#so take care of yourself when clicking on the link and remember that you are loved and not alone <3
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bbceurovision: Say hello to all our incredible Grand Finalists!
"The reason why we showed a pride flag in that scene [instead of our national flag] is very simple: Waving the German flag is a sign that only partially stands for solidarity, tolerance and acceptance, because sadly there are still way too many people in Germany who do not uphold these values — as you can see currently in our comment sections. So we rather wanted to show a flag that does advocate exactly these values, and say: This is way more important than our national borders."
- Lord of the Lost, Shop Takeover Q&A
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rukkiya · 1 year
goodbye isn’t for forever
(al haitham x reader, zhongli x reader (separate)
༻ part 2 to take it back༺
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al haitham ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
It's been two weeks since you’ve left.
The once lively apartment Al Haitham had taken for granted was no more, it was far too quiet for the scholar.
The silence was far too loud. He couldn’t concentrate on his work.
The same work that had led him to push you away.
He’s seen you around of course, he checks up on you and makes sure you’re doing well through mutual friends or passing by shops/places you’d both go together.
He hasn’t slept properly since you’ve left, he doesn’t remember the last time he was alone in bed without you next to him.
He thinks back to the times you’d wake up at night and get him from his study, dragging him to bed because he has to be up at the crack of dawn because you wanted him to sleep, because you cared. Now he’s stays wide awake, not worrying about work or other matters for once, instead he was worried about you.
No one has brought it up to him though, they couldn't.
He thought he was hiding it well, keeping it masked under his unrelenting face but the emotions he felt were being shown through his eyes.
During Al Haithams meeting with Cyno he was stammering, taking one too many pauses because he couldn't concentrate on anything. Cyno merely eyes the two wedding bands linked around a silver chain sitting on top of the scholar's chest but says nothing of it, well that is because he already knows.
“Have you tried talking things out? He looks like shit.” Cyno sits next to you, handing you a bottle of water sighing when he sees the corners of your lips tug down at the mention of Al Haitham.
“I can’t, after what he’s done. What makes you think that he wants me in his life anyways? Look, he was the one who threw his wedding band at me. I didn’t do it, he did.” You lay your head on the table huffing as Cyno sighs again.
He doesn’t like seeing you this way. He’s not the most fond of Al Haitham but seeing him down, with an expression other than a punchable face, it actually makes Cyno feel bad for him. You both being this torn was more on you guys than you expected.
“You miss him, you miss him more than you're letting on. From what I can see he misses you too.” Cyno leans back on his seat, you slightly turn your forehead on the table to glance at him, seeing that knowing look he always wears when he knows he’s right.
“Y/n, for as long as I’ve known Al Haitham I’ve never heard him stumble on his words or look worse than now. You might not accept that because yeah you’re right it is his fault. Everything he’s said and done to you isn’t excusable by a long shot but if he really truly meant it, he wouldn't be beating himself over it this bad.” Cyno explains, putting his hand on top of your head and ruffling your hair making you grumble and turn away.
“I’m scared, we’ve been together for so long, married for just as long and for him to do that I- I can’t just let it go so easily you know? He’s probably held it in for so long and he finally spoke the truth, what if I’ve been a hindrance this whole-“
“Stop.” Cyno clicks his tongue, making his hand into a fist and softly bonking your head.
“You always do that. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Listen, you said it right now didn’t you hear? You’ve been together and married for so long, don't you think he would’ve told you beforehand? If anything you made him more tolerable, he seemed content and happy with you. But right now he seems lost.” Cyno removes his hand from your head and crosses his arms.
“But I did something just as bad Cyno I took mines off too.” You turn your head to face Cyno again, feeling your voice crack just remembering how Al Haitham’s face looked completely horrified when you did that.
“Go home and you’ll see. Go home to him y/n he’ll have it waiting for you I can guarantee.” Cyno smiles at you knowing look in his eyes, he knows Al haitham wants you home just as bad, he’s keeping your ring on him for when you do come back.
Your chest feels heavy, your hands are sweaty as you stare at the familiar wooden door to your shared house with Al Haitham.
It’s only been two weeks, it feels like forever since you've walked out. You didn't even bother getting your things.
You raise your hand and hold it up, contemplating as to whether or not this was a good idea. But you feel your knuckles tap against the wooden door a few times and freeze, holding still to hear any movement from within.
No footsteps, no moving, no talking.
You do it again only to get the same empty response.
You feel your stomach drop.
Is he ignoring me? Did I really mess it up? Why did I leave like that? You feel your eyes burn as you continue to state at the door, mind thinking the worst.
‘Y-Y/n?” Al Haitham whispers from behind you.
He blinks a few times, making sure he's not hallucinating. There's been a few incidents where he thought you came back home a few days ago and it wasn't you, he didn't want to get his hopes up.
You blink at the door and hold your breath, slowly turning your head to look back at a distraught looking Al Haitham.
You open your mouth to say sorry, to apologize for leaving him when you should have just talked things out but nothing comes out, instead a small whimper escapes as your vision gets more blurry. His eyes, the look in his eyes made your throat swell. When you first met him it was so hard to read him, to tell his emotions but the look in his eyes right now says everything.
This tears Al Haitham from the inside out, his long legs walk up the small step to your house and he opens his arms as he nears you immediately wrapping them around you and pulling you in close, his eyes blown wide.
“It's you- you're here I didnt think you were- I thought you weren't coming back.” He exhales a shaky breath as he brings you closer, one hand cradling your head and other pulling you up from your torso.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I've said to you. It's inexcusable to say it's because of my work when you were just trying to help, you always do and I need that, I need you here to keep me grounded to keep me sane, you're anything but a hindrance, you help me in ways I never thought anyone could. Please stay. Don't leave me again.” he pulls back, hands moving to hold your face as he rests his forehead on yours.
“I will marry you over and over again if I have to prove myself.” one of his hands moves from your cheek, grabbing your hand in his and placing it on his chest where the necklace with the rings are.
“Haitham I'm sorry I left you alone I should've just listened.” you grab his hand that was holding your cheek, closing your eyes at the warmth you've missed so much feeling the tears you were holding slide down your face. Al Haitham only shakes his head
“Don't apologize to me. No one should have to hear that. Be treated that way, especially you.” he feels his hands shake slightly, with you in his hold. He feels like it's fake, like it's another one of the dreams he's been having since you've left him like he's going to wake up and you're still going to be gone.
“Please don't leave me, I need you home to keep me grounded. I missed you more than you can imagine.” He hugs you again, pulling your head into his chest and closing his eyes.
Throughout all the time you've been with him you've never seen him so on edge, look so scared. Let alone be this affectionate, you can feel it in the way he holds you , the way he speaks, he truly feels bad for what he said and done. Though you still feel torn, hurt from his actions you know you can't leave him again as you've missed him just as much.
As he holds you close, breathes in your comforting scent that he's come to love so much he vows to not take your caring for granted, that he needs you here more than anything. That he isn't himself without you.
zhongli⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Zhongli left, he’s gone.
You’re more than sure he’s moved on, found someone better who manages to actually care for their own well being and who doesn’t stress him out too much the way you did.
It’s what he deserves, anyways all you were doing was weighing him down, putting him under constant stress and worry to the point he couldn’t take it anymore.
It’s you, you’re the one who pushed him away the only good thing you had going on is now never coming back
Though he's been gone, Zhongli kept his word, he’s kept an eye on you since the day he left you.
A whole year had flown by agonizingly slow. It was driving him crazy as more time passed he grew worried you didn’t want him back.
During the duration of the year he’s noticed how you care more about your well being more. You took a break from adventuring and weren't as reckless. You started to work at your fathers local bakery to get back on your feet as you recovering from your injuries, Zhongli was relieved.
Though you seemed fine on the outside you only grew to despise yourself more than you ever had before since he’s left. You knew you didn’t deserve him and having him leave just proved your hurt heart more to that fact.
Zhongli kept his word, still watching over you from far away places, making sure to keep out of your line of view but more than anything he wanted to go back to you, wanted to go back home with you where you both belong.
The year with him gone was a process, one that took your mind into a very dark place.
You were hurt for so long, then you grew angry only for it all to ball up into self hatred.
During your time away from him you’ve reflected, taken care of yourself physically but mentally you were drained, it was constant nagging going on. Zhongli would be the one to quell those thoughts but you only had yourself, it was getting harder as days went on.
“I can’t stand seeing you beaten and bruised yet you are all the time.”
“You’re too much for me to handle.” Zhongli sighs, finally having enough, leaving his wedding band behind and walking out the door, never turning back once.
You shoot up from bed, looking around the room as you try to regulate your breathing, seeing the sun peeking in through your curtains.
Your hand reaches over to the ever so cold side of your bed and you're thrown back to reality. You mind immediately fogging with thoughts you don't want to hear.
You were in a constant brain fog, always lost in your own thoughts.
To the point it was was starting to become a problem, you weren't aware of lots of things most of the time. Not paying attention to certain things that could easily turn dangerous.
You got ready for work as usual, made your way down to the bakery, your mind racing a thousand thoughts per second.
“Hey y/n right?” A regular that you see buying bread at your fathers bakery stops you just blocks away from the bakery.
You turn around and he walks closer to you, greeting you with a smile.
“Good Morning.” you force your lips to turn upwards.
“Your father told me to tell you to pick up some things from my house for ingredients before you go in, it's just down the street.” he points down the road to a small house by the mountain.
“Alright, I'll go grab it right now. Is it a lot of supplies?” you ask, walking down the path thinking nothing of the situation.
“Not much but I think you’ll need an extra hand if anything.” The says, following a few feet behind you, looking around the surrounding area.
Zhongli was on his usual morning stroll, passing by your fathers bakery to make sure you get to work safe when he sees a random man stop you.
He stops walking when he sees you walk the complete opposite way from the bakery, following the man down the road. He feels a familiar feeling rising in his chest once again, your putting yourself in situations you don't see are clear signs of danger.
“Yeah, I'll help you bring them back up, it's just a few bags of flour and sugar right?” you ask, the man only hums in response, walking slowly behind you. You don't think about it, instead you continue your regular pace, already dreading the day ahead of you. you know you won't be able to concentrate much already feeling drained from getting up from bed alone.
Though it was morning, the end of the street was oddly quiet for this busy part of town.
Every stall around here is usually set up by now.
You near the small house and walk up the porch, turning and waiting for the guy behind you to open it though you notice his whole demeanor change. He was much closer now looking around him before looking back at you, reaching in his pocket to grab his keys.
He walks past you and unlocks the door holding it open, mentioning for you to walk in first, so you do, hearing the door behind you close and the sound of clicking, like he was locking it behind him.
“Why're you-”
“I brought them, our deal is done.” the man clears his throat, looking directly behind you.
You freeze, looking at the man with wide eyes when you realize what he said. Feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand as you slowly turn around seeing a group of treasure hoarders standing directly behind you.
You start to back away, reaching into your pocket and getting the small dagger you carry but feeling someone grab your arm before you can pull it out.
“No no no, don't play dirty now we just want to talk. Your father makes a good amount of money in this town, he'll surely pay a good ransom to get his precious kid back now, won't he?” a treasure hoarder laughs, squeezing your wrist making the dagger drop from your grasp.
“My father pays for my brother's medical bills. Please don't make him pay for something he can’t afford. I have money, you can take all mine and let me go. I won't say a thing.” you look at the treasure hoarder standing in the middle of the room and hear his laughter boom through the small house.
“You’re kidding me right?” his hand brings up the ax he was holding and takes a step towards you.
You don't want this, to make someone else suffer because of you. Not your own family after they are already dealing with so much.
Zhongli waited a few minutes by the house you entered and saw no sign of you coming back out, he didn't want to interfere. He has no right. He's been so scared to go back to you, he regrets leaving. He knows he shouldn't have done it that way, he should've stayed, helped you another way. He doesn't think you'd want him back after so long, he has no right to be checking on you. You've probably well moved on.
But he can't help but worry, still check on you because he still loves and cares for you, just like he said he would the day he married you. But he left you, walked out the door, left his ring but worst of all left you all alone.
He feels something off though. From the looks of it the man you were talking to wasn't someone you knew personally, he could tell from our body language, the way you distanced yourself from him. If it was a friend of yours or someone you were close you’d look more relaxed and wouldn't be so tense or distance yourself so far from them when talking.
They're taking too long. Are they ok? Zhongli thinks, eyeing the small house. Contemplating as to whether or not he should go and check.
“Listen, your father gives us the money for you and nothing else got it.” the treasure hoarder leans down to your height and you narrow your eyes at him.
“My father won't give you a penny understand? Do your worst.” You dare the man in front of you seeing his smile drop.
You stay still, seeing a small open window to the right of you from your peripherals. The dagger you dropped right next to your foot.
“You testing me kid?” the treasure hoarder steps even closer making you shrink into yourself.
You quickly duck down, sweeping your leg under the mas feet and grabbing the dagger next to you hearing a thud, you don't even turn around as you hear multiple footsteps closing in as you run to the window, your arms and torso getting out before you feel a pair of hands grab your leg.
You feel your body get pulled back in instantly, your body hitting the ground with a loud thud.
“Donp tugh mi (don’t touch me)!” you try to scream but a hand muffles you before you do.
The loud ruckus alerts Zhongli and he doesn't even take a second to think. He's outside the door in an instant before his brain can register what he's doing.
A soft knock at the door stops everyone making the guy on top of you press his hand harder against your mouth.
“Don't think about it.” he looks down at you, voice dripping with malice.
Another knock at the door and the man on top of you signal for his subordinates to stay quiet.
Zhongli was giving them a chance to prove themselves but the second time he knocked and no one answered he had enough.
It grew completely silent, the sound of footsteps walking away was heard before the door and its hinges flew into the house.
A familiar silhouette stood in the doorway and you couldn't blink, you had to be hallucinating now.
Why is Zhongli here? How did he know I was here? Your mind halts seeing his eyes glow gold.
The man on top of you was thrown off in a second as a flash of gold passed by you, the other men being knocked to the ground seconds after as everything slowed down your eyes following the gold flash going across the room.
Everything goes quiet once again. The treasure hoarders in there were now all on the floor knocked unconscious as Zhongli stood in the middle of the room, chest heaving up and down as he glares at the foolish mortals who dared to try and hurt you.
You slowly sit up and back away, not really knowing what to say to him because why? Of all time why is he here? How'd he know you were here?
He hears the floor behind him creak and turns, golden eyes narrowing at you until he comes to realize it's you, you're ok.
When he broke the door down and saw the man holding you down his mind went into autopilot, he hasn't acted out on emotion in so long, it took over him before he could control it.
“Why're you here?” you ask, looking away from him grabbing the dagger and putting it back into your pocket.
He steps forward and you step back, the anger you've been holding back is starting to surface.
“Why did you follow him? Do you trust this man this much to have him bring you here and-”
“Dont, I don't need another lecture from you.” you almost laugh. After all this time away this is what he starts with?
“Yeah I know, take care of myself, work things out, I remember trust me, after all that's the last thing you told me before leaving remember? Right now I don't have time to hear it, I have to go to work.” You don't even bother looking back at him as you walk past to leave.
“I'm sorry.” He stares at you as you stop, seeing you shake your head and look down.
“I shouldn't have left you alone, it wasn't a good way to prove myself, I just wanted you to-”
“Zhongli please don't….” you sigh, feeling the heavy feeling settling in your chest, turning to look back at him, your eyes widening when you see one of the men he knocked out get up behind him.“GET DOWN!”
Everything moved too fast, your legs, the man behind him, but Zhongli didn't move fast enough.
Old habits die hard. You feel tired from everything, thinking too much, getting up today.
Zhongli feels the weight of your body go limp as you fall forward an arrow sticking out of your back, the man he had knocked out earlier standing directly behind, wide eyes looking up at Zhongli as he realizes who exactly it was.
“I didn't mean to get them. I wasn't going to hurt them. I swear, please don't hurt me.” the man coweres as his legs give out under him. Zhongli only stares down at you in his arms, seeing your eyes fighting to stay open.
“You're going to leave again aren't you?” your voice cracks and Zhongli feels his breath hitch, the pain in his heart worsening, you think he'd leave you alone like this?
“I'm not leaving anytime soon my love, just give me a second and i'll take you to Dr Baizhu right now, whatever you do dont turn around and keep your eyes open for me.” He picks you up, carrying you to the corner of the house facing you away from the man behind you, leaning down and giving your head a kiss before standing back up.
It all feels like a dream, this can't be real, you feel far too sleepy for it to be.
Zhongli summons his polarm and stands back up, slowly walking to the man who hurt you.
You couldn't do what he wanted again, you tried but your eyes keep closing from sheer exhaustion, the last thing you heard before completely blacking out was screaming coming from behind you, the same flash of gold blinding you once again before you felt your own body go limp, succumbing into the darkness.
authors note: hello lovelies!! ◝꒰´꒳`∗꒱◟ ohmygoodness I’m so sorry for how long I took to write a second part to this T~T I’ve just been pretty busy but I’ve been getting more inspo for more stories that I’m so freaking excited to share with y’all! :D but alas part two of take it back is here! I had to make zhongli’s part angsty and another open ending- IMSORRY ik I need to stop LOLOL but I do hope you all enjoy and that I wrote it angsty enough for y’all (some of y’all told me to make it more angsty LMAOO you all like getting your feelings hurt just like I do >.< please make sure you are all taking care and staying safe ^~^<3 (this isn’t edited so apologies for any errors!!)
@ilocqua @2hilarious4u @esthelily @cypressus-lunis @taetaebunni @coruscale @wearetherealarm @chiyukin @lum1nesc3nce @anxietysslave @starlightaura @duckyyyx @dreamlessnight @myimymy
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Somebody that I used to know.
Request made by @white-00-7
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!reader Summary: Old friends turned into lovers under very distressing situations. Warning: Blood, Adam, violence.
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After the Axe-man terrified the streets of New Orleans, there was the butcher of the bayou. A cannibalistic maniac, known to left no “crumbs” of their victims, so to speak. You knew that by being hunting season, he may be on the woods alongside you, what you didn’t counted on was the creep following you, rifle in hand.
A rustle was heard in between the bushes, you aimed at the bush with confidence, thinking it was probably a deer or a duck at least, the creep making haste to do the same, to your head. “Come out, come out” you whispered to yourself, seeing brown hair and antlers, there you shoot.
But the thud was lighter than a deer’s.
Moving the bush you saw a smiling man, “Holy shit!, no, sir, I’m so sorry, don’t die, help please!” you cried out, but as you turned around the lights were off as well. The sound of the trigger on the creep’s rifle was the last thing you heard.
The free fall was the least of it, but speaking of thousands of meters high, one does not think about the fall but rather the impact. However, it wasn't so hard for you, for the poor bastard under you, it was.
"Get off me!" he managed to throw you off his back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to land on you” he dusted himself off as he regained his composure, clearing his voice when he noticed you were a woman.
“No, I apologize dear, here, let me help” He offered his clawed hand to yours, only by then both realized they didn’t looked like humans no more, “Interesting” he muttered, pulling gently on your arm.
He was looking at his new self when he heard a sudden laugh, “What’s so funny?” he questioned, then you pointed at yours and his little tail, “They’re so fluffy” he wasn’t so enchanted by the cutesy fact.
He was a deer, a white back at that. You on the other hand were a red one. A stag and a doe, how fitting both lifestyles of pride, more than anything.
“Why are you down here, dear?” you thought about it for a second, pride and rebellion was your first thought, then your taxidermy hobbies, “All I can think off is that poor man I killed as of a few minutes now, I mistook him for a…deer” he took a second to think about it, the click that made him stand up was a riffle trigger, your weapon.
He laughed, "You killed me," he continued his laughter, he took your arm to start walking towards the city, "I must say, my dear, that of all the evils in this world, you are the only thing I didn't think would send me to hell" It still made him laugh, "And it's even funnier that they killed you almost at the same time you killed me, life is a great irony" he smiled, one of the sweetest smiles he gifted you.
Now, don’t get him wrong, he was mad out of his mind, also slightly scared, not that he would admit that. Though the warmth of your arm linked with his brought him an anchor like feeling.
 After a few years of living together, Alastor disappeared without warning. "I will become stronger, soon the citizens of hell will know of my power” He used to take his place at your side and daydream about greatness and have everyone's respect, more fear than respect though.
“I will be able to protect you" that sentence lived rent free in your head, his voice a mere echo in your memories, after seven years you almost didn’t remembered his face anymore.
Alastor took care of the most bloodthirsty so that you didn't have to, without him there, you had to take measures into your own hands. The Pride Ring came to know you as one of the best snipers, the Overlord Ghost Shot, your elemental power to control the air could make your bullets fly up to lightspeed, also take away the oxygen off your enemies lungs.
You build up a company off the souls you began to own, you provided the fabrics that boosted businesses like Velvette’s or Rosie’s, known for the good quality and resistance. You didn’t worried yourself with planned obsolescence, there’s always a new design and a new trendy style that makes people keep buying.
And giving the amount of violence, clothes get ruin almost every day, Never in all the years you have been in hell have you been short of money, you managed to get a suite apartment in your own district, near the Morningstar district.
Eighty-four years of having Alastor by your side, and he just disappeared like he didn't care. Not a note, telegram, letter, anything in 7 years.
Until one afternoon when you received an invitation to an emergency meeting, it seems that Adam the first man brought forward the extermination half the time, having six months of preparation. Not one year you’ve lost a soul, but you weren’t going to start now.
“Asano, I need you to begin the preparations of the bunker, the winged rats will come down on us sooner than anticipated” you had souls knocking on your door, practically begging to make deals with you, giving that in exchange of their souls you provided safety, free housing, and a quality of life no other overlord did.
Although at the beginning some sinners wanted to abuse your good will, since you are a deer demon they tend to look down on you. They didn't find it funny anymore when they started to suffocate. Word on the street is that the air gets thicker when you’re in the room.
“I have the technical revision of my company Milla, if your plan is to arm yourself to fend off the attack don’t count on me, I have bigger priorities” Carmilla was one of your dearests friends, you made her gears laced with angelic steal fibers, and in return she updated your riffle, also gave you bullets made of angelic steal.
“I’m not saying we should, all we need is brainstorm a plan to lose as few souls as possible” she heard you made a pensative hum as she watched the overlords take their seats on the table, “You don’t wish to hide like we do, though you’ve lost more souls than I have over the years, so, do whatever you think is best, I’ll help if you want to listen for once” you hung up before Carmilla made herself aware of Alastor’s return.
 You didn’t owned a television, so Vox’s lovers spat never reached your way, and on the streets of your district no one really cared of other overlords, knowing they were under your wing.
"Y/n dear, how about you stop by the tower? They opened a new cafe on the corner, I bought cream cake and the tea that you like, it’s been a while since I saw you" said the letter that you received along with a new cell phone, Vox was more like a stone among the demons that courted you, and even though you sent his electronic junk broken back to his office, he didn't stop insisting.
“I’m so glad you came, how are your preparations for the extermination?” you brought the tea cup up to your lips, “It has been rather sudden; however I have managed to mobilize things on time, how about you?" he cut up a piece of cake, just as big as he knew you liked, “Oh we are fine, we aren’t the target anyway” your ears perked up in interest, his grin grew bigger on his face as he noticed.
“The princess is trying to redeem sinners, have you heard?” you nodded, “The Radio Demon is helping, but as useless as he is-” you began laughing, “The Radio Demon? What kind of pompous prick is named like that?” then sipped on the tea, “You know, Alastor” but as soon as he uttered that name, you choked on your tea and stormed out of his office.
And thank goodness, the air was too thick to breathe, Vox was having issues with it until you left.
“Mimzy, we know you’re in there you lousy bitch!” you heard the loan shark yell towards the  ‘Hazbin Hotel’, trying to knock the door down with a pry bar. “Gentleman, you’re in my way” you spoke, seeing a green glow wrapped the building.
“Not to mess with the Radio Demon!” taking another puff of your cigarette you watched the ten stories tall face of a man you used to know. A smile you didn’t recognized, stitched on the sides, holding his smile up. As soon as he finished eating the sharks he stopped on his tracks, merely centimeters away from your body.
“Y/n?” his distorted voice spoke in utter disbelief, “Good day Alastor, it’s been many moons, don’t you think?” He was frozen, the cute little deer girl he left all those years ago was nowhere to be seen. Replaced by a woman, wearing a dark black attire and tired eyes.
"Y/n, long time no see" he had to shift his voice a little, Charlie and the rest were right behind him inside the hotel. His chirp tone making it seem like he didn't disappeared at all, was a direct stab to your heart.
"You look..." you didn't know anymore, "Different" eyeing him from top to bottom with a disgust grimace in your face hurt him beyond his understanding, "Yes well, I told you I would get stronger" his eyes were different, they were empty.
"I see that, have a good day" you turned around in your heels ready to walk away from the place, "Y/n wait, that's it?" He was hurt? Why did he felt the audacity to pretend to be the victim when you were left behind.
