#shout out to tuvok
traxanaxanos · 2 years
Samantha Wildman is honestly sooo funny as a background character because she’s like...such a normie against the rest of the Voyager crew, who just pops up occasionally to have normal conversations and experience horrors.
Janeway has a martyr complex and is constantly battling the narrative for dominance
Harry Kim has his whole complex where he’s trapped as both the golden boy and the ensign while also dying and being killed and being brought back just a little different every episode
Seven of Nine has her everything going on
Kes and Neelix are weirdos with species-wide trauma and Neelix died
B’Elanna also died and went to hell
Lon Suder
And Samantha is just like, working in the science lab while untold horrors stalk the halls of the Voyager, looking forward to whatever Neelix has whipped up in the kitchen
The few appearances/mentions she has that aren’t Life Threatening Crisis are
really sweet if it wasn’t in the context of a horrifying episode reveal that Samantha devotedly watches Neelix’s little news show every day (neelix superfan). Average woman turning on France 24/BBC every morning and the forecast is never not unspeakable monsters
bumbles into stopping a guy’s suicide attempt by requesting a bedtime story for her child
stereotypical conversation about having to provide new clothes for fast growing child (derailed)
one person on the ship enthusiastic about Neelix’s cooking (#1 Neelix fan)
xenobiologist inexplicably sent on a ship whose mission is to go hunt down terrorists, as if she’s going to get a spare moment to study the effects of long-term space habitation on hagfish or whatever
Like if Voyager had the tone of Lower Decks (animated), the recurring gag would be Samantha just doing her little nematode observations in the background while there’s a five-way borg/hirogen/alien anomaly/kazon/Q incursion going on, and talking to her coworkers about how Naomi’s drawings are like, really really good. Have you seen how good she’s gotten at shading? She’s just an average woman trapped on the most ridiculous and protagonist-laden ship in the known universe. The inherent humor and horror of being a background character in the genre of Epics
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cr3ntist · 1 year
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FINALLY made the fanart i planned on for @bumblingbabooshka ‘s fic Come Back to Me…
closeup under the cut and a draft of another scene that never got completed!
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My entry for the @25daysofvoyager ! A little part 1 of a J/C fanfic. Fluff. Action/Adventure. Angst. Aliens mistaking JC as married again. Enjoy!
“Chakotay, please!”
Kathryn dodged another blow and stumbled backward.
“Chakotay! This isn’t you!” She shouted at him, still struggling to put any distance between them on her sprained ankle, before it finally gave out.
He strode toward her, but paused when he saw a large branch on the ground. He reached down and grabbed it, then seemed to test it in his hands.
“And how do you know this ‘isn’t me’?” Chakotay said, his voice deep, and dangerous.
“I know you!”
“No. You don’t,” he said, closing the distance between them and swinging the branch down on her.
Captain’s Log:
“It is our second day in orbit around the planet Caldar. The Caldari are a very pleasant people and trade negotiations have gone well so far. The Caldari have graciously opened their planet to the crew for shore leave. Tuvok didn’t find anything to suggest bad intent and didn’t have any objections, which I guess is as close to a compliment as you can get from a Vulcan. It is nice to be reminded that the Delta Quadrant has just as many friendly species as dangerous ones. Everyone is in desperate need of some R&R. Myself included, as Chakotay is always reminding me. Being stuck in negotiations, Chakotay and I have only seen the government centers of Caldar, but I look forward to getting to explore this rich planet more. Chakotay mentioned hearing that the twin sunset over the cliffs of Rohem was worth exploring, and I am hoping to take him up on that. Tom and Harry keep coming back with stories to keep us entertained in the meantime. A personal highlight was Tom’s retelling of Harry’s failed attempt to ride, what Tom described as a horse-sized mix between a pig and a hippo. The Doctor says that Harry needs to be off-duty for 24 hours. I had to elbow Chakotay to keep him from bursting out laughing at the Doctor’s report; Harry’s already embarrassed enough as it is. However, that doesn’t mean that we won’t be enjoying those holo-photos later.
On the business side of things, Caldar continues to impress. The planet might as well be one giant ball of dilithium. You should have seen how fast B’Elanna made it to the bridge when the planet showed up on sensors. Their entire economy is built on the sale and trade of this material that we so often find ourselves scrounging for. At first, I worried about what they were going to ask for in exchange, but what the Caldari are most interested in are the various cultures of the Alpha Quadrant. Their people collect different cultures and integrate them into their own society. I recognize some bits and pieces of cultures from throughout the Delta Quadrant, while some things are completely new. However, the custom that is of the utmost importance is their one unique tradition. The Caldari take partnership very seriously. Their society includes partnerships of all kinds; males with males, females with females, and male with female, etc. Regardless of the type of partnership, once a pair has chosen each other, they become part of one another. This “sacred partnership” is at the heart of their civilization and they champion it above all else. However, from what I understand, they do not believe in the concept of soulmates, rather that they are all on a path that will one day lead them to their missing piece. It is a society built on the idea of the peaceful pursuit of love. It is quite beautiful.
Anyway, I am hoping to exchange our cultural database we will get enough dilithium to keep B’Elanna happy for quite some time.
Despite everything that this planet has given us, I find myself still apprehensive. The Delta Quadrant is rarely this kind and I…”
The chime to the ready room interrupted Kathryn’s log.
