#ship: The Angel's Baptist
derelictheretic · 3 months
I'm feeling very John and Dean are the one good thing they both never get to have because their love has always been wrong and too much and they break each other when they get their hands on each other because maybe this one time it'll be different and they'll be good and soft but they leave the same bruises and scars they always have and even when they have the best intentions their desire to be craved in the way they crave leaves everyhing a bloody unrecognisable mess tonight
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inafieldofdaisies · 9 months
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Ships as Grid Playlists / John x Sabrina and Jacob x Mercedes
Saw @corvosattano and @nightbloodbix do this style of grid playlists for their ocs (linking both posts below) and I ended up getting the idea to do edits with two of my ships as focus. The spin here is I thought it would be neat to have A-side and B-side of a vinyl on top of the usual quote and track list edits. Chances are one day I might do a follow-up for Calahan and Mary May and the other ships from In Hope of Tomorrow. ❤️
inspo / inspo
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derelictdumbass · 2 years
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You can pry the "my hands are cold" trick from Dean's cold dead hands (which will be easy as John is close to killing him over it)
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Bonus John is offering a junior deputy for $5 if anyone would like to take him off his hands
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godslittleprincess · 1 year
I've already asked this of @katelyn-marie323, but I'm asking you as well because I'm always curious as to answers to this:
What denomination are you and why?
Favourite book of the Old Testament and why?
Favourite book of the New Testament and why?
Favourite Bible character, excluding God/Jesus, and why?
Favourite Psalm(s) and why?
Favourite hymn or worship song and why?
Favourite names of Jesus and why?
Bonus question if you're Catholic, Anglican/Episcopalian, Lutheran or Orthodox - favourite saint(s) and why?
Hiye, sorrey for the late reply. I'm on vacation and i’m only now getting this, but thank you, i love questions like this :)
1) I'm currently a born and raised Baptist wanting to convert to Orthodoxy because it's more in tune with my beliefs. I believe that all the practices and teachings of the early Christian church (including veiling and prostration) are not to be abandoned and I'm more of a faith + works type believer as Jesus said to go out and sin no more as well as repent.
2) My favorite book of the Old Testament is a tie between Exodus and Esther, because I love both the story of Queen Esther and all the history of the Hebrews in Egypt especially God saving them. I think both books are very beautiful, and to be honest, in the middle of church I sometimes get lost reading them and forget to pay attention to the sermon.
3) My favorite book of the New Testament is Revelation, as it's always been so incredibly compelling for me. It's so amazing and faith affirming watching the prophesies of Revelation coming true, but at the same time it sends a chill down my spine reading the the judgment that is to come and the extent of the battle of good and evil.
4) I don’t have a favorite Biblical figure in particular, but i have an extensive fascination with the angels and with biblical angelology. I doodle the different types of angels sometimes, and I’ve done lots of research on them.
5) I’m afraid I haven’t yet read much of Psalms but one of the verses I quote the most often, especially when I’m fearful or need comfort happens to come from it. It’s Psalms 23:4, Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me... It gives me a huge amount of peace.
6) My favorite Hymn is “It is well with my soul” I remember when I was little, I listened to a story about the writer of that song, he experienced many horrific tragedies in life including the Chicago fire burning his assets, and the passing of his young daughters on a sinking ship, and still he was able to have peace in the Lord and be able to say that whatever happens, it is well with his soul. I always found that so incredibly inspiring and knowing the story makes the song sound so much heavier and emotional.
7) Honestly I think my favored name for Christ would simply be Jesus 😅. I say Jesus whenever I’m feeling uneased and it gives me a rush of calm and peace like no other.
8) I don’t yet know much about the concept of saints, but my favorite disciple would be John, I hope he counts. I admire that he didn’t hide and was bold enough to be the only apostle to stand by Jesus during his crucifixion, and I think it’s amazing that he was given the vision of Revelation and documented it so that we could read it today.
I apologize, I realize I’ve wrote so much, but I truly enjoyed this, thank you 😊
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isaterriblebore · 10 months
StEx Appreciation Month Day 13: Rockies
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Favourite Actor Rocky 1: Lashane Williams really is the ultimate Rocky 1 in my eyes… but also because he’s the only one I’ve seen live haha.
Rocky 2: Jay Le Marrec!!! I saw him live in January and he was so good!
Rocky 3: I love Cassie Rogers and Priscilla Osegie!
Favourite Songs/Scenes I love them in Poppa’s/Momma’s Blues. It’s fun watching them do their tricks!
I also love them during ‘Rusty Why You Looking Sad’ and ‘Freight!’
Favourite Costumes I think the early Bochum costumes were my favourite with a mix of the London costumes!
Favourite Ships -sweats- I uhhhh don’t really have any ships for them? I don’t think about them enough sowwie.
But Brexit/Rocky is cute! Also Carrie/Rocky 3.
Headcanons Rocky 1: I headcanon him to be the older one out of the rockies. He’s tough, brave, and strong but deep down he’s also a softie.
Rocky 2: I think he’s good friends with Flat Top! Whenever I’ve seen the show, they mess around together during the skate around after the megamix.
Rocky 3: She’s the youngest of the three but she can beat the other Rockies when it comes to wrestling. She’s also quick with her mouth and great at comebacks
Unpopular Opinions I don't think I have any opinions that are unpopular? Photo 1: Danny John Jules as Rocky 1, Attlee Baptiste as Rocky 2, and Richard Bodkin as Rocky 3 - London 1984. Photo 2: Ronald Garza as Rocky 1, Dwight Toppin as Rocky 2, Angel Vargas as Rocky 3 - US Tour 1989-91. Photo 3: RT Smith as Rocky 3, Martin Boothe as Rocky 1, Devin Richards as Rocky 2 - Bochum 1992. Photo 4: Priscilla Osegie as Rocky 3, Garry Kessing as Rocky 1, Jaydon Vijn as Rocky 2 - Bochum 2019.
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orthodoxadventure · 6 months
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The holy apostle Andrew the First Called was born in Bethsaida in Galilee. His father Jonas was a fisherman and he handed over his trade to his sons Andrew and Simon (the apostle Peter). From childhood the little Andrew was very inquisitive and already at the age of five he was going to the synagogue to learn about the Holy Scriptures, astronomy and arithmetic. In his youth the future apostle dreamed of serving God and refused to marry, preserving his chastity. When Andrew and his brother Simon grew up, they moved to Capernaum, where they engaged in the fishing trade with Zebedee and his sons John and Jacob (who were afterwards also apostles). At that time John the Baptist began his preaching concerning the coming of the Messiah. Andrew witnessed the baptism of Jesus Christ and was, along with his brother, among the first men whom Jesus called to follow him, saying “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” It may be for this reason that among the apostles he was known as the first-called. So Andrew became the Messiah’s follower. Once in the course of a long sermon Jesus had to feed 5000 people, and at his request, Andrew pointed to a boy who had five loaves of bread and two fishes, and when Christ blessed them they were transformed into food that satisfied 5000 people. The apostle Andrew then followed the Saviour until the end of his earthly life and when Christ rose from the dead, he was present at the time when the Holy Spirit appeared. Also, like Christ, the apostle Andrew was crucified on the cross. He died in the town of Patras in Greece. Part of his remains are preserved in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Andrew, which is one of the largest cathedrals in the Balkans.
Some legends exist about sermons and the spread of Christianity by the apostle. The most well-known of them are his journeys around the south and east of Europe at that time. In Britain the Apostle Andrew is one of the leading saints and was proclaimed the defender of Scotland. This is connected with two beautiful popular beliefs. According to the first of these, a monk named Rule (Regulus) dreamt he saw an angel who commanded the monk to take some relics of the saint and bring them from Byzantium by sea to the West. Taking a lot of time in travelling, the monk`s ship was caught up in a violent storm and driven to the coast of Scotland, to the hamlet of Kilrymont (Saint Andrews). At the same time the Apostle appeared in a vision to the Scottish king and promised victory over enemies, which soon happened. As a token of gratitude, the king built a church in honour of the Apostle Andrew the First Called, to which a large number of pilgrims came to venerate the holy remains and be cured in mind and body. Another legend says that Bishop Acca, the successor of St. Wilfred in the 8th century took the apostle’s remains out of pilgrimage and founded a church in honour of the holy apostle Andrew. Also, as in the first tradition, there is a story in which the Holy Apostle Andrew the First Called appeared before the King of Scotland and promised help in defeating the enemy. As a token of gratitude the king endowed the church of the Holy Apostle Andrew with many gifts. In the blood-stained years of the Reformation of the church in England the remains of Saint Andrew the  First Called, which were in Scotland, were completely destroyed, but the profound faith of the people was able to preserve and convey through generations wonderful stories and legends about the saint. The love of the British people towards the apostle Andrew the First Called continues to survive, not failing to give his name to educational establishments, streets, football stadiums and innumerable churches.
The persistent desire to save human souls and warm love of Christ drove the apostle onwards, in spite of the enormous dangers accompanying him during his travels and sermons. For this reason it was said among the people that the Apostle Andrew protected in particular pilgrims, seamen and fishermen, as he himself spent a lot of time on the sea. And of course he helps any ordinary people who direct their prayers towards the Lord and place their trust in Him.
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To every person smugly being like "well I like BayoLuka so I liked the ending" you radiate massive dumb fuck energy. Like "well I'm a big fan of ice bergs so i think it's good this boat were on is going down" like... Even if you like the idea of Bayonetta shipped with Luka which makes you a weird idiot, the weird idiots should be upset with the utter character assassination going on.
1) Luka's defining trait in both games is his utter lack of magical abilities. In 1 he straight up can't even see the angels, and even in 2 when he's got special magic glasses, he still doesn't fight. In both games he swings in and does something the big bad wasn't expecting because they underestimate him, and by extension all of humanity. He's the human element! So to take all that away, and say actually he's an immortal fairy king and literally the most important man in all the multiverse that's just like... Sorry! You made a new character! That's not the same character anymore!
2) THEY DIE! THEY ARE DRAGGED TO HELL! PRESUMABLY TO BE DEVOURED BY ALRAUNE!! I feel like the sole reason they included her in this game was to remind you that she still absolutely hates Bayonetta and is waiting to dissolve her the instant she hits hell. She's the only demon who actively fights against Bayonetta even when used as a weapon, torturing her during the super attack. Like... If you really like that pairing, you should also hate the ending because they die a pointless death!!
3) so following points one and two, what you're really saying is "I like that the man and woman get together at the end of the story" and that's it, full stop. You have the nuance of a folding chair in a Baptist church. Tbh I think that's why I see so many bad faith takes hiding behind a shield of saying people who don't like it are biphobic: because that's the exact same kind of weaponized use of progressive language you can expect from bad faith actors and terfs. Do better or just admit that you like that the queer elements of the character were stripped away at the last minute.
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swansong-archive · 1 year
Swansong short story #1: Blood
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Archived from the official Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong website.
Three short stories were posted on the official Swansong website, providing more information on its main characters. Originally posted on 6/20/2022 at "news.vampire-swansong.com", this was the entry that feature Galeb, his origin story and his sire, Tavernier.
