#shuri x black fem reader
pidgemotoiii · 1 year
Hot for Shuri
Professor Shuri x Black fem Reader
An: @ventingfanfics, Dude you really had me up on breaks with those professor shuri fics. You really did that honestly (Idk how to 'dedicate' or use this app properly but thank you for inspiring me to write again mwah, and all the other shuri writers thank you.
Word count: 3.1K
“Please do not forget to do your reading on page 107! Reading is just as important as the homework people!” 
Her voice boomed off of every wall in the lecture hall. The students filed out of their seats, going to lunch, another class, hookup, anyone’s guess really. 
“They never really listen, do they?” her voice softened, clearly out of professor mode.
There is really no introduction needed but this is Shuri Udaku, your Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning professor for the spring semester. 
She’s beautiful, and her smile gets a thousand miles wide when she gets on a topic she’s passionate about. She’s attentive, never missing a question, and always advertising her one-on-one study sessions. She’s caring-
“Hi! Are you here to see me?” if she only knew that's why you took her class-her black turtleneck was form-fitting and her black slacks were clean and crisp, maybe even starched. Her loafers are polished, not a speck of dust or dirt. You might be a little scared if her eyes didn’t literally spell out ‘home’ for you or ‘take me home’. Her pea coat is a little oversized, but considering her small frame, it wasn’t something out of the left field. 
Ah, Shit. She looks so elated to have someone staying behind to see her. Good thing for you, you don't have to tell her that you just wanted to stare some more. Professor Udaku is practically buzzing, she’s running her free hand over the shaven side of her head and down her neck. Now it switched to tugging at the straps on her bag, her face pleading for you to ask her something.   
“Uhm- about chapter seven. I didn't even understand a sentence to even ask you a question.” You let out a sigh and put your head in your palms: ‘Maybe too truthful’ you said to yourself. 
She placed her hand and delicately kneaded the sliver of skin between your neck and shoulder. She tilted her head and smiled, ‘it's okay you’ll be fine’, the message was well received by you. Professor Udaku rested her bag on the seat in front of you and shuffled her way to sit next to you. A quiet ‘excuse me’ as she passed by. As she turned the chair towards you a terrible screech echoed across the classroom snapping you out of your reverie. She chuckled softly, soothing your metaphorical wound, desperately grasping to have your attention on her again. Having crushes are terrible for the heart.  You prayed you didn’t say what you thought out loud.
“We’ll get there when we get there.” She’s so wise. She pulled out a yellow notepad from her bag and began to write.
“This is my-”
“Oh no no I already have it, you put it on the board on Monday remember.” You abruptly tried to rebuttal by grabbing her hand and forcing her to stop writing. She closed her eyes, shook her head no, and gently removed your hand from atop hers. It was really nice while it lasted so you leaned in closer to see what else she was writing. 
She spoke softly and clearly, “This is my personal phone number, if you have any questions-”
“Any?” You butt in again.
“Yes any, please don’t hesitate to ask. I see you have a lot of questions, make sure to text them to me.Though for your sake and mine, my cutoff time is ten pm.” She rolled her eyes at you but you could tell they held no malice. Your face could not handle the intimacy of the conversation you guys were having. The level of smiling you were doing should be illegal. You were ecstatic- 
She tore off the note and for a brief moment you felt her hand touch yours again. This time you observed more carefully; short and carefully manicured nails perfect for working in a lab (and something else if she wants to). You two said your goodbyes and she left. As she walked out though, you could tell, she had more of a bounce in her step than before you two talked. 
Shit! no, you need to go! Lia made you promise that you would meet up at the cafe for twelve it’s eleven thirty- You swiftly packed your bags and sprint out of the lecture hall.
The cafe was warm, small tables lined the floors and brown walls with dark green detailing. Decaf filtered the air but there was a special area you two liked to sit in. Separating the cashier line and the rest of the cafe was a high table with barstools and a lengthy counter that could seat at least ten. You spotted her and she had her laptop out and a sandwich waiting for you.
“Lia! Lia!” Your voice is loud but careful not to disturb the other patrons.
“Babe! Over here!” She is not so considerate, always moving 
This is Lia, your best friend, and overall the best person you know on campus. Her braids are always in a ponytail for mostly being in the kitchen such as the life of a culinary student and pastry chef in training. Also, the best person to go to for advice and free brownies.
“Lia, guess what!” You nearly threw yourself over the barstool trying to regain the motor function that your professor stripped you of. 
“Oh no you have that look on your face again” Her face turned into a snarl, clearly disgusted at what you’re going to tell her. Lia looked you up and down, trying to sniff out what had made you so fidgety. A few things racked through her mind. 
“What look?” You questioned. You truly wanted to know what look you had on your face.
Lia sucked her teeth. She found the thing.
“Don’t suck your teeth at me-” You shot back.
“I can suck my teeth at you whenever I want!” she continued, at this point who could stop her. “You!”
“Me?!” Your eyes bulged. 
“Yes you! Don’t I think I don't know about your little hot for teacher situation” 
Your mouth was agape, too many eyes locked unto you two. There was silence, a ‘not a creature stirred, not even a mouse’ type of situation. The ‘best person on campus’ title is growing quite thin. 
“Why would you say that out loud like that?!”  
“A light shaming never hurt anyone.” 
This bitch- she was amused at your plight.
“I love you, you know this but babe, you have a crush on the teacher whose your hardest class. You won’t even take up her study seshes which are designed to help you. It’s only February and this class isn’t even part of your major, you just wanna look up in her face! You doin’ bad babe.” 
‘Oh my God am I really that bad’ you posed that ever-looming question to yourself. Lia might be right, but who would you be if you took her advice not you that's who. That 90-degree of that jawline is the best version of NyQuil you could ever get. 
“Now tell me what you have to tell me.” Her face is stone cold, and the botox finally sets in. Well now you didn't even want to tell her the good news, but who else are you telling, your therapist?
“She gave me her actual number. She told me to ask her any questions I have but not past ten.” You regained your smile as you recounted the events earlier today. Attempting to save some sort of face and scrounging around for some charm you had to mask the deep goofiness that was coming out of your mouth. 
Lia looked exhausted by the time you finished. She took a deep inhale and exhaled. She took out her phone and began furiously texting.“I’m gonna do you a big favor. I sent you Riri Williams’ number.” She dumped her phone down and it made a sound. 
“Who…?” Your voice is hushed.
“Don't play cute. Oh.. you’re serious?” You gave her a head tilt that meant ‘duh’.
“Cornrows, a year above us, just under 5’3, brown skinned.” She continued hoping to jog a memory that you clearly didn’t have. 
Your eyes flicked from left to right, “That could be anyone, thanks.” Your voice is an unwavering monotone.
“You’re welcome, she’s in robotics, heard she’s a prodigy and she's doing classes at a discounted rate.” She blessed you with a sickeningly sweet smile. 
“A discounted rate? What’s the discount? I don’t trust you.”
 Lia’s eyes seemed to dart everywhere but your face, how strange. 
“Two hundred fifty.” 
“Two hundred and fifty! Lia- what’s the rate then?” You asked her frantically, eyes dotted over her face anticipating a ‘just kidding’.
“Ten percent-” Your brows furrowed, and your eyes and mouth crinkled. 
“Shit.” You bonked your head on the table, your butterfly locs falling in your face. Her hands trying to brush the locs out of your face.
“That you are in.” You could hear her snickering trying to not break her caring friend act. 
“That’s not funny.” Your voice muffled from being in your hands.
“It is to me.” You looked up and her lips were puckered, failing to hide her smile. You felt as if your eyes would get stuck in the back of your head. 
“At least tell me where to find her.” She sighed, finally getting your head out of your ass.
“Try the Q dorms across from the library. I think she said the dorm number is one hundred eight.”
“You're welcome again, ugh have to go to my next class. Professor said try to be early for a demonstration. I already ate lunch so Imma have to see ya. Make sure to tell her Lia sent you” 
“Alright later.” She gives you a dismissing wave and mouths ‘you better fix your shit’ with a point too, she meant business. You playfully cut your eye at her. Her walk was sad at best, demotivating at worst to watch, obviously not wanting to go early to class but begrudgingly went like a good little student. You grabbed your phone and typed out a quick message to Riri Williams. 
Riri Williams(Possible Tutor)
Hey, this is Lia’s friend, she said you did classes.
2:05 pm 
‘Might as well do some homework’, you thought. Two pages of an essay and two CIS assignments later you heard a ‘bzzt!’ 
Riri Williams(Possible Tutor)
Hey this is Lia’s friend, she said you did classes.
2:05 pm 
Hey yeah, come over to the tech building so we could talk more I hav to do sumthin for a teach
3:55 pm
Rm 24
3:56 pm
Room twenty-four in the tech building it is then. You just came from there and now you have to go back there again ugh you might just have to do the Lia walk. You pack up your things and go again- you reach there around four fifteen. 
You knock on the open door not wanting to startle the girl. This isn’t a classroom, it's a printing room. The walls are grey and only one blinking light seems to work in the large space. You thought MIT had the money to fix these things and one window, sad.
“Hey you could come in, don't be scared.” her voice is raspy, and she’s hunched over one of the printers. She’s been here for at least two hours judging from the number of copies on the printer. What do you know she is just under 5’3, and you’re scared the printer might just eat her alive.
“Done! All three hundred!” She shoots up, stretches, and shakes her head. You just watch and wait till she catches her breath. 
“So why are you here?” Straight to the point, you like it. 
“My friend Lia said you did tutoring for mostly anything physics related.” 
Her eyes light up when you say Lia’s name and her smile turns crooked. You wondered why she didn’t look at you in the cafe. She pauses and fixes her face back to a neutral expression. She does a quick headcount by the hundreds to make sure she did whatever she was doing correctly and nods.
“Come, walk with me.” More walking you think, you subtly roll your eyes and pick up the pace. 
“Class?” She can barely look at you through the mountain of papers.
“Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.” Her head swiftly tilted and she gave you a look of pity. “With who? Don’t say Wilkinson.” 
“No, Udaku.” There goes the pity.
Her eyes make brief contact with yours. “Girl why the hell are you here then-” You don’t like that- her eyes might as well burn through the paper. 
“I wouldn’t be here or willing to pay the price of two hundred and fifty. If I didn't need your help.” You stand your ground firm just as your mother taught you. Too busy with your proclamation declaration you didn’t realize the two of you had stopped. 