"What else you want me to say?" Since he left, you stopped being joyful, the killing and the merciless torture you went through did that, and it was all his fault.
"A warmer welcome would be nice" you took out your rifle then shoot his shoulder with a dull bullet, "Warmer than that?" It didn't bleed but it hurt, so much it made Alastor take a few steps back.
"Alastor!" The princess cried out for him, "What do you think you're doing?!" Her little horns and red eyes made you snicker a little, "Is this what you've been doing all these years? Help this little girl with her hotel?" Alastor stood up, making seem as it didn't hurt at all, "Now, now Charlie, all is fine, no damage done" she tried to worry about him but it was no use, "Who is Alastor to you?" She asked you, distorted voice and hair flaring.
Alastor had his eyes on you specially when you locked on his dials flashing on and off, "Someone I used to know” the pain was real that time, Alastor didn’t even try to hide it, “Y/n please, let me explain” a small laugh escaped your lips, the first smile he saw from you in a while.
“Not a note, letter, smoke signal, nothing in seven years” he tried to make up an excuse, but you didn’t let him speak, “I had to find out from Vox, and as distasteful as he is, at least is a true friend to be in touch at least three times a week” the fact he told you sent a holy bullet up on his pride, “I can’t explain” he went again.
“I-don’t-FUCKING-care” you accentuated every word, “Woah, what is going on here?” the one and the only Lucifer Morningstar came next to his daughter, wondering wat was taking her so long after she ran out.
“They know each other” Charlie waved her hand in between the two. “Lover’s spat?” he inquired mockingly, which you replied with a straightforward and cold “No” making the devil choke on some saliva, “Makes sense though, with a face like that” when Lucifer turned his eyes from Alastor to you he saw the end of your rifle, “First one is a dull, will hurt, the second a holy one, apologize” internally Lucifer applauded your bravery, so with a smile that reached his ears he uttered “I’m sorry Alastor, I didn’t meant to bring out the obvious”.
He made you smile, “Good enough” you put the rifle strap over your shoulder again, “I’m not going to apologize for that, by the way” he didn’t expected you to.
Alastor watched the scene with jealousy, as in less than two seconds of interaction you received Lucifer in a better way than him, you even smiled at him better than him. If he had a reason to be angry that was one. When you turned your head he noticed a burn on your neck, then he went down and saw the scars on your hands, maybe how many more marks you had on your body, experiences  that took away the innocent friend he used to have.
"You're thin, you don't eat enough or what? What happened to your teeth?" you started making questions that made Alastor sweat, “What is this Radio Demon shit? Who do you think you are, huh?" “Somone that will take you down if you keep at it” “Baby, we’re not at the same level, you are the lowest of the overlords”
“She’s right” “I haven’t lost a single soul in all these years, I can steal air from your lungs by just wanting it” he started feeling at loss of breath, his lungs compressed forcefully searching for oxygen, “I offered you my life, my time, my love” you straightened his bow tie, ignoring Charlie’s pleas for you to stop hurting him, “And you just kissed me, and early in the morning after, you took off, seven years without a single signal you were alive”.
“And now I find out that you’ve been here for five months already, not even once you tried to reach me” your hands palmed his chest slowly, your warmth poring through his clothes, “I have my territory delimited by a black line, if you cross it, I won’t be so nice as I am now” you hovered your lips over his, returning the air down his throat.
Lucifer whistled an impressed tune, “Y/n please, I can explain” he heard Alastor breathing rapidly, getting off Charlie’s support to try to get you, his knees stopping on their tracks due to the lack of strength left, “Y/n right? He looks like he wants to make things right, please give him a chance” she plead, it getting to your head very quickly, damn that puppy face.  
“Y/n please, tea and tea” he dared to say, bringing Lucifer’s attention, “What’s that?” he looked your way for an explanation, “It’s where we drink tea and talk” you thought about it for a second then looked at his eyes once more, “Someday, not today, you seem preoccupied” with that you took your leave, feeling your heart heavy and lonesome as you did.
It wasn’t until Extermination day, that from your balcony you saw the horde of angels drop on the hotel, immediately seeing the flow of Alastor’s dark magic being shattered by Adam. Almost out of instinct you ensembled your long distance sniper rifle, setting it on the edge of the rail, waiting for a perfect angle to make the winged rat fall.
 Suddenly Alastor few against the edge of the building, that’s when you shot, the bullet piercing the base of both of Adam’s wings, making him wince and drop against the ceiling in pain.
“Radio ain’t dead until I say so, asshole” you allowed wind to take your message, prepping another bullet in the chamber, aiming directly at his head, “Freaky face has a girlfriend?” he joked to pass a little of the pain, “Y/n?” Alastor whispered to himself, feeling the air shift around him, his body reappearing beside you after a swirl of air teleported him.
“When I get my hands on you-“ you didn’t let Adam finish, shooting the joint of his shoulder, leaving useless his dominant arm. “Y/n” that’s all Alastor could utter, seeing you so beautifully concentrated in your aim, “You think I’ll spoil it for Lucifer if I shoot him dead?” you gave Adam a warning shot on the leg, the next one being a holy one.
“Good riddance either way, mon coeur” he had carefully stood up, supporting his weight with a hand on the railing and another around your waist, “Oh never mind, six wings is beating the shit out of him now” you said a tad disappointed since your game ended, feeling Alastor hiss at his wound.
“Don’t touch it, let’s go, I’ll help” you sat him on your bed, helping him discard his clothes. “I’m sorry for leaving like that” he sounded so sad and weak, he was deeply angry at himself for how blind he was, for taking you for granted and abandoning you without explanations.
“It doesn’t matter anymore” you made haste to patch up the wound as best as you could, but there was so much blood blocking your way, “Y/n, please forgive me” he pleads as you try your best to stitch the would close, “Why do you care so much whether if I forgive you or not?” he cupped your face, a tenderness unknown for you, uncommon of him.
He wasn’t used to be gentle, not desiring to rip your flesh apart was new to him. Instead there was this fire that warmed him up from the tip of his ears to the tip of his hooves, “Because…I love you” that word felt right, as his hands  brought your hips closer to him, his thighs on each side of your knees, “The moment to say that, was seven years ago” you allowed your powers to wrapped his bandages in a perfect way, “I can make it up to you” he could think of a thousand ways to bring you back to him, unsure if in the way you were now, any of those would work, but he had the rest of eternity to find out.
“And who assures me that you won't disappear again? I felt so alone without you” his hands pulled down your hips, seating you on his leg, “Me, I promise you I’m not leaving you again, I can’t” you laughed, hands on his bare shoulders, feeling the thin layer of fur.
“Is it because now I’m powerful?” he didn’t expected you to think different of him, he couldn’t blame you, “No, because I cannot breathe without you, I missed you very much, mon amour” seven years of you in his mind, haunting him, missing the warm spot in his bed, refusing to sleep at all if it wasn’t with you.
“Please my love, my moon, my sun, my everything, let me rectify my wrongs” a chill it enveloped your entire body, “Or let your gun finish what you started” he reminded you of your set of words of earlier, his smile relaxed and lovely, “If you ever dare to abandon me again, I’ll prove that you in fact can die twice” your hissing at the last word made him sigh happily, then he moved to place a kiss on your cheek, inhaling your scent.
“You’re hurt” you whispered when his kiss traveled down to your neck, “I know, but I can bare it” you plead that he took a small time to rest, but he kept tightening his arm on your waist, then the other on the back of your neck.
When he licked the underside of your neck up to your chin, he suddenly winced, proving your point, “How about we try something else?” you saw him grin, he only did that when he had something on his head, “William found the bath a while ago” you saw the slippery friend crawl up the wall, a proud smile on his face.
“You sent him to draw a bath?” he chuckled, “I remembered it was something you fancied, the morning after us…” he remembered, you told him you wanted to wash his hair in the morning, but he left before even giving you an answer, “You know that means I’ll have to touch you?” his ears pinned down on his head so he could nuzzle against your neck, “Ever since that day, I’ve craved no one’s touch, just yours”.
His grin grew when he felt a certain movement against his forearm, “Damn thing” you cursed, “You’re not the only one” he was wagging his life off, he guided your hand to his lower back so you could feel him, “Sappy old man” you kissed his lips, “You’re not that younger than me” he continued the loving gesture, “The water will get cold” you heard the shadow groan thinking his efforts will go to waste.
“Let’s get to it then” you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, Alastor nearly passed out when you were massaging his scalp with the lovely scented shampoo, you told him you were never going to stop bragging about it. Then when it was your turn to get pampered, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing your shoulders, the back of your neck, arms, every piece of skin he could.
His hands just as yours were free to roam around, both delighting in the ministrations, to the point only moans of satisfaction were echoing in the bathroom.
“Just so you know, if you have a significant other, he’s dead, you’re mine now” you giggled at his possessive nature, now both dry but still naked on the bed, “Good thing I ended that relationship months ago” you sassed him, earning a small bite on your clavicle, “As soon as I’m better, I’m claiming you” his eyes shifted to have dials, “Sure thing, you have a lot of pain to make up for, ya’ know?” he knew that.
There were parts of your body that were burnt, others covered by patches made of steel, then there were the cuts, the scars, the lashes, everything he acknowledged it was his fault, “This, are they dead?” you shook your head, “Then my broadcast will have new voices” his voice took a low tone and the growl made you feel butterflies, “Thank you” you whispered, lowering just enough so you could have your head under his chin, legs intertwined, arms holding each other as close as possible.
“This is going to sound weird, but I’m glad I killed you” he let out a breathy laugh, “Me too”.
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conspiring-limabean · 6 months
so apparently the tumblr donation scam farms are moving in on Palestine; this includes both slapping basic phrases like "Free Palestine" into their blog headers, but also some of them go so far as to claim they are Palestinian refugees who need donations.
Here is your routine reminder that whenever you receive an ask in your inbox requesting donations, check their ass. 19 times out of 20 it'll be a brand new blog who reblogged a few posts to seem older than they are, is sending out spam asks to random blogs, and will be deleted in a few days once they've already scammed people.
Check their blog's age by trying to scroll to the bottom and checking the post timestamps. Turn on post timestamps by going to Settings > General Settings > Dashboard Preferences. On any device, you can also see when a post was made by clicking on the 3 dots at the top right of it. Scam blogs reblog an amount of posts to try to seem like they aren't brand new and pretend to have older accounts, and it’s very successful against people who don’t scroll down enough.
Check the location and area code of a PayPal link where/if it says something like country.x=xx. The xx will be a country code. Most tumblr donation scams are for some reason in the Philippines and will have the code PH. No I am not saying to distrust anyone in the Philippines who needs donations, but if a brand new blog is claiming to be a refugee in the Middle East but their PayPal link is from halfway across the world, then well...
Reverse-image search any of the images they use and find if it was stolen somewhere. Remember that these images are often edited to prevent people from easily doing this, and this is not reliable but can be an easy sign if successful
Be careful with blogs that request people send donations through "Friends and Family" on PayPal because you cannot refund money sent in this manner. This isn’t a dealbreaker as many regular users also request this to avoid fines, but is an addendum to scam blogs when enough other red flags are raised. It isn’t unusual for them to insist on receiving money through FaF to the point that some will refund money not sent through that manner to prevent accountability
Follow scam busting blogs like Kyra45 that might pull up evidence you otherwise would not have access to. I guess I'm going to start bringing back my habit of recording the exact paypal addresses that scam blogs use which has sometimes been the only evidence of a new donation blog being a scam, and no one would know this if I hadn't been tracking them
It is disgusting that people would take advantage of an ongoing genocide for their own gain. Please remember to keep an eye out for yourself and the people you follow reblogging suspicious donation posts trying to steal aid from people undergoing a tragedy
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine demanding Luis to unlock your chains. When he doesn’t, you take matters into your own hands.
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You did and I’m grateful for all the love that has been thrown for my work. So here’s me giving some of that love back. Hope you enjoy 🙏
Warning: SMUT AHEAD. Look away, minors! Look away! Avert your eyes from the sexual content! Shoo! Begone!
Warning 2: It’s quite long so mentally prepare yourself.
“I still didn’t catch your name.”
The cheek on this guy. Using the fact that he holds the key to your restraints as a bargaining chip to become familiar with you. As if he hadn’t just forced you into a partnership with him already. The absolute nerve. You had more important things to do, such as finding Leon and the president’s daughter. And this Luis Serra was effectively wasting your precious time. Well, two can play this game.
You start by offering him an inviting smile before relaxing your hands until your palms pressed flat against his chest. The man didn’t seem to fully register your subtle movement until you slid them upwards, feeling the fine leather beneath your fingertips. The motion takes him by surprise, his eyes following your touch. He then casts an inquisitive glance your way.
“¿Que haces?” Apparently he wasn’t expecting this, convinced that you didn’t much care for him and thus was taken so off guard that he slipped into his native tongue. He must have remembered himself right after as he repeated the question, making sure that it sounded more direct. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Voice comes out in a low, sultry drawl as you grip the lapel of his jacket with one hand, gently tugging at the material. “I’m about to give you what you want. But I’m going to need you to come closer.”
Once you were certain that you had his complete attention while also making sure that you didn’t lose yourself in the mesmerizing grey of his eyes, you make your move. With your other hand, as best as the chains allowed, you reach for the key that was lodged in the lock of your chains. Disguising your intention, you run your fingers down the expanse of his chest in an explorative manner. This earned an appreciative hum from the Spaniard as he leans his head towards you expectantly.
Too easy.
Mindful not to look down between you two so as to not give yourself away, you lean in as well while also blindly searching for the key. “My name is…” you whisper. His bated breath mingles with yours, the lids of his eyes heavy, grey growing dark in anticipation. Another inch from either one of you and the gap will close. Just as your fingertips touched the end of the key, something warm firmly grips your hand. A sudden chill runs down your spine.
You can hear the reverb of something between a scoff and a chuckle come from Luis’ lips. “Nice try,” he smirks knowingly.
With a strength that catches you off guard, he pushes you away from him. Key in hand. He flaunts the tiny piece of metal before swinging his arm as if he was making a play to toss it aside. In your panic, you jump towards him, shoving him off balance with your shoulder. He breaks your fall as you two tumble down together.
The man curses in Spanish from the sudden pain and you took advantage of this by quickly searching for the key. You spot it a bit of a ways above Luis’ head and use both bound hands to reach for it once more. The chain that links your wrists together are caught by a familiar hand and suddenly pulled down until your hands were restrained between your two bodies once more. You sigh in frustration and the man beneath you clicks his tongue against his teeth.
There is an amused glimmer in his gaze as he speaks. “The stubborn-type, eh? All this trouble over a name.”
You in turn throw him an annoyed glare. “I was going to say the same about you.”
Instead of showing offense, he laughs. “Perhaps we’re more alike than you might think.”
Rather than entertain him further, you try to wrestle against his hold. Luis seemed prepared for it this time, matching your strength, only he had the advantage as he had free reign of his arms and hands. One hand kept your chained hands between your chests, the other gripped at the bicep of your arm, effectively minimizing upper body movement. Out of instinct, you rebelliously wriggle with your hips and legs with the sole focus of getting off of him. However, the man’s longer limbs kept you caged against him and the only thing you managed to do was awkwardly seat your bottom on him, knees bent by his sides.
When you grounded down in your struggle, the man tensed below you. Thinking you have finally one-up him, you repeated the action and noticed he wasn’t nearly putting up as good a fight as he did before. This allowed you to sit upright, dragging his hand with you until his arm extended slightly, and you continued your efforts to be free of him.
Luis’ breath became labored. “Stop.” he commands with gritted teeth, his voice barely above a whisper. When you didn’t listen to him, he moved his other hand from your arm to your hip, squeezing harshly in warning.
“¡Basta! Stop moving!” he growls.
You bark back defiantly, “I’ll get off when you let me get the fuckin-“
That’s when you felt it. Or rather- him. A hardness pressed beneath your nether region. Despite the layers of fabric, there was no mistaking the telling throbbing pushing up against you as if demanding your attention below.
Your throat runs dry but your brain kept sending signals to your mouth. “Ar…. Are you-“
“Sí.” the man had a pained, conflicted look about him, a picture of breathtaking self-control as he kept his body completely still. His eyes didn’t meet yours, gaze locked upon where your hips met as if to keep himself in check and not allow his body’s desires to act out untowardly.
“Surely you know how the human body works,” he tries to sound clinical, face strained in vague distress, “and will not fault me for the involuntary reactions of mine. It already doesn’t help that you’re easy on the eyes.”
You should be chastising him for getting excited when it was neither the time or place and danger was surely around the corner, but bit your lip at your own wave of pleasure upon feeling his arousal pulse. A totally different kind of heat washes over you.
What do you do now?
Neither of you spoke for a moment, a tense silence settling in until Luis breaks it with a forced cough.
“Well, this is- uh, fun.” he says without humor. “Pero, perhaps we can call it even and stop the game here. ¿Sí?”
His words went in one ear and out the other. You were frustrated beyond belief. Fueled by adrenaline and temptation. There was no one around. And you have an impossibly handsome Spanish man between your legs with a hard-on for you.
When you didn’t answer, he spoke up again. “As much as I like this position, I must regrettably ask that you- Whoa!”
As best as you could, you shoot your bound hands straight up in the air. As he still had a grip on the chain link, Luis was dragged upright into a seated position from the floor and his face stopped right in front of yours. The movement caused friction in both of your sensitive areas, mouths could do nothing to stop the groans that escaped them. His eyes open to your heated gaze, confusion and desire swirling in the grey irises.
You breathe, “You talk too much, Luis Serra.”
And it was you who closed the distance. Teeth and tongue clashed in a new battle filled with pent-up energy and lust. Your mind quickly becomes hazy as you allowed yourself to be consumed in his emanating heat and musky scent. A nip at his bottom lip earned you an enthusiastic thrust of his hips, an appreciative squeeze at your bottom rewarded him with a carnal moan from your mouth. The only time you pulled back was for air and the man before you glances between your dazed eyes and bruised lips, hypnotized by your already ruined appearance.
“Are we, uh, still playing the same game?” His question nearly disarms you. You have a feeling he was really asking if you were of sound of mind about this. Your eyes roll reflexively.
“Really going to keep running your mouth?” You then follow up with a roll of your hips, the Spaniard throws his head back with a deep, guttural groan. Dark wavy locks brush against his cheekbones, eyes shut closed. With his thick neck exposed, you steal kisses along his sensitive pulse and stubbled jaw. Another primal groan vibrates from his throat.
“Eres muy mala.” Luis grumbles without a hint of disdain. Rather, when you finally pull back to allow him to look at you, you find him wearing that familiar cocky smirk. “But I must admit, I’m kind of into it.”
A charmer through and through this man is. His next move takes you by surprise.
He shoves you off of him.
As soon as you recover from your initial shock, the dark-haired man grabs you by the chain again and drags you to the far end of the room, further away from the key and exit. Using his strength and your own momentum against you, Luis tosses you forward. Your upper body lands right on top of a wide metal table propped against the dingy concrete wall.
He takes advantage of your momentary state of confusion by forcing your arms to extend towards the wall. It wasn’t until you heard the unmistakable click of metal did you fully regain your senses and look up to see what he did. The arrogant man used one of the wall mounts to lock your chains taut in place. He literally chained your chains. You’re caught in a trap again!
Just as you were about to curse him out, you feel something hard press firmly against your bottom followed by a pair of warm hands settling at your hips and the heat you didn’t realize you were missing came back in throes. You almost wanted to point out how unfair the shift in dynamic was, but all coherent thoughts were thrown out the window when he started grinding into you.
“There,” Luis hums at your apparent silence, “much better.”
Damn him. And he had the gall to say you were bad.
His movements were slow and methodical, like he was testing the waters to see if you were actually fine with this. Your pleased sighs were the signs he needed to continue and go beyond. Next, you feel his curious hands rubbing at your sides over your shirt before he lifts it enough to slip them beneath the fabric. Feeling his skin on yours sent chills throughout your body. His touch wanders, palming at your every curve, line, and muscle and you melted into his hands, encouraging his exploration.
The temperature in the room was becoming unbearably hot. As if hearing this thought, you were pulled up by your torso as far as the chains would allow and felt your back meet his chest. Now, his hardness was at your lower back and you purposefully melded your backside against his straining cock, mentally drawing the length of him. Needless to say, without even seeing it, you were impressed by his size. The man didn’t carry himself confidently without warrant. A soft, almost adoring kiss upon the shell of your ear pulls you from your shameless thoughts.
He whispers hoarsely, “My friend, are you particularly fond of this shirt?”
“What?” you manage to choke out. “Why are you aski-”
The sound of tearing answered your question before you can finish it. Tattered fabric scatters around your feet and the air within the room suddenly felt like soft caresses on your bare torso.
“You didn’t even let me answer!” Your voice sounded more excited than annoyed.
“Lo siento. You were too slow.” Luis presses another chaste kiss to the side of your head. However, you can practically feel his wicked grin. “And frankly, are much too sexy for clothing, anyways.”
Damn, this man was making you feel things.
Despite your skin now bare against the elements, it did little to alleviate the heat building within you. It only amplified when his hands returned to your form, making a slow, sinful journey from your stomach to your upper chest. The pad of his fingers push upon the sensitive buds of your nipples, earning a wanton gasp from your lips. His hips jerk forward at the sound you made, his erection pulsing against your ass, sparking tiny, wonderful jolts of electricity within you. The sensations were making your toes curl.
One hand sneaks back down, his thumb finding it’s way under the hem of your jeans and underwear. His reach teases towards your sensitive spot and you bite your lip in anticipation, wanting so badly for him to touch you where you need him to but your mind too much of a mess to voice it into proper words.
“Mírate,” his warm breath fans against your ear in hoarse, gentle whispers. “Promixa vez… Te quiero llevar a la cama.”
You only manage to translate “Next time…” until the synapses in your brain fire all at once when his fingers began to toy your sex without warning. When his skillful hand deftly undid your jeans, you didn’t know, but at the moment, you didn’t care.
Holy hell. This guy was playing your body like a fine-tuned instrument and your voice eagerly sounded to his ministrations. Your moans and gasps music to his ears. The coil in the pit of your stomach was tightening to the point of snapping as his hand quickened the pace upon your bundle of nerves. He was stroking you graciously while also harshly grinding you into the edge of the table from behind. Your voice was reaching greater heights from the onslaught of overwhelming sensations.
“Last chance, my friend.” Luis growls, barely reigning in his instinct to simply bend you over and have his way with you. “Are we still playing the same game?”
The same question echoes. He asks one thing but really means another. This dashing, infuriating man is asking you if you want to go all the way, past the point of no return. Luis Serra is a stranger. Yet he had the sense and consideration to weigh your feelings in the matter, giving you an choice to opt out even though it would have been so easy to let it lie and let your baser instincts take over. It was almost romantic in a way. You didn’t have to think twice about this.
“Either you fuck me now,” you pant, chains clinking around your wrists, “or I’ll find my way out of these and fuck you myself.”
Luis chuckles lowly in intrigue. “¿Prometes?”
He makes quick work on the rest of your clothing, letting your pants and underwear fall at your ankles. He helps guide you completely out of them. It was probably a strange sight. You completely exposed while he was completely clothed. The only bits of him you can hear rustling is the buckle of his belt and the zipper of his pants coming undone. You were starting to shiver from anxious chills until you felt an arm wrap around you assuringly.
A patient hand gently fingers your entrance, preparing your body for something larger. You eventually move along rhythm of his fingers, goading him to take it to the next level and he acquiesces to your silent request. The heavy heat of his cock that was poking between the gap of your thighs move upwards. Your body instinctively tenses when the head of his member prods against your opening. Luis’ lips pressed against your temple in comfort and finally, finally, he slowly sinks into you. You gasp and he curses.
No amount of foreplay could have prepared you for him. Not all the way in and already you felt so full of him, his cock throbbing against every sensitive nerve inside of you. You whimper in both pain and pleasure and Luis tends to you by wrapping his arms around your middle, planting more kisses along the side of your head right behind your ear.
“Estoy aquí, ángel. Té tengo.”
Like the gentleman he portrays himself to be, he waits for you to relax around him. With great self-control, he pumps into you slowly with a tenderness that could bring tears to your eyes. The initial discomfort soon faded and was replaced by wonderful bouts of sensual ecstasy that has you gasping. Luis keeps up the pace with gusto, nearly pulling all the way out and slamming back into you. The pressure he was piling inside you with every thrust has you screaming to the point that you can feel your voice growing hoarse. Meanwhile, you can hear him moaning his praises for you in his birth tongue. This man wasn’t just talking himself a big game. He knows what he’s doing, fueling his pleasure by ensuring your own. And he was making certain that you chased yours fast.
