#so im doing no netrunning at all
gothamcityneedsme · 2 years
literally could walk around in cyberpunk endlessly without even doing quests or combat.  i could just explore and take screenshots
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mail-me-a-snail · 8 months
BOLD THE FACTS✨ rules: bold what applies to your oc
i was tagged by @swearingcactus !!! thanks for the tag, ive been dying to talk about vance forever n ever...
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vance grew up in a corporate family of four. they all lived in charter hill for most of his relatively, unexceptionally happy childhood. he had friends, crushes on the cute neighborhood boys, the works. he was mistakenly assigned female at birth and transitioned, much to his family's surprised delight, just before he took his place in arasaka's netrunning ranks. before he went by vance, he went by penn.
vance would often sneak out of the house to explore westbrook's neighboring districts, usually so he could klep tech he'd need for his cyberdeck/homemade daemons, or just to dick around and fuck with people by hacking little objects like radios and holo-ads.
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
vance received a formal education growing up (given his family's corporate status) but he only ever finished a highschool level of education. he left soon after graduating and entered into a netrunning apprenticeship.
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
working as an assassin/netrunner for arasaka has its perks! the rare times he was caught in the middle of some corporate espionage (ie: carrying out a hit), arasaka always had just the right alibi for him. and for the crimes he did get away with...well i imagine they keep his file under lock and key so good luck to the ncpd on bringing him in for anything :3
vance isn't close with his family. both his mother and father fought in the war; they were never unkind to him or his sister maya, but they lacked a gentle touch. worse, still, that they carved their own spot for themselves in arasaka and have held on tight since. both parents would work late, late into the night, not coming home until early morning, so vance rarely saw either of them to begin with. vance tells johnny, kerry, and his other romantic partners the same story: he cut off contact with his family, including maya, because he never wanted to be part of that life again. but the truth is this: he knows he isn't worthy of their shared surname, so why associate himself with it?
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
vance and maya are both prodigies in their own rights. maya is a weapons specialist, particularly for smart tech. she's chromed up to the wazoo. she'd set vance's arsenal up for every hit that he'd carry out; that was the only thing they could really ever bond over. she didn't ask after him when he left and didn't go looking for him, either. she was the first person vance came out to, and the one to suggest his first name: penn.
Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned (kind of) / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
vance is autistic (im not projecting what!!!) so he has issues with remembering things and with socialization. he's a pro at masking and can talk with people at length--something arasaka taught him to do--but he has his off days where he goes out into the badlands just to be away from the overstimulating night city. he could go on forever about tech and rache bartmoss' books and kerry's music !! ask him about his daemons, he'd be happy to demonstrate them for u. he's pretty proud of his cupid daemon, but more on that sometime soon....
✨extroverted / introverted / in-between
✨disorganized / organized / in-between
he was actually pretty meticulous in his netrunning days, but now he accumulates little piles of stuff in his apartment (including half-baked, work-in-progress daemons, among other things)
✨close-minded / open-minded / in-between
✨calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual
✨disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
✨cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual
✨patient / impatient / in-between
✨outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual
✨leader / follower / in-between
✨empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between
✨optimistic / pessimistic / in-between
✨traditional / modern / in-between
✨hard-working / lazy / in-between
✨cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown
he has knowledge of some things, like enough to say confidently that he's 100% a eurodyne fanboy. but if you told him about certain BDs or games or the rest of the night city music scene, he'd just stare at you blankly.
✨loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown
✨ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown
vance doesnt believe in a god or follow a certain religion. he grew up practicing something like catholicism; he only prayed with joshua stephenson before his whole fucked up braindance crucifixion because he thought that was the right thing to do. he believes in The Forces That Be but he doesn't care enough to put a name to them.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
tech ghosts, mostly, like johnny--or the rogue ai beyond the blackwall.
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
he has his own personal philosophies, like his unwavering belief in luck and karma.
while vance's relationship (no pun intended) with romance is iffy at best, his personal philosophy vis-a-vis sex is that he's here to fuck nasty while he still can, especially with the relic on his ass. he doesn't care about being someone's one-time or frequent input (he's the latter, for river); this attitude, however, is pretty much a front because he doesn't know the first thing about romance, having foregone it entirely as a netrunner, and he's trying his best to mend that for johnny and kerry...
