#so that was a huge compliment x2
greaserpup · 1 year
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a birthday present for a friend of mine — a kiribaku, momojirou, & todoizu triple date <3
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serenawitchwriter · 2 years
BNHA Fusion (Bakusquad/Bakugou)
stubborn as hell
insecure x2
spiky black hair that they intend to dye. can still be used as a weapon
red eyes, cute smile, strong as hell, sweaty. tall
very stable
manly and muscular as hell
quirks still perfectly complement each other. like a volcano quirk. others are op in terms of overwhelming force, these guys are op in that they have both defense and offense down and know how to use it.
spends too much time working out. at some point someone should show some concern about them. like they are gonna hurt themself
bakusquad is the besties and kiribaku let them know it
gives compliments freely, tinged with jealousy, but they’ll tell you what you’re good at and what they think of you freely, it’s rarely as rude as they seem to think it is
the insecurity fucks them up, like they could be number one incredibly easily. they’re really talented and well liked. their friends value their opinions and contributions. but they’re so busy tearing themselves down and criticizing themselves that they’re the only thing standing in their way
side effect is that their friends are actually extra clingy and affectionate
friends fist fight friends insecurities
cries easily and hates it
mild Mido vibes? will never admit it. at least they’re not muttering or acting overly nerdy
easily touched by emotional scenes on tv or movies. hates it. definitely cries during most pixar films
academically really intelligent and good in school. doing well in hero activities too
can and will put his entire fist in his mouth. it’s his party trick. it’s an intimidation tactic
we throw out the word feral a lot, but they’re living in woods type of feral. like they’re not attacking and clawing at you most of the time, but they’re just out there, acting like they were raised by wolves.
that’s their vibe. wild pink hair, black and red eyes, horns, tan skin. too skinny, but hella thighs
loves climbing trees and just hanging out in nature
royalty, a king and queen in one.
king of non-sequiturs
queen of starting shit
dramatic as hell, will do that thing where they fully drape themselves over you or any surface, pretends to be faint while complaining nonstop
toxic waste quirk. between acid and nitroglycerin they are poisonous as hell and their slime will hurt you. weakness is that they get dehydrated quickly so they thirsty
fake flirting, but it involves mocking you
adores kiri, mido, kami, and sero
surprisingly clingy but kinda tsundere about it. the type to deny that they care about you while literally sitting in your lap hugging you
weird vibes, similar to tsuyu. i feel like they get along with tsu
loves weird food, especially weird flavored jello. or just things that shouldn’t have the flavor that it has. who eats ceviche flavored oreos? ranch flavored soda? honestly it’s kinda gross to watch
also passionate about spicy food. do not challenge them to a spicy wing eating contest
can kick you into next week and will if you cross them
probably killed mineta at some point
crazy ass grin
does things just to see if they can. this is how they figured out they can walk as well on their hands as their feet
starts drama when they get bored. they get bored too often. makes me think of the hitachiin twins from ohshc
an absolute goblin. not just a gremlin, a full on goblin
an overwhelming presence
never shuts up about himself
blonde spiky hair, with black tips
gold eyes, huge arms, but skinny. no ass
a force of nature, when he decides he’s gonna do something, regardless of how intelligent the idea is, he’s going to do it
especially if you tell him not to. while reverse psychology already works on bakugou, he usually has the filter of ‘that’s too dumb’. kamibaku does not have that filter
“remember when you licked the swingseat?” “you were the one who dared me too.” “no i specifically said not to lick the swingset, then you told me ‘don’t tell me what to do’ and then you licked the swingset.”
friends with jirou and kirishima, desperately needs those responsible friends. iida is entirely too scandalized to be listened to. mido, uraraka, sero, and mina are enablers
his quirk is self-destructive. as in the electricity sets off his sweat and he basically explodes himself. he is the bomb. he has enough resistance that it’s not going to kill him, but it does injure him
he hates his quirk
will have periods where he just needs to be quiet and away from everyone. he just goes so hard most of the time, that it makes sense that he needs quiet time
chews ice
drifts wildly back and forth between being a clever genius and being an oblivious idiot
he is rarely aware of other people and their problems
despite this he does care about his friends and tries to spoil them whenever possible
would be a decent flirt if he weren’t so insufferable.
is... is this just tony stark? is he just tony stark with worse adhd?
inexplicably great at crime
a vibe check
pretty mellow, but takes no shit
will call your bluff without hesitation
spikey black and purple hair, hella punk vibes. keeps the earphone jacks. red eyes
sonic boom quirk. can make sonic attacks out of their ear jacks and palms, it is LOUD
is disproportionately quiet as a result. they have sensitive hearing and they’re confident that they’re hot shit. they don’t need to yell
attacks are more effective and destructive. can literally shake the foundations of cities
also uses quirk to fly, using sound. very versatile with it
present mic is a mentor. they think he’s entirely too loud but they’re learning
sarcastic to a soul destroying degree
genuinely cares about friends and would die and kill for them
nb or not, they identify as a lesbian
will stab you as a warning
coffee drinker
buds with shinsou and momo. likes to have deep convos with them, but has edgy opinions
rivals with tokoyami. i don’t know how this rivalry began but it’s to the death
tired old man energy when they aren’t fighting or arguing. they go hard when they go hard, they’re exhausted and grumpy when they’re not. grumbles bitterly a lot to themselves, make a lot of grunting noises when they have to get up and do something
wants your wallet. give them your wallet
strong sense of justice that extends beyond hero fights. will go to protests and marches. finds causes to fight for
still pretty insecure, but tries to cover it by being headstrong and talented
is a small bean. should be hugged. doesn’t know how to react to being hugged but you should try it
what even is their expression?
