#so he expected to be just like the wizards who came before him and trained all hus life but ultimately was judt a shadow of what they were
vaugarde · 1 year
king dedede @ magolor after arriving on halcandra
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#egg engines is kinda a hellscape LMAO#dangerous dinner aint much better#its either abandoned mechanical wasteland full of sewage or Lava Place#no wonder he just stays inside the lor all the time#this actually factors into my own hcs abt him actually like. he grew up on halcandra so long after the ancients left it decrepit#and he grew up being told stories abt their exploits and abt galactic nova and hes named after the lor itself#(hes trans in my hc but didnt change his name bc he likes the honor and its not gendered)#so he expected to be just like the wizards who came before him and trained all hus life but ultimately was judt a shadow of what they were#and his planet is near uninhabitable and he also grew up alone after a point in time#so he wanted to live somewhere else but bc his ego is so inflated by him being a descendant hes like. a conquerer and a bitch#this isnt me woobifying him hes still a villain in the first game very much but he’s egotistical and has no people skills#and he thinks hes supposed to be this grand inventor wizard who everyone should bow down to#hes got a complex is what im saying#and he was wayyyy in over his head and he literally nearly dies from the master crowns possession#echoed voice#also think hes really close to the rtdl gang and lor post redemption bc theyre the first real friends hes ever had#i mean the lor lets him fly it still so i think it likes him. i think it finds him endearing bc it did know the ancients#and hes like…. wow i have friends now. im gonna break my back trying to impress them’’ and builds multiple theme parks#styled after him ofc bc hes still obsessed w himself he just knows not to pull that shit now#rtdl liveblog#damn this was a meme post and i went blorbo mode on magolor sorry. lmao
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
In Bloom
Chapter One
Max wasn't like other Hogwarts students. He was having to live with the terrible things his father had done. Everybody expected him to turn out like his father, but he was the furthest thing from. He just needed two people to see that
Lestappen X Reader
Okay so this follows the basic plot of the Harry potter books (from memory), with some major differences to fit our drivers. A list of which Harry potter each driver relates to can be found HERE
Series Masterlist
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Max Verstappen could still remember the dread he felt as he stepped up to the sorting hat at just eleven years old. Everybody avoided him on the train, and he'd waited at the back of the queue to be sorted.
Not Slytherin, he thought as he climbed those stairs. Anything but Slytherin.
It came as no surprise that he was sorted into Slytherin. His entire family had been, and he was no different. 'There wasn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin,' he'd heard somebody say before the sorting.
But even Slytherin didn't want him. He went to sit down and everybody shuffled away from him, giving him plenty of space. Even in his newfound house, even with the people that were supposed to be like his family, as professor Vettel had said, he felt alone.
Unable to look past his own dread, Max had failed to notice something. He failed to notice the boy with his hair covering his forehead and eyes, definitely impairing his vision. Even when the boys name was called, Max didn't notice.
He shouldn't have been surprised to hear the name 'Leclerc Charles' called. He was the boy that had defeated his father, after all. The whispers began as soon as his name was called. Gryffindor, his new house, cheered as he ran to join them. The same thing happened for Max just moments later, but without the cheering. They were like mythical creatures to the other students in the hall. Well, Charles was. Max was more like a circus freak.
First year for Max Verstappen was incredibly lonely. All anybody wanted to talk to him about was his father. They were all questions he couldn't answer because he didn't know his father. He had been destroyed when Max was only a year old.
Flying lessons were Max's favourite. He'd grown up watching Quidditch with his mother, even playing it sometimes. She'd played it for her entire life, up until she met Jos. It was in Max's blood. Max was determined to show Professor Button just what he could do to be put on the Slytherin team. No first year had ever made it onto the team before, he was determined to be the first.
Max tried to act shocked when Professor Button went to Professor Alonso, the head of Slytherin house, and begged him to put Max on the Qudditch team. "He's the best thing this schools ever seen!" Professor Button insisted.
Professor Alonso gave him a trial period. One match to prove he could keep up with the older kids on the team. For Max Verstappen, it was the easiest thing in the world.
This was the stuff of legend in Hogwarts. But it was overshadowed by Charles Leclerc and his idiot friends.
Max didn't know what happened to Charles, Esteban and Pierre under the school. It was all speculation and rumours. Nobody know whether they fought a dragon or found the legendary philosophers stone. Only Professor Schumacher knew that. Professor Schumacher and Charles.
Max heard all of the rumours. He ignored them as best he could. But there was one rumour that he couldn't shake. "Someone said that it was your dad Charles was fighting under the school," said Nikita, a fellow Sytherin and a massive dickhead. "Said he killed him, again."
Max couldn't stop his reaction. He leapt out of his seat in the common room and swung his fist at Nikita, hitting him square in the jaw. Nikita stumbled back, holding his jaw. Shock played on his face, but it soon turned into a smile. "You're going to regret," he started. "Didn't you know my father is close, personal friends with the minister?"
"I didn't ask, Nikita," Max spat as he walked away, leaving the common room all together.
First year wasn't all bad for Max. No, he made history on the Quidditch team and he made a few friends. Lando and Daniel, two Hufflepuffs with the widest smiles and hearts of gold.
He met Daniel first. He was maybe the first person Max had ever properly gotten along with. He found a kindred spirit in Daniel. He was maybe the funniest person Max had ever met.
Daniel had introduced Max to Lando halfway through their first year. Max had never had that connection with anybody. He finally knew what it was like to have friends, and it felt amazing. For the first time since arriving at the school, Max was himself. He was happy, funny, bubbly. Every joke Max cracked had Daniel folded at the waist, hands on his knees as he laughed.
Their friendship continued into Max and Lando's second year. Daniel was just that little bit older, going into his fourth year.
Second year was the first proper run in that Max had with Charles Leclerc. It had been a shit day for Max, Nikita was being an ass and his potions test scores were less than perfect. He was pissed at himself. His escape was the quidditch pitch. It was supposed to be empty. He could fly around, weaving in and out of the stands and goal hoops as much as he liked.
But he wasn't alone. No, somebody else was opening the box of quidditch supplies. Max hung back, watching to see what Charles did. He watched as Charles tucked the quaffle under his arm and mounted his broom.
He wasn't even on the quidditch team for his house. What was he doing there? But, the more Max watched, the more he understood. He watched as Charles flew around with skill. He did what Max was going to do, weaving around the stands and through the goal hoops, all with the quaffle tucked under his arm. It was no easy accomplishment. Max was thoroughly impressed.
He gave Charles a nod as he mounted his broom and flew around. They stayed away from each other that time, practiced without disturbing one another.
As soon as Max was done, he rushed to Professor Buttons office. He was still in his quidditch robes, his fingers a little frozen as he held his broom. "Professor," he called as he knocked on the door. "Can I talk to you?"
Max would never tell Charles Leclerc that he was the reason he was on the quidditch team. They hadn't spoken two words to each other yet, Max couldn't imagine a time where they'd be that friendly.
In his second year of Quidditch Max proved himself to be better than anyone expected. But, with the addition of Charles to the Gryffindor team, Slytherin finally had some real competition.
But the year wasn't all sparkles and rainbows. Not when the attacks started. Muggleborns being petrified, it was terrifying.
When the chamber of secrets was opened, everybody turned to Max. His father had opened it last time, hadn't he? So it only made sense that he opened it this time.
Those were the first words Charles Leclerc spoke to him. "Did you open the chamber of secrets?"
Mac couldn't hide the shock on his face. "Are you kidding me? Why would I want to attack muggleborns?" One of his best friends was muggleborn, for goodness sake.
But still, Charles wouldn't leave it alone. Things only got worse when Esteban was petrified. Charles cornered Max, demanded he fixed what he had done. All Max could do was express condolences and walk away.
But then Daniel was petrified. "Fuck," Max choked out when Lando told him. He followed him to the hospital wing and rushed straight to Daniels side. He wouldn't leave, not until his best friend was up and moving. The nurses were too afraid of him to pull him away.
Golden boy Charles saved the day. He found out who had been opening the chamber, a little first year who had no control over her actions. A cure for the petrifications was made using Mandrakes and Esteban and Daniel were on their feet just before the end of the year.
Max had been avoiding Charles. Ever seen his confronted him over Esteban, he wanted nothing to do with him. He and everyone else would always see him as the villain. It was so sad to learn that at just twelve years old.
But Charles found him. He cornered him once again, but this time, his expression was soft. "I'm sorry," he said.
Max looked at the floor, his jaw tight.
"It was wrong of me to assume that you're the one who opened the chamber. I realise that now," he continued.
Max let out something of a snort. "Just because my dad is a monster, it doesn't mean I am," was all he said. He pushed past him, trying to get away, trying to get to the end of year feast. But, before he could get too far, he stopped and turned back towards Charles. "If you want any chance of beating us in Quidditch next year, you should get a haircut, stop it from going in your eyes."
Just before the start of their third year, mass murderer Nico Rosberg escaped from Azkaban. Max remembered reading it in the paper. He read the headline out loud and his mother let the plate she was holding slip from her grasp. "Nico got out?" She asked as she rushed over.
Max nodded his head and showed her the paper. "I wanna know how he got past the dementors," he said with curiosity. He then turned to his mother. "Did you know him?"
It wasn't often she spoke about her time with Jos. From the little bits Max knew, it was awful and Max was the only good thing to come from it.
She shook her head. "He started Hogwarts just as I was finishing. I remember hearing his name a lot. He was always causing some sort of trouble with his best friend."
Max dropped the topic. The news article had said that Nico had been a supporter of his father. If he was out, maybe he was going to try and finish the job on Charles.
At the first feast of the year, a new teacher was introduced. Professor Hamilton, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for the year. But that wasn't all. Max watched from the Slytherin table as Lando walked into the hall, his arm around a pretty girl. He knew Lando had other friends, had seen him with this girl a few times. But he didn't know her, not at all.
It was indescribable how pretty she was. Max's eyes followed as she sat herself down between Lando and his other Hufflepuff friend, Max (Fewtrell).
Max tried really hard not to stare, but it was damn near impossible. She was his very first crush, and he didn't even know her name.
For the few classes he shared with Hufflepuff, Max tried to get Lando to tell him her name. Maybe it was because Lando wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, but he just wasn't getting it. Max was being as obvious as he could be, without saying anything at all.
The day he learnt her name was the same day that he watched her run up to Chatles Leclerc and plant a kiss on his cheek. Maxs face fell. She was his first crush, and she was with somebody else. That was just his luck.
She was with Charles, that was clear. Max saw the way he placed his arm over her shoulders while they talked with Lando. So, why the hell was Lando introducing her to Max in the middle of charms?
She held her hand out to him, a lovely smile on her face. "I can't believe you two haven't met before," Lando said as he sat on the table.
Max couldn't quite believe he was shaking her hand. He had no clue what to say to her and, in a desperate bid to make a good first impression, he made a terrible one
But it didn't matter. The next time Max saw her was care of magical creatures with professor Brown. As with every lesson, Nikita made an ass of himself. Max couldn't help but shut him down, and that seemed to impress her.
But Nikita didn't know when to quit. It was his fault the beast struck him. It was his fault he'd sustained such an injury to his arm.
It was all he could talk about for the next few weeks. Max didn't know what would happen to the beast that had 'attacked' Nikita. Nikita boasted about a trial, about the beast being put to death. Of course, Max didn't believe it, not until he saw her crying about it.
She was too pretty to cry, Max thought as he watched her across the hall. She sat at the Gryffindor table, leaning against Charles as he rubbed her back. That should have been him, Max couldn't help but selfishly think.
On the day of the beasts execution, Max followed her and Charles down to Professor Brown's hut. He stayed behind them, watching as she swung her fist towards Nikita. Good, he thought. It was what that prick deserved.
She and Charles didn't notice him as they stepped into Professor Brown's hut. But Professor Brown did. "Come on in, Max," he said, stepping aside to let her and Charles see him.
Charles didn't scowl, like Max had expected. He gave him a sad smile as she stepped towards him, holding him. "It's awful, Max," she sobbed against his shirt. "They're going to kill him because Nikita is an asshole."
Max stood there, looked at Charles over the top of the head. There was a minute before he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed slightly.
"I found something of yours," said Professor Brown as he guided her away from Max. He grabbed a shoe box and opened it up, revealing her pet rat.
She didn't show up to Hogwarts with an owl, cat, rat or toad. This rat she had found at the station and, in a bid of desperation, she picked him up. He was so tame, she figured he had to be a magical rat.
Before they knew it, they were being ushered out of the hut by Professor Brown. They hid behind shrubbery as Professor Schumacher, the head master, brought Bernie Ecclestone, the minister, and the executioner, down to the hut.
As soon as the three of them had their backs to the students, Max and Charles got her back to the castle. They got halfway there before the sound of the axe hitting something stopped them.
Her gasp rang in the boys ears and she turned towards Charles, burying her face in his chest as she cried. "It's okay, chérie. I've got you."
But, suddenly, he didn't have her. Suddenly she was on the floor, screaming as a vicious, hairy beast dragged her towards the womping willow, its jaws clamped around her leg. Charles screamed her name as he ran after her, but the tree fought back.
Fuck, Max thought as he ran after Charles. The tree attacked them however it could, keeping them away from the tunnel the beast had dragged her down.
Charles dodged those he could, but one smacked him in the chest and he went flying back, the air knocked from his lungs when he landed. Max had gotten closer to the tunnel entrance. He jumped over the trees limbs when they came towards him, getting to the tunnel entrance in minutes.
But he couldn't leave Charles behind. The tree didn't fight him as he ran back towards him. "Come on," Max grunted, grabbing Charles's hand and pulling him to his feet.
The tree once again tried to stop them. Max kept a hold of Charles's hand, pulling him around the attacking limbs. They ducked and dodged and jumped. But one limb managed to knock them both over. Max immediately grabbed the limb and Charles grabbed a hold of him.
They were lifted into the air, the tree trying to throw them off. But it was doing do in a pattern, one Max easily deciphered. "Hold on!" He shouted to Charles, who just squeezed him tighter.
At the right moment Max let go of the branch, falling into the tunnel entrance. Charles was right behind him, landing on top of him. "Sorry," Charles said, taking his hand and helping him up. He pulled his wand from his back pocket and held it out in front of him. "Lumos," he whispered and the tunnel lit up.
Holding his wand out in front of them, Charles led the way through the tunnel. They followed paw prints until they weren't paw prints anymore, but feet, the soles of battered shoes against the dirt.
When they got to a set of old and unstable steps, Max and Charles looked at each other. She was up there, she had to be.
"Nox," Charles whispered. The first step creaked under his foot and he nervously looked to Max. But they climbed the stairs anyway. The closer they got to the top of the stairs, they more they could hear her pained gasps. The two of them hurried.
Charles couldn't stop himself from kicking the door open. "Charles, Max, no!" She cried, grasping her bloody leg. "It's a trap, he's an animagus!"
As the door swung shut behind them, Max and Charles turned around. There he was, his striped jumpsuit tattered and dirty. The smile he wore was grim and his blonde hair was long and disgusting.
Immediately, Max and Charles put their bodies between her and Rosberg. The escaped convict's smile only grew as he took a step forward. "Move aside." His eyes were focused on Max. "It's not you that I want."
But Max stood in front of them protectively. "If you want to get to either of them, you have to go through me."
Rosberg laughed. "Stupid boy," he said through his laugh. "I don't want either of them, I want him," he said, pointing at her.
Her body tembled as she held her mangled leg. The rat in her pocket was squeaking uncontrollably. "I-I'm a girl!" She cried.
But Rosberg let out an exasperated sigh. He lifted his wand.
Professor Hamilton, that years defence against the dark arts teacher, stood in the door way. It wasn't a surprise that none of them heard him coming up the stairs, not with the way adrenaline was running through them.
Professor Hamilton looked at the kids and then at Rosberg. And then he dropped his wand and stepped forwards, pulling him into his embrace. "Good to see you, old friend," he said, clapping him on the back.
"What the fuck?" Max couldn't help himself. He held his wand out in front of him. "I trusted you, and this entire time you've been working with him? You've been on my dad's side, too?"
"Max, you don't understand," Hamilton replied, holding his hand up. "This entire time I thought that Nico did all of those terrible things. But then Charles came to me and said he saw someone on the map that I believed to be dead. Sergio Perez."
"Well, the map was wrong, then!" Charles called. He had migrated over to her, crouching by her side. She wasn't okay and there was nothing he could do.
Hamilton shook his head. "The map never lies," he said. "It could only mean one thing, Charles. That Checo was alive and he was the reason your parents are dead."
Slowly, Charles stood up. He pulled his wand from his pocket as he walked forward. "That's not true," he said. "It couldn't have been him because he died. Rosberg killed him and all they could find was-"
"A finger! Chopped it off and escaped into the sewers, he did," Rosberg finished.
Hamilton looked past them as Charles tried to process everything in his mind. "Your rat, please," said Hamilton as he looked at her.
"What? No! What do you want with him?" She cried as she pulled him from her pocket and held him close to her chest. But Professor Hamilton was still advancing, reaching for the rat.
It was Charles that stopped him. He held his hand up, asking Professor Hamilton to just give him a moment, before crouching down to her height. "Please, chérie. I need you to trust me," he said, reaching for the rat.
For just a moment, she stared at Charles. He thought he was going to have to pry the rat from her hands and lose her trust forever. But she willingly gave the rat to Charles, who handed it to Professor Hamilton.
"We do this together," said Rosberg as he grabbed his wand from the floor.
Once again, Rosbergs wand went flying out of his hands. Hamilton kept ahold of the rat as they wheeled around to find the head of Slytherin house.
"I told Schumacher," Alonso began as he walked into the room. "I said from the minute you arrived that you were trouble. And here you are, helping your old friend into the castle. Well, Lewis, you can have Nico's old cell once the dementors give him that kiss. I've heard they're looking forward to it. Got a cell in the tower waiting for you."
"Oh, piss off, little Nando no mates," Nico spat, but suddenly Fernando had his wand against his neck. Instantly, Nico stilled.
Fernando turned his attention to the kids. "You three, get back to the castle."
But they weren't going anywhere. Max knew it, Charles knew it, and she couldn't move.
Fernando quickly turned his attention back to Lewis and Nico. Before he could begin talking, Charles had raised his wand. "Expelliarmus!"
It was just meant to disarm Alonso, not send him flying back into the wall, knocking him out cold. "Shit, Charles," Max said through something of a grin. "You attacked a teacher."
But Charles didn't care about that. "Show me Perez," he demanded.
Hamilton and Rosberg were only too happy to oblige. Hamilton placed the rat onto the floor. He and Rosberg pointed their wands at the rat, sending silent spells in his direction.
