#simone lewis
hanelizabeth · 3 months
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a young clary and simon playing their weekly friday night game of mario kart (in their pyjamas of course!) after a long day at school 🎮
characters by @cassandraclare 💛
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vanpalmr · 1 year
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the yellowjackets cast teen & adult counterparts
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lottiesacolyte · 3 months
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i love how much nicole maines supports this little family
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cortanasdaisies · 10 months
Aline: I thought Jace was dating that vampire.
Alec: “No. Jace is not dating Simon. Jace is straight. Simon is straight.”
The two mfs in city of ashes:
Simon: I could’ve killed you.
Jace: I would’ve let you.
Aline: that’s straight??????
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rinadragomir · 5 months
I colorized TSC spines
Don't look at TDA's one though, it's this bad because I COULDN'T FIND A FULL PIC OKAY??😭😞 There were separate spines which I tried to put together....and apparently it didn't go well, the quality is shit and my day is ruined
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hopemikaelsongf · 1 year
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tabithatwo · 4 months
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the casting of the 2021 timeline of yellowjackets showtime is something that can be so personal
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wroetojaw · 9 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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summary: cozy day in with your boyfriend and watching the sidemen
tags: fluff, w2s x reader
warnings: slight cursing (not really)
a/n: instead of doing my literature essay I completed this story hope you guys enjoy!! more stories and stories about other youtubers are coming soon! ⋆。˚
“Welcome to MoreSidemen, where the Sidemen, talk badly, about other youtubers” Simon says as the others cheer jokingly.
You giggle quietly while watching the video, leaning back into your boyfriend’s arms. Harry said you were one of the people they ranked and asked if you wanted to watch it with him. And, of course, you agreed because who wouldn’t. You watch Harry as he gets up from the couch to go get a snack.
"You look good in this video by the way," you complemented him as your eyes wandered back to the screen. "I reckon I look good in every video, don't know what you mean..." He remarked. You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him when he sat back down next to you only to be grabed by the waist and pulled closer to him.
"They are our friends, so don't take any of these seriously," Simon continues with a disclaimer, knowing how the internet would react if he didn't. "Maybe not for much longer if I get ranked last for any of the nice ones." You say, half-accusingly glaring at Harry. He puts on a guilty look and shrugs.
"Which Youtuber would you most want backing you up in a fight, we have seven people." The said seven people then popped up at the bottom of the screen. It was you, Deji, Theo Baker, Callux, Danny Aarons, Randolph, and Calfreezy. “Oh shit, it’s my girlfriend oh no,” Harry says, putting his hands in his face. The guys laugh at him and Vik says, “someone’s sleeping in the dog house tonight.” "Bro you better watch what you say."
"Who'd you want most", "Well Deji has got to be number one", "Yea Deji number one," they say in agreement. "Hey! What about me," you say, turning around to pretend to punch Harry. He ducks out of the way and says, "Come on Y/N, he's literally a professional boxer". "Yeah well...I can throw a punch too." You grumble, turning back around to face the television.
"...Theo's up there because he's pretty w..." You hear your boyfriend say in the video. "I could take him down," you mutter. "I know you could okay Y/N," he says as he kisses the top of your head. The guys continue discussing their rankings, not once mentioning you at all. "Okay now hold on a sec, because I personally think Y/N could pack a punch you know, I feel like she's got the temper enough to take a bitch down." Simon reasons with the group.
"Remind me to give Simon a big hug the next time we see him." You say gleefully, happy someone finally recognized your strength. "Yeah, I agree. I think she has the ride-or-die kind of mindset because she will fight for you and what-not, god I love her." Harry says. You look up lovingly at him and kiss his cheek.
"So we're going Deji, Theo, Danny, Lux, Y/N, Freezy, Randy," they say as they list out their rankings. "Are we sure about Freezy and Randy?" Tobi asks, to which Harry responds, "Y/N loves getting into fights so yeah..." You glare at Harry, unsure if it was a compliment or not. "You know she's actually mad strong. The other time she accidentally turned around and elbowed my stomach and it had a huge bruise for a week," Josh added. "Does that mean you're just weak then?" Simon says. The lads just laughed and before Josh even tried to defend himself, Simon already started talking about the fan's rankings.