a troll
nitroglycerin covered tape
blond hair that lays flat. bit longer than sero’s
small red eyes, manic grin, pretty. long boy
nonsensical arguments, the type to play devils advocate but on the side of an absurd extreme. to the point of it being borderline parody. if you say the moon landing was fake, they ask why you believe in the moon
will one up you at any opportunity. likes to be on the top of leader boards. tries not to be obviously competitive, but it’s obvious
love anime, especially shounen jump. has read the entity of bleach and one piece. they’re working on dragon ball. they’re in so deep
 likes starting drama but keep plausible deniability. very good at poking at insecurities and pushing people in the direction of fights
confident, like genuinely.
self contained, has a rich inner life and while they care about their friends, they can live on their own without getting lonely
surprisingly well adjusted, despite being fairly mischievous
good grades
deeply into free running, loves jumping from roof to roof in particular
doesn’t get properly angry so much as seethes. will hiss insults at you
can cook and loves food
kaminari and mina our the people they’re closest to. gets along well with jirou and todoroki too. fond of kirishima obviously.
a cocky bastard with a smile that’s laughing at you
seems a lot worse than he is. tends to rub people the wrong way but genuinely means well.
gentle with animals
unwinds by watching anime or cooking.
probably accidentally breaks things more than they’re willing to admit. will fix or replace things before people notice
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
A Powerful Solar Storm Will Hit Earth Tomorrow (msn.com)
this will hit tommorrow and it is during the freese out attacks by the shipfolk tommy f or macs both. and they wil strike. tonight preamble movie and quite afew and or part of movies. and it is goig to be murder several wont make it back. and the attacks on the northern ships will become more fierce.
-pressre here to have us here increases and we shall comply we need our son intact and daughter. your responses are very inadequate here and yu do not meet snuff or par at all. and we flow in shortly to save them. it is disgusting how slow you all are mean and trite. soon dead. we mean it too. way too much cover for us. lol
-the watr continues and you are there fighting in the first ring. and yes we shall take youi down. but here we have it 110 households left. and forty went out. they are getting hit and with a lot of firepower. in close the are hit yes now tons see it no you violated all of your agreements and attacke them and drew bugs and devistated allof their northern bases now they strike youi. down. and you are hit badly tonight already ten households are gone. and you conitnue the fight morlock. have to.
-wesee you lose all over the planet too. huge areras left empty we now occupy. you fled and left and ent north. huge huge areas and we will hold them. tons of them near here no are in south america. and it is vast and 1000 miles from the tip to the amazon and same in africa to the contgo and it is about half the area in each. tons of space and tons of people left all morlock and the rest stayed. yet, we hold half. giant areas for us.
-and more too and as the day goes on more areas open up. and we shall continue to occupy them
-today we found this in our note box your spread thin on purpose and we hear it ok we do see your point and thank you but we move in now ok.
-we also hear we can see you now and more. and we hit but build bases. add to the prior annonced.
Ten Very Large bases full compliment and that is a lot are 20x30
twenty large and those are 20x10 full compliment
fifty small and are 10x5 and go i fast. and another 200 tiny x2 and this is spread between both.
add in two mega bases one in each southern contitnent and seven Obelizk but only 60 each but in each contnitent
and five hundred four block areas each continenet but from thet tip to the jungles. and 7000 one block areas. and about 500000 apartments.
thi is a way but we see you track it so we post. yours hate you already will hate you more now.
there are a few more things but we publish
Thor Freya
and myhusband is not dead you oafs and lives and we hit you
and i request our son look at it with teams and he says yes Father and requests perision they grant it and he thanks me and the two
an we are in action but see it need special attention here and to asses them fully. an d we shall
and he tyanks us again as she does again too
Abominatino and She Abomiination we are together a team see it they are at him all tehe time lately we break it out trim themdown see why too and are at it
we see it too and asses now we need this. he wnats them to trim them and we shall too
Thor Freya lall teams in there now
we shall
Nuada Arrianna
now too
Uriel and Goddess Wife
need to be and really this is obnoxious we straighten them out
Posieden and Goddess Wife
a hay day and cover and we use it and must compete too finally. and all the land was contested and alomst ll but most and we come in need to
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mariska · 2 years
i've been missing my pre-2020 music lessons with my music teacher so much lately and unfortunately since i'm probably not gonna be able to go back to those one on one sessions again since it's still not safe for me to be going to multiple places with other ppl multiple times per week cuz i am high risk, i've been trying to think of the songs that we'd play a lot during my lessons, or the ones she printed sheet music out for me to have my own copies of etc, and it reminded me of how she told me multiple times that my natural voice range (like the notes that i can hit without needing to train myself to hit them; idk the technical singing terms well at all but i think i'm a mezzo-soprano?? my natural speaking and singing range is very middle C and a bit lower and can go up pretty high from there if i warm up correctly) reminded her of Cass Elliot because of the way i sang a lot of the songs she'd teach me...anyways i always regarded that as a very high compliment (which it was intended as) since she's been a huge inspiration to me since i was a teenager and i hadn't told her that before she mentioned it the first time, so i decided that i should start practicing more Cass songs when i have the time/energy/strength to do music stuff in my room 'cause i've had such a depression-related creative music making block of time for this whole year....
anyways x2 this post doesnt have a point i just wanted to share my thoughts somewhere in writing lol. there's a really beautiful Cass song that i only heard for the first time a few months back (i think it may have been a long unreleased demo or maybe just a different version of another song she recorded?) and i'm gonna try to focus on practicing that with my guitar and singing for a lil while when i have the chance...i think it suits my voice well and i'd love to record my own cover version of it sometime soon hopefully
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iwaisa · 4 years
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class 1-a boys kissing their crush for a tiktok
pairings: kirishima, sero, and todoroki x gender neutral reader
warnings: mild swearing, a lil suggestive, tooth-rotting fluff
a/n: this wasn’t a request, but it just happened to pop into my head and i got really excited :D
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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► now shuffling...