...that being said, his relationship with kerry is. weird. on one hand, he thinks kerry is only with him because of johnny (which is pretty possible). on the other, he kind of enjoys the way kerry looks at him like he hung the moon, even though he knows the other man is imagining someone else entirely. it's both nice and horrific to not be seen as v for once. he thinks, maybe, that's what it means to love.
they're in a happy relationship, they love each other, but they've got johnny's skeleton in the closet, and they're both trying to ignore it--johnny included.
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
vance typically goes for masculine presenting individuals.
vance is a great strategist, negotiator, and netrunner. while he isn't rache bartmoss or alt cunningham, he's good in his own right and learns fast. he relies mostly on his quickhacks, as his aim isn't capital p Perfect, but he also specializes in knife-throwing and sneaking up on people. he's not afraid to get down and dirty, either!!! the most he can draw is squiggles on his hands when he's bored (that, and/or stick figure renditions of johnny and kerry, much to the ghost's exasperation and kerry's delight)
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
vance likes to party, likes to go to the bar after a tough gig and wind down--but only after a job. never during or before; he's made that mistake before, and he paid for it...literally. he lost a lot of good eddies that day.
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober
Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
he used to smoke on and off while working for arasaka, then quit when he left. he relapsed bc of johnny and has been trying to quite since, but he hasn't had much luck in that regard
Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
was formerly reliant on tranquilizers and bounce backs, now just uses the latter to manage the seizures/pain the relic gives him.
Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
he has a bad habit of forgetting to eat and can go quite a while before realizing it, so he ends up eating whatever's readily available, like vending machine snacks.
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
vance's biggest weaknesses are nice clothes and even nicer bikes. someone stop him before he buys out arch's entire catalogue please
Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
whooowee that was a long one !! thanks for reading if you got this far :] won't be tagging anyone, so if you'd like to do this for your own oc, feel free !!
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totentnz · 2 months
V, #14 😈
Dark OC Asks
14. What is your OC's "villain song"?
now there is at least two answers for this, i have many many thoughts on the topics and i hope i can get em all out lmao
i LOVE a good joker arc, some defining moment in a characters life that just breaks or changes them in some way, this doesn't fully happen for v but she stands on the precipice plenty of times.
namely the vdb debacle and when she gains control of the blackwall via songbird. (there might be more but it's been a minute since i properly played)
now what do these two instances have in common? netrunning/ hacking. this song (and others like it) always get me thinking about v getting lost in the power she holds with her quickhacks.
a cyberdeck wasn't even her first choice, she wanted berserk in combination with gorilla arms but viktor refuses to install them for her. she could go to a different ripper to get them obviously but he's the only doc she trusts and who won't rat her out to the authorities for having cracked soft. (this explanation is a bit underbaked i will admit) she also knows he's lowkey right, she cannot be trusted with that kind of chrome.
now one could argue that being able to kill people via command does more damage than a pissed off ape but maybe she can control herself better than vik gives her credit for. or maybe he's not too familiar with netrunning/ hacking.
there is also the aspect of v knowing exactly what happens when she uses a hack, she wrote the code herself. (i'm not saying she invented them but they are her own versions, either written from scratch or modified some way)
my favourite example for this is the suicide quickhack: v takes control of the target for a few moments, she has to raise the gun, she has to pull the trigger, she has to leave the person's consciousness before they die but not too early or they will flinch away at the last moment. she doesn't die if she stays too long but the repercussions can be dire anyway: she passes out, there is psychological damage etc. if the target is right and she executes it well it can be pretty fun though, sort of like playing russian roulette but without dying.
but to get back on topic: i LOVE the mental image of her just standing in the middle of a bunch of enemies, activating overclock to wreak havoc on them AND herself.
i also enjoy copy-paste - she makes herself an easy target for another runner just to pull this out of her sleeve and fuck them over so much more, she simply IS better.
this mindset is also reflected in her aversion to chrome, she doesn't need it or rather she doesn't want it. she is better than them, she is built different. now that is simply not true, she can tell herself that lie as often as she likes but she needs cyberware to keep up. (i actually have a background story for this, maybe i will even write it one day)
so she slowly begins to betray herself: she replaces her glass eye with kiroshis, she installs extra ram, she gets the reinforced tendons. these changes come slowly and her body is still mostly ganic by the end of the game but in quiet moments she hates herself for caving in and for enjoying it.
