#so I’ve opted for the very cut and dry direct route which is
justanotherfanartist · 3 months
augh anguish and misery for a thousand years (forced to send a risky text in which the meaning is very obvious no matter what I say given that it’s Valentine’s Day but I need to do this in person) I’m gonna choke on my flute
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spooky-mister · 4 years
Intervention - Kevin x Ian
Howdy howdy.
H e y - as well as making bad art, I also write the bad writes.
Aka, I wrote a thing.
This is just a personal canon divergence of what I think would have happened if Kevin had intervened with Ian’s death at the end of the movie. 
Apologies if I write them out of character, some of their interactions are based off personal interpretation of the characters and I’ve also just never written any FD3 fan fiction before lmao.
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Fandom: Final Destination 3
Paring: Kevin Fischer x Ian McKinley
Word Count: 2,582
Plot: Canon divergence. An imagined scenario where Kevin intervenes with Ian’s death and the resulting aftermath.
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"It's you, Wendy! You're dead!"
Time seemed to sedate to a sticky halt as Kevin registered what was happening. The fresh, uneasy swaying of the McKinley cherry picker. The sudden yet deliberate silence of the fireworks behind. The same realisation edging onto Ian's face at the mechanic strain creaking behind him. Death had skipped Wendy. Ian was going to die.
Maybe he deserved it. The thought sickened him. Ian was just a kid like the rest of them - barely 18. He shouldn't wish death on a kid. A kid who had just lost his girlfriend. Just like him. Shit, Ian was just as scared as the rest of them. He liked to forget that Ian was, in fact, human.
Well, this was it. He was going to die for Ian fucking McKinley.
He felt clumps of grass and mud kick out from under his shoes as he ran, screams from Wendy and Julie falling deaf on his ears as he propelled himself towards Ian. He grasped forward, hands catching on the arms of Ian's red sweater as he pushed him down with his full body weight. He fell down on top of the smaller teen, head hitting hard against Ian's. The momentary sting felt inconsequential as the arm of the cherry picker embedded itself deep into the soft ground inches from their legs.
Kevin's shocked adrenaline didn't take long to morph into anger.
"What the fuck, McKinley!?" Kevin yelled, propping himself up to stare down at Ian's face. He was barely looking at him, blinded in frustration as he moved to try and get up. His head rang softly at the impact of their fall. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to get us killed? You said you believed us now - are you psychotic or just a moron? You-"
He cut himself off as a noise broke through his rage. In all four of his years at McKinley High School, Kevin had never seen Ian McKinley cry. He didn't think he was capable. But here he was, burying his face into the top of his hoodie and biting back his lips to hold in sobs. Any remnants of anger died on arrival as Kevin felt himself climbing up off of Ian and onto the grass beside him. He reached a hand to Ian but Ian slapped it away, sniffing as he slowly raised to a hunched sitting position.
"Hey," Kevin soothed as soon as he regained his voice. His malice had drained completely, focus switching onto calming Ian. He watched as Ian furiously scrubbed the end of his sleeve at his tears, finding more success in smearing his eyeliner across his skin than he did drying his eyes. "Just... Take a breath. Okay, man? You're good."
Kevin could see Ian choking back what could have been a maelstrom of bitter insults and mockery but Ian couldn't seem to find his voice, resolving to shove Kevin further away instead. Kevin caught his balance, resting one hand in the grass as he turned his attention to their surroundings. He noticed two security personnel and one medic from the first aid tent making their way through the crowd towards them and sighed in quiet relief. Maybe they could talk sense into Ian - calm him down at least. He got to his feet slowly, pain from where the horse had previously kicked him sparking in his torso as he waved them over before glancing back down to Ian curled up on the grass. He looked so small. Almost fragile. Guilt tore and clawed at Kevin from his gut to his throat. He knew the pain he saw reflected in Ian's face. He'd been there too.
Before he could say another word to Ian - any of the words he wished he had heard after losing Carrie - security shouldered their way past him to crouch beside Ian. Kevin watched as they flooded Ian with questions, shining lights into his unresponsive eyes and trying to force him to his feet. He wanted to shout for them to give Ian some space but he couldn't bring himself to say anything, glancing back at the feeling of Wendy's hand tentative on his shoulder. He could talk to Ian later. Right now, his chest and abdomen throbbed and his head was fuzzy with adrenaline. He relented, allowing the girls to lead him towards the first aid tent with one last look back.
Kevin had been hunched over in the first aid tent for what felt like hours when security finally led Ian in through the pegged-back curtains.
Wendy had gone with Julie in an ambulance en route to the hospital to take her to the accident and emergency clinic - something about an underlying heart condition which had sounded way too intense for Kevin to question. He didn't mind being by himself too much. The medics were nice enough, music played out of a small, beaten stereo and the pack of ice they had given him felt good against his tender bruising. Still, the illusion that things had calmed to normality was torn from Kevin when the tear-stained, pallid face of Ian McKinley was brought in front of him. An official McKinley police officer had joined the Tricentennial security team but they barely glanced in Kevin's direction. Perhaps he would be questioned once security was dealt with.
As soon as a member of security had settled Ian down into one of the fold-out plastic chairs, the officer invited the personnel to talk outside - leaving the boys alone. Kevin trained his eyes on the ground before letting them flicker up to scan Ian's face. The kid looked exhausted. He sighed quietly before deciding to speak.
"How are you feeling?" It was as good of a place to start as any other. The question hung in the dead air between them, Kevin receiving little more than an uncomfortable twitch in response. He decided to try again. "...Look, you can talk to me. Got that? We're all going through this, McKinley. It's no excuse to go crazy on us."
"What, we're all gonna sit around in some kind of group therapy?" Ian mumbled, still avoiding eye contact. His voice was gravelly and hoarse from the strain of his previous yelling and his fresh tears. "Hold hands and talk about our feelings? Sounds fucking peachy."