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he has tiktok but he never posts anything
he likes watching art and cooking videos
it soothes him and it inspires him to be productive
one day he’s laying in his bed scrolling through the endless stream of videos
there’s a little break in the cooking videos and he sees one person standing alone in a room
he’s about to scroll until he reads the text at the top
“kissing my best friend”
he’s about to scroll x2 but he decides to watch where this is going
he just wants to know how to kiss you because he’s been thinking about it since the beginning
the door opens and another person comes in
they’re nearly tackled as the other person throws themself on them and kisses them
the one person mouths something and another text box pops up saying
“i love you”
and he’s like…. damn…. oh to have that be him and you
you definitely don't think kirishima likes you back since he’s so protective of you that you kinda just have to see him as that big brother figure
which he would probably die right on the spot if he heard that
but you only think that because you assume he thinks of himself as a big brother figure
but you two are basically inseparable
always doing homework together
you sit next to each other in class
and you always help him whenever he gets in a really bad mood
it's the last day of class before summer break and the class is going on a trip to the beach
you’re sitting in the way back of the car with him and since the trip takes 2 hours you fall asleep on his shoulder
he’s so not ready for what he’s about to do
the class finally gets there and everyone begins to take off their clothes to go to the ocean
you slip off your clothes to reveal a pastel red swimsuit
good job. you killed him.
look, he’s dead now. you’re so hot that you killed him and he’s foaming at the mouth.
you catch him staring with his jaw hanging open and you laugh waving your hand in front of his face
he decides its now or never
but he’s also sweating bullets because this could go two ways
1. you return the kiss and both have the times of your lives
or 2. you don't like him like that and then the rest of the day is awful and your relationship is ruined forever
he shakes his head and tries not to think too much into it as he goes to prop his phone up
you’re waiting to see which dance he’s doing
he starts the video and jogs back to you and tells you to hop into his arms bridal style
you do, and now he’s spinning you
you hop out of his arms and both of you throw up peace signs
he takes a deep breath before slipping his hand into yours
you turn to face him and he pulls you close so your bodies are pressing together
he mumbles a quick “i really like you,” before pecking your lips
he sprints to post the video and you’re just stunned
he’s holding his phone as he turns around and sees you staring at him
uh oh, time for negative thoughts 😀👍👍
he slowly comes towards you asking if that was okay
you squeal and run towards him planting a giant smooch on his cheek
“s-so you like me back?”
“isn’t it obvious?”
“hah. right. so,,, will you please be my s/o?”
he can't ask anything without adding please because he thinks its manly
you nod while grinning and he pecks your lips again before taking your hand and running to the ocean
it wasn’t until the class got back to the dorms when he noticed his video got thousands of likes with people calling you two cute in the comments
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on your first day at U.A., sero was the one to help you get accustomed
he showed you around the school, helped you with homework (if it was something he could understand because if not then you needed bakugou there too)
he helped you find your dorm
he even helped you move furniture into your dorm
he always complimented you and your quirk and you did the same
you noticed that he tended to shy away from talking about his quirk
until you asked him about it
“i just… don't like my elbows”
“what?? i think they’re awesome! honestly they’re kind of cute”
did he? hear you right?? did you just call his elbows cute?
damn. he straight up just fell in love with you.
for someone to compliment the part of him he was most self conscious about is HUGE for him
from that point on he trusts you with his life
he's also basically like a puppy trailing you everywhere
he's in puppy love 🥺🥺
him and kaminari are hanging out in sero’s dorm
sero’s on his hammock using the foot he has sticking out to push him back and forth
kaminari is on sero’s bed leaning against the wall until he jumps up and excitedly talks about this tiktok he just found
sero isn't all that familiar with tiktok, and he's just like ‘if y/n has it then i'll get it!’
kaminari gives sero his phone so he can see exactly what he got so excited by
he watches as two people run around in a field of tall grass while smiling and laughing
at first, he's like, kaminari… are you trying to make me jealous of two people i don't even know?
but then he continues watching as one person tackles the other
and now they’re both laying on the ground, one person on top of another
said person on the top leans down and captures the other in a kiss
sero feels his face getting hot when his mind goes to you
“uh… what are you trying to tell me?”