“Can you please just knock on the door?” said Riri urgently. You dealt three firm knocks on the dark oak door. You looked up at the name tag on the door, Oh my God. You can not be serious. 
That Bitch couldn't have told you that she was Professor Udaku’s TA?
“Shuri! Can you open up the door please, these papers are heavy!” You did a double take and ran behind Riri. ‘Shuri’ opened up the door and you remembered why you didn't want to take up classes in the first place. You heard that crystal clear no Professor Udaku, not Professor Shuri, not even a miss Udaku. Oh no, these two have some history. 
“Thank you Riri, you can put them where you usually do.” Usually?!
“Shuri, I brought one of my clients. Can we stay for a bit?” Riri goes to her usual drop-off desk, you just happened to notice the Stay-. You undoubtedly have no input in her decision-making. This is why you go inside her office, Professor Udaku is still at her desk, she didn’t notice you as of yet. These papers were a blessing in disguise. 
Just like her door, most of the furniture is dark oak. The walls are a pretty indigo hue, a black fluffy circle rug. A black couch with two end tables. Two bookshelves opposite the couch that could be a good five foot eight. In the middle of her office is her desk, large, from what you could see; there are multiple picture frames, a lamp, Her of course, and her desktop. Oh, the window that stretches from floor to ceiling is also a nice touch. Awe you nearly squeal a poster with a panther hanging from a branch that says ‘You can do it’.
During your awe Riri walks over to Professor Udaku they're saying something. She tugs the professor over to her stack of papers pulling her from what you assume was marking. Riri proudly presents her handiwork to the professor. “Riri I don’t have time for this” she mutters while double-checking the papers. She then ushers her over to you, and she smirks, the professor is still not interested. 
“Shuri, meet my first client from your class” What the hell-  you and ‘Shuri’ shared a glance. “I just thought you’d like to meet her”. Shuri is astounded, her mouth quivering, she's clawing at you to say something. You open your mouth and nothing comes out. She pivots back to the copies, squares her face, ever so calculating-
“Riri you forgot ‘Introductory Xhosa’.“ Riri is flabbergasted, her arms are flailing and her speech is stuttering.
“Uh no I did not, check again.” The ‘check again’ comes out hastily. 
“Riri- just go look back on the printer for me.” Professor Udaku unclenches her teeth and grunts out a ‘please’. Riri mirrors her grunt with a ‘fine’, she stomps out and slams the door. You attempt to scurry out the door before
“No, you stay.” She looks for a place for you two to talk. You walk slowly and shamefully back to the area, and she guides you to the couch smoothly with her hand on your back. This crop top and the short pants duo were not working any favors for you.
 “Sit.”, you sat down, and she sat down. The room was hushed but the feeling wasn't tranquil. Professor Udaku crossed her legs and leaned her head against the couch, capturing your eye once again. Her face was despondent, her cool hand long gone from your back. The only thing you could hear other than your breath was the clock ticking, mocking you. ‘When would Riri be back?’. After too many ticks you decided to break the silence. 
“No, outside of class you call me Shuri.”
“Shuri” You tested the waters, it sounded foreign on your tongue.” I already had plans of going to Riri”
“Now you lie to me too.” What did she mean by too? She crossed her legs. Her face is still despondent.
“I didn't lie.” 
“You’re still lying!?” It’s best you be quiet and let her speak, so you do that. “Why couldn’t you have told me that it wasn’t enough. Why did you wait for me to give you my number?” Your hands tugged at the hem of your shorts, your gaze cast downward. Shuri uncrossed her legs and stilled your hands with her own. Her grip was steady and reassuring, “I want to help you, I do, you just have to let me. Can you let me do my job?” 
You let out a breath, “I will.” She let out a broken chuckle and ‘thank you’.
The door slammed open, just in time. 
“Riri stop trying to break my door!” Shuri really didn’t like that, her grip turned distressing. Oh that's right you two were still holding hands, you shook your hands free of hers, Riri didn't even notice. 
“Why? you not my Umama!” Shuri rolled her eyes., “I see you found the Xhosa copies”. “No! I didn't- I told you to check again!” Riri was not backing down from this, Shuri relented and bowed her head “I’m sorry Riri.” 
“That’s more like it. You-” She’s pointing at you like she just remembered your mere existence. “If you want we can meet for three and I won’t charge you next time but after that, two fifty. Deal?” Riri’s stance is concrete.
“Deal.” you echoed. 
“wai-Wait how about you two have lessons here.” Is she serious? “I could buy some chairs and smaller desks and have them shipped by your second session.” She is serious. Riri considered for a bit, Shuri rocked on her heels waiting for her response. 
“Look, see you get two geniuses for the price of one.” If she only knew. Shuri couldn’t contain her excitement murmuring to herself that she'll place the order right now. You couldn’t feel any worse than how you did now.
An: Thank you if you read the fic. Yeah any constructive criticism is welcome. If you have any requests I have a box up (hope it works) and yeah thats it. :3
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ctrleuphoria · 1 year
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Something I’ve been working on 🤭
@inmyheadimobsessed @quintessencewrites @verachii @shurisbathwater
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paisholotus · 2 years
𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓈
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I was nervous stepping off the plane. I can still remember running to Kate to tell her the news that I got accepted and would receive a full scholarship. Me and her sat at the dinner table at her house celebrating my acceptance into the program I had been hoping to enroll in since I was little.
When I was a kid, I was constantly building something, and my mum soon realized that I was extremely intelligent for my age. Being the smartest child in every class, I was consistently placed in advanced classes. When I told my mum I wanted to be a scientist, she told me she thought I could do anything and that she believed in me.
I'll never forget the phone call I got while I was at school that my mum died from a car accident. I didn't have any family other than my mother because my sperm donor of a fucking father abandoned me and my mum.
When I asked my mum why I never saw my father, she said it was because he didn't want to be a part of our lives. I always knew I was different from the other kids, not just because i was smarter, but because of the stories my mum would tell me. She told me he wasn't from America, and when I was around six she showed me a glowing tattoo on my lip and told me if something happened to her that the tattoo was supposed to protect me.
I became an orphan when I was 11 years old. I became angry with everything and everyone. To relieve the pain I would fight, steal, party, drink, and get high on anything and everything. I'm 18 years old now.
Then I met Kate Linton, my new counselor, that was assigned to me. She persuaded me to clean up my life and encouraged me to want better for myself. She urged me to join the Wakandan International Outreach Program. I had my doubts about it, because what if I wasn't made for this?
But I decided I wasn't going to be scared anymore, I was goin to make my mama proud. Because this what she would have wanted for me, to be happy. And I am.
As I walked through the airport, a small smile crept on my face. I've never been to America before, so everything was a little overwhelming for me. Kate made me promise to call her as soon as possible, when I settled in.
A month before all of this, a woman came from Wakanda to interview me, and she introduced herself as Nakia. She complimented me, saying I resembled many Wakandan children, but that I was the most intelligent person she'd ever met.
I told her about myself and my ideas and about my inventions, I showed her all my projects. And she actually looked interested and stared at me like my mum used to, when I would passionately talk about my projects.
She accepted me into the program right then and there. She told me that I was going to make a big difference in Wakanda, but what she said went over my head because I couldn't stop myself from silently crying with a small smile on my face. I'd never felt so happy and excited in my life, and I felt like I'd done my mama proud.
A/N: would y'all like a pt2 ?
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222euphoria · 10 months
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~𝐄𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐮𝐩
~ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❥ @ctrleuphoria
~ 𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞?
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heejayy · 6 months
Dear black readers,
Don’t be afraid to write that fanfic . Regardless of the film, celebrity, book, show, character, sexuality, genre, or whether you think it's good or not write it! There isn't nearly enough fan fiction for us to appreciate or relate to as it is. We’re just as important as any other reader and if the fandom claims that the character would never be interested in a black person, and?! How the hell they know? There's a reason it’s called fan fiction... Don't be ashamed to write it because you fear nobody will read it, they will. It's important, in my opinion, that black readers be able to visualize themselves in the book. So write the story! 🫶🏾
- Ary 💜
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haechvn · 2 years
Sit Down Please (Headcanon) (18+ NSFW)
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Nasty whoreish good for nothing filth..
Summary/Request: Am I the only one that thinks Shuri would love when reader sits on her face 👀🥵
Word Count: 0.7k+
Author’s Note: Just read you whores. Thank you Anon! <3
Taglist :  @melodykisses, @blackhottie25, @tonakings, @coalmistyy, @szalipcombo, @prettyluhlaiiii, @yelenabelovasgf, @callmeoncette, @clqrosmgc, @beautybyfire, @homelessmicechild, @shurisbitch
Translations: Sthandwa = My love
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The S in Shuri also stands for seat in case you didn’t know
Her facial structure is so pristine and clean cut. Why you may ask? IT’S BC THAT’S WHERE YOUR COOCHIE IS DESIGNED TO BE
Wants to eat you out in her lab, the throne room (ON THE THRONEEEE), on a ship. Literally everywhere
Don’t think about how Shuri practically begs you every morning to eat you as a part of her breakfast
“Sthandwa, as Princess of Wakanda, I decree that you must place yourself on my face in order for me to truly be able to guide my country in the best way possible. I cannot go without it. ”
Just the thought of her tongue circling your clit gives her more strength than the heart-shaped herb
She loves when you choke her with your pussy, constantly moaning into your pussy and rubbing both of her hands over your ass
Breathing isn’t that important anyways
You could see your juice fall down on the sides of her face and make her jaw glitter omg
She would ask you to wipe it off with your fingers and stick them in your mouth I—
Tugging you further and further into her mouth as if she is treasure hunting up your insides
Shuri would force you to always keep your eyes on her
But other times, she would shut her eyes so tight and just focus on how soft and luscious you feel in her mouth and she wouldn’t be able to stop moaning i promise
Being the kinky fuck she is, she may or may not put a finger up your a—
She wouldn’t let you go until you’ve cum at least twice and she would want you to watch her gulp your cum down her throat OMG AH
Constantly shaking her head north south east and west, wanting to catch every part of you in her mouth
I think she would also have a thing for biting your clit
Like when you feel like you are going to explode and want to run away, she would teasingly bite you and pull you down even closer or wrap your legs around her head even tighter bc she could care less if she died between your thighs or not
I feel like when she goes down on you, she’s more of a munch vs a fingering kinda gal buttt
Every time she fingers you, it's always three fingers bc she needs you to feel her in all her glory
She likes doing the infamous ‘come here’ motion but at any extremely slow place so you would feel her fingers on your g spot for AT LEAST five seconds at a time
while doing that, Shuri would move her whole head in circles going in one direction (#zarry) and have her tongue moving in the opposite direction!!!!