Kevin narrowed his eyes at Ian's comment, doing his best to keep his cool. Ian had always been difficult to talk to. Perhaps that was why they stopped in the first place. He took a deep breath before speaking again, keeping his voice as non-threatening as possible. "I lost my girlfriend too." He noticed as Ian flinched slightly at the comment. "Carrie, remember? I..." He faltered, trailing off. "...So I know how you feel."
Ian's gaze finally settled on Kevin, his dark eyes set cold and impenetrable. "Carrie died," He acknowledged, keeping his voice low. "And we're all very sorry about that, but I don't need the wise words of Kevin Fischer to make me feel better. The last thing I want right now to to get patronised by some dumb jock."
Kevin bristled at the childish insult but did his best to not let it show. Ian was hurt and he had to sympathise with that if they were going to get anywhere. "I know more than you think," Kevin reasoned, chipping back the rising edge in his voice. "You might be surprised."
"You used to be smart," Ian reasoned, leaning back on his plastic chair and letting his eyes scan over Kevin's face and body with a sniff. "Back when you'd bother to talk to me once in a while, but now? You're a shadow of that. You're just like the rest of them - a high school stereotype."
Kevin held back the urge to roll his eyes at the label, expression hardening the more Ian tested his patience. "I stopped talking to you because of, well, this." He motioned a hand towards Ian, gesturing at his entire body vaguely. He noticed Ian raise an eyebrow and continued, repressing the venom in his voice. "You want a high school stereotype, McKinley? Look in the mirror. All this holier-than-thou bullshit and you wonder why you never made more than one friend?" Kevin let the words hang in the air for a moment before looking down and adding a quiet "I'm sorry."
Ian scrolled through an array of loaded comebacks in his head before sighing and closing his eyes. This wasn't going to make him feel better. "You could have died back there," He muttered, opting to change the subject. "You could have just let it crush me if you hate me so much."
"I don't hate you," Kevin correctly gently, looking back to Ian with sad eyes. "I know you're hurting. We've all lost people and I didn't want to lose anyone else -" He managed a small ghost of a smile as he spoke. "- even if it is you." Kevin's smile grew when Ian released a quiet snort of a laugh, the goth's pale lips twitching slightly. Smiling was a good look for Ian. Not the condescending, malicious smirk he usually wore, but a real and comfortable smile.
Kevin leaned forward as best as he could and patted a hand firmly on Ian's shoulder. Ian tensed, his smile falling again as he looked over Kevin's warm features. A true American boy next door - no wonder the girls all wanted him. He faltered before speaking again, quieter this time. "So what do we do now?"
"Now," Kevin started, pulling his hand back. "Assuming that Death just skipped you, it'll be going after Julie again. So, we're safe for now; I'm after Julie and you're after Wendy." Kevin's words failed him as he held back from saying what his gut urged him to. This was Ian McKinley. As if he was concerned enough to take it this far. Then again, Ian had proclaimed his new found belief in Death's design himself. Perhaps this wouldn't sound so ridiculous. "...Until then, I think it would be a good idea to stay close together. Or at least keep in touch."
Ian hesitated at the offer, turning it over in his mind. It seemed logical enough; keeping together would act as an efficient warning system as well as increasing probability of death prevention. Still, a part of his brain held back from agreeing so easily. This was Kevin he was talking to - the source of so much contempt and confusion set in his brain from years of secret, self-hated admiration. Could he live with that? Did he want to live with that? The idea made him nauseous but it wasn't entirely unpleasant. Before he could figure his feelings out in their entirety, he found himself nodding slowly.
"Yeah. It is a good idea."
Any remaining doubts he had were stripped momentarily when Kevin smiled at his response. He could feel the involuntary swell of his own smile in return. Maybe they would be okay.
Five months after the McKinley Tricentennial, Ian McKinley and Kevin Fischer were exclusively dating. They had moved out of their family homes together at their first opportunity in favour of a shared apartment on the outskirts of McKinley. Ian had been eager to leave the town altogether but that kind of move would have cost them money they just didn't have yet, so the apartment was a steady compromise. With the pair of them taking independent gap years to work and get their affairs in order, leaving town was not the distant dream it had been at the start of their endeavour. Still, they had to keep money aside to treat themselves once in a while, and that's just what they were doing as they waited hand-in-hand for a subway train to take them to Oswald.
It had been Kevin's turn to decide this month's date night and he'd been adamant that they travelled to check out the game at the other end of the line. While he was far from a mainstream sports fan, Ian had given in to the request. If it really made Kevin that happy, Ian could sit through a couple of hours of yelling, chanting and uncomfortable seating. He'd get the power to choose next month.
Kevin turned to face Ian when the subway pulled up with a sharp screeching against its wheels. His mouth relaxed into an easy smile and he pressed a gentle kiss to Ian's temple as the doors of the train slid open with a soft ding. Ian returned the smile before glancing around and leading Kevin quickly onto the train. Ian's eyes impulsively glued onto the train map above them on entrance, tracking the red line across from McKinley to Oswald.
"It's the last stop," Kevin spoke as he stepped up beside Ian, squeezing his hand gently. He glanced across to his boyfriend and his smile morphed into a teasing smirk. "It's not exactly an easy stop to miss."
Ian rolled his eyes playfully as Kevin held back a breathy laugh at his own hilarious wit, Ian shoving the taller boy gently. "Yeah, okay. Let's find a seat before they're all taken. It's a pretty long ride." He took Kevin's arm around his shoulders as an agreement, leading Kevin towards the corner of the car where they hopefully wouldn't get disturbed by jacked-up, intoxicated sports fans. Kevin settled down first, drawing Ian beside him and slipping an arm around his boyfriend's waist. Ian turned his head toward Kevin to find Kevin already watching him, content. Ian's faint smile split into a more distinct grin as he leaned forward, catching Kevin's lips in his own. The further they got to Oswald, the more dangerous this would get. He'd make the most of this public affection while he could.