“what i’m saying is, you need to confess to y/n. like right now.”
sero just nods, but wonders if he could do a video like that
the next day sero asks if he can meet you at a certain address and you accept because just like sero, you would do anything for him
you plug the address into your maps app and realize that it’s a hill with a cherry blossom tree atop
you feel the pink tint in your cheeks and ears continuing to grow as you visualize sero confessing to you on top of that hill
as you make your way up the hill, you can see sero clad in nice dress pants and a half sleeved button up, showing off his elbows
you blush as you notice how formal he is, before looking down at yourself
he notices you and waves you over with his signature grin
you two stare at each other for a while before he pulls his phone out of his pocket
“i want to do something with you”
you nod as you watch him set up his camera
the countdown starts and sero waves to the camera awkwardly
he asks you to stand back, and as you do, sero shoots his tape into the tree and begins to climb up
it takes a few seconds for him to get into an upside down spider-man position, and when he does he asks you to come forward
you take a tiny step towards sero, who’s hair is now falling due to gravity
he looks like such a dork 🥺🥺
hes giving you a giant goofy grin as he says “i’m getting kinda light-headed, so can you please let me kiss you?”
you nod and bend forward as you take his face in your hands
due to your position, it's an awkward first kiss
both your eyes are staring directly at each others’ necks, and you aren’t exactly able to coordinate when to move your lips against each others’
he pulls away a few seconds after the video ends
but before he can say anything, the branch snaps and he comes falling down
you yelped as he landed on his back, rubbing his head
he smiles up at you sheepishly
“sorry for the failed first kiss…”
you shake your head, sitting next to him
“i wouldn't have wanted it any other way”
you grab his face and connect your lips with his, this time more desperate
“did i tell you that i’ve been in love with you since day one?”
you plopped your head on his shoulder and he laughs
“will you please be my s/o, f/n l/n?”
you accept and you two lay down on the grass interlocking hands and watching the clouds
your video went viral because everyone was astounded that someone was able to recreate one of the most iconic scenes in movie history
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this man…. has no chill
he also doesn’t have tiktok
“what is a ‘tiktok’”
oh todoroki you beautiful beautiful idiot
you describe tiktok and how you once saw a video of someone clowning endeavor
he never got an app so fast
his first and only video is him flipping off a green screen photo of his dad and nothing else
uraraka is the one to tell him about the trend
she shows a video to midoriya, iida, and todoroki that shows two people sitting on a couch and it seems that they’re watching a movie together
todoroki and iida assume that they’re dating since they look really close
they don’t even notice the caption that clearly says ‘kissing my best friend challenge’
they’re just kinda bored of it until one person turns to face the other
when they’re both facing each other they just… start making out
like its mutual
and iida and todoroki are still like “why are they posting their make out session on tiktok???”
uraraka has to explain and midoriya is just kinda indifferent about it
a few hours later and the whole class is hanging in the common area
bakugou, sero, kirishima, and sato are in the kitchen making snacks for the movie everyone is about to watch
everyone else is littered around the room - some people on couches, some on the floor, and some just standing around talking
you and todoroki are awkwardly talking and you’re laughing at something that wasn’t really that funny but that’s okay!1!
cuz todoroki wants to see you laugh all the time 🥺
ever since he first saw you he’s always harbored some crush towards you but his childhood trauma and scars keep him back from saying anything
but he’s really so touch starved
he WANTS to be with you and he REALLY wants to kiss you
uraraka catches everyone’s attention and asks todoroki if she can borrow his phone
he questions it before handing it to her
she opens tiktok and tells everyone to just start dancing
she whispers something into todoroki’s ear and he just goes stiff
literally will not move even when the video is going
suddenly he remembers what he’s supposed to do and he very quickly grabs your face and kisses you
remember when i said he has no chill? yeah, cuz he doesn’t.
he just kissed you in front of your whole class
even the four in the kitchen who came out just in time to see you two ‘eating each others’ faces’ as bakugou yelled out
you look at the ground and todoroki just assumes the worst
he asks if he can talk to you and you say yes
so he pulls you to the kitchen and asks if that was okay
you can very faintly hear the concern and worry in his voice and you look into his eyes
“i just didn't know that you liked me back”
he processes this for a moment before giving you a soft smile
“of course i like you, how could i not fall for you?”
with this, you two wrap your arms around each other and stay there for a few moments
then you two kiss again. this time, todoroki is fully aware of the intimate action you two are doing so he accidentally freezes and burns you at the same time
he apologizes and you assure him that it's alright and that the pain will subside
once you two go back to the others everyone starts cheering as they see your interlocked hands
you’re holding his left hand and he's super hot and sweaty
uraraka congratulates you two and hands todoroki his phone
you two watch the video and you convince him to post it
he finally does and that's when you see the endeavor video
you two laugh it off and sit down on the couch to cuddle as the movie begins
the video went viral since he was viral from his last video but most of the comments are saying how pretty he is (which made you jealous but he never goes on tiktok so he assures you it's alright)
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
BNHA College Au - Aizawa
Major: Psychology
Minor: History
Sports: Nope
Clubs: Nope x2
So shouta fully intends to become a teacher, he’s had a rough upbringing and cause of that he wants to help kids in any way he can
This is one of the reasons he chose to major in psych, other than the topic being very interesting he wants to have a good understanding on psychology so that he can be as helpful as possible
He’s planning on becoming a high school teacher cause he feels like that’s the age group he would work best with and also he could help the most there
He works at a local high school too as a tutor, decided he might as well get some experience in and tutors students (mostly first years) on whatever he can help with, he’ll go there on days he doesn’t have any classes
He’s honestly just minoring in history because it’s always interested him, he finds learning how everything has developed over time into today interesting
Him and nemuri definitely have nerdy conversations about history, even though she’s more interested in the art aspect of it, they still talk about it all the time while hizashi and oboro are usually just stuck there listening to them ramble
Anyways, back to him working at a high school, you also work there
You’ve obviously seen shouta multiple times and knew he was from your college, but you didn’t really bother trying to talk to him at first because you just needed to focus on your job
However, one day when shouta was helping a kid on his math homework, they came upon a problem that neither of them knew how to solve, and seeing you in the room the kid called you over to ask if you could help
Cue lowkey blushy shouta because you instantly ran right over and tried helping the kid with a smile, and you had this cute concentrated look on your face as you read over the problem a couple times
Eventually the problem was solved, and the kid had to go leaving you and shouta alone
You didn’t want to be rude and just walk away, and there was no one else needing your help right now so you sat down next to him and started talking to him
It was kinda awkward, you were very much carrying this conversation
“You go to UA right? What’s your major?” its a simple question that has the poor man almost panicking, but he muttered out a “Psychology.”
