#she was so calm and polite about the whole interaction just slowly walking along the lid and then up the straw.
clannfearrunt · 4 months
a small hymenopteran with an exceptionally spherical ass just very very politely attempted to enter my drink through the top of the straw which I of course politely said no to but hi wow I think it is a bit too early in the year for this encounter madame.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
library hours [reimagined] - spencer reid
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warnings: age gap, professor / student, maybe a swear word or two, a lil tension, but mainly a fluffy first interaction word count: 1.7k summary: a late night at the university library leads to reader meeting a certain handsome professor.
a/n: this is a reimagined / rewritten version of this fic. for those interested, the original centres around baby!spencer. both fics start off pretty much the same, what differs is the interaction between spencer and reader.
There was something you always enjoyed about the going to the library.
Perhaps it was the way every single person that walked through the threshold had a purpose. A mission to complete. Perhaps it was the quiet. The solace you felt sitting alone in a corner researching various topics, for class and for recreational purposes.
The university library had quickly become your second home. A location you frequented more than your own dorm room. It wasn’t always to study, no. You people watched. Doodled. Even napped there from time to time. The place brought you peace, and by the time you senior year rolled around, you saw the librarians more than your college friends.
The university library was also the place where you first met a certain handsome professor, doctor - which in time became the main reason why you liked it so much.
Lights were slowly being turned off section by section. A vacuum came to life in one of the aisles. People started to scramble from their seats - shoving their things into their backpacks, throwing out empty coffee cups into the overflowing bins, checking out books they might still use that evening.
All signs indicating it was time to go.
Dolly, one of the librarians, ushered towards you. Her jacket draped over her shoulders, her bag in hand. She gave you the usual spiel of how you can stay until the janitor is finished cleaning, to which you politely nodded along. She wished you a pleasant night, and with a “see you tomorrow” she hurried out the door.
Once she was out of sight, you groaned under your breath and ran your fingers through your hair. You had an assignment due tomorrow, one you started hours ago and only managed to formulate three total sentences. Your gut was telling you there was no way you were going to finish now, especially since you had about thirty minutes until you would have to leave.
Leaning back in your chair, you fluttered your eyes closed in an attempt to collect your thoughts. The tranquil feeling didn’t last long however, as you were abruptly brought back to reality by someone loudly clearing their throat. You immediately sat back up and quickly scanned the space for the source of the interruption.
A tall brunette man stood a few tables away, his hands slowly sliding into the pockets of his pants. He was definitely older, by how much you couldn't quite tell. But, you definitely took notice of how handsome he was.
“The library is closed for the night.” He stated, the tone of his voice calm yet stern.
“I have permission to be here.” You retorted with as much confidence as you could muster, but the mysterious man didn't seem impressed with your answer. With an arched brow, he took a firm step in your direction.
“From who?” He challenged, as if he was waiting to catch you in a lie.
You folded your arms across your chest, unwilling to give in to whatever game he was playing. “Dolly, the librarian. I could call her if you don't believe me?”
The brunette didn’t respond. Instead, his lips twirled slightly upwards into a sly smirk and with the way he was now looking at you, you could feel the blood rush to your cheeks. You only hoped he didn't see the faint pink blush now present on your facial features.
“May I?” The man asked after a brief moment of silence, pointing to to the chair beside yours. You found yourself nodding, before quickly turning your attention away from him, and back to the book in front of you.
While he made himself comfortable, his leg brushed against yours. The sudden close contact sent a jolt down your spine and you shivered. A small act he definitely noticed.
“You’re not some sort of killer, are you? You’re not here to murder me?” You asked, tilting your head to once again look at the man. Shaking his head, he let out a wholehearted chuckle.
“No, I’m definitely not a murder.” He reassured.
“Definitely? That's over selling it, don't you think? It’s exactly the kind of thing a murder would say.” You teased in response, gaining a little bit of your courage back. He didn't reply. The smirk on his face widened just a little and he eyed you silently, as if you were a treasure map he was desperate to solve.
The two of you stared at one another for what felt like eternity. There was something amicable about the seconds that passed as you looked into his hazel eyes. Something harmonious. Friendly. Strong.
When you finally broke contact and proceeded to return to working on your assignment, you could still feel his gaze burning into the side of your head. In any other situation, with any other stranger, the feeling would have made you uncomfortable. Scared even. But there was something quite thrilling about the mysterious brunette sitting beside you.
“I’m a profiler.” He said after another moment of comfortable silence. “I work for the FBI as part of their Behavioral Analysis Unit.” He added as you glanced up at him from your notes, intrigue gracing your facial features. The statement was to make you feel safer in his presence - not that it was needed since you already felt strangely guarded around him.
You smiled, dropping your pen and shifting in your chair to face him completely. “So, agent, what are you doing at a university library on a Thursday night? Did the bad guys take a break?”
“Doctor.” He calmly corrected.
“It’s doctor, not agent.” He said, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. “I have PhDs in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering.”
The smug look on his face earned him a playful eye roll. “You don’t happen to have a PhD in History under your belt, do you, doctor? Because that would be very helpful right about now.”
“No, but I do have an eidetic memory and can read twenty-thousand words per minute.” He declared and you gaped at him in disbelief, mouth parting ever so slightly in shock.
Great, you thought, as if he wasn't intimidating enough.
“You could have just said you were a superhero.” You joked before leaning in towards him ever so slightly. The faint whiff of his cologne caught you off a little off guard, and you took a mental note to never again settle for someone that only used body spray. “Don’t worry, I’m really good with secrets. I won’t tell anyone.” You whispered and gently pressed your index finger to your lips.
The comment caused the handsome doctor to throw his head back in a whole-hearted laugh. He placed a hand on his stomach as you slowly shifted back to your previous position, chewing down on the inside of your cheek down to stop yourself from commenting on how good he looked.
“Am I going to get an answer to my previous question?” You asked once the laughter died down, your assignment long forgotten.
“I teach here.”
The statement earned him another eye roll. “Seriously? Is there anything you don't or can't do?”
It was his turn to lean in. He rested his elbows on his knees and intertwined his fingers together, his hazel eyes never leaving yours. The air hitched in your lungs at his proximity. You felt as if every single cell in your body was shaking.
“Well, us superheroes, we like to stay busy.” He whispered, his cool minty breath hitting you in the process, sending a shiver down your spine.
You cleared your throat, a timid smile appearing on your face. “There uhm, there’s this diner not far from here. It’s twenty-four hours meaning they won’t kick us out. Would you like to come with me? We can have coffee?”
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he moved back in his seat and ran a hand through his already ruffled hair. You bit down on your bottom lip, wondering what was going through his mind. Wondering if perhaps you had overstepped some sort of boundary since he was a professor and you were a student.
But, it was just coffee. Nothing more. That wasn't so bad... Right?
“Coffee sounds nice.” He responded with a smile, after what felt like forever.
Outside, there wasn’t a cloud in the night sky making the million stars shine all that brighter. They looked like perfect sugar granules spilled on a dark surface, accompanied by the glowing moonlight.
The breathtaking sight was accompanied by street lamps. They illuminated the path while you walked side by side, almost in sync. Shoulders faintly brushing against one another.
“How long have you been a profiler?” You asked, looking ahead. The wind blew lightly through your hair causing your brunette companion to turn his head and observe you quietly. A smile crept up on his lips.
“I joined when I was twenty-two.” He answered. You glanced up at him for a brief moment - that wasn't much younger than you now. The look in his eyes suggested he knew that’s what you were thinking.
“Do you like it? Or do you prefer teaching?”
He licked his lips, thinking. As he furrowed his brows together, you noticed the unobtrusive age lines defining his handsome features. Each individual crease telling a different story, and you found yourself hoping you would one day be lucky enough to hear them.
“Every job has its pros and cons.” The brunette man stated eventually, lightly shrugging his shoulders.
You couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at his answer. “Okay professor, now you just sound conventional.”
He chuckled, his hands sliding into the front pockets of his pants. “I’ve been called many things in my life, miss. Conventional was never one of them.”
“It’s Y/N. My name, uhm, my name is Y/N.”
You both stopped once you introduced yourself, simultaneously turning in your spots, so that you were facing each other completely.
“Y/N...” He tested your name on his tongue, and a smile embellished your features because for some reason it sounded incredibly striking coming out of his lips.
“It suits you.” He retorted and the blood rushed to your face. Now, he definitely noticed the blush, you thought. He didn’t comment on it however. Instead, he proceeded to introduce himself, “My name is Spencer. Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.”
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner, @wowitsel, @elldell1204, @hey-there-angels, @reidabookforonce, @willowrose99
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Princess | JJ Maybank
Warnings; jealousy, mentions of drugs, and use of drugs.
Find my masterlist here
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She was rising through the ranks on figure eight, and soon, she would overtake the one, the only, Sarah Cameron. It was infuriating, no one had heard of this prissy girl in a while, and here she was, already beginning to replace the blonde.
“Uh.” Sarah groaned, noticing how even her brother was flocking over you, even Topper had returned to the dark side after his helpful stunt.
“What’s wrong Cameron?” JJ asked her, following her eyeline, and carrying his gaze along it, until he found the centre of her irritable - a group of kooks, her own.
“The princess is back in town.” She groaned, noticing how you walked through your entourage, oblivious to any of the pogues that resided on this side of the island. It was as though you didn’t hold a grudge against their species, but that was her thing, you were just trying to copy her actions.
Hell, for all she knew, you’d hook up with a southsider too, and attend the parties at the boneyard as though you were one of their own.
She knew her attitude towards you was petty, but she just couldn’t help it. You now had everything that she had lost, she was even stared down by her dad and step mother, both of whom were mildly disappointed in the side that she had taken within the whole ordeal.
“I thought that was you.” JJ noticed how her mood had turned sour, and he was aware that it was his duty to cheer her up. If John B returned with their drinks, and saw that his girlfriend was displeased, he would be the one to take the blame as it was his company that was keeping her from boredom.
“That girl.” She pointed you out, JJ’s eyes scanning every dip and curve, each mark and mole, upon your body, memorising every inch of- “is the kook. Used to have the mantle of princess before I did. Don’t dirty your hands with her Maybank, she’s a spoilt brat, and whatever she wants, she gets.”
“A kook? Not my type.” He assured her, the whole form of your beautiful being crumbling in his eyes, all because of what you essentially were. A golden finger, in the dirt of his home.
The Cameron’s house was large, but you smiled, knowing that you lived in one with a bigger foundation, and more floors. Material items were value on the island, it gave way to status.
“Hi Mr Cameron.” You greeted him, with a pristine smile that would knock him dead. Rafe was beside you, content with your obliviousness to the things that he had done.
His father had told him to find a rich, pretty thing. They were the least suspecting ones, too occupied with spending cash and dolling themselves up. It is what he himself had done, after he had worked his way up to kook status, but the wife he now had, well she was as devious and power hungry as him. They fit perfectly.
“Nice to finally meet you y/n, I’ve heard a lot about you, not only from my son but practically the whole island. Is it good to be back?” He shook your hand, noticing the small smile slip onto his son’s face.
“It’s great, nowhere is quite like home.” The hierarchy on Outer Banks was its most predominant feature, no where else quite had an order that lacked most of itself in the same way.
“I need to talk to Rafe here for a moment, would you mind waiting here?” He expectedly asked, and once more, you could only plaster on a false expression, and happily nod.
“Not at all.” Was your reply, and as soon as they had disappeared, you were left awaiting for their return. You plucked at the skin around your nails, and tapped your foot, trying to reduce the enveloping silence that made you feel small and anxious.
Another person entered the room, making you slowly spin to greet them. It was Sarah, and a look of worry crossed over her face, it was quite amusing. The Sarah Cameron, was concerned for you.
“Rafe isn’t a good guy.” She spoke slowly, thinking that you were interested in her older sibling. It made you quirk your eyebrow in surprise, you had never expected her to talk about her family to you, or at all in general. “You can do a lot better.”
“Don’t worry Sarah, I don’t want him, nor do I want to be the so called ‘princess’ of this wealthy establishment. I hate figure eight, it sucks. It’s boring, it’s just parties here, and parties there, but they’re all sophisticated and you have to dress nicely. Sure, the luxury is great, the expectations of washing your hair every day, wearing perfume that literally burns my eyes, and having to dress so- ugh, it’s just gross. You can take the throne back if you want, it’s not too comfortable, it squeezes me in all th wrong places.”
Your paragraph of speech left Sarah in shock, you had been faking it all along. The laughs were all pretend, the smiles were all forced, and she no doubt had one thing left on my mind. “Then why, out of all the kooks, are you hanging it with my brother?”
Nonchantly you shrugged, a sparkle flaring in your eyes. “He thinks he’s gonna get laid, and so until he realises that he isn’t, and he can’t touch this hot bod, then I get free weed.”
“Well played y/l/n, well played.” Nobody had used Rafe and had to give nothing in return, yet you had found the perfect trick.
“He also thinks I’m a virgin, sooooo, my contract is going to last a while, I suppose.” She almost laughed at that, she wondered how you had given him that impression in the first place. Before you had moved, she had seen you makeout and consentually grope countless guys, leading them to dark corners and your empty car.
It wasn’t something that she had ever admit, but for the first time in her life, she thought that you’d make the perfect friend. You sounded just like a pogue, but instead you were living the ‘high life’, and rolling in the cash and smokes that were thrown your way, with no charge.
JJ on instinct, creased his face up at the sight of Sarah leaving John B and the others at the boneyard, only to walk over to an intruder. She had told him that she didn’t like her, however her stride and smile supposed otherwise.
“Who’s that?” John B leant over his friend’s shoulder, watching his girlfriend interact with a stranger.
“The kook princess.” JJ informed him, spitting the name out of his mouth, glaring at the kook that had the nerve to once again, walk onto his side of his island. And not only that, but to invite herself to the party.
“She got a name?” John B asked, and that was when JJ realised, that he didn’t know it. Before you had moved, you kept to your side of the island, but the times were changing, with relationships and friendships between pogues and kooks beginning. All you wanted was to be accepted, and if they didn’t like the fact that you were born a kook, then that was most definitely their problem.
“Hey, I’m so glad that you could make it.” Sarah greeted you, you shyly smiled, still not familiar with her being so polite to you. You’d notice her cast you the stink eye on more than one occasion, and how she would speak about you at school in the time prior to your move away.
“I still don’t understand why you invited me.” You honestly said, uncertain by her intentions. If she had other motivations, then you could deal with them, she wouldn’t be the first one to try and challenge you for your position. And either way, you didn’t want it, it were only a weight on your shoulders, but some kooks wanted you to remain their royalty, and so by their reputation, you did.
You pulled a blunt from your shorts pocket, and lit it, inhaling slowly and awaiting an answer from the relaxant. It calmed you, and made the thoughts of being the only kook here, excluding Sarah, go away.
“I want you to meet my friends.” She spoke, and you nodded, more entertained by the smoke that rolled out of your mouth than her intentions. Her hand grabbed your own, and she began to drag you through the sea of people, until she reached a small fire pit, where four people were sat.
You already knew of them, John B being the one on your side of the island the most. It of course was because of Sarah, and her successful attempts to seduce him, and sneak him into her room.
“This is y/n.” She told them, and you didn’t notice the way JJ focused on the weed that hung from the clasp of your fingers. He was surprised by the consumption you had of it, and watched intently as you went in for another puff.
You weren’t just a kook, you were a stoner. Perhaps the two of you had something in common after all, maybe you weren’t this spoilt brat entirely.
“Pass me the goddamn lighter J!” You beckoned at the blonde, who held the red automatic match out of your reach. On instinct, you crossed your arms, and poured, causing the boy to laugh.
“Don’t do that, you look like a spoiled kook.” His words only earnt himself a glare, and so he reached down, plucked your blunt between his fingers, and lit it. He took a puff before placing it between your own lips. “Technically we just kissed.”
“Geez, I really am spoilt.” You rolled your eyes, as the pair of you stood out of the chateau, where it was the two of you alone. Everyone else was inside, watching a movie, and they didn’t want to get high off the fumes, instead they’d rather remember the ‘cinematic details’, as Pope put it.
“It was a joke Princess.” He rubbed your head, messing up your hair, but he knew that you didn’t care. Appearances weren’t your most entailed feature, you only dressed up to the nines to please your parents. But here, with him and the rest of your friends, you could be yourself. You weren’t a kook or a pogue, instead you were just y/n.
“You need to stop going on about kissing me Maybank, otherwise I might think that it’s something you actually want to do.” You smirked, noticing how his cheeks reddened slightly, and the normally confident male gulped.
“Well...” before he could say more, you lightly pushed him, but he soon grabbed you, and the blunt out of your mouth. “Maybe I do.”
“Maybe I want you to as well.” You flirted with him, eyes darting between where he was licking his lips, and the blunt that was gently held in the pads of his fingertips. “Tell you what, if I gift you with a kiss, I get my property back.”
“Princess you gotta stop that, you can’t call me your property, I’m a person too babes.” You groaned at that, he knew full well what you were speaking about, but he had to be a tease in every conversation that the pair of you had.
“Shut your mouth pogue.” Your words weren’t what shut him up, instead you grasped the fabric of his baggy, sleeveless shirt, and pulled his mouth to your own, your tongue instantly prying its way towards his own, breaking through the seal of his lips.
Distracted, he dropped the blunt, and cupped both sides of your face. He was in heaven, finally he had given into the kook, and vice versa. He was glad to have learnt your name, and everything that you had to offer.
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azucanela · 3 years
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chapter iii
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: cursing. mentions of violence. mild violence. 
word count: 2k
summary: the internet is enamored with the idea of y/n l/n and bakugou katsuki, two renowned pro heroes, dating. the first issue? the pair rarely interacts. the second issue? apparently, they hate each other, not that anyone knows about that bit. of course, after one night of many mistakes, the whole world knows.
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series masterlist
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MAYBE SHE WAS OVERCOMPENSATING, but at least overall productivity of the agency was up. If Y/N was honest, throwing herself into her work probably wasn’t her best idea, in fact one might consider it self destructive. But.. she was frustrated. And the pent of emotions of not only herself but those around her had to go somewhere. 
And what better place to put that energy than her work?
Of course, as she slams a villain into the wall of concrete before bringing their hands together and handcuffing them, all Y/N feels is boredom. Dissatisfied, unfulfilled. Although it had taken her a while to separate her own emotions from that of others when she was younger, it doesn’t take much effort to determine that those feelings are entirely her own. 
In a job like hers, boredom was something to be grateful for, something to welcome with open arms all things considered. And busy season would be coming up for heroes, so Y/N probably should be grateful for the lack of activity. And yet… The calm before the storm was always rather unnerving. 
Y/N can hear the sirens of the police, brows furrowing as she sighs. Dragging the man she had just apprehended along with her despite his grunts of protest. Y/N watches as a police car pulls around by the entrance of the alley she’d cornered him in.
He was just a petty thief, but Y/N had been trying to keep out of the spotlight for the time being, unless her assistance was warranted. And thus far, it hadn’t been.
Inhaling deeply, Y/N watches as an officer exits the car, a smile coming across their face as they see her. “Hey Empatha!” They wave, and Y/N can’t help but offer a small smile and wave of her own back as she hands the criminal over to them.
“Hi, everything alright at the precinct?” It’s meant to be a polite, simple question, but Y/N can practically— literally— feel the way the officer lights up at the question. As though they’d been meaning to bring it up. Y/N had interacted with most of the Police Department briefly, so they weren’t entirely unfamiliar but… that didn’t mean Y/N wanted to stick around for long.
They shrug, pushing the thief into the back of the car despite his protests and shutting the door on him. “We had some plumbing troubles earlier— or something like that I don’t know… but yeah. Everything has been good. Kinda.” 
Unsureness is bleeding into their tone, so Y/N raises a brow as she finds herself asking, “something on your mind?” 
The officer offers Y/N a sheepish smile, “we could really use your help on one of our cases, the Stain Copycat, I assume you’ve heard?” 
Nodding slowly, Y/N finds herself wanting to exit this conversation, and soon, “I can look into sending someone from the Agency but it’s Hawks’ choice.” She looks around with a frown, “I have a feeling the press will be here soon so I should get going, but I’ll be in contact.” She says with a smile, taking a step back before disappearing into the shadows.
Telen’s ability. Y/N borrowed it frequently, and from the soreness of her body, Y/N had a feeling that they’d had quite the day as well. He was capable of teleporting through shadows, light was a major inhibitor but it was an incredibly useful ability and had saved her life a countless number of times. Whether that was literally or from… conversations like that one. 
Y/N had been avoiding Endeavor’s agency since far too many of her old classmates were sidekicks there. As much as she wanted to help, her presence wasn’t necessary. And she had heard about the Stain Copycat case, the one who had yet to be caught, the exception. Hawks had mentioned it during one of their calls recently, so technically she wasn’t lying when she said someone would be sent over to help. 
Just not her. Anyone but her. 
With a sigh, Y/N finally appears in the locker room of the agency. Welcoming the smell of blood, sweat, and probably tears.
It had been a long day, and Y/N quickly decided there was no better way to amend that than with coffee. She’s changing into her civilian clothes— having ended her shift at the agency for the day— inside the locker room dedicated to such things. Patrol had been mostly quiet today, which she was grateful for, but that didn’t make her any less suspicious as to why things had been so quiet. 
Y/N makes her way out of the locker room once she’s changed, and through the agency, offering a smile to Telen as she finally steps out of the agency doors. “You alright today? I can feel the soreness.” She says, walking backwards as she speaks to him, while he holds the door open for the both of them. 
Telen offers her a smile, “yes. It appears I took quite the hit.” He brings a hand to the back of his neck, “not the best day.”
Y/N raises a brow, “wanna come with me? I’m gonna get a drink, maybe something to eat at the café a few blocks from here.” She’d always enjoyed Telen’s presence, he was calm, quiet, but good company nonetheless. Someone who listened, but could certainly maintain a conversation. They’d been working together for a few years now and Y/N had grown to like him. That and she would be returning later regardless seeing as Lorelai had requested a coffee herself. 
Telen shakes his head, “I still have one more patrol, but if I happen to come around there, I might stop by.”
She nods, raising her hand to wave to him as one final goodbye before turning on her heel, and almost instantly a rush of wind is hitting her, though she finds it refreshing as she stares to the sky, a grey color, clouds shielding the sun from view. 
It’s a nice day, she decides, looking to her left. Hawks had placed his agency rather strategically, and by strategically, that meant nearby a café she had been going to for longer than she could remember. Y/N was close friends with the owner now, and many of the employees there. So her presence wasn’t anything astonishing, though Y/N had offered time and time again to advertise their business, they’d always declined. The owner had insisted it was nice being a small business, rather than one swarming with customers. 
Y/N had made the shop her safe space, most of the time, those who recognized her seemed to understand her desire to be left alone. And it was relieving, to be normal for a moment. Not to say that she was special or anything, but life as a hero was… an overwhelming one. She’d been lucky to evade the press earlier.
It doesn’t take long to arrive, a short walk is all it takes before Y/N is opening the door to enter the small shop. Almost instantly, she’s greeted with a bag of chips to the face, having been thrown by a grinning Lily, one of the longtime employees that Y/N had known for years now. “Hey superstar.” 
In response Y/N groans, moving to cover her face in the scarf she’d worn and bury her face inside it, cheeks warming in embarrassment. “Shut up, Lily.” Her eyes drift around, “where’s everyone else?”
Lily shrugs, already moving to make Y/N’s usual as she replies, “we’re a bit short staffed today.” She looks to Y/N, “we haven’t seen you in a while. Been too busy for us, have you?” Her words are teasing, but Y/N finds herself feeling bad for not visiting more often. Her schedules become more busy as the time for announcing the top heroes draws near, more meetings, more events, more press conferences. And with her little scandal with Bakugou, she would likely have to give up even more of her time.
“Never.” Y/N finally replies, moving to stand at the counter and placing her bag of chips there. Y/N pulls out her wallet.
Lily waves her off, “on the house.” 
Y/N rolls her eyes, “I make a ridiculous amount of money, let me spend it.” She says, pulling out a few $20 bills, though Lily simply looks to her pointedly. This only encourages Y/N, causing her to keep eye contact with her as she drops all of the bills into the tip jar. “Split it with the rest of the staff.” 
It's true, Y/N’s salary was… more than enough. Hawks had never been frugal with his money, his employees were well off and she was grateful for it but at this point she had more money than she knew what to do with. She was no Number 2 Hero but her bank account spoke for itself. 
Despite this, Lily glares in response, before sliding a drink over to Y/N. “Regardless, how have you been, aside from getting black out drunk at a very important Gala and then proceeding to talk shit about—”
“I doubt she wants to talk about that Lily,” The bell by the door rings, signaling that someone has arrived, and of course, there stands Rosalyn, another one of the employees. Her hair is greying now, but she still bares the same smile and calming persona that she did when Y/N first met her. “Sorry I’m late, traffic was bad.” 
Y/N is grinning as she walks over to Rosalyn, throwing her arms around her as the pair hugs, “good to see you Ros.” Lily pretends to roll her eyes at the sigh of physical affection, though she smiles at the sight of the reunion, before heading through the door behind the counter.
When they pull away, Rosalyn pats Y/N’s head with a smile, “and you! It’s been a while, look how you’ve grown.”
Y/N’s brows furrow as a small laugh escapes her, “I doubt I’ve grown any.” If she’s honest, Rosalyn and Lily hadn’t changed at all. Y/N wondered if they viewed her the same as they used to after all these years as well. And maybe she was scared of the answer, and that’s why she never asked. She could see it, Y/N doesn’t necessarily know or remember when, but she can recall the first time she noticed that they looked at her differently. 
Things had changed at one point, and maybe Y/N’s visit to the coffee shop was just her attempt at holding onto the past. A past where she was happier, where things were simpler. 
Moving to remove her jacket, Rosalyn shrugs, “perhaps I’ve shrunk. Happens with old age I suppose.” The woman heads over to the small entrance that leads to behind the counter, which also happens to have a door to the backroom. “I’ll be back shortly,” she says. Offering Y/N a smile that she quickly returns before heading into the backroom. 
Y/N nods, taking the chips and her drink to one of many tables by the window and placing them down there to save her spot— though the shop is currently empty, she has no doubt that the busier hours will start soon. Regardless, Y/N comes to a stand to move to the display window filled with different pastries. Their new selection is certainly interesting, the sight makes her miss baking. Not that she has the time nowadays.
With a sigh, Y/N straightens her posture, when the bell rings, indicating that someone has entered. Turning Around. Y/N’s eyes widen as her mouth gapes open due to the sight of the one and only Bakugou Katsuki.
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note: shorter chapter but i hope it was worth it hehehehehehe
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Always a Place For You
also on ao3 
fair warning, this one is long
Initially, when they run into another Witcher on the road, Jaskier is thrilled. He’s been dying to hear more about Geralt’s adventures and hopes that having a familiar companion will make him more amenable to it. And maybe cheer him up a little. It's been a slow couple of weeks and while they've adjusted to it - and have certainly had worse periods - Geralt has been a little low lately. So when the other man walks toward them, arms stretched and a goat at his side, Jaskier is delighted.
His name is Eskel and he seems equally as enthusiastic to meet Jaskier as Jaskier is to meet him. Geralt makes a muttered comment about how it’s only because of the song and Eskel elbows him. Jaskier loves him immediately.
"Maybe I could write you your own song," he suggests and behind him, he can hear Geralt's snort of derision.
But it's fine. Geralt's never really grumpy with him about flirting - even, he suspects, with other Witchers - and how else is Jaskier supposed to learn about them? Every piece of Witcher knowledge he has, unless gleaned from his years with Geralt, is tainted with bias and fear, and he would very much like to know the truth.
Eskel is, in fact, far more forthcoming than Geralt ever has been, though this is likely a side-effect of Jaskier being Geralt's companion. He can't imagine Eskel would be so willing otherwise. And he can understand that, having overstepped with the wrong person and wound up in trouble more than his share of times.
The pair of them chat as they make their way along the road, heading toward Eskel’s camp. It’s not until they arrive that Jaskier realizes how quiet Geralt has been the whole time. It’s not as though he’s the chattiest person he's ever known, but Geralt has been talking very little today - even for him - and when Jaskier starts asking questions about their childhood, he shuts up entirely.
At the edge of Eskel’s camp, Geralt tethers Roach next to a black stallion who seems none too impressed with the company, then quietly comes to sit with them. He sits on Eskel's other side, staring intently into the fire and continuing to add nothing to the conversation. A couple of times, Eskel starts to say something, but a single look from Geralt is all it takes for him to switch tracks.
Eskel stays with them and Jaskier does his best to take a step back and not focus too hard on every interaction between the two Witchers. They spend a couple of days camping out before the weather turns wet and miserable and Geralt directs them toward town. Jaskier knows it's for his benefit mostly and he feels guilty for them having to change course, but Geralt won't take no for an answer. It's out of the way - they'd been heading toward Rinde and a sizable reward for killing a pack of ghouls - but it's the closest town to them, even if it's barely large enough to have an inn. But it does and once the horses and goat are housed for the night, that's where they head.