It was, in fact, a long ride towards Oswald, and the train packed people like sardines the closer they got. Sitting further apart now but still holding hands, Kevin and Ian didn't talk. They were sharing a pair of white, plastic earphones, the faint stereo sound of Nine Inch Nails combating a busker making his way down the car with an acoustic guitar. Ian didn't mind too much - there were worse situations to be in, even if Turn Around, Look At Me by The Vogues didn't mix seamlessly with The Hand That Feeds. Ian let his attention drift around the train's occupants while Kevin distracted himself by leafing through their game tickets and subway passes. They were only a couple of stops away from Oswald - Booth Street acting as their buffer - and then they could slip back into their normality again.
While pleasant ideas for the rest of their evening floated through Ian's head, his eyes caught sight of something - someone - who pulled his thoughts back to reality in a sickening mental whiplash.
Wendy Christensen.
The logic in him knew that he was being ridiculous. He was acting as if Wendy was nothing more than a bad omen. A superstition. Hell, shouldn't he be happy to see an old classmate no matter the circumstances? He should. But that just made the sickening dread settling into every part of his body all the more disconcerting. He found himself squeezing Kevin's hand even tighter as train 081 pulled up towards Booth Street, the fuzzy noise of the subway intercom cutting through his trepidation.
"This is Booth Street. Next stop is Oswald - end of the line. Next stop is the end of the line."
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That’s it-
This was just poorly written, self-indulgent trash but I hope you managed to enjoy it lmao
also yes, when Kevin said “It’s the last stop”, I had to fight with everything I had not to write “It’s the final destination” because I’m a waste of brain cells
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The Meaning of Family | First Camping Trip
Characters: Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin
Words: 2527
Genre: Foster Dad!Jin, Preschool Teacher!Jin, Little Kid!Yoongi, Little Kid!Hoseok, Little Kid!Jimin, Little Kid!Taehyung, Little Kid!Jungkook, America!au
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, bitchy old church ladies, references to past sexual abuse
Summary: “Maybe a little drabble can be camping? I’ve been obsessed with camp camp” Jin takes the five boys on a camping trip. Time period - about a month after Jimin was placed with Jin.
A/N: The first of the drabbles/stories! If you look at the masterlist, you’ll see a few more that are already listed as coming soon, so that you can know what to look forward to :3 Don’t forget to send in an ask requesting whatever you would like to see! <3
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“Aajfapeoijf…Where going?” Taehyung had toddled into Jin’s room to see him busy packing a few bags.
“We’re going on a little trip tomorrow, Tae Tae.” His mother’s church was having their annual camping trip for the youth, and Jin thought that it might be a good opportunity to get the boys out in nature. He’d also hoped that the nature would help calm Jimin and give Jin some extra chances to spend individual time with him, as he was still fairly aggressive and violent a month after being placed with Jin. “What did you need?”
“I hungy~” Taehyung said simply, the three-year-old looking up at his caregiver.
“You’re hungry?” Jin asked, feigning extreme shock. “But you just had dinner!”
Taehyung giggled at Jin. “Wan’ cookies!”
“You want cookies?” Taehyung nodded and Jin set Hoseok’s shirt he had been folding in the open bag on the bed in front of him. “Then let’s go!”
He rounded up the other four boys and led them into the kitchen, so they could all make the cookies together. He had Jungkook sit on the counter with an empty bowl and spoon, which satisfied the toddler until he realized he didn’t have any food in his bowl. At that point, Jin poured some chocolate chips into the bowl for Jungkook to stir around, and the baby of the group was content. Jin had the two three-year olds pour in the dry ingredients, like flour and sugar, while he put the two older boys in charge of cracking the eggs.
Once the cookies were in the oven, and Jungkook’s feet were back on the ground, the 21-month-old was pressing himself against the oven door. “You don’t need to be doing that Kookie, the oven’s hot.” The toddler nodded and backed away, stepping on Jimin’s foot by accident as he did so.
“Ow~” Jimin whined, clenching his fist by his side.
“Jimin,” Jin said, successfully stopping the three-year-old from raising his hand to hit Jungkook, as Jin knew he was about to do. “He didn’t mean to.”
“Sowwy~” Jungkook said to Jimin, looking up at him with big eyes that made Jimin smile at him.
“It’s otay.” Jimin told him, and Jin was glad that everything turned out okay.
Jin pulled into the parking spot of the campground he had reserved just as some of the churchgoers were starting a fire to roast hot dogs. Jin had to wait until the preschool day was over before picking Yoongi up from Sophia’s grandmother’s so he could make the drive to Petit Jean mountain.
“Ook~” Jungkook pointed to the campfire as Jin set him on the ground.
“Be careful, Kookie~” Jin told the young boy before instructing Yoongi to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t get too close to the fire.
“I see twees!” Jimin exclaimed as Jin was unbuckling Taehyung from his car seat, the older of the two three-year olds having already figured out how to unbuckle himself.
Once Jin had all of the boys out of the van and occupied with playing together, he got to work setting up his tent. “Jin~” The 23-year-old looked up at his mother’s voice. “How many hot dogs will each of the boys eat?” His mother had come for dinner with the church members but had opted out of the full camping experience.
“Just cut one up for Jungkook, then the others will each have one.” Jin finished setting the tent up and was about to set up their sleeping bags inside when he heard the unmistakable sound of the youngest boy crying. He looked up and saw Jungkook sitting on the ground a few feet away crying with Jimin standing in front of him, bending down to pick up a rock and Jin already knew what happened, even though Taehyung still insisted on informing him as he approached the group of boys.
“Minnie ahdalaf threw a rock!”
“Yes, thank you, Tae Tae.” At the sight of his caregiver approaching, Jimin dropped his weapon and moved to run away, but Jin grabbed his hand before he could. “Jimin, tell me what you did.” Jin always made sure Jimin understood why he was being put in time out by making him tell Jin himself what he did before beginning the punishment.
