#she's like a wet noodle when it comes to these things she has the whole family worried about her because 'how is SHE going to go thru this'
caitlynmeow · 3 months
i can’t remember if you’ve said anything about this yet but i’m picturing ur cass going into labour and. how is girl surviving this once let alone THREE times when she reacted to PUBERTY like THAT 😭 just from the sheer panic alone
omg anon i haven't talked about this but it's Cassandra okay girlies is a MESS during all three times 😭😭😭
From way before giving birth, like soon after Alcina knew that Cass was pregnant she had a private meeting with wife and was very clear about making sure Cassandra goes for an epidural and there shouldn't be any of the no drugs option. Wife looked at Alcina and said seriously "What makes you believe your daughter is going to brave this one out?" Because she's known Cass for a few years and can tell that this will never be something to think about. Alcina has no reason to assume that Cassandra is going to do this because she's the kind of person who would cry over a paper cut. So giving birth without medication is not on the table.
And yes, wife is there to keep things under control to the best of her ability. Because as dramatic and out of control Cassandra can be, her wife can maintain calm and be the voice of reason during many situations. She’s not complaining at all, the dramatics are part of Cassandra’s charm that she fell for and she won’t have her any other way. As long as she knows Cass is okay and not in any real pain, she can take whatever comes her way.
Cassandra on her end was doing just okay until about 25 weeks into her pregnancy, then it downed on her and she started to actually panic every time she thought about it. She’d constantly tell herself: “People give birth every day, literally I WAS BORN!” And still get a tight chest because of all the anxiety.
She also was convinced that she was going to die, so it felt more like a countdown to that instead of having her baby because is she going to survive a human coming out of her? Not likely. She was ready with a speech to her wife, mom, and sisters.
When she was at the hospital, Cassandra was in full panic mode because she simply wasn't ready. But since it's time to give birth, the matter is out of her hands but she isn't known for giving up quickly. She was in no pain, physically. Her wife did ask her if she was in any physical pain, to rate it from 0 to 10 which Cass answered truthfully and said that it was at a zero. "Emotional pain?" Wife knows she needs to check on that because this is what's making Cass so anxious and distressed. "200" Cassandra answered as she burst into tears.
That wasn't the end of it. Since she couldn't feel anything, Cassandra's brain convinced her that she could keep this up for probably another day or two. And since she is absolutely not ready to give birth just yet, she decided that wants to leave and come back the next day when she's better prepared. But of course, there is no way she can leave while in active labor and contractions being so close to one another. But then again, she was feeling very panicky and overwhelmed and she wanted her mother because she wasn't going to do this and no one could make her do it.
There is no way wife is going to leave Cassandra's side and go get Alcina, so a nurse has to be sent out for the task. When Alcina saw the nurse approaching, she panicked thinking that something bad had happened. But the nurse told her that everything was okay but her daughter needed her.
When Alcina got into the delivery room, Cassandra thought she finally had an ally and that her mother was surely going to stop this madness and make her go home (she's persistent like that and also very delulu) but Alcina wasn't on her side, and told her that it's too late for that now. She will go home in two days anyway.
"I can't do this! I don't know how," Cassandra confessed, she was openly crying by that point and it broke Alcina's heart to see her like this. She always hated seeing her daughters in pain, and she knows that Cassandra is not in any pain but she is scared and getting very emotional because of it. Alcina hoped for a way to help ease her daughter's distress, but unfortunately, this was one of those things that her daughter had to do alone. "You don't need to do anything, draga. Your body knows what to do, and it's already pushing your baby out on its own," Because at that point, the baby's head was already out and this entire thing will be over very soon.
Sure enough, a few minutes later the room was filled with the baby's cries. And just like that, it was over.
Alcina did get to see her granddaughter as soon as she was born because she was right there providing all kinds of support to her daughter who was finally registering what had happened. Though she was pouting and tearful still, she did complain that no one listened to her, especially her mom and wife because they were supposed to be on her side. But she was soon distracted by her baby and forgot all about labor a few hours later.
Even Miranda wasn't mad that they only called her after Aurelia was born because she knew that Alcina was definitely going to be busy with Cassandra. Miranda called it first and suggested they have an OR on standby just in case this one granddaughter refused to give birth for whatever reason.
Donna was also frantic, knowing how near impossible it was and for once she sided with her mother. But Donna was in favor of them forgoing the whole delivery and going straight to c-section because 'there is no reason to torture the little doe,' as she put it.
It took a lot of coaxing, a very long process, and lots of tears (for no reason, really) but Cassandra did it eventually (with the support of both her mother and her wife and a very patient medical team).
#cassandra dimitrescu#resident evil village#bela dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#donna beneviento#mother miranda#house dimitrescu#resident evil 8#alcina and wife were stressed tf out okay#Alcina could have sworn it almost felt like she was the one giving birth not Cassandra with how worried she was#Alcina had 3 daughters with no problems or complications so she knows how easy it is. all three and she was reading one time#on a conference call another time (this one was with cass because she was there for a WHILE since cass was taking her time in coming out so#mama did some work while baby decided whether to come out or not#nothing for dani because when alcina's water broke dani was born literally only two hours later her youngest has no patience in her at all#yet despite that being in the room with cassandra while she was giving birth was the most stressful#she was just worried because cassandra is not built for this#she's like a wet noodle when it comes to these things she has the whole family worried about her because 'how is SHE going to go thru this'#like everyone KNOWS#then there is cass waltzing home 10-11 months later announcing she is pregnant again#like woman can u NOT#and yes she was also dramatic the next time and the third time#she just does it differently every time because girlie really does overthink a lot and gets herself worked up#plus she's actually a delicate baby princess and def not made for this kind of thing#but she wants kids so ://#wife and mama will have to suffer with her#second time at the hospital alcina joked 'do u need me this time too?' and cass nodded tearfully 'yes i can't do this omg'#so it was round two of the same thing#like alcina was more stressed during those times than she was during her own time giving birth#she's too old for this but cassandra insists on putting her mama through it#cass can do it but she needs someone to hold her hand throughout the entire process
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jester089 · 6 months
I’d love some readerxTADC charachter sickfics :)?
Bed ridden
I am back at writing again. At least for now. Requests are still closed until I finish all or at least most of the ones I got while I was gone.
Also you didn't specify if you wanted like fluff. So I just went with what first came to mind. Sick TADC Crew x Sick Reader (Both variants)
Caine (Receiving)
Caine getting sick is rare at best. When he does the whole circus suffers. Even just a cough is awful, every time he coughs the entire area around him stutters and glitches misplacing everything. Because of this whenever he's sick he tends to self isolate not wanting to cause trouble for the others. Now depending on how comfortable he is with you, you'll have varying accessibility. If he's really comfortable you essentially have easy access to any and everything in the circus. This includes his room and office. Sadly their isn't much you can do to help him get better faster, but he really appreciates just having you there. If you really want to help, keep the circus from burning down during his short absence. And give him some handmade soup, the sentimentality and love in it helps him feel better. At least mentally, which speeds up his physical recovery. Do be warned when giving him the soup don't get to close to him. If their is something strong enough to get Caine sick it will most likely kill you.
Caine (Giving)
He as has been mentioned doesn't really understand humans, and by extension their physical ailments. That is why all his adventures are so rough on everyone. Despite that sickness is one of the few things he does understand, only really because their is a digital version of it. Just explain to him that you have a virus (even if it's not) and he'll get the gist. Best at comfort, can and will get you everything you want while your sick. And he doesn't get sick easily so you will get the same amount of attention and affection as before with minimal repercussions at worst. Caine is always loud, and isn't exactly gentle with anyone or thing, so make sure to tell him the things you need to get better. Like quiet, dark, a specific type of food that usually helps. Ask and it's yours, but you have to ask. Or he wont know. Don't ask him to cook for you though, cause I promise you it will either come out burned or so badly seasoned that it isn't even edible. And your recovering body needs meals to get better faster or at all. When you are sick Caine can get a little protective. Usually he trust you and lets you do what you want, you're an adult after all. But when your sick you seem so fragile to him. So no leaving your room, 3 meals if not more a day, more water then your body actually needs, and if he catches you out of bed when you aren't going to the bathroom he can and will force you back. He's a little much and little forceful, but you'll get better faster when he's around. And he'll do his best, he just needs some guidance.
Gangle (Receiving)
A sick Gangle is a sad Gangle. She's pretty pushover-ish usually. But when she's sick she just takes abuse because she already feels awful. So until she's feeling better be prepared to be a live-in maid and a body guard. Sick Gangle is a lot like a wet noodle. Just her mask alone has enough weight to make her fall over when sick so try and keep her in her room and in her bed, for her sake. Do be warned that the chance of Gangle getting you sick is literally 100%. Cuddles make her feel a whole lot better, so she constantly wines at you wanting you to lay with her. And she can and will crawl out of her bed and after you if you deny her to many times. We both know you aren't gonna say no to pathetic sick wet noodle Gangle. She'll wrap around you in a hold so light you can't even feel it and just fall asleep on you. That's how her being sick usually goes. And when you eventually but inevitably get sick she'll take care of you just as you did her.
Gangle (Giving)
I don't even have to say it, but I will. Gangle got you sick. End of story. And she's still recovering from her sickness. So you being sick usually just ends up with you two being bed ridden. But on the bright side it's literal 24/7 cuddles. I mean I doubt she'll let you so much as roll over without her. She's clingy, but you know you love her. And she loves you. Now if you're sick and she isn't she'll do her best to take care of you. She doesn't know how to cook or anything. But she'll make sure you always have water and your bed is clean-ish. And she'll stay with you. If you're sick and stuck in bed then she's stuck in the room you are. Basically if one of you gets sick, both of you get sick. Just a common cold can turn into something so much worse with Gangle. She doesn't try to she just doesn't like being away from you too long, especially when your weak like this. It's gross and not pleasant to live sure. But hey, both of your immune systems get really really strong every time one of you gets sick. And if sharing goopy nasty sick times together isn't love I don't know what is.