The rat kept going, seemingly dodging the magic. But then, he wasn’t a rat at all. It wasn't clear which one cast the incantation, but a small-ish man in tattered clothing stood in the place of the rat. The most damning piece of evidence? His missing finger.
Charles couldn't quite believe his eyes. So Rosberg hadn't been the cause of his parents death. It had been Perez all along. Rosberg was an innocent nan, wrongfully imprisoned for all of those years.
"We do this together," said Rosberg. Hamilton nodded and, together, they pointed their wands at Perez.
"No, no, no!" He cried, scurrying across the floor. He quickly moved past Charles,towards her. "Girl, sweet girl," he said as she attempted to shuffle away from him. But, with her leg, she couldn't get far enough. "You won't let them hurt me, will you?"
Max pushed Perez away from her. "Leave her alone," he said through something of a snarl.
"Don't kill him," Charles said as he looked to Hamilton and Rosberg. "Take him to the castle. The dementors can have him and you could go free," he said, eying Rosberg.
Rosberg couldn't quite believe it. He cast a spell that bound Perez and lifted Alonso into the air.
"Oh, chérie," Charles whispered. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead before lifting her into his arms. She let out a small cry as Charles adjusted her, her injured leg brushing against his arm. But she locked her arms around his neck.
Max led the way. His wand was out, light coming from it as tye group of seven made their way back through the tunnel towards the school. Periodically Max turned around, looking at Charles as he carried her. That should have been him, he thought again.
Max climbed out of the tunnel first. He turned taking her body from Charles. One by one they climbed out of the tunnel. She stood on her uninjured leg as Alonso's still unconscious body was placed on the ground. Rosberg and Hamilton wandered a little way away from the group,the two of them looking up at the castle.
"How're you feeling, chérie?" Charles asked. He hardly called her by any other name. She gave a weak, pained smile. That was all Charles needed before he was pulling her body into his own, letting her rest against him.
Suddenly, Hamilton made a noise. A low, guttural noise, something inhuman. He looked away from the castle, his jaw slack and his eyes distant as he stared at the moon. The full moon.
"Shit," Rosberg hissed. Max stood to attention, placing himself between the changing werewolf and his friends. "Lewis, not now!" Nico cried wrapping his arms around him, as if trying to hold him together. "Any time but now!"
But Hamilton was still changing. His limbs were elongating, a thin layer of hair covering his skin. His clothes were shredded from his skin as his snout formed and hid ears sharpened.
Realising that he could do nothing, Nico let go out Lewis. He transformed into his animagus form, putting himself between the werewolf and the students.
At first, Hamilton barely moved. His breathing was heavy as he took just a moment to recover from the transformation.
As best as she could, she hopped forwards. "Chérie," Charles hissed in warning, trying to keep a hold of her.
She couldn't push him away, couldn't stand on her own as she looked at the werewolf. "Professor?" She called. "Professor Hamilton?"
The beast raised its head. The howl it let out echoed around the castle grounds. It was enough to rouse Professor Alonso from his temporary time out. "You!" He cried, pointing an accusing finger at Charles. Charles, who didn't much care, Charles, who was more concerned with getting her as close to him as possible.
When Alonso turned and around saw the beast, he threw his arms protectively around the three of them, keeping them behind him. There wasn't much else he could do but watch, his body shielding them, as Nico jumped at the beast.
The werewolf immediately threw him off, but Nico came back, this time doing damage. But again, the werewolf tossed him to one side. This time, Nico didn't get back up.
With his threat neutralised, the werewolf turned his attention back to the four of them. He got down onto all fours and slowly stalked forward. His slow pace only seemed to indicate that he was toying with them, that, no matter what they did, they were his prey.
Suddenly, from way in the distance, there was a howl. Hamilton turned towards it. He howled once more himself before he took off, running in the direction the howl had come from and completely ignoring his once prey.
As soon as Hamilton was gone, Charles passed her to Max. "Get her to the hospital wing!" He shouted as he took off running.
"Leclerc!" Alonso bellowed, but he made no move to go after him. "Get back here!"
But Charles was gone, disappearing off to wherever Nico was.
Her arms locked around Max's neck as he picked her up. Suddenly he was thinking quidditch for the useful muscles it had given him. "I'm sorry to put you through all of this," she whispered as her head fell against his shoulder.
He shook his head. "You didn't put me through anything," he replied. He so desperately wanted to kiss her head like he had seen Charles do. "Besides, if I wasn't here Professor Alonso would be carrying you. Do you really want that?" He asked and she let out a little giggle.
A small amount of pride blossomed in his chest.
At the hospital wing Max was asked to leave. But he refused. There was no way in hell he was just going to leave her. It was the only time he threw his name around to get his way.
At some point in the night Charles was brought into the hospital wing. He looked awful, like he had tried to drive a race car after suffering from appendicitis. But the nurse had confirmed that he was alive.
Max didn't sleep much that night. He stayed up, watching over his friends, recounting the events. It wasn't Nico Rosberg who had killed all of those people in the name of his father. It was Sergio Perez. Perez had gotten away in the commotion of their teacher being a fucking werewolf. It was crazy, but Max didn't know how he hadn't spotted it soon. Lupin took a few days a month off, Max just didn't notice that they were around the time of a full moon.
But Perez had gotten away, his father's loyal dog had gotten away, and Max would never forgive himsed.
He didn't know when he had fallen asleep. But, when he woke up, Pierre and Esteban sat around Charles. "I can't believe you went with him instead of us," Pierre muttered as he gestured to Max. Max simply sat up straighter, scowling in return.
"He saved her," was all Charles said as he nodded towards the girl sleeping beside Max.
The three of them continued to talk, and Max tried his best not to listen in. But it was harder than it looked when he constantly heard his name being dropped. They could fucking talk about him, he didn't care. By this point, he just didn't care.
When the doors flew open and Professor Schumacher strode in, Esteban and Pierre stood up. "Esteban, Pierre," the professor said. They said goodbye to Charles and walked past their head teacher. But, before they could get too far, Professor Schumacher grabbed a hold of Pierre. What he said to Pierre was too hushed for anybody else to hear, but it had him pulling something from beneath his shirt and striding towards the boys.
"Max, Charles," he said and Max left his chair, coming to stand beside Charles. Wordlessly, Professor Schumacher placed something over their heads.
Max picked up the necklace. "A time turner?"
"What's a time turner?" Asked Charles.
But Professor Schumacher didn't answer his question. "Two turns should do it," he said. "And you should be able to set everything right. Remember, don't let anybody see you," he said and strode out of the hospital wing.
Max turned the time turner. "How on earth did Pierre get one of these?" He asked as he spun it twice, and the room around them moved backwards. Professor Alonso carried Charles out of the hospital wing and Max took her back outside. Other students came and left, time still turning around them.
When it, at last, stilled, Max pulled the time turner from around their necks and placed it in his pocket. "Come on," he said as he grabbed Charles's hand.
As he pulled him out of the hospital wing, Max checked the time on his watch. "It's 5PM, where were we at five?"
Charles took a moment to think. "Ugh, I know I was taking her down to see Zac," he answered. "She punched Nikita."
Knowing exactly where to go, Max pulled Charles along. He pulled him through the halls, towards where they already were. But, suddenly, Max stopped. "Wha-" Charles began, but Max put his hand over his mouth, silencing him as he pulled him into an alcove.
The Max from before, the one that had been following Charles and her, turned for just a second. But, when she swung at Nikita, it distracted him long enough for the Max from the future to pull Charles outside.
"Max, what the hell?" Charles hissed as they watched Nikita and his friends run away. Charles from the past had his hand on the small of her back as he moved her along, heading to Zacs, Professor Brown's, hut. Max from the past followed. "That's us!"
"You're incredibly observant," Max quipped as he grabbed his hand once more. "I suppose you can see now you've cut your hair."
Charles let out a scoff, but Max was pulling him along once again, into the woods just opposite Zac's hut.
Nobody saw them, nobody but Rocky, the hippogriff. He raised his head and snorted, but quickly went back to sleep. "We can save him, too," Charles realised. "Him and Nico."
He strode forward and sent to grab the chain that kept Rocky tethered to the garden, but Max stopped him. "Professor Schumacher and the minister need to see him first, or you'll get Fred arrested," he whispered. Charles clenched his fists at his sides, but he nodded.
They watched as Fred pulled the rat from the box and handed it to her. There he was, Sergio Perez. Max and Charles looked at each other, their thoughts much the same. But they held back, and not just because the headmaster and the minister were coming.
They watched as the three of them left the hut. As the minister and Schumacher conversed with Fred, Charles and Max ran into the vegetable garden and grabbed a hold of Rocky's chain. "Come on, Rocky," Charles hissed, but the creature insisted on sleeping. It was only when Max bribed him with food that he followed them into the woods.
A sliver of satisfaction ran through them when the execution brought his axe down onto a bit of wood in anger. Rocky was safe, and all they had to do was wait.
It was surreal, watching everything that had happened. They watched as Nico, the dog, grabbed her leg and dragged her beneath the tree. They watched as they struggled to follow her.
"Can I ask you something?" Max enquired as he sat on the ground beside him. Rocky was behind them, playing in the trees. When Charles nodded his head, he continued. "Last year, you asked me if I opened the chamber. Do you really think I'm that much of a monster? Do you really think I'm that much like my dad?"
Charles let out an audible sigh. "I feel awful for that," he said as he lent back against the tree behind him. "All I know about your dad is that he's the reason my parents are dead. I'd met him in first year and, well, I still have nightmares about it. Of I had known you last year like I do now, I wouldn't have dreamed of blaming you."
They talked, actually talked, until Professor Hamilton came to the tree. "Did you have any idea he was a werewolf?" Max asked and Charles shook his head.
He pulled the time turner from his pocket. "Do you know why Pierre would have that?" Charles asked as he reached out to touch it.
Max shrugged his shoulders. "It makes sense, though. Pierre has been in so many classes this year, more than he should have had time for. This must be how he's being going to them all."
Next, Professor Alonso came by, and then, minutes later, they were all making their way out of the tree. "Thanks for looking after her," said Charles as he watched himself hand her to Max.
Max waved him off.
But it wasn't long before Professor Hamilton started his transformation. "Fuck," Max whispered as he watched Nico try and fail to protect them. What happened when they were up there? Something had howled, but no howl was coming. "Shit, get ready to run," he said to Charles before cupping his hands around his mouth and letting out a mighty howl.
The werewolf looked, but he didn't immediately begin running towards them. So, Max did it again.
The beast howled back and suddenly it was running towards them. "We're going to die out here," said Charles.
"Yep," Max agreed and the two boys took off running. But they didn't get very far, not before the werewolf caught up to them.
Their hearts were beating, blood so loud in their ears that they were sure the werewolf could hear them. Max squeezed his eyes shut, unable to keep them opened. He was incredibly grateful when Charles pulled him further around the tree they were hiding behind.
All they could hear was their werewolf Professor sniffing around behind them. It was the only indication that they were somewhat safe. But then, the sniffing stopped and the growls began. The two turned, almost paralysed with fear as the werewolf stood to its full height. "Professor," Charles began, but he was no longer human.
He moved towards them and they tried to back up. He raised a large, clawed hand, but he didn't get a chance to bring it down, to strike them. Not before Rocky jumped in front of them, using his large talons to fend off the beast.
Whimpering, the werewolf ran off. "Go Rocky!" Charles called as the hippogriff pranced in front of him.
Max checked the time on his watch. "Come on," he said, once again reaching for Charles's hand. Over the course of the evening he'd noticed just how much he'd enjoyed that, enjoyed holding Charles's hand. "We've got to get back to the castle."
But Charles ripped his hand away from Max. "We need to go and save Nico!" He called before he took off running. "Someone was there, Max! Someone cast a patronus and fended off the dementors! I need to know who it is!"
But, when they got to the lake, nobody was there. Just Charles from the past cradling Nico's body as dementors fed off of them. "Charles!" Max called.
"They're coming to help! I know they are!"
But Charles from the past and Nico looked terrible, close to the end. "Charles, you're dying. And nobody's coming," he said softly.
Charles bit his lip as he looked at Max. He sucked in one steady breath and ran over to the edge of the lake. He raised his wand, drew in a deep breath and bellowed, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"
It was an incredible sight. Max knew Charles was capable of some serious magic, he just didn't realise it was this serious. All of the dementors left the scene just in time for Professor Alonso to lift the unconscious Charles and Nico away from the scene.
Nico, they could still save Nico. "Come on!" Charles shouted as he climbed onto Rocky's back. Taking Max's hand, he pulled him onto Rocky's back and he secured his arms around him.
Rocky flew them out of the woods. "Where would Alonso put Nico?" Max shouted over the sounds of the wind.
"When we were in the shack, he said something about the tower," Charles called back.
That was exactly where Rocky took them. As he landed them outside of the cell, Max slipped from Rocky's back and cast a spell to open the door.
Immediately, Nico ran out to them. "Thank you," he said to them. "Both of you. If it wasn't for your bravery, I would have lost my life."
"Quick, take Rocky and go, before the dementors come," Charles said. He helped Nico onto the Hippogriff's back. Immediately they took off, and Charles and Max began running, heading back to the hospital wing.
When they got there, Professor Schumacher was pulling the doors shut behind him. "We did it," said Charles, his hands on his knees. "We saved both of them."
Professor Schumacher looked at the both of them. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said and took his leave, leaving the boys standing there.
Charles released a breath. "I can't believe we actually did it," he said, grinning at Max. "Should we go and tell her all about it?"
Max nodded his head and Charles pushed his way into the hospital wing. He watched, frozen in place as he strode across the room, over to her. Suddenly, Max didn't feel so jealous as he watched Charles run his fingers through her hair.
That was when he realised, he liked boys, too.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @not-nyasa @formulaal @minseok-smaus @andydrysdalerogers @hiireadstuff @darleneslane @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo
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bluheaven-adw · 6 months
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Thank you tumblr for absolutely destroying image quality. Freaking wtf?
Some more Dark Excalibur AU
The Knighting of Steve Palchuk
We all agree that Steve needed a better arc than what RotT gave him. He deserved a chance to be a hero, a path that he started in Wizards before it fizzled out into being the comedic relief. Wizards set everyone up as the better generational mirrors to Camelot. Jim to Arthur, Claire to Morgana, Douxie to Merlin, Toby probably to Galahad, and Steve very obviously to Lancelot. I've said at the start that no one comes out of this AU unscathed, so while Steve gets the heroic redemption, it comes at a cost, one that pulls on that parallel.
RotT in the Dk-E still happens, I'm not letting everyone get their happily ever after at the end of Wizards. But I'll be damned if I end it with Toby and so many others dead, and Jim pushed into a timeline reset. You can thank Steve for that. It's because of Steve that Toby lives. Steve goes with Toby in the Taco truck, and it is Steve that yanks Toby out of the way of the collapsing debris. But Steve becomes pinned himself, resulting in the loss of his arm. An act of selflessness and bravery, valor and sacrifice, that earns him the title of First Knight of the Roundtable of New Camelot. An equal advisor, responsible for not only the protection of Camelot, and those Jim has claimed as his (which is everyone, human, troll, changeling, down to the last gnome), but also finding and training new knights, those who value all life and are willing to fight to protect it, and want to see the worlds of man and magic together in harmony instead of hate and fear.
And so we come to the Knighting of Steve Palchuk. This isn't just pomp and meaningless ceremony, this has true weight and meaning to both Jim and Steve. Jim pulls on Excalibur's magic, his voice resonating with ethereal power, creating a bond of trust and loyalty that goes both ways, only formed if given willingly. Knight to his King, King to Knight, both to the protection of all worlds and their peoples. Jim's eyes light up in tandem with the blade as the power of Excalibur and Nimue courses through him, flames licking along the blade's edge and into Steve. Steve's armor reflecting this bond as the magic burns through him.
And like Lancelot, Steve will get a fully functional prosthetic arm. There will be hardship, adapting to this new reality. But Steve has become a hero. A man of courage... far from his highscool self. A survivor, who will fight with everything he has.
Rise now, Sir Steve, First Knight of the Roundtable and New Camelot.
Closeups below
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Notes: some of the descriptive wording around the ceremony itself came from a discussion about Jim using Excalibur for the knighting, and are used with permission of Sakon76, who is a much better writer than I.
Expect more if Steve's story at a later time.
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Always There - Chapter Two: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Azkaban, shittyly written angst, flashbacks,
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1994
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
About a week after the two professors had fallen asleep whilst talking, everything was kind of normal. Y/N was actively avoiding Remus and Severus has been particularly rude to the new professor. Harry had finally taken to questioning his aunt about her strange behavior and Snape’s aggressive nature toward Remus. He had waited until after dinner, following her into the greenhouse.
“Aunt Y/N, Professor Lupin said he knew my parents. Did you know him too?” Harry asked, trying to mask his intentions.
“You just want to know why I avoid him, don’t you?” She sighed, looking her nephew in the eye.
“I can’t hide anything from you, can I?”
“You certainly cannot, my love. I know you too so I know you won’t leave me alone until I tell you or you pester Sev enough to tell you. Come sit with me, this is gonna be a longer talk than I want it to be but you deserve to know everything about the situation,” She explained. The two Potters entered her office and sat on the very same couch Minerva had spotted Y/N and Severus the week earlier. “We can start off with how I first met Remus. We met on platform 9 ¾ right before the train came, James was off with some of his friends…”
The platform was bustling with witches and wizards alike, the anticipation waiting for the Hogwarts Express was palpable. James was off chatting with Sirius and Y/N was sitting on the ground with her nose stuck in her herbology book. Her mind was racing because she was nervous about what house she would be put in, she was wondering who her professors were, if they were nice and so on. James promised her that all of the professors were nice, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Slughorn were some he mentioned by name. Although James had tried reassuring her, it didn’t do much to help ease her nerves.
“You’re James’ sister, right?” A voice came from her right, startling her slightly, “Sorry to frighten you, he has a picture of the two of you in our dorm so I thought I’d say hi. My name is Remus.”
“Like Remus and Romulus? That’s pretty cool. I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” She said. The two had begun chatting, talking about where they lived, what their families were like, Remus asked her what subject she was most excited to learn about and of course the young witch had said Herbology.  
Once the train had arrived, Remus and Y/N boarded together, talking all the while as they tried to find a compartment to sit in. The only empty one was in the back of the train so the two sat and talked the whole ride to Hogwarts, The conversation only pausing when the sweets trolley rolled by and when James and Sirius had popped in to say hello.
Their friendship only grew from there, Remus helping her study for DADA and History Of Magic and Y/N helping him study for Charms and Herbology. Once Remus had joined James, Sirius and Peter, the five wizards got up to lots of trouble. Although Y/N was a year younger than the other four, she was more than willing to help out with pranks. Her and Remus, however, were the only two that strayed away from bullying other students, especially Severus Snape.