“Computer, end log” she said while pushing the console to the side,
“Come in.”
Chakotay walked in.
“Good morning, Commander,” a soft smile spread across her face.
“Good morning, Captain. I have the crew rotations for the next month.”
“Thank you. Have I missed any more of Tom’s stories since I’ve been off the bridge?”
“No, but you did miss Neelix’s rousing report promising ‘new and improved’ recipes for leola root” Chakotay chuckled as Kathryn’s face turned into a grimace.
“Hopefully they are better than his last ‘masterpieces.’ I’m still low on replicator rations from last time.”
“Me too. Mostly from you convincing me to get you more coffee,” Chakotay said with a knowing look.
Kathryn smirked, “Captain’s prerogative. Plus, you have to admit that his latest attempt at ‘better than coffee’ coffee was unbearable.”
Chakotay chuckled. “Well, if Caldari food is anything like their hospitality, I think that we will be alright.”
“Yes,” Kathryn stood and made her way over to the viewport. She clasped her hands behind her back, “The Caldari have been extremely welcoming to us.”
“But you’re worried,” Chakotay joined her at the viewport, “worried that they are too good to be true”
Kathryn gave him a sideways smile,
“Have you been reading my log?”
“No, I just know how you think”
“I feel like we are waiting for the other shoe to drop. We’ve been in trade negotiations for over a day and all they’ve asked for is Picasso and Kadis-Kot! My gut is telling me there is something more,” she sighed.
Chakotay put his hand on her shoulder, “We have one of our last trade meetings today. Whatever comes our way we have always been able to make it through. Today will be no different.”
Their eyes met and Chakotay couldn’t help but get caught in those pools of blue. Their relationship, after so much hardship, was finally starting to settle down again. Their weekly dinners were the highlight of his week and recently Kathryn was starting to let him in a little more. Not beyond anything that couldn’t be brushed off as close friendship, but still.
Chakotay knew that he had fallen for Kathryn a long time ago, from the moment they locked eyes on the bridge, but it was the shared moments like these where he recognized the depth of his feelings for her. He would wait for her. The angry warrior would stay by her side, for as long as it took.
Spirits, I’m lost.
“Thank you, Chakotay,” she said softly.
“Of course, Kathryn.”
“Tuvok to Captain Janeway.”
He dropped his hand from her shoulder.
Tuvok and his timing.
“Go ahead.”
“Captain, the Caldari ambassadors have arrived to begin negotiations. They are waiting for you and the Commander in the briefing room.”
“Thank you, Tuvok. We are on our way”
Chakotay moved towards the door, but Kathryn continued to stand looking out the viewport. Chakotay’s voice interrupted her worried thoughts,
“Are you coming, Captain?”
“Yes, I am right behind you”
Chakotay flashed her a smile and exited. Kathryn shook her head and followed after him.
Oh, I am so lost.
“Captain, I am glad that Voyager found its way to our corner of the galaxy. I think both of our people will benefit from these negotiations.” The Caldari ambassador, Turin, sat at the end of the briefing room table. The color of his skin reminded Kathryn of lilacs. The soft texture of his light purple skin was accompanied by small streaks of green that accentuated his humanoid cheekbones and jaw. His cheekbones stuck out on his face but seemed like they wrapped around his head towards the back of his skull, giving his face a sleek appearance.
“Thank you, Ambassador. I agree. I hope you find Alpha Quadrant culture as interesting as we do”
“Yes, there is much to explore. You have an extensive database on so many species! It will keep our scholars busy until the next Dual Eclipse!” The green streaks of his skin gave a soft glow with his excitement.
“I hope so, and if I may, I would recommend Dante. He is a philosopher from Earth’s history, and a personal favorite of mine.”
“Thank you for the recommendation. Now, Captain, I have a few formalities before we begin. Requirements from the High Council. You understand?” Turin said.
“Of course”
Turin reached into the satchel that sat on the floor next to him and brought out a beautifully bound book filled with greenish pages. When Turin opened the book, Kathryn realized that the pages’ green hue was similar in color to the streaks on the Caldari’s faces. She wondered if this was due to choice, or something in the planet’s biology that affected both of them. She suppressed the urge to ask as he began to speak.
“Captain, as you are aware, our society values partnership over everything else. You assured us that your culture assumes a similar view to the importance of partnership, which is what allowed us to begin this fruitful relationship between our two peoples in the first place. However, we are concerned, and frankly somewhat… off put, that you have yet to introduce us to your partner.”
Kathryn paused and tried to absorb what Turin was saying, “I’m sorry, Ambassador. I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
Turin’s mouth twitched, “We do not interact, or much less conduct trade, with peoples whose leader is unpartnered. It is an unspeakable offense. Furthermore, if we were to be led into an arrangement under false circumstances regarding one’s partnership status, we would consider that an act of aggression against our planet.”
Kathryn’s typically quick-witted diplomatic mind felt like it stalled out. A partner? She was the Captain! A relationship out here could never be a partnership. Not when every available person was someone under her command. “Ambassador, you have to understand, as Captain, I don’t -“
“You don’t what?” The threat was clear. Turin’s jovial attitude was long gone and his streaks shifted to a deeper green as his mood shifted.