"Randy's third? And Danny's six?" Simon says in disbelief. "No way I think Randy and Danny swap," Harry says, he looks down the lists and sees you've been ranked at sixth. "Wait no way they voted Y/N as last. Guys have you seen her during our challenges, she would take a bitch down," Harry continues. You thanked him for 'defending your honor' and gave him a big smooch on the lips.
They continued to disagree with the fan rankings, but you honestly couldn't care less anymore. Knowing that your boyfriend thought you were tough and could hold your own was enough for you. You begin to dose off as the video continues playing, hearing Harry chuckle every now and then when his friends make a joke, as he combs your hair unconsciously.
However, one of the questions you hear as you fall asleep catches your attention. "Which youtuber is the most attractive?" You sit up, curious about what would be their rankings. The rest of boys in the video look at Harry, thinking that he would instantly say his girlfriend, but boy were they wrong. "Number one Callux," Harry says immediately. You both burst out laughing as he continues to try and correct himself, in the video, realising his girlfriend was also in the list. You pretended to act offended as Harry 'apologises profusely', peppering kisses all around your face. You couldn't help but giggle at your boyfriend's adorableness.
Laying back down in your boyfriend's arms as he wraps them tightly around you, with the video playing in the background, you look up at Harry, wondering how did you get so lucky and how much you love your life.
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clockworkbee · 1 year
parabatai parallels 🥺
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—Simon Lewis, City of Glass
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—Will Herondale, Clockwork Princess
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—Julian Blackthorn, Lady Midnight
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—James Herondale, Chain of Thorns
@ofstarsandmoonlightt ’s post on this parallel reminded me of Julian's lines to Emma and I simply had to put them all together 🥺
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rheasesposts · 8 months
Please Date
harry lewis(w2s) x female!reader
summary : Harry and Y/N were basically a couple, in Calfreezy’s eyes. And he was done with their mutual and secret pining.
Harry, Cal, and Y/N were roommates. They bonded forever basically after having to spend lockdown together. Harry and Y/N especially, but neither would admit it. Cal was living for the tension under their shared roof. Something else Cal lives for is that Y/N is the Sidemen’s photographer, and she’s on almost every video they do. She takes photos of them, mostly Harry. Cal’s caught her editing and staring at pictures of Harry. But right now, Cal is laughing obnoxiously since Harry is fuming about the guy that’s flirting with her, and texting him about how annoying it is. That guy is one of the people that’s supposed to be talking and taking Tana on a date.
to calfreezy
this lad won’t shut up
y/n is literally giving him a bored face
he won’t let her do her job
from calfreezy
allow it, allow it
what if she’s enjoying it
to calfreezy
fuck off man
Harry looked up from his phone and saw Y/N and the guy still chatting. He rolled his eyes, and Vik side eyed Harry from how obvious he was being.
“You alright, Bog?” Vik murmured, so it didn’t attract the ears of any of the louder members of the group. Harry glanced at Y/N again before turning to Vik.
“Y/N looks bored, right?” Harry countered instead. Vik stared at the scene before him.
“Sure, maybe a little.” Vik replied easily then swiveled to be in front of Harry. “So what, I’m sure she’d leave if she was too bored.”
“She has a job to do.” Harry grumbled.
“Tana is getting her makeup redone.” Vik pointed out smugly, and Harry flipped him off. “Bro, just let her talk to the guy.”
“Nah, nah, she’s practically melting over there.” Harry stood from his seat and walked over to the pair before Vik could advise or stop him. The other boys finally noticed a situation when Harry, in their eyes, stormed over to Y/N and mystery man.
“What’s he doing?” Josh slightly chuckled as he asked.
Vik tutted, “He thinks Y/N should be saved from the conversation she’s having.” The boys watched as Harry was left standing alone and Y/N led the guy to a quieter space. Harry whirled around with a sour look on his face. “What happened?”
“Stupid guy! He’s so ignorant, practically useless.” Harry blurted out with his voice thundering over them. “Man, he sounds like a right wanker.” The six sidemen silently looked upon as Harry paced in straight lines. “What does she even want with him anyway? That’s not her type.”
“You know her type?” Ethan smirked boyishly.
“Fuck off, yeah I do.” Harry retorted smartly and stopped his pacing when he heard yelling. Everyone did, and they knew that voice.
“Get away! I said stop! God, what is wrong with you?!”
“Hey, she said no, dude!” Tana also shouted.