He pulls out and you involuntarily whimper at the loss of contact. You weren’t left alone for long as he lifts you to lay on your side on the table, your hands forced to rise above your head at this new position. Luis grabs a hold of one of your legs and bends it at the knee over his shoulder, entering your heat once more. Your blood boils fiercely at this new angle, you can see him and everything he was doing to you. And he can see you’re practically rendered speechless with every powerful thrust. At this rate, you weren’t going to last. The fluttering inside your core now popping like firecrackers.
Sweat pours down his handsome face, pupils dilated black with desire for you. “¿Cómo te llamas, ángel? Tell me. And I’ll give you what you want.”
He’s asking for your name again. The catalyst behind this whole affair. “Really bent on that, aren’t you?” you manage to pant out, your lungs barely keeping up with each strong snap of his hips.
“I wasn’t at first, only wanted to tease you.” He groans, his voice finding difficulty to stay level when he’s fucking into you without abandon. “But now- ah! I really want to know. I want to call out your name. ¡Joder! Let me call out your name, mi amor.”
The way he was begging tugged at you deep. Your name was on the edge of your tongue, but your heart was gripped with fear. Fear that if you so much as uttered what he’s asking of you, the spell would be broken and you’d be left unsatisfied. This felt too damn good to risk ruin with sentimentality. So you did what you have been doing best. Prevaricate. And make him want you more.
“Uncuff me. And I’ll tell you anything. Anything you want.”
You feel the vibrations of a laugh rumble deep from his chest.
“Eres tan… ¡Mierda!”
Like a cord finally snapping, the dam breaks and everything building inside spills out with a long, final cry of ecstasy. Stars dotted your vision, for a moment you forgot to breathe as you feel yourself unraveling. Within, you feel him cumming inside as well. Liquid hot ropes painting your insides, leaving you quivering uncontrollably. His hips slow to an eventual stop, his voice coming out in soft, satisfied sighs.
Slowly letting your leg down, Luis pulls himself out and hovers over you, hands flat beside your head. The man peppers your back and shoulders with soft nips and kisses. His stubble makes slow, sensual scratches along your skin as he reaches up to the flesh of your ear, biting onto the lobe affectionately. You turn your head to meet his lips with yours, noting how wonderful his kisses feel. He pulls away slightly to study you intently, varying emotions flashing over his eyes.
“Now,” he started, “about that name.”
Back at this again. You had to admire the man for his tenacity. “Told you already,” you huff once your breath returned to you, tugging at the chains around your wrist. “Remove these cuffs and I’ll think about it.”
His voice cracks in disbelief, “That was not what you said- ¿En serio? After all of that?”
“You’re more than welcome to keep working for it.” The words left your lips before you can stop them and an amused groan escapes from Luis’ own, sending another sinful heat to flow down your core.
“Eres muy mala.” He sighs with a shake of his head. There was no hint of annoyance in his husky tone, a devilish smirk plastered on his face. “Hanging with you- not healthy.”
“Right back at ya.” The remark earned a swift smack on your ass. You almost yelp out of reflex and shifted your eyes to glare at him.
The way he looked at you, however, tells you that he wasn’t against the idea of going again. And truthfully, you were all for it. Luis leans over to capture your lips once more, sweet and filled with promise, while his hand began to wander your body mischievously. The familiar tingle of heat starts to boil inside-
The alarming sound of inhuman groans down the hall jolts you two from your intimate high. Spell broken and you fully take in your nakedness in this increasingly dire situation.
“Get these chains off, Luis!”
“¡Sí, sí! Right away!”
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schrodingerspsycho · 8 months
Another Shot - Chapter 2
Pairing - Sam Carpenter x Reader
Warnings - Mentions of alcohol, addiction, weed
Word Count - 5.1k
Summary - (Some of) the truth comes out. Tensions rise between you and Sam.
Chapter 1
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You couldn’t sleep. Of course, you couldn’t. Sam Carpenter was in New York City.
All the memories you’d tried so hard to repress had come flooding back in full force, washing over you like a tidal wave. It hurt more than you would’ve imagined. And that fucking look in her eyes. As if she had any right to be angry with you. It made your blood boil. God, you wished you could hate her.
But you couldn’t. Yes, the memories were bitter, but they were still oh-so-sweet. You wanted nothing more than to crawl back to that better time when she was by your side and you were happy, uncaring of how the broken glass cut your hands and knees along the way. Then you remembered that fucking face, and you knew you couldn’t do that either.
You groaned and rubbed your eyes, which still ached from crying, and rolled over to stare at the clock. It was four in the morning. You wanted a drink. How ironic, Sam made you want to drink.
Instead, you opted for the one vice you still allowed yourself; weed. You stepped onto the balcony as you lit up, pulling your blanket tight around your shoulders. Just a few hits to help you sleep, you told yourself. The high would pass before your shift started. And just this once, you let that be a lie.
Luckily, you had an afternoon shift, and the weed was completely out of your system by the time you clocked in. Not that anyone would have cared, you wouldn’t be the first person to show up to work high. But you didn’t want to risk it. You couldn’t lose this job. So you made an effort to push Sam far from your mind and man the counter with a smile on your face. And it would’ve worked too, if it weren’t for her meddling little sister.
“Hey, Tara!” you smiled when she walked in. She waved back, clearly distracted. You took no notice, turning back to the lobby to go about your business. But Tara stepped out in front of you, blocking your path and nearly making you drop the menus you were carrying. “Shit! What the hell, dude? Don’t sneak up on me like that!” you cried.
“I want to know what happened,” she said, ignoring you. “Sam wouldn’t tell me.”
You stared at her. “Are you serious? I told you to drop it.”
“You didn’t really think that was going to stop me, did you?”
You sighed. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, or maybe you were secretly dying to unload all the memories clogging your brain. And talking about your feelings was supposed to help, right? “If I tell you, you can never bring this up again, got it?”
“Got it.” She crossed her finger over her heart, excitement shining in her eyes. You hoped she wouldn’t regret asking for the truth.
“If you can get Jay to give us our breaks at the same time, I’ll tell you then.”
Tara nodded and rushed off to find your manager, finally leaving you in peace. Maybe after this, you would finally be able to put it all behind you. And if Sam didn’t want Tara to know… then perhaps you could relive it after all. Sure, it was petty. But after everything she’d put you through, you deserved to be a little petty.
Jay must’ve been in a good mood because he granted Tara’s request. She didn’t mention her sister again for the first half of the shift, choosing instead to gush about how Chad had surprised her by taking her out for breakfast that morning. You listened eagerly, glad to finally put a face to the name you’d heard so many times.
“He’s going to come in to have lunch with me tomorrow,” she smiled. “Are you working the morning shift? I want you to actually meet him. I think you’d get along.”
“Yeah, I’m working a double tomorrow. I look forward to it.”
“Yay!” she exclaimed, and you grinned back at her. She’d only been working at the diner for two weeks, and she’d already become one of your best friends. You hadn’t grown so close with someone so quickly since… well, you knew where she got her charm.
Your break time seemed to arrive faster than ever, and you steeled yourself for your unorthodox therapy session as you made your sandwich. Tara was watching you like a hawk as if she expected you to run away.
“You sure you wanna do this?” you asked her. “Last chance to change your mind.”
“You have to know that only makes me more desperate to hear this story.”
“Fine,” you sighed. You led her into the break room and shut the door, making sure no one would overhear. She gazed up at you, her eyes wide and serious now as you sat next to her on the couch.
“Take your time,” she said softly. You nodded in appreciation, and with a deep, shuddering breath, you began.
“We met through a Facebook group four years ago. It was for young people in Modesto who were trying to get sober. Like a support group, but without the stuffiness of AA.”
“Wait, when you say sober, you mean-”
“Alcoholics,” you nodded, a grim look on your face. “Some people were addicted to other things too, and we did what we could to help. Mostly cigarettes, like your sister. She’d weaned herself off the harder drugs by that point, thankfully. We would have meetings in coffee shops and cafes, and sometimes people would host at their apartments during the week. Then we would all go out to clubs or parties together on the weekend.”
Tara stared at you, bewildered. “What? How is that helpful?”
“It wasn’t. The idea was that we would do all our drinking in one night and stay sober the rest of the week, but there weren’t any professionals involved. Most people at least thought they wanted to get sober, but we all wanted to drink more. It was still better than getting hammered every night, but not by too much.” You swallowed, and your hands started fidgeting; one of your nervous habits. You hadn’t spoken this much about your alcohol problems in a long time. “Anyway, that’s how we met. I don’t remember which one of us joined the group first, it’s been such a long time. I mean, your sister was still using a fake ID to get booze back then!” You chuckled at the memory. “But we became friends pretty quickly. Then we realized our apartments were only a neighborhood away from each other, so we started going to meetings together. And after about a year of being friends, we started- well…”
“You started dating?”
You let out a hollow laugh. “God, no. She never would’ve made a commitment like that. She was kind of infamous for it, actually.” You took a swig of your soda, hoping to dowse the heat you felt rising in your cheeks. “But we were probably the closest thing to it. We were together just about every other night, we knew each other better than anyone, she knew I wasn’t seeing anyone else and after a while, she stopped seeing other people too. Pretty much all we would’ve had to do was say the words. But that was the problem. She never wanted to talk about anything real. Her past, her feelings, our relationship, nothing. I knew who she was, but I didn’t know anything about her. And believe me, when you drink with someone for that long, you get to know them really well. She knew how I felt about her, how much I cared for her, and she just wouldn’t reciprocate. But I told myself that being with her was enough. And maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. I don’t even remember.”
“Then what happened?” Tara asked, her voice small.
“About a year into us being… whatever we were, there was… an incident. We went out together, without the group, to a house party. That I invited her to. And we were having fun, y’know, drinking, dancing, just having a grand ol’ time. Then she asked me to go to the bar to get her another shot.” You ran your hand through your hair to try to quell the agitation bristling in your chest. “It took me two minutes to push through the crowd, get the drinks, and come back. Two minutes. But when I came back, she was… she was…” Angry tears welled up in your eyes, and you turned away from Tara. You hated that it still had such a hold on you, even after all this time.
Tara laid a shaking hand on your back and you let out a strangled sob. Why was this so fucking hard? You felt like you were back there, the pounding of your heart drowning out the loud music, your vision blurring, the taste of vodka burning your throat, and the feel of your stomach dropping down to hell.
“She was making out with someone else,” you croaked. Tara’s hand stilled, and from the corner of your eye, you saw her mouth open in a silent gasp. “It was some- some guy. Just a random, boring-ass guy. She didn’t even know his name. And when I asked her what the hell she was doing, she laughed. Like it was all just some big fucking joke.” Your fists were clenched, and you could feel your fingernails digging into your palms. Then the tears finally began to fall. “She told me we were nothing. That I meant nothing.”
“I… I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Tara breathed. You leaned back against the couch and wiped your eyes, chuckling in spite of yourself.
“We were both drunk and angry, so what happened next is kind of a blur. But we started shouting at each other, and I think I was crying. I don’t know. Then she slapped the drink out of my hand and spat in my face.”
“She what?” Tara uttered, appalled. You laughed again. It was a sinister sound, but Tara didn’t seem to notice and you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“That was actually the most normal thing she did that night,” you said, to Tara’s growing horror. “She’s an aggressive drunk, and it was far from the first time she’d spat at me. But she’d never done it as an insult before.”
“That’s disgusting,” Tara said. You finally turned to look at her.
“I want you to know, I’m not trying to make you think badly of your sister or anything. I think it’s great that you’re talking again, and I would never do anything to hurt your relationship. I’m just telling you my side of the story.”
“I know,” Tara assured you. “Thank you.”
You shook your head. “I’m not even upset that she didn’t feel the same way. I just wanted her to be happy, and we weren’t even together. But she just had to let me down in the cruelest way possible. She knew how much she was hurting me, and she did it anyway. With a smile on her face.”
“That’s fucking bullshit,” Tara grumbled, and you gave her a brief smile. “So what happened after that?”
“Well, I went home, and the next day I found out she had blocked me on everything. She even left the Facebook group. And the next thing I know, I hear she’s calling this guy her boyfriend and switched to a new shitty, minimum-wage job so she could work with him. She led me on for a whole year, then committed to him in one night. I lost my partner and my best friend at the same time. In two fucking minutes.”
You sat in silence for several moments, the conversation weighing heavily on both of you. When Tara finally spoke, her voice was thick with emotion.
“Thank you for telling me all of this. I know it wasn’t easy for you to relive it. I’m sorry she did that to you, and I’m sorry that I’ve brought it all back-”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” you insisted. “She’s your sister, and you can’t help that I have a history with her. What happened with us- whatever happens with us- none of it is your fault.” She nodded, but the look in her eyes told you she didn’t believe it. “She told me about you, y’know.”
“She did?”
“Oh, yeah. I could never get her to talk about herself, but if you got enough alcohol in her, she wouldn’t shut up about her baby sister.” You grinned at Tara, and she smiled back. “You’re exactly the way she described you.”
“I’m gonna assume that’s a compliment,” she chuckled. Then her expression turned serious. “I really am sorry that she did that to you, Y/N. It’s… it’s horrible. But I can promise you, Sam’s changed. She’s sober now, and she’s reliable. She’s done so much work to be a better person. She would never do something like that now.”
You gave Tara a sad smile. “I’m happy to hear that, I really am. But I’m going to need her to prove that to me herself.”
“C’mon, Mindy, let’s go.”
“Can’t we just stay in our rooms? We won’t interrupt-”
“She said she’d tell us later, let’s just give them some space.”
Sam put down her book. The twins had been quietly doing their homework on the couch for the last hour, giving her a much-needed respite after the back-to-back six-hour shifts she’d worked at her two jobs today. But now their hushed voices roused her, drawing her from her room in time to see Tara ushering them out the door. “Hey, how was work?” she asked nervously. She didn’t like the serious look on Tara’s face.
“It was fine,” she said with a sigh. “We need to talk, Sam.”
Sam felt her heart rate spike, and her mouth went dry as her palms started to sweat. Truthfully, hearing those words from Tara was more terrifying than the five Ghostfaces she’d faced. She nodded numbly and took a seat at the kitchen table, following Tara’s lead.
“Y/N told me what happened between you two,” Tara began, and Sam’s breath hitched. She knew she should’ve expected this, but it caught her off guard all the same. “I don’t believe they would lie to me, but I have to ask… did you really cheat on them? After leading them on for a year?”
“Yes. I did.” Sam felt like crying. Having you as a reminder of her mistakes was bad enough, but now Tara was judging her too. She wanted to beg you both for forgiveness, but she knew she didn’t deserve it.
“Jesus, Sam,” Tara groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “That’s really shitty. Do you know how broken up Y/N still is about it?”
“I know. I’m so sorry, I-”
“I’m not mad at you, Sam.”
“You’re… you’re not?”
“No,” Tara said with a small smile. “I’ve forgiven you for worse. And I know you’ve changed. We don’t need to talk about what happened.”
“Then what do you want to talk about?”
Tara grinned. “Do you still love them?”
“What?” Sam stared at her, shocked. “Who-who said anything about love?”
“Okay, fine. Do you still like them?” she corrected, rolling her eyes.
Sam gaped at her as her cheeks started to burn. “It doesn’t matter how I feel. Y/N doesn’t want anything to do with me, and I need to respect that.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Did you see how they looked at me?” she deflected, beginning to sound choked up. “They hate me. And they have every right to.”
“They don’t hate you, Sam,” Tara said kindly, placing a comforting hand over her own. “Trust me. Yes, they’re hurt. Really hurt. But they wouldn’t be if they had moved on.”
“Or if I hadn’t cheated on them and treated them like shit,” Sam mumbled. She leaned against the table and put her head in her hand. Just like mom.
“I think you were wrong,” Tara said, ignoring her. “There is something you can do about it now.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?”
“You can apologize!” she smiled.
“You don’t really think it’s that simple, do you?” Sam scoffed. “Apologizing doesn’t just make things go away, Tara. Not something like this. It won’t mean anything.”
“Yes, it will,” she said softly. “It’ll show them that you’ve changed and that you know it was wrong to cheat on them. It’ll let them know that you’ll be a better person if you start talking again. I mean, sure, it’s not gonna fix everything right away, but it would be a start.”
Sam shook her head. “That’s not enough. It wouldn’t be enough.”
Tara sighed. “Will you at least answer my question?”
“What question?”
“Do you still have feelings for Y/N?”
Sam stood up abruptly and turned away from Tara. She ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breath. “Where did you send the twins off to?”
“Seriously, Sam? Are you really just going to ignore me?”
“I was thinking I could make spaghetti for dinner, does that sound good?”
Tara glared at her incredulously. “You are unbelievable,” she said, standing up and stomping toward her room. She slammed the door, and Sam stared at it for a long moment. Despite everything, Tara was an optimist, and Sam admired her for it. But two little words wouldn’t mean anything in the face of what she’d done to you. No matter how much she wished it could.
After telling Tara the truth, the rest of your shift had felt awkward, with both of you staying uncharacteristically silent when you weren’t talking to customers. But luckily, everything was back to normal the next morning. You had teased her for being a few minutes late, she teased you for always arriving early, and you passed the time by joking around like you always did. She once again asked Jay if you could take your breaks together, and he once again obliged.
“Dang, he must really like you,” you smiled at her. “He never would’ve said yes if I asked him.”
She shrugged. “I’m very likable.”
“Yeah, you are. Little manager’s pet.”
“Maybe I’ll ask him not to give you a break at all.”
“What, am I suddenly not good enough to meet your boyfriend?”
“No, I’m excited for you to meet him,” she grinned. “He’s excited to meet you, too.”
“Then it sounds like we’re all excited. It’s going to be a very exciting lunch break.”
“Oh, shut up,” she said, nudging you playfully as she went to make another pot of coffee. Usually, it was all the customers ordered at this time of day, which made the morning shifts more bearable. You were able to hang out and talk with each other while they finished their nearly forgotten homework and nursed their hangovers, frying up some eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns every now and then. It made the time fly, and soon Jay was calling you and Tara to go on break.
Chad arrived just as you finished making your food, announced by Tara’s squeal of delight. She ran to him and leapt into his arms, and he spun her around gleefully. The few customers in the lobby didn’t even look up from their phones.
“Y/N, get over here! I want you to actually meet Chad!” Tara called, beckoning you with her hand. You smiled and headed over, your tray of food in hand.
“Shouldn’t you let him order first?”
“No, it’s fine. He doesn’t need to eat,” she smirked. He gave her a look of feigned offense.
“Excuse you, I’m very hungry. I ate a very light breakfast so I would have room for an amazing lunch made by my beautiful girlfriend.”
“I’m not gonna make your food, I’m on break,” she said, turning to face him. “That was really stupid of you to not eat.”
“Well, then what did I come here for?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
“You’re breaking my heart, you know that, Tara? You’re breaking your boyfriend’s heart.”
“Oh, please, you eat enough of my cooking at home,” she grinned, leaning in closer.
“Anyway, I’m Chad! It’s nice to meet you,” he smiled, looking up quickly when he remembered you were there. Tara blushed.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you chuckled. “I’m Y/N. Tara’s told me a lot about you.”
“All good things, I hope?”
He grinned. “Well, I’m going to go order some food made by a stranger, and then I’ll join you.”
Tara stuck her tongue out at him as he left, and you followed her to the table where she had set her food. “Sorry about that,” she said sheepishly as you sat down.
“Don’t worry about it. You two are adorable.”
“Thanks,” she smiled.
After a few moments of eating in silence, Chad joined you once again. “Alright, where were we?” he asked, sliding into the booth next to Tara. You looked at his tray and smirked at her. He’d ordered exactly what she’d said he would.
“You were about to tell me about yourself,” you prompted. He smiled.
“Well, I’m Tara’s amazing boyfriend who’s known her since we were five, I’m studying sports medicine at Blackmore, I was the offensive lineman on my high school football team, Mindy is my twin sister, and my favorite Pokémon is Meganium. What else do you want to know?”
You laughed and Tara raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, that’s certainly an introduction,” you remarked.
“What? Those are important things to know about me!”
“They sure are, babe. You’re doing great,” Tara said, patting his arm.
“And you said you go to NYU, right? What are you studying?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t start until next year, but I’m going to study photography. I actually can’t wait to start classes, I’ve been saving up for it for years.”
“That’s really cool! What kind of photography do you do?”
“I want to study different kinds, but I love taking pictures of little moments in regular life. Like the little things that no one notices, the things that tell stories. Candid photography, I guess.”
“That sounds really interesting! I’d love to see some of your photos sometime.”
“Thanks! Yeah, Tara’s been wanting me to show her my portfolio.”
“And yet you keep denying me!” she accused.
“I’ve told you, they don’t look good on my tiny phone screen!” you replied. “I can’t exactly bring my laptop to work, can I?”
“I’m sure we can figure out a time when we can all see your amazing pictures,” Chad said, putting his arm around Tara.
“Yeah, maybe,” you mumbled, blushing a little at the praise. “It’s cool that you were able to go to the same college. And your sister, too. That must be really fun for you guys.”
“Yeah, we’re really lucky we found a place that has a good sports medicine program for me, a poli-sci program for Tara, and a film program for Mindy. Although, we probably would’ve gone to the same school no matter what. It’s important that we stick together. After all, we can’t split up-”
“Do not say it,” Tara scolded him.
“-the Core Four!”
Tara punched him in the chest and he swooped down to kiss her cheek.
“What is the Core Four?” you asked.
“Me, Tara, Mindy, and Sam! It’s what we call our little squad.”
“It’s what you call us,” Tara retorted. “He comes up with these stupid nicknames and doesn’t listen to us when we tell him they’re terrible.”
“Oh, c’mon, you secretly love my nicknames. Don’t you, Taradactyl?”
She looked appalled. “Yeah, that’s an immediate no.”
“But I thought you liked that one!”
“I absolutely do not. Get away from me.”
“Whatever. You like Core Four. You’ve said it.”
“I have not!”
“Yes you did, Sam told me,” he said smugly.
“Lies and slander.”
He stole one of her fries and she tried to shove him out of the booth, a goofy grin on her face. You couldn’t help but chuckle at their antics.
“You two are very entertaining,” you commented.
“Are you making fun of us?” Tara demanded, still grinning.
You put your hands up in surrender. “Not at all. Having a similar sense of humor is important in a relationship. You two seem perfect for each other.”
“Why, thank you, Y/N. I’m glad someone thinks so,” Chad said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“If you thought we were perfect for each other, then you would support my nicknames.”
“Oh, shut up,” she groaned, leaning back against him. He kissed the top of her head before turning back to you.
“Speaking of relationships, are you seeing anyone?”
“Nope,” you smiled. “I only moved here a couple of months ago, so I haven’t really had time to meet anybody.”
“Then we need to get on that!” he exclaimed. “We don’t want you to be lonely! I’m pretty sure we know someone your age who you’d get along with. What are you, twenty-four?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m twenty-five, and it’s rude to ask.”
“You’re absolutely right, it is rude. I’m sorry. But you know what, Tara’s sister is right around your age, and she’s single too! Her name is Sam, she’s the absolute coolest, and- hey, didn’t you say you knew her already?”
You shot Tara a look of disbelief, but she avoided your gaze. “I do know her. I was just talking to Tara about her yesterday. And you know what, I just remembered that Sam once showed me some of her baby pictures.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, she wouldn’t stop talking about you,” you said pointedly. “It’s all coming back to me now. Little baby Tara… in the bathtub…”
“Okay, okay! We’ll stop talking about Sam!” Tara cried, her face bright red. You smirked at her.
Shouldn’t have broken your promise, you thought. At least she had the decency to look guilty.
The conversation carried on normally after that, with you and Chad discussing your favorite action movies and comic books. Tara was right, you did get along well. As it turned out, he had already seen the movie you were looking forward to seeing this weekend on your rare Saturday off. Tara had to quiet him before he accidentally spoiled it in his excitement, but he gave it a rave review. It was enough to distract you from the fact that Sam was apparently single again, at least for a little while. And when Jay called you back to work and you bid your goodbyes to Chad, you decided that it had indeed been a very exciting lunch break.
Sam found herself spending her Saturday off at the movies. She hadn’t been to a theater in months for obvious reasons, but Tara knew she wanted to see the new comedy that came out this weekend and convinced her to go. She was anxious like she always was when she was out in public, but she was glad to be spending some quality time with her sister. Saturday matinees used to be their thing, and Tara still bounced on her heels while she waited for her popcorn like she did when she was little.
But something seemed off with her as they walked toward the theater. She kept glancing behind her as if she was looking for something. But before Sam could ask her what was wrong, Tara spun around and slammed into her.
“I think the popcorn needs more- fuck!”
Sam looked down to see the front of her hoodie covered in Tara’s soda.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry, Sam!”
“It’s okay,” she sighed. “It was an accident, I’ll be fine. At least it didn’t get on my jeans.”
“Here, I’ll take the popcorn and save our seats. You go get some napkins and clean yourself up,” she said, gazing up at her apologetically. Sam nodded and handed her the bucket.
