, so you tried to change the subject since he clearly doesn’t wanna talk about work.
“Oh alright! Good luck with that..Um Nanami!”
“Hm yea?”
“I was wondering if you know someone named Geto I guess”
You couldn’t help the curiosity, you needed to know who was this man, that was haunting Gojo in his sleep.
“Geto Suguru, he was my senior in high school!”
“Oh really? Um- was- was he a bad person?”
“Not really! But we don’t know what got into him. He was Gojo’s best friend, inseparable. They studied together and went on missions together. Till one day Geto chose to change parts and follow his own ideology!”
“Ideology? What kind of ideology?”
“Something that contrasts with Jujutsu principals, we live to protect the weak those normal humans that Geto referred to as monkeys”
“Oww monkeys? So I’m a monkey! That’s kinda offensive, since you don’t get to choose to be born as a normal human or a sorcerer…I hope this Geto doesn’t find me then-”
“Nah he won’t”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because he’s dead! Gojo killed him”
You froze in place, so were you sleeping beside a murderer? Why would he kill his bestfriend?
“W-what?” you said in disbelief.
“He had to, he was forced to do it, to fulfill his duty as a jujutsu sorcerer is to eliminate the threat, Geto was a threat to our rules and principals”
“He killed his own family and  village, after that he started a cult, no longer defending the weak but rather killing what he considered monkeys”
“I see, the complete opposite ideology of Toji Zenin, one is killing sorcerer and the other killing non sorcerers.. What a world we live in” you pointed out.
“True! It was so hard for Gojo to get work done! It destroyed him, but he knew it was all for good so he just did it…Sometimes you have to make the right decisions even if they feel wrong! That’s what  being a sorcerer is” he explained
You nodded and looked down, now points connecting, now you know why Geto is always present in Gojo’s dreams, cuz once you kill someone, they never really leave. You kinda felt bad for him, you can’t imagine yourself killing anyone, let alone your bestfriend even if they turned evil, and even though you have no bestfriend. That same nightmare must be haunting him for years.
“Are you cold?” he asked
“yeah kinda, it’s chilly here”
“here you go!” he said  placing his jacket on your shoulders.
You faces were close to each other and you couldn’t help but stare at him. Why did you have to marry Gojo maybe marrying Nanami would be much easier and maybe he’d be your first love, he’s a sorcerer as well, so maybe he’s able to break your curse too. But out of everyone, it had to be Gojo Satoru, the cold,  unempathetic and rude towards you. But we don’t always get what we want.
His eyes didn’t leave you as well, he was so close to your face, he could feel the tension between both of you. But he backed away
“I’m so sorry” he apologized
Nanami is a respectful man, if you weren’t married then he’d definitely go for it and kiss your lips, but you’re the wife of Gojo Satoru and his principles and values won’t allow him to do that.
“Th-ats okay” you whispered.
Too busy in your thoughts while stargazing you didn’t notice Gojo’s silent presence, obsecured in the dark behind both of you. He was there the whole time, heard your whole conversation.His nightmare woke him up, the room was too narrow for him that he had to take a breath outside only to find you with Nanami. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but it bothered him to see Nanami’s face so close to his wife’s face, or the way he was acting like a gentleman towards you. He could feel his stomach drop, clenching his fists and jaw as blood started coursing faster in his veins.
He didn’t know how to explain what he felt but it’s like something was breaking inside him. And you bringing up Geto didn’t make things any better. Maybe staying in that nightmare was a lot easier than this.
He stopped himself from stepping between both of you and push Nanami away from your side, he knew he would do something he would regret and would end up waking up the whole school, so he stood his ground, deciding to not beat the shit out of Nanami cuz it would feel weird and uncomfortable for everyone,  he was convincing himself that you and him hated each other and what’s between you is not just an arranged marriage but a battleground.
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jealousmartini · 19 days
So I minishifted to my kpop idol dr last night and I'm loosing my mind
Lowkey still kinda freaking out about it because it's only just when the realisation settled in that I FUCKING SHIFTED. AND TWO OF MY FATTEST CRUSHES WERE STOOD RIGHT THERE. FUCK. OKay let me explain what happened before I IMPLODE!😆
So given how startled I was when I woke up in what i assume is my studio room? (It was a pretty cute studio and looked like it WOULD be mine🤭🤞🏾) I was only there for a good 2 minutes before freaking out and shifting back like the COWARD I AM, so I'll tell you everything that happened whilst I was there😁
Okay so first of all, I woke up in "my" studio right next to my group leader Mei and my other best friend on the other end and I was SO confused at the time because I was trying to figure out where I was. I didn't understand why I was in a different room but like at the same time it felt familiar.
But anyway, I felt so comfortable and warm and realised it was because I had a really soft blanket wrapped around my body, which I suspect was from one of my members?? Maybe?? and then Mei looked over at me and noticed I was awake, she was like "Youre finally awake Keesh" and rubbed my back so gently i could have fallen asleep right there and then again. It was like I got a taste of satisfaction for my touch starved self.
And GOSH her voice was so much more raspy than I thought it was going to be i was quite taken aback😭😭 and her face sculpted by Aphrodite herself kinda switched to a concerned expression when she saw me looking around the room frantically like I didn't know where I was, she asked me if everything was alright, and I couldn't even reply with my voice because I was so stunned so I nodded weakly with most unconvincing smile ever because I was still processing what the hell was going on.
Then suddenly, I heard like two worryingly familiar male voices coming close to the studio room we were in☹️☹️(internally i was like FUCK OFF I cant do this rn). My head literally snapped to the door when i heard it creek open and standing right there was the glorious man he is, Min Yoongi, leaning on the door frame (with long black hair btw) and the gorgeous man he is, Jimin, peaking his head through from behind the door😭😭 (I think i remember him being Blonde?). When I tell you my pulse picked up at a million miles per second. Seeing Yoongi and Jimin in the flesh is something else you guys. And to say Yoongi is intimidating is an UNDERSTATMENT☠️☠️ those two were so hot oh my GOD. I was lowkey panicking because I was NOT prepared to come face to face with AANYONE from my kpop dr nevermind BTS☠️☠️ even though i intended to shift there last night.
But anyway, i heard Yoongi ask my members ask if I was still asleep because my food was getting cold, and Mei said, "Oh yeah, yeah, she just woke up.." and Immediately placed my head back on the table and covered my face with the blanket, PRAYINGGG she'd think I fell back asleep WHICH SHE DID THANK GOD🙏🏾 and right before I woke up here I heard Jimin saying something like "you should wake her up before he eats it all??" He was giggling while he was saying that, too. And then I shifted back here.
This experience is actually one of my most scariest/exciting/crazy ones ever. Not even just because I shifted there, but because of what happened prior to the shift. Me and my best friend were yapping to each other about BTS, and we were talking about the signs we picked up on and then the realisation I came to. The moment me and my friend and I made this silly girl group as a joke, it seems that we created a butterfly effect in our reality. And now, whatever sign I get about BTS, "coincidentally," always links back to my girl group.
Anyway so yeah idk wether or not I want to shift back because LORD I CRAVE TO SEE THEM AGAIN but like I am so intimidated by Yoongi and even Jimin I might just freak out the next time I see them again😭😭 @livingmydreamlife5555 @samara444 @4ellieluv @theshifterbear
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notyashiro128 · 5 months
Too clingy
Megumi x f reader
Note: You were at first too clingy with your boyfriend Megumi he couldn't handle you so he did something that made you sad and now he's trying his best to forgive him
Type :💮❤️‍🩹
Warning: kisses, curses, fluff, yelling, comfort, sweet talk
Im making 2 new stories :P
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Ever since you started dating Megumi, you've been very clingy to him , Megumi did not object to this behavior on your part, even though you annoyed him sometimes, but he preferred having you with him
But this time, when Megumi returned from his mission, he was very upset.
He was not upset for a day or two but for a whole week and more
He was trying to stay away from you and did not want to talk to you much and avoid to meet you
You understood his situation, but the situation became more severe to the point that he did not prefer to cuddle with you while sleeping. Rather, he became more and more distant to the point that you no longer saw him much.
One time, when Megumi returned from the supermarket,you were in his dorm chilling there
he brought some tea with him. He did not speak to you, You were watching him from the kitchen door, so you thought about hugging him from behind,
you started walking slowly while he was in front of the Sink. Without any introduction, you put your hands around your waist from behind. Because of this, Megumi was surprised and all the tea fell into the Sink, And the cup breaks
"my tea!!!" Megumi shouted angrily You quickly removed your hands from him, and at that moment he turned to you
"Get the fuck away from me why you are too clingy lately aren't you seeing that I am not in the mood for Your childish behavior," He said angrily, "Now I have to go and buy more. Thank you for wasting my time and effort." He added
" I'm sorry, let me help you clean up." You replied
"No, just walk away. You always make the situation worse"
" I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" He interrupted you. "Yes, yes, you're sorry. I know, I know. Please stay away from me. Let me clean up what you did and go buy more"
After what happened, you felt like you were breaking down. You felt a knife inside you, and Megumi became mean to you And with silence, after Megumi leaves
you went to your dorm choked and you closed the door. You did not feel the time. All you remember was Megumi screaming at you. This was the first time Megumi treated you like this. The moment you closed the door, you sat on the floor, crying silently. Tears fell like a waterfall,
" why is he treating me like this? " You asked yourself Then you went to bed and covered yourself with a blanket
After all this crying, you fell asleep This time, you slept longer. You didn't know what was happening. The only thing that concerned your mind was Megumi's treatment of you
While you were asleep, when Megumi was returning home, he thought about what he had done and knew that he should not have behaved like this with you, not just today, even this week, he went again to the supermarket and bought all your favorite sweets. He was thinking on his way home about 'What if y/n hates me now?' 'what if she left me ' ' It's my fault ' ...... All these thoughts came to him
When he returned to the dorm, he did not find you. He knew that you were in your dorm and quickly went to you and was about to knock on the door
Knock knock no answer Knock knock"Y/n open the door" No answer 'Of course she wouldn't answer me' He said to himself, then he used his Technique to enter your dorm
Your face was red, ofc from crying a lot. Megumi felt guilty. He put the sweets in the fridge and took a place in the bed next to you. He wanted to hug you while you were sleeping. He wanted to feel you next to him. He wanted you.
He put his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to himself.
Man he missed touching you
Just this movement woke you up. You started to open your eyes, and as soon as you opened them, you found Megumi next to you, kissing your cheek.
You rubbed your eyes with your hand And in that second, Megumi hugged you. “I'm sorry,” he said, his voice was shaking
“Huh?” You didn't understand what happened. 'Is Megumi crying?' You said to yourself, wondering
When you moved away from Megumi, you found him crying. "Megumi!." You were in shock. You hugged him again. You placed your arms between his neck while he placed his head on your shoulder and began to break down crying "What's wrong,?" You asked him worried about him the first time seeing Megumi crying (that bitch made you cry first)
"I'm sorry I didn't mean w-what I said. Forgive me. I love you I love you Please. I will do anything. I will accept any punishment. Please don't leave me. " He hugged more tightly
(Is Megumi scared of losing you oh~?😏)
"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay, I forgive you." You said it while you were still hugging him. "I know that these are just words. I want you to please forgive me" he begged
"Okay, okay, I seriously forgive you You moved away from him and started wiping his tears.
"Why are you like that?" Megumi asked Sobbing “What do you mean?” you asked him,
“I am a bad boyfriend and you did not punish me or-" You interrupted him
"No, you are not bad. Don’t say things like that. You were just stressed from work. I understand your situation"
You kissed his cheek," I love you i can't be mad at you or even hate you "you said softly
"y/n I love you I can't find someone better than you you are too perfect" Just said before kissing your whole face especially your lips
Then He started crying again while kissing you deeply, he missed the taste of your lips, your touch, and everything about you.
Blah blah blah blahhhhhh blahhh
The kiss went a bit further he then pins you while still kissing you
Pt2 maybe yandere megumi or idk i rlly don't know fr
I can't finish it im tried i love it but I don't love it i give up
50 likes I'll finish it🦦✨
Its 2am and I have a math exam helppppppp
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xan-izme · 5 months
Dubble Life 5 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: Family time was a need at the moment. And it was time reader meet one more member of the family. But the meeting of the two wasn't really friendly.
(A/N: Hey, sorry. Imma keep this short. So, the reason I couldn't post was cuz me n a friend was playing around too much, and my laptop broke cuz she decided to go all WWE on my ass, and I forgot the password for this acc. But it's fixed now. So, this chapter will be a late X-mas gift from me)
Part 4, Part 6
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Damian was getting rather attached to you.
You were nothing like him. To Damian, you were weak, silly and peaceful. You just seemed so peaceful. And satisfied with just the littlest things.
The air around you just seemed inviting. Safe even.
Damian must admit he didn't like you at first, you just always seemed off to him. The lying you were doing, the fake and empty words. He didn't trust you.
But that day Joker attacked. The He saw so much of you. The real you. He saw you sad at the album store, just for a moment. But it was long enough to see. And your laughter. Your laugh and smile before were very annoying to Damian. Only because you only would smirk and snicker at him out of mockery.
But the movie made you laugh. Really laugh, really smile. At him mostly- but it was real!
Damian, he won't admit it, but he liked it when you were being yourself. And there are times he has seen you far away. Like your body was present, but your mind and soul seemed to be elsewhere. Even if you were engaging into a conversation. It was like someone completely different was speaking. Not you.
So, to bring out the real you. Damian would come with excuse of being board and having nothing better to do, and watch movies with you. Just to see you laugh, sad, angry. Just to see you.
You stared at the box on your nightstand. What was it exactly? You wanted to open it. But what if it's something you won't like. Something that will upset you more than needed.
"What is that?" Damian spoke. The boy practically came out of nowhere. But your used to it at this point. The boy is like a ninja, always sneaking up on you.
You sighed and turned your chair to start your school work.
"A box. . ." Even with your back turned from the boy. You had the urge to remind Damian not to touch it. "A box that you will not open." You turned your head to see you were correct. You had a box cutter in his hand, ready to open the box up. How or where did he get that box cutter from? You don't know, nor do you want to know.
Damian plopped down on your bed and started to examine the box. "Who was it from?" Damian saw no name to whom had sent the box.
