#sig writes
asymm3 · 8 months
okay okay hear me out
yiling patriarch lan wangji
yes it’s my new favorite tag on ao3
there is something so delightfully wrong about the man who would be light bearer being corrupted into a demonic cultivator
wei wuxian became the yiling patriarch because he had no other choice
lan wangji becomes the yiling patriarch because he chose to be
the thing about lan wangji is that at his core, he has this quiet, ruthless devotion. the lan sect rules are a restraint; they keep this visceral animal thing in his chest shackled and sedated, the way you tranquilize a predator for your safety. even when he fights against his own clan in canon, this creature never really wakes up.
but what if we did wake it up?
what if instead of returning to gusu after being rescued from the xuanwu cave, he goes with jiang cheng and wei wuxian to lotus pier to heal
it doesn’t change much, lotus pier still burns and the jiang parents are slaughtered.
but instead of jiang cheng losing his core, wei wuxian loses it instead?
the shackles on the animal devotion inside of lan wangji’s chest start to break. he’s lost his home, maybe his brother, and now he is going to lose his soulmate?
wen qing transplants lan wangji’s core into wei wuxian. as far as jiang cheng and wei wuxian know, lan wangji and wen qing altered an ancient, mysterious lan procedure into giving wei wuxian a new core. lan wangji leaves while wei wuxian is still unconscious, because ostensibly he has delayed too long in finding his brother.
lan wangji leaves because the hole inside his chest feels like it’s going to consume him. he does not regret what he has done. the creature devotion slinks down to fill the void inside him.
in leaving, he is caught by the wens. they throw him into the burial mounds. the resentful energy burns away the remaining restraints on the visceral animal devotion inside them.
he could curl up and die, let the resentful energy burn through him, let it burn out the creature devotion in his chest, let it turn him into a husk, a corpse.
the animal devotion won’t let him. it bends the energy beneath its will, a pulse of “wei ying wei ying wei ying” that beats the resentment into submission. the energy and the animal curl together like lovers in the hollow left by his core.
lan wangji chooses demonic cultivation because he will return to wei ying.
lan wangji is the sum of his parents, their mistakes and strengths. he has his father’s willingness to defy proprietary for the person he loves, but unlike his father it’s tempered by his mother’s suffering in confinement. he will not let anyone hurt wei ying, but he will not bind him against his will.
wei wuxian is terrified beyond belief and gutted when the lan sect joins the war without lan wangji among them. lan xichen is drawn with grief and rage. it’s been months and neither wei wuxian or the lan sect have heard from his brother. it’s kindest to assume he’s dead.
wei wuxian refuses to believe it. he goes looking for lan wangji. jiang cheng joins him, a sick guilt in his stomach driving him to look for the man who saved his brother.
when they find lan wangji, jiang cheng wishes they hadn’t. he doesn’t recognize the man in from of him, and he can see his brother’s heart breaking when lan wangji sidesteps wei wuxian’s hug.
it hurts lan wangji to not let wei wuxian touch him. it hurts to see his soulmate’s face fall, to see the tears glisten before he wipes them away. it hurts to hear the broken laughter as wei ying tries to hide how hurt he is by his refusal.
but lan wangji can’t let wei ying hug him, touch him, comfort him. he doesn’t know if it’ll calm the creature devotion within him, sedate it to where the resentful energy rebels and strikes out against his control. he doesn’t know if the animal devotion will snatch wei ying up, take him away and lock him up like his father did to his mother. lan wangji has to make it to the end of the war, for wei ying.
he can’t let wei ying see the emptiness within him, where the resentment and animal can’t fill.
when the war ends, lan wangji returns quietly to the cloud recesses. he bears his punishment (strikes from the discipline whip and seclusion) quietly. by virtue of his publicity as a war hero, he is allowed to attend the discussion conference that follows.
lan wangji frees the wens. wei ying begs him to help them. lan wangji will not let wen qing, who saved wei ying, suffer and die in the camps. he takes them to the burial mounds, where he and wei ying work to restore wen ning’s consciousness.
lan wangji becomes the yiling patriarch.
the wens will still die. lan wangji will die. but at least wei ying is safe and free.
lan wangji does not expect to wake up 13 years later.
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poetofthedyingstars · 2 years
mammon’s love letter | litera scripta manet
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note: kind of ooc-ish but not really coz mammon wrote down his feelings remember??? he wrote everything he felt because he can't say it directly and forwardly. so that's that. hmp. ngl went crazy writing this. giggling and almost tearing up and shit. love this guy so much.
warning: slight angst, implied lesson 16 accident, fluff, mammon being open with his feelings. ENJOY READING!!!!