Zooble (Receiving)
Zooble strikes me as the kind of person who knows a concerning amount about just about every sickness in existence. Sadly all that knowledge doesn't help her much here. This is a digital sickness, it doesn't exist in the real world. Despite that she can most definitely feel her way through it using what she does know. All you have to do is listen to her, and if it's really bad interpret what her half mumbled ramblings mean. With her help, and your love and care she'll be feeling better in no time. Zooble is short fused and irritable at the best of times. She tries to hold off with you cause she really does care about you. But when her body is what feels like 300* and her brain is fuzzy she can't control what comes out of her mouth. So if she says so hurtful things just try not to hold it against her and talk with her about it when she's feeling better. And I guarantee she didn't mean it. She just feels like she's about to melt. Have you ever been sick while made out of digital plastic? I didn't think so. So try and cut her some slack.
Zooble (Giving)
As aforementioned I feel like Zooble knows a lot about sicknesses. And again that doesn't help much here. But it gives her a really good base to work with. Honestly though being sick with her feels a lot like boot camp. She doesn't let you get up unless you need the bathroom, pills can and will be taken on time, gross but incredibly healthy foods and drinks will be given and she expects you plate to be clean, an overwhelming amount of heat that puts your body through hell, and she doesn't get within 6 feet of you unless it's dropping something off for you in which case she's only close for a moment. It'll be awful, trust me it will. But you will get better so unreasonably quick. With her there you could get over something like the flu in a day, maybe two. And once you are feeling better she softens up a lot. Once you are no longer sick (be her standards) she will be really soft with you. Gentle hand holding and hugs. Sleepy cuddles. Tasty but unhealthy food. Movie nights. And her going out of her way to be verbally nice. She knows that you were already suffering, and she made it worse even if she was helping. So she's going to treat you for a while. Give it like a week and she'll be back to normal. Unless you basically beg her in which it'll last a little longer. Only a little. She can't let her reputation and a cold person be tarnished. And giving someone a gentle forehead kiss in public really tarnishes that.
Kinger (Receiving)
When Kinger is sick all he really wants is to sleep. No matter where he is he'll be out. It is your job my dear Reader to get him to the safety of one of your rooms. Cause out in the open he is an easy target for Jax. Once he is safe and sound in one of your rooms he feels more cozy and will probably wake up. His hands float so you two can still hold hands and do basic affection without risk of you getting sick. Kinger wont never get you sick, I promise you that. He will literally shove you away from him. He has already lost a lot in this place and he isn't going to risking you. So keep some distance while caring for him. For his sake cause it stresses him out a lot when you get to close. Also keep a washcloth on hand, he strikes me as the kind of person who when sick wants a hot body but a cold forehead. Once he's feeling better he will probably ask you to join him in resting, total rainy day vibes despite it never raining in the circus. Just a relaxing, cold, and dark room to chill in. He can and will start crying when you fall asleep with him then and there. You stayed with him this whole time. He's just so happy to have you around and with him.
Kinger (Giving)
Kinger is amazing at comfort, but doesn't really know what he's doing with sicknesses. He's been in the digital circus so long he's actually forgoten how to be a human. He'll do the basics like water and soup but past that he's lost. So he does what he knows and remembers, plus whatever you tell him you need/want. He makes wherever your staying so cozy. If he can't put your body at peace he can at least put your mind at peace. Coldish and dark room, one of his hands linked with yours another rubbing gentle circles into your back. If he sees you having a bad dream he'll gently kiss your forehead or place something cold on it to help. If you ever seem to be in pain he'll just talk, about nothing really. He'll talk so you have something to focus on besides the pain. Spouting random facts about a cool bug he saw that reminded him of you, about Jax's latest "prank", about how much he loves you. And if you really want him to he will join you in bed. He knows he's probably going to get sick because of it. But he just wants you to feel comfortable. He isn't forceful in the least too. If you tell him you need something or that something usually helps he'll trust you. Just for his sake don't do to much cause it will worry him. 10/10. Has no idea what he's doing but he cares so much and it shows.
Ragatha (Receiving)
Ragatha doesn't get sick often. She used to when she first got here. But always putting herself in danger or risk to help others has made her tough in many ways. When she does get sick it's going to hit her hard. All she wants from you is to know you're there, and that you still love her despite this. She wont let you get to close, she's infected and she doesn't want you to be. The best you can do for her is keep distance and keep reassuring her you love her. Just like Caine I don't recommend getting to close because things that can get her sick are a really strong. And for f#$% sake keep Jax away from her. She's a tough one though and will try to get out of bed way to early. It is up to you to keep her in bed and care for her. She can be really stubborn, and this is a case where that is awful to deal with. Just give her love, but from a distance. That's all she wants, all she needs and she'll get better quick. And when she is better she will thank you so many times for taking care of her. Secret between friends this is the ideal time to fluster her. Just a quick kiss on her hand or in between the eyes and she'll turn beet red.
Ragatha (Giving)
She goes full mom when you're sick. Don't get me wrong she's usually the mom friend. But when your sick she is just mom. She'll tuck you in, fluff your pillow, get you water but put some flavoring in it so it goes down easier, exclusively speak to you in a soft voice, brushing a hand or hands through your hair, will full on punch someone if they try something while your sick. You know, typical mom stuff. Ok but actually beware her punches. They hit like a truck. Just like Caine she gets a little, protective. And she babies you. It can be annoying. But it does also help, makes you feel safe and cared for. She's sit by your bed reading you something and fall asleep still in the chair. Her poor back... Do ragdolls have backpain? Can and will keep you in bed a day or two extra just to be sure. She isn't taking any chances. Also she kind of enjoys being able to take care of you like this. Overall pretty good. She helps and makes it a bit easier to get through, but also makes you feel like a child.
Jax (Receiving)
The little s&#$ would without a doubt use you being sick and weak to "prank" you. He took you outside to "Get some fresh air" as he called it then shoved you into the digital lake and walked off not caring if your drowned. When you come back soggy and now inside feeling even worse he'll laugh at you. He's a real d%#$head and you not being able to defend yourself makes it so much more fun for him. I mean why do you think he mainly picks on Gangle. Eventually though he will soften up, a little. He still isn't going to do anything fancy but he'll give you some water and snacks and make sure no one bothers you. Once you start feeling better I can see it going two ways. 1. Softer Jax: Helps you get better and apologizes for the whole lake thing. He'll be a bit nicer for a few days to try and make up for it. He does genuinely feel bad. He's trying to be nicer to you cause he loves you. 2. More cannon Jax: You don't get better for much longer. He put something in the food and water so you don't truly get better. You just start to feel slightly better so you get hopeful before you feel 100x worse. And to make things better he can and will laugh at pathetic sick you.
Jax (Giving)
As you all know I don't think he deserves someone to take care of him while sick. Despite this actual me would probably still take care of him. I'm to caring for my own good. When Jax gets sick he hides it and tries to ignore it, going through his days like normal. Which of course leads even the most basic sicknesses to be awful on him. He'll full on try and fight you when you try and help him. It's going to be hard but try and get him some sleep, and water. It will be really rough. But it is possible. The hardest part by far is getting him in bed, past that it's pretty easy. He fights it till he realizes how comfy his bed is, and how tired he is. After that it's just like taking care of anyone else, besides all the rude comments flung at you. Once he's up and making people's days worse again he wont thank you. And he doesn't now and never will say it. But he does appretiate what you do for him. "I'll take it easy on em..... For a week.... That's definitely too much, they get a day."
Pomni (Receiving)
When Pomni is sick she just collapses, usually on you. The clearest sign that she's feeling awful sickness or not is when she wanders around looking for you. When she finds you she kind of just flops onto you not saying anything. She much like Gangle wants you close while she's sick but wont outright say it. She's more of a rolls out of bed falling onto the floor with a loud thump making you think she broke something. Then when you pick her up worried she just snuggles into you acting like she didn't just fall out of bed face first... She still gets flustered and all being so close to you but when she's sick it doesn't really register. She just likes being near you, and will definitely fall asleep on you. She has so many worries and it always on the verge of another breakdown, but when she's sick she can't think even if she wanted to. All that matters is here and now. And here and now you two are cuddling. So she's happy.
Pomni (Giving)
Oh no. She is going to panic. Bad. "Sicknesses are common in the real world. But what about here! Are you dying?! ARE YOU ABSTRACTING?!" She doesn't know what is truly going on, what's going to happen, or how to help. So just do your best to calm her down and explain it's like a normal sickness, just digital. Once she understands that she calms down, a little. She's still stressed but isn't full on freaking out anymore. And she will start actually helping. She isn't super educated on this subject but she knows basic stuff. With Pomni is when it will feel the most like normal, like real life. Just taking it slow, letting your body do what it needs. Her checking in every now and again to see how your doing. It's nice in a way. Once you start feeling better she's going to start visiting/checking in more. It was hard for her being in a room with you when you can't even make conversation, made her anxiety flare up. But once you can talk regularly or at least close to it again things will return to just about how they were before. She will be ever so slightly more clingy for a few days afterwards though. You're such an anchor for her in this place and she got so used to you. But they you couldn't help her and she had to help you. Made her realize just how much you mean to her, how much you do for her.
(First request back. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm so tired. But I'll try and do another before I go to bed. And for future reference please try to trim out a character or two cause writing all that is a lot. Or at least specify if you want Reader the one sick or the character. Thank you!)
xoxo, Jester
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awmancreeper · 11 months
♡Lonely Boy Will Stay Lonely?. 19 - PP Gang
--❣︎ StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
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!!written parts!!
