#shut up annie
goblin-phannie · 1 year
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Ashton said no interviews in Australia.
They are doing one interview with Smallzy on Monday morning.
People have been speculating about them announcing a new tour, specifically for 5sos5, before the winter holidays to capitalize on tickets bought as gifts.
Could a tour announcement be coming Monday 👀
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forthetaintedmemes · 10 months
Chuuya: We don't HAVE to shoot him.
Arahabaki: Boy if you don't at least bust his kneecaps he's never going to learn.
Chuuya: Yeah no you're right *cocks gun* So anyways....
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fujobritta · 1 month
every time someone says an even remotely good thing about jeffannie an angel loses their wings
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deimosatellite · 2 months
ah yes my two special interests one piece and dostoevsky
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Dying to know what you would write for y/n’s first Mother’s Day with Matty and Annie
this is so so interesting to think about!!!!
so I think for the first mothers Day when you're with matty, nothing out of the ordinary happens. or nothing out of the ordinary happens to you anyway.
you ask matty a few days before how Annie feels about it, and he casually says, "Oh, she doesn't really mind. she knows it's coming, and to her, it's just another day!" So you treat it like that too.
you don't go out of your way to comment on it or make a big deal. You just get on with your day! the same cannot be said for matty...
he doesn't think Annie feels any way about it, seemingly like her normal bubbly self. But just as he's taking her to bed- she says something.
he feels strange the whole day. this is the first time he's had a girlfriend that annie knows about, and it's an actual serious relationship.
he knows it's way too soon, and you're not Annie's mum, but it kind of feels like you are?? and he's not sure how to feel.
"Did you have a good Mother's Day, Daddy?"
matty pauses and looks at Annie confused before slowly saying, "... yes, I did, sweetheart. why do you ask?"
"You were being weird around y/n allllllll day," Annie answers, organising her toys carefully as she speaks.
matty decided not to share this internal monologue with Annie and simply said, "Oh. I didn't mean to be. I'm just worried about you i think munchkin"
had he been? matty thought he'd been pretty normal, casual, and cool. but if Annie had noticed- he definitely had not been.
fuck he hope you didn't notice (you didn't, too distracted by trying a new banana bread recipe lol)
"Why?" Annie said with a scrunched up face, matty had to stifle a laugh at her confused face.
"I know it must be hard on days like this because your mummy isn't in our lives. I just want to make sure my best girl is okay. " matty strokes Annie's head as she lies down to sleep.
"I'm fine, Daddy." she says nonchalantly, "Plus, y/n is like my mummy now anyway, so maybe next year we can all have fun"
with that, she drifts off, leaving matty in stunned silence. he truly is just 👁👄👁 for 10 minutes.
he doesn't mention it to you, but he does think about it INTENSELY.
now cut to a few years later, you and matty are going strong (perhaps even engaged...) and it's rolling up to mothers Day again.
and this year- you both feel odd.
you really had become Annie's mum. you sent out family cards from the 3 of you, you go to her parent's evenings (when you can slip away from doing them yourself lol) and you have lived with them for a while.
you do everything for Annie and love her endlessly. She feels like your own child.
matty stirs awake and sees you lying there, voice heavy with sleep he asks, "Are you alright, baby? why are you awake?"
so you bring it up to matty.
One night, you're lying in bed awake, and it's far too late, but you're just staring at the ceiling.
in your sleep deprived state, you don't hesitate to get straight to the point, "Am I Annie's mum?"
Well... that was NOT what matty was expecting to hear. this wasn't a topic he thought he'd be tackling at 3am on a Wednesday but, fuck it! here he goes.
"...what brought this up, babe?" matty asks tentatively, pulling you into his chest. you rest your head on him and sigh heavily before speaking.
"Um... I think that really depends on how you and annie feel. from my perspective? yes?" matty sounds unsure as he speaks, feeling like he's walking on egg shells
"I don't wanna scare you or anything, but you are practically her mum." matty pauses for a reply, but you stay silent, the only audible noise being your joint breathing.
"I don't know, with mothers Day coming up, it's just been on my mind. I feel like a mother, I act like a mother, and I do everything a mother does. but am I a mum? I didn't give birth to her, and I wasn't here from the start, so it feels selfish to call myself one and-"
matty shushes you and cuts off your rant before it goes too far, "its not selfish, sweetheart - it's realistic." matty pauses and takes a breath before continuing.
"If it helps, Annie said you were already her mum that very first mothers Day you spent with us. so I wouldn't think too deeply about it. " he shrugs as he speaks and turns the bedside lamp off.
matty had assumed this would calm you - it did not.
"Don't worry about it, babe. I'll do it," matty says, bringing you back down and wrapping the duvet around the two of you.
"WHAT." You pull up and look at matty wide-eyed, leaning over him and flicking the light back on
he looks back confused, and you really have to take a moment to realise hes not being intentionally dumb.