“I-“ Kathryn started, but Chakotay’s hand coming to rest on hers stopped her. She resisted the urge to yank her hand out from under his as she locked eyes with him. As it often was with him, she needed no words to understand what he was saying:
Trust me.
And she did.
“Ambassador Turin,” Chakotay started, “I am the Captain’s life partner.” He moved his hand on hers to interlock their fingers. Kathryn let him, since all of her energy was being spent actively trying not to have the panic she was feeling on the inside show on her face. “You have to understand,” Chakotay continued, “the Captain is not used to sharing the status of our relationship since our job’s put us in a tricky position, considering that it could be taken advantage of by our enemies. If our feelings and commitment to one another were to become common knowledge, any number of species could use that to their advantage. And, sir, as you said, our culture values our partnerships, and you’re right. If anything were to happen to Kathryn, I would stop at nothing to get her back, including putting others at risk.”
Turin visibly calmed down, but seemed wary. “But why keep this information from us. We have shown nothing but hospitality to you!”
“We apologize and don’t mean to offend, but it is just something that we’ve gotten used to protecting.”
Turin seemed to accept this and clapped his hands together. “Oh, great happiness! We are glad to keep you as friends. Now, we must discuss the Three Trials.”
“The Three Trials?” Kathryn found her voice again, but still struggled to stay focused with her hand intertwined with Chakotay’s.
“The Three Trials are three tasks meant to prove your love and commitment to one another.”
Kathryn shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“This serves a dual purpose: one, to confirm your partnership, and, two, to determine if you are tjaasaktic. Will you comply?”
The universal translator faked to pick up the last word, but all Kathryn could think of was their desperate need for the Caldari’s friendship and trade. “When do we start?”
Should I do a part 2?
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los-ninos-tortugas · 1 month
"Status report..."
"Donatello," Janeway's voice rings out from his communicator. "Mr. Hamato, do you hear me? Status report?" Donnie taps his combadge.
"Well, Captain, a library has spawned from nothing." Okay he really should have addressed this earlier, especially considering how everyone else seemed to be gravitating towards it, but in all fairness to him he's been a little distracted since he got here.
"A library?" Captain Janeway inquired. Donnie, entranced, stared up at the structure that had been written into existence. He started forward. "Donatello list-- I want you t--o wait for T--ok and Sam. Do not --- I repeat --- enter alone---"
The sound from his communicator cut off abruptly as he crossed the threshold. Donnie tapped the combadge several times only to be met with an aborted beep. He huffed out through his nose. Silence in the library, I guess. he thought to himself. Welp, onwards and upwards.
"Scans confirm this as his last known location," Tuvok states. Sam puts her hands on her hips and sighs through her nose.
"I should've guessed. And scans and comms don't work inside the library?"
"It would appear not."
"Then I guess we're doing this the old fashioned way."
well if it isn't some extremely late propaganda for the @tmntstorycomp (the beginning of finals season- among other things- and all that jazz lol)
is the poll ending in ohh *checks invisible watch* about nine-ish hours at the time I'm writing this? Yeah. But I didn't want to let it pass by without acknowledging the theme at all. I don't think Donnie and the Voyager fam will be winning this one (shout out to @haro0o 's AU, I think it's really cool & unique and I really like the art you've done for it) tbh I was just excited for my first comp no matter what happened. Live long and prosper <3
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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What if you met someone who was so similar to you in so many ways but the divergence was too great to bridge the gap? What if you didn't speak to your mother for ten years and then met a man who had her eyes, her sure and steady hands, the same reverence to his tone when he spoke about logic and every so often your brain stumbled and replaced the word with 'honor'?
What if you recognized yourself in other ways? You both dropped out of Starfleet, didn't you? You both laid awake at one point, hearts pounding, wishing with everything that you weren't born the way you were - then everything would be better, then everything would be alright. Then you could be in love, then your father would love you. What if you were both sent away - to a monastery, to a temple, to become upstanding members of your societies. Your mother giving you a firm hug, squeezing you too tightly as you tried to squirm away (with a desperation that spoke to more than simple adolescent embarrassment, a shame that had already hardened into hatred) and his father leaving without a word or parting touch, the banished don't need to be bid farewell. Something took hold in him. Nothing did for you. (failure) It might have, but you ran away. You're always running B'Elanna. Afraid you might learn something? (failure) Afraid you might be wrong? You can't be human - what if you can't even be Klingon? What if the very thing you've hated and rejected all your life doesn't even want you? What if you stop and look back and see that nothing's chasing you - that you're not even worth it? B'Elanna hears that Tuvok's program was messed with, pranked by Tom and Harry. She feels bad (but there's something else isn't there? A vicious satisfaction. You're watching the worm be put into the sandwich with a keen eye, aren't you?) but doesn't say much. Later, she goes into a holodeck to fetch Tuvok for something necessary and notices that he's fixing his temple program. "You don't need to do that, you know." Tuvok doesn't respond, raising his eyebrow. B'Elanna looks away from him, at the half-edited program. She commits the lines of code to memory, her heart pounding. She feels irritated for some reason. She laughs very lightly. "I mean...we're thousands of lightyears away from Vulcan." Whoever you're praying to can't hear you. (B'Elanna crying herself to sleep: When I wake up please give me a smooth forehead, when I wake up please bring daddy back home, when I wake up please make me human - please.) (B'Elanna watching her mother out of the corner of her eye, hating her every movement, every breath, every line of prayer she shouts out - never for a moment doubting. Never for a moment wavering.) How stupid can you be? "Thank you, Lieutenant Torres." Tuvok says and B'Elanna can swear she hears him lean on her rank more than he needs to - can swear she sees his gaze flit up to her cranial ridges. It's a clear dismissal, not an acknowledgement of what she said. She turns. "Do you only perform rituals under pressure, Lieutenant?" B'Elanna attempting to go limp as her mother drags her up the road towards a circle of chanting Klingons. "I don't want to! Why do you always make me go with you?" Her mother's grip, unwavering. Her eyes locked on their target. They never look away like B'Elanna's do, they're never aimed downward. "Because if I didn't you'd never come."