“Kookie took the stick I was playin’ wif!” Jimin yelled, attracting the attention of a few of the other members of the camping trip.
“I didn’t ask what Jungkook did, I asked what you did.”
Jimin huffed, still attempting to pull his hand out of Jin’s. “I threw a rock at him.”
“And what does throwing rocks mean?” At that question, Jimin started to hit Jin’s arm, trying to get him to let go.
Jin picked the preschooler up to carry him over to the picnic table. “I don’ wan’ time out!” Jimin screamed, squirming in his grip. Jin was about to set him on the bench when his little arm shot out and smacked him on the cheek. It had just been an accident, Jimin’s arms had been flailing all over the place in an attempt to escape, and Jin understood that, but some of the other campers didn’t.
“Just bust his little hiney, that’ll fix him up good.” One of the older ladies of the church, who still participated in the camping trip due to owning a camper and having a surplus of grandkids, stated as Jin got Jimin situated at the table.
“I can’t do that.” Jin said simply, planning on going and getting their sleeping bags situated in the tent as Jimin served his punishment, but the lady didn’t accept that.
“That’s what’s wrong with your generation, you’re too afraid of disciplining children.”
Jin refrained from rolling his eyes at the baby boomer’s definition of discipline and instead opted to go the law route in his explanation. “He is a foster child, and it is illegal to spank foster children. If I were to do so, he would be taken and placed in another home, same for the other boys, I would never be able to house another child, and there is a very good chance I would lose my job and never be able to work in a preschool again, due to it popping up in my background check.” Jin’s mom cut in at that point, changing the subject to something that immediately caught the older lady’s attention. He took that opportunity to quickly set up the sleeping bags before Jimin’s time out was over.
Jimin quickly got over his punishment, running and laughing with Taehyung and other kids from the church soon after Jin told him he could get up. He was a little upset when Jin called them over for dinner, as he didn’t want to stop playing, but he soon cheered up when a hot dog and some Cheetos were placed in front of him along with a juice box.
After they ate dinner, one of the mothers broke out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate bars in order to make smores. “What’s a smore?” Yoongi asked as Jin stuck a marshmallow on the end of a roasting stick for each of the boys.
“A smore is where you put a marshmallow over the fire until it’s all gooey, and then you put it on a piece of chocolate and stick those between two graham crackers.” Jin explained as he guided the boys to stand as far from the fire as they possibly could while still being able to roast their marshmallows. He opted to stand with Jungkook out of fear that the youngest might attempt to get to close to the fire. Hoseok began to cry just thirty seconds into roasting. “What’s wrong, Hobi?” Jin looked over to the see the five-year old’s stick was empty.
“My marshmallow fell.” Hoseok said, staring at the white glob that was now being consumed by the fire.
“That’s okay, we’ll just get you a new one.” After pulling Jungkook’s marshmallow away from the fire to make the traditional camping treat for him, he brought a fresh marshmallow over to Hoseok and stuck it to the end of his stick for him. “There you go~” He ruffled Hoseok’s hair as he got to making the dessert for Jungkook, who was watching in awe as Jin sandwiched the marshmallow between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate before sliding it off the stick. Jungkook smiled widely as Jin offered the completed treat to him, grabbing it with both hands and opening his mouth as wide as he could, although he still struggled with fitting his mouth around the treat. As Jungkook gradually became covered in melted chocolate and sticky marshmallow, the boys one by one came to Jin with their roasted marshmallows so they too could enjoy the treat.
That night, Jin was dozing off a couple of hours after putting the boys to bed. He’d placed his sleeping bag in the direct middle of the tent by the zipper door, placing the two oldest on his left side and the three youngest on his right side. As he was dancing along the line between consciousness and sleep, he heard rustling from his left side followed by a quiet, “Jinnie?”
He opened his eyes to see Hoseok sitting up, staring at him with eyes full of fear. “What’s up, Hobi?”
“What if someone comes in here?”
It was obvious Hoseok was worried about some of the older boys on the camping trip, and that he would not go to sleep until he was feeling completely safe. “No one will come in here, I promise~” Hoseok visibly calmed down, but was still hesitant to lie down and go to sleep. Jin unzipped his sleeping bag partially and held up the top, signaling for Hoseok to join him. The five-year-old wasted no time in climbing out of his own sleeping bag and into Jin’s welcoming arms. “You’re okay, Hobi~” Jin assured him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before beginning to drift off again.
The next morning, Jin woke up as something hard and plastic dropped onto his face. He opened his eyes, first focusing on Hoseok still cuddled into him, sleeping soundly, then he pulled his arm out of the warmth his sleeping bag provided to find the object that had now slid from his face to his pillow. “’ake up~” Jungkook insisted as Jin grabbed the object, realizing it was his phone. He realized Jungkook must have brought him his phone as a means to wake him up.
Jin sat up slowly, waking Hoseok up as he did so, and took in how Yoongi and Jimin were no longer in the tent. Slight panic filled him as he climbed out of his sleeping bag and stuck his head out of the tent. Relief flooded through him as he saw the two sitting at the picnic table, pancakes stacked in front of them. Now knowing that they were okay, Jin retreated back into the tent and turned to Jungkook. “Alright, let’s change your diaper so we can go eat pancakes.” Jungkook clapped his hands as he sat down for Jin, waiting patiently as Jin rummaged through the diaper bag.
The morning went with Jin getting Taehyung up and around and making sure all five boys had a proper breakfast before getting them dressed to go on a hiking trail. While the rest of the people participating in hiking were going on one of the harder trails, Jin opted to take the boys on one of the more child friendly trails in terms of safety.
“Do you think we’ll see bears?” Yoongi asked, excited about the prospect of seeing the animal up close.