"Why did you only just decide to tell me this??? it's been years, Matthew!!! oh god, this changes everything. I have to talk to her about it. fucking hell-"
so he did! it was the day before mothers Day, and you were out shopping with charli. she needed a new dress for a fancy date george was talking her on, and you were more than happy to help!
"of course"
Annie was peacefully sat on the sofa watching high school musical 2 with mayhem. He was peacefully snoring in her lap as she sang along to fabulous (the best hsm movie and the best song, btw)
"So... Annie, how are you..."
fuck. Why would he ask that?? what a shit way to start.
Annie pauses and looks at matty weirdly before responding, "okay i think?"
"Good, good... can we talk?"
"Do you want to do anything for mothers Day this year? for y/n, i mean. not me or anything. that would be weird." matty stops himself going off on a tangent and coughs awkwardly and waits for a response.
Annie pauses the movie and nods tentatively, matty sits next to her and can't help but jump straight in.
his nerves were ruining any chance at a coherent thought.
5 seconds feels like 5 hours, but he couldn't be more relieved when she excitedly says, "Yes!!! oh, please, can we!?! I want to get her flowers and chocolates!!"
matty sighs a breath of relief and nods. He grabs his keys and says, "Definitely. let's go to tesco then, cmon!"
the next morning, matty is up early... suspiciously early.
you wake up to whispered voices and hear a tray clanging slightly,
annie and matty saying "surprise!!" wakes you up fully, and you are shocked to see them with a tray of pancakes, coffee, and a bouquet of flowers.
immediately you tear up, but you have to ask to make sure you're not misinterpreting this.
"Oh wow! what's all this???" You say sitting up as matty puts the tray next to you on the bed.
"Happy mothers Day!!!" squeals Annie excitedly, "Dad said I was finally allowed to give you presents today!" she smiles big as she finishes, almost looks anxious awaiting your response.
tears start rolling down your cheeks, and you pull Annie in, squeezing her so tight she loses all the air in her lungs.
"Oh, Annie. thank you so so much. I love you, sweetheart." You pull back and wipe your tears, and Annie can't look happier, gummy smile and bright eyes staring back at you.
shyly, she says, "You're welcome. i love you too"
"You want to share my pancakes, sweet girl?" You ask, already cutting it up for the two of you.
"yes!!!" Annie says bouncing on the bed.
matty might as well not be there, but that is honestly exactly how he wanted to feel.
you don't need him. you're Annie's parent now too.
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a0random0gal · 7 months
Watching everyone somehow enjoy the ending while you sulk in the corner, cause you read the last chapter 2 years ago and have been hating it ever since:
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marcobodtlives · 3 months
Mikasa and Annie on a Girls Trip™️ but it’s just them kicking people in the shin and shoulder throwing full-grown men.
(Reiner and Jean on Boys Trip™️ but it’s literally just them getting into a slap fight in the forest then sobbing over their murdered boyfriends)
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clfixationstation · 25 days
one thing that I will criticize about Mikasa's character is that she doesn't understand Eren's (and Armin's) dream at all. The only insight we're offered into Mikasa's perspective of their dream is that she doesn't understand it and doesn't know what they're going on about. Like?? She doesn't get Eren's basic motivations?? Unless I completely missed something, Mikasa doesn't know that Eren wanted to explore an unoccupied world with Armin or that he desires 'freedom'. Which again, are Eren's base-level motivations. And she just. Isn't allowed to know??
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i love my little homosexuals I Keep Them In My Pocket
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kabii-kins · 1 year
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goblin-phannie · 7 months
they really upgraded from cat whiskers huh
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Thinking about Calum telling Michael “this is my least favorite character” in the tmht aus video diary. How many characters does Michael have? Do they have names? How often does he do a character? 👀
Edit: additional question, what is Calum’s favorite of Michael’s characters 👀
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we need to talk about common comic opinion for the boys
so i read the comics.
was curious for a while, buddies wanted to do it, finally bit the bullet and MAN OH MAN~<3
there's common opinion that swirls around from people who *have not read the comics* need i remind, an opinion that they are merely *meaningless edgelord drivel* or the like.
i'm here to bust that misconception, smack it upside the head and drag it around the fuckin' town and kick it till it's caved in because it couldn't be more *wrong* if it tried.
first thing i'll say is that the comics *don't* compare in what you'd call 'gratuitous edginess' to the show. while they have their 'bit on the nose moments', they're drawings that go panel by panel. even what they *could* show wouldn't compare, and it honestly doesn't. (coming from someone who's also watched the show too many times over now and got a nice fresh read in)
robin's death is more brutal *in the show*. there is more blood and gore. *in the show*. the arguably edgiest thing between both of them is a guy exploding another guy from inside his urethra, which *only happens in the show*
and for those that have no clue about the big twist or comics homie and try to make blocks of analysis for a character they have zero actual information or decent research on.