"We need a room for the night," Geralt says and Jaskier interjects with a hurried, "two rooms." Geralt turns to him with a confused frown, but Eskel lays a hand on Geralt's shoulder and he relents.
Jaskier tries not to think too much about what that means or why Geralt relents so quickly, but he fails. As he makes his way up to his own room, all he can think of is the way Eskel's fingers pressed into Geralt's shoulder, squeezing gently in a way that, apparently, was enough to reassure Geralt. He wants to be able to offer that kind of reassurance, for Geralt to feel that calm in his presence.
He's unpacking his things, hanging those that got wet to dry, when there's a knock on the door. Jaskier doesn't even have a chance to cross the room before the door opens and Geralt strolls into the room like it's his own.
"What's wrong?" he asks, which Jaskier supposes is polite, but he's so blunt about it that he almost sounds angry.
"Nothing," Jaskier offers, turning away to finish emptying the contents of his pack.
"Jaskier, you've barely said a word all day.”
“I composed an entire song before we reached the city walls."
"But you haven't spoken to anyone but yourself."
Jaskier opens his mouth to mention talking to the stable hand, but the look on Geralt's face tells him that won't go over well. Not that he understands why Geralt is so concerned about his silence, all of a sudden. There have been days when he's all but prayed for Jaskier to shut up. He should be happy about it.
"I'm just... not feeling well," he says, realizing the fault in his lie before he even finishes speaking it. Geralt's eyebrows knit together and he gives Jaskier a quick once-over before evidently deciding he's fine.
"You're lying to me. Jaskier you never lie to me. Why?"
"You can tell when I'm lying?"
"You smell like deceit, don't change the subject."
Jaskier doesn't know what to say because he certainly can't tell the truth. He goes with the one thing he knows Geralt won't want to talk about any further.
"I had a lover here once," he says quickly, "she dropped me quite quickly when she found out about my other lovers. I was quite hoping not to have to come back, but here we are."
It's close enough to the truth, and something realistic enough that Geralt should believe it. And he does, though he doesn't seem happy about it. He stiffens and Jaskier just sighs softly as Geralt turns back toward the door and leaves him alone again.
For four more days, Eskel travels with them. He leaves on the fifth morning, and watching him go is bittersweet, the weight of some unnamed pain sitting heavily on Jaskier's heart. Geralt shows no sign of sadness or regret, but Jaskier can feel something different about him as they turn and head in the opposite direction.
If Jaskier thought things would go back to the way before, he's sadly mistaken. And it's his own fault, really. Geralt, shockingly, returns to normal fairly quickly, falling back into their old routines, but Jaskier can't stop thinking about him and Eskel. When they're alone at night, he pretends not to be cold because he can't bear the thought of Geralt's arms around him if he's thinking of someone else.
But things do eventually get back to something like normal, aided by Geralt's silent persistence. For the first time in their relationship, Geralt is the one pushing boundaries, encouraging Jaskier to do things he doesn't necessarily want to do. But even when Geralt has wormed his way back to his proper place in Jaskier's life, Jaskier can't stop thinking about him with Eskel. So he flirts less - at least with Geralt - and he distances himself a little bit at a time because he wants Geralt to be happy.
They're up north when the weather starts to cool and out of the blue, Geralt broaches the subject of Kaer Morhen. Jaskier's sitting next to the fire, his lute case open next to him but untouched and he's prodding at the coals with a stick. Geralt comes and plops down next to him, staring directly ahead and not meeting Jaskier's eyes.
"I wonder if you would come to Kaer Morhen with me this winter." It's not a question, not really, and from Geralt's perspective, things have been good - exceptionally good - so he probably isn't expecting Jaskier to turn him down flat.
"No," Jaskier says and the look on Geralt's face tells him he's surprised about it. "I'm going to Oxenfurt."
"You'll freeze before you get there." Geralt says and he sounds a little irritated about it, so Jaskier smiles to ease the awkwardness.
"Well then," he says, "you had better come along and keep me warm."
It's supposed to be a joke, but Geralt agrees easily and Jaskier’s chest tightens. The night that follows is cold and Geralt is more distant than he has been, but he curls up around Jaskier next to the fire and pulls the extra blanket over them both.
For a little while, Jaskier almost thinks things could be okay again, but he's never felt so unsure of himself in his life. He wants Geralt, but he also wants him to be happy and there doesn't seem to be a way to have both - not if Geralt loves Eskel.
A couple of nights out, they're camped on the edge of a lake and Jaskier is struggling to get the fire lit. His fingers are so cold he fumbles with the flint and drops it into the placed sticks carefully. Geralt isn't around to help, having gone off to find something for them to eat, but Jaskier does eventually get the fire lit, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders as he sits next to it, waiting for Geralt to return.
When he doesn't, Jaskier gets worried and hauls himself to his feet. He can't see much in the dark, his eyes having adjusted to the light of the fire, so he heads off in the direction Geralt left. It doesn't take long to figure out where he went; barely two minutes from camp, Jaskier hears the sounds of a fight and hurries toward it.
Geralt has his sword drawn, surrounded on all sides by a pack of drowners. Without thinking, Jaskier rushes into the fold, tugging the dagger from his boot, and launches himself at the closest creature. He gets his blade lodged in its neck, but it stumbles as it collapses, dislodging Jaskier from its back and as he bumps into another and finds himself thrown sideways into the lake.
He's underwater before he realizes what's happening and the icy water bites into his skin. He struggles against the weight of his own body, kicking his legs and searching for anything to push off of. He's not even sure which way is up, at this point and he knows Geralt is too busy to come after him; this time, he's going to have to save himself.
But he can't. He's already losing feeling in his limbs and even with his eyes open and stinging, he can't see anything in the dark, so all he can do is kick his legs and hope for the best. And then, as if like a beacon, an arm thrusts down toward him, scrabbling around until a hand curls around his collar and hauls him upward. Jaskier is helpless as he's hauled up onto the bank and he gasps to catch his breath as warm hands, slowly cooling against his skin, grab at him.
He's tugged up into strong arms and his mind is still struggling to catch up as Geralt lifts him into his arms and starts back toward camp. Jaskier wraps his arms around his neck and rests his chin on his shoulder, he looks back behind them. The entire horde of drowners is dead on the ground, the grass dark with their blood. Jaskier shudders at the sight and Geralt holds him closer, mistaking his shock for cold.
As soon as they're back at the fire, Geralt drops to his knees next to it, shifting to cross his legs and pull Jaskier into his lap. He has both their blankets and the one Jaskier was wearing and he pulls them around him now.
"Take off your clothes," he says and Jaskier stops, his head jerking up to meet his eyes.
"I-" he starts and finds he can't form the words.
“Jaskier, your clothes.”
“But I thought- Eskel, he won't mind?"
"Jaskier, you're going to freeze to death if you don't get out of your clothes, no one is going to mind." Jaskier hesitates just for a moment and Geralt sighs in frustration, reaching for his shirt himself. Geralt gets Jaskier out of his doublet before Jaskier's mind catches up and he fumbles with his shirt.
"I've got it," Geralt says softly, and Jaskier ducks his head. He still hasn't quite managed to catch up to the severity of the situation and he shifts awkwardly as Geralt lifts his shirt up.
"Geralt you shouldn't- I can do it. I don't want things to be complicated because of me, I- I know you and Eskel- and I want you to be happy so I can do it myself." He doesn't look up until he's finished speaking and realizes Geralt hasn't moved. He's frozen in place, his hands wrapped around the hem of Jaskier's shirt. As soon as Jaskier lifts his eyes, Geralt's snap up to meet them.
"That's what's been bothering you? Jaskier, that was months ago." He curses softly under his breath and tugs Jaskier's shirt up over his head. He quickly rids him of the rest of his clothes and bundles Jaskier up against his chest.
They sit together in silence and Jaskier leans further into him than he should, soaking up Geralt's body heat. He shuts his eyes, pressing his face into Geralt's neck and a warm hand slides up his chest, wrapping him tight. It's a little weird being fully naked out in the middle of nowhere and pressed up against Geralt, but he likes the warmth of him against his back.
"Eskel and I," Geralt says suddenly, "it's not what you think."
"Dunno what else it could be," Jaskier mumbles, "you with your head between his legs and all. Though that explains why you were so weird about me meeting him." Geralt's hand makes its way up to his head, sliding into his hair.
"I didn't want to tell you," he admits and Jaskier huffs against him. "Jaskier," Geralt says softly, "I didn't want it to change things. Obviously, it did."
"How long?" Jaskier asks, though he's not totally sure he wants to know.
"Always." Geralt leans his head against Jaskier's, looking out into the fire. "We were kids the first time, cold and alone in that huge keep with no one but each other. It started as a distraction and just grew into something... else."
It feels like all the breath has been sucked from his lungs and Jaskier pulls in a shuddering breath. He had hoped that it was just a relationship born out of necessity, but that's not what it sounds like.
"You're upset," Geralt realizes, but Jaskier shakes his head.
"Just cold."
"And lying." Jaskier says nothing and Geralt tips his head forward, pressing against the back of Jaskier's head. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to upset you, I want you to be happy."
After a moment of silence, Geralt sighs. "You know I care for you, Jaskier." Jaskier's heart does a weird little flip that he can't quite describe, but it doesn't feel good.
"No, actually. You do quite a good job of pretending you don't." He's feeling raw and he wants to pull away, but his hair is still dripping and there's a real chance that he could actually die if he slept out in the cold tonight.
"Jaskier..." Geralt breathes, dropping his chin so his nose bumps against Jaskier's ear. "There's no need to be jealous of Eskel. No one could ever replace you."
Jaskier hates being placated and he squirms in Geralt's arms, turning to frown at him. But Geralt's expression is soft and he almost looks like he's smiling. Jaskier's frown deepens, but Geralt holds him closer, looking at him silently for a moment before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Jaskier's temple.
Jaskier freezes as soon as Geralt moves and Geralt doesn't draw back, not entirely. He presses back in, keeping his eyes on Jaskier's, and when their noses bump against each other, Jaskier inhales slowly. He tips his head, pressing forward again and Geralt meets him halfway.
Geralt's mouth is hot against his own and he turns Jaskier in his lap, pulling him as close as he can without letting the blankets slip away. And it takes him a minute to realize Geralt isn't going to pull away, but when he's sure, Jaskier slips his arms around his neck, risking the frigid night air to wrap himself around Geralt.
He's not sure how long they stay wrapped around each other by the fire, but at some point Jaskier drifts off, his face pressed into Geralt's neck.
They change course in the morning, turning back toward the mountains.
The following morning is frosty and Jaskier dresses as quickly as he can to avoid any more loss of heat. When he's fully clothed, he works on getting his own things together, but Geralt comes over with a large swatch of fabric draped over his arm. As he gets closer, Jaskier realizes it's his cloak but he doesn't have a chance to ask what he's doing before Geralt is wrapping it around him, fastening it around his neck.
"It'll keep you warm," he says, fastening the clasp and Jaskier's heart is beating so loudly he can barely think over it. He suspects Geralt can hear it as well and that's what the little lopsided smile is for. He presses a hand to Jaskier's shoulder and pauses for a moment before sliding the same hand up to the side of his neck and drawing him closer.
"I'm sorry you were miserable for so long, I should have realized."
"No," Jaskier insists, but Geralt is already leaning in for a kiss and Jaskier shuts his eyes. For once, he's happy to leave something in the past.
"Will it be okay?" he asks as Geralt breaks away. He's still only a breath away and Jaskier flicks his eyes up to him. "Me coming to Kaer Morhen with you, I mean."
"If you're worried about Eskel, don't be. He knows."
"He knew before I did," Geralt grins, stroking his thumb across Jaskier's cheek before turning and returning to his task. Jaskier is left speechless again and desperately wanting to know how he came up when talking to Eskel. Maybe if things go as well as Geralt says, he can ask Eskel himself.
They're a week out from the mountain pass that Geralt keeps talking about and Jaskier can't help but wonder if he was always expecting to take him to Kaer Morhen. He certainly wasn't expecting to be told no. But none of that matters now, especially not with Jaskier in the saddle and Geralt pressed as close behind him as he can be, one arm wrapped protectively around his middle.
The cloak is sufficiently warm, but he likes when Geralt touches him and his hood keeps blowing off anyway. Despite the cold wind, Jaskier likes it because Geralt will lean in and kiss his head and press his nose into his hair. Out in the wild, Geralt is careless with his affection, has been even before Jaskier realized what it was, and he can't blame him. If Geralt has been holding everything in for even half the time he has, it can't have been easy, even for a Witcher.
But Geralt likes to touch, likes to get his hands on whatever part of Jaskier he can reach and at times it proves to be frustrating. During the day, Jaskier lets him keep an arm around him and nothing more. He'd already learned the hard way that anything more than that affects him more than it should. Too many nights alone and too long on the road doesn't lead to anything good. And he's wanted for so long that his body overreacts to even the slightest touch. And the worst part is that Geralt seems amused by it, the bastard.
It's not until evening on the fifth night that Jaskier says something about it. They're sitting on the ground next to the fire and Jaskier is in Geralt's lap, watching the flames die down. Geralt has his hands on Jaskier's hips, slowly sliding down his thighs and back up again. His nose is pressed against the back of his ear and Jaskier decides there's nothing wrong with it tonight; it's just the two of them and nothing around for miles, so what does it matter?
Only tonight Geralt doesn't stop with soft, innocent touches. He slips his hands between Jaskier's thighs, fingers sliding easily over the smooth fabric and Jaskier lets out a little gasp when he slips higher than before. His cock twitches in his trousers and he tries to stifle a groan, but it doesn't work. Geralt presses forward, letting his lips brush the curve of Jaskier's ear.
"Jask," he breathes, "we can't do this here." Jaskier groans and arches his back against him.
"Why not? You’re the one who started it."
"You'll freeze."
"You can keep me warm," Jaskier hums, already pressing up into the touch.
He turns his head to kiss Geralt's mouth and Geralt hums against him, still doubtful even as his fingers slide over his crotch. Strong fingers curve around him, stroking him quickly to full hardness and Jaskier whimpers as he bucks up into Geralt's palm. It's a tease and nothing more, but when he pushes back between Geralt's legs, it doesn't feel like he needs any encouragement.
In fact, he doesn't even have to say anything more before Geralt's fingers are tugging his trousers open. Jaskier gasps as the cold air hits his skin, but Geralt's hand is hot and quick to wrap around him, stroking slowly down to the base and squeezing his way back up. He's smooth and precise, his motions speaking to years of practice - a thought which makes Jaskier's skin prickle and his heart beat faster.
"Touch me how you like it," he whispers and he can feel Geralt's breath stutter against his skin.
"Okay," he breathes and his fingers spread along the underside of Jaskier's cock, his thumb and forefinger circling the head.
Geralt continues, his speed increasing just slightly as he works over Jaskier's cock. Jaskier whines, panting against Geralt's neck. The thought that this is how Geralt touches himself is overwhelming and he kisses his neck, running his tongue along the underside of his jaw.
Already, Jaskier's getting close. He's denied himself too long and he's wanted this for so much longer than that. Geralt's hand is hot and quick and Jaskier breathes in his scent, shutting his eyes against the pulsing need of his cock. His hips jerk forward unbidden and he mumbles into Geralt's skin.
Geralt's palm slips up his chest and neck, turning Jaskier's head so he can kiss him properly and then he's pulling off of Jaskier's cock and lifting him in his lap. He turns him around so Jaskier's straddling his thighs and before Jaskier can even adjust to the new position, Geralt is fumbling with his own trousers.
He strokes himself quickly, tugging Jaskier against him and his hand closes around both of them, holding as tight as he can as he thrusts up against Jaskier's cock.
"Oh. Gods, Geralt, yes." Jaskier snaps his hips in quick sharp bursts, pressing himself as close against Geralt's cock as he can. Geralt's hand slips from their cocks, both arms curling around his waist and he ruts against Jaskier rolling his hips in short, sharp thrusts.
"Fuck, Jask," he huffs. His hands slip down, fingers pressing into Jaskier's ass and forcing the roll of his hips. Geralt's strong and enthusiastic and Jaskier shudders and groans as his own arousal burns through him.
He pushes up against him, so hard it's almost uncomfortable, but this position and their location aren't exactly conducive to comfort, not that Jaskier cares. Or Geralt, by the way his hand slips up, tangling itself in Jaskier's hair and tugging gently. Jaskier lifts his head obediently and as Geralt's eyes meet his, he feels his body release and before he can even warn Geralt, he's coming hard, spilling between them.
His hips stutter and his thighs shake and Geralt holds him, grunting softly in his ear as he continues the increasingly uneven roll of his hips. Jaskier's body feels heavy where it's sprawled over Geralt's chest, but his head is floating, empty and airy, the only thing still tying him to reality is Geralt's body wrapped around him. Geralt's cock digs into his hip and Jaskier's body shudders above him.
It's too much, but it's so good and Jaskier just goes limp, pressing his mouth against Geralt's neck and kissing him lazily. Geralt mumbles against him, breathing his praise into Jaskier's shoulder and he's never been so talkative. Jaskier can only hope he's always like this when he gets off.
When Geralt comes, it's with a low, rumbling growl that could almost get Jaskier hard again. His arms slip a little but stay firmly wrapped around him, and when he nudges Jaskier's cheek with his nose, Jaskier tips his head, meeting his mouth in a soft kiss.
"You're incredible, darling."
Geralt huffs his amusement and tips his head back to kiss Jaskier's forehead. He doesn't speak, and Jaskier shuts his eyes, listening to Geralt's heartbeat as it gradually slows to normal. He's not sure what the rest of the winter has in store for them, but he's thankful for this one moment alone, even rushed and cold in the forest.
After a little while, he peels himself from Geralt with a significant amount of effort and flops onto his back, staring up into the dark sky. Next to him, Geralt sits up, smiles down at him softly.
"We have to get cleaned up," he says lightly, "get changed before we sleep. We'll have washing to do when we get to the keep."
Jaskier groans dramatically, but he pushes himself up and leans in to kiss Geralt. He strips and changes his clothes as quickly as he can, careful not to take too much off at once because now that his mind is clear again, the air is bitterly cold.
When he's dressed again and wrapped in a blanket, he lays down on his bedroll, watching as Geralt goes through the same motions, changing out of his soiled clothing. It was rough and it was messy and Jaskier wouldn't change it for anything. He pulls Geralt close to him, breathing softly against his ear. In the morning, they have to get up and go, but for now, Jaskier is content to let Geralt wrap around him and kiss his neck as he drifts off into a pleasant slumber.
The rest of his night doesn't go nearly so well. After waking up three times and still shivering despite having the extra blanket wrapped around him and pressing in as close to Geralt as he can, he gives up trying to sleep at all. So, hours before dawn, Geralt packs their entire camp up and hoists Jaskier up onto Roach's back, setting back out along the road.
Jaskier has no notion of time as they travel, drifting in and out of consciousness up until the moment they arrive at the gates. Geralt helps him down as they approach the stables and Jaskier resists the urge to lean into him and fall asleep. He helps remove Roach's tack, though Geralt takes it from him so he can guide Roach into the empty stall next to Eskel's horse. Geralt leads the way up through the courtyard and into the mess hall and Jaskier follows quietly, taking in very little of it.
Kaer Morhen isn't what he expected it to be. Not that he's had much of a chance to see it; as soon as Geralt got him inside, he ran through introductions and got him upstairs into a hot bath. In which, Jaskier promptly fell asleep against Geralt's chest. Since he's woken up, he's found the keep to be surprisingly warm and comfortable and nothing like the cold, dark dungeon Geralt has described to him time and time again. Then again, he thinks, living here as a young boy in training to be a Witcher must have been a very different environment. But he seems happy enough now.
That night, the pair of them head down for supper and Jaskier finds himself sitting across from Eskel. He feels bad about all the things he thought about him before, but now isn't the time to bring all of that up so he just smiles cheerfully at him. There will be time to talk later.
Later, they make their way up to bed together and there's a moment of quiet hesitation once they're alone before Jaskier takes Geralt's hands and leads him toward the bed.
Waking up next to Geralt, warm and safe in bed, is the greatest thing Jaskier has experienced thus far in his life. By the end of the evening, all hesitancy is gone and after a meal and drinks with the rest of their companions, Jaskier finds himself hauled upstairs and pressed into cold sheets. He's fairly certain the entire keep hears how easily Geralt pulls pleasure from his body, but it doesn't matter. The only person who matters is Eskel, and apparently, he already knows.
For the next couple of days Geralt shares his bed and then, on their fifth night in the keep, he pauses when Jasikier suggests heading to bed.
"Go to bed," he says gently, "but don't wait for me."
Jaskier smiles relieved that Geralt is comfortable enough not to lie about where he's going or what he's doing. "You don't have to come to bed tonight if you'd rather stay with Eskel."
Geralt's lips twitch up in a soft grin and he leans in, pressing a soft kiss to Jaskier's mouth. Jaskier sighs and as he opens to him, Geralt presses closer, slipping his hand into Jaskier's hair. He hums softly and Jaskier can feel the restless energy in him and for the first time since the first time tonight, he's a little bit jealous that he's not the one accompanying him. He breaks away first, leaning back in for just a second to press a final kiss to Geralt's lips.
"Have a good night," he whispers.
"Goodnight, Jaskier."
Sleeping alone in a big, unfamiliar room is odd, but Jaskier wraps himself up in the blankets and burrows in. He tries not to think too much about what's happening just down the hall, but it's not jealousy that has him trying to divert his thoughts.
Jaskier adjusts to sleeping alone and he adjusts to Eskel's soft closeness with Geralt during the days, appreciates it even. Geralt doesn't get enough affection in his life, as hard as Jaskier tries, so it's good to know someone else is there when he isn't. And he likes Eskel. More than he ever expected to, especially considering the circumstances. But Jaskier isn't a greedy person and if Geralt's happy, so is he. And considering what Geralt has told him of Eskel, maybe he should have expected him to be as welcoming as he is.
He never makes any attempt to draw Geralt away and any time Jaskier comes across the two of them alone, he's easily integrated into the conversation. They get along well and Geralt seems happiest when he's between them or when everyone's together in the mess hall, so even if Jaskier didn't like Eskel, he'd be willing to put up with him for Geralt's sake. But he does like him, though it isn't until midnight a week later that he really starts to appreciate him.
It's a warmer night than it has been, so Jaskier isn't missing Geralt's presence so much tonight. He's perfectly comfortable on his own and while he would be happier with someone to keep him company, he's not lonely. And all through the evening, it had been oh so clear how Geralt and Eskel were just waiting to slip away from the group and be alone. As he lies in the dark, he wonders if that's how he comes across when he slips into Geralt's lap and whispers in his ear. Maybe, but he doesn't mind and he's sure at least Eskel understands.
Jaskier shuts his eyes, wiggling deeper into the mattress as he tugs the blanket up to his chin. He could get used to spending the winters here if Geralt is willing to bring him.
When he wakes, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat, Jaskier doesn't remember crying out, but the knock on his door makes him think he must have. No one would be checking on him, otherwise.
"I'm fine," he calls, but he finds his voice hoarse and too quiet. It's been a long time since he's had nightmares this frequently and he doesn't know what's brought them on again, but he'd like it to stop.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed and pushes himself up, starting toward the door. Whoever knocked hasn't responded, so he pulls the door open, not expecting to see Eskel standing in the doorway.
"You alright?" he asks and Jaskier nods. "You cried out and I didn't want to wake Geralt, but I know he'd want to make sure you were okay."
"I am. Thank you."
"Geralt used to have terrible nightmares, too. Do you want to talk about it?"
Immediately, he wants to say no because Geralt's lover is the last person he wants to go complaining to. Especially a Witcher who has led a much harder life than he has. But as he's contemplating, he realizes Eskel's hand has found its way to his shoulder, warm and comforting and he doesn't want to be alone right now.
He tells Eskel about his dreams, though he doesn't go into detail. No one who cares about him wants to hear about all the gruesome ways Jaskier watches Geralt die in his dreams. But Eskel seems to get the gist of it. They head out onto the balcony where they're less likely to wake anyone and Eskel doesn't move when Jaskier leans into his body to keep warm.
"We've all been through it," he says, wrapping an arm around Jaskier's shoulders, "even Lambert, though you'd never get him to admit it. What do you dream about?"
"Geralt, mostly," he admits. "Sometimes I dream about dying, but mostly it's him."
"Understandable. Geralt lives a dangerous life, I'm still surprised he lets you follow along."
"I wouldn't say he lets me," Jaskier huffs, quirking his lips just slightly as he looks up at Eskel, "but he's never tried very hard to stop me."
Eskel huffs a soft laugh. "No, I can't imagine he did."
They talk for a while longer, but when Jaskier gets too cold, Eskel ushers him back into the keep and back to his room. When they reach the door, he offers his own bed that it might be more comfortable if he wasn't alone, but as much as Jaskier is happy to let Geralt and Eskel do their thing, he's not sure he wants to be that close to it. He declines the offer politely, ensuring that Eskel knows how much he appreciates it, and retreats into the room alone.
Now, at least, when he settles into bed, he falls asleep without any trouble.
It becomes a ritual, of sorts. Jaskier's dreams don't come every night and some nights Geralt is there to curl around him and ground him in the present, but when he's not, there's Eskel. And after a while, it's not just about the nightmares. If Jaskier is having a down day and Geralt is busy, Eskel is the one he turns to for comfort (gods know Lambert won't give in without a fight). Things are good between them and Jaskier regrets the way he acted the first time they met, but love can make people do stupid things and jealousy is worse.
Geralt spends most of his nights with Jaskier, even if they're just curled up together in the dark. The rest of the time, Geralt is with Eskel and as the weeks pass, Jaskier starts to feel the still-lingering discomfort shift. He's not jealous because admitting he's jealous would mean he has a problem with the way things are between them, or admitting that maybe Geralt isn't the only one he has feelings for. Which is absurd.
But he is closer to Eskel than he is with the others and more and more often he finds himself seeking him out, looking to bask in Eskel's warmth and understanding. But it's just because he's kind and understanding and willing to listen. Because Geralt has so few good things in his life. How could Jaskier even consider taking one of them away?
They're all drinking together one night and Geralt and Lambert are playing Gwent. Geralt gets too far into it every time he plays, so Jaskier keeps his distance, watching from his perch on the table, lute in his lap. When Lambert turns in for the night, Geralt frowns at the empty space across from him before glancing down the table at Jaskier.
"Do you want to play?" he asks and Jaskier scoffs.
"Maybe if you get me another drink?" he asks, smiling brightly down at Geralt. He gets a soft, bemused smile in response, but Geralt pushes himself up from the table and Jaskier watches as he leaves the room.
Jaskier is just drunk enough to feel pleasantly warm all over, the very few inhibitions he possesses lowered. Which is probably why, when Eskel slides down the bench to sit between his knees, he doesn't move. His heart beats a little quicker, but it's probably just the wine. Eskel lifts his arms, resting his elbows on Jaskier's knees and he tips his head to one side. Already, Jaskier is struggling against the swell of emotion that fills his chest, and the soft, lopsided smile Eskel gives him doesn't help.
"I hope Geralt realizes how lucky he is," he says and for a second, Jaskier is sure his heart stops. When Eskel's eyes flick up to his, curious, almost surprised, he's sure of it. Considering the amount of stuff Geralt overhears that he's not supposed to, Jaskier's just settled on the assumption that Witchers can hear everything. Including his heartbeat.
"You have a beautiful voice," Eskel continues and Jaskier fights a losing battle to get his body under control so he doesn't give himself away. If it's not too late already.
"Thank you," he chokes out, amazed that his voice is still working properly.
He doesn't remember the last time he felt like this. With Geralt it was simple; do nothing because it won't be well-received - or so he thought - but with Eskel he's sure he could just... lean in a little, press a little closer. But where does Geralt stand in that situation? Would he be upset, worried that maybe they'd go off together and leave him? Nevermind that Jaskier's been desperately in love with him for a couple of decades now. So once again, he does nothing and he shoves the feelings down and pretends like it's fine.
But he wants to kiss him and he can feel Eskel's body heat. And Eskel doesn't seem to share any of his concerns, letting his fingers slip over the side of Jaskier's thigh and tracing invisible patterns in the silk of his trousers. Jaskier startles when Eskel rises to his feet. He plants his hands on either side of Jaskier's hips and like this, they're barely a couple of inches apart and Jaskier can feel Eskel's breath on his face and he wants. But he can't, so he shuts his eyes.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" Eskel asks and Jaskier has a witty remark right on the tip of his tongue, but then Eskel's mouth is against his own, kissing it away.