Would force you to sit on her during zoom calls and phone conversations
“You better bounce this pussy on my face Princess before I punish you for not being slutty enough for me” !!!!!!
Loves when you grab her hair and force her head up and just GRIND THE FUCK OUT OF THAT STUNNING FACE
You would always be seeing her eyes roll to the back of her head and fuck does she look amazing
Would completely blow down to you when you reach back and start stroking her pussy bc your Queen needs attention too &lt;3
Rubbing on her clit or fingering her would literally bring growls out of Shuri likee
She would deliver the hardest and loudest slaps to your ass, and groan like the little bitch she is bc truth be told, SHE LIKE BEING HANDLED LIKE A WHORE
She would grind her hips up to meet your fingers and just whore herself out
I can see her wanting to eat you out for an entire hour but “baby you have an entire country to rule”
“yea and somehow this pussy is still more important” 
I rest my case
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naomis-daydream · 1 year
the panther’s prey // shuri udaku
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summary: an argument has you questioning your relationship with shuri. due to your uncertainty and her duties as black panther, it’s been nearly two weeks since you two have spoken, but the Panther must make it known that she will not be ignored.
warnings: predator/prey aspects, oral and strap-on (reader receiving bc shuri’s a munch), scissoring, overstimulation, praise, and degradation if you squint.
a/n: i was gonna publish fluff…idk how we got here. again, i’m still new to writing smut so please be gentle. started as a short idea, lord this took so long to finish so show her love!
translations: ewe - yes, sana/sthandwa- baby, nkosazana- princess.
The soft patter of the rain meeting your living room window matched with the low lighting from numerous lamps completed the relaxed ambiance of your apartment.
You were sitting on your couch, eyes glued to your laptop as your fingers typed almost subconsciously against the keys. You were trying to finish some notes so you could actually enjoy your weekend, wanting to spend your Friday night doing something other than work, but alas, here you were.
You took a sip of your tea, the liquid sending a comforting warmth down your throat. As you set the mug down on a coaster, turning back to your work, a rustle coming from your balcony causes you to jump slightly.
You sighed, hand over your heart to relax your nerves. You’d been really anxious since the attack on Wakanda, and though it’s been over a year since it’s occurrence, even the slightest thing out of the ordinary sparked caution.
You chalk it up to the winds, the Wakandan breeze having been particularly strong in recent weeks. When you attempt to go back to your work, another noise, closer, draws your eyes back to the door.
You lived on the fifth floor of your complex, so your suspicions about someone creeping along your deck weren’t too high. Nonetheless, you rose from your curled position slowly, inching towards the door. You flick the switch to turn on the balcony light, peeking through the shades. Seeing as no one a visibly outside, you sigh deeply before swinging it open, just to make sure. You quickly scan the area, your heart rate relaxing when you’re met with nothing but your outdoor furniture and a light breeze flowing through your hair.
You shut the door, locking it behind you before turning around. The small sense of security you regained left in a mere second when you’re met with a suit-clad figure standing a few yards away from you by the couch.
You jump back, hitting the door slightly with a hand on your chest as you gasp. One would think this reaction would warrant an explanation, a response, something from the woman across from you, yet she stood still, her gaze still felt underneath the metallic mask.
“Shuri,” you breathed, eyes widened in surprise.
The taller girl lifted her chin in acknowledgment, eyes still peering into you. You both stood there for a beat, seemingly waiting on the other to say something. Once you realized the small tilt of her head was the only response she’d give you, another set of words stumbled out of you.
“What are you…H-how did you-?” you uttered, looking from the door back to her frame.
Silence. Again.
The slight fear in your tone from her unannounced visit didn’t go unnoticed by her majesty. You exhale deeply, the frustration from her wordlessness causing you to drag a hand down your face.
“Look, you can’t just break in here and…”
“I’m not breaking anything.” she says finally, voice low and deep.
You scoff shortly. “Oh, so she speaks.”
The static between you two returns once more as you stand stoically waiting for a response. Again, you’re the one to break it. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to go ghost—well kinda, but I just…needed to think things through myself. Figure out what I want, what I need.”
“And it took you two weeks to figure out if I’m a want or a need?” She asked, retracting her helmet while taking a two steps towards you.
“That’s not what I meant, you know that.” you reply while shaking your head. “But that doesn’t warrant you showing up like this. If you wanted to talk, why not use your beads like a sane person?”
“Who said I came here talk?”
Your mouth closes as you swallow under her gaze, choosing to look at your kitchen cabinets rather that her hypnotizing eyes. “If you think you’re gonna seduce me after practically ignoring me for weeks, and not even reaching out to me when I left, you’re mistaken,” you reply, turning your head back to her.
“That’s what this is about?” She cocks her head to the right slightly, continuing to stalk closer, “I don’t give you enough attention, so you run away, knowing I’d follow?”
The roll of your eyes brings a smirk to her lips as she watches you fold your arms across your midriff, seemingly putting a barrier between yourself and her.
“Though you always loved the chase, didn’t you?”
You keep your eyes locked with hers as she continues, walking towards your hallway. “Let’s see if you enjoy running this time.”
That’s the last thing she said before her frame disappeared into your hallway, leaving you open-mouthed and alone in your living room as you contemplated what the hell she was doing.
“Shuri, I’m not playing these games,” you shouted, voice echoing in the absence of her response.
Your voice is the only one heard as you walk through the hallway, passing the threshold of the room she undeniably went to.
“Seriously, Shuri, stop messing around.” You call, walking to the center of the room, standing in front of your bed while looking around.
“But we haven’t had any fun yet, sana,” she whispers in your ear, causing you to jump for what seems like the fifth time tonight as she emerges soundlessly behind you.
You whip your body to face her, backing up slightly when your lips almost touch. She smiled feverishly, obviously amused by her antics and the reactions they draw out of you.
“Stop doing that.” You push at her shoulders. “If you’re just here to toy with me, you can go back to your precious lab.”
Your words make her step closer, you step back as she speaks. “Oh, I haven’t even began to toy with you, my love.”
Your brows furrow as she continues, her words matching her actions, strong and tantalizing. “You know what I think?” she begins, “I think you want me to stay.”
Your breath hitches as you step back further, the back of your knees buckling as they hit the bed’s edge.
“I think you want me to make up for the all attention I’ve been so neglectful in giving to you.” Shuri says lowly, voice soft yet stern as she rests her hands on either side of you. “Hm?”
This time, it was you who was silent, choosing to scan her face rather than utter a no doubt shaky reply. Her eyes were dark and inviting, irises so warm and enticing that it drew you into her, leaning forward ever so slightly. Her lips were parted as her warm breath tickled your skin, making you shiver. Shuri smiles as she studies you, the way you watch her every move. The sinful glint in her eyes only grows as she lowers herself in front of you, knees connecting with the wooden floor.
She sighs in feigned indifference. “You know, I’ve always known your body better than you do,” she begins, massaging your thighs intently. “As much as you attempt to be dishonest with me, she can’t,” she breathes, eyes dropping to your core.
The thumping in your chest is so apparent you feel it in your ears, embarrassment clouding your thoughts as you’re sure she senses it too.
The panther chuckles at your state, your racing heartbeat only amplifying her hunger to claim you as hers. She wants to take her time, to go slow, make you feel every inch of her desire for you, but she couldn’t fight the primal urge to absolutely ruin you.
She flexes her right hand, her claws emerging from her suit with a sharp noise. A gasp escapes as she leans over you, prompting you to lay down. Shuri props herself up with one hand beside your torso, the other dragging lightly over your leggings with enough force that the cool metal is felt against your skin, but not puncturing.
She kisses your collarbone gently, words breathed into your skin as she speaks. “We have a little disagreement, and you leave me. Running away like a child.”
You can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips as you feel the claw of her index finger disrupt the seam on the side of your leg, running down from your hip to your ankle, the noise filling the room. She continues to mark you, nipping and sucking at your neck as she speaks.
“You think you’d find someone else to spoil you like I do, nkosazana, hm? Is that what it is?” she continues, repeating her previous action on your other leg. “I fail to attend to you for a few days and you go to find someone new?”
Your quickened breaths are the only response she gets from you, much to her dismay. “So quiet now, my love,” She taunts, standing to pull the ripped leggings off your body. “Let’s fix that, yeah?”
Your body ached for her, you’re sure she could tell by the way you lifted your hips to help remove the pesky fabric, even more so by the visible wet patch on the crotch of your underwear.
Laughter vibrates through the young monarch. She could tell you want her just as much as she wants you, but she still senses the hesitance in your obedience. Usually by now, you’d be begging her to touch you, and though your reaction was slightly unexpected, Shuri had a plethora of ways of opening you up.
You hold eye contact with her as she lowers to a kneel once more, retracting her claws before pulling your thighs to the bed’s edge as she smiles up at you.
You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t. You knew it was inevitable that Shuri would come to you, look at you with those pretty little eyes, say those pretty little words that’d make you fall back in her embrace with little fight. You hoped it’d be different this time, that you’d get her to admit her wrongs before getting her in your pants, put up a little fight, just to show you could. Though the willpower you thought you had was clearly terrible as she hooks two fingers around your panties and pulls them down your silky legs.
“Fuck, sthandwa,” she breaths, taking in your soaked cunt. “All this for me?”
You don’t respond, a pitiful attempt at holding on to the little control you had over her—denying her your praise. Shuri noticed the chokehold your grip had on the sheets, wrinkling the fabric as to resist touching her.
Her finger trails lightly down your slit, brushing over your clit as a soft whimper leaves your throat. “There she is,” the panther purrs, locking your thighs in the crook of her elbows.
Shuri kisses up your thighs, stoping ever so often to nip at the pillowy skin. “You gonna stop fighting me, love? Let me give this pussy the attention she deserves?”