“Justice. You must understand, Galeb, that there’s no better motivation for our kind than the righting of wrongs.” Tavernier’s elbows rested on the ship’s balustrade, his chin perched on his interlaced fingers as he looked not as his progeny, but at the restless sea, and tried to make sense of where the darkness of the water gave way to the sky. The stars above were scant and the moon absent behind thick clouds, forcing Tavernier into the very human gesture of screwing up his eyes to see a little better. Of course, it did nothing. Light proved elusive beyond the lamps hanging and placed on the ship, their flames protected but still caught in the stiff wind.
“Whether it’s seeking vengeance for wrongs done to us, or making amends for sins we witnessed but did nothing about in our lives. Think of everything you’ve ever lost and what you could gain, in your mind and your heart, by preventing others from falling to the same ill fates.” Tavernier remained locked in position, finally certain he could spot the horizon, though it may have been a trick of the light.
“There was I, thinking the answer was blood.” Galeb leaned next to his sire, but unlike the elder vampire, Galeb’s back was to the sea and his gaze cast purely to Tavernier. He was examining the old creature’s form, from the blonde, bound hair on his head, resisting the breeze, to his arched nose, his tight shoulders, his narrow waist, his feet poised on the planks in their soft leather shoes. “You’re immovable, you know? Like a statue carved from…”
“Yes?” Tavernier’s mouth twitched a little, concealing a smile.
“... ah, I don’t have the words. I’ll opt for a pale wood.”
Tavernier let out a laugh and stood straight. “Wooden. Yes. You wouldn’t be the first to describe me that way. But I believe it’s more complimentary to be described as a rare gem, or carved from alabaster. You know?” He clapped Galeb on the shoulder and walked the deck with his childe, the two unaffected by the churning sea not far beneath them.
“Allow me to reserve for you the finer compliments, to be delivered at a time where you rightly deserve them. For a deed,” Galeb gestured with one hand out to the right, “or a misdeed,” his left hand reached out in the opposite direction, before he dropped both to his waist. “I’ve known you for a score of years, and you are still unknowable. You patronize, but you don’t direct. You advise, but I never gather you have any motives of your own…”
“And so this is why you ask again about motivation?” Jean-Baptiste Tavernier grinned at his undead offspring. “Well as I’ve told you many times, the righting of wrongs…”
“I am not some angel to go about delivering vengeance on behalf of the helpless, my friend. And nor have I seen you performing such heroic deeds, so clearly as motivations go,” Galeb spoke the words clearly, but found himself trailing off, “you must be lacking...” There were wrongs in need of righting, but he was too far removed from them to address them in any meaningful way.
Just over ten years prior, Galeb had first made Tavernier’s acquaintance, the two becoming associates and business partners. Galeb wasn’t blindsided by Tavernier’s eventual admission of undeath; he knew there was something mysterious and dangerous about the merchant explorer, but the vital parts he was missing were the ones regarding blood drinking and ungodly powers. The night-time existence was one he was more prepared to handle, having only encountered Jean-Baptiste Tavernier — in all their time together — in the hours after dusk. But when Tavernier, after five years of knowing him, offered him what he called “the gift of an eternity to explore, learn, and change the world,” Galeb wasn’t thinking about the curses that came with such an existence.
Galeb accepted the gift, but found it left him bitter and empty. Where immediately Tavernier tried to turn his childe toward growth and influence at best, or at worst, avenging slights against him, Galeb was unable to see unlife through either lens. He swiftly detached himself from humankind and living concerns, and closer to his sire, courting interest from other Kindred in the ports they visited, but ignoring the overtures of mortal politics and wealth. He was content to expand his mercantile empire and fill his pockets with the profits, but the day-to-day interested him far less than the night-to-night. And so, as they came to cross the sea on one of their many voyages together, Galeb had asked Tavernier again for motivation. And again, Tavernier directed him toward justice.
“Why is it that you repeatedly peddle this line?” Galeb’s buoyant demeanor had slipped, his expression blank, his words low. “What is it you want from me? I hear you frustratedly describe to others like us that I won’t be drawn on the matters of mortals, that you expected more of me upon my Embrace, and that my merely furnishing us both with fortune is insufficient. Do I disappoint you, sire?” He spat the last word.
“Do not call me that.” Tavernier held up his left hand, his right steadying his balance against the mast as the ship’s crew darted about, trying to control the vessel as it overcame a swell. For the first time in a long while, Tavernier looked unsteady on his feet, and he couldn’t meet his childe’s gaze. “You see me that way, but I see us as equals, as friends, peers, lovers. I’m not your commander. It’s not my place to be disappointed in you.” He lifted his face to study Galeb. “I am in awe of you. We’re told that a fledgling Kindred requires a mentor’s steady hand. In our clan, in particular, great importance is placed on lineage and the relationship between creator and creation. But here you are, Galeb, already prepared to step aside from the trivialities of the living and embrace the world of the dead. Your mind works differently to others. Sometimes you flourish, sometimes you lay as if you were a corpse, in need of affirmation before you can continue. And I believe I know what you need to become whole.”
Galeb forced a roll of his eyes and walked close to his sire, holding him tightly in his arms. “And you say what I need is justice. That if I were to adopt your view, I'd better understand my place in this world?”
Tavernier kissed Galeb on the lips and counted to ten before pulling away. “Set yourself a cause among the living, stand up for what is right among them, and yes, you’ll grip onto this world with firmness instead of just sailing on the tides from vampire court to vampire court. There must be an injustice you want answered. Now you have the power to address it!”
Galeb stroked Jean-Baptiste’s cheek before backing away. ��There is. Of course there is.” He took Tavernier’s previous position at the balustrade, looking out to sea as the ship mounted a wave and crashed into the churn, sending sailors tumbling with shouts and nervous laughter. It was starting to rain. “But I maintain blood is the motivation, regardless of how you dress it in terms like ‘vengeance’ and ‘justice.’”
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“Hektor, it’s been too long.” Galeb strode through the vampire’s antechamber and clasped the thick-set Brujah’s hand in a tight grip. Galeb had only arrived at Cyprus’s shore the night before, but whenever visiting a domain, it was his belief that early introductions made for better exchanges.
Hektor chuckled loudly as he pulled Galeb in close and patted him hard, three times, in the center of his back. “I received your message, though not long ago! As soon as I heard Galeb Bazory was sailing his way down the Mediterranean, and would be pulling into port on my island, well… I prepared for your arrival with what limited time I had! I’m frankly surprised you didn’t outpace the messenger!”
The two laughed and each took a mortal by the arm, placed in the hall by Hektor in the style of posed statues, ordered to not move until a Kindred came to claim them. Galeb’s prey had a dry trickle of urine down his leg, while Hektor’s struggled to move from having been held in place for so long. “I appreciate your grace in offering me a meal. I hadn’t wished to hunt in your domain, and Hunger stings after such a long voyage. I have to be very careful around my crew, Hektor.” Galeb’s fangs became visible in his mouth, thin and sharp. “They’re too well-trained and far too expensive to replace in every port just because I have an appetite.”
The two compatriots fed from their vessels, both man and woman stiffening and groaning, first in pleasure and then in distress, as the Prince of Cyprus and the visiting Galeb Bazory took their fill, and more besides. The air filled with the sound of the victims’ panting, hurried breaths, before Galeb dropped his mortal gently to the pillowed floor. Hektor however, didn’t relent. By the time he dropped the young woman, her chest had stopped rising and falling with breath.
The rotund Brujah wiped the gore from his mouth and dragged fingers through his knotted gray beard, forcing blood to spatter the tiles. “In my family, we consider it improper to leave a meal half-finished,” Hektor smiled through his thick facial hair, “but of course, you’re not of my family, are you, Galeb? Do you ever wonder how I know your preferences for feeding?”
Galeb stared at the fallen woman. Not the first dead body he’d witnessed, and unlikely to be the last. “No, I can’t say it’s ever troubled me. I doubt you’d be a Prince if you weren’t well-versed in knowing your guests ahead of their arrival.”
“Ah, well, on that matter you are correct. Praxis is a many-splendored thing, but does come with its share of demands… But you’re not here to engage me in political discussion, are you?” Hektor clapped his hands together loudly, drawing Galeb’s attention from the corpse on the floor. “Don’t worry about her. Someone will come to clean up the mess.”
The young Ventrue shook his head. Tavernier made clear to him early on in their new relationship that some Kindred valued life more cheaply than others. Galeb had long convinced himself he would see mortals as little more than feeding stock, but still; when presented with the unfeeling way with which Hektor fed from and dumped his bodies, and the rumors of the Brujah’s habit of tossing them off Cyprus’s cliffs, leaving families forever in the dark as to their relatives’ fates, Galeb clenches his teeth. There was a difference between vampires like he and Hektor, and it wasn’t — as Tavernier liked to say — due to lineage. This was a question of morality, and what brought Galeb to this island in the Mediterranean.
Galeb was in no mood to continue dwelling on the monstrosity of his host. “If my messenger arrived here, you’ll know my reasons for visiting, and that my stay will not be overlong. I promised high payment for good information. So tell me, Hektor: is the information good?” Galeb pulled a purse from his belt and threw it directly into Hektor’s cupped hands. The Brujah didn’t check the contents, but did squeeze the small pouch before giving a nod… which swiftly evolved into a shake of the head.
“Galeb, boy. You should blame that rogue, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, for all this. You’ve sailed a long way and I’m sad to say I do not have the information you seek.” Hektor shrugged stiffly. “Only news you do not wish to hear.”
Galeb’s jaw once again clenched, and he ground his fangs together. He felt his hands balling into fists. Another very mortal gesture. Interesting how proximity to my mortal life makes me behave in mortal ways, he thought to himself before making an effort to temper his temper and ask for more information. “Please do not think me rude, Hektor, but get to the damn point. Fair or foul, I wanted to know the location of my mother and my brother in Constantinople. I doubt very much that you discovered nothing, so tell me what it is you know.”
Galeb had departed Constantinople as a youth, and not of his own volition. His mother, once named Jeannette de Bazory, served as an honored concubine in Sultan Ahmed III’s court in Constantinople. It was a good life for her, and a wondrous existence for the young Galeb, or Şehzade Süleyman, as his father named him. He enjoyed the luxuries of the court, the doting of dozens of beautiful, caring, intelligent women, and the love of a mother who adored him.
And then his father fell from power, and the young Galeb conspired, in foolish and naive ways, to have Ahmed restored. His mother, discovering this, and suspecting others might have done the same, sent her resisting son away from Constantinople before the Janissaries could capture him and murder him for treason. He’d not seen his family since, had never again set foot in Constantinople, and had resisted the urge to discover their fates.
But then came Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, with his talk of wrongs being righted, of justice being done, of vengeance for past ills. Again and again, Tavernier drummed into Galeb’s head that he would find purpose and satisfaction were he to revisit the past and see to it that injustices were answered. So, finally, Galeb agreed to sail for Constantinople and find his family.
“Answer me, Hektor. What became of them?” Galeb leaned forward, close enough to touch the bulbous vampire.
Hektor imitated an appearance of sadness. Galeb knew it was false as soon as he saw it on the Brujah’s face. Hektor had never looked anything other than angry or jubilant in the time he’d known him. Sorrow didn’t seem to appear in his register. “My poor boy… Ahh, Galeb. I’m sorry. I hate to be the bearer of such tidings, but I present you with the unfortunate truth that your mother was killed not long after you left the Holy City, and your brother was imprisoned. His fate is not confirmed, but it’s likely he expired in the cells and his body disposed of as that of a peasant or criminal. Always… tragic, when that happens to children.” Hektor offered his hands in condolence.