". . . an old college of mine." You answered nice and short. Already feeling angry at the thought of Jess even knocking on your uncle and aunt's door to give the box to them.
Damian hummed and set the box down. He got up and started to go through the crates of albums you had near your bookshelf. He picked one and walked over to the vinyl player that was close to the window, near you, and started to let it play.
You smiled to yourself as Damian walked back to your bed.
Damian was trying to know what was in the box. Shaking it, knowing the wight and try to think of something that was the same size and wight that could be in the box.
It wasn't long before he fell asleep.
You took a glance to check why Damian was so quiet.
You let out a sigh when you saw him passed out. You stood up and walked over to the bed and use a blanket to cover him. You took the box away and sit back down at your desk.
It was time you had to open it. You used your super strength to open the box with ease. Once you saw what was in the box. You let out a tired sigh and leaned back in your chair.
It was a watch. The one the society uses. You see a note besides the watch. You shook your head and opened up the note what was addressed to you.
Call if you need help.
You crumbled the note and threw it away. And cursed to the man.
"Hijo de puta. Vete al diablo."
Unknown to you. Damian was still awake. He watched you get angry at whatever that note said. And the boy isn't that fluent in Spanish, but he does know whoever it was, you're not fond of them. On top of that.
You're hiding something. And Damian wants to get down it.
The next day, you skipped happily to the kitchen to get your fourth cup of coffee. "Another cup I see, not sleeping well Lady Y/n?" Alfred spoke. You giggled and held the warm cup close to you.
"Just need a boost. Hey, Damian said something about a dinner with everyone. Is there a special occasion?" You asked.
"Ah, yes. There is someone you weren't able to meet. Master Jason. He is available for tonight's dinner to finally meet you."
"Oh, I see. Oh, Alfred can you tell Bruce that I'm going to be out with a friend. Do you think that's okay. I leave in half an hour." You gave him a sheepish smile.
Alfred gave you a soft smile and nods "I'll inform him."
You got to your room and dressed up. You put the watch on and tapped the screen. And information of an anomaly that has been causing trouble showed up.
You walked to your bathroom and opened the cabinet. You cracked open the stash you had behind the meds and other items. That was where you hid your suit.
Just looking at it. The patterns, colors, the memories. You quickly stuffed the suit back into the stash.
"I can't do this. I can't do this." You shut your eyes tight, gripping hard on the sink. You tried to focus on your breathing to try and calm yourself, but the more you focused on your breathing, the more you noticed how fast your breathing was, which caused you to panic.
"Please. . . No, no, no. Please!" Your felt tears well up. Causing you to panic more. You began gasping for air. Trying to breath. Trying to calm yourself. But the moment you exhaled. You began sobbing. Your sobbing caused you to be frustrated at yourself. Your frustration made you cry more. You threw the bag that had your suit against the wall.
Unknown to you, a Polaroid picture of your mother slipped out.
As you were having your moment in the bathroom. Bruce had entered your room. He knocked and called out for you. But you didn't respond. So, he entered your room and didn't see you in your room.
He was confused, because Alfred had told him you were in your room. Before Bruce left to check to check if you were elsewhere. He heard something from your bathroom.
it didn't take long for him to instantly hurry to your bathroom and enter.
And there, he saw you on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably with your hands covering your face. Worry took over him as he slowly approached you.
"Y/n?" He spoke softly. But a little too soft, you couldn't hear him due to your crying and desperate attempts to breath normally.
He took another slow step closer. And something on the ground caught his eye. At first, it was the bag, then, his eyes slowly made its way to the Polaroid picture of your mother. He picked it up. He stared at it, then stared at you.
And to him, he understood. He understood all too well.
"Y/n. you're okay. You're okay." He gently put his hand on your shoulder. You flinched away, when you look up to see Bruce, you were confused. But all he did was smile at you softly and sat right next toy on the bathroom floor.
"Just breath. Okay, breath." You kept eye contact with him as he said these words. He rubbed circles on your back as he began to have you follow his breathing.
And to your surprise, and relief, it was working. You felt so, venerable. Usually, you hated feeling that way. But with your father, you felt. . . safe, to be venerable.
No words were spoken for a long moment between you two. Until you whispered
"I'm sorry." You were apologizing for this situation you had caused. But all your father did was rub your back.
"I understand," Was all he said.
"I understand"
That small moment had brought you and Bruce closer. A somewhat mutual understanding. It honestly felt like an invisible vail had been lifted between you to.
It took you an hour or so to get it back together. You left to deal with the anomaly. Just without your suit. You had an all-black disguise on, Gotham was dark and gloomy, so it was easy to blend in.
Now you're in an abandoned school, fighting off a green goblin anomaly. He was small, and nasty. Got on your damn nerves that's for sure. Once you defeated the green goblin. You open the portal and just threw the anomaly in and closed the portal.
You let out a loud, exhausted sigh.
"I swear. I have bones of a 60-year-old- ack! Jusus. . ." You had stretched and it hurt badly. Mainly your bad and knee hurt.
Suddenly. Your Spidey senses spiked up. You quickly jumped to your left and glared into the dark corridor.
"That was interesting to Watch." A voice spoke from the dark corridor. A figure emerges from the dark.
Revealing a tall man with a very noticeable red helmet that looked more like a mask.
You frown underneath your own mask.
"And you are?" You spoke up.
The masteries man spoke again, more aggressively. But this time. You hear a clicking sound. A gun. Pointed right at you.
"This is my city. And I wanna know why your here, Spider-woman."
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letsgetrowdy43 · 4 months
The perfect summer—
The long awaited Sunny and Adam get back together fic!!
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Au Masterlist!!
Sunny’s second semester had been a bit of a blur, her boyfriend-turned-ex started his professional hockey career, while she continued to navigate her way through adulthood.
Summer was all she wanted.
She made it through her brother's playoff runs, family wedding season, and finally, the Hughes siblings all found themselves in the same place at the same time for the first time in almost a year.
Lake Michigan was easily her favourite place to be, the boat days, the golfing, and even her summer job at the country club was something she looked forward to. The lake house was her happy place, and summer provided all of the right things to end her miserable school year.
Now all she needed was for Adam to finally call her to talk about everything.
Luke stumbled onto the deck where Sunny was lounging, her latest read in her hands as she ran her fingers through the ends of her hair.
Brows furrowed in concentration as she was quickly pulled away from her book and looked up towards her brother who aggressively cleared his throat.
“Yes?” she looked at him with a big smile, sitting up slightly so he had room to sit on the end of her lounge chair. “I have a question, and feel free to say no,” he began rambling but abruptly ended as he watched her face grow annoyed, “I wanted to invite Luca and Adam here to train for a few weeks, I promise that he-” Sunny cut him off “Of course, Adam can come over, he's your friend, and we are all good,” she smiled as Luke let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
“You're the best sun, I'll make sure he's on his best behaviour,” he said as she smiled and nodded her head, his hand reaching up to mess up her bangs which gained him a smack to the chest with her book.
And there it was, the perfect situation for them to finally talk about it all, properly face to face since he ended it in his bed all the way in Columbus.
It was anything but perfect.
It seemed to be that every boy in the house was destined to make sure Sunny and Adam were never in the same room alone. A whole week of supervised conversations and overbearing boys who imposed themselves in the middle of their almost moments.
The only time they seemed to have a conversation alone was his first night in the house when he found her down in the living room, curled up in a ball on the couch with her book in her hands.
“What are you still doing up?” she whispered, her eyes tired as she looked up from her book to the boy who was sipping on his glass of water. “Can't sleep, you?” “Rutger fell asleep in my bed, and I'm not sleeping on his air mattress in your and Luca’s room,” she slowly blinked, as Adam moved from the counter to the armchair.
“I can make him move back to our room,” he offered as she shook her head. “Leave him be, I'm okay on the couch, it wouldn't be my first time sleeping on it” she smiled, covering her mouth as she yawned and shut her book.
Adam watched as her gaze on him grew soft, “I feel like I've barely seen you since I got here,” he whispered. “I know, I've missed you.” “I've missed you too,” he watched as she smiled and pulled her blanket up to her chin. “Tomorrow, tomorrow I want to talk about all of this, I need to talk about it, it's eating me up,” she said as he nodded and stood up from the couch.
“Good night sunny.” “Good night Adam, love you,” she said in between yawns as he flicked off the lamp next to him and headed back upstairs, heart thumping in his chest as he crawled back into bed next to his brother.
It was safe to say Adam did not sleep well that night, short ‘love you’s’ filling his mind every time he closed his eyes
Tomorrow turned into three days, no conversation was had between the two thanks to the boys not allowing them any sort of alone time.
“Is there a reason every time I speak to Adam someone miraculously shows up to make sure we have company?” she looks over to Quinn who is also just silently sitting on the edge of the doc. He lets out a short laugh and looks at his sister who is clearly not amused by this, “Jack just wanted to make sure that you Adam remained civil, I told him it was a bad idea.”
A groan left the girl's lips as she looked at her older brother, annoyance filling her expression as she laid back on the hot wood of the doc, “I miss him, and I think he feels the same way” “So what does that mean for the two of you?” “Well I haven't gotten to ask because our brother is an idiot,” she said through a clenched jaw.
She looked to Quinn who was holding in a laugh at her, her glare narrowing as he laid down beside her, "I'll keep the boys busy tonight so you two can sneak away," Quinn offered with a smile as Sunny's glare grew soft.
"Thank you Q," she sat up and grinned at him as he offered out his fist for her to bump. "No need to thank me, I like seeing you happy, Adam makes you happy, it's not like I'm sacrificing my life," he shrugged. "This is why you're the better Hughes brother," she watched as his smirk grew cocky. "Not hard to be the best when my competition is dumb and dumber."
Quinn lived up to his promise, the boys returned from their golf outing and immediately were ushered into the game room for darts, pool, and beer after dinner.
Adam and Luca were in the kitchen getting more beer, laughter dying out as Sunny walked into the kitchen with a sweet smile on her face which prompted Luca to leave as quickly as possible, giving the two space to talk.
Sunny sat on the kitchen counter, adjacent to the boy who popped the bottle cap off of his beer with the ring on his finger, awkward silence filling the space between them as he took a swig and then offered her a sip. To which she crinkled her node and shook her head, "Still not a beer girl?" "You could never get me to drink that," she mused with a look of disgust resting on her face, "but I wouldn't mind a cider," she batted her lashes. "They taste almost the same?" She shook her head, as he placed the cold can of cider in her hands, remaining in between her legs, face to face as she placed the can on the counter next to her.
The laughter died in her throat when she realized how close they were, the smile on his face growing as her eyes flashed down to his lips.
"Maybe we should talk before you get any ideas about kissing me," he joked which was met with a slight push to his chest to make him back up. "Okay, you go first," she grinned as he leaned up against the counter. "This year was a shit show, but it was a lot better when you were in my life, not just because I needed someone to talk to but because I just missed listening to talk about your life or your little visits, and I fucked everything up by pushing you away," he answered honestly.
she nodded, "If I were to say that I wanted to get back together, would you want that? Or do you need more time to figure out what you want?" she asked, her eyes moving from his face to her hands as she picked at her nails. "I don't need time sunny, I never needed time, I just thought you needed an out," he whispered as she nodded and looked up at him.
"if we get back together I want some rules," she proposed, "I want better communication, and I want you not to make decisions like that for me, if I wanted an out or a break I would've told you," she watched as he nodded.
"Can I hug you?" he asked softly as she opened her arms, his face burned itself in her neck as her hands found the back of his head, fingers intertwining with his outgrown hair as he squeezed her torso, "I'm such a fucking idiot for letting you go." "You are," she whispered, "but I was never going anywhere Adam, you’re stuck with me," he pulled away and smiled at her, tears lining his eyes as he let out a laugh. "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Can I kiss you now?" she asked but was met with no answer as his cold hands cupped her face and his lips captured hers in a sweet kiss, slightly sloppy but very passionate, almost to make up for the lost time as her hands found the back of his neck.
his arms lowered from her face, one hand finding her hip, the other finding the counter to stabilize him, trapping her on the granite countertop as she smiled into his mouth.
He pulled away, swollen lips and shaky breaths, as his forehead leaned against hers, "I don't know how I lived without you for nearly six months," he whispered as she grinned and started to kiss along his jaw. "We have a lot of lost time to make up for," she whispered in his ear as he curtly nodded his head and picked her up off of the counter, laughter filling the kitchen as he made a beeline to the stairs, the opened beer and ciders forgot on the counter as they headed to her room.
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its-dari · 1 year
The Loving Hands of God
Creator AU - Where the reader is treated like a diety by the characters of Genshin Impact
Pairing(s): None || PLATONIC: Son! Wanderer & Parental! Gender Neutral! Creator! Reader Summary: He is reminded everyday that you chose him. But some days are harder than others; and he's grateful to have you sweep the cloudy skies away.
A/N: I don't really play Genshin but here we are, I'm just getting out my ideas - don't mind me.
This Wanderer is named "Kaito(神愛)", with the characters written for "god" and "love". I thought it could be cute to kind of give a call back to his origin but something also to remind him of how far he's come. He also calls the reader "Oya", which is the best thing I could get to a gender neutral Japanese term for mother or father.
I won't be taking requests! This is most likely a one time thing. This is also inspired by "this lovely piece" by @dropletpetals
(Extra Miscellaneous HCs: "The Son of Graces")
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Warning(s): Wanderer backstory spoilers! Some revenge. This was written on my phone so forgive any errors.
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Over grassy, rolling knolls - filled to the brim with blooming flowers in his favorite colors and breeds. Even under the loving warmth of sun on his cheeks and clouds turning themselves into the childish shapes of his desire. Even as the song on the winds speak his new name into his ears, the bonfires below burning it up so it reached the heavens. to the voices of acolytes proclaiming it so...
He was worried.
Worried and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He was unwanted everywhere else.
By his mother, who made him a puppet - who left him with no identity or name
By the Fatui, who deemed him unworthy.
So when it came to be; the Creator's return to the mortal plane...
When he'd come to demand answers, angry about simply existing.
Your voice so gentle and warm, apologizing that you were not there to help him when he called to your name in begs and prayers. When the world you made and hurt him so much and how sorry you were that it treated him so cruelly... He felt the sincerity pouring through every pore, it washed over him - like a blanket.