Her words make the pounding at your core intensify, aching to be taken care of. Like she heard your body’s monologue, she licked a long stripe up your entrance, eliciting a sharp inhale from you as she licked her lips at the taste.
“I know you’re mad at me,” she begins, looking up at you with feigned innocent eyes, “but why punish her for my actions? Let me make it up to you both.”
You sigh hazily at her words, her mouth so close to where you needed her. Though you knew she wouldn’t continue unless you said it, gave her the satisfaction of verbalizing your need for her.
“Say it.” She whispers. “Say it and I’ll give you everything you desire, everything I have…I just need to hear you say it.”
“Panther…” you whisper. “Take me.”
That’s all she needs to lower her head to the heaven between your thighs. She swirls her tongue around your clit, moaning as she sucks gently.
“Bast!” you cry, throwing your head back with eyes glued shut.
Any attempt at hiding your need for her was long gone now. Shuri flicked her tongue rapidly over the sensitive bundle of nerves, admiring the way your legs clamped over her ears as she did.
This did little to stop the avenger, she simply pried your legs open, fingers digging into your flesh as you continued to writhe on the sheets.
“Shuri,” you whined, her name dragging over your lips.
“Yes, my love?” She mutters, kitten-kissing your clit. “P-Please, don’t s-stop.” you begged.
She opens her eyes to look up at you, scratching your hip to make you reciprocate.
“You’re going to regret indulging me, sweet girl.”
You barely sputter out a reply as Shuri drives her tongue into your drenched hole, curling it upwards as if she’s searching inside you, twisting the muscle to find that familiar spot that made you fall apart every time.
“Gods, baby, right there! Keep it right there!” You utter, releasing your grip on the sheets and replacing your grasp onto Shuri’s curls.
She leaves sloppy, open-mouthed kisses on your entrance before sticking her tongue out as your hips grind onto her.
That’s it, use me.
Your pants sped up, aligning with your hips as you fuck yourself on her face. You’re close, you both know it, from the way your legs are trembling over her shoulders to the pulsing of your pussy that leaked onto her chin.
“Yes, fuck! Shuri! Shuri!” You chanted, nearly prayer-like had it not been falling from such sinful lips.
Her name continued to vibrate off the walls when your release erupted through you, your body shaking as you rode it out.
The queen lapped up your essence, sucking every drop that threatened to fall from your center as she groaned at the taste. “Such a good fucking girl.”
You exhaled contently, beginning to sit up before a strong hand pushes your torso back down. Her name didn’t leave your tongue before hers was back on you, humming at the way your center throbbed at the stimulation.
Despite pushing her head away, you moaned, the lines of too much and too good blurring. “M-my love, please. Just wa-ait-” you stuttered, looking down to her.
Your words were cut off as she grabbed your wrists, pinning them on either side of your hips as she looked up to you with hallowed cheeks, sucking harshly.
Another strangled moan rips through your throat as your hands balls in fists, fighting a losing battle of breaking free from your highness’ hold.
“I can’t,” you say, eyes watering as she moves one hand off your wrist to push two fingers inside you with little resistance.
Finally, she pulls her mouth off you. “Aw, you gonna cry for me, pretty? Give me those cute little tears to match the way your pussy’s sobbing for me?” she smirks, pumping her lanky fingers steadily in and out of you.
“Fuck!” You sob, a tear rolling down your plump cheek as you feel that familiar knot tightening in your lower stomach.
“You gonna cum for me, Y/n?” she asks lowly.
“Give it to me. Please, let me have it.” She begs, licking her lips while she curls her fingers up.
You practically yell incoherently as she guides you through your orgasm, a mix of moans and curses fill the air as you come down from your high.
A sigh leaves you as she slowly pulls her fingers out, you smile softly as she stands, lifting them to your mouth. You enclose your lips around her while holding her gaze, groaning at the taste of yourself while swirling your tongue between her fingers as she removes them, a line of spit trailing close behind.
Shuri’s eyes darken at the sight of you; locs messily splayed against the bed, eyes puffy and slightly red, neck full of marks of varying size and color no doubt worsening by the minute.
You looked absolutely beautiful.
She leans down to trap you in an intoxicating kiss, brushing her tongue against yours while cradling your face. Your lips dance with one another, going from slow and gentle, to quick and desperate.
She pulls back, chuckling as you chase her touch, to stand. You watch intently as her suit retracts into the toothed necklace laying fiercely against her neckline. You prop yourself up on your elbows as she removes her sports bra and underwear, dragging the undergarment teasingly down her leg.
Any hopes you had at ending at a mere two rounds died as her lustful gaze held you in place, unable to move as she stalked toward the bed.
She crawled beside you, laying on her side as you turned to face her. The two of you admire one another for a moment, the dips, curves, and everything in between on each others’ body. Shuri lifted two fingers to trail up your leg, eyes following as her touch tickled you.
She enjoyed watching you squirm, knowing it was her who made you this way. That’s precisely why she smiled as her fingertips grazed your shoulder, falling in the valley between your breasts. She could feel you shudder as her thumb tweaked your nipple. Your eyes remained on her face as you watched her play with you. It was common during sex with Shuri, she would often get lost in the action of touching you, seeing reactions she could get.
She treated you like a toy, meant to be played with and enjoyed for her own fulfillment, and you fucking loved it.
She reaches to flick your other nipple as she kissed you, soft and sweet, contrary to her movements. You moan in her mouth, relaxing into her touch. She places a hand on the back of neck as she rolls onto her back, wrapping a leg around your waist.
Your head drops into the crook of her neck as your feel your pussy brush hers. You roll your hips onto hers, rubbing your clits against one another.
Shuri groans, biting her lower lip as she matches your rhythm. She was so wet from eating you out, poor thing was rubbing her thighs together to ease the pressure growing inside her as she pleased you.
Your hand is above her head, holding you steady as you rock your hips together, the sloshing of your arousals mixing making you cry out as your third orgasm approached quickly.
“Shit, you feel so good,” she breaths, breasts rising and falling rapidly as she keeps your pace. Her hand reaches for yours above her, intertwining your fingers. She squeezes your palm with each connection of your hips. “I’m close, usana, so close.”
You both loved this position. It was one of the few with you on top, in control. It was more intimate than others because you both were so close, nothing else but each other making one feel this way. Panther and pantheress, holding each other until it became too much, picking up the pieces of one another just to chase the high all over again.
You grabbed the back of her knee that was previously around your waist, bringing it to lay on your shoulder as you rolled your pussy harder onto hers.
“Nnghh-baby, right there. You’re so fucking good to me. Ewe! Don’t stop.” She cried, hips nearly rising off the mattress in attempt to get closer. You bent down, connecting your foreheads as you breathed in one another, chasing that euphoric feeling creeping closely in the both of you.
“Cum with me, my queen,” you begged. “Cum all over this pussy!”
She rocked her hips up onto yours, groaning loudly as her body shook against yours. You came shortly after, collapsing on top of her as you both breathed heavily. She kisses your shoulder gently, muttering sweet nothings into your skin.
Though it took longer for you, your breathing slowed, heart rate returning to normal. Shuri sensed this, taking the moment to address the elephant in the room.
“So,” she uttered, hands resting on the curve of your ass. “I am forgiven?”
The slight uncertainty in her tone makes you giggle as you sit up slightly to see her face. You take in her features, while fucked-out, you could see the sincerity in her eyes. “Yeah,” you say after a beat, “I forgive you.”
Her smile makes your heart melt, the apples of her cheeks rising as she begins to speak before you cut her off with a finger raised. “But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.” You start, seeing her smile lessen.
“You can’t just shut me out for weeks, flake on our dates, and barely acknowledge me, then come over and and do this,” you gesture towards your sweating, naked forms.
“I need you to let me back in, talk to me, let me know what’s going on in that beautiful brain of yours.” she nods softly as you speak.
“I am truly sorry, my love. There’s no explanation that justifies my actions. I just…I got scared.” she admits, closing her eyes.
“Scared of what, Shuri?” you ask, tilting your head in attempt to get the girl to met your gaze. Once she does, you sense the hesitance in her movements. “If I don’t know, I can’t help, Ri.” She sighs, opening her eyes to meet yours—kind and curious as the day she met you.
“I-I just can’t shake the thought that one day you’ll leave me,” she begins, continuing when she sees your confused expression. “That you’ll find someone else to treat you the way you deserve, that you’ll realize I’m just this…broken girl who’s heart you can’t fix.”
“Hey,” you bring one of her hands to your lips, kissing her knuckles. “You are not broken, and you damn sure don’t need to be fixed. You’re human, despite having the strength of the Black Panther,” you teased, earning a light chuckle. “You’re not perfect, nor do I expect you to be. What I do expect, is for you to trust me, to communicate with me, to let me take the load off.”
Her brows raised at your statement’s implications, a smile growing on her face. Heat rises to your cheeks as you hit her shoulder lightly. “Stop! That’s not what I meant,” you say, fighting the smile rising on your features.
“That said,” you continue, “I’m glad you came over.”
“Really? I was getting the feeling you wanted me gone when you started screaming ‘Shuri! Shuri!’” she mocked, earning another smack on the shoulder.
“Ow! Hit me again, woman. See how much of a load you can take,” she warned.
You smiled sinisterly as you hopped off the bed, walking towards the bathroom. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Panther,” you smiled over your shoulder.
You heard her chuckle behind you as the bed creaked, her footsteps trailing close behind you and the door clicked shut.
The bath you had ran was sure to be freezing by now, long abandoned by it’s owners who were meant to be “saving water.”
Somewhere between you running the bath water and Shuri getting fresh towels led to you ending up bent over the countertop with her strap eight inches deep inside your cunt.
You didn’t even see her get the damn thing, much less put on the harness. You would’ve figured her sex drive was fulfilled by now, but as you leaned over to check the running water, you felt her wrap her arms around you, pushing you onto the nearest surface as she slipped inside. The panther was indeed still on the prowl.
“Look at yourself, see how good you look? How good we look? How could I ever think you were made to take anyone else but me, hm?”
Her questions feel upon seemingly deaf ears, because all you could focus on was the feeling of her. How right she was. How right it feels when she’s inside you, mercilessly pushing her hips into yours so hard you felt her everywhere.
The pain of your hips meeting the cold, hard countertop mixed with the pleasure of her dick repeatedly hitting that numbing spot began to be too much. Coupled with the overstimulation from previous orgasms, you were on the verge of cumming in minutes.