She pulled the sticky hoodie over her head as she walked, thankful that she had worn a tank top underneath it. And the theater still had the heat on despite the warming weather outside, so she wouldn’t be cold. It was still shaping up to be a pretty good day.
But before she could reach for the napkins, a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you said as you looked up from your freshly buttered popcorn.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see a fucking movie, obviously,” you hissed. Sam rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“I should’ve known,” she mumbled, her gaze drifting to where Tara was spying on you from around the corner. Your eyes widened in realization.
“Dammit! That sneaky little- I never should’ve told her my weekend plans.”
“What the fuck did you just say about my sister?”
“Oh, you know damn well this isn’t about Tara! This is about us, and what you did- oh my god!” You had finally turned to look at her, and your eyes immediately went to her arms. Not because her biceps were even more muscular than you remembered, but because of the long, raised scars on her right shoulder and collarbone. Any anger you had been feeling dissipated, replaced with worry and a deep-seated need to protect. “What happened?” you asked softly, instinctively reaching out to comfort her. She flinched back, her eyes startled and scared, and you lowered your arm. She stayed silent, just standing frozen and staring at you like a lost puppy. It made your heart melt, just like it always did. “Sam, are you okay?”
“It’s none of your fucking business,” she snapped after a beat, her expression hardening back into the look of contempt you were starting to get used to. You glared right back at her.
“Fine. I don’t even know why I care,” you snarled. Her scowl faltered, but you just scoffed in disbelief and stomped away. That devilish woman may still have a cruel grip on your heart, but you wouldn’t let her see it.
“Hey, Y/N, I didn’t expect to see you here! How are you?” Tara called, running up to you. But you kept walking, your only response a look of disapproval and hurt.
“What the hell was that?” you heard her demand from Sam. “Why won’t you just apologize to them?”
“I told you, I can’t do that.”
Your vision blurred as you stepped out of earshot, her words hammering the final nail into the coffin of something that died long ago. You knew Tara meant well, but she’d taken it too far. You tried to focus on the movie as you entered the dark theater, but you knew no amount of explosions could save your ruined day.
All because of two minutes with Sam fucking Carpenter.
Taglist: @smut-religiously777
323 notes · View notes
The Domestic Approach
Neighbour!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Kinktober Day 4: Thigh Riding @flightlessangelwings
Word Count: 1.8K
You moved in next door to Wanda Maximoff over a year ago. You knew her by sight, giving an occasional polite wave. 
No matter the time, she always seemed in a flushed hurry, too busy to stop and talk. Still she always returned the wave.
You wondered if she could tell how much you wanted to fuck her. 
The first time you spoke to Wanda was at the library. 
Her back was to you but she still caught your attention. She was stretching on her heels as she lifted down a heavy book.
She opened the book, her finger trailed through the book’s index. As you got closer, you saw her mouth moving silently as she read each heading to herself.
She bit her lip in obvious disappointment, dropping the book onto a pile that was forming by her feet. 
‘Need any help?’ You offered spontaneously.
Wanda startled, her cheeks flushed in recognition and then she shook her head. 
‘I’m just looking for a recipe.’ She admitted, tucking a flyaway piece of hair behind her ear. ‘But I can’t remember the name of the cookbook.’
Your eyes wandered to the heap of books on the floor beside her. 
Wanda looked mortified as she dropped to a crouch.
‘And I was just putting these back.’ She promised, hurrying to pick up a book and placing it on a shelf.
You didn’t tell her that you didn’t care where she left her books. 
Instead you watched the way her cream blouse fell forward, exposing the top of her breasts. The soft alabaster skin was hypnotizing, partly hidden by a blush camisole underneath.
You walked over to help, taking another book from the pile. You placed it next to hers on the shelf. You let your hand brush her bare arm as you reached. 
You watched fresh goosebumps flare along her skin until the edge of her sleeve covered the evidence.
You heard Wanda’s shaky breathing as you continued to help. 
When you were finished, Wanda took a deep, steadying breath and tried to smooth the creases in her burgundy skirt. She looked at you, her gaze hesitant. You smiled readily. You liked that.
‘Thank you.’ She said with another hesitant smile ‘I’m so stupid. I don’t think I’ll ever remember the name of that book.’
‘There’s always the internet.’ You said, letting the suggestion float. You wanted more time with her. 
‘I’m terrible on-line’ Wanda laughed a little self consciously. ‘I’m always touching the wrong thing.’
‘I bet.’ You said, enjoying yourself too much. ‘Maybe we’ve found a way for me to help?’
A few minutes later, Wanda was sitting at the old library computer. Her purse was in her lap. She leaned towards the monitor, reading the words on the screen quietly to herself as she tried to follow your instructions. 
‘And, do I click here?’ She asked unsurely. 
‘Exactly.’ You encouraged, your body barely touching her shoulder. 
You caught Wanda’s pleased smile in the monitor’s reflection. 
A moment later, she was flummoxed again. She’d clicked the wrong link on the search page. 
The cursor moved uncertainly toward the close window button. 
You leaned forward, quickly covering Wanda’s hand as you guided the mouse to the ‘back’ button she was trying to find. 
She opened her mouth and you knew she was going to chastise herself again. 
‘Don’t worry, you were close.’ You murmured, your face inches from her. 
You felt Wanda’s breath hitch. 
You lifted your hand from hers and stood back again. 
At last, you heard the printer in the corner begin to churn out a copy of the recipe. You left for the leaf of paper and brought it back to the desk. 
Wanda’s face lit up in pleasure. 
‘Thank you so much.’ She said, folding it carefully into her purse. 
‘No problem. I hope you have a good day.’ You took another step back. You hoped she’d turn away first, you wanted to see her ass again in that skirt.
Wanda stared at you with an expression you didn’t recognise. 
‘Would you like to come over?’ She asked suddenly. Your eyebrows raised at her forwardness. 
Wanda flushed again. ‘To try the recipe.’ She clarified, swallowing nervously. ‘I wanted to make it tonight. And there’s only me.’
You thought about her soft breasts when you agreed. 
You knocked on her door at 7pm. Barely a moment later, Wanda opened it. Her white apron was tucked neatly around a neat red dress and matching heels. Her hair had been styled carefully, accentuating her face.
‘Oh good, you’re here.’ She said breathlessly. Her eyes wandered over you for a long moment. Then her gaze flashed back up to your face guiltily as if she was scared to be caught.
‘It smells good.’ You said encouragingly as you followed her into her kitchen. Her dress sleeve was almost slipping off her shoulder.
‘I hope so.’ Wanda hummed pleasantly, hesitating as she checked a timer. You checked it too. Thirty more minutes. 
Wanda poured you both a drink and you sat together at her kitchen island. She tried some small talk. You nodded along, half listening. The sleeve of her dress was about to slip off her shoulder completely. 
Wanda stopped talking, self conscious about your lack of focus.
You leaned forward, lifting the sleeve back into place. Wanda froze perfectly at your touch. 
‘Thank you.’ She whispered hoarsely. Her fingers moved to touch the top of the sleeve thoughtlessly. You watched her play with the fabric between her thumb and forefinger. 
You knew then, without doubt, that she was attracted to you. You took a sip of your drink. You’d wanted to fuck her since you’d caught sight of her that morning. 
Wanda glanced at you and looked away again. Her gaze landed on your lap. She bit her lip. 
You could feel her thoughts radiating out. She wanted to touch you.
‘I’ve wanted to fuck you since this morning.’ You said out loud. The air changed at Wanda’s sharp breath.
She looked nervous as if she’d been the one to say it. Her breathing went shallow. 
‘Are you sure?’ She asked, not looking at you.  
You smirked then. You touched her thigh.
Wanda shuddered, legs parting on instinct. She stared down at your hand in her lap. You cleared your throat and she finally looked up at you. Her hair was already mussed.
‘This sort of thing doesn’t happen to me.’ She told you nervously. ‘I didn’t think. I didn’t know if you’d want me like this.’ 
You kissed her softly. When your lips met her full ones, she gave a soft ‘Oh’ of surprise. Her hand brushed lightly over your hair. Uncontrolled want .
You pulled back and regarded the warmth still flushing her cheeks. Her green eyes took a moment to open. 
You brushed her cheek. You could tell she was caught between something fragile and desperate.
‘I want to fuck you every way I can think of.’ You promised her. Wanda swallowed and you knew if you tried to touch her now, she’d already be wet on your fingers. 
‘I think I’d like that.’ She confessed. 
She leaned forward and kissed you. Her mouth was hesitating, gentle. Then needy, urgent as she tasted you. You dragged your teeth across her lower lip.
A moan escaped her mouth. 
Without daring to look, Wanda slipped her hand under your top, moving until she found your breasts. She squeezed softly, over and over. Unable to lose the urgency she was trying to hide. 
You saw everything clearly now.
‘You’ve thought about this before.’ You accused lightly. Wanda’s eyes darted to you as she pulled back from your mouth. 
‘Did you watch me through the window?’ You continued. You pulled her dress sleeves down again, baring her pale shoulders. Your fingers trailed lightly over the exposed skin.
Wanda shifted uncomfortably in her chair as your touch continued. 
‘Just once.’ She breathed. ‘That first night. I saw you changing. You left the blind up.’
You pulled Wanda gently from her seat, letting her arms drape over your shoulders. You kissed her collarbone slowly, nipping and sucking at the skin. You could hear every gasp leave her lungs. 
‘Wanda.’ You corrected. ‘I know you watched more than that.’ 
You watched her swallow, eyes glassy as she nodded. You knew. She’d thought about you at night in her bed. You could picture her, touching herself to the image of you.
You cupped her ass, drawing her closer. She stumbled obediently, a heel clacking to either side of your leg. 
You lifted her dress up, apron still attached. Wanda pressed herself needily against your thigh.  
‘Oh.’ Wanda moaned, holding your shoulders to steady herself.
You slid your palm along her underwear. The soft cotton was soaked through. Wanda squirmed at your touch. 
‘I’ve never been so wet before.’ She told you, voice strangled. 
‘I don’t think that’s true.’ You corrected, pressing a little harder as you brushed her clit. ‘I think you get wet all the time Wanda, with your little fantasies.’
You took your hand away, focused now on peeling her dress down to her waist. 
Wanda hummed mindlessly, still rocking herself against your thigh.
When her breasts were free, you kissed the soft pink areolas with satisfaction. You ran your tongue over her hardened nipples. You’d been thinking about this all day. Wanda whimpered at the light sensation. 
You rolled your thumbs back and forth over her nipples and looked up at her. Her eyes were half closed. She gripped your shoulders tighter.
‘It’s okay, honey.’ You promised, leaning up to leave a kiss under her ear. ‘I just want to treat you nice tonight.’ 
‘Oh.’ Wanda sighed as your lips touched her skin. Her hips moved like it was her only instinct. You felt her damp underwear sliding along your leg. You tensed your thigh and she pressed her clit needily against you. You felt her legs begin to tremble. 
‘Oh.’ Wanda said again, breathier, more urgent now. Her fingers moved now to tangle in your hair. She rocked back and forth more quickly. 
Her breasts came even closer and you squeezed them as you gave them your best attention. You kissed her hardened nipples, grazing them against your teeth and she kept up her pace.
You murmured low encouragements.
You could feel her legs tightening around yours. She couldn’t speak at all now. Any words had been lost to soft moans. 
She dragged herself hurriedly against your skin. Your nails dug into her ass as you moved her back and forth. 
Wanda whined louder. She called out your name, eyes still closed. You knew she’d called it out before.
You whispered hers. You told her that she needed to come. 
Even as her body relaxed and the hazy look entered her eyes. Wanda’s hips moved rhythmically back and forth. 
Slowly they came to a stop.
Wanda looked at you. Cheeks flushed. Relaxed smile. Hair messed.
You slid your hand between her legs.
You dragged your palm against her one last time, just to make her pelvis twitch. 
Wanda gave a happy sigh.
A timer beeped in the other room.
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everlastlady · 7 months
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Bloody Legend: Mammon X Reader 2
✰- Author's Note: Writer's block sucks, I'm going to try and write then jump back to request. Because so many request in my inbox. I can say my love for helluva boss is slowly coming back especially thanks to that new episode. Also I made a Mammon bot on character ai, so if you want that link just let me know. I hope that you guys enjoy part 2 of this Bloody Legend. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Word Count: None because I'm writing this on mobile app and not my laptop, yes yes boo and throw tomatoes at me.
✰- Story Contains: Angst, Anxiety Attacks, Controlling Mammon, Striker, Verosika, Alastor, Guilt Tripping, Mental Breakdown, & Hitting In The Feels. Basing The Reader's Panic Attacks Off My Own.
✰- Posted: 10/31/2023
✰- Part 1
" Are you happy and doing okay working for Mammon? " Striker looked at. You looked away from the western man before taking a deep breathe and letting out a off laughter. " Of course! Mammon is the best, he saved me from that shit hole comedy club in Wrath. He has giving me everything I needed to take care of me and my mom. " You said. Striker again could see pure bullshit through your words. " Hm, and you choose to go up on stage looking like your own on death's door step? " He asked pointing towards the mirror. You truly did look exhausted and tired. From training day and night to be perfect for Mammon and your fans. You didn't know what to say, Striker was more intimidating then Mammon. You dug your nails into the palm of your hand. " I'm fine! What are you a doctor, you look more like some wannabe cowboy! " You yelled at him while standing up. Striker stepped back hissing as his tail rattled. But he couldn't hit you or yell back no, he could tell you weren't doing right from how you reacted, he could tell that you were upset with your outburst.
" I'm sorry... " You said. You turned and looked in the mirror and saw nothing ... You saw nothing. " I have to be my best, no breaks. I have to keep trying because if I don't then I'm not but a disappointment to Mammon, my mom, my fans, and especially myself. If I don't keep pushing and remind myself to do my best. Then I'm just worthless and lazy. I have to keep pushing through no matter how tired I become. " You said while hugging yourself and sobbing. " I have to, I have to, I have to. " You continued to tremble and sob. Striker stood there looking at you. How his heart broke for you. " Hey... " Striker stepped forward and pulled your arms away. He guided you towards the couch and sat you down. Placing the blanket over you. " Pushing yourself isn't always great, just because people love your work doesn't mean you need to over work yourself. You should sacrifice your happiness for that green blob and those people especially those creeps I saw jacking it underneath the table. Striker shivered thinking about it.
" You can still love doing something but you should also take breaks until you feel like it's okay to jump back into it. I understand that the rich and powerful can give us everything we need. But in reality we don't need them, because they don't make us or what we do any better. I'm sure you could have gotten out of that comedy club yourself, I understand you love your mom and you can continue to support her without Mammon. " Striker grabbed a water bottle off the table and handed it to you as he wiped away your tears. " Here drink up. " He said. You smiled weakly, and opened the water taking a few sips before setting it down. Striker pulled out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and opened it; when he offered you a piece, you shook your head. " No, thanks, Mammon has me on this diet he said I need to watch my weight so that the sex dolls sell. " You said looking down. Striker almost dropped the chocolate and shook his head in disgust. " Just take the chocolate, darlin, he won't notice he's one to talk about laying off food. " Striker placed the chocolate in your hand.
You laughed and took the chocolate. You enjoyed the sweet treat, how delicious it was. Striker was right, you were sure Mammon won't notice so you ate some more chocolate. Striker watched you from the corner of his eyes and smiled seeing you happily eat away at the chocolate. " I really appreciate you some how sneaking into my dressing room. " Well pumpkin, I'm a assassin so getting pass security and sneaking into places is something I've been doing for a long time. " Striker said. Your eyes lit up. " An assassin? " You titled your head and were curious about something. " Do you work for that one company i. m.p ? " You asked. Striker rolled his eyes. " Pfft no, I don't work for that shit company, I'd rather wipe my ass with sandpaper before having to work with that Royal demon's pet and two vermin. I don't have an issue with the hellhound... yet, I actually hate that company, so if you ever want or need a real assassin then call me. " Striker pulled out a white card that had his name and number it also said " don't call on holidays or after 9pm "
You nodded and put the card in your bag. The door opened expecting the hellhounds or Mammon. It was actually Verosika.... and Mammon. " There you are babe, I was looking for you. Alright let's go me and Mammon finished talking. " Verosika sounded annoyed and tired. But her tone changed when she saw you. " (Y/N), I love your performance tonight. I can't wait to work with you on Friday. Shopping will be fun tomorrow and I booked us a spa appointment. " She said smiling. " Thank you that sounds nice. " You said. Striker looked like an angry cat while staring at Mammon who spotted the chocolate wrapper. " (Y/N) you weren't indulging in sweets because you know that we have a strict diet for you. " He said while picking up the wrapper. You were going to apologize but Striker snatched the wrapper from Mammon. " It's mine... " Striker said and placed the wrapper in his pocket. " Diet? " Verosika looked at you and then at Mammon. " Yeah! (Y/N) is on a strict diet to help the sex dolls, autographs, and everything else sell, yoi should try Ms. Mayday it works wonders! " Mammon said while laughing. Striker's eye twitched as he reached for his knife but Verosika stopped him as she laughed while holding back her anger. " Well me and Striker should be going, goodnight to you both. " Verosika said while leaving with Striker.
" I'm glad those two are gone Verosika Mayday isn't too great but she will help with your image! Also I don't like how you were alone with that imp fella, you two didn't do anything.... right? " Mammon stared at you with a dark look his eyes his voice cold. You quickly nodded your head. " He was just asking if there was any positions for security guard because he's a highly trained assassin. " You said stumbling over your words. Mammon's dark expression returned to that cheerful one. " Oh! Great! Highly trained assassin those cost money and by the looks of him, he looks like he charges a lot greedy bastard. I'm sure you are fine with the hellhounds I got you, now let's go have you sign some autographs and show these people that you are a bloody legend! " Mammon said picking you up so that you could fix you up. He always enjoyed dolling you up and being able to make you look your best even your outfits were green like his or white sometimes. Sometimes gossip reports assume that you two are a couple which Mammon didn't mind. Honestly he could see himself dating you and eventually even marrying, oh how he started to daydream about the wedding. " I do~ " He sighed softly. " I do what ? " You asked as Mammon did your make-up. " I-I do think we should charge extra double for a photo and autographs! " He said and looked away. Yes he was definitely going to marry you, and maybe then you won't be able to quit or leave him.
As you walked out of the dressing room behind Mammon. You were in deep thought about what Striker said earlier, maybe he was right but you couldn't tell this to Mammon, you were in deep thought that you accidentally bumped into someone. " sorry! " You said stepping back. " That's quite alright, don't apologize dear. " Said a static like voice. You turned around to see the radio demon Alastor. " Alastor. " You softly said. You never really talked with him. Alastor large yellow toothy grin spreads across his face. " The one and only, do you want to talk perhaps make a deal. " He said offering your hand. Before you could talk. Mammon pulled you away. " (Y/N) stay away from him. " Mammon said. The two of you walk away but when you look back, Alastor stared at you while grinning.
Hope that you guys enjoyed part 2 don't worry there will be a part 3 with Verosika and Striker trying to help the reader. Maybe I'll include Alastor but he won't play a major role, he's just here for fun because I love him.
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First Times Ch 3: Show Me, Teach Me ~Larissa Weems xFem Student!Sorceress!Reader
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Part 3!!! And Larissa is teaching Reader how to pleasure along with some aftercare.
Link to Ch 1 , Ch 2, Ch 4
Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, age gap (all legal), smut, kissing, hickeys, bruises, teasing, fingering, thigh riding, praise kink, mommy possibly turned mistress kink…?, fluffy aftercare, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Good Morning, my Dear.” Larissa spoke as you entered her office the next Saturday morning.
“Morning…” you sleepily stated.
“Come have a seat, love. I’ll be finished with my work in a minute.”
You silently nodded and went to take the seat across from Larissa. It didn’t take long for Larissa to pack her paper away, leaving her attention to you. But when her eyes met yours, you sheepishly looked away.
“What is is, my Darling?” Larissa asked with a light chuckle and small smile.
“I…” you stuttered, embarrassed by your thoughts.
At your loss for words, Larissa got up from her seat and came over to you. She knelt down in front of you and embraced your hands.
“Talk to me? Please, love.” She urged you with concern and care.
“Can you teach me how to pleasure you?” You said in a dead whisper.
You expected Larissa to find it funny and unacceptable that you didn’t know how to please another woman. But quite the contrary… Larissa brought on hand up to your cheek, while the other still held yours,
“Of course, darling. I would love to show you.” She cooed in response.
You smiled and went red at her words, immediately looking down again.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Larissa gently urged you, moving your chin up to meet her eyes, “Is this what you would like to do today…?”
You nodded vigorously and eagerly. Larissa chuckled at your reaction.
“Darling, if you keep not answering, I may have to teach you about punishment…” she teased.
Your stomache dropped and your heart quickened at the thought of punishment.
“Sorry…! Yes, I’d like that very much, Larissa…” you rushedly admitted.
Larissa hummed in delight at your response.
“Do you remember the safe words?”
“Yes, ‘red’ is stop.” You replied.
“Correct. ‘red’ is stop, ‘yellow’ is pause, and ‘green’ is good, do you understand?” She reassuringly asked.
“Yes, Larissa.”
“Good girl. Now, I have an attached private quarters next to this office. Would you be comfortable with moving in there, today?” Larissa gently asked you.
“Yes please…” you eagerly whimpered.
Larissa lightly chuckled at your response as she raised herself again, extending a hand to help you up as well. You graciously accepted her hand, which you noted were quite beautiful and breath taking, and Larissa led you to a side cabinet door in the corner of the office. She opened the door with a click and you followed her through. The door was closed and locked with another click.
“Sit on the edge of the bed, love.” Larissa instructed you.
You did as you were told. Larissa smirked at your quick obedience and turned around so that she was now facing away from you.
“Help me with my zipper, love?” she asked.
You instinctually found the zipper on Larissa’s stunning dress and began to unzip her dress for her, as she took out the many pins in her hair. With the zipper undone, Larissa thanked you and stood up, letting her hair cascade down over her shoulders and her dress pool on the ground, which she easily slipped out of. You stared at her with your mouth practically agape.
Larissa was wearing a wine red lingerie set that matched her lips perfectly…
“Like what you see…?” she teased you.
Blush crept up your cheeks at the idea of being caught staring. Larissa then came around the bed and placed herself against the headboard, patting the opening between her legs for you to fill. You immediately complied, scooting over to plant yourself in between her thighs.
Then you felt Larissa’s lips on yours. At first, the kiss was calm and caring… But it quickly delved into rushed heat and passion. You both pulled off your shirt in desperation. Larissa pulled away from the kiss first, eliciting a small whine from your lips.
“I want you to explore and mark up my body, love. Start with my lips and move down south…” she instructed you.
Your eyes lit up at her words.
“Yes, Larissa...” You immediately obliged, exited to please her for the first time.
You began peppering kisses all over Larissa’s face, coming back to her lips every once and a while. Then, you moved down to her neck and collar bone. You hit Larissa’s pressure point and she lightly gasped. You immediately looked up in concern, but your concerns were put to bed by the lustful and needy eyes that met yours.
“Don’t stop, darling…” Larissa panted, “bite down on that mark, love…”
You did as your lover told you with a light hint of confusion. As you sucked on her pressure point, Larissa let out a strangled moan in pleasure, causing you to double down on your efforts, leaving a trail of hickeys and marks wherever your mouth went. You continued to explore her body and wander down her curves. You reached her bra, and Larissa gladly arched her back for you to unclip it. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight of Larissa’s more exposed body.
“Go ahead, love… Swirl your tongue around each bud, you can use your fingers too…” she reassured you.
Breaking from your trance, you hesitantly took a nipple into your mouth and swirled your tongue around it. At this, Larissa gasped, arched her back to you even more, and bucked her hips forward, grabbing onto your arm.
“That’s it, love, don’t stop…!” Larissa encouraged you breathlessly.
You continued to lap away at her left erect bud, and then proceeded to go over her right bud with the pad of your thumb. Larissa visibly and audibly shuddered, and her nipples hardened even more at your actions. After spending ample time caressing and tasting Larissa’s breasts, you moved down to her stomache. Larissa was letting out breathy moans and whimpers at this point.
“Baby, be a good girl and take off mommy’s knickers for her…” Larissa moaned out in need, stopping you in the middle of you teasing her thighs.
Your breath hitched. Larissa’s eyes widened at her slip of the tongue.
“Yes… mommy…” you whispered, hooking your knickers with your teeth and taking them off.
God was she a heavenly sight…
Larissa moaned out in delight. You looked back up at Larissa for direction.
“Come straddle my lap, baby…” Larissa purred.
You came right up to Larissa, trapping her against the bed board.
“Would you prefer to use your fingers or your tongue, darling?” she asked you, caressing your cheek lightly.
You blushed at Larissa’s words and actions, “Ummm… What would you like…?”
“Let’s start with your fingers, dear…” she spoke gently, guiding one of your hands down to her throbbing heat.
You dragged a finger through her soaked folds, making Larissa’s head fall back in a silent scream of pleasure.