You understood his pain.
He found that you had long since been asleep, since the dawn of the Archonic creation. Even the small bit of divinity used to create each drained your body, already tired from forming Teyvat with your hands. So you could not know of the acts being committed in your name, what those of your own blood were doing.
"If I had known one of mine created their own, I would have cherished them like I did them." You said with a softness only rivaled by your hands.
He had fallen to his knees, unable to stand after the crushing weight of pain fell upon him. You were not completely blameless...
But you did not lie to him.
Did not abandon him.
You stayed until the tears dried up, stroking his sore eyes.
"So now that I know she did not love you like you deserve... You are mine now." He nearly fell again, but your embrace held him up. "You will be my son... And I will give you everything."
How it was so warm and loving, arms cradling him as if he were nothing more than a babe. His hands white-knuckling at your divine robes as he just sniveled into your chest, no doubt covering them in his snot and tears... But you didn't care, cooing sweetly to the boy about how he's already made you proud. How you already loved him.
He nearly cried again when you gave him his name.
"You will be my son, so your name will have our title."
You pondered about it for a while before having a servant fetched ink and parchment. It was a bit unusual, seeing you hold the calligraphy brush. Seeing the ink touching the edges if your sleeves and staining them, but you just smile so brightly when it is finished.
He longed for a place to belong, for an identity... For someone or something to give him worth.
You have given him all these things.
He was uncomfortable at first having it, as it was blatantly a reminder of his lineage. of the woman who abandoned him... Of beelzebul.
But you only smiled.
"It is to remind everyone where you started," your hands come to guide him "and how far you've come."
"The character for god, so you always remember me and so I am always with you." You hummed a lullby as the strokes appeared across the parchment. "And the character for love so you know how much I have for you."
He smudges ink on his robes too, unable to stop smiling as his whispered his name to himself.
Kaito was the name on the tongues of the acolytes once his adoption was raised outside your walls domain. Call of festivals was announced to welcome him into the fold, into the public, as the beloved son of Teyvat's dear Creator soon to be celebrated as well.
For if he was worthy in the eyes of the Creator; he should also be worshipped.
He laughed at Beelzebul's frantic correspondence sent to you; of which descended into begging for at least a letter to be sent... You had found yourself simply unable to deal with her after finding out what she'd done to him, decidedly icing her out on his behalf.
It was a wonderful feeling being loved, as sweet as it would be showing her what had become of her puppet.
He allowed an invitation to his coronation be sent to her, despite your worries about his mental health.
"Are you sure you want to see her, dear? it'd be so dreadful if she ruined your special day." You asked him gently, your concern making his cold heart swell.
"I will be fine," he insisted as you settle another crown to test on his head, amused "it will show her what she missed and how much it cost her."
You laughed at the cruelty but don't otherwise protest.
You didn't find a crown suited to him that day, though you thanked the providers. The items were returned and shop-keeps were able to keep them as they were considered beautiful pieces by the creator.
The day came and he still did not have a crown.
But he trusted you to find one, as you insisted it would be only appropriate as he was your son.
The day had come quicker than he would have liked, how he was primped and cleansed - donning the celestial robes of the creator.
Of you, his darling guardian.
They were deep violet, small pearlescent spots likes stars crawling up the gold trimmed edges. His under clothes blacker than the abyss, the servants in awe of his beauty. Leaving him bashfully flushing and modestly brushing off their assorted compliments. He dripped in opulence, gold pieces to accent his looks as the crackle of blessing came from the Gnosis you made personally for him.
As he finally was ready, he wondered if he was worthy.
Your eyes sparkled like gems when you saw him, taking him in your open arms and bursting in joy. Happy to see him looking so handsome and playfully crooning about his future partner in a manner that made him absolutely red in embarrassment.
You only laughed and softly spoke, "Come baby, there is a whole world to show that you are worthy of worship."
His hand was clasped in your's, the walk slow and almost agonizing. The chattering of people growing less distant with the passing moments, his hands shake and he needed a second as you stepped onto the balcony first.
The cheers of Teyvat boomed like a sonic roar, your hymns and prayers called to the wind as the ground and skies bellowed your name. He is terrified....
But he is ready.
You lifted your hands for silence, still smiling as bright and as warm as the sun. The hush that came was nearly instant, eager faces peering up in utter reverence. Archons on high waiting to hear your lovely voice.
"My dear creations, Teyvat.... As you have heard, I have found a son." The cheers from below just made you smile wider "It is much more than just finding someone worthy to hold my place and succeed me, it is because I love this boy... Love him so dearly that I wanted him as my own, he deserves your worship. Deserves to be loved as much as I. He'd gone through much pain and it broke my heart to know that this world that I made treats its kind people with such cruelty."
Your eyes watered when the people join together, holding hands and each other.
"If I could take all the suffering, I would... But feeling and understanding pain is what shows we are alive, that we are stronger for persevering." your voice shook, "And my poor boy had been through so much."
Your hands wipe your eyes and they watch, captivated at your grace and beauty - even in your sorrow. But then you give them a smile again and step aside, calling to the masses in pride that is so reminiscent of a parent.
"I, the All-Creator, Jewel of Celestia, have the greatest pleasure to present to you; your prince and my son..." The curtains pull back and he walked onto the balcony, beams of light shining off his hair and deep eyes. "Young lord Kaito of Teyvat!!!"
The screams would be deafening if you both weren't so high up, the chants of his new name louder than he can even think. The shouts of praise nearly make him shrink, but he stood tall. Especially as your hand touched his back, as your smiling face came into his peripheral. With his head up, he looked at them dead on and waved.
He smiled.
Especially as his sharp eyes caught Beelzebul's pale, shocked face. but the fuzzy warmth in his chest only grew as your fingers touched the top of his head.
From your touch, your grace washed over him. The weight of a diadem formed on his head. The Gnosis on his chest buzzed to life and his body rolled in a brightness rivaled only by the stars, from his skin to his blood - it was if he was charged with energy. A power that was unlike anything else he'd ever had.
"Divinity suits you, Kaito." You hummed, taking his hand.
Kaito smiled shyly and just squeezed your hand and whispered, "Only because I take after you, Oya."
At your side, he finally has a place.
He finally has his rightful godly status.
As he looked to see pride in your glittering tears and smile nearly blinding... A peace like no other settled within him.
He belongs.
He is worthy.
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: now we're getting somewhere.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl
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It was just after one in the morning and after the long night of the show, everyone had crawled into bed as soon as we got back to the house. It's been a few hours since then but I stayed outside in the backyard of the house as long as I could, enjoying the quiet night air. The show went off without a hitch; the energy from the crowd was intoxicating. Since the merch booth was located away from the stage, I only watched a few minutes of the guys set.
They left the venue before I did since I took my time tearing down and to help the rest of the crew tear everything down. I wanted to avoid coming back to the house as long as I could because my mind was clouded with too many thoughts. Between my mom, money, and Noah I couldn't think straight.
I ended up wearing Noah's shirt but haven't seen him since he left me in my room earlier today. There was this nagging voice in my mind that begged me to ask him how he knew I still had the shirt. He obviously remembered giving it to me.
The shirt I was still wearing, not bothering to change when I got back to the house. As soon as my feet crossed the threshold, I grabbed a blanket and a random book from the stocked bookshelf and parked my ass outside on a large chair swing. The time at the venue did nothing to clear my mind, so this was my last option. I desperately needed a shower but knowing that Noah was asleep on the couch right outside my room gave me some reserve. It wasn't like he knew I would shower so why did the thought of having him watch me turn me on so much? The way my core tightened made me close by the book with a sigh.
When I watched their set for a few minutes tonight, I got so turned on by Noah seeing and hearing how beautiful he sounded. And those growls? Fuck, who'd be so turned on by someone growling like that?
I probably would have came by the breeze that's how wound up I was right now.
"I'm so horny like a god damn teenager," I grumbled while standing up from the chair.
I spun on my heels, ready to go inside, but froze when I saw Noah leaning against the sliding door frame, hair tousled from sleep. My breath caught in my throat as I worried if he heard what I said.
"When did you get back?" Noah asked.
Even his sleep riddled voice sounded sexy and he was only wearing a pair of grey sweat shorts that did absolutely nothing to hide the imprint of his cock. The tattoo's that covered every inch of his chest, arms, and neck almost glinted in the moonlight. I forced my gaze to stay locked on his face, not wanting to deter any farther.
I licked my suddenly dry lips and tried to find my own voice. "Not that long ago."
He pushed himself off the doorway so he could stand straight up.
"Why did you stay so late?"
"Some of the other members of the crew needed help tearing down, so I figured I would help," I shrugged.
Noah hummed while taking a small step towards me. "You didn't have to do that."
"I know," I nodded.
Silence fell between us for a few beats, him watching me with such an intense gaze I almost folded right in front of him. His eyes took in every inch of me from my reddened cheeks to the rise and fall of my chest then to the way my thighs clenched together. Noah moved past me to sit on the outdoor couch with his legs spread wide. I bit my lip at the sight, almost forgetting that he was watching me.
"Do you need help with something?" He asked, breaking the silence.
My eyes snapped away from his lap to his eyes. "What?"
Noah reached for my hand and pulled me down to his lap, situating me so my legs were hovering over his thick thigh. The coil in my stomach tightened even tighter while I held my breath at our proximity. We'd been close to each other before but nothing like this; his large hands held tightly on my hips as he leaned his head back against the couch. Brown eyes stared up at me under long lashes and my hands rested on each side of his head to keep myself upright, not wanting to fall into him.
"Relax, angel. I want to help you," he breathed.
I shook my head. "I don't need-."
Noah hushed my words when he forced my hips to move along his thigh, the sensation immediately sending a shock wave throughout my entire existence. My eyes fluttered shut as a soft moan fell from my lips when he shifted his position so his thigh was pressed up against my aching clit. I let my head fall forward onto Noah's bare shoulder, his skin on fire.
"Such a good girl riding my thigh like this," he groaned into my ear.
I should push him away for my own self respect since he's been an asshole to me lately but my body outweighed my morals. It needed this so fucking bad; needed this release.
Just this once.
I couldn't speak, the sensation of how good this felt took away my breath, so I did my best to nod against him. I was so wound up that my orgasm was cresting higher and higher to a crescendo and I rutted harder against Noah.
A noise sounded from inside the house that made my head whirl up and my hips halted. Noah, however, kept his grip on me, not allowing me to stop for more than a few seconds and started moving me against him once more.
"Fuck," I bit out when I saw Folio rummaging around the kitchen for something to drink.
"Who is it?" Noah asked into the crook of my neck.
His grip on me turned bruising, and I seethed in pleasure. I knew Noah was jealous about my friendship with Folio but that's all it was. Folio and I didn't think of each other that way, not when Noah was the only one I thought about.
"Did you want him here instead?" Noah bit down onto the skin between my shoulder and neck.
I cried out in pleasure, quiet enough that only the two of us could hear.
"No," I panted out, my orgasm so fucking close to plowing through me.
The white haze brushed along my vision as I shook in Noah's embrace, his strong arms now wrapping around me to bring himself closer to me. The heat that radiated off of his bare chest was enough to make my breath hitch as the coil snapped deep in my belly, orgasm finally releasing in such a way that I collapsed deeper into him.
I came hard on his thigh, his name falling from my lips in a quiet whine. Noah brushed away the strands of hair from my face as he forced me to look into his eyes; pupils dark with his own desire. I could feel the press of his hard cock against my thigh.
"Is he still there?"
Through fogged vision, I peered past his shoulder to the house and noticed that the kitchen was empty so I shook my head.
Noah didn't say anything as he hand brushed against the skin of my stomach underneath my shirt; his shirt. I shivered under his rough palm, wanting more but knowing I should push him away.
"You should get some sleep, angel."
Before I knew what happened, Noah had lifted me off of him and set me to my feet. When he rose to his, he went to walk past me but I grasped his hand to stop him.
"What just happened," I nodded towards the couch. "Was a onetime thing. Understand?"
Noah let out a low noise from his throat before running a hand through his hair. With a quick cast downward, I noticed how effected he was by what happened. His cock was hard as it pressed against his shorts, almost begging for its own release. But I didn't let the mouthwatering sight change my mind.
"I mean it," I stuttered out.
Noah's fingers brushed over the tattoo that I had on the inside of my arm. It was a simple design of a Cosmo flower; the birth flower for October. I got it earlier this year for my mom, since both of our birthdays were in October.
"Whatever you say, Y/N."
With that, Noah left me standing in a heap of my arousal soaking my panties.
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I didn't expect that to happen. I had no intention of making Y/N ride my thigh when I saw her outside. I only wanted to check in to see why she came back to the house so late. But hearing that she was horny made my dick twitch. It's something that always happened around her, I couldn't stop it.
I didn't want too.
Ever since the first day she came to work for Bad Omens, my cock throbbed with need. She crept her way into my everyday thoughts even though I tried to stop it. I told myself that I would never get involved with someone that worked for us because if it ended sour, it would make things awkward for everyone. But there was something different about Y/N that made me throw that rule right out the window. The way her eyes sparkled as she watched us on stage, or the way her infectious laugh made my heart flutter in my chest. It was that typical romantic bullshit you read about in books but it was true.
Y/N had her claws dug deep into my heart and I wanted her; in so many ways.
But ever since that night in Chicago, I had a thick wall around my heart.
She had gotten drunk, which was fine. That didn't bother me but the reason she did bothered me still to this day. Some asshole was flirting with her all night who ended up being married. When the wife found out, she said some hurtful things to Y/N which dulled the light that I became infatuated with. As I walked out of the venue that night, I saw that asshole trying to get her into his car. I didn't stop to think; I acted instantly and rushed over to them to remove her from his arms. She didn't even protest, only mumbled drunken words under her breath as she snaked herself against me.
He fumed saying that they had plans to hang out after the show. Furry filled me she would stoop so low to hook up with a married guy when there was someone willing to give her everything right in front of her. Not only that, but this piece of shit was going to take advantage of her in her drunk state.
But of course, I was too stubborn to tell her how I felt. I also never told her about me knowing that she had plans with that guy so instead, I became an asshole to her hoping it would stop my feelings for it. Except, it made it worse because when I tried not to want her it made me want her more.
The fire behind her whenever she stood toe to toe with me made something ignite inside of me and I wanted it more and more.