Harry had never ran so fast in his life. He made it to the dressing/makeup room in seconds to find Tana’s bodyguard holding down the guy with Tana and Y/N clutching each other on the other side of the room. Harry sprinted to Y/N’s body.
“Are you alright?” Harry worriedly asked and checked her figure. “Did he hurt you?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry.” Y/N said that, but she latched onto Harry when he had made it to her a few seconds ago. “Just a prick.”
He wanted to say “I told you so” but he knew it for the best if he shut his mouth. “Get him outta here.” Harry demanded the bodyguard who nodded and yanked the guy out who was struggling and flopping about.
The rest of the boys had made it in by now and looked at Tana and Y/N for an answer to what they just saw.
“I said no, he didn’t like it, nothing more to it.” Y/N shortly announced, and Tana narrowed her eyes at Y/N but let it go. Harry as well did that, but for different reasons. He didn’t believe her, but he wasn’t going to out her in front of everyone. “We need to finish the video.” All the boys individually asked if she was fine before they returned to sitting and directing Tana. “Harry, you have to actually do your job, entertain people.”
“We’re talking later in the flat.” Harry decided and went to the hightop chair behind the couch. Y/N huffed and went to the all white set where Tana was currently being filmed. Harry watched her leave with a heavy heart.
to calfreezy
when we get home, don’t rile y/n up
the guy was ugly to her
gonna figure out what happened
from calfreezy
alright lad, will do
He put his phone in his pocket and focused on JJ telling Tana outrageous statements to say to her date. He laughed a couple times and provided jokes, but his mind was on Y/N solely. The video wrapped, and Harry found Y/N packing away her cameras.
“Ready?” Y/N smiled a little when she asked.
“Yeah.” He carried her camera bag for her and gently put it in his car. “Do you wanna tell me what actually happened?”
Y/N peered his way with a small frown, “There’s not much to tell, he was making moves that I didn’t like, so I said stop and he lashed out.”
“Did he hurt you?” Harry’s hands gripped the steering wheel. Y/N noted Harry’s veins popping from his arms.
“I don’t know if it’s smart to tell you while we’re in a moving vehicle.” Y/N replied. So that’s a yes.
“Gah, why didn’t you tell me?!” Harry nearly yelled. “I mean, that harassment and probably assault.”
“Harry, I’m fine. Let it go.” Y/N stubbornly commented. Their apartment complex came into view, and Y/N tumbled out of the car to get up to their flat before Harry could interrogate her more. Cal was leaning on the kitchen counter when Y/N zoomed through. “Hi, Cal, bye, Cal.”
“What the fuck?” Cal says as Harry, out of breath, steps into the kitchen.
“She’s shutting me out.” Harry disappointedly admitted, and stood next to Cal. Cal could only give him a pat on the back.
“Boggo, do you love her?”
“Well, yeah of course I do, she’s my best friend.”
Cal shot him a dissatisfied expression, “Come on now bud, we both know that’s not the only reason.” Harry scoffed and looked to his feet.
“Doesn’t matter, she doesn’t want me.”
“You don’t know that.” Cal deferred. “I personally think she’s into you.” Harry’s head shot up.
“Really?” Harry lit up. “Don’t play, man.”
“Nah, no really, I do.” Cal reassured.
“Ok, what do I do?” Harry put a finger to his lips and thought hard. Cal knew his face was full of disgust and disappointment.
“Go tell her how you fucking feel, you nut.” Cal dropped the bomb, and Harry shushed him. “Mate, tell her.”
Harry just left to go to Y/N’s room. He knocked and he heard a “come in” so he marched in and observed she was sitting on her bed, changed into one of his Sidemen hoodies and sweats, on her phone.
“If you’ve come to murder me with questions, you’ll be sent out.” Y/N warned him with a hand pointing at the door. He shook his head and sat on her bed. She put her knees to her chest and waited for Harry to speak.
“I am not so sure how to go about this, but here it goes.” Now Y/N was extremely confused. “I like you, Y/N. I have since lockdown basically, I mean you’re perfect in every way. How could I not like you? Oh this is so cringy.” Harry put his head in his hands. Y/N grinned at his confession and conformation since she felt the same.
“Harry?” Y/N slowly peeled his hands from his face and held them in her own. “Yes, it was cringy, but it’s alright since I like you, too.” Harry’s teeth were showing now, and his nose was scrunched cutely. “I’d like to try with you if you want that as well.”