Galeb didn’t take them. He looked away from Hektor and out through an archway in the wall, where he could see the sea beneath the moonlight. “I… I cannot blame you for this, though I feel a rage stirring within me. They were not your responsibility, but mine, and I have been gone too long.”
Hektor laughed, much to Galeb’s annoyance. “And they say Ventrue are without emotion! Ah, Galeb. My boy. I truly am sorry you travelled all this way for such bad news. Still, you are welcome to remain here for as long as you desire it. I am always happy to host you, and your diamonds are always welcome in my court.” The implication was clear. You can stay, but you’ll be paying for it.
Galeb stood sharply, and once again clasped Hektor’s hand. “No, I will not be staying. Though my family may be dead, my journey remains incomplete. Tavernier says I need this to complete myself, or further my growth, or…” Galeb lifted his hand to his head and pressed his wrist to his temple. What was the point of this? How is this supposed to help me? What do you want from me, Jean-Baptiste? As Galeb contemplated, he felt that familiar roar inside his heart. That old voice, wanting to lash out.
Galeb locked eyes with Hektor.
“Can you see that ship out there in the bay, Hektor?” Galeb walked over to the archway, pointing into the distance.
The Prince moved to join him, sucking at some of the pieces of skin still wedged between his teeth. “Which one?”
Galeb didn’t answer. Instead, he moved back a step, and rammed his shoulder into the Brujah’s back, sending him tumbling through the archway and down the side of the building.
The drop wouldn’t kill the Prince. It wouldn’t even hurt him significantly, if rumors of his age were to be believed. But random and sudden acts of violence like this? Galeb found them to be very useful in curtailing the Beast. Even with his increasing distance from mortality, Galeb felt it better to unleash on a monster like Hektor than some undeserving mortal.
With vampires like Hektor, another purse filled with diamonds would be enough to make up for the poor manners.
Constantinople. Galeb recognized the streets, the sounds of a hundred accents, and when he forced himself to take a breath, he recognized the smells.
In particular, he recognized the odor of blood.
Currently, Galeb was covered in the tacky fluid, occasionally licking around his mouth or sucking some of it from his hands. He stared through a crimson mask at a Janissary he knew was named Ibrahim, the disarmed man cowering before the vampire. “Please understand, I’ve not lost control.” Galeb kicked the man’s sword far away, lodging the blade into the back of one of the Janissary’s fallen bodyguards. “This is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.”
The Janissary nodded feverishly, his eyes wide, his one good hand held up in surrender.
“I’m not berserk. I’m not in a rage. I’m delivering justice in place of injustice. I find the entire concept ludicrous, honestly, but Jean-Baptiste says this is what I need to do, so…” Galeb thrust his dagger into the Janissary’s stomach and provoked a scream from the terrified man. “I’m not going to lie to you. You’ll die here. But how quickly you pass on to the next life comes down to your answers to my questions.”
The Janissary didn’t respond with anything intelligible, instead gurgling in pain.
Galeb wasn’t feeling sympathetic, squatting down and leaning over the man as he twisted the blade. “When I lived here, my name was Şehzade Süleyman. I was one of the Sultan’s many bastards. It’s possible you remember me.”
Galeb gritted his teeth. He wasn’t a sadist, but there was that growl again, deep inside him. All this blood spilled, and he hadn’t fallen to his hands and knees to lap it up yet. He needed to maintain control to get the answers he sought.
“Even if you don’t, these are the facts: you and your cohorts ousted my father and made him place his nephew on the throne. By rights, that throne should have been mine, but I care little for rulership over your kind. What I care for more, is the fate of my father, who I’ve found died incarcerated; my mother, who smuggled me from this place and was subsequently butchered by you, and your friends; and my brother, Mustafa. It’s his whereabouts I need to discover, to ensure wrongs are righted.” Galeb extracted the dagger, and as it left the Janissary’s body, a small fountain of blood followed, which swiftly formed a spreading puddle on and around the old man. “So tell me. Where did you put him?”
The Janissary’s eyes were shut, but they opened as Galeb struck him across the face. “Yes! Yes! Mustafa! He’s imprisoned in the Topkapı Palace! Please! Please have mercy…”
The vampire considered his next move. End this traitor’s life. Drink deep and leave him as a drained husk. Leave him in agonizing pain… “I’m not a cruel man, but I am who I am tonight, because of men like you. And frankly,” Galeb surveyed the blood leaking from the Janissary’s body, “I doubt you’re my type.”
Galeb gripped the man’s jaw and stared into his wide eyes. “You will not remember my face, my name, or what I asked. Know that you’re dying, call out for help, but forget your attacker.”
The Janissary slowly nodded as Galeb stood and walked away, the dying man’s mind completely altered, left only with a blank space where the vampire once stood. Galeb licked the blood from his dagger and winced, before spitting it to the floor. “Definitely not my type.”
Seven throats were cut in the palace as Galeb made his way to the dungeons. The fledgling Ventrue was coated near head to foot in blood, and stood on one side of the bars separating him from his mortal brothers and cousins. It appeared the new Sultan was keen on locking away any potential claimants to the throne, but desired to keep them alive, in case he required their support. The prisoners awake to see Galeb gasped and let out moans of fear. Words like “demon” and “monster” reached his ears from their trembling lips.
“I’m not here to harm any of you. I’m here for Mustafa.”
Some of the prisoners gathered to hide the soft young man, who closely resembled the more severe Galeb. Others pointed him out in fear of what might happen if they refused to follow Galeb’s command.
Galeb fell to one knee and passed his dagger through the bars toward Mustafa, who let the blade drop to the stones. There was no recognition in Mustafa’s eyes toward his brother, whether due to their time apart, or the blood caked over him. “Mustafa. You do not need to know who I am, but know I’ve killed the men who killed our mother, and I will do my best to ensure you one day come to power, as… It would be justice.” Galeb’s voice lowered. “This blade opened the throats of your enemies. Keep it close and do not hesitate to use it to protect your own family, when you escape this place. I should have used it long ago to protect my own.”
Without receiving a response, Galeb rose and turned on his heel, quickly leaving the prison. He only found one guard in his path, who made no effort to tackle the vampire when she saw the monster before him.
Emerging from the Bosphorus, the blood streaking and washed from his skin, Galeb let out a roar, giving his Beast voice for the first time since arriving in Constantinople. As he trudged ashore and in the direction of his ship, he thought of the life he’d once lived, the eternity ahead of him, and his connection to Kindred, kine, and the world. He reflected on his relationship with his sire, how scared his brother looked, how those Janissaries screamed…
As he climbed the side of his ship, making his way up to the deck, Galeb muttered to himself, looking for the last time at Constantinople. “I was right, Tavernier… It wasn’t ‘justice’ that would make me grow. It wasn’t ‘righting wrongs.’ The motivation for all our kind is simply blood.”
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jieanette · 2 years
A Collection of Depictions of Michael and Gabriel
I made this as a Twitter thread earlier this year. I decided to post this on Tumblr because why not? Since this format is more effective and fitting than on Twitter.
Also, I made this thread with the intense purpose to ship Michael/Gabriel
Keep in mind that some needed some speculation, and I took all of my info on Wikipedia. I did some research myself but I got lazy during it so a lot of info may be wrong or inaccurate, so please be mindful of that. 
The first time they’re mentioned at the same time is during The Book of Daniel (Daniel 10:13), where a ‘man in lenin’ told Daniel the Prince of Persia had resisted them for 21 days from delivering the message to him and that Michael had helped them. Some people speculate that this could be Gabriel because of Daniel's initial (They were introduced earlier) and current reaction to them, which is fear (or more precisely, trembling on hands and knees). But others say that it wouldn’t be them because their name are not mentioned during the passage, and that Daniel had met Gabriel before, so it’s weird for him to choose to be scared twice. 
Another thing that supports the man being Gabriel is that the man in lenin is mentioned again in The Book of Ezekiel, where they followed the orders of God to mark those who would survive the massacre of Israel. Drawing a mark can be interpreted as ‘sending a message’, and it fits considering Gabriel’s role in the New Testament is sending the news to Zechariah and Mary about the birth of John The Baptist and Jesus. 
But again, this is pure speculation. This angel may or may not be Gabriel. The reason I put this here is because this is the very first depiction where Michael and Gabriel (sort of) are mentioned together in the canon Biblical text, and possibly the only canon depiction from the canon Bible. And also I wanna be delusional and think it’s Gabriel for personal reasons anjkdhsjd
Carrying on, in Judaism, there’s a quote saying, “When a man is in need, he must pray directly to God, and neither to Michael nor to Gabriel." Michael and Gabriel are said to be the guardian angels of Israel.
In Kabbalah literature, Gabriel is portrayed as working in concert with Michael as part of God’s court.
In Eastern Orthodox, Michael and Gabriel are considered to be the guardian angels of the Church.
Within Anglicanism, there is a controversial proposal written by bishop Robert Clayton that proposes that Michael is the Logos (a title connected to the trinity) and Gabriel is the Holy Spirit. 
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I actually tried to check it out myself, but it’s like, 400 pages long and I can’t be asked to read the entire thing so I just skimmed through and read the parts where Michael and Gabriel are mentioned. I could only find Gabriel being mentioned as the Holy Spirit, I’m sure that the previous pages did mention Michael as the Logos, but again, I’m too lazy to go back and practically gave up by the end of it. So it’s better to read it yourself if you’re interested.
Fun fact about this depiction by Robert Clayton is that apparently, it was so controversial that the government ordered his prosecution, but he died before his scheduled examination.  
Moving on, in Islam, Michael is often paired with Gabriel. A version of a hadith by an-Nasa’i, Muhammad is quoted saying that Michael and Gabriel came to him and sat down by his left and right side respectively. With Gabriel telling him to recite the Qu’ran in one mode, while Michael telling him to ask more until he reached seven modes. 
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According to another hadith in Sahih Muslim, Michael and Gabriel accompanied him on the day of the Battle of Uhud.
In artistic depictions, the two Archangels are depicted together since the 8th century e.g the stone casket at the Notre Dame de Mortain church in France.
Though there is another artistic depiction of them, in the reproduced image of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, an icon of the Cretan school, depicts Michael on the left carrying the lance and sponge of the crucifixion of Jesus, with Gabriel being on the right side of Mary and Jesus.
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Another artistic depiction is Justice Between the Archangels Michael and Gabriel by Jacobello del Fiore.
Soo that’s all for this blog. If you made it this far, thank you so much!! If you have any extra information about them, or correct or clarify any info, feel free to do so!
 It means the world to me that you’re willing to hear my ramblings. Hope you gained something from this and have a nice day!
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derelictheretic · 25 days
Tagged by @scorpiosleeps ! Thank you for the tag <33
Rules: bold/color the themes that apply to your ship, and italicize the theme if it’s one-sided, within your story.
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height difference (totally average height kings stick together) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (John and his disrespect for perosnal space)/ and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (Dean's dog Baby <3) / have kids / want kids (Dean didn't think he wanted kids but Charmeine is his lil angel) / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters (do violent pseudo romantic radio calls count?)