My eyes darted over to her small form as she came upstairs, our gaze locked for a few beats before she slipped inside her room letting the door shut behind her. My cock ached in my short, begging for its own release and I groaned while palming myself hoping it eased the pain. I couldn't take care of myself out here in case someone walked out of their rooms.
At that thought, I remember Folio walking into the kitchen when Y/N was riding my thigh and for a moment, jealousy raged through me. I knew nothing was going on between them, Folio told me they were friends but it did nothing to ease the ache in my chest. It was bad enough her and Davis were close, now her and Folio. I wanted to be that with her, someone she can confide in.
I heard her phone conversation earlier and knew something was going on her with mom but was unsure what. When I brought it up to Folio and Davis, neither of them knew.
"Whatever it is, let her be the one to tell you." Folio had said.
My eyes glanced over to the closed door of her room as I wondered what she was doing right now. Was she sleeping? Browsing on her phone? Laying in bed?
The thought of her laying there naked did nothing to help the deep ache in my balls and I snatched my phone before trekking over to the bathroom downstairs. With the door locked, I pulled up the Only Fans website and browsed through the collections of profiles. I had a fake account, not being stupid enough to use my real name, and my finger hovered over one specific profile. It was a new one, only being created within the last week, and deciding for something new I clicked on it. My dick throbbed at the profile picture of a girl kneeling on a bed, arm covering her bare chest. She was wearing a pair of deep red lace panties and you couldn't see her face. But what I did see on the inside of her left arm gave me pause.
A tattoo of a Cosmo flower; the same design Y/N had in the exact spot.
"No fucking way," I said.
She created an Only Fan's page, just a few days ago. For what?
Obviously, it was none of my business but that still didn't stop me from subscribing to her page. This was wrong, it had to be. I was about to watch her videos and cum to it.
It can't be so bad considering what happened outside.
With that thought, I clicked on the video of Y/N laying spread open, a light blue vibrator pressed to her clit, and let her moans fill the small bathroom as I pulled my dripping cock out from my shorts.
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The laughter carried all the way from outside to up to me as I descended the stairs, donning my bathing suit and towel draped over my shoulder. It was well into the early afternoon and knowing I couldn't sleep anymore cause Matt wanted to do this team bonding bullshit; I forced myself out of bed.
Noah and you did plenty of team bonding last night.
My cheeks reddened at the reminder of what we did as I stepped through the doors, the warm afternoon air sticky with humidity. The guys were either in the pool or at the grill making lunch.
"There she is!" Davis raised a beer at me. "We were taking bets on how long you'd sleep for."
I gave him the finger while tossing my towel on the spot where I came on Noah's thigh last night. Knowing what we did last night while the others didn't made my heart thump loudly in my chest.
"I didn't back till late and since it's my day off, I slept in," I said.
My eyes dared a glance over to the pool where Noah and Jolly were leaning against the wall. Noah wore a pair of black sunglasses as he peered over his shoulder to me. Now in the sunlight, I saw some dark stubble graze his chin and upper lip. As I took him in, Noah did the same; drinking in the sight of me in my black bikini. He gave me a knowing smirk before returning to his conversation with Jolly.
Folio brought me a plate of food and motioned for us to sit at the table. I followed and took the plate from him with gratitude until I remembered he was in the kitchen last night and could have seen what Noah and I were doing. But Folio gave nothing away if he knew so I breathed easier.
"Noah mentioned you hung back late last night," Folio said after taking a sip of his beer.
"Is that all he told you?" I wondered while moving my food around with the fork.
"Just that he saw you get in after one in the morning and go to bed."
I nodded. "Yep, that's it."
He raised a quizzical brow at me. "Did something else happen?"
"Nope," I said popping the 'p' loudly.
Folio hummed then we talked for the next while. The ease and flow of our conversation made me forget all the bad in my life for the moment and for the first time in a long time, I let myself relax. I enjoyed the afternoon, smiling and laughing with everyone.
A large shadow blocked the sun from my vision and when I looked up, I saw Noah towering over me. Water dripped from his hair down to the tattoo's on his chest
"Need something?" I asked.
Without a word, Noah lifted me from the chair and tossed me over his shoulder. I fought against his grasp when he began walking towards teh pool.
"Noah, no! I don't want to get wet," I protested while thrashing against him.
A large hand came down on my ass, the smack echoing outside, and immediately I froze as a moan bit out of my lips.
"We both know you love getting wet, angel."
Those were Noah's parting words before he tossed me off of his shoulder directly into the pool.
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moralesmilesanhour · 6 months
if you believe in me - 04.1
summary: Miles shows you what he's been working on. wc: ~2000 a/n: splitting this chapter up into two parts because it was getting long songs for vibes <3: Sweet - Teezo Touchdown That's What You Get - Paramore Lost My Mind (In Yours) - Senseless Optimism prev next
You yawned as the sky brightened and the sun began to finally peak through the curtains. The digital clock sitting in front of you on the small desk read ‘5:58’ in neon-green letters. 
You'd been sitting there for the past fifteen minutes. Miles hadn't answered any of his texts after you got home last night, leaving you to lie awake in bed worrying about what on earth was in that bag.
Might as well wake him up now, you thought.
You rose from Miles’ swivel chair and stretched before making your way over to his bed. The boy was sprawled out over the mattress with his blanket twisted in every direction, suggesting a fitful night of tossing and turning.
As you stood over him, you noticed a dark purple bruise that had bloomed on his forearm. His elbow on the same side had been patched up with a large square band-aid, the center of it brown with dried blood.
Whatever he had been doing last night, it certainly didn't look related to robotics.
At first, you tried gently shaking him. Miles stirred a bit, but remained asleep. Calling out his name yielded the same result. Finally, you grabbed one end of his blanket with a huff and pulled as hard as you could. Miles–still fully asleep–held onto it with equal force, roping you into a tug-of-war at six in the morning. 
“Miles, let go…!” You grunted, as if he could hear you. 
With one final yank, his grip on the blanket loosened, and you nearly fell backwards into his desk with it in your hands.
He rubbed his arms with the sudden chill, eventually cracking one eye open.
“Five more minutes,” he groaned.
“Not today, Kilo,” you folded the blanket beneath your arm. “I think your mom said breakfast was ready downstairs.”
Both eyes flew open at the sound of your voice. Miles shot up, his head snapping towards you. He blinked rapidly to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. 
You grinned triumphantly. “G’morning, big hea–”
“Yo, did you break into my house?!?”
“No, dummy, I just said your mom spoke to me. She let me in so that I could wake your ass up and she could get to work early.”
“And you said yes?” He narrowed his eyes at you, adjusting the sleeve of his tank top.
You had conveniently left out that you'd called Rio to ask first. That was besides the point. 
“Of course,” you shrugged and sat on the edge of the mattress. “You left me on ‘read’ after last night, so now we can talk!”
“At ass o'clock in the morning?”
“M-hm. And you're gonna tell me the whole truth,” you gently tapped his nose with your index finger. “Right?”
Miles slowly wiped his face with his palm with a deep sigh. “You don't quit, do you?”
“I haven't stopped bothering you since I met you. What do you think?”
He rolled his eyes. Point taken.
“Fine. It ain't no robotics club, but we were building something.”
“Building what?”
You leaned in, face tense with concern. His expression softened.
“Relax, it's not a weapon, or nothing,” Miles reassured.
Well, not yet.
He kicked his long legs over the side of the bed and rose to his feet. He opened the drawer beneath his desk, removing what looked like a comic book and showing it to you.
A large robot stood in the middle of the cover. Its design resembled a ‘Transformers’ action figure, but all of the text was in Japanese.
“It's something kinda like this. Cool, right?”
You examined the comic book closely and hummed in consideration. The robot had sharp eyes like what you'd seen in Miles’ sketchbook. Was that what it was for? But then, why would they be so adamant on hiding it?
You looked up at Miles. A bashful smile graced his features, like it was embarrassing for him to even be showing you his comic book collection right now. But a piece of the puzzle was missing, and he wasn't giving it to you.
“Hm,” you got up and began to put your sneakers back on, “Alright. If that's what you say it is.”
His smile faded. 
“What, you don't believe me?” He asked, setting the comic book back onto his desk.
You picked up your book bag and slung it over your shoulder without sparing him a glance. Just as you were about to leave, you felt him grab your wrist.
“What?” you sighed.
“Turn around.”
“You're awake already, I don't need to–ack!”
Suddenly, Miles wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“I promise I'm not lying to you. I'll show it to you after school, even.”
After a beat of silence, you gave in.
“I'll hold you to it,” you said, gently pushing him off of you. “Now go brush your teeth, that morning breath is deadly.”
Miles stuck his tongue out at you as he strolled past, and made his way downstairs. 
Miles ran a finger over his bandaged knuckles. Despite his mood being brighter than usual, no one in Ms. Jones’ class dared to speak to him. The band-aid on his elbow and across the bridge of his nose gave the impression that the other day was simply a fluke, and that he’d gotten into a fight. 
Miles would’ve enjoyed being avoided, if it meant some peace and quiet. But he heard whispers coming from every direction.
“Who’d he get into it with?”
“I heard he got jumped.”
“Looks like it.”
“Didn’t think he fought like that.”
“Are you kidding? Look at him!”
He rolled his shoulders, muscles still aching from having to leap off of a balcony to escape an explosion he caused. Several balconies.
“Aye, Y/N! That’s your man, what happened?”
He perked up at the mention of your name, listening for your response.
You tapped your pencil to your chin, wondering the exact same thing. But that was your business.
“Somebody said sumn about his uncle,” you shrugged. “He don’t play about that shit.”
You didn’t see Miles shrug as well in the back of the classroom. Sounds like something he’d sock a nigga in the jaw for. 
This seemed to satisfy the boy sitting in the next row from you, so you went back to working through the worksheet in front of you. The steps Miles had run through last night evaded you, drowned out by music blasting from an old car radio and the clanging of metal. 
The sounds followed you even after the final bell rang to your room, where you were currently re-braiding a section of Tianna’s hair.
“Ouch!” she complained when you accidentally yanked her hair with your comb. “You’re mad heavy-handed, can you relax?”
You snapped back to reality. “My bad, got distracted.”
“You finna give a damn bald spot. What’s distracting you?”
She groaned audibly when you didn’t answer.
“That boy stressin’ you again? I heard he got into a fight.”
“Ti, it’s fine,” you reassured, scooping a bit of gel with the end of the comb and smoothing it over the back of your hand. “He’s not going around beating people up, if that’s what you’re thinking. And anyways, he’s picking me up soon to hang out.”
Tianna raised an amused eyebrow. “You better braid faster, then.”
Miles cracked his neck as he stood on the roof. Your house was technically only a couple blocks away, but he needed the wind rushing through his ears again. He’d spent hours sitting down, leg bouncing beneath his desk with no music to distract him (Professor Callahan had confiscated his airpods, and Miles didn’t know how to explain that they kept him from getting jittery).
Pulling his hood down, he stepped toward the ledge of the building and activated a small device on his belt before letting himself fall.
The grappling hook shot out, catching on the next ledge and allowing Miles to swing before landing on it with a flourish. He did the same with the next building, his sneakers suctioning themselves to one of its walls. He rotated in a full three-sixty tic tac to get to another.
Shink! Swing. Shink! Swing.
Miles was grinning to himself and hopping from one foot to the other by the time he reached your window. The door would’ve been much easier, but he figured that you’d like an unconventional entrance. Points for showmanship, right?
You sat on your bed unsuspectingly, staring at your phone. Miles was five minutes late. Should I text him first?
Tianna words echoed in your head, and you decided against it.
Tap tap tap!
Your head snapped up towards the window, the sight before you making your eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
A figure in a dark hoodie waved excitedly at you. When you started to back away towards your bedroom door, however, the figure held out a hand in frantic surrender. They pulled back the hoodie, revealing those familiar mismatched eyes and hesitant smile.
A sigh of relief escaped you as you padded over to the window to unlock it.
“You scared me, fuck is wrong with you?” You said through clenched teeth as Miles lifted it open the rest of the way.
He took one look at your pouty attempt to look angry and laughed, pecking you on the cheek.
“Ain’t nothing wrong with me.”
“The window, though? You coulda rang the doorbell, I thought you was about to rob me!”
Miles looked around your bedroom, overwhelmingly pink and covered with soft fairy lights. Bright yellow ‘Nancy Drew’ books sat stacked on your nightstand, collecting dust.
He snorted,“What would I steal? Your Monster High Diary?”
You gave him a good shove. “You’re an asshole. And it’s Ever After High, show some respect.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Well, Monster High is about–”
Miles held a hand up. “Tell me later. You ready to see my ‘robotics project’?”
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “I still can’t believe you thought I would believe that.”
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry,” he said, removing his outer jacket and draping it over your shoulders.
“Put your shoes on, and I’ll make it up to you.”
The cool darkness of Miles’ room welcomed you as you stepped inside.
“I been working on somethin’,” he whispered, as if telling a secret at a sleepover. “There.”
He pointed towards his desk, which had been cleared of his laptop and books and now resembled an operation table more than a workspace. The desk lamp illuminated an array of tiny metal pieces–arranged in size order–next to what looked like a small helmet. Right next to it was a blueprint that had been rolled up halfway and set to the side. 
You stood there in awe. Awe, and something else brewing beneath the surface, making your chest tighten. 
You knew Miles to be neat, but not like this. To have arranged every single piece in perfect little rows, for pencil lines to be that precise - it required more than just book smarts and a little organization. It required obsession. But with what?
“It’s…cool,” you nodded. “How long did it take you to build?”
Miles hummed thoughtfully before answering, “About a year, give or take.” Then his eyes lit up like you’d never seen them, like a child in the toy section of a Target.
“Do you wanna see the gloves–”
“No!” you interrupted a bit too loudly. 
You winced internally at the way Miles’ face fell. Some of the light left his eyes before he schooled his expression into neutrality.
“I mean…not right now,” you amended, taking his hand. “You said we were gonna hang out, right?”
He nodded. “Right, right. That’s fine. Where you wanna go?”
Miles’ voice returned to its muted quality, and you felt a wave of guilt. What if he was just really into robots? 
An idea popped into your head. “Can I see those comics again?”
A grin slowly snuck its way back onto his face.