“Yes, yes.” Harry immediately confirmed and squeezed her fingers. “Can I, can I kiss you?” Y/N sheepishly nodded, and Harry softly held the nape of her neck and her waist before landing his lips on hers. Harry was swooning, this was everything he wanted. Y/N’s lips left his as she caught her breath. Harry was hovering over her with his head tilted to look down at her. “Cal’s gonna freak.” Y/N beamed at him before bringing him in for another smooch.
“I need 20 pounds from Will and Chris.” Cal’s voice boomed across the flat.
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hanelizabeth · 2 months
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the sweetest couple on the whole of tattooine 🪐
jedi simon was absolutely thrilled when izzy agreed to go to the comic book convention with him dressed up like princess leia! 🫶
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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inevesgf · 3 months
SKI TRIP .. part one ⠀,⠀ chrismd.
synopsis ✩ you and chris hate each other, but a ski trip and some forced proximity changes everything.
warnings: gn!reader, drinking, series
authors note: a chrismd series! this isn’t my favorite piece of writing of all time, but i just needed to push out more chris content for myself and the other chris girlies out there. consider this little series my petition to be your favorite chrismd writer <3 thank you to @imredjack for the idea xx
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THE FLIGHT TO FRANCE WAS A BREEZE: no turbulence, no boarding issues — you couldn’t have been more lucky. the crisp, cold air coveted your skin like a blanket as you exited the airport, scanning your new surroundings. even though you lived in europe and traveled around surrounding areas, you had never been to france. you liked the uk — if it were up to you, you’d never leave forever, though a holiday was pleasant once in awhile.
“bonjour,” you were greeted by your friend, george clarke, who spoke thickly with a fake french accent. you couldn’t help but let out a giggle as he spoke. you were surprised to find yourself in the position you were in. you didn’t know that helping george plan a trip with your mutual friends would result in you being invited. you had known this group of boys for years. being a friend of george’s since primary school, you became a videographer for him once he started his youtube career. because of this, you had become close with the others; the arthur’s, harry, will — the list went on. with your experience with social media, you had been a help to all of them with occasionally manning the camera. “comment vas-tu en cette belle soirée?” the teasing back from you made george roll his eyes. “ok — ok, i dont know that much!” as you laughed at his response, you found your thoughts slipping. the first glimpse you had seen of the french alps were gorgeous, but you still couldn’t help but feel awkward. as you scanned around, george and arthur in view, your eyes landed on chris. christopher dixon was something else. if it was up to him, you wouldn’t have been invited on this trip. but it was up to his best mate, george, and what george said goes.
chris was not fond of you in anyway possible and you were not fond of him. nothing particular had happened between you two, but the hateful tension always remained. you had heard from the other boys that chris hadn’t talked the best of you; always commenting on your clothing style and such in odd ways; but you didn’t let that bother you. instead, trying to keep the bond strong between all your friends, you never confronted him about it — the pity feelings you had between each other were mutual. piling into the taxi that would take you to your hotel, you sat yourself next to arthurtv who greeted you with a smile. you were far more fond of arthur and george and that thought made you mentally pray you’d be roommates with them for the holiday.
the taxi came to a stop, the driver tipping his hat at you as you slipped a fiver into his tip cup. once again the new feelings of the french air tickled your skin as you exited, george handing you your luggage that he had pulled out of the trunk. “alright,” george pulled out several room keys from his pocket, preparing to distribute them among the others. “this one’s for arthur(tv) and i — harry and arthur,” george handed harry the room key, “and chris and y.n—“ a cheeky smile formed on his face, making your eyes twitch. george knew that you and chris despised each other — you knew him rooming you with chris was all apart of some fucked up plan. “thanks—“ you were short as you snatched the key out of his hand. “can i room with arthur instead? please?“ that jersey accent had almost made you vomit as he spoke. “be nice to them, ok? c’mon, you both have a lot in common and i’m sure by the end of this trip you’ll be good friends!” george didn’t sound so sure of his words, he just hoped and prayed chris would give you the benefit of a doubt and not kill you.