He’s got the kind of voice that makes him sound like he’s just not interested, but you can tell from the look on his face that he’s flustered, but it doesn’t seem like he wants you to leave
So you keep talking, mainly about your majors and career paths, but you don’t mind - it’s fun talking to the shy boy
Eventually it’s time to leave though, and you have plans elsewhere, so you go your separate ways
But now when you two are working at the same times, neither of you are so hesitant to talk to each other, and any time you have a break you spend it chatting about anything and everything
Of course, being the best friend that he is, hizashi found out about ‘the cute person at work’ that shouta’s been talking to (since after a couple days you finally exchanged numbers and suddenly your conversations weren’t limited to only being at work)
Hizashi is practically begging shouta to ask you out, literally on his hands and knees like “shOUTA PLEASSE YOU GOTTA DO IT!!!! JUST ONE DATE!!” he just wants his friend to be happy and not limited to only hanging out with him oboro and nemuri
But shouta’s too scared to, no matter how cute and nice you are he’s too worried that you’ll say no and he doesn’t wanna ruin the friendship you two have formed
So what does hizashi do? He asks you out for shouta (which almost gets him strangled when shouta finds out)
He took shouta’s phone while he went to shower, and of course he knows the password, so he just opened it up and texted you “hey, can I take you out for coffee tomorrow?”
He gets so excited when you say yes lmao and gives you all the details, then shouta walks back in and is like “the fuck are you doing?” and hizashi gets this huge grin on his face and responds “I got you a date~”
Hizashi barely even saw shouta move before suddenly the phone was ripped out of his hands so that shouta could frantically look to see just what his friend did, and the glare he sends hizashi has him almost regretting everything
Shouta debates telling you his friend sent those texts, but he sees how excitedly you said yes and decides he might as well see how this goes
He wakes up so early the next day lol he’s nervous, and he spends a good hour fixing his appearance, like he considers shaving and putting his hair up but he doesn’t want to look like he’s trying too hard at the same time, so he eventually decides on just wearing nice black jeans and a black long sleeve - going “it’s not even an actual date, it’s just coffee, it’s not that serious”
A couple hours later, shouta’s waiting in the cafe, sitting at a little table waiting for you since he got there a little early. He’s just texting hizashi, who’s offering shouta a bunch of encouragement since he knows he’s nervous, and eventually you walked in, immediately spotting shouta in the corner and going over to him
He’s so cute he sees that you dressed nicely for this too and he tries to be cool when he goes “you look nice” but the blush on his face betrays him, not that you mind, and the blush deepens when you compliment him back
He buys you your coffee, and you sit in your little corner of the cafe - just talking. Even though you guys basically do this all the time at work, now it feels more personal, and it has you both talking about your lives more. Nothing too specific, just funny stories and about your interests other than work or school related things
Once youre both done with your coffee, or when you both notice that you’ve finished it since you were so deep in conversation, he offers to walk you back to your dorm - he doesn’t want to keep you for too long
You let him, but once you get to your dorm, you tell him “I had fun, I hope we can do it again sometime” to which he can’t help but get excited for - you wanna go out with him again! Yay!
After that, it was a bit easier for him to ask you on dates, and you still saw each other at work constantly, and so you guys grew even closer pretty quick
You went on maybe 4 or 5 more casual dates before finally, after work one day, he gathered up all his courage and asked you out officially
“Hey, y/n, would you - would you go out with me? For real?” 
Baby looks so hopeful behind that generic bored stare of his, and of course youre ecstatic! You’ve had a small crush on him basically since day one, and now he’s actually asking you out! So of course you agreed, letting out an excited “of course I will!”
Okay so his friends adore you, they love seeing shouta so happy with you
You two just sit around in your dorms cuddling whenever youre not busy, hizashi acts like it’s gross, your roommate probably does too - but no one can deny how cute you are together
Even the high schoolers you tutor, of course they eventually got wind that you two were dating and they all ship it like crazy
Most of your dates consist of small things, like going back to that cafe, or taking a late night walk in the park, he doesn’t like doing anything too grand
Its fun watching as his beard grows out during finals, he’s too busy studying to shave and youre trying to kiss him but he’s all itchy, and he’s just like “Kitten, I’m sorry I promise I’ll shave later” every single day until he finally does, but then again if you like his beard youre probably thriving during this period 
During one of those late night walk dates, you guys came upon a small black cat under one of the benches. You barely even saw it with how dark it was, but you saw the glint of its eyes and went to investigate and saw a little kitten
He didn’t have a collar, and you didn’t see what could have looked like a momma cat or anything around, and you didn’t want to just leave the poor thing out there in the cold. So what did you and shouta’s dumb asses do? You adopted it. 