After kissing Geralt for the first time, he didn’t think anything as simple as a kiss would affect him this way, but as Eskel's lips part against his own, Jaskier can feel it all the way down to his toes. He lets out a soft sound as Eskel's arm slips around his waist, pulling him closer. Eskel breaks the kiss a moment later, only pulling back far enough to look at Jaskier.
"Come to bed with us tonight," he breathes.
"Will Geralt be okay with that?"
"I hope so," Eskel chuckles, leaning back in and pressing his lips against Jaskier's jaw. "It was his idea." Oh. "I didn't think you'd want to."
"How could I not? Who wouldn't gladly climb into bed with two handsome men like you?" Eskel snorts and pulls back to look at him, but Jaskier just smiles.
The clink of bottles against each other signals Geralt's return and Jaskier instinctively leans back a little but Eskel leans in close, breathing against his ear. "Don't worry," he whispers, "he likes it."
And Jaskier knows they can both tell the way his heart beats a little quicker, but he can't help it. He leans back further as Geralt comes to kneel behind him on the bench.
"Do you?" Jaskier asks, offering his most charming smile, "like seeing me with him?"
"Mmm," Geralt hums, cupping a hand under Jaskier's head and turning him just slightly to kiss him. When he draws back, he looks up to Eskel. "I do."
It takes Jaskier a moment to realize Geralt is playing with his shirt and it's not until he shifts that he realizes he's got it untucked from his trousers. One warm hand slips up under the fabric, fingers brushing over the bare skin beneath it and Jaskier shuts his eyes with a hum, shifting to lean back against him. As far as he's concerned, they could stay right here all night and he'd be perfectly happy with it.
Eskel's hands find his thighs, pressing down as he leans forward and catches Jaskier's lips in a heated kiss. Jaskier makes a soft noise of surprise but leans into it, and once Geralt gets him out of his doublet, he slips his arms around Eskel's neck. But the kiss doesn't last long and Eskel ducks his head, dragging his mouth down Jaskier's throat and down to press kisses into his chest.
Jaskier lets himself be moved and shifted into position, hips pulled forward so his body is flush against Eskel's. And Geralt climbs up behind him, knees on either side of his hips so Jaskier is pinned perfectly between them. His fingers slip into Eskel's hair, sliding through the strands as Eskel continues his exploration down Jaskier's stomach, undoing the buttons of his shirt as he goes. And if the sounds from behind him are anything to go by, Geralt does very much enjoy watching them together.
When Jaskier's shirt is entirely undone and Eskel has moved on to removing his boots, Geralt tugs the fabric from his shoulders. And Jaskier's pulse spikes as two sets of hands slide over his skin, then Eskel's settle on his waist, teasing the hem of his trousers. Jaskier is hardly ashamed to be half-hard already - anyone would be in his position - but his breath catches as Eskel's thumb brushes over the bulge of his cock. He tips his head back, intent on finding Geralt's mouth with his own, but when he looks up at him, he pauses.
Geralt is transfixed, paused mid-motion. His teeth pressed into his bottom lip, eyes focused on Eskel's hands where they tease at Jaskier's growing erection. Oh. He really does like to watch. Well, if that's what he wants, Jaskier isn't going to disappoint him.
He wiggles his hips enticingly and Eskel makes quick work of removing his trousers. With the last obstacle out of his way, Eskel presses in close, near enough that Jaskier's cock slips against his own - close but maddeningly separated by Eskel's clothes. Jaskier groans his disappointment, but in one surprisingly smooth motion, Eskel drops back to his seat, his fingers slipping over Jaskier's bare thighs and gripping around him. Jaskier tips his head down to watch as Eskel nuzzles between his thighs, thick stubble grazing against skin.
It's rough and a little bit ticklish, but the closeness and the way Eskel presses his face against him makes Jaskier's breath catch. He's been transfixed by Eskel for weeks now, his arms, his thighs, his lips, but now he's facing the very real possibility of having those lips wrapped around his cock and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Geralt presses against him, kisses the back of his neck, and slides a hand down his stomach.
He curves a hand around his cock, only vaguely touching him as he slips up the length of him. It's maddening in its teasing and Jaskier drops his head back against Geralt's chest with a groan, but then Eskel's lips press against his heated cock, following the path of Geralt's hand and Jaskier goes limp between them.
Geralt runs his hands up Jaskier's sides, steadying him as Eskel's lips slide over him and Jaskier leans into his warmth. Eskel's hands join Geralt's, fitting around Jaskier's hips and softly rubbing against his skin as he sinks down on him. It's never been a mystery why Geralt got involved with Eskel, but if this is what he's always like when they're alone, Jaskier can certainly see why he would keep coming back for more.
He groans as his cock bumps against the back of his throat, but Eskel doesn't let that stop him, pressing his nose into the curls at the base of his cock and swallowing around him. Jaskier is sure he's going to pass out when Eskel just stays like that and he wonders vaguely if the mutations took away his gag reflex because that could prove interesting. He bites his lip with a groan, failing miserably at an attempt to keep his hips steady. But Eskel doesn't seem to mind, guiding his hips with every little thrust. And Jaskier isn't sure he'll survive being treated this way.
He slips one arm back around Geralt's neck, steadying himself as the other slips into Eskel's hair. It takes all his concentration not to roll his hips up, slide his cock down Eskel's throat. His whole body shudders and he lets out a shuddering moan, mumbling softly as Eskel shifts and bobs in his lap.
One warm hand presses against his cheek and when he turns, Geralt catches his lips in a heated kiss. It's hot and possessive and Eskel groans at the way Jaskier’s cock throbs in response. The angle is a little off but Geralt nips at his lips and kisses him so deeply that Jaskier nearly forgets about the mouth around his cock until Eskel pulls off.
The little whine of disappointment is lost to Geralt's lips and when Jaskier eventually breaks free to look back down at Eskel, he has to remind himself not to be greedy. But it's hard when Eskel's looking up at him with those beautiful golden eyes and a faint smirk on his lips.
He rises to his feet again, pushing a hand through Jaskier's hair and cupping his jaw. For a split second, he looks like he wants to say something, but he presses forward instead, catching Jaskier's lips in a soft kiss.
"Don't start without me," he mumbles and then he's pulling away, stepping over the bench and crossing toward the door.
Despite the fire, the room feels suddenly cold without Eskel pressed against him and Jaskier cuddles back against Geralt, tugging his arms around him and shifting to kiss his neck. Geralt grabs his hips, holding him firmly and turning him in his lap. He pulls Jaskier against him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and drawing his head back to look at him.
"You look good with Eskel," he breathes, "very good. But I have to know you want this. I don't want you to do it for our sake."
"Our sake?" Jaskier asks and Geralt's hand slides to the back of his head.
"Eskel's become... fond of you."
"And you're alright with that?" Jaskier asks, hopeful.
"Why wouldn't I be? I... care deeply for both of you, why wouldn't I want him to want you, too?" He presses his lips to Jaskier's just briefly and when he pulls back, he's smiling softly. "I know you want him and I want you to. He wants you, too. We both do."
Geralt ducks his head, kissing his neck and sucking at the spot right under his jaw. He slips one arm around Jaskier's waist, tugging him closer as his other hand snakes between them, wrapping around his cock. He tugs firmly, pulling a startled gasp from Jaskier as his fingers tighten around him.
Jaskier lets him for a moment, before shifting so they're facing the opposite direction. He pushes Geralt back against the table, shifting onto his knees and he bends over him, quickly running his mouth up the Geralt's length through his trousers. He mouths at him through the fabric, taking special care when he reaches the head and Geralt's hands tangle in his hair, tugging gently as his hips rise against Jaskier's mouth.
The door creaks open but Jaskier is only distantly aware of it until he hears Geralt's muffled moan. Jaskier pushes himself up to find Eskel bent over Geralt, kissing him as Geralt's arms wind around his neck, fingers pushing through his hair. In that moment, he knows exactly why Geralt likes to watch.
Heat sears through him and he barely resists wrapping a hand around himself and getting off just like this. But he catches a glint of a vial in Eskel's hand and his heart thuds a little heavier in his chest. As Eskel pulls away, Geralt's hands fall to his sides and Jaskier can't help but smile at the soft expression on his face.
When Eskel steps away from him, Jaskier realizes he's hard, his cock straining hard against the front of his trousers. Fuck. And that fucking codpiece isn't doing anything to help matters. Jaskier climbs up, straddling Geralt's hips and rocking gently against him as he reaches out for Eskel, drawing him close with two fingers in the collar of his shirt. Eskel grins as Jaskier pulls him into a firm kiss, but he doesn't linger, even as one hand slides down to settle on the swell of Jaskier's ass.
"I think it's time we made our way upstairs," Eskel rumbles and Jaskier grumbles as Geralt asks,
"Mm," Eskel confirms, "I don't think we need another lecture about bodily fluids." Geralt just huffs a laugh and pushes himself up, slipping a hand behind Eskel's head to guide his mouth to his own.
Eskel squeezes Jaskier's ass and dips to kiss him before pulling away to collect his clothes. Jaskier reluctantly slips from Geralt's lap and the three of them make their way upstairs toward Geralt's room.
As soon as they're in the room with the door shut, Jaskier finds himself pressed against it, a hot mouth against his own. The only way he knows it's Eskel is the scent of him. In time, he's sure he'll learn the differences in their touch, but right now he's already overwhelmed and not at all bothered with who is touching him.
He's lifted off his feet, legs snaking around Eskel's waist as one arm slips under his ass. Eskel's tongue slides between his lips and Jaskier groans, shifting his hips against him. He gets a little huff of a laugh from Eskel and is promptly deposited on the bed with Eskel on top of him. He never once breaks the kiss and Jaskier reaches up, encouraged by the press of Eskel's cock against his thigh. He tugs at Eskel's shirt, loosening it from his trousers and tugging it up over his head as Geralt joins them on the bed.
With Eskel free of his shirt, Jaskier reaches down, toying with the ties on his trousers. He gets a hum of approval and it takes a moment to realize it's coming from Geralt. He shifts above Jaskier's Jaskier, then, once he's settled, gently lifts Jaskier's head into his lap as Eskel moves back down his body. He gets his mouth around Jaskier's cock again, sucking him down as Jaskier whimpers under him.
It's not the first time Jaskier's gone to bed with more than one partner - far from it - but Jaskier more often than not finds himself in control in those situations. Tonight, though, Eskel has taken charge right from the start and Jaskier has never been happier to let himself be led. He writhes as Eskel's lips seal around him, squirms as his hands slip up over his thighs. Geralt's fingers wind through his hair and when Jaskier tips his head back he realizes Geralt is watching, his eyes focused on Eskel's mouth around him. And he's hard.
Jaskier lifts his head as well as he can, curling a hand around Geralt's neck to pull him into a kiss. It's a bit of an odd angle, but Geralt kisses him deeply, rumbles low against his lips and Jaskier arches off the bed. He feels Eskel chuckle around him before pulling off and climbing up over him. He kisses his way from Jaskier's chest up to his jaw and Geralt withdraws, letting Eskel claim Jaskier's mouth in a bruising kiss. He rocks his hips and Jaskier groans into his mouth. Eskel is thick and hard where he ruts against him and Jaskier desperately wants to get his mouth on him. Or Geralt. He isn't picky, but he is very impatient.
He's not sure if he'll get this opportunity again, so he pulls away regrettably sliding out from under Eskel's weight and leaving him with Geralt. And Eskel busies himself getting Geralt out of his shirt, something Jaskier finds difficult to tear his eyes from.
Geralt lets himself be manhandled much in the same way he does with Jaskier, but while it feels incredibly intimate and important when it's happening to him, there's something thrilling about seeing it from an outside point of view. The way Geralt lets himself be pushed and pulled into position, lets Eskel climb up over him and slot their bodies together perfectly.
Geralt reaches an arm out to him and Jaskier lies down next to him, kissing him when he turns his head toward him. Eskel hums, shifting so he and Jaskier bracket Geralt in, both pressed against his sides. And Jaskier takes his chance while he can, slipping a hand up the length of Geralt's cock through his trousers. He gets a soft groan in response, muffled against his lips, and squeezes a little firmer as Eskel's hand comes up below his.
Geralt bucks against them, rolling his head back and Jaskier takes advantage of the position to press his lips to Geralt's neck, sucking lightly as his fingers slip to his trousers, picking at the buttons. Eskel's strokes speed up a little, his hand bumping against Jaskier's every few seconds, but Jaskier still manages to undo the buttons and slip Geralt's cock free of its confines. Geralt groans as bare fingers wrap around him and Jaskier pulls from his mouth, kissing his way down to the head of his cock before licking a stripe up the side of him.
There's a muffled sound of pleasure from above him but Jaskier is focused on his task now, wrapped up in the taste of Geralt on his tongue to worry about anything else. He sinks down on him, sliding up and down his length with ease as Geralt moans above him, each sound muffled by Eskel's mouth against him. The thought of them together spurs him on and he slides one hand up Geralt's thigh, and up his chest as he flattens his tongue against him.
He's been paying attention to what Geralt likes, committing it to memory every time they're together, taking notes on what makes Geralt moan and what makes him writhe and arch off the bed. He's learning quickly. Geralt likes to be teased, even if he would never admit it; likes when Jaskier sucks him nice and slow, letting his tongue drag along the length of him, his lips slide delicately over the head. And Jaskier likes to take his time with Geralt, so it works out nicely.
Geralt groans and Eskel kisses the sounds from his mouth shifting against him and Jaskier flicks his eyes up to watch. He's not above admitting that watching them turns him on and if he's allowed, he may as well take advantage of it. But Eskel does something and Geralt whines against his lips, hips jumping forward to press his cock against the roof of Jaskier's mouth. He shudders as Jaskier sinks back on him and wraps an arm around Eskel's neck, pulling him closer.
Jaskier wants to watch, but he gets lost in the rock of Geralt's hips, the heady scent of him and he shuts his eyes and slides one hand up Geralt's chest. He teases at his nipple, rubbing it firmly, spurred on by the way Geralt twitches beneath him. He doesn't even realize Eskel's got his cock out until he hears a rumbling groan and looks over to find him with a hand around himself, leaning in so he's rutting against Geralt's thigh and that's certainly something.
Heat sears through him and Jaskier aches to get his mouth around him. He doesn't think he could, but he desperately wants to try. Eskel slips the hand from his cock to reach out, brushing his fingers against Jaskier's cheek and lifting him from Geralt's cock.
"Get him ready for me?" he breathes and Jaskier nods before he's pulled into a sloppy kiss.
It lingers longer than Jaskier's expecting and he finds himself pulled into Eskel's lap and he only just manages to snake a hand between them, wrapping around the head of Eskel's cock before Eskel's pulling away again.
He doesn't mind much when he considers the idea of watching Eskel fuck Geralt and he pulls away, running a hand up Geralt's thigh.
"Roll over for me?" he asks and Geralt is quick to comply, though he tugs Jaskier down against him. He smiles as he kisses him and Jaskier is loath to move, but he wriggles out of Geralt's grip nonetheless.
He shifts to straddle his hips, kissing a line down Geralt's spine until he reaches the swell of his ass. Jaskier squeezes the flesh, bending down to nip at him gently and he settles between Geralt's thighs. He feels when Eskel slips up behind him, but he tries to focus on Geralt, bending low to kiss him before pressing between his cheeks.
He licks a stripe over his hole and Geralt shudders under him, reaching back to grab Jaskier's hand and hold it. It's absurdly romantic when Jaskier has his face in his ass, but he loves it and he squeezes back hard. Jaskier starts off slow, with soft kisses and gentle touches, but Geralt rocks beneath him, pushing back against his mouth and it's hard to deny him exactly what he wants.
He presses his tongue against him, letting Geralt relax under him before pushing against the muscle. Geralt is surprisingly giving and Jaskier pushes into him without much effort. It's a heady feeling, the way Geralt trembles under his touch and squeezes his hand, thumb tracing circles in his skin. Jaskier fucks into him slowly, licking around his rim before pushing in again and Geralt whines as he pushes deeper, fucks him quicker.
When Jaskier gets a finger in alongside his tongue, Geralt arches off the bed and Jaskier almost thinks he could make him come just like this. And he's sorely tempted, even as Eskel presses up against his back, slipping a bottle of oil next to him.
"I want to see him come on your fingers," Eskel growls, low and rough against his ear and before Jaskier can even answer Eskel's nosing at his neck, nipping at the skin beneath his ear. Jaskier leans into the touch, withdrawing his fingers and reaching for the oil. He has every intention of following through with Eskel's command.
He slicks his fingers and presses one back between Geralt's cheeks, vividly aware of Eskel leaning over him, watching every movement. And he's as determined to please Eskel as he is Geralt. He works one finger into him, leaning low again to lick around the intrusion and Geralt mumbles into the pillows and he rolls his hips.
It's' not long before he can get a second finger into him and Jaskier crooks both fingers, pressing deep and seeking out that certain spot. When he finds it, Geralt whimpers and Eskel nuzzles against his neck. It makes it hard to concentrate, but Eskel seems unworried, wrapping one arm around his waist and slipping a hand down to wrap around his cock. Jaskier keens, jerking into the touch.
"Needy," Eskel hums. Which. It's hardly his fault. Eskel rocks against him and Jaskier is tempted to ask him to fuck him instead, prep or no.
He bends over, pushing his hips back against him and grinds back against Eskel's cock as he works into Geralt. His rhythm is a little unsteady, but he's been hard for so long he can barely help the way he rocks between his hand and his cock. It's a miracle he can even think enough to keep fingering Geralt. But he does, and when he gets a third into him, Geralt is panting and rutting against the bed.
"Jask," he groans, "please-"
"Are you gonna come for me?" Jaskier asks, his voice shaking as Eskel's cock slides against his hole. He's pushing close to the edge too and he's not sure Geralt coming won't tip him over.
Eskel's fingers tighten around him and Jaskier pushes through with a groan, thighs shaking as he shoves his fingers deep and presses against his prostate. Geralt squeezes his hand so hard Jaskier thinks he'll lose sensation in his fingers and he pushes his hips back against him, encouraging the press of Jaskier's fingers.
"Fuck, he looks good like this, doesn't he?" Eskel hums. "We're so damn lucky." He's still working at a spot on Jaskier's neck and he knows he'll have a mark in the morning and something about the fact that it's from Eskel makes it all that much more thrilling.
He tries to lean back into Eskel, but then he's being pushed forward. Eskel keeps him steady, but Jaskier's overwhelmed. He pushes Geralt's hand up, shifting to lean low over him, rutting into Eskel's fist. He rubs into Geralt and he can feel that he's close. Geralt's hips twitch shakily under him and he pulls Jaskier's hand under him, kissing his palm and pressing his nose against it.
"Jask," he breathes and that's as far as he gets before he's coming, shuddering through his orgasm.
Jaskier keeps his fingers inside him, thrusting lightly as Geralt rides through it. Geralt squirms under him, rocking back onto him even after he's come down and when Jaskier moves to pull away, Eskel intervenes. He pulls Jaskier back against him, propping him up on his lap and Jaskier is too overwhelmed to do anything but slump against his chest, head rolling on his shoulder as Eskel jerks him quick and hard.
He comes in a matter of seconds, arching off of him and crying out. Eskel stokes him through it and when a second set of hands rest on his hips, Jaskier opens his eyes to find Geralt sitting in front of him. He tips forward to kiss him and then, as he slumps back against Eskel, Geralt leans in to kiss Eskel too.
"Still wanna fuck me?" Geralt mumbles and Eskel huffs against his mouth.
"Gods, yes," he breathes. "Lie down for me."
Geralt does as he's asked, settling on his stomach, and Jaskier scoots out of the way, sprawling out next to him. He presses his nose into Geralt's side, inhaling the scent of him. He knows Geralt and Eskel will both have another couple of rounds in them, but he's already tired and quite happy to just cuddle up against Geralt's side.
Geralt's eyes drop shut and he breathes softly against Jaskier's lips, groaning as Eskel presses into him. Jaskier watches the way pleasure washes over his face and Eskel groans in time with him which is enough to have Jaskier's cock twitching again. Geralt flops against the bed, pulling Jaskier close to kiss him softly, even as he's jolted by Eskel.
Geralt is beautiful in the way he writhes against the bed and Jaskier can't keep his eyes off him. He shouldn't be getting hard again already but he's obsessed with the way Geralt moves and the sounds Eskel makes as he fucks him. Jaskier rolls onto his back, pressing against Geralt's side as he runs a hand down his own stomach. He slips down, wrapping a hand around himself and strokes slowly, feeling the way his cock swells under his touch. When he looks up, he finds Eskel watching him, a soft smirk on his face and Eskel reaches down, pushing Jaskier's hand away to jerk him off himself.
Jaskier slumps but his hips jump up. He's sensitive, but Eskel's hand feels incredible and he can't help but press into the touch. He groans as he leans into Geralt tipping his head to kiss his cheek, but Geralt shifts onto his elbows, leaning over to kiss him properly. He nips at his lips and Jaskier groans, reaching for Geralt and cupping his face.
He holds him close and Geralt kisses him hard, lips parting to deepen the kiss, shifting so he's closer, one arm draped over Jaskier's chest. Geralt's thumb brushes against his nipple and Jaskier whines against his lips, squirming against the bed. Eskel just squeezes him harder and slides his hand to the base, dipping down to suck the head of his cock into his mouth.
"Fuck," Jaskier hisses, "Fuck, Eskel please-"
Eskel flicks his tongue at him and sinks down just far enough to press his tongue against the underside of the head and Jaskier whimpers.
Eskel pulls off abruptly, running a hand up the inside of Jaskier's thigh.
"What if Geralt sucks you off?" he asks and Geralt hums as Jaskier groans.
"Would you like that?" Geralt asks, drawing away to kiss his neck. "Do you want to come again?"
"Yeah," Jaskier breathes and Geralt hums against his lips again.
"Sit up, Jask, let me see you."
Jaskier pulls himself upright, scrambling to his knees and shifts to kneel in front of Geralt. He gives himself a couple of quick strokes and catches Eskel's eye over Geralt's head.
Eskel gives him a short smack and Geralt grumbles but he presses his head into Jaskier's stomach and Jaskier is so desperately in love with him. He reaches down to brush Geralt's cheek, smiling at him as Eskel does something particularly delightful behind him and Geralt shoves his hips back.
"Fuck, Eskel," he groans and Jaskier runs a soothing hand down his spine.
He meets Eskel's eyes just for a moment, the heat in them burning straight through to his core. His cock twitches just as Geralt ducks his head, his nose brushing against him. Jaskier's mouth drops open. He's trying to be patient because Geralt has been so fucking patient with him, but it's difficult when he's rock hard and Geralt's breath is so hot against his cock.
With a groan, he slips a hand around himself, watching as Eskel's face presses between Geralt's cheeks and the way Geralt jerks and groans under his attention. Jaskier sits back on his heel and Geralt drops with him, pressing kisses against Jaskier's thighs and moving up to suck his cock into his mouth.
He swallows him down in one swift motion, propping himself up on his elbows. Jaskier drops back, knees pressing apart instinctively and he presses a soft hand to the back of Geralt's head. He pushes his fingers through his hair, dropping his head back and following the motion of Geralt's as he takes Jaskier's cock all the way down. He's quicker at it than Eskel, slipping right back up to press his tongue under the head. And fuck if he isn't good with his tongue. It's one of the few things that really surprised Jaskier when they introduced sex into their relationship and he shudders now as Geralt winds his tongue around him.
"Oh," he groans. Eskel looks up at him again and whatever he does next has Geralt pitching forward, swallowing around Jaskier's cock as he shoves his hips back hard.
Jaskier nearly doubles over and his hips give a sharp thrust forward though Geralt doesn't seem to mind. If anything, he moans deeper and Jaskier feels the vibrations of it around his cock.
"It's okay," Eskel hums, "you can fuck his mouth, he likes it."
Lust swells in Jaskier's chest as Geralt gives a grunt of assent and he runs a hand through Geralt's hair, testing his reaction as he rolls his hips. The response he gets is unequivocally positive and Geralt's hands slip under his thighs, holding him like that as Jaskier rocks his hips a little harder.
Jaskier rocks forward, pressing into the wet heat of Geralt's mouth. He's still so sensitive and the occasional graze of Geralt's teeth sends sparks up his spine. He lets his fingers slip through Geralt's hair, tugging gently and winding through it.
Jaskier can feel when Eskel thrusts into him, the way Geralt's body sways with the motion, pushing forward onto Jaskier and backward onto Eskel. It's intoxicating to see Geralt this way, giving himself up completely to the pair of them. He's always been giving as long as Jaskier's known him, and in bed, he's no different, but this feels so much bigger than his usual caring demeanour and Jaskier is a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of trust Geralt must have in them.
In a rush of emotion, Jaskier withdraws and when Geralt looks up at him, he pushes Geralt up to his knees, shuffling up close to wrap his arms around his neck. He twists the fingers of one hand in Geralt's hair, reaching down with the other to stroke him slowly. Geralt keens under the touch, rocking his hips slowly with a soft groan against Geralt's lips.
"Tell me how he feels," Jaskier breathes, pressing his face into Geralt's neck. He nips at his skin and kisses over the marks as they fade.
"Good," Geralt groans. "Really good."
Jaskier hums and flicks his eyes up to meet Eskel's. In an instant, he's tugged forward and Eskel's mouth crashes against his own, tugging his hair and biting softly at his lower lip. One of Geralt's arms slips around his waist and Jaskier presses forward, eager to be closer to both of them.
His cock aches where it's trapped against Geralt's hip and his hips shift as though of their own will, sliding through the dip of Geralt's hip. He moans softly, stuttering against Eskel's lips and then Eskel pulls away. He leans over Geralt's other side, whispering against his ear.
"On your back," is all he says as Geralt complies, Jaskier shuffles out of the way, watching the way his hair splays out around his head. Geralt truly is beautiful and when Jaskier looks up to Eskel, it's clear he's having the same thought.
Eskel gets his knees under Geralt's thighs, slipping two fingers into him and thrusting quickly. Geralt groans as he lifts his hips, pushing back onto Eskel's fingers. Jaskier watches with fascination, sitting back on his heels and absently stroking himself to the scene in front of him. He'd be happy to spend the rest of the night just like this, happy enough to have been invited to bed with them in the first place, but Geralt apparently has other ideas.
Eskel withdraws his fingers, smoothing up Geralt's side as he presses into him again and Geralt shuts his eyes and rolls his head back. He reaches out, running a hand down Jaskier's thigh before curling a hand around his wrist. He tugs him forward and Jaskier lets himself be pulled on top of him, straddling Geralt's hips.
Geralt kisses him and Jaskier drops onto his chest, winding his fingers through Geralt's hair as he deepens the kiss. A warm hand slides down his back and he arches into it, his cock slipping against Geralt's skin as he does. Eskel's hand slips over his hip, fingertips brushing along his thigh and dragging back up to his ass. Eskel's not subtle, not at all, but when his fingers press between Jaskier's cheeks, slick and probing, Jaskier whimpers.
Geralt's hand slips into his hair and he draws back, letting Jaskier bury his face in his neck. He groans softly, kissing Geralt's skin as Eskel works a finger into him. It's hot and tight and wonderful and Jaskier can't help the way he ruts against Geralt's stomach, pressing his cock into the soft flesh of his stomach. But Geralt evidently doesn't mind, cupping his ass with one hand while the other pushes through his hair.
"Feel good?" he asks and Jaskier groans a response as Eskel thrusts into him again.
"Yeah," Jaskier breathes, "gods, yes."
Eskel makes quick work of opening him up and Jaskier is disappointed when he withdraws. Eskel's fingers are thick and talented and he'd have been happy to come on them. He groans his dissatisfaction, rocking his hips back, but then Geralt's hands are on him, guiding him down onto his cock.
Geralt's hips stutter as he bumps against him, but Jaskier is hot and overstimulated and impatient. He pushes back onto him with a groan, sitting up to lean against Eskel's chest. Eskel's arm winds around his chest, holding him close as Jaskier rocks forward, adjusting to the stretch of Geralt's cock. He settles with Geralt fully sheathed and Geralt's hands come up to hold his hips down as he shifts, pushing off of Eskel's chest.
He drops his head back on Eskel's shoulder, moaning softly against his neck and reaches down to stroke himself, fingers slipping through pre-come to tease at the head of his cock. He's so close and being caught between the pair of them is doing nothing to stifle the need searing through him. And Geralt bucks under him, fingers digging into his skin as he arches off the bed. Jaskier braces himself on his chest, rubbing circles with his thumb until he's unceremoniously tugged back down.
Geralt kisses him hard, arms wound tightly around his shoulders and Jaskier just goes limp against him as he fucks him hard. When Geralt comes, he digs his fingers into Jaskier's scalp, nose pressed into his neck and Jaskier whimpers as Geralt thrusts deep.