“That was how Remus and I became friends, he was the fastest friend I had ever made. We talked for only like a minute and became friends right away. We got closer and closer as the years went on. I'll spare some details about our friendship because we got into some trouble or we would just hang out in the library reading or studying. Everything got rough once James and Lily were killed.”
Remus showed up to the destroyed house in Godric’s Hollow, Y/N outside of the fence with a crying Harry in her arms, Severus standing beside her, his cloak over her shoulders to keep her warm in the cold autumn air. 
“Y/N, is it true? He killed them?” Remus asked her.
“J-Jamie and Lils are dead, h-he tried t-to kill Harry but he s-survived somehow,” She stuttered out behind her tears. Severus excused himself so the two friends could talk things out.
“Peter is dead, Sirius was the one who sold them out, he murdered Peter and a dozen muggles,” He explained, “Listen, dove, I need to go, I’ll send you an owl okay?” She just nodded and watched him apparate away. 
She was left for a while to cry, until Severus showed up and escorted her elsewhere, somewhere she could be safe and warm with baby Harry. Somewhere she could escape the reality that faced her, she was alone with a child she didn’t know how to care for, a child that would be legend. A boy who lived, the only known survivor of the killing curse and the defeater of Lord Voldemort. 
“I know you like professor Lupin and I understand that, he's a great guy. He just left me at a time where I really needed him. We got into an argument last week and I’ve been avoiding him since,” Y/N explained, “I don’t want any of this to change the way you look at Lupin, he’s an incredibly smart man and an extremely talented wizard.”
Harry decided to let things go until winter came around. He had once again been attacked by a dementor, luckily Dumbledore stopped his fall before he hit the ground of the Quidditch pitch. Harry went to Remus for help but he was too weak at the time, after the break he was promised a lesson about patronuses, a way to keep himself safe from dementors. 
Harry had the wonderful idea to sneak around Hogsmeade with the invisibility cloak (even though he had permission to go), finding out from Minerva, after sneaking in behind her and the minister of magic, that Sirius Black was his godfather. Herminone and Ron helped Harry back to Hogwarts, where he sought out his aunt.This of course, was against the advice of Hermione who told him to just sleep it off and talk to her in the morning. He knew she was in the greenhouses, either tending to the plants or grading student papers. What he didn’t expect to find was her and the potions master laughing over tea. He stared at the pair, tears threatening to leave his eyes, the sense of betrayal weighed heavy on him.
“You knew,” He uttered. The two professors stopped laughing and turned to Harry, not expecting him to be in her office.
“What happened, my love? Why are you so upset?” Y/N asked, her voice laced with concern for her nephew.
“You knew,” He repeated.
“What are you talking about Harry? What did I know?” She was confused, she had never seen her nephew so distraught over something before, she wanted nothing but to help him with whatever he was dealing with.
“You knew that Sirius Black killed my parents! You knew that Sirius Black ratted them out to Voldemort! You knew Sirius Black! You know he’s my godfather! He was your friend!” Harry finally shouted at his aunt.
“There is no need to shout, Harry, come sit, let’s talk this out,” Y/N said calmly although deep down she too, was distraught. She had never wanted Harry to know about Sirius’ role in his life but somehow, he had found out.
“No, I want you to tell me right here! I don’t want to sit and talk!”
“That is no way to speak to your aunt, Harry,” Snape chimed in, upset with how the boy was screaming at his aunt, the woman who cared for him and loved him his whole life.
“You shut up, this has nothing to do with you!”
“Harry! Apologize to him right now!” Y/N scolded, the tension in the room was rising, she knew at any moment that Harry would snap and in turn so would Severus.
“NO! He has no right to be a part of this conversation! It’s between me and you!” Severus was about to go at the boy but once Y/N had laid her hand on his shoulder, he stopped short. The pair made eye contact, Severus knowing she wanted to handle this by herself so he excused himself to her office to get the potion ingredients he originally came to her for.
“I knew about Sirius being your godfather, yed. Of course I did, I’m your godmother, the two of us did everything for you until Sirius turned on us. He was your father’s best friend,” Y/N told her nephew.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Harry demanded the answer.
“I didn’t want you to know, you’ve dealt with enough in your life, I didn’t want to add another thing on top of it.”
“So you knew he sold out my parents to Voldemort?”
“Yes, I knew. Trust me Harry, I didn’t like it just as you don’t. I feel just as betrayed if not more because he was like a brother to us,” Y/N tried to explain, somehow keeping herself calm throughout the conversation even though she kept seeing the picture of her brother dead on the floor in her mind.
“You feel betrayed! You’ve lied to me my whole life! You never told me anything! Nothing about Professor Lupin, nothing about Sirius Black, nothing about Peter Pettigrew! Why?” Harry went back to shouting at his aunt, a glass next to her shattering to pieces.
“Because it hurts me Harry! It hurts to even think about it, let alone talk about it! Remus and Sirius were my brothers and they betrayed me! Peter at least died instead of betraying us, instead of leaving me! It pains me to talk about your father but I do it anyway, for you! Everything I do is for you Harry, don’t you realize that! You are the most important thing in my life! You expect me to just turn around and hurt you the way I got hurt once I learned about all of this!” She shouted back, the glass from some of her cabinets shattered as she shouted at the boy.
“If I’m the most important thing in your life, why lie? Why hide this from me!” Harry was now just looking for a fight, he was getting information out of his aunt by upsetting her so he continued to do it. 
“Because I love you! Because I care about you! You are my boy! You are like the son I never got to have! You are exactly like your father! Your father that I miss every single day because he was my best friend! You are the only family I have Harry James Potter! You are the only family I will ever have!” She had begun crying, wiping her tears as they came to try and appear like she was not crying even though Harry knew she was. 
“You’re not my mother! You will never be my mother!” Harry screamed at her, this caused the woman to burst into tears, Severus had come back into the room once he had heard her crying.
“That’s enough Harry, go back to your dormitory,” Severus said sternly.
“Stop acting like a defiant child and do as I say. You’ve done enough, you wanted your answers, you got them. Now go!” The potion’s master was furious at the boy, he had never seen Harry act this way before, in all the years of knowing him, this had never happened. Harry had stormed out of the greenhouse leaving the two professors once again. The day had started off cheerful and happy and ended with Y/N in despair and spiraling due to not only her nephew but remembering what she had seen and the trials and tribulations she had gone through.
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5
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oh-stars · 4 months
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Love is being willing to wait for them.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 2085 words | CW: anxiety, sort of unrequited love | Rating: T
“Can we talk?” Eddie whispers, a hand on Steve’s elbow, “Just us?” 
Steve nods, a tight smile on his face that he hopes doesn’t come off as uncomfortable as it feels. “Later?” He motions to the bowl of popcorn he’s carrying. “I can come over after?”
“Later,” Eddie says, his eyes warm and bright as he gives the tiniest smile in return. He doesn’t seem to notice how tense Steve’s body is as he squeezes his arm and leaves him in the kitchen, slinking back into the Wheeler basement. 
It takes all of three seconds before Steve’s face is falling and his heart is threatening to explode. He knows what this is about. Knows that when he heads over to the Munson trailer, he’ll have to face the music. 
Over the past few months, Eddie Munson has filled a gaping hole in Steve’s chest – with his wicked sense of humor and strong convictions that flip the norm inside out. He’s given Steve something he’s been missing for so long, long before he and Tommy H stopped hanging out and the social pressure became too much: a friend. 
But he’s more than that, isn’t he? 
Steve takes a deep breath and shoves everything into a box deep in his mind, like he’s been doing since he saved Eddie back in March (since Dave Easom used him to train the new lifeguards, his bare chest rubbing against Steve’s back, strong arms holding him up as big hands held him tightly). He has to perform, has to be the guy everyone expects him to be, just a little while longer. 
Robin pats the seat beside her when he finds his way back to the basement. 
He hands her the bowl and drops down onto the creaky couch. “What’d I miss?” 
“Jeff came up with this plan for the guys to split up, but Nancy thinks splitting up is a bad idea and will lead to a trap. And since they know that one of the pathways is an illusion, she’s not sure it's worth the risk. They’ve been arguing in circles and I’m pretty sure their in-fighting was a part of Eddie’s plan all along,” she says in between bites of popcorn. “Honestly, they all need to listen to Erica and just trick the wizard into revealing the illusion so they eliminate one of their choices.” 
“So more of the same?” Steve asks. 
Robin hums. “Precisely.” 
Steve slouches and rests his head on her shoulder. She wiggles under him and the next thing he knows, he’s laying on top of her while her non-buttery hand runs through his hair and she shovels popcorn into her mouth with the other. 
The drill of the game and the soothing motions of Robin’s hand in his hair lull Steve into that space between consciousness and sleep he both loves and hates. His thoughts wander, circling Eddie like a flock of vultures ready to swoop in and rip the false sense of security Steve has. 
Because he knows Eddie wants to talk about them. And Steve wants there to be a Them, but… 
How can he give himself over to another person when time after time everyone has proven he’s unable to provide in a relationship? When he doesn’t know how to open himself up and be vulnerable with the person who is meant to know everything? He’s just a bullshit version of who he thinks he’s supposed to be – he doesn’t know how to be a real person. 
And Eddie deserves that! He deserves to have someone who can be there for him wholly and with enthusiasm. 
Steve’s just not sure he can do that. Not when he’s barely acknowledging the flutter in his stomach when Eddie says his name or looks his way. Not when he genuinely feels like he could be sick when he thinks of his father finding out. Not when all he wants to do is hold Eddie’s hand while they walk down on Main Street, but they can’t without risking their goddamn lives. 
Eddie can barely exist on his own, was already the town pariah for his music and clothing choices, for the things he’s interested in that were completely harmless long before the murderer propaganda started. Being in a public relationship with a man is not going to do him any favors. 
And Steve’s not sure he can sneak around. That’s just… He doesn’t know how to contain himself in small increments; he’s either all in or burying it all deep for no one to find. 
He buries his head into Robin’s shoulder. She has an idea about his feelings and the labels he refuses to give himself. She knows how flustered Eddie makes him, is ready to tease him for falling for the man whenever Steve is, but until then, she’s a rock. Solid and steady, offering support when needed, but letting Steve process it at his own speed. 
“I need to come over tonight,” he whispers to Robin. “Eddie wants to talk.” 
“Oh,” Robin says, cupping the back of Steve’s head briefly. “I’ll have all your favorites ready for you when you get to my house.” 
Steve doesn’t have to say anything or force a smile. She gets it. 
The game ends too quickly and the kids are dropped off to their respective destinations even quicker, so Steve makes his way over to Forest Hills and tries to capture whatever confidence has escaped him over the last few weeks. Wayne’s truck is gone when he pulls up, but the lights on the van are still on, Eddie must have just gotten home. 
He can do this. 
Steve climbs out of the Beemer and pockets his keys. He makes it up two steps before Eddie’s opening the door for him, grinning way too big for the heartbreak Steve’s about to give him. 
Because that’s what this is: Steve’s about to break Eddie’s heart. 
He wants to be able to be with Eddie fully, but he knows that’s not fair. Not when someone else could give him more before Steve’s able to. 
“You got here quick,” Eddie says as they settle on the couch. He’s so open with his body language: back against the corner of the couch, one leg crossed over the other so his ankle dangles off his knee, arm along the back of the couch, elbow propping his head up on the arm of the chair. There’s this easy going smile on his face too, like he’s luxuriating in whatever he’s experiencing. 
“Yeah,” he says. Steve doesn’t feel too bad about still wearing his shoes, needing them for a quick escape, when Eddie’s boots are still on his feet, laces undone. He doesn’t let himself lean back into the couch, no matter how much it wants to suck him in. 
Eddie waits a full beat before he jumps up, shifting so his body faces Steve and his hands are in his lap, fingers worrying around one another. “So,” he draws out, “I have something I need to tell you.” 
Part of Steve feels like he should stop Eddie, to cushion some of the blow before Eddie puts his heart on the line, but he can’t. He’s frozen in place and foolishly thinking there’s still time for Eddie to say something else. For all he knows, Eddie’s about to invite him to play Dungeons & Dragons or something! 
Who is he kidding? 
“Okay,” Steve says, feeling like he’s outside of himself. 
Eddie clears his throat and pushes his shoulders back as he reaches for Steve’s hand. “You have been a really great friend, probably the best I’ve had who knows my secret. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I… I can’t imagine my life without you, man.” 
“Eddie,” Steve whispers. 
“No, no, just hear me out,” Eddie says, scooting closer. “I’m alive because of you. And I was able to recover and stay alive because of you. I… Dude, I’ve shared more with you than I’ve ever been comfortable sharing with anyone.” His voice drops down to a whisper as it trembles a little. Eddie blinks harshly and looks up to the popcorn ceiling. “I’m tired of running, Steve, so I’m just going to say it. There’s… something here, Stevie. I can feel it. And maybe it’s one-sided and I’m projecting how I feel onto you, but I don’t think so. I think you can feel it, too.” 
Steve feels himself shifting back, his leg bouncing with the need to go. 
Eddie takes another deep breath and moves so they’re eyes are locked. “I love you, Steve Harrington.” 
His eyes are watering. How long has he waited for someone to say those words first? And now he can’t even accept them. 
“Eddie, I…” 
Eddie’s smile dims as his eyes grow softer. “I know,” he says softly. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not.” 
“It is,” Eddie says, squeezing Steve’s hands. He’s so close their knees knock against one another. Steve feels like his body is about to split down the middle, one half needing to be closer to him and the other wanting to get as far away as possible. “Because we’re going to be okay.”
Steve cocks his head to the side. “What?” 
Eddie just nods like it’s the most obvious statement possible. The sky is blue, water is wet, and Steve and Eddie will be okay. “Do you trust me?” Eddie asks, his voice a little stronger. 
“Of course,” Steve says quickly. 
That gets the bright smile back on Eddie’s face. “I didn’t tell you how I feel for you to act on it,” he admits. “I needed to tell you so you knew, in case you were scared to say it first, but I don’t expect you to get down on one knee and profess your undying love to me. But our friendship is special and strong enough that I think I can tell you about my feelings and it won’t change things too much. I know you won’t hate me for it and maybe you’ll reciprocate one day, maybe you won’t,” Eddie shrugs, “but at least I’m being honest with you.” 
Steve has to look away. “And if I can’t?” 
“Can’t what, sweetheart?” 
“Be honest with you?” Steve says through the lump in his throat. 
There’s a big, heavy pause as Eddie pulls away from him slightly. Not enough to leave the bubble they’ve created, but Steve feels his absence anyway. “Are you… are you keeping the truth from me to hurt me?” 
“No,” Steve says, looking back to see a very pensive Eddie. 
“Are you doing it to deceive someone or something?”
“I’m not like that,” Steve says. 
Eddie nods. “I know, I know. But if those things are true, and you’re keeping the truth because you need to for yourself, then we’re okay. I’ll always be here; so whenever you’re ready to tell me whatever it is, I’ll be here to listen.” 
“Even if it takes forever?” Steve whispers. 
“Baby, I’d wait an eternity to hear what you have to say.” 
Steve turns his body fully to Eddie and fills his chest with the same air Eddie’s breathing, the air that's fueling him to push through the nerves and put himself out there. “I’m working through things. You said you’ve, um, known you liked boys since you were a kid?” 
Eddie nods, takes Steve’s hand in his again. 
“And you’ve never done the relationship thing, have you?” 
“Not exactly a large dating pool for kids like me,” Eddie says with a hollow laugh. 
Steve nods, biting at his lip. “I, um.” He clears his throat. “I need time to, like, figure my shit out. Because you’re not… wrong. It’s not one-sided,” he admits, glancing up to see the surprise and hope fill Eddie’s eyes. “But I’m not… I need time.” 
“So take it,” Eddie says. “However long you need.” 
“I can’t ask you to wait for me–” 
“You’re not,” Eddie says as he takes Steve’s face in his. He runs his thumb along Steve’s cheek. “I’m offering it. I’ll wait as long as you need.” 
Steve just nods, leaning into Eddie’s touch. He’s going to have a lot to talk with Robin about tonight. Eddie may be willing to wait until the end of time for him, but Steve wants to feel this – the hope, the energy shared between them, the love that lies in the undercurrent of every word, action, and breath – as soon as possible. 
“Thank you,” he whispers as he kisses the palm of Eddie’s hand. 
Thanks to @lady-lostmind for betaing!
Ao3 Link
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No need to be scared my darling // A.S.P
warnings; reader is a pureblooded Slytherin. also this was entirely written just because I needed to indulge myself.
summary; Albus is fearful of being in Slytherin but mama is there to make him a little less scared
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Kings cross was loud, louder then you remembered. You supposed that was because it had been awhile since you had been there. You certainly counted a month and a half ago when you went to pick up James for the summer as awhile.
People were rushing past, eager to get on with their day to day lives. Most of the people in your eyesight were muggles, yet you still managed to catch sight of some students with the Hogwarts crest on their cases.
"Are you ready son?" Harry, your husband asks as you stop by the entrance of platform 9 and 3 quarters.
"As ill ever be," He whispered, it was loud enough for the two of you to hear, just barely though.
"ok so run straight at the wall, that will get you to the platform. Y/n, maybe you and James should show him first." Harry suggested, holding onto little Lily-Luna's hand.
James took no time in running straight through the wall. Leaving Albus amazed. His mother soon following behind him.
"Dad, James said it hurts, was he lying?" Albus's young sister calls out fearfully.
"Don't worry my princess, your brother is telling fibs,"
"I promise"
Albus stares at the red brick wall, still uncertain.
"C'mon Al, we will run together"
Harry places his hand on Albus's trolley with all his luggage and counts to three before shooting forward at the wall.
Albus closes his eyes, in fear of hitting the wall.
A few seconds later his sister's amazed 'wow' was what got him to open his eyes.
Just like before people were still busting about on the platform, waving and seeing their children off. Some people were even crying, knowing they wouldn't see their kids again until Christmas or perhaps even the following summer potentially.
"Lily why don't you go say good bye to James," Y/n said noticing the look in her sons eyes. Recognizing it from when he was a little thing who would always look over to the darkest corner of his room in fear. scared of all the evilest creatures coming to get him.
It certainly didn't help that James liked to wind his brother up.
"No need to fear little one. I am always here for you, remember we got you an owl for a reason, I expect at least one letter every week." his mother jokes and he smiles, a little.
"What am I gonna do if I'm not in Gryffindor? I'll be the first potter to be a failure, a non Gryffindor" He shakes his head at the thought.
"you know I always wondered why your father wanted to name you after Snape, he was one of the greatest headmasters Hogwarts had seen and he was a Slytherin. a true talent. Baby, if you're meant to be in Slytherin, then you're meant to be there, and if you are I have no doubt you will do some great things." you smiled as Albus hugged you before hurrying to catch his train before it left.