“I don’t think so, buddy.” Jin told him as he led the boys to the start of the trail. He let Yoongi lead while he stayed in the back, holding Jungkook’s hand, in order to keep an eye on all five boys. They walked down the trail, all of the boys pointing out various rocks and flowers they saw.
“Twee~” Jungkook would exclaim every few seconds, due to the expansive number of trees surrounding them as they walked.
“Yeah, there’s a lot of trees. With green leaves.” Jin tightened his grip on Jungkook’s hand as the trail began to decline.
“I see turtles!” Jimin said as they came to the edge of the trees, now able to see the famous turtle rocks at Petit Jean.
“Those are rocks, Minnie,” Jin explained. “They’re rocks that look like turtle shells.”
The boys spent extra time climbing over the rocks, Jin constantly telling them to be careful, before finally deciding to continue on the trail. They had just stepped off the rocks back onto the ground when Taehyung slipped, scraping his knee against one of the rocks. “Jinnie~” Taehyung cried out as tears started welling in his eyes.
“Shh, Tae Tae, it’s okay.” Jin scooped him up and brought him over to the edge of the trail where there was a small wall of rocks lining the edge of it. He set Taehyung down on it to inspect his knee, seeing small beads of blood rising to the top of his skin. “I don’t think you’ll need to cut it off~” Jin assured him, making the three-year-old giggle through his sniffles as he took his backpack off to grab the first aid kit that he just knew would come in handy. He wiped Taehyung’s knee with hydrogen peroxide and squirted a dot of Neosporin onto the band aid before covering the small wound. “You ready to go?” Taehyung nodded and accepted Jin’s hand as he helped him back down. He immediately skipped over to Jimin and the two of them followed after the older two as Jin took Jungkook by the hand.
It was only a few minutes later that they arrived at the cave at the end of the trail, and the boys wasted no time in running around the open area. “Look, Jin!” Yoongi pointed to an area on the wall. “It’s a drawing!”
“Yeah, there are lots of cave drawings in here.” Jin said, pointing up towards the ceiling where the majority of the drawings could be found.
“That’s so cool!” Jin smiled at the six-year old’s excitement until he felt something hit his legs.
He looked down into the smiling face of Jungkook. “Run, Jinnie!” Jungkook exclaimed before taking off in a waddle run around the cave.
Jin took a few quick steps to catch up to him and scooped him into his arms, blowing a raspberry into his stomach as the young boy shook with laughter. “I got you!”
“Jinnie, can I climb the rocks?” Hoseok pointed to the slightly large rocks covering one half of the cave.
“As long as you’re careful.” Jin answered, setting Jungkook back on the ground, who immediately sat down and began playing with the dirt that littered the ground.
“I will!” Hoseok assured him, beginning his trek.
Jin stood off to the side, keeping all five boys in his view as they explored their surroundings, and he couldn’t wait to have more adventures with them.
Request drabbles!
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sageinthegarden · 5 years
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A new snapshot from http://sagesacre/2019/09/23/how-to-save-seeds-the-lazy-way/
How to Save Seeds the Lazy Way
Summer’s Over! Let’s get a start on next year’s garden now with little to no effort
Happy first day of Autumn.
With the exception of the pumpkins and some stragglers in the beans and tomatoes, my summer garden is pretty much done. But before I clear out the beds to make room for fall and winter stuff, I like to go through and collect seed from my favorites and stash it away for next spring and to exchange with others.
Collecting seeds isn’t rocket science, so I’m not going to explain how to pick seed sources. I just use over-ripe fruit or post-bloom flower heads, both pretty common in my garden at the end of the season, to ensure you get the highest number of mature seeds capable of germination.
Equally important to having good seed stock is drying and storing so they can germinate months (or even years) down the road. Some people have elaborate methods for seed prep. I’m not one of them. I’m lazy, so I’ve come up with ways of keeping pretty much any type of seed in good condition with little time or effort.
Preparing seeds for storage
For the purposes of saving and storing, all seeds are one of the following: large/dry, large/wet, small/dry and small/wet. I consider a seed to be “large” if I can easily pick up an individual seed with my fingers and “small” if I can’t. “Dry” means the seed is loose and doesn’t stick to a dry surface, “wet” means it clumps with other seeds and sticks to a dry surface. Here’s how I prep and store each type:
Large/Dry seeds – ex: beans, corn, peas, and chili peppers
Chili Peppers can be dried on a rack and stored as is.
How to prepare: air dry in the pod/shell/husk. I toss them on a square plant tray and put them in a dry place out of direct sunlight (usually my garden shed). Every few days move them around so they dry evenly. In a couple of weeks the husk/pod/shell will dry and crack. At that point you can shell the seeds. Let them sit out for a day and dry any leftover moisture.
Tip: chili peppers have thinner skins than their sweet cousins so they can be dried and stored whole, no muss, no fuss. When it comes time to plant, crack the skin on a few peppers and you’ll have all the seeds you need.
Large/Wet – ex: squash, cucumbers, melons and bell peppers
How to prepare: Lay down a paper towel and carve the seeds out of the seed wall on to half of the paper towel. Spread the seeds out (squishy goo and all) so they’re in a single layer on that half. Then fold the other half of the paper towel over on top of the seeds, press down to make the squishy stuff stick, and then fold the paper towel in half the other way so the seeds can’t slip out the end. Put the paper towel somewhere dry with good air circulation (I clothespin mine to a string like photos in a darkroom). Once the towel is completely dry, unfold it, remove the seeds and store according to the instructions below.
Tip: if you’re storing seeds that are small-ish and really slippery like cucumbers or melons, you can use the “small/wet” method below which has some advantages at planting time.
