#sims 4 fourth wing
emmastillsims · 5 months
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Empyrean Series: Fourth Wing/Iron Flame
Hi all who are still here! My last post was in 2022, so I'm very impressed if you're still around :) I only make lookbooks nowadays if I'm truly inspired and the time has finally come. 
I read the first two available books (Fourth Wing and Iron Flame) in the Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros so quickly and am still so obsessed.  If you are a fan of fantasy and steamy content, I wholeheartedly recommend this series. I used a lot of harnesses/buckles in place of knife sheaths and video game outfit conversions for this lookbook and I look forward to dedicated cc once the Amazon Prime show debuts :)
Plot of Fourth Wing from Goodreads:
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother’s daughter—like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant. She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise. Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret. Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda—because once you enter, there are only two ways out: graduate or die. 
You can find these sims on the gallery under Origin ID: eregister or you can download the tray files here (mediafire, no ads.) You will still need to download all the CC for your sims to look like mine.
Click here for CC links (AD-FREE) and enjoy! 🐲⚔️⚡
// thank you cc creators: @ceeproductions, @dangerouslyfreejellyfish, @greenllamas, @kijiko-sims, @lightdeficient, @lustrousims, @northernsiberiawinds, @peachyfaeire, @someone-elsa, @yakfarm, @angissi, @aveirasims, @ghostputty, @wistfulpoltergeist, @dansimsfantasy, @dallasgirl79, @darte77, @dbasiasimbr, @evellsims, @goamazons, @golyhawhaw, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @introsims, @johnnysimmer, @lamatisse, @lumysims, @luumia, @melonsloth, @mmsims, @annamsblue, @nolan-sims, @obscurus-sims, @peacemaker-ic, @plazasims, @remussirion, @sagittariahx, @sifix, @simmiev2, @simstrouble, @tamo-sim, @twisted-cat, and those not on tumblr //
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promiseculturedlamini · 8 months
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sarasims12 · 4 months
Aquí tenéis el segundo capítulo de las Crónicas de Angar. Espero que os guste ☺️☺️
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imaginativemind29new · 11 months
Some other tag game
Thanks @i-can-even-burn-salad for the tag! These questions sound fun :)
Favorite Video Game?
I am actually not a big gamer, but does The Sims count? I used to spend hours playing, but with all the writing I want to do and other hobbies I pushed it aside a bit :) Still got Sims 3 and 4 on my computer and love both versions, but nothing will ever beat Sims 2 for me.
And besides that I also enjoy playing Animal Crossin New Horizons on my son's Switch from time to time.
Favorite Video Game Character?
Huh, sorry I wouldn't know :)
Favorite Movie or TV Series?
Ok hands down Lord of the Rings is my favorite movie of all time, other fantasy movies come and go but this trilogy will forever live rent free in my heart. But only the orginal Peter Jackson movies, not the bs that Amazon did.
As for series, I have a quite wide spread taste I'd say :) Currently I am very much into Outlander and Bridgerton.
But my favorite animated series will always be Dragons Rade to the Edge and as for my favorite series with "actual actors" (don't know how to say it otherwise) that would be Vikings and Game of Thrones probably (minus Season 8, I'll ignore it exists lol)
Favorite Movie or TV Series character?
Quite some, but I'll only mention a few here like my top 5 :)
Viggo Grimborn (Dragons RTTE)
Hiccup Haddock (HTTYD)
Jamie Fraser (Outlander)
Lagertha (Vikings)
Daenerys Targaryen (GoT)
reading, writing, getting lost in the worlds I create in my head, coloring, going for long walks, embroidery, baking, gardening, watching series/movies
fictional characters, books, getting lost in the worlds I create in my head
Favorite genre/type of background music for whump daydreams?
I don't listen to music when I daydream, but for writing it's usually something instrumental that fits the vibe of the scene. Like I'd specifically look for an ambient playlist on YT.
What is your favorite whump trope?
I love it when a character gets kidnapped/captured by the enemy and gets into a (seemingly) hopeless situation, let the kidnapping/captured trope be followed by angst and torture (emotional and/or physical) and I am all in :D
What is your favorite whump pairing?
From fandom: Viggo and Hiccup definitely, but Dagur also makes a great whumper imo
From my own work: I can't say yet ;) but keep the name Garren in mind (as a whumper)
What was (one of) the first time you experienced whumperflies?
Huh that's a tough one... probably sometime back when I was a kid and watched a kids detective show that was popular back then in Austria and when I tied up my Barbie dolls because they were kidnapped lol
What's your favorite whump scene from a piece of media?
Not a scene a whole episode: Midnight Scrum from Race to the Edge, lol
What's a book you would recommend, whump or not?
At the moment, Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros! It has dragons and an academy and deadly competition and amazing charachters <3
And add your own question: What's your favorite whump fic?
I am tagging (with no pressure as always) @ficklestar @evilwriter37 @jay-avian
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latibulesims · 2 years
Hi girl!💖 I just wanted to say you're a huge inspiration to me and wanting to make a series of my own. I have a few questions that hopefully won't be too "personal". When you send your VAs their lines, do you share them around with the other VAs so they know how to respond/act out their voices or do you solely leave it up to them and use whatever material you get? And my last question is do your VAs know each other? Like have they been introduced to one another before working for you?💕
Hellooo! Thank you so much 💕 I'm happy to help out a new director, so please always ask away :)
I'm not sure I understood the first question very well. You either meant: When you send your VAs their script, or you meant: When your VAs send you their lines. Just incase, i'll answer both! LOL
First variation of the question: When you send your VAs their script
If you're asking me if I send my VAs only their lines, as opposed to the entire scene, like such:
JONAH That's nice.
NOAH F/ck off.
JONAH That's nice.
Then it's definitely Version 2, LOL! It's near impossible for the VAs to guess what tone they need to go with if they're just given their lines. Something I do, though, is: My scripts are super long (usually 70+ pages), so to not burden my VAs with all of that, I usually send them only the scenes that concerns their characters (unless they explicitly ask me for the entire script). This usually means scenes where they have lines, but sometimes I also include scenes they might not have lines in, if they carry context I feel is essential for how they play the scenes they do have lines in.
THE RIVER S1 SPOILERS: For example, even though Benji did not have any lines in the Noah-Raven confession scene in the season finale, I still provided his VA the scene so that he can be in the loop. So, when Benji is warning Faye of what he overheard, his VA understands the gravity of the situation because he got to read what Benji, the character, would have overheard. I hope that makes sense!
Second variation of the question: When your VAs send you their lines, do I share them with others?
I do not! VAs are usually given a certain amount of time to deliver lines (I give 4-6 weeks). If you're going to wait for one VA to deliver their lines before sending it to the other VA so they know how to react to it, then it's going to be near impossible to receive all the lines on time. Most VAs who voice act in the sims community for free do it as a hobby (bless them), so a lot of times they take up the 4 weeks + the extension, especially if things are hectic in their personal/work/school life. Waiting for one VA to send in their lines, to then send that to the other VA and wait again for them to send in their lines? And then to do that with a possible third, fourth, five person (depending on how many characters there are in that particular scene)...That sounds like a never ending nightmare to me, LOL.
An alternative to this is holding a sort of table read when you first share the episode. Some directors have been doing this recently: The VAs of a project and its director get together on a call and read the script out loud, and the director can sort of explain to each VA what exactly they want and how they should react to one another.