Shuri noticed this too. She look down to see where she disappeared and reappeared inside you, noticing the clench of your walls around her as well as the thick ring of your arousal coating her strap. She smirked, knowing you were close. She changed her action from bringing her hips to yours to harshly bringing your ass to meet her cock, reaching impossibly deeper inside you.
You let out a guttural moan, now uncaring and unashamed of anyone who might hear you, making the woman smile. This was the panther’s pussy, and she wanted your entire complex to know.
“Shuri, please!” You nearly screamed.
“Please what, sthandwa sami? What do you want?” she says breathlessly, her own release building as well.
“Please don’t stop.”
“Tell me. Tell me who does this pussy belong to? Ungokabani?” she replies, her pace unfaltering as you whimpered, her words only lessening the distance of your high.
Who do you belong to? How could she ask such a thing? From the moment she walked in, she knew your were hers, if you’d really wanted her to leave, she wouldn’t have made it past the hallway. You wanted her, nearly more than she wanted you. You wanted her to chase you, to catch you, make you know that as much you try to hide it, you existed simply for one another.
“You! I’m yours. I’m yours, my queen. I’ve never belonged to anyone, but you!”
The royal’s hips faltered at the statement, lost in the undeniable honesty of your words. She toke the opportunity to learn over, whispering in your ear. “That’s right, nkosazana. And you never will.”
That’s was confirmation enough for you. With the next thrust you were cumming. Your limbs grew limp as you squirted all over Shuri’s pelvis, moaning loudly.
You looked up at the mirror, lower lip caught between your teeth to see Shuri’s head buried in your neck as she continued to sloppily move inside you. Her groans were stifled by your skin, the vibrations making you shudder as you felt her bottom out, throwing her head back as your name left her lips.
She bends over you again, kissing your shoulder before meeting your gaze in the mirror.
“Ndiyakuthandana, sweet girl.”
You hummed, a lazy smile on your face, eyes low-lidded as you replied. “I love you too.”
She smiled at your words, standing before pulling out of you slowly. You sighed as she did, missing the feeling of being filled.
“Come on,” she said nodding toward the shower, “let’s get you cleaned up.”
You stood, wincing at the slight pain your back. Taking her hand, you limped slowly.
Her free hand went to start the shower, fingers running under the stream to assure a comfortable temperature for you. Once she was satisfied, Shuri steps inside, pulling you into her embrace as she does.
Your arms wrap around her necks as hers cage your waist. Your fingertips play with the growing hair at her nape as she hums contently, leaning her head back into your touch.
You tilt your head up to place a soft kiss on her lips. Shuri reciprocated, pushing her tongue into your mouth. She pulls away your bottom lip between her teeth as she growls deeply.
You smile happily as you reply.
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axailslink · 6 months
You must think me a fool
Dark!Shuri Udaku x Princess!Warrior FEM reader
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Synopsis: Her people fear her she slaughtered a community just to save them but has she also lost her humanity? Can she force the image of a domesticated lifestyle with you who wants nothing to do with her? To do with a murderer?
"Marry? what reason do I need to marry?" Shuri doesn't take her eyes off of her past projects trying to find some sort of flaw something to update so that she doesn't let herself get completely drowned in her royal affairs. "They fear you Shuri. Do you not care?" Shuri rolls one of her kimoyo beads around in the palm of her hand "of course I care Okoye but I can't parade as if I am not upset my mother-" "your mother would want you to continue your life not sulk and-" "-you are not dora milaje anymore why do you insist on giving me guidance?" Okoye is silenced in this moment because she is right she's not Dora milaje "I am family that's why I persist but please keep acting the way you do and push the only family away you have left. To be the smartest woman I know you surely make the most idiotic decisions when you're upset. Umntwana (a child.)"
Shuri has a point to prove so here she sits in the middle of common folks equivalent to a living room but nothing in comparison four pillars on each corner of the room no doors but instead large arched paths that lead you to the next room or a hallway that leads to the next room. Candles light the room instead of lights so it's dimly lit not a lot but enough to see whoever resides in said room. You're nowhere in sight because this meeting as your mother said is "none of your concern" even though you're sure when you hear the truths behind it you'll disagree.
"You want my daughters hand in marriage?" The older lady sitting across from Shuri is astonished because what in the mother of above has possessed Shuri to ask for such a thing? "I don't understand you've disappeared from her life and now you want her hand?" "I'm begging for your daughter's hand I need to fool my people and she is one of the few women I've ever been interested in as a friend or as a potential queen." Shock reads the woman's face and the candles only deepen the creases on her face as she makes a contorted facial expression as she forces her next words "as much as I am willing to do so I don't think she's as willing as I." Shuri keeps her face straight unsure why a friend would not be willing to help her in such a time of need "could I speak to her?" The hesitation reaches the woman's voice before it even spills from her lips "she's... She's sparing maybe another time princess?" Shuri cocks her head at being called the wrong title but it's only momentarily "queen my title is "queen" it hasn't been "princess" in a very long time and I wish to speak with her." Before the conversation can continue and Shuri is given more time to disrespect your mother she goes to say her final piece to her "your people are dying from sickness, your animals too, your greenery can't be taken care of if the people who care for them can barely stand. My people are healthy and strong I wouldn't be opposed to lending you a hand if you lend me her hand." Your mother would never make a decision like this without your knowledge and Shuri knows it but it wouldn't hurt to tip the scale a bit in her favor before she spoke to you.
Shuri doesn't give her a chance to give a response before she wanders out of the dimly lit space into the dark hall feeling her bare feet on the rocks as she approaches the sparring room. She watches for a while as you seem to annihilate some kid with her own weapon when caught off guard you kick the tiny dagger out of the little girl's hand and Shuri is quick to grab it. "You must think yourself a worthy opponent Shuri" Shuri let's her eyes scan you and the white thin cloth that she can't believe you would call a dress "no hugs?" You smile "now why would I hug a murderer?"
"Using the common words I thought the term was a "warrior" I guess you no longer think me a friend?" You gently sign to the child to leave you both be and she does running off on the tips of her toes. "You slaughtered a community Shuri I don't think I can forgive you for that" Shuri nods as approaches you but you still your stance barely noticing the cuts lined upon your arms leaking blood onto the granite floor "it was my people or theirs I was sure you of all people would understand."
"We aged together but I would never murder you know this... You killed. Since when have we done that?" You both circle each other wondering who will pounce first? It could be you with your perfect stance ready to throw Shuri off if she does or it could be Shuri ready to attack if you so far as think to jump. "I was protecting my people!" You shake your head "you were looking for a reason to mask your revenge!" Shuri sighs the breath being the moment of letting her guard down that you just seemed to be waiting for because you grab Shuri by her neck and turn her so quickly she can't get a hold of you. Crouching behind you bring her down with you your knee pressed firmly into her back uncomfortably behind her spinal cord as the other hand stays firmly on her neck "What brings the murderer to my palace?" Shuri gasps carefully her Adams apple bobs beneath the feel of your rough fingers.
"Marry me" you grip loosens just for a moment at the shock of her words and she takes advantage sliding the dagger up your leg and breaking herself free "awukwazi ukuba serious (you can't be serious)" Shuri nods. "I simply need a favor and I shall give you one in return." You shake your head as you hold your leg "no whatever it is no. Absolutely not."
"Your people are dying"
"Your people are sick"
"Your people are vegetarian yet I see no greenery what are they eating?"
"Get out." Shuri sighs "let me help" "I don't want your help I don't even know who you are" "I am your friend" Shuri begs you with her eyes but you don't want to hear any words coming from her lips. "Marry me put on a facade and I will feed your people so well they'll be fat. I will help grow the greenery and get rid of the sickness that has consumed you all just fake this one thing for me. Don't be selfish." You sigh and stand up letting the blood drip down your leg "you move different Shuri Udaku..." Shuri says nothing now letting you get your turn to speak "it's not elegant it's not queenly you move like you care for nothing but yourself I'm sure that's true."
"I care about you..."
"You must think me a fool."
Within a few hours you're with Shuri on her way back to the kingdom you don't put up a fight after the conversation earlier. The faster you do this the faster your people get better it's sick of Shuri to cut a proposition like this really but it comes to surprise to you that she'd do something so evil. You're right she does move differently. She moves like a queen who doesn't deserve have her throne.
A/n: this took a big turn not even going to lie this was supposed to be some enemies to lovers y'all wasn't even supposed to know each other but once again I took a plot and ran with it. Also very unedited I have some military related stuff just wanted to give y'all something because it's been a very long time and I do apologize for that.
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chxxms · 3 months
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shalomszn · 5 months
˗ ˏˋ eye contact. | college stu au
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shuri x blk!fem!reader | fluff! | drabble
summary : just a little eye contact with a pretty girl, what that can lead to? (Description of being madly in love)
a/n : just something I think about while listening to this song 🤭
Your focus was on the professor’s voice, his words on explaining the human anatomy. Fingers typing on your keyboard to drop down the notes on your laptop, then your gaze slowly went back to the professor.
It has always been like this, never a distraction was caused. There’s only 3 things will get your attention during class, which is the professor, your laptop, and maybe some documents on the table. Never caring about the people in the same room as you.
But this girl with short curls, sharp jawline, and a tall figure seemed to made an exception. Whenever the professor seemed to ask a question, she’ll answer in with full confidence, and later on, get it correct.
You sat by at a cafe on campus, studying for your finals. But your mind doesn’t want to put the attention on it, instead, it started wandering over that girl in class. You groaned in frustration, taking your glasses off hoping you could focus.
And failed. You even start to suspect do you like her, but all you know from her is that she’s a beautiful woman. That’s not worth to be a distraction from class, and again, you tried to find your ways back to focusing on your studies.
As usual, you show up to class, pay attention, and do what a student would do.
Putting your full attention on the professor’s words, as you try to understand how he explains everything. There it goes again, the girl. Your gaze slowly move from your laptop screen, to her, sitting in the next row.
Whats surprising is that she seemed to notice your gaze, and she seemed to been staring at you for quite a while. Her beautiful brown eyes, her face originally in your direction, immediately changing the moment you decided to take a glance at her.
Her side profile now displays, as her eyes started to scan at random objects. Taking a pen, and looking at it like it’s her first time discovering about a pen. She looks at it like it’s a beautiful and precious diamond.