“Which volume?”
Thanks for reading! :) Taglist (comment 2 be added!): @shuna-boin @aloraangelix @vhstown
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
Fuji stood in silence, the two Mews and the little Mewtwo floating in front of him. Randy's widened, horrified eyes locked onto Fuji's, neither seeming sure how to go on.
Finally, Fuji shook his head lightly and turned away. No... It... I-It has to be a dream... It's too... too surreal... Another Mewtwo, with Mo of all Mews... It has to be a dream...
Lavender floated toward him, casting a nervous look at her parents. I-It's not... I'm sorry... She gently reached out and touched his arm. We're real, and we're here...
Fuji steadily met her gaze. Then the gentle man turned from her to Randy. He looked long and hard at the pink Mew, and in the little bit of his consciousness that wasn't panicking or wishing to wake from this sudden nightmare, Randy thought he saw a lifetime flash in the man's eyes.
Finally, Fuji spoke. You aren't Mo, are you...
Randy felt as if his heart had been stabbed, and his blood went cold. Thoughts flooded uninvited into his mind.
How many times had he tried to convince himself that over the last five years?
How many times had he looked at himself in the mirror, wishing he would one day wake up with his old brown eyes, to find it had all been a cruel dream?
How many times had he been fine, only to be slammed with the fact that he was Mo...?
In his hesitation, Akoya answered for him. He's not... But we knew him...
Fuji's gaze darkened. Suddenly it makes sense why you'd know about Nico...
Randy, who could feel his attention being washed away by his anxiety, snapped back at those words. He vaguely noticed his wife's pelt puff up again.
His voice shook. ...What do you mean...?
Fuji looked at him questioningly. ...Wait, you didn't learn about him from Mo?
Randy felt a twinge in his mind. Mo... hadn't told him... right?
Surly he would remember that...
He... never mentioned him, no....
Fuji's eyes grew sad. I guess that makes sense too... He wasn't exactly happy about Nico...
So Mo knew him? How?
Fuji's gaze drifted into a time long passed. He took a breath and closed his eyes. Mo's DNA was used to create Nico... As an attempt to find a way to bring Mews back from extinction...
But... when he saw what was coming from it... He left...
And... I don't blame him...
His eyes bore into Randy. Are you related to him, at least? You look so much like him...
Randy's ears fell back, and his brows creased together. His voice was shaky and hoarse. ...I.... ah....
Akoya floated close to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned to her, fighting his daze of rising anguish, and anchored himself in her rich, sapphire eyes.
As he took a reassuring breath, Akoya turned back to Fuji. Are we still welcome to stay in your guest room? Or has that offer changed, now that you've seen what we are?
Fuji gave her a warm smile, though his eyes were still clouded with questions and his old memories. My arms and house are open to those in need. People and Pokemon alike. An eyebrow raised questioningly. Or... In between...? He shook off that train of thought. And I'd say you guys are in need of at least a place to rest.
Here you are.
The room was pleasant. A good sized bed loomed in the center, painfully inviting, with a short dresser at the foot of it. Two side tables flanked the head.
There are extra blankets and pillows in the dresser there. Make yourselves comfortable.
He gave them a deep, finalizing nod.
Have a good rest.
Akoya smiled at him. Thank you so much, Mr. Fuji. We really do appreciate it. It's just a... Well, it's been a weird day for us, too.
Fuji smiled back at her. He waved farewell, and they close the door.
Randy, now in human form, trudged over to the bed, leaning heavily on his cane. He fell onto it without a word and lay still.
Akoya, still in Mew form, hovered over and psychically repositioned him to be more comfortable. By the time she covered him with the blanket, he was fast asleep.
Lav, also still in her Mewtwo form, asked her mom quietly, Where are the twins?
Akoya looked at her, filled with a warm love and encouragement that Lav hadn't felt in quite awhile. They're with Persim, outside of Lavender. She thought for a moment and giggled. ...I'm not used to saying that word and not having it be about you.
Lav gave a light chuckle, but her mood wasn't lifted. She hugged herself, her tail resting on the floor around her feet. Her expression dropping, Akoya floated over to her.
I messed up, Mom... I didn't want you and Dad to get hurt... She looked at Randy, sleeping soundly on the bed. But he's still the one paying for it.
Akoya wrapped her tail around her daughter's two necks and gave her a hug on the head. She sighed. We all make mistakes, Lav. Some bring more weight than others. But we'll bare it together, okay? We'll work through this. Just remember, we've got your back. She glanced at her mate. And we've got his back.
Lavender gave a small scared smile and nodded.
Akoya pecked her on the cheek and floated away from Lav, toward where her best friend lay sleeping. She stopped and turned to Lav. You're welcome to join us on the bed, if you want.
Lav's tail flicked, and her ears went back. Thanks, Mom, but I think I'll pass...
Akoya gave her a sad but understanding look. Okay. Hey... We love you. Both of us. Very much.
Lav smiled, half-forced. I love you too, Mom.
She watched her mom fly over and disappear behind her dad. She hesitated, then floated over to him herself. She gave him a small kiss on his head, though she wasn't sure he would be aware of it.
Then she gathered some extra blankets and pillows, and floated over to the corner of the room, where she curled up in a makeshift fort and drifted off to sleep.
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your-nanas-house · 6 months
Broken stove
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◇ Pairing: Step brother!Neil Lewis X Step sister!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, dub-con, shared bed, pervy Neil, (different parents), shitty writing ('m sorry)
◇ Summary: The stove is broken and Y/n finds herself in her bed with Neil.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. I honestly didn't like it at all...I could have wrote it better so I apologies, babies.
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The room was cold, Y/n could almost see her warm breath just like in the living room but luckily for her, she was located in the room that held the heat the most in the house.
She had been under the covers for several hours now, she had distracted herself by watching movies on her laptop as she was still not sleepy and then ended up still awake after midnight.
It was time for her to try and rest a bit though, so she moved out of the covers, shivering to put the pink laptop on her nightstand. Exactly as she went back under her several blankets a soft knock at her wooden door caught her attention— her mother and stepfather were out of town so the only one in the room were her and her new stepbrother Neil.
He actually was the reason because they were in that situation, in the cold, freezing alone— Y/n knew she shouldn't have let Neil try to fix the stove and boiler, she would have called someone else.
The knocking came again, bringing Y/n out of her thoughts and peace of mind for the second time; the door opened slowly and her stepbrother's face appeared as he looked inside to see if she was awake
"What do you want, Neil?" She murmured still pissed at him and in a bit of annoyed tone since she didn't liked to have people in her room
"I'm freezing in my room" he replied quickly as he entered the bedroom and closed carefully the door as he approached her bed, earning a loud scoff from her
"And? Not my problem— you are the one that caused this mess." Y/n replied, frowing more when she saw him climb on the bed with her.
It wasn't a very large bed, she'd had one since she was a child and hadn't wanted to change it yet now that she was a young adult. The fact is that it wasn't a bed where two grown people could be comfortable in— thing that Y/n noticed immediately as Neil snuck under the covers with her, pushing her as he settled himself.
Her attempts to throw him out of her room or just kick him off the bed were not successful at all, so she just huffed making him some space as she complained
"That's all your fault, I swear if you snore I will kick you off the bed for real".
Neil just snuggled slightly, spooning her body in an attempt to warm himself
'Oh shut up, if you didn't wanted it you wouldn't have asked me to "repare" that thing for you' he though as he moved slightly closer, his arm resting on her hip.
Silence fell on the room, only a sliver of light coming through the window as Y/n had given up on arguing with Neil and was trying to sleep, eyes closed and regular breath— she was falling asleep.
"Are you already asleep?" Neil's voice interrupted her, making her open her eyes again.
Y/n didn't replied, listening to his rambling about some movies they could watch since he couldn't sleep, in an attempt to go back to sleep.
There was just something that kept pocking her from behind, that became more noticeable as soon as Neil stopped talking and the silent appeared again. Y/n was frozen in the little spoon position, fully concentrated to what she was feeling— that's when she noticed the light movement of Neil's hips and his increasing of breath.
She glanced slowly at him over her shoulder, trying to see through the dark— Neil's face was blushed, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open as he kept his movements of his hips. That's when Y/n realised that he was grinding against her ass, in a search of a release like a perv.
Her body jerked quickly in an attempt to get away from him "What are you doing, perv!" squeals worried as his hands grabbed her hips to press her back in place, his hips pressed flat against her back as his boner kept rubbing between her asscheeks "God, Y/n—" Neil moaned.
Y/n's eyes were wide not, she kept breathing quickly as she tried to not let the coming arousal get her but with Neil's hard cock against her and his big hand on her tits— well, it was quite difficult.
After all they weren't related by blood, her mom met his dad just a couple of months ago.
Neil started to nibble at her neck, grinding faster before moving her panties to the side, checking how wet she was and nearly cumming in his own pants— Y/n was wet, so wet, and almost ready to take anything her stepbrother would give to her, while her fingers kept massaging quickly her clit.
Neil's cock's tip pressed against her entrance and with a smooth but quick motion he thrusted inside of her
"Neil, you can't—" Y/n tried to say, interrupting her sentence with a pinched squeal caused by her stepbrother actions— which made him release immediately inside of her when she came and clenched around him for dear life.
They both breathed heavily, Neil's soft cock stayed inside of her as he moved closer, snuggling in her in search of affection and care "oh Y/n—" he murmured as she stared at the dark wall, letting him sleep there.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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causenessus · 28 days
new grounds
part 0.7. OFF TO WAR . . . 1.7.2024
PLAYING IN THE CAFE . . . how was your day? by mellow fellow & clairo
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she slings off her bag, hanging it on a wall hook before she goes out to wash her hands. she’s tempted to splash her face with cold water too but then she’d just look like more of a mess. it was a struggle to even walk here, and it did nothing to wake her up.
she wishes she could be laying in her bed, or wrapped in a blanket on the couch next to keiji like they had originally planned for today, but this is for yachi, she reminds herself. at least one of them will be enjoying themselves today. 
kageyama arrived a little earlier than her and is currently taking an order from a customer. she overhears something about a matcha latte and starts on it ahead of time. a warm drink sounds nice right now, she’ll make one for herself afterwards.
once the customer is done paying, kageyama turns around and looks startled to see her already making the order, or perhaps it’s because she’s currently zoning out as she slowly whisks the powder.
he takes the milk she steamed in a pitcher out of the steam wand, mumbling a thank you as he works next to her.
that’s new. but she’s not complaining, it brings her back to reality and she hums in response, pouring the matcha into a mug he placed on the counter before he pours in the milk. he steps away to place the drink on the counter and call it out while she gets started on a chai for herself.
by the time he returns, she's standing with her back against the counter, sipping on her own drink and staring off again.
he stops, unsure what to do with himself. the place is almost empty, and there’s nothing for them to do. this is the time to talk to her, and he knows what his friends would say in this moment.
he opts for leaning against the counter like her, leaving space between them. “how come you picked up today? you sound like you’ve been absolutely exhausted lately,” he asks. he knows a little bit about why, but he wants to hear it from her.
she takes a moment to respond and he almost thinks she’s not going to. he can feel his neck start to warm as he waits patiently, “i am exhausted, god…and it’s not even over. i’m in the middle of rehearsals everyday monday through saturday, but yachi needed someone to cover her today so she could go to some art thing and i wanted her to go. she’s been wanting this forever.” she doesn't speak with the nicest tone, but it's the one her mind defaulted to, unsure if it should be on the defense or not.
he doesn't know what to say next. he didn't think that far. he was so focused on just starting to talk to her. he tries to let the words come naturally, “she should have just called off then. i could have handled today by myself.” it comes off a little bit more egoistic than he meant and he kicks himself. “just so that you could have taken off today, too.”
she blinks, looking a little surprised but a small smile makes it way onto her face, “that's sweet. i did actually think of doing that, you know, but i didn't want to leave you alone.”
he wants her to elaborate. it feels like there’s an underlying meaning to her words. but she says nothing else yet it still makes his face warm a little more. he's saved by the bell chime of the door and returns back to the register.
it's slow inside the cafe, but she spends her time wiping down counters and cleaning equipment and miraculously the night goes by quicker than she expected. it's time for them to close before she knows it, but she's more than happy to lock the door.
as she clocks out, kageyama comes out of the staff room with his bag. she makes a comment while he waits, “that night went by fast, didn't it?”
she sees his head slightly tilt out of the corner of her eye, “maybe for you, you fell asleep.”
her heart almost drops into her stomach and she turns towards him in shock, “what? when? did you wake me up?” her face is red in embarrassment.
“you went back to grab something from the back and i came back there and you had fallen asleep on the ladder,” he answers, as calm as ever.
she covers her face with both of her hands, “oh my god i don't even remember that at all.”
he smiles instinctually when she covers her face. maybe he's on the verge of laughing or maybe she looks cute. 
the thought reverberates through his head but he tries to brush off how shocked he is at himself, “it's fine. like i said, i can handle today. you're tired anyway.”
“i still can't help but feel bad, though,” she mumbles, turning back to the tablet she's at to finish clocking out.
“it's okay, will you get home alright though?” he asks, absent-mindedly watching the screen she's using.
she doesn't respond and he looks at her. her eyes are closed again before a second later they open and she rubs a hand across her face. she finishes clocking out before she looks at him and steps to the side, seeming to remember where she is.
“sorry, did you say something?” she responds and that settles it.
“i'm walking you home,” he says, using the screen to clock himself out. he has no idea where this confidence is coming from. on the inside he feels more nervous than he ever has before. his hands are shaking and he can feel his heart beating rapidly. it takes everything in him not to look at her for a reaction.
“what? you don't have to do that. i'm fine,” her gaze is locked on him, staring at the side of his face while he concentrates on what’s in front of him.
“you just fell asleep again,” he says, talking as if the matter has already been decided.
she feels so out of it, maybe it has been settled for her already and maybe that's best for her. “i…”
“i know you're capable of taking care of yourself but it's because you're so unaware of everything around you right now,” he turns off the tablet, walking towards her and stopping in front of her.
she looks up at him and her head is spinning. her legs feel like they want to give out and she has no idea what's overcome her, “okay.”
they leave in silence, making sure the door of the cafe is locked behind them, but it's better that way.
both of them are swimming in their thoughts, though it feels better being with each other. she's glad he's there because he's right, she doesn't even notice a person behind them trying to get by. he has to tug her in front of him so that they can pass by.
her dorm is a short distance away from the cafe and they reach it soon enough. he walks her inside, making sure she gets to her actual room before he stops.