ultimately: power corrupts, nobody is immune to that.
any otep song tbh, since it's the band i chose to use for rotten (her band) and v turns into the worst version of herself when she's on stage. it's one of the reasons she decided to end the band in the first place, though everyone involved just thinks she was being asshole (they ain't wrong)
her whole band era was a double edged sword, on one hand she finally had a voice and was adored by some but at the same time she had never been more miserable. their songs are filled with her traumas and that puts her back into a powerless position, add the adrenaline of being on stage and you get a truly volatile concoction.
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
I don’t think I have seen a post about it but I am so super curious- what does Viridian & Jackie’s canon story look like during the game/post the heist? 👀
ok OK LET'S GOOOO- i'll try and compose my thoughts as best as I can- but this might be rammbly as i have wet cardboard where my brain should be <3 some of my jackie viridian lore is pre-game- so i'll do a quick run down of that too :)
canonically- Jackie n Viridian meet in the year 2071- actually just answered an ask about how they met here. they are friends for a few years- like they become besties and stuff0 but besties who secretly both have bIG FEELS FOR EACH OTHER OMG (uuuh mutual pining/idiots in love for the win babey!)
They start dating in 2076 after confessing feelings and getting a bit spicy- both thinking "oh mygod why didn't we do this sooner?!" - nothing really changes- they're still besties and still hang out like they used too - but now they can kiss and hold hands (not that they didn't hold hands before! but now- idk it feels more special!!)
thEN THE CORPO RAT HAPPENS WOAW OH NO- Viridian loosing her status and arasaka assets (apart from her apartment at corpo plaza- because she bought that outright back in 2072)- Jackie taking her to Vik to get her patched up- he then takes her to his and his mums. Viridian spends a few days resting and then decides to maybe give merc work a try.
She struggles with merc work to start- having spent the majority of her adult life behind a desk of plugged into a netrunning chair- but once she's in the swing of things- she's hit the ground running. Jackie is the brawl- the tank- Viridian is the brain- at the tap of her cyberdeck- she can double someone over with an inhanced contagion or burn out somebody's synapses >:)
The two make quite the team! spending the six months pre heist running jobs- Jackie teaching the ex corpo what it really means to be human- not just a god in the machine- how to live on the wild side- to live for herself . It's the most fun she has ever had. She starts to dress for herself- not for the expetations of others.
The heist- oh god... ok so- in my canon the heist runs near parallel to the cdpr canon. it still goes tits us- it's still the jackie viridian not good not fun day out at kompeki- BUT- the canon chnages / is diffrent to CDPR at the point of escaping komepki. Viridian- being a brutal netrunner in her corpo days- she overrides the delamain AI- commanding it take Jackie to a ripper. Taking the biochip from Jackie- she slots it into her head and applies pressure to the gunshots on Jackie's chest. Pinprick tears in her eyes that she fights back- She knew deep down she and her love should not have taken this job
Jackie gets to a ripper- to Vik!! (in my canon arasaka were not waiting at Vik's clinic).... - yeah Jackie almost dies- but pulls through !!! In the meantime- Viridian goes to Dex and BOOM- betrayal- BOOM Johnny time <3
uuughhhgh uhm i think that's everything!!! post hesit Jackie helps Viridian find a cure- my canon ending for cyberpunk is the sun / / merc's path / path of glory (not sure what the correct name is so im throwing them all in) - (the ending where johnny and V storm arasaka without rogue?) post game- I'd like to think Jackie and Viridian become big time mercs- finally in the major leauges <3
thank you for the ask heather ! <3
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cavernsofdarkness · 1 year
OMG I WAS THINKING! Ghost sims would make really good holograms …that sound creepy… but anyways especially the blue one. Also what do you think cyberpunk school would look like… sorry I’ve been searching on Pinterest and can’t find anything. Im at a tie with college like sermon with holograms, some where they’re hooked into vr headsets or computers, and just… there is no school. Idk what your thoughts?
(Sending Love … 98% Complete)
I love when people come to my inbox and posit things like this! I have a lot to say, lol.