You started blushing slightly, and you place a hand to cover your smile while you lean back to chuckle softly at her reaction. Your heart was fluttering, blossoms were blooming in your stomach, butterflies dancing in your heart. You tried to hold in your soft smile and went back to the class, but oh, how hard is it when those few seconds of eye contact literally became a core memory to you.
Your gaze started to slowly go back to her, she was grinning like an idiot. Her face resting on her palm, as her gaze maybe on the laptop screen, but she seems like she was thinking of something.
Class ended, and what you’ve learnt? nothing, but realised the seemingly cocky girl could also blush. You may had learnt nothing, or understood anything during class, but at least you did share a few seconds of eye contact with that beautiful girl right?
But what comes next to is unexpected, you were packing to leave the classroom, but she approached you, oh that soft and raspy voice.
“Hey…I’ve been noticing you in class for a few times, and you’re really beautiful.”
You giggled sweetly, and moved around in your seat, as you look up at her through your curls,
“you’re really beautiful too.” When you open your eyes from the small laugh to look at her. She literally lost her focus while holding the eye contact with you, your pupils were reflecting a sparkly light, your lips curved into a sweet smile, your long curls around your head.
“thanks…do you mind if I get your number?”
“yeah…sure” she handed you her phone, and you typed your phone number in also adding your name to the contact name. She took it back, and look at the name. “y/n?”
“mhm. well now since you got my name…what’s yours?” You showed that smile again, while looking up at her waiting for her response. There was a long pause, like really long. And that made you tilting your head and touching her forearm asking her what’s wrong.
“Oh uhm, I’m shuri.”
“Shuri…sweet name you got.”
She chuckled from that, ‘well that was hot’ you thought. Looking at her smile, as you snapped out of the trance.
“you’re so fine.”
“oh really?” You asked and giggling again, while packing your stuff. “Yeah…like hella fine.”
“I swear if you keep giving me these compliments, my heart will die from a heart attack.” You said jokingly, getting up from your seat, and the height comparison wasn’t that obvious but it was.
“Well I’m just saying how beautiful you are, is it my fault now?” She softly said, while looking at you like you’re the only girl in this world. Like you’re the pen she was looking at earlier during class. “no…never was. tell me more in the texts.” You softly said ready to leave and go for your next class, when she licked her lips and smiled at you
“text me alright?
“I sure will…y/n.”
And that’s when you left the class with a smile on your face.
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risingoftime · 1 year
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖊 | 𝖘𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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synopsis: Shuri pays a visit to Riri’s new apartment but is surprised that she no longer lives alone.
word count: 3k
warnings: smut, fingering, kimoyo bead toys, vibrating toys, dom!shuri, sub!reader, orgasm control, finger sucking, overstimulation, praise, slight hurt/angst/grief, drugged sex, marijuana use, couch sex.
note: haven’t written in a while, but I’m back now! I am slowly but surely going to get through requests, so please be patient with me ˙ᵕ˙
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
I set up my canvas in front of me and aligned my paintbrushes in the way I liked before lighting the spliff I had rolled earlier. I’ve been trying to get motivation, but I haven't had the easiest time finding inspiration around me since my Mother passed away due to cancer. Saying that my mom was my best friend is an understatement. At times it felt like she was all I had. I don’t have any siblings, and my Dad, I try my best not to think of him anymore. I remember crying to Riri once she returned. She hadn’t responded to my calls or messages when she got involved with the Wakandans. I understood why, but I will never forget the loneliness I felt when I couldn’t turn to my childhood best friend. If there is anyone who I can count on, it is Riri. When Riri returned, she rarely left my side. It’s the reason why we share an apartment now. We live close enough to MIT, so she doesn’t have to commute far, and my art gained a lot of following, so I opened a gallery in Massachusetts. She made money from hustling students and doing their school projects. While my gallery and custom canvases have allowed me to work and afford anywhere, I please. I took a big hit of the spliff before going on my phone to order a pizza since Riri was still at MIT working on her midterms. There was no point in waiting up for her to cook. I turned up my speakers to drown out the white noise with neo-soul, thought it would suit the vibe I’m on as I smoke and paint. I turned back towards my empty canvas, fiddling with my brush. It’s been a month, and I still couldn’t get the image of the Wakandan Princess Riri described.
I already have plenty of sketches of what I thought the Princess would look like in her panther suit, but I don’t think I’ve successfully captured the vulnerable side Riri spoke of yet. I lightly sketched an outline of her face in the top corner for reference before I decided on a pose and background. I chose the streets of Chicago to drape the backdrop, the neighbourhood I grew up in. I was centring the female Black Panther surrounded by the faceless members of the hood. I got lost in my art, utilizing my childhood memories to fill out the spaces on the canvas until I was left with the area the panther would occupy. I fiddled with my pencil as I tried to envision the stoic expression she would have.
The knock at the door pulled me away from my work. I was surprised that the pizza arrived so quickly. Tony’s Pizzeria was rarely on time, but it’s the only pizza I liked and worth the wait. I grabbed the twenty-dollar bill left on the kitchen counter and unlocked the front door to find none other than Princess Shuri. I couldn’t hide the shock written all over my face. I jolted backwards away from the door, unsure how to react.
“I’m starting to think American girls don’t like me very much. Riri had a similar reaction when I first visited her at her dorm,” she laughed.
I stood straight, still shocked that she stood before me in the flesh. Princess Shuri brushed past me to enter my apartment and closed the door to the apartment behind her. The Princess was introduced to the mess I’d made while working on my canvas. My drop cloth covered the hardwood floors, my paint supplies were strewn around my wooden stool, and my big green plants were pushed to the edges of the living room. In the distance, I could zero in on my bonnet on top of the couch. That made me spring into action, trying to tidy up the loft. She probably thinks I’m a mess! I was sure that I looked frantic as I did this.
“I’m sorry, I wasn't expecting company. Riri is supposed to come home later in the evening from her exams if that’s why you’re here.” I still held the spliff in my hand and subconsciously took another pull due to the onset of the stress of having the Princess in my apartment. I regretted doing it as soon as I blew out the smoke. “Shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” I aggressively fanned the smoke away. But the Princess wasn’t paying attention to me. Instead, her eyes were trained on the canvas I was working on—focused on the spot where I sketched a rough draft of her face. I felt my heart beat out of my chest from embarrassment. Could anything else go wrong?
“I was just doodling and passing the time,” I tensed in anticipation of what she will say next.
“I don’t think you got my jawline right,” she said after giving it the last few glances. I analyzed her facial features and looked back to the canvas. She was right. The Princess’s jawline was now sharper and more defined. Gone was the roundness from the old photos I saw of her in the media. As I walked towards her, I pursed my lips in response and put out the spliff in the ashtray beside my art supplies.
“You should know I’m an artist and sensitive about my shit,” I joked.
“The one and only Erykah Badu,” she smiled in acknowledgement.
“I’m surprised you know the reference.”
Princess Shuri rolled her eyes at me as a way to say, “Duh.” I didn’t know much about her outside of what Riri and the tabloids had told me, which hasn’t been much. The Princess removed her blazer to make herself comfortable and revealed her toned arms in a muscle tank. I tried my best not to gawk as I watched her grab the wooden stool and place it on the opposite side of the canvas.
“Let me be your live muse, might as well get acquainted while we wait for Riri,” she smiled.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to keep me company,” I replied.
“But I want to, and pass me that joint while you’re up” Princess Shuri nodded towards the ashtray holding my spliff.
“Wait, Princess Shuri, are you even allowed to smoke?” I asked incredulously.
“Call me Shuri, and I will be coronated as Queen soon. So technically, I can do whatever I want now.”
“Okay… Shuri” It felt odd calling her by her first name. It made me feel like we were common acquaintances instead of strangers worlds apart. I passed Shuri the spliff, and she leaned in closer to me, tilting her head up to make eye contact with me to make it easier for me to light it. I quickly retreated to my easel to shift it over and prepped my colours to begin working. I watched as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke with ease as if she’s done it a million times. But, there was more to her than meets the eye.
“What made you get into painting?” Shuri asked. Her eyes observed the numerous half-finished projects and paintings on the wall. I’ve genuinely turned our apartment into a more personal studio.
“Uhm, my art helps me process my emotions and trauma. Each canvas is a journal entry for me. When I lost my Dad, I became depressed and introverted. It was my Mother who introduced me to art through different vessels in my life. She wanted me to have an outlet where I could express myself, something to soothe my soul, as she would say.” I blinked back my tears from the memories of her, the loss still fresh in my heart.
“She sounds like a lovely woman.”
“She was,” I whispered.
I briefly peeked at Shuri and saw her analyzing me. Her eyes were sad but filled with tenderness, “I’m sorry for your loss,” Shuri said.
“Me too,” I replied.
“I guess we have more in common than we think” Shuri sighed and pulled another drag of smoke into her lungs.
It was silent between us afterwards, only the music saving us from the tension in the room. I continued to perfect her jawline, adding a darker shade to add dimension. Shuri kept shifting her head, and it was beginning to make it challenging to get a good view of her features. Finally, I set down my brush in frustration.
“You keep moving, and it’s driving me crazy. I need you to keep facing forward toward me with your head slightly tilted to the right,” I huffed.
“Like this?” Shuri began posing in numerous ways jokingly, clearly feeling the effects of the weed. I couldn’t help but giggle a bit at her goofiness. I walked towards her and gently grabbed her chin to adjust her accordingly. I stood in between her parted legs to do this. Shuri’s eyes were low and slightly red. She looked at me lustfully and slowly licked her lips. My stomach erupted with butterflies, and my nerves peaked.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.
“What? Can’t I admire you? It’s only fair after you’ve been doing the same. I want to see why Riri sings such high praises of you.” Her gaze lowered to rake over my body hungrily. Shuri inhaled the last bit of the spliff and stood before me. Holding my chin, she blows the smoke in my mouth, lips grazing mine. I was thoroughly in a daze from my high and having her so close to me. The taste of smoke and her skin drove me crazy, craving more. She bent down and peppered small kisses as she made a trail to my neck, tracing her tongue along my neck and sending shivers down my spine. Shuri smelled sweet, like vanilla and had a hint of something else. I felt the pool of arousal in my panties as she teased me with her hands, groping and massaging my ass. I lightly pushed her off me to meet her eyes, my head spinning from how fast we were moving.