“thank you for walking me back,” she mumbles, eyes averted towards the floor.
“yeah.” his hands are stuffed in his pocket and he's looking at the beige wall next to him. he's stiff, all of his confidence left behind on the walk here. 
then before he knows it her door is creaking open and she's waving at him before she closes the door.
he stays there for a second longer, the only sound being the faint buzzing from a fluorescent light above. he doesn't know why he's still standing here. did he expect anything else to happen?
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extras <3
y/n also stayed on her side of the door, just standing there and thinking until hearing kageyama walk away shook her out of it
y/n and keiji's movie night got cancelled so instead bo and keiji had one
it was mainly a disney movie marathon and they didn't even finish coco. bo started crying like halfway through and it was already late by that time
tangled is their favorite movie
bo wanted to make an aesthetic tweet so they stole candles from yn and yachi's dorm and then he waited for the lantern scene to take a picture <3
y/n needed more napkins and almost fell asleep in the cooler too until she realized she was in the wrong place
kageyama wanted to wake her up but at the same time if she just fell asleep on a ladder he thought she must have been really tired
y/n started vague tweeting on her main because she needed to get her feelings out to more than three people and told herself "i'll just delete them in the morning" not thinking about what she was tweeting or who would really see it
kageyama did not even realize yachi passed him in the hallway
again, the freeloaders take their bets very seriously and hinata had so much hope in kageyama he also decided he was going to drop out of anatomy and phys. if things went well for kags
taglist: @ncitygreen @lvrlamp @cherrypieyourface @mimi3lover @lees-chaotic-brain @frootloopscos @0moonii @cr4yolaas @eggyrocks @pinkiscool @httpakkeiji @localgaytrainwreck @lunaviee @kitty-m30w @lixie-phoria @aliruuiz @tartfrappe @corvid007 @iluv-ace @yvjitadori @k8nicole @ryeyeyer (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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lancermylove · 2 months
Nightmare (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon brothers with sister!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: First I'm going to put you in context: let's imagine that the brothers' sister during the Great Celestial War was trapped and locked in God's castle by order of God. She spent weeks there, separated from her brothers and sister, until the day they all saw each other in Devildom (except Lilith, of course). The headcanon would be platonic and would be about what the reaction of the demon brothers would be when their sister appears in their room in the middle of the night due to a nightmare in which someone separates her from them again and she wants to sleep with him to calm down. I'm sorry if it's too confusing, I'm not good at explaining myself, especially in English😅.
A/N: Hi! You explained it just fine. 😊
Lucifer was surprised when you showed up suddenly at such a late hour. Setting aside the reports he was reading, he stood up from the sofa and approached you.
As you explained your nightmare, his initially stern expression softened. Though he didn't tell you, Lucifer often had nightmares related to the Celestial Realm and knew they left a bitter aftertaste.
He offered you a rare, comforting smile and rested his hand on your head. "No one shall separate you from us. I assure you."
With those words, he led you to his bed and tucked you in. For a while, he sat on the edge of the mattress, caressing your hair until you fell asleep.
After that, he returned to reading his report, but his mind ventured to the events of the past. It made him wonder if his younger brothers had nightmares related to Lilith and the war as well.
When he opened his eyes and saw you standing at the foot of his bed, Mammon jumped out of his bed. It was unusual for you to come to his room this late at night, so he knew something had happened.
Once you told him about your nightmare, Mammon immediately shifted to protective mode and promised that nothing like that would ever happen again.
He tucked you in and sat down on a chair beside the bed, holding your hand to make sure you knew he was there for you once you ventured off into dreamland.
Eventually, Mammon fell asleep with his head resting on the mattress. In his slumber, he mumbles about not letting anyone hurt you or his brothers ever again.
The Avatar of Envy was busy gaming and didn't hear you enter his room. But when he saw something moving out of the corner of his eyes, Levi threw off his headphones and nearly chucked the controller at you. However, when he saw you, he sighed heavily and asked you not to scare him like that.
After hearing your recount of the nightmare, Levi empathized with you, relating to your fear of separation due to his own fears of abandonment.
He pulled an extra chair next to his gaming chair and asked you to join him. Playing games helped him, so it was bound to help you, too.
When you eventually fell asleep on the chair, Levi covered you with a blanket and quietly kept his chair close to yours as he continued to game. His memories of the war began to resurface, so he did his best to focus on the game. He would not get any sleep as Levi feared that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would also have nightmares.
Satan had found an interesting book to read, so he had no plans to sleep. As soon as you entered his room, he noticed your expression and knew something was wrong. Bookmarking the page he was on, the Avatar of Wrath gave you his undivided attention.
Once you told him about your nightmare, Satan thought for a bit. He couldn't relate to you fully, as he only saw what happened in the Celestial Realm through Lucifer's shared memories.
However, Satan offered you a more logical perspective, ensuring you that the past couldn't hurt you. They were all safe in Devildom, and none would separate them.
Patting his bed, he invited you to join him. Once you sat down next to him, Satan opened his book and read the words out loud. You eventually fell asleep with your head resting against his upper arm.
He didn't move an inch and allowed you to sleep in peace, and Satan didn't have plans to move until you woke up.
Asmo was getting ready to go to bed, but when you entered his room in tears, he immediately hugged you and asked what happened.
Hearing about your nightmares made him slightly uncomfortable as those were memories he didn't want to recall. But Asmo knew he had to do something to help you. The only idea that crossed his mind was a sleepover.
He set up his 'cozy' night out setup with countless plush pillows in one area of his room with fuzzy blankets. Asmo lit your favorite candles and started to talk to you about pleasant memories and upcoming events to distract you from your nightmare.
When you drifted to sleep, Asmo watched over you but couldn't stop his mind from drifting to the dark past. He sometimes missed being the Jewel of the Celestial Realm.
The twins were confused when you walked into their room as late as they thought you were already asleep. But when they saw remnants of dried tears on your cheeks, Beel immediately handed you a bag of snacks, and Belphie patted the empty spot beside him on his bed.
Though you told them about your nightmare, you made sure to keep any mentions of Lilith out. The last thing you wanted was for Beel to blame himself again for not being able to save Lilith and for Belphie to feel survivor's guilt.
Both of them listened to you in silence as they, too, had nightmares of the past often.
Beel joined you and Belphie on the younger twin's mattress. They promised you that they will always be there for you and won't let anyone separate you from them.
You were the first to fall asleep, content in their presence. Belphie eventually drifted to sleep beside you, holding your hand. Beel, however, stayed awake the entire night and watched over the two of you. He wanted to make sure that neither of you had any nightmares, and if you did, Beel wanted to be awake to comfort you.
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➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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delilahcalicocat · 1 month
Are you taking requests still?, can i request a Cody Rhodes x wife reader fic where reader brings their daughter to a live show and their daughter gets jealous when her daddy takes another kid with him to the ring and she's like daddy doesn't love me. So reader comforts her baby and reassures her. Cue cuddles and kisses with daddy afterwards.
A/N: Yes! I'm still taking requests, and I love this story, so I'm gonna use the name Megan for the Child, Since Emma is Cody's adopted daughter
{Rating: Fluff! <3}
{Warnings: Crying, Y/N being an amazing mother}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Wife!Fem!Reader}
Cody bringing a child into the ring wasn't unusual. He'd usually do it to fulfill a child's dream.
But this time, it was different. As you had you and Cody's daughter 5-year old Megan, it was her first WWE show. You were excited for it too since you were front row.
But your heart sank when you saw the child be picked up by Cody.
Your thoughts were racing.. you didn't want Megan to cry because her daddy picked up another kid..
But she saw everything, And became a sobby little pile of sadness in your lap
You kept reassuring her, that Daddy was just doing this as a part of the show..
"Daddy doesn't love me.." Megan sobbed
"He does Darling, it's just apart of the Entrance.." You said
"Mommy are you sure?" The child asked you
"Yes Darling, Daddy does this at every show its all apart the show script.." You spoke
The child took your words and hoped they were true, her water works stopped and she ended up falling asleep while you were walking with her backstage looking for Cody.
"Hey Y/N!" Jey Greeted you
"Hi... Jey.." You said
"So what happened with Megan there?" Jey asked
"Oh.. She got upset after her daddy held up another kid, so she cried for a bit and then fell asleep" You sighed
"Here, I'll take her to Cody's Bus so you can go tell Cody what to do." Jey Said.
You handed Megan over to Jey and headed off to find Cody's Locker Room
"Cody..." You said standing in the Doorway
"Hi Honey" Cody smiled
"Listen.. Codes, you picking up that kid tonight, made Megan upset.. I promised her you'd cuddle her once we get back to the bus.." You spoke
"I see.. come on then.." Cody said
You both walked out of the arena and went to the tour bus..
Cody and Megan took up residency on the couch, and Megan was happy her dad was cuddling her.
You on the other hand, you were overjoyed seeing that. It's a memory of a lifetime, Seeing Megan and Cody snuggling was making your heart hurt.. you loved them both but this was too cute..
"See Megan, Daddy does love you" You said
All you got back was a smile.
"I think she's too overjoyed to speak-" Cody said
"I don't mind, as long as she's happy" you smiled
You were also sure there'd be a line of kiss marks on Megan's head tomorrow aswell.
"It's time for bed-" You stopped yourself seeing Megan and Cody asleep on the couch
You simply covered them with a blanket and gave Megan her usual kiss on the forehead
"Good night you two" you said softly, headed towards the bed so you could sleep
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Morning Workout
Kim Sohee X Male Reader
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Waking up after a night with Miyeon and Soyeon sounds better than it actually is. You don't know when or how you fell asleep. But you did. And unfortunately, Miyeon fell asleep on top of you. Her brunette hair covering your face, making her scent the first thing you smell, once you open your eyes. You don't see her, but you can feel Soyeon lying on your left arm. Your arm is pretty much useless at this point. You couldn't move it, even if you wanted to. Soyeon slept for several hours on it.
Moving a little, you realize that you and Miyeon are covered by the blanket. Her warm body reminds you that she is indeed still nude. You are too. One of her hands is tangled in your hair, while the other is resting on your chest, together with her head.
Usually, you don't mind getting used as pillow (Ahin did it before), but you have to get up soon. You try your best not to wake the two of them up as you slowly slide Miyeon to your right. Once she lies next to you, you have to get her hand out of your hair carefully. Once that's done, you try to move your left arm. Nothing. Soyeon looks like she is in a coma. She is not gonna move anytime soon.
You massage your arm as you wait for the elevator. 10 minutes. It took you 10 minutes to free your arm and to get dressed. You decided on a short and comfortable pair of pants and a plain black shirt, since you are going to hit the gym of the hotel. It is still six in the morning and you hope there aren't too many people in there.
While checking your emails on your phone, you almost bump into the person coming out of the elevator.
"I'm sorry."
You look up to be surprised.
The woman in front of you looks at you in surprise as well. You know her. Or at least you met once.
"Hello there."
Her cute smile makes you smile back at her.
"How long has it been?"
She leans in for a hug and you hug her back. She has always been bubbly. You liked it about her, when the two of you had a photo shoot. You don't have a lot of them, but once in a while you have to get your photo taken. Either for a magazine or a newspaper or, in case of the young woman in front of you, in an advertisement. You are usually pretty careful about your appearance. Definitely not the most handsome guy, but a fit and healthy body. Which is already saying something by today's standards.
"Are you going to keep on staring? Or do you want to see more of me?"
You mumble as you take a step back. She always talked like that during the photo shoot. Mocking and teasing at the same time.
"I didn't expect to meet you here."
She steps out of the elevator and the doors close behind her.
"Me neither. You look great by the way."
She winks at you. And immediately you know you said something wrong.
"Nice try, sweetie. But you know I have a boyfriend."
"Well, tell him I would like to meet him some day. He sure seems lucky."
"Thank you."
She smiles as she steps out of your way. Unfortunately the elevator is already gone though.
"Oh I'm sorry. Now you have to wait again."
"No problem. It was nice seeing you."
"Me too. Are you headed to the gym?"
Her voice sounds a little different now. More excited.
"I am."
"You know what? I planned on working out today as well. You go down and start and I will join you in a couple of minutes."
"Sounds great."
You press the button.
"Is your boyfriend gonna come as well?"
She shakes her head.
"He is such a sleepyhead. He is not going to be up for at least an hour."
"More time for us."
You joke, but the Korean girl's eyes seem to get darker for a moment. Did you say something wrong?
Her smile seems genuine though.
"Cool. See you in a bit then."
She starts to walk of. And you can't stop staring. You checked her out a lot during the photo shoot already. But that was a long time ago. Sohee looks even better now. And you can't deny that she has a great figure.
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Her red pants highlight her butt as her hips swing slightly from left to right while she walks down the hallway. To your disappointment, she catches you staring as she turns around after a couple of meters.
"No photos please."
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She poses for you in the middle of the hallway. You can't tell if she is highlighting her ass on purpose or not, but it does look good.
She laughs at you teasingly, before she finally leaves for her room. You have to shake your head, stepping into the elevator. Sohee sure is something.
Finally arriving at the gym, you are glad that not many people are here. Although you like the idea of you and Sohee alone, you would never try to seduce her. You always think that it is disgusting to try to sleep with someone else's girlfriend. But in Joy's case for example, it is different. If the woman comes onto you, you are open to it. Because then, either the man is bad, or the woman is. Either way you won't make their relationship bad.
You walk over towards the back of the gym, ready to warm up, when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Taking it out, you see that Ahin has texted you. Since you stayed in Chengdu, you never got another message for her. You thought she moved on, but it doesn't seem like it now.
"You said we will talk once you are back. When is that?"
You sigh at her words. She sounds serious. You know how to deal with flirty Ahin, sexy Ahin, pouty Ahin and sad Ahin. But not with serious Ahin. You wonder what she has in store for you, once you are back. Even you figured out by now, that she seems to be interested in more than just sex. But up until now, you aren't sure if you feel the same. And you usually don't think that a woman who sleeps with you after a nice dinner, is good girlfriend material. And yet, you remember the times during the last week. Times where you were sitting in your chair at the office, staring at your phone. Either waiting for Ahin to text you again, or just to look at her picture again. Maybe you are more interested than you would like to admit.