Dearest MC,
Ya have to know that I'm not as good with words as my brothers, unlike Lucifer or Satan or your favorite writers and poets. I ain’t a poet, MC, I’ve never written a love letter in my entire life. I’m just me. I’ve never had anyone like you or felt what I have for ya with anyone else but know that it is the most genuine thing in all three realms. I’m just so scared that eventually you would believe what my brothers say about me. That I’m a lying, cheating, good for nothing scumbag.I know I’m not perfect but I’m trying so hard to be good enough for you. Ya deserve everything nice the world can offer and I don’t know if you can find that with me. I just love ya a little too much and I kinda suck at expressing that.
You drive me crazy, you know that? I want to tell you how much I love you but you make me malfunction so much, I get shy. You’re so annoying. Why’d you have to be so perfect anyways?! Your smile is perfect, your laugh is perfect, you’re perfect and everybody loves you. You just have to make everybody else fall for you and THAT scares me. It horrifies me, MC. What if you realize that they can offer you a better life? With a pool of choices that have my brothers, Lucifer especially, Lord Diavolo, Solomon and an angel like Simeon, would you still see me and choose me? (erased: I could only hope ya do, I’m your first man after all!)
You know that one poem you read to me the other day? About the one baring your soul naked and being scared of being loved and all? I want you to see me tough, someone who could protect you, someone you could count on and someone who can love you unconditionally. I already lost ya once, I wouldn't be able to bear it again if I lost you. I have no idea how you see me, you’ve a very unique way of looking at things but if I tell you that my soul is rotten, would you still love me? I’m a demon after all and there are some things I won’t be able to change. Will you put up with my bullshits? Stupid schemes and all that?
I’m trying my best to be better for you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for ya so just ask me, come to me for comfort, when you’re having your nightmares, when you need help with your homework - I may not be the best at it but it’s important for me that you know that I’m always there for you.
I love you, MC, more than words can contain and there’s no one else in this world I’d rather be with forever. You’re all I need. The greatest treasure in Devildom, Human World and the Celestial Realm. You.
Fuck you for making me love you too much. You made The Great Mammon sweep off their feet so don’t go looking at anyone else anymore, just me. I love you.
Yours, always and forever,
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reblogs are more than appreciated, please do. comment are welcome as well so please leave some. also i know i said mammon wrote a three-page love letter but this is kinda short so i'm sorry xD just feel the rest of the letter ok?
[id: three photos aligned with each other, the first one with two ginger cats facing each other, the other leaning in for a kiss, the second photo is mammon from obey me who looks sexy, the third photo is a bunch of flowers scattered in an opened book's page. the last photo is a cropped photo with the text: “darling” in it. /end id.]
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sig-nifier · 2 months
11 and 13 for the writing ask game!!
11 - with characters you want to write more of in the future
my little western gothic buddies <33
If you asked the town doctor, she’d say it was loneliness that caused Owen to start them fires. When I asked him myself, a couple of days before he went away, he said God made me do it.
Which, considering the high calibre this town used to hold religion to, ain’t an odd response. People ‘round here claimed God spoke to ‘em all the time; excused illnesses, delivered messages, appeared in dreams. What is odd, is that Owen said God made him.
The big man can request, but he’s never made no one do nothin’. He wants you to love thy neighbour, pray before bed, help your mother with the dinner, but you don’t have to. He can’t make you. He don’t really exist, but don’t tell no one I said that, cuz people ‘round here have been got for a lot less.
I humoured him, nodded and said sure thing, makes sense, and it weren’t til he was walkin’ away and his back was turned that I thought sure. God made you. God took your tiny mind into his divine, imaginary hands, and made you set the church on fire, with Pastor Sinclair and all his little pastorling’s inside.
13 - that helped me understand a character better
i find izzy hands very very interesting and its so much fun to write his thoughts
Stede fucking Bonnet has been aboard the Revenge for no more than two weeks and Izzy has grown murderous. If he has to hear that adoring tone gush praise and approval over the flags needlework one more time, he fears he’ll have to throw himself overboard.
“That’s really, very clever Ed!” Bonnet compliments, leaning over the side of the ship to watch how the anchor brings them to a stop. Blackbeard suppresses a grin, shrugging his shoulders and aiming for casual as if he had invented the idea himself. “Will you show me it again?”
They spend three bloody hours floating in the middle of the ocean so Bonnet can watch the anchor sink and then remerge. And every time he laughs, and claps his hands together, and showers Blackbeard with flowery flattery, and every time Blackbeard accepts it, and asks if he wants to watch it once more.
If Izzy were to ask the Captain to show him how the anchor works, to lean in close and lay a soft hand on the warm skin of his forearm, he’d receive a scoff and a fuck off and a burning shame in his ribcage. If Izzy were to clap his hands and tell Blackbeard how wonderful and clever and strong he was for hours on end, he’d be laughed at and reprimanded for such a waste of time.