you trudded your way up the stairs, reading the room numbers on the door as you and chris approached yours. you couldn’t help but mentally curse george for what he had done; later you were sure to say something to him, but for now you just had to make this work. you inserted the key into the door, twisting the doorknob. to your dismay, the door did not open and you found yourself standing there somehow even more stupid in-front of chris. before you could go to try the doorknob one more time, chris grumbled, nudging you out of the way as he twisted the doorknob. to your frustration, it opened with the first turn. “it’s really not that hard, innit?” chris opened the door as he spoke. “look — can we please just spare each other a bloody second? ok, we’re on holiday, yeah? we’re supposed to relax. i think me and you can lay off each for a week.” you didn’t mean to snap, but it happened, causing chris to stop dead in his tracks as he stepped into the room. “ok, yeah sure, but if you so much as set me off one time, this isn’t going to be easy for us.” you didn’t know what he truly meant, but you didn’t care. you pushed yourself passed chris and fully into the room, this time you being the one to stop dead in your tracks. “are you fucking kidding me right now? do you see this? those fucking basterds,” to your surprise, and chris’ as well, there was only one bed. you practically vomited at the thought of having to share a space with him and a bed was even worse. “is this your doing?” you couldn’t help but be even more irritated by his words. “really? you think i’d arrange this? why don’t you ask the boys? maybe they think you fancy me or something and are doing you a favor.” you had seemingly set chris off, but he tried to contain himself. “you wanna know what? you can sleep on the chair, i’ll sleep on the bed — problem solved.” he walked himself into the room, placing his luggage onto the bed. “yeah, right.” you rolled your eyes. “why can’t we just share the bed? we’ll have separate blankets — everything will be fine as long as you don’t touch me.” you spoke. chris shot you a glare, pulling his luggage off the bed, now placing it on the floor. “fine, but just this once.”
you had seemingly sorted out the room problem with chris, but that did not stop you from scolding george later that night at dinner. “why’d you do that? are you trying to ruin this holiday?” your words were more playful as you tried not to upset george — more issues were the last thing you needed right now. “im doing you a favor, ok? this will be good for all of us. you’ll finally work things out with him and then we’ll all be best mates.” he tried to laugh through your frustration, which only made him nervous about what he had done. “if this only makes things worse, i know who to blame.” “—blame me too!” you look over at harry whose normal resting face was replaced with a big grin. “you cheeky basterd.” was all you managed to get out before the waiter came over with the check.
the night had passed swiftly. you and chris had went the rest of the night without communicating much, which was good for the both of you. chris and yourself entered your shared hotel room, slightly drunk as you sat down on the bed. “remember our deal — we each get our own side of the bed.” he spoke, pulling his shirt off and throwing it to the side. you found yourself staring at him a bit too long; studying each line of his abs. as much as you hated chris, you acknowledged he was good looking, but you wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that. unfortunately chris seemed to notice this, which caused him to furrow his brows. “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” his teasing made you roll your eyes — you were sure not to fall for it. “in your dreams.” you didn’t know if it was the alcohol making you think this way, but you hoped it was. even though you should have looked away, you studied chris carefully as he put on a clean top. shaking yourself out of these thoughts, you reminded yourself of the distaste you had for him — the way he’d say odd things about you behind your back, the way he couldn’t stand to even be in your presence. you found yourself calming back into your little world where a pleasent thought of chris did not exist.
once it came time to sleep, you could see the disgust on chris’ face as he climbed into your shared bed. as much as you hated you had to be in the same vicinity as him, you didn’t think it was the biggest deal in the world. “do you snore?” he asked, as he pulled the blanket over his legs. “nope, i bet you do.” chris rolled his eyes, a slight huff escaping his lips as he rolled over, his back facing you. you took this as a sign turn off the beside lamp and get yourself situated to sleep. no thoughts of sharing a bed with chris bothered you as you drifted off to sleep.