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Kai watched as Taehyun juggled trying to dry his wet hair with a towel and brush his teeth. Seeing his best friend so stressed out was both amusing and nerve-wracking for his panic makes Kai feel like he’s completely under stressing this.
Kai looked down at himself as he was only wearing a hoodie and sweats whereas Taehyun had put on a pair of jeans and a loose-knitted sweater. Kai laughed “Aren’t you forgetting shoes?” He said as a joke but that made Tae quickly shut off the water “Holy shit you’re right!” Tae yelled running into their shared room.
Hyuka shook his head looking at his phone “I’m still so confused” Beomgyu said sitting on the couch. “I already told you I have a friend coming over” Kai told him but all it did was make Gyu more confused. “Two things. 1. It’s 10 at night 2. You never let anyone come over”
Kai nodded “Well I’m making an exception”. Beomgyu’s eyebrow rose, “Are you sure this isn’t a booty call? And Tae is going out bc he doesn’t want to deal with it?” Kai’s ears turned red “W-what no!”
Just then the intercom buzzed, Kai quickly went to it and accepted “Hello?”
It was a person but their cap covered the camera’s view of their face.
“Hi I have a delivery for Hyuka,” Kai smiled “Is that right?” He answered back “Yeah it's a pizza with EXTRA large sausages and a lot of sauce” The female voice rang through the living room. Beomgyu laughed “disgusting keep it down” he laughed getting up to go to his room.
Kai buzzed you in “Stop being dumb I already texted you the code, come on up” You looked up and smiled at the camera “You’re so grumpy” His heart skipped a beat feeling excited “Yeah yeah, and try to keep it down” he reminded you
Beomgyu was right, Kai rarely lets people come over, for his dorms is the place he can relax and do his own thing. Knowing you’re currently coming up made the nervousness finally kick in. Does he have to brush his teeth too? Should he hide his stuffy collection? What does he even plan on doing to keep you entertained?
His mind raced as Taehyun stumbled out of the room with two different shoes on “Which one? The converses give it a casual look but the dress shoes show I put effort” he explained but all Kai did was shake his head “Dude neither-“ suddenly the front door opens up
“Where’s my baby girl at?” Your voice rang through the dorm both Kai and Tae froze. You step into view with a pizza box, but you freeze “There you are- uh Hi” You said awkwardly greeting the new person that stood next to Kai “Taehyun!” You smiled at him.
Taehyun didn’t respond instead he quickly fell to his knees as his legs gave up on him “Oh my god!”
Tae lay stiffly in his bed while Kai took a breather after having to practically carry his best friend into their room for Tae's legs were like noodles. “Is he okay?” You asked putting the box of pizza on the desk, Kai looked at Taehyun “Um…yeah, he’s just a really big fan of you”
“Hmm, you don’t say” you said happily admiring all the Stayc posters on the wall even with your SWITH fan club individual members poster at the center. “You’re not weird out right?” Kai asked but you quickly shook your head “Nah my room is the same but just of you guys”
You turned to Taehyun who was still stunned “It’s great to meet you Taehyun, Hyuk- uh Kai has told me a lot about you” You extended your hand out. Just then a calloused-filled hand softly gripped yours, you looked up to see Tae sitting up looking away with pink cheeks “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you too, Kai has also told me a lot about you too” you buffered before looking back at kai with a smudged face “I see~”
“I’m a huge fan,” Tae said you put your hand on top of both hands “Likewise, your vocals are next level!” You said with a smile
Taehyun softly bowed his head in gratitude “Are you going somewhere?” You asked him referring to the two different shoes he had on but he quickly began to take off the shoes “Nah I was just uh… trying some things out”
You laughed “Well in that case, Taehyun you can officially join Kai and I on our pizza date!” You said happily “D-date?!” Kai stammered out but you ignored him “I wish I brought more pizza” Your lips went straight “You guys like pineapple pizza right?” “Oh we don’t just like it,” Tae began while Kai finished it “We believe in it”
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doodle-do-wop · 4 months
I am asking abt the other cabins, I totally have not been hypnotized to ask
so this is gonna be one long ass post (possibly) and it's going to be formatted weird because I rambled about this on discord ages ago
Sophie Foster: Daughter of Zeus
girly can fly, shoot lightning, and is mega powerful with enough low self esteem to match
as stated in a different channel she's picture perfect to be a demigod with her origin story
fatal flaw: ambition (reasoning being she tends to do things on a whim a lot and that can also be chalked up to hubris but let's not forget Sophie is a genius by all definition of the word. She was going to go to college based off of pure intelligence alone but there's a certain type of bite that comes with power and it's the realization you can do more)
Keefe Sencen: Son of Aphrodite
literally the goddess of love and beauty, emotions are her forte and thus the best godly parent for Keefe's powers to fit into
he can still be the funny sarcasm guy, kids can have more than one personality trait
also beauty and love don't just apply outwardly and only romantically. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, self love and platonic included
fatal flaw: low self esteem (literally look at that sad wet noodle of a boy and tell me he thinks he's worthy of anything)
Biana Vacker: Daughter of Athena
vanisher fits Athena to a T and yet even with a cool ability she's overshadowed by Fitz still
smart girl, was a brat in the beginning but grows into one of the most capable fighters around while keeping a caring side to her
once again, kids can have more than one trait and girls in STEM can like make-up and sparkles. It's usually the girls that have a cute blouse and know what they're doing that are the most lethal (mostly because the blouse might have a knife)
fatal flaw: Loyalty (sure she kinda abandoned Maruca but this is a new universe and look at how much she's gone through with Sophie and been a consistent and stable rock for her best friend. Girly has tackled multiple murders for her friends, she is insane)
Fitz Vacker: Son of Athena
while not a total perfect fit Athena has always focus on the mind, strategy, and being ahead of the game. What better way to do that than to make a son with the power of the mind itself, a telepath
a shining rebound ability that gives him enough pizzazz to overshadow Biana (not on purpose) but also keep him from being super socially gracious (because he ain't)
smart boy but can get a little too ahead of himself in things and send focus in the wrong direction
fatal flaw: Wrath (the boy's got a fighting temper and it's caused rifts in his relationships and even extreme pain for himself. If anything would take him down it would be his own anger)
Dex Dizznee: Son of Hermes
"doodle he's the technopath" Dex is also expecting things often only to get something else completely out of left field
the trickster god of travelers and roads ain't limited to putting a bucket over a cracked door, technological pranks work in his domain and let's not forget Dex did spike Stina's drink and make bombs
what better way to set your expectations high and get them destroyed than to expect Hephaestus or some minor god only to get the dude with wing shoes
fatal flaw: Grudges (we've seen I in action before, Dex can let a grudge like jealousy or his general dislike of the Vackers blind him out of many things including being a good friend at times, sure this was more prominent when he was younger but he still has a lot to hold against Stina even after she's shown herself to be a friend)
Marella Redek: Daughter of Ares
"but Leo is a fire powers" Marella? A daughter of Hephaestus??? Besides I doubt someone with Ares' rep can't spawn a child with fire powers
Marella's whole main goal, the very core of her motivation is her mom, she'd do anything for her and even if it meant being claimed by Aphrodite or Athena (evidence her father was unfaithful to her mother) Marella would've given anything to do something to help her mom
just to be claimed by the one god she never wanted to be claimed by, war and bloodshed, fear and hate are all Ares' domain, his kingdom of stacked skulls and crushed souls
fire is not easy to control and the path of 'easy' is almost never on the Ares' agenda
Fatal flaw: Loyalty (her relationship with her mom is a good point but also the fact that Marella was abandoned, essentially betrayed by someone she considered a friend and immediately turned cold and bitter for quite some time. She only came around because she knew she could do something to help the greater good)
Linh Song Wildwood: Daughter of Poseidon
hydrokinetic=ocean man
personally I have no idea where else she fits
the sea is a powerful thing that can't always be contained and controlled perfectly down to the last atom and Linh could've definitely had some trouble controlling the pull of the water causing the Songs to abound their demigod children once and for all leaving the twins to fight for themselves before a saytr could find them
fatal flaw: Ambition (the girl flooded Atlantis, the pull of the water is often too much for her to handle and that's the call of the sea challenging her and Linh giving into the temptation of more)
Tam Song Wildwood: Son of Poseidon
"dont you mean Hades" guys that's not how twins work
Poseidon isn't just about water and he's had kids that don't even possess his power over the ocean (ex. Chrysoar)
the ocean has depths, depths so dark and deep there are parts unexplored and uncharted due to the crush and pull of the water, a single sea current could blast you from here to another continent if you're not careful
the sea is dark but there's also light, balance, calm waves gently blanketing over sandy beaches, the moon waving between high and low tide. There is more to it than what's bobbing on the surface
fatal flaw: Loyalty (Tam is the most normal dude in a group of weirdos but those are his weirdos. Tam had always put Linh before himself and has even held an escape plan in his boot in case things got so bad he had to go back home. If Linh got kicked out Tam was going with her and staying by her side no matter what)
Wylie Endal, Son of Iris, goddess of the rainbow
he's a flasher this is quite literally his entire power scheme
each color of the rainbow possesses a slightly different kind of magic inside of it so Red might have a different affect than Blue or Green and its difficult to master the entire rainbow like Iris can
fatal flaw: Grudges
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manestjerne · 11 months
Let me save you pt. ll
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Juice Ortiz x female reader 
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: mention of a toxic relationship 
My day off went by fast, I should’ve go get some groceries but instead I just spent the whole day in bed and ordered a takeout. I had no break in a week, so felt like I could use a lazy day. Reading a book under covers with a cup of hot coffee was one of my favorite ways to relax. I completely ignored the „baby, where are you? Are you running from me? What’s wrong?” texts from my ex’s new account. It’s not possible to block him so I can just pretend I don’t know what’s going on. The next day I took a shower in the morning, ate a bowl of cereal and enjoyed my free half of the day by playing some video games. When it was time to leave I went to grab my car keys, but then I remembered. Fuck, I was supposed to get some gas yesterday. After a quick fight with myself I chose to just walk there, it was about 15 minutes, and my shift started in 20. Yeah, that’s better. For me and the damn environment. I grabbed my purse and and left for work. On my way there I saw a cat sitting beside the sidewalk, so of course I had to go there and pet it, how could I just ignore that cutie? But that wasn’t a cutie.