"oh and Albus my darling," he turns at your voice, waiting for what you had to say.
"Who ever said you'd be the first Potter to be in Slytherin house," the words were vague but he seemed to understand, you certainly notice his eyes widen.
"Have a good school year my darling and you tell me if James cause you any trouble alright my love?" Albus nods with a big smile on his face as he rushes to find a place to sit on the train.
You come to stand by your friend, Mara Malfoy, who was waving her son off as well. Harry and Mara's husband Draco came to join you both soon after. Both also watching their sons take their first steps into their journeys of becoming great wizards.
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nadinebrooks · 11 months
Here is the link to my masterlist.
Ron Weasley x Reader: The Silent Slytherin's Stand
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of language. This one is a little bit longer than usual. I got carried away when writing.
The halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry bustled with activity as students hurried to their classes. Among the sea of robes, a figure quietly moved down the hallway. She did almost everything she could to avoid attention and remain invisible amongst her peers. 
(y/n) Rosendale was an extremely reserved and introverted Slythein who came from a well-known Slytherin family. Despite coming from an affluent family in the wizarding world, she had absolutely no interest in flaunting her lineage or acting stuck up like some of her other housemates. 
Her three older siblings had come through Hogwarts years prior and each made a name for themselves. Growing up with three sociable and extroverted siblings, it was hard for (y/n) to make a name for herself. Entering her sixth year, this was the first time that she would be at Hogwarts without someone at the school that she would be compared to. 
Upon her arrival, her professors expected nothing but greatness from her. Even though she was on the quieter side, she excelled in her classes and that was all her parents could ask for. 
(y/n)’s reserved nature caught the attention of the youngest Weasley boy. Ron had always found her beautiful, but he never mustered the courage to confess his feelings. Back in their fourth year, he contemplated asking (y/n) to the Yule Ball, but Hermione Granger, his ever-logical and cautious friend, had talked him out of it. 
Hermione found a book on (y/n)’s lineage and showed it to Ron. Someone coming from that type of family would instantly turn Ron down. She ended up going to the ball with someone from Durmstrang. The whole night Ron couldn’t keep his eyes off (y/n) as she danced the night away with him. 
He had never seen her act like that before. It was clear that (y/n) had been classically trained in dancing which wasn’t a surprise at all. Seeing her so carefree only made Ron want to know more. He just didn’t know how to go about it. 
When she was alone, (y/n) spent most of her alone time immersed in her two favorite subjects: Potions and Herbology. The quiet atmosphere of the greenhouse and the cauldron’s gentle bubbling provided solace and comfort to the introvert.
She found joy in the precise measurements, the delicate stirring, and the intoxicating scents that filled the air. (y/n)’s potions were always impeccable, and her hydrological knowledge surpassed even some of the most seasoned witches and wizards.
One evening, Ron found himself serving detention under the watchful eye of Professor Snape. Even though Snape wasn’t teaching Potions this term, his detention spot was still in the Slytherin dungeon. The dungeons were usually cold and foreboding, however, it seemed less intimidating with (y/n)’s presence in the back of the room.
Snape had known (y/n) ever since she was a baby. There were several complications when she was born and a lot of the potions that he provided her helped strengthen her. The two of them were close and she looked at him like an uncle. He liked having her in the dungeon with him. The two of them just existed in comforting silence working on whatever they felt like in the moment. When Snape stepped out of the room, the opportunity arose for Ron to strike up a conversation with her. 
“Hey (y/n).” He called out trying not to sound too nervous. Ron wanted to walk over to where she was, but he didn’t know how long Professor Snape was going to be gone. The last thing he wanted was for Snape to come back and he was looking over the shoulder of his favorite student. That would get him detention for the rest of the year. “Are you working on something interesting?”  
“Oh, um, I’m just experimenting with a love potion. Research purposes only.” She looked up from the brewing potion to meet Ron’s soft gaze. He blushed slightly. 
“Aren’t those banned here?” He raised his eyebrow in surprise. 
“Yes. But like I said, they’re just for research purposes.” 
“Huh. I’ve always wondered if those things really work.” His curiosity has peaked now. 
“They can be quite potent if brewed correctly. I can’t promise that someone will fall in love with you. Smitten may be a better word to use. I’m not an amateur potion maker Ron. I usually sell them. And some herbal remedies from well. But please don’t mention anything to Snape.” 
“Like hell I would mention anything to him. I don’t think you could do anything wrong in his eyes though.” Ron chuckled. “But why keep it a secret? Isn’t he your uncle or something?” 
“Yeah something like that.” (y/n) giggled glancing up at Ron and then back down at her potion. “I just don’t want him interfering or asking questions. It’s a personal endeavor of mine.” 
Over the next couple of weeks, Ron and (y/n) grew closer. They would meet almost every night at the Astronomy Tower. The tower provided a secluded haven where they would speak privately without any prying eyes. 
Their conversations ranged from trivial matters to deeper thoughts and dreams. Ron discovered that beneath his new friend's quiet exterior, there was a passionate and talented witch that just wanted someone to listen. Someone who would be patient enough to let her speak. Someone who wouldn’t look at her quietness as a weakness, but rather a strength. 
One day, the tranquility of their nightly meetings was interrupted when Draco Malfoy mustered up the courage to ask (y/n) out. She politely declined and began to explain to him that she was already seeing someone else.
Ron felt his face immediately heat up when he overheard the exchange. She had to be talking about him, right? 
Harry was grinning from ear to ear. Hermione was staring at him with a shocked look on her face.
Draco being the arrogant prick that he was, refused to take no for an answer. He made a big scene, his voice dripping with disdain. 
“Are you turning me down for a fucking Weasley?” Draco sneered. His face was contorted with disgust. “I heard the rumors, but I knew there was no way in hell you would be caught dead with a Weasley.” 
The Great Hall fell into a hushed silence as Draco Malfoy’s words echoed through the room. All eyes were now on (y/n), the usually reserved Slytherin who rarely spoke above a whisper. She was feeling a sense of embarrassment and anger as Draco’s derogatory remarks lingered in the air. 
“Draco please stop making a scene.” The girl was practically pleading with her housemate. She hated all this attention. “It’s none of your business who I choose to be with.” 
“Your father would be ashamed if he found out not only his youngest daughter but his pride and joy was messing around with a Weasley. They’re blood traitors. And you’re more than a disappointment to the Slytherin and Rosendale name.” 
His words cut deep, but something ignited within (y/n). There had been words that she swallowed for a long time and now they were bubbling to the surface. In a sudden surge of emotions and courage, she found her voice. And it was stronger and fiercer than ever before. 
“Enough, Draco.” Her voice rang all throughout the Great Hall. The clarity and strength shocked everyone, even Draco. He took a step back. “You don’t know anything about me. Not once have you ever sat down and really tried to get to know me. You just like the last name. You don’t know the Weasleys either. They are loyal, brave, and compassionate. They have qualities that you can’t even fathom. As far as the Slytherin name, it doesn’t define who I am or what I believe in. I refuse to be bound by the narrow-mindedness of pure-blood supremacy. And don’t you ever bring my family name into this. You and I both know the name goes back before yours. Lucius Malfoy couldn’t dream up a lineage like mine no matter how hard he tried.” 
The Great Hall let her words sink in for a moment before erupting into whispers and murmurs as the students tried to process what was happening. Draco stood momentarily speechless. (y/n) knew a retort was coming, so before that could happen, she turned on her heels and fled from the Great Hall. The weight of her own words and unleaded emotions had overwhelmed her. She fled to the one place where she could seek refuge. 
Ron Weasley had witnessed the entire confrontation and was astounded by (y/n)’s fierce defense of his family. He had always admired her quiet strength, but this new side of her left him in awe. He wanted to offer his support and he had a feeling where she would take off to. 
He followed her down the stairs and into the dungeon. She was hunched over a cauldron and Ron let her do her thing for a minute just sitting beside her. He would allow her to take all the time she needed to gather herself. 
“What are you making?” Ron asked after a while of sitting in silence. 
“Death Potion.” (y/n) responded without missing a beat causing Ron’s throat to get dry and he swallowed. 
“Are you going to give it to Draco?” 
“I’m kidding.” She offered him a weak smile. “It’s just the Draught of Peace. I’m sorry for causing a scene back there. That was completely out of character for me. I didn’t mean for things to escalate or for your family to be brought into something like that.” 
“You don’t have to apologize (y/n). You didn’t do anything wrong. You stood up for what you believed in and I’m grateful for that.” 
“Of course, I would stand up for you Ron.” She signed before walking over to one of the cupboards and pulling out a couple of ingredients. “You’re one of the very few people in this castle who has ever taken any interest in me. You saw beyond the quiet exterior and I appreciate it. Thank you.” 
(y/n) stood there for a moment debating if her next move would be completely out of pocket, but she thought about all the negative outcomes and just did it. She turned toward Ron who was standing beside her peering down at her potion with a hint of curiosity. She took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his midsection. 
Ron stood there for a moment trying to process what was happening. When he realized that (y/n) was hugging him, he instantly relaxed and wrapped his long slender arms around her. Both of them were in desperate need of some physical contact. Standing here in each other’s embrace carried a sense of comfort and understanding for the two of them. Without really wanting to, (y/n) was the first to pull away. She looked up into Ron’s freckled face. 
“You don’t have to thank me (y/n),” Ron said softly. “I’ve always seen you. Even when you thought no one did. You’re brilliant, kind, and more than deserving of attention. Just because you’re on the quieter side, that doesn’t make you any less important. To me, it makes you more intriguing.” 
Hearing that someone genuinely appreciated her was a mix of overwhelming and heartwarming. She had spent so much time hidden in the shadows of her older siblings that it was nice for someone to take notice of the real her. Tears started welling up in her eyes again, but this time they were tears of gratitude and relief. She never had anyone like Ron in her life before. Sure her older siblings had been understanding and easy to talk to. But it was hard for them to relate to what she was going through. 
As the months went by, Ron and (y/n) continued to meet in the Astronomy Tower. Their conversations started getting deeper than ever before. (y/n) could sit and listen to Ron talk for hours about his adventures with Harry and Hermione. He started during their first year when they came face to face with a giant game of chess looking for the Sorcerer’s Stone and then helping Harry get through the Triwizard Tournament. 
Over time Ron started to realize that he and (y/n) were more alike than he would have ever thought. The two of them were overshadowed by older siblings. People thought they knew who they were before getting to know them because of their last names. All they wanted was for someone to see them for who they really were. Maybe just spend some time talking to them and getting to know the person they were beyond the last name or the siblings.
She often felt like her ambitions in the realm of potions and herbology failed in comparison to the things Ron would talk about. However, Ron found himself hanging on to every single word she said.
(y/n) could read him A History of Magic and he would just sit there without even speaking. She would share stories of her experiments and her desire to help others through her creations. Ron would often joke that they could’ve used her during their second year when creating that polyjuice potion. 
“Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in potions or healing? I’m sure you could make a real difference?” Ron asked one random afternoon. The two of them were sitting out by the Black Lake together. News about their relationship had traveled so it wasn’t really a secret anymore. 
People weren’t sure if they were dating or just really close friends. The two of them didn’t even know the answer to that question. 
“I’ve thought about it. I mentioned it to my parents, but I don’t think they see it as a career field they’d like me to go in.” (y/n) had always wanted to contribute to the magical world through her potions. 
“You are so talented. Don’t let anyone hold you back from your dreams.” Ron’s voice was filled with convocation. This was someone he wanted so badly to succeed. Ron really saw her as someone with dreams and aspirations, but not some stuck-up Slytherin who nobody wanted to be around. “There is something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” 
“What is it, Ron?” 
After spending countless hours together, Ron knew that his feelings toward (y/n) were real. They were real feelings that he couldn’t keep to himself. He expressed these feelings to Harry and he told him to just tell (y/n). They talked about so many things that nothing was off the table. So why should this be? Even if (y/n) didn’t feel the same way, he liked to think that they could still be friends. 
“So uh, I’m just going to come out and say it. You aren’t just someone that I admire. I’ve fallen for you. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you and I’m really hoping this doesn’t change anything between us if you don’t feel the same way. You’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had.” 
“Ron. I feel the exact same way.” (y/n) was grinning ear to ear. 
“Wait really?” Ron’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. This was new to him. He was not used to getting the girls he wanted. They always went for the famous Harry Potter or his hilarious older brothers. 
“Of course. You’re amazing Ron and I thought I made that known when I told Draco that I was seeing someone.” 
“I thought you were just trying to get him off your case.” Ron chucked. “I didn’t realize you were referring to me. Well in that case, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?” 
“I would love to go on a date with you.” (y/n) happily agreed. 
Time seemed to stand still as Ron closed the distance between them. Their lips meet in a sweet kiss and the world around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the moment. 
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slytherwrites · 2 years
I don't mean to be mean or rude but there were these people in my class who were wearing like REALLY revealing clothes and I've gotten an idea: How would yanderes Draco, poly yanderes Fred and George react to the reader who's usually an introvert suddenly wearing really revealing clothing since she wants to be noticed and doesn't want to be viewed as an introvert anymore? Tbh, this is actually what I'm thinking rn... it's like if I want to be noticed in my college these days, that's the step I'll have to take but I don't feel comfortable wearing such revealing clothes
i think this is my first non mha request across my two writing blogs and im esctatic!!! also, dont do things youre not comfortable with just for attention.
also im assuming that this is for two different sets, draco and the weasley twins, not all three of them (which would be an... interesting set up)
and anything mean or degrading i say does not represent my feeling on how people dress, just how i imagine these characters feeling, whilst being yanderes
and i made sure to make this as gender neutral as possible
Draco Malfoy - 6th Year (HBP)
He isn't a stranger to attractive girls trying to get his attention. His family is rich and powerful and with the state of the world at the moment, siding with a notoriously dark wizarding family isn't the worst thing in the world.
But you? He expected better.
You were dressed like one of those muggle harlots pureblood men would talk about. If their wives were frigid, they could always get someone of an inferior status for a short little while. Women like that were always impressed by riches and jewels.
But you? Nice, pureblood you? He couldn't believe it.
The Hogwarts uniform itself looked nice on you. You dressed respectable, nice even in your house color. But you ditched the cloak and hiked up your uniform to show skin. The hem at the bottoms were brought up and your button up shirt left with one too many buttons undone. Your tie was strung haphazardly across your neck, lining up against your collarbone.
It was sickening, pathetic, and dare he say, hot.
But, you weren't supposed to be like that. You were supposed to be better than that. And that causes Draco to intercept you.
He grabs your arm before you can even get to the Great Hall for breakfast, clenching your wrist until his knuckles turn white. He looks up, then down. Slowly taking everything in.
"I take it you don't like my outfit, Draco."
"You're getting bold."
"I guess."
"And, dare I ask why you're dressed like this?" He asks, "You're not a veela you know."
"Just..." You reply, "Wanted a change of wardrobe."
He lets go of you just long enough to wrap his own cloak around you.
"You shouldn't dress like that you know." He says, "And keep the cloak on. No one should see you in this state."
You look at him, taking it off before he puts his wand in your face.
"Put it on, or there will be consequences for your behavior."
"Okay Draco." You add, "Whatever."
You roll your eyes, taking the cloak. You can always just go change in between classes.
He lets you go before getting the last word in, "And if you want to dress that slutty again, stop by my dorm before doing so."
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Weasley Twins - 6th Year (GOF)
It's the Yule Ball and the twins didn't officially bring anyone. Neither did you. But everyone in Gryffindor Tower knows not to touch what the twins want.
And what they want, is you.
It's been apparent ever since the three of you started Hogwarts together. The twins and their person, their third half. There was a sense of safety when it came from them. Nobody would mess with the one thing that some of the most mischievous students at Hogwarts desired.
And oh, did they desire you. They have wanted you ever since they rode the train with you, all those years ago. You were their third half, the born-away piece of their soul. The one person who knew either of them just with one look. Because you knew them for who each of them are, not for who they are. And that's what makes you special. It's what makes you one of them.
"Oh Georgie..." Fred comments, "Look what the cat dragged in."
George whistle, "Look what the cat came in with."
Damn, did their other partner clean up nice. Well, nice may not be te right word, but it certainly must be what you were feeling, because you never graced them with this amount of skin ever.
"I don't think I've ever felt so..."
"Understandable, Freddie."
The encircled you, cutting off most people's view of you. And oh, was it a view. They need to take you to nicer places more often if this is how you'll dress for them. It's better than the muggle photos people smuggle in and even more so thatn the magical magazines in circulation. even if everything isn't showing, you've left nothing to the imagination.
Part of them wants to show you off, keep you pressed against them and ensnared in their arms. everyone could look and be envious of what they could have, but then people would try to take you away from them. And that's not an option, ever.
You aren't leaving their side, even if you want to. You can keep on dressing pretty and showing yourself off, but they're going to make it big. Their business will rise off the ground. And they'll be able to dress you up in the sluttiesst of dress robes all of the godamn time, if you left them take a peek at what's underneath afterwards, of course.
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crowfeatherquill · 9 months
"Results" and "Consequences" are Often Considered Synonymous
Gale and Wyll are whispering about him. They assume he can’t hear them -- they have no way to know how imperative it was for him to train his ears to separate voices from other sounds. The crackling of the fire does not hide their discussion from him as well as it might do from someone who hadn’t been forged into a tool rather than raised.
“...to death,” Wyll is saying, and though the glare hurts his eyes, Tathlyn can still see the thunderous scowl on his face when he glances without turning his head.
“We don’t know that,” Gale responds, but he doesn’t look particularly convinced of his own stance, “It’s not like we wandered in after him to check.”
Tathlyn swallows a sigh rather than let on that he’s listening, and does his best to drown them out. He should have expected this. It was only a matter of time, really, before the wizard ran out of academic curiosity and the people’s hero ran out of patience, and the three of them became what they were always destined to turn into: two humans sitting across the fire from a Drow, refusing to take their eyes off him lest he stab them in the backs as soon as they were turned.
He busies himself with portioning out the night’s supplies, and despite his best efforts to stop listening, he cannot help but to overhear bits and pieces, when either or both of them let their passion take them and raise their voices high enough that even they glance his way, finally concerned that he might have noticed them.
“...can’t just sit and do nothing,” says Wyll.
“...ask, at least, before…” says Gale.
“...can’t believe he managed--” says Wyll, before Gale cuts him off, and later, “--trusted him.”
Much as he would prefer not to be privy to any of this, Tathlyn finds himself grateful for his sharp ears when the sound changes from ill-restrained bickering to footsteps. Two pairs, approaching at speed.
He catches the tail end of Gale saying something like “--not the time for--” before he feels Wyll’s hand -- still gauntleted -- fall heavy on his shoulder and spin him around to face them. He forces past the way his muscles leap readily to a violent response, narrowly avoiding splaying Wyll out in the dirt for his efforts, and turns as easily as he is able without allowing himself to stagger.