For a moment they're still and then Eskel shifts behind them and Geralt makes a little groaning sound as Eskel pulls out. Geralt follows after him, loosening his grip and shifting to withdraw. He runs his hands up Jaskier's back and Jaskier can feel the way Eskel leans over him, kissing his neck. He's still not wholly sure how he wound up wrapped up in not one but two Witchers, but he certainly doesn't regret it. Eskel is soft and sweet and apparently, excellent at making Jaskier lose his mind and Geralt is. Well, he's Geralt. Jaskier was lost on him from the very first moment.
"You didn't come," Geralt mumbles and Jaskier is just about to tell him it's fine when Eskel bends low over him, nipping playfully at the back of his neck.
"Can I fuck you?" Eskel breathes and a whole new wave of arousal engulfs Jaskier. He whines and pushes back as Eskel's cock presses between his cheeks.
"Yeah," Jaskier gasps, "yeah, please."
Eskel doesn't waste time, draping himself over Jaskier's back and pushing into him. He's bigger than Geralt and there's some resistance, but when Eskel groans against his ear, Jaskier nearly goes limp with it. He drops onto his hands, planted on the bed on either side of Geralt's head and presses his forehead against Geralt's. Two sets of hands hold him steady as Eskel bottoms out.
He's careful, moving in shallow movements and normally Jaskier would appreciate the thought with a cock like that, but he's already slick and fucked loose and he just wants to come again. He shoves his hips back hard, prompting a deep groan from Eskel, but it seems to get his point across. Eskel holds his hips, rutting into his before withdrawing and thrusting hard.
He picks up the pace and Jaskier's skin prickles with the pleasure of it, though he goes limp, draping himself across Geralt's chest and burying his face in his hair. Geralt's legs are still wrapped around Eskel's and he pulls him closer as he kisses Jaskier's temple, brushes the hair from his face.
"Oh," Jaskier whines and Geralt kisses him so softly, a stark contrast to the way Eskel fucks him, quick and hard.
They're both drawing close. He can feel it in the way Eskel's form falters, the way his hips stutter just the slightest bit, the way he presses deep and sprawls over Jaskier's back, content to rock into him. It's constant pressure against his prostate and Jaskier whimpers. His cock drips against Geralt's stomach and he's so fucking close but he can't tip over that edge. Eskel's breath is on his neck and he kisses his neck. It's obvious that he's not going to last much longer, but he nuzzles against Jaskier's shoulders.
"Still good?" he asks and Jaskier manages a weak nod.
"Close," he mumbles and Geralt hums from under him.
He gets a hand in Jaskier's hair, pulling him down into a sloppy kiss as one hand winds around Jaskier's cock. The desperate moan is lost between Geralt's lips, but Jaskier is pushed forward with each of Eskel's thrusts and it doesn't take long before he's spilling all over Geralt's chest, forehead buried in his neck.
Eskel follows shortly, pulling out gently before flopping onto the bed next to Geralt. Jaskier tries to move, but he's held in place by a firm arm around his waist, and when Geralt kisses him, he lets himself relax.
Geralt gets an arm around Eskel's neck, drawing him closer and as Eskel shifts, he throws an arm over Jaskier's waist, fingers brushing lightly over Geralt's forearm. The last thing Jaskier knows is Eskel leaning in for a kiss before sleep overtakes him and his eyes drop shut.
It's dark when he wakes again. The middle of the night, he suspects. There's a soft moan from next to him and a heavy weight around his shoulders - Eskel - and he shuffles toward his warmth. But a sharp groan startles him to wakefulness and it only takes a second for him to realize Geralt isn't where he left him when he fell asleep.
A quick look around puts Geralt on his knees at the foot of the bed, his head between Eskel's thighs. Eskel groans again, shifting to arch off the bed and Jaskier smiles to himself. He's still exhausted, and while the thought of joining them makes his cock twitch with anticipation, he'd rather sleep for a few more hours. Let them have their fun.
These two are going to kill him one day, but at least it will be a good death.
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crayonwriting · 3 years
Dad! This is so much fun!
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"Katsumi-chan, shall we go out?" Atsumu went to her room, leaning against the doorway. His daughter was busy playing with her toys when her father came. She flashed him one of her adorable smiles and agreed to a day out. *** It took Atsumu a while to get Hiroku dressed and  get him situated in the baby carrier. He made sure that the straps were perfect and the buckles, closed completely. Hiroku wiggled slightly, settling himself comfortably in the baby carrier and against his father's chest. Atsumu also brought with him a small backpack of things he thought they'd need for a day out. "Are ya good to go princess?" Atsumu asked. Katsumi nodded gripping the straps of her own backpack. He held her hand and led her out the door. Atsumu made sure to lock them. Meanwhile, Katsumi rushed down the short hallway towards the elevators. She stood by the buttons and waited for her dad. When Atsumu caught up to her, she gave her a smile and a nod to push the 'down' button. While they waited for the elevator, Atsumu asked her, "Where do ya want to go?" "I want to go horseback riding." She raised her arms high. "Horseback ridin', huh?" Atsumu pondered on the idea just as the elevator doors opened. He held his daughter's hand as they got on. He leaned on the back wall of the elevator, ruffling Hiroku's small tufts of hair. Katsumi jumped up excitedly. "Horseback riding!" She waved her arms up and down, mimicking riding a horse. While they waited to get to the lowest floor, the elevator stopped occasionally to let other passengers on. Katsumi would greet everyone that got on and off the elevator. Some would give her compliments or ask her questions. "She is a pretty girl." To which Atsumu responded with a blushing face and beaming smile. "You're pretty." An old lady greeted Katsumi. The little girl bowed politely and thanked her with a cute smile. "How old are you?" Katsumi raised her hand and opened her palm. Despite showing the old lady five fingers, she responded that she was only four years old. The small interaction made everyone in the elevator laugh. Even when they got off, Katsumi greeted everyone in the lobby which made the people smile. *** When Katsumi mentioned she had wanted to go horseback riding, Atsumu wanted to look up ranches near Osaka but he knows that it was close to impossible. While they were on the train, just as he was about to suggest a different activity, an idea struck him and he knew where to go. The amusement park. Katsumi was already bouncing with energy as she saw the huge ferris wheel in the distance. She pulled her father towards their destination but her small frame could only do so much. Atsumu purchased the tickets and, to Katsumi's relief, they finally got inside. "Katsumi, don't run too far. Wait for me." Atsumu did his best to comfort Hiroku in his arms who was getting a bit antsy because of the heat. Good thing he had brought a small towel with him to wipe at his sweat. He also bought a bottle of water from one of the snack kiosks in the park. Hiroku sipped on the cold drink gratefully. "Papa, come here!" "Where is it?" "Here! Come here!" Katsumi glanced behind her to check of her father was following her. When she saw that he was, she ran faster towards her destination. "Oh! A merry-go-round!" Atsumu feigned shock when he caught up to her. "Ya wanted to go horseback ridin', right? There ya go!" Katsumi squealed and bounced in delight. The operator helped Katsumi onto one of the colorful horses, securing the belt around her small frame. Her backpack, which she never parts with, was set down on the floor for the mean time. "Papa, sit over there!" She pointed to the horse in front of hers. Atsumu smiled apologetically at her. "I can't ride this with ya, Katsumi- chan. I need to look after Hiroku." He said, petting the baby's head. "But we'll be here, cheerin' for ya, okay?" Katsumi's smile returned and she nodded in understanding. Atsumu's heart swelled at his daughter's smile. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss her cheek. "Do yer best princess!" Atsumu stepped out of the small merry-go-round but stayed near the railings. Just as the ride started, Katsumi cheered. Her father cheered along with her while raising Hiroku's arms in the air. She pressed her fingers to her lips and blew a kiss to her papa, making him swoon. After giving love to her father, she murmured an 'I love you', and leaned down to kiss the horse. That's just how Katsumi is. Always giving kisses to her mother, father, brother and even her toys. Everytime she passed her father and brother, she would wave and say 'hi.' Atsumu would smile for her and wave his hands---with Hiroku's. "Gosh, look at yer sister, Hiroku. She looks like she's in a drama." Atsumu murmured to the baby. Hiroku just babbled in agreement. Just as Katsumi passed them, Atsumu shouted, "Katsumi-chan! Do ya love me? "What Papa?" She shouted back at him. "Do ya like me?" Atsumu chuckled. "How much do ya like me, Katsumi?" Katsumi laughed loud. Sucking in a deep breath, she screamed, "I love you so much, Papa!" She dragged the last syllable until she made a full circle on the merry-go-round. Atsumu tried his best not to cry. *** "Do ya wanna ride that one?" Katsumi immediately nodded and ran towards it. It was a small version of the pirate ship ride that swings back and forth. Atsumu had ridden one of those before and he almost puked afterwards. He learned that he shouldn't go to those types of rides with a full stomach. "Sit with me there, Papa please?" Katsumi tugged at the hem of his shirt. Atsumu pat her head and smiled sympathetically. "I can't ride with ya there, Katsumi-chan. Hiroku is too small for this, so I have to carry him." Katsumi's smile dropped a little. "But I'll watch nearby okay?" The little girl was a bit hesistant to go by herself but with a little more encouraging from Atsumu, she finally sat down. She sat her backapck down beside her as the attendant strapped her in safely. She was instructed to hold on to the metal bar in front of her and to never let go. Atsumu, who was now carrying Hiroku in his arms, waved at his daughter. "Go Katsumi-chan! Yer so brave!" The ride started slow at first before gradually swinging faster and faster. The little girl's smile grew wider as well. She felt the wind rush past her hair and face and she feels like she's flying. She laughed out loud and let out a short scream of joy. "Is it scary?" Atsumu tried asking her, despite seeing the obvious smile on her face---a clear indication that she was enjoying herself. His daughter answered with a giggle and a shake of her head. Atsumu was relieved. He waved at her, blowing her a kiss just like she did earlier. The ride soon stopped and she stepped off. She was handed her bag which she thanked the attendant for. Atsumu approached her, beaming. He raised his palm up to her. The two clapped hands in a high five. "Good job, Katsumi! Ya did so well!" He brushed the hairs away from her face and kissed her forehead. The girl basked in her father's affection. Feeling energized, she hurriedly carried her bag towards her next destination. "Let's go there next?" She pointed upwards, towards the sky. Atsumu raised an eyebrow and looked up. He felt the blood drain from his face at the ride she was referring to. The ferris wheel. *** "I'm afraid of heights." Atsumu rushed out the confession. "I really don't like rides that much; especially the ones that are high." He scratched at his cheek in embarassment. "I remember my wife asked me to ride one with her when we were in Tokyo. Of course, I had to pretend I wasn't scared." He crossed his arms against his chest and smiled smugly. After just a few seconds, he laughed at himself. "She found out easily that I was faking it." *** Katsumi excitedly walked to the entrance of the ride, following the maze. Atsumu followed behind her, albeit a little slower. He held on to Hiroku firmly, who was back in his carrier, finding comfort in his small frame. He stopped just by the entrance. "Katsumi, I don't think I can ride this." He leaned on the railings for support. His knees were already shaking. He already noticed the pout on her daughter's face. He has been rejecting riding with her for almost the whole day and he hated that he had to do it again. "I'm really scared." Katsumi pouted at her dad and pointed at the passing pods of the ferris wheel. "Ya can go by yerself."  He ushered her. "I'll just wait here." Katsumi stared ar her father. Her eyebrows were close together and her lips were bent in a pout. She held onto her bag tightly as she thought of riding the ferris wheel by herself. It was bigger than the other ones she rode earlier and she's a little bit scared. Surely, her father's presence will help her calm down. Also, she was not taking no for an answer again. "No, Papa." She looked up at him with her best version of puppy dog eyes. If her father still rejects her, she will definitely cry---and Atsumu knew this too. He tried to avert his gaze but the moment he looked into her eyes, he knew he was a goner. Letting out a sigh, he stood on the platform beside her. He squatted down to her height, careful of Hiroku. Katsumi placed a hand on Atsumu's shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly. He smiled nervously at her. "I really am scared, Katsumi." "I'll be with you, papa." "Oh? Ya promise that?" Katsumi nodded and kissed her father on the cheek. Atsumu felt a short surge of bravery. *** They were all seated in one pod and as it slowly ascended, Atsumu's grip on the inner handrails tightened. Hiroku was happily gazing out the windows. Katsumi was walking around the small space, trying to see which side had a better view of the city. She started climbing one of the seats to look at the back window. "Katsumi, can ya please sit down? It's shaking." Atsumu held her arm firmly, keeping her in place as she stared at the scenery in front of her. She pointed to all the cars she sees passing by but Atsumu wasn't paying attention. He had made it his goal to keep the pod they were in as stable as possible. When she noticed a flock of birds through the window, she tried shouting to call their attention. "Hello! Birds! I'm here!" She started banging on the thick glass as if it could get the birds' attention. Atsumu quickly took hold of her fist in a panic. The way his eyes were wide was comical, not to mention his eyebrows that were curled in anxiousness and the beads of sweat pooling against his forehead. "No, no, no no no. Stop that. Ya can't punch that." Katsumi looked at her papa and she giggled loudly. "You're a scaredy-cat." "Oi, I am not!" Atsumu defended himself. This only made Katsumi laugh again as she pointed to her father. Hiroku, hearing the giggles of her sister, squealed happily as he flailed his arms and legs around. Katsumi tapped her father's forehead repeatedly while she repeated that he was a scaredy-cat. Atsumu just chuckled and tried to playfully bite her finger off. "I'm not a scaredy-cat. Yer the one who's scared." The tall man childishly let his tongue out. Just as he did that, the ride made a sudden stop, just as they were at the very top, making the pod shake a little. Atsumu flinched and closed his eyes. "Wait, wait. Wait Katsumi, don't move." He let out an exasperated laugh as Katsumi giggled. He just looked at her and made a pouting face. "I'm so dizzy, Katsumi." Katsumi leaned in and kissed her father's chin. "I will sing for you, Papa. So that you won't be scared." And just like that, she started singing the nursery rhyme you had taught her. "Mr. Soap smells nice. The smell of candy... the smell of flowers... Mama... mama's smell... Mr. Soap is Mama!  Bubbly, bubbly foam! Cute foam! Foaming, foaming Mama!" She raised her arms high with a cheer as she finished the song. She wedged herself beside Atsumu and hugged his arm. "Are you okay now, Papa?" "Yes, Katsumi-chan." He kissed the top of her hair. "I'm a little less scared now." *** They continued the rest of their day going on the less extreme rides, to Atsumu's relief. Soon enough, both kids were tuckered out and so, they all headed home after grabbing some dinner outside. When everyone was fed and full, Atsumu helped both children clean up---just Hiroku though because when Katsumi saw that her father was struggling with her brother, she did her best to clean herself. Atsumu held Hiroku in his arms while the baby nursed a bottle he had successfully prepared. He rocked the child softly while humming a tune to make him fall asleep. Meanwhile, in the living room, Katsumi was also doing the same to her toy doll. When Hiroku's eyelids started getting heavier, Atsumu climbed in to Hiroku's bed and lay him there. He lay on his side and patted Hiroku's body softly. The small child just stared at his father while he drank his milk. Atsumu tried brushing the baby's eyelids close to make him sleep. It took a few minutes before Hiroku finally succumbed to sleep. Atsumu sighed and carefully got out of the soft bed. He tiptoed across the room and made sure to close the door lightly, doing his best to be quiet. He then went to Katsumi's room to see her halfway into her house bed---she insisted on having a bed frame with walls and a small roof just like a tiny house---on the verge of passing out. "Oh, baby." He crouched down and picked her up carefully. Katsumi just blearily looked at her father before laying her head on his shoulder. "Are ya sleepy already, hm? We have to brush our teeth then I promise we'll go to sleep." She just nodded as she let herself be carried to the bathroom. Once there, she was surprisingly awake once more. Atsumu helped her brush her teeth and wash her face. He did those things simultaneously with her just like how you always do. He found it a little funny when he excessively splashed water on his face which Katsumi mimicked. All clean and ready for bed, he held her hand as they headed back to her room. "Say 'goodnight' to yer uncles." Atsumu motioned to the cameramen still in the tiny houses in their living room. "Goodnight." Katsumi whispered to the first one they passed by. She bowed respectfully and blew them a kiss. They went to the second one across the room. She bade the uncle a goodnight as well with a kiss. Atsumu gave her her own bottle of milk which Katsumi accepted as they got in her room. Atsumu knelt down to enter her house bed, carefully dragging Katsumi to the farthest side to make space for himself. She turned to her side to face her father. Putting Katsumi to sleep took longer than Hiroku. She always seemed to have an extra amount of energy despite being out and about the whole day. For a few minutes, she just babbled on to her father about all the rides she went on today as if he wasn't there. She described how the horse she rode kept telling her to have fun while they were going around. On the pirate ride, she mentioned seeing a pirate at the top of the ship. And lastly, on the ferris wheel, she told him about the birds she made friends with. Katsumi did not forget to tease Atsumu about being a scaredy cat earlier. Now, if it were Osamu who was teasing him,, he had already beaten him to a pulp. But this was his daughter, the love of his life,---besides you and Hiroku--his princess. "Yeah, I was scared. But ya protected me, Katsumi-chan." He pinched her nose, playfully. "You're my hero." The little girl beamed with her father's praise. She kissed his forehead, just like how he did to her. "I love you, Papa." "I love ya too, baby. Get some sleep." The two snuggled closer to each other while Atsumu patted her back softly to lull her to sleep. He would stop and poke her sides just for fun and she would jolt back awake with a laugh. This repeated for a couple of times before, finally, the princess was asleep. He kissed her nose before slowly getting out of the bed and out of her bedroom. *** "We just noticed. Why are they both sleeping in separate bedrooms.? "Oh, me and Y/N actually had a lot of arguments about that at first." He pursed his lips in thought. "Apparently, that's how it is overseas or somethin'. I was actually the one who suggested it. I mean, living with a twin fer years, it can be suffocatin' sometimes. And my wife read many books when we first had Katsumi and she said that babies sleep longer if they sleep in a separate bed." A smile broke out of his face and his lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "What can I say? My wife was right." *** Atsumu crashed into their couch,  letting out a loud sigh. He felt his muscles relax little by little, what with all the carrying he did. Their first day out almost felt like one of their coache's workout plans for the team. Come to think of it, he would never complain about his training ever again; not after today. He scratched at his head vigorously, feeling small tingles run throughout his whole body. He sighed once again and lay his head back on one of the pillows. "I should call her." He reached for his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants and dialed your number. He counted from one, two, and on three you picked up. This made Atsumu smile. You always answered his calls an the third ring. He didn't ask you why but the always found it endearing. "'Tsumu!" The sound of your voice made the aches and pains of his whole body melt away. He found himself grinning wide out of the blue. "Hey baby." He answered. "How are the kids?" "Just got them to fall asleep. Oh, and I'm fine too, if ya wanted to know." He teased and, even if he cant see you, he knows you just rolled your eyes. "I'm glad to know you survived, babe." You giggled. "So? Do you still wanna do this? Or will this just be a special episode?" Atsumu sighed and laughed softly. He stared at the ceiling whilst shaking his head. "I really don't know, haha." He suddenly went quiet when he a thought had passed his mind. Before he could stop himself, he was already talking. "Y/N," the seriousness in his tone caught your attention, "I finally realize all the stuff ya've been through. Watching the kids on yer own. It must've been hard for ya, and I'm sorry." "That's it?" You joked but when the line was still silent, you decided to comfort his invasive thoughts. "Atsumu, baby, you don't have to apologize. Your're living your dream and we love you for it. I'll never get tired of taking care of our children so don't you worry your pretty little head, m'kay?" "I miss ya. I really miss ya, right now." Even through the phone, Atsumu can still manage to make you blush. "I miss you too, 'Tsumu." "I love ya so much. Don't forget that." "Psh. How could I when you tell me everyday?" "..." "And, yes. I love you too, Atsumu. Only you." You smiled behind the phone. "Go get some rest, okay?" "I will. Goodnight babe." "Goodnight. Mmwah!" You made a kissing sound, sending all your love to your husband. 
tags: @plump-peach​
A/N: OKAY. I know I promised this on the 6th but I'm...in a bad place right now. Well, my head is. But here y'all go! Gotta admit though this isn't one of my bests but I feel like I did an okay job. *pats self on back*
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Trouble ~ J.V.
A/n: I see my Jerome peeps are HERE and I’m LOVING IT! Prompt list here so y’all don’t have to scroll ;) Feel free to request as many as you want for commission or when requests are open again. I LOVE using prompts!!
Request: “...6, 8 with Jerome Valeska” by anon
6: “You are actually Satan, oh my god.”
8: “Wow, I am so in love with you… just wow.”
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You know how you see someone, and it’s so obvious where they’ll end up that it’s like a scene in your head? It’s never good when this happens, so usually it’s a sad story and you kind of just frown and shake your head and pity the person, but you know that saying anything won’t do you any good so you just sit back and keep your mouth shut and wait for the inevitable end.
That’s how everyone saw Jerome Valeska.
People had never cared about Jerome, though. If they ever had, it was wiped away pretty quickly. Brutally murdering people with no care for who was on what side, who had helped or hurt, or without even a little remorse or pity or hesitation or regret... it was one of those things that most people found to be a bit of a turn off. Those who didn’t were seen to be just as unhinged as Jerome was, so they were dismissed as well.
The thing was, people HAD cared about Y/n. She was one of the most intellectually promising in her entire high school, maybe in all of Gotham. She was the kind of teenager that seemed so very adult. She was respectful and poised and very well controlled. She was pleasant to be around, and even much older people didn’t mind talking to her if they happened to be in the same place. She’d even made some pleasant relationships.
Like the friendship she had with Bruce Wayne.
Through him, she had come to learn about and meet and even get along with everyone Bruce knew. She could get along with anybody she wanted to, without threats or intimidation or groveling. She simply existed, and she had a sort of comforting, approachable presence about her. She wasn’t the least bit threatening, but she was... nice, I guess. Even dangerous people liked her, because she was the only person who didn’t seem to care about power or advantageous interactions or anything like that.
She was just nice to talk to.
This showed most prominently when she talked to people like Edward Nigma, or Oswald Cobblepott, or Silena Kyle. She’d even found herself in situations to talk to Barbara Gordan. Victor Zsasz.
People usually chalked it up to her being quite unlucky.
Because she was so unsuspecting and unproblematic and calm, she turned out to be a really good hostage. She didn’t talk back or lash out, she just sat and behaved and looked at you with a very calm, calculated expression.
Zsasz had run into her when he’d worked for Penguin and had been guarding her so that Oswald could make a deal without worrying about his bargaining chip being compromised. After a while, Y/n had asked how Zsasz’s day was going. They’d had a short, pleasant conversation, leaving the assassin intrigued by the girl when she’d been let go.
Barbara had a similar experience, except it had been when she was in Arkham of all places. Everyone had a weird thing, and very few if any people knew Y/n’s, but even she had one too. Her weird thing was visiting Arkham Asylum every once in a while visiting random people inside it, and then talking to them with the most easy normality. Like they’d been life long friends, or the person she was talking to was completely sane. She never judged or snapped, she just had a neutral expression with a sort of interest in her eyes. She was polite enough that Barbara had entertained the visit, and found herself not totally regretting it afterward.
Oswald had met her when he was mayor. She had dropped by as an errand for Jim Gordon, and had started a casual conversation when Oswald had expected her to leave when thing were handled. At first he’d been suspicious, and he still was if he was honest, but she hadn’t asked any prying questions or tried to get at him from any angle. If he drew a line, she respected it immediately and moved onto something else without missing a beat. When he got uncomfortable, she apologized and wished him a good day before excusing herself. After she’d show up several more times, sometimes sent by Jim, sometimes just to say hello, Oswald eventually relaxed. He didn’t trust her, and she didn’t expect him to, but when she stopped by to say hello he’d have someone bring them tea and they’d have a little chat. He was a little surprised when she didn’t visit him in Arkham, but when they ran into each other a little later, she nodded to him with a little smile and he got the impression she wasn’t angry with him.
As time passed, more and more people who were considered to be Gotham’s worst were coming up with more and more stories of Y/n. The girl who didn’t scream when she walked into a store and saw a dead body, but who’s neutrality wasn’t unsettling as much as it was kind of calming. She had all the makings of a twisted, demented villain, and yet she was the most normal person ever. It was confusing and intriguing, but never distinctly a bad thing. She was well known, and no one had anything bad to say about her. 
It was only a matter of time before Jerome found her.
Not long after he did, he was as taken with her as everyone else. She wasn’t annoying, or unnerved by him. She was in fact endlessly interesting. He thought eventually he would get bored of her complete lack of response to even the most terrible things he told her in an effort to get her going, but found instead that the sort of sparks of interest in her gaze and the small smile that sometimes almost touched her lips was enough to keep him engaged.
She was the exact opposite of him, but in a way that didn’t drive him to want her to be gone. He didn’t WANT to kill her. It was weird, and he was living for it.
Slowly, Y/n stopped showing up in public. She stopped visiting Arkham, and the police department. She stopped running into dangerous people who never seemed to mind seeing her around, even if they weren’t supposed to be seen by anyone. She graduated high school but never talked about college. She just... slowly started to disappear.
It wasn’t as suspicious as it was disappointing. No one could tell where she was going or why all the accidental bump ins were being so carefully removed, but it was leaving the idea in everyone’s head that they might not have been accidents to begin with. Not most of them at least. That was the only thing that it could be, after years and years of her being so very unlucky, only for her to quite suddenly not run into a single soul ever. Even when people sought her out, they couldn’t find her unless she wanted to be found.
She appeared rather suddenly at Jerome’s side one day out of the blue.
No one noticed her behind the line of people in chairs. They were distracted by Jerome talking about his terribly sad past, and the people with explosive collars locked around their necks. Most importantly noted: Bruce Wayne and Jerome’s twin brother, Jeremiah.
It wasn’t until Jerome drew attention to her that anyone even registered her at all. She was so still and quiet that behind all the chaos, she might as well have been invisible.
Jerome was only too enthused to rub it in everyone’s faces.
“You know you don’t like me, and that’s fair. I’m not like any of you, am I? I don’t smile right, and I act weird. Then there’s the whole killing people thing.” He giggled, but the crowd in front of him only looked disgusted. “But is that why you really hate me, Gotham? Because I’m a big ol mean bad guy? Do you hate me because I’m a little unhinged? Because I’m a little loud and hysterical and I scare you? Or do I scare you because I have no problem being very honest and very open with all of the things you people LOVE to push under the rug and hide away and pretend no one can see.” He shook his head. “Because I’ve come to realize there is someone who’s exactly like me, but so much better at playing all of you. So much better at playing innocent and harmless and friendly, and with no real intentions other than to prove how easy you all are. How transparent.” His eyes drifted toward Y/n, and he motioned her forward. Without hesitating, she did take a few steps forward, into the light and right behind Bruce Wayne.
Gasps echoed in the crowd. To everyone’s stunned silence, Y/n stood there with the same calm and reservation she always did. She seemed perfectly unbothered by the dead body inches from her, or the people she had always seemed so close to being in danger. She didn’t look around, trying to gauge a way out, and nothing held her in forced obedience. She just looked at Jerome, that same nice, almost-smile and curiosity dancing in her eyes.
“What-” Bruce looked around, mouth dropping open when he saw who was behind him. “Y/n?”
“Ah yes,” Jerome purred. “Gotham’s little angel. Friend to all. Unassuming and nice and calm and wonderful. Aren’t you just a pillar of perfection, Y/n?” He giggled again, and Y/n tilted her head, her smile growing a little,
For the first time ever, Y/n was unnerving. Seeing her of all people look dangerous was so upsetting that the crowd started to step down from their anger towards Jerome and were edging toward true fear. If she could end up being bad, who else could? If even the bets of them could be corrupted, and even the most deranged mind could act completely normal, how could anyone ever tell when people were dangerous anymore?
It could be anyone. Anyone they trusted. Anyone they knew. Anyone they’d talked to long enough to decide they were safe. Because Bruce Wayne had known Y/n best of anyone in Gotham, and even he looked as stunned as everyone felt. He had spent copious amounts of time with her, including for hours straight during school hours, and even he had not on any level or in any way seen anything like this coming.
“Y/n?” Bruce whispered.
Y/n met his gaze. “Yes?”
He wasn’t sure what to ask her. “What’s going on?” is what he settled on.
She shrugged, as if they were catching up after school. During tea time maybe, after having not seen each other recently. “Nothing much. I’m observing and learning. People are so intriguing Bruce, have you ever noticed? I’ve learned so much. All I ever had to do was be polite, and everyone would let me sit there as long as I wanted and observe them. You learn so much by watching people, but even more from talking to them. And they always let me. All I had to do was let them talk. I never lied. I never pushed. I was respectful and curious, and they responded so well. I’ve come to learn that even the most suspicious people feel the loneliness of humanity. They crave to be wanted. To looked at. All I had to do was show interest, and they thrived under that attention. You really have to do so little for people to like you. It’s so interesting.”