“That’s it, love… You can slide a finger inside me once your ready…!” Larissa breathlessly and needily moaned out.
You immediately did as she said and slid one of your fingers into her soaking cunt, slowly thrusting in and out of her.
“Fuck— you’re a natural love!!” Larissa cried out, jerking her hips to meet the thrusts of your finger.
You blushed at her comment, as your own inside started to tighten with need and lust. Fucking Larissa was turning you on… Insanely so…
“You can add another finger if you want…!” Larissa whimpered, practically begging you to add another finger, so you slid another finge inside her throbbing heat.
“Good. Now as you thrust in… OhhHh Fuck!… As you thrust in, curl your… curl your fingers inside me…” Larissa breathless stuttered through strangled cries.
Larissa’s hand went straight to your hair and her toes curled when you started curling your fingers inside Larissa’s fluttering pussy.
“FUCK—! just like that!!” Larissa cried out, tightening her grip on your hair, making you whimper in both pain and pleasure.
You decided to pick up the pace a little, which Larissa immediately showed you was worth it, as she began crying out and moaning even more and even louder.
“So good fuck mommy’s so close…!” Larissa sinfully moaned, “Place your thumb on my clit and… and roll it in circles please fuck please…!!”
You did so, bringing the pad of your thumb to her clit and rubbing it in circles. This is what broke Larissa. You could feel her walls clenching around your digits as she came, crying out like a broken record.
It was fucking heavenly…
Eventually, you slowly pulled your fingers out of her dripping cunt, once she had come down from her high, and you instinctually stuck them in your mouth. You both moaned at the sight. Larissa then pulled you forward and smashed her lips onto yours, moaning at the taste of herself. You both pulled away, panting breathlessly.
“So… how’d I do…?” you insecurely asked, a furious blush washing over your cheeks yet again.
“Oh my love, you did marvelous. You did so good for mommy, such a good girl…” Larissa showered you with praise, taking you into her embrace, which you graciously accepted.
The two of you snuggled for a while, but you couldn’t shake the tension built up in your own core.
“Mommy…?” you whispered into Larissa’s chest.
“Yes, my darling?”
You sat up, still straddling Larissa’s lap, and you instinctually began rolling your hips lightly into Larissa’s lap.
“I need… can you…?” you brokenly panted to Larissa, your mind still in a sex fog.
Larissa immediately understood your need, smiling lightly at your pure nature and manners, “Of course darling, come straddle my thigh…”
You looked at Larissa with concussion for a second, but quickly understood when she guided your hips to roll against her tensed thigh, making your keel over in overwhelming pleasure. You quickly took over and began grinding down on the blonde’s creamy thigh.
“Just like that, love… Ride mommy’s thigh…” Larissa purred into your ear, her pupils dialating at the sight of your lustful actions.
And boy did you ride her thigh…
With your shirt and knickers still on, you rutted against Larissa’s thigh in desperate need for some friction and release.
“Please mommy…wanna cum…!!” you mewled out, eyes glazing over and your hip jerkings getting sloppier by the second.
“Go ahead, love… let go and cum for mommy…” Larissa purred.
You came, squirting your wetness all over your knickers and Larissa’s thigh with a breathy scream. Then in exhaustion, you collapsed in Larissa’s lap. Larissa helped you get your bearings back, while mindlessly tracing your bra line through your shirt.
“How about a bath, my darling…?” Larissa gently suggested.
You nodded and with a spent throat replied, “Yes please…”
“Alright, you stay right here, and I will grab some things to clean us up and go start that bath.” Larissa spoke, moving out from behind you, but not leaving the bed before giving you a peck on the lips.
You heard the bath start to run as Larissa was out of the room. She came back with a warm washcloth and a water.
“Take the rest of your clothes off for me…?” Larissa asked with nothing but gentleness and caring in her tone.
You got up, your legs still a little wobbly, and stripped off your shirt, bra, and knickers. Larissa patted you back into the bed, where she cleaned up the mess the both of you had made on your legs and her thighs.
Then, Larissa scooped you up, eliciting a yelp and giggle from you. She brought you to her private bathroom and placed you in the warm water of the bathtub. Larissa then promptly joined you, sliding in behind you. You immediately snuggled in between her legs again.
Larissa caringly watched as you innocently dozed off in her embrace, smiling to herself at your pure, sleeping form.
She was eternally grateful that you had entrusted your innocence to her… It was past lust, she truly cared…
Chapter 4 linked… 😉
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Tag list @snakeskins-world @friskyfisher @just-your-casual-nerd @scream-queenlover @bobia13 @justcallmelittleone @dopenightmaretyphoon @killer-quill @im-a-carnivorous-plant @larissaoftarthweems @what-a-violet-world @a-queen-and-her-throne @liliweems @ant0weems @principal-weems09 @larissaweemsgf @shyladyfan @leonorasbabygirl @simpsforwomen @psychopathicnightmare17 @walkethisway @wifeymaterialsstuff @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kimiinou @enchantressb @sicklygrlsicklygrl @larissa-weems-chokehold @teenybean @lucky1fancy4wolf @sapphicsbeloved
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katareyoudrilling · 11 months
The Sweepstakes: Marcus Pike (Porn Star AU)
Pairing: Porn Star Marcus Pike x Female Reader
Summary: Feeling down about your dating life, you take a chance and enter to win a night with a porn star.  Will it be as good as you imagine?
Word count: ~3.5k
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. NO MINORS)
Content Warnings: Unprotected PiV (paperwork is involved), oral sex (m and f receiving)
A/N: This thot invaded my brain over the weekend and wouldn’t let me go, so I sat down this morning and wrote it.  I’ve never written this much in one day.  I guess I was inspired! The company mentioned is heavily inspired by Bellesa and the nickname comes from one of their videos.  This is unbeta’d. I hope you enjoy!
Comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated!
Series Masterlist
Taglist – link in my bio and on my Masterlist
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You won.
What the fuck?
Your entire body flushes with heat.  Adrenaline tingles in your chest and behind your knees.  Your hands tremble.
You never expected to win.
You remember the night you filled out the form.  You were wine-drunk after another disappointing date with a guy from the apps.  You’d had a string of them.  One you liked well enough to go home with and have mediocre sex.  It takes time, you told yourself.  You liked him enough that you’d give him another try, only he went radio silent.  So much for him.
No wonder you decided to throw caution to the wind and enter the sweepstakes.
Win a night with a porn star! – sponsored by your favorite site that specializes in porn with a female gaze.  They claim all the orgasms are real, and you believe them.
What would it be like to have sex with someone who does it for a living?  Someone who really knows what he’s doing?
The temptation was too great, so you had clicked the button.
And now you’d won.
A night with a porn star.
You scroll down the informational email, taking in as much as you can in your shocked state.  They reiterate the terms you had agreed to when you first entered, but now they want to know which performer you want to spend your night with.
The choice is easy.
You’ve watched all his videos, even the silly softcore ones where he plays an FBI agent hunting down an art smuggler who is very willing to have sex with him when he catches her.
He’s boyishly handsome.  When he smiles, his eyes crinkle and sparkle.  He looks so friendly and kind… and wow can he fuck.
The women performers he’s paired with are always excited to work with him.  Those who have partnered with him before often tell the off-screen director how much fun they have had with him in the past – how the sex feels so connected with him.
The ones who haven’t worked with him yet talk about his reputation as “the human Hitachi” – a reference to the popular vibrator.
Afterwards, they confirm that it’s an apt nickname.
You check the box next to “Marcus Pike” and click submit.
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You arrive at the studio office just before your designated time.  This first visit is to sign various consent forms, talk to the director, and turn in paperwork verifying your sexual history, STI status, and sexual boundaries.  You will come back later for the actual event.
The office is decorated in whites, grays, and pinks.  It soothes your jangled nerves.  If you think too much about it, you know you’ll run back out the door, so you don’t.  You go through each step slightly detached from your body.
The receptionist greets you with a friendly smile and directs you to sit on one of the plush couches while you wait for your appointment.
Only a few minutes later, you are called back into the office to talk with the director, Erin.  She greets you warmly and you sit down in the chair across from her desk.
“How are you? Nervous?” she asks and chuckles when you nod.  “It’s ok, I’m sure I would be too in your shoes, but I promise we are going to take good care of you.”
Your nerves calm slightly as she speaks with you.  She’s just a normal woman in an unusual business.  Her relaxed and professional demeanor gradually allows you to unclench your jaw and relax your shoulders.
You listen attentively as she talks you through the various consent forms.
“Ok, last one,” Erin places yet another sheet in front of you.  “You have the option of being recorded.  It’s totally up to you.  There won’t be anyone else in the room besides you and Marcus, great choice by the way, but we can set up a few cameras if you think you would like that.  The footage would go home with you, and we would never use it without your permission,” she pauses while you take in the information.  “Just check the box next to the option you’d like.  You can decide afterwards if you’d like our editors to take a pass at it or if you’d prefer to be the only one who ever sees it.”
You stare down at the options on the paper in front of you.  Do you want to be recorded? The rush of arousal that just flooded your pussy says yes.  You only get one night, why not give yourself the option of reliving it?  You check the box indicating you’d like to be recorded and sign your name at the bottom of the form, sliding it back across the desk.
“That’s everything for me,” she places all the papers in a neat stack on her desk and smiles at you.  “You are free for the rest of the afternoon.  Come back here at 7 for the main event.  Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.  You and Marcus will have as much time as you need to talk and get to know each other before you do your scene.  There’s no rush.  Do you have any questions?”
You should have a million questions, but Erin has been thorough and you’re still not letting yourself think too hard, so you shake your head and stand up from your chair.  Erin leads back out to the waiting room.
“We’ll see you later tonight!” she says as she shakes your hand one last time.
- - - - - - - - -
How many videos have you watched that were filmed in this room?  You look around the simply furnished bedroom in disbelief.  You are actually here.  At the center stands a large comfortable bed, dressed in soft white linens and pillows.  The padded headboard is situated between two windows, the gauzy curtains let in the soft light of the fading sun.  On either side of the bed are nightstands stocked with towels and lube, things that are probably kept out of sight when filming for real, but they are at hand tonight in case you need them.
Cameras have been placed on tripods at a few different places around the room, but no one sits in the chairs beside them.  Lights blink on their fronts indicating they have started recording.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Erin says heading back towards the door, “Marcus will be in in a few minutes.  I’ll be down the hall if you need anything.”
You nod and she leaves.  You take a few calming breaths and sit down on the edge of the bed.  You’d chosen to wear a simple sundress over a new underwear set you picked out special for the occasion.  You smooth the fabric over your legs, drying your damp palms in the process, as you wait for Marcus.
He doesn’t make you wait long, the large doors open, and he enters with a smile.
He’s wearing a soft gray t-shirt and jeans. He’s barefoot and his short brown hair is casually mussed.  Your heartbeat pounds in your ears as you stand, and he makes his way over to you.
“Hi, I’m Marcus,” he says.
“I know,” you blurt out.  He chuckles and looks down sheepishly.  “I mean, nice to meet you,” you fumble, embarrassed, then introduce yourself.
“I know,” he responds with a wink and a smile, which you return gratefully.  He’s already setting you at ease.  He gestures for you to sit back down on the bed, lowering himself to sit next to you.
“Erin says she explained everything to you, I just want to reiterate that there’s no rush.  We can talk for a while.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that,” you stammer.  “I… uhh… do you like working here?” you ask, grasping at the first coherent thought that flits through your head.
“I do,” he smiles.  “I love my job.  I love working with beautiful women, like yourself, and making them feel good.” His eyes trail appreciatively up your body.
Your skin warms at the compliment.
“Can I ask,” he continues, “what prompted you to enter the sweepstakes?”
“Oh, well,” you laugh nervously, “I haven’t had the best luck with men lately and the idea of being with someone who really knows what they’re doing really appealed to me.”
“I see.  You’re in good hands.  Not to brag, but I definitely know what I’m doing.” Marcus’s dark eyes flash.  Heat and want flood your body, burning away the nervousness.
“I bet you don’t have trouble dating.  That is if you’re not married… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be asking.”
“It’s ok,” he chuckles.  “I’m not married, and you’d be surprised.”  He runs a hand through his brown hair.  It looks soft. Soon, you’ll get to touch him and find out.
“I… uhh… I think I’m ready,” you swallow thickly.
“Ok,” he responds.  His deep voice rumbles through your body.  “Can I kiss you?”
You nod as he moves closer to you on the bed. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, drawing Marcus’s eye, before he closes the space between you.
His plush lips are soft on yours as he cups your jaw with his large hand.  He plies you with gentle languid kisses.  Kissing Marcus is like slipping into a warm bath.  You feel yourself melting into him as he eases you back onto the bed.
His mouth moves to explore your jawline and down your neck to your collarbone, leaving goosebumps in its wake.  He draws his nose along your throat on his way back to your mouth, lips firmer now, more insistent.
You can’t help the whimpers that escape your throat.  He responds by delving into your mouth with his tongue. His hands roam down your sides to your legs, fingers inching up under the hem of your dress.
“Is this ok?” he asks, breaking the kiss.  You nod.  He pulls your dress up and you help him draw it over your head.  He pulls his own shirt off at the same time, tossing the garments into a corner.
You’ve watched his videos so many times, but nothing has prepared you for being inches away from this glorious man in the flesh.  His golden skin glints in the fading light.  You admire the breadth of his shoulders and how his body tapers down to his trim waist.  He is not overly muscled, but strong and firm.  His jeans hang low on his hips, hiding the apex of the V that disappears into them.
Your fingers itch to touch him and you realize with a start, that you can.
As he bends back down over you, you run your hands over his warm, smooth skin – down his arms and the planes of his back.  You explore his neck with your mouth as he settles beside you and opens himself to your curiosity, humming contentedly with approval.
You make your way down his chest, touching and licking every hill and valley along the way, until you get to his jeans.  You look up at him, kneeling between his legs, mouth watering.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he smiles and sits up, abdominal muscles flexing with the effort.  “Let’s get you out of this pretty underwear first.”  He reaches around your back and unclasps your lacy bra.  You allow it to fall down your arms without any hesitation.  It feels like the most natural thing in the world to be naked with him.
Marcus’s tongue slips between his lips as he takes in the sight of your bare breasts.  He ducks his head down and pulls one nipple into his mouth.  You gasp and dig your fingers into his broad shoulders to keep yourself steady.
His mouth works you expertly, tugging and sucking in a way that sends jolts of electricity through your body.  His wide palm cups your other breast as he tweaks the nipple between his fingers.
His mouth comes off you with a wet pop.  He drags his lips up your neck then pulls you into a fevered kiss, holding you firmly against his front.  You can feel his erection against your stomach through his jeans and you whimper.
Marcus eases you down to the bed and draws your underwear down your legs.
“Can I taste you?” he rasps, needily.
“Yes,” you breathe.  “But…”
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Marcus pauses his movements, brow furrowed with concern.
“I’m… umm… I’m not as flexible as the women you work with.  I don’t think I can… hold myself... the way they do.”  You chew your bottom lip.
Marcus concern melts away, “That’s ok.  Most of those positions are just for the cameras anyway.  You tell me if anything is uncomfortable and we’ll do something else, ok?”
“Ok,” you reply.
Marcus smiles as he lowers himself between your knees.  He kisses the inside of your thigh, and you shiver.  He works his way down your leg to your center, inhaling deeply as he reaches his target.  He moans appreciatively and the sound sends tingles across your skin.
The first swipe of his tongue through your folds nearly lifts you off the bed, you’re so worked up.  Marcus wraps his arm around your hip and spreads his large hand across your abdomen to hold you down.
“Your pussy is delicious, sweetheart.”
Your breath comes in shallow pants as you look down at the beautiful man between your legs.  He holds your gaze and smirks as he lowers himself back down to your cunt.
He positively devours your pussy.  He sucks and flicks at your clit with his tongue in between long, firm strokes from your entrance to your sensitive bud.  You are reduced to a puddle of whimpers and whines under his ministrations.  You want to watch what he’s doing to you, but the pleasure is overwhelming, and you can’t help but fall back on the bed and bask in it.  His nickname is definitely correct.
He slips two fingers inside you, stroking your upper wall.  Your body shudders and shakes while Marcus watches you with hooded eyes.
“Do you want to come like this?” he asks, as though he doesn’t already know the answer.
“God, yes.  Yes, yes, please yes,” you beg, and he chuckles before sucking your clit into his mouth again.
His warm, wet, firm mouth winds the coil in your belly.  You feel yourself approach the edge of your orgasm and let go.  You’re falling… gasping… shaking… overcome with the pleasure radiating through you.
Marcus continues to stroke you through your climax, watching intently as you come back to yourself.  He draws his fingers out slowly, sucking them into his mouth with a moan, before moving back up the bed next to you.
“Do you need to take a break?”
You shake your head and look over at him, smiling.  “I want to see you.”  The post-orgasm dopamine rush is making you feel brave.
“Absolutely.” Marcus rolls off the edge of the bed and stands, looking down at you.  He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down, freeing his erection.
You’ve seen his cock so many times, but it’s even better in person.
Thick and slightly curved.  Long but not scarily so.  In a word…
“Thank you,” he says smiling, eyes crinkling, apparently you said that out loud.
You scoot to the edge of the bed and look up at him, “Can I?”
“Of course.”
You take him in your hand, reveling in the intake of his breath at your touch.  You stroke him from root to tip before dipping your head and retracing your path with your tongue.
“Fuck,” he exhales as you take him in your mouth.
He is heavy and firm on your tongue.  He places his hand on your head, not pushing you to take him deeper than you want but reassuring you that he’s there enjoying this as much as you are.
Your need for him grows with every twist of your hand and suck of your mouth.  When it becomes too much, you pop off and look up at him.
“Will you fuck me now?”
“Yes, please,” he responds, voice heavy with want.  He bends to kiss you again.  Moaning into your mouth as your tongues tangle together needily.  You scoot back to the middle of the bed, and he follows you.
“Do you have any requests?” he asks between kisses.
“You choose, you’re the expert.”
Marcus laughs as he moves between your legs and lines himself up with your entrance.  “Let’s start here.”
He slides his way in slowly, stretching you open.  Your eyes flutter closed as he fully sheathes himself in you.
“Fuck, you feel so good, sweetheart.”
“So do you,” you manage to choke out as he starts to thrust into you.  Each stroke of his length dragging along your walls and hitting places deep inside you that you didn’t know existed.
He pushes one of your knees up to your chest, opening you up and allowing him to go even deeper.  It’s not uncomfortable with his strong hands supporting you.
“Fuck yes,” you cry out as he repeatedly hits something inside you that curls your toes.
Your orgasm sneaks up on you and suddenly you’re spiraling again, pulsing rhythmically around his cock.
Marcus curses, pulling out of you to bury his face in your pussy, fingers gripping your thigh.  He laps at your fluttering hole as you writhe underneath him.
You’ve barely come down from your high when he urges you to roll over onto your stomach.  He spreads your legs and slides into you as he drapes his long, lean body over yours, pressing you down into the mattress.  His strong arms frame your head as you twist to see him.
He nuzzles into your neck as he slowly drags his cock in and out of your wet heat, building up the pressure in your abdomen yet again.
“You gonna come for me again, sweetheart?” Marcus whispers in your ear.
“I… yes… please… so good… don’t stop,” you babble.
Marcus trails his nose down the back of your neck, making you shiver, as he continues his unhurried pace, driving you higher and higher but not giving you enough to break.
He pulls out and lifts himself off you.  You whimper at the loss, but he rolls you onto your side and pulls you back into his chest, banding his arm across your ribs.
Wrapped in his embrace, he lifts your top leg and enters you from behind.  He reaches between your legs to stroke your throbbing clit.
You reach behind and grip the back of his head, burying your face in his neck as he fucks you, holding on for dear life.
You’ve never tried for three orgasms on your own, let alone with a partner, but Marcus is quickly bringing you to the brink again.
“Where do you want it,” he pants in your ear.
“On my stomach,” you whine, keening as you get closer and closer to the edge.
He presses and holds your clit as he thrusts hard and quick.  You come again with a silent scream as the force of your orgasm punches the air from your lungs.
Marcus moves from behind you, laying you on your back, to kneel next to you as he strokes himself to completion.  You manage to open your eyes and watch him grit his teeth – tendons standing out in his neck, veins bulging in his forearms – as his spend coats your stomach.  You are so glad you agreed to the recording.
He collapses on the bed next to you, breathing hard.  After a few moments, he reaches over to the nightstand to get a towel and begins gently wiping you clean.
“How are you feeling?”
“Fucking fantastic,” you answer, beaming at the ceiling, still floating in a post-orgasm haze.
“I’m glad,” he chuckles.  “This was really fun.”
“It was. Thank you.”  You both roll on your sides facing each other.
You can’t believe this actually just happened.  You’re expecting to wake up to discover it was all a dream at any moment, but your dreams are never this good.  You smile at Marcus, and he smiles back.
“I’m always hungry after filming, would you like to get something to eat?”  Marcus’s question catches you completely off guard.
“Really? You want to have dinner with me?”  You search his face for any sign that he doesn’t really mean it, but he looks completely sincere.  He has proven to be the kind, open-hearted man you thought – and hoped – he was.
“Yeah, do you like pancakes? There’s a diner I like not too far away.”
“I like pancakes.”  You answer tentatively, not sure what his intention is, but open to spending more time with his lovely man in whatever way he is willing.
“Great, it’s a date,” he winks.
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gogysastrologer · 8 days
Quackity's Spouse Archetype (Based on Vedic Astrology) 🌹
DISCLAIMER: Astrology is so complex; it has a lot of layers to it. You can’t possibly single out one thing or one aspect in this reading and run away with it, remember that in astrology you have to consider everything.
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As most of you know, I have an old post from over two years ago now of me going over Quackity's soulmate or spouse that was based on Western astrology and his Juno asteroid placement. Today, in this post I will use his Vedic horoscope instead to read his spouse archetype, using his D1 chart (the birth chart) - as I think it is way more accurate and specific! Think of this as an updated version of that old post.
I have been doing a lot of research on Vedic astrology lately and I thought, why not share some of my findings! :)
Click here for the link to his D1 and D9 chart in case you'd like to make any interpretations for yourself.
Table of Contents:
Ⅰ. What is the spouse represented by in Vedic astrology?
Ⅱ. The Darakaraka
Ⅲ. Planets in the 7th house: Rahu
Ⅳ. 7th house lord in 1st house: Mercury
Ⅴ. Venus sign and Nakshatra: Venus in Capricorn (Dhanishta Nakshatra)
Ⅵ. Conclusion
ⅰ. what is the spouse represented by in vedic astrology?
The spouse is actually represented by multiple things in Vedic astrology!
One of those is the Darakaraka, a.k.a. the lowest degree planet in your horoscope. Another is your 7th house and the 7th house lord and where it's placed in the chart. Another is Venus. Venus is the karaka of marriage in Vedic astrology, especially for a man, so it's important to look at what sign and what nakshatra Venus is in the birth chart.
We will go over all of those today and we'll try to fit the puzzle pieces together!
If we want to see life after marriage or after the age of 36, then we have to look at the Navamsa or the D9 chart. If you want me to do a post looking at his D9 chart, let me know!
ⅱ. the darakaraka
The Darakaraka (DK) planet is determined by the planet with the lowest degree in the birth chart. Its position and aspects provide insights into the characteristics of the future spouse/long-term partner.
Alex's Darakaraka planet is Saturn at 0 degrees in Taurus in the 6th house. Having the DK be specifically at the 0 degree can mean that this person will get married in this lifetime, and after marriage the native will begin their spiritual growth and spiritual path and find that they start to become disinterested in material relationships, people and things overall.
Because this is Saturn, this most likely will bring about an older spouse, someone older in age, or a type of age difference. Spouse could be very mature in mentality.
After marriage there could be massive success or transformation in career, because Saturn is the karaka of career. Business or success will start to steadily go up after marriage.
Spouse could be very disciplined and organized. Someone who Alex can rely on. Alex could take marriage/long-term relationships very seriously. Even if he'd divorce, he would equally be as serious in the next marriage. He would want a spouse/partner who is like that as well.
Spouse could take family matters seriously, could have a traditional job, something that is secure, like a doctor or a lawyer.
Spouse may be political. Could either be one of two things; they could be a procrastinator or could be working late hours and comes home late, could be someone who works outside. This would depend on the condition of the Saturn.
Spouse could come from poverty, or grow up with struggle in their life, and won't feel a care for wealth or big extravagant things in the relationship, they will care about the small things, the small details in the relationship instead.
Spouse could be a workaholic; they could work too hard.
Spouse will not leave the relationship, they will stick through with it, even when the going gets tough. Even if Alex would want to leave the relationship, the spouse will not want to leave, they would want to stay.
DK being in Taurus, a fixed sign, shows that the spouse he'll get will be stubborn, but stable, because Taurus represents stability.
