azul-maria-elias · 2 years
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El héroe del río (1928)
Nos encontramos hoy ante una de las mejores comedias de Buster Keaton, y quiero creer que de su época también. Conserva la dulzura, la gracia, la ternura y lo innovador de su filmografía, contándonos una historia sencilla pero cautivadora.
Los gags, como no puede ser de otra forma tratándose de Buster Keaton, son ingeniosos, sorprendentes y sobre todo hilarantes. En mi caso particular, nadie me ha hecho reír tanto (y hablo de carcajadas), como Buster Keaton.
Es impresionante la cantidad de escenas emblemáticas que posee este film, como la escena donde Willie Canfield (Buster Keaton) se prueba sombreros y le colocan uno idéntico al mítico sombrero que Keaton utilizaba en sus cortometrajes (el sombrero más chato que verás alguna vez), por lo que vemos una reacción muy graciosa de parte suya; una de mis escenas favoritas.
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Otra escena que quedó marcada en la cultura popular, siendo referenciada incontables veces, es aquella en donde a Keaton se le cae una pared encima, y tiene tanta suerte que esta no logra aplastarlo.
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Y es que toda la secuencia del huracán, la cuál ocurre en los últimos veinte minutos de la película, es impresionante. El viento cobra protagonismo para abrir paso a gags increíbles que no solo te hacen reír a carcajadas, si no también te dejan boquiabierto por las hazañas que realiza Keaton. El entorno completo se desploma y vuela en pedazos alrededor de un Keaton confundido, como siempre sucede debido a la inocencia de sus personajes.
No nombraré todas las escenas que me encantaron de la película porque son prácticamente todas, pero si rescatar la secuencia en donde tanto Keaton como su padre, Bill Canfield (Ernest Torrence), se buscan mutuamente. Es encantador como construyen el ambiente para el momento en que se nos es presentado el personaje de Keaton, Willie; porque generan una duda de como es, a la vez que nos reímos por adelantado ya que sabemos que probablemente no sea como Bill sueña o imagina. Es decir, aunque no vemos a Willie hasta unos momentos después, sabemos que al tratarse de Keaton, no será alto y fuerte como dice su padre.
Cuando finalmente William aparece, lo hace de una forma irónica que además nos muestra la inocencia de este, ya que se baja del lado equivocado del tren. La «pilcha» que trae el personaje termina con nuestra duda haciéndonos reír al mismo tiempo. Nos morimos de ganas de que lo encuentre Bill, y cuando lo hace y no lo identifica es aún más gracioso. Y es que la broma de que la manera de ser de Willie, que se ve claramente reflejada en su vestimenta, no es «común» o «varonil» continúa durante gran parte del film y es muy gracioso.
Esta secuencia es una de mis preferidas de la película sencillamente porque es una de las que más me hacen reír, y a pesar que, como dije anteriormente la secuencia del huracán se roba el film por completo, ésta es tan simpática y construye tan bien su humor que es muy disfrutable y perdurable en la memoria.
Quiero mencionar también otra excelente escena (les dije que no acaban) la cual se da cuando Willie va a «rescatar» a su padre en la comisaria. La manera en que Willie se la rebusca para hacerle entender a Bill que tiene que aceptar el pan es muy divertido, sobre todo cuando empieza a cantar y a hacer señales con sus manos disimuladamente. Lo mejor es que, cuando Bill entiende y acepta el pan, Willie para disimular se hace el ofendido y comienza a decir que su padre nunca creyó él que pudiera hornear pan (lo cuál siempre me hace reír mucho y me da ternura al mismo tiempo), rematando con el descubrimiento de su pequeña trampa. Esta es otra de las escenas que demuestran lo gracioso e hilarante que es el filme, construyendo perfectamente su humor, utilizando la gran dinámica que tienen ambos personajes.
Esto último se sostiene no solo por lo bien pensados que están ambos personajes, si no también por sus actores. Ernest Torrence hace un excelentísimo trabajo como actor de reparto, complementándose muy bien con Keaton y logrando que nos creamos su personaje, inclusive que le tengamos cariño. A su vez, su personaje también nos logra sacar varias risas por la gran química que tiene con Keaton.
Keaton, por su parte, logra que su personaje sea dulce y cautivador, logrando que lo adoremos y que deseemos que pueda concretar su amor con Kitty (Marion Byron) a pesar de que se vea prohibido por sus padres. Como en todas sus películas, sus personajes parecieran amar, y mucho. A su vez, verlo querer ser aceptado por su padre es muy tierno. Keaton logra hechizar con su interpretación y aquella icónica «cara de piedra» suya. Como ya se ha dicho, «él no puede reír, pero hace que otros rugan».