I've personally never held one of these because I don't think it's really necessary. Letting my VAs wing it and working with the material I get has worked for me so far, and i've been doing this for six years now! I don't think it's necessary to overcomplicate things with stuff like that, especially when the machinima making process is already so hectic in the first place
As for the second question:
My VAs do know each other! Most of them have been working together for six years now, and they've become really close friends. The sims community is a very tight-knit community, so all the VAs usually know each other, but some VAs of The Rivers did meet through The Rivers and are now close friends <3 Which makes me super happy.
With The Rivers, I didn't introduce the VAs to each other (they all just befriended each other over time), but I did make a discord for the VAs of my other project, The Foundlings, so they can get acquainted before we started working on the series.
So, as someone who has done both (not introducing vs. introducing the VAs before a project starts), I can tell you that...... It doesn't really make a difference, LOL. Of course, it's so nice seeing your VAs become friends, but if we're talking about its effect on the series itself, or the quality of the voice acting, it doesn't really change anything. At least, not with me.
You need to keep in mind that the voice actors are voice acting from the comfort of their homes, and not together in a studio booth, like with a real-life voice over project. So the VAs being acquainted isn't going to do anything for the characters' chemistry, for example, when they're not voice acting off each other's energies to begin with. I hope that makes sense!
Hope I answered your questions!! Please feel free to ask anything else, i'm here to help 💕
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perpetual-fool · 1 year
I have a thing for spatial reasoning.
I ran across this puzzle game, He Who Watches, where your character can't jump and you have navigate by walking up walls and stuff. And that's just sooo interesting to me. Like, you have to stand in this spot to hit the switch, but you have to hit it again when you're not-here. How does that work? And I love feeling my brain twist it around, right away getting that you have to be in the same spot, but standing on the ceiling instead of the floor. Like, one of the best gaming experiences I've had was with this very sparse Minecraft-in-space thing. And just the simple stuff like finding myself leaning to the left, and figuring out that to correct myself I need to look up, look to the right, and then look back down, that was so rewarding.
But conversely, it's super annoying when games have that potential and just throw it away. Like with Space Engineers, where anything you build has a strict up/down orientation enforced; no putting cabinets on the ceiling or anything else fun. Or, there was a 4-dimensional Minecraft clone where you could 'rotate' dimensions. And it was like: you built a house, but the hyper-spiders got in anyway because they went through THE FOURTH DIMENSION. But all this amounted to really was, you build the house, 'rotate', and then build the house again. I'm not sure if there's a good way to do a 4d game but that wasn't it.
I forget what the space-craft game was called. It had Newtonian physics, I think it might've been written in assembly? And I remember it didn't have any sound. Supposedly development stopped because the guy got hired somewhere. And an aside on Space Engineers, I was also irritated with the space-brakes. It's set up like you might expect in a driving game or something, you hit the gas to go, and you slow down when you let off the gas. But that's not how space is supposed to work. What the ships do by default is when you're not engaging your forward thrusters, your rearward thrusters come on automatically to bring you to a stop. It's nice that the feature exists, but just having it on all the time wastes a ton of fuel. And I want the space experience of pushing off and then just coasting forever. Which is there, but it's awkward.
And tangent on space games; I was deeply disappointed with how Empyrion simulates its vehicles. I wanted to build, basically, a helicopter. I had thrusters on the bottom to go up, gyroscopes to rotate, and hypothetically I can just tilt and lay on or off the gas to control everything. But no. Up thrusters only go up, you can't thrust less to go down. It just held me up in the air, I had to cut power entirely to descend. I could dock ships upside-down though, so points for that. Although it bugged out the camera if I recall correctly. Also, Kerbal Space Program, I was sad that they didn't actually model aerodynamics. Wings were basically just weird thrusters, so I couldn't slip or barrel roll or anything. Understandable, as it's a game about orbital mechanics and not a flight sim, but I wish they had. Honestly the orbital stuff really didn't even interest me. I just flew around Kerbin mostly. I did go into orbit once or twice but I never went to Mun or anything.
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grayscaleskies · 3 years
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I took WAYYY too long to hop on the Jarchivist fashion train but God I'm so happy with these!! Also we are going to ignore the timer on this piece nothing to see here nope
Reference credit goes to Poem Bangkok, "The Rose of Halfeti" Pre-Fall 2021 Collection for the first two, and @/shirinatra (Shirin Altsohn) on Instagram for the second two!
[ID: This is a drawing of Jonathan Sims from the Magnus Archives. Jon is a thin Pakistani person with long, wavy black hair with gray streaks and dark brown eyes. He has medium brown skin covered in pockmark scars, stubble, and a long scar across their neck and a burn scar on their right hand. The drawing shows him 4 times in different outfits. From left to right, the first shows them in a tight, dark purple velvet dress, black heels, a lavender teardrop earring and gold eyeshadow with winged eyeliner. Their ace ring and wedding ring are on display, and they have a sultry expression. Their hair has extra pronounced waves, and ends at their shoulder. The next drawing shows him in a dark emerald green velvet, off shoulder top and black floor length pants. They are wearing a black choker that covers their scar, a gold hoop earring, and winged eyeliner. They are winking happily, and their hair is almost curly, going past his shoulder. The third image shows Jon in a white button up with huge, billowy sleeves and a mustard yellow sleeveless sweater on top with pens in the pocket. He is wearing a long maroon skirt with a belt, and Mary Jane shoes with white socks. In their hand is their Web lighter. He is wearing his glasses, and has a nervous smile. His hair is lightly waved, with the front pulled behind and ends at their shoulders. The fourth and last drawing shows them in a black button up vest over a white collared shirt with a forest green ascot and a dark emerald skirt with a brown belt. They are wearing a tan trench coat, tall, dark brown lace up boots and tan socks. The bottom of his hair is curled, and ends at his chest. He is carrying a pale green book, and is wearing glasses and eyeliner with a happy, smiling expression. The background is a textured pale blue over a very faint pale pink. The four images below are close ups of each of the individual outfits to show more detail. End ID/]
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alexathebat · 2 years
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AAAAYYY It's time for goody two shoes Tim Drake, my fourth in the Bat Family upload series. He is the best robin on a performance basis, but I think we all know the best overall is yet to come. If you share or otherwise use my sim, even edited, please give credit! Thanks and enjoy! <3
Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnI87JQHicMkfV5NtKPqc9g8uBQ?e=gRaEPS
Packs Used: Discover University, Get Famous, Seasons, Get Together, Jungle Adventure
Tim will still display properly without these packs, you'll just be missing a few non essential clothing items. All of his genetics are cc. I do make all contacts non default, if you have issues with the eyes showing up you can find them in facepaint.
Custom Content Used:
Kijiko eyelash YF v2
Darte77 m slim fit jeans
Darte77 slim fit trousers HQ
Red Robin suit and mask by Plaza Sims (huge shout out-so well done and so niche.)