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height difference (Anya the 6ft queen) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (Sasha and Lev <3) / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together (Could have been if Anya communicated) / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies (Anya can't have nice things) / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (They have an alternate happy ending I swear—) / happily ever after / love letters
Tagging @trashcatsnark @deputyash @strafethesesinners @megraen and anyone else who would like to do it!!
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @adelaidedrubman <3 | @thesingularityseries @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @euryalex @strafethesesinners @strangefable @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @jinfromyarikawa @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @locustandwildhoney @fourlittleseedlings @poisonedtruth @vampireninjabunnies-blog @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @jacobsneed @voidika @harmonyowl @schoute and anyone with something to share <3
This week, I'm treating you all with two snippets: first one is a bonus POV of the confrontation between the unlucky Peggie and Zorro (as part of Chapter 10 because it was floating around in my brain way too vividly not to write it all down; I can picture the whole thing as a cartoon scene and can't help but cackle at poor Owen's fate. Now, I didn't fully snap and write it from Zorro's POV, thought it would have been hilarious.), the second snippet is from Chapter 11 where we go back to John and Sabrina (tension, something, something).
*in my best Julian Slink voice*: Enjoy the show, folks.
obvious warning for the first snippet about descriptions of a racoon attacking a cultist.
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"I don't think the Sinner would show up.", Owen muttered as he sat down in one of the old chairs, trading places with William at patrolling the perimeter around the cottage. "We have orders, Owen. Or do you feel like finally facing the fact you ain't cut our for this job?", Constantine smirked at him, lounging back in his seat, clearly enjoying the fact they were faced with another uneventful night shift. Owen was the youngest and most recent recruit between the three of them and the man sitting next to him had spent every waking second in making his life hell since being assigned to work together a few days back. "I know, brother. But don't you want to be out there delivering Sinners to brother John instead of sitting around when the Reaping has begun?" "Are you questioning John's orders?" "No, of course not.", Owen retorted quickly, knowing full well what happened to those that disobeyed the Herald. Constantine only grunted in response, and they sat in silence, watching William do his routine check of the grounds in the distance. Two more of their people were stationed down the road that connected to the property, keeping watch in case the Deputy finally decided to make an appearance at his home. Minutes passed where Owen found himself close to drifting off, overworked from all the long shifts, then a loud noise came from inside the cottage, making him jump in alarm and causing the sleepiness to fully leave his system. "Go check that out, Owen.", Constantine ordered. "Uh-, what if it's the Sinner?" "We're here to capture him, are we not?" "I, just, should I go alone, brother?" "Yes." Constantine was in no mood for arguments, staring at him impatiently and when he saw no movement from the young recruit, he pointed with his thumb behind him, muttering, "Chop-chop, Owen."
Owen couldn't help but think of the stories he had heard about the Deputy taking out every capture party sent his way. He knew he had to follow John's orders because that was the Will of the Father, but it still didn't help the primal fear he experienced at the idea he might come face to face with the one they were tasked to catch. "I will go.", he whispered as he got up and headed for the front door with convinction, the rifle shaking slightly in his hand. Constantine didn't bother with a reply and he wondered if the man would even come to his assistance if something was to go wrong. Owen pushed the door open quietly, his eyes struggling to make anything out in the dark living room, the only illumination came from the porch light and it didn't go too far inside. He stopped at the threshold, listening for any sound and when he came up empty he passed through the doorway with a simple goal in mind: to turn on one of the lamps that he could distinguish as a silhouette ahead of him. The door shut with an unsettling click the second he let go of it to proceed further in and he wondered if it had done it on its own or Constantine was pulling another trick on him. Just as he reached for the switch, he felt something bump into his leg, but he told himself he was just on edge, imagining things. I'm bigger than my fear. Joseph said God will protect us. The words worked at calming his nerves until a sharp pain came in his pinkie as teeth closed around his hand, making him scream out and drop his weapon. He managed to clumsily turn on the light with his other hand and his eyes shifted between his bloodied fingers and a raccoon on the ground, its menacing pose foretelling Owen of more trouble to follow. Shock overtook him as his gaze landed on a bloody piece of sausage at his feet, then moved back to his hand instinctively. No. It wasn't a sausage, but his pinkie. He looked at his hand again, counting his fingers in dread, refusing to believe what he was seeing.
One.Two. Three. Four. No. And no matter how many times he counted, he came up short with one finger.
"OH MY GOD!", Owen shouted, his voice springing the raccoon into action and before he could react the animal launched itself at him, grabbing onto his shoulders. The crazed look in its beady eyes made his blood freeze. Tiny claws dig into his skin through his sweater. "Brother, HELP!", he screamed over and over again as he ran around the room in an attempt to shake off his vicious attacker. Disoriented and in a complete state of terror, he kept spinning in circles and knocking into various pieces of furniture. His feet couldn't stop slipping on the blood gushing from his injured hand, hindering his movements. To his horror, as much as he tried to remove the hellish creature off his body, it continued to hold on with a ravenous look on its small face as it bared its teeth at him. The whole time it produced the most haunting noise Owen had ever heard in his life, it was between a snarl and scream, and he had no doubt it would haunt him in his nightmares. At one point he inevitably stumbled over a chair, finding himself unable to catch his fall since his hands were too busy grabbing at the racoon in desperation to unlatch its claws. The frenzied animal wasted no time when he hit the ground, aiming its attack at his face next and Owen closed his eyes in last last ditch effort to protect his eyes, knowing John would have no use of him if he loses his sight. Save me, Father. God. Anyone. Please.
But no matter how much he prayed, help refused to come and the Devil's pet remained on top of him, nimbling on his long hair, its angry snarling getting closer and closer to his ear. God, it's going to eat me. This isn't how I want to die. "What are you screaming about like a little girl, Owen?", Constantine asked in annoyance, entering the cabin, his sudden appearance making the raccoon finally release its hold on Owen and scurry off towards one of the unlit rooms of the cabin. "It-it bit off my finger. It re-refused to let me go.", Owen stuttered out, holding out his hand, the pain coming to him at once as the adrenaline abandoned him. The sight of his injury and red-hot sensation in his finger made him feel dizzy. Blackness was taking over the corners of his vision quickly and he couldn't understand why Constantine's lips moved but no sound was reaching his ears. "Owen.", was the last thing he heard before he passed out.
"You won't disappoint me, would you, Owen?"Joseph's voice played on repeat in his mind, getting louder and progressively more accusatory as he fought darkness. Those same words were spoken to him on his official acceptance as one of John's Chosen before the Reaping's start. He had felt hope and believed he would be helping the Project to save people's souls, instead he had ended up on cabin watch duty with a partner that hated his guts for no reason. "He's not cut out for this, brother. Can't you see. Defeated by a RACOON.", John's maniacal laughter was deafening and coming from all directions as the racoon's beady eyes and sharp teeth flashed in his memory. "Owen. Owen. Owen.", his name echoed, then he felt a sharp pain in his face. "He won't wake up like that, Constantine.", a voice scolded. "Be my guest then, William. Wake the Sleeping beauty up." The arguing brought him back to reality, the bright light coming from overhead blinding his eyes for a brief second as he forced them open, then they adjusted and took in his two "brothers" looming over him as he laid on the floor. "What happened?", he asked in confusion, then everything came back to him. "You passed out, Owen.", Constantine narrowed his eyes, shaking his head as he muttered, "How did you even make it through your Confession?"
"I bandaged your hand, brother.", William interjected, pulling him to his feet. He eyed him over with concern as he asked, "What happened? Did the Sinner do this? Your face is all scratched up." "Thank you.", he said in a small voice, trying to ignore the blood at his feet and the pain he felt as he stumbled outside, sitting down in one of the chairs again, "It was a-a-a racoon." Constantine let out a guttural laugh, "Oh, mercy me, wait until brother John finds out about this. You couldn't even deal with a racoon? Hope you like roaming in the fields, boy, because you're going to be an Angel soon." "Cut it out, Constantine, or do you feel the need for another Confession?", William sent him warning look as he sat down too, "Show some concern for our brother, will ya." Owen took a deep breath, the throbbing in his hand making him feel nauseous, "I think I need to see a-a doctor." "Our shift isn't over, Owen.", William reminded him quietly, "We can't leave the cabin unattended in case the Sinner shows up. We would have to call this in and it won't end well for you with John." "But-" "You have an issue, take it up with brother Wyatt or John himself.", Constantine gritted out, as he went down the stairs leading off the porch, "I'm going out on patrol next."
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The downstairs area was empty, silence ruled over the whole house as she made herself a cup of coffee. She eyed the untouched plate that was still on the table with disappointment and without a second thought she threw away the food, knowing it would hurt Savannah if she finds out when she wakes up that John hadn't eaten the dinner they had prepared. Fresh morning air seeped in through the open window above the sink when she leaned against the counter, holding her almost finished cup of coffee. If she closed her eyes, for a second she could pretend nothing had changed, that Ms. Darcy or Cal would soon knock on the door, stopping by for breakfast. Instead any of that happening, minutes later John finally appeared, entering the kitchen quietly. He was already dressed for the day, wearing a pair of jeans and thin dark sweater with its zipper down, showing off the strange scar on his chest again. "Morning, Deputy.", he muttered as he beelined to the coffee machine. His arm brushed against hers when he grabbed an empty mug from the dish rack and poured coffee into it, not bothering to add any sugar or cream. "Morning.", she responded, her voice was even despite the fact he was standing unnecessary close and his presence that had taken over the room the second he appeared. His eyes darkened, darting to her collarbone, then his hand reached out, fingers grazing her skin as he moved her T-shirt's neckline back into place until it wasn't slipping off her shoulder.
His arm retreated then, but she could still feel its warmth at the place of contact and the way her body reacted to the simplest touch. You're calling this keeping your distance? "Are you feeling like telling me about your tattoo yet?" "What's to tell?" "A lot, Deputy. People usually ink their skin for a reason and what they choose reveals even more about them." "And what if I just got drunk, stumbled into a tattoo parlor and pointed at the first thing I saw as design? What then, John?" "Now, we both know that would be a lie." His gaze remained on hers, the intensity making her clear her throat and blurt out the first thing that came to her mind, in hopes of changing the subject, "I'm going to wash the shirt you gave me and return it-" Amusement flashed in his eyes before he said, "Keep it. But I'm holding you to the promise about my jacket, Deputy. I'd like to wear it again, you know." When he didn't say anything else as he picked up his cup and headed towards the door, no doubt planning to go to the Bunker straight away, Sabrina spoke up. "You promised we'd talk. Are you running off to your "happy place" again?" He shook his head, not bothering to look back at her, "I'm not. I'm going to grab something, I had no idea if you're awake yet with how quiet everything was." John climbed back upstairs as Sabrina took a final sip of her coffee and sat down at the kitchen table, wondering how long he would make her wait on him this time. To her surprise he returned shortly after, placing a black notebook on the table before he took a seat across from her.
Sabrina flipped through it, empty pages greeting her, as he said, "It's for your visions. Whatever comes to you, you write it all down as usual. This time for me." "And if it's nothing of significance? I have no control over what I see or-" "I understand that you can't force them. Just note them down, I will be the one deciding what's important." "Okay.", she sighed.