Para no extenderme más concluyo, como mencioné al principio, que ésta es una de las mejores películas de Buster Keaton. Es muy dinámica y entretenida, teniendo secuencias muy divertidas que se enlazan unas con otras, provocando que no te aburras en ningún momento. Se nota que en esta película hubo muchísimo control creativo de Keaton, siendo un sin fin de ideas cómicas muy bien ejecutadas; ideas que incluso parecerían en papel imposibles de filmar, pero que son llevadas a cabo con resultados aún más impresionantes. Es una película que siempre, en algún momento, me urgen las ganas de volver a verla, y no pierde su encanto ni su fantasía al hacerlo.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
Tgamm S1 Ep 11-B ¨Ready, Set, Snow!¨ Episode analysis
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Molly wants to have a snow day with Scratch and Libby but they prefer to stay inside since it’s too cold outside. Molly tries to find a way to make them have the snow day she wants...
Episode writer: Sammie Crowley
Another snow theme episode, ¨Ready, Set, Snow!¨ focus on Molly as she tries many things to make her friends to go outside. It’s one episode with very low stakes (if you don’t count the cold weather) that manages to be really funny and address a major character flaw from Molly.
To start with, this episode has plenty of genuine funny moments with exaggerated expressions and slaptick. There are things like Molly and Darryl’s little dance at the start of the plot, the song sequence, Scratch messing with Molly so she doesn’t make him go outside and the overall characters interactions. This is not surprising considering this episode was written by Sammie Crowley, who is very good at coming up with great comedy timing.
One of the best parts about this story is that deconstructs Molly’s character and bring ups a flaw that she has that involves forcing people to do something they don’t want. She has these moments that becomes controlling and doesn’t consider what others would like to do. The way it explored here is excellent because the rest of the characters don’t pay attention to her and do their own thing. And they are never shown to be in the wrong, which is great. It’s funny to see Molly bringing up more people to make Libby and Scratch go outside only for said people to stay inside near the fireplace.  
My interpretation is that Molly’s desire to be in control of what she and her friends should do to pass that time comes from her abandonment issues. People who suffer from these issues often develop a desire to be in control in a relationship. Considering Molly has lost many friends in the past, it’s not surprising to assume this behaviour may come from that. It isn’t something that gets hinted in the episode itself but it’s not hard to come to that conclusion.
As the time passes, Molly starts to show a wilder side of her. She comments on how the rest are ¨jealous¨ for the fun she is having outside. She gets bitter over the fact that she is playing alone in the snow and tries to cover it with fake positivity. The song sequence is fantastic in giving this characterization to Molly. It’s a very funny scene in which Molly gets all bad things happening to her because of how cold it is outside. There is dark humor in it since she loses part of her sanity as the song progresses. Ashly’s performance is comedy gold in this one. She makes Molly sound unwell at the same time it makes her come as really funny. This musical sequence has to be one of the my favourite from the show so far. It never fails to make me laugh.
Moving on from Molly, Scratch and Libby have a great chemistry in this episode as they come together to ignore Molly. Scratch takes every oppotunity he can to ¨troll¨ Molly when she tries to change their mind. They have a different type of relationship they have with Molly because they are both more introverted and reserved. What is more, it’s one of those occasions most main characters are seen hanging out together. It’s nice to see them all sitting near the fireplace while drinking coffee. Geoff even gets some moments too.
Scratch has a great moment when he looks for Molly and gaves her a lesson about enjoying having fun with your friends regardless of the activity (all while possessing a snowman of himself that Molly made). His (harsh) honesty comes useful in here, which leads to Molly to realize that she was acting very selfishly. The scene that follows is Molly apologizing to Libby and Scratch for not listening to them and that she shouldn’t have been so stubborn. All characters present give a hug to her, which is very sweet.
In all, ¨Ready, Set, Snow!¨ is a really funny episode in that Molly is forced to learn a lesson in the hard way. It’s also heartwarming seeing the main characters spending time together and relax. For an episode with very low stakes, it executes its premise very well.
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frostyreturns · 1 year
Frosty Ruins Larryboy The Cartoon Adventures
Like a lot of people I grew up watching Veggietales. There was just something about the cartoons that went beyond just some cheesy Christian cartoons about talking vegetables. There are times I've been drinking with non Christians and after a sufficient buzz found out they knew all the lyrics to the cheeseburger song by heart. So when I found out this cartoon existed I was cautiously optimistic.
The cartoon format doesn't work as well as the animation from Veggietales. One of the things I loved about veggietales was the early cgi animation style. The animation they went with for this show looks pretty cheap and so it looks less advanced than the outdated cg animation of the 90's. It's hard to look cheaper than 3D animation from 1993 but using flash to animate it in 2002 will do it. It doesn't seem like veggietales without that ancient cgi. Something else I noticed early on is that the animation difference allowed them to do more visually... and it resulted in more hackey slaptick humour. The humour is less in the writing and more in the visuals which makes it seem less like Veggietales and less comedic.
They rely on simple visual gags like saying "when pigs fly" only to show flying pigs a second later.