“What are we doing? we shouldn’t do this,” I stated.
Princess Shuri answered my question with her own, “You don’t want me to make you feel good?”
I paused at the forwardness of her question. If we continue, surely there wouldn’t be no turning back. But I didn’t want to stop now. I went on my toes to kiss her lips once more, slipping my tongue inside to deepen the kiss. Our tongues moved against the other. I pushed my body closer, rubbing my breast against hers. Shuri lifted me to press my core against hers and guided us to the couch. I straddled her as she ground herself against me. Shuri moaned in my mouth and bit my bottom lip. Her hands were firm on my hips as she moved me against her to keep pace with her movements. Shuri’s mouth left no place untouched. She left marks on my neck down to my breast. She was sucking and swirling her tongue as she did so.
“Shuri, please, I want you,” I moaned.
“How do you want me, princess?” she cooed.
“I want you to fuck me,” I admitted. She pushed me down onto my back so I was lying on the couch. Shuri toyed with the brim of my sweatpants, making her way down to my already soaked panties.
“You feel so good,” she mumbled against my neck and rubbed my clit in circular motions. Her fingers were slick with my juices. I rolled my waist to feel every stroke and closed my eyes to focus harder on how Shuri made me feel. I found myself getting lost in it until we heard the ringing of my apartment intercom.
“Fuck, that’s probably the pizza I ordered,” I groaned in frustration at the inconvenience of their timing.
“That’s alright. I’ll go get it,” Shuri offered.
“I don’t want you to stop and leave” I couldn’t hide the pout that formed on my face from the disappointment I felt.
“Who said we had to stop?” she asked.
Shuri plucked two Kimoyo beads from her bracket and slipped them onto the folds of my panties.“Be a good girl for me, and don’t cum until I come back.” I was confused about what she was referring to until I felt the active vibrations coming from the beads. I sat up in shock from the new wave of pleasure, my mouth slightly parted as I let out a soft breath. Shuri smirked in response and got up to retrieve her blazer.
“Don’t move,” she said sternly before turning her back and leaving me alone in my apartment. A small whimper left my mouth, and my thoughts were no longer coherent. I needed her to fuck me and relieve me from my aching desires.
I began panting desperately, trying to control my breathing to prevent the orgasm that was building within me. What were minutes felt like hours. The Kimoyo beads stroked my folds and clit in a painfully slow vibrating motion. I tried to find a position that would allow me to gain relief. However, the beads increased their vibration and speed whenever I tried to adjust them. Caressing my pussy with the utmost precision. Shuri knew what she was doing when she created these. I clenched my thighs together, but it only made things even more unbearable. Finally, the friction sent me over the edge, and I didn’t know how long I could stand. My legs started to shake uncontrollably. Yet I refused to move. I want to show the Princess I can be a good girl.
When Shuri came back, I was dangerously close to unloading, “Shuri, please, I want to cum” I cried.
Shuri enjoyed seeing her effect on me without even having to lay a finger. She slowly strolled to me after placing the food on the counter. I envisioned how I probably looked splayed open and vulnerable for her taking. My hair slightly stuck to my forehead, and my eyes rolled back in anticipation of what would come next.
“Look how wet you are for me.” her gaze was fixated on the darkened moist spot between my thighs. I was soaking through my grey pants. “I want you to beg for me,” she stated.
I pressed my lips in contemplation, unsure if my pride would allow such a thing. “Or I could just leave you like this while I help myself to your pizza,” she offered. “No, Shuri please!” She raised her eyebrows and only said, “I’m waiting.” I let out another moan as the beads did not subside or pause. My clit was overstimulated and tender to the touch.
I groaned in protest and looked into her eyes once more. “Shuri, I’m begging you. I want you to make me cum, only you, please.” I rambled in desperation for her to see how needy I was for her. I had no interest in games or toys.
“Shuri, I only want you right now. I’ll do anything!”
Without hesitation, Shuri removed my clothing until I was left bare. The Kimoyo beads were drenched when we attached them back to her bracelet. Her strength and swiftness were evident throughout. Shuri watched me as she petted my entrance, playing with the sultry fluids inside my folds. Her mouth hovered over mine while she whispered, “You’re so beautiful when you beg.”
Shuri started thrusting into me, pounding her fingers in and out of me at an unmatchable pace. Shuri continued to push her long slender fingers into me, slightly curling them to hit my g-spot. The way my cunt clenched around her drove her to sweet insanity. Shuri’s eyes glazed over me, and she said, “I’ve wanted to do this ever since I first laid eyes on you.” I met her strokes with urgency making Shuri take more control over me. Her other hand fondling my breast and nipple made me cry ecstatically. Her lips returned to the side of my neck, deepening the shade of marks she had already left. I didn’t think it was possible for her to get any deeper into my gushing pussy, but she proved me wrong. At this pace, my neighbours will no doubt know what happened. My screaming moans were insolent.
“Oh yeah, keep fucking me like that. I’m so close.”
I ground my pussy against her hand, riding the swell of euphoria that came over me. It only took a few more thrusts before I arched my back and stiffened under her command. Shuri buried her face in the curve of my neck, groaning quietly. “That’s it, baby. I got you”. The tightness in my abdomen slowly declined as Shuri whispered praises against my skin. My hips faltered from exhaustion.
Once I was settled and calmed my breathing, she slid her fingers into my mouth. I licked and sucked my cum off her two fingers until all I could taste was my saliva and arousal. “let me taste you.” Shuri removed her fingers from my mouth and replaced them with her tongue. Licking the remnants from my lips.
She pulled back to smile and brushed back my curls away from my forehead. “if we don’t move now, the pizza is going to get cold,” she said.
“I don’t think I have enough energy to stand up” my legs felt weak from trembling.
“Well, you have to eat something” Shuri smirked at her double innuendo, and I almost took her up for it before my stomach growled. Perfect timing. Shuri began to laugh even harder at the sound.
“Shut up,” I smiled. For the first time in what felt like forever, a person other than Riri had been able to make me laugh.
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pidgemotoiii · 1 year
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Uhm- I see yall liked that fic. It did better than I anticipated. THANK YOU FOR A HUNDRED LIKES THO WHAT. IM SO GRATEFUL THAT YOU GUYS LIKED IT.
But I regret to inform you that there will be a part 2 and a sneak peak. Its not done like at all we at 600 (605 words to be exact).
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I might do a masterlist when I reach 3 fics or more. This smut might be rough so be warned. <3
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ctrleuphoria · 1 year
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@generallysapphic @inmyheadimobsessed @quintessencewrites @heejayy @shurislover @shurisbathwater @abenomeiiii
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paisholotus · 1 year
Wine Pon You
Shuri x black Jamaican fem reader
Summary: You invite Shuri over to a family get together.
Warnings: fluff, Angst
Translations: Sthandwa ( My Love)
Kuthekani ukuba abathandi mna? Ndiyazi ukuba undixelele ukuba umama notata wakho bangathanda, kodwa bathini ukuba batshintsha iingqondo zabo bakuba bendibona? ( What if they don't like me? I know you told me that your mom and dad would love me, but what if they change their minds when they see me? )
Today was the day Shuri was supposed to meet my parents. And, to be honest, I was nervous. But, at the end of the day, I knew everything would be fine because my parents are really welcoming.
Given how protective my sister and brother were, I was curious what they would say. I told my family about Shuri and how she quickly became the best thing that had ever happened to me.
But I was mainly concerned about Shuri because she had been a nervous wreck the night before, fearing that my family would reject her. And I tried telling her that everything would be fine, and she would smile and nod, but I knew she would still be nervous about it.
I took a deep breath to relax my nerves as i pulled into my parent's driveway. We was kinda early, so everyone wasn't all here yet. I reached across to grasp her hand tightly in mine, and the two of us sat in silence that i wished it could last forever.
She looked at me with worried eyes and a frown on her face. "Kuthekani ukuba abathandi mna, Sithandwa Sam. Ndiyazi ukuba undixelele ukuba umama notata wakho bangathanda, kodwa bathini ukuba batshintsha iingqondo zabo bakuba bendibona?" She whispered to me. I looked at her sadly, her voice became raspy and her eyes began to water.
Ever since she began her grieving process of loosing T'challa, she developed anxiety attacks. She would mostly have them at night time, when she woke up from nightmares saying she didn't want to lose me. Queen Mother and I tried our absolute best to make sure Shuri knew that we would be there for her through anything.
I took off my seat belt and climbed into her lap, she instantly wrapped her arms around my waist breathing heavily into my neck. I lifted her face cupping her cheeks, and we went down the process of calming her down when she had Anxiety attacks.
She slowly calmed down and her breathing evened back out. I broke the silence first, saying quietly, "it's going to be okay Mi love, no matta what. Even if mi family decides they don't like yuh, i love yuh, and that's wat most important." Shuri nods in agreement, still maintaining eye contact with me. I rubbed my hands up and down her back soothingly, trying to maintain her anxiety level.
Because I swear to GOD, if she said the word i would turn this car around right now and drive the two of us as far away from here as possible. Because I would never put Shuri under any kind of uncomfortable situation. My family being included. But that won't be the case today, because my family will love her.
When we walked into the house, loud music bounced off the walls, and you could hear laughter and the food that was cooking permeating throughout the house. It was great to see my family together, especially seeing the kids run around.
I looked at Shuri and asked if she was ok, and she smiled at me and nodded. When I saw my mama talking to one of my Aunts, I called out to her, and she squealed and ran towards me.
She hugged me and swayed us side to side telling me how much she missed me and kissed my forehead. She looked at Shuri and smiled broadly "You must be Shuri, right? It's so nice to meet you, luv." She said, pulling Shuri into a hug.
I relaxed when I saw them hugging. I knew she'd adore Shuri. Mama drew back from Shuri and told her how beautiful she was in person, causing Shuri to blush and say a small thank you.
She directed us towards the back yard, where everyone was. "Come on, your father, sister and brother are all back here." She said, grabbing both of our hands.
We walked into the back yard, and Shuri grabbed my hand as we approached my dad and siblings. I squeezed her hand, assuring her that everything was fine.
My dad was a towering figure with an intimidating resting Bitch Face. And he was all muscle, always staring you down when you spoke to him. But my dad was a big Ole softie, he was just overly protective.