Birba 32 my willy pants
Sims House wedding blazer for men
Richierichiet Toes 4 boys (realistic feet, optional)
Darte77 m Biker jacket with hoodie V2
RedEarCat body scars chest
Moonchild loves the night uniform summer top
Belaloallure adam pants
Jius men's leather sneakers 01
Jay top by belaloallure
Darte77 m tshirt
AxA Matt trucks solids
ZenX eyecolors Z63 HQ
Wings hair OS0214 M
UBP Hermes skin overlay
Ms Blue skintone set V3
hilandjawpack 6
bloodmoon forehead height slider
Golyhawhaw top classic physique default nip version
Cien no EA lashes v5
Golyhawhaw slider footsize
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jennathearcher · 4 years
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free to fly: a playlist for dabi and hawks from my hero academia
1. pop/stars - jonathan young ft. tre watson 2. birdhouse in your soul - they might be giants 3. move along - all-american rejects 4. shrike - hozier 5. play with fire - sam tinnesz ft. yacht money 6. the remedy (i won’t worry) - jason mraz 7. fireside - arctic monkeys 8. i’m in love with a monster - fifth harmony 9. the other side - hugh jackman & zac efron 10. icarus - sims 11. king of the clouds - panic! at the disco 12. honky cat - taron egerton & richard madden 13. feathery wings - aurelio voltaire 14. your guardian angel - red jumpsuit apparatus 15. fire on fire - sam smith 16. polarize - twenty one pilots 17. heart of fire - black veil brides 18. calling all angels - train 19. fourth of july - fall out boy 20. burning love - elvis presley
[listen here]
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quietya · 5 years
31 Days of quietYA with your Mod: Asexual YA
While I do keep a running list of books with asexual main characters (which you can find here), it’s a long list and a little unwieldy and sometimes I fall behind on it. So, here’s a list of JUST the YA books that are already out or coming out in 2020. It’s likely incomplete because I’m not a perfect person and I can’t guarantee all of the representation is great, but everyone’s asexuality looks different so YMMV!
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson (Ace character is a side character in book one, main character in sequel) The Ninth Life by Taylor B. Barton (2020) Secondhand Origin Stories by Lee Blauersouth Angel Radio by A.M. Blaushild Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman Stranger by Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith Running with the Pack by A.M. Burns and Caitlin Ricci Plastic Wings by C.T. Callahan Assassins: Discord by Erica Cameron (Ace MC in book 2) Deadly Sweet Lies by Erica Cameron Taken by Chance by Erica Cameron and Lani Woodland (Demisexual side character, confirmed in book 3, MC in book 4) The Clinic by Charlie Care The Path to Dawn by Miri Castor Fourth World by Lyssa Chiravari Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi Immoral Code by Lillian Clark I’ve Been Looking for You by Jennifer Dean Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (2020) Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody The Second Mango by Shira Glassman After I Wake by Emma Griffiths The Last Chronomancer by Reilyn J. Hardy At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson (2020) Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde Technically, You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson The Afterward by E.K. Johnston Dare Mighty Things by Heather Kaczynski No More Heroes by Michelle Kan If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann The Beast of Callaire by Saruuh Kelsey That’s Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger Six Angry Girls by Adrienne Kisner (2020) Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee (Ace MC in Book 2 and 3) The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger and Rovina Cai (2020) The Spy with the Red Balloon by Katherine Locke We Awaken by Calista Lynne Interface by Lucy Mihajlich Belle Révolte by Linsey Miller (2020) Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp Sabriel by Garth Nix (Ace MC in Clariel) This Song is (Not) for You by Laura Nowlin Sea Foam and Silence by Lynn E. O’Connacht Feather by Feather and Other Stories by Lynn E. O’Connacht Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee Loveless by Alice Oseman (2020) Radio Silence by Alice Oseman Sandry’s Book by Tamora Pierce The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate Railhead by Philip Reeve (Character comes out in Book 2) Miles Away From You by A.B. Rutledge The Big Box of Post-Collapse Fun by Rachel Sharp A Word and a Bullet by Rachel Sharp Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim (2020) Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria Switchback by Danika Stone Beyond the Black Door by AdriAnne Strickland Tarnished Are the Stars by Rosiee Thor This Flame of Gold by Emily Victoria (2020) Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld
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charmed1998fan · 4 years
If you could create an AU which incorporated all four Charmed sisters, how would the story go? And how would it affect their powers?
Hi! Sorry it took me a week to answer yourquestion. And sorry about this, but while I was writing the answer, my handsslipped on the keyboard and I accidentallywrote a ramble that has 3K words… Oops?
TL;DR: Most of the show’s plots would be pretty muchthe same if I was too lazy to do more than incorporate the fourth sister intoeach episode—or very different if I was self-indulgent and decided to fixeverything I don’t like about the show while I’m at it. :D The girls wouldeither grow up together, or they’d learn about Paige’s existence as adults (Ithink the best time for this would either be the pilot episode or P3 H2O).Paige would be the only one who might have different powers (lots of optionshere), Prue, Piper and Phoebe would have the same ones.
Truth be told, this is not a topic I’ve thoughtabout too much before. Currently, most of my fanfic-daydreaming revolves arounda different fandom. At the height of my love for Charmed, most of myfanfic-daydreams focused on either A) my own season 9, or B) anythingChris-centric (had a huge crush on him back in the day).
Now here’s the thing: my season 9 was actuallya Power of Four story, but I’m reluctant to call it an AU because I was tryingto make it canon-complaint (albeit with a twist). It’s a sequel, not a rewrite.To be clear, when I say this story is canon-compliant, I’m only talking aboutthe show, not the comics. I actually started writing it a year before the firstCharmed comic was published. I never finished writing it, though. Iwrote three episodes and then abandoned it. :D
Although I didn’t really get around toexploring this in the fanfic, I still remember how I planned on explaining whythe Charmed Ones became the Power of Four rather than the Power of Three.Here’s where the canon-twisting comes in. Let me tell you the story I had inmind:
In AllHalliwell’s Eve, when Cole and the Charmed Ones time-traveled to the 1600s,they unintentionally altered history without realizing it (butterfly effect andall that). After they returned to the present, Angels of Destiny sensed thedisturbance, and they foresaw a powerful evil rising to power and taking overthe world in just a few years. Because this was not meant to happen and wentagainst the grand design they were protecting, they decided to interfere—bygiving the Charmed Ones, the most powerful good witches ever, even more powerso that they could defeat this evil being. How did they give them more power?By turning the Power of Three™ into the Power of Four™. But because P4 wassomething that also went against the grand design, turning P3 into it wasn’tthat simple. They had to work step by step:
Step 1: Magically create* Paige, a love childof Patty and Sam. Give her a telekinetic power like Prue has (albeit with aWhitelighter-y spin) so that she can replace the oldest and most powerfulsister of the trio.
Step 2: Make sure that Prue dies and that Piperand Phoebe meet Paige, creating a new version of P3.
Step 3: Wait a few years to give the new trioenough time to really consolidate this new Power of Three and reach the strengthand bond level that the first trio had.
Step 4: Make sure that Prue is revived. SincePiper and Phoebe now have an equally strong bond with Prue as well as Paige,the two P3s merge and become P4.
Step 5: Wait another couple of years to give P4a chance to consolidate, to give Prue and Paige a chance to form the samestrong bond they have with Piper and Phoebe.
Step 6: Now is the time when the evil tries totake over the world. Make sure the Power of Four™ find out about it, then stepaside and let them handle it.
Step 7: Congratulations! The over-powered P4managed to defeat the evil. Though the existence of P4 does go against thegrand design, it is not as bad as it would have been had the evil won, so justshrug that off and live with it. Things may not be exactly as meant to, but hey, good enough. Go back to wherever it isthat Angels of Destiny live, and relax. Your job is done.