There could be a chronic feeling within the marriage, either chronic joy or chronic sadness, depends on the condition of Saturn.
The marriage could be cold or not be super emotional because Saturn is a cold planet, it keeps feelings inside, it's not an overly emotional planet like Moon.
It's important for Alex to help his spouse bring out emotions in the relationship.
Saturn also can represent rebellion (the Aquarius side of Saturn) so spouse here could have a rebellious nature or streak about them.
Now, Alex's Saturn is conjunct with Jupiter, a benefic planet, so it being conjunct with a benefic will help balance out some of the restrictions and coldness or bad associated with this DK placement. Jupiter influencing Saturn could bring a spouse who is very philosophical, and more expansive than a regular Saturn DK would be. Spouse could even be tied to the legal system. Downside is that because Jupiter represents belief systems, and Saturn represents conservatism, when you are combining these energies, this could bring a spouse who can be a bit conservative in their belief systems. Spouse could be a bit dogmatic, or orthodox. Sometimes what's shown with Jupiter and Saturn is that even if the spouse isn't originally religious, they might convert to an organized religion. Within respects to appearance, Spouse could be tall in height possibly, and possess a very nice smile.
With the house that the DK is placed in, shows what area of life the spouse will have control over, shows the area of life that the spouse will have the responsibility.
With the DK being placed in the 6th house, the spouse will have responsibility over Alex's enemies. They will take on responsibilities for his debts, his work and his routine. His spouse will make sure he has his stuff together, like, making sure that he's not falling behind on schedule, that he's not forgetting anything, that he made sure to take whatever medicine he has to take, that he has all his things for work, stuff like that you know, hahaha!
Spouse in of itself will not become an enemy, because as I said, the house shows where the spouse will have responsibility towards.
His DK is in the Nakshatra of Krittika which is a Sun ruled nakshatra. So, this could mean that spouse could be straight forward, a bit dominating. Spouse could be really ambitious.
Spouse could be a bit quick to anger, especially if they are provoked. Spouse could be very protective over Alex and themselves and are willing to sacrifice themselves in certain situations if needed.
Spouse could be critical, it won't be out of malice, but they could come off as critical. The spouse could be a great cook, especially since this is in Taurus, and Taurus is often connected to food.
ⅲ. planets in the 7th house: rahu
What is Rahu? Or the North Node as it's called in Western Astrology. Rahu is the place in our chart where we are constantly hungry for, a thirst that'll never be met. It shows where we are obsessive over. It represents the material world, worldly things and desires, it can represent things that are foreign as well because Rahu goes out of the boundaries.
When Rahu is placed in the 7th house, this can show that the spouse could be a foreigner, someone who is not of the native's culture. It could also mean that you may marry someone of the same culture, but you would marry them in a foreign land.
— I thought I'd just add this here: While researching this placement, it's said that 7th house Rahu makes for a very cunning, and clever businessman. A lot of lawyers have this position! People with this placement could also be in a lot of court cases, or lawsuits, or have a lot of enemies within the courthouse or in law 👀
Rahu is a significator of 2nd marriages, so Rahu in the house of marriage, could be an indicator that he could be married twice in this life.
This placement amplifies one's thirst for love and partnerships. You'll see these people have a lot of friends, or a huge circle of friends, making a ton of connections through business, dealing with a lot of people! Friend circle could go through frequent changes though.
Rahu in the 7th house aspects the 3rd house of siblings, so sibling relationships are karmic, and could bring a certain level of chaos or unexpected events or discoveries happening with the siblings.
Rahu can bring chaos or obsessive tendencies in relationships, in all types of relationships, they are quite karmic.
Some people with Rahu in the 7th house could have many love affairs, or changing relationships, but not everyone will have this. Ketu (the South Node) is always directly opposite Rahu, and in this case Ketu would be in the 1st house of self, so it can make a person very independent, and a spiritual person.
But Rahu will PULL the native, and attract them to these obsessive, karmic relationships. Spouse and business partnerships won't be average relationships.
Appearance wise: Rahu in the 7th house could give a spouse that is quite unconventional in appearance, or something different or unusual about the physical appearance, whether that be the way they dress, or a physical characteristic. Could be a spouse with a darker complexion as well, even if the person is white, they could be within the tanner range.
Rahu has manipulative energy, so in the 7th house it is possible that the native could in some cases manipulate the spouse. Look at the dignity of Rahu though.
Alex could want to be with the spouse all the time, he could want to have sex with the spouse all the time. But like I mentioned that hunger for the spouse can never be fully filled with Rahu. Rahu is the energy that wants more and more and more. This could also be the spouse that is like this and not Alex himself.
Remember that depending on the sign, the aspects Rahu is getting, what nakshatra it's in, what pada it's in, this could change and modify the outcome.
The first spouse/long-term partner could be cunning, and or very demanding.
All of the obsessive, hunger energy could be directed in business instead of sexual relationships too since remember 7th house also represents business, and business partnerships, contracts, etc. So keep that in mind as well.
Alex or the spouse could be in a lot of relationships before he or the spouse settles down, and because it is Rahu, an energy who is very secretive, nobody will probably know.
Rahu can represent illusions, so it could bring a spouse or a partner who is not what they seem. They could be deceptive. So, the native (Alex) could think the spouse is this or that, but then they could find out after marriage that they aren't like that, and it's usually a huge shock. So it's important to get to know spouse slowly.
ⅳ. 7th house lord in 1st house: mercury
Alex's 7th house is in Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so we look to where Mercury is placed in the chart for extra information on the partner. In this case, his Mercury is placed in his 1st house of self.
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So what does this mean? 7th lord in the 1st house can show that the native is influenced by other people, especially the partner, the spouse. Alex will find out more about himself through the partner. The ego and the self-esteem will develop through his other half. He will be affected by them greately.
Alex could very much desire partnerships, whether that be romantic or business, he very much desires people. He could be the one pursuing the spouse or be the one actually looking for a spouse when he wants one.
Long distance relationships aren't always ideal for people with 7th lord in the 1st house, it's more ideal for him and his spouse/long-term partner to live together in the home.
Joint assets could be a bit difficult to negotiate with the 7th lord in the 1st house, because the 8th house away from the 1st house is the 8th house itself of joint resources, and in-laws as well. In-laws could give some difficulty. The two of them or the spouse could even go through a type of crisis since 8th house also represents crisis.
Now with Mercury controlling the 7th house and going into the 1st house it shows that him and the spouse will always be communicating. And communication with the spouse will really affect Alex's belief systems, and how he thinks about things, especially things like philosophy, or spirituality.
Those could all be influenced by the spouse. The spouse could be a very talkative person, could be a great communicator.
Spouse could be very intelligent, and have a lot of wisdom, especially since Alex's Mercury is in the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter.
Spouse will be quite analytical, and logical.
The native's communication, the speech itself, could be influenced by the spouse or business partnerships.
Now, Mercury is in the Nakshatra of Purva Ashadha which is Venus ruled.
Spouse could have this energy of always wanting to prepare for danger. Or that type of person that prepares for the worst outcome? Spouse could possibly be connected or linked to the military here, or some type of defense job. The spouse could have a great desire for achievement and be a high achiever. This nakshatra also shows again that the spouse could be an ambitious person.
Spouse could also be very neat or want their space to be clean. They could be a little bit of a clean freak.
Spouse could be very optimistic, especially since his Mercury is, again, ruled by Jupiter, so this could amplify the optimistic energy to them.
The spouse could be a bit confrontational as well.
Obviously since this Nakshatra is ruled by Venus, the spouse could be very beautiful, they could be very creative too. They can be well known and can, again here, be intelligent. Spouse could be attracted to water. Spouse could really enjoy food. Spouse could also be fertile.
This nakshatra is also linked with celibacy so either the native or the spouse could be celibate or have had times of prolonged celibacy.
ⅴ. venus and nakshatra: venus in capricorn (dhanishta nakshatra)
Venus in a man's chart shows the type of women he will attract and who he will be attracted to, so it's very important to look at. Venus also represents a wife in a man's chart. Alex's Venus being in the sign of Capricorn, kind of reinforces his DK placement, since what is Capricorn ruled by? It's ruled by Saturn, and his DK placement is also in Saturn, so we have double Saturn energy here.
Again, this placement could attract an older spouse, or at least older in mentality.
Alex will want a structured relationship, a organized relationship, and a quite practical relationship, that is based on a foundation and he'll want and be attracted to a partner that is like that as well.
He'll want a spouse that is stable, that is responsible, maybe even traditional to an extent.
Native and spouse unless aspected by Rahu, will not want to cheat because Venus here in Capricorn is very law abiding. They will want to do love the right way.
Marriage could be later in life because Capricorn is controlled by Saturn which can delay a marriage.
Now when we look a little deeper, we see that Venus is in the nakshatra of Dhanishta.
Venus here will bring a spouse with a very strong personality, this particular nakshatra is ruled by Mars so spouse could have some martian qualities. So, they can be blunt, they can be a no-nonsense type of person. The spouse will want to work outside of the home, they'll always desire to work outside the home, because often times the spouse is a very hard-worker. Especially since this is in the sign of Capricorn.
This nakshatra is linked to music abilities, so the spouse could have a great love for music, listening to music, even being musically gifted in some way, could love playing instruments or singing maybe or even dancing. They have a good sense of rhythm; the drum is associated with this nakshatra. They would like going to music festivals, or concerts.
It is important that the native takes care of the spouse here with this nakshatra, as it could bring benefits, and good luck.
The spouse will also be very technical, they will know how to fix technical problems, they'll be able to figure it out easily, or deal with technology in general. Spouse could be connected to engineering, science, professions that require logic.
Again, like with Purva Ashadha from earlier, the spouse could be connected to things such as defense positions, could be athletic, could be into martial arts, or some form of combat.
Spouse could be sometimes seen for only their looks or be objectified.
Now Alex has his Venus conjunct the Moon in the 2nd house of his horoscope, they are in the same sign and in Vedic astrology, regardless of orb that is still a conjunction. So, what can happen with this conjunction is that the spouse's family can be envious of the native (Alex). Or they will look at the native a certain way.
Spouse brings in more wealth to the native with this placement.
This conjunction also makes the native very sweet to people, in all relationships, including the spousal relationship.
Still, the closer the degrees the more potent this conjunction will be for him.
— I'd like to also mention here, that Alex's Venus is his Atmakaraka, the highest degree planet in the chart. Which represents our soul, so he could just as well relate to these traits, maybe even more than the spouse.
ⅵ. conclusion
So, let's try to put the puzzle pieces together. Something common among all of these, is that Alex's soulmate, or spouse, or long-term partner will definitely be very ambitious, disciplined, reliable and hard-working, I have seen that over and over again throughout all of these indicators.
Another thing I kept seeing, is that Alex's person will be confrontational, they'll have a strong fierce type of personality, they'll be straightforward, and won't beat around the bush and also quick tempered and stubborn! 🔥
This person could be a foreigner, or if not, then maybe he could meet them or marry them in a foreign land. They could also be very karmic in nature and could have an unconventionality about them, but the partner will be very beautiful, nonetheless.
Alex may end up with someone older in age, or otherwise a very mature person in general! This person could also be influential, and inspiring and philosophical! Alex could be influenced by them!
Well, what do you think? Do you agree with this interpretation? Or perhaps you learned something about Alex or astrology in general reading this!
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to reblog!🌹
Let me know what other posts you'd like to see, and maybe I can do them! No promises though!
©️ copyright: gogysastrologer 2023
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luvrhischier · 11 months
broken promises // trevor zegras
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 pairing: trevor zegras x reader
word count: 846
warnings: scenario is similar to a scene in the new season of tsitp (obviously not word for word)
requested: yes - “If you watch tsitp can you make a one shot about Trevor like this https://youtu.be/uLuqB03JkPk ”
a/n: don’t click the link if you haven’t watched season two of tsitp
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He had been acting weird for weeks, shutting you out, not explaining why. But now here you were, at some Ducks charity event and the only thing you cared about was that you couldn't take much more of this. You couldn't take downing another glass of champagne hoping to get drunk enough to convince yourself that this was all in your head. That you were not losing him. You tried to look over at him but his back was turned to you. You needed to get out of here.
"I'm gonna step out to get some air," you whispered to Jamie. You didn't wait for a response, you couldn't you needed to get out of there as fast as possible.
You walked out the front door to the covered patio and saw the rain pouring down. You sighed deeply before leaning back against the wall. The door opened and you should have been happy that it was Trevor but you only wanted to scream. You pushed yourself off the wall and walked past him. You stopped then turned to see that he was sheepishly making his way towards you.
"I'm sorry," was all he whispered.
"Sorry for what exactly?" 
"I don't know." He looked down and his shoes. You scoffed.
"You don't know? Wow. Well do you at least know why you've been shutting me out for weeks now?" 
"I'm sorry, I don't know why you're still here," he muttered, before trying to walk away only making it a few steps before you yelled at him and he turned around.
"Stop saying you're sorry if you don’t know what you’re sorry for! I am still here in this stupid dress and these stupid heels for you! And now I am still here in the cold for you! Because I don't want you to leave. Because I want to be there for you and help you through whatever is going on. Because I love you!"
His silence was louder than the thunder surrounding you. If he wasn't going to respond, you were going to continue saying what you’ve been holding in for weeks.
"I am here because we both said that we wanted each other from now until we're both old and grey. That is supposed to be our future together and shutting me out and running away will ruin it all. So please just let me back in, let me help you with whatever is going on. We can leave right now and go home and talk, please." You were begging. You were begging him to stay. 
"No," he finally spoke. Oh, that wasn't what you wanted him to say. "I'm not good enough for you. I'm a screw up and I have done nothing but let you down. You're better off without me." He turned back around to walk away.
"Who says you're not good enough for me?! When did I say you let me down?! Please tell me when I said that because I don't remember."
"You didn't have to."
"No, don't you dare pull that, 'I didn't have to' bullshit! I didn't have to because I have never felt, said or even thought that you let me down."
"I'm sorry," he apologized for the third time as he turned away from you for the second time. 
"Say it." You ran after him into the pouring rain and grabbed his arm. "Say it right now."
"Say what?" He tried not turn around this time but you forced him to.
"That we're over. That this is the end. That you are breaking up with me," your voice kept on breaking, those words tasted like poison in your mouth.
"Please don't make me," he whispered.
"No say it! If you are strong enough to turn around and walk away while I am here in the pouring rain begging you to stay then you are strong enough to actually say it and if you won't say it I will."
"I can't."
"You walking away with no explanation will be the first time you've let me down. It means that I have wasted years of my life and my love on you. It makes you a coward, Trevor Zegras" He almost took a step towards you but he took a few steps back instead. "If you walk away right now that is the end. You can never come back. No second chances, no do overs, nothing. We're over," you screamed, thankful that the rain was hiding your tears.
"I have to." That's it. That was the moment your heart completely shattered.
"Fine, then take this with you." You marched up to him and ripped the promise ring off your finger and held it out to him.
"No, please keep that," he softly pleaded.
"No. This ring was supposed to mean forever and you've ruined that. There is no forever for you and me anymore. So take this stupid ring and go." He still wouldn't take it. Finally tired of waiting you grabbed his arm and forced it into his hand. 
You looked at him one last time, before walking away. 
"Please," you could hear him cry from behind you.
It was too late. 
He had made his choice. 
He had let you go.
270 notes · View notes
sageryuri · 9 months
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pairing yang jungwon + afab!reader.
genre pure cuteness.
summary jungwon is tired of the city, he needs a change, and maybe a cute girl to make him feel better.
word count 6.6k
warnings follows jungwon’s thoughts rather than readers, it’s just cute. no idols represented in this writing are not based on their real self.
an this was so cute it made me sad. sorry if something doesn’t make sense i wrote this over two months lol
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Jungwon doesn't remember the last time he left the city, all he knew was the sound of the crowding streets and the smoke pollution that slowly filled the air, that no one seemed to really bother about too much. One day, he had woken up and decided that he was simply bored of this lifestyle that he was born into.
For days, the boy lay on his couch, slouching trying to find the perfect place that would get him out of the city for a few months. He had reached a point where he had began to question if he really cared where he was going.
He almost jumped out of his skin when he read the bold letters that spread across his screen. Oak Farm looking for helper during the summer, 234 miles way from you. This was absolutely perfect.
Not only was this far away enough from where he lived, but it sounded like a tranquil vacation. He didn't mind putting in some help while relaxing in the sun for a few hours a day. Quickly, he clicked on the link and sent a message to the requester, who soon replied relieved that someone finally decided to reply to them.
Jungwon was already packed and ready within a few days, constantly making sure that he had absolutely everything with him, and soon his father was dropping him off in front of a beautiful plot of land completed with wooden buildings and fences, animals and produce covering the grounds.
"I can always come pick you up if you aren't enjoying yourself. I didn't really think that this was your kind of thing." Jungwon’s father didn't quite understand what had gone through his son's mind to suddenly want a change of lifestyle. He was sure that within a week, he would receive a call from Jungwon, complaining about how desperately he wanted to come back home.
"Seriously, dad I’ll be fine. I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile, and I think it's good to get away for a month or two. I’ll call you, but not to pick me up." Jungwon replies, and he helps his father haul out all of his luggage from the car. His father mutters a small 'if you say so' under his breath, still not convinced, "That house is where I’m staying, I’ll be back."
Jungwon makes his way to the cottage-like house that he had saw a picture of online. Before knocking on the door, he clears his throat and takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, he finally knocks and he hears shuffling around the house. Soon enough, the door is opening and Jungwon comes face to face with someone.
This was most definitely not the old lady that he had previously had a conversation with, and it definitely wasn't her husband either.
“Oh, hi! You must be Jungwon, nice to meet you, I’m YN. This is my grandma's land, I’ll go get her for you now." You had a sweet smile on your face, eyes sparkling into his. Jungwon tried his best to keep his jaw shut, and he was sure that his irises had formed into love hearts.
"Uh- yeah, yeah, thank you." He finally smiles back at you, and you walk away leaving the door open. He takes the time to investigate what he can see of the inside from where he stood. It was neat and tidy, decorated in a way that can only be described as an old couple. He thought it was adorable, and it was refreshing to see considering he was stuck with the industrial, modernised design at home.
His dad and your grandma arrive at the door at the same time, Jungwon’s father holding the suitcases and the old lady, who jungwon remembered to be called June, was holding a steaming cup of tea in a gorgeous china teacup, "Oh, it's so lovely to finally meet you, dear. We’ve needed another man around here ever since Daniel started getting back problems..."
Jungwon hears you chuckle from the dining table that you had began setting up, so he assumes that Daniel is your grandfather. June and his father greet each other, small talk being made while the suitcases are being brought inside. The leather appearance didn't match the vibe of the house, and Jungwon wondered if his clothing would make him stand out like a sore thumb.
When his father leaves, once again reminding him that he doesn't have to do this, June states that jungwon can get settled in his temporary room until dinner was ready. It was really sweet how they had immediately began treating him as if he had been here for awhile.
He isn't sure if the room is his style, considering that the blankets have a designed on them that resemble cute carrots that are blushing, but it's not that big of a deal. He’s sure that there aren't many men that are willing to do this, and he doesn't want them to spend money on unnecessary items.
He settles himself on the bed, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket to message his friends about how everything was going so far. The bars on the screen aren't exactly high, but it's good enough to send a text.
JUNGWON: hey! just got here, it's cute as hell in here
HEESEUNG: not going soft on us are you??
HEESEUNG: haha, glad you're feeling good abt it so far
JAY: i wish i came with you because riki is driving me fucking insane
JUNGWON: there's a girl here and i didnt know there would be a girl here
JAY: oh my god i'm going crazy 🤗
Before Jungwon can curse Riki out over text, there's a soft knock of the door. Jungwon makes a great attempt to not stumble over his words when he says 'come in', and he has a soft smile on his face when you open the door. You lean against the door way and return the smile, "Sorry about the bedding, I know it's probably not your kind of thing, it's from when I was a kid."
"Do you live here? It’s gorgeous around here." Jungwon notices that the corners of your lips lift a little more when he compliments the home, and he isn't quite sure why you appear to have some sort of hold on him. You were just a girl who so happened to be extremely pretty, maybe it didn't help that you were really sweet too.
"I’ve lived with my grandparents pretty much my whole life, I don't think I could ever seen myself being anywhere else. You, however, don't look like you come to places like this often." You move yourself over to sit on the bed instead, and Jungwon moves over a little to give you more space, but also so he wouldn't feel his leg brush against yours.
"Well, you'd be right to assume that. I’ve lived in the city since i was a kid so it's really all i've ever known. It’s not very enjoyable though, but my dad seems to really like it. I can't wait until I can move out." Jungwon finds it difficult to look you in the eyes, but he truly tries his best, he doesn't want you to feel as awkward as he does.
"I was just wondering... I’m sure you didn't just come here to help out, it's a getaway too I’m sure. If you'd like, a couple of my friends and I are going out this weekend, and I was wondering if you wanted to come? Just so you don't feel too lonely." You had asked, and he didn't think you actually could have gotten any more perfect. He imagined that your grandma may have pressured you into asking, but you had still asked him.
“I’d really like that, thank you.” The conversation finished at that, and you informed him that dinner would be ready soon before leaving the room. Jungwon flipped himself backwards into the bed, his hands holding his face as emotions rushed through his body.
He wanted a calm getaway. He could not stay calm while he was around you. Yang Jungwon had no idea what he was going to do with himself.
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Poor Jungwon had forgot to consider that people who lived on farms, people who owned a bunch of loud animals, would be morning people. Poor Jungwon was not a morning person, and had never been a morning person.
The sound of a rooster outside almost made him jump out of his skin (he had really thought they only made those dramatic waking calls in movies, he was wrong). He picks up his phone to read seven AM, and he gasps in pure distress at the idea of being awake at this time. He would usually sneak in another few hours.
And he would have, but he could hear clanging of pots downstairs, and something smelled so good it was practically dragging him out of the bed. So he does, but he makes sure you sneak his way into the bathroom to make himself more presentable — but he senses that as the days go on, he'll probably care less and less about looking good.
When Jungwon reaches the bottom of the stairs, he sees you all making your way around the kitchen. However, there's two new another additions to the trio which was June, Daniel and YN. There’s a girl and boy sat on the floor, maybe around eight or nine, who are giggling with each other and playing. Jungwon finally speaks, "Good morning."
"Good morning darling! Did you sleep well? You’ll have quite a busy day today." June gives him the sweetest little smile and it truly tugs on Jungwon’s heart strings. You walk past quickly, saying good morning as you rushed around the house, placing a hand on his shoulder as you pass by him. Daniel waves, immediately going back to his newspaper.
"It was really good, thank you. Is there anything that I can help with?" June only laughs and shakes her head, ushering him to take a seat at the table. Jungwon wonders how he feels more comfortable with the family here compared to his own — maybe because they never gave him the opportunity to eat with them, that seemed to be normal here.
There is small talk during the breakfast, and Jungwon learns that Daniel isn't as scary as he looks. They inform jungwon that he'll likely spend the rest of the day with you and the horses and he acts cooly, as if he wasn't about to burst at the thought of getting to know you better.
The day is bright and the sky is clear, and it's nice to acknowledge that there's no grey smoke in the sky, only the fluffy white clouds. When he arrived the day previous, he hadn't given himself much time to really look at his surroundings. he can't help but compare it to home, how free it makes him feel here. The open space is new to him, and though you are stood behind him messing with your boots, he can still feel as if he's by himself.
"Okay! Since it's your first day, I’ll take it easy on you. You can just watch me for today and you can learn the ropes. We mostly just need help with the horses because we recently got a new one." You begin walking away and Jungwon jogs so that he is walking next to you. He can see the horse barn in the distance, as well a few horses rummaging a field of grass, "Wehave a few horses, I teach sometimes. My favourite is Minnie, she's really cute, I think you'll like her too."
"Oh, you're a horse rider? That’s really cool! I wish I could ride a horse... I think I’d just fall right off." You laugh at him and Jungwon’s body feels with pride when he realises — though he tries not to get ahead of himself with jokes, as he'd rather figure out what makes you laugh first.
Point one, when he mentions getting hurt, of course you wouldn't actually laugh if he fell off a horse. He’d hope.
"I can teach you at some point if you want... free of charge, so you better be a natural." You grin at him and he rolls his eyes, hoping the two of you will keep up your playful behaviour. Jungwon enjoys talking to you even if it had happened so often at the moment. You were different from his friends, who were loud and energetic.
"I think we've got enough time for me to learn how to ride a horse, I’m going to be here until the end of August." It was mid-May, so Jungwon knew he would be here for a couple of months. At first, jungwon hadn't been worried that he would get attached to anyone, but you were all so sweet and you had even offered to bring him to meet your friends.
He was already trying to convince himself that the farm wasn't too far away to travel back and forth from.