Deep down, she knew she had an advantage in the situation: the fact he had no way of confirming what she'd actually seen and as result she could in a way control what information he receives. John raised his cup, taking a sip, before saying with a faint smile, "I can sense all the questions bouncing around in that curious mind of yours, Deputy. Shall we get this over with?" I might as well try. "Whitehorse, Joey, Pratt… do you- do you have the others?" His eyes narrowed, making her wonder if she just ruined whatever good mood he was in, "Remember what I told you before?" "That I should worry only about myself?", at his nod, she added, "That's not the type of person I am, John." "They refused to listen to your warnings, Deputy.", his gaze darkened as a frown took over his features, "Then they left you behind for me to find, wounded, if I may say." "After your people made our helicopter crash and-" "Did you even stop to ask yourself why Whitehorse wanted you to arrest my brother. Why he or that arrogant Marshal wouldn't do it instead?" "It's not my place to question his orders." Her words didn't stop him, instead a dark smile appeared on his face, "For years, he chose not to get in our way, "keeping up the peace", he'd call it. But, Sabrina, he was afraid. He knew my brother was right, that there's nothing he could do to stop what's God's Will." "God's Will". There was nothing more she hated than those words, how people hid behind them as they hurt others. She'd seen it so many times. When she said nothing, John continued, probably believing he was getting through to her, "And when "evidence" finally appeared, when old Earl had a warrant, what did he do?"
"Just-" "He put you in the center of everything, Sabrina, basically threw you to the wolves. Did you think he had no idea how an arrest would unfold and what consequences it would bring? You're not that naive, Deputy. Deep down, you know." In a way he was doing what she had tried to do back at the cabin: convince him what he believed was misguided, dangerous. Yet where her words came from a place of concern for him and the people he would hurt in attempts to appease Joseph, here John wanted her to stop asking questions, accept the Project and overlook all the red flags surrounding his brother's ideas. "It wasn't my first arrest, John. I've faced so many criminals, some would make your brother look like a saint. Do you expect me to join the Project and leave all my collegues in Joseph's hands, free to do whatever he decides with them?" "You've been here for what, two months… you owe them nothing, Sabrina, worry about your sister and keeping her safe." Of course you'd say that. "Loyalty isn't determined by time, John. I've made a vow." A vow to her father. To herself. That she would protect people, just like he had done his whole life. Still, Sabrina knew the conversation would lead nowhere, she hadn't expected much anyway. "And Ms. Darcy?" "What about Darcy Harris?", his face was unreadable, the mask refusing to slip even for a second. Sabrina let out a frustrated breath, "Where is she? Locked in that bunker of horrors? I know you two had bad blood." His blue eyes shone at her questions, "My Gate. Are you asking for my alibi, Deputy? And again, you should-" "Worry about myself? NO. You told me to ask questions, I'm doing just that." "They're all where God wants them to be. It's all unfolding according to His plan. That's all you need to know."
"God or Joseph's plan? Because to me, they're two different things." John gave her a warning look, "Sabrina. I'm not getting into this with you." She took a deep breath, knowing she had to be careful how much she pushed, so she kept her silence as her fingers clutched the notebook. "Should I remind you that you're the one that should be providing information according to our deal, not the other way around?" Sabrina fought back a smile at his tone, "I feel like I should have my lawyer present… is this where I demand my one phone call?" John let out a chuckle, "You seem quite capable at negotiations on your own, Deputy." "A compliment? Careful, I might start to think you're impressed by a Sinner." "Impressed?", he licked his lips, "That doesn't seem like the right word to me." "What would you call it then?", the question slipped before she could stop it. "A complete bewitchment.", his intense gaze didn't waver from hers, "When it comes to you, Deputy, I just can't help it. I want to know more." She forced herself to look away, eyes darting up to the window while she attempted to ignore what his tone and the conviction in his words did to her insides. The air grew heavy with tension as he pushed back his chair and stood up, coming to stand next to her, the sudden move making Sabrina scrunch her face in confusion as she stared at him. In a blink, he was cradling her cheek with one hand, the move shocking her not only because of how unexpectedly it happened, but because of the gentleness lurking behind it. "You have no idea about how much danger you are in, do you? You still worry about everyone else but yourself. You're good at pretending, but not good enough to fool me." She tried to keep her emotions in check, but her breath hitched at his next words, his blue eyes pulled her in as his fingers stroked her cheek, "Did you even sleep last night?" She shook her head, hoping his touch would retreat as she did, but it remained, the heat from his palm spreading across her skin as the seconds ticked by. "I'm fine." "I'm not convinced, try again.", that all-too-familiar look was hiding in gaze, holding a dark promise. I have to stop this before you drag me into dangerous waters. "I'm fine.", she repeated, ignoring the giddy sensation she felt as she grabbed his hand and how a part of her wanted to hold his palm to her face, instead of removing it. 
John backed away, grabbing his coffee, smirking as he said, "At least you took care of that wound for me. That's progress." Sabrina cleared her throat, moving onto her next question while willing her heart to slow down, "I wanted to ask… What did you mean by staying on the premises? Savannah wanted to go play outside yesterday, but I had no idea what to tell her." "You can go out, Deputy, just don't leave the property or go running off to-", he stopped himself. "Who?" He shook his head, "Nobody." But his face said otherwise, clouded by something she couldn't place. What were you about to say, Seed? "Thank you then.", she mumbled. He turned to the door without replying and was almost out of the kitched when she spoke up again, "Are you headed back there? Will you resort to avoiding me again, now that you've kept your promise?" As much as she tried to ignore the thoughts about what was going down in the bunker, what he was doing… she couldn't, and she swore she'd find a way to stop it. Find a way to get through to him. "They all have a light in them, monkey, sometimes you just have to look very hard until you find it.", her father's words came to her as a reminder that she had to have hope, keep pushing.  Seconds passed in silence before John turned, "No, Deputy." No to which… Sabrina gave him a questioning look, forcing him to elaborate, "I'm staying here today, I have some things to take care of." "Oh. Then should we expect you for breakfast?" He gave her a nod, followed by a small smile, "That would be nice." "Savannah will be thrilled, she kept waiting on you to arrive yesterday-" A tired breath escaped him as he whispered, "I'm sorry. For being no-show, when you had dinner ready-", he stopped, eyes darting to the table in realization, "Where's my plate?" "I threw the food away." "Sabrina-" She waved him off, hiding the shock at his apology, burying it deep, "I'm used to it, my mother-", she bit her lip before the rest of the sentence could slip out, knowing saying anything further would provide information on her life. How it would feed his curiosity further, make him crave to hear even more. The less he knew, the better, especially when he viewed secrets as currency. "Your mother what, Deputy?", John raised an eyebrow. "Nothing." "There's something there, I can tell. All you have to do is open up, let it all pour out. I'm a good listener, I promise." "Pass.", she deadpanned. "The offer remains on the table.", he shrugged before heading back upstairs.
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derelictdumbass · 1 month
The Angel's Baptist
warning/s: religious themes, unhealthy relationship dynamics, canon-typical violence
It's funny referring to Dean as an angel seeing how his character ends up but in an odd way at the start of his story in Hope County he really is—compared to John. The worst things he'd ever done were during a traumatic childhood, his teen years spent self isolating and his early years of adulthood were spent in the most mundane, boring ways possible. Even during the beginning of the story he was giving all his days to help others. But under the surface there's a lot more than that, he's still riddled with sin, and John can see it.
Despite the first cursory glance showing something akin to a saint John can see all the cracks within him and he digs his fingers in until he can start tearing Dean apart and exposing every scar and vice. And what he finds is a broken man who'd rather sleep than take care of himself, a man who'd rather start a barfight to punish himself rather than go to therapy, a man whose so comfortable in his own company he neglects his relationships and doesn't do anything to change.
A man so afraid of being seen he uses his teeth as a warning and his words as a knife. But he never bites down and John has always been comfortable with his neck in an open maw.
Once John has scrapped away all the coating and gotten to the core of Dean he's more ethereal than ever, to John each imperfection and unhealthy coping mechanism is a work of art. A work of art he's ready to mold, to creep inside and weave himself into as a support structure that can't be taken out without destroying the whole thing.
Dean is a fallen angel, wings dirtied with mud and body bruised and scarred from head to toe. And when John finally gets through to him and is able to cradle his broken ribs he becomes one too. Just a drop of holiness is shared through split lips and trembling fingertips. John carves out his sins and by proxy he can forget his own, in indulging in Dean's rebirth he chases his own and for once feels like maybe he reached it.
He's Dean's Baptist, his saviour, his lover, his solace—and Dean is his angel, his proof that those gates will be open to him as long as he has him in his arms.
The Sloth's Wrath
The first iteration of Dean and John's relationship, so much more violent and corruptive in almost the opposite way. Dean in this iteration has his vices on full display, he was a mess and everyone knew about it. His anger simmered and boiled over in bloody knuckles and bruised cheeks.
John's own sins were ramped up, focusing on his neglect of his previous duties in his sole need to dig his hands into Dean's soul and rip him art to build him back together. His own Wrath parries Dean's, they collided like fireworks and left scars no each other deeper than anyone else could witness.
Dean was no angel, he was from the same circle of hell that John crawled out of and it was John's sole responsibility to raise him from it. Dean resisted at every corner, almost killing him, but John knew all about the love in bloodied knees and brought Dean down to his level until all they were was raw and open and broken in each other's embrace.
The dynamic changed from violent and raw to violence in softness, a slow decline of walls until the serpent could sneak in to the garden. I like the new dynamic of slow corruption compared to how quickly Dean succumbed to John in their first iteration, he was almost immediately drawn in by the twin flame and he still is but this time he's afraid and resistant to the pull.
It's more realistic for them to have this slow dance into a descent, for Dean to grapple with what he wanted himself to be and John holding up a mirror to what he always had been. Dean is still violent and they still near kill each other but it's lathered in a twisted love neither of them can deny at the end.
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pamphletstoinspire · 3 months
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Commentary on the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Mark – Chapter 1
St. Mark, the disciple and interpreter of St. Peter (as noted by St. Jerome.) according to what he heard from St. Peter himself, wrote at Rome a brief Gospel at the request of the Brethren (fellow Christians), about ten years after our Lord's Ascension; which when St. Peter had heard, he approved of it, and with his authority he published it to the Church to be read. Baronius and others maintain, that the original was written in Latin: but the more general opinion is that the Evangelist wrote it in Greek.
First, the preaching and austerity of John the Baptist are described. Second (v. 9), the baptism, fast and temptations of Christ. Third (v. 14), the preaching of Christ and the call of Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Fourth (v. 23), the cure of the demoniac and (v. 30) the healing of Peter’s feverish mother-in-law and of many others. Fifth (v. 40), the cleansing of a leper.