* My original idea for how the Angels ofDestiny created Paige was that they time-traveled to November 1976. There they performedsome kind of magic that caused Patty to conceive a baby the next time she andSam… you know. I called this canon-compliant because everything we saw on theshow really did happen, the twist is just that the reason it happened is becausethe Angels altered history. I have to admit, though, now that I’m thinkingabout this, I can’t figure out why they would bother with a convoluted planlike this if they could have just time-traveled to the 1600s instead andchanged the thing that started the butterfly effect. I don’t remember if I hadthis thought-out back then or not, though I’m guessing I didn’t.
An alternative way of creating Paige that Ithought of now: the Angels of Destiny pulled a “last Thursdayism” on Paige.When you’re playing The Sims 2, you can’t turn back time, but you can alwayscreate a new sim, an adult sim, and that sim will have memories even thoughthey’re brand new in the game. The Angels of Destiny couldn’t time-travel, butthey could create Paige. So they did,and they gave her and the people she would’ve had relationships with fakememories as if she were alive the whole time and not a brand new person.
Leaving aside the sequel, if I were to rewritethe show with the Power of Four™, if I were to make an AU that starts from thebeginning, how would the story of the show go? Let’s talk about how the wholething would begin, how P4 would get established. Like I said, I haven’t giventhis much thought before, so allow me to brainstorm here and see what I cancome up with.
Version 1: Witch/Whitelighter relationshipsare not forbidden. Patty and Sam don’t have to hide their relationship, so theyget married and Sam becomes the step-father of Prue, Piper and Phoebe. ThenPatty gets pregnant and gives birth to Paige, who they don’t have to give away,so they raise the four girls together. Of course, not too long after Paige’sbirth, Patty dies.
Version 1A: After Patty’s death, Sam clips hiswings but stays with the family. He raises the girls along with Penny. Ofcourse, since the girls had their powers bound and Patty and Penny decided tohide magic from them until they are old enough, the girls don’t know that Samis a former Whitelighter. When their powers are unbound after Penny’s death in1998, Sam tells them the truth and becomes their guide as they learn tonavigate their lives as witches.
Version 1B: After Patty’s death, Sam ends uppulling a Victor and abandons the girls (poor Prue gets double Daddy issues).He tries to watch over them from afar, but doesn’t get too involved in theirlives, making only scarce guest appearances on the show like Victor does.
Version 1C: Sam dies with Patty. Or at somepoint after Patty, who cares? The point is he’s gone, the girls are raised solelyby Penny and there is only one Victor on the show.
Either way, in this version, all four girlsgrow up together. When Phoebe finds the Book in the attic in the first episode,they all get their powers together. They are all in the story from thebeginning to the end.
Version 2:Witch/Whitelighter relationships areforbidden, but Patty decides to keep the baby anyway. She knows the Elders aredumb and useless, so she doesn’t worry about anything happening to Paige. If the Elders ever notice that Patty’spregnant or has a newborn, she just tells them the baby is Victor’s (says theyhad a one-night-stand or something), and they fall for it, so no problemo.
In this version, the girls grow up together aswell, just like in version 1, but there is one difference: Paige doesn’t knowthat Victor is not her father, doesn’t know that she’s only a half-sister ofPrue, Piper and Phoebe.
Version 2A:Paige doesn’t develop Whitelighter powers at the beginning, she only has awitch power. She starts developing Whitelighter powers later on and is veryconfused by it, until…
Version 2B:Paige has Whitelighter powers from the beginning, but none of the sisters haveany idea what a Whitelighter is at that time.
Version 2Ba: Later,the sisters meet Leo. They discover that he is something called a Whitelighterand that he has the same powers that Paige has. They’re all very confused byit, until…
Version 2Bb:Leo enters the story later on (or never?), or he enters early but the sisters don’tfind out that he’s a Whitelighter until later on. The Charmed Ones are notaware that Whitelighters are a thing until…
…the sisters learn about Sam, Patty’s Whitelighterfrom before she died. This is where Paige discovers that Victor is not herbiological father, and that she is her sisters’ half-sister. Cue some Paigeangst here.
Version 3:Patty and Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. In the firstepisode of the show, Prue, Piper and Phoebe meet Paige, who has discovered thattheir mother was her biological mother. It’s like in the reboot, when Mel andMaggie met Macy in the first episode. Of course, Prue, Piper and Phoebe arereluctant to believe Paige at first, but later that night Phoebe finds the Bookof Shadows in the attic. She reads aloud a spell to unbind the powers of the“four sisters,” and she reads about Melinda Warren’s “Power of Four” prophecy.When all four of them start performing magical tricks the next day, Prue, Piperand Phoebe realize Paige might have been right. Cue them getting to know eachother and forming the P4 together.
Version 4: Pattyand Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. Prue, Piper andPhoebe do not meet Paige right from the beginning. All the spells thatmentioned “three” in canon don’t mention any number in this version. MelindaWarren’s prophecy was some vague crap about three sisters (each with one of herthree powers) finding the light and together becoming the strongest witchesever. As it later turns out, this “light” is the half-WhitelighterPaige. But the sisters don’t know that yet at the beginning of the story.
At the beginning, the sisters feel that they’renot reaching their full potential. The spells meant to be cast by the CharmedOnes together aren’t fully effective. For instance, Charmed vanquishing spellsonly wound the demons; this is enough to let the sisters finish the demons offotherwise (like, with athames and offensive potions and stuff), but still, thespells are not strong enough to actually vanquish the demons as they’re meantto. However, the girls attribute this purely to the fact that they are new atthe craft. They figure they’ll get better in time, as they learn to controltheir powers better and get more practice.
Then surprise! Later on (I think the best timefor this would be the episode P3 H2O—ornot quite P3 H2O ’cause I didn’t likethat episode, but instead some good episode that also introduces Sam, Patty’sformer Whitelighter and lover), they discover that their mother had a baby withher Whitelighter, who she had to give up for adoption because it was aforbidden baby. This baby, now a young adult, is a fourth sister, who’s ahalf-Whitelighter. Prue, Piper and Phoebe look for her and find Paige Matthews.When Paige joins them, they can suddenly perform much more powerful magic thanbefore. Vanquishing spells actually kill the demons, etc. The Charmed Ones nowrealize what the prophecy really meant.
Version 5:Patty and Sam give Paige up for adoption like they did in canon. Similarly to version4, Prue, Piper and Phoebe do not meet Paige right from the beginning. However,they don’t lack full power here, because in this version the Charmed Ones onlyhave the Power of Three. The Power of Four does not and cannot exist. MelindaWarren’s prophecy wasn’t vague, the P3 spells all work as intended, etc.
When the Charmed Ones learn about Paige in P3 H2O, she doesn’t add to the group andsuddenly make them stronger. Instead, what they discover is that Paige has theability to replace any of the sisters in the Power of Three. You can read moreabout how this works below, in the section Powers: version 4.
Okay, I think that’s all the ideas I can comeup with now. If I were to choose just one of these versions… I don’t know, Imight go with Version 3, or maybe Version 1C.
Now we’ve established how the story wouldstart—but how would the story go?