B'Elanna turns, startled by the direct acknowledgement. She grips her PADD tighter. Tuvok stares at her and his eyes are so familiar it makes her heart race a little, blood rushing to her face. He's laughing at her. He's judging her. He's staring and he knows exactly what he sees. The only times her mother looked down were to catch B'Elanna's eye as she laid on the floor - knocked there or collapsed into a heap. You don't understand anything. How stupid can you be? "I don't believe in rituals." B'Elanna tells Tuvok. Tuvok's gaze travels - not out of necessity but to make a point. His brow raises and he purses his lips slightly. 'Hm,' his expression seems to say. 'How strange.' "What?" B'Elanna snaps. Tuvok looks at her again, eyes widening slightly as if confused by her shapened tone. Then the expression is gone and he is perfect again. "In my experience, Klingons tend-" "I guess I'm not like other Klingons." B'Elanna cuts him off. She's half human isn't she? Why doesn't anyone ever call her that? "...You're upset." "No, I'm not." B'Elanna lies, turning again. "That's all I needed from you, bye." Tuvok doesn't say anything, his customary stance, so B'Elanna walks across the room to leave but before she does she sneaks another glance at him. He's gone back to correcting the errors in his program and the look of concentration again reminds her of her mother - but also her. She's seen that face in the mirror as she tried a hundred different styles in an attempt to hide her ridges, felt it from the tension in her brow as she laughed and flippantly said she didn't know a word of Klingon: "It's just a bunch of noise to me, really." - as she tried to erase her connection to that side of herself however she could. There, across from her, Tuvok (with the same desperation) is trying to hold onto it. What is a shackle to one is a lifeline to another. She remembers when Tuvok attempted to teach her to meditate before they both quietly ended the sessions and Chakotay stopped asking about them. She remembers how Tuvok's room was so full of Vulcan things: Candles, tapestries, jewelry boxes full of little trinkets and wall ornaments etched with Vulcan script. He must have replicated it all. How long did it take him to fill his entire quarters like that? B'Elanna's room is utterly devoid of anything Klingon. The one time Tom suggested it she suggested they put up an old Hollywood poster instead. She stared at the leading lady's forehead and pointedly didn't touch her own. No, anything Klingon would suffocate her - kill her. A little taste of home was poisonous. How was Tuvok fine? How isn't he suffocating? How is this logical? "Sorry about your temple...thing." B'Elanna says. "It wasn't very...you know." "Why are you apologizing?" Tuvok asks, not pausing his work to look at her. B'Elanna shifts her weight, crossing her arms. "I don't know." "I have no feelings to hurt." Tuvok informs her. She thinks about how she would have turned out if she had stayed still in that monastery. Would she have something to hold onto? Would it be better than the freedom to float? Would she be happier? Would she be able to look straight ahead and not care about people calling her turtlehead or putting worms in her sandwich or forcing her monks to recite ferengi limericks or leaving her, always leaving her? Would she able to stand on her own and say it didn't hurt? "Right." B'Elanna says, one foot out the door. "Of course."
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bisexualbuck · 1 year
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Week 6 - An episode so bad, it's good
I guess this whole experience has left me feeling a little overwhelmed. Flying at warp 10, evolving into a new life-form, mating, having alien offspring...
[Image description: three gifs in lavender tones from Star Trek Voyager focusing on the episode Threshold
Gif 1: Layout of six gifs of different sizes. The first show Paris piloting the shuttle to Warp 10. The second shows Kes in Sickbay, looking distressed. Below is a gif of the senior crew sitting around a table and smiling.
The second row is comprised of one gif of the Doctor waking Paris by shouting at him, then a gif of Janeway standing on the bridge, worried. The last gif is Torres in engineering, looking focused.
Gif 2: Broken mirror effect showing Paris and Janeway as lizards. The broken pieces of the mirror have the same gif though displaced. In the middle of the gif, there is written "For a moment, I was everywhere"
Gif 3: Layout of five gifs. The first row has two gifs, one of Kim on the bridge, and the second one shows Tuvok and Chakotay talking in Sickbay.
The second row is comprised of two gifs of Paris in different stages of his mutation, and one gif of the lizard babies coming out of their hole in the ground.
/end image description]
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Finally making headway on my fic backlog! Want to give a shout out to @fourforyouodo new fic! I'm loving your spin on BloodFever and how you write the characters. Especially Tuvok and Neelix! Bravo.
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Watching Star Trek: Voyager s2 e15, Threshold
The time has arrived, my friends.
As I recall this is the episode that the lizard babies are in!
Oh no, Paris has disappeared with the shuttle
And he's back!