The word comes sharp and dripping venom. Tathlyn finds he doesn’t mind the way it tastes. He shouldn’t let his anger get the better of him -- that’s not going to help this -- but he desperately wants to.
“You made yourself out to be a savior,” Wyll snarls, “Said you’d help the refugees clear the roads so they can travel safely to Baldur’s Gate. Even came all this way to find Halsin, I had assumed because you agree that Kagha’s gone too far. For a while, there, I thought it was too good to be true, but you really had me going up until the part where you jumped at the opportunity to torture an innocent--”
Gale puts an arm out, forcing a few inches back into the rapidly closing distance between Wyll and Tathlyn.
“I think what he means to ask is--”
“What I want to know is what comes next, underelf? The next time you feel the urge rise, what will you do if there’s no poor defenseless sods around to take it out on?”
Tathlyn’s gaze goes steely -- he hopes it’s just enough to make Wyll shut up, but at this point he doesn’t really figure his standing can get much worse, so he doesn’t put much effort into precision.
“You’d think after Karlach you’d have learned better than to make assumptions, Wyll.” His tone is frigid -- a stark contrast to the heat practically radiating from Wyll’s every pore. “I let him go.”
“You- …what?”
Wyll slackens against Gale’s restraint -- not convinced, but confused enough to lose some steam. Tathlyn stares him down and Gale does what he can to press himself more bodily between the two of them. Wyll’s feet scrape in the dirt as he takes one, then two steps backward.
“I let him go,” Tathlyn says again, ice knives dripping from each syllable. “Not that I’d be able to prove it to you. Then again, I don’t know that you’d take proof even if I were able to produce it, so perhaps you can satisfy yourself with this if you’re already so sure what to make of me: if I’d actually intended to hurt him, the whole camp would’ve heard him screaming.”
Gale winces and Wyll doesn’t seem able to decide between flushing with rage or paling in fear. While the two of them stand, frozen, Tathlyn pushes past them, out toward the edge of camp where the firelight doesn’t hurt so much to look at.
“Dinner’s portioned,” he says as he goes, “Have at it.”
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
First Day of Summer
Pairing: James x Lily
This one is kinda short but I think I'm still happy with how it turned out! This was requested. As always I'm the author (please don't repost) ❤️
Masterlist Read on Ao3
Warnings: Lily and James are alive, harmione foreshadowing, fluff, idk what else
Word Count: 506
Description: Lily and James are in a hurry to get to King's Cross to pick up Harry after his first year.
Taglist: @sylveryfire
“Hurry up, we need to go!” Lily called from the front door. They needed to leave soon if they wanted to get to the train station in time to pick up Harry.
“I’m coming!”
James’ head poked out of the room, “Have you seen my glasses?”
Lily looked at him, rolling her eyes, a fond expression on her face. “They’re on your head, dumbass.”
He reached a hand up, and looked sheepish when his hand connected with his glasses.
“Are you ready to go now?”
He smiled, “Yeah, I’ll be right there.” Then he ducked back into their bedroom to grab something before coming downstairs.
They got in the car and pulled out of their driveway, thankfully on time. As they were leaving Lily waved at one of their neighbors who was outside that she had befriended. The drive went smoothly, with no more traffic than expected.
The two of them arrived at King’s Cross Station with only a few minutes to spare. Lily and James hurried through to Platform 9 ¾, breathing a sigh of relief to see that the students hadn’t unboarded yet. The platform was crowded with families waiting impatiently for their children.
“Excuse me.”
They soon pushed their way through the crowd to a spot with a better vantage point. Once they found a good place to wait, they started to scan the throng of people to see if anyone they knew was there.
“Merlin, I can’t believe that it has really been five months since Harry came home for Christmas.” Lily said. The past year had been difficult, realizing that their baby boy was old enough to go to Hogwarts. Harry was growing up so fast.
“I know, it feels like it’s been an eternity.” James wrapped an arm around her.
The past year had been difficult, ever since they had gone into hiding during the Wizarding War neither of them had been separated from Harry for this long. At most it was for a weekend when he spent time with Sirius and Remus. Living through a time where they were all scared for their lives at such a young age had made them both very protective of their only son. Seeing him leave the nest had not been easy.
The doors opened and students came pouring out, all of them rushing towards their parents. It wasn’t long before they spotted Harry, accompanied by two of his fellow students.
“Ohhhh look, James. Our Harry is back after finishing his first year at Hogwarts!”
“Not just that Lils, notice him holding hands with that bushy haired girl.”
By his letters telling them about his newfound friends Lily and James gathered that the red-haired boy was Ron and that the bushy haired girl that he was indeed holding hands with must be Hermione. The trio stood there, exchanging their goodbyes before parting ways. Harry turned around and almost immediately caught sight of his parents.
He ran over to them and they both wrapped him tightly in their arms, happy to see him again.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Attending Hogwarts w/ the DSMP: Prologue
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude, C!Slimecicle
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
A.N: I really wanted to rewrite this one, because I feel like in my previous one I just smushed a bunch of info togheter and it came put too messy. So here's a rewrite :)
For anyone who wants to read the previous ones: Part l || Part ll
[These will be just introductions for now, I'll get on with the main story later on]
❝ Hogwarts ❞
A Slytherin, which is ironic considering his zodiac sign is a leo
Comes from a family of purebloods who is, unfortunately, related to the Malfoys
But they don't like to associate themselves with that family, actually they've been "disowned" by the Malfoys
You first meet him on the train ride to Hogwarts, where he takes a interest in you in the most "love at first sight cliche" way you can think of
Gryffindor, born muggle
His parents noticed the very out of the ordinary things that happened around him, but they always thought it was just a coincidence
But once the letter arrived it explained a lot and answered many questions
They were all opened to a whole new world, so it definitely took some time to get too
But that's where you and Dream come in the picture
You three had met at Diagon Alley. You and Dream helping out the very confused Sapnap who had no one to guide him though this new place
Badboyhalo + P!Skeppy
Bad is a Hufflepuff and Skeppy is a Gryffindor
They both come from pureblood families, but aren't as close minded as most are
In your first year Skeppy accidentally pranked you while he was trying to get Bad; They both felt so bad (hehe) but you somehow befriended them in the end
Quackity + Slimecicle
Quackity, a ravenclaw, and Charlie, a hufflepuff, were probably the loudest out of their respective houses
You three knew eachother since you all lived in the same city
They both didn't know that you were a wizard, you promised your parents to never mutter a word about it
But it seems like you didn't have to keep that secret any longer
Because a week before school started you three received the same letter from the same witchcraft and wizardry school, Hogwarts
Karl Jacobs
Karl's is a half-blood, Hufflepuff, with only one dream in his mind
To become a Magizoologist just like his idol, Newt Scammander
And what better way to become one then to attend the same school he went to?
What he doesn't know is that there's also someone there with the same hopes and dreams as him, you
Wilbur Soot
He's the most well-known Ravenclaw in the school
Related to the flying class teacher, Professor Phil
His looks and talent attracted every person that passed him by
In the eye of everyone else he was the perfect wizard, who'd have an amazing future
You didn't buy into any of that, because you knew him better then anyone else
But both of your futures seem to be more complicated then both of you expected it to be
As previously mentioned, Phil is the flying class professor
Also an Animagus who can turn into a crow, that's how he kept eye on the students while they are in the air
He has three sons: Wilbur and Tommy who attended Hogwarts and Techno who attended Dumstrang
Also his wife, Professor Tristin, teaches Herbology
A Hufflepuff from a pureblood family
Who also happen to be a Metamorphagus
Every year she has a different hair color that attracted the eye of many students around the school
Resulting in her being hated by some of her fellow housemates
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❝ Beauxbatons ❞
Attends Beauxbatons but transfers later in 4th year
He's a ravenclaw and is a half-blood
Your first encounter is during the Tri wizard Tournament, when you both decide to ditch it and just hang out
Let's just say he enjoyed your company, and Dream's and Sapnap's, so much that he decided to transfer
With George, Eret also transfers to Hogwarts and entered the Ravenclaw house
Everybody had eyes on them when they first stepped foot in the Great Hall with the other girls
Her veela powers were probably at fault
But you didn't give her attention until the Yule Ball, when she asked you to go togheter
From what you've heard, she had been trying to get your attention the entire time she was there
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❝ Dumstrang ❞
He doesn't attend Hogwarts at all
Obviously, as I said before, he is related to Phil, Wilbur and Tommy
He first shows up at the school during the Tri Wizard Tournament and ends up being the chosen one to represent his school [he takes Victor Krum's place basically]
Then in your 5th year he makes another appearance as Phil's apprentice
Him and Techno were all the talk during the tournament
They were the most eye catching of the bunch so everybody seemed to want to know them
You somehow ended up having to help Foolish during a chase with his new found fan club
But unfortunately that got you into a bit of a problem that all end up with a happy ending ;)
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❝ Ilvermory ❞
Another pureblood unfortunately related to the Malfoys
While Dream was lucky enough to have parents and siblings who didn't support the Malfoys and the rest of the wizards like them, Punz didn't have that luck
His family truely believed in everything that you-know-who and the death eaters had done in the past, to which he did not agree
And once Harry Potter was back he was disowned from the family for not following in their footsteps
But Dream and his family were happy to welcome him at their home and help him attend Hogwarts as a "transfer student"
Most of the Slytherins didn't give him a heartwarming welcome tho
To cover up what had actually happened with Punz and his family, Sam was also asked to attend Hogwarts as a transfer student
Being welcomed right away by the Gryffindors
To you he was like any other boy in that house, just american lol
But maybe he'll prove you otherwise
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Clandestine pt 2 S.B. x Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: Sirius and Regulus have beef but I think that's all. As always let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 3k
Pairing: Young Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Ordered by your parents to stay away from Sirius, you two agree to meet in secret. You aren't as sneaky as you thought and get caught and your parents have a life changing surprise for you
Part 1 Masterlist Taglist
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“Darling, your father and I need to speak with you.” The voice of your mother interrupted your reading. It was the summer after your fourth year and you were hoping to get some reading done before Sirius and his family came over. Your mother stood in the archway of the library, waiting.
“Of course Mother. What is it?” You asked, setting your book to the side. As you did this, your parents came into the room and sat on the couch across from you. She kept looking over at your father as if she was confirming this conversation needed to be had.
Your father opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by your mother. “First, how was school this year? Who are your friends?”
That was odd. You wrote letters to them frequently while in school and told them all about your friends. Maybe she was stalling. “Well, Sirius and I are still best friends. He’s tried to introduce me to his friends but I don’t see them that often. I’m fairly good friends with Evan Rosier and Regulus. Why?”
She sighed and with another look at your father, she knew there could be no stalling. “Is there anyone you fancy?”
“No.” Even if there was someone you would never tell them. It was private.
“Well, you’re getting older and soon you will think of someone in a way other than just friendly and when you do, there are some things you need to know.” She patted your leg as she continued. “It is very important that the person you date and one day marry are purebloods as well. And preferably they’ll be from Slytherin as well.”
That’s what they needed to tell you? Why did it matter to them who you dated or when the time came, who you married? Shouldn’t they just want you to be happy? “Why does it matter?”
“We come from a very long line of purebloods and we must uphold that value. We cannot allow our family tree to be tainted by anything less than perfect. As the heir of the family, it is your job to carry that tradition.” Your father said as he stood. He said what he needed to say; there was no reason to stay and debate this.
How stupid. Blood status was nothing important. Maybe it was for them and their parents but it never mattered to you. So many students were brilliant while being the first witch or wizard in the family. Lily Evans was incredible and she was a muggleborn. In fact, she was better than almost everyone else in the school. Sirius had mentioned his parents having a similar belief and part of you wondered if this was something your parents had picked up from them.
“If you are looking for the perfect boy,” your father said in the archway, “Regulus would be an excellent choice.”
This would only be the first of many similar conversations.
The summer was possibly the longest summer of your life. While Regulus and his parents still came around for tea or dinner, Sirius was never there. You didn’t expect him to come since he was kicked out and all but part of you hoped he would show. It’s not like he ever listened to his parents before they kicked him out so there was no reason to start now.
There had been no communications between the two of you either. At one point you think Sirius tried to contact you because that evening your father was throwing letters in the fire. The only thing that kept you going was school starting soon. While they could censor your letters at home and keep you locked away like a prisoner, there was nothing they could do while you were at school.
As soon as the train left the station and you could no longer see your parents, you hunted the train for Sirius. After a few moments, you finally caught sight of him in a room. Almost as if he was alerted to your presence before you made a sound, he looked out the door and locked eyes with you. You barreled into the compartment and threw yourself at him, much like you did the day you first kissed him.
Sirius wrapped his arms around you and held you close, hiding his face in your neck. As soon as his arms surrounded you, your body relaxed. You didn’t know just how tense you’d been the past few months without seeing him and holding him. Finally in his arms, you felt safe. Sirius pulled away just enough to look at your face, memorizing the color of your eyes and the shape of your lips and you did the same. He kissed you softly, his lips parting just a little as he smiled.
“I missed you.” He whispered against your lips. “I haven’t heard from you since school ended.”
He had no idea what happened after he left home. You sighed and climbed off of him, sitting in the seat across from him. The sheer joy you felt when you first saw him was quickly put out. “My parents aren’t very thrilled with your exit from your family.”
Sirius sighed and looked at his lap. “This is what I was worried about. Is that why you haven’t written to me?”
You nodded. “They were reading my letters before I sent them and checked them before I could read them. If they were from you or mentioned you, they were burned. Effective immediately, I’m supposed to cut off all ties from you.”
The compartment was silent except for the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. What if this was the end of everything? Sirius didn’t care about what your parents thought and he sure didn’t care about his. But he did care about you and your relationship with your parents. He wanted you to be loved and cared for like he wasn’t. He didn’t want to be the reason it fell apart. “So what are we going to do?” He was leaving this all up to you. Sirius didn’t want to force you to continue seeing him if it could ruin everything else. Part of you wished he would make the decision for you.
“They can’t do anything while I’m at school. If we just keep it a secret, then we’ll be fine.” You didn’t want to lose Sirius but you didn’t want to lose your parents either. They were flawed but they raised you.
Sirius smiled and seeing it lifted a weight off of your shoulders. He was ok with this. “Then we’ll do that. After all, we snuck around a bit last year. I think we can pull that off.” Sirius grabbed your hands and pulled you back onto his lap. “Since we’re alone right now, I think we should make the most of it.” He smirked and leaned in, planting his lips on yours.
You smiled against his lips, happy that he was alright with the situation but you pulled away. “We won’t be alone for long. I saw James on my way here. The only reason he isn’t here yet is because he probably got distracted by Lily or the snack trolley.” The pout on his lips was hard to ignore but unless you wanted to get caught only minutes into the school year, you would have to leave. “And I need to find your brother.”
“My brother?” Sirius asked, his nose wrinkling in disgust. “Why do you need to see that prat?”
“My parents are still trying to be friends with your parents and since I’m not supposed to see you, their only way in is for Regulus and I to be friends. He’s not that bad, you know.”
Sirius only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “I think we might have to agree to disagree. Just don’t get too attached to him.”
You laughed and planted a kiss on his lips before climbing off of him. “I promise. You’re the only one for me.” Before he could protest your leaving, you slipped out the door and headed off to find Regulus.
It was easier than expected. Only a few compartments away you saw him, sitting by himself. As you opened the door and came inside, he looked up from his book. “I see you’re already starting the reading for this year. Anything good?”
Regulus only shook his head and went back to his reading. You had never been very close to the younger Black brother but you two were friendly. You both were in Slytherin and you saw him more than you saw Sirius some days. Regulus was also a pretty good person to spend time with. He was quieter and more relaxed than his brother and he was excellent in school. He was usually kind enough to help you when you had a particularly hard time with a lesson. Assuming he didn’t want to talk, you sat and looked out the window.
The first few weeks were strange. Usually Sirius came and saw you at least once a day but with this new dynamic, both of you had to stay away from each other. People had noticed this as well. Friends were constantly asking you if something was wrong between the two of you and while you wanted to tell them it was the opposite, you had to play the part. If they told anyone who told someone who could tell your parents, everything could crash and burn.
Not only had you not seen Sirius in public, you hadn’t even seen him in private lately either. After you saw him on the train to school and told him what was happening, you didn’t have much time to see him at all. It was the last year in school and you both had a lot on your plates. Not to mention, your parents were very adamant that you spent time with Regulus.
Finally after three long weeks, the stars aligned and you and Sirius agreed to meet at the astronomy tower at midnight one Saturday. Sneaking out was pretty easy. There were many times you snuck out with Sirius to cause some mischief. You knew all the secret passages and hiding spots by heart at this point.
As silently as you could, you made your way to the top of the Astronomy tower. Sitting by the railing was Sirius. You tried to keep it together and walk slowly and not seem desperate to see him but as soon as he looked over his shoulder and smiled at you, you lost it. You took off running and luckily he jumped to his feet and caught you in his arms, lifting you up and spinning you around. If he had been sitting you might have tackled him to the ground. Sirius didn’t even set you down before his lips crashed into yours. Finally you felt at home.
“I am never going this long without you again.” Sirius whispered against you as he set you back on your feet. His hands gripped your hips and pulled your body flush against his. “Never again.”
You smiled and rested your head on his chest, breathing him in. Distantly you could hear owls hooting and trees rustling in the wind. The September night air was beginning to cool but it was still comfortable. Soon winter would come and snow would cover the ground. Perhaps if either of you were lucky you would be able to sneak into a common room and sit cuddled up by the fire. “I don’t want to leave you ever again. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I see you’re listening to your parents and staying very, very far away from my brother.” There in the doorway, you saw Regulus standing with his arms over his chest. For a moment no one moved. Sirius still had hands on your hips and your arms were still wrapped around his shoulders. There was no avoiding this. Regulus caught you two not only seeing each other but he saw you kissing Sirius. He was going to tell your parents.
“What are you doing here?” Even with the only light coming from the moon, you could see the fire in Sirius’ eyes; he was pissed.
“What I was asked to do which is more than either one of you can say.” Regulus rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you two separate yourselves from each other so we can talk about what’s going to happen next.” Sirius only held you tighter but if he refused to listen, things would only get so much worse. You moved away from Sirius and leaned against the wall, not trusting your legs to hold you up. For one second you felt at home and like everything might be right in the world and in another second it all came crashing down.
“Regulus, please,” you whispered, hiding your trembling hands behind your back. “What are you doing here?”
“Your parents asked me to keep an eye on you. They assumed you would try and talk to Sirius. Of course I don’t think either of them thought you would be shoving your tongue down his throat.” Sirius took a step forward, no doubt ready to fight but your hand on his arm made him stay. “They asked me to tell them if you were breaking the new rule. I wasn’t expecting to need to do that so soon.”