This is not jealousy.
This is abhorrence.
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officerdatam · 8 months
Sig's fandoms list
current fandoms:
✨ God of War ✨ Red Dead Redemption 2 ✨ Baldur's Gate 3
❤ Art tag: sig draws ❤ Fanfic tag: sig writes ❤ Rant tag: sig rants
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strangersatellites · 4 months
the one with the shacker shirt | more frat king steve x his problem causing bf eddie
a mini collab with @amethyst-crowns !!
it’s a cool friday night and eddie’s two tequila shots, a handful of beers, and a cigarette into his setlist at this point. their dedicated few fans are up front and center scream singing along with them while the rest of the bar is bustling with life.
with drinks being spilled, food being ordered and then forgotten about, sorority girls having deep meaningful talks in the bathroom so long their boyfriends’ forgot they were there.
it’s a friday night at his favorite college bar and eddie is buzzing with energy.
he’s got his guitar slung over his back and he’s taking a beer break, eyes scanning over the room in search of his favorite boy. he’s probably somewhere charming his way into free drinks in a way that never fails to leave eddie laughing and a bit baffled. he gets it though, everybody else is just as wrapped around steve’s finger as he is so he can’t say anything.
he’s talking to the guys, kicking a couple empty cans offstage when he sees them out of the corner of his eye.
two guys, probably eddie’s age, maybe seniors. they’re flagging him over and looking around suspiciously and eddie thinks that if they’re interested in buying, this is an awful strange time to approach him about it.
he’s about to break the news, tell them he’s not selling tonight when one of them smiles and claps his shoulder when he squats down to their height.
“hey man, we don’t want you to get in trouble so we figured we’d tell you before someone else did.” he says with a nod. says it like eddie will catch on, like he’ll know what this is about.
he doesn’t.
he furrows his brows and looks at them, confused. “pardon?”
the second guy tugs at the hem of eddie’s shirt, darts his eyes around conspiratorially again. “you gotta turn this inside out of something, bro. pledges can’t wear letters out until initiation. vp rec will hand you your ass if he hears about it.”
the first guy is all but hissing in his ear in his effort to be quiet. “yeah AND the president’s here, man. we’re just looking out for you.”
eddie glances down at his own chest, realizing for the first time what shirt he grabbed off the back of steve’s desk chair this morning.
it’s not his that’s for sure. it’s definitely his boyfriend’s. big, bold greek letters across the chest. ink peeling off and threadbare around the waist. the arm holes more hole than shirt at this point.
he smiles back up at the guys, finally figuring out what this is about.
he huffs a quiet laugh and his knees crack when he stand back up. he hears gareth mindlessly drumming his sticks against his stool so he knows his break’s over. pulls his guitar back around to his chest and bows.
“well i appreciate your looking out for me, gentlemen. but… i think i’ll take my chances.”
he hears a scoff and a muffled “whatever, man” and a “not my fucking problem, i guess.”
but whatever he’s not paying any attention.
the mic squeals when he walks up to it and he’s got a thousand-watt smile and an apology on his lips immediately after.
“ah shit, sorry, sorry guys- my bad.” he backs up a step and squints against the harsh light, still searching for his boy. “before this next one, i’m looking for someone. baby? baby, where are you? can you come up here sweetheart?”
he looks toward the back of the crowd and sees steve’s bright smile and glassy eyes as he shoulders his way up front. sees how he stops to talk to a few people, say hi, dap up a couple of the guys. but he makes it up the front of the stage in record time given all that, regardless.
“there you are! missed you,” he says before he’s leaving his mic again and dropping down to his knees.
now he’s low enough that steve can tangle a hand in his unruly curls and tug him forward and down. can tug him close enough the he feels his breath against his lips when he whispers “will you play my favorite?”
he knows his own smile is bright as the sun.
“of course, baby.”
when steve kisses him, messy and like he’s putting on a show, eddie can’t help but overhear the “what?” and “oh that’s him?” coming from the side stage.
there are a lot of perks to being steve’s boyfriend. but that response is always one of his favorites.
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sigskk · 2 months
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sooo i started thinking about pacific rim again
[ID: A traditional drawing of Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs on lined paper, wearing a drivesuit from Pacific Rim. The drivesuit resembles a mecha-style suit of armor. His full body is shown, standing and leaning more onto his right leg. His right arm is awkwardly sitting near his waist, and his left hand is brushing his bangs from his face. The plates of armor are white, whereas the suit underneath is black. He's looking off to the right with a neutral expression. End ID.]
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niobiumao3 · 1 month
Look all I'm gonna say about CX-2 is he has more screen time this season than Echo.
I really struggle to believe he won't pop back up in the finale. Probably as Tech. Maybe not. But he's definitely not just gone, not anymore than those other CXes are (one of whom could easily be Wolffe).