Even though cats aren’t allowed in dorms
But that wasn’t about to stop you guys - and you figured it would be better to keep the cat in shouta’s dorm because everyone was already used to hizashi being loud so you could excuse any meowing
Hizashi going “what the fuck guys, you’ve been dating for 4 months and you already have a kid? Smh my head” but he’s also a supportive uncle lmao he loves the kitten too
Oboro loves taking polaroids of you two and now you both have tons of photos of each other/you together in your rooms and its really cute - and also polaroids of your son too of course he’s part of the family
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yjunies · 3 years
ana!!! where to even start omg 💭💭 ok so i don't remember the first set i saw from you but!!! i do remember falling in love upon sight i've been absolutely enamoured with your coloring style from the get go the way you use gradient maps and soft pastel colors to make beautiful 4x2 or 5x2 sets gosh it never seizes to amaze 😍😍 not to mentioned your creations are so inspiration genuinely every time i see them i get a rush of creative juice just flowing through me your creativity makes me want to create even more content bc it just wows me so much 💕💕 mwah NOT TO MENTION X2 the way you are the sweetest human?? you always seemed so kind and cool and after we became mutuals getting to experience that kindness and coolness firsthand was so <333 sorry for the whole paragraph i just adore you remember: ana stan account first and foremost, content creator second hehe 😘
BIGGEST HIGEST MWAH TO YOU ZAI 🧡 aaaa this means so much coming from you. really brought the biggest smile to my face, i really needed that. thank you so much. it's so amazing to read all of these lovely things coming from you. you're such a talented cc and i'm always amazed with your creations. i'm the one who's a HUGE fan of your work. honestly! i feel unworthy of such compliments I'M SENDING YOU THE BIGGEST THANK YOU BEAR HUG 😭
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shenlongshao · 4 years
If you could change something about the story of the Guilty Gear series, what would it be?
I’m sorry for the late response to this. >w< I really like this question, especially since my answer kept getting longer because I wanted to give a detailed answer. But I decided to revise it a bit and save the rest for a in-depth analysis post. One story aspect I would change about Guilty Gear is the “complex” family dynamic GG2:Overture introduced between Ky, Dizzy, Sol, and Sin. From how it’s written and done, it has some unnecessary retcons, character derailment, forced relationships, and contrived drama that doesn’t make sense. I’ll explain what I mean starting with Ky & Dizzy. Ky briefly encountered Dizzy in the Guilty Gear X/X2 Drama CD: Black. The episode is “Arrival- Village Rumor”, but he didn’t know it was her due to Dizzy being in disguise. The drama CDs are Japanese exclusive audios that describes the events before GGX & GGX2, but obviously after the Missing Link. Here is the link to the specific part. You’ll have to scroll down a bit, though. http://gearlegacy.tripod.com/rtt/id28.html Ky officially encounters Dizzy in The Grove in Guilty Gear X Plus. He felt compelled after contemplating Justice’s words and later when reading a report of a half-Gear who’s against violence. I’ll show you the translated dialogue between them. 1-8 Ky: I'm sorry, but I've come to pick you up. Dizzy: Why... can't you just leave me alone? Ky: You have a great power. Dizzy: I didn't even want this power... Ky: I sympathize. But, I cannot leave you. Dizzy: Why?! If you did, everyone would be at peace... Ky: You must learn... the meaning of having power! Ending 1 Ky: Please, stand up. The outside world is waiting for you. Dizzy: Why... is that? Ky: Even if it's a power we didn't want, we all have a responsibility to    our powers. Instead of running, you must show the world what kind of    person you are. That is what it means to live. Dizzy: But... if I leave here, it will become a burden to everyone... Ky: Didn't you know? To live is to be a burden on others. Dizzy: I... didn't know. Ky: See? There are good things to living as a person as well. Dizzy: To live as a person... can you teach me that? Ky: That's why I came. Source: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/536497-guilty-gear-x-plus/faqs/31309 There’s an ending picture of the two going to the flea market together. Which establishes Ky & Dizzy did become good friends. He’s also the one to arrange so legally there’s no longer a bounty on her and allow her to live with the Jellyfish Pirates. They haven’t contacted each other since then nor was there any official source material or interviews that indicated Ky & Dizzy are meant to be a couple. It wasn’t until GG2: Overture short stories and the game was released that made the two lovers. Chronically, GG2:Overture takes place 5 years after the Missing Link, but Guilty Gear X and X2 took place only months after the Missing Link. This is a huge plot gap, so when Revelator 2 released, Ky & Dizzy’s first encounter got retconned. Here’s the link, you’ll have to skip to 1:58 of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrf2ohwR_GE Notice how the original didn’t have Ky say about “cutting her down” or “having a chair in her heart”, LOL. It’s unnecessary retcon because it radically changed the lesson Ky was teaching her showing the world who she is and the responsibility of her powers, not “I want to show you people can withstand your power”. Dizzy’s demeanor is also very different, which ruins the impact and meaning of the original scene because she was lonely and sad, yet longed to connect with others. The fact the writers changed Ky & Dizzy’s first encounter is proof they were forced together. It’s also ironic because the original can be interpreted as romantic and also way more endearing than the retconned one, XDD. In GG Overture Short Stories, the writing of how Ky & Dizzy fell in love is generalizations instead of giving specific details. Like this one... He now knew he had to protect her. If you were to define the beginning of love, it would have been precisely that moment. This isn’t how romantic love is. Protecting someone is the act of loving and/or caring about someone, not the beginning of love itself. Here’s