homelander is worse. *in the SHOW*.
granted, both have similar enough structure with reversed character development/reveal, but i digress
butcher is just THE biggest fucking bottom by the way, lord satan i CAN NOT with that boi--
the 'meaningless' part? well that's just a big fat lie and i'll say it up front. that shit needs to stop. this thing was definitely an emotional rollercoaster, and while it may be true that it's not for everyone, it was far from meaningless and actually brilliantly written and even researched.
it's raw, it feels real half the time, it teaches valuable lessons, and even when you're in the notion of 'okay, where is this going, it's sus', when you stick with it? you get rewarded fucking beautifully.
there are moments you'd disagree with the characters actions in a way that makes them feel humanly flawed. of course they might do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing, so do real life humans?? there are cross cultural miscommunication references and conversations that show ennis knew what he was doing and why he did it a certain way. and yeah, it can be too much to handle for some,
*but if you honestly feel that way you shouldn't be watching the show either*
and here's what it's not.
meaningless, ill-thought, pointless, edgelord drivel.
it *is* an intricate and well done, brutally *honest* creative critique of the *military industrial complex*, *corporate capitalism*, and a couple other things expertly squeezed in. even touching on *abuse* and hitting all the right spots for how it can psychologically fuck with people. the ending punches you in the fucking feels as you could appropriately expect it to with a hard side of begrudged satisfaction.
good fucking satan these things were an excellent read that compelled me to want moar from start to finish, and yeah, if you have watched the show then i *highly* recommend them because the important topics and themes touched on are presented much better in the comic, even with the sometimes wonky ass art in place of hawt actors to distract you, lmao
but seriously? the lot of you that keep spouting nonsense from your clenched up assholes without actually bothering to look at the source material need to stop. all you're doin' is actin' damn fools and showing off high and mighty opinions based on complete mis-education if not un-education.
and f.y.i.... also being the damn fools both the comics AND show make fun of.
so remember that line billy says?
'but the main reason you don't hear about it is cause the public don't want to know about it.'
that's y'all. legit, at this point. more specifically, y'all would be the 'public' that wants to live with rose tinted glasses instead of acknowledging that reality is more brutal than we often want to see or admit.
why else would you keep denouncing and dismissing the comics and source material of something you allegedly love?
because some other schmuck on the internet said a lie, gave you hearsay, or a rumor they heard through a grapevine on a game of telephone that said it wasn't worth looking into yourself?
well i'll call bullshit on that straight up but what are y'all so afraid of??
couple other things i will say, if you hate butcher for being the biggest worldclass cunt, you will absolutely feel vindicated and have your feelings or possibly lovehate boner (like mine~) completely validated with what happens in these comics (and if i'm being honest about the direction of the show, weeeeelllll...~<3 lemme not tho lmao<3 still def the biggest bottom, out bottoms hughie by far, i wanna see him get railed by vas/love sausage)
i will also say, billy is 100% wrong in the comic and the show is slowly but surely unraveling that truth there as well, if it's not clear enough by now. what he does isn't for becky/becca, and definitely not for ryan either. it never was.
it's for his father, no i will not elaborate cause read the damn comics. (but also, people need to stop fucking forgetting that HUGHIE is the *actual* good guy here, not billy... billy is a bad guy... billy is objectively worse than homelander in many MANY canon ways and remember that reverse character development i mentioned--.)
contrast, if you *love* butcher, you will likely be disappointed in the show, but the comics will help prepare you for it (they also make too many things CLEAR)
unfortunately, you do not get sweetheart noir in this and while i love his show counterpart, bearing with cunt 9000 noir is worth it. (it also sparked fic ideas for me cause why not both~<3)
LOVE SAUSAGE IS UNREAL AND PERFECT~<3<3<3 if nothing else, comics love sausage at least deserves your full attention.
homelander's as always is a fun boi, show homelander by comparison is basically *final stage* comics homie (full throttle evil berserk type shit/just before it hits) take everything you thought you knew about (comics) him, and throw it out the fuckin' window.
boi does some fucked up shit... and ALSO has fucking mental breakdowns and visceral reactions like throwing up to doing evil shit because he literally can't stomach it and is trying to convince himself that he is the bad guy because he's been gaslit--.
and i'ma stop there. read the fuckin' comic if you actually wanna know just how deep that homie rabbit hole goes.
and i will absolutely use the idea of him having legit *adverse reactions to doing evil shit* in a fic because FUCK. YES. that was a sad but lovely detail and would make for a perfect fuckin'a alibi<3
anywho~<3, if you recognize he's a victim in the show? the comics. read them cause OOOOOHHHH--.
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crazysnor1ax · 1 year
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deimosatellite · 26 days
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compilation of arkasha being so infatuated w trishatov who was literally there for three seconds i was losing my fucking mind
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