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2As it is written in Isaias the prophet: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare the way before thee. 3A voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. 4 John was in the desert baptizing, and preaching the baptism of penance, unto remission of sins. 5 And there went out to him all the country of Judea, and all they of Jerusalem, and were baptized by him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. 6 And John was clothed with camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and he ate locusts and wild honey. 7 And he preached, saying: There cometh after me one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and loose. 8 I have baptized you with water; but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. 9 And it came to pass, in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 And forthwith coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit as a dove descending, and remaining on him. 11 And there came a voice from heaven: Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. 12 And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the desert. 13 And he was in the desert forty days and forty nights, and was tempted by Satan; and he was with beasts, and the angels ministered to him. 14 And after that John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 And saying: The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the gospel. 16 And passing by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother, casting nets into the sea (for they were fishermen). 17 And Jesus said to them: Come after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. 18 And immediately leaving their nets, they followed him. 19 And going on from thence a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were mending their nets in the ship: 20 And forthwith he called them. And leaving their father Zebedee in the ship with his hired men, they followed him. 21 And they entered into Caphar-naum, and forthwith upon the Sabbath days going into the synagogue, he taught them. 22 And they were astonished at his doctrine. For he was teaching them as one having power, and not as the scribes. 23 And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out,
24 Saying: What have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the Holy One of God. 25 And Jesus threatened him, saying: Speak no more, and go out of the man. 26 And the unclean spirit tearing him, and crying out with a loud voice, went out of him. 27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying: What thing is this? What is this new doctrine? For with power he commandeth even the unclean spirits, and they obey him. 28 And the fame of him was spread forthwith into all the country of Galilee. 29 And immediately going out of the synagogue they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 30 And Simon’s wife’s mother lay in a fit of a fever: and forthwith they tell him of her. 31 And coming to her, he lifted her up, taking her by the hand; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. 32 And when it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all that were ill and that were possessed with devils. 33 And all the city was gathered together at the door. 34 And he healed many that were troubled with divers diseases; and he cast out many devils, and he suffered them not to speak, because they knew him. 35 And rising very early, going out, he went into a desert place: and there he prayed. 36 And Simon, and they that were with him, followed after him. 37 And when they had found him, they said to him: All seek for thee. 38 And he saith to them: Let us go into the neighboring towns and cities, that I may preach there also; for to this purpose am I come.
Commentary: Saint Mark - Chapter 1
Verse 1. The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaias, etc. Many place a full stop before as, thinking that the beginning of the gospel, etc., is the title of the book. But that these words are not the title, but the preface of the book, is plain from the word beginning, and because they are really dependent upon the clause as it is written, etc. Therefore, a comma, not a period, must be placed before as. The word gospel, then, in this place does not denote the book of the gospel which Mark wrote, as when we say, “the Gospel of Mark,” but the gospel preaching of Jesus Christ as it follows. The meaning, therefore, is, “The gospel preaching of Christ had such a beginning as Isaias and Malachias foretold, that is to say, the preaching of John the Baptist and his testimony concerning Christ.” For John began to preach the kingdom of heaven, which would be opened by Christ’s preaching and death. Hence he urged them to repentance, that they might be capable of receiving the grace of Christ and entering the kingdom of heaven, saying, Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This preaching of his, then, was the beginning of the gospel, i.e., of the gospel preaching initiated by John and to be perfected by Christ. For Moses and the old law preached and promised a land flowing with milk and honey, if the Jews would obey God’s commandments. But Christ and the evangelical law preach and promise the kingdom of heaven, if men will repent of their sins, and keep the commandments of Christ. John’s preaching of repentance, therefore, was the preparation for, and the beginning of, Christ’s preaching the good news about the kingdom of heaven.
Note: Matthew and John commence their gospels from Christ Himself—John from the divine, Matthew from the human generation of Christ. Mark and Luke, however, begin with John the Baptist—Luke from His nativity, Mark from His preaching.
Verses 2-3. As it is written in Isaias the prophet: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare the way before thee. A voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
The former citation in verse 2 is from Malachias 3:1. The latter is from Isaias 40:3. Hence the Greek manuscripts of verse 2 have, it is written in the prophets, meaning Malachias and Isaias. But the Vulgate and some Greek copies, also the Syriac and Arabic, have “As it is written in Isaias the prophet,” and S. Jerome says that this was formerly the reading of the Greek (lib. de Optimo Genere Interpret. Script.).
You will ask, “Why does Mark only cite Isaias and not Malachias?” I answer, because the prophecy of Isaias is of greatest importance in this place, for the voice of John crying in the desert, Do penance, was the beginning of the gospel, that is, of Christ’s preaching of the good news. But inasmuch as Malachias shows that John was not sent by man, but by God, to utter these words, therefore Mark prefixes the words of Malachias to arouse the attention of the reader to receive and venerate the voice of John, foretold by Isaias. Besides, Malachias in reality says the same as Isaias. For the angel sent by God to prepare the way of Christ was none other than John himself, crying out with his voice and preaching repentance, which would prepare the hearts of men for the preaching and grace of Christ. This is, therefore, as it were, one and the same oracle of two prophets, uttered in the same sense concerning one and the same John, although in different words in each case, so that they mutually confirm and explain one another. The prophecy of Malachias is actually contained, therefore, in the prophecy of Isaias; for what Malachias predicted, Isaias predicted as well, more clearly and precisely, using other words. This, then, is the reason why Mark in this passage, and the other Evangelists and Apostles, when they cite two prophets, or two or more sentences of the same or different books of the Old Testament, quote them as one and the same testimony. This is plain from 1 Peter 2:7, compared with Psalm 117:22 and Isaias 8:14. Also 1 Corinthians 15:54-55, compared with Isaias 25:8 and Osee 13:14. The reason, I say, is, because one sentence confirms and explains the other, so much so that each in fact says the same thing as the other; which is why they seem to be not two, but one and the same sentence.
The remaining things that are said about John at the passage I have explained at Matthew 3:3 and 11:10, and at Malachias 3:1 and Isaias 40:3. That is why I shall not repeat them here, lest I hear that common reproach, “warmed-over cabbage.”
Verse 4. John was in the desert, baptizing, and preaching the baptism of penance, (that is, urging men to repent so as to be well disposed) unto (for the) remission of sins. This remission was to be received from Christ and His baptism, which was the perfection and consummation of John’s baptism. For Christ, being the king of heaven, preached that the kingdom must be received by His grace, of which the first part is remission of sins, which is afforded by the baptism of Christ, inasmuch as it is furnished and, as it were, animated by the spirit and grace of Christ, according to those words of John, I indeed baptize you in water unto penance, but he that shall come after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire (Matthew 3:11, which Mark repeats here at verse 8).
Verse 12. And immediately the Spirit drove (Greek ἐκβάλλει, i.e., sends or leads out, expels) him out into the desert. The Spirit, i.e., the Holy Spirit, who a little while before had descended upon Him at His baptism in the form of a dove. Drove, that is, impelled Christ with great power of spirit and ardor, that He might, of His own accord, go into the desert and there, as though in a palestra [wrestling school], match Himself in single combat with the devil. In that place, then, Christ and Antichrist (namely, the devil, or Lucifer) did battle.
Verse 13. And he was in the desert forty days and forty nights, and was tempted (Greek πειραζόµενος, i.e., “being tempted”) by Satan. Many conclude from this that Christ was frequently tempted by Satan during the forty days, by means of various specters and horrible monsters, such as the demon presented to S. Anthony, to terrify him and distract his mind from prayer and solitude. So Franz Lucas. But it seems that Mark, by this single word πειραζόµενος, which means “being tempted,” intended to refer to and briefly sum up the three well known temptations of Christ mentioned in Matthew 4:2 ff. Hence Luke 4:2, after the word πειραζόµενος immediately narrates these three temptations. (See commentary on Math. 4:2.) Truly, this is an instance of brevity leading to a lack of clarity.
And he was with beasts. In Greek θηρίων, i.e., “wild beasts”. This suggests the excessive solitude of the place, as well as Christ’s innocence. Although He was in such a deserted place, with lions, wolves, leopards, and serpents, yet He did not fear them, nor was He injured by them. Just as Adam, so long as he was innocent, lived with such creatures without harm in paradise. For they all looked up to him, and reverenced him as their lord.
And the angels ministered to him. Not before His temptation and victory, as Bede supposes. For if so, Jesus would have been recognized by the devil as the Son of God, from the ministrations, reverence and adoration of the angels; nor would the devil have dared to approach and tempt Him. But it was after the temptation and the victory, as is plain from Matthew 4:11. Jesus fought alone against the devil, so that by vanquishing and overcoming him, He might show in His own person that consolation and fellowship and the ministry of angels has been prepared by God for those who overcome temptations.
Verse 14. And after that John was delivered up (into prison by Herod), Jesus came in Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. This was the second coming of Christ from Judea into Galilee, that He might flee from Herod, lest he should cast Him into prison, too. For Christ had been preaching and baptizing in Judea. And the increase of His glory there had excited the envy of the scribes and Pharisees, who denounced Him to Herod as though He were a revolutionary. Hence this is the same coming of Christ as that mentioned in Math. 4:12, Luke 4:14, and John 4:3 and 43. Although some say that this last, mentioned by John, was a different one, and the third advent of Christ into Galilee, because Christ was then fleeing from the Pharisees, as John says; but in His second coming He was fleeing from Herod, as Matthew and Mark say. But, as I have observed, He fled from the Pharisees because He fled from Herod. For they had accused Him to Herod. Hence this was the same flight of Christ, and the same coming into Galilee.
Note: Christ was baptized by John in Judea, and became acquainted there with John’s disciples, Andrew and Peter; from there He went into Galilee and called Philip, and at the wedding feast of Cana in Galilee changed water into wine. This was Christ’s first coming from Judea into Galilee, narrated in John 1:43 ff. It is true that as Passover drew near, Christ returned from Galilee to Judea, so as to go up to the temple (John 2:13), and there He cast the vendors out of the temple, and after conversing with Nicodemus began to baptize and preach openly (John 3:26), which is why His increasing fame aroused the envy of the scribes. Hence, fearing that they would accuse Him to Herod, as they had accused the Baptist, and hearing that John had been killed, He again withdrew from Judea to Galilee (John 4:3 and 43), and this is the retreat mentioned in this verse of Mark and in Matthew 4:12, as I explained at that passage. Thus during that time in Galilee Christ called to be His followers four fishermen, namely Peter and Andrew, James and John, as narrated in Mark (v. 16 ff.) and in chapter 4 of Matthew.
Verse 15. And saying: The time is accomplished. The Greek has ὅτι, i.e., For the time, etc. The time, that is, of the advent of the Messias, and the kingdom of heaven. Indeed, so that what had been shut for so many thousands of years, Christ by His preaching, His death, and His grace, might open and unclose.
Repent. Do penance, that ye may detest the sins ye have committed, and determine to change your lives for the better. Beautifully says the Scholiast in the works of S. Jerome, “The sweetness of the apple makes up for the bitterness of the root, the hope of gain makes pleasant the perils of the sea, the expectation of health mitigates the pain of the treatment. He who desires the kernel breaks the nut; so he who desires the joy of a holy conscience swallows the bitterness of penance” like a pill.
Verse 19. James the son of Zebedee and John. Again beautifully says the Scholiast in S. Jerome, “By this chariot of the four fishermen we are carried up to heaven, as Elias was. On these four cornerstones the first Church was built. By four virtues we are changed into the image of God, being obedient by prudence, acting manfully by justice, trampling on the serpent by temperance, and meriting the grace of God by fortitude.” Theophylact says, “The first called is Peter, that is, action; then John, that is, contemplation.”