The two of you make it to the stables, and Jungwon almost finds himself in complete awe. He had been to stables before, but they were never as incredible as yours were, it wasn't difficult to tell that the horses were well looked after, "This way, i’ll introduce you to Honey and Minnie, they're the only ones in their stables right now."
The two horses that you had brought Jungwon to were ethereal. Honey, was well, Honey, and had a long beige mane. Minnie was covered in black and white spots, thought significantly bigger than Honey was. Jungwon hadn’t seen many horses in real life before, but he could tell that these two were well taken care of.
"Unfortunately, there'll be a lack of horse riding today, we just have to take care of them. All the horses have their own days, and this is Honey and Minnie’s. once you know what you're doing, I’ll probably just be leaving you to it in the future. Is it okay if I take your hand?" You ask, and Jungwon is still taking in the previous information when he nods his head.
You softly pull at his hand and he knows that his cheeks are becoming red when the feeling of butterflies decides to appear in his stomach. One after the other, you let Jungwon get used to the two horses by petting them while your hand still rests on his — Jungwon doesn't quite understand why you needed to hold his hand for this, but he isn't complaining.
When you tell Jungwon that it's time for the disgusting part, shivers travel down his spine. The smell when he walks into the actual stable isn't exactly nice, but you seem to have no reaction to it like he does.
You show him all that he needs to know: how to clean out the stable, how to take care of the horses, even the personality between the two horses. He began to realise how educated you were on this, and it only made him feel more attracted to you.
It had taken all day, and when Jungwon got back into his carrot themed bed, he began to question every little thing.
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It was a few days later, and the day that Jungwon would be coming with you to meet your friends. Every part of his body was aching from the day previous and he would have loved to lay in bed all day, but he would not be missing this opportunity.
Jungwon stretches as he leaves the bed, and he notices that the whole house is quiet. He decides to go downstairs, and finds that there is no one around. Soon, he seed the pastel purple post-it note stuck onto the fridge that he had known wasn't there before — 'We have all gone to the stalls around the corner, we didn't want to wake you up so early. We’ll be back before ten, June.'
"Ah... that's a bummer, I was kind of looking forward to buying stuff at those stalls. I guess I can always just go another time." Jungwon turns on his heel and looks around the open spaced house, he thought this would be a good time to take a better look around.
His feet take him into the living room, where he had been in for a few moments when he had first arrived. It’s lit with natural lighting and has minimal colour, apart from a green pattern blanket over an armchair and a few fluffy green pillows scattering the sofas.
What begins to catch Jungwon’s eye is the collection of framed pictures sprinkled across the top of a cabinet on the opposite side of the room. In his lonesomeness, Jungwon picks up a picture frame to take a look at it closely.
You, June and Daniel are all in the picture, as well as the two twins, though everyone is significantly younger. The twins are just babies, so he imagines this picture was around six or seven years ago. You are around fourteen years old, and he thinks you look absolutely adorable. Your smile was just as bright as it is now, and you seem to have been just as sweet.
As he places the frame back down, he hears his phone ringing from his back pocket. He sighs, imagining it was his father attempting to get him back home, but he was happily surprised to see a call from his best friend Heeseung, "Hey! i've missed you."
"Hey buddy, I’ve missed you too, everyone has. How are you doing? Found anymore pretty ladies?" Jungwon can hear Heeseung’s teasing tone through the phone, and he rolls his eyes.
At home, the people were difficult to talk to. They weren't kind, or helpful, or filled with hospitality — they tended to be rude and off-putting, blinded by their own riches to care for other people. Somehow, Jungwon and his friends had avoided that ideal, so they were closer than ever. So, Jungwon had never gone through the efforts to find a partner.
"Very funny. No, you know I’ve only been here for like a week. I’ve barely even left the farm. Actually, YN asked me to come with her to meet some of her friends today." Jungwon replies, and he starts to wonder outside and takes a seat on the swinging chair on the decking.
"Really? Don’t go leaving us all back at home, the boys and I were thinking that we could come and visit you next month once you've settled in, though we don't want to intrude on anything." If anything, jungwon wished that his friends would come now.
He can't help but feel a little lost without them, and he wishes that they could have come with him from the beginning. They were all busy people, the oldest having their own business to attend to and Riki was still making his way through college. by next month, they'd likely be more free and Jungwon would be more comfortable.
"I’ll never leave you all, you're my best friends. I’d love if you came down next month, I’ll need some familiar faces." For about an hour, Jungwon and Heeseung find themselves talking about what had happened in the last two days, until you and your family had come back, "I’m gonna have to go, I’ll talk to you again soon."
Jungwon is very anxious once he is in the car with you.
"You don't need to look so nervous, Jungwon. They’re all cool people, I wouldn't be friends with them if they were anything but that." You’re driving down the streets of your town, and it's reaching about five PM, but since it's may the sun is starting to stay out later so it's still bright as it could be, "Are you... Are you worried they might see you differently because you aren't from around here?"
"I mean, I guess so, yeah. In my city, they probably wouldn't treat you too nicely. Not that I’d do the same, obviously. I just don't want your friends to think that of me." Jungwo’s face is resting in his palm as he rests and looks out of the car window, so he doesn't notice the sad and worried look that you give him for a moment.
"The same thing goes for you then. They know I wouldn't be friends with someone if they weren't a good person. This wasn't a pity invite, no matter how you might think it. I really like you." Something in your stomach feels weird when you say those words, and it does the same to Jungwon too, though it does encourage him to look at you and smile.
Within ten minutes, you've reached a field area that you had talked about before. You mentioned how this was the spot you and your friends liked to go when the weather was nice, because it seemed to be the only patch of grass that would get cut.
"Hey, hey! Jungwon, these are my friends. Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yunjin, Jake and Sakura. Friends, this is Jungwon, I told you about him recently." You introduce him to your friends and Jungwon realises he hasn't even planned what he was going to say. So, he sticks with a simple 'hi' as they all usher him to sit down on the blanket with them.
"God, it's so nice to finally meet you. She hasn't shut up about someone coming down to help of the farm for once. You’ve been doing amazing, by the way." this is Yunjin, a blonde haired girl who seems to sit in confidence, she gives a look to you and Jungwon once again doesn't notice you rolling your eyes — he hasn't been very observant today.
"So, heard you came from the city. I did too, I only moved here about a year ago." Jungwon learns that him and Jake were actually from the same city, and all the nerves that had settled themselves in his chest slowly faded away as he got to know the group of friends better.
Somehow, they had managed to talk to each other as if they were old friends who were getting to know each other again, learning about each other for a second time since it was as if they could read each other perfectly. Jungwon knows that his friends and your friends would get along well, and he waits for the day that they can become one.
"I think me and Sunghoon are gonna get going now, he has some stupid curfew on his car so he can't drive past ten PM. We’ll see you both later!" Sakura and Sunghoon stand up and begin leaving, though Yunjin, Jake and Sunoo had left earlier on. That left only Jungwon and you on the field alone at nine twenty seven PM.
The sudden silence was comforting, it allowed Jungwon’s jaw to stop aching from laughing and talking all day. For a few minutes, the both of you sit there staring at the stars, only looking at each other when the other was entranced by the image in the sky.
"I had fun today, thank you." You speak and Jungwon almost flinches, mostly because the sound of your voice has frightened him from the quiet, but also because he wasn't quite sure what you were thanking him for. He should be the one thanking you, shouldn't he?
"What are you thanking me You’re you're the one who invited me out here." You and Jungwon both turn to look at each other, this is the first time you had made eye contact since the two of you were left alone, but it wasn't the first time that you had admired each other, "In fact, I had fun today too, and I’m thanking you for that.”
"Because... I don't know, I just wanted to thank you. You’ve been nothing but kind and helpful to everyone. Last year, we had a problem with someone who came to help. She wouldn't do any work and I was so fatigued everyday trying to save her ass from getting in trouble. This year, you came along and even though you’ve only been here for a few days you’ve helped us so much. You’re like a breathe of fresh air.”
The speech quite literally leaves Jungwon with no words. He looks at you and something has shifted inside of him, and he truly feels like he has a problem now. It’s only been a week or so, and he’s already completely infatuated with you and your glowing personality. He returns a smile, and when your hand slips into his softly, the both of you continue to stare at the stars, just for a little while.
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The horse is very big, in fact Jungwon thinks that it might be taller than him, and it's starting him down with it's big brown eyes. He knows that Minnie is used to him now and has actually taken a large liking to him (that's what you had told him, though he doesn't quite understand how you know because all the horses have acted the same), but it still doesn't stop him from being terrified since this is his first time on a horse.
He rolls his eyes when turns around to see you laughing at him, tears in your eyes from the scene taking place in front of you. For some reason, his constant reluctance to get on the horse even though he has wanted a lesson, was absolutely hilarious to you, "Wonnie, come on, you're overreacting. I’ll even help you get on, here."
You had gained a habit over the last two weeks of calling Jungwon 'Wonnie'. now, if anyone else has started giving him this nickname, he would have been fine. Your, and now his friends, had picked up on this habit now and he didn't mind it at all, it was cute. When it was coming from your mouth? He might as well just get on one knee there and then.
"You can't laugh at me for being scared to get on this absolute beast, no offence Minnie. I’ve never been on a horse before!" Jungwon whines and you only ignore him, taking a step forward to help him onto Minnie.
"Here. Put one foot into the stirrup, and then stand on my hand. I’ll give you a boost. I know you're about to complain about getting my hand dirty with your shoes, I can tell you I don't give a shit." With hesitance, he puts his foot into your hands and you push him up onto the horse, and he wobbles a little when he managed to get on.
He’s been on rollercoasters before, he's climbed mountains before, but somehow this feels like it's the highest he's ever been. Maybe it's because there's no belt to keep him protected, or the fact he wasn't on his own two feet, but this was terrifying, "You know what, I’m not too sure about this. how do I get off?"
"Oh Won, stop being a big baby. You’re already up there, look I’m holding the reins. She’s well-trained, she won't move until you or I signal her too. I’ll keep hold until you want me to let go. Hold the reins firmly, sit up straight. When you want Minnie to move, press your heel into her side, but not too hard. I’ll keep hold."
"Okay, okay. This feels mean, this doesn't hurt her right?" You make sure to reassure him that the horse is fine, and after five minutes Minnie is finally moving. Jungwon begins to enjoy it, he no longer fears the height of the horse, "You can let go."
With one last look at Jungwon, no words are spoken when his eyes are filled with certainty on this decision. So, you allow yourself to let go and leave everything else up to Jungwon. The field you are in is small, so it doesn't give Minnie an opportunity to run off, possibly hurting him in the process.
You are quick to learn that Jungwon seems to catch on easily, and within minutes you start to consider getting him in on some equestrian shows (maybe the basic children ones though, he wasn't that good).
"Oh my god, Won are you sure you've never done this before? Most people don't have a horse trotting around so quickly, especially not with this much control. I think you're just lying to me so you can spend more time with me." You hadn't meant any harm in your comment, seeing it as some banter between you and a friend.
In that moment, Jungwon had almost fallen off Minnie as a blush crept onto his cheeks. It wasn't like you had actually caught him in a lie, he had never been on a horse before, but in a way this was an opportunity for him to spend more time with you outside of the work he had agreed to do.
He wasn't sure how long he had been on that horse for, but it was much longer than he had intended, and it was beginning to become irritating just being there. he knew that this particular skill wasn't his forte and he likely wouldn't be attempting to ride a horse again — especially not Minnie, she was too tall.
“I’m simply just good at everything I do, I think you might just be a little jealous.” And for the hundredth time, you roll your eyes at Jungwon.
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Officially, Jungwon has been on the farm for just over a month. It’s the middle of June, and unfortunately his friends haven't had the time to travel yet.
Overall, the month had been almost as he had imagined. It was almost the perfect break that he needed. He’d learnt a myriad of new skills, made lots of new friends and was making happy memories everyday.
So, what could possibly bothering him so much that it had ruined his getaway? You.
Realistically, you hadn't intended to do anything wrong, and you hadn't actually done anything wrong. You had just been yourself, and Jungwon’s brain couldn't help but question his true thoughts about you.
Yes, he knows that he had always thought you were pretty, and he though you were an amazing person. That hadn't changed, not at all. What had changed, was that the lingering touches and flirtatious banter was genuinely beginning to bother him.
He had seen you act similar with your friends. You had always argued and flirted with all of them, and it had never bothered him. This was just the way you were, but he couldn't help but notice that there was more longing within him, how everything seemed to last just those few seconds longer.
Though the rest of the group had been oblivious to the lasting tension between the two of you, Sunghoon and Yunjin had been more observant over Jungwon. The two had become so bored of the antics, and we're waiting for you both to explain how you felt.
They had to give one of you a push, and Jungwon seemed to be much less stubborn.
SUNGHOON: hey won! was just wondering if you wanted to go to the diner w me and yunjin
SUNGHOON: everyone else is a little busy but i know today is a free day for you!
JUNGWON: oh yeah for sure
JUNGWON: you don't mind picking me up right? yn usually takes me
SUNGHOON: yeah, course
SUNGHOON: be there soon
In the next hour, Jungwon, Yunjin and Sunghoon sat in the diner with their good and milkshakes. Jungwon seems to notice that something is a little off between the two of them, and his eyebrows furrow when he realises the two of them have been looking between each other while hesitantly attempting to speak, "Why are you both being weird? You haven't even touched your food. What’s going on?"
"We-uh-... I thought this would be a lot easy to say out loud..." Sunghoon trembles over every letter, leaving Yunjin to roll her eyes and poke at her loaded fries with her fork. In this moment, Jungwon starts to think that the two of them are actually together; thought it was quite the opposite.
"We know that you have a crush on YN! You’re so incredibly obvious it hurts that she can't tell. As well as that, we think she definitely has a crush on you too, we’ve known her long enough to tell." Yunjin’s outburst leaves Jungwon and Sunghoon with dropped jaws, but for two entirely different reasons, "And don't even try to act like you don't!"
"Well- no! It’s just that- fine! Yeah, yeah I do really like her. Why are you telling me something I already know?" It’s Jungwon’s time to put his burger down and pretend that it isn't there, because suddenly he didn't have an appetite and the smell of food in the area made him feel like he was about to throw up.
Yunjin and Sunghoon look at each other again. She purses her lips and Sunghoon looks around the room as if he's trying to avoid Jungwon’s eyes that are wide and shocked, "We, we were thinking that we should encourage you to ask her out. We are, like, 99% sure she likes you back."
"And! If she does say no, you'll be living so far away it won't be awkward!" Sunghoon speaks as if that was a good thing, but the drop of Jungwon’s lips and the slap he receives on the back of his head from Yunjin speaks otherwise, "Ouch?! I’m just speaking the truth."
"Your truth is bullshit! He’d still be coming down to see us all anyway! Listen, Won, this is obviously completely up to you, we aren't pushing you to ask her out if you really don't want to- but! We think it would be worth a shot, the rest of the group does too. Have a think about it."
And that's exactly what Jungwon does. He spends the whole day questioning wether this would he right or wrong, wether this would test your friendship or take it to another level.
He makes his decision as you arrive home that he would do it. Though Sunghoon’s words had stung, they had been true. He would be far away if you had rejected him, and it wouldn’t be often that he would he seeing you.
But it ended up to be so much worse than he could have ever imagined.
He waited, waited and waited until you had arrived home. In fact, he’d been pacing around the barn for about half an hour because he wanted to tell you how he felt outside of the house. When he heard what he had thought was your car park up, he almost jumped out of his skin.
He’d peeked out to see what you had been doing in the moment — and his heart felt like it had been crushed by your own hands, the ones that appeared to be slotted into another mans hands.
What made it even worse? You had seen Jungwon in the barn just as this was happening.
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The rain felt nice, Jungwon thought it was made for him in the moment. The way it fell down on him made him understand that this was real, and he genuinely believed that he was falling in love with you.
Within the next week, his friends would be turning up, and Jungwon couldn't even bare to look at you because he didn't want to ruin your blooming friendship since he couldn't help but fall for you. In his eyes, he had one week to get over you and be your friend.
Only friends.
He’s been sat in the rain for so long now, that the droplets are beginning to drip down the tip of his nose and his eyelashes. He was sure that when he would stand up, his jeans would be covered in mud. It doesn’t bother him though, because he's got more important things on his mind.
"What am I going to do with you, Wonnie." Your sweet voice appears from behind him, and for a second he believes he is just hearing you in his head. You take a seat next to him, despite the hard rain, and your head falls softly onto his drenched shoulder, "You’re gonna get one hell of a cold if you sit outside moping around."
“I think I have a valid reason to be moping around." He still worried that anything he says will come across as strange, so he holds everything back. His shoulder tingles underneath your head, for once every little touch you place upon him burns.
It hurts, it hurts so much. Yet, even though your touch left invisible scars upon his body in that moment, he would let you burn every inch of skin on his body if that was what you desired. This month had showed him that if there was one person he would let break him down, and it was you.
"You know, I’ve always wanted to dance in the rain." You smile and lift your head to look towards Jungwon, hoping that he would return your gaze. After a loud sigh, he looks at you with his soft eyes, "Will you, Yang Jungwon, take this dance?"
He hopes that you aren't messing around with the way he feels, he hopes that this moment is as real as how he thinks about you. He hopes that the pleasurable sparks that he feels when your hand slips once more into his, feeling so significantly different than usual, that you feel it too.
Oh, how you do.
When the two of you stand up, your hands leave his, but it doesn't leave him in disappointment. They make their way up his arms and find themselves resting around his neck, while his own are nestled on your waist.
"Don’t you think it's a little awkward to dance without music?" He isn't sure why he decided to ruin the moment with such a silly question, maybe the nerves, or the small percentage that you were only doing this to make him feel better rather than to admit your feelings for him.
"I don't find anything to be awkward when I’m with you. never with you, Wonnie. You know, what you saw didn't mean anything. He was dropping me off from a job I was doing, he'd asked me out when we got to the door and what you saw was me telling him that there were no feelings. You know why? because I’ve been waiting for you to stop being so shy about asking me out."
"Oh... well, then. I’m sorry for making assumptions. I’s just spoken to Sunghoon and Yunjin who suggested asking you out, I’d i'd really worked myself up over it. I guess, I was just nervous it was an excuse to not do it. I really, really like you." Due to your open confession, Jungwon feels that he no longer has to hold back. He doesn't have to pretend anymore.
His forehead rests so comfortably on yours, and your left hand falls to rest on his neck rather than around his shoulders. When your nose bumps against his, the rain isn't there anymore. This burning feeling that you had left on his skin only moments ago began to tickle.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?" He speaks, and you only giggle and open your eyes to look up at him through your lashes. You respond, quite boldly, by pressing yourself against him for the first time.
Forever and always.
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noforkingclue · 6 months
Hey there! I hope you’re well! 🥰
So the prompt list you just reblogged, coupled with your response to my comment on your fic created a perfect storm for me to send a request in (if you’re still taking them, that is)
Would you be willing to write some more protective Tommy Shelby using this prompt: “I’m not jealous. I just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.” ?? … you’re an absolute master at it and I’m excited to see what you’ll write!
Thanks in advance if you choose to! 🧡
Yep, requests are still open and thank you for sending this in! :D
I couldn't help but add in angst and pining because I'm evil.
I hope you like the fic :)
Title: Wanting
Prompt list: list
Peaky Blinders tag list: @stylesofloki,  @ohshititsfenharel,  lenaskyler02, @elenavampire21, @swordofawriter, @zablife, @cillmequick, @polishcrazyone, @nataliewalker93
Thomas Shelby tag list: @alreadybroken-ts, @darlingdevil, lyrxbz,  @watercolorskyy, @notyour-valentine, @neonpurplestars89-blog
Everything tag list: greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites spngingerbread21,  @layazul,  @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
You adjusted your hair one last time before turning around. You smiled at Tommy and gestured to yourself.
“Well?” you asked, “How do I look?”
Tommy didn’t answer. He looked away and lit another cigarette. You sighed and walked over to him, sitting down next to him.
“Too much?” you said
“Then what is it?”
“How well do you know…” Tommy tried to remember the name of the man, you did tell him after all, “him?”
“James,” you said with a soft smile, “We’ve met a couple of times.”
“A couple of times,” Tommy smiled bitterly, “and you sure you really know someone after only meeting a ‘couple of times’.”
“That’s why I’m going out with him to dinner,” you said, rolling your eyes, “to get to know him. What’s the matter Tommy?” You smiled playful and nudged him, “You jealous?”
“I’m not jealous,” Tommy said firmly, “I just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.”
You stood up quickly and wrapped your arms around yourself. A thick silence fell over the two of you. Silences were never awkward between you and Tommy. He was one of the few people who you felt comfortable being completely silent with. Ever since you started working with Polly, you and Tommy had become close. Well, as close as anyone can truly get with Tommy.
“I’m not stupid.” You said eventually
“I know.”
“Then why are you acting like I am?”
You heard Tommy stand up. Your breath hitched as he put his hands on your shoulders. He squeezed them briefly before saying quietly,
“Too many people I… care about have gotten hurt, love. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.”
You turned around, gaze softened, and put your hand over Tommy’s. Tommy resisted the urge to link your fingers together.
“It’s ok,” you said, “I’m an adult. I can handle myself, can’t I?”
“I know.”
“Besides,” you removed your hand and pulled yourself out of Tommy’s grip, “Polly knows his mother. She assures me that he has nothing but the best of intentions.”
You grabbed your coat and headed towards the door. You turned back for a second and for a brief moment Tommy thought that you had changed your mind. That you were going to abandoned your meeting and agree to spend the evening with him.
“You know where my spare keys are right?” you said, “You don’t mind locking up when you leave? Although you know you’re more than welcome to stay.”
“Not wise to leave your spare keys under a flower pot.” Said Tommy
“And who’s going to fuck with someone who works for Shelby Company Limited?”
You gave him one last bright smile before shutting the door. Tommy closed his eyes and sat back down as the sound of your shoes clicking on the ground was lost to the night. He took another deep drag of his cigarette. He wished that he hadn’t let you go. He wished that he had pulled your back into his arms and never let you go. To tell you how much he loves you, those words that seemed so small and yet would change everything.
And Polly had done everything in her power to prevent that. With her actually knowing the family, and giving you her assurance, you would never be Tommy’s.
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Day 11: Sensory Deprivation - Jake Lockley
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Kinktober Day 11: Sensory Deprivation - Jake Lockley x f!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dom/sub, restraints, blindfold, headphones, anxiety, anticipation, masturbation (male), voyeurism (?), sensory deprivation, cum swallowing, vibrating nipple pumps, vibrator, multiple orgasms, overwhelmed, talks of aftercare, nicknames, no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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The day had started as any other, a typical Tuesday and finally a day off for you and Jake, something you both rarely were able to share. Except it wasn’t the bitter scent of coffee to awake you from your deep slumber, no… it was the click of the leather buckle attached to your ankle that had you stirring.
Attempting to sit up, your movements were halted as you couldn’t move either arms or both feet for that matter with similar buckles being attached to them all, and this had your eyes opening and searching around the flat. Omitting to the fact that you now could feel the soft silk wrapped around your head, having woken up more and weren't stuck in that groggy first moments.
The nerves didn’t initially ignite, it wasn’t the first time that Jake had woken you to something similar to this, however, it was the tone in which your boyfriend next spoke. Calm but too calm.
“Mi Amor, relax, let me take care of you. Remember shake your head if it’s too much”. Before any questions could form, large headphones were being placed over your head, playing your favourite rain compilations from Spotify, something usually reserved for when you were highly anxious or struggling to sleep. It was also loud.
Loud enough that you couldn’t hear your own voice trying to question what he was doing but also completely trusting anything he had planned.
Trying to notice where Jake was, you noticed that the bed didn’t feel as low anymore from where he had been previously sitting as you assumed he moved away. Only for the blanket to be taken away a second later leaving the air to cooly kiss your naked skin, having not bothered to redress after Jake had all but thrown you into bed and ripped your clothes off.
Now there was only the slightest bit of regret for not redressing, feeling incredibly exposed, the tiny hairs covering your arms lifting as you tried not to think about Jake’s eyes searching every inch of your body, which was exactly what he was doing.
You weren’t sure what to expect, maybe some light teasing or just a good fuck but what you hadn’t anticipated was nothing at all for over 10 minutes. After long minutes of waiting, you eventually tried to pull on the restraints but like usual they were thoroughly attached and definitely not going to come off.
Then the thoughts turned to excitement. Where would he touch first, if he even did touch you with the way he was waiting? Would he start with your nipples? Maybe caress them with his tongue and teeth until they were puffy? Or maybe he would start right at the apex of your legs, using his fingers to tease your folds gently, or roughly, softly fuck you until you were calling his name like a song, or until you were sore from screaming so loud with overwhelming pleasure.
Now you were silently cursing yourself, wishing to be able to rub your thighs together, just something to help relieve the building tension in your abdomen but the way your legs were tied up, there was no way to stop this.