Bruce’s eyes had been widening as she spoke. She said it all like she was observing humanity in a way that she wasn’t apart of it. “You’re like us, aren’t you?”
“Oh of course,” she agreed. “That’s the thing. I wanted to understand myself, so I looked at those like me. And those unlike me. To see what was and wasn’t me. To see what was similar and what was so very completely different.” She chuckled softly and Bruce felt sick to his stomach. “I never expected to find someone so very similar to me to be someone seen the eyes of everyone else as exactly opposite. Jerome and I? Very much the same, except I’d rather learn than act. I never really cared about people’s opinions or if they didn’t like me or if they were mean. I was too unassuming for bullying or abuse. I didn’t care if people looked over me like Jerome does, and that’s really the only difference. I just wanted to learn, and people were always willing to let me.” She shrugged. “But people are so simple. So easy to understand. MUCH more straight forward than any of them would like to admit. I think I’m going to be staying with Jerome from now on. He’s interesting. He understands.”
Jeremiah knew who she was only by association, and even he was surprised, despite having known Jerome very close up for so long. He supposed it wasn’t fault, but watching Bruce, he wondered if he’d even been able to tell her true nature. Even now she looked completely normal and safe. Her eyes were full of life, and she was fairly attractive. The way she stood was relaxed and the way she talked was completely normal. What was upsetting about her was not that she was obviously messed up. It was that she was so painfully normal in even a situation that should have been quite upsetting.
“You’re a sociopath,” Jeremiah offered in a sort of leveled voice. Her eyes turned to him and he realized that her calmness was contagious. She had the look of someone you could just... fall into. So easy to trust. Even now he found himself a little lured by her. She was honest about who she was. She didn’t hide anything. She was just quiet, and people forgot to ask. That wasn’t her fault. Maybe she could still be saved from his deranged brother.
“Yes,” Y/n agreed, and her complete acceptance of that didn’t sit well with Jeremiah. “Would you like me to show you? I have come to learn that everyone wants some sort of proof of it. They have a hard time believing me.”
“No that’s okay,” Jeremiah rushed to reassure just as Jerome squealed, “Yes please!”
Between the two opposite reactions from the two very opposite twins, Bruce got the idea of what her kind of proof might mean. “Don’t worry Y/n, we believe you.”
She nodded, and the two boys thought that’d be the end of it. But then she pulled an actual gun out of seemingly nowhere, pointed it at the crowd, and shot without even hesitating. There went up a scream as people scattered, revealing the body of a woman bleeding out on the ground. The bullet had hit someone around her neck and no one could do anything other than give her and themselves plenty of room away from her.
Jerome squealed with excitement.
Bruce looked at Y/n with horror. “I said we believed you! You didn’t have to kill her!”
“But I did,” Y/n decided. “Because they didn’t believe me.” Her lips turned up into a stronger smile. There was no regret or hesitation in her eyes, and Bruce felt dread slowly settle throughout his body. She WAS exactly like Jerome and the only reason this was her first kill is because she’d decided to wait until now to kill someone. They’d all been at her mercy this entire time, like a mouse held down by a mouse trap. Except they’d been perfectly fine just sitting in her trap and letting her watch with mild interest as they died.
She was just like Jerome.
One of the other people in line spat, “You’re actually Satan, oh my god.” His eyes were wide and Bruce got the idea that if he hadn’t been held by the explosive collar, he might have bolted. “You let all of us trust you and welcome you and be around you. You gained our trust, and you don’t even care about us?”
Very calmly, Y/n simply shook her head. “We’re all just meat. Do you care about the animals scientists test on to give you your makeup products and medicine? Do you care about the pig killed for its meat, or the dogs that rip each other apart in the streets for entertainment and money? We’re just animals. You guys have just gotten the idea stuck in your head for some reason that we’re special animals. You won’t admit those animals will eat you just as quickly as you will them. Pigs have high intelligence. You think you’re gods because you have the highest intelligence and then ignore how you so easily ignore what you know and do what you want instead. You give into nature just like any predator. I have simply stopped being either. I’m not villain. I’m not a hero. And you think the people who watch the villain are a different category, but they’re not. They do nothing, and bad thing happen, and that’s it. A woman died, and people didn’t do anything to stop it. There’s a whole crowd of people not held here by anything other than a secret, sick fascination with the terrible things happening here. You are just as bad as Jerome. Just as bad as me. You just refuse to admit it. I don’t. That’s all.”
Grinning, Jerome sat forward in his chair. “Wow I am so in love with you.” He giggled and everyone in the area cringed. The idea of Jerome Valeska being involved like that with Y/n... And the way she seemed to not mind it either. On top of everything else that had happened here, it was so viscerally upsetting. Jerome stood, moving behind the people in chairs to gently grab Y/n’s face, pulling her lips against his. When he pulled away, everyone’s face had gone scaringly pale. “Just, wow,” the red head whispered. 
Y/n seemed to consider that. “You know, I think I have some sort of care for you. Like... like how someone explained a pet to me. Is that how affection feels?” She still looked only curious. It made sense that in a world who didn’t care to learn about people like her, and after a lifetime of holding back her questions and lack of understanding, even after all this time she still would be confused about the different way she experienced relationships with other people.
Jerome shrugged. “I think not, but I can be your pet if you want.”
Y/n smiled. “I think I do want that.”
A victorious smile adorned Jerome’s face. “That’s all I needed!” He turned to face his brother and Bruce Wayne again. “See, I was so stuck on you two. I died wanting to kill Brucie, and I’ve lived my entire life wanting to kill my dear brother, so I lived for nothing else. I thought of nothing else. I existed to end you two. But now, I have a different purpose. There is nothing like looking at someone you find so very interesting and them returning that back to you.” He giggled. “Mom always said I’d never find love. Aren’t you proud of me for proving her wrong?”
“This isn’t love,” Bruce snapped. “It’s demented. You can’t feel love. Neither of you can.”
“Maybe not,” Y/n agreed. “But it will be fun testing that.” She turned and walked off the stage, heading back and disappearing.
Jerome sighed. “And that’s my cue.” There was a gun shot and a sharp pain in his hand as the detonator fell out of his hands. He could no longer explode the necklaces. He made an ‘oopsie’ sort of expression before ducking away as another gunshot run out. “See you around, you two!” His laughter echoed as he disappeared after Y/n, fading away too quickly.
By the time Jim Gordon chased after Jerome, it was far passed too late. Whatever Y/n had done to ensure their escape, it had left no traces. They were gone.
Behind them, they left death and the lingering feeling in the air like this was only the beginning to a very, very terrible love story.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (1/17)
Summary:  "Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn't exist. Everything is a choice." At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him."
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn't.
Note: This has been sitting on my computer untouched for a while, along with the timeline I prepared for a multichapter fic. Will probs go back to it soon. Feedback is very much appreciated.
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Link to cross-postings: AO3
In dreams people only see faces they already know.
It was an interesting fact Levi had probably come across, lazily scrolling through his social media timelines or opening countless tabs after getting into some Wikipedia blackhole in between the long days of schools and the short nights asleep.
He spent a fair amount of time on the internet, reading up about whatever bullshit politics came up with, controversies and bathroom reader fun facts. During his first year of college, it had stuck to him for a time. Maybe because it just seemed too unrealistic, too unbelievable.
After all, ever since he had started college, he felt like he had been dreaming of more and more unfamiliar faces. It could have been attributed at least to the fact that he was exposed to more people in a crowded city than he had been in the small town he grew up in. As time went by, these faces he barely recognized though, had become the main actors in his dream.
The long haired boy with the elvish features. The man with the clean cut appearance and a glint of mischief in his eyes. The oriental girl with subtle European features. The cheeky girl with a beat up pair of glasses and unkempt hair.
They and many others had been regulars in his dreams and Levi had come up with names for them already, names he remembered muttering, names he screamed multiple times in his head. By the time he woke up to the four walls of his bedroom a few hours before his first class, they were vague memories, only as intelligible as his view of the world right after waking up.
Some mornings, he had found himself more exhausted than when he had slept. Some mornings, he found his throat sore from screaming. Some days, his eyes were swollen from crying.
He lived alone in a dormitory and he had wanted to infer that it had been homesickness that had made those nightmares possible. He had never really abhorred being alone though, in fact he liked the privacy that came with having his own room.
He quickly shot down that theory and did not think too much about it soon after. His daily life did not give him too much time to ponder such fleeting and abstract of a concept as dreams in between lessons and training.  
The dreams never left him, some days they were more vivid than others. After a few years of navigating academics, trainings, and obligations, Levi had gotten used to brushing off that one tear he’d get as he woke up, taking a lozenge to soothe the sore throat or just leaving the lights off in his room to alleviate the pounding headache he would get some mornings.
Daily life and obligations never did allow him the time and space to ponder too much on those dreams. Levi chalked it up to stress and unexplained trauma, easily soothed by ten minutes scrolling through social media or hours reorganizing his room for the third time that week.
Financial and time constraints made it impossible as well to even consider consulting about it and Levi found himself compartmentalizing those dreams into those few hours of sleep he got at night and the one hour he allowed himself each day to adjust to the waking world.
The line blurred one night though when one of those names was nonchalantly mentioned among others.
"Hange Zoe..."
It was just one name in a list recited by their coach before they were all dismissed for the evening. Sandwiched between a few other names before and after it, it wasn't supposed to stand out like that. Oddly, it did.
As Levi rode his bike to his dormitory room after a tiring day of training, he found himself repeating that name again and again. He tried to make sense of the odd familiarity which came with a name he could have sworn he had never heard before.
A family friend? A childhood friend?
Levi entertained those possibilities. Having grown up in a small town, his family friends and childhood friends consisted of everyone in that tight knit community and he could have listed out all their names then and there. She wasn’t part of it.
To at least, satisfy his own curiosity, Levi had sent a message to his parents before going to sleep. Just in case he had met her before.
Levi woke up the next morning, his throat a little scratchier, his body a little more tired. The first thing he did was check his phone.
Hange Zoe wasn’t a family friend.
Levi put the covers over himself and closed his eyes. His head was pounding and his chest was heavy. He had only noticed a moment later that his eyes were wet, his breaths were coming out in heaves.
What did I dream about this time?
Levi needed the whole morning to recover.
                                  A Tale of Two Slaves
Levi managed at least to drag himself out of bed for afternoon training. By then, others have already started warming up. Levi wondered if he would be able to carry his body through a warm up jog, given his state only a few hours ago.
In the end, getting the jog done became a matter of discipline more than anything else and he had finished well above everyone else.
He had always been faster, given his smaller build and he had the natural muscle and athletic skill to be versatile as well. That was what made him stand out as the best athlete in the track and field team. He never cared too much either way about the admiration many of his teammates held towards him.
The recurring nightmares and the aftermaths of these though had left Levi averse to human interaction. Ironically, as he moved away from his small town and into the bigger city, his world had gotten smaller. Levi found himself keeping his world only wide enough to win track and field events and pass classes.
No man could really ever be an island though, no matter how much they try. Levi soon found that out when he saw that aforementioned Hange Zoe on the side of the track, talking to one of their coaches.
“This is Hange Zoe.”
“You can call me Hange.”
Levi did not need that quick introduction his coach had just given him. Somehow, the name and the face just clicked inside him. He looked expectantly at his coach and back at Hange.
Hange held out her hand to him and smiled. “I heard you’re the best one in the team. Coach Greg spoke highly of you.”
Levi narrowed his eyes at her. “What's she doing here?”
“Didn’t I tell you last time? Some of the premed students wanted to do case studies on athletes here for their final thesis. If you could help them out?” The coach turned to Hange. “Levi here is one of our best jumpers. He holds a pretty good record for sprinting, hurdles and throwing events as well.”
“Your jogging form looks amazing! I’d love to see you in action.”
Levi was not prepared for the invasion of privacy that came a second after. Hange held both of his hands towards her and leaned closer towards him. Before Levi could even stop himself, he had pushed her away and ran, the screaming of his coach to come back had become mere muffled screams in the background.
The only reason Levi did drag himself to training was for the fact that it was still one of the few hobbies he found complete calm yet complete liberation in. Those few moments after launching himself up in the air, those magical few moments high up in the air with only the empty sky above him, Levi felt free.
As Levi powered through, he found within him a burst of energy, built up from an idle morning cooped up in his room.
He had done those same drills so many times before. The excitement he got from flying through the air and running easily took over whatever exhaustion and rattledness plagued him only a second ago. He let his body memory guide him through each drill, concentrating his consciousness on other things like the cool wind on his skin as he shot through the track and the purple sky that stretched above as he performed horizontal jumps.
If Levi had been any more aware of his surroundings, he would have noticed his teammates leaving the track one by one. Maybe, he would have noticed as he started moving to the hurdles that the purple sky was slowly turning into a dark blue and the scenery around him was becoming just a little more than shadows.
It was nothing new. Levi had stayed behind to work on other skills multiple times and his coach and teammates had just learned to leave the club room open. Levi would leave an extra thirty minutes to an hour later than his companions,
At that training though, with little incentive to break away from that small bubble he had built for himself, not  a lot of things could have broken his concentration. Fifteen minutes into his hurdles exercises, the distraction came. Levi was raising one leg, positioning himself to jump a hurdle when he caught a shadow from his peripherals.
Someone had been watching him in the dark.
He was alone. Or he was supposed to be alone at least.
The combination of those realizations and the exhaustion that threatened to take over Levi only caused Levi to stumble on the hurdle in front of him and fall forward onto cold ground.
“Hey! You okay?”
It was that same voice from that same conversation Levi had walked away from just an hour ago. The voice was as loud and as annoying as it was an hour ago that even when his shadow was still a good few meters away, Levi remembered how it felt with her forehead once again pressed on his and her grip on his two hands.
Levi was frozen on the ground, his body still in shock at the sudden loss of control and the whiplash of what he had just imagined.  
“That looked painful.” Her voice was softer than it was a second ago. Hange put her hand on his.
Levi pulled away instinctively, and winced as his palms protested the quick action. Levi looked at his palms. In the dim light, he could see three long gashes lined up in the middle. Blood was starting to come out as well.
Levi was exhausted. The impact and the aftermath of falling on the ground, front first and the friction burns that followed, only further drained what was left of his energy.
By the time Hange helped him up by the shoulders  Levi was almost motionless, the small movements he made were carefully calculated for fear of aggravating the dull pain.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”
                              A Tale of Two Slaves
“Sorry about a while ago… People say I’m just a little too intimidating  but I just get really excited about these types of things. You had such a good running form. You jump so high. You get a really good height above the hurdles… “ Hange gave him a consoling look. “Except that last one.”
Hange was closer to him than what Levi would have preferred at first. Oddly, he had gotten used to it quickly enough, particularly because he had no other choice.
The gashes on his palms were bloody and painful. With little to no means to bandage them himself, he was left to rely on the only person there and as Levi soon found out, she had problems with maintaining a comfortable social distance from people.
And she never stopped talking.
“Are the bandages too tight?” Hange asked, in between other ramblings Levi had tuned out.
“‘No.” The only words Levi had said since they had arrived in the club room fifteen minutes ago.
“Okay, let’s move on to your knees.”
Levi had not surveyed the damage himself but he guessed it was probably worse than his palms from Hange’s concerned frown.
“You’re gonna need stitches for this. The clinic probably isn’t open so you might have to go to the hospital… We could call a taxi and---”
“You’re a pre-med student, can’t you do it yourself?”
Hange blushed. “You trust me to do it?”
"A trip to the hospital will just be a waste of time." Levi admitted.
Hange rummaged deeper into the first aid kit. "This is gonna be painful though."
Better than taking a trip to the hospital now. Levi braced himself for it and decided to distract himself from the discomfort of the whole ordeal.  
“How does it feel? Flying in the sky like that?” Hange asked. At that point, Hange had started to talk more purposefully, as if she wanted to get a point across to him.
Levi guessed that it was all an attempt to distract him from the mini operation she was giving him. From his angle, Levi could not see the extent of the injuries, nor did he want to. The pain was bearable, although it was still much worse than what he would have considered a discomfort.
“I’ve always wanted to take a sport like that, maybe gymnastics, maybe figure skating or track and field? That’s the closest people can get to flying right?” Hange was asking too many questions but it was obvious she was not expecting answers.
Her words flowed as smoothly as the movement of the needle and thread he could see from his angle.
Something about the way she talked to him was comforting and eventually Levi had almost completely relaxed, the pain of needle to torn skin a distant memory. He lay back on the bench and closed his eyes, focusing not on her words but instead on the familiar warm tone as she spoke.
The sensation of needle to skin, the burning pain, the dizziness that followed. They were all too familiar. All accompanied by that familiar warm voice.
Maybe we should just live here together. Right Levi?
If we keep running and hiding, what will that get us.
Hange's voice tore into his daydream. “What do you mean? Are you running from something?"
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
REQUEST:  hi! could i please request tommy x reader, where reader is married to a very wealthy man in a position of power, and they both know there will be disastrous consequences should anyone find out about the affair?
So I feel like this will might need a second part since I barely even touched the request but hey tell me what you think.
I also saw 1917 on Saturday and it’s an amazing film, I definitely recommend you to go see it
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Trigger warning; mentions of abuse, orgy, drugs & drinking.
They shouldn’t be doing this, (Y/N) knew that, but she couldn’t find it in herself to stop the affair between her and Tommy.
(Y/N) was married to Stewart Langley, a rich and powerful man from high society who got anything he wanted simply because he had money. That was also the reason why he got (Y/N), despite the fact he was over thirty years her senior. It was no secret amongst the elite in London that Stewart had practically bought her. Her own family didn’t come from the same society and class as Stewart but they were still very rich since her father was a lawyer.
It was a charity dinner where (Y/N)’s father had introduced his family to Stewart Langley, who he had worked with a few times and it was not long after that night did (Y/N)’s life become a nightmare. (Y/N) had lost track of the number of times she prayed and wished to go back in time to before that blasted dinner before her life was ruined due to the greed and ego of men.
When her parents told her that they set up an arranged marriage between her and Stewart, she didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. She didn’t believe them at first, she had just entered her twenties and Stewart was the same age as her parents but she quickly realised that they were serious. (Y/N) was by herself, she didn’t know who to turn to for help and she was also an only child so she had no-one to stand up for her or for her to confide in. She was utterly helpless and alone, her own parents had thrown her away.
Two weeks after they told her, (Y/N) was standing in a church, trying her hardest to keep her tears at bay and her voice steady as she stood opposite Stewart reciting her vows. She never thought that her wedding day, a day that she had been dreaming about since she was a little girl, would be the worst day of her life and that she would be crying all day.
At first, she couldn’t understand why her parents had set up the marriage but after the wedding when she saw them attend gatherings and social events that they would never have been invited to beforehand, along with rumours that they had bought a new bigger house, it dawned on her that she was bought by her husband.
(Y/N) lived a luxurious life with her husband but that didn’t make it a good or nice marriage. Stewart was a verbally abusive man, he also became physically abusive on the occasion when he drank too much or had taken drugs, for the most part, she was able to lock herself in her room but it took a bad interaction with Stewart for her to realise that it was better for her to hide away in her room rather than to try and help him but the silver lining of the whole situation was that Stewart didn’t force himself on her, he told her that he was too old to have children so the only reason he got her, was to essentially show her off and besides, whenever he did want to sleep with someone, he would visit the brothel in town.
Stewart threw a first-anniversary party to celebrate their first year of marriage, though it was more like a business function where Stewart invited all his friends, co-workers and business associates and spent all night speaking with them, while (Y/N) was tucked into a small corner of the room nursing a glass of wine and occasionally talking to a wife of one of the many businessmen that flooded the room.  
The party is where she first met Thomas Shelby. She had heard whispers about the newly elected MP and the rumours that surrounded him about how he was a gangster or at least involved with gangs back in Birmingham. It didn’t surprise (Y/N) that Stewart had invited him, he had been trying to get involved in politics for a while now and so it didn’t matter that Thomas Shelby was a Labour MP as Stewart thought he would be able to bribe him to change parties and join the conservatives.
“Congratulations.” A voice she never heard before brought her out of her people watching.
“Sorry?” (Y/N) cleared her throat and turn to face where the voice came from.
The man in front of her was handsome, with his dark hair that was shaved on the sides and his bright yet icy blue eyes.
“On your anniversary. Congratulations.” The man’s eyes bore into her, it was slightly unnerving.
(Y/N)’s lips twisted into a bitter smile, “Thank you….”
“Tommy. Tommy Shelby.” The man answered her unspoken question.
“Thank you, Mr Shelby.”
Tommy opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Stewart shouting out (Y/N)’s from across the room, motioning for her to join his side. Tommy could see (Y/N)’s shoulders droop at the command and he frowned at the sight.
“I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening Mr Shelby.” (Y/N) gave him a small smile before walking over to her husband.
Tommy swiped himself another drink before tucking himself into the corner that (Y/N) just vacated and kept eyes on the couple, thoughts and speculations about them whirring around in his head.
The next time they met, it was at a fundraiser but unfortunately (Y/N) couldn’t run away and hide this time, Stewart’s arm was either tightly wrapped around her waist or tightly gripped around her wrist, so tight that she had no doubt that it would leave a bruise.
“Mr Shelby!” Stewart approached Tommy with a wide smile, a smile that meant that he wanted something and that he wasn’t opposed to bully or bribe his way to ger it.
“Mr Langley...Mrs Langley” Tommy shook Stewart’s hand with a tight smile and tipped his head at (Y/N).
Stewart opened his mouth but paused, glancing at (Y/N) “Darling, I’m sure I saw Mary-Anne around here somewhere, why don’t you go over to her whilst I talk to Thomas here”
“Of course.” (Y/N) nodded, she nodded at Tommy before she left them.
Mary-Anne was the wife of one of Stewart’s friends and was the only person that (Y/N) could tolerate even a little bit. It wasn’t like they were friends or anything but (Y/N) could spend time with her without having the urge to throw herself out of the nearest window but even so, she needed a drink or two get through an interaction with her which is exactly what she did. After quickly downing the glass of wine in her hand, (Y/N) picked up another before making her way over to Mary-Anne and the rest of the wives.
“(Y/N)! Oh there you are, I wondered if I would get the chance to see you today” Mary-Anne giggled as she spotted (Y/N) making her way over.
“I’m sorry, Stewart just wouldn’t let me leave his side” (Y/N) falsely giggled, acting as if Stewart and her were deeply in love. The rest of the women in the group laughed and giggled as well, falling for her lie.
(Y/N) spent the rest of the evening with the women, a headache slowly forming as time went on.
When the live band stopped and was replaced with soft music coming from the phonograph and the many tables of food were taken away and replaced with more alcohol, (Y/N)’s stomach twisted and she began to feel sick. She knew what was coming and she was desperately looking for a way out.
This happened every time these type of people met up, they spent a few hours getting drunk under the guise of a fundraiser or any other type of meeting before it became dark which is where the prostitutes were invited in along with drugs and more alcohol. For the most part, when this happened in the past, she was able to hide in an alcove somewhere and become invisible amongst the activities that were occurring in the room, though she really didn’t feel like hiding in the same room tonight.
She found a way to escape when the prostitutes both male and female were brought in along with the drugs and everyone was distracted. She quickly walked through the many halls of the mansion they were in, she didn’t want to run through them and catch unwanted attention, so she took her time. Once she found a door that led out to the back garden, she stepped through and took a deep breath of the cool fresh air. She tried her hardest to calm herself but she couldn’t stop the shaking of her hands or the tears that spilled over, she told herself that she shouldn’t be upset, she was living a better life than most people in the country and had more wealth than she needed but she would trade all of it to live a humble life with a man she chose herself and loved wholeheartedly.
Trapped in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her until the person spoke.
“I’m guessing you’re not fond of the activities that are occurring inside either eh?”
(Y/N) whipped around the sound of the Brummie accent and stared in shock at the man who stood opposite her.
“Mr Shelby! I didn’t expect anyone else to be out here, I apologize.” (Y/N) quickly brushed away her tears as she spoke to the man.
“No need to apologize, I’m the one who interrupted you.” Tommy’s gaze was strong and piercing but (Y/N) didn’t feel uncomfortable.
“You’re not inside with your husband and the others?” Tommy spoke again, his eyebrow raising.
(Y/N) scoffed and let out a strained laugh, “No, not my type of scene. You?”
“Can’t say it’s my type of thing either.” The corner of Tommy’s lips quirked up as he made his way over to where she was standing.
“I don’t know much about you Mr Shelby but I feel like none of this is your scene. You know the fundraisers and charity balls with the upper class, no offence.”
“Please, call me Tommy but you’re right, none of this is me. Am I that obvious?”
“Probably not to the average person but I like people watching.” (Y/N) threw a small smile at Tommy who grinned back. There were a few moments of silence before Tommy spoke again,
“Your husband...how’d you meet?”
“You don’t know?” (Y/N) quirked an eyebrow.
“No, should I?”
(Y/N) smiled again, she felt comfortable around Tommy, “It was an arranged marriage but it’s a known secret that he pretty much paid for me. You know, as if I was some object.” “What do you mean he paid for you?” Tommy looked mildly disturbed, something that (Y/N) thought was something that didn’t happen often.
“He worked with my father a few times and at some charity ball my father introduced him to me and my mother and the next week I’m being told I’m getting married and before I know it, two weeks after that I’m in a church marrying a man who’ve I only met once. Then I start hearing whispers that my parents bought a brand new house along with the fact that they’ve attending private clubs, the types that charge you an exorbitant amount.”
Tommy let out a low whistle.
“I know right.” (Y/N) let out a small laugh, “I do wonder how much I cost him though. Not that it would have made an impact on his wealth, he’s still as rich as ever.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense, he does look much older than you.”
(Y/N) laughed again, “He is much older than me. He’s over thirty years older than me, around the same age as my parents.”
“How old are you?” Tommy asked
Tommy let out a scoff of disbelief, she was only a few years older than his youngest sibling Finn. He’s never met her parents but he felt anger at them on her behalf.
“Do you still speak to your parents?”
“No, I was absolutely furious at them and refused to talk to them. They said that I was overreacting and that they were still my parents but...parents don’t sell their child off do they? But anyway, after a few weeks of weak attempts to reconcile they finally stopped.”
“You were not overreacting, you had every right to be angry.” Tommy consoled her.
“Do you have any children Tommy?” (Y/N) asked.
“I do. I have a son, Charlie.” Tommy smiled as he thought of his son.
“You’re married?” (Y/N) glanced at his hands, looking for a ring.
“No...Charlie’s mother died when he was young.”
“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.” (Y/N) gave Tommy a sympathetic smile. “How old is Charlie?” “He’s seven, getting big now.”
“Mr Shelby!” A shout caught their attention, it was Tommy’s driver “The party is over now sir.”
(Y/N) turned to face Tommy and held her hand out for him to shake it, “I should leave now before Stewart gets impatient for waiting too long or becomes suspicious but it was nice meeting you and I thank you for your company.”
“Pleasure’s mine, goodbye Mrs Langley” Tommy shook her hand and watched as she walked away.  
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💫 Dance with the devil 💫
She forgave him.
At first, even she didn't know why. Perhaps him being the only survivor of Domino besides herself at a time played a vital role. But they weren't alone anymore. She could have gotten rid of him when the battle was over. That was, at a time, a term she agreed on. He helped her restore Domino and then he leaves magic universe forever.
He helped them during battle with the Ancestrals. When everyone else had succumbed to the darkness and their worst fears, he was the only one left standing besides herself. The witches tried manipulating him, but somehow his sheer will not to be under their control, not to be their pawn was enough to keep him sane when she needed him the most. He proved himself to be a redeemed man, he was no longer power hungry megalomaniac that not so long ago managed to shake the entire magic universe enough to have kings, queens and officials of all planets in the said universe trembling in fear.
Oritel and Miriam were not thrilled when they saw him after exiting the portal from Obsidian. She could see, even now, 17 years later, the underlying fear in their eyes when they first laid their gaze on him. Her mother clung to her husband and Oritel put a protective hand on her waist while he simultaneously pushed her slightly behind himself. But Valtor made no move to do anything, instead he, on the sheer surprise of everyone and especially Bloom, strode towards the king and queen and then proceeded to kneel in front of them with his head bowed. He asked for forgiveness, which was something that caused even her sister's spirit to turn to Bloom with surprise written clearly across her translucent face.
At first, her parent were reluctant, but as the time flew by and Valtor remained docile and calm, little by little they started warming up to him. He still had passion for magic, however. That was clear to everyone, but as he made no move to take anything by force and instead he asked, quite nicely, to study the magic that was of interest to him, people started relaxing around him.