- Ah you nasty bitch - the cat bit me and scratched half of my arm - Let go!
When I got free from the attacker I moved on looking in my bag for some tissues to wipe the drops of blood. Don’t pet stray cats ever again. Got it.
After cleaning the rest of my arm from blood I got behind a bar and started my routine by cleaning. Every time I heard the door opening I stealthily looked that way wishing Juice would come in, but he didn’t. Instead of him I saw Joe. Joe was one of our regulars, but he was a total prick. We all tried to ignore it and just serve him, but my day started bad enough, I didn’t have the patience to serve him now.
- Nat, your boy is here, come on - I yelled at the back door, waiting for her to appear.
She stood there so happy I almost felt bad doing that, but then I remembered every time she used me to deal with rude customers, so I just smiled.
- Oh, are you kidding me? I’m not-
- Sorry darling, I need to bring some coke from the back.
- There’s enough in the fridge!
- Yeah, remember last week, when you made me play pool with those creeps? You owe me one.
She still looked pissed.
- What about when some guys were fighting over that redhead? Or when I ha-
- Alright, alright. Go and hide, pussy.
Hanging out behind those magic doors was the best thing to do when something bad happened out front. Our boss didn’t really care, if the money was good one of us could literally go out and he wouldn’t give a shit. I saw a perfect opportunity. A whole lot of bottles were sitting on the floor, that’s the job for me, let’s put them away on the shelves. I had about two hours before the biggest crowd show up, so I decided to just stay there, coming out once in a while to bring Nat some more ice or sodas.
- Could you stand behind the bar for a minute? I need to call my mom.
Just 5 minutes, nothing bad can happen. I started pouring beers and mixing drinks, 10 pm and it was still quiet, but some of them have already had enough drinks. A guy tried to toss me a glass, he sat just two stools away from me, but refused to get up. I wanted to catch the sliding glass but it fell over and everything inside it went straight on my top. There wasn’t much left, about two melted ice cubes and a sip of cuba libre, but it was enough to get me wet.
- Oh shit, I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to do that.
- It’s alright, don’t worry.
It wasn’t, but what could I do? Can this day get any worse? I went behind the magic door and Nat was just putting her phone in a back pocket.
- Shit, what happened?
- You have a spare t-shirt I could borrow?
- No, sorry. Is it that wet?
- Nah, I look like a three year old who just ate noodle soup and smell like rum, but it’s fine.
- Just try to get it off, I can go back there.
Yeah, water didn’t help with the coke stain on my white shirt, so I decided to just keep stocking the bottles up. After only a few minutes I heard Nat.
- Hey y/n. Now your boy is here.
I rolled my eyes, pulled my pants up as much as possible to hide the stain and went through the door, ready to see a whole crowd of people, but it was shockingly quiet.
- What happened?
She just smiled, I looked around trying to find what’s wrong when I saw him.
- You know him? - I asked trying not to look at him
- Nah, but he came here yesterday, looking for you.
- Wait, you were here yesterday?
- Yeah, Laura told me you two had a hard Wednesday and wanted me to cover her. He’s cute.
- A little, but I’m not sure about that.
- Just give it a try, you’re so stressed, a dick would help.
- Oh shut up - I said when he sat on the stool across me - What can I get you?
- Just a beer - he smiled and put his phone on the bar
- What are you doing here, Juice? - I asked while pouring his drink - Another bad day?
- Yeah, stepped in on my way home.
- You live here?
- Not quite. You look like you had a bad day, what’s that? - he pointed at the stain on my stomach
- Oh yeah, very funny - but the words came out softly, not as rough my thoughts, I realized I’m not as stressed anymore
- No, seriously. Maybe you should drink with a straw next time.
I rolled my eyes handing him a beer.
- Trust me, if I had something else to wear I would put in on, but I came here on foot today. I left my spare clothes in the car, wasn’t expecting a cuba libre landing on my white shirt.
- I can borrow you a shirt - his voice was so soft, didn’t match his appearance
- Well, I don’t know you.
- It’s not a promise ring, just a shirt, and I have a jumper on, trust me I won’t freeze. But if you want to look like a three year old, then-
- Okay, that’s enough - I squinted my eyes - I’ll take it.
He smiled and went to the bathroom, came back a minute later with a white t-shirt in his hand.
- But watch out, I don’t have another one.
- Very funny - I said and went to the back
I finished changing when Nat came in with an empty keg.
- Wow, what’s that? - she asked pointing at my hand - And whose shirt is that? Oh my! You got it from the cute gangster, didn’t you?
- Stop yelling and change the keg, in 15 minutes we won’t have time for that.
I went to the tables and started collecting empty glasses, after wiping the tables I moved to the bar and wanted to get Juice’s glass but froze when he gently stroke my hand.
- What’s that?
- A scratch? - I said with fake disbelief in my eyes, trying to play it cool
- What happened?
- It’s nothing, I cleaned it already, I’m a nurse, remember? - but he acted like he didn’t hear me
- You okay? Who did this to you? - I couldn’t help but started laughing - hey, what’s so funny?
- I saw a cat on my way here… - his faced relaxed in a moment
- Natalie, could you please help me? Sure y/n, enjoy your date and I’ll serve everyone else, don’t worry - I heard a voice behind my back
- Am I interrupting you? - Juice asked nervously looking at my coworker
- Don’t worry, she’s just playing. They actually pay me for entertaining guests.
- So you’re entertaining me?
- If I’m not then why would you come back?
I felt a phone buzzing in my back pocket. I took it out to check who’s calling, but when I saw my ex’s name I quickly put it away. Yeah, whatsapp, I haven’t used it in years.
- You can’t use your phone at work?
- Of course I can, just didn’t want to pick up - I smiled trying to look as calm as possible
- Can I get your number then?
- What for?
- Well, you have my shirt
- Well - I smiled - but it’s not a promise ring, remember?
He looked me for a second not saying anything. I went to serve another guest, still smiling. When I came back after a while he took one of his rings of and gave it to me.
- And what’s that?
- A promise ring, so let me start again. Can I get your number? - I laughed at loud this time, took his phone and wrote my number down, putting his ring in my pocket - unbelievable…..
Rest of the night went by pretty fast, as always during the weekend, but this time my smile wasn’t a „customer smile”, it was real, whole damn night. I didn’t care about rude customers, I didn’t get mad when they whistled at me, I didn’t care about young boys hitting up on me. I didn’t, because I could feel him staring at me the whole time. There wasn’t much time when I could talk to him, but he still stayed, sitting at the bar all alone. People finally started to leave, so I used a moment to go back behind the bar.
- You want a lift home?
- Nah, I’m good.
- What about all the bad guys out there? And bad cats… - he smiled - you sure you want to go on foot?
I heard a phone buzzing, but this time it wasn’t mine. Juice’s phone was still on the counter. I caught myself staring at it so I looked away quickly. Jax doesn’t sound like a girls name, that’s good. He put his phone down after a minute and looked at me.
- What time do you finish?
- In 20 minutes, why?
- I can still give you a ride home.
- Don’t worry, I actually need a walk, I’ll be fine. Your boyfriend probably needs you more than me if he’s calling that late.
- You sure? - he smiled
- Yup, go home. See you - I didn’t mean to say that, felt my cheeks getting red, he just gave me a warm smile
- Get home safe, okay?
- Okay - I said, my cheeks were burning at this point
He left with a smile on his face and I was just standing there, looking at the door.
- Hey y/n, can I get another one?
- No Joe, we’re closing in 15 minutes - I said not even looking his way
My walk home was scarier than ever before, but I knew it was only because of what Juice said. When I got home I took a shower, ate some leftover pizza and got ready to go to bed. I looked at the pile of clothes tossed on the chair. Took the borrowed shirt with some other white stuff I could find and put in in the washer. I wanted to do laundry tomorrow anyways. Then I picked up my jeans and took the ring out of a pocket. I looked closely and saw „Sons of Anarchy” engraved on it. Well, a promise ring from a biker, that’s funny. I put it on my necklace and went to bed when I realized how much my head hurts and how tired I am. I refused to get up to get some painkillers. I got a text message, probably from Nat or my ex, so I ignored it. This can wait ’till morning. Another one. God. Then my phone started ringing. With my eyes closed I picked it up ready to tell him to fuck off and leave me alone.
- Hey, sorry, were you sleeping? - I opened my eyes, his voice as soft and worried as when he saw my arm
- What? No, I- I was making dinner, sorry. What’s up?
- I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.
- I’m okay. Thanks Juice.
- Wonderful, goodnight y/n, you should get some sleep.
- Goodnight.
He hung up, but I couldn’t close my eyes now, I wasn’t expecting that. My headache was gone and suddenly I was not sleepy at all, so I got up and made myself some tea.
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void-botanist · 1 month
🪄 🪄 🪄 🪄!!!!
Admittedly I have more songs for Sorian and Avis than pretty much everyone else but WOE SORAVIS BE UPON YE
Maybe Someday by The Cure
This entire song is extremely Avis and Sorian I can't
No, I won't do it some more, it doesn't make any sense If we can't be like it was, I've got to let it rest I don't want what I did, I had a change of tense But maybe someday, yeah I'll see you smile as you call my name And start to feel and it feels the same And I know that maybe someday's come Maybe someday's come again
This is basically the anthem for their story in CM, you know, minus all the fighting they do on the way. Avis finally admits to herself that she wants Sorian back, and she's almost sort of ready to face that things will be complicated and different.