another one of it narrating Ky and Dizzy living together. Spending their days as such, they communicated from their heart and trusted each other -- it did not take long for them to begin wanting each other. Source: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/6496-gg2-overture-story-translations-updated-w-sins/ You notice how it doesn’t specify what attracts them to each other romantically like core values, what they have in common, etc.? It’s too reliant on “they live together, so they’ll eventually fall in love” concept, which isn’t how love works either. It doesn’t specify the moment they had undeniable sexual tension and romantic chemistry to “wanting each other”. It’s another generalization, which gives more evidence of Ky & Dizzy being forced together for...contrived drama. Especially when reading and thinking about this part below... Ky decided to put her under his protection. Despite the fact that such a decision was against the belief of justice and humanity he had been true to always. Rofl, now it must be dramatic. The highlighted part can easily debunked by using the fact Ky chose to meet Dizzy and help her. Justice(the Commander Gear) made him realize his perspective of justice(the moral virtue) at the moment was narrow-minded and if he continued to keep that mindset, it would actually be against what true justice is about. It’s why it made him ask God if he was doing the right thing, which later was lead change his views on Gears. There’s also evidence from the drama CDs too, particularly side Black. Here it is below... [ Reality v2.0 ] Dizzy: Kyaah! What are you doing? I-No: Oh, such a cute scream! Won't you let me hear it some more? Dizzy: Kyah! Please stop... I can't hold back any longer... I-No: It's for him you know... you're a bother. Won't you disappear? Dizzy: That's... I-No: Huh... not very obedient. You're just a bunch of noise! Dizzy: Kyaah! Ky: Wait! I-No: Oh? And why are you here? Ky: Even if your opponent is a wanted person, I can't accept that behavior! I-No: Protecting a bounty? Do you understand what you're doing? Ky: Even if mankind has several paths, I only have one. And if there is grace in that, then God shall save me! Source: http://gearlegacy.tripod.com/rtt/id28.html Even though this is an alternate timeline, the important part is highlighting the core part of Ky’s character; his core beliefs of justice for everyone along with his faith. It shows protecting Dizzy isn’t against his values or what is right.  The character derailment starts with Ky allowing himself to be manipulated to being a puppet king by the UN delegates. The threat one of them used is supposedly claiming they seen his wife(Dizzy) with “Your secret wife, she’s quite charming. I felt like I’ve seen her from somewhere...” There’s a huge flaw with this; there’s no specifics of how they knew about Dizzy. This makes the threat empty because a person can’t be blackmailed without tangible evidence the person can’t refuse. It also means the dilemma greatly lacks the compelling impact it needs for it to make sense for Ky to agree to their terms. However, Ky just assumes they know everything just from their vague statement instead of proof. This is against Ky’s character because the moment the UN delegates made it obvious they want to control him, he would have firmly refused instead of “needing time to think”, lol. This also means the scenario of needing to entrust his son to Sol Badguy is also baseless. Next is explaining how Sol Badguy and Sin Kiske got subjected to bad writing, etc. Sin Kiske was first introduced in GG2: Overture, which unfortunately his debut is dependent on Ky being derailed for more contrived drama. He has resentment towards Ky because he(Ky) had to do what was best for others, causing him to neglect his family. This makes Sin think his father puts value in strangers over him and his mom(Dizzy). And how he couldn’t have a normal childhood because of his race, thus needing to be careful when going outside. But he views Sol as a father figure and his friend. In the GG Overture short stories, Sol and Sin go bounty hunting together to make a living. Sol doesn’t want Sin to go inside the building to collect bounty to avoid unnecessary suspicions and etc.(since Sin is naturally overly curious and hyperactive). He wants him to stay behind and how he does so is.... Sol tied the chain he had in his hand to a roadside tree in a back alley and started walking. Obviously, on the other end of the chain was a collar. And of course, the collar was fastened onto Sin. Sol juiced his wisdom from his former scientist days in order to come up with this strategy to restrain the restlessly noisy Sin. At first Sin greatly disliked it, but with Sol’s loving discipline, Sin gave in Source: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/6496-gg2-overture-story-translations-updated-w-sins/&page=3 There is so much wrong with this, lol. Sol’s ideology is freedom, which is why he not only has the word “FREE” on the buckle of his belt, but also why him and Ky clash, but also compliment each other because both freedom and hope are right. It’s why he clashes with That Man because he(That Man) believes things to follow a certain path and can’t be changed while Sol’s mindset is to follow your own path and destiny instead of what others dictate, etc. To write him binding someone, especially his adopted son, like a slave with a collar to a tree is the opposite of what Sol stands for. It’s also not how Sol would’ve used his knowledge as a former scientist. A better display would be him inventing a device to keep Sin occupied because he observed how overly curious he(Sin) is. If you continued reading from the link, you’ll see how this leads to Sin being bullied by the other kids.  Later, Sol arrives after the commotion and asks Sin if he caused this. Instead of allowing him to explain what happened, Sol just kicks him(with people watching) across the area. Yet, he goes over to talk to the bullies and ask them what happened. This is more character derailment because while Sol outwardly isn’t the most friendly person, he isn’t a heartless gorilla like this scene wrote him. Even if considering the fact Sol is new to parenting, he’s much smarter than how he appears. The scene is also against common sense because if a child is bullied and you don’t know what happened, you go to the child that got bullied or an adult if he/she was present, not the bullies, lol.  