Regulus was your friend and maybe as a friend, he would be on your side. You didn’t have much hope, knowing he was more like his parents than Sirius ever was but you had to try. “Reg, please don’t tell them.”
“Don’t beg him Y/N. He’s not going to listen to you. He’s as slimy as they come. As soon as he leaves he’ll be off to tattle like the perfect son he is.” Sirius hissed.
“I wasn’t planning on telling them.” Regulus rolled his eyes and turned away from his brother to look at you. “Clearly you’re willing to risk getting kicked out of your own family for my brother.” Sirius’ mouth dropped open as he stared at his brother in shock.
“He’s lying! There’s no way this scumbag would ever do something like this! He doesn’t have a heart.”
“Y/N, can I please speak to you away from this oaf?” Regulus huffed out and walked down the stairs and walked into the small hallway outside the stairs. You gave Sirius what you hoped was a reassuring smile as you followed the younger brother out. Once the door closed behind you, Regulus pulled you a little down the hall to make sure Sirius was a safe distance away.
“So you aren’t going to tell my parents?” You asked as soon as he stopped walking.
“No. All I ask is that you try better to be more secretive.”
“You don’t want anything in return? I can do some of your homework or something.” Honestly you would do anything he asked you if he would keep this a secret.
Regulus only shook his head. There was a small sad smile on his face as he looked you over. “You’ve always been a good friend to both of us and despite that idiot getting himself kicked out, he is still my brother. I had no trouble following you here. Just please for all of us, do a better job being sneaky. That’s all I want.” There was a sadness in his eyes and it must have been because of Sirius. They were so close when they were kids and then Sirius was put in Gryffindor and the gap between them grew into a chasm. Carefully and slowly, you wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff as a board; hugs were not common in his family and your heart shattered to think of him and his brother growing up without them.
“Thank you Reg.”
He nodded and left, leaving you in the hallway trying to wrap your head around this.
It took Sirius some convincing for him to believe his brother wasn’t going to expose either of you to your parents but when a week passed and there had been no word from either family, he had no choice but to believe him. True to your word, you and Sirius were sneakier. Remus knew as he also caught you two nights after Regulus did but there was no doubting his support. He let you borrow the Marauder’s Map frequently and with that sneaky map, you had successfully met with Sirius in secret for the past few months without being caught. Your friendship with Remus was an unexpected bonus that came with getting caught. Regulus was another bonus. He still spent a lot of time with you, no doubt trying to do as he was told, but he would conveniently look the other way when Sirius passed you in the hall and touched your arm. Things were starting to look up and you would think you would have learned not to get your hopes up but you didn’t.
Christmas break rolled around and while you wanted to spend it at Hogwarts with Sirius, there was no way you could so you went home. On your last day back, your parents invited the Black family over for dinner because there was an announcement they needed to make. At dinner, Regulus sat next to you in the place that used to be for Sirius. Your mother’s eyes kept darting around the room and she looked everywhere except for you. The one time you caught her gaze, she spun her head to talk to Walburga so quickly you thought she might break her neck.
As dinner ended and everyone ate their desserts, your father stood and cleared his throat. Immediately the room went silent as everyone stared at him. “Good evening. I want to thank you, Orion, Walburga, and Regulus for joining my family for dinner tonight. There is something I wish to announce. After much discussion between Orion and I, we have decided the best way to make sure our families both prosper and continue down the pureblooded and right path. After graduation, Y/N will join the most noble and honorable house of Black and marry Regulus.”
@100gaysnails @george-weasleys-girl @weasleybuns @andy200700 @asuperconfusedgirl
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random-of-random · 3 months
Chapter 9 - Not the Start of a Relationship
A/N: Here it is, guys! The final chapter. Thank you so much to everyone who read it, saved it, said anything! It means a lot.
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“You’re making a mistake!” Y/N yelled as she was sat down in a chair. Magic held her down and she could barely move her arms, let alone her legs.
“You are a wanted woman. The man you just brought in here, half dead, is the one who reported you!”
Her breath caught in her chest and fear spread through her slowly like ice. “Is he going to be alright?”
“That is none of your-“
“Is Percival okay?!”
Walter clenched his jaw. “What makes you think you get to ask about him.”
“He’s my fiancé.” She said simply and Walter cracked a smile.
“Really, and how long has he been your fiancé?”
“Not long. Only a few months.” She said softly, her eyes misting.
“And how long have you been together.”
“Since the day Percival returned to work after his arm injury. Before he became head of Magical Law Enforcement.”
“Years? You really expect us to believe you and Graves have been together for years? And he made you a wanted person for what? A lovers quarrel?”
“He didn’t! The man I brought in here tonight was Percival Graves. He has been kidnapped since the battle with Grindlewald.”
“Oh really? And who has been here this whole time?”
“Grindlewald.” Walter’s eyes went wide.
“You presume to tell me that the man who has been running our department is…” He paused before letting out a breath of air. “You’re out of your mind.”
“Please! You have to believe me. Wherever he still is as Percival - he is Grindlewald! He’s using a spell or maybe Polyjuice potion.”
“And who can vouch for any of what you’re saying?”
“Arnold knew.”
“Arnold is DEAD! Killed by Grindlewald.”
“Queenie!” She said quickly. “I have been friends with Queenie for years. She knows about me and Percival. She always has.”
“If this is true,” Her voice startled Y/N, she didn’t even realize Madame President had been cleverly concealed in the back of the room. “when did you know that Percival Graves wasn’t Percival Graves and how.” President Picquery was studying her with interest.
“The night he came back.”
“And you didn’t report it?” She asked, sitting down in front of her. With a nod to Walter the spell on the chair was lifted.
“I wasn’t sure right away. We have kept our relationship a secret. So, when we’re around others we act normal.”
“Why a secret?”
“I was worried if anyone knew they would think I wasn’t getting the job of my own merit. That Percival pushed it through, and Percival hates gossip. So, we just maintained professionalism. How is he? Is he alive.”
“Yes. He woke up demanding to see you, I am told. They gave him some medicine to calm him down and make him sleep so he could rest.” She answered and Y/N let out a strangled cry of relief. She took a few deep breaths before continuing.
“I realized when we were alone that night. Usually when one of us is gone or in a battle we take those moments to just be close, hold each other. He acted like I was a mere employee. Like he barely knew me and-“ Y/N clenched her jaw. She didn’t know if the President knew about Queenie and what she can do. She had to protect her too.
“As part of my advanced training, I took it upon myself to train in Occlumency. I had read that powerful witches and wizards would have extreme advantage if they could read our minds.” Picquery nodded, urging her to continue. “I could feel him trying to read my mind. Like something crawling up my spine. I used Occlumency. He knew he couldn’t trust me in that moment and I knew he wasn’t Percival. I went right to the elevator and was told you had gone home for the night. Rather than risk a panic, I didn’t know who he was at that point, I decided I would come back early - first thing. Be waiting for you when you got it.”
“But you weren’t here. And you were already wanted.” Picquery said.
“He broke into my apartment that night, looking for me. Luckily, for me, I was already awake. He attacked me and I was able to escape. When I came here I was injured and I knew no one would believe me. So, I went looking for the real Percival.”
“Where did you find him?”
Y/N let out a sigh. “He was held in a house. In the pocket of my coat is a list of homes on the outskirts of the city. He was in the second to last on the list. With three of Grindlewald’s followers. They’ve all been stunned. Well, I don’t know if they still are. The wands that were taken off of me - they belong to them.” She handed the list to the President.
“Madam President.” Another Auror burst through the door. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but we just got something we don’t understand.”
“What’s that?”
“An Auror downtown, when you sent a patronus to ask for the status of Mr. Graves?”
“They just sent a Patronus back saying Mr. Graves just went into the subway to go after the Obscurial.”
Picquery’s eyes turned back to Y/N. “It’s Grindlewald.”
“Walter - you get three Aurors and get to this address right away!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Collins - collect every hit witch or wizard we have. We’re going to that Subway station.”
Y/N felt her breaths coming in gasps. At least they believed her.
“Velma!” One of the President’s assistants came into the room. “Help Y/N down to the healing floor and take her to Mr. Graves.”
“A-are you sure?”
“That is an order. And while your at it send a memo to every department that Y/N Y/L/N is no longer a wanted woman and she has been falsely accused.”
“Be careful, Madam President, and thank you.” Y/N said with a nod and Picquery left the room in a hurry. Y/N stood on shaky feet and Velma quickly caught her.
“Don’t worry, Miss. Y/L/N. I’ve got you.”
“Please, I just want to see Percival.”
The walk down was slow. Y/N didn’t realize how exhausted she was before. Now that she knew Percival was safe, that the right people had been alerted to Grindlewald, she was aware of every ache and pain. She felt lightheaded and dizzy.
“When we get to Percival, I need to see a healer.”
“Would you like me to bring you straight to-“
“Just Percival.” Y/N answered quickly. The nurses on the healing floor looked on in confusion.
“Don’t worry, Miss. Y/L/N, that memo is going around now. Sent it as soon as we left the room.”
“Thank you.”
The door to Percival’s room was open. He was laying comfortably on the bed, his eyes closed and his breathing even. He wasn’t nearly as pale as he had been and Y/N let out a relieved sigh before Velma helped her into a seat next to the bed.
“I will get you a healer.” She was out the door in a flash. Y/N meant to thank her again, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of the man in front of her. Reaching a hand up she traced his jaw softly. She felt him stir and his beautiful brown eyes opened, looking at her.
“Y/N.” He tried to sit up but she stopped him and sat on the edge of his bed.
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“They were taking you away. I tried-“
“I know.” She gave him a small smile. “Picquery came to talk to me. It’s all settled. They’re going after Grindlewald.”
“Why did they arrest you?”
Y/N took a shaky breath. “Grindlewald has been impersonating you. Came back as you. I realized it wasn’t you.”
“I am so sorry. Y/N…” He sat up and his hand cupped her cheek.
“I’m just glad you’re back. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He kissed her softly. That familiar kiss that she could never get enough of. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” They held each other for a few moments. Just letting the quiet of the room surround them. For the first time in days they both felt safe and right where they needed to be. While across the city Grindlewald was being captured, their battle was over.
The sun shone brightly overhead. The breeze was warm, and the smell of flowers permeated the air.
President Picquery’s voice talked to the crowd. “We have come together today not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists.  This wedding is a celebration of love and I invite you to listen with peace and joy in your hearts while you share in this most joyous ceremony.”
Percival, in his finest dress robes, stood opposite of Y/N. The dress she picked couldn’t have been more perfect. When he saw her his heart raced. He mouthed “I love you.” as the President continued her speech. Queenie was in the front row, already crying. Her sister, Tina, was comforting her. It seems like all of the Magical Law Enforcement Department had turned up for their wedding.
The vows were exchanged, as were the rings. All Y/N could hope for, a life with the man across from her was happening. Through all the trying times, they had made it. When Percival kissed her, the first time has husband and wife, the crowd cheered. As he pulled away Percival was wearing a beaming smile. He knew his wife would fight through hell and back to save him, and he would never let her fall.
“I love you, Mr. Graves.”
“I love you, Mrs. Graves.”
They kissed again, as if they were the only two people in the world.
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faytelumos · 14 days
Genre Writing Game
Here's a new writeblr tag game from @creativepromptsforwriting! I got prompt #999!
"You can stop hugging me now."
"No, I don't think I can."
Tagging to play @afoolandathief, @amethystpath-writes, @annakayy, @dyrewrites, @gummybugg,
@kaatiba, @those-damn-snippets, @tildeathiwillwrite, @serenanymph, @surplus-of-sarcasm,
and @written-in-starlight, as well as anyone else who wants to play!
Without further ado! Let's start with!
She pulled him in close, and he tried to push on her shoulders to keep her away. But she was strong, stronger than he expected, and she pressed him to her chest and hummed, wrapping her arms around him.
The hairs on the back of his neck prickled. He didn't know what else to do, so he just waited. She could get her hug out, and then he would pull away. But three seconds passed. Then five. Ten. Her arms were getting cold. He was getting the creeps, feeling like something was crawling slowly up his back.
"Y…you can stop hugging me now," he breathed, afraid to upset her. She took in a deep breath. It sounded like it rattled in her chest.
"No," she said, but her voice was wrong. It creaked and groaned like a tree. Something was crawling up into his hair. "I don't think I can."
"Oh, Sammy!" he called, waving animatedly at her. She raised an eyebrow, and stiffened when he ran up to her. He was fast, and he got her in a hug before she could decide if she needed to evade him or not. He was big and warm around her, his hands spread wide over her back. It might have been nice if she wasn't so confused. And if he wasn't still holding her.
"Brent," she said lowly, half-warningly, "you can stop hugging me now."
"No," he uttered. There was nothing cheerful about that tone. "I don't think I can. Carefully, look up on that building, with the coffee shop?" She set her hands on his waist, peeking through his lightly spiked hair. "Second floor from the top. Left window."
"I see it," she uttered, looking directly at the glint in the window, the silhouette of a person with a rifle trained on her.
Mom flinched and nearly dropped her lemonade when Chris all but tackled her. She chuckled politely and hugged him back. I looked him over. "Dude," I said. He was practically buzzing, like a big dog wagging their tail too fast.
Mom patted his back. "Okay, alright, you can stop hugging me now," she said.
"No," he replied, dreamily, almost to himself, still hugging her like a big puppy, "I don't think I can."
"Chris!" I snapped. How was it physically possible for my friend to embarrass me in front of my mom?!
"Stacy," Mom said, "inside voice."
He sighed with relief when the lock finally came undone. He threw the cage door open and she burst out of it, knocking him back with the door, and they both fell to the ground. He grunted at the impact of the stone floor, of her falling onto him, but then she wrapped her arms around him, and he held her close.
"Thanks for coming back," she whispered.
"I couldn't leave my heart behind," he said back. She hugged him tighter, and he expected her to let go, but she didn't. It was a bit tight to keep up. He tried to wriggle his neck free, but her hold was too secure. "Sorry," he half-choked, "we should go." They both grunted when he tried to sit up. "You can stop hugging me now."
"No?" she gasped, struggling, somehow pulling on him as she did. "I-I don't think I can." She was frantic already, and when he tried to let go of her, he found himself stuck. His gut went cold.
"Wizard?!" he called out.
He opened the door, and his heart leapt to see her there, standing tall and beautiful over him. She looked him in the eye, and he shivered, taking a step back.
"Invite me in," she whispered. She could have charmed him to do it. But he could tell his mind was his own. He licked his lips.
"Please," he whispered, "come i—"
She was on him at once, wrapped around him, bearing down on him, covering him. He grabbed at her back, holding on as if for dear life. Shaking. Out of fear or… excitement, he couldn't tell. And she just held him. And held him, and held him. How long had she said it'd been for her? Did she know what to do next?
"Okay," he breathed, and though he didn't want her to move, he knew he should help her. "You… you can stop hugging me now," he offered. She hummed, deep and buttery rich against him.
"No," she purred, making him shiver again, "I don't think I can." He took a breath to question her, and then her lips were on his, and he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly anew.
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firendgold · 11 months
If you’re doing the violence ask game, can you do 9, 13 , and 19?
oooh, yes. I am indeed. Let's not delay. My friend the read-more is here to help.
choose violence ask game
9. worst part of canon
This is a very 2007 era, "I just finished Deathly Hallows" opinion, but even after all this time, I think the epilogue really is the worst part of canon. Not just because I personally dislike the canon ships, but because JKR (hereafter referred to as That Woman) had the opportunity to do some more "show not tell" for Life After Voldemort, to flesh out what the characters' priorities would be after defeating the figurehead of Wizarding Britain's prejudice and a few of his public cronies, and she just... didn't.
I probably could have stomached the canon ships if more attention was paid in the epilogue to the reforms that were made or being made to society, the ones that have only passing mentions in Pottermore or post-book interviews—the reformation of Azkaban/removal of dementors, actually seeing Harry as an Auror/Department Head (perhaps chasing down some minor league foe?), or any sort of follow up on the themes That Woman set up in the series. In DH alone we have heroes falling from pedestals, the gritty realities of war for the average people, hostile takeover of an already corrupt government, falsely torturing and imprisoning innocent people, the fallout of being betrayed by peers and/or superiors you trust, more kids becoming orphans... I could go on. There's many, many issues for the war's survivors to tackle once the dust has settled.
But we don't get that. Instead we get "here, look, the main characters got married and had kids! even Teddy is dating someone! you remember Teddy right? last time you saw him he was a baby, and now he's all grown up with a Weasley girlfriend! love love love! kiddos off to Hogwarts again! isn't that charming?" Eh... not really. I, uh, wanted to know if society has improved at all...?
I definitely get the appeal of having the "back to normal" feeling of Kids Boarding the Train at the Platform, I do... it just wasn't what I expected for the end of Harry Potter. In my not-so-humble opinion, "and then they got married and had kids" is boring in literature of any kind. It's just so boring. And it's worse for a world of magic where the characters could be doing anything else.
13. worst blorboficiation
I'm becoming such an old I had to look this up to make sure I knew what it meant before giving my opinion. :')
Am I allowed to say more than one person? This is me choosing violence, so I'm going to list off all the HP ones that came to my mind once I knew the definition.
Remus Lupin. Holy shit, bro. This fandom has ruined this character. I get that people like him. (I like him too!) I get that he's very hard to pin down because he's one of the more mysterious people, but (until recently) I've never seen a character who's pretty neutral in canon get so positively inflated by the fandom. And it's literally just because of wolfstar. Sirius gets inflated too (more on that in a sec), but Remus gets inflated just because long ago fans decided that the two of them were obviously together and, by extension, would be perfect, flawless co-dads for Harry. You could argue that Remus doesn't really show much romantic feeling towards Tonks until DH, but you'd also have to argue that he doesn't show much romantic feeling (or feelings at all, besides grief and nostalgia) for anyone.
But like... I'm not a total Debbie Downer. I get the appeal of wolfstar alone and wolfstar dads, really, but they're hard to completely buy into (especially when the latter usually turns into a Dumbledore bashfest). Sometimes fans act like their ideal of who Remus is and what he is to Harry, Sirius, and other characters is canon when it's not. Preferable to canon, maybe, but not source material at all. The wolfstar-partner-raising-Harry!Remus is nowhere close to the real Remus. The real Remus:
is unaccounted for for the first 10 years of Harry's time at the Dursleys, and for his first and second year, with no retroactive explanation given
doesn't contact Harry after year 3, and indeed isn't even seen or mentioned again until year 5
is only briefly around Harry in year 6 (you know, the year right after Sirius dies)
consents to starting a family and then almost immediately tries to leave that family behind once he finally gets bit by the "oh, maybe now I should try being Harry's surrogate parent" bug, then doesn't understand why that pisses Harry off
So. Yeah. You teach a kid the Patronus charm one time and suddenly you're the man who can Do No Wrong in 99.3% of all fanon material. It's irritating. Ships and/or found family stuff could wrangle with the man Remus is, they just choose not to in favor of recycling old fanon archetypes.