Small/Wet seeds – ex: eggplant, tomatoes, tomatillos
Saving tomato seeds (2-ply method)
How to prepare: Lay down a paper towel. If it’s a 2-ply, separate the two layers and peel the top layer back to the middle of the towel. Squish out your seeds onto half of the paper towel (the lower half if you’re doing 2-ply). Spread the seeds and goo into a single layer and fold the other half of the paper towel on top of it. Fold it the other way so seeds can’t escape and put it somewhere dry with good air circulation. Once the towel is completely dry, store it (paper towel and all) according to the instructions below.
Tip: If you went the split 2-ply route, when planting time comes, don’t bother separating the seed from the towel. Just tear off a strip of the towel with seeds in between and plant that. The single layers hold water near the seed so it germinates more quickly but doesn’t hold back growth when it starts to put out roots.
Small/Dry seeds ex: herbs, onions, broccoli, flowers
Saving herbs and other small seeds with a paper bag
How to prepare: These seeds are released from the flower stalk as it dries, so we want to capture them just before they drop. Cut the stalk about four inches below flower head when nearly all (but not all) the stalk is brown. Place the cut stalks flower head down in a paper sandwich bag and tie off the top of the bag with some string. Then place the bag somewhere dry, cool and out of direct light. In a few weeks the flower heads will dry and drop their seeds into the bottom of the bag. (You can encourage this by shaking the bag every so often.) Once all the seeds have dropped, pull the flower heads out and pour the seeds in the bottom of the paper bag into a storage container and store per below.
Tip: These types of seeds, particularly those in the onion family, have a very short shelf life. Plan on using them next planting season if you want a good germination rate.
Storing your seeds
Basically, you just want to keep seeds dry, out of the light and away from temperature extremes. I’m a guy with a fondness for curiously strong mints, so my container of choice is the Altoid tin. When I’m short on tins or I plan on exchanging the seeds, I opt for the plain manila coin envelope, which is about the size of a seed packet. You can pick them up at pretty much any office supply, mega or online store. Since they’re not airtight like a tin is, add a pinch of cornstarch to the envelope before adding the seeds to catch any moisture that may slip in during storage.
Happy seed saving!
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
How To Pick The Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type
How To Pick The Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type
The average man is five-foot-nine and wears a size medium or large. If this sounds like you, then congratulations – you’ve hit the jackpot in denim shopping, and all jeans are essentially made for you.
Brands and designers base their sizing on a man of average dimensions, then scale up or down. Of course, for those that don’t fit these exact specifications, shopping for jeans can be just as tricky as buying tailoring.
Fortunately, there is a checklist for different shapes that, if followed, means you can update your denim rotation with ease and tailor your purchase to your body. This is the FashionBeans guide to buying jeans that suit, whatever your size.
The Basics
For all body types, the four corners of nailing denim purchases are: rise, colour, shape and break.
Before even stepping foot into a shop, it’s important to do some homework. Getting the right inseam measurement forms the basis for all jean choices thereon.
Unless you’re a yoga master, however, it’s a difficult measurement to take yourself. For around £10, dry cleaners or high-street tailors should be able to help, allowing you to tackle the rails knowing you’re not going to end up with flipper feet or pedal pushers.
While shopping, pay attention to the rise (the distance from the crotch seam to the top of the waistband) as much as the length. Both are equally important in getting denim that fits well, but length can be altered easily – the rise cannot.
Ensure that the original hem is kept; otherwise, it will look as though the jeans have just ended abruptly. Not doing so can also change the overall fit. Shortening denim results in a wider leg opening, so learn the terminology and request an original hem rather than a tucked hem.
Shorter Men
If you’re below average height, the perfect pair of jeans will make your frame appear taller than it is. However, thanks to brands’ generic one-shape-fits-all attitude, a shortening effect can just as easily occur.
Luckily for your wallet, you needn’t go down the bespoke route to secure a decent fit. There are a few things that you can do as a vertically-challenged man to get more height on the high street.
If short legs are the issue, avoid low-rise denim at all costs. Stick to mid-rise styles, as these add balance to the top and bottom half of the body.
It seems like common sense that relaxed- or loose-fit jeans would make you look bigger, but in reality, they do the opposite – drowning yourself in fabric is a sure-fire way to look like you’ve borrowed them from someone else’s wardrobe.
“I’d go for a slimmer cut – it seems to work better even if it’s a chunky guy,” says professional stylist and founder of SartoriaLab, Sarah Gilfillan. Pick a straight-leg design to help elongate the body’s frame, thereby giving the illusion of height.
Aside from fit, invest in a simple denim colour that works across your wider wardrobe and steer clear of anything with too much detail. “Choose a wash in a uniform shade (i.e. no contrast fading) and not too low waisted,” suggests Gilfillan.
If you are determined to wear ripped jeans, Gilfillan suggests a lighter coloured denim, so there’s not too much contrast between the rips and the denim colour. “Ensure the back pockets aren’t too low either as this will make your legs look shorter.”
General Guidelines
Mid-rise Solid, dark washes Straight or slim leg Classic break
Key Styles
Taller Men
The definition of ‘tall’ varies from country to country, but typically, anyone over six-foot is thought to fall into this category. That also means it covers a wide range of sizes – everyone from male supermodels to NBA and rugby players will need tall denim, giving retailers a lot of scope to get it wrong.
For taller guys, the high street’s current lean towards high-waisted jeans can be a minefield. A high rise will elongate the length of your legs and make you look out of proportion, so stick to mid- or low-rise denim. Bear in mind that even if the rise is right, tall men need to pay specific attention to the drop (the distance between the waist and the crotch). There should be enough room in the crotch to keep the jeans from pinching, or there could be some seriously unwanted chafing going on.
Despite the industry practice of scaling, there are no set sizing guidelines that all brands adhere to when it comes to denim. Some labels adjust their leg measurement depending on waist size (i.e. the higher the waist size, the longer the inseam), while others offer ‘long’ and ‘regular’ sizing that is inconsistent. It pays to try before you buy.