The girls, Winx themselves, learned to accept his company. Stella and Flora were the first to accept the wizard into their circle of friends. Layla, unsurprisingly, had the most difficult time adapting to the change, which was understandable and even something Valtor himself understood. He was the one that nearly caused the destruction of her whole planet, so he couldn't exactly blame the girl for not wanting to be his friend. But with time, even Layla adapted and Bloom could see a subtle changes in her behaviour, how she would sometimes sit next to him and even hit his shoulder when he made a joke. They even bonded over their love for exercise, something Bloom wouldn't have guessed in a million years, but it shouldn't have come as a surprise because Valtor was built. They often went on morning jogs near the Alfea.
He bonded with Techna thanks to their knowledge of technology. That raised a lot if eyebrows among the members of the Winx club because they all assumed Valtor was a bit of a, well, technophobe. Boy were they surprised.
He didn't have too much in common with Musa, but you could find them discussing certain genres of music form time to time.
Besides Bloom, he got along the best with, surprisingly, Stella. The fairy of shining sun and moon was the first to accept him, so she took the initiative to 'bring him out of his shell' as Stella had put it. Valtor never considered himself shy, but as he spent some time with the Solarian fairy he realized that, at least compared to her, he was a total introvert. Bloom once got a shock of her life when she entered their dorm and she found Valtor sitting in front of the couch, his back in between Stella's legs, while Stella was sitting on the couch braiding his hair. Both Bloom and the duo on the couch froze and their wide eyes darted between each other until Valtor broke the silence.
"Not a word." His voice was calm but it spoke volumes.
Bloom shook her head. "Trust me, even if I told someone, they wouldn't believe me." With a smirk thrown their way, she entered her room and left them to their business.
With Flora, he chose to spend quiet evening drinking tea. Valtor had to admit, even though the nature fairy was quiet and shy in nature, she mad an excellent tea. Bloom often joined then and the three sipped their tea in silence.
Now, Valtor had an interesting relationship with Bloom. Number one enemies, turned allies, turned friends. It was a rocky relationship, but their bond was the strongest out of them all. The dragon fire had something to do with it too, but it was mostly just the two of them. The air sometimes turned awkward, but that was mostly due to one of them entering a new territory. And there was this one time he walked in on her while she was in the shower... Funny story.
He just returned from his morning run with Layla earlier than expected. He wanted to get his hands on a spell book he recieved from Faragonda per his request. His relationship with the headmistress was still rocky, but they managed. She was polite enough to grant him access when he asked nicely and Valtor was polite enough as long as it got him what he wanted. He was good now, but that didn't mean he had abandoned his manipulative ways completley when he wanted something.
He shed his shirt, a green short sleeved number - courtesy of Stella - and entered the bathroom. The shriek brought him back to ground and when he looked up he got an eyeful of toned pale flesh and red hair. His eyes ran over the curves of her breast and hips before descending to eye those long legs. Bloom shrieked once again.
"OH MY GOD! GET OUT! WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING THERE?!" Valtor shook himself and muttered a curse and apology, before running out of the bathroom. He leaned against the wall, Bloom's naked body still vividly painted in front of his eyes, breathing heavily and trying to stop the unwanted reaction his traitorous body wanted to conjure. He slammed his head into the wall, pain blurring his vision, before sliding down the wall to rest on the floor.
When Bloom got out of the shower, she was dressed and Valtor had moved to the couch. She slid in next to him and looked at him. His head was resting in his hands that were propped on his knees, his eyes obviously trying to avoid hers and was that blush on his cheeks?
"I'm sorry." His voice was so small that Bloom wondered if it actually came from the big bad wizard that had the ambition to become the biggest magic sorcerer in the entire magic universe.
She laughed and squeezed his knee. "It's ok. It happens."
His eyes caught hers. "I messed it up didn't I?"
Her brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
He sighed and his shoulders slumped. He looked like he was holding the weight of an entire universe at his shoulders. She felt sorry for him. "I made it awkward again."
At this she had to laugh again. Valtor was having a morality crisis. Just because he saw her naked. Well ok, he ogled a bit, but what's the harm? He didn't try anything. "Don't worry about it. We are good." She assured him.
She saw his shoulders relax and his mood lifted. He looked her in the eyes this time when he spoke. "Alright, if you say so princess. Mind if I take a shower now?"
She laughed. "Go ahead."
He got up, bent down to retrieve his shirt, which Bloom only now noticed he wasn't wearing and made a bee line to the bathroom. He stopped at the doorway and turned to her, cheeky look on his face and a mean glint in his eyes. "You know, now that I've seen you naked, it's only fair for me to return the favour."
Bloom went bright red and she flung a pillow in his direction. It never reached it's target, but his laugh could have been heard on the next planet.
Aside from that, there were no other major incidents, but during their stay on earth, while they were searching for the last earth fairy, their friendship turned even friendlier. So much so, it caused a rift between Bloom and prince Sky. For the benefit of both of them, they decided to terminate their relationship but they remained friendly. Sky, however, kept a close eye on him.
Valtor made friends with Roxy, the last earth fairy. She, of all people, was the first to point out closeness between Bloom and him. She was also the first person that made Valtor rethink his feelings. She was the one that planted the seed of doubt concerning their friendship which resulted in Valtor siting in the dark three nights in a row pondering over their interactions.
That's how Bloom found him the third night, siting in the dark, staring at nothing in particular. She made her way over to him and grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. His arm shot up and grabbed her wrist in a bone crushing grip, but released her when he saw her wince. She sat herself on the couch next to him and they spent half an hour in silence.
"Can't sleep?" Her raspy voice broke through.
He shook his head in response. She laid her head on his shoulder and it wasn't long before her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. Valtor looked at the girl. He couldn't deny it. She was beautiful. Even though he was never a guy that was particularly picky with looks, there was no denying the fact that the keeper of the dragon flame was a gorgeous specimen. She was smart, probably the smartest of her group. While Techna had the IQ, Blooms street smarts combined with the academic work made her the most reliable. And she was strong, but naive at the same time. She trusted that red, wannabe wizard, Ogron and his buddies and they played her like a well tuned guitar. She blamed herself for what happened to Nabu for a while, but everyone convinced her it wasn't her fault.
Valtor shook his head. Exhaustion was slowly creeping back to his bones and he found himself drawing closer to the redhead, seeking warmth while his eyes closed and he let the sleep over take him. That's how the rest of the Winx found them, snuggled up on the couch. Valtor laid on his back, his braid that Stella maid yesterday still intact, his arm protectively thrown over Bloom's waist, her head resting on his chest, legs intertwined. Flora took the liberty to capture the moment. Valtor and Bloom won't find about that photo for the next couple of months.
When he woke up he was certain his feelings for the redhead changed, but what about her? Did she feel the same way? That's when he noticed he was really warm and that a slight pressure rested on his chest. He looked down and was met with two sapphires staring into his own grayish blue eyes. Her cheeks were as red as her hair and she was fidgeting with the ruffles on his shirt. She stammered about not wanting to get up so he didn't wake up and then made a hasty apology and fled the living room.
Their relationship changer after that. The looks they were giving each other became longer and filled with something neither of them could recognize. The teasing between them stopped almost completely, something that didn't go unnoticed by neither the Winx or the specialists. But they respectfully kept their mouths shut. Their eyes would connect from across the room and neither would be too keen to break the connection. They would sit closer to each other, some part of their bodies always touching. They weren't awkward, but they also weren't aware of the tension they were emitting, even Stella began to complain about them having a 'boner' for each other.
The fight with Tritanus was a difficult one, made even more complicated with the fact that Valtor wasn't able to join them. The girls obtained Sirenix powers and freed Daphne while Valtor spent most of the time on land waiting for their return and helping them as much as possible from his position.
During that time, there was no time for anything rather than to focus on the mission ahead. And convincing the realms to unite in order to stop Tritanus. That's where Valtor came in play. He was the most capable to deal with these 'ass faced royals' as Musa had delicately put it. He was hesitant at first, but quicky changed his mind when he realized people listened to him. Out of fear or respect, he didn't know, nor did he care to find out.
The tension between Bloom and Valtor rose everyday, but apparently they were oblivious to it.
And then came the time when Bloom foolishly divided the power of the dragon flame between herself and her friends which left her vulnerable and weak. She did her best to hide it, but it all came crashing down at Daphne's recoronation. Fire eaters, beings that were supposed be extinct, rose to extinguish the dragon flame. Valtor, busy fighting these monsters and helping winx, foolishly let Sky take care of Bloom. What he didn't know was that Diaspro of all people, was working with the Trix and Sleina, found out about the little thing underneath the Domino palace called the Vortex of flames. As soon as Daphne warned him about Diaspro, he took off with her and what he found nearly caused his heart to stop. Diaspro was holding Bloom, that didn't as much as twitch in her clutches, hovering above the Vortex. Sky and his cousin were on the ground and fire eaters were slowly closing in on them. While Sky tried to talk some senses into Diaspro, Valtor tried to conjure up a plan to take everyone safe out of this mess, mainly Bloom. His eyes widened when Disapro released her hold on Bloom, sending her plummeting straight into the void. Valtor saw red. He barely registered Sky jumping from the edge to reach Bloom before his cousin saved him. He aimed a powerful beam towards the blonde girl and for a moment he saw terror in her eyes before she vanished. The fire eaters closed in on them and Valtor was kept busy fighting them off instead of jumping over the edge to reach Bloom.
Daphne and Valtor were the only one that were effective against these monsters, while Sky and his cousin tried their best. Valtor felt the ground shake and he heard Sky shouting a name he knew all to well in happiness. He turned around just in time to see her fly over the edge and deliver a powerful spell that destroyed the monsters. She flew to him and he opened his arms so she could slide in. Daphne and Sky were saying something but words escaped Valtor. He took hold of her shoulders and pushed her away from him to examine her for injuries. His eyes ran over he new transformation and he couldn't help but think she looked absolutely gorgeous in it. But the most beautiful thing about her was the smile she sent him. It was a conformation, she was fine.
After the incident party returned to full swing and it wasn't long before music was playing and Bloom was seen dancing with Sky just like before the fire eaters stormed the place. Valtor himself stood leaning on the pillar, drinking scotch, his eyes following Bloom's graceful movements.
It was Miriam, of all people that joined him. She leaned against the same pillar as he and sent him a coy look. Valtor raised one eyebrow. 'What was that about?' Miriam shrugged as to say 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' Valtor shook his head and tirned to watch her dance again. The calm was broken when Bloom's mother spoke.
"You know I can see the looks you are giving her?" Her eyebrows were raised as if challenging Valtor to deny that accusation. He lowered his gaze because he really didn't know how to respond to that. If he tried to fool her, she would just call his bluff, and if Miriam was good at something, she was good at reading people.
Her gaze softened and she spoke in calm voice, "Go dance with her." Valtor looked at her in surprise. She gave him a sheepish smile than took the drink out of his hands and proceeded to drink the remaining content in one gulp. She grabbed his biceps and pushed him on the dance floor causing him to stumble and shot her a nasty glare. He sighed and then made his way over to the middle where Bloom and Sly were still dancing. Sky's eyes lit up when they met his and he spun Bloom so fast she gasped and would have tumbled over had Valtor not been there ready to catch her. She met his gaze.
"Hi." She smiled sheepishly, and in that moment Valtor saw the resemblance between her mother and her.
"Hello." He answered politely, if not a little tensely. He spun her around and then brought her back to him. The whole room was filled with murmurs and whispers as the former megalomaniac and princess of Domino preformed and elaborate dance.
Bloom was surprised. She didn't know Valtor could dance so well. He spun her around, brought her back only to dip her down, making her gasp from the sudden movement. They twirled and danced across the floor, hands and legs grabbed each other, fingers intertwined, gazes locked. At that moment Bloom saw everything Valtor feels for her. Concern, annoyance, admiration, affection. She brought her hands to frame his face making his eyes widen before she suddenly rose on her tiptoes and planted a sweet kiss on his lips.
The music got quiet and the guests followed it's path. Valtor and Bloom stopped dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Valtor warped his hands around her waist and hauled her up so her shoes were no longer touching ground. Her hands waved themselves into his hair, messing it up, but he didn't care. Miriam and Oritel stood on the side, Oritel slightly fuming, but Miriam kept him in check. Daphne stood on the other end of the room, her eyes also on the pair. She smiled. She didn't care as long as her sister was happy. She hoped she could one day find someone like Bloom had.
And in the center of the room, Valtor and Bloom stood, still kissing.
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dawn-aethwyn · 3 years
Dawn did as she was bid, the same as so many times before. How many times was it this week and the last that he had her draw aether from this meditation stone? Regardless, she was happy to oblige. She felt more invigorated, more lively- more whole as she did so. Whatever regimen he had working for her rehabilitation, it was working.
“... Alright…” a dry voice sounded. “Keep at it. Remember, don’t stop until you can’t draw any further, then keep going anyway. When you feel you can’t go any further, put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.”
A cacophony of thoughts rang in her head as she desperately tried to sort through them. Every time she drew from this stone she felt flooded with emotions she was a stranger to. In addition to that, she had wondered long and hard where Hadriel had obtained this ‘meditation’ stone. There’s no way a random stone was full of aether but at the same time, it felt as if her very own life essence was being restored. She wasn’t going to complain about that. But then… if this was a product of her rehabilitation, is it because he knew about her condition?
“You’re distracted.” his gruff judgement sounded. “Focus, stop thinking about irrelevant things and draw.”
She intensified her efforts but her mind couldn’t help but wander. Her interaction with Halia the night before was proof enough that she felt a change in her veins. She was always wanting to help others yet slowly she felt that interest wane as she was overcome by more selfish and base desires. Why shouldn’t she look out for herself? Why shouldn’t she focus on what’s right for her? Who cares what others feel? Everything she had experienced since her injury only lent credence to that thought. She shook her head violently.
“I told you to pay attention. Keep drawing aether.” he chided.
The focused beam that spilt from the soul crystal stopped as she spun her head in Hadriel’s direction. “Why?” she asked. She knew the pretense he was here under- to help her. Yet he had her drawing essence to restore her own, he must’ve known there was an aetherial deficit. He must have known of her condition, yet he didn’t speak on it. This wasn’t to restore her sight, that was for certain, so he must have had an ulterior motive. 
“Because Mira asked me to help you. There is nothing more to it. Now you’re wasting time, continue to dr-”
“No. There has to be more to it. No one does things for others selflessly. There’s no true altruism in this world. Only people who are waiting to take advantage of others.”
He chuckled a bit, “Ah, there it is. I was wondering when you would start being affected. Is the bitterness setting in? The anger? The doubt? Good. It only means you’re taking more and more of the aether into yourself.”
Her face flushed. She couldn’t see him but she could hear his laughter which infuriated her further. “What do you mean?! You were expecting me to get affected?!”
“What did you have left? Maybe a few months to live? Soul crystals host a fountain of aether from the people who left an imprint on it, small fragments of their souls absorbed over time. I’m letting you borrow more time from that since you were irresponsible and treated your own life and aether with wanton disregard.”
“...It won’t be enough.” 
She could hear him undo the top of his flask before he drank. Of course he was drinking. She heard a scoff.
“No, definitely not. Being able to convert your own life force to aether is a gift very few people have, and now that you’ve drained every bit of that gift that you possibly could, it’s time to find a new solution. If you’re able to convert aether one way, then you should be able to do the opposite. Convert it into your own life force. Frankly, I’ve never come across anyone like you so I don’t know the right answer, but right now, this is the only answer I have. Once you’ve learned to draw aether proficiently enough from living things around you, you should be able to survive. Not only that, you should be able to thrive. Sight would be restored to you through perception of aether, and the cost for that should no longer matter.”
“G-get out.” she seethed furiously. “I’m not a toy for you to watch writhe about.”
“I think you need a break.” he grabbed the soul crystal off her desk and hung it around his neck, tucking the pendant into his vest. “You’re doing fine. Trust me. Maybe later you can try again when you calm down ...I’ll be seeing you.”
Her erratic breath seemed to calm a bit after he left. What was she angry about again? She shook her head as her grip along the desk loosened. “W-what?” she whispered to herself. She wanted to be mad at him, at something, at anything. She breathed in sharply in an attempt to gather herself. A shaky breath escaped her lips. “I’m okay… I’m okay…” she uttered to herself as she had done a hundred times before.
Her hand expanded before her as she focused her aether again, using a practiced hand to bring forth White Magicka. A flare of abyssal energies flashed in her palm instead.
 “...I’m okay.”
The door had shut and opened once more as someone walked into the clinic, “Ah, I’m looking for a Mizuna --” It certainly wasn’t Dawn’s male guest from earlier.
Dawn shut her fist and extinguished the abyssal flame that lingered in her grasp. She moved to place a rounded pair of sunglasses on to cover her unfocused gaze. “Oh? Mizuna is not here, perhaps I can be of some help?”
“I see, she’s the one that stitched me up some couple of weeks ago. The stitches are -- well I’m about to cut them out myself if someone doesn’t remove the damn things from my arm.” she watched the woman -- clinics just weren’t her thing. Nijah lifted a hand through her bangs, “She also mentioned something about a checkup but I suppose I could just schedule something while I’m here?”
The White Mage shook her head, “I’ll help you remove the stitches, as for the checkup; she can do that on her own time. Please...” she gestured toward one of the rooms and shifted over to slide the curtains aside, “...Take a seat on the table.”
The Ala Mhigan woman nodded, not that she knew Dawn couldn’t see, she hadn’t met the woman in her life. Doing as she was bid, Nijah took a seat along the table as instructed and removed her glove.
Dawn had reached for some tools and vials about the room, all while feeling for stickers along them with little raised dots. She grabbed a towel and placed it on the tray before setting it beside the patient. “Which arm was it again?”
“...Right.” Nijah furrowed a brow and held out her arm to the woman, “Didn’t count how many she actually shoved in there.”
Dawn meandered a couple feet away to the sink, washing her hands. “May I touch you?” she asked as she approached again, her head tilted.
“Well yeah, you’re kinda gonna have to.” she huffed and shoved her arm in the woman’s direction, each stitch itching for freedom and she was trying her best not to scratch.
The medical professional gave a smile, if it wasn’t clear before, it was made clear now that she couldn’t see as she felt for Nijah, finding her arm and running her hands along her skin. She felt the stitches along her forearm. “Ah, there they are, please keep your arm out.” she moved to pour one of the vials onto one of the hand-towels she had prepared. Dawn dabbed the towel along Nijah’s stitching, “Feels like it was a deep laceration… about five ilms long? About twenty stitches? I would’ve gone with more just to be safe… but it seems like you’ve healed fine. Let me clean the area right quick.” The cloth smelled strongly of alcohol.
Nijah could only stare as the woman who felt her way around was tending to her arm. She had to have been crazy to stay any longer and possibly let a blind woman come at her with the Gods know what, “You work here?” she asked. It was better than sitting in awkward silence as the Doctor went about her work, “Never seen you before.”
A sly smile wore about her features as she continued to press the cloth into Nijah’s patched laceration. “And I’ve never seen you before either. Nice to meet you.” She responded before tossing the towel into a bin, “My name is Dawn, and I was hired here to be the staff physician.” her hands ran delicately to identify where the plastic stitches were again before she grabbed a pair of suture scissors in one hand, keeping the other along the injury. “I don’t feel any inflammation and the wound seems to have closed so I will be removing the stitches. They might hurt as I cut and pull them out though.”
“Nijah.” she responded kindly enough and she knit her brow to watch as Dawn continued, “Mizuna was the one that was seen to me and thankfully I have enough know-how when it comes to cleaning wounds to make sure my limbs don’t fall off.”
Dawn gave a light, awkward giggle, “Well, you won’t have to worry about that. I’ll clean your wound again after we remove the stitches.” The woman moved quickly and methodically to feel at the stitches and adjusted the scissors along each before snipping away and pulling them out carefully. She listened and felt for Nijah’s reaction between each removal before she placed every suture onto the tray next to them. Each went without a fuss. She figured Nijah must have been good at not reacting to sharp pangs of pain.
“You’re confident in your work at least, most wouldn’t even attempt to try and do what you’re doing.”
“Oh? I suppose. I wouldn’t imagine many people would try to remove your stitches if they weren’t trained to do so. At least, I hope they wouldn’t.” Dawn spoke as she snipped and removed the last few sutures.
“I used to before I had access to a medic all the time, like this. Growing up in Ul’dah we sort of just made due with what we had.”
“Well, I would have to advise against you doing that anymore and ask that you come to me from now on.” she gave a polite smile in Nijah’s direction. It was a bit off from where she should have turned her head but in the right area nevertheless. “Though it’s already a good enough sign that you will since you came here in the first place. There.” She removed the last suture and placed it on the tray. She grabbed another hand-towel she had prepared and popped another vial. “This might hurt too.” After pouring the liquid onto the cloth she pressed firmly along the laceration and removed stitches, digging her fingers into where Nijah had been cut. “It’s an antibiotic. Since I just removed your sutures they’re practically open wounds. Best to be safe. Sorry if it hurts.”
Nijah did cringe a moment and sucked in a breath, watching the Doctor go about her business but it was all part of the process, right? At least she had got to the lengths Mizuna had not, “Thanks.” she huffed out, “I’ll be sure to remember that.”
“You know… your voice sounds very familiar.” she commented, squeezing even harder onto the wound as she moved the cloth along it, bit by bit.
“Familiar? I’ve been here for a long time.”
“Hmn.” she sounded, nails digging along the cloth to reach deeper into the wound. A few of the holes left from the stitching left a crimson stain along the towel.
“Longer than most.” she finished and her free hand took hold of Dawn’s wrist at her other arm, “I think ...it's clean now, Doc.” she hissed out ever so lightly at the sting at her flesh.
The pleasant smile wore on her features as she looked toward Nijah. The patient’s features lit up a bright blue outline along her flesh. She was seeing her through traces of aether. It came to her as if it were second nature, as if she had used this approach for years. In a blink the darkness returned and the blue hues dissipated. Dawn maintained a painful grip, “I told you it will hurt, if we don’t get the antibiotics deep into the open punctures from the stitching, it might cause an infection. Trust me, a little pain now will save a lot of stress later. Unless you’re not partial to this limb; then I can skip this.”
Of course Nijah was no medical expert but she was perceptive enough to know that the point of fixing wounds was to mend them, not reopen them. She held firm to the woman’s wrist and attempted to pry her hand away while shifting from the table, “I think it’s good, albeit bleeding again but. We’re good Doc.”
The White Mage laughed lightly after her hand was pried off of the wound. “Better safe than sorry, I say. I don’t want you to get an infection.” Her stance adjusted to face Nijah as she moved off the table. Dawn reached for the tray and felt at a couple of the vials that had not been used, “Here. These are antibiotics. You probably won’t need them but it’s better to take them and not need them, then need them and not have them.”
Nijah had taken the offered vials giving the woman an odd look, “Right.” pursing her lips, she gazed over the given vials, “Thanks… Doc.”
Dawn simply offered a polite grin and parroted the words that kept ringing in her head, “Good luck.”
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Mycroft “Save her” (x reader)
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Summary - You’re spending a casual day with Mycroft until danger strikes. A powerful member of a secret service out for blood. He messes with your mind, twists his words into your actions. Nobody would think it was for you. Nobody knew. Will Mycroft be there in time? 
Warnings - violence, angst
A/N - I have been writing pretty angsty stories lately with lots of violence haha that makes me feel weird, but i know you guys like them and I do like them too! I am incorporating more fluff as well. As you can tell from my story of Sherlock “Save her” this is basically the same point, but with Mycroft. I hope you guys like it and send me more requests! Will you know the ending of this story, or will you be fooled? @fanfictionsilove​ @bakerstreethound​ @redheaded-hobbit​ - starting a tag list i think this is how you do it? dm if you want to be in it :)
“I know, I know. He’s come back.” 
Mycroft’s voice was cold on the phone. It sent chills up your spine. You didn’t know who he was talking about, but you knew it was someone bad. Someone with who he had a history with. He hung up the phone after a minute and sighed. 
“What’s the matter?” You asked him, getting up from the couch in his office. You had known Mycroft for a year, but in all that time it was like you knew him better than yourself. You had also spent a lot of time with it. He mentioned how much he liked it, and you discovered he had feelings for you. 
“Someone dangerous. Someone who just wants to hurt me.” You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around him. He brought you in closer, hugging you. 
“Why? Who would want to hurt you?” Your eyes sparkled in his stare. 
“Oh, (Y/N), lots of people. Don’t worry. I’m having it taken care of.” He smiled reassuringly as did you, but you know he didn’t. It was something deeper than that. You didn’t feel as if Mycroft was safe. That was all you wanted for him especially in his job. 
He saw how sad you looked and lifted up your chin. “You need to stop worrying about me. I should be worried about you. I have to keep you safe.” 
You tried smiling again, but couldn't. Although you loved Mycroft and had been in extremely safe conditions ever since you met him, you couldn’t find yourself liking it, but you knew why he did it. He couldn't bear if anything happened to you. 
You squeezed his hand, walking away. All you wanted now was to breathe. You were stressed out, but more of you just wanted to be alone, walking. You grabbed your coat on the couch, putting it on. 
Mycroft looked confused. “Where are you going?” 
You had to lie. Say something different. “I’m meeting with my friend.” 
“Oh, you didn’t tell me. Just text me if you need anything.” Surprisingly he said this with confidence. You could count on one hand how many times he did this. You smiled and gave a little wave to him, walking out. 
The building where he worked at felt almost ancient. It was like the castle and king area of England inside with old people everywhere. Not that you had anything against them, but you, a beam of youthful rays succumbed to a medieval woman. The other half where Mycroft was was filled with modern appliances with a pure London view. You preferred there better. You walked across the lobby area and out into the world. You loved Mycroft, but nothing beats being with yourself sometimes when you need it. You walked down the desolate road. The wind lightly kissed your face, blowing the fresh air from the sky and the river nearby. You smiled. It felt nice. 
You walked along for some time, your hands in your pocket, hair fluttering in the wind. It was an ideal temperature for winter. Just warm, but with a revitalizing cold to keep you sharp. You were near the river now and could see a few boats on the water. Maybe you would go on one. You neared the bridge and stayed to a nook on the street, watching the water. Your arms propped on the platform. You focused on your breathing. It was sad not letting yourself just be alone. Reflecting on your life. You enjoyed it. It was like you were a teenager again, just living, but that didn’t mean you didn’t love Mycroft, in fact you found yourself feeling compulsive just thinking about him. He meant a lot to you, he loved you and couldn’t bear to see you sad or hurt. 
“Excuse me?” A fresh American voice said. You whipped your back around, startled. A tall man with cloud blonde hair stood dressed in a dark suit. He had his hands in his pocket and his face was covered with a polite smile. He was in his mid-thirties you assumed. 
You gave him a pleasant smile and said, “Is there something you need?” 
He took a slow walk next to you and leaned against the platform, staring into the water. His hair flew with the wind. You were patient. 
“Well, I’ll be blunt. I’m lost. As you can tell I’m not from this area.” 
“I can tell,” you chuckled. “Is there anywhere you want to go?” 
The man stood up and looked at you, becoming lost in your eyes. “Show me a few places?” He said with a smile. You honestly wanted to. You felt like you were making a new friend. Why not? 
“I don’t even know you,” you remarked cheekily. 
The man gave a slight groan. “Chris.” He held out his hand, which you shook. 
“That’s it?” You laughed. 
“Aw, come on,” he said teasingly. “I know nobody here and only have cash with me.”
“Well I guess I can show you around, but you have to tell me more about yourself as we go.” 
He smiled happily. “Agreed.” You started walking up the side of the bridge with him slowly. There was nobody around. 
“What are you in the mood for?” You asked him. 
“Whatever you really like. Food. Malls. Museums. Anything.” 
You scoffed. “Oh, so you’re that guy.” 
He scoffed back, pushing you playfully. “Am not! Just trying to be friendly.” 
Just by having an interaction with this person, especially a man, reminding you of how you never really interacted with other men except for Mycroft. Were you missing out? Perhaps. It was fun. No boundaries. 
“You from here?” He asked you as you approached the upward slope of the bridge. 
“I am, but I travel a lot.” You looked at him. He seemed captivated. You looked at his far wrist and let out a small gasp. His wrist was covered with something dark. Dark reddish-brown. 
He noticed your reaction and a look of panic swept across his face. 
“What happened?” You asked him, but he didn’t answer. In a split second, your arms were behind your back and his hand over your mouth. Your head faced up into the endless dark sky, too shocked to know what just happened. In a moment’s time, your sense of reality blackened into a peaceful state of bliss.
You awoke as if you had been sleeping forever, enjoying every moment of it. You blinked your eyes slowly, adjusting to the light. You were sitting on a hard cold floor. In a few seconds, your vision adjusted to its regular strength and you noticed you were in a rather large room. It was bright and only had a few tables. You couldn’t quite figure out the purpose of the room. The temperature was cool and your body felt light. How did you get here? 