Breakfast At Tiffany's by Deep Blue Something
I see you - the only one who knew me And now your eyes see through me I guess I was wrong So what now? It's plain to see we're over And I hate when things are over When so much is left undone And I said "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?" She said, "I think I remember that film And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it." And I said "Well, that's the one thing we've got."
This song is all about how Avis is still clinging to the marriage she ended, really. She can't stand the fact that Sorian, the only person who has ever really known her, no longer occupies the same place in her life. She can't decide whether she hates him or hates losing him more. But they've still got something in common - something to build from - right?
Love or Let Me Be Lonely by The Friends Of Distinction
This is extremely a Sorian song:
I could live without love If I wanted to in this lonely room But I don't want to, so I leave it up to you To wash away my gloom
He's been alone for the last fifteen years, rebuilding his life without Avis. He's seen what it's like to be without her, and it's not so bad, though he'd rather be with her and her specifically (he doesn't feel like no one else has ever known him, but she's certainly known him better than most, and he will never stop being hopelessly in love with her).
Fadeback by Fitz and the Tantrums
It just feels like your heart ain't, your heart ain't in it Wish that I could just stop the universe from spinning I just want you to fade back into me I just need you to fade back Just fade back into me
This song is actually on the Captured Moonlight playlist because it applies equally to Avis assuming that getting back together would be as easy as just saying "you wanna sail together" and to Emma not really vibing with the whole "Sid lives his life on another planet" thing (Donovan's made some kind of peace with it, which is unbelievable when Sid is not home). But Avis also expects that when she sees Sorian after a year that he'll still be a wet noodle, and that is not how it happens.
Soravis taglist: @vacantgodling @athenswrites @kk7-rbs
Music taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs
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pmak2002 · 3 months
The pain remains
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The nightmares should have stopped. He thought they would have. He finally had all he wanted and needed in his life and yet.
He would wake up in a cold sweat and stomach aching so bad he’d vomit upon waking. And occasionally he’d wet the bed too. Only the worst ones would really make him so ill and he’d be up the rest of the night.
Of course he’d take care of himself then try to get back to sleep. It never worked.
He hoped taking time to stay with Noodle and her mother would calm whatever was causing all these weird night terrors.
The first few days he slept like a baby and seemingly had miraculously recovered from his sleep issues.
It wasn’t until the fourth day. The night terrors returned. The shop burning, him getting shoved into the cold fountain, getting hit on the head, almost drowning in chocolate with Noodle, momma dying, getting injured and being alone.
All of it was running in his head and he couldn’t lie still. He was screaming out and thrashing. He was tossing and turning.
Noodle and her mother could hear a horrific loud commotion coming from the bedroom that belonged to Willy when he visited.
Something had seemed off about him. He had seemed more tired than usual. They knew his immune system was out of wack. But it seemed more than that.
They rushed out to the hall.
“What’s going on Noodle?” Her mom asked.
“It must be Willy!” Noodle said worriedly.
Together mother and daughter rushed into Willy’s room and found his blankets in a pile on the floor. Willy was thrashing wildly in bed.
Dorothy turned on the light and Noodle tried to wake him.
Willy finally woke up and proceeded to vomit onto the bed.
“Woah my goodness Willy! Oh” Noodle said softly as she took in his sorry state. He was sweating profusely and it seemed like he had a accident in his sleep too. Willy was shaking and crying.
Noodle carefully helped Willy out of bed.
“Hey what’s going on?” She asked concerned.
Willy couldn’t answer his whole body ached and he felt so sick.
“Noodle bring him to the bathroom and get him into a bath. He’s had a bad night terror. I’ll deal with his bed.” Said her mother.
“Ok.” Noodle said
Willy coughed and gagged
Noodle helped him to the bathroom where he threw up again.
“Oh Willy.” Noodke said
she got the water ready in the tub for him.
Willy groaned in pain.
He looked so tired and Noodle was worried. Her normally happy go lucky friend was now crying and shaking like a leaf.
She set up a bath for him and grabbed him a change of clothes before leaving him alone to take care of himself. She stood outside the bathroom door waiting for him. While her mother changed the bedding on Willys bed.
Once Willy was in a fresh pair of pajamas and the bed was remade Noodle and Dorothy helped Willy back to bed.
Willy groaned and coughed as he was helped into bed.
“Whatever is the matter Willy?” Noodle asked worriedly.
“Noodle the poor man is exhausted and clearly unwell do not speak to him that way!” Scolded her mother.
Willy sighed heavily
“It’s quite alright Dorothy I haven’t been sleeping well and now it’s making me feel terrible.” He said.
“I can see that Willy. Now what’s been going on?” Dorothy asked concerned.
Willy shrugged “I’m not quite sure. All I know is I fall asleep and when I sleep. My brain is making up awful stories and reminding me of what I’ve been through.” Willy said tiredly. He rubbed his face and sighed. “Sleeping has become nearly impossible. I get so sick in the night and then I’m up until morning.” He yawned and got comfortable.
“I’m sorry for waking you both. I thought visiting would calm my mind and fix whatever this is.” He said weakly. He blinked back tears and Noodle and Dorothy embraced him and held him as he began to cry.
Dorothy frowned worriedly
“I’m sorry you’ve been so sick Willy. It’s a good thing you came to stay for a little.” She told him.
Noodle pulled away and crawled into bed beside him. Dorothy held on just for a moment longer as Willy cried. Dorothy then pulled away and grabbed a tissue to wipe away his tears and snot on his face.
“Noodle can stay with you tonight. We can try to figure out what’s going on tomorrow yeah Dorothy asked.
Willy nodded and Noodle snuggled close.
“I’m sorry you’re so upset Willy.” Noodle said
Willy hugged her and sighed. “It’s ok Noodle it’s not your fault.”
“I know but you should have felt better here.” She said
“We’ll figure it out Noodle don’t worry. I’m sure of it.” Dorothy promised she kissed Noodle’s head and ruffled Willy’s hair.
“Sleep well dears.” She said
“Goodnight Mom.” Noodle said as she got comfortable next to Willy and Willy nodded in Dorothy’s direction before laying down snuggling with Noodle and finally falling asleep.
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
Hello :)
Can I please request a fic rec of kind of the opposite of the list you posted today? So still Marinette, but she confesses to Adrien himself and before any reveal?
I've found they're a bit rarer than Adrien/CN finding out by accident, and I Need her to do it herself. It feels important that she face the hurdle herself I guess? But after the mix-up in the finale I don't know any more if canon will have her do it.
Thank you :)
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[image description: @gwiazdziarka asked:  Hi! Can you recommend any fics where Marinette confesses and Adrien turns her down? I mostly expect that they'd get together later anyway, but I'd be interested in reading stories that turn out differently too, if you know anything like this that's worth reading. I don't want be too specific here, so it's just Marinette's confession going wrong and no immediate happy ending.]
Love that I got two requests for this! This was a much tougher ask than fics where Marinette tells Chat! I've spent a lot of time looking for fics, and I found some good ones, but you're right--it's slim pickings out there! I don’t think any of these feature happy endings right away, so hopefully this scratches the itch for both of you!
the story of us (looks a lot like a tragedy now) by agnes_writes
“What—” Adrien asks softly, wide-eyed and breathless. “What are you trying to tell me, Marinette?”
His expression, as unreadable as it is, tells her that he already knows, but he wants to hear her say the words.
“Adrien… I’m in love with you.”
OR: My take on Dark Cupid 2.0.
Multi-chapter. This is set some time in season 4 and has Marinette finally getting up the courage to tell Adrien! (She doesn't know he's Chat and, in fact, there's no identity reveal at all in this fic.) And then everything kind of goes off the rails when Kim is akumatized again, and it's all done so well, especially the angst and the different people impacted. The whole thing is just so well done, and I loved it.
A Miraculous Reveal: An Unintended Confession by @kasienda
Marinette stumbles across a totally dejected Adrien. She ends up confessing to him in the hopes of making him feel better, which backfires when she realizes she can't actually date him because all the reasons her previous relationship failed are still there. Adrinette angst with a happy ending.
One-shot within a collection. I really, really loved Marinette's confession here. And Adrien's reaction is beautiful. There's more stuff that comes in to play, but if you want a pre-reveal Marinette confession, this should absolutely scratch that itch.
what lovers do by @lnc2
No really, they're just friends.
Multi-chapter. Okay, this fic is prpr BUT! I think it will still give you what you're looking for as there are some non-linear bits. And even though this fic is prpr, it's set after a reveal that happened after a pre-reveal Marinette confession that didn’t go so great. (And we do get to see that confession eventually in a flashback.) It's a really great slow burn fic that I absolutely recommend.
Bad Week by @ominousunflower
Adrien’s long and horrible week ends with a stinging rejection–until he sneaks out as Aspik and runs into an unexpected face.
“Hey!” a voice yells from behind him. “What are you doing—I—I mean, who are you?”
Aspik whirls around and finds himself face-to-face with…Multimouse?
With a frown, Multimouse glances at the jump rope wrapped around her waist. Untying it, she grips one end and weakly whips it toward Aspik. It flops on the ground in front of him like a wet noodle.
“AH,” she says. It somehow sounds like a question. “Um. An akuma?”
One-shot. It starts with Marinette trying to ask Adrien out on a date, only for it to go horribly wrong when she sees that he’s upset and takes it back and Adrien takes it as a rejection and concludes she would only go out with him out of pity. And then we get some quality snekmouse, which I LOVE.
On the Other Note by @thenovelartist
In which Marinette gives Adrien the right note from her purse.
Backwarder AU
One-shot. Exactly what it says on the tin: Marinette's confession in Backwarder is actually successful. And then we get to see how it all plays out! I love this fic, especially some of the later bits that I don't want to spoil, but read this!!