Verse 23. And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, i.e., a man having an unclean spirit, that is to say, possessed by a devil. For such a man is agitated and seized by the devil, so that he seems to exist and live in the devil. The Greek has, “in an unclean spirit,” which is a Hebraism. For the Hebrew uses ב beth, that is, “in,” when one noun governs another in the genitive.
And he cried out. The spirit, that is, or the devil, by the mouth of the man whom he possessed, “as though he were suffering torment,” says the Scholiast in S. Chrysostom, “as though in pain, as though unable to bear his strokes.” For, as Bede says, “The presence of the Savior is the torment of the devils.” Christ desired that by this public testimony of the demon concerning Him and by his expulsion in the synagogue of Capharnaum (for it is plain from verse 21 that these things occurred there), the Jews who were gathered there might acknowledge Him to be the Messias. There is nothing about this demoniac in Matthew, but there is in Luke 4:33.
Verse 24. Saying. The Greek adds ἔα, which the translator of Luke 4:34 renders by “let alone,” as if to say, as Euthymius interprets it, “dismiss us,” do not torment and expel us. Others take ἔα as an interjection of grieving, wondering, beseeching. As it were, “Ah! Alas! Lord, in what have I injured Thee? Do not expel me from my domain.”
What have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the Holy One of God. Meaning: “What is there between us and Thee, O Jesus? When have I or any other devils harmed Thee, so that Thou wilt drive us away and harm us? We do not attack Thee, O Christ, who art holy, but rather sinners, who are our own, so to speak. We have no quarrel with Thee; therefore, do not Thou contend with and destroy us.”
Art thou come to destroy us. Some manuscripts add, “before the time.” But the words are not found in the Greek, Latin, Syriac, and Arabic received texts. They seem to have been transferred hither from Matthew 8:29. With respect to the meaning, in the first place, Bede says that the demons, beholding the Lord upon earth, supposed that they were to be immediately judged. It was as though they said, “Do not Thou, O Jesus, by Thine advent bring on so quickly the day of judgment, and banish us to the bottomless pit without any hope of coming forth.” Second, the Scholiast in S. Chrysostom says, “Thou givest us no place among men when Thou teachest divine things.” But this is mystical. Third, and correctly, “Art thou come to destroy us, to torment us (as it says in Matth. 8:29), and to cast us out from men, and send us to hell?” Hence Theophylact says, “He calls going out of men his destruction.” For the highest pleasure of the devils is to possess, vex, and tempt men. Luke 8:31 confirms this. And they besought him that he would not command them to go into the abyss.
I know who thou art, [namely] the holy One of God. In Arabic, “O holy One; in Greek, ὁ ἅγιος, the holy One, singularly and emphatically. “Thou who art so holy that Thou communicatest Thy holiness to others, since Thou art, as it were, the fountain and the sun of sanctity, who sanctifiest all the saints, the Messias and the Son of God, for whom all are eagerly waiting so many thousands of years,” as other demons explain in Mark 3:12. Thus Theophylact, Euthymius and others. There is an allusion to Daniel 9:24, that the Saint of saints may be anointed, i.e., the Messias. (See commentary.) Furthermore the devil here beseeches Christ not to torment and expel him, and flatters Him so as to lead Him into vainglory. Then, too, the Gloss says, “This is not a voluntary confession but one extorted by necessity.”
I know. That is, I suspect, I suppose, I think. For, as the Scholiast in Chrysostom says, the devil had no firm and certain knowledge of the coming of God. Because, as S. Augustine says (lib. 9, de Civitate c. 21), He only made known to them as much as He wished; and He only wished as much as was expedient. But He made it known by certain effects of His power; more on this at 3:12.
Verse 25. And Jesus threatened him. Greek ἐπετίµησεν αὐτῷ, i.e., “rebuked, menaced him,” threatening that He would punish him unless he were silent.
Saying, Speak no more. Arabic, “Shut thy mouth.” Why? I reply, first, because it was not fitting for Christ, that is, God, to be praised by a devil; just as it is not proper for a virgin to be commended by a harlot. Thus Tertullian (lib. 4 Contra Marcionem).
Second, so that He might not appear to be a friend of the devil, and to have dealings with him. For afterward it was objected to Christ that He cast out devils by the aid of Beelzebub (Matth. 12). By acting as He did, Christ has taught us to shun all dealings with the devil; for he is the sworn enemy of God, and is wholly bent upon injuring and destroying us, even when he promises or brings us any corporal aid. Hence, as the Scholiast in Chrysostom saith, “Be silent; let thy silence be My praise. Let not thy voice, but thy torments praise Me. I am not pleased that thou shouldst praise Me, but that thou shouldst go forth.”
Third, to show that we should resist flattery, that it may not stir up any desire of vainglory in our breast. Thus Bostrensis on Luke, chapter 8.
Fourth, Euthymius says, “He has taught us never to believe the demons, even when they say what is true. For since they love falsehood, and are most hostile to us, they never speak the truth except to deceive. They make use of the truth as it were a kind of bait.” For, liars that they are, they conceal and disguise their lies by a coloring of truth. They say certain things that are true at the first, and afterward interweave with them what is false, that those who have believed the first may believe also the last. For this reason Paul drove out the pythonical spirit who praised him (Acts 16:18).
Fifth, Because the demon in an unseasonable manner, and too speedily, disclosed that Christ was the Messias. For this might have injured Him, and turned the people away from Him. For so mighty a secret should be disclosed gradually, and the people be persuaded of its truth by many miracles; for otherwise they would not at first receive it and believe it. This was why in chapter 8, verse 30 Christ forbids the Apostles also to say that He was Christ. So Maldonatus, Franz Lucas, and others.
Symbolically, Bede says, “The devil, because he had deceived Eve with his tongue, is punished by the tongue, that he might not speak.”
Verse 26. And the unclean spirit tearing him, and crying out with a loud voice, went out of him. Tearing (Vulg., discerpens), not by lacerating, cleaving asunder, or mutilating the man who was possessed by him, for Luke 4:35 says that he did no harm to him, but rather by contorting and twisting his limbs, throwing and wrenching him this way and that, as if he wished to tear him to pieces. For the Greek σπαράττω signifies to pull or tear in pieces, whence is derived σπαραγµὸς, a convulsion. Hence S. Augustine (lib. 4 de Consensu Evang. cap. 2) and Bede for discerpans read convexans, i.e., “hurling,” and the translator of Mark 9:19 renders the same concept as conturbans. The spirit troubled him and, being thrown down upon the ground, he rolled about foaming. The devil did this through rage and madness, that being compelled by Christ to go out of the man, he might injure him as much as he could. But the nearer and the more powerful the grace of Christ is, the more impotently does the devil rage, revealing how unwillingly he releases those whom he had possessed and yields them to Christ. For, observe, the devil only raised a dreadful tempest, but one that was vain and ineffectual. For he cannot hurt when Christ forbids. Christ permitted it for three reasons. 1. That it might be plain that this man was really possessed by the devil. 2. That the malice and disdain of the demon might be discerned. 3. That it might be clear that the demon went forth, not of his own will, but because he was vanquished and compelled to do so by Christ. Thus Theophylact, Euthymius, and others.
Tropologically, S. Gregory teaches (hom. 12 in Ezech.) that the devil wonderfully vexes, tempts and torments sinners when they are converted. “As soon,” he says, “as the mind begins to love heavenly things, as soon as it collects itself for the vision of inward peace with its whole intention, that ancient adversary, who fell from heaven, is envious, and begins to lie in wait more insidiously, and brings to bear sharper temptations than was his former custom, so as to try the soul which resists for the most part, in a way that he had never tried her when he possessed her. Hence it is written, “My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, stand fast in justice and fear, and prepare thy soul for temptation.” And a little further on: “What does it mean that the ancient foe tears an obsessed man, whom he had not torn when he possessed him, but that most often when it is expelled from the heart, it devises even worse temptations therein than it previously had stirred up, when he possessed it calmly?”
And crying out. With dreadful howling, disorderly shrieking, and roaring, to show how unwillingly he went out, and what great power was applied to him by Christ. For he uttered no articulate speech. For Christ had forbidden him to speak when He said, speak no more. Thus Euthymius. “He cried out with a loud voice,” he says, “being scourged by the Lord’s command, and yet he spoke not when he cried, because he uttered cries which signified nothing.” Titus adds, commenting on Luke 4:35, “When the man was restored to his senses, and to his right mind, then he used the sober, modest speech of a man.”
Verse 27. What is this new doctrine? For [that] with power he commandeth even the unclean spirits.
Meaning: “What is this heavenly and divine doctrine, which indeed God confirms from heaven by so many and such mighty miracles? For Christ, the teacher of this doctrine, not by prayers, but by His sheer power, and by His command only, orders the devils to go out, and they obey Him. Hence this must be the Messias, the Son of God, and the true God; for He alone commands the devils by His power.”
Verse 32. After sunset. Greek ὅτε ἔδυσεν ὁ ἥλιος, i.e., when the sun was swallowed up, so to speak, and sunk in the sea. For δύοµαι means “to be swallowed, immersed, submerged,” and is said of islands which are submerged and drowned by the sea. This is a form of speech adopted from the common people, who think that, when the sun sets, it is submerged in the ocean. Hence Virgil sings thus in the Seventh Book of the Æneid: “Both the rising and the setting sun, hastening back, / Beholds the ocean.” And Tibullus (lib. 2): “The ocean quenches the panting horses of the sun.” And Boethius, in the second book On Consolation, “[The ocean] stores beneath its waves the rays which it sees; / Phoebus now coming from the farthest sunrise.” And in book 3, “Phoebus falls into the western waves.”
Verse 33. And all the city (Capharnaum, as appears from verse 21) was gathered together at the door. Of the house of Peter and Andrew, where Jesus was being entertained, as is plain from verse 29.
Verse 34. And he healed many, i.e., all who presented themselves, as Matthew 8:16 has it, for they were many. Thus Theophylact and Euthymius.
And he suffered them not to speak, because they knew him Meaning: He did not let the devils say that they knew Jesus was the Messias, for the reasons that I gave at verse 25. What sort of knowledge the devils had and the extent of it, I will say at chapter 3, verse 12. In Arabic, “And he suffered the devils not to speak, because they knew that he himself was he,” that is, that He was who He was in fact, namely the Messias and the Savior of the world.
Verse 35. And rising very early. Greek Καὶ πρωί ἔννυχον, i.e., “and in the morning, while it was still night.” For it was at the very first commencement of dawn, while it was yet dark. Thus it might be called night by Mark, although in Luke 4:42 it is called day, because it was “the dawn of day,” or daybreak, when the sunlight was just beginning to dawn.
He went into a desert place, that He might pray there more quietly and attentively. Hence it follows, and there he prayed; and also that after so many miracles He might avoid the praise and applause of men, and to teach us to do the same. He acted similarly at Matt. 14:21. Thus Theophylact and Euthymius. Learn here from Christ to give the early morning to prayer, and to rise up with the dawn, so as to have leisure for meditation, and to give the first fruits of the day to God. For the dawn of day is a friend of the Muses, but a greater friend of God and the angels. (See commentary on Deuteronomy 6:7.)