The ideal cut for this body is a straight or slim leg, but there are a few styles you should steer well clear of. “Tall guys should be trying to add width, so skinny or spray-on jeans are best avoided,” explains Alexander McCalla, a stylist at men’s personal shopping site Thread. “They create a narrow silhouette, which accentuates your height.” Similarly, tapered fits will create an imbalance in the upper body and give the illusion you’re going to topple over.
As for the style of jeans, taller men should go easy on textures and patterns, and instead stick to solid washes. Simple, dark jeans made from lighter weight denim are more flattering on boxier shapes. But avoid all-black outfits, or you risk looking like Slender Man.
“Dark or washed denim is probably best,” adds McCalla. “And it goes without saying that stripes are a no-no. But you weren’t going to wear pinstripe jeans anyway, right?”
As with suit trousers, nailing the break on jeans when tall is imperative. An ever-so-slightly higher break works best, especially for guys who want to introduce a statement sock (or go sockless). Excess material puddling over your sneakers is not only a style faux pas, but will draw the eye down, emphasising your height further. Cuffing or pinrolling your jeans is another styling trick to consider, which helps break up your vertical line and add some bulk to your legs – two things that will make your body appear in proportion.
General Guidelines
Mid- or Low-Rise Dark coloured, lightweight denim (with a belt) Straight or slim leg Slightly higher break
Key Styles
Larger Men
Denim is often seen as the enemy for larger guys, especially when all the shops seem to be stocking are skinny jeans best suited to members of One Direction. However, jeans can, in fact, be a secret weapon in this body type’s arsenal, smoothing any problem areas and adding length – providing they fit properly.
As this suggests, the first thing to do is make sure the jeans are not too tight. Discrepancies in size from store to store, even in inch-by-inch measurements, mean it’s essential for bigger men to try jeans on before handing over cash. If you’re ordering online, try ‘bracketing’ purchases by buying the size you think you are, as well as one up and one down.
“Stretch denim is a great material here,” says personal stylist Daniel Johnson. “A bigger gent’s body has much more movement so the stretch fabric will help to accommodate this, particularly around the thigh.”
Once waistband size is sorted, next look for a style that features a flattering colour. “The old adage of darker colours are slimming is very true here,” says Johnson. “A dark indigo wash denim will work nicely.”
In terms of fit, anything marked ‘slim’ or ‘skinny’ should be avoided like the plague – the last thing you want is to spend 15 minutes each morning wrestling with your jeans, only to end up with a muffin top. “If a man carries weight around his middle then slim-cut jeans will not be helpful,” Johnson says. “We want to balance out the middle and go slightly wider on the leg of the jean. That being said there is nothing wrong with a little tapering to follow and smooth out the lines of the body.”
As any sartorially-savvy gent will no doubt agree, style is in the details (or lack thereof). And that goes double when picking out jeans. “I’ve got clients who are on the larger side and I always try to adjust the scale of the detail to that person,” explains Johnson. “Some men may have a large upper half and slim legs, so in this case I’d use larger details such as pockets or belt loops to balance and maintain the scale of a larger torso and vice versa.”
Keeping that in mind, a recurring suggestion from stylists, when asked about tips for larger men, was to keep pockets empty. Stuffing them with everything except the kitchen sink increases how large your waist appears by making them out of shape and saggy. Clean lines and a neat fit are the keys to looking good here.
General Guidelines
Low-rise Dark coloured, lightweight denim Straight leg Lower break
Key Styles
Skinny Men
While you might not necessarily hit the magic five-foot-nine, medium/large formula, a thinner frame does give room to play with contemporary styles; especially jeans that add visual bulk such as patchwork, embroidery or bleaching.
When looking for the most flattering rise, you can get away with whatever style you like. But to build up your stature, opt for a lower rise. The cut is roomy without drawing attention to undefined or smaller legs.
Choosing the right fabric is an easy way to give the illusion of a more solid structure without resorting to baggy denim. As a general rule, anything that looks slightly rough to the touch will give the illusion of increased mass.
The thickness of selvedge denim is great for skinny legs, particularly in a lighter shade, which swerves the slimming effect caused by dark colours.
As for the shape, avoid buying extremes. Super-slim cuts will only highlight a lack of bulk, so stay away from any styles labelled ‘stretch’, ‘spray’ or contain high amounts of elastane. Similarly, an oversized or relaxed fit creates a messy silhouette and will leave you looking like you raided your big brother’s wardrobe.
“For the more slender man, I would always opt for jeans with a slim fit, or straight-leg jeans with a slight taper at the ankle,” says Sabina Emrit, a stylist who has worked with everyone from Stormzy to Sir Ian McKellen.
Thin men share the same goal as men of all other body types, and that is to balance proportions. To do this with the leg length, aim for a small, neat break. “Make sure the sneakers are low-tops and if you want a little more detail, turn the jeans up,” advises Emrit. “And don’t be afraid to take your jeans to a tailor. You do it with your trousers, and you probably wear your jeans a lot more – so it makes sense and can make such a difference.”
General Guidelines
Low-rise Light coloured, heavyweight denim Slim, straight leg Classic break
Key Styles
Muscular Men
Got that upside-down triangle shape body thing going on? More power to you. You’ve obviously been putting the man hours in at the gym. Yet while being able to categorise your body type as ‘muscular’ on dating sites does come with its advantages, it can make choosing a well-fitting pair of jeans a right royal pain in the masterfully-toned glutes.
Thankfully, achieving a good fit doesn’t have to mean losing any of your painstakingly acquired muscle mass. Not if you know how to dress for your body shape. “For muscular guys I tend to stay away from both bootcut and skinny jeans,” says Joshua Meredith, fashion coordinator for Notion Magazine. “Neither [will] do you any favours.”
This issue arises because skinny jeans (and especially god-awful muscle fits) accentuate the legs too much, throwing things out of whack with the rest of the body. “On a muscular guy this tends to make them look uncomfortable due to the tightness of the jeans around the thighs,” adds Meredith. “It can make it look as though the jeans are too small.”