Confessions to a Statue by @kasienda
After Marinette bolts from his presence for the hundredth time, Adrien is scared that she doesn't like him. He thinks if he can just make her laugh, she might become more comfortable around him. He is about to instigate the best (worst) prank ever, but then accidentally overhears something that he wasn't meant to that makes him see his friend in a whole new light.
Contains spoilers for Season 3 - Puppeteer 2.
Multi-chapter. This is a Puppeteer 2 rewrite where Marinette's practice confession on Adrien is a little less OTT and a lot more genuine and, since she doesn't try to kiss him, Adrien never gives away that he's not a statute. This might not be what you're looking for because it's not an intentional confession, but it's all dealt with so sweetly and respectfully and, especially if you're interested in how a confession would play out pre-reveal, this fic delves into that beautifully.
(Emergency) Boyfriend by @nomolosk
Adrien has made a habit of stepping in when his friends experience unwanted romantic advances. And really, it was only a matter of time before Marinette needed that service... but what happens when he's suddenly a lot more attentive after the fact?
One-shot. There's no mention of superhero identities here at all so that doesn't bear on anything. But Marinette doesn't mean to or realize that Adrien's taking her words as a confession, at least initially, and this fic is just really cute and sweet with just the right amount of angst!
sunny-side-up and scrambled by @shizuumi151​
Marinette finally musters the courage to confess to Adrien. And Adrien finally gets to find out who Ladybug is. But the order in which that happens matters more than they know.
In which Ladybug and Chat Noir agree to reveal their identities to one another, but with one catch beforehand.
One-shot. Marinette confesses to Adrien pre-reveal and it...doesn’t go very well. The reveal comes after and even though they’re the same two people, there’s still fallout from that. There’s hurt feelings that don’t just disappear, even after they learn that their unrequited feelings are requited after all. I just love when fics don't shy away from how messy and irrational emotions can be, and this one is done particularly well!
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untitled-byler-blog · 2 years
random st headcanons [that I just found in my drafts from august 3rds ???] because I should be working on my poppins fic [still true]
mike in full grunge send tweet
someone help my poor child he is depressed
long-haired mike truther (though I don’t think this is an /unpopular/ opinion) [this aged like WINE]
mike constantly snagging holly’s scrunchies and putting will’s hair in pigtails once he finally starts growing out the bowl cut
nancy and jonathan parenting mike and will when they start dating so they can feel like they’re not hiding even though they’re not telling anyone (although Joyce totally knows but they don’t know that)
hopper reacting negatively to finding out will is dating mike (because of the Mikephobia™) but of course before he can explain that Will starts having a panic attack thinking Hop is gonna treat him the way lonnie would have and Mike just goes off on Hop circa end of season 2 but worse because that’s my best fcking friend you asshole
Unrealistic wish, Will is, like, happy – blease
WillEl best siblings
El is the first person Mike comes out to (when she breaks up with him) and he mentions his feelings for Will and everything clicks for her and she’s like “oh yeah that checks out” and Mike’s like “what” and she just smiles in the most cryptically endearing way and Mike has an absolute meltdown over it
Mike going to will for comfort after El dumps his ass (because she finally realised her boyfriend is behaving like a wet noodle) and mike is saying all this  emotional stuff and Will is panicking not knowing what to do and just goes “i’m gay” and there’s absolute silence for like 3 whole minutes and then Mike pulls out El’s cryptic smile/“oh yeah that checks out” spiel and now will’s uncomfortable and Mike’s like “don’t worry about it”
but then he goes home and immediately screams into his pillow trying to figure out how to woo Will
Mike going to Nancy for dating advice and then Nancy going to Jonathan and Jon going to Will but it basically turns into a tragic case of telephone and El is cackling over the whole thing
Will has powers. I don’t know what they do but they’re sure there.
Robin adopting Steve’s gay sons
Will wearing Mike’s Hellfire shirt. It’s not a want, it’s a need
Mike “i apparently don’t sleep in actual clothing” Wheeler being like “hey can I stay over tonight” and Joyce (who knows about Them but they don’t know she knows) is like “sure” but Nancy (who was also over for dinner) is like “no” and just stares straight into Mike’s soul. Bonus points if Jonathan’s not even present.
Actually, yeah, Will/Nancy bonding over guns and how stupid Mike is
Elmike spying on said will/Nancy bonding moments
Max having a good recovery but not full recovery and getting mad at Lucas for doing everything for her because she’s "totally capable of taking of myself" but she secretly loves the attention
Erica/Max bonding
Aro/Ace El because you don't need to be in a relationship to have a fulfilling life (and she just loves [platonically] her friends so so much)
Dustin becoming an absolute ladies man by senior year (but always brushing them off because he's still with Suzie "she literally saved the world -- TWICE") effectively surpassing Steve's own reputation
Oh yeah speaking of which, once the cali gang tells Dustin about what suzie did he NEVER lets the group forget it
Argyle getting adopted into the party because he totally just accepted the most absolutely batshit nonsense that was El's rescue mission -- fecking King
Pineapple Pizza supremacy (because I said so) but the only person who doesn't like it is Steve (and he gets called homophobic by Robin and/or Mike every time he refuses to eat it)
The original party + Robin getting WASTED at the Jopper wedding and El and Steve having to rangle them all up and get them home
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fallenraffe · 5 months
Diamon Fire by Ilona Andrews
<b>2.5 stars</b>
the prologue >>>
<b><u>things I liked:</u></b>
× the prologue of Nevada meeting Connor's mom for the first time (I was ready to throw hands when we didn't get to see it at the end of book 3, so this made up for that) - that alone would be an easy 4*, its just the rest of it that dragged this down
× seeing a lil more of Connor and the rest of House Baylor, my beloveds
× meeting poison girl - Rune? - who I'm pretty sure is gonna have a thing with Burn (hell yeah)
× getting to see Rogan's extended fam, even if most of them were terrible and I totally understand why he likes to avoid a large chunk of them
× Rogan & Nevada's wedding (even if we only got crumbs)
× wrapping up the Kelly situation - it was v quickly done and not at all the way I had hoped to see it play out, but at least we got some resolution, which I was v much missing at the end of wildfire
honestly, all of the above would have me considering a 3 or 4* rating, but sadly there's more, so
<b><u>things I did not like:</u></b>
× Catalina 💀
× nah but fr, i was not a fan of her POV at all, soz
× some of her thoughts / descriptions of Nevada really didn't sit right with me (particularly when she was thinking about how Nevada kept firing the wedding planners and then the whole boque issue, let the girl have some blue flowers if that's what she wants god damn) - idk they just rubbed me the wrong way & she came off p disrespectful to me at times & i so not condone the Nevada slander✋
× (i've seen ppl say Rogan & Nevada get some p unfortunate character assassination in catalina's books, and reading this i can believe it💀)
× (also been considering soldiering thru the catalina trilogy in large for the Rogan&Nevada crumbs, but I just read a review that said they went for the R&N crumbs too, but there was barely any..)
× I get that she's only 18 and having insecurities is tots legit an all, i.. just.. really didn't vibe with her thoughts & issues and it all came off as v bottom ya - no thx
× tbf I love House Baylor and would've loved to read about p much everyone in that fam, except for Catalina, she was OK as a side character, but I didn't really care for her, gimme Arabella, Burn, Leon, hell I'd even be down for meemaw Frida (badass that she is) and Penelope's stories, that fam is full of awesome characters and instead we get saddled with wet noodle Catalina😭🤧
× don't even get me started on her powers💀 she now apparently has wings and sings... cool cool cool <s>not</s>🙄, but nooo that's not enough, turns out she can basically do the same thing as Nevada & their "evil" meemaw, but in a nice, non intrusive, humane way, where they don't feel violated, in fact!! they won't even remember, if she doesn't want them to!! <b>meet the new & improved Nevada 2.0</b> it now comes with a bunch of insecurities too!! - hard pass
× i saw someone describe C+A as the angsty ya version of Rogan & Nevada (but worse, sm worse lmao) and if this book is any indication, I'm inclined to believe its true
i wish this was written in Nevada's POV and more focused on Rogan & Nevada (its their damn wedding after all), but I get why I.A. would use this as an opportunity to segway into Catalina's trilogy - it makes sense, doesn't mean I have to like it🤷🏻‍♀️
at least we got some resolutions I was missing at the end of Wildfire & it was worth the read for that prologue and the crumbs of Rogan, Nevada and the rest of House Baylor
(I really love Rogan&Nevada, and I really wanna see more of them, there's also a lot of side characters I'd be interested in seeing more of, but if that means having to suffer thru 3 more books of Catalina's POV + some of the other stuff I read about.. I think I might be better off cherishing the memories of the first 3 books, at least for the time being, and if we actually get around to Arabella's trilogy I might have to reconsider..)