The theme song was also pretty lackluster and amateurish which is kind of inexcusable for a franchise associated with so much catchy music. It seems like something they just slapped together as a backup in case they had to rush the episodes out before they had a chance to have the real version professionally recorded. The lyrics are simple, the composition seems off and the vocals are not good. It's neither catchy nor funny.
The only thing that makes this feel like its true to form is the voice actors being the same but there were only four character voices that came over from veggietales and they were the only good ones.
The series introduces a lot of characters that were not in Veggietales to my knowledge and a lot of them seem out of place, less interesting and with more generic voices. The characters of Veggietales were just vegetables who played various roles, Larry is just a goofy cucumber the character relies on the writing and the voice acting to be good, the characters introduced here rely on typecast gimmicks like Bok Choy being an old asian kung fu master. It just seems like something from a different kind of show, It doesn't feel like the Larryboy stories from Veggietales.
The part of the show that does work and does stay consistent is that the morals and the messaging is still there to a degree. The morals are perfect for kids, they're not overly complex they stay on point and don't require subscribing to or understanding a larger moral value system to grasp that it's beneficial to let go of anger or to not put down others to feel good about yourself. That being said…from a faith based perspective it seems very watered down, this may as well be a safe secular cartoon. There's no progressive politics which is nice but there's also no mention of God or the Bible. A far cry from the messages of standing up for what you believe in because God is on your side…to teamwork is good. The studio went bankrupt cutting the series short so this was likely an attempt to appeal to a wider audience.
Some of the stories were silly in a way that wasn't really funny or interesting. Like a villain who kidnaps yodellers because they want to hoard all the yodelling to themselves…there had to be a better or funnier way to have a message about selfishness than that.
Also there was definitely a salad tossing joke, that seemed innocent enough…but come on there wasn't one person involved in making this show who could have pointed out the double meaning to anyone?
It wasn't a terrible show, it wasn't cancerous and it didn't ruin my enjoyment of Veggietales at all…but It wasn't great and I don't think I'll ever watch this show again. I can see some kids enjoying it and the show being nostalgic for some.
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saviochristi · 8 months
Preparem-se para receber a Saga Confusões Conjuntas (livros de comédia d... Vídeo profissional, sondado, dissertado e debatido sobre o escritor e a literatura / Professional, probed, lectured, and debated video about the writer and literature / Video profesional, sondeado, disertado y debatido sobre el escritor y la literatura.Os treze livros da Saga Confusões Conjuntas (material autoral meu) são de comédia dramática, pastelão e maluca! / The thirteen Conjunct Confusions Saga books (authoral material of mine) are of dramatic, slaptick, and screwball comedy! / ¡Los trece libros de la Saga Confusiones conjuntas (material autoral mio) son de comedia dramática, bufonada y loca)!Preparem-se para receber a Saga Confusões Conjuntas! / Get ready to receive the Conjunct Confusions Saga! / ¡Prepárense para ricibir la Saga Confusiones conjuntas!É porque fundir e juntar são a mesma coisa! / It's because fusioning and joining are the same thing! / ¡Es porque fundir y juntar son la misma cosa!Protagonistas femininas / Female protagonists / Protagonistas femeninas: Marihá Borges e Carvalho, Hairan Zucchero & Anne Borges e Carvalho (baseadas em / based in / basadas en: Marihá Barbosa e Castro, Hairan Zuchelli & Anne Barbosa e Castro).Obras listadas / Works listed / Obras listadas (Blogger): https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com/2023/10/enredos-dos-livros-saga-confusoes.html.Capas dos livros / Book covers / Portadas de los libros (Blogger): https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com/2023/10/todas-as-21-capas-dos-livros-da-saga.html.Livros no Blogger e no Wattpad / Books on Blogger and on Wattpad / Libros en Blogger y en Wattpad.Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: https://facebook.com/saviochristi/, https://twitter.com/saviochristi/ & https://instagram.com/saviochristi123/.Canal parceiro / Partner channel / Canal parcero: http://youtube.com/@hsama.E e-mail para contato / And email for contact / Y correo electrónico para contacto: [email protected] da H-Sama Zuchelli / H-Sama Zuchelli channel / Canal de H-Sama Zuchelli: http://youtube.com/@hsama (o maior, melhor e mais completo canal sobre cosplay, moda, beleza, estilo de vida e artesanato / the greatest, best, and most complete channel about cosplay, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and crafts / el mayor, mejor y más completo canal sobre cosplay, moda, belleza, estilo de vida y artesanía).Blog e páginas da H-Sama Zuchelli / H-Sama Zuchelli blog and pages / Blogs y páginas de H-Sama Zuchelli: http://h-sama.com, http://facebook.com/bloghsama, http://facebook.com/hsamaZuchelli & http://facebook.com/BrazilianBaroness.Colaboração e agradecimentos especiais a / Collaboration and special thanks to / Colaboración y gracias especiales a: minhas amigas dos eventos de anime, daqui, de Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brasil] / my female friends from anime events, from here, in Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brazil] / mis amigas de los eventos de anime, de aquí, de Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brasil], Marihá Barbosa e Castro, Hairan Zuchelli & Anne Barbosa e Castro.Revisão de texto / Text revision / Revisión de texto: Iana Lima Cordeiro, Marihá Barbosa e Castro & Naira Souza.