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Chaos Wednesday (doesn't normally happen): Demon Slayer Baby au!
Two back to back snippets: how DJ got his nickname, and how Damas caused A Misunderstanding (long post, be forewarned)
Tess brightened, flinging her arms open.
Daxter leaped up onto the bed, careful to avoid the stack of pillows Tess was using to prop up her swollen ankle.
"How's my best gal doing?"
Tess fell back against the headboard with a groan. "Booooooored. Nobody can get out to check Dead Town for old medpacks, so I'm stuck in here for now. I hope Krew isn't being too hard on you!"
Daxter scoffed. "Pssh. Me? Never. He finally appreciates my skill in drink mixing."
A snort of derision from just below the bed contradicted this. Tess noted the pitch of the voice and raised her brows.
"No fights on the way here to get the eco out?"
Daxter cuddled up next to her and shrugged. "I think he just wanted to feel safe, actually. He's getting better at transforming at will!"
Tess smiled and patted the bed. "Hey goober! Come on up!"
Little black claws appeared at the edge of the blanket and scrambled for purchase. Tess didn't really understand why he didn't just adjust his height -- he had full control over the proportions of his limbs like this. But she didn't mention it. Jak was so much happier in this state, acting more like Daxter said he did before they came to Haven. Tess may not have had a full picture of what was going on in that prison when Daxter rescued Jak, but she knew what complex trauma looked like. If it made Jak feel happier, feel safer to be some kind of little goblin, then who was Tess to stop him?
"C'mere, kiddo." Tess reached over to help him up.
With a little gasp of triumph, Jak scooted up over the edge and flung his arms up in a victory pose. His sleeves, sized for a teenaged boy of regular size, unrolled themselves with the motion and flopped over his hands. The travel-sized dark warrior shook them in annoyance, sending them flapping back and forth.
"Awww, come here you cutie!"
Tess scooped him up and danced her fingers over his sides.
"Tickle tickle tickle!"
Jak hissed, but his ear to ear grin gave him away as he batted at Tess���s hands.
"Weirdo sis!" he signed with a snort. "Daxter help!"
"Look bud, she was gonna go after one of us. You gotta take one for the team," Daxter said. "I just got this fur combed flat."
"Who's my favorite murderbuddy? Dee-Jaaaay! DJ's my favorite murderbuddy!" Tess sang, scrubbing her knuckles across the hissing eco being's scalp.
Daxter scratched his nose and frowned. "Huh? DJ?"
"Yeah!" Tess grinned at him. "Dark-eco Jak! DJ! Get it?"
The ottsel looked over at Jak, who was clearly enjoying being fussed over for a change.
"DJ...huh. Whaddya think of that, pal?"
A soft look overtook Daxter. He reached out to muss Jak's hair. "Alright, DJ it is."
"Yee!" The newly nicknamed DJ flailed his arms even faster in excitement. The sleeves smacked Tess and Daxter in the face. It was absolutely on purpose.
He didn't know why everything was more fun at this size -- was it because there were more things to climb on? Because fights were more of a challenge? Because people were nicer to him? -- but he loved how wild and big all the eco -- and even all his feelings were. Most of the time.
He didn't like Big Sad and Big Scared. He had to go back to tall DJ during those feelings to get them under control. Or let Sig carry him around, but sometimes that was embarrassing.
"Torn is going to come back here before long," Tess warned the boys, "So if you didn't want to do some work today you'll have to make yourself scarce."
DJ began to snicker and pulled his scarf over his head like he was hiding before flailing his arm out from underneath. Daxter cackled, knowing immediately what Jak was suggesting.
"No, bud, I don't think Tattooed Wonder would appreciate it if you hid under the bed and grabbed his ankle when he walked by. It would be funny though."
"Nooo that's so mean!" Tess giggled.
DJ kicked his arms and legs up in the air, made a croaking screech, acting out what he thought Torn's reaction would be before collapsing into giggles as well.
"You're a menace, DJ," Tess cooed, scratching the base of Jak's horn nubs.
"Why yes," DJ signed, "Yes I am."
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Damas Causes Problems (on purpose)
"No leads on Mar yet."
Sig slouched in the corner booth, eyeing the empty bar as he spoke quietly into his talk-box. "Been trying to work out why Jak does the...the thing. Why he looks like a desaturated Mar when he does it. All I got is that Praxis picked up a hu'men experimentation hobby."
"I wish I could say that didn't sound like a logical progression of his depravity," Damas hissed on the other end of the line. "Do you...know which form is Jak’s natural one?"
Sig knew what Damas was thinking. He'd wondered it himself. Was Jak made in Praxis's lab? Was the tiny child resembling Mar his truest form and the young teenager a disguise to protect him?
But to the best of his knowledge, it was the other way around.