All right, if P3→P4 were the only change madeto the series, I imagine the story would go pretty much the same way, exceptthere’d be four sisters reciting spells together rather than three. :DObviously, one sister dying and getting replaced wouldn’t happen in thisversion, but I feel like in most plots there wouldn’t be a problem withincorporating the fourth sister into them, and it wouldn’t be necessary tochange them too much.
Of course, you could change how the storylineswould play out if you wanted to. For instance, when Cole becomes the Source inseason 4, I feel like Prue would also notice that he was acting weird, maybeeven sooner than Paige did. So then Prue and Paige could team up, and togetherthey could find some concrete evidence, which would convince Piper and Phoebethat Cole was evil (again). Then they could either A) vanquish Cole sooner,before Phoebe has a chance to get pregnant and join him as the Queen of theUnderworld, or B) save Cole before it’s too late, turning him into a mortal (again).
But I don’t think it would be necessary to makechanges like these. The storylines could play out more or less in the same way.For instance, Piper and Phoebe disregarded Prue’s concerns in season 3—whywouldn’t they do it again in season 4? I do think that, with Prue being alivethe whole time, Piper would keep more of her early-seasons personality lateron. Which means that when Phoebe becomes Queen of the Underworld, Prue wouldmore likely take the role that Piper played in that episode. Piper herselfcould be more of a hopeful peacemaker with Paige—or she could do her own thing,she could get tired of playing the peacemaker and try to stay on the sidelinesof this conflict, be all “I’m tired of getting stuck in the middle of your crapmy whole life, leave me out of this.” But this wouldn’t affect the storyline’sturn-out much. In the end, Phoebe would still vanquish Cole and he would comeback and they would vanquish him again and all that.
I could see it going either way, different orthe same. So now the question is this: if I’m creating this AU, do I want to tryand keep the show as it is, keep all the same storylines, with the only big differencebeing that all four sisters are there at all times (which would be the easierway to do this)—or do I want to take this opportunity to self-indulge and putin the work and change every single thing I don’t like about the show while I’mat it? :D I love Charmed, it’s been one of my favorite TV shows for thelast 15 years or so, but let’s be real, it ain’t perfect.
One thing I’d like to address before I move on tothe final section, the powers, is the question of Prue’s love life. If shedoesn’t die mere two years after Andy, that means something has to change.Obviously, Prue can’t end up marrying anyone other than Andy, which means thatA) Andy wouldn’t die in this story, B) Andy would die but would later bebrought back to life, or C) Prue would take a vow of celibacy and prove thatyou don’t need romance in your life to be fulfilled. Well, I feel like C) wouldbe out of character for her, so I guess it’s either A) or B). Either one worksfor me, just as long as the two of them get their happily ever after togetherand get married and have babies and stuff. :)
Now, in terms of powers, I see fourpossibilities.
Version 1: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 4.) All the sisters have the same powers they had on the show. TheCharmed Ones were prophesized to be siblings who are descendants of MelindaWarren and who, as a group, have each of Melinda’s three powers. P4 meet thecriteria, which makes them the Charmed Ones.
Version 2: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 3.) Melinda had four powers, not three. The Charmed Ones wereprophesized to be four sisters with the Power of Four. Paige, as the fourthsister, has the fourth power that Melinda had. This fourth power could reallybe anything: invisibility, telepathy, icy breath (like Prue’s past life), youname it. There’s countless possibilities here.
Version 3: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2B and 4.) Paige only has Whitelighter powers. Of course, she is ahalf-witch, she is part of the Power of Four™, she can cast spells with hersisters and stuff, but she didn’t inherit any of the three Warren powers thather sisters have. She doesn’t mind, though, ’cause she has enough powers as aWhitelighter.
Version 4: (This option applies to Backstory: version1, 2 and 5.) The prophesized sisterhood is a trio, not a quartet. There canonly be the Power of Three, not the Power of Four. Paige is an extra fourthsister. If she were to recite a spell along with Prue, Piper and Phoebe, theeffect would be exactly the same as it would be if only Prue, Piper and Phoebesaid it. Paige can’t add to the Power of Three—but she can intercept it andform the Power of Three with any two of her sisters.
In this version, Paige possesses all threeWarren powers: telekinesis, freezing, and negligib— I mean, premonitions.However, she can’t use them whenever she wants to. She also has Whitelighterpowers, which she can use at any time, but the Warren powers she can only useunder certain conditions. To give an example of the conditions I have in mind:
Let’s say Paige wants to use telekinesis. Inorder to do that, the distance between Prue and all three of her sisters has tobe bigger than the distance between Paige and Piper/Phoebe. Plus, it can’t justbe a centimeter bigger (that would be a total chaos), it has to be at least, say,100 meters bigger, or something like that, IDK. Therefore, if all four sistersare in a room together, Paige can only use her Whitelighter powers and shecan’t cast any Power of Three spells. If Prue goes on a vacation to anothercountry and Piper, Phoebe and Paige stay in San Francisco, Paige can usetelekinesis and cast P3 spells to her heart’s desire.
One more condition could be that, since thePower of Three was meant for Prue, Paige can only use telekinesis if Prue isn’tusing it at the same time, regardless of the distance. If Prue on her vacationdecided to move a bottle of water to herself from across the room, Paige wouldnot be able to use telekinesis in that moment. Alternatively, it could be thatthis condition doesn’t apply, but what happens is that Prue loses her powerwhen Paige is tapping into her place in the Power of Three. If Prue is away ona vacation, she can’t move the bottle of water across the room magically; shehas to get up and walk for it like a normal person.
These rules also apply with freezing/premonitions,wherein Paige replaces Piper/Phoebe in the Power of Three.
An exception to these rules would be unrelatedpower losses. If, say, a demon took away Prue’s powers through apower-stripping potion, Paige would be able to use telekinesis even if she werestanding right next to Prue. However, if two or all three of her sisters losetheir powers, Paige can’t use any of her witchy abilities. She can only betapping into the Power of Three from one side at a time, not two or all three.
Does this make any sense? I hope so, but I’mnot sure.
Anyway, I’m done rambling now. Sorry for allthis. I’ll try to answer questions more concisely next time.
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tkmedia · 3 years
WNBA roundup: Sparks hold off Dream in overtime
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Brittney Sykes starred for the Los Angeles Sparks to help her side to victory over the Atlanta Dream in overtime, while Brittney Griner and Diana Taurasi led the Phoenix Mercury past the Indiana Fever and the Connecticut Sun snapped the Minnesota Lynx's eight-game winning stream.