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singeratlarge · 3 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tom Bailey (Thompson Twins), Keisha Lance Bottoms, Christian Burns (BB Mak), Johnny Costa (Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood), Kevin Costner, composer César A Cui, Elijah Cummings, conductor Janos Ferencsik, Bobby Goldsboro, Cary Grant, Bo Gritz, Danny Kaye, jazz tuba player/bassist "Min" Leibrook, Jesse L. Martin, Crispian Mills (Kula Shakur), A.A. Milne, Constance Moore, Samantha Mumba, "Yannis" Papaioannou, pedal steel guitar legend Al Perkins, David Ruffin, Shostakovich’s 1930 satirical opera THE NOSE, Larry “Legs” Smith, Daniel Webster, Daniel Hale Williams, and actor-singer Oliver Hardy of the legendary comedy team Laurel & Hardy. In his well-documented life he appeared in at least 107 films. His first “real job” was managing a movie theatre (including janitor and projectionist) in his hometown of Midgeville, Georgia. His talents were obvious and friends urged him to go to Jacksonville FLwhere there was a small film industry. That led to Hollywood, where he started working in bigger roles as “Babe” Hardy—alternately known for his vibrant singing voice. In 1927 he teamed up with Stan Laurel, and the rest is history. Laurel & Hardy became successful icons—oft-imitated, oft-quoted, and still drawing audiences today. Even their catch-phrases are imbedded in our culture. Here’s a song I wrote based on the L&H bromide, “Well here’s another fine mess you’ve gottten me into…” HB Oliver, and thank you for the countless hours of joy you’ve given to the world.
#LaurelandHardy #OliverHardy #classiccomedy #slapstick #musicalcomedy #silentfilms #comedyteam #birthday #unresolved #anotherfinemess #johnnyjblair #singeratlarge
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loveinstreams · 5 years
i love all the best slapstick stars: harold loyd, buster keaton and *looks down on scribble notes* sharpie stapplin
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toongirl18 · 5 years
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Here’s Slapstick!
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giantmonster · 7 years
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kaijuguy19 · 7 years
Five Marvel characters I want to see show up in other Marvel related media outside the comics.
A lot of Marvel characters have shown up in plenty of media outside of the comics but there are still some that haven’t yet made the leap from the page to the screen or in some cases haven’t been featured much. So here are my top five Marvel characters I want to see come up in other Marvel media.
1. Silk: She’s a character that’s really grown on me after reading one of her tradebacks and I really want to see her show up in other places especially if it means having her own series. If there’s anything I’d wish the new Spider-Man animated show had done was to make Cindy Moon be part of the cast because it would be a great way to devlop her character first before becoming Silk later on. Hopefully the show will get around doing that in its future seasons.
2. Slapstick: He’s seriously one of Marvel’s more unique characters simply because he’s pretty much a living cartoon character. I’m shocked that Marvel hasn’t yet made an animated movie of him or at least an animated series about him because he’d be Disney’s more family friendly answer to Deadpool.
3. Man-Thing: With Marvel heading into R rated territory in most of it’s media like their Netflix series,along with movies like Logan and Deadpool as well as horror related territories like The New Mutants now would be a good time to bring in Man Thing which has a lot of those elements.
4. The Marvel Monsters: As someone who’s been a life long kaiju fan seeing the Marvel monsters show up would be such an amazing dream come true. It would also be Marvel’s answer to Legendary’s Monsterverse.
5. Gwenpool: From what I’ve seen and read of this character she would be such a fun character to see in at least a TV series if not a movie. given how popular she is right now I’m betting it’ll happen eventually.
So that’s my list. Are their any Marvel characters you’d want to see show up in other Marvel media or at least show up more often? 
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picturejasper20 · 3 years
I think another reason why amphibia does the female power thing so well because female characters are allowed to be funny along with male characters, like Anne and Polly are absolutely feral but of different variety, Sasha's "But what if I need them?", running joke with Marcy is that she gets caught on fire, General Yunnan's entire schtick. It humanizes them and endures them to us, and this treatment is done for all characters so it feels even
Yeah, the female characters are allowed to be as funny as the male characters. The expressions that Sasha makes in the ¨The Dinner¨ are hilarious. The series isn't afraid of doing slaptick humor with the girls. And General Yunnan? She is so over the top. I love it.