As a baseline definition, cyberpunk as a genre is a near-future dystopia, defined by the domination of megacorporations, technology and the escalation of class stratification and its ramifications. So, I think there definitely is school and higher education.
Everything below is based heavily on the workings of US school systems.
There is general education through the high school level provided by the district/city but, much like in our own world, the quality of this education is dependent on the wealth of the district. The schools in poorer districts have less funding, and thus less access to technology and different specialties and extracurriculars for study. I imagine that, if you're lucky, there might have been a wealthy benefactor that decided to be generous and fund the operation of the cyberpunk equivalent of a charter school in your district.
The best schools are going to be corporation-owned or private institutions. These are private schools with all of the best amenities and access to the latest technology. Even amongst these schools there's a hierarchy, with the tuition costs reflecting the level of prestige. In Cyberpunk 2077, corporate workers get access to the corporation's healthcare plan; I imagine that getting discounted tuition for your child to the corporation's school is also one of the benefits, thus incentivizing people to join the megacorp machine (like in the US, how a lot of people join the military because they promise to cover the cost of your schooling).
On to higher education. College/university is astronomically expensive (and that's saying a lot considering how expensive it already is *cries in American with student loan debt*). Only the ultra rich, or those with connections can afford it. If you're not in one of the aforementioned categories, the amount of debt you would incur trying to finance education is a life sentence. For reference, there's an ad in Cyberpunk 2077 offering a loan with a 31.1% interest rate (can you imagine!?) and obviously, poorer people with bad or no credit are going to be subjected to the higher rates.
Now, about your ideas on the different manifestations of school, my answer is 'all of the above'! Dictated by funding, a school/business probably employs a mix of all of those methods. Imagine a guest lecturer joining via holo (in-person/physical classes probably cost more), or a netrunning class where they get to experience the net without the risk via a VR simulation. This applies not only to traditional academia, but other skill classes as well (martial arts, pottery, aerial silks, you name it!); just like in our reality, you can take singular classes in whatever you want, for a price.
As a result of everything previously mentioned, I think the majority of people in a cyberpunk reality make it through basic schooling and then engage in nontraditional/nonstandard methods of education. I imagine that some people may find someone who can train them in their desired trade/skill, and a lot of the hackers/netrunners, techies etc. are self-taught. In this vein, just like currently in our world we have access to lots of tutorials via youtube and websites like skillshare etc., the popularity of this has probably only grown and I imagine that training braindances/simulations are commonplace, both in and out of the workplace.
The one time I did a hologram (of a person) I just used a regular sim and edited them in post to get that holo effect. I haven't messed around much with ghost sims; I'm curious about how the ghost sim form would interact with lighting and such. Maybe next time I do a hologram I'll try it and see if I like it. It might save some time if all I have to add are the scanlines, lol.
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ciderspunk2077 · 3 years
You should drop your fic ideas and headcanons ((if you want to))!! All of the ones I’ve seen on your blog are really good I know I would love to hear more 👀
Oh Tysm 🥺💦 I’m real shy online about sharing headcannons cuz it’s mostly me going back and forth w/ @ Smeriic talking and shit scheming together and all that on our own. But I rly am hyperfixated in this game and would love to share some stuff. Also what inspires me to want to write. I will say I RP quite often and for years now so the way I talk and type doesn’t exactly reflect my writing skill so sorry if this answer becomes like... all over the place 😭💦💦
But basically we really like default fem V but sort of like with some twists I guess, most of our headcannons are formed around her? Mostly Headcannons not rly an original V w/ a name or anything. But basically V only goes by V and The name they use at clouds is her deadname. Especially cuz she says “only people real close can say that” but like Jackie, mama Welles, Vik, none of them rly did so we (now logically speaking I understand this is a developer thing, so re-recording lines and etc BUT as someone with a deadname It felt really validating to have that scene and have ppl never call her that name ever cuz she doesn’t let them) (my tag for V will be “ V ( ) ”)
I’m really bad and typing on my phone. So sorry about my organization and text speech ;-;💦 another thing is that We HC we as a she/they.
Our path is basically, Fem!V, streetkid, and Sun ending for her. She is super in denial and has had tons of shitty exes not like super bad experiences just- never really had a rly successful relationship. Johnny definitely teases her about her shitty experiences on occasion.