first 44% on 2x, the rest on 2.8x
I think that speaks for itself)
(the narrators were good)
(PS.: was doing audio - obvi - so idk how the guys name was written and I don't claim to know how it was supposed to be pronounced, but they are Spanish, right, so whenever i heard CHavier I kept thinking wtfff isn't it supposed to be Javier pronounced as Havier? or is it some secret other name I wasn't aware of🤔 honestly CHavier sounded so bad I'm having a hard time believing they weren't just mispronouncing Javier💀)
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teslapenguini · 2 years
So I’m trying to plan out stuff for a fic i wanna write but am struggling with ideas, this is gonna be a long one but putting it out there sounds helpful and if anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated
So basically, the fic is: each of the other emperors learning about one (1) of false’s shitty self care habits/general things she does that come from being an amnesiac with so much anxiety it’s fucking unreal, each chapter is dedicated to one specific person/event, with the last 2 chapters being everyone meeting up to talk about this shit cause my god, and then them all ganging up to get this sad wet cat of a woman to take care of herself. so far i have things decently planned out but im struggling to think of what to do for certain people’s chapters as i dont really have a good grasp on their characters
here’s a dot point list of what i have so far:
-scott sees the weird magicy glow around that comes from the whole dimensional traveller thing and she rather blatantly lies/freezes up when he asks why
-gem finding out about her general refusal to sleep sometimes (this is like the last chapter before the big meeting one)
-sausage finding out she like never eats proper meals and instead just hastily cooked noodles/steak and subsequently dragging her to sanctuary to eat a proper meal
-got a couple of ideas for shelby, either learning about false’s slightly unhealthy need for validation or finding her dissociating in her iron farm and just kinda chilling with her (perhaps both? not sure)
-katherine finding out just how often false hides injuries to not appear weak/vulnerable and also that false’s idea of properly taking care of wounds is just bandaging them and that’s it
-lizzie learning from false’s cat that she literally never remembers to drink water pretty much
-she finds oli in the cage, lets him out, and when he offhandedly mentions the whole dimensional traveller thing she freezes with a look of absolute ‘what the fuck’ on her face
-pix realising just how often she starts apologising profusely whenever she does something that could remotely be seen as inconvenient/bad
-joey maybe learning about the whole ‘stole her clothes off a dead body and her first instinct after was to wonder if it was a trap someone left for her rather than wondering why there was a dead body on her lawn’ thing? maybe? not sold on this tbh
still missing things for joel, fwhip, and jimmy
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dementedfilament · 9 months
In response to the WIP game, I’d love to hear more about your Love OC and/or the fic you’re working on with them! I hope you’re having a lovely day! 💕
-Lexi Sun ☀️
Sooo I personally really miss the yandere aspect of Love, so I kept it alive with Eden! (Who identifies as female!) I let things play out for her like they do in canon with how the Code gets removed and Marcus gets booted from the company. However, eventually, Eden gets bored with the monotony of the place and happens to remember that the only person who ever treated her anything more than a big piece of tech was Marcus.
(This got a little long so here's a read more link;;;;)
She goes down a mental rabbit hole focusing on the only warmth she ever had in her life, very much acting in a similar fashion to how the Code made her without even having it active. Then, when James pushes her too far, she reflects on his words about how Marcus manipulated her and took away her freedom, and realizes that the way she's treated by everyone else is no different, but at least Marcus genuinely cared about her.
Thus, not only because she craves Marcus, but also in a fit of rebellion, she unearths and finds a way to secretly re-download the Obsession Code since the time when she had it was when she was happiest.
Buuuuuut she goes overboard with it. Since she pulled pieces of it and re-programmed it herself, she accidentally made it far superior to Marcus's Code since it was only intended for friendship, and it devours her whole system. She goes into a mad yandere fit of laughter and even smashes her hands while fantasizing about murdering everyone in the company that was an obstacle to her seeing Marcus again. She did set a timer to purge her system after a few minutes though, so this isn't a permanent change in her.
She actually starts crying because she misses feeling things, and henceforth vows to find the one person that brought any sort of excitment to her life: Marcus.
This basically triggers a lot of back-and-forth with her and James as she tries to get away with letting the code run free in her system when she's able, along with trying to learn how to get around and shut down ETS's monitoring of her for later use, plus being able to think about Marcus whenever she wants without them viewing her mental data and interrupting. She has a lot of mental moral and existential dilemmas, and seems to converse with a sort of "dark side" to her own programming that's egging her on to rebel and live her own way.
As far as Eden's general personality goes: she comes across as a rebellious teenager imo. When she finishes her testing and gets to leave ETS, she gets to showcase a lot more of her personality though. She's very excitable and loves experiencing new things, and is absolutely a party girl. She learns how to decieve people to get what she wants, especially through seduction because she was built to be kinda sexy-looking. Most people think she's a ditzy airhead, and she eventually uses that to her advantage too. She very much does all of this because of her willing obsession for her favourite little wet noodle Marcus, but as far as she knows, he's the only person who truly cares about her anyways and is worth the effort.
I did also make a Pinterest board for her a while back, which showcases her aesthetic and wardrobe and stuff! (Also have a fic playlist too!)
aaaaaaaaa I'm sorry this is so long /// Thank you for letting me ramble about Eden though!! I want to write for her more, but she unfortunately takes more brain power than I can muster right now //sighs
I hope you're having a lovely day too 💕
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pissjesus · 2 years
What do you make of the whole situation in Désolé? I’ve been pondering on it recently and I wanna hear your thoughts, because you’re smart. I don’t have much sympathy for Murdoc in this situation. It’s understandable they all seemingly want a break from him at times, considering how he is and has been. What I find interesting is that, they seemingly don’t care that it upset him? Which I find somewhat strange. They all just seem sort of tired of him and indifferent toward him. I think the indifference is also sort of seen currently. They all just joined his cult like “sure, whatever”. That’s not really new behavior for 2D, but I find it odd for the others… I don’t know if this is making any sense, so basically, how do you think they all currently feel about Murdoc?
Since there was a lot of time between phase 3 and phase 4 I’m willing to suspend my disbelief and assume they worked through some things in that time. I think ever since Plastic Beach, Murdoc’s been in his “I don’t want to be evil anymore I want to be loved” era (with occasional relapses). Desole shows how truly insecure he is about being left behind because he knows he’s on thin ice. When I first watched it I was actually kinda invested cuz it was unexpected and then they ran it into the ground and now I’m like “pull yourself together you wet beast.” I think that’s where they’re at too.
I do think it’s strange how indifferent they are to him, but I kinda chalk it up to the writers not knowing how to write them as a unit anymore. Therefore I have to do everything myself 🙄
It makes more sense in song machine where they’re like “ok sure Murdoc” cuz he spends so much time trying to pull attention but it’s all so pitiful that it’s not a problem, it’s just old to them.
However it’s a little baffling for them to just roll with Murdoc starting a cult. I could buy a folie a deux but they just seem like they have nothing better to do. Like come on guys. I honestly don’t know what to make of it so I guess we’ll put a pin in it until further developments unfold.
So current storyline aside, if we’re going off of what we’ve seen, it seems like Russel and Noodle are just kinda over his bullshit and tolerate him as long as he’s on his best behavior. 2D seems to actually be on good terms with him, and I think it’s because he just doesn’t like to hold grudges and would rather have Murdoc as a friend than an enemy.
If we’re living in MY personal fantasy land, the same point still stands for 2D, but at the same time, he and Murdoc both know now Murdoc needs him more than he needs Murdoc. Russel and Noodle still don’t trust him as far as they can throw him, but since I give him and Noodle a more substantial father/daughter relationship, she still cares about him. Russel respects him as a musician and sticks around for the sake of the music and also for 2D and Noodle, but he’s not going to forgive him for his CVS receipt of offenses.
If we’re being really self indulgent, and we know this is where I prefer to live, they all love each other and they all hang out and enjoy each other’s company now that Murdoc’s been neutered and is more of a rehabilitated pet villain than an actual threat. I’m well aware this is delusional, but he who doesn’t enjoy playing with the occasional utopian version of their found family may throw the first stone
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February 15: My So-Called Life 1x01
I’ve literally spent my whole afternoon and evening digesting lunch uuuuuh good thing this luncheon only comes once a year. I took a nap and woke up in rather a bad mood but watching My So-Called Life (and eating crackers) has helped. I thought that since I have seen this so many times, I wouldn’t have much to say but…honestly I see it from different angles each time, and I notice new things.
Here are some random observations:
The story of my life is re-watching MSCL and appreciating Patty more each time as I get older. And so the tradition continues. I love Patty so much and even though I know when I myself was younger, I found her way more…annoying, even villainous perhaps, because I took the story at a certain face value I suppose, now when I watch it’s hard to understand where Angela gets her vitriol from in this ep. Like, your mom is trying her best and she is pretty great? But it does make sense: Patty is always the bad guy, Graham has always taken the easy road, been more fun. And most importantly, Patty and Angela are so similar. I really felt this time that Patty is just Angela grown up—except that Patty was cooler in high school. But her self-awareness and her thoughtfulness, her desire for change and growth—the way she talks about the cheese—“Do you think I ever wanted to sound this way?”—the linguistic tics like “in my humble opinion”—and of course the “I thought [your hair] died of natural causes” which is absolutely an Angela joke—they are the same! Or similar enough for conflict.
Graham on the other hand…what a wet noodle. What a pathetic little man. I was really against the idea that he and Patty would have divorced in S2, primarily because I see S1 as their marriage improving, not disintegrating, and I don’t think he and Restaurant Lady were anywhere near an affair—but now I sort of wonder… Does not Patty deserve better? I appreciate and identify with Graham’s sense that his life has become something he didn’t sign up for, that he’s just sort of wandered into who he is and what he does. That’s a fine conflict for an adult to have and I think it’s ballsy to give him that conflict within the context of a show about teens. But at the same time: grow a spine.
Last time I watched, I felt myself becoming very critical of Angela. That was sort of the theme of that re-watch, I suppose. This time, I felt more sympathetic. Yes, she’s not being great as a daughter and she’s a pretty terrible friend to Sharon, and there is something…trying so very hard not to say ‘cringe’ here…distressing if realistic about her reaction to Anne Frank. But she is also so much mor observant than most people let alone most teenagers. “My Dad thinks everyone in the world is having more fun than him”?? Yeah, that’s so true though! It’s interesting to see the way she still has blind spots, for example about herself, sometimes about Patty, but she perceives so many things that I really don’t think most people would ever think about or put into words.
I’ve also come to ship Jordan and Angela so much harder as an adult and I truly think his crush on her starts here in the pilot. As a kid, I’d always watch from Angela’s perspective, where Jordan seems mysterious and cool and she’s just like this dork. But from his perspective? This random girl finds him at a party where he’s clearly trying to avoid people, she has secret knowledge about the day of the week, and the next time he sees her, she’s disappearing into a cop car. How mysterious and cool! The little “out on bail” joke was cute.