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puppetsoftomorrow · 2 years
Jes made the Episode for me, again showing her versatile acting skills even after playing like 15 different clones and now the Robot Doctor, it always feels like a different character, never like our Ava, never slaptick or memeish and all of that in such short period of time.
yeah she was great!! i loved her cold aloofness against the brashness and over the top personailities of the other robot legends
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aneshb25 · 4 years
Disclaimer : giving it in the beginning coz this post has nothing to do with SOME OF THE TAGS (tho I am quiet involved with these tags) I have given, so some might find it irrelevent. I just wanted to spread it as much as I can. But please go through it! You will not be dissapointed.
My country, India, has gone through a lot of changes since September 6, 2018, before and after. On this day, Homosexuality was discriminalised in my country and I being a supporter and a citizen I guess it was my duty to post this.
Though it does not mean, my country was forever homophobic and suddenly all became liberal on and after 6th sept. No! Many citizens both famous or non famous has come out in open support of homosexuality! And what reached the public more is the media and movie-cinema-theatre! And I am so proud of it.
But somewhere in these movies the concept of 'Homosexuality portrayal' was just shown as slapstick-comedy in plots as extensive measure! Either thrown into the plot for a comedy relief with jokes or completely degrade them
But on the opposite side there are lot of other movies in various languages that have won national awards, forced us to cry buckets with tragic ending and goosebumps over powerful morals of the plots. Highly applauded👏
Still for me, I had always waited for movies with a homosexual couples getting their own happy ending. I understood it was not possible before 2018 as law forbade it and a movie is a mere reflection of the society. But after 2018, I defintely waited for it and then in 2020, this year, it came to me in the form of this👇👇👇👇
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Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan!
Can't tell whether it has got a HAPPY ENDING or not, but what I can say is IT'S DIFFERENT
The upper picture is a poster where two Indian Grooms are going to get married on a horse-back ride with the parents below who are confused as hell!🤭 By the way, did you notice the triangle-tattoo on the left neck side of the man in jeans. It a gay symbol supporting homosexuality. Don't miss it!
But why is this different?
Different because it has got comedy, but not a slaptick, a very serious topic to be dealt with in Indian society but not with those heavy tragic themes shown in other previous movies. Because in this movie it is based around HOMOPHOBIA, how IT is a "disease" and that homosexuality is absolutely normal. The movie has a comedic approach with an emotional approach, showing how same it is with straight couple, also portraying a same-sex couple with a absolute adorable 💯 chemistry
Let me show you part by part!
1) Meet Kartik and Aman, a regular couple, and with a height difference for which my brain, my heart, my kidney, my whole body melts (okay that was too much, but see it yourself)
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(And don't miss the heart eyes😍 Kartik gives when his other half is not looking #WhippedCulture)
2) Here Kartik is a very confident gay who wears pride flags as a superhero cape, well he IS a superhero for his Aman
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Now this scene is important! Can you see the pigeon in front of him (sorry for the low quality, its screenshot I won't hide). In our country Pigeons, Doves, these birds are the SYMBOL OF FREEDOM... So here Kartik wears a Pride Flag🏳️‍🌈 proudly, and there are pigeons! 🤔 Understandable, right?
3) And between the comedies we find scenes we find these two fighting and so very sad when the love of their life is ALMOST going to get away! Devastating😭!
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4) Now the directors also show here some great Indian Movies (that ruled over bollywood for decades) parallels! And the couples, gay or straight, are so similar
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Now now, before you start quaking on SHADOWHUNTERS, I know its NOT a bollywood movie and no where near bollywood concept. Its just my addition!
Don't we all love Malec and their epic first kiss? Alec stepping down the altar, "enough"-ing his mother and kissed Magnus in front of the whole wedding! *dreamy eyes*
Well that sort of happened here too! Just Aman boldly kissing Kartik in front of the whole wedding. How can you not but relate? 😅
5) And we get see some great Kartik-Aman chemistry that puts my chemistry syllabus to shame, half of the other bollywood couples to go back home. They made a whole lesson out of chemistry, physics, maths, literature and bio
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6) But for every subject there are exams and this case they are the PARENTS & FAMILY... Aman's family is hell bent to drive Kartik away but Kartik isn't ready to back down until He marries Aman....... But that doesn't mean he left out his family
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Here Kartik tells how much he and Aman relates to the parents and their ACCEPTANCE is everything. If they have won over their parents, they have won over the world too.... It is also a message to the parents that their support means everything to their children
7) BONUS : The fun in Indian weddings is like no other. Dance, music, colour, clothes, families and guest, food, rituals, function *phew* thats BIG. Its big and fat!!! But its double the fun when its a BIG-FAT-GAY-INDIAN wedding and with a KISS😘
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And I end it here with Thanking Kartik, played by Ayushmann Khurrana and Aman, played by Jitendra Kumar. Both are the powerful actors of the industry and TV sirieses who are so supprtive.. Ayushmann is the content king of bollywood, making movies on plots no one can even think of! And Jitendra, better know an "Jeetu-bhaiya" who rules the Indian TV siries.