Bootcut jeans are at the opposite end of the spectrum. They sap all of the definition from the legs. The aim should be to complement the shape of the body, not hide it entirely. “Try going for tapered fits instead,” suggest Meredith. “This cut is flattering to all areas of the leg due to its roomy thigh and narrow calves and leg openings.”
Aside from tapered, straight-leg jeans can work nicely for stacked guys too. The looser fit will help to balance out the legs with the torso while also avoiding the fabric clinging in any problem areas.
“Always have a dark wash and light wash, as these are quick and easy to pair with anything,” says Meredith. “For alternative colours it depends on the person’s style.” But unless your fashion heroes appeared on Love Island, go easy on white and off-white.
General Guidelines
Straight or tapered fit Dark and light wash Low- or mid-rise No bootcut, skinny or muscle fit
Key Styles
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sageinthegarden · 5 years
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A new snapshot from https://sagesacre.com/2019/09/23/how-to-save-seeds-the-lazy-way/
How to Save Seeds the Lazy Way
Summer’s Over! Let’s get a start on next year’s garden now with little to no effort
Happy first day of Autumn.
With the exception of the pumpkins and some stragglers in the beans and tomatoes, my summer garden is pretty much done. But before I clear out the beds to make room for fall and winter stuff, I like to go through and collect seed from my favorites and stash it away for next spring and to exchange with others.
Collecting seeds isn’t rocket science, so I’m not going to explain how to pick seed sources. I just use over-ripe fruit or post-bloom flower heads, both pretty common in my garden at the end of the season, to ensure you get the highest number of mature seeds capable of germination.
Equally important to having good seed stock is drying and storing so they can germinate months (or even years) down the road. Some people have elaborate methods for seed prep. I’m not one of them. I’m lazy, so I’ve come up with ways of keeping pretty much any type of seed in good condition with little time or effort.
Preparing seeds for storage
For the purposes of saving and storing, all seeds are one of the following: large/dry, large/wet, small/dry and small/wet. I consider a seed to be “large” if I can easily pick up an individual seed with my fingers and “small” if I can’t. “Dry” means the seed is loose and doesn’t stick to a dry surface, “wet” means it clumps with other seeds and sticks to a dry surface. Here’s how I prep and store each type:
Large/Dry seeds – ex: beans, corn, peas, and chili peppers
Chili Peppers can be dried on a rack and stored as is.
How to prepare: air dry in the pod/shell/husk. I toss them on a square plant tray and put them in a dry place out of direct sunlight (usually my garden shed). Every few days move them around so they dry evenly. In a couple of weeks the husk/pod/shell will dry and crack. At that point you can shell the seeds. Let them sit out for a day and dry any leftover moisture.
Tip: chili peppers have thinner skins than their sweet cousins so they can be dried and stored whole, no muss, no fuss. When it comes time to plant, crack the skin on a few peppers and you’ll have all the seeds you need.
Large/Wet – ex: squash, cucumbers, melons and bell peppers
How to prepare: Lay down a paper towel and carve the seeds out of the seed wall on to half of the paper towel. Spread the seeds out (squishy goo and all) so they’re in a single layer on that half. Then fold the other half of the paper towel over on top of the seeds, press down to make the squishy stuff stick, and then fold the paper towel in half the other way so the seeds can’t slip out the end. Put the paper towel somewhere dry with good air circulation (I clothespin mine to a string like photos in a darkroom). Once the towel is completely dry, unfold it, remove the seeds and store according to the instructions below.
Tip: if you’re storing seeds that are small-ish and really slippery like cucumbers or melons, you can use the “small/wet” method below which has some advantages at planting time.
Small/Wet seeds – ex: eggplant, tomatoes, tomatillos
Saving tomato seeds (2-ply method)
How to prepare: Lay down a paper towel. If it’s a 2-ply, separate the two layers and peel the top layer back to the middle of the towel. Squish out your seeds onto half of the paper towel (the lower half if you’re doing 2-ply). Spread the seeds and goo into a single layer and fold the other half of the paper towel on top of it. Fold it the other way so seeds can’t escape and put it somewhere dry with good air circulation. Once the towel is completely dry, store it (paper towel and all) according to the instructions below.
Tip: If you went the split 2-ply route, when planting time comes, don’t bother separating the seed from the towel. Just tear off a strip of the towel with seeds in between and plant that. The single layers hold water near the seed so it germinates more quickly but doesn’t hold back growth when it starts to put out roots.
Small/Dry seeds ex: herbs, onions, broccoli, flowers
Saving herbs and other small seeds with a paper bag
How to prepare: These seeds are released from the flower stalk as it dries, so we want to capture them just before they drop. Cut the stalk about four inches below flower head when nearly all (but not all) the stalk is brown. Place the cut stalks flower head down in a paper sandwich bag and tie off the top of the bag with some string. Then place the bag somewhere dry, cool and out of direct light. In a few weeks the flower heads will dry and drop their seeds into the bottom of the bag. (You can encourage this by shaking the bag every so often.) Once all the seeds have dropped, pull the flower heads out and pour the seeds in the bottom of the paper bag into a storage container and store per below.
Tip: These types of seeds, particularly those in the onion family, have a very short shelf life. Plan on using them next planting season if you want a good germination rate.
Storing your seeds
Basically, you just want to keep seeds dry, out of the light and away from temperature extremes. I’m a guy with a fondness for curiously strong mints, so my container of choice is the Altoid tin. When I’m short on tins or I plan on exchanging the seeds, I opt for the plain manila coin envelope, which is about the size of a seed packet. You can pick them up at pretty much any office supply, mega or online store. Since they’re not airtight like a tin is, add a pinch of cornstarch to the envelope before adding the seeds to catch any moisture that may slip in during storage.
Happy seed saving!
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