“so, how was last night?” george asked you, a teasing manner slipping from his lips even though he tried to contain himself. “what? you think we’re just going to fuck and get over things? you’re sick.” you weren’t completely serious, or mad at george, but you wanted him to know his little plan wouldn’t work out as well he thought it would. you scooped yourself some eggs from the hotel’s breakfast, grabbing yourself a fork before sitting down next to harry. similar to george, he began to bombard you with questions. “didn’t make up yet?” he raised his eyebrows, pulling a scoop of hash-browns to his mouth as he took a bite. “no, and unlike george, i don’t think it’s going to happen.” “why can’t you guys just fuck already?” your eyes darted over the table, raising an eyebrow at arthur’s sudden proposal. you practically spit out your bite of eggs at his words. “cmon, don’t laugh. you have so much sexual tension, we can all feel it.” you laughed. you had noticed chris glancing at you plenty of times before, shifting his eyes away the second you noticed. you noticed how he’d tease you — but again, you just expected it was because of his distaste for you. “oh sure,” you added sarcastically, taking a sip of apple juice as chris joined the table. you mentally prayed not another word would be said in that conversation, especially because chris was now present. “so,” arthur hill began to speak, setting his fork down next to his plate, “what’s the plan for today, georgie?”“well, we’re going to hit the slopes, of course. there’s also this little gig playing tonight at one of the hotels pubs — i was thinking we could go to that.” george responded. “good, i could use a fucking drink already.” chris perked up at the idea of a bar, and drinks at that, which made you laugh. “what? is having to share a room with y.n that bad?” arthur laughed. chris seemed hesitant to answer, which confused you a little as he was always quick to make you the bud of his joke. “it’s been a long week — well needed holiday.” his response seemed to confuse everyone at the table as george looked over at you, cockily raising his eyebrow. you knew his plan had a very generous slim shot at working, but chris seemed to be becoming more lenient on you — at least this morning. which made you question if chris had woken up on the right side of the bed this morning.
you and the group spent most of the day skiing and snowboarding — you skiing as it was always easier to you. it was a fun day; full of laughs, and you got to spend most of it away from chris which couldn’t have been better. “i dont think it even matters how many layers i have on, i’m freezing.” arthur shivered, wrapping his arms around himself as tight as he could to maintain some warmth. “it’s getting late now,” george spoke, checking his watch. it was now half past 5 and you were shocked once you put together that the six of you had been out in the snow for almost 8 hours. “the gig starts around 6, if we stop here we’ll have some time to get ready and warm up before then.” everyone seemed to agree with george’s idea and began to unwind. once getting back to the shack, everyone undressed themselves from their snow gear and laid it up to dry in lockers they had rented for the week.
you and chris made your way back to your hotel room again, not speaking to each other along the way. once you entered, chris wasted no time in preparing himself for the night — dousing himself in cologne and fixing his curled hair to the best of his abilities. he was one to dress casual, but he had caught your eye once he exited the bathroom dressed in something more put together. head to toe in black, chris wore black slacks and a black t shirt, which had you looking at him far more than you liked to admit. chris didn’t seem to notice as he walked around you, grabbing his phone before he sat down on one of the lounge chairs in the room. now having an idea of what the ‘dress code’ was for the evening, you began to get yourself dressed.
it never took you long to get ready — you had taken about 10 minutes this time — which still had chris’ panties in a bunch. a knock erupted on the bathroom door, causing you to huff slightly. “are you done in there? its almost 6, i’m going to leave without you.” you checked yourself out in the mirror one more time before opening the door, meeting face to face with the boy. chris stood there, your faces close to each other. you couldn’t help but feel annoyed as you noticed him studying you. “i was in there for 10 minutes, don’t get your panties in a twist, mate.” he scoffed, backing away from you which eliminated the noticeable tension. pushing passed him slightly, you grabbed your phone and had made your way to the door. chris took his fine time getting his shoes on as you did, which made you laugh at him softly. “look who’s taking a long time now.” “you just can’t be nice to me, can you?“ you scoffed, placing your hand on the doorknob behind you as you stayed facing chris. “i could say the same thing to you — haven’t shut your mouth since we got here. hell, you even objected to being roommates with me.” chris huffed under his breath, standing up from his once seated position. the vibes in the room shifted, but you couldn’t tell what you were feeling now. chris seemed slightly bothered at your words, which had you confused. “okay, i’m warming up to you,” your mouth laid a-gap and in pure surprise you practically chuckled. “i think we can stop being at each others throats — it’s what best for the both of us and the others.” “where was this side of chris when i told you we should be civil with each other at the beginning of the trip? what made you change your mind, huh?” before chris could even think of a response, a knock erupted on the door. to pull yourself out of this unwanted conversation, you opened it up to be met with george. “are you two ready?” he hummed and you nodded your head in response. chris made his way over to the door, stepping aside you before exiting first. for a second, your bodies brushed up against each other, sending a chill down your spine that you couldn’t quit understand.
