#so fucking pissed rn
causalityparadoxes · 5 months
Anyone else feel like theyre never fucking listened to unless someone else proves you were right. Like you give advice and they say 'Oh thats lovely dear I'm sure your right 🤭' or 'I dont know but that doesnt sound right'. But then the MOMENT Bobby down the road or Jan at the hairdressers says the same thing SUDDENLY they're repeating EXACTLY what you said last week as if its a new fucking revelation.
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blurred-antics · 5 months
i hate that the medical industry doesn't take reproductive health seriously when you have a uterus/ovaries. i hate that the only solution for 99% of issues is birth control unless you visually have an immediate complication, and even then sometimes the answer is still just birth control. i hate that companies don't let you have paid time off. i hate that asking for help is seen as weak or that you're lazy for being unable to do it all alone.
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
i don't think tiktok kids and instagram girls are allowed to have an opinion on tumblr
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Love getting up early just to sit around in a dark room for an hour
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appalachy · 2 years
cant wrap my head around the whole mobilisation thing. its makes me sp angry and mad and its so stupid. like, the fact that theyre mobilising 300k ppl really just means that the professional army has failed, it gpt fucking destroyed over a couple of months and now theyre sending some sad guys with little to no training and rusty ass equipment to achieve what exactly? if the professionals got obliterated what are these random ppl supposed to do? theyre all just gonna die for nothing not even for like a good cause or shit what a pathetic way to go
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This is bullshit! This website is dedicated to preserving not just books, but audio files, videos, websites, this is the source of the wayback machine! They have effectively lost the right to lend out digital books, regardless of origin. This now limits our resources even further. It's another book banning issue, and it needs to be heard.
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mopeytwat · 5 months
new pics of Con with his dog HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL WHATHTHEFUCJ
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
Since maul is such a perfectionist and needs his REVENGE on Obi-Wan to be planned out and perfect, I feel like if they ever just bumped into each other Maul wouldn’t go full feral mode
Obi-Wan would be like “oh damn I guess we gotta fight to the death now :/“ and Maul grinding his teeth like “no not today it’s not on the flow chart”
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karkatbug · 2 months
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1 day to go! Day 5 - Worst Enemies
dirk poked the bear and all he had to say for himself was 'yikes' dsjkfhfkh
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utterdrip · 4 months
“i dont really have anything to offer besides more burdens”
“and here i was beginning to believe someone actually cared for me. but i shouldnt have deluded myself”
“you gave me precious , IMPOSSIBLE moments of comfort. i just wanted more”
“i dont want to risk treating you like a victim of his”
“yes there is no point in me besides having sex. my only talent. i am FULLY. aware”
“from the start, i was counting down until this ended”
you. you want me to believe that this man. holds no feelings for the player until after cazador. this man?
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souvenir116 · 2 months
Charles deserved a fucking podium today after the masterclass he had done. Ferrari never fail to amaze, really.
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333bugs · 12 days
i have this weird ass headcanon that clown adopted zam and i dont feel like explaining everything right now but when zam was in eclipse fed he tried to ask clown for dating advice without telling him who its about (clown guessed it was subz and vitalasy immediately) so i have this
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 months
I think the Oaks plus Hermie should fucking kick scam to death for that prophecy being fake, i am so fucking close to doing a whole ass jurgen leitner rant about scam fucking likely rn fuck this shit omg. So Hero got fucking traumatized and trained and was put under so much fucking pressure for NOTHING?!?! She fucked up her relashonship with her brother and whole family for nothibg?! Sparrow put really high expectations onto his kids for shit. Like if not for the fucking prophecy Normal and Hero wouldnt be fucking traning at daddies and so code purple wouldnt fucking happen and maybe Henry would still fucking talk with his fucking sons. Jebać Scama, wtf skurwiel jebany omg hold me the fuck down or i will rip his skin of one milimeter at a time with my own nails fuck that guy, cocks in his ass shut the fuck up oh my fucking god his bitchass got me so fucking pissed. I hope he dies in agony, bitch got me swearing in polish i hope he diesssss!!!!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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"Now I know what you're thinking, 'Matpat why would we possibly need to know the whereabouts of Springtrap's jolly baby maker?' Well let me assure you, this one piece of seemingly irrelevant FNAF trivia may prove to be the catalyst for all the things that happen in the game, and the key to solving the FNAF lore altogether. So strap in friends, because we've got a lot of things we need to cover."
a la tumblr being a bastard and not allowing me ta add audio onta this post (its very funny trust bro go read it)
OH I ALMOST FORGOR @skeletoninthemelonland
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mostlymaudlin · 10 months
one of my favorite things about carry on fandom (at least as it has existed since i joined in 2021) is that no one gets hung up on like... writing expertise or fics being "out of character." this is especially impressive because there is SO MUCH character analysis that goes on in this fandom, and yet it never translates to dunking on interpretations of characters that ppl disagree with. there's just genuine joy over the face that people are out here writing and sharing and putting their own twists on stories.
in general, everyone is just so encouraging abt art, and that's such a wonderful environment for people who are new to writing/sharing their writing. and for people who are not new but still feel nervous about putting themselves out there. it's really special! i think it's similar for visual art too
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stiffyck · 3 months
are you guys tired after liking a post? is reblogging it too much work? poor you.
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