I love how the Doctor just shouts in Paris' ear to wake up😂
How the heck is Paris able to see everything in the universe
Oh no, the spy is right behind Janeway and B'elanna as they're talking about
The drink tastes off? Interesting.
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Oh, now he's having pain? Even more interesting.
Doctor: "What did he ingest?"
B'elanna: "Just a cup of Neelix's coffee."
Doctor: o_o "It's a miracle he's still alive."
"Great, now it will read: 'Beloved Radioactive Mutant'" ~ Tom Paris on what his tombstone will read.
I love Kes's outfit, it's gorgeous
Also, I'm just gonna say that it's not a good idea to go kissing radioactive dead mutants, even if they're you're friend and it was just on the cheek
Whoa, Doctor Who crossover (PARIS HAS TWO HEARTS?!)
I would very much like to whack the spy in the back of the head
Did Paris' tongue just fall out
It did
Oh god no, they're both lizards
Chakotay: "I'm not sure which one is the captain."
"The female. Obviously." Tuvok is very wise.
They're kinda cute
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Chakotay: "I don't know how I'm going to enter this into the log." May I suggest by typing words?
Janeway is now a mother and yet it isn't listed on her wiki page
In conclusion:
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^ Me if I became a lizard.
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sky-cow0 · 1 year
Watched Tuvix last night, and wow, captain Janeway is a TERF.
What constitutes who you are if not all your past lived experiences and memories? Tuvok and Neelix weren’t dead. They had become a *new* life form, a new person.
Every time someone said that Tuvok or Neelix was dead because of him, I wanted to shout out that they weren’t dead they were right there in front them!!!! It’s the trans experience of being told that your loved ones have to mourn the old you and that you are responsible for taking a sweet, wonderful person out of the world to become a freak. To declare your personhood and be abandoned because people think you are a freak and not the same person you were before.
The Neelix part of Tuvix seeing his significant other think the new version of him was unattractive and wrong for just existing, but trying to stay friends to be close to Kes because he still cared about her. The doctor acknowledging that doing so was contrary to the Hippocratic oath to force Tuvix to detransition.
Of all the trans analogies I’ve seen so far on Star Trek, this one hits me the most. I think the writers handled it poorly when explaining the situation, mostly because the audience doesn’t understand and not because Tuvix should’ve had a perfect understanding of his experience to explain it better. Maybe the chief medical officer could’ve said: “I’m not an expert on this as I am not human, but from my observations it is the memory and past experiences that make up the humanoid identity. And seeing as there has not been a single lost memory or skill or personality, that neither Tuvok nor Neelix are actually dead. That they both make up this new…identity.”
But yeah, Captain Janeway saw a person who was better for transitioning into a different form (he did his job better and people liked his cooking more) and decided that because he was a freak and making people uncomfortable that he shouldn’t exist. Product of the time it was written, but it hits home too closely.
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stitching-in-time · 28 days
Voyager rewatch s1 ep9: Prime Factors
Oof, this one is a lot heavier than I remembered, but really, really good.
I remembered the beginning part with the alien pleasure planet, but didn't remember how it turned into a serious moral dilemma with everyone on the ship wrestling with their consciences, and eventually with eachother. That final scene is a real gut punch, damn.
It starts out light enough, with seemingly friendly aliens inviting the Voyager crew to hang out on their paradie-like planet for a while (though casting a smarmy Eurotrash type in the role made him seem too sinister from the very beginning, they should have cast someone more charming so his eventual turnabout would have been an actual surprise.)
There's a nice scene where the crew are on the planet, and Harry meets a nice meteorologist girl, and they hit it off over science, and she invites him to take a trip to her favorite spot on a transporter. They almost have a romantic moment, but Harry gets distracted by learning that the transporter can take them to distant planets, and could take them halfway to Earth. (They could have at least let him kiss the girl, they never let Harry be the romantic lead, and honestly he's adorable and sweet and girls would be throwing themselves at him all the time.)
Harry luckily interrupts Captain Janeway almost kissing the smarmy Eurotrash guy (thank god, she deserves better!! why would she even like him at all??) and the plot thickens as the Voyager crew find themselves on the other end of someone else's Prime Directive when they ask to use the alien technology to get home, but their request is denied because the planet's laws forbid them from giving away technology too.
The subsequent debates among the crew about what to do and how to go about it, how to get around the law, whether it's okay to get around the law, whether to take the technology when it's offered to them through unlawful channels, whether disobeying orders is merited when it serves the greater good, are all a wonderful, and gutwrenching, character study about what each character is willing to do, and to sacrifice, for the one thing they all want more than anything else, to get home.
(Little shout out to the nice moment where Harry notices B'Elanna isn't really okay after the meeting and give her a reassuring word. They honestly had this whole beautiful friendship subplot going on in the first season that I'd entirely forgotten about, and I'm so sad it got abandoned.)
The scene where the crewmembers who disobeyed the captain's orders are trying to get the device to work before it's too late is excruciatingly tense, since the dread of knowing you're doing something you shouldn't is something everyone has experienced at some point, and it's palpable in B'Elanna most of all. Roxann Dawson's performance is heartbreaking as the weight of her guilt hits her, and she makes the decision to step up and take responsibilty for it.