for the duration of the walk to the pub, you walked behind the others, thinking of the conversation you had with chris. you couldn’t help but be angry at him. he had been at your throat since he met you; saying bad things behind your back, and now he had changed his mind quicker than you had imagined. if only in the beginning he had gotten time to know you, this would have never happened. you didn’t know what you had said or done that was so alluring to chris — alluring enough for him to change his mind about you. you recalled him studying your body shamelessly after you exited the bathroom. but if being impressed by your body was his reason for changing his mind, he was an asshole. “are you doing okay?” harry asked as he walked up next to you, his hands shoved into his trouser pockets. “what? oh, yeah.” he pulled you out of your deep thoughts as he spoke. “you sure?” “just tired is all. i just need a drink to take the edge off.” you tried to work a smile onto your face, which seemed to be convincing enough for harry as he returned the smile. you didn’t remember the rest of the night fully. all you could recall was the flashing lights as rock music played and the countless amount of shots you had taken. you were absolutely smashed by the end of the night, according to george, who was also more gone than he’d like to admit. luckily, you could handle your drink unlike arthurtv, so you could still function semi-normally by the time everyone called it a night.
your memory of the nights events jogged a little when you woke up in bed next to chris; his body tangled in yours instead of on his side of the bed. a warm heat coveted your hips — his arms wrapped around it loosely. hot breaths down your neck made your spine shiver and your mind cloud as you assessed your situation. your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes adjusted to the sun peeking through the windows, the hangover prominent. your heart started to beat faster in your chest from embarrassment or even anxiety. over the past few days, you had gotten used to chris’ company. of course, it wasn’t your favourite, but you had realized it wasn’t as bad as you thought. to you, he was now bearable to be with, but not this close. chris began to stir in bed, making your breath hitch. once he had finally awoken, he was met with the situation you found yourselves in. squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the brightened room, chris couldn’t help but flush red once he noticed where his hands were. a mumble escaped his lips; one of an apology or just jumbled words — you couldn’t tell. he pulled his warm arms away from you, which made you feel naked from his grasp. you sat up awkwardly, sitting yourself up against the bed frame as you cleared your throat. chris huffed a little bit before he began to talk. “tell no one about this?” he seemed embarrassed, flustered even, as he spoke, a red hue accompanying his pale cheeks. you had never seen chris so quiet; so timid. a quick “mhm.” was all you could getting out without a hint of embarrassment hitting your face. a part of you couldn’t help but miss the warmth of his arms, but you knew it was stupid. you didn’t like chris and his new-found attitude didn’t change that. you still couldn’t help but crave his touch again, though. you knew that this thought was wrong, so wrong, but the idea of something wrong felt so good.
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april fic recs
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✦ dividers by @cinnamoncafe, @saradika-graphics, @thecutestgrotto, @silkholland ✦
𖤛 hi everyone!! i've read so many great fics this month, so i hope you all enjoy my faves of april!! 𖤛
⚘ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each incredible writer!! ⚘
֍ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ֍
◈ if you’d like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ◈
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lewis hamilton
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 it sounds silly by @pickingupmymercedes lewis hamilton x reader | bit of angst, self image problems, body image discussions
-reader is struggling with a self image issue and where lewis gives words of encouragement
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lewis drabble by ^ lewis hamilton x reader
-lewis where he casually mentions in his gq interview that he has a longtime gf or wife.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lewis blurb by ^ lewis hamilton x reader
-reader comes home drunk and Lewis reacts to seeing roscoe with those marks next morning
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 pipe down by @thef1diary lewis hamilton x fem!reader | 18+ smut, oral, fingering, reader says ‘sir’ like once, pussy obsessed lewis tbh, allusions to riding
-you were straddling lewis, stripped down to nothing but your panties.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 unexpected find by @waterlilydrops lewis hamilton x fem!reader | 18+ only, nsfw, explicit sex content, threesome f/f/m involved lewis, sex tape, reverse NTR, p in v sex, masturbation(f), slight dom/bub,spanking, dirty talk, blowjobs, mirror. If you feel uncomfortable, please exit promptly, 4k
-as you were helping lewis tide up the old apartment, you suddenly found out a video tape. however, as you inserted it into the vcr and pressed play, you realized just how interesting the content of this tape was.