Tuesday night's WNBA results
Minnesota Lynx 60-72 Connecticut Sun Dallas Wings 80-76 Chicago Sky Indiana Fever 80-84 Phoenix Mercury Washington Mystics 83-93 Las Vegas Aces Atlanta Dream 80-85 Los Angeles Sparks (OT) Atlanta Dream 80-85 Los Angeles Sparks (OT)Brittney Sykes scored 17 points to lead six Los Angeles players in double figures as the Sparks beat the Atlanta Dream 85-80 in overtime. Sykes opened overtime with a basket for Los Angeles' first lead since 24-23. Kristi Toliver, who forced the extra period, gave the Sparks a six-point lead with 2:13 left and they led by at least three points the rest of the way. Erica Wheeler added 16 points for Los Angeles (8-13). Nneka Ogwumike, who went to the locker room in the first half but returned to start the third quarter, had 13 points, nine rebounds and nine assists, Amanda Zahui B. had 14 points, seven rebounds and four assists, Toliver scored 11 and Nia Coffey 10. Odyssey Sims led Atlanta (6-15) with 26 points and six assists.Courtney Williams missed her first eight field goals but made a jumper with 52.8 seconds left in the fourth quarter to give Atlanta a 72-70 lead. She made another from the same spot at 5.4 for a 74-72 lead but after a timeout, Toliver sank a shot over the outstretched arm of Williams to force overtime. Indiana Fever 80-84 Phoenix MercuryBrittney Griner had 25 points, seven rebounds and four blocks, Diana Taurasi scored 22 points with seven rebounds and seven assists, and the Phoenix Mercury held off the Indiana Fever 84-80. Indiana got within two points three times in the final 1:32, but Phoenix had an answer each time. After Kelsey Mitchell pulled the Fever within 82-80 with 25.9 left, Taurasi sealed it with two free throws. Brianna Turner added 10 points and 11 rebounds for Phoenix (11-10). Skylar Diggins-Smith, averaging 19.1 points per game, sustained a right ankle sprain in the first quarter and did not return.Griner became the third player in WNBA history to reach 700 career blocks. Mitchell led Indiana (4-18) with 20 points. Victoria Vivians added 16 points, Danielle Robinson had 14 and Tiffany Mitchell 11.Washington Mystics 83-93 Las Vegas AcesKelsey Plum scored 21 of her 24 points in the second half, Aja Wilson had 19 points, 14 rebounds and five assists and the Las Vegas Aces beat the Washington Mystics 93-83 to spoil Tina Charles' ninth 30-point game.Las Vegas trailed 49-41 at halftime, but went on a 9-0 run to take a 74-67 lead early in the fourth quarter. Plum sealed it with a 3-pointer from the wing with 52.9 seconds left for an eight-point lead. Liz Cambage added 15 points for Las Vegas (17-6), Chelsea Gray scored 13 and Riquna Williams 10. Wilson, in her fourth season, became the fifth player in WNBA history to reach 2,000 career points in under 105 games.Charles scored 23 points in the first half and finished with 30 points and 10 rebounds for Washington (8-12). She passed passed Katie Smith (6,452) for seventh on the WNBA career scoring list. Ariel Atkins added 24 points.Dallas Wings 80-76 Chicago SkyAllisha Gray had 20 points and Arike Ogunbowale scored 10 of her 15 points in the second half to help the Dallas Wings overcome the Chicago Sky 80-76.Ogunbowale beat the shot clock with a long 3-pointer to give Dallas a 75-68 lead with 2:20 remaining. Allie Quigley made her sixth 3-pointer with 52.7 left to pull Chicago within two points, but Moriah Jefferson answered with a basket in the lane and the Wings led by two possessions the rest of the way. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player
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Highlights of the regular season game between the Dallas Wings and the Chicago Sky in the WNBA Isabelle Harrison had 15 points and six rebounds and Jefferson had 11 points, five rebounds and eight assists for Dallas (10-13). The Wings outrebounded Chicago 45-32.Satou Sabally missed her second straight game for Dallas with an injury. Quigley led Chicago (11-11) with 27 points in 26 minutes. Kahleah Copper added 16 points and Azura Stevens 14.Copper and Candace Parker each went down with apparent ankle injuries in the third quarter. Copper returned to the court early in the fourth, but Parker remained on the Chicago bench with ice wrapped around her left ankle.Minnesota Lynx 60-72 Connecticut SunJasmine Thomas scored 19 points, Jonquel Jones had 17 points and 13 rebounds, and Connecticut beat Minnesota 72-60 to snap the Lynx's eight-game winning streak.Jones, who reached 2,000 career points, also had four assists and three steals. Thomas and Jones each made all five of their free-throw attempts to help Connecticut go 14 for 16. DeWanna Bonner added 18 points and Briann January had 10 for Connecticut (16-6), who began a five-game homestand.Kaila Charles beat the third-quarter buzzer with a runner in the lane to extend Connecticut's lead to 62-46.Sylvia Fowles scored 14 points and Kayla McBride added 12 for Minnesota (13-8). The Lynx turned it over 17 times and shot just seven free throws. The teams play each other again on Thursday night. Read the full article
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watchingalloys · 3 years
AUDIBLE || Dawnshard (The Stormlight Archive, #3.5) || FULL PAGE
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 Reading : Dawnshard (The Stormlight Archive, #3.5)
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Title : Dawnshard (The Stormlight Archive, #3.5)
Author : Brandon Sanderson
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From Brandon Sanderson author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive and its fourth massive installment, Rhythm of War?comes a new hefty novella, Dawnshard. Taking place between Oathbringer and Rhythm of War, this tale (like Edgedancer before it) gives often-overshadowed characters their own chance to shine.When a ghost ship is discovered, its crew presumed dead after trying to reach the storm-shrouded island Akinah, Navani Kholin must send an expedition to make sure the island hasn't fallen into enemy hands. Knights Radiant who fly too near find their Stormlight suddenly drained, so the voyage must be by sea.Shipowner Rysn Ftori lost the use of her legs but gained the companionship of Chiri-Chiri, a Stormlight-ingesting winged larkin, a species once thought extinct. Now Rysn's pet is ill, and any hope for Chiri-Chiri?s recovery can be found only at the ancestral home of the larkin: Akinah. With the help of Lopen, the formerly one-armed Windrunner, Rysn must accept
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Title : Dawnshard (The Stormlight Archive, #3.5)
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soccerdrawings · 4 years
10 Things You Won't Miss Out If You Attend Area Of A Soccer Field In Meters | Area Of A Soccer Field In Meters
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A Creekside inferior contest to No. 1 in the nation, Fletcher allotment to the soccer acreage with clash success, Paxon and Bishop Kenny accomplish hoops highlights and a Sandalwood brilliant array on a civic stage. Read about those highlights and added in the latest Aboriginal Coast Varsity Weekly.