V hates corporate wars (the musical) and is that typical “I just don’t get why they’re fucking singing and dancing” type of person. She finds it annoying as shit. (Couldn’t be me I love musicals shdjdjf)
V is a solo. Dump the INT/net running stuff. She’s got that energy. She’s not like stupid or anything but she’s got mega ADHD and acts it sometimes. Flighty I think is the word? Also our V tried to get into netrunning as a teen but quit it because she found is wasn’t as easy as the datapools made it seem.
A sad HC we have is that V really loves and cares about panam, Judy, River, Kerry, etc but they never pursue a fulfilling romance with any of them (aside from the initial hook up and shit) because they feel like it’s unfair to become close with others in their life due to their imminent death. Also pushing ppl away is probably another fact of them being a lonesome figure and Johnny’s personality traits rubbing off maybe. (This is a form of self harm shhddndnf but V feels so isolated in their experience and alone and scared)
V pushes her limits a lot of the time. Doing too many gigs, trying to fit too many jobs at once simply because she feels her time is rushed
She got the chippin’ in and animal skull tattoo when she was 17 and had a brief phase of samurai cuz as an edgy 17-year old thought it’d be cool as fuck. Later she got the snake and others to add to her ink.
Another HC that she was a straight edge who doesn’t smoke or do much other than drink on occasion. She only smokes for Johnny if he’s a really good boy :-) (which he is NEVER, and also it’s a veiled excuse to smoke for herself from stress) but slowly starts smoking bit by bit as it goes on.
I need to like write this stuff on a laptop but I feel terribly for leaving ppl hanging so I might edit this tomorrow or just rewrite the post later 🥺💦
Vincent is her brother- he lives back in Atlanta still tryna make it. So basically we have a reverse where it explains the male and fem v and all that. They both go to Atlanta. Whichever returns to night city is the one that does the whole games story etc etc. very fun we talk about it a lot.
Also uuuuh our HC is Johnny and V in love ahebdndnfjd 😭 not anything original though. It’s just an intimate and unconditional experience.
Also thank my soulmate smeriic for makin’ all these amazing doodles of V and Johnny 👉👈 I might join in and make some Johnny v art as well to compliment if I write any fics. Just to have something to tag them along with
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neonsamurai · 3 years
3, 4, 11, 22,48, 55 please thank u
“Neon leaves the chat FRUSTRATED”
V: uhh Girl you ok...? ehh ok whatever were ar
e the question cards imma do this..
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising.
V: Astrology? like Horoscopes? i am an Aquarius and if i had to choose i prefer     Moon? 🌙
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them?
V: This might sound clichee but...in fact i think its the Lovers one..
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V: as far as I know the lovers stand for Trials and overcomming
    things....Attraction Beauty and of course Love.., looking at my past and
    present this pretty much sumerizes myself and journey to becomming the
    man i am now..
    The reversed Arcana means Faliure and Bad decisions...along with
    contrarieties within myself wich...still pretty much fits to myself too
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor?
V: do you really want m to go in detail of this? i have quite a bunch of cyberwear cosmetic 
     and functional within myself~ . I think i spare you all of the Hard and Software ones im
     using for my netrunning ...and other Health  and Stamina related shit.
     I think the most obvious Cyberwear i have are my  Ruby Red Kiroshi, and my Mantis 
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22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food?
V: as someone who mostly tried ALL kinds of foods in his life...from luxury to basic...well..
    I once ate sushi i found on the street in an alleyway ...does that answer your question?
    ....Takemura screamed at me in shook when i told him about this
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s)
V: OH SHIT this is hard...., i never thought about a song for me and ker bear...., or my pon p
     on buddy gimme a sec!
*taks out phone to check some playlists*
V: “ I had a sword fight with a samurai “ well ...if that aint fit call me Johnny Silverslut...i think
      that song is a fit ..~ I def have my Heart on Kerry Eurodyne <3...
      But over all its very hard to pin down our relationship in one song...its not perfect...but i
      dont think...well i hope...its not toxic either..i-..
      I dont know..
*leans back falling into deep thoughs for a few minutes*
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications?