Suddenly your memories came flooding back. You looked at your limbs. Nothing was restrained. You were free, but why were you here? Why did Chris, if that was even his name take you here? Why did he do this to you? You panicked just thinking about Mycroft. You had no sense of the time, for all you’ve known it could have been the next day. You slowly stood up, regaining your precious balance. 
“Chris?” You called out. Your voice was tired, confused, and weak. 
No answer. 
You looked around the room. One door. You slowly walked to it, regaining your composure. You tried the handle, but it was locked. You groaned. You couldn’t figure this out. 
“Chris?” You called out again, walking around the room. You shuffled in your pockets for your phone, but it wasn’t there. 
Suddenly you heard doors opening. You whipped around and saw Chris emerging from the shadows. He looked different from before, angrier, more serious. Sadistic. 
“Hello, (Y/N).” His voice was blank and emotionless. 
“Why did you take me here? I don’t even know you. What did I do?” 
Chris walked slowly, his hands behind his back. “I’m not Chris.” 
“Who are you?” 
“That’s not important. You are. I know Mycroft. He won’t be happy when we’re finished.” 
Your heart dropped to your toes. You knew who he was now. He was Mycroft’s enemy, who he had been after back and forth and now he had you. You didn’t even know what to do. Stay calm?
“Whatever that is has nothing to do with me,” you stated. He simply looked at you like you were a fool. 
“It does.” He pulled out something from his pocket. A knife. Your eyes widened and you froze. You simply couldn’t move. He walked faster to you, but you were stuck. He pushed his way into you to the wall and pointed the knife into your neck, causing you to wince. 
“Let’s test your pain today, and as you should know, I always win.” 
“I don’t know where she is, Sherlock, it’s been hours!” Mycroft screamed into the phone. He was pacing around his office ever since you left. He immediately regretted it and didn’t know why he let you do it. You weren’t answering your phone and he had a bad feeling. 
“I know! I’ll call you later. Track what you can.” He hung up and sat on his chair, burying his face into his hands. He was worried. He couldn't live like this. The whole time he knew you, he spent all his time making sure you were loved and safe. It was his job, and he liked it. 
Mycroft stood up and grabbed his coat. He sped out of his office, angry and worried. He walked out the doors and into the parking lot, stepping into his car. He turned it on and just drove. 
He drove to your house. Your favorite store. Your favorite cafe. Nothing. As he continued this, growing more anxious by the minute, he received a phone call. What he heard turned on all his instincts of a man. 
You shook at the bottom of the wall. Your neck bleeding from his forceful pinch. He made a half-circle around you, clutching the knife, staring ahead. You couldn’t move. You were terrified. 
“I should have killed him the chance I got. He’ll be here. I can’t wait to see the look on your face.” 
Tears fled your eyes as he said this. “You’re the one who’s going to die. You’re a horrible person!” 
He crouched down to your level and looked unamused. “Do you have the slightest idea who I am?” With these words said, he quickly slid the knife against your neck, pouring immense amounts of blood out and onto your white top. You moaned in pain and began crying. 
“You’re pathetic. How could he choose someone like you?” 
Your neck hurt you, but that hurt you even deeper. “I’m...smart.” He scoffed at you. It was true. Mycroft was always impressed by you, but you were a different smart. 
“Why are you doing this to me? What happened with you and Mycroft?” 
The man stared you down like you were trash. He put his hand in his other pocket, shifting around. You held your breath, hoping Mycroft would find you soon. The man pulled out a minigun as a sadistic smile was painted across his face. Your stomach moved around out of nervousness.
“He betrayed me.” His voice was full of powerful anger. 
“How?” You asked, trying to dig deeper. 
He ignored your question and continued looking at you. All of a sudden he rushed close to you, holding the shotgun tight in his hand. All he did was stare you down. He quickly picked you up by the arm, dragging you to the center of the room and threw you on the ground. You couldn’t do anything. You had no weapons. You weren’t strong. 
“Please,” you cried. 
He laughed evilly, raising the gun up at you. 
“You don’t know betrayal. Mycroft doesn’t know betrayal. You don’t know pain.” 
You stared back at him, your body shaking nervously. Your life was flashing before your eyes. 
“I do.” 
He clenched the gun tighter in his hand when suddenly a loud boom was heard. You both directed your gaze to the door. Your heart lifted when you saw who was there. Mycroft with his men. His mouth slightly opened when he saw you and the situation and you could see his knees weakening, but he regained himself. You looked at Chris. He still had the gun pointed at you but kept his eyes on Mycroft. 
“You don’t have to do this Chris,” Mycroft said. 
Chris stretched his neck around. “Actually I do.” 
You saw Mycroft’s men emerge behind him. They were carrying guns and directed them to Chris who didn’t show any fear. He looked as if he was alive. You looked at Mycroft, but he couldn’t bear to look at you. 
“Chris. You don’t. I know wh-.” 
The sound of a gun being fired erupted through the whole building, following a second shot. You looked at your shirt. You saw a pool of redness expanding by the second. 
“(Y/N)!” Mycroft came rushing to you. You felt no pain. You were shocked. Across from you lied Chris’s body. Lifeless. Mycroft came to you, wrapping his arms around you. You tried to stand up, surprising him and yourself. You weren’t sure why you did it. You managed to stand up, but the pain immediately took over your body, causing you to fall, but Mycroft caught you. Tears filled through the outer corners of your eyes. 
Mycroft lifted you up effortlessly, carrying you somewhere. “Where is my ambulance?” He shouted, demanding an answer. Your head bobbed as he ran to and fro. 
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” His voice was shaky and full of sadness. You felt bad as if this was your fault. Maybe it was. 
“Don’t worry.” You squeezed his arm lovingly. Whatever you did or said caused him to groan in agony. Your pain was immense. It took over your movements, but not your thoughts. 
Suddenly you saw a bright sky as Mycroft stepped outside and up a step. You saw white ceilings and heard men talking. 
An ambulance. 
“Can you drive any faster?” Mycroft screamed, raging inside. He came to your side, holding your hand tightly and leaning his forehead into your neck. You smiled, offering him comfort. Mycroft explained to you everything and how much he loved you, causing you to shed a tear. All you can do was listen and hope it wasn’t the end of it all. 
He leaned in close and looked into your eyes. “What is it?” 
“I think this is it.” 
He clenched your hand tighter and wrapped his arm around you. 
“No. No, don’t say that. You’re doing fine. We’re almost there. You - you can’t leave me. Don’t leave me.” He started crying harder. You felt terrible, but you knew it was near. Blackness encompassed your vision. You squeezed his hand and soon released it when all your energy diminished. The last thing you heard was the most horrible scream let out by anyone you ever knew. Your heart shook. 
You awoke to the unfamiliar sound of a steady beep. Your eyes were light. You opened them effortlessly and were welcomed by a pure white hospital room. You looked down at your body. You were wearing a gown and felt something on your stomach. Probably was a bandage. You felt pain but tried to remember everything. You heard someone.....breathing. You turned your head away to the side of the room. 
Mycroft was sitting on a chair close to your bed with his head leaning on one of his hands, sleeping. You could see increased worry wrinkles on his face as well as dark circles under his eyes. You hesitated whether to wake him up or let him be. 
“Psst,” you quietly said, doubting he would hear this, but as soon as the words left your mouth, he opened his eyes and darted up. He looked at you and his eyes widened. Quicker than lightning, he rushed to your side, burying his face in your chest, wrapping his arms around you. He was hurting you, but you didn’t care. 
“I thought I lost you,” he said, looking at you.  “I’m sorry.” You sadly said. 
He took your soft face in his hands, gazing into your eyes. 
“Don’t be. You’re my priority and will always be. I couldn’t live without you.” 
You held his arms lovingly and both looked into each other’s eyes admiring one another, but enjoying the miracle. 
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 86
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all keeping safe and healthy, as much as you can.
This week, I decided to let everyone see how exactly Sophia and Arthur interact.  You know, since they are theoretically friends from Before and all that (they really, really are friends, I swear).  Thank you to @baelpenrose for helping me with this chapter, which you did immensely.
After a decadently scathing review of an ancient fairy tale and some quick thinking to keep Nixe from lighting the book on fire out of principle, I found myself actually regretting that I needed to return to work. This time escorted by Alistair, who was ostensibly returning anyway from a meeting with the current Head Archivist, we set a brisk pace while quietly discussing my schedule for the next week.  By the time we arrived back at our shared office, my head was spinning with the thought of all the Council meetings I had in my future.
Having worked up an appetite and refusing to make important decisions on an empty stomach, I queued up two bowls of etouffee, along with a heaping plate of cornbread and butter. While my assistant provided more and more details around each of my peers’ agendas in regards to testing various ecological building methods - how could there be agendas behind something like that - the door hissed open and a familiar brunette man strolled to my rescue.
Before I could even greet him, Arthur sat down and snagged my yet-untouched meal. "I gave Charly a treat. No reason. But she seemed very enamored of the glittery pens." Unfazed by my attempts to recover my food, he took a bite before giving the bowl a critical look. “This is really good, Sophie. You should try some.”
Scowling, I stepped back over to the food console. “Why did you give her a treat?”
He paused to swallow another mouthful of my lunch. "Phenomenal self control in the face of rage"
"You heard?" I winced before returning to the table with my second attempt to eat.
"Who didn’t? And I'm not saying I condone violence, but her aim was superb, I must say."
"Arthur, she bit him." 
"Very clever use of weapons at hand, I agree." Still nonchalant, he slathered butter on a slice of cornbread.
“That’s real butter - “ I tried to warn.
He just waved me off with a spoon. “No whey, I already tested it. Besides, Miys was able to do something about that, just to make my life easier.”
Shaking my head, I finally got to try some of my food. "You gave her caffeine, didn't you?" I asked hesitantly, returning to the topic of Charly.
"I will neither confirm nor deny" 
"That's a yes." 
"You can't prove that."
"Is it... is it on the pens? Is that a thing?" 
"Pffft,” he scoffed. “How lazy.”  I stared at him intently until he rolled his eyes and groaned. “The ink in the pens disappears after an hour, glitter and all. She'll love them."
I couldn’t really argue with that, so instead I shifted topics slightly. “So. The guys mentioned asking you to be part of my escort detail?”
He nodded. “I couldn’t make it today, but I moved some stuff around.  Should be good to go.”
Something fell into place in my mind. “Wait. Did you send Nixe?”
“Is that her name? The mermaid?” I nodded, so he continued. “I mean, yeah.”
I sputtered, fortunate I didn’t have food in my mouth. “You don’t even know her name and you sent her to fill in?”
“Well, I know it now.” When I didn’t let the glare stop, he set his ill-gotten spoon down firmly. “Sophia. Sophie. That woman is almost as tall as one of your boyfriends, taller than the other, and has endurance enough to probably win a fight while holding her breath.  She has an enormous soft-spot for kind people - which you are - and every inch of her screams don’t fuck with me.”
“Because people think she’s crazy,” I scowled in accusation.  “She’s actually really sweet.”
“Well, that too. She’s also strong as fuck, and truly believes she is an exiled queen of a race of warriors to boot.  I’m willing to bet, if she punched that wannabe warlord? She’d put her fist through him.” He picked up his spoon and smiled. “So, yeah.  I asked her to walk you to the archive. She wanted to head down anyway, so….” He shrugged before finishing off the etouffee. “Besides, she was also the person I figured was least likely to need to resort to violence.”
That got a smirk out of me. "Since when don't you condone violence, oh peaceful reformed warlord?"
"Stop putting your words in my mouth, Sophie. I absolutely condone justified violence."
"Excuse me? Weren't you just praising Charly for -"
"I also said justified violence, to be fair."
Before I could have an aneurysm, Alistair stepped in. "Mr. Farro, sir, Councillor Kalloe asked me to pass on this declination of access to your personal sword?"
“You asked for your sword back? Arthur…”
He scowled at my assistant, shaking his head before muttering. “You absolutely did that on purpose, you traitorous, limey dick.”
“You should not have been such a cad to have stolen Miss Sophia’s lunch,” Alistair sniffed, unimpressed.
All I could do was rub my temples and focus on deep breaths. They don’t actually hate each other, I reminded myself firmly. “Arthur. Sword. Why?”
“I’m sure I don’t have to explain the anatomy behind why it’s a lot harder to intimidate someone when you’re… oh, about a head shorter?”
“Arthur….” I was feeling like a broken record, especially when he smirked at me and I realized he was probably counting how many different inflections I could use on that.
“Besides, it’s time someone showed that Game of Thrones, Mad Max reject what a real warlord can do,” he added airily, staring at the ceiling.
I choked on my last bite of cornbread, pounding the table and gasping for air before I could respond. “Wait, you mean to tell me your professionalism is offended? Are you serious!?”
“Yeah, I’m serious.” He didn’t even bother looking down at me. “I earned the title, protecting my students, and he’s just some bullying, conspiracy-peddling amateur who wouldn’t even rate a decent Fallout villain.” Finally, he glanced back at me. “Besides, if he’s the guy he thinks he is, he’ll understand that threatening another leader’s people is met with violence.”
“Oh, another leader now?” I asked skeptically.
“Oh hell no. Not me.” He shook his head violently before gesturing with his spoon again. “You. Xiomara. Grey. Your people.”
“You know I don’t believe violence is the answer,” I said softly.
“I know. But right now, it’s the question. The answer may end up being yes, no matter how much you don’t want it to be.” He gave me a meaningful look before his expression hardened. “If it comes to that, and I think you, or Charly, or anyone else I care about is in danger? That Viking-wannabe is going to find himself on the wrong side of the airlock.  You won’t have to make the hard decision, fight all that empathy you have floating around in there.” He tapped his temple. “I’ll make the call, me and Xiomara.” Like a switch flipping, his features relaxed again. “I just need her to give me back my damned sword.”
Alistair cleared his throat politely, arching an eyebrow at the man across from me. “Dare I even ask why you have a sword?”
Arthur pointed at himself and enunciated slowly. “War. Lord.”
Nonplussed, my assistant waved the response away. “Yes, yes, I understand all that. You’ve certainly said it frequently enough. How did you come by it, I mean? You are both from the Colonies, after all.”
I snickered at the back-handed insult, waiting for Arthur to clarify.  To be honest, I was mildly curious about it, myself, but was certain enough that I didn’t want to know the answer that I had never asked.
Arthur straightened himself, and in the worst faux-Italian accent, explained “My sword has been serving the warrior sons of the Farro family since the days of the Medici.” Dropping the accent, he clarified. “I was a history teacher, Before. I used to show the sword to some of my classes, and even took a few lessons in the style the sword was used in.  Then, when the End happened… it saw battle again.” He paused for a moment before scowling. “Which is why it better not be rusted when I get it back. It’s a five-hundred year old weapon.”
“Is that how the two of you know each other?” Alistair continued, pretending to be entirely unimpressed by the provenance of an antique sword - I wasn’t fooled, he was an archivist.
Arthur, however, looked completely baffled. “The sword? No? What in the -”
“Teaching….” Alistair clarified wearily.
I snorted hard enough that my sinuses burned. “Oh gods no. I don’t think we ever even lived in the same state. And I only taught for…. Two years? A year and a half? Not counting the whole - “ I waved a hand around my head vaguely “-Interpersonal communication fiasco. And he was still in high school at the time, I think.” I glanced over, but Arthur just shrugged.  “Anyway, we actually met in an online group, almost a decade after I quit teaching, one dedicated to writing.” Pausing, I glanced around at my office. “I don’t think we ever imagined anything like this, though.”
“When did you first meet in person?” Alistair asked, still curious.
I felt my face flush scarlet, while Arthur just tipped his head back and roared with laughter. After several minutes, he managed to get himself under control enough to point an accusing finger at me. “We met, face to face, the day she marched her self-righteous ass into my office and railed at me over Charly Harper’s grades.  I’ve been chewed out by every form of indignant parent ever, but that was a new one on me. She was about to pick a fight with me on behalf of every student ever taught by anyone.  And Xiomara was standing there, just letting her!”
“I’m not sure she knew who she was supposed to restrain,” I clarified.  “Even once we calmed down, it probably took a good fifteen minutes to realize who we were looking at.”
“Wait, so you met in person on the Ark?” Alistair sputtered in disbelief. “Mr. Farro, I have heard you, on more than one occasion, refer to Miss Sophia as being like a sister to you, yet you only met less than a year ago?”
It was my turn to scoff. “In person, maybe. But we met over twenty years ago, and two lifetimes away.”
Arthur nodded. “Italian families work differently than British ones. Even those who moved to ‘the colonies’,” he deadpanned. “And I’m sure everyone on the Ark and probably on Earth is aware of her annoying ass tendency to adopt strays.”
“Yeah, hokay, stray number one,” I mocked gently.
He just made a ticking gesture at me. “Thus, our initial clash. There was a miscommunication that affected a member of her ‘family’, and she was shooting to verbally kill at a hundred paces.” Clucking at me, he admonished, “Tyche was much more threatening, just for reference.”
“Carrying seven knives will do that.”
“Ten, actually, six for throwing.”
I shrugged nonchalantly as Alistair’s eyes tried valiantly to escape his head. “She’s not going to give up a ranged advantage.”
“Tell me the truth, is she actually any good with those?” Arthur asked, leaning in.
“They were actually for me.”
“They’re kind of an impractical weapon, but I wouldn’t put it past the Reid sisters to get good with them.”
Alistair, on the other hand, was still sputtering. “Miss Reid,” he scolded. “You mean to tell me you can throw knives?!”
“I can also kill a squirrel at thirty feet with a sling and a stone,” I shrugged. “Girl’s gotta eat.”
My assistant looked queasy, Arthur just looked mildly impressed. “Why was Tyche carrying them, if they were for you?”
“Because I was angry enough to do something stupid,” I admitted. “It was more so I wouldn’t use them.”
“So… on the off chance I need to know what your phenomenal sister will use in the event she is the angry one, what should I be watching for?” He leaned forward on his folded hands like an eager student.
All I could do was scrunch my face in confusion. “Pain? Blood? Think what Charly did to Jokull, plus rabies, no sense of self preservation, and absolutely no concept of ‘fair’. I mean, she can throw, for sure, but she isn’t above just becoming full-on possessed if she feels the need to attack.”
“Did she really almost beat herself unconscious on a bulkhead?”
“Yep.” I popped the ‘p’. “Although, that person almost killed me, so it’s probably better they got the sentence they did than ten minutes with my sister.”
Arthur nodded in understanding. “Probably more merciful, yeah.”
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hazzmedicine · 5 years
his replacement pt. 4
a/n: okay so this took me forever and I apologize. Life has been hectic. But anyway, hope you enjoy and check out the other parts if you haven’t! 3.1k
pt. 1    pt. 2     pt. 3 
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Most people would be stoked when a world known rockstar is standing before them in the doorway. But Y/N is not most people. She spent many years of her youth building and strengthening her self confidence and self respect. So unlike most people, she is not excited to see the man who has crushed her feelings and felt no remorse. She’s confused and agitated.
“What are you doing here, Harry?” is the first thing she asks him. 
“Well hello to you, too,” he responds sarcastically, but she is not amused. He lifts up his hand to show her the bag he is carrying, it’s the food she ordered. “The delivery man and I got here at the same time so I thought I’d pay and hand deliver it to you.” He smiles at her, the type of smile used to win someone over. But it’s going to take more than a meaningless smile on an incredibly handsome man to win her over, at least that’s what she tells herself.
“Great, you’ve delivered it and now you can go. I’ll make sure you get a 5 star rating.” She slowly starts closing the door but he stops it with the raise of his hand. 
“Wait,” he sighs, “can we just talk, please? I came all this way.”
She opens the door wider. “We have nothing to talk about.”
“You know that’s not true.” 
Their conversation about having a conversation stops at the sound of feet padding against the hardwood floor. Soon, a curly headed Shawn, who managed to find some sweatpants, appears.
“Hey, I came to check on what was taking so lo-,” he stops himself once he notices the man standing in front of him. “Woah, is Harry Styles really standing in our doorway?” 
“Yeah, man. How you doin’?” Harry asks as he extends his hand for a shake. Harry and Shawn had met before at different music events and more recently, the Met Gala. As far as Y/N knows, Harry had always enjoyed his brief interactions with the younger man. But now, within these first 40 seconds of talking, she can see the agitation in his eyes. Shawn is oblivious to it and he has no reason to suspect Harry would have a problem with him, considering hardly anyone knew about Harry and Y/N’s interest in each other.
Shawn met Harry with a handshake. They finished a quick introduction with the routine “I’m good, how are you... that’s good.”
“So what are you doing in the Bahamas?” Shawn quizzed. There’s uncertainty on Harry’s face, he contemplated telling the truth: I’m here to beg Y/N for forgiveness because I was a proper dick and I don’t want her to replace me with you. But, Harry being the mostly private man he is, would never reveal his personal problems with a man he’s had two conversations with before. 
“I-I have a business meeting in a few days, thought I come early to enjoy the beach.”
“Oh, good decision, the beach is beautiful.” At this point, Y/N has never felt more awkward in a conversation. She’s standing there, irritated by Harry’s presence and hoping that Shawn will stop being such a nice guy so that Harry could leave already.
But instead, Harry doesn’t leave. He stays and makes up answers to Shawn’s many questions. He steals many glances at Y/N, taking in her appearance: arms crossed, subtle scowl on her face as she stares as the floor. He knows she’s uncomfortable and for this reason, he tries to wrap up this whole thing. 
“Yeah, well I should be going, gotta do some relaxing before these meetings.”
“Nice of you to stop by,” Y/N says, as she starts closing the door. 
She was so close, so very close to getting Harry out of here, but no. Shawn just had to speak up. 
“Harry! You should meet up with us at the beach later.” Y/N mentally groans at his requests.
Harry tried turning him down, tried to make more excuses, but Shawn was determined. For what reason? Y/N and Harry had no idea, but by the time Harry was leaving, he had no choice but to agree. The three of them were set to meet at a beach closest to the beachhouse at 2. 
“Man, I’m starved.” Shawn plopped on the couch, retrieving food out of the take out bag Harry had delivered. He looks up to see Y/N standing at the entrance of the living room, watching him with no expression. “You gonna come eat?” He pats the seat right next to him.
Y/N has a mix of emotions, irritation being the most prominent. If Shawn had invited anyone else to the beach with them, she would’ve been okay, after all she does like hanging out with new people every once and awhile. But Harry was definitely not someone new to her. 
She feels as though she can’t confess her annoyance to Shawn because he was only trying to be polite and he doesn’t know their history, therefore it’s hard to blame him. But at the same time, he didn’t even check to make sure it was alright with her and now she’s forced to spend her vacation time with a man she’s been trying to avoid. 
So in this moment, she made a decision. She’d go along with the plans, just this once. And if Harry was more unbearable to be around then she’s expecting, then she’ll leave early and make an excuse. With that being planned out, she sat next to Shawn and dug into her breakfast food. He didn’t question her irregular hesitance, not believing it to be a major thing, and continued to munch on.
1:53 PM. Y/N wishes the next 7 minutes extend into 2 more hours. Although, she was dreading the next few hours of her life, she was ready to go. She had her vibrant bikini on, layered with a simple dress to cover up. And her hair was braided and prepared to take on the ocean.
Y/N and Shawn hadn’t done much in the hours leading up to this. After breakfast, they hung out like old friends and chatted about anything and everything. However, the whole “relationship” conversation from the beginning of the morning did not come back up. But Y/N noticed how he was being more touchy than before with his hand lightly resting on her thigh as she talked and using his thumb to provide soft strokes.  It was very relaxing, and if she wasn’t anxious about meeting up with Harry, she definitely would have fallen asleep.
The time has come, the few amounts of bags are packed with essentials, and sandals are on. They decided the perfect place to meet was a 5 minute walk from their beach house. There are very few people to crowd the space, and there are multiple hammocks hanging up between palm trees.
“You ready?” Shawn asks, stuffing his phone in his pocket. Y/N answers with a nod. When she reaches him at the door, he takes in her expression. This is the first time he’s seen her not excited to be going out and enjoying a day together. “Hey, you alright?” He gives her a little nudge to get her attention off her phone. 
She half smiles. “Yeah, I’m good. We don’t want to be late.” Y/N is quick to end this before she rains on his parade. She opens the front door and leads the way out to the sidewalk, leaving Shawn to lock up and follow behind her.
Shawn, being a new person in her life, has never had the chance to know when Y/N is feeling down and for this reason, he has no idea if she’s being honest about being okay. He’s assumes so because why lie? Either way, he doesn’t want to push her so in hopes to raise her mood, he finds his way right next to her and smoothly intertwines their hands together. 
It was unexpected, but Y/N enjoyed the comfort and warmth that his touch brought. The distraction of his touch made the walk feel a lot quicker. In no time, they stood before the beach with their toes dug into the sand. Harry wasn’t there yet which gave them plenty of time to set up. They work together to spread out their towels to sit on, and unpack a few plastic buckets that Shawn will use to create a sandcastle, one bigger than the ones from previous days.
“I wonder how the water is,” Y/N ponders out loud as they are sat waiting for Harry’s arrival. 
“There’s only one way to find out,” Shawn said as he stood up and removed the plain white tank top he was wearing. He peered down to her and offered his hand to help her up. Without hesitating, she grabbed his hand and was pulled up. She removed her cover up dress. 
They jogged hand-in-hand into the ocean’s crashing waves. That’s the first thing Harry sees as he approaches their set up. Their backs are turned to him and he watches as their intertwined hands swing back and forth. A sight that makes him sick. 
They’re splashing around in the water as Harry sets his own stuff down and tries to distract himself from what was happening in the ocean. 
Y/N is feeling much better and less stressed as she plays around with Shawn. She almost forgets what the purpose of coming to the beach was. She is in her own little bubble right now that Harry can’t infiltrate. 
But the bubble is popped quickly when Shawn notices something in his peripheral vision. A shirtless Harry stands by their belongings with his attention on his phone. 
“Look who’s here.” Y/N turns her head toward the beach and internally groans. Great! She sarcastically thinks to herself. Shawn begins his journey back to the sand but pauses when he notices she hasn’t moved yet. “You coming?” he asks, once again reaching his hand out. She gives a small smile and a nod. But unlike before, she doesn’t take his hand. She starts walking past him back to the beach and this leaves Shawn a bit confused. He doesn’t stop to ponder on it though, and is able to catch up to her in no time. 
“Hey, Harry!” Shawn greets. Y/N is too distracted to listen to their conversation. She’s taking in Harry’s appearance. His hair is longer than the last time she saw him, not by much but she could see the difference. His tattooed littered skin looked radiant under the beaming sun. She watched as his mouth moved when he was speaking to Shawn, but paid no attention to the words coming out. The longer she looked at him, the less anger she was feeling. It’s as if his presence was starting to calm her and rid her of the anxious feeling she had just minutes before.
“Isn’t that right, Y/N?” Shawn’s direct question snapped her out of her trance.
“Huh?” It was clear she had no idea what they were talking about.
“I was telling Harry how nice the water is,” Shawn explains. 
“Oh yeah, it’s perfect.” She tries to offer a polite smile but doesn’t know how convincing it looked.
“Guess I’ll have to go in for a dip in a bit then,” says Harry. Shawn then proceeds to ask him to tag alone since he was going back in but Harry post poned it for a few minutes. 
“Hey, before you go back in, can you put some of this oil on my back,” Y/N asked, holding up the tanning oil she wanted to use.
“Yeah, of course. You’re not going back in?”
“I’m gonna do some tanning and then I’ll be in.” Shawn stood behind her and began gently rubbing the oil onto her backside. Harry watched with envy. He knew that should be him right now, getting to touch her in such a simple way. Now, he can’t even look at her in fear that she’ll be repulsed by the man in front of her.
Y/N is laying on her stomach with a towel resting over her head as she lays out in the sun. Shawn is enjoying alone time in the ocean, spotting out a few fish under the clear water. And Harry is awkwardly sat a few towels away from Y/N, trying to come up with a plan on when he’s gonna talk to her and what he is going to say.
“Can we talk now?” He almost chickened out of bringing it up, but it was now or never. 
“I’m busy right now.” She didn’t bother removing the towel to look at him, she knew he might give in if she did.
“I think the tanning can wait. Look, Y/N, I’m sorry. I just want us to talk this out and move on from it.”
Y/N removes the towel quickly to snap her head in his direction. As much as she wanted to avoid talking to him,  things needed to be said. “Let’s say you apologize and I forgive you. Where are we supposed to go from there? You said it yourself, you don’t want me to be your girlfriend and I don’t want to pine after someone who doesn’t want me. Moving on now would mean us going our separate ways.”
“But let’s say I apologize and explain how I didn’t mean anything I said and I did want you to be my girlfriend. I’ll even put my pride aside and tell you how much I’ve missed you. Where could we go from there?” Harry would tell her anything she wanted to hear as long as she agreed to not leave him again.