Sirius Black. Much of the same said above about Remus applies to Sirius tenfold. Sirius cares about Harry, sure, but lots of fans like to sand over the part where Sirius made one little protest about Harry going to the Dursleys, then fully committed to going after Pettigrew in 1981 without telling anyone about the Secret-Keeper switch, or anything that would have kept him out of jail even in our aforementioned corrupt wizarding society. In their minds, that evil meanie Dumbledore forced him to not whisk Harry away to Black Manor or whatever to raise him. *eyeroll*
Sirius is a character who is developmentally delayed in canon, but some of his fans downright infantilize him. Poor Sirius, he just wanted to be a baby gay and raise Harry but the Ministry/Dumbledore/That Woman just wouldn't let him. (You can argue the last one, but it is SO RARE to find a fanfic where Sirius has to grow the fuck up and face the consequences of his early choices, while also actually taking steps to be better and be a good surrogate dad for Harry.) Just because Sirius is Harry's godfather doesn't mean he's a perfect one. And he's not dealing with a typical kid either. Sirius and Harry wouldn't easily or neatly slot into typical familial roles because they've both Been Through Some Shit—and that's why their relationship is so compelling.
And I haven't even gone into the other side of fanon!Sirius, the one who's this devil-may-care man who Got All The Ladies in his time, is mostly physically and mentally unaffected by his Azkaban stint, and is only around to: support Harry in whatever independent!Harry schemes he has going on (screw Dumbledore! run away from the war somehow! become a Cool Dude! fight the power!), blather on about Lordships and fanon shit the real Sirius wouldn't give one toss about, or to give him girl advice on whatever girl (or harem) Harry is being shipped with in that particular fic. The only reason this version of Sirius isn't an obvious homophobic backlash to the "Sirius is gay" version is because I'm pretty sure this version came first chronologically in fandom. I'm actually not sure which version of Sirius is more annoying to me.
last but not least, we have:
Daphne Greengrass. Technically I shouldn't be able to put her here, because she doesn't even HAVE a canon personality. Everything about her besides her name, her House, and her sister('s relationship to Draco) is completely made up. But fanon has come to a Consensus on her, and this consensus is THE MOST annoying made-up persona in a fandom where we also have "he's just misunderstood/traumatized by the Muggle wars/going about things the wrong way!" Tom Riddle/Voldemort, "he was just being mean to Harry for his cover/Harry deserved it" Severus Snape, "brightest witch of her age And No Other Personality Traits" Hermione Granger, "he WAS going to change sides, really!" Draco Malfoy, and "purebloods wanting to gatekeep magical society and call uppity muggleborns slurs is fine actually" fanon discourse, among other irritants. Maybe it was intriguing the first time I read it. Now, it's not.
Every single time I see "politically-neutral blonde/black-haired ice queen who teaches Harry about Noble Houses/convinces him that Not All Slytherins/gets him on the Right Political Path For His Future" I want to throw up in my mouth. It's so fucking boring. It's not what Harry Potter is about to me, it's not what it should be about, and it's not even what I look for in other media. (I think the Sword of Truth series is the only series I read where there's actual politics that I care about, and it's still high fantasy!) So much Daphne and Haphne fandom content just feels like a bunch of people missed the point of the series, which is that pretentious family nonsense is just that and pureblood tradition shit doesn't matter. And Daphne's "backstory" is not even logical. Neutral factions? "Gray" factions? Do you really think that 1970s era Voldemort, at the top of his game, would have been okay with a supposedly prominent and influential pureblood family sitting out the war in the way the Greengrasses are often written? Like, actually saying "no thanks, our clan has always been capital-N Neutral" to him? No. Fuck no. He would have murdered them all and skipped away, leaving them to be found by other "fence-sitting" purebloods as an example. Yes, there are people who are neutral in wars, but not in the HP universe when Voldemort asks you directly. And the fanon Greengrasses would have been asked directly to get that skull tattoo.
I've even been bamboozled in the past into reading Haphnes that I think are going to be different but then start treading down this same stupid road, like the comments are getting to them or something. (And readers, why the fuck would you want to read the exact same fanfic 1,000 times but written by 1,000 different people? Hello??)
It's gotten to the point where it's actually refreshing if Daphne shows up in a fic and isn't shipped with Harry, or if she is but she has a completely different personality than the above. I'm reading a few Haphnes now that I can stomach because they are different or the plot is interesting enough for me to ignore the tropes, but it's been a long time since an HP fanon "collective character headcanon" or ship other than wolfstar has left such a bad taste in my mouth or caused me to actively avoid content with that character.
...oop. I know I said "last but not least" above but I forgot to mention Regulus Black so I'll briefly do so here. I don't know what happened in the last five-ish years but this man went from "devoted Voldemort follower who did one decent thing because he liked his slave, thank goodness, even though he slowed down the locket's destruction by taking it away" to "OMG my BLORBO he was fighting the GOOD FIGHT and also he's probably in love with James Potter!! and Lily is evil for keeping them apart!!" Huh?? Fanon's gonna fanon, but is one fanfic really responsible for all this? Jegulus and "secret freedom fighter Regulus" are just beyond my comprehension I guess. Mostly because it seems like fandom picks and chooses when they want a character to be evil-aligned-but-complex, and when they want to just sand over their rough edges and make them an Unsung Hero Who Did Nothing Wrong Ever. And also because I firmly believe that if James was gay, he'd have been with Sirius.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Teacher/student ships. (I mean, of course. I'm running this blog.) Of course IRL I don't condone that at all, but some of the most fascinating pairs in the HP universe are bonds between some of the professors and some of their students. Albus and Harry speak for themselves. But you've also got Minerva and Hermione to a lesser extent, and Snape with Draco in the early years (not so much later). And even those are nothing compared to the most interesting partnerships, which imo are between adults who at one point weren't both adults. Consider Albus and Minerva, who have been teaching, working and living together for at least five decades, before which Minerva was probably one of Albus' better Transfiguration students. Consider Albus and Snape, with Snape being the person who so recently graduated from being one of Albus' pupils to being one of his closest confidants. Consider Horace Slughorn and... well, Tom Riddle was my first choice, but really him with any student, because imo that man is very weird about networking with children. Hell, consider Albus and Tom because you know that was the most awkward seven years either of them has ever had, both being so powerful and skilled while intensely disliking each other. They're all so good. Playing with power dynamics can be fun. Especially when (and this is the only time I want politics in my HP fics!!) the older party potentially faces consequences, or doesn't, for taking advantage of the younger one, precisely because of who's involved and who's on the Hogwarts Board of Governors and what war's going on right now in the background and...
I think that's all the violence I can dish out for these questions! Thanks for the ask.~
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ravenclaw-writes · 10 months
Like I Do
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Worried about the future, Sirius breaks up with Remus the summer before their final year at Hogwarts. When September rolls around and Remus shows up to the platform, his arm slung around a girl, Sirius realizes he fucked up. No one gets to touch his Moony like that. After a month of ignoring each other, the tension is too much.
(Title from the song Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Gap)
Word Count: 6,299
Original Publish Date: 2023-01-05
A/N: Hi again! Fic 4 from my AO3-to-tumblr transfer. This one is actually from this year haha. Hope you like! Feel free to check out my other stuff either on here as I start to upload or on my AO3 where they already live :)
| Read on AO3 |
~ i. ~
It was a hard summer. Stuck at home helping out his mum around the house. He was either doing the manual labour too intense for her or his summer assignments. An extremely slow owl resulted in limited communication with his friends. He lost his school books for a good portion of time until he remembered he’s of age and there is in fact a spell that can help him. He blamed the forgetfulness on the breakup. Oh yeah, add that to the list. Sirius Black broke up with him. By owl.
He’s not exactly complaining (lie), because he would rather have it end than stretch it out and start the school year off with that conversation. This way he can process it on his own time. At least he still had half the summer. Honestly, the whole thing surprised him. It came out of nowhere. He’s not sure what happened, Sirius kept the letter quite short.
He knew it was bad right from the start, Sirius always called him some form of Moony or an over-the-top pet name that Remus refused to admit he loved.
I don’t really know how to say this, so I guess I'll just get into it. I think we should call it. We both knew that it wasn’t going to last, so there’s no sense in dragging out the inevitable.
See you on the train,
He didn’t think that it was inevitable. Remus was starting to think that he could actually love Sirius. That Sirius could love him back. He hadn’t voiced it though. It was not something he was ready to do. But if Sirius thought the breakup was inevitable then surely Remus had missed some cues. He was always bad at that. James used to tease him about not being able to tell when someone was flirting with him.
He just stared at the letter for a while after it arrived. He half expected another one from James checking in on him to immediately follow, but nothing. From anyone, in fact. Broken up, cut off, and he couldn’t even find his school books to distract him. He also couldn’t talk to his mum, he didn’t tell her about him and Sirius.
He wrote a letter to Lily but didn’t send it. He wrote another, same thing. He wasn’t really sure what to tell her. Eventually, he settled with short and sweet, like Sirius’.
Sirius and I broke up.
Remus’ owl took 2 days to reach Lily.
“Remus, it’s for you!” Hope answered the landline on a Wednesday evening. Remus pushed his chair out from the kitchen table where he was doing work (he had since remembered he was a wizard) and walked to where the phone was, around the corner. He wasn't sure who could possibly be calling for him, maybe the neighbour saw him fixing the fence and wanted him to fix his side too? Hope passed him the handset. “It’s a girl,” she teased. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Remus!” Lily’s sweet voice greeted him. Oh yeah. He forgot about that. Not all his friends are purebloods who don’t know how to use a phone.
“Hey,” Remus replied, using the benefit of the long cord to reach into the kitchen and pull a chair to the phone. He sat down and switched the handset to the other ear.
“I just got your letter, why didn’t you call me! I’m so sorry, James didn’t mention anything to me when we went to Hogsmeade yesterday. I’m sending you some Honeydukes right now. I’ll charm it so it won’t melt, your owl is quite slow you know.” Lily rambled. Remus forgot how much he missed her voice. He sighed.
“I missed you,” he said.
“Oh, Remus,” Lily cooed. Remus sighed again. So much for thinking he processed it. “What happened, love?”
Remus paused. He wasn’t even sure himself what happened. “I don’t even know. I just got a letter from him out of the blue last week and-”
“LAST WEEK?” Lily exclaimed. “Remus, please tell me you at least talked it through with Hope.”
Remus didn’t answer.
“Remus Lupin, you didn’t just wallow did you?”
He still didn’t answer. Lily sighed. “I didn’t even tell her we were together, what am I supposed to say, ‘hey mum, remember my friend Sirius? We dated all through second term but you can’t meet him again because he just broke up with me’,” Remus checked to make sure his mum wasn’t still hanging around. She knew he was bi, they had that conversation a long time ago. But he wanted to keep Sirius to himself for a little. It seems a little was all he got anyway.
Lily sighed again. Remus knew she was shaking her head. “It wouldn’t have been a big deal, your mum’s cool,” Remus chuckled a little at that. “But, really, how are you doing?”
“I’m … ok,” Remus answered truthfully. “He said in the letter that it was inevitable anyway so I guess this is something that was always going to happen,” he shrugged, even though Lily couldn’t see him.
“Wait, backup, letter?” Lily asked.
“Oh, yeah. He broke up with me by owl.”
“He didn’t even have the decency to apparate?” Lily exclaimed, utterly shocked.
“To be fair, no one’s ever been here so it’s not like he could if he wanted to.”
“He could have at least Floo’d then!”
“Floo’s broken. I have no idea how to fix it.” Remus lied. He wasn't sure why he’s covering for Sirius. They were still friends, he guessed. Aren’t they?
Lily groaned. “Remus don't make up excuses for him. I’ll get James to give him a talking to.”
Remus sat up straight. “No, Lils, if Sirius didn’t even tell James that it happened I’m sure there’s a reason. The last thing I want is to tear everyone apart for our last year.”
“Ok. But if you change your mind, let me know.” Lily paused. “Did he say anything?”
“He ended it with ‘see you on the train’.”
~ ii. ~
Who is she?
September first. Platform 9 3/4. Months since Sirius had last seen his Moony. Or, well, just Moony now.
He didn’t think it was possible but Remus was taller. A lot taller. And broader. Big shoulders. He didn’t look lanky anymore, he filled out, it suited him. Was his jawline always that sharp? Fuck, when was the last time he shaved? Stubble has never looked so good. So much should not have changed over one summer.
But, who. Is. She?
Remus was the last of the Marauders to arrive on the platform. Sirius and James were first despite Effie forcing them to pose for photos, tearing up now that "her boys are all grown up.” Next was Peter, and now. Moony.
His right arm draped over the shoulder of some girl, their fingers laced together. Maybe he just looks so tall because she’s not even at his shoulders. Sirius can’t hear what they’re saying, but he doesn’t need to, their body language is doing all the talking. She is pressed close to him, holding his arm close.
Sirius can tell that Peter and James are talking but he can’t make out the words.
The girl waved to someone, trying to look over the crowd by standing on her tiptoes. She looked back at Remus, said what he assumed was a goodbye, and started to walk away. But Remus held on, and pulled her back, spinning her around to face him. And kissed her, right on the mouth. Right on the platform. In front of everyone.
Sirius seemed to be the only one who noticed.
The kiss went on for too long, in Sirius’ opinion. It didn’t look enjoyable either. He and Remus never kissed like that.
What could only be hours later, the two parted and Remus headed over to the Marauder’s arranged meeting point.
Sirius was stunned. A girlfriend? It has to be, his Moony was never one for casual stuff. Sirius would know. Sirius does know.
But PDA? That was new, he never did that with -
But it was because they couldn’t. Sirius wasn’t out publicly. While he no longer lived with the Blacks (he refused to call them his family), the news would still reach them. They still had ties to the school while Regulus was there.
Sirius felt a pang in his heart. He could never give Moony that. Not unless they uprooted their lives completely. It was inevitable, anyway. Just like he said in the letter. Fuck, he felt like shit attaching it to his owl. But he knew if he went in person he wouldn’t be able to do it. And he had to do it. Moony deserves better. Someone he can kiss in public, on the train platform, in front of the entire student body.
He didn’t want to tell James at first, but yesterday he figured he should probably say something before everyone was reunited. If anyone asked, Sirius didn’t know why he waited to tell James, it wasn’t a big deal, people break up, so what?
But really, it was because it was James who put the idea in his head, and he knew James would kill himself if he knew.
All summer he was seeing Lily, talking about Lily, letting his eyes linger on rings on display when they went out. The whole time Sirius missed Remus, really, he did. He wished he could see him, talk about him the way that James talked about Lily. The feelings were mirror images. He just couldn’t say it. Remus had been out for a couple of years now, he’s so unapologetically himself. As much as Sirius wants to say the same of himself, it’s not true. The closest he got to that is with James. But even then, he holds back a little. He forced himself into the guy’s house for Merlin’s sake. He wouldn’t be surprised if James never spoke to him again after finals.
But Moony. Fuck, Moony. Soft, safe, caring. Never complains when Sirius asks him to read out loud, from fiction to textbooks, Sirius loves the sound of his voice. He smells like a specific brand of Muggle soap, cinnamon, and cedar. Home. Remus smelt like home.
And just like his home growing up, eventually, it would gather all his vulnerabilities and spit them in his face. So the breakup was inevitable. Sirius was getting too comfortable, he had to do it before he really let his guard down.
See you on the train.
He thought it would be easy to say goodbye. They weren’t dating for long, sure they had kissed, had sex even. Good sex. But it couldn’t become more. As James had made painfully obvious to him, he could never browse for rings.
~ iii. ~
Remus tried to move on, really, he did. He bumped into a nice girl at the market near his house who ended up being a 6th year Ravenclaw. She recognized Remus, he had no idea who she was. But she was pretty, someone he could see at school, and nothing like Sirius.
When the term started they stayed together. With her being in the year below, they didn’t have any classes together, but whenever they had free time they spent it together. She snuck Remus into the Ravenclaw Common Room a couple of times, sometimes letting Remus guess at the riddle first. He never got it right. He did love the Common Room though. It was big, open, lots of windows. He liked the windows because they gave him something to focus his eyes on so he could avoid looking at the ceiling.
Charmed to look like the night's sky, the stars twinkled after dusk. Remus refused to enter the Common Room at night after the first time. Of course, Sirius has to be the brightest star. Remus wished he too was 8.6 light-years away from Earth.
He wasn’t necessarily avoiding the Marauders, but they didn’t mind, they were just happy to see him in a relationship. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure if Peter even realized that he and Sirius were together last term.
He was avoiding Sirius though. And Lily at times. He did not want to hear her opinion on the situation.
But he was getting nervous about the full moon. It was coming at the end of the month so at least he had some time to figure out how the fuck that was going to work. The wolf found it hard by himself over the summer, and Remus knows he will be happy to see his friends again. But the wolf won’t know to avoid Padfoot.
So for now he’ll just enjoy his time with his girlfriend.
He’ll try to, at least.
Her fingers caressed the same places that Sirius did. Her fingers were softer, smaller. They didn't match the invisible imprints that Sirius left on his skin. Her nails were longer and Remus missed the light touch of the tips of Sirius’ fingers when he would lazily trace shapes on Remus' hips.
Her teeth were different, too. Remus didn’t think that he’d be able to tell the difference between people’s teeth but he could. Maybe her mouth was smaller? She sometimes bit his lip when they kissed, and it just didn’t feel the same. He knew the answer, he just didn’t want to admit it. He was the only person to know about Sirius’ crooked tooth.
You couldn’t see it when he smiled, but sometimes Remus noticed, he knew what to look for. He knew that Walburga Black fixed Sirius’ teeth as soon as all his adult ones came in. He knew that in first year Sirius found a spell to counteract it, and as his first act of defiance, 11-year-old Sirius Black moved a single tooth back to its original place. He knew because last year Sirius showed him.
How pathetic. Remus missed a fucking tooth.
~ iv. ~
Sirius didn’t know why it bothered him so much. He and Remus were over, they had been over for a long time now. It was almost the end of September. Months had passed since the breakup. Months had passed since the last time he touched Remus’ skin.
Of course she’s a Ravenclaw. He always knew he wasn’t smart enough for Remus, that he didn’t try as hard as he should. She must be smart if she’s in Ravenclaw. He bet that Remus could even answer the riddles to get into the Common Room. They’re not very slick, Sirius always saw them sneak off. Maybe he’s just paying more attention than everyone else. He’s always been attuned to Remus’ movements.