"The taller one -- with- with Mar's kinda hair -- that's his base shape. He's still learning how to control the dark stuff. That's why he gets stuck in Baby Mode as often as he does. Used to make him real mad, now he just thinks it's funny. But while we're on the subject...I have a request. I know you don't want to get involved in the civil war beyond runnin' guns, but-"
"Spit it out, Sig."
Sig rubbed the skin under his prosthetic eye and groaned.
"I'm scared for Jak, man. Every time I see him, he's weaker. Kid’s about to drop over the edge of exhaustion and he keeps trudging on because he says "they" told him to. And I'm pretty sure he's talkin' about the Underground. Now, I know it's off agenda, but- I wanna follow him back. Find out whose trying to work him to death and straighten em out."
He could almost see the shrug as Damas answered.
"Why're you asking me? He's your kid."
Something warm fluttered in Sig’s stomach and he grinned despite himself. "Yeah. He kinda is at this point, isn't he?"
The line was quiet for a few seconds. Time enough for sounds to begin emanating from the street. Then,
"When you find Mar-"
When. Not if. As if his success wasn't even in question, even after two years.
"When you bring him home, bring Jak, too. I want to meet this kid -- in person, this time."
"You think I'd let him and Daxter stay here?" Sig scoffed.
Just then, the door swung open, bringing with it the ottsel's familiar voice.
"I'm tellin' you, sweetheart, it's all about the pine-pears. Slice em, grill em, put em on the steak. I guarantee even Hoverboy will love it."
Tess walked in with the boys -- Sig didn't blame them for walking together. This wasn't the nicest neighborhood even without the KG -- and she giggled.
"Daxxie, I've never even had pine-pear. How am I supposed to convince Krew to put something on the menu if we can't get any?"
Jak looked worse than before. The circles beneath his eyes were deep and purple, and he looked dehydrated. Daxter perked up from his shoulders to glance in Sig’s direction.
Crap. He loved the boys, but they weren't ready to know about Spargus yet.
"Hey, shift's gonna be starting soon, hon. Imma have to call you back."
"I beg your pardon!?"
Damas sputtered, not sure whether to be offended or amused. After a beat, in which he must've heard the other voices, he sounded calmer. "Ah. You have company. Carry on."
"Yeah yeah yeah. No, I'll remember. Don't worry about it," Sig said quickly, and a little louder than necessary. "Milk, eggs, paper towels. You need me to grab anything else when I clock out?"
Jak stopped next to his table and cocked his head with a soft frown.
"Who you talkin' to?" he asked.
With a sardonic lilt, Damas’s voice grated in his ear.
"Oh, is that my "stepson"? Tell him to take a nap."
"Tell him yourself!"
"Sure. Watch your ears."
And before he had time to brace himself, Sig had his ears ringing as Damas raised his voice and loudly called,
"Hey kid! Be good for your old man today. Take a nap when he tells you to this time."
Sig flushed scarlet from the tip of his ears to his neck when he heard the usually stoic king burst into uncontrolled cackling.
"I am going to get him for this," Sig muttered as Jak’s face twisted in confusion.
"Who the heck is that?"
"A menace, that's who," Sig growled. "Ignore him."
Jak, unfortunately, did not.
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a-drama-addict · 1 month
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little grumpy sigrid doodle
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toxictoxicities · 9 months
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Growing concerns
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waitineedaname · 8 months
Ed and Al's mother died when they were very young, and their father left when they were even younger. Izumi and Sig could not replace the mother and father they lost, but perhaps they could parent them all the same.
happy October 3rd! in honor of the Elrics burning their house down, I've written 7k of them and their other set of parental figures <3 the Curtis-Elric family is everything to me
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asymm3 · 9 months
okay so resident evil au where wesker goes "haha whoopsies" at some point and stops being a bioterrorist with plans for world domination (don't ask me how or why, i know nothing) he moves to a small town in the middle of nowhere, USA (probably the midwest) and buys up an old house to refurbish/renovate
cue the nosy neighbors (aka gertrude and her book club) who are very interested in this "nice young man" who has moved in across the street at first gertrude keeps an eye on him because she will. not. stand. for anyone to "flip" the perfectly nice house from 1920s into some minimalist monstrosity
wesker passes her expectations for the house with flying colors. she brings him a peach cobbler as a present after the house is all fixed up. he is perplexed. gertrude wants to know why he's wearing sunglasses indoors but is too polite to question. everyone has their quirks
bookclub because less bookclub and more gossiping-about-wesker club. he's such a nice, "young" man who is always nice to the cashier at the one and only grocery store (charlene's great nephew), and sticks to a meticulous routine. he gets up, goes for a run (gertrude respectfully ogles, because dear heavens that is a fine looking man and her husband, marvin god rest his soul, has been gone for 20 years), drinks his coffee on his porch, and tends to a few scraggly flower bushes.