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Football pitch - Wikipedia - area of a soccer field in meters | area of a soccer field in meters RELATED | See added Aboriginal Coast Varsity coverageThe agenda says Florida Aeriform Academy Athletic Association clue antagonism doesn't alpha until Feb. 10.But that didn't stop Creekside inferior sprinter Makhaila Mills from rocketing to a new success on the calm course.Mills set a accommodated almanac at the Hoover Alumni Invitational in Birmingham, Ala., active 7.39 in the girls 60-meter dash. She blew abroad the antagonism from all over the Southeast, acceptable by added than a division of a second, and set a new U.S. No. 1 aeriform academy time for the 2019-20 season.Mills wasn't finished. She additionally won the calm 200 in 24.43, which ranks fourth civic and additional in Florida abaft alone Tamari Davis of Clermont East Ridge.She's the aboriginal Jacksonville clue amateur to rank as a girls civic No. 1 in any accident back Caitlin Collier of Bolles topped the U.S. account in the 800 in 2018.Saints’ Sims performs at Under ArmourJeff Sims capped his aeriform academy career with a few added highlights.The Sandalwood chief quarterback denticulate a touchdown for Aggregation Pressure in his aftermost activity afore branch to Georgia Tech at the Under Armour All-American Bold in Orlando.Sims' accurateness was up and bottomward in the aeriform bold — he completed 5 of 11 passes for 27 yards — but, as in the Saints' aeriform academy season, he excelled on the ground. He rushed for 59 yards adjoin a defense abounding with aristocratic civic prospects, including a 10-yard touchdown that staked Aggregation Pressure to a 10-0 first-quarter advantage.Oakleaf abhorrent lineman Jalen Rivers, who active aftermost ages with Miami, additionally becoming favorable reviews for his assignment at accouterment for Aggregation Savage.Senators soccer absolute at Southern Oak
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Association football (soccer) field dimensions | Vertical .. | area of a soccer field in meters The goals were good, but the acreage ability accept meant alike more.Fletcher boys soccer swept through the acreage for three victories to acquire the appellation Saturday at the aboriginal Jacksonville University Aeriform Academy Soccer Showcase.For Senators drillmaster Rob Holstein, whose eyes are on the February postseason, the adventitious to comedy on a affection apparent at Southern Oak Stadium meant added than the result."Hopefully this gets us accessible for the Gateway Conference advancing up in a anniversary and afresh ultimately the accompaniment playoffs," Holstein said. "We've run into some problems in the final four arena on big, nice fields."Fletcher was alone in aftermost year’s accompaniment semifinal at Auburndale.The Senators, who exhausted Merritt Island and Ridgeview in their aboriginal games, won the final 3-1 adjoin a St. Thomas Catholic (Houston) aggregation ranked aboriginal amid Texas clandestine schools. After St. Thomas Catholic took a first-half advance on a Nico Piroli goal, the Senators angry the bold about with a appropriate tweak, alive chief accompaniment Van Slabicki to the appropriate wing.Slabicki accomplished off a breach through the middle, Deon McPhee denticulate in a clutter in the box and Reid Cory captivated up the win off Slabicki's assist.Slabicki was called the tournament's best admired player, while Connor Moore, Brian Schaefer and Jack Swantek additionally fabricated the all-tournament squad. Additionally called were Ridgeview's Juan Jaramillo and Bryan Ortiz.The plan, in the connected run, is to body the advertise into a above antagonism involving both boys and girls teams.Gateway soccer, hoops set to beginAfter demography a ages off, Gateway Conference clash division gets activity afresh — fast.Gateway boys and girls soccer tournaments bang off on Thursday above the Aboriginal Coast with early-round contests. Stanton is the five-time arresting best in the girls tournament, while nationally-ranked Mandarin won the 2018-19 boys championship.
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Soccer Field Pitch Dimensions and Size - Coaches Training .. | area of a soccer field in meters Then, on Monday, the Gateway Conference girls basketball clash tips off.Sandalwood is the arresting champion, while both Raines and Ribault access with months of drive in their bid to acknowledgment the championship to Northwest Jacksonville.Crusaders, Bulldogs in Atlanta actionIf there's one assignment Bishop Kenny and Bolles girls basketball will booty from the She Got Bold Classic in Atlanta, it ability be this: Finish strong.Bolles went 2-1 and Bishop Kenny was 1-2 at the tournament, which drew aristocratic teams from above the Southeast. With bluff comedy bottomward the stretch, both could accept accomplished unbeaten.Bolles couldn't authority an 18-6 first-quarter advance Friday adjoin Hillgrove, accident 57-52, and Bishop Kenny saw an aboriginal 24-12 bend clear in Friday's 64-55 accident to McEachern. The Crusaders additionally alone a abutting 39-36 bold to Legacy Aboriginal College (S.C.).Still, the clash brought successes for both. Bolles bouncer Taliah Scott connected her accomplished alpha to her apprentice campaign, scoring 26 credibility adjoin Hillgrove and afresh hitting 30 credibility adjoin Christ Church Episcopal (S.C.).Bishop Kenny, meanwhile, accustomed a above addition in Saturday's 55-51 win adjoin Southwest DeKalb. Chief bouncer Rose Dolmovich, who had suffered a broken ACL over the summer, denticulate her aboriginal credibility back her return.A 37% ballista from above the arc aftermost year, she brings acquaintance and an added weapon to a Crusaders aggregation already able in the frontcourt with top scorer Jasmyne Roberts, Jamia Nesmith and Amuk Tong.Highlight of the week, allotment 1In a ablaze anniversary of action, few moments brought added ball than the aftermost abnormal of Bishop Kenny's boys basketball bold adjoin Lake Nona on Saturday night.The Crusaders were apoplectic at 57-57 back point bouncer Daniel Buckley bargain through a brace of defenders and anesthetized to Seve Roche at the wing. The alarm ticked adjoin zero. Roche launched a 3-pointer.
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Five Ways On How To Prepare For Area Of A Soccer Field In .. | area of a soccer field in meters Swish — and a 60-57 Kenny win.Seve Roche knocks bottomward a three at the buzzer to defeat Lake Nona 50-47. Great weekend for the Crusaders!@CFreemanJAX @JustinBarneyTV pic.twitter.com/q6vf4Cs1jRHighlight of the week, allotment 2Beating the state's top-ranked aggregation is impressive. Downing that aggregation by 25 credibility is alike better.That's the adventure this anniversary for Paxon, which catholic to the Sun Bash Invitational and emerged with a blast achievement — 83-58 — adjoin Sanford Seminole.The achievement showcased the complication of scoring options for the 13-2 Golden Eagles boys, who got 28 credibility from UCF signee Isaiah Adams with three added players — Micheal Caswell, Quinnton Jackson and Derrick Johnson — in bifold figures.Caswell in accurate lit up the clash with a clap douse in the final, an 58-57 accident to Tarpon Springs East Lake, a bassinet that anon went viral in the aeriform academy hoops world.“Oh my goodness” - @AllDayNJ No bigger way to advertise this ballsy douse from 2020 Paxon bouncer Michael Caswell in the SUN championship at the 3rd anniversary Sun Bash tournament. @cas1_mike @PaxonBasketball @prephoopsfl pic.twitter.com/q4Ws3PgZJMNo baby feat, abnormally back Caswell stands a bashful 6-1 in height.Caswell's accomplishment fabricated it to No. 1 on Hudl's Ballsy Dunks of the Anniversary video.Around the area
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Soccer Field Dimensions In Feet – Go Sports - area of a soccer field in meters | area of a soccer field in meters Mandarin abhorrent lineman Kale Peacock appear his charge to Monmouth football. ... Mandarin assassin adept clue and acreage drillmaster Steven Gonzalez in time for the bounce season. Gonzalez accomplished Palatka for several years in the average of the 2010s and had additionally served as the appropriate teams coordinator for the North Marion football aggregation that accomplished the Class 5A FHSAA final in 2018.. ... St. Joseph alum Bella Garofalo won titles in the women's 100 free, 200 assortment broadcast and 400 chargeless broadcast for Florida pond in Friday's cloister accommodated adjoin North Florida, Liberty and Vanderbilt. ... Middleburg chief Britany Range denticulate 38 credibility to advance Broncos girls basketball accomplished Sandalwood on Monday. ... Westside's Donovan Morgan denticulate a season-high 37 points, including nine 3-pointers, in Friday's 85-75 boys basketball win adjoin Seacoast Christian. ... Former Bartram Trail amateur Zack Nelson is appointment to the Indian Hills Community College clue program. ... Bolles football appear Tuesday a Sept. 4 bold adjoin Trinity Christian, animating the alternation amid the clandestine academy rivals. ... Columbia girls basketball took third abode at the B-Town Classic in South Carolina, their third clash in as abounding weekends. Columbia exhausted Ridgeland/Hardeeville (S.C.) 36-26, absent to Carver (Ala.) 47-41 and defeated New Port Richey River Ridge 39-33 in the third-place bold and Na'Haviya Paxton becoming a atom on the all-tournament squad. ... Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute is captivation a chargeless dispensary for baseball players from ages 6-14 from 7:30-10 a.m. Jan. 18 at Bishop Kenny, absorption on arm affliction and abrasion prevention. 10 Things You Won't Miss Out If You Attend Area Of A Soccer Field In Meters | Area Of A Soccer Field In Meters - area of a soccer field in meters | Allowed in order to my own website, in this particular moment We'll show you concerning keyword. And now, this is actually the 1st graphic:
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Soccer Field, Soccer Pitch, Soccer Field of Play, Football Pitch - area of a soccer field in meters | area of a soccer field in meters
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How Big are Soccer Fields : What is the Size of a Soccer .. | area of a soccer field in meters
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Soccer: The Soccer Field - area of a soccer field in meters | area of a soccer field in meters Read the full article
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lochtayboatsong · 7 years
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...