Verse 43. And he strictly charged him and forthwith sent him away. In Greek, “And having threatened him, he straightway sent him out.” Meaning: He severely and menacingly commanded him to conceal the miracle of healing which He had just wrought; and, therefore, He forthwith sent him away, i.e., dismissed him, sent him off and commanded him to depart from Him, that it might not be known that He had cured him of his leprosy; and He did this in order to give us an example of avoiding vainglory and the applause of men. Hence He adds by way of explanation, See thou tell no one.
Verse 44. Show thyself to the high priest. In Greek, ἱερεῖ, “to the priest.” For not only the high priest, but any priest could judge concerning leprosy, whether it was healed or no, as is plain from Leviticus 13:2. It is probable, however, that because the case of leprosy was so grave and difficult, the decision concerning it was, by the interpretation and decree of the high priests, reserved for a chief of the priests [principi sacerdotum], as is here said, that is, for one of the twenty-four heads of the priests, who each in turn presided for a week over the rest of the priests, and the sacrifices, and the other offices and rites of the temple, according to the institution of David, as appears from 1 Paralipomenon 24:3 ff.
Verse 45. But he being gone out, began to publish and to blaze abroad (Latin, diffamare, divulge; Arabic, promulgate) the word, i.e., the fact of the matter, the miracle of his leprosy having been healed by Christ. For he thought that this was for the glory of God and Christ, even though Christ, for the sake of humility and modesty, had commanded him to be silent; but he himself did not consider this command binding upon him.
So that he could not openly go into the city, without embarrassment due to the honor and praise of thepeople, applauding Christ for such a great miracle. Or could not may mean “would not.” For could is often understood in this way to mean “would,” as Nazianzen shows by many examples (orat. 4 de Theolog.).
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pearlsoflongago · 4 months
The Poet
Speaking of Poetry...
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Interrupted Reading by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot
A Ballad of Appeal
Song wakes with every wakening year From hearts of birds that only feel Brief spring’s deciduous flower-time near: And song more strong to help or heal Shall silence worse than winter seal? From love-lit thought’s remurmuring cave The notes that rippled, wave on wave, Were clear as love, as faith were strong; And all souls blessed the soul that gave Sweet water from the well of song.
All hearts bore fruit of joy to hear, All eyes felt mist upon them steal For joy’s sake, trembling toward a tear, When, loud as marriage-bells that peal, Or flutelike soft, or keen like steel, Sprang the sheer music; sharp or grave, We heard the drift of winds that drave, And saw, swept round by ghosts in throng, Dark rocks, that yielded, where they clave, Sweet water from the well of song.
Blithe verse made all the dim sense clear That smiles of babbling babes conceal: Prayer’s perfect heart spake here: and here Rose notes of blameless woe and weal, More soft than this poor song’s appeal. Where orchards bask, where cornfields wave, They dropped like rains that cleanse and lave, And scattered all the year along, Like dewfall on an April grave, Sweet water from the well of song.
Ballad, go bear our prayer, and crave Pardon, because thy lowlier stave Can do this plea no right, but wrong. Ask nought beside thy pardon, save Sweet water from the well of song.
—Algernon Charles Swinburne
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Swallows in Flight, Postcard by A. M. Mailick
The Poet and His Songs
As the birds come in the Spring, We know not from where; As the stars come at evening From depths of the air;
As the rain comes from the cloud, And the brook from the ground; As suddenly, low or loud, Out of silence a sound;
As the grape comes to the vine, The fruit to the tree; As the wind comes to the pine, And the tide to the sea;
As come the white sails of ships O'er the ocean's verge; As comes the smile to the lips, The foam to the surge;
So come to the Poet his songs, All hitherward blown From the misty realm, that belongs To the vast unknown.
His, and not his, are the lays He sings; and their fame Is his, and not his; and the praise And the pride of a name.
For voices pursue him by day, And haunt him by night, And he listens, and needs must obey, When the Angel says: "Write!"
—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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Posthumous Portrait of Shelley Writing Prometheus Unbound by Joseph Severn
On Poetry
Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought and feeling sometimes associated with place or person, sometimes regarding our own mind alone, and always arising unforeseen and departing unbidden, but elevating and delightful beyond all expression; so that even in the desire and regret they leave, there cannot but be pleasure, participating as it does in the nature of its object. It is as it were the interpenetration of a diviner nature through our own; but its footsteps are like those of a wind over the sea, which the coming calm erases, and whose traces remain only, as on the wrinkled sand which paves it. These and corresponding conditions of being are experienced principally by those of the most delicate sensibility and the most enlarged imagination; and the state of mind produced by them is at war with every base desire.
—Percy Bysshe Shelley from A Defence of Poetry
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Still Life with Books and Bronze Statue by Sebastian Stoskopff
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orthodoxydaily · 9 months
Saints&Reading: Monday , September 18, 2023
september 5_september 18
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Once, during his turn of priestly service in the Temple, Saint Zachariah was told by an angel that his aged wife would bear him a son, who “will be great in the sight of the Lord” (Luke 1:15) and “will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias” (Luke 1:17).
Zachariah doubted that this prediction would come true, and for his weakness of faith he was punished by becoming mute. When Elizabeth gave birth to a son, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit she announced that his name was John, although no one in their family had this name.
They asked Zachariah and he also wrote the name John down on a tablet. Immediately the gift of speech returned to him, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, he began to prophesy about his son as the Forerunner of the Lord.
When King Herod heard from the Magi about the birth of the Messiah, he decided to kill all the infants up to two years old at Bethlehem and the surrounding area, hoping that the new-born Messiah would be among them.
Herod knew about John’s unusual birth and he wanted to kill him, fearing that he was the foretold King of the Jews. But Elizabeth hid herself and the infant in the hills. The murderers searched everywhere for John. Elizabeth, when she saw her pursuers, began to implore God for their safety, and immediately the hill opened up and concealed her and the infant from their pursuers.
In these tragic days Saint Zachariah was taking his turn at the services in the Temple. Soldiers sent by Herod tried in vain to learn from him the whereabouts of his son. Then, by command of Herod, they murdered this holy prophet, having stabbed him between the temple and the altar (MT 23: 35). Elizabeth died forty days after her husband, and Saint John, preserved by the Lord, dwelt in the wilderness until the day of his appearance to the nation of Israel.
On the Greek calendar, Saints Zachariah and Elizabeth are also commemorated on June 24, the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
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The Holy Martyr Iraida lived in Alexandria. Once, she went to a well to draw water and saw a ship at the shore. On board were many men, women, clergy and monks, all fettered in chains for their confession of the Christian Faith.
Casting aside her water pitcher, the saint voluntarily joined the prisoners for Christ, and fetters were placed on her, too. When the ship arrived in the Egyptian city of Antipolis, Saint Iraida was the first to undergo fierce torments and was beheaded with the sword. After her, the other martyrs confessed their faith in Christ with their blood.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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GALATIANS 4:28-5:10
28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. 29 But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? "Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman." 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free.
1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. 2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. 3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. 4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love. 7 You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. 9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. 10 I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will have no other mind; but he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is.
MARK 6:55-7:8
55 ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. 56 Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.
1 Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes came together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. 2 Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. 3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands in a special way, holding the tradition of the elders. 4 When they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other things which they have received and hold, like the washing of cups, pitchers, copper vessels, and couches. 5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, "Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?" 6 He answered and said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:'This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 7 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men -the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.
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kats-rp-finder · 10 months
hi! im kat, im always looking for rps! (last edited 10/17/23)
i only rp with 15+! i write 1-3 paragraphs in third person past tense. i rarely do cc x oc but im more than willing to try it out. i lean towards mxf and mxm but im not opposed to writing fxf either! i usually will reply once a day, though there will be periods where im available for rapid-fire responses. timezone is US PDT!
on this blog ill be posting searches for rps and posting about my ocs.
fandoms/characters/pairings below 👇🏻
fandoms/canon pairings
overwatch (this is my main interest right now!)
i dont know a whole lot about the lore im gonna be honest. i typically know it on a character-by-character basis, i know the cliffnotes backstories and events of characters' lives who are in the game, but background characters, general story lore and themes, etc are lost on me. i dont really have much motivation on my own to look into it (especially from the horror stories ive heard about some of the short stories and comics) but feel free to give me motivation, or ramble to me, or anything really! id be happy to learn, i just have no real interest in it at the moment. angst is a big fav of mine for overwatch, but im okay with simpler slice of life or fluffy rps too!
id love to do romantic and platonic rps with these characters, i love seeing how characters would interact in general on top of romance!
im looking to write for (italics are who i have a preference for atm, but im happy to be any of these!): hanzo shimada, niran pruksamee, cole cassidy, mei-ling zhou, hana song, jamison fawkes, maximilien, and tekhartha zenyatta!
some pairings i have special soft spots for (pink is romantic, blue is platonic, and purple is either/both) are: baptiste and hanzo, hanzo and genji, niran and baptiste, cassidy and fareeha, cassidy and ashe, jamison and mei, jamison and lucio, zenyatta and genji, zenyatta and ramattra, maximilien and ramattra, sombra and maximilien, hana and brigitte, hanzo and mei, hanzo and cassidy, satya and niran, akande and hanzo, and cassidy and sombra! im open to trying pretty much any ship or pairing though. send me your favs, rarepairs, etc, id love to see about giving them a shot :)
one punch man
my knowledge of one punch man extends to the manga and thats about it! please have knowledge of the manga, and please no webcomic spoilers! >w>
im looking to write for (italics are who i have a preference for atm, but im happy to be any of these!): amai mask, okamaitachi, king, and metal bat/badd!
some pairings i have special soft spots for (pink is romantic, blue is platonic, and purple is either/both) are: zombieman and amai mask, okamaitachi and iaian, king and saitama, and badd and garou!
the elder scrolls
ill make a separate post for my tes ocs (linked here! yet to be added).
most of my knowledge extends to skyrim, i really wanna get around to playing the older games at some point i promise but i just havent yet. i do know the cliffnotes of the previous games, though, and ive done my best to look into the lore of the games.
in terms of canon and fan-made characters, id like to be: cicero, taliesin (modded follower), karliah, nazir, and veezara! im totally a-okay with oc x canon for tes, gimme all ur fav ocs! i dont require doubling but it could be fun :3c
frankie / they/he / link (na)
frankie is a "fallen" angel who briefly fell too in love with humanity, and was stripped of holy status. they now are forced to work as heavens surveillance of earth, reporting back to heaven on what the humans are up to. he is now generally apathetic towards humanity, often lying to heaven to get out of doing their job. he spends most of his time alone, indulging some of the human desires they have developed in a large city.
andrew / he/him / link (na)
andrew is one of the citys christian churchs pastors, born and raised nothing but a faithful christian. raised to believe in fundamentalism and to never doubt such beliefs, his faith has stayed strong for nearly 50 years now. though, the more he puts himself into his religious studies for the sake of his church, the more he finds himself doubting the literal understanding of the bible. he even finds himself failing to understand some of the morals. along with constant pressure to settle and get a wife that he really would never care for, hes beginning to feel ostracized and othered from the community hes helped foster. will he force himself to push his doubts aside and mold himself to fit in, or will he indulge in these unholy thoughts?
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