after a couple of months and nobody else moving in, or even visiting for that matter, they assume there is no mrs. wesker in the picture. matlida wants to set him up with her daughter. gertrude kindly tells her to knock it the fuck off. mildred wants to see if she has a chance. kathy wants him to prune her like his roses bushes. gertrude threatens to withhold all her wesker-related gossip until they calm down and leave the poor man alone. the flock of vultures.
after bringing wesker some leftover chocolate chip cookies one day, gertrude kindly suggests that he might look into getting a companion of sorts. the shelter she volunteers at has lots of puppies and kittens this time of year, and he looks like he could use a friend. wesker just kinda stares blankly at her.
however, the next week he comes back with a fluffball from the shelter. it has to be the most ill-mannered, scrungliest little senior rat-dog that gertrude has ever seen. wesker pleasantly informs her that his name is titan. it's the closest to smiling that gertrude has ever seen him
life goes back to plain, boring normal until wesker is knocking at gertrude's door at 2 in the morning. she nearly has a heart attack. wesker explains that there is a personal emergency he needs to take care of out of town for a week or so and asks if she could feed/take titan out while he's gone. gertrude shushes him as he tries to pay her and tells him to go take care of whatever it is and that titan is in good hands.
wesker is gone for nearly 2 weeks. by day 3 gertrude can't wait for him to come home because titan only likes wesker. eventually they come to an understanding over some deli meat turkey. wesker returns one day but he isn't alone.
gertrude calls cletus and tells him to put mildred on the phone while she watches as a well-built, brown-haired man painfully limps from wesker's black SUV, up the sidewalk, and into the house, supported by wesker all the while.
a couple hours later she brings over some chicken noodle soup (for wesker's guest) and some of her chocolate chip cookes (for wesker). a harried wesker answers the door, his normally perfectly-gelled hair a mess, as if he'd been running his fingers through it, and his sunglasses nowhere to be seen. gertrude notices his lack of shades and says nothing, because it seems the poor dear is going through a lot at the moment, but she does note his beautiful gray eyes.
throughout the next few weeks, she continues to drop off meals every couple of days. whoever wesker's friend is, they'll need their strength to recover from their ordeal. gertrude doesn't ever see the other man, but wesker's house is uncharacteristically messy, strewn about with various medical supplies when he invites her in as he retrieves her casserole dish
after a month or so, wesker's routine finally returns to normal. one morning, the other man is seated on the porch with wesker, sipping coffee with titan curled up in his lap. gertrude whips up a quick apple crisp and casually wanders over, deli meat in hand to bribe titan
she greets the two men and tuts over the other man's injuries, who introduces himself as chris. despite his recovery thus far, chris is still visibly battered and bruised, splinted fingers stroking titan's fluffy back. titan eyes gertrude warily, but seems content to stay snuggled in chris' lap
as she converses genially with chris about the area and a bit of its history. gertrude can't help but notice the soft look on wesker's face and how his eyes never leave chris. she excuses herself after a while, giggling like a schoolgirl as she phones her bookclub later with all the details. chris and wesker find themselves inundated with homecooked meals and baked goods for the next month
gertrude stumbles upon them one night at the grocery store as she makes a late-night run for more butter. chris is doing far better, just some scars and a light limp, and she notices how close the two men are standing as they shop. she turns away to go pretend to look at fruit, but doesn't miss how wesker's hand comes up to rest in the small of chris' back. the smile doesn't leave her face as she drives home
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poetofthedyingstars · 2 years
BARANGGAY BANGAYAN  | collab with @lilacknights
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[image description: there are three photos, the first one a cropped photo of the color red, the second one a photo of a banner of smart padala with a text that says “welcome to brgy marupok”, the third photo is also a cropped photo of the color red. /end image description.]
warning: none! just some crack-ish and fluff-ish headcanons of filipino au obey me. long post. HAPPY BUWAN NG MGA WIKA AT KASAYSAYAN!
characters included: the brothers + side characters (luke, platonic)
language used: taglish but mostly tagalog/filipino
lucifer na stress na stress palagi sa mga kapatid niya, wala masyado parents nila kaya siya na ang taga-asikaso sa lahat
lucifer na nagmumukhang single dad kaya gg ang mga marites na ireto mga nakshi nila na lagi naman iniiwasan at tinatanggihan ni mami lucifer mo
sorry po reserved na daw po siya para kay MC
facebook bio: *padlock* MC’s property *padlock*
mammon na champion sa bingo, tong its king at nagpapapustahan sa ganggang
tropa ng mga marites! slay bestie, siya ang favorite kalaro ng mga manang at ale
source ng stress ni lucifer dahil minsan magugulat na lang sila may kumakalabog sa gate nila ng madaling araw hinihingi yung pangtubos ng sinanlang relo ni mammon
huhu stressedt yarn
leviathan na tambay sa pisonet dahil binan siya ni lucifer gumamit ng wifi sa bahay nila
pinapatulan pa ang mga batang dugyutin sa internet cafe para lang makapaglaro
pero isang beses, na-ban siya sa isang pisonet dahil nagwala si kuya mo dahil natalo sa DOTA, napilitan si lucifer na palakasin wifi nila
lagi napapagalitan si levi ni lucifer at mc dahil puyat
favorite sermon line ni levi: “KAKASELPON MO YAN!” 