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lando norris
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 dad!lando blurb by @russellsppttemplates dad!lando norris x reader | fluff
-lando posting or sending his family pictures of his milk drunk babies because he thinks it is the cutest/funniest thing
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 lando blurb by ^ lando norris x reader | fluff
-reader always forgets or looses hair ties and lando noticed this so he started to always wear one on his wrist for her
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 what i'm missing by @uglyducklingofthe2000s dad!lando norris x reader | fluff
-lando comes home from a race weekend to find his wife and kids in a moment that makes him wish that he wasn’t gone so often.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 my boobs by ^ big yitties!reader x lando norris x reader
-lando loves his girlfriend's boobs and she's just got used to him in private and public, in fact half of the time others notice before she does
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the slip up by @loveluvrs lando norris x reader
-max was streaming with lando at his place. lando drags his feet over to the stream room, sitting on a chair next to max. he was scrolling on his phone, trying to pass the time. 
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carlos sainz
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 cooking up some fun with the sainz’ by @eccentricwritingbaby dad!carlos sainz jr x wife!mom!reader | fluff
-y/n sainz is a successfully famous chef with her own restaurant and ever since covid, she has been cooking on instagram live once a week. fans adore the sweet interactions between her and carlos and their little baby girl. 
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ellie williams
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ellie drabble by @elliesprettygirl ellie williams x reader | fluff
-ellie desperate for reader but reader is always acting hard to get just for their ego. but ellie doesn’t back down..
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ellie blurb by @ourautumn86 ellie williams x fem! reader | +18 content, mdni
-she tries to shush you but you’re scratching her naked back and it feels so good…
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alexia putellas
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the mountain is you by @ceesimz alexia putellas x reader
-barcelona. once a place that felt like home to you, yet now as you clamber into the back of your taxi outside of the airport, it's the same but different.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 golden key to the sweet life by ^ mom!alexia putellas x mom!reader | fluff
-there was something intoxicatingly endearing about the way alexia interacted and whole-heartedly cared for her family and friends' children.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 our sun is setting by ^ alexia putellas x reader | mentions of homophobia and grief for a parent. It's quite a heavy fic, please keep that in mind.
-"i told my mami about you today."
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 close your eyes by @ktgoodmorning alexia putellas x reader | mind-numbingly fluffy, inspired by the song "close your eyes and count to ten" by grouplove
-you and alexia take a moment to yourselves on your wedding night, soaking in your time together.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 familia by @barcaatthemoon alexia putellas x reader | fluff
-how alexia realizes that you're the one.
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alessia russo
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 make yourself at home by @p0orbaby alessia russo x reader | SMUT 18+, not explicit but smut adjacent, oral (alessia receiving)
-all you want is a quiet night in with alessia, and tooney?
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call of duty
simon riley
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 simon blurb by @cntloup simon riley x reader | smut
-it's safe to say simon is utterly and completely devoted to you. 
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 ghost losing his ring by @ch1n1tahwrites simon riley x reader | fluff
-he was just coming back from a long mission, awaiting to be in his wifes arms in his big comfy bed.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 tommy by @simonrileysfavteacup simon riley x reader | fluff
-he came out looking exactly like his father. he acted exactly like him. he didn’t sleep, he had nightmares too often, he loved watching telly, he wouldn’t sleep without you near him, and so much more. 
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 the next of kin by @soapybutt17 simon "ghost" riley x wife!reader, oc daughter (cassandra "cassie" riley), john price | mentions of injuries, drug consumption, slight angst, mostly fluff, 1.6k
-simon needed to update his contact information, as dodgy as he was for giving everyone even a glimpse of his private life, he did so. who would have ever thought that it would become handy after an injury left him high on painkillers and needy for his girls back home.
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 like mother, like daughter by @anangelwhodidntfall  dad!simon riley x reader
-in which you and ghost have a baby girl who loves to copy your facial expressions
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 olderbf!simon by @heavenbarnes simon riley x reader | fluff
-thinking about your older bf!simon that cannot cope with being far from you.
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harry styles
𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊 that 4am cry by @signoferoda dad!harry styles x mom!reader | fluff
-harry’s daughter has a set routine when it comes to her night time feed
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green28go · 16 days
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culiehua · 2 months
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tmi verse x onion headlines
part 1 — part 2 — part 3 — part 4 —
part 5 (jem!edition) — part 6 — part 7
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layla-carstairs · 8 months
does anyone else ever think about how in cohf Magnus refers to Jace, Clary, Izzy and Simon as Alec's friends and says that he just puts up with them for Alec. does anyone think about how later in qoaad at their wedding Magnus refers to them as "their closest friends"??? because I think about it a lot
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