Risking another question that you could still not hear yourself speak, you attempted to ask Jake what was going on but was abruptly cut off by a warm liquid shooting out onto your abdomen in quick bursts lasting for a few seconds before stopping.
“Did…did you just cum on me?” you asked in shock, face heating at the realisation that he had been stood over, watching you and jacking off.
Not being able to see him was starting to become an issue, not knowing where he was coming from or where he would touch so when his rough fingertips gripped onto your cheeks, you couldn’t help but jerk back from his touch but he remained confident, squeezing until you mouth opened.
Next, a hand stroked across the damp spot lower down as Jake coated his index and middle finger in his cum, bringing it up to your open mouth and watching the sticky substance drip into your mouth. At the first drop of salt burst against your tongue, you quickly caught onto his action, lapping at his fingers until they were clean and you could have sworn you felt the vibrations down his hands from where he moaned deeply.
Jake's hands moved off of you once more leaving only more questions and suspense to circle through your thoughts. It seemed like he wanted to play though as you felt an intense sucking sensation on your nipple which was the reciprocated on the other nipple. You realised immediately that he had placed the nipple pumps on both breasts leaving them both sucked into the small chambers.
His next step you anticipated as turned them both on, vibrations now rolling against your erected nipples, stimulating them enough to have your back arching up to attempt to feel more but knowing nothing would come of it.
It was an odd sensation to have the vibrations rolling through your chest but not be able to hear it and again, only caused the apprehension to build as to what Jake had planned.
There seemed to be a theme to his teasing as a cool rubber object was placed against your moistening folds between your legs and you knew exactly what was to come as he turned on the vibrator wand to its lowest setting. Releasing a heavy breath, you tried to relax your muscles that had tensed at the contact, willing yourself to calm yourself and not become entirely overwhelmed.
Easier said than done however as he turned up the vibrator, pushing it harder so you had more direct contact against your clit, causing your body to shiver at the stimulation.
It was an automatic reaction to start rolling your hips with the sensations pulsing through your chest and cunt, it felt so good and yet so confusing to not be able to see or hear what was happening, not knowing if something else was going to occur or if Jake would stop it to replace with something else but you secretly hoped he didn’t, it was nice arousing.
Jake, however, wasn’t known in your relationship for taking the calm steady route as he turned up the controls of the wand for the third time, the vibrations become more intense now. Enough to have you trying to shift your hips back to relieve the pressure but he only pressed harder.
You weren’t sure what noises you were making but it was sure to be between a mewl and whine, wanting the thrill of an orgasm but not with how quickly it was approaching, finding it almost too much.
Each breath you took was heavy, mouth hanging open to suck in the cool hair, almost tasting the salty scents that drifted through the air from his cum and your increasing arousal.
“Ah, ah I’m cuming Jake” you couldn’t help but mutter, finding a slight comfort in talking, it was some way to try and connect with your boyfriend if you couldn’t hear or see him and thankfully he didn’t move the wand away.
Not until you were pulsing, hips jolting with each spasm from your cunt as the beautiful orgasmic feeling rushed through you, both vibrating sensations on your nipples also coming to a stop as you relaxed into the pillows, a satisfied smile on your face.
This didn’t last long as you quickly tugged on each of your restraints as simultaneously the wand returned to your clit, still at the same level as before, and the sucked sensation intensified tenfold as he pulled both pumps off in quick successions causing the already sensitive areas to flare slightly in pain.
Jake moved in swiftly, keeping the vibrator steady as his mouth descended around one of your nipples, sucking on the puffy mound, sending bolts of electric pleasure straight to your core before continuing this action with the other nipple.
You tipped your head back, arching your spine to try and get closer but also through the intense feeling, not sure how to process it all.
In between your legs was soaked, dripping into the sheets, whilst the cum on your abdomen began to dry, tugging at the soft skin as you whimpered and moaned.
Jake's mouth continued its assault, his warm tongue lapping at the buds before nipping with his sharp teeth which only caused you to cry out louder until that was all but forgotten about as he once again turned up the vibrator.
It had only been a few moments since your last orgasm but you were already experiencing the build-up of another already.
“Jake jake jake” you incoherently chanted unable to hold back the shout as you bucked your hips and came again, wrists aching from tugging on the restraints so harshly.
He again stopped the vibrator, removing his mouth from your body, giving you some time to come down from your euphoric high, it takes you longer this time to stop quivering and regulate your breathing to normal.
You could really feel how exhausted you were now and sensitive, the pulsing between your legs not ceasing. You wanted to cuddle, be needy, make out, hell, and even just see your boyfriend would settle your nerves that were slowly increasing.
So when the vibrator touched your clit one more time, you quickly shook your head and Jake was swift to move, turning off the wand and throwing it to the end of the bed before removing your headphones and eye mask, large hands cupping your cheeks to stroke the soft skin there soothingly.
“Talk to me Princesa” he muttered. It took you a few seconds to adapt to being uncovered, eyes fluttering as they adjusted to the morning light streaming through the wind and your eyes to stop ringing from the loudness of the rain noises that had now stopped.
“I’m ok Jake, I just think I’m a bit overwhelmed” you answered honestly, sighing happily as he kissed your forehead, inching across the bed to easily uncuff each of the restraints, massaging the skin beneath as he went before pulling your body into his lap.
The tenseness in your body instantly resolved at being in his arms, feeling his own naked body against your own, the warmth, his natural beautiful smell. You were half tempted to fall asleep again right there but he gently cupped under your chin, grabbing your attention.
“Not yet darlin’, let’s get you cleaned up first” he raised his eyes brows as he looked lower on your body, only then did you remember that his cum still lay across your abdomen. You couldn’t help the warmth that travelled to your cheeks, nodding in agreement and letting him help you to the bathroom.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
happy 100 followers! may i request 2,4, 27, and 38 as well as 2 and 14 of the mature prompts with mysta and luca?
thank you, it's been very happy! i've actually been sitting on this one for a while, and you might notice the mature stuff isn't there. you see, i got a bit itchy about putting only the mature stuff under the read more and forcing people to look at this lengthy af post above the cut, plus i felt bad about having the sfw requests done for so long while the mature ones weren't. so once i finished the mature requests, i updated this post with a link underneath. i appreciate the requests!
part 2 here. not intended for minors. ↣
tags: established relationship, fluff, slightly suggestive, gender neutral reader, kissing in the rain, cuddling,
⚠️ making out in mysta 27
⚠️ minor arachnophobia mention in mysta 38
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🦊 Mysta Rias
2. surprise date
Mysta doesn’t need much to be happy. Don’t get him wrong, spending time with you in a shared space is a perfect routine. But he’s also spontaneous, and too much time in one location gets him stir crazy, even if it’s with someone he loves.
He gets home early one day, pecks you on the cheek, and tells you put on something pretty, we’re getting dinner. Then he’s out of the room just as quickly as he came, and when you step out ready to leave it’s like he’s been waiting for an eternity.
He takes your hand, and your arm slightly bounces from his grasp as you walk.
The scenery shifts from city to calm, until he leads you inside a restaurant, and it’s only when you’re seated on the patio that you realize it’s not a patio at all. Your feet rest on solid wood, but the sound of waves along the lakeside restaurant sets you at peace.
Your nose is buried in the menu until Mysta taps the corner of the laminated booklet. When you lower it, he gestures to where the sky meets the lake.
The world is glazed golden sunset. Rays of orange and red along the bleary sun as it sinks into glittering waters that reflect the sunset above.
"Cool," he says, as if the sparkling lemonade lake isn’t enough to take his breath away. He's more satisfied at your expression than the water. "I couldn’t remember if the sun was supposed to set now or an hour later."
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
4. surprise hug
With utmost care, you slip past the door silently and creep into Mysta’s streaming room.
His desk is at the corner, facing the wall and the monitors against it. One screen displays stream options and statistics, while the other flickers to Mysta’s ending screen just in time. He bobs side to side in his chair, even though his model is no longer on stream. “Koninnit! Bye-bye, everyone, until next stream!”
He continues swaying in his seat for a few more seconds while the Mystakes click off of his channel. You inch closer. The room is a standard-size office, but the distance has never felt so monumental before. Each step is muffled against the carpeting.
When the screen goes black, Mysta sits still for a moment. Then his shoulders sink. He lets out a sigh, as he always does, how he grounds himself out of his stream persona and back into the real world.
He stretches, long arms reaching up to the ceiling. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up from gaming, and the muscles along his forearm flex as he extends.
You take the opportunity to swivel his chair around.
Mysta’s eyes, previously closed, widen in a shock of electric blue and peach as he yelps in surprise—
—And you wrap yourself around him, buried in his collar and hands around his back.
His posture is straight from the shock. You nuzzle closer to his neck. Your lips skim along the bare skin, not so much to be a kiss but more than enough to suggest one.
"I missed you," you hum, quiet in the absence of the stream. All to yourself, you and Mysta alone.
Mysta's shoulders relax. His arms roll down under your grasp, and he lets out a breath again. This time it's deep enough that his chest brushes against yours before lowering with the exhale. His fingers curl between your shirt and the ends of your hair. “I’m here.”
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
27. kissing in the rain
On your free day, you and Mysta decided to take advantage of the nicely cloudy weather and go on a walk away from the sun.
“Oh, great, it’s raining!”
“Hang on, okay? We’re almost home!”
And what once seemed like a good idea was cut short by a sudden, steady rain.
To be fair, it should’ve been expected. You had a sinking feeling it was too dark to be a simple cloudy day.
Whether you expected it or not, the rain pattered along your back as you lowered your head and sped up your pace. You already feel a shiver coming on.
“Don’t get lost.” Mysta takes your hand in his, while the other pulls his cap down over his face. His sunglasses are splattered with water, and so is his shirt. The wet fabric follows the contours of his body.
Your cheeks puff with mock indignation. “I’m not going to get lost, Mysta, I just want to get home!”
“Just making sure, okay? Let’s get you there. Hop up.”
He approaches a curb, and his shoes splash at a forming puddle as he helps you up. Gentlemanly, but you don’t need him to guide you like a child, either.
As the steady rain turns to a downpour, you keep an eye out at the shops along the way to your home. You focus on the jutting architecture, and how well it covers the ground below.
It doesn’t take you long to find an awning sandwiched between two stores in a shallow alleyway. The ground below is speckled with raindrops, but there are still patches of dry pavement underneath.
“This way, Reader—“
“I don’t think so,” you say, and before Mysta can lead you away, you divert and bring him to the alley instead.
Water still peppers your shoulders as you duck under the awning, but it’s much less than the rain beyond. Mysta shakes himself off like a dog, and it does nothing but pop his open collar out more. Rain drops down his neck and to his freshly exposed chest. “Do you really think we can wait it out—mmph!”
You’re not sure. You didn’t think further than kissing him stupid. His lips are slick with rainwater, and your tongue mixes it into saliva as you pry him apart, a hammer’s end to a nail.
Each curl of your tongue is another moment savored. Mysta: gentlemanly, caring Mysta, who wants to get you home safe and leads you along his way; and seems to have forgotten that you know how to deviate from the path with him following.
Mysta remembers now, and explores your mouth with the same familiarity as the path home he was so intent on walking before you made your move. Whatever he wanted to say, it’s nothing important, and he forgets it in favor of your taste, rainwater, mouths connected, your hand on his waist, the breath cold against his wet skin right above the lip you seem so eager to tear open and devour—
A splash of water breaks you before he does.
Your eyes snap open just in time to see a downpour of collected rain crash right over your bodies. You hiss like a witch while he squeaks like a mouse, and the slope of the awning only makes it worse, like sitting under a blurred waterfall.
You both gasp out loud, breathless and shocked, totally soaked down to the bone. Your hair hangs over your face, and you part it out of your eyesight in time to see Mysta react. The ears of his hat point downwards as he struggles to catch his breath.
The corners of your mouth raise, and the rainwater washes your adventurousness into embarrassment instead. You clumsily catch your breath. “Maybe we should get back out there again…”
Mysta snatches you up instead.
One greedy hand presses your back close to him, while the other guide your chin to stay by his trembling mouth. His skin is so cold but he’s intent on you, you can see it in his reddened lips and his eyes so bright they could glow in the overcast, and, right, he wanted to lead you earlier.
The splattering rain pales in comparison as Mysta grumbles, “How much wetter can we get, anyways?”
His hand positions your head for a kiss of his own, and the water doesn’t cross past your lips this time.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
38. falling asleep while cuddling
Mysta fidgets often in his sleep, but he only thrashes around like this when he isn’t resting right. Usually after nights like these, he’s bleary and groggy in the morning, and adds another shot of espresso to his coffee.
Then you hear him whimper, and nights like these are even rarer. He’s having a nightmare.
"Mysta?" Careful not to startle him, you rest your hand on his arm and call his name. "Mysta, baby. Wake up."
He cries again as you whisper to him, and when you reach out to his shoulder he snaps back to life. The whimper turns to a sharp, sudden gasp as his eyes break open. Blue and pink colors the darkness, but they're filled with fear.
Then they go shut again, and Mysta drags his hands over his face as he groans.
It takes him a moment before he utters an exhausted but grateful "Thanks."
"No problem. Are you okay?"
"I don't know, is there a giant spider in the corner of the ceiling?"
“Nope. You’re clear.”
“That’s good then.” Mysta sighs. His eyes open through the cracks between his fingers. “That was fucking awful.”
You rub his arm in an attempt to soothe him. “You up for talking about it?”
“I guess? There isn’t much to talk about. I was trapped in this huge web, and this nasty-ass tarantula was just sat there staring at me.” His hands drag down to the edge of his chin as he frowns. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was the spider spitting a bunch of webbing all over me, and I couldn't move no matter what I did. And I couldn't see because of all the webs over my eyes."
You suck some air through your teeth. "That sounds horrible."
"I hope I don't dream about it again." Mysta looks dreary. Much better than he did while he was still asleep, but his expression is tense, and he focuses on the ceiling of the room. His breathing is audible, a quiet but slow cycle as he tries to calm himself down.
You shuffle closer to him, and as you do, you reach your hand to his face. He exhales as your fingers glide along his cheek. Soft skin rests along the cup of your palm as he nuzzles closer to you.
"Baby." You thumb over his milky-white skin. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe."
Your touch makes him produce a low, guttural hum, leftover from his exhaustion. He soaks it up like a plant to water. “Can you keep doing that?”
Of course you can. You murmur affirmations as Mysta’s eyelashes flutter. The pace gets slower the longer you go on, little whispers of safety and comfort, and pledges over how nothing can harm him, not while you’re beside him.
You brush a wisp of hair away from his eyes as he looks up at you. Still blue and pink, and still full of fear, but there is vulnerability, and the strength to be vulnerable.
Mysta averts his gaze. His breath hitches, and he hesitates to ask, but he musters up all his courage. The request is barely audible. “Can I… can I hold you?”
“Of course you can.”
You bring yourself closer to him, and before anything else Mysta sinks into your collar. Uneven breaths run along your neck and the beginnings of your chest. His arm comes next. The fingers along your back tentatively trail along the outline of your body, resting along your edges before continuing to roam, like he’s committing everything about you to memory.
A hand rises along your spine and down to your hips, before eventually resting at the space on your back underneath your shoulder. Small, broken circles press into your skin. He’s shaking. Every movement is conscientious, and he’s delicate as he takes you in, like one sudden movement would snap you in half.
So you close the distance. You feel the heat of Mysta’s body just next to yours, a reminder that you’ll always be here for him, which invites him to take a chance. The delicate circles go forgotten as he desperately and suddenly clings to you, his chest against yours, and his hand attached to the lifeline along your back. He buries his head even further into you, and his breathing is labored under trembling lips.
He embraces you as an extension of himself. The one that can keep him grounded. You caress his face in silent comfort as he holds onto you for dear life, even after his heartbeat slows and his breathing loses its sound, just puffs of air on your nape. His eyes close as you loosely scratch his head, like a puppy.
Mysta doesn’t let go of you for the rest of the night, even when his arm goes slack and his body matches the rise and fall of rest. When you wake up, it’s to his peaceful sleeping face.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🦁 Luca Kaneshiro
2. surprise date
You probably should've been suspicious once Luca announced that he was taking you on a surprise date tomorrow, then told you to wear your shabbiest pair of jeans. And to bring a pair of sunglasses. And to wake up early in the morning.
No matter what you asked him, though, he would always evade your questions with a wink if you were lucky and a smirk if you weren't.
Luca woke you up so early the sun wasn't even up outside, but at least he helped you groggily get through your morning routine and guided you to the car. He took the wheel, and in a matter of minutes you were back to dreamland.
A bump in the road shook you awake again, and luckily this time you rubbed the sleepy out of your eyes much easier than that morning. Luca was still driving with no sign of stopping, but the sun was starting to rise now, a hazy orange glow over bumfuck, nowhere. All you could see for miles were green fields and glades, and the occasional farmhouse.
"Where are we?"
"In the Sugondese."
"Very funny, Luca." You stretched about as well as you could while still strapped in the seat. "Seriously, though, we're in the middle of nowhere. Are you about to tie up some loose ends?"
"You'll just have to wait and see!"
You slump over. "Great. My mafia boyfriend is about to leave me for dead in the middle of the wilderness where no one can find me." You looked at Luca. "You remember my final wish if I have to die by your hands, right? You have to deliver a monologue explaining your master plan like a B-list villain if you have to kill me."
Luca snorts. "Daddy, chill. I'm not going to kill you, Reader, just be patient a little while longer. We're almost there."
He asks you how you slept, and natural conversation flows from there. You get so immersed in talking that you barely even notice when the car slows and Luca pulls over. He hurries out so he can open the door for you, a habit he insists is gentlemanly but comes across more puppyish than anything.
You step out. "So where are we?"
"Follow me."
You take his hand as you do. The dirt road kicks up a little as you trod through in your sneakers, and grass threatens to overtake the edge of the road. Luca leads you ahead down a walking path between trees.
"Oh, woah..."
You try to say something, but your voice falls flat as the trees part and give way to a stretch of farmland. Ripe, red berries dot the prim rows of crops, adorned with healthy bushels of foliage and an occasional white bloom between the fruit. Morning dew sparkles along the berries, rubies under the sunrise.
You whisper, like speaking would wreck the farmland. "I mentioned the other day I was craving strawberries, didn't I?"
"You like it?"
"Luca, I love it. I can't believe you planned this even though I barely remembered that myself."
"I just wanted to do something nice for you. I got us a time slot to pick our own strawberries! So once we get down there, you can take as many as you can hold in a basket, just for us."
"You're such a sweetheart," you replied. Luca chuckles once before he looks away with a hand behind his neck. The sunrise casts a warm glow on his face.
He turns when he recomposes himself, and his strong features are outlined by the shadow of the sun. Even then, it still glints off the morning-dew strawberries and along his golden hair. "Only one way to get there. Take my hand?"
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
4. surprise hug
You look up from your phone periodically. You texted Luca that you got to the street corner earlier than expected for your date today, and he told you to stay put since he was nearly there. Even then, you stand by a bush of flowers along the sidewalk and a lamppost, looking around for your date to no avail.
You squint at the timestamps of your conversation. He should be here by now...
Surprise overtakes you as darkness clouds over your vision. Two warm hands clasp themselves over your eyes, a wall of inky black, and you yelp at the sudden blindness.
"Guess who?"
You already had an idea, but that vibrato confirmed it.
"Lucaaa!" You scold. "My heart nearly jumped out of my chest!"
"Sorry! I couldn't help myself."
"Don't worry about it. Just—can you let me see already—mmph."
Luca spins you around, and you get a glimpse of the street before the darkness swallows you up again. He hugs you.
You thought his hands were warm before, but that's nothing compared to how he holds you close to his heart. He rests his head, and the side of his face squishes as he presses one cheek to yours. Luca is big and strong, and the way that he holds you so tightly is only a reminder. His sleeves are rolled up, and his forearms flex along as he happily hums along with the hug.
He turns his head to peck you on the cheek. Then he pushes you back by the shoulders, and light floods your vision, and just like that, the hug is over.
Luca's hands are still on your shoulders. "I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"
You can take in the world just fine, but you're having trouble processing. The hug was so sudden, but Luca's warmth still lingers over your skin and under your cheeks.
"I'm fine," you say in a vain attempt to recompose yourself.
"Really? You look kind of red. Were you out in the sun for a while?"
"It's not the sun." But it might as well be, considering how bright your man shines in your eyes. "Let's get going, okay?"
He nods, the moment already forgotten to him while it's all you can think about. When he places his arm at the small of your back to walk beside you, the ghost of the hug returns, and you lean in closer to him as the date begins.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
27. kissing in the rain
It was such a nice day out, you think. You stare through the window in the door to your yard. What happened?
The abrupt rain totally took you by surprise. The sun beat down your back all day today while you and Luca did some chores outside. It was so sunny, in fact, that Luca figured he would work out under the sun instead of at the gym. He hasn't come back inside, even after the rain began.
In fact, you watch him lay face-up in the grass as the rain continues to pour.
You throw on some rain boots and walked onto the porch. The roof of your home just barely covered your head, but the wind casts some of the rain along your clothes. "Luca? Are you okay?"
"Oh, Reader!" He pops up like a jack-in-the-box. His hair sticks to his forehead and frames his smile. "Come with me! It feels great!"
"Sounds like a great way to catch a cold, if you ask me."
"Just for a moment?"
You hesitate. Even though Luca loves the sun, the last few days have been unpleasantly hot for you, but the weather now is just the right temperature, and he looks so happy standing there in the rain...
You take a cautious step out from the roof's shelter, and flinch as beads of water meets your skin directly. Cold rain runs down your closed eyes. It thrums along the porch in steady waves, and the grass crunches under the drops.
The sound of the grass makes way to footsteps along your porch. Luca is by your side. "I've got you!" In a fluid motion, he sweeps you off your feet and into his arms like royalty. You throw your arms around his neck as he carries you, and holds you closer as he steps into the downpour with hearty laughter.
He covers you and takes the majority of the rain while you slowly adapt to the weather. "Not so bad, is it?"
"Okay, okay. I'll admit it." You can't help giggling. His laughter is infectious. "You're right."
Once you get used to the rain, he swirls you in a loose circle. A breeze kicks up from the momentum, cool along the beads of water on your skin, and you inch closer as the rainwater seeps into your clothes. Luca cradles you like a precious treasure. Even as his laughter patters out, his lavender eyes are trained on you.
His gaze falls down your face, and like the rain itself, his kiss is light but just enough to send shivers down your spine.
Your eyes flutter closed as you take in the kiss, slow and soft and so delicate it melts in your mouth. The fingers around Luca's nape rise into his wet hair. They pull him in closer, and savor the chill turning calm as the kiss tastes sweeter.
The rain nearly drowns out the sound when you part, but you catch the cute little chu as Luca's lips leave yours. You don't open your eyes. Rainwater trails down your skin, but the lower half of your face stays untouched. You know why: you can still feel the cool, crisp edge of Luca's breath along the margin of your lip.
You lean forward and pull him back in, and the weather is nothing compared to the way Luca warms your heart.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
38. falling asleep while cuddling
He's drifting off again. Luca's eyes haven't blinked open in a few minutes, and it's as adorable as it is funny. He insisted on watching a movie with you tonight, but rested his head on your chest as you cuddled on the couch instead of being the big spoon like you were so used to.
You connected the dots about twenty minutes into the movie after watching him slowly close his eyes and let his head roll, only to startle himself awake a few minutes later. This has been happening on repeat ever since the movie started.
Luca exhales, and his tattooed chest falls. Is he snoring?
"Luca?" You whisper. "You ready to go to bed?"
It takes a moment before he sleepily hums. It takes him even longer to remember how to speak with a low, grumbly voice. "...'M awake."
"Sure, sure." His eyes are still shut, so he doesn't notice how you look down at him with fondness. He's so cute nestled along your body like this. You're used to Luca being so energetic when you're all alone and the movie goes forgotten as white noise, he looks youthful and innocent. Calm.
A strand of blond hair lays over his eyelashes. You thumb it out of the way, so careful not to interrupt his sleepy face, but his head turns just in time to meet the palm of your hand.
"Seriously." Your heart melts. "So cute."
"Yeah, 'm awake..."
Clearly not awake enough to hear you correctly. Your thumb circles around where his head rests, small and subtle. Luca yawns and nuzzles closer into your hand as he repositions, your body as his pillow.
As boisterous as he is in action, it's these moments you appreciate the most, between the action and adventure and all the glamour that comes with being a mafia boss. He's your knight in shining armor that swears to protect you with his life, but he's so still in your arms, and there is so much trust in the way your fingers curl at his jawline.
He really is cute, but he wouldn't let anyone else in the world adore him as much as you do.
Luca lets out a tiny snore.
"Awake, my ass." The corners of your mouth curve upwards anyways. "Love you, silly."
The rise and fall of Luca's chest is rhythmic, and his warmth drags you down into comfort. You close your eyes, and the song of his light snores lulls you to sleep.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ event post ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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