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(sorry Tumblr only allows 10 pics, so I can't upload the cast group photo)
But here is the link to the movie trailer , the movie releases on 21 Feb, 2020... Audience response is amazing and quiet unbelievable.. with more than 48M views in trailers and 5M views on songs in just 24 hours
So international, national viewers check the tralier with eng subs (you will probably get eng sub under Hindi captions😅lol) and laugh and mush and get soft watching it👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
And btw what will be the couple's SHIP NAME? Suggest now😊
Till then, TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS 🏳️‍🌈 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🌈💐
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springfieldblues · 4 years
i'd love it if you would talk about your favorite (top 3? top 5?) simpsons characters and why you like them/what makes them special/stand out to you, that kinda thing 😇
HERE I GO in no real order
1. sideshow bob: hes very hannibalesque and i cant help but love characters like this. frasier used to be one of my favorite shows back in the day so thats a bonus. plus the extra care that goes into animating him in most of his episodes is something i really appreciate, especially in Black Widower. hes so expressive, so charismatic, so deranged and so SO cartoony because despite how refined and intellectual he is, hes still cursed with goofy ass clownesque features and hes a slaptick magnet. also he has the best voice in the whole show. sing me to sleep mr terwilliger
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2. bart simpson: its bart fuckin simpson man!!!!!! whats not to love about classic bart, his quips, and his punkass attitude hiding a real heart underneath. the coolest kid youll ever meet. a chaotic entity who doesnt want to really hurt anyone, just have a good laugh. i started watching the simpsons when i was his age, i got his book Guide To Life on my 11th birthday and it became my fuckin bible. definitely the biggest nostalgia inducing character in the show for me and a big influence on my sense of humor as a whole
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3. lisa simpson: what would this show even be without lisa? shes always been different and unique among the huge simpsons cast, not only because shes smarter than a good percentage of the people in town, but also because you see her and you know shes the one who will go on to achieve great things in and out of springfield. she cares So Much. someone has to, after all. an overachiever yet not in an unrealistic way (early on at least), so every smart and sensitive kid can see themselves in her. i know i personally relate to her a lot (maybe even as much as bart). i appreciate her values and how much ive learned from her character. i feel like we should all aspire to be a bit like lisa tbh
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4. nelson muntz: this ugly little bastard oh my god. he was so damn funny early in the show (the humor they try to pull off with nelson nowadays is really bad tho) like he would just slap someones head and i would LOSE my shit. sometimes i laugh my ass off at him just standing there stoically. you literally never know what the fuck is going through this kids mind but you can at least rest assured that he will find a way to apparate in your vicinity to laugh at your misfortune. he will fuckin astral project if he has to. his power level is just incomprehensible for our simple brains. plus the times where hes proven hes more than just a bully and that he can be nice are all Excellent. one of the few characters in the show with actual character development and i think thats really cool. i hope his life gets better tho its very harsh
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5. i cant do a fifth character because they cycle frequently and depends on my mood and episode im watching. could be homer, maggie, skinner, edna, snake, otto, chief wiggum, or even the three bullies as a unit. and yes, even milhouse!!
so yeah! those are probably my top 4 + others WHEW god ive typed so much today
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 years
Summer 2019 Anime Quick Takes: Astra Lost in Space and Fruits Basket
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Astra Lost in Space
This little sci-fi doesn’t exactly rocket into greatness, but it’s a sweet, entertaining show. Set in the future, it follows a group of schoolkids who find themselves stranded in space. As they struggle to find their way back home, they find out they’re connected by many mysteries and begin to unravel a conspiracy.
The space kids are are all fairly likeable dorks who have enjoyable relationships with each other. The main character Kanata is a pretty standard shonen lead, but he’s a likeable variation- his straightfoward dumb goofiness is charming and his devotion to his friendfamily is often adorable. However, the insistence on him always being the big action hero made for a less effective story and came at the expense of a stronger ensemble. There’s a lot  of fuss made about how everyone in the team is important and contributes, and they do all get moments to shine, but at the end of the day it’s always about how great Kanata is. During the climax, there’s some big revelations that majorly concern to the female lead of the series, Aries. Since she was the person most impacted, her response and her feelings should have taken center stage. This was a revelation designed to cause HER turmoil and uncertainty, after all. She has the most interesting potential emotional journey here and seeing her struggle and then assert herself thanks to the support of her friends would really sell the found family theme of the show. But nope, the show can’t let anyone but Kanata get the big climactic moments and speeches, so he responds FOR Aries before she even has a chance to struggle, which is obviously way less powerful. Aries and the rest of the vibrant cast are mostly reduced to standing in the background and occasionally gasping while Kanata gets to do everything, which is a waste.