pero kahit converge, skycable, pldt o globe pa yan tumba sa werpa ng gamer na si levi
dagdagan mo pa ng wattpad addict, kindle suscriber at e-book downloader na si satan plus social media influencer, vlogger na si asmodeus
edi bongga ang wifi nila sa bahay, barely hanging on by a thread yarn
speaking of satan, resident catboy lover na nagkaroon ng wattpad addiction
nung highschool siya akala niya magkakaroon siya ng gangster na jowa dahil sa “She’s Dating the Gangster”
alam ko dark academic si satan pero you can’t tell me na hindi siya nagkaroon ng e-boy phase like shush. i was there. i was his chain necklace!!!!!
takang-taka pa si asmo bakit hiram nang hiram si satan ng eyeliner ‘yon pala e-boy na si blonditang catboy mo
asmodeus na hardcore fan ng AlDub dati, nagcutting pa silang dalawa ni mammon para lang makita yung episode na nagkita si yaya dub at alden pero naharangan ng pader dahil kay lola nidora
ending, natikman na naman nila flying tsinelas ni lucifer
palaging nasa mga mall shows at naging presidente ng AlDub fans club si asmo
nagkaroon din ng gig si mammon na nagbebenta siya ng mga handmade aldub merch
beelzebub na palaging maaga gumising para hintayin dumaan nagbebenta ng taho sa bahay nila
jogger din po saka napakapogi, mahal na mahal ng mga tita nila dahil malakas kumain
suki ng mga street food vendors
siya ang nakaassign na mag-grocery at mamalengke kasama si mammon dahil si mammon ay magaling magtawad sa presyo at alam ni beel mga lugar na maganda bumili ng pagkain
napagtripan na ipakulay buhok niyang blonde parang kay Goku sa Dragon Ball
nung bata sila ni belphie, mga uhuging batang kalye sila, spoiled sa mga nakakatandang kapatid nila ng mga laruan, damit, etc. pero mas gusto pa rin maglaro sa putikan
belphegor na nagkaroon ng rpw account, joke joke lang daw pero nagkaroon ng jowa tapos na-fall siya ta’s nung nagbreak sila kunwari di affected dahil di naman daw totoo relationships don
belphie na laging tulog sa mga klase niya pero mataas pa rin ranking sa klase nila
he got that mysterious badboy achiever wattpad main character swag
i love you boy next door diavolo
rich kid na may iPad at palaging may sapi sa likod 
pinsan niyang nakakatanda nang onti si barbatos na bantay niya
resbak niya yon kapag may nangaaway sa kanya pati na si lucifer
bawal din mamalengke si diavolo kasi uto-uto, kung ano-ano napagbibili
barbatos yung target ng mga umaattend sa birthday party tas tatanungin “pre pogi nung pinsan mo ah reto mo nga ako”
huhu ako yan, diavolo reto mo naman ako kay barbatos
solomon na madami palaging aguinaldo tuwing may family gathering pero di niyo alam trabaho niya kaya akala niyo pusher
mayamang pogi titocore
super galante lalo na kapag lasing na hehehhee
sakristan na si simeon na crush ng buong baranggay dahil sobra na sa kabaitan, sobra pa sa kapogian
hehe anong peace be with you, baka please be with me
char lang hehehe
raphael na partner sakristan ni simeon pero walang kumakausap sa kanya dahil mukhang nanaksak ng kandila
kala mo talaga e no
magiging choir member si MC nang wala sa oras at active church member para lang masilayan ang kapogian ng mga sakristan
kapatid ni MC si makulit na luke na idol sina simeon at raphael kaya medyo close si MC sa mga pogi 
MC na napagutusan humingi ng mga donasyon sa baranggay pero nasasaraduhan ng pintuan sa bahay ni mephisto
mephisto na SK kagawad na sobra sa kasungitan at sobrang pabibo
gusto ata palitan si jollibee sa pagiging bida sa saya
laging may pa-project si kuya mo dinaig pa si kapitan
strict sa curfew lalo na sa pamilya ni lucifer pero pagdating kay diavolo hanggang “warning” lang, sipsip kasi daddy ni Diavolo ang kapitan at crush niya si Dia
WHAHHAHAAH mephisto mephisto bakit di ka crush ng crush mo?