The final scene where B'Elanna and Tuvok go to the Captain to confess what they did hurts to watch. All the actors knock it out of the park- Janeway's hurt at her their betrayal, and their pain at having caused it, are so raw. I teared up a little bit watching it. There's no happy ending for anyone here, all they can do is try to pick up the pieces and give each other grace because all they have is each other out there so far from home. It's messy and real, and it's one you keep thinking about even after the episode is over.
This one really got to me, in the best way.
Tl;dr: an unexpectedly strong episode full of top notch performances, which raises debates that don't have easy answers and tests the character's consciences and relationships in revealing ways. A+ grade.
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S2 chapter 5
Amal was sweating, temperature controls were offline, life support was dwindling, they were a skeleton crew and were being closely pursued by the enemy. "Janeway, there's a planet 5 lightyears off the port bow, I think we might be able to hide there" said Captain Chen, Amal plotted the course. Normally he wouldn't pilot anything larger than a shuttle but the ship had taken heavy casualties and they were barely able to function, as he hurtled toward the rocky planet the shields began to completely fail. The Captain called to the Vulcan at Ops "You'll need to do an emergency beam out for all of us as we enter the atmosphere, with shields down the Lohengrin won't make it through the outer ligarium gas ring", the Lieutenant nodded as Chen called to Amal "Crewman, as fast as you can directly to the equator, it will buy us an extra second at least". Amal swallowed as he watched the grey rock get larger and closer as he felt the familiar tingle of the transporter beam.
On the surface the cold and thin air hit him immediately, he looked up as he watched the Lohengrin explode in the ligarium rings. They had nothing but the phaser that the Vulcan lieutenant had clipped in her belt. Chen looked around her "Menhak you're with me, Janeway go with Flores". Amal and the acting Chief Engineer headed towards the tunnels, hoping that someone would come looking for them and they would be able to hide for long enough.
Amal had been moving through the cave system for less than an hour when he head weapons charge, phasers ricocheted off the walls and hit both him and Flores. "Run" shouted the man as pushed Amal into a recess and headed in the other direction. The men following them didn't see Amal, he tried to head further in the system, all the time the blood pouring from his left side.
Kathryn sat in her quarters searching for the spare brush she had packed. As she fumbled in her bag her fingers brushed the objects from Chakotay's medicine bundle he had given her long ago. She sighed, Lottie hadn't acted how she hoped she would. She wasn't searching for justice or truth seeking but mostly on cosying up with a boyfriend and buddying up with Seven, not at all as driven as Kathryn had been as a child. Had she failed as a mother? Children were supposed to be a better version of yourself, Kathryn wondered who this girl was turning into. Suddenly she felt the urge to call her spirit guide, it felt slightly wrong somehow, gaining comfort from something that had united her with Chakotay now they were no longer together. She steeled herself and closed her eyes.
She wasn't in the jungle or beach where she usually found herself, she wasn't even at the river or forest she occasionally visited. She knew where she was, the recognised the smell, the cramped tunnels she was back with Amal. But he wasn't there, only a feathered beast with a broken wing "who are you?" she asked "I cannot reveal my true self" it spoke in her mind "you'll be destroyed, you must leave me, you have to go to the Federation President's summit in four days, there will be death and the attackers will be the ones holding the power at the end" Janeway caught her breath "but that doesn't leave us enough time, how do you know? Are you Ama.." with a start she woke from the vision and hurried to Tuvok's quarters.
Lottie returned from her video call with her mother and Captain Tuvok, entering her quarters in a daze, how were she and Seven going to convince Abioye to follow this plan? She was only an Ensign and Abioye was still suspicious of Seven. Once the Vulcan High Command were in contact range they could order him but they would need to get him to turn around before then. She looked up and saw her boyfriend Zaye sitting on her bed. She loved seeing him at the end of a long shift, he made her feel so relieved to see him now. He brought her strength and peace in a way she always thought her father had to her mother, she pushed that thought aside and gave him a deep kiss. "Lottie what's wrong" the Bajoran asked. "Oh Zaye, I don't know how much I can tell you but we need to turn this ship around. Everything that my brother was working towards is on the line, but the Captain is suspicious of us, we laid our cards on the table too soon" she wept. Zaye thought for a minute "I have the ear of the chief of security, how much can you tell me? I can try and get the message through him? It's worth a try". Lottie smiled up at him "just when I think I'm alone and everything is hopeless you save me" Zaye kissed her "what did I tell you? you're never alone"
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sonicthedestiel · 8 months
Soo I wrote a short Star Trek Voyager fanfic to help heal some parental trauma…
Tldr: Seska dies on voyager leaving her baby boy in Chakotay’s care. Tuvok gives him some advice on how to not be a shit parent. Around the season 2 finale/ s3ep1 where the kazon and seska take control of the ship but like RIGHT after that
Not bound, Nor Free
Previously on Star Trek Voyager
The doctor reaches down toward Seska’s neck to give her one last shot of cortohydresoline.
The room stills with baited breathe, literally for the doctor at least.
The system monitoring Seska’s life signs ring out a noxious alarm.
Kes warns, “her neural pathways are destabilizing.”
With just a glance the doctor guides his assistant Kes to step aside, allowing him to take control of the console and ferociously button mash- to no avail.
The alarms shout with compounding speed, until finally breaking pattern to a single stream.
“Time of death 1800 hours,” the Doctor recoils, gesturing to Kes to disable the system’s alarm.