“Nowhere, Harry. I’d tell you that you only miss me because you haven’t found anyone to replace me yet.” She figured that once he found someone new, he wouldn’t need her anymore and they could both move forward.
“I don’t want to replace you, Y/N. I wish you could say the same for me, though.” He looks up to nod his head toward the brunette Canadian relaxing in the water.
The realization of what he’s referencing comes to Y/N quickly, and anger with it.
“You think I replaced you with Shawn?!”
“Sure does seem like it. I mess up one time and you’re already running off with someone and want nothing to do with me.” Y/N doesn’t have time to be hurt by his comment because anger floods her body in an instant.
“Are you kidding me, Harry?! You were the one who didn’t want to come here with me or want me to meddle in your life and now you’re upset I used my extra ticket on someone who would appreciate the offer?! You’re ridiculous.” She turned her head in her attempt to end the argument.
That didn’t work. “Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry. Honestly, I’m just jealous. I should be the one on this trip with you but I fucked up.” He waited for her to say something but she didn’t. “I wanna fix us, just tell me how I can fix us.” He’s practically pleading at this point. 
Y/N suddenly gets up. “I’m going back to the house. If Shawn asks, just say I wasn’t feeling well.” Harry has no time to convince her to stay as she grabs a few small belongings and speed walks away to her temporary home.
When Y/N gets back to the beach house, she feels emotionally drained. The man she’s been dreaming of being with has appeared out of nowhere and is finally fighting for her when she’s giving up on him. She’s too tired to think about this anymore. It’s naptime.
Y/N awoke a few hours to the sound of thunder. Loud, heavy thunder. While groggy, she stands to look out the window. Palm trees are shaking violently from the heavy wind and everything is being drowned in rain. She jumps at the big flash of lightning. 
It’s not safe out and she hopes that Shawn and Harry had finished their beach day early so that they’d be safe from the storm going on outside. Little did she know, they had ended their beach day and extended it to a boy’s hangout at their beach house.
Y/N left her room and heard the laughter from the kitchen. She peeked her head around the corner and saw Harry sitting on a bar stool with Shawn making them both a drink. Harry’s friendly attitude towards the younger man confused her, seeing as Harry just confessed to being jealous of him and has only given him an envious look the whole time the three were together. 
But that’s the thing, when there’s no Y/N involved, the guys get along great. Harry genuinely thinks Shawn’s a nice guy and they have a good laugh. But when Y/N is in the picture, his protective side gets the best of him. 
Y/N takes in their appearances. They both still have their swim trunks on and their hair is a bit damp. They must have just gotten back not too long ago, she concludes. “Glad to see you guys found shelter from the storm.” 
“Well good evening sleepyhead,” Shawn says. “Feeling any better?”
“Oh, yeah. A good nap was all I need.” Y/N walks around the island to the fridge to grab a drink. She can feel Harry burning a hole in the back of her head but she refuses to look. 
She takes her drink to the couch and dedicates her focus to her phone. The fellas carry on their conversation.
“Okay, I’m going to hop in the shower. You can have it when I’m done, Harry,” Shawn says before exiting the area. Y/N looks to Harry in confusion. “Why are you showering here? Don’t you have your own hotel room?” 
Harry chooses to ignore her slight attitude. “The weather is pretty bad so Shawn offered to let me stay on the couch tonight.”
“God,” Y/N groaned. “Why didn’t you say no. I thought I made it clear that I don't want to be around you anymore.”
“I tried to, Y/N, promise. He wouldn’t take no as an answer. But don’t worry, I’ll stay as far from you as possible.” There’s obvious sadness in his eyes.
“That’s for the best.” Y/N got up and headed to her room, leaving Harry behind, again.
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Bound to you (Rey x Reader)
Request: I just saw your last request and I’m so excited! I was wondering if you could do a rey x reader where they have a force connection but the reader is on the dark side due to her brother. Maybe The reader and Rey communicate every night and Rey knows how much the reader misses Leia so when Rey comes to fight Kylo the reader escapes with her and it’s fluff after that? By anon.
Words: 1,908
A/N: I really like writing Kylo as a brother.
The deep voice of the Supreme Leader rumbled through the room as he spoke making some of the generals shiver. He was in a deep discussion with General Hux about some failed task and how many ships it had costed the First Order. Sitting in the big table at the right side of the Leader you chuckled for yourself, it amused you how often this two fought and most of the times after screaming at each other your brother ended the conversation by force choking Hux.
“Y/N” you heard a distance voice calling your name, an already familiar voice. You stood up and walked silently to the door.
“Y/N, where are you going?” asked Kylo looking over his shoulder. “We’re discussing important matters” you leaned on the door frame as you crossed your arms.
“I’m bored” you told him. “You know this is not my thing. I’m a woman of action. You want to eliminate somebody? Just name it, I don’t have time for politics, brother” you said serious. He looked at you for a while and then he nodded.
“Y/N” kept calling the voice
“You’re right” he told you. “You are the only person that has never disappointed me, not like this unprofitable Generals.” he growled at them. “Go ahead” you turned around and ran to your room in the big dark ship, the voice echoing in the back of your head.
“I’m here” you said after closing the room’s door. There she was sitting in the ground with her eyes closed, Rey, the girl your brother wanted to kill so desperately. She opened her eyes and glanced at you with a light smile.
“Where’s is him?” she asked you.
“In a meeting” you told her as you sat in the floor close to her as if she was a close friend of yours though she was technically your enemy. “Did you find something”
“Nothing” she told you. “The books are not clear”
Rey and you were searching for answers, you wanted to know how or why this kept happening, what was this... bound. It had started a long time ago without explanation, so sudden, so strange. Mysteriously you felt a presence behind you, it took you by surprise alone in the training room but it was there someone behind you, holding your lightsaber you turned around meeting Rey’s gaze who was holding her own saber up.
It shocked you when she stabbed you, the pain spreading for your body and yet not a single wound, it was a strange state the two of you were, it seemed like she was there but she wasn’t at the same time. And then she disappeared as concerned as you.
However it kept happening, every single night she appeared didn't matter what, at first you two tried to fight without much success, then you limited the interaction to screaming and threatening each others. This connection, or whatever it was, just wouldn’t stop, you kept it secret from your brother and started searching for answers with the scavenger.
“So not even the Jedis can help?” you groaned.
“There’s still one last thing” she told you with insecurity in her voice. “Y/N, what if we ask Leia?”
“No” you stopped serious. With the time you had opened up with Rey, she knew about your past, about who you were and the atrocities you and your brother, Kylo Ren, had done. But she also knew when you were upset or if you were lying. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't resist her, you had felt other things that darkness inside you, feelings you thought were gone. And she knew how much you missed your mother, Leia, how you were longing to see her, hold her in your arms and even share a tear with her in honor to your father, but it wouldn’t happen.
“Y/N, please. She knows the force better than anyone”
“I said no, Rey” you snapped making her flinch and got quiet for a moment.
“She misses you too” she said breaking the silence “Chew as well, he told me you were close friends when you were a kid” she told you, making you giggle softly as you remembered your golden childhood.
“We were. I used to have a fake blaster and he would pretend I shoot him” you smiled “Then mom came in the room and would lesson him along with me” you stopped “And Ben and dad for gave me that toy”. you sighed, the memories were the only thing you had left and you kept them like your little treasure, curiously the only person you shared them with was her.
The sound of heavy footsteps brought you back to reality.
“Someone’s coming” you told her as you got up. “Keep searching, see you tomorrow” she laughed.
“See you, Y/N” then she was gone just before your brother entered to the room, his helmet on, sure he was here to send you in a new mission. You pretended you were cleaning your saber.
“How was it?” you asked him without looking up at him. Kylo walked slowly into your room scanning every detail.
“Was someone here?” he asked with his modulated voice “I thought I heard a voice”
“It must be that stupid helmet, brother” you told him annoyed. “Who do you want me to kill?”
Your brother walked towards you, once he was closer you felt the doubt on him, the insecurity, he was even a little afraid.
“No this time” he said “We captured a rebel reconnaissance ship”
“And what do I do?” you finally looked at his masked face.
“The pilot is in the interrogation room, he knows where’s the Resistance base” Kylo explained to you.
“Couldn’t get the information?” you smirked, sometimes you liked to bother him it was funny seeing him annoyed, specially when it came to using the force, he was impulsive, you were centrated and for that you had more power than him.
He immediately got mad, leaning over you, his helmet inches from you. Annoyed you raised an eyebrow.
“Just bring it to me, sister" he growled. "We both know no one can resist being interrogated by you"
"Fine" you told him before leaving the room.
When you arrived to the interrogation room you gasped as you saw the empty chair and the stormtroopers running, soon the alarm rumbled to the whole ship. Using the force you stopped a soldier.
"What's going on?" You asked him frowning
"Rebels, Mistress. They're here and they took the pilot" he answered you in panic.
"Where exactly are they?" You growled.
"We don't know" you squeezed his neck a bit as you screamed at him
"Then find them!" Suddenly you felt her, you felt Rey was in the ship somewhere but really close to you. Shaking your head you let go of the trooper and rushed down the halls looking for the scavenger.
Following her presence in the force finally found her fighting against your brother. The two of them hit their sabers nonstop, they dodged and even jumped moving in a accelerated rhythm as their lightsabers crashed against each other.
Rey caught your gaze and almost stopped fighting. She was there, it was not just a vision anymore.
She pushed your brother back sending him flying across the room. You took the chance and got closer to her. She had the same doubt in her eyes you had, she was wandering the same as you, if you were really there and if so, which side would you take.
Slowly you reached for her hands that were still holding the lightsaber, guiding her to put it down and she turned it off.
"Y/N!" you heard your brother screamed behind you "Kill her!" He ordered you. Rey gaze went from him to you, her eyes begging you to help her.
Raising your hand and with a small move you made Kylo fell unconscious to the ground.
"Run" you finally said to Rey "He will wake up soon"
Behind her, you saw the pilot you were supposed to interrogate and some others rebels
"Rey, we gotta go!" yelled one of them. You glanced at Rey for a moment, it was so surreal to have her in front of you and now she was going maybe forever. She seemed to know what you were thinking, maybe she knew, you had a bound after all.
"Come with me" she told you holding your hand, her eyes scanning your face. "Please"
You thought of it, in the possibilities you may have, you thought about your mother and the chance to be with her again. You thought of a life with Rey by your side. And then you looked over your shoulder, your brother was still asleep on the floor, you would betray him if you leave, but the Resistance sounded more like a home than the cold walls of the First Order ship.
"Alright but move, now" you told Rey, smiling she ran with you, never letting go of your hand. You guided her to the main hangar where you saw a very special ship, the Millennium Falcon, your father's ship. You rushed to it and made your escape.
"Nostalgic?" Rey asked you once you were calm, you were looking the ship and remembering so many things of your past, you had literally grew up in that ship.
"A little" you smiled at her, she sat down next to you.
"Are you going to be okay?" She said
"Yeah, it's just a lot to process" she knew you were having conflicting thoughts in your head, about the past, about betraying your brother and also the future. What now?
Rey took your hand comforting you, feeling her warm hand around yours made you smile, after all this time seeing her everyday her touch felt known even though it was new for you.
"Your mother will be so happy" she told you, her sweet voice filled with kindness. "Just like I am" you gave her a smile feeling how her words were making your face go a little pink.
"I mean it" she said giving your hand a squeeze "I used to feel so lonely, but then there was you, always you. No matter how much we tried to break the bound, you were there for me. I never had someone like you" she told you, you felt your heart beating faster with every word that came out of her mouth.
"But you have me now" you said "And I would never leave you, Rey" she opened her eyes surprised. You stayed there glancing at each other for a while. You shook your head as you felt your face blushing deeper.
"Well, it's not like you can get rid of me, we have this connection after all" you joked
"I'm glad we have It" she laughed.
The rest of the way to the Resistance's base Rey asked you to tell her stories, she loved to hear your adventures in the Falcon and you loved how her eyes lighted up with joy every time. Sitting close to her you felt safe, her head resting in your shoulder and her fingers intertwined with yours, what a wonderful feeling it was, you could get used to it. Then finally you arrived, Rey walked you out the ship encouraging you and you both got out the ship still holding hands, walking to a new beginnig.
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callmegremlin · 5 years
Kagaminette/Marigami One-Shot, Takes place after Ikari Gozen
Marinette fixed the pillows on her bed, gazing around her room, now spotless from the scraps of fabric and sketches she’d had strewn about earlier. Her head turned at the ring of her phone, a text. Her breath caught and she felt her heart stutter as she scrambled to her phone. Eagerly opening the new message, a grin growing at seeing Kagami’s name at the top. Her face flushed pink at the text, like most interactions with Kagami over text the tone was serious and to the point,
“Finished training. Mother said she’ll let me sleepover. Thank you for inviting me. I can’t wait.”
           What really made Marinette’s heart melt was the emoji’s that followed, a smiley face and peace sign hand. Marinette had put a lot of effort to help Kagami grow comfortable being more casual with her, getting the other girl to use emoji’s was quite an improvement over the last few months. She quickly typed out a reply to Kagami, expressing how she was excited too along with her own set of emjoi’s. She set her phone down and sighed, flopping onto her chaise dramatically,
           “She’s actually coming tonight.” She said dreamily. It had taken a lot of work to get Kagami’s mother, Tomoe, to warm up to her. But she had approved of the girl’s friendship and allowed them to hang out regularly. Marinette actually got to sleepover at Kagami’s a few times already but having Kagami over to her house was a whole new hurdle for convincing.
Tikki flew out from where she’d been grabbing a macaroon on Marinette’s desk,
           “Oh wow, I can’t believe her mom’s letting her.” she said with a smile before taking a small bite of the macaroon.
           “I don’t know how she convinced her mom but yeah.” She said, biting her lip eagerly, making Tikki giggle
           “Good luck stumbling over yourself all night.” She teased, eating the last bit of her treat before flying up and nuzzling Marinette’s cheek. “You fall apart in front of her as badly as you do in front of Adrien.” She said with another giggle. Marinette rolled her eyes and blushed as she leaned into Tikki’s affection.
           “I-I can’t help it.” She muttered softly, she looked to the side shyly. Ever since Marinette had began spending more time with Kagami she couldn’t deny how her feelings had grown. She cared for Kagami as a friend, but their time together had allowed Marinette to see a side of Kagami she couldn’t help but fall for. When alone, Kagami’s usually stoic expression had shifted to subtly expressive and passionate. Not the stubborn, competitive passion she had with fencing. Instead it was passion for the latest book she was reading, or curiosity about Marinette’s designs and expressing herself creatively. The Kagami Marinette had slowly fallen for was who Kagami became when they were alone, unafraid of meeting her mother’s stern expectations. “She’s just… so sweet, she really cares and is always happy to try anything. She’s never afraid of anything and she’s so pretty.” Marinette gushed with a grin. Tikki giggled again and playfully flew around the other’s head,
           “You’ve really fallen for her, Marinette.” She said with a smile, tilting her head. Tikki loved seeing Marinette so happy, “You should tell her. She might feel the same.” She urged. Tikki had watched the two girls interact and had her own assumptions on how Kagami felt. Marinette’s eyes widened in horror, shaking her head dramatically and pushing Tikki away in a panicked wave of her arms,
           “Wh-what no!” she said in horror, “I can’t tell her! What if-“ before she could finish her sentence the doorbell rang making her heart race more, “Th-that’s probably her. You better hide Tikki.” She said, her face a soft pink as Tikki nodded and flew off to a hiding spot.
           Marinette hurried down to answer the door, but her mom had answered it before she could. Sabine was greeting Kagami as Marinette came down the stairs.  The polite smile on Kagami’s face grew as she looked up at Marinette and they locked eyes, throwing off any coordination Marinette had hoped to have in her feet. She tripped and stumbled down the last few steps. Falling over herself wasn’t unfamiliar to her, so Marinette was quick to stand with a blush,
           “Be careful Marinette.” Her mother said in serious concern as Kagami’s brow raised and her smile grew more. She’d grown to find Marinette’s clumsiness only slightly bothersome and more of a cute quirk.
           “I’ll make certain she gets upstairs without any new bruises Ms. Cheng. Thank you for having me over.” Kagami said in a kind voice, and a nod. “Hi Marinette.” She added looking back at her friend as she made her way to the stairs.
           “H-Hi Kagami.” She said nervously, trying to calm herself as she grinned, “Here, uhm. Let me bake your tags. Ah. No - take your bags.” She said, holding out a hand to take Kagami’s overnight bag for her. A soft chuckle fell from Kagami as she stepped closer, swinging the small bag behind her back,
           “I think you should focus on where your feet fall. I can handle my bag Marinette.” She teased, making Marinette’s heart stutter at the sight of the other’s playful smirk. She nodded jerkily and turned on her heel to lead Kagami up to her room. Now trying to pay careful attention to make sure she didn’t stumble again. Kagami followed behind her, using her free hand to press gently on the others back, wanting to make sure she really didn’t fall again.
           The sensation of Kagami’s hand on her lower back had Marinette’s face pink, and she swallowed a nervous lump in her throat.
           “H-how did you convince your mother to let you sleep over?” she asked softly, looking over her shoulder to glance at Kagami as she opened the door to their living room. Kagami walked into the room behind her with a shrug,
           “I pointed out that my test scores and training has improved since becoming friends with you. If you’re a good influence I have reason to spend more time with you. She’s making me practice extra next weekend, but it’s worth it.” She said with a smile as they continued up to Marinette’s room. Her friendship with Marinette had been one she hadn’t expected, but greatly appreciated. She had never known someone so kind and full of love. Marinette seemed to have a soft spot for everyone in her life, even those she didn’t particularly like. Her kindness was what had allowed their friendship to blossom and Kagami couldn’t help but admire how the other wore her heart on her sleeve.
           Kagami knew better than to lie to herself. She had slowly grown to have feelings for Marinette over the months of their friendship. The other’s devotion to her art and friends, her awkward stumbling, and her warmth to let Kagami open up in a way she couldn’t at home or school had led to butterflies in Kagami’s stomach.
           “Is that true? Have you been improving since we started hanging out?” Marinette asked curiously, letting Kagami up into her room. The thought that she could be such a positive influence in the other made her heart swell.
           “If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here. You know my mother. She’s all about the numbers and seeing actual improvement.” Kagami said as she looked around the vaguely familiar room, they’d spent little time hanging out together here – most of their time was at her house or public spaces. She made her way to the chaise and set her bag down beside it. “Enough about my mother and school though. Where’s that game you were wanting to have me play?” she asked with a smile and raised brow.
           Marinette felt like she was as light as a feather, hearing Kagami confirm their friendship had noticeable good impact on her – a fact that might lead to more sleepovers – made her stomach do flips and breath catch. She was shaken out of her eager thoughts at Kagami’s question,
           “Oh. Yeah! Ultimate Mecha Strike III.” She said with a grin, grabbing the game off her desk and holding it up. “It’s super fun. I’ll warn you I’m  really good at it. I even won a competition for my school.” She said proudly, this was probably one of the few things she knew she could beat Kagami at – she hoped. She did have doubts. Kagami was good at everything she did.
           Kagami laughed softly at Marinette’s bragging, sliding her white blazer off and laying it on the chaise. With a tilt of her head and raised brow, a smirk growing on her face as she loosened her tie and tossed it on top of the coat.
           “You should know by now Marinette. I don’t lose.” She said, a competitive tone in her voice. She rolled the sleeves up on her black button up. The mixture of Kagami’s smug look on her face, and her outfit adjusted to be more comfortable had Marinette weak in the knee’s. She nodded eagerly, slapping the game down onto her desk as she flopped back down onto her desk chair.
           “You’re so perfect- ah I think you’re perfect. No - You think you’re perfect. I mean you’re great! But uhm... I’ll be… better. At this game.” Marinette stuttered, her face growing red at her word vomit. Kagami laughed softly, brushing her hair out of her face as she made her way to sit in the other desk chair beside Marinette.
           “How are you going to beat me if you can’t even trash talk me Marinette?” she teased. Kagami had noticed how Marinette stumbled over herself in front of her. The soft blush that constantly covered her face the more they spent time together. She had only seen Marinette get this way before with one person, and it made her stomach do flips to think that she effected Marinette the same way Adrien did. Marinette stumbled to turn the game on, grabbing the controllers and holding one out to Kagami. In return Kagami made sure to let her fingers brush over Marinette’s hand as she grabbed the game controller.
           Marinette held back the urge to melt into a puddle or scream at the gentle touch of Kagami’s hand. She nodded shakily, and turned to stare at the screen,
           “I don’t need to talk to beat you.” She sassed back, unable to look back at Kagami in fear of word vomiting again and making a fool of herself. She started the game and took a few minutes to explain the basic controls and goals of it to Kagami. Kagami’s eyes bounced back and forth between the screen and Marinette’s face. A small smile grew on her face as she listened and watched Marinette, her pigtails bouncing as she turned her head to look at Kagami once she finished explaining the basics. A soft blush covered both girls faces as they locked eyes, “Uhm… D-does that make sense?” Marinette asked softly. Kagami nodded gently, turning back to the screen,
           “Yeah. Let’s play.” She said, hitting the start button.
           It didn’t take long for Kagami to get frustrated at the videogame. She was surprisingly good for a new player. Her skill impressed Marinette and was just further evidence to her that Kagami was amazing. But still, despite Kagami’s natural skill, it was nothing compared to Marinette’s years of playing with her father. Round after round Marinette mopped the floor with Kagami in the game. Kagami’s face was a soft red in frustration. She was not used to losing, and it rubbed her the wrong way when she did. Marinette raised a brow in concern when she looked over to see how upset Kagami was getting. Hitting the pause button on her controller put the game they’d been playing on hold,
           “No. What are you doing? Why’d you pause it?” she asked, her brows furrowing as she turned to Marinette. The sight of the other’s concern made her slightly embarrassed at how upset she was. “I-Im sorry. I got.. uhm too invested-“
           “Don’t be sorry.” Marinette interrupted her with a soft smile, the last thing she wanted was Kagami to think she couldn’t express her feelings to her, “It’s alright to be upset. But it’s just a game.” She said with a shrug, “Besides, you’re really good for a beginner.” She complimented, setting her hand on Kagami’s knee and giving her a light squeeze to reassure her. “And we both know you’re great at so many other things, like fencing.” She added with a smile.
           Kagami’s blush grew, no longer from frustration but now because of Marinette’s kind words. She smiled and brushed her hair behind her ear,
           “You’re right. I’d destroy you at fencing.” She teased Marinette, a small chuckle falling from her. Marinette raised a brow with a mock offended scoff,
           “I wouldn’t say you’d destroy me…” she argued as she crossed her arms over her chest. Kagami chuckled softly, and in one swift movement she turned in her chair setting her controller down on the desk as and grabbing a flexible ruler by Marinette’s craft materials. In the same fluid twist of the chair that let her change objects in hand, she was able to finish the 360-rotation facing Marinette, ruler in hand and pressing it up under Marinette’s chin with a smirk. Marinette’s face flushed pink at the ruler pressing against her chin, making her tilt her head back slightly, the confident smirk and glint in Kagami’s eyes had her speechless,
           “Let’s find out?” she challenged. All Marinette could do to communicate was nod gently, feeling the ruler press against her chin with the movement. Kagami lowered the ruler and grinned, standing and moving to stand in the open floor of Marinette’s room. She knew realistically the rulers were much too short to even consider whatever this was fencing, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to have fun with Marinette, make her laugh and impress her. Marinette found her own ruler, trying desperately to break herself out of the daze she’d been put in by Kagami.
Marinette stood a few paces away from Kagami, taking the stance she’d learned from Adrien, ruler in hand. This moment felt vaguely familiar, the thumping in her chest, her sweaty hands and face pink with nervousness the anxiousness to impress her crush standing in front of her but also being hyper aware of her body, not wanting to stumble or trip.
“En-garde.” Kagami said, and the two girls greeted each other with the rulers. Smiles and blushes covering both their faces, “Pret. Allez.” And with that they were off. Kagami was more confident in her movement, lunging for Marinette and expecting an easy win. She was shocked to find Marinette shifting and parrying her, nonetheless it still wasn’t difficult for Kagami to tap Marinette in the chest with the ruler after making her parry a few more lunges. The two laughed softly as they both returned to their starting positions. Once again, Kagami was first to move. Marinette doing well in defensive maneuver, her downfall was when she attempted to get a hit in after parrying Kagami. With a swift move of her hand Kagami was able to parry Marinette and tap her chest again. Kagami’s grin had Marinette’s stomach doing flips, “Don’t hesitate Marinette. Trust your instincts.” She instructed sweetly, a tone of voice that wasn’t heard often from Kagami but made Marinette into mush more than she already was.
The two returned to their starting positions and began again. Kagami waited a moment, wanting to give Marinette a chance to initiate, but after a few seconds she knew the girl wouldn’t. So, she lunged again, Marinette was thrown off more with this round than she had been the others. Kagami’s soft tone making her head dizzy, the words ringing a distant memory for her. Marinette found herself avoiding and parrying Kagami just barely, and in her daze as she stepped back to avoid Kagami she tripped over her own feet. Her hand reaching out instinctively to prevent herself from falling back, but only managing to grab Kagami’s shirt. Effectively bringing both girls down.
They fell back onto Marinette’s floor with a thud, Kagami on top of Marinette, both blushing furiously at their new position. Marinette attempted to stutter out an apology, only to be interrupted by Kagami’s laughter as she rolled off Marinette.
“I’ve not had that much fun fencing in a long time.” She said between laughter, tears of joy welling in her eyes. She wiped them away and giggled softly and Marinette couldn’t help but laugh with her. The sight of Kagami laid back on her floor, hair a short halo around her and her shirt wrinkled, the edges untucked from her skirt and hearing her laughter ring in the air. It was all too much for Marinette, her tongue was tied, and stomach was full of butterflies. As Kagami stood up and held out a hand to help Marinette up she felt déjà vu again. As she took Kagami’s hand and stood slowly she realized why Kagami’s earlier words and this moment were familiar, “The only reason you can't stay on your feet is your hesitation. I never hesitate.” The voice echoed in Marinette’s mind, Kagami’s words.
A wave of bravery she only ever felt as ladybug filled Marinette, determination and pure adrenaline filling her as she stood. Tightening her hold on Kagami’s hand once she was up. Marinette pulled Kagami closer to her, not wanting to lose this moment of bravery she felt in herself and doing as Kagami had told her to – following her instincts. Her free hand laying gently on Kagami’s chest as she leaned into the other girl and kissed her. Both Kagami and Marinette’s faces grew pink as they kissed. The meeting of their lips only lasting less than a second before they broke apart. Marinette’s hands flew to cover her pink face in embarrassment,
“Ah! I-I’m sorry.. I-I didn’t want to kiss you! No. I did. I mean to. I didn’t. I-“ Once again Marinette’s flustered words were cut off my Kagami’s giggles. Kagami gently pried Marinette’s hands from her face, the sweet smile on Kagami’s face making Marinette’s panic pause for a moment,
“Don’t be sorry.” She mumbled, “I told you to stop hesitating. And you did.” She said, breathlessly – part of Kagami was still in shock that Marinette had kissed her. Her heart was racing, and her legs felt like they were static, she’d never kissed anyone before. “Even I was hesitating with… that.” she admitted softly. Her eyes darting away shyly, Marinette’s face went from embarrassment to shy concern and then to shock at Kagami’s words,
“Like. That. That? You… like me?” she asked, looking like a deer in headlights, her eyes wide as she tried to process the information. At the blush that darkened on Kagami’s face Marinette got her answer, giving her the confidence to lean in and kiss Kagami’s cheek. Taking the other girls hands Marinette led Kagami over to her chaise and sat beside her. Unable to help herself as she grinned like a fool, “Because, I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a while now.” She admitted with a soft giggle. Kagami giggled softly, her blush only darkening more as she brushed her hair behind her face,
“How could I not have a crush on the prettiest, nicest girl I’ve ever met.” She said softly, she slid her hand over the chair to lay on top of Marinette’s. She wasn’t used to admitting her feelings like this. Hearing Marinette’s own confession had made it easier for Kagami to open up.
Both girl’s hearts were racing as they giggled together, telling one another about how their crushes had grown and slowly shifting so they were cuddling together on the chaise. Hands caressing each other’s or playing with the other’s hair as they spoke. A few shy kisses being shared between stories told. The two stayed up late into the night laughing at themselves, a light airy feeling in their hearts as they gushed over one another until a serious look washed over Kagami’s face. Marinette looked up at Kagami as she felt her hands still in her hair that she’d been raking through, hair ties that once held her hair into twin pigtails dropped to the floor.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Kagami asked Marinette softly, locking eyes with her. Marinette grinned and leaned up to kiss Kagami,
“Of course.” She said with a giggle, her lips brushing against Kagami’s before she kissed her again.
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