It made his blood boil. He used to touch Remus like that. He’s the only one who knows where to touch, where to kiss. He’s the only one allowed to touch Remus like that.
Sirius never considered himself possessive, and he certainly didn’t feel this way while they were together. Something about seeing Remus with someone else just made him snap. And fuck if it didn't turn him on.
Sirius’ newest fantasy involved pulling Remus into a broom cupboard, a classroom, the shower, his bed, and kissing him hard. Make Remus realize that no one can make him feel as good as Sirius can.
He had to shut those feelings down. They broke up. He ended it. This was his own doing. He basically told Remus that he never thought they would last. Remus didn't want him anymore, he’d clearly moved on. Someone smart, someone pretty. A Muggleborn too, a commonality that they could never share. She’s nothing like him. Clearly, Remus thought it was inevitable too.
But all that did was add fuel to Sirius' fire.
~ v. ~
Sirius was getting easier to avoid. But the full moon was tomorrow. They needed to talk. Maybe Sirius would stay in the dorm tomorrow night? Would that make things better or worse? He knew both Lily and James would skin him alive if he didn’t talk to Sirius soon.
Remus sighed and closed his Charms textbook. He couldn’t focus anyway, even without the Sirius Issue. He's always agitated right before the full moon. Remus decided that he needed to find Sirius. He should be on his way back from class now, Remus could cross paths on his way back from the Library if he left right now.
So he packed up his things, eager to get this over with, and left the Library. Sure enough, there was Sirius, walking the halls with his hands in the pockets of his robes. Remus forgot about how well Sirius pulled off the uniform. It’s not fair that a family as shit as his can produce the most gorgeous offspring.
Cutting across the hall, side-stepping out of the way of some first years, Remus grabbed Sirius by the arm of his robe and pulled him into the first door he saw.
Regrettably, it was a broom cupboard.
~ vi. ~
Sirius was avoiding Remus. He hardly ever saw him anyway, he was always with his girlfriend. But now he was making sure there was purposeful space between them. So he went to class, walked back to the dorm slowly, went to the Library less than usual (not that he went much before, but he knew that Remus would be there). It was easy. He made the executive decision to just sit this full moon out. Padfoot and the wolf liked to tussle. He’s horny for Remus as a human, he did not need Padfoot to put that on display for everyone.
He made his way back from Muggle Studies, taking his sweet time, hands in his pockets, kicking the ground with his slow steps, just wasting time. The hall was filled with little first years and Sirius found himself missing the early Marauder days.
Suddenly, he felt a tug on the sleeve of his robe and he was yanked into a small, dark, cupboard. He whipped out his wand, cursing himself for not being more alert.
The mystery person beat him to the first spell, but it was just a smooth lumos. Sirius’ breath hitched.
Sirius straightened his back and tried to step back, instead, he bumped into the wall. It was a tight squeeze, but at least there was some space between them. Sirius had enough room to move and open the door if he wanted to.
But did he?
Why was Remus pulling him into a broom cupboard?
Was he dreaming? Merlin’s fucking balls did he dream up an entire Muggle Studies class and now he'll have to go to another one when he woke up?
Sirius lowered his wand, tucking it into his robe pocket, waiting for Remus to speak. He decided this was not a dream. If it was, Remus’ tongue would already be down his throat.
He hadn’t been this close to Remus in so long. That smell. Remus must’ve showered this morning. Soap, cinnamon, cedar. It was intoxicating. If he didn’t get out of here soon he was going to do something stupid. Really stupid.
“Yes?” He prompted when Remus remained silent.
Remus ran his tongue over his lips before speaking, but it was all too much.
~ vii. ~
Remus cast a quick lumos, illuminating the small room. Could it even be considered a room?
Sirius took a step back. Fuck, he hates me, doesn’t he, Remus thought.
“Yes?” He asked, sounding annoyed.
Remus couldn’t think this close to Sirius. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch. No, he thought. You have a girlfriend, stop.
Nervous, Remus ran his tongue over his lips, trying to think of something to say. He opened his mouth, but before he could spit out the first word, Sirius launched his hands up, gripping his around the back of his neck, thumbs on the sides of his face.
And kissed him.
It caught Remus off guard, and he dropped his still-illuminated wand. It was oh so familiar. The press, the soft lips, the feel of big hands gripping his neck. Remus instinctively reached out and gripped Sirius' waist, pulling him impossibly close, the two of them pressed together.
Their lips moved together in synch. They were always perfect at this.
Sirius lightly bit down on Remus’ lip and when he felt that fucking tooth it snapped him back to reality. Remus broke the kiss and pushed Sirius off of him.
“What the fuck?” He exclaimed. He noticed how Sirius didn’t wipe his mouth. His lips glistened with their mixed saliva. “What was that all about!”
Sirius looked him in the eyes, they were out of focus, hooded. Remus knew that look. He tried not to let it get to him.
“I missed you.”
Remus was dumbfounded. “Missed me? You’re the one who broke up with me! I moved on, in case you didn’t notice. I have a girlfriend now.” The lie was easy now. He wasn’t sure he’d move on until he stopped seeing Sirius on a daily basis. Even then -
Sirius furrowed his brows, his mood changing. “Oh, I noticed.” He slowly reached out, seeing if Remus would stop his wandering hand. Remus hated himself for staying still. Sirius looped his fingers through one of Remus’ belt loops. “How could I not notice?”
Remus’ heart started pounding, his breathing was heavy, his blood was rushing south very quickly. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
Sirius slowly pulled Remus towards him. Remus didn’t put up a fight. Sirius used his other hand to start untucking Remus’ shirt. He went from the side, towards the front, and let his hand move down.
“Does she make you this hard?”
Remus choked on air. Sirius chuckled. “She doesn’t, does she?” He teased.
Remus wasn’t sure what was happening, Sirius was never like this. Was he... was he jealous?
Sirius unhooked his finger from Remus’ belt loop and untucked the other side of his shirt before moving it to join his other hand at Remus’ belt buckle.
Remus was in too deep. He had to stop this. He couldn’t do this.
Sirius undid the buckle, then his trousers, and slowly started pulling them down. Sirius followed, lowering himself until he was on his knees, looking up at Remus. Jesus fucking Christ.
Remus wanted to shove him away, stop him from undoing all the work that he has put in to move on.
But what would he say? How could he lie and say that he doesn’t want this when the evidence of what Sirius was doing to him was so painfully obvious?
Sirius let go of the waistband of Remus’ trousers once they pooled at his ankles and slowly trailed his fingers up Remus’ legs.
Oh, those fingers. The callouses on his fingertips from playing James’ guitar, the slight graze of filed nails, the space that they occupy. Remus’ skin was on fire by the time they reach the waistband of his underwear.
Sirius placed his hands on Remus' hips, hooking his thumbs under the fabric. His fingers lining up perfectly with the imprints Remus couldn’t erase. Sirius smirked up at him as if he knew exactly what Remus was thinking: they fit perfectly together.
That was about the last innocent thought Remus had.
Sirius slowly pulled down Remus’ underwear. So slow, too slow. Remus was getting impatient, but he didn’t want to let Sirius know that he won. So he stayed fixed to the ground, making fists with the hands he wanted to grab Sirius’ hair with.
Remus was a bit embarrassed at how quickly he got this hard. In his defence, he hasn't done anything below the belt since before the summer. The last person to touch him like this was Sirius. And here he was again. He belonged to Sirius whether he knew it or not.
But right now? He knew. Fuck, he knew.
~ viii. ~
Sirius looked up at Remus. His head was thrown back, leaning against the chipped brick wall. His eyes were closed, brows furrowed in a mixture of resistance and pleasure. Sirius let his eyes trail down Remus' torso as he ran his hands up Remus thighs, lightly brushing his fingertips across the skin. He was feeling smug. He was the only one who could see Remus like this. He was the only one who could make Remus feel like this. He could tell Remus was trying to hold back, even with the limited light Sirius could see Remus' knuckles turning white with how tight he was clenching his fists. It gave him such a surge of power. Usually Remus was the one to take control in the bedroom. Sirius understood the appeal. But he was itching for Remus to not only take control but to fully lose control. Maybe if he worked him up just a little bit more ...
Remus was now fully bare from waist down. Sirius trailed his fingers up and down the inside of Remus' thighs, avoiding the proudly erect cock dripping in front of him.
"Look at you, hmm?" Sirius found himself saying. He was usually on the receiving end of dirty talk when he was with Remus but if he was trying to get a rise out of him, Sirius could dust off his dominant side. At least for a little bit. He used to be able to make girls melt. But he knew what his Moony liked. This would be easy.
Sirius gave the head of Remus' cock a kitten lick, tasting the salty precum. Remus made a sound in the back of his throat.
"You're really pent up, aren't you?" He asked, slowly licking up the underside of Remus' cock. He's always been good at giving head. "I'll bet she doesn't touch you like this," Sirius said, using a hand to cup Remus' balls. Remus always topped, but Sirius knew he still liked his ass played with a little. Sirius let his fingers wander further back. Remus gasped, his fists flexing. Sirius took this opportunity to slowly lower his mouth on the tip of Remus' cock, sucking lightly on the head.
The groan that Remus let out went straight to Sirius' cock. Oh how he had missed that sound.
~ ix. ~
Remus' head was spinning. He was vaguely aware that they were in a semi-public place but when Sirius finally put his lips around his cock, any logic or reason that had been present in his brain promptly left. He could feel his nails digging into his palm, itching to be digging into Sirius' scalp instead.
Sirius started bobbing his, but the pace was still too slow. Sirius always had a teasing energy in the bedroom but this was just another level.
"Sirius," Remus moaned. He finally opened his eyes and the sight of Sirius looking up at him through full eyelashes was too much.
Sirius pulled off Remus' cock with a wet pop, a trail of spit connecting the tip with his shining lips. Remus almost keeled over, already missing the heat of Sirius' mouth.
"Yes, love?" he responded, cheekily. He started slowly licking up the side of Remus' cock again and Remus had enough of this teasing.
He finally unclenched his fists and roughly gripped at the back of Sirius' head. But Sirius pushed back against the force of Remus pushing him towards his aching cock. "Needy, are we?" Sirius asked.
"Shut up and put your mouth on me," Remus demanded. It wasn't begging, he wouldn't go that far, but it was just shy. It was hard to hide the desperation in his voice. He hadn't been blown in so long. He hadn't been blown by Sirius in so long.
"Yes, Sir," Sirius said breathlessly, letting his mouth hang open. And Remus snapped.
Using his fistfuls of Sirius' hair, Remus forcefully pulled Sirius closer, shoving his cock all the way down Sirius' throat in one swift movement. Sirius moaned around the intrusion and let his muscles relax, giving full control to Remus.
God, he missed this. The submission he could get from Sirius. Knowing the pleasure that Sirius got from being manhandled like this. Remus started fucking into Sirius' mouth, pulling him closer by his hair to match every thrust. "Fuck you feel so good," Remus moaned. He felt movement below him and looked down to see Sirius had shed his robe and was palming himself through his trousers. Remus pulled Sirius off his cock and tugged at his hair, signalling him to stand up. Gasping for air, Sirius obeyed, and Remus pressed Sirius' back against the cool wall of the broom cupboard and roughly kissed him. Sirius arms immediately wrapped around Remus, started pulling his robe off before he began clawing at his back, pulling Remus closer.
Remus stopped his attack on Sirius' lips and began trailing kisses down his jaw to the juncture of his neck, lightly biting, revelling in the whine Sirius let out. "Tell me what you want," he whispered into Sirius' ear.
Sirius groaned, gripping harder at the back of Remus' shirt. "You, fuck, Moony, you."
~ x. ~
Sirius was straining against his trousers. He had barely even been touched, it had only been his own hand, not even under his trousers. He was desperate for some sort of friction. His grip on Remus' shirt was getting tighter, he was worried he might tear it. He wanted to tear it, he wanted to scrape his nails down his Moony's back, draw blood, mark him as his.
"All you had to do was ask," Remus said, smugly, and gripped Sirius' waist, roughly spinning him around so that his front was pressed against the rough bricks, reminding him that they could be walked in at any moment. The scrape against his cheek told him this wasn't a dream, and the smack Remus planted on his ass confirmed it.
Sirius watched as Remus reached around him and undid his belt, then his trousers before roughly pulling them down. "Wand, where?" Remus gruffed into Sirius' ear.
"Robe pocket, hurry up," Sirius responded.
Remus' wand was still lit on the ground. Hidden under their robes, the light wasn't blinding, making the space feel more intimate than it already was. Sirius waited (im)patiently for Remus to find his wand. His breath hitched when he heard the sound of the broom cupboard door being spelled to lock, and let out a groan when he was shocked with the spell Remus must've uttered to prep his insides. Sirius much preferred the muggle way of the prep, but nothing beat being surprised with the spell. He also loved when Remus used Sirius' wand for it. It was always a little bit more rough, less perfect than when Remus used his own wand. The one time using someone else's wand enhanced a spell.
Remus tossed Sirius' wand back into the pile of robes and a thrill raced through Sirius' veins as he realized Remus hadn't used a silencing spell. Fuck, Remus was going to make him stay quiet.
Sirius felt Remus hands grip his hips and he forcefully pulled him closer. Sirius could feel Remus' hot, hard cock pressed between his ass cheeks and let his body melt into the wall in front of him. With his cheek pressed against the wall, he could look back and see the look of determination in Remus' eyes.
Remus held out his hand and spat in it before tugging at his cock, getting it ready. Sirius' had yet to be touched.
Remus slapped his cock against Sirius' hole a couple of times, teasing him. Sirius pressed his hands against the wall to push himself against Remus, hoping he would get the hint and fuck him already.
"Now who's needy, hmm?" Remus chuckled.
"It's been too long, please," Sirius begged.
"Counting the days have you?" Remus teased, thrusting against Sirius but not entering.
He hadn't, but he might as well have been with how much he ached for Remus right now. "Moony, I need you, please, please," he was getting desperate. His cock was leaking, untouched, for fucks sake.
Then, finally, finally, Remus pressed in, and Sirius made a sound he had never heard himself make before. Remus' grip on Sirius' hips tightened in response.
Remus bottomed out quickly, and Sirius revelled in the fact that Remus was feeling as desperate at he was.
Sirius bucked his hips back, needing Remus to move. He was done waiting, he needed to be fucked, proper. Now.
Remus seemed to get the hint and pulled out slightly before slamming back inside. Sirius bit down on his lip to stop him from making the sounds that Remus always forced out of him.
Soon the cupboard was full of the sound of skin slapping skin, Remus not holding anything back as he fucked into Sirius.
"Fucking Christ," Remus moaned. A part of Sirius' heart sang, the muggle deity reminding him that this was Moony. His Moony. "You're still so tight."
Sirius hummed at the light praise. "Held out for you," he replied. Sirius felt Remus dig his nails into his hips.
"All mine, huh?" Remus asked, pulling Sirius against him in time with his thrusts.
Sirius moaned at the new intensity. "Yoursyours-" he chanted, conscious that he was getting a little too loud but not caring enough to quiet himself.
"No one else can touch you like this, right?" Remus asked. Sirius felt himself getting lightheaded with the possessiveness coming from Remus. He didn't know where it had come from, but fuck he needed more.
"No one else, just you, just you," Sirius moaned, Remus' thrusts hitting that spot deep within him. He was getting close but it wasn't enough. "Please touch me, please," he begged.
Not needing anymore prompting, Remus reached around and wrapped a hand around Sirius. He jerked forward at the touch, not realizing how sensitive he already was.
Remus groaned possessively and picked up the pace of both his thrusts and his hand. He was getting close, Sirius could tell. "Inside, please," he wanted to be marked, inside and out, claimed by Remus.
Remus made a sound akin to a growl and Sirius almost lost it. "I'm gonna- Moony I'm gonna-"
Remus tightened his pressure on Sirius' cock and slightly changed the angle of his thrusts. Sirius could feel the pressure building inside of him, it was getting to be too much. He was wrapped up in Remus, could feel him everywhere. He could barely hold back anymore but knew to hold out until he was allowed.
Sirius choked on air. Was he not already begging? Instead he whined, and in a flash Remus' hand was gone and his thrusts slowed. Sirius could scream. His balls tightened, it took everything in him to not let this orgasm be ruined. He must have made some sort of noise because Remus slapped a hand over his mouth.
Remus shushed him, "Can't have the whole school knowing Sirius Black is getting fucked in a broom cupboard, hmm?" Sirius whined again. Then just let me cum, he wanted to yell.
While Remus might have slowed his thrusts, they weren't lacking in force, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back in. Sirius' legs were getting weak.
Remus loosened his grip on Sirius' mouth and Sirius did not waste any time. "Please let me cum, Moony please," the words spilled out of his mouth and Remus returned his hand to Sirius' cock. Still not getting the permission he needed, Sirius changed tactics. "Make me cum," he begged instead.
This got a reaction. The hand on Sirius' hip tightened and Sirius knew he was getting somewhere. "Make me, please, no one else can," Remus' growl from before returned and Sirius' legs almost went out as Remus' stamina returned with fervour. Sirius continued, "Please, I need you to make me cum, I'm so close," Sirius knew there would be bruises on his hips in the shape of Remus' fingers later.
"No one else can make you cum," Remus repeated Sirius words and even though he was the one to say them first they still made him dizzy. "Tell me that no body touches you like me."
Sirius moaned inwardly, knowing he needed to stay quiet. "No one does, just you, you're the only one," he rambled, the build up returning, he was so close. "Please, Moony, I need to cum," he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold off.
"Yeah? I'll bet you do," Remus teased and Sirius could cry.
"Pleaaaase," Sirius drew out. "You're gonna - fuck - I can't - Moony I'm -" Limited to two word sentences Sirius was going to pass out if he couldn't cum right now.
"Let me make you cum, yeah? Come on baby, cum for me,"
Sirius, with his last remaining braincell, managed to clamp a hand over his mouth before he was hit with the strongest orgasm he'd ever experience. He wasn't sure if he was completely silent or moaning louder than ever. His whole body was shaking, all of his muscles tensed. He could faintly make out a stream of swears and praise from Remus, coming down only to feel Remus finish inside of him, spurring on another round of shakes from the oversensitivity.
Finally, Remus let go of Sirius' spent cock and slowly pulled out. Sirius stayed pressed against the wall, worried he might fall over if he tried to move.
"Fucking hell," Remus laughed to himself, out of breath.
Sirius hummed in response, not able to form any other thought. He could hear shuffling and opened his eyes to see Remus getting dressed. Fear prickled up his neck, please don't let this be a one off, "Where are you -"
Remus shut him up with a kiss. "I'll meet you in the Common Room. I have to go break up with my girlfriend."
Sirius tried not to feel smug. Maybe he would get to browse for rings after all.
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