As she does so, she can’t help but look to her side at Chakotay, head in his lap-hands on head. She swallows her concern for him and the baby to finish the proper procedures with the doctor…
This time on Star Trek Voyager
Leaning on the wall at a distance from the newly replicated cot, Chakotay is staring down at the infant with a face of disturbed shock, turning distrustful with each passing moment. Having just witnessed the death of the woman who betrayed not just him, but everyone and everything he stood for, he’s allowed some processing time.
The doctor and Kes, after having finished the last of their duties to prepare for seskas autopsy that the captain will undoubtedly order, slowly creep their way over towards them.
The doctor nods to the disheveled commander still half standing by the wall. Taking out his tricorder, the doctor starts scanning seskas infant, who definitely doesn’t have a name that I can’t remember, giving a sideways glance towards Kes and the captain.
Standing almost off screen, captain Janeway and Tuvok observe and assess the situation, awaiting news on the health of their new crew member.
Smiling with utter and yet restrained gusto, “everything appears to be normal, he’s as healthy as can be considering what the lad’s been through,” the Doctor chuckles to himself but also the captain. “I’ll of course want to run a few more tests just to be sure but,” he looks up from his tricordor at a lost Chakotay. His smile quickly falls with its usual stern velocity, “I’ll uh give you a moment alone,” gesturing for Kes to join him.
She hesitates, doubling back towards the commander, “You know you’re not in this alone, we’ll all pitch in and help however we can,” trying her best to assure him, offering a comforting compassionate smile.
He is unmoved, unswayed, still frozen; she relents and joins the doctor who’s calling for the captains attention as well.
Tuvok remains, just as still- just as disciplined as ever, hands together behind his back in contemplation. He raises an eyebrow, relaxing his stance upon the captains exit. With deep thought and breathful squint, he strides towards Chakotay and the baby.
“Not all children take after their parents,” the Vulcan cuts the tension with precision.
Still unmoved, a light in his eye slowly flickers his gears to turn out a manically exhaustive, “What?!?”
“You are concerned for this child’s future, which comes naturally to a parent. But you are also first officer to this ship,” chakotay’s eyes finally snap away meeting tuvok, “you are concerned for the further conflict that may arise due to the nature of his birth. I urge you to remain cautious in how you let this affect your relationship with him. This will not be an easy task, but I believe help from your crew mates will ease the tension. A Vulcan is not bound by his origins, nor is he free from them.”
Chakotay fights with his vocal cords, his lips mouthing words unspoken. Finally getting his grip he jumpstarts to paced stance, “What am I gonna do when he starts asking about her?!”
His voice cracks racing to just get a sentence out,“How am I gonna tell him that his mother is-” he gulps sounding almost hysterical, “I can’t I-”gripping his hair, haunted by images of his grandfather and his past with seska.
He wips his hand to smack the wall in frustration, halting just before making contact. His eyes dash to his son, screaming of sorrow for threatening to wake him. He lifts his hand in reaction, slowly closing it to a fist that gently rests with a silent tap on wall, head burrowing into the crease of his arm.
Tuvok takes another Vulcan breathe before slightly lifting his head to respond, “I don’t see the logic in absolving him of the memories of his mother.”
Outright annoyed by such unwarranted wisdom, his heart pounds motivated to lift his head, “what can I say that won’t crush his heart,” he turns carefully raising his voice stepping towards tuvok, “what precautions can I possibly take to avoid the risk that he’s gonna be just like her!?”
The distain in his eyes now evident, clear with resentment and rage, barely a pace away from Tuvok’s face.
“You keep looking at him like that and he will be,” Tuvok exits, fulfilled with the knowledge he’s done all he can for now.
As restless as these next few nights aboard Voyager were, Chakotay’s resistance surrendered the moment the boy started to wake. Reaching out with his teeny tiny wittle fingers to hold with tight grip the monstrous giant that is chakotays thumb, dangling lightly as he kneels beside him. “He is not bound by his origins, nor is he free from them,” he affirms, softly giggling with joyous wonder.
The end that’s it that’s my one contribution to the fanfic universe of Star Trek probably maybe
Ty for reading this shit <3
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pussyhoundspock · 2 years
im watching voyager rn because i want to watch all of ST but i feel like im about to quit(3/4 way into s4) because it just doesn’t lean into being as weird and smart as it could it be and that bugs me more than if it just plain out sucked? like picard is definitely hollow ur right(only seen s1 but shout out to them for seeing seven’s full potential and also giving her actual clothes tho lmao)but they try whereas i feel like most episodes of voy are just ‘here’s a premise that’s cool af but don’t worry we’re gonna show you the lamest version’ idk. also i feel like a bad lesbian because i just do not get the hype around janeway and the ship with her and seven does absolutely nothing for me:/ i mostly like her as a captain but that’s it. honestly b’elanna is the only one that’s keeping me and she’s way underused :(
WIG i am also baffled by janeway/seven like sorry lesbians but janeway is straight ... she's literally such a straight woman to me which isn't even a bad thing i enjoy her and chakotay a lot actually but baffling to me, again, that that's a ship. sometimes women are straight!!
im just about to finish voyager season 1 LMAO so you're stronger than me but yeah i agree -- the thing about voyager is you feel like there's a very good show underneath that the show just refuses to be or do anything with!! i think tuvok is my favorite character but he's INSANELY underused but i love tuvok b'elanna tom and harry. the secret HUAC holodeck program malfunction episode that lives in mine and @raisinchallah's mind ... though if you like b'elanna though raisinchallah is the biggest b'elanna umm b'lover?? that i know hahaha!!