My sister kept the same resting bitch face as our dad, had no filter, and had no problem telling you how she felt. My brother, on the other hand, was cool and laid back, but was also over protective. But that was expected because I'm the baby of the family.
We approached my dad and siblings, and I hugged them and introduced them to Shuri. My brother smiled and nodded to Shuri, while my sister smirked at me, making me give her a stern look so she didn't say anything embarrassing. But she simply extended her hand and shook Shuri's, saying it was nice to finally meet her.
Finally, it was my dad's turn to introduce himself and shake her hand. I gave him a pleading look to at least give her a smile, and he returned a small one.
She smiled nervously at them and said, "It's a pleasure finally meeting you all. Thank you for inviting me over, you both raised a wonderful daughter." She said, looking at me making me blush.
My mama gave her a big smile and walked over to Shuri hugging her again, welcoming her to the family.
We all sat around the dinner table outside, I chuckled watching Shuri tear her food up. Homegirl was STARVING! She looked at me with her fork in her mouth, looking around the table seeing everyone staring at her trying not to laugh. She slowly put her fork down looking embarrassed, "Damn shi nuh be feeding you?" My sister said, cackling. I tried not to laugh and playfully glared at her, throwing my arm over Shuri's shoulder. "Hush! lef dat gyal alone. Mi happy shi like mi cooking." My mama said, proudly. I smiled at that and kissed Shuri's cheek making her shyly look at me, and kiss me slowly.
I was smiling so damn hard my face started to hurt. I couldn't help it, I was just so happy. I haven't seen Shuri smile and laugh this much in such a long time, it warmed my heart watching her laugh with my uncles; and watching her tell the kids about Wakanda.
I watched her show the kids her Kimoyo Beads, and she began telling them who Griot was and they listened to her amazed. I'm happy that my family was embracing her and treating her as though she's been part of the family.
When I heard Wine Pon You come on, I stood up and walked over to Shuri and grabbed her hands, bringing her closer to me.
I ain't got my eye on you
Ain't been hypnotized by you, yeah
Ain't in here tryna find my dude
I take it, you just like the way I wine pon you
"Dance wid mi. Mi luv dis song." I said, smiling at her. She grinned at me, and turned me around so my back was to her. I whined against her waist as she wrapped her arms around me.
How I wine pon you
The way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you
The way I wine pon you, yeah
Take it, you just like the way I wine pon you
Take it, you just like the way I wine pon you, yeah
She followed my movements and gave me kisses on my shoulder and ear.
Tappin' to the beat, you wanna freak her 'cause she random
Know you got your girl here, looking for your ass
Run, faking that you loyal, boy, you playing with her passion
Even when the beat slow, I shake a lil' faster
Twerking on the speaker, know you need her in your fan club
She took hold of my jaw, and turned my head, and kissed my lips slipping her tongue into my mouth. She kissed me slowly and passionately, and pulled away as the song ended.
She turned me around and gave me a big smile pecking my lips one last time. We pulled away and placed our foreheads against each other, smiling at each other lovingly. "I love you, Shuri." She kissed my forehead and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you too, Sthandwa."
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jordisblogg · 4 months
self care day w ur gf
shuri.u x reader
warnings: no smut, but mentions of nudity, fluff, fluff, and more fluff!)
a/n: i just have a thing for shuri taking care of reader for some reason, she would definitely do this
border by: @meorasaki
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you turned you wrist to rotate the shower faucet and letting the water drain out of the tub. your body dripped, skin and hair fresh from your wash. you decided to give yourself a self care day, you had already shaved and you decided it was also time for your hair to get washed, it was getting old and was starting to stink.
you rubbed your towel down your body as you dried yourself off.
“only one more thing left..” you sighed, eyeing your exfoliation products on your counter. all you needed to do was wash your face then you could finally relax.
you wrapped your hair in a towel as you walked over to your bath robe and tied it around your waist. and just as you turned on the warm water to finish up, there was a knock on your door.
“coming!” you turned the faucet off and walked up to your door. you looked through the peephole and saw your gorgeous girlfriend standing with her hands in her pockets, looking down at her feet.
“i know you’re at the door, sithandwa sam.” she looked up at the peephole. even though you knew she couldn’t see you, you ducked.
“state your name, sweetheart.” you teased, holding back a laugh.
shuri shook her head at your antics, “shuri udaku, may i come in, please?”
“you may!” you then opened the door up for her, letting her inside but not before she engulfed you in her arms, peppering kisses over your face and neck. your giggles were like music to her ears as she picked you up, closing the door behind her with her foot.
“i missed you..” she spoke softly in your ear, you almost got goosebumps. you pulled her head back to give her a peck on the lips. “i missed you too.”
she put you down, but kept her hand on your waist.
“so what’ve you been up to today, pretty girl?” fuck, you love it when she calls you that.
“nothing, just having a self care day. all i have left to do is exfoliate— oo! and put on my coco butter," you nearly forgot. "i should probably do that first then wash my face."
"could i do it?" the question knocked you back a little. it's not like shuri hasn't seen you naked but, you never thought she would ask that, though you both have been together for a while.
"you.. want to?" your voice barely came out in a whisper, shuri could see your embarrassment but she wanted to cater to you. just imagining the feeling of her soft hands rubbing on you made your stomach turn.
"please, usana?" she clasped her hands together, giving you that pout that she knows you can't resist.
"i mean.. only if you want to-" you barely finished your sentence before shuri picked you up and placed you on your bed and then went into your bathroom to fetch your coco butter and body powder. she came back and placed you toiletries on a nearby dresser before kneeling down to your level, your knees directly in front of her while your plush thighs clenched together, concealing your womanhood from her. you watched shuri as her fingers softly took the straps of your robe, looking up at you for permission one final time. once you gave her the okay, she slowly loosened it, letting your nude body come into view.
the cold air hit your skin as the fabric fell down your shoulders. you shivered slightly and the coolness of your skin contrasted with shuri's warm kisses.
“you’re so beautiful, usana..” you let your fingers run through her curls as she came up to give you a quick peck on the lips. when she pulled away she finally took the time to study your body and its features, from your perfect breasts to your plush stomach, to your thick thighs that she would bury herself in all day, if you let her. each stretch mark, every dimple, and those beautiful hip dips. she loved all of it, she loved all of you. but you soon turned embarrassed under her intense gaze.
“shuri, stop staring!” you turned your head away at and she gave a low chuckle before kissing your tummy.
“i apologize, umntwana wam, you look so ethereal. i just love to look at you..” she cheesed as you caressed her cheek lovingly.
“thank you, baby..”
shuri gently removed your hand from her face and kissed the back of it before she reached over to your dresser and pumped your coco butter into her palm. she rubbed her hands together and began at your calves, working her way up.
you watched her as she lathered you so intently, making sure she got every part of you. she handled you so gently, you were getting lost in the act.
shuri did always have this thing where she wanted to do everything for you, even if you were very much capable to do them yourself. she stayed giving you excuses to hold you, or if she didn't she would just do it without warning. she always looked at you as if you hung the moon itself, like you were her everything. and you were. she was so sweet, and caring, and you loved her dearly.
you stared at her soft lips as she attempted to engage in conversation with you, but you were so deep in thought that you didn't hear a word she said. you didn't even here hear her tell you when she was done.
"sthandwa sam?" you blinked and noticed that she was now staring at you with an amused look, her hand rested on your knees.
"i said i'm done, baby.." she giggled at your confusion, and you gave a bashful look before you requested, she hand you your bath robe. you took your girlfriend by the hand and led her to your bathroom. you then ran the warm water once more, and pulled out two face towels.
"you wanna do skincare with me?" you smiled and shuri watched as you mimicked her previous actions when you gave those same pleading puppy dog eyes, and clasped hands, and, of course, getting the same result.
"sure, my love.."
you had yourselves wash and cleanse your face before you put on the facemask on your skin, ignoring shuri's whines about how it stung.
after a long, exhausting day of taking care of your body, you were now finally able to relax, this time with your girlfriend. you both placed on your bed, with you placed in between her legs as you both finished up a show you had decided to start together.
and for the icing on the cake, you snapped a cute lil photo to post on your story, with a small caption, "selfcare day w bae!" in the bottom corner.
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haechvn · 2 months
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shuri having an attitude is so interesting to watch. her eyes get dark and filled with anticipation but the only thing it killing is you.
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“ya! what do you mean I can’t taste you right now? what do you think I put my grills back on for? you are really starting to piss me off.”
you can’t deny how alluring she looks at the moment. long diamond studded chains dangling lowly, swinging between her v-neck tank and your lips. as she speaks, you get to see a glimpse of the fang-shaped grills she wants to so desperately seep into your skin but teasing her is so much fun. why give in now?
her slender hands grip at the sides of your waist, softly rolling the flesh between her fingers, unable to hold back the desire to be one with those favorite lips of hers. she whines as you push her head away from your hips, whispering about lightly she’ll make you come three times more than before if you just give her a chance. she promises to be good for you.
she traces her lips along your neck, sucking and biting until she leaves her print on you and no. you better not think about pushing her away this time or she might have to start using her strength on you.
“just one taste,” fingers tracing over you clit in an infinity motion because she wishes to suck you up for the same length of time. “I won’t bite you too hard this time my love. please.”
she’s already slipped your panties off and within a matter of seconds as your scent fills the air, and she completely and embarrassingly soaks hers.
her clit jumps in recognition of her home, wanting nothing more than to make the nastiest mess possible but oh you just can’t stop pretending. pretending like you don’t want her lips swallowing you whole and spelling out of much she adores you.
frustrated, she brings her hips to the edge of the bed and begins grinding, hissing softly and swearing in annoyance that she still can’t feel you. her mind is fuzzy and lost knowing that she’s two milliseconds away from bursting and she hasn’t even been able to slowly slide her slick, sopping pussy across your — ughhhh. the effect you have on her is unlike anything she has ever felt before.
“how many more ways can I beg you? why can't i just…," she whines, throwing her head back, curls bouncing in the air the way she wants to bounce on you. she’s rocking the bed with her slightly weighted thrusts, getting ahead of herself and insisting on needing to feel something. the diamonds in her mouth are staring down at you as her jaw drops in pleasure and oh fuck it. her lips need a place to stay and who are you to deny them of that any longer.
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