V: WELL back then i thought Adam Smasher is kinda...hot...so......, but i dont care much how ´ganic or Chrome you are as long you can dick me down really good~  and dont make me freeze during s3x lol
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solasan · 3 years
hey Mollie! i see you've created a new V 👀 what crimes will she commit?
anon i literally cannot express enough how sorry i am that this has taken so long but i FINALLY have verona lore to drop so let’s go thank u for asking abt her i am in deep love with you
(under a cut bcos this will probs get long ??? tw for miscarriage and toxic, somewhat abusive relationships)
her full name is verona vitória guerra valdez but if u heard that no u didnt. she was nicknamed ‘vv’ by an Important Person In Her Life who we’ll get to in a minute, and that just eventually became ‘v’
she is the Definition of be gay do crimes by which i mean shes bisexual and likes explosions
fuck canon she’s not 22 she’s 32 by the time of the game’s events so she was born in 2045. shes a scorpio 😙✌
she wasnt born into the bakkers clan !!! she was actually born into the jodes clan, which is the clan she stayed with until she was in her early twenties 
she grew up fiddling with cars and crafting stuff and helping w the guns and stuff so shes very Technically Comfortable. also hotwiring cars eventually became hacking into low-end devices which during the game finally becomes full-blown netrunning hell yeah for her
seriously shes the queen of sneak attacks, stealth, quickhacking, and datamining. love that for her
both her parents are dead rip in pieces. her mom died when she was like three but her dad died when she was nineteen
(he got killed in a raid by some raffen shiv it was all very dramatic and sad. verona did avenge him tho so thats the first time she killed :)) 
to this day she hates raffen shiv Very Much and im not 100% on her whole moral philosophy on killing bcos i usually just do non-lethal takedowns but she Absolutely Kills The Shit Out Of Them if she comes across them
in 2068 when she was twenty-three she met rafael ibarra, a member of the bakkers clan, on a job that went wrong 
(this is the Important Person In Her Life so hello ‘vv’)
they struck up a kinda volatile destructive relationship that largely consisted of bickering and talking shit and lots of smirking and also just. hooking up on every piece of furniture they could find shdjsdlk
they’ve literally shot each other before. love that for them
(also johnny reminds her of rafael at times which she very much Does Not Appreciate shdjskdksd)
anyway about a year into this (2069 haha n*ce), verona falls gregnant (uh oh) and they basically have a shotgun wedding (mistake)
verona joins the bakkers clan, moves in with raf, yada yada yada, neither her nor him are rly content w life but they kinda figure alright well. we gotta be grownups for this fucking kid ig
only no they dont, surprise !!! bcos verona has a miscarriage abt two / three months in during that period when it’s a lil touch-and-go
now neither of them were exactly looking forward to being parents anyway, and actually spending regular time with each other outside of jobs and arguments and sex has proven that actually theyre very badly suited for each other, so in some ways this is a relief
however. they are still married. verona left her whole life for raf and this future that never even happened, so it’s very complicated just. Emotionally.
they spend another two years sort of trying to make it work bcos they just dont know what else to do. things get very toxic and abusive on both sides during this time; lots of things are thrown, lots of nasty shit is said, they’re constantly walking out on each other and then going back
but then after two years (2071, verona’s twenty-six) both of them are just. exhausted. and theyve had enough of each other and this situation. and verona just wants that future she was promised, not so much as in she wants to have a marriage and babies, but just that she wants to have Something, bcos her life has just been a whole lot of nothing these last few years
so she walks out. im not sure if her and raf ever even formally get a divorce or if she just makes a split-second decision one day while she’s driving and never comes home
anyway she ends up taking that smuggling job with jackie as we know and then once they come to night city theyre both super close. she stays at the welles house for the first like year or so; her and mama welles are super close, bcos verona’s never had a mom around really and she just. loves having that figure now
after the first year she’s saved up enough through jobs and also hustling the shit out of gamblers with jackie that she moves out of the welles place. she still comes over every sunday for dinner. mama welles often refers to her as a daughter. jackie has taken on his assigned little brother role with relish
her and jackie spend the next five years working jobs to get by and trying to Make Something Of Themselves. viktor steps in to be verona’s surrogate father so now she has 2 parents hell yeah. 
and then that all just eventually leads to the game’s events
thank u anon again ur very sweet for asking abt her im so sorry ive taken so long to answer this shdjskdksk
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