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chakotayblendthree · 2 years
"Commander Chakotay," her voice seems calm, edges on serene as she speaks through the commlink between their two ships.
"That used to be my rank." he freezes on screen, as if it was a natural reaction, some kind of panic that Kathryn still can't discern in his eyes, "until..."
"I'm Kathryn Janeway," she says after a beat, looking at him with icy blue eyes, "of the USS Voyager, and I'm not asking you to surrender-"
Something in him relaxes, but she can also see something flare and jump, as his arm tenses in the sleeveless jacket he wears.
"The demilitarized zone, the cardassians, the federation are all thousands of light years away, I don't think it means much out here?"
He studies her carefully for a moment, "Are you suggesting we work together?"
"One of our crewmen is missing, was he transported to your ship by accident?"
He breathes heavily into the mic, "A member of my crew is missing too...an Engineer."
And the way he says it makes something in her heart twinge because he says it with such loss that she could never feel for another member of the crew.
She's seen it before. Boat. Family.
"I need medical assistance." it's fast and to the point.
"Very well..." she pauses, maybe he's injured in that tiny ship they've broken and remade over years of battle, "I will send you the coordinates of Sickbay."
Sickbay is no different, sickbay is full of the distinct smell of smoke and the soft sobs like those on the bridge - but.
But there's a man who looks like the one she was talking to on the screen, standing vigil over a bed.
"I hope this is not a trick Captain." he almost growls as she walks over, pulling out a phaser.
"You will not be needing those." Tuvok tilts his head.
"Its good to have you back Tuvok." she smiles, and then the smile freezes on her face as she realises what's on the biobed.
There's a small girl, softened bajoran ridges on her nose, dark black hair down to her waist and eyes shut and squeezed in pain at the angry red gash on golden skin.
"Would you have handed me and my daughter to the federation, Vulcan?" he raises an eyebrow, looking Tuvok directly in his eye.
Tuvok says nothing, but the two watch as he whips his head down to the girl as she faintly squeezes his hand.
"Captain?" he asks, tone icy, and she doesn't realise that she's almost nose to nose (more like nose to chest) with him, a shaky breath down her neck and a warm wet droplet on her wrist.
"Computer, Initate Emergency Medical Program!" she shouts, heart racing at the way the girl --- Chakotay's daughter, on who they had no evidence on - Chakotay's daughter, who she was going to sentence to a life of starfleet housing and rip her away from her family --- writhed in pain limply on the leather bed.
"We can fix this." she whispers, praying to god she's right, because she can't have a child's blood on her hands.
Can't have anyone's blood on her hands.
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mrspockomakeitso · 3 years
Being by themselves like a ship out at sea, I feel like the Voyager crew would start cussing like sailors. Tuvok starts to crack down on it by taking replicator rations for swears he hears, especially from the senior officers. This punishment ends soon after Janeway spills coffee on herself on the bridge and shouts “fuck!” for all to hear.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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How are they supposed to trust you when you can’t even trust yourself?
Forever thinking about Tuvok’s mind being essentially turned into a ticking time bomb and about how Vulcans prize control over all else and how Tuvok struggled with control as a teenager and how he’s seen as the one people should go to for help with such things and also how Teero’s message was hidden in the message Tuvok’s son sent him. I just think Tuvok deserves to be more fucked up about all that. He had an incredibly traumatic thing happen to him then he was forced to forget it and then a second incredibly traumatic thing happened as a result. His mind and body were out of his control! That’s horrifying! I scream every time I get to the scene where Janeway’s trying to get him to remember because he’s so clearly terrified and confused. He admits he was “Very frightened” when Teero captured him and then just moves past it, he’s too agitated to even care about admitting that emotion. Then when Janeway pushes him to remember more and he just shouts “I can’t!” oh my GOD!! He and Seven...the traumatic parallels I want to draw her with him soon. They both have episodes where their repressed traumatic memories resurface and cause them to unintentionally wreak havoc on the crew. Also episodes where someone forces them to forget something traumatic that was done to them (Even though in Seven’s episode it was apparently Seven ““““making it up”””” but I fucking DESPISE that so I’ve revised canon in my own mind. He did it.) Seven and Tuvok are both outsiders...not (quite) human...they both wouldn’t deal with trauma in the typical way humans do.  Also, if Voyager paid more attention to the Maquis/Starfleet split, the events of Repression could be like...bad for Tuvok morale-wise. I’m sure the Starfleet folks wouldn’t really think much of it but the Maquis folks? This guy was a spy and now this? How are we supposed to trust him?  Also potential point of angst with Chakotay: “How could I have let this happen on my watch?” we know how much he [ostensibly, cough cough writers] cares about his crew and even though Tuvok was a spy he thought he was a member of his crew at the time. And for Tuvok, on top of all of this his family isn’t there! Where will he go for support? Janeway can help but she’s human, she wouldn’t quite understand what it means to lose control of your control as a Vulcan. Anyway. Yeah. I just think about Repression a lot v_v
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