thirteen na manila girl na crush ko - ay char ng buong bayan pala 
mga bading ay love na love si thirteen
may pagka-siga kaya nagulat na lang siya Assigned Mhiema na pala siya sa baranggay
walang babangga sa mga nakshi niya (Asmo, Solomon, Luke) at kay MC dahil sa kanya mwehehe
i love you thirteen marry me pls
taglist: @lilacknights
hope you peeps enjoyed that! if you have requests, feel free to send me any! im open so please, send one. also, lmk if you want to be tagged on my posts.
reblogs are appreciated, please do! and don’t forget to leave some comments :D
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sapphicdib · 6 months
hey random thought but I was looking at the overseer description on the rain world wiki and it said that the green overseers only spawn in outer expanse and subterranean and that got me thinking
unlike spearmaster who had srs watching over them through the red overseer (until pebbles zap it outta existence) Hunter didn’t have any overseer watching over them
That means that Nsh wouldn’t know for sure if Hunter succeed in the mission because Hunter never made it back home, either succumbing to the rot or passing on through the void sea and Siggy wasn’t watching his cat unlike Suns
Nsh probably thought that once Moon wakes up, she could message the entire local group again however, Moon’s collapse left her in a state where she couldn’t communicate with the other iterators even after her revival
I mean, to cut slack for Nsh. Pebbles did put the entire region into lockdown (see five pebbles dialogue for when gourmand first enters the cann) so he probably couldn’t get in with Hunter but still
from Nsh’s perspective moon’s fate is uncertain. His hunter’s fate is uncertain.
Maybe he saw the little messenger going through subterranean which meant that Hunter probably succeeded. Maybe the last he has seen if his slugcat was before the Hunter entered the region and Hunter hasn’t returned home yet nor did Moon showed any signs of activity.
Maybe his plan worked and the keys were delivered. He wouldn’t know for sure…
basically all I’m saying is that Nsh feels like the person who would had definitely thrown more (hopefully non-cancerous) slugcats towards Moon instead of tossing Hunter and the angstiest option for why he didn’t was because he thought his plan fail as Hunter will never go home in the base game and Moon couldn’t communicate her revive
UGH YES!!! i hc that you can still see sig’s overseers sometimes in subterranean/outer expanse is because she’s still…well, desperately searching. at first for a sign of hunter, and then for a sign of moon when he realizes hunter’s probably not returning, or perhaps a way to get into the facility to see if his plan even worked.
part of the reason i think hunter was so sick is just because by the time sig made her, his facility wasn’t in the best shape, and he was rushing, desperate to save moon. in the note she sends her it literally says “excuse the unorthodox delivery method, equipment eroding etc etc”. i truly do not believe sig is “bad at making slugcats” or “didn’t follow suns’ instructions” because his dialogue PROVES THAT HE CAME UP WITH THE CONCEPT FIRST. (sorry that shit grinds my gears when ppl brush sig off as either stupid or malicious when it comes to hunter) because like…this mission is SO important to her. why the hell would he make hunter sick, therefore limiting her time to get to moon and possibly causing her death before she could reach her goal?
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hunter’s last wish in the void sea is to be back in sig’s arms. if he were truly malicious/didn’t show respect for her messengers, why would hunter want to return? so yeah, seeing his overseer out in the outer expanse, searching for hunter or a sign of moon being alive just ;-;
i don’t rlly think she sent more messengers after that, mainly bc he knows any slugcats he makes after hunter will likely meet the same fate due to the erosion of her equipment/the fact he thinks “there will be nothing left of moon by the time one is ready”. sig just breaks my heart because she tried and tried and tried, reaching out as far as he could, and still never knew if his plan even worked. i’m gonna stop here bc if i keep talking i am going to be writing a goddamn essay that would be better than anything i ever turned in in university LMFAO i have so many goddamn Feelings about no significant harassment rain world.
also me n ghost are actually doing an rp that’s kind of like this lmfao, and in it the reason hunter gets sick is because sig basically works herself so hard she ends up damaging his structure and the sudden power failure/shutdown affects his experiments. (obviously that has no basis in canon and is more just us writing fanfiction about what could have possibly happened)
anyways after all that angst, here is a screenshot from my game where sig’s overseer showed up and sees moon bringing sluppy hunter home :’) in my dreams i can pretend she made it back LMFAO
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kakyogay · 8 months
Probably my most favorite tag I've ever gotten on any of my posts 💀
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vitamin-zeeth · 2 months
Fig was soooooo Chase Petra coded this ep. "they ask me questions about myself and I wanna puke" she would love prologue by chase petra she would love Keanu reeves by chase petra she would love contractual by chase petra
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