With the email you read earlier in mind, you text Ahin back. Telling her that you would be home in about four days. Once it shows that she read it, you wait for a response. Nothing. You wonder if she is playing some sort of game.
Unable to focus so early in the morning on women, you begin to warm up. Once you are done, you start to do pull ups on the bar in front of you. Twenty in a row. Then another twenty. You hear the door of the gym open behind you, but you pay no attention to it. The third rep is the hardest. You are forcing yourself to do the last five a little faster, trying to hold on before you slip. Glancing at the mirror as you do so, almost makes you fall. You freeze for a moment, before you do the last three pull ups.
Sohee is standing in the doorway. But that's not why you are surprised. It's the way she looks. You don't know exactly what you expected as a workout outfit for her, but that was definitely not it. She is wearing very short blue pants, which are barely even reaching her thighs. You wish she would turn around. Her ass must look even better in those shorts. Her white top is almost just as tight as her lower clothing. The white fabric stretching over her tits. It makes the shirt too short for her. You see Sohee's midriff clearly. Her face is still somewhat cute, but she has an alluring look on her face. As if she picked this outfit especially for you.
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You watch her walk into the room, while looking around. Her hands behind her back, her lips pouty.
She finally looks at you again.
"What position do you like?"
"What position. You know. To stretch- I mean work out."
She pretends like she didn't just slip that word into her sentence. You are sure she was gonna say stretch out. And by the look on her face, you can tell that that's exactly what she meant.
You play dumb though.
"Your position? That depends on what you want to do of course."
She rests a finger on her lips as she seems to think deeply. As if on accident, Sohee let's her finger slip into her mouth, by only a knuckle, before she takes it out again.
"What do you recommend?"
"What would you like to work on?"
You are not sure how long you can play this game. You desperately want to tear that shirt off her body and bend her over the bench. But you don't do it. Not unless Sohee approaches you first. Although, she seems really close to it already.
"I dunno. I didn't have anything particular in mind. But I always wanted to have a bigger butt. What do you think?"
Without warning she turns her body around. Barely bending forward, Sohee traces the curves of her ass with one of her fingers. You are so glad that she isn't turning around. You are unable to take your eyes off her.
When she does turn back around eventually, she starts to giggle. Probably at your reaction.
"So? What do you think?"
"I don't think you have to do much."
You hope that was the right answer.
"Are you sure? Because I feel like something is still missing."
"And what is that?"
You realize it's a trap as soon as you ask the question.
"Your cock."
Your body and mind are doing battle. Your mind says to not fall for it. But parts of your body, especially your dick, tells you to go for it. To press Sohee against the wall. To rip her shorts off. You stand frozen. Like a block of ice.
"What about...?"
You point upwards, reminding her of her boyfriend.
"Honestly? We are pretty much broken up already. This trip is his last attempt to keep our relationship together. But he is an idiot. He forgot to get my luggage out of the car at the airport. I don't have anything to wear."
You almost have to laugh. But you should be somewhat thankful to him.
"That's why I even had to buy this."
Sohee looks down on herself. She looks even more sexy when she is a little angry.
"We were in a hurry, so I didn't even get to try it on in the store. It's way too small."
When she looks back up at you, her expression changes.
"Or maybe it's just right? What do you think? Am I not owning this style?"
Once she has switched from angry Sohee to seductive Sohee again, you relax a little. Now that the cat is out of the back, you don't have to keep pretending.
"I still think they are a little short. It's like you are barely wearing anything."
"Are you suggesting I should be naked?"
Sohee lets out a surprised gasp. She covers her mouth with her hand in a dramatic way.
"How could you? Here? In a gym?"
You feel your patience slowly slip further and further away.
"I'm sorry, but my room is a little occupied right now."
"Ah I see."
Sohee nods in realization.
"You had a sleepover, I understand?"
"You could say so."
It feels kinda wrong to brag about Soyeon and Miyeon, while Sohee almost throws herself at you.
"Well, I hope you are more of a morning person."
And with that, Sohee walks over to you.
She reaches the bench between you two and decides to sit on it, facing away from you. She pretends to stretch her muscles, by bending forward, letting her hands glide over the black surface. Her ass is now on display for you. A ripe peach. Ready to be plucked. You wonder what she likes, although Sohee seems to be very proud of her ass. So maybe anal? You are not sure.
"Enjoying the view?"
Sohee lifts her ass off the bench, before lowering it again, putting on a show for you.
"Can't say I hate it."
When she finally sits up straight, her butt still looks perfect. You have to stop yourself from just reaching forward. Sohee looks over her shoulder at you.
"I have to confess something."
You raise your eyebrow in question, unable to do much else.
"My boyfriend doesn't like anal. He says he is afraid to hurt me."
She looks so cute as she pouts.
"But just look at this."
She shakes her ass, making her cheeks bounce on the bench.
"I have worked so much for this. And he doesn't even like it?"
"I like it."
You don't know what else to say.
"Of course you do."
A huge smile appears on Sohee's face.
"That's why I'm here."
She can obviously see that you are trying to hold back your desires. She is almost taunting you as she keeps shaking her butt.
"What are you waiting for? Touch me."
A second later, your hand is on her shorts. You feel her tight ass and you know she must have spend hours and more hours on making her butt perfect. It's not incredibly large or anything, but the shape is just right. You move your hand from her right cheek to her left, kneading her flesh.
"Remember, when I asked you what position you like? Let me tell you mine."
Sohee reaches forward like before, now sitting on the bench in doggy position. Her forehead resting on the dark fabric.
"Just like this. I want you to fuck my ass. Just like this."
Her peach is now higher in the air. You can't even see between the space of her pants and thighs. So tight are they. Like a second skin. You are surprised her pants haven't ripped yet.
You let your instincts take over and slap her right cheek.
Sohee yelps in surprise.
"Fuck, yes."
You slap her left cheek, before massaging it a little.
"Spank me good."
You do as she says. One on the right. One on the left. It is almost impossible to stop. Her peach just looks so delicious. The slaps on her ass echo through the room.
And the occasional moan from Sohee as well.
You can't help but squeeze her cheeks hard after each slap. They just feel so good in your hands.
"I need more."
Sohee sighs.
You finally get the waistband of her shorts and slowly begin to peel them off her. You have a good look at her bare ass as her pants are around her thighs.
"You don't even have panties on?"
You reach down letting one of your fingers slide over Sohee's pussy lips.
"Oh, fuck!"
She shakes at the contact, before you add another finger.
"I knew you would take them off anyway. No point in wearing them."
You feel her coating your fingers in her slick as you rub her labia.
"That's true I guess."
She moans as you slip one finger inside of her.
"Are you getting wetter at the thought that you are cheating?"
Sohee whimpers as you move your finger inside of her, curling it slightly.
"Anal is not cheating."
You don't know if she is trying to convince herself, or just playing with you.
"So no pussy?"
Your finger leaves her snatch. A small string of her slick still attached to it. Sohee whines in disappointment.
"You said only anal."
"Yes, but-fuuuck!"
She almost screams as your tongue makes contact with her puckered hole. You spread her cheeks wide enough to eat her out comfortably. And it seems like Sohee likes her ass being eaten just as much as anal itself.
A loud moan interrupts her cursing. You can taste some of her salty sweat as you eat her out. Deciding to pleasure her more, your finger enters her pussy once again. You feel Sohee shake at the doubled sensation. Curling your finger, you start to rub her g-spot.
The Korean girl's moans turn into desperate cries as you edge her closer and closer. Your thumb grazes her clit occasionally. It makes Sohee fall apart. She begins to shake more and more on the bench. Her feet were placed on the floor before. But now she is stretching her legs in both directions. Suddenly you hear a loud tearing sound. Her shorts finally ripped. The torn blue fabric slides down to her ankles.
Sohee is too far gone to care. With one last deep moan, she cums on the bench. The synthetic leather gets covered with stains as her juices leave her small body. Her hands give out and she would have fallen face first into the bench, if you wouldn't have held her tight.
"Oh oh oh."
With every wave of pleasure that hits Sohee's body, she has to moan. Her pussy desperately clenches around your finger, trying to get more friction out of it.
You finally stop your movements, waiting for her to come down from her high. You never expected her to cum so hard.
"So good."
Sohee sighs, her head resting on the bench.
"My boyfriend doesn't eat my ass like you do. Fuck."
You see her smile.
"Now come here. Let me suck your cock."
As you walk around the bench towards her head, Sohee rolls over. Unfortunately, you lose the ability to admire her butt. Although her face and her chest make up for it. Her head is now hanging off the edge. And you are sure you know what she has in mind. Nevertheless, you reach forward, squeezing her tits with your hands. They feel nice and soft as you knead them. Sohee moans, her plans to suck your cock are forgotten for now.
"Just rip it off."
Her shaky voice turns you on. You take her collar into both hands and rip it open. The tearing of the fabric sounds familiar already. Once you are done, Sohee looks like she has a jacket on and not a shirt. You make quick work of her white bra, opening the buckle in the front.
Finally her tits are free and you lean forward to suck on her nipples.
Sohee moans into your crotch as you push yourself towards her to get to her chest. It takes her a while to react, your tongue feels to good on her skin, before she starts to undo your pants.
She slides them down your legs, before kissing you clothed cock from underneath. Her head still dangling off the bench.
You capture one of her nipples with your mouth. Beginning to suck on it, you feel Sohee pulling down your underwear.
Her hand wraps around your cock as she starts to stroke you.
"You are going to ruin my ass with this."
You don't know if that's a command or a wish. Either, way you move to her other nipple, while playing with her left breast.
The two of you pleasure each other at the same time as Sohee starts to take you into her mouth. You don't see much, but you can feel her lips around your shaft. It feels great upside down and you feel her tongue glide along the length of your dick. As if on impulse, you start to thrust forward. You don't even notice at first. But when you hear Sohee gag, you give her a little more room.
She grabs your thighs and pushes you inside of her again. At the same time, you keep playing with her breasts. Occasionally sucking or biting her nipples respectively. You feel something new. New pressure. Finally taking a look, you see that Sohee has moved one of her hands to her throat. She is slightly choking herself, applying pressure to your cock at the same time.
You moan and reward her with your right hand traveling towards her snatch. Almost lying on top of her by now, you start to finger the black haired woman again. Her lustful moans send vibrations through your system, urging you on to pleasure her more.
After some time, you hear Sohee trying to say something. You don't hear it at first, until she repeatedly taps your thigh. Realizing that you have stuffed her mouth with your cock for a while now, you take a step back. As soon as you leave her heaven like mouth, Sohee starts to cough. Spit runs down her face, some of it getting into her eye.
"My ass."
She is still gasping for air. You don't know how long you took the ability to breathe away from her.
"Ruin it."
You get what she means.
"Fuck my ass."
You hesitate for a moment.
"Lube is in the bag."
You didn't even realize until now, that Sohee dropped her bag at the door as she came in. Getting the lube, you walk around the bench. And once more, Sohee slowly rolls around, landing on her belly. She gets into the same position as earlier. Her face on the synthetic leather. Her ass high. Her feet now on the bench as well, lifting her behind even higher. Your cock is still covered in her spit and Sohee seems to be an expert in anal. But she also seems to like it rough, so it's better to be safe than sorry. You pour some of the glistening liquid over your cock. It's a little cold and you stroke your shaft a couple of times, before you focus on Sohee. Positioning yourself at her entrance, you are about to penetrate the tight ring of her muscles.
The ringtone of her phone makes you jump. You didn't expect it and the fact that Sohee is cheating with you on someone makes you a little more careful.
The young woman reaches underneath the bench to grab her phone, which fell down earlier.
With the phone on her ear, Sohee looks over her shoulder at you. She mouths a couple of words.
"What are you waiting for? Give it to me."
You almost didn't get the last two words. But the message is still clear. Her entrance begins to widen around you slowly as you push inside of her.
"Yes, baby."
You stop for a moment.
Is she talking to her boyfriend?
Noticing you have stopped, Sohee reaches behind her grabbing your hand, before placing it on her butt cheek. That's enough for you to remember what you have to do.
You keep pushing inside of her, until you are finally halfway there.
"Almost. Maybe about half an hour?"
You retreat again, not wanting to go overboard already. Sinking yourself inside of her again, you her Sohee's voice shake a little.
"No, baby. It's fine. Just working out."
You take both of her cheeks into your hands, spreading them apart. The view of her tight asshole around your cock makes you thrust a little faster. The tight ring of her muscles grip onto your cock. She said herself, that she didn't do anal for a long time. And the impact seems to show. Sohee is barely able to keep it together, although you are only halfway inside of her. With one hand, she is holding her phone, while the other is holding onto the bench.
She tries to disguise her moans as groans of exhaustion from working out, but she can't fool you. And you don't know if she is fooling her boyfriend. If your girlfriend would sound like this on the phone, you would know what's up. A picture of Ahin flashes through your mind. You shake your head, focusing on Sohee's tight ass.
"What I want for breakfast?"
Her voice is a little higher than usual. She looks over her shoulder at you, mouthing her true answer.
"Your cum."
But she tells her boyfriend something different.
"Dunno. What do they have here?"
You are surprised Sohee doesn't try to make the conversation as short as possible. Going slowly already, you try not to be too loud, when your hips meet her ass cheeks. But it seems like she doesn't even care.
"A fruit salad does sound good. Fuck!"
You wish you could see her face as you finally push further into Sohee than before. If she wants to play this game, you know how to play it too. Make her worried, cautious, horny.
"No, I'm fine. The weight was j-just too much."
You hear her holding in another moan. Finally you are completely filling her for the first time. You stay still for a couple of moments, enjoying Sohee's ass. Squeezing her parted cheeks, you see her head sink onto the bench. It's almost like all her energy is focused on holding in her moans and talking to her boyfriend.
"Or maybe something with protein? Since I'm working out?"
Retreating out of Sohee's asshole makes her whimper slightly. She is unable to hold it in, before you enter her completely again. Slowly, you start thrusting with Rhythm. Not hard, but steady. Her hole grabs you tight and the feeling of sliding in and out of her makes it a great way to start your day.
"No. I want something sweet."