I was tagged by @juuls!  First time I’ve been tagged in one of these sorts of things!  :D  
1. What is your favorite precious or semi-precious gemstone?
Gotta be my birthstone, aquamarine.
2. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Not currently.  My ears were pierced at one time but have since healed.  I have an idea for a tattoo I’d like to get at some point: pine needles, thistles, and hibiscus flowers in some configuration - maybe an armband around my upper arm?  But I want to get a smaller one first, to be sure I can handle the process.  That one will probably be music notes, but I can’t settle on a body part.  
3. Of all the fandoms you’ve been in, what is/was your favorite, and why? (i.e. being treated well.) This could even just be your favorite experience, even if it’s a different fandom than your ‘overall’ favorite.
The Reylo fandom is wonderful - so many creative and intelligent people!  I also quite enjoy the Les Miz fandom, because it’s so varied and wide-reaching.  No matter what obscure chapter of the The Brick, or casting iteration in the London production, or Easter egg in the movie you want to talk about, someone is up for it.  The Inception fandom was also a lot of fun for a while, but it’s kind of disbanded as the movie’s gotten older.
4. Favorite movie or tv genre? Which of that genre, or overall, is your favorite film/show?
I like historical dramas.  Give me all the costume porn.  Outlander, The Tudors, the Borgias, pseudo-historical stuff like Game of Thrones...I am here for all of it.
5. What sort of pets do you currently have; or previously had?
I’ve had the odd betta fish in my time.  We also had a family dog who lived to the grand old age of 15.  Her name was Ginger and she was a poodle mix but looked nothing like it - she was the only shorthair in her litter.  (Took after the dad, apparently.)  She was prissy, highly-strung, and simultaneously far too clever for her own good and not nearly as slick as she thought she was.  It’s been four years since she passed away, but I still think about her a lot.  I want to get another dog as soon as my life has settled down a bit.
6. What part of the world do you live in? Is it the same place as where you were born?
I was born in Maryland (DC suburbs) but have lived in North Carolina for most of my life, expect for one 16-month stint in Scotland.
7. Do you prefer to read longfic, oneshots/shorts, or do you prefer to be Goldilocks? :P
Depends on the day, and my mood!  I prefer to read longfic when I know I’m going to have several hours of interrupted reading time, so I can really get into it.  Oneshots are good if I’m in the mood for something lighter.
8. Apple gear, or otherwise?
It’s a mixture, honestly.  My phone and music device are both Apple, but the rest of my tech gear is not.  I buy what’s going to meet my needs the best.
9. Have you ever played World of Warcraft, or any other MMORPG? (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.) How about any console or Gameboy games? I have a soft spot for video games as that’s how the hubby and I met: on WoW! 😚☺️😊😘
No, because I am the type of person who would never leave their house again if I did!  The one game I play with any seriousness is The Sims, specifically The Sims 2.  (Yes, I know 3 and 4 are out now.  I’m still getting enjoyment and mileage out of TS2, SO THERE.)  I was on a big Gundam Wing kick when TS2 came out, so my “founding families” are the Gundam pilots and their female counterparts.  I’m now on the fourth generation of their descendants and have been weaving in other characters as the fancy strikes me, including the cast of Inception, Tidus and Yuna from FFX, and now Star Wars. 
10. Favorite anime show?
I was a big Gundam Wing fan when it was airing on Toonami in the US.  I still am, even though I haven’t watched it in AGES.  I refuse to read Frozen Teardrop - I prefer my own post-series headcanon that I’ve devised via my Sims game.  :)  I also quite enjoy Cowboy Bebop and the Tenchi Muyo! series.  Sharp eyes will have noticed that my icon is of Washu, from Tenchi Muyo!
11. ….. the most important question of them all: …….. DC or Marvel……..? *gets ready to fight* 😡😡
Er...I’m not actually into the whole comic book genre?  *ducks flying vegetables*
I don’t think I actually know eleven people on tumblr well enough to tag, so I’m not gonna tag anyone.  :P
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-14 04 GAME now
Attack of the Fanboy
V-Rally Series Comes Back To Life with Fourth Entry
Devil May Cry Coming To Monster Hunter: World
Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion Review
Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT Adds Vayne from FFXII
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Already Catching Up to the Sales of the First Game
Brutal Gamer
American Gods: My Ainsel #1 (Comics) Preview
Hyper X Pulsefire gaming mouse (Hardware) Review
Tesla takes on Lovecraft in new twin-stick shooter
One:12 Collective Deadpool (Action Figure) Review
Fresh Halo miniseries on the way from Dark Horse Comics and 343 Industries
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Shadows: Awakening Gameplay Trailer
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Preview
Kingdom Come: Deliverance “Accolades” Trailer
Path of Exile Bestiary Changes in Patch v3.2.1
State of Decay 2 Preview
Game Informer
Devil May Cry Costumes Coming To Monster Hunter
Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Confirmed For Switch
A Way Out Is Shaping Up To Be A Blend Of Indie Gaming And Indie Film
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State of Decay 2 Collector's Edition Announced, Doesn't Come With Game
Game Watch
The Council Review
Jeff Goldblum will star as Ian Malcolm in Jurassic World Evolution
Mod Support and First DLC for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Arrives Next Month
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Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Patch Notes - Patch 1.02 Released
Former Halo and Battlefield developers announce multiplayer ‘co-opetition’ game Scavengers
Song of Memories ‘Encore Edition’ announced
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom ‘Light and Shadow’ developer diary, Japanese TV spot
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Niche Gamer
GameMaker Studio 2 Nintendo Switch Support Announced
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Devil May Cry Collaboration Announced for Monster Hunter: World
Final Fantasy XII Antagonist Vayne Carudas Solidor Joins Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Nintendo Life
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Sci-fi MMO ‘Project C’ from Thief and Half-Life 2 veterans revealed
Playstation Blog
V-Rally 4 Announced for PS4, Director Details 21 Year Journey Behind Series’ Return
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Reddit Gaming
I sharpened the Smash Bros trailer and superimposed characters so you can see the confirmed roster for Switch
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