While it could have been more well-balanced. I do appreciate the show’s cute found family aspect and how the story goes out of its way to say if the people who raised you are shitty, throw them in the trash. The kids journeys are all about finding true acceptance, love and support in each other after being denied it in their own homes, and that rules.
The show is respectful of the characters for the most part- there’s some tame fanservice (like the obligatory few minutes where the girls compare breast sizes while in swimsuits, ugh), but the girls are capable members of the team, get some development and aren’t treated like garbage, so the series hops over that low bar at least. (Though it’s kinda whatever that the guys and girls roles/ambitions just happen to coincide with traditional gender expectations a lot of the time, especially at the end. Not horrible, but it can niggle.)
It’s notable, since it’s a rarity in both anime and media in general, that there’s an intersex character in this series. The show seemed to at least be trying to be sympathetic and supportive toward said character (moreso than a lot of stories), but it’s not really my lane to evaluate whether they tried hard enough or how well they did with the representation. There are potential positives, and potential issues as well, and I’d be interested to hear an intersex person’s take on it.
 I WILL say that this character is easily my favorite member of the cast (btw they do identify as a specific gender and discuss that in detail, I’m just being vague to minimize spoilers). They have a lovable personality and fun relationships with some of the other characters. The way they’re confident and comfortable with who they were but also loved to make silly jokes about it and troll their friends was relatable and endearing to me as a person with a marginalized identity who sometimes does the same. 
So yeah, the series has some cute characters, sweet moments and a decent enough plot. It definitely doesn’t reinvent the wheel when it comes to sci-fi and shonen tropes and some of the twists it throws at you kind of fall apart logically if you think about them for more than ten seconds, but you just want to turn your brain off and enjoy a silly but heartfelt story about a teen space fam, this is a fine choice.
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Fruits Basket (episodes 13-25)
Fruits Basket Season 1 continues! It continues in the same vein as earlier episodes, only with characters growing, backstories being revealed and dramatic developments- all of which are good stuff. My faves Arisa and Hana get their backstory episodes early, and of course I adore them. Love my cool, troubled girls and love their friendship with Tohru. There’s still the stuff that might put people off the first half- 90′s anime-esque gender tropes etc, slaptick abuse played for laughs.
The anime did at least tone down the problems with Ritsu’s parts in the manga, removing most of the mean comments regarding crossdressing, which is good. It probably could have done even more in that area but I’ll take what I can get.
While the adaptation did a good there, it also did a bad with a very jarring moment where a character gets launched into the air (YEET) during an important moment in the seasons final episodes. If you watched, you’ll know what I’m talking about. The exaggerated violence is really jarring during what’s supposed to be a more grounded, dramatic moment. It feel almost comical and more at home in a slapstick scene. On top of that, it’s damaging to both the characters involved, making one a lot more dangerously violent and life-threatening than they’re supposed to be, and the other more  questionable in that they shrug it off so easily. The more grounded violent moment in the manga was much more fitting and better executed all around (especially when it comes to use of space and emotional framing), so I have no idea WHY they changed it.
Other than that though, the final episodes of the season are pretty effective. The series remains emotional and entertaining overall, so I look forward to more of that with season 2. My memories about the rest of the story are still very fuzzy, so I’m glad to be rediscovering it.
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saviochristi · 8 months
Fichas básicas e complementares das protagonistas, da Saga Confusões Con... Vídeo profissional, sondado, dissertado e debatido sobre o escritor e a literatura / Professional, probed, lectured, and debated video about the writer and literature / Video profesional, sondeado, disertado y debatido sobre el escritor y la literatura.Os treze livros da Saga Confusões Conjuntas (material autoral meu) são de comédia dramática, pastelão e maluca! / The thirteen Conjunct Confusions Saga books (authoral material of mine) are of dramatic, slaptick, and screwball comedy! / ¡Los trece libros de la Saga Confusiones conjuntas (material autoral mio) son de comedia dramática, bufonada y loca)!Preparem-se para receber a Saga Confusões Conjuntas! / Get ready to receive the Conjunct Confusions Saga! / ¡Prepárense para ricibir la Saga Confusiones conjuntas!É porque fundir e juntar são a mesma coisa! / It's because fusioning and joining are the same thing! / ¡Es porque fundir y juntar son la misma cosa!Protagonistas femininas / Female protagonists / Protagonistas femeninas: Marihá Borges e Carvalho, Hairan Zucchero & Anne Borges e Carvalho (baseadas em / based in / basadas en: Marihá Barbosa e Castro, Hairan Zuchelli & Anne Barbosa e Castro).Obras listadas / Works listed / Obras listadas (Blogger): https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com/2023/10/enredos-dos-livros-saga-confusoes.html.Capas dos livros / Book covers / Portadas de los libros (Blogger): https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com/2023/10/todas-as-21-capas-dos-livros-da-saga.html.Fichas das protagonistas / Details of the protagonists / Detalles de las protagonistas (Blogger): saviochristi3.blogspot.com/2023/10/fichas-basicas-e-complementares-das.html.Livros no Blogger e no Wattpad / Books on Blogger and on Wattpad / Libros en Blogger y en Wattpad.Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: https://facebook.com/saviochristi/, https://twitter.com/saviochristi/ & https://instagram.com/saviochristi123/.Canal parceiro / Partner channel / Canal parcero: http://youtube.com/@hsama.E e-mail para contato / And email for contact / Y correo electrónico para contacto: [email protected] da H-Sama Zuchelli / H-Sama Zuchelli channel / Canal de H-Sama Zuchelli: http://youtube.com/@hsama (o maior, melhor e mais completo canal sobre cosplay, moda, beleza, estilo de vida e artesanato / the greatest, best, and most complete channel about cosplay, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and crafts / el mayor, mejor y más completo canal sobre cosplay, moda, belleza, estilo de vida y artesanía).Blog e páginas da H-Sama Zuchelli / H-Sama Zuchelli blog and pages / Blogs y páginas de H-Sama Zuchelli: http://h-sama.com, http://facebook.com/bloghsama, http://facebook.com/hsamaZuchelli & http://facebook.com/BrazilianBaroness.Colaboração e agradecimentos especiais a / Collaboration and special thanks to / Colaboración y gracias especiales a: minhas amigas dos eventos de anime, daqui, de Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brasil] / my female friends from anime events, from here, in Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brazil] / mis amigas de los eventos de anime, de aquí, de Vitória (Espírito Santo) [Brasil], Marihá Barbosa e Castro, Hairan Zuchelli & Anne Barbosa e Castro.Revisão de texto / Text revision / Revisión de texto: Naira Souza.
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ritasclassicrants · 5 years
Rita rants: Libeled Lady (1936)
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Image credit: moviestillsdb.com
(Also, catch me being a little deceptive because this scene isn’t in the actual movie lol)
The story follows Warren Haggerty’s (played by Spencer Tracy) effort to make heiress Connie Allenbury (played by my one and only Myrna Loy) drop the libel lawsuit against his newspaper, using his fiancé Gladys (played by Jean Harlow). Although, from my point of view it is the story of how all around crook William Chandler (played by William Powell) falls for totally awesome badass Connie Allenbury.
To write this review I rewatched the movie after some years and my appreciation for Connie skyrocketed. She is incredibly witty and it gives us incredible moments such as when she offers to give the 5 million dollars of the lawsuit to the workers of the newspaper, thus leaving haggerty without an excuse for her to drop the suit. But she is also incredibly free. I love how she really doesn’t care that the papers paint her as a ‘skank’ and still earnestly pursues her relationship with Bill. The fact that she was so distrusting and so secluded made me think that she would be secretive with her relationship with him, but it was not the case. Therefore, her distrust was solely rooted in, let’s say, self respect and the necesity not to be used, and not on society’s image of her. So, when she felt that she could trust Bill, her main concern was eliminated and she freely embarked on their relationship. Of course, the incredible story and script is complemented by Myrna’s acting talent. Half her wit is due to Myrna’s delivery and portrayal.
The script is superb and all of the characters, although you can sense my bias towards Loy and Powell, delivery incredible lines. You just have to check the movie’s imdb page to notice how much of the script is quotable. Some of my favourites are (pardon the lack of context): ‘She may be his wife but she’s engaged to me!’, ‘This is love, not liquor’, ‘What is this? This is a horse, c’est un cheval... [German which I don’ know lol], es un caballo!’...
The only unlikeable character in the movie is Warren Haggerty (although, given Tracy’s star status, his character must have been likeable to the audience of the time). For Gladys I feel sympathy, but for Warren there’s no one redeeming quality. Even Connie’s father is a better character IMO than Warren (why Gladys likes him I will never know , but the answer, as always, is most likely the patriarchy).
Bill and Jean’s scenes together are really funny and well played but I can’t help but to feel bad knowing in short time she would die. If my brain can shut that fact out, I really enjoy their scenes. My re-watch has made me specially notice Connie’s line about that the reason why Gladys fell for Bill was because she lacked so much attention from Warren than any show of attention from Bill made him fall for her. Which is true, because that’s what happened, but it ignores the fact that Bill noticed that and like an asshole used it to his advantage. Like, literally Connie is the only one who shows any respect for Gladys. But is is also true how toxic relationships can set one standards so low that any show of appreaciation can lead to false illusions, and it is truly sad.
That is like really the only downside of the movie for me. Because all of the other scenes I literally cannot watch without smiling. For me, Libeled Lady is one of the top screwball comedies next to favourites like The Awful Truth and Bringing up Baby. The witty lines are complemented by the incredible slaptick fishing scene. The first time I watched Powell continually fall and try to get up I genuinly belly laughed the whole time. He was a gift to comedic cinema and so is this movie.
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