You feel like Sohee doesn't give you enough attention and so you try something, which you always wanted to do. Sohee is perfect for this. Or at least her butt is. You lean down, aiming for her right cheek. Without warning you bite it. Not very hard, but strong enough for her to let out a huge yelp.
"Oh, fuck!"
You massage the spot where you bit her as you listen to her excuse.
"No, I'm fine. I just hurt my foot on the doorway."
To your surprise, Sohee doesn't say anything else. Does her boyfriend actually buy that?
You decide to test it out. Leaning down again. You bite into her left cheek this time. A little harder.
"Ruin my ass!"
Sohee's words slip out of her mouth. You look up and you see her hand covering her mouth.
You massage her cheek again.
"No, I just said 'Wow, my ass'. I looked into the mirror here."
Sohee's excuses sound lame on your end. But her boyfriend doesn't seem to pick up on it. You keep fucking his girlfriend's ass as she talks to him.
"I really worked hard on it, you know?"
You feel like Sohee's ass becomes even tighter, when you slap her right butt cheek. It's not hard or loud. But it does make a sound. Sohee said, the two of them are pretty much broken up anyway. You want to see how far you can take it.
"What do you mean, you don't like it? Every man would kill to be in my ass."
As if to prove her point, you fuck her harder. You hips meet her ass, making it bounce a little as the sounds become louder.
"Whatever. And you keep asking, why I don't cum?"
You grab Sohee's cheeks with both hands, pounding into her harder. The bench starts to make small sounds, as if it's about to break. The Korean girl's moans become more frequent. You squeeze her delicious ass, while she covers her mouth with her hand, not wanting to let her boyfriend know, that her ass is getting railed by you.
She doesn't speak for a long time. Either because she is too lost in the pleasure you are giving her, or because her boyfriend is talking. You don't care. You don't stop fucking her, occasionally slapping her cheeks respectively.
"Oh! Almost!"
Her muffled moan finally escapes her mouth. You lean over a little, giving yourself a better angle to drive your cock into her asshole.
"I meant I'm almost done with my set."
Her shaky voice is barely above a whisper now. Her cheek is pressed against the leather, cause she keeps having to silence her screams and moans with her hand.
Sohee is barely able to mute the phone, before screaming.
"Gonna cum! My ass is gonna cum on your cock! Fuck me!"
You slowly start to get tired. But when you hear her screams, it all goes away. Reaching forward, you take a fistful of her short hair, pulling her head up. You lean towards Sohee's ear.
"Tell me how good I fuck you."
"Oh my god!"
She archers her back, trying to ease the pain of you, pulling her hair.
"You fuck my ass so well! I've never been fucked so good! Ruin it! Ruin my ass! Ruin me!"
You fuck Sohee as hard as possible, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoing through the empty gym. The creaking of the bench becomes louder. And so does Sohee.
"You are splitting me open! Yes! Pound my ass! It's yours!"
It takes you only a couple of moments, until you finally hit her breaking point.
Sohee shrieks. Her entire body shakes. Her legs and arms buckle. Her pussy squirts. Her juices flood the leather. The muscles around your cock tighten, keeping you inside. A long wordless moan escapes her throat. You hold her hips, making sure she doesn't fall off.
It takes Sohee a good minute, before she gets her body back under control. She never came this hard before.
"Wow. That felt so good."
When she finally lifts her head, she smiles back at you.
"I don't think we have have much time."
She slowly moves forward and you retreat. You leave her asshole, already missing her tight ass. Sohee gets off the bench, her legs still a little shaky.
"Let me ride you. I can make you cum really good."
You choose a spot on the bench, that's not sticky with her juices before you sit down. Sohee straddles you backwards, showing off her ass. Her hole is still wider than usual. You grab some of the lube from the bottle, which is standing underneath the bench. Sohee's phone lies next to it and you realize the call is still muted. You don't care at this point.
After applying some of the liquid, you take Sohee's waist. She looks over her shoulder as she lowers herself on to you. Her tight asshole welcomes you back.
Sohee sighs as she sinks to your base.
"You stretch me out so good."
She places her hands on her knees, before she slowly lifts her butt off you lap. Her tight muscles glide along the length of your shaft. Then, she let's herself fall. Sohee impales herself on your cock as she starts to ride you. Because you have been inside of her previously, she doesn't have to adjust to your length first. She starts bouncing without hesitation. Her butt moving up and down in front of you. You groan at how tight she is. You could swear that she got even tighter after her orgasm.
"Your cock feels so good in my ass."
Sohee keeps riding you as more filthy words spill out of her mouth. Some of them mixed with lustful moans.
"I have missed this so much. Fuck. I love it. I love how you stretch me out."
Turned on by her words, you finally feel something in your stomach. Sohee's tight ass is slowly starting to convince you to cum inside of her. You close your eyes, trying to hold on a little longer.
"Oh, fuck! How am I cumming again?"
Sohee's rhythmic bouncing does seem to get out of control as she feels her high coming closer. You haven't given her pussy much attention yet, so you reach around her waist.
"Holy shit!"
Her moan confirms that you found it. You start to penetrate her pussy with one finger as she keeps riding you.
"You're gonna make me cum!"
You move your hand a little faster, trying to match the pace of Sohee's bouncing.
"The cum for me."
You whisper in her ear as she begins to shake.
Sohee cums on your cock for the second time. She is shaking all over as she rides out her orgasm. Twitching on top of you.
The sight of Sohee cumming, makes you want to cum as well. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you hear her breath heavily.
"I can feel you. You're about to cum."
Sohee starts to move up and down again. This time slow. As if you drained all of her energy.
"Fill my ass up. Fill it with your cum."
You hold her waist tight. Hoping to hold on for a couple of more seconds. So that you can stay longer inside of her. So that you can her more of her dirty words.
"Show my boyfriend how you fuck a woman. Make me drip with your cum when I go back to our room. Cum in my ass."
You admit defeat as you finally fall over the edge.
"Yes. Breed my ass. Make it drip with your cum!"
Exploding inside of Sohee's ass feels incredible. You cum inside of her, filling her up. Her asshole seems to milk you dry as it closes tightly around you. The two of you moan.
Sohee feels your warmth flood her ass. She shakes a little at how good it feels. It has been so long since someone came in her ass. She missed the feeling.
You feel like the two of you stayed like this for hours. Sohee sitting on your cock as you fill her ass with cum. Your arms around her waist, holding her in place as she leans back against you.
"So good."
She sighs tiredly, not wanting to move.
"You had a good workout?"
You chuckle as you hear her answer.
"You mean stretch out."
Now, Sohee seems to remember her phone.
"Oh, shit. What if he comes down to check on me?"
Her voice sounds a little worried, but she makes no attempt to get up. With one hand, you reach down, barely able to pick it up. You hand her her phone and she unmutes herself.
You hear her boyfriend say something. You wonder why he hasn't hang up yet. Or why he didn't look fo her. It seems like he isn't really trying to stay with her. Or he is just stupid.
"No. I accidentally muted you, while I was doing my set. But I'm done now. Let me shower and then we eat breakfast. Okay?"
Sohee hangs up, before looking over her shoulder.
"Seems like I have to leave."
You kiss her back, tasting some of her salty sweat.
"I'm starving too. I should eat breakfast."
She laughs and winks at you.
"You know where the buffet is."
"And I know where you are."
Sohee laughs again, before she slowly starts to climb off you.
"Maybe we have another opportunity."
You watch your cum slowly leaking out of her ass. Her asshole slowly closing and opening. As if it was waiting for you to fuck her again.
About and hour later, you watch Sohee enter the room. You are barely able to hold back your laugh as you realize she is wearing her red outfit again. She really doesn't have anything to wear.
You sip your tea, trying not to stare as she and her boyfriend walk in. He looks like a decent guy, but he does look boring. He doesn't even realize how Sohee looks at you. Her eyes tell you want she wants you to do to her without saying a word. You seriously wonder, how the two are even coming down for breakfast.
If you had a woman like Sohee, you wouldn't leave your room, until you had to go back home. You would be constantly plowing her ass and fuck her cute face. But it seems like her boyfriend doesn't care about the same stuff as you. As you and Sohee for that matter. You feel like she would enjoy a stay like that.
Once the two of them got something from the buffet, you are surprised that Sohee is walking in your direction.
"Hi, (y/n). Haven't seen you in a while."
She smiles brightly as if the two of just met each other, after being apart for years. Which is actually true. If you don't count what happened an hour ago.
"This is my boyfriend, Jin-woo. Baby, this is a friend of mine. We did a photo shoot together."
"Nice to meet you."
You great him, although it's a little difficult to smile. You do feel a little guilty and bad for him, but their relationship was pretty much over already, before you even meet Sohee this morning. She even said so herself. And the way he treats her, makes you think he believes it too, but is trying his best.
The rest of the breakfast is pretty much uneventful. Or at least almost. It's a normal meal, until her boyfriend leaves for the bathroom.
No. Let me correct that. It was a normal meal above the table. Underneath, it wasn't. Sohee's foot was all over you, while she kept talking. Sliding along your leg, slowly rubbing your crotch. You name it. Whenever her boyfriend was looking at his plate, Sohee winked at you or bit her lip.
Once he does leave for the bathroom, Sohee looks around without saying a word. No one is paying attention to you two. Quick like a cat, she gets off her chair and underneath the table. The table cloth is white and long, almost reaching the floor. No one would see her.
A second after you lose sight of her, you feel Sohee's hands in your lap.
"I want to suck your cock."
You hear her whisper as she undoes your zipper. It takes her a second to get your cock out of your underwear and through the opened zipper. But once she succeeds, you feel her placing a kiss on your tip.
"Finally some real breakfast."
Sohee starts to give you head underneath the table. You are unable to do anything. You just sit in your chair, hoping no one is going to see what Sohee is doing. Her tongue swirls around your tip for a little while, before she takes you in deeper. Working her way down your shaft, she starts to choke. Her nose almost touches your shirt as she gags up some spit.
Sohee starts drool over your cock, making a mess. You hope she isn't getting much on your clothes or her face. Both would be hard to explain. Her gagging starts to become louder, the longer she keeps going. Luckily, the tables around yours aren't occupied, nevertheless, some people are still walking by. You try to hide the pleasure on your face as Sohee is deepthroating your cock.
"Oh, shit."
You curse, when you see her boyfriend.
"He is back."
She doesn't answer, still busy with sucking you off. Once he reaches the table, you are glad that Sohee stopped choking. She is now only halfway down your shaft, barely making any noise.
"Do you know where Sohee is?"
You don't say much more. Afraid that something might come out accidentally.
"Oh, okay."
You can't believe you are talking to a guy, while his girlfriend is underneath your table, sucking your cock.
"Did she say anything to you?"
You glance at him.
"About what?"
You drink more of your tea, trying to hide the fact, that Sohee is now spitting on your cock.
"About our relationship."
"Just that the two of you are together."
He nods and you are glad he doesn't say something for a while. He eats his toast, while you drink your tea.
You almost sigh in relief, when his phone starts to ring. He picks it up and talks, before he looks at you.
"I have to go back up. Please tell her I'm upstairs."
You only nod, not wanting to mess up in the last possible moment.
As he walks away, you hear Sohee under the table.
"I can finally gag on this cock again."
And a second later, she does. You groan slightly as you hit the back of her throat. You try to sneak a hand under the table, placing it at the back of her head. Since you are not getting out of this until you cum, you might as well use her mouth properly.
You guide her head up and down your shaft. Holding her in place for a while, when her throat is stuffed. You wait until she taps your thigh, before you let go. You do it a couple of times, feeling that you are getting close. Sohee's throat is definitely not as tight as her ass, but it feels like heaven nonetheless.
"I think I'm gonna cum."
You murmur as you feel the tension building in your lower body. Sohee can't reply, since you are holding her head in place right now.
"You said, you wanted protein for breakfast, huh?"
She moves her head, trying to nod, but you keep your grip.
"Do you want my cum?"
She tries to speak. You don't know if it's cause she isn't getting air, or because she wants your cum.
"I'm going to paint your dirty mouth. And then I'm taking you to the bathroom."
Sohee starts to shift around underneath the table. You are still holding her down on your cock, not letting go.
"I told your boyfriend you are there. And we can't lie to him, can we?"
Sohee tries to shake her head, but you don't let her.
"You have been so bad. I'm going to gape your ass in the bathroom. I'm going to ruin it, so you can't walk."
And with that finally sentence, you unload into Sohee for a second time today. But definitely not the last time. As promised, you fill her mouth with cum, making her choke. You close your eyes, biting your lip, hoping no one is going to see your expression. Once you can think straight again, you slowly loosen your grip on Sohee's hair.
"Fuck, that was hot."
You hear her raspy voice from underneath the table.
"Now, you better keep that promise."
It has been two hours. Two hours since your plane landed in Incheon. And you are already inside of Chaewon again. You can't believe how much stamina such a small woman has. She keeps riding you as she waits for the rest of her band and her staff to arrive.
Since she has a show today anyways, you offered her a flight back home. You drove her to the building, since it's on your way to your next meeting. But you didn't think Chaewon would invite you inside.
"I'm gonna cum."
"Fuck, yes!"
Chaewon rides you harder. Her hands entangled in your hair.
"Cum inside! Fill me!"
You do just that. You hold her waist. Making her sit on your cock as you come inside of her. Chaewon moans loudly as she feels your cum in her pussy.
"Holy fuck."
She sighs as she rests her head on your shoulder.
"We've got company."
You look in the mirror in front of you, afraid you got caught by her band mates or her staff.
"Come in."
Chaewon motions the girl to come in. She doesn't seem bothered, that she is still completely naked. Still sitting on your lap. Your cock inside of her. Her pussy dripping with your cum.
"You don't have to watch and touch yourself alone. You can just ask to join, you know?"
The girl nods, obviously shy. And embarrassed that she got caught.
"How is the commercial going along? You have a collaboration with.... What was it?"
Chaewon talks as if she is just having a normal conversation. And not like she is still sitting on your cock. You don't complain. And the young woman, who just came in looks gorgeous.
Hi, everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed reading the chapter. This one was requested. And the next one will be a request as well. Afterwards I don't have any request and will focus a little more on the story. If you have anyone or anything that you would like to read, please let me know.
Have a nice day!
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