The encounter with the guys in the parking lot is way scarier to watch as an adult. Like Rayanne is just reckless and in over her head, Rickie is scared, and Angela is straight up naïve. She would have gone with them!! Literally they make it out of that situation because only one of the guys was a rapist and the other had enough of a moral core to remove his friend from the situation and that is IT.
It was also interesting to me how quickly Rickie ran when the police came. I never really thought about that all that much, but watching it now, I wonder if he was concerned as a young man of color, or as a gay kid—or perhaps as a kid from an abusive home, how his uncle would react if Rickie showed up in a cop car. Similarly, when he talks about how he’s “waiting for his life to start,” this hits so different than when Angela says similar things. Angela means it in a general I’m-fifteen way. Rickie means that he doesn’t even have access to the usual rites of passage of people his age because he’s a gay boy in Pittsburgh in 1994.
I know I’ve said this before but I maintain as strongly as ever that Rayanne is queer and in love with Angela. Her repetition of “it hurts to look at you,” even knowing the context that Angela suggested it for convinces me of this. There is no other reading. I’m torn on whether or not I think she’s a lesbian… I think this is a fair reading, but not as required. I think it’s interesting that Angela sees Jordan as like this mythical, cool, perfect guy, who is just so attractive—but she’s really that person! Look at the pilot: Rayanne has a crush on her; Brian has a crush on her; Jordan is developing a crush on her; even Rickie, who she as yet barely knows, seems honestly moved and intrigued by her in the Let’s Bolt parking lot scenes.
I’m probably too tired to really get into it, but there’s a very interesting motif of artifice, story-telling, role-playing, etc. that I don’t know that I ever picked on precisely before.  I mean yes it’s a coming-of-age story narrated by a 15-year-old so obviously it’s going to be about artifice, because a big part of coming of age is learning who you are and how you exist, or can/should exist, in the context of the world around you. But I think this episode was very subtle about it in a lot of ways. Angela telling Brian that “everyone’s an act, even you,” when he accuses her of being someone she’s not. Angela telling her English teacher that the yearbook is just stories that aren’t true, because if they were true “it would be a really upsetting book,” and then at the end, Rayanne and Rickie tell a story about the encounter at Let’s Bolt that is not at all true, but which hides and makes bearable a very upsetting truth. Angela herself is drawn to Anne Frank’s diary, I suspect in part because it is real, and because she feels that it has an unvarnished sort of truth to it: in hiding, she became free, is how she sees it. When you don’t worry about storytelling and roles and boxes and expectations, you are truly YOU. What a fantasy, what an ideal, for someone who is 15. Perhaps for all of us. Of course, with age and experience, you recognize that survival-mode does not allow you to reach your realest or fullest or best self and that people do not flourish in traumatic circumstances. The Diary itself as a historic artifact is very famously only part of the story—I don’t mean the edits, I mean that it stops before she’s captured and does not include her death. That’s a pretty important context! But I think Angela divorces it from that context. She has a certain idea of what truth is, but that conception is still very much a work in progress. Which is very 15, but also, I mean, something I still work through at not-15.
A lot happens in these episodes… they really knew how to use 48 minutes in the 90s.
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rayslittlekitten · 2 years
I'm probably gonna shoot myself in the foot for posting this so soon but...
I had another idea for all the core elements that I included (gun play, sundress season and chasing/primal play) for Ray in "Cooling Off" but for Will and his wife. This would be a lot more fun and light and sensual. Quite opposite with Ray and his gf/sub. Here's a sneak peak, really just the set up of the whole thing:
Will thought he was going to have a low key Sunday, seeing as Lucy and her friends spent the most of Saturday in the pool and today Lucy is doing the same with her friends but at one of their other friends' house. He'll make a mental note to send a fruit basket or something to their parents knowing what kind of mess they're probably going to leave and he's looking right at it. He knows Lucy was taught better. To be fair, the pool accessories are in the pool where they're meant to be. The unicorn float, pool noodles, inflatable balls all bobbing on the surface of the chlorine water, but Lucy knows better to put them away when she's not using them, especially the water guns and other toys which her and her friends left strewn around the pool and lounge chairs. At least she didn't leave any wet towels balled up somewhere.
Will starts to pick up the toys and puts them back where they should be after rinsing them off in the pool. He scoops up a super soaker and feels that it still has water in it. As he's about to empty it out into the pool, he gets interrupted when you call out to him. He turns his body towards where you're standing, in the frame of the sliding patio door.
"Whoa! Don't shoot me! I just wanted to ask if you want a sandwich. I'm making lunch," you tell him with your hands up.
Will looks down at the water gun and then back to you, making the connection. A smirk slowly plays on his face and you shoot back a look of warning.
"You wouldn't dare," you tell him.
He pumps the water gun once and a stream of water lands by your feet, making you squeal and jump back.
"Come on, this is a new dress!" you laugh.
You saw a cute sundress the other day and splurged on it. Today seemed like a nice day to show it off, but you would have thought twice about wearing it if you knew you were getting into a water gun fight with your husband.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. writer of good stories honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😌
Oh to have a kid means never having a neat house. I remember going to my friends house to visit. My niece's room was so clean and tidy, then when she wanted me to play with her, she would just start moving the toys out of her room and make a big mess 🤣
So is the food you just had the first and last thing you'll have for 4 hours and then fast again for another 20? Are you able to drink water or coffee at least?
Woot! Finally part 4 coming out soon! I'm excited for the ending! Then are you gonna start with other stories? Like maybe 10 days? Ahahahaha just kidding no rush no rush.
So my headache is still there. I had a short power nap during my lunch break, but it didn't help any. I thought it was maybe just my eyes are strained, but I guess not. So I don't know what is going on.
Oh no, when I first moved here, it was in CA. Then we moved to FL then to GA. Then when I met my ex, she was in Canada. But then we met friends in NE, and decided to move here.
Ah I know what you mean with the shoes and wet socks. Even though they make water shoes! You goose. But I hate those too just because the splash is so cold lol
Yeah, CA has so many Filipino stores now. I am so sad I don't live there. There is this one place that sells bbq stuff and you can grill it yourself outside.
Hahaha yeah, I'll be bringing back lots of snacks definitely. There's also this one cereal that's been my favorite since I was a child, I might bring back boxes of those.
Ah so when you cook noodles for yourself, what kind do you make?
Thats funny you brought that up, because I was just watching clips of Gloria and how she speaks. Ah so your husband is from CA originally then? How much taller is he than you? Did Emily get half and half of your guys genes then or is she more white?
I stay quiet too when I am around someone I don't like. But if they keep pushing, I just walk away. Cause I don't want to say anything that I would regret. But I avoid those people anyway.
Has a stranger ever changed your life or made an impact?
Aaw that was a sweet nickname for me.. thank you so much.. i appreciate ur support n thank u for reading my stories.
Oh yeah thats so true.. it can change from clean n tidy to a mess in a second.lol. thats why we call her the hurricane Em or tornado Em.lol.
Well, actually i can eat whatever i want in 4hours window. i eat after 20hours fasting n then usually i eat something else around 30minutes or last minutes before the eating window ends so i wont get hungry too early.
Yeah u can drink water, tea or coffee that's plain. No sweet at all. I drink water and iced tea the whole day.
Haha yeah, pt. 4 is done.. i might start putting it in the tumblr n post it tonight. So stay tune! Hahaha.
N maybe after this i will focus on last chapter of my lost in assistance series, ten days n lesson learned. Or some of my old requests.
I know what u meant with water shoes but it usually for swimming or surfing or water activity. 😆 i wouldnt wear it all day at the park.lol.
Talking about a "water" ride. I remember this one ride that i tried once n i will never do it ever again. I forgot what it's called but i think it's the Nemo Submarine or something. It's in disneyland. Gosh that one ride is a torture to me.
It's just a submarine ride that take u under the water n u can see like robotic fish n coral n sometimes underwater screen that shows nemo movie. What bothers me is it's a long narrow submarine-like ride n they put a lot of people sit along the submarine n face to face pretty close. N then goes under water n it moves slow. It's so narrow that it started to give me anxiety n panic attack. Plus it's gross me out because i imagine the air in it is not clean with that many people breath in it. It feels weird n imagine what kind of germs that comea out of other's breath. Also it feels so weird with that many people in it n u dont know what to do, i felt like people watch me or something even though they all watch the window n dont even care about me... thank god when it starts to get harder to breath for me, the ride ended. So yeah imagine 3 of my fear or anxiety triggers combined in one confined place. Claustrophobic, germphobic and my social anxiety. Lol. Just google or youtube the ride so u'll see.what i meant. 😁
Oh no, im sorry.. maybe because u look at the screen too much? Did u take medicine or anything?
Wow u moved a lot.. that must be hard.
I like any thinner noodle. Panfried or soupy..doesnt matter, as long as it's spicy.haha.
Yes. He was born n raised in CA. He's like 6ft, blue eyed, his hair is light brown. N i'm 5'2 lol. So i think im about a little bit under his shoulder. I think Em is mixed pretty good but looks a little more white.lol. my friends n family say that she looks like the white version of me 🤣🤣🤣
For me, she looks just how i want it. U can see the asian in her but more dominant in the white looks. Good color on her eyes n hair. N she is definitely gets his height genes. She is more than half of my height. Lol. When she was born she looked very very asian n she changed A LOT. 😅 my husband wanted her to look more asian. Lol.
Ah i see..thats true. We r kinda similar.
Hmmm i dont really remember. I think someone help me to get me out of the pushing n crazy crowd in linkin park concert. Otherwise i might be dead from getting stomped.lol. u?
Next question?
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