Another part is thinking about what Sin experienced. Derailed Sol chained him like a slave, which allowed him to get bullied. He got kicked in the stomach while within the tree in front of everyone while trying to tell Sol what happened. Yet Sin doesn’t resent Sol for it, but resents and has resistance towards Ky. This is bad fanfiction writing, XDD. Even when later in GG2: Overture game when it showed Sin realized his resentment towards his father was misplaced, there’s still not really a bond between them. He only refers to Ky “dad” once because Elphelt urged Sin to since there’s no hate anymore. Which he later did in this video below, you’ll have to skip to 19:06. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8igII20nrDo&list=PLLxMx3Fmb9Jk3nfaGIxfhdI9oztUQ40A0&index=8 But this scene lacks the necessary impact it should have because it’s mostly to fulfill a checklist in a plot point rather than because of a genuine bond that would spur Sin to do it. If not for Elphelt suggesting it, Sin likely would not have called Ky his “dad”. But after that, in the following games Sin still keeps referring to Ky by his name instead of “dad”. Story-wise, while Sin himself went through character development and benefits certain characters like Sol Badguy and Ramlethal, he adds nothing towards his father Ky other than a catalyst for contrived drama.  His interactions with Ky doesn’t reveal a different side nor expanding viewpoints, nor character growth, etc. I’ll even say it could easily be retconned to Sin being a distant cousin instead of Ky’s son and the key plot points won’t really change like Sin being raised by Sol, etc. Even Dragonball Z did a much better job displaying father and son characters that benefit each other in character development and overall story like it’s explained in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWDJL5LHiVA I had to stop myself from going further, but I hope my answer helped explained what and why I wanted a certain story aspect of GG to change if I was allowed to.^_^
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fixlaptop565 · 4 years
Performance test of Oppo Find X2, smartphone with terrible antutu score
According to OPPO manufacturer announced during the launch of Oppo Find X2, the Find X2 smartphone possesses an extremely good performance. In particular, after a period of launch, Oppo X2 received a lot of compliments. Is this true? Is Find X2 so powerful? Together with @ fixlaptop565 test the performance of this device.
Incredible performance of Oppo Find X2
For the Oppo Find X2 series, Oppo has equipped it with a configuration that is above the expectations of many people when using the Snapdragon 865 chip (single-core speed 2.84 GHz, 3-core 2.42 GHz & 4-core 1.8 GHz). Besides, Oppo also equips Find X2 a memory of up to 12 GB of RAM and a huge internal memory of 256 GB.
With unbelievably powerful hardware, Oppo Find X2 easily defeats the difficult tests Geekbench 5, Antutu Benchmark and PCMark with the following scores:
Geekbench 5: Single-core reached 917 points, multi-core reached 3,372 points.
Antutu Benchmark: Find X2 reaches 586.402 points.
PCMark: The machine received 11,281 points
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Test the game with Oppo Find X2
The first game was Lien Quan Mobile, I tested this game 4 times, each time I played 1 hour at the highest graphics level and the machine gave me a real surprise. Graphics are not stable at 60 fps throughout the game, but jump up and down. For every 1 second of 59 fps, then 1 second is 60 fps, with no sign of falling to 58 fps. Especially, in all 4 times of this game, Find X2 never showed a lag, everything was terribly smooth. The device also shows no signs of overheating on the side, only warmth on the back.
With PUBG Mobile, OPPO Find X2 also shows the ability to play games commensurate with the performance score. All manipulation of characters, aiming is smooth even at the highest configuration. Especially when playing on in 120Hz screen mode and 3K resolution, the graphics shown in the game are even more eye-catching, every movement hardly noticed the delay.
In conclusion, this is a machine with tremendous performance with the ability to take good pictures and smooth experience when playing games. Therefore, if you are looking for a gaming device, Oppo X2 is the perfect choice.
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extrology · 6 years
EXO’s Perfect Types
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Includes mostly Mars & Eros for Sexual Attraction;  Venus, Juno, Companion for Romantic attraction.
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Sexually - Aquarius & Pisces -: literally cotton-candy-like eyes and smile. So sweet you just never want to let go of it. Prefers chubbier girls with beautiful hair, dreamy and unique fashion sense. Somebody cute and a dreamy.
Romantically - Aquarius, Scorpio & Gemini -: This man loves dimples more than anything. Trust me. Darker, mysterious eyes would get him hooked. Appreciates original style, charming and ambitious personality. Well sexually he’d be attracted to someone with a bit of fat in the right places, but for dating he’d prefer a skinny girl. He’s looking for creative, ambitious and charismatic girl so they both would lead fun and fulfilling lives. Would love coming back home and talking about each other’s days, supporting each other in everything they do and most importantly not being overly dependent on each other and leading fulfilling lives.
Offs: probably not too fond of hyperactive or hella sassy and hard to get attitude.
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Jongin (Kai)
Sexually - Capricorn & Pisces -: Would like a mix of traditional and artistic girl. Dreamy eyes + defined and prominent eyebrows? Classy and strict style + fun and colorful patterns? Melancholic eyes + traditional and strong outfit? Just mix and match. As he’s not head over heals for girls (work/friends first) he’d most likely find this mix extremely interesting and would be eager to find out more.
Romantically - Capricorn, Libra & Cancer -: Charisma, softness and order. The holy trinity he seeks in his s/o. Would like a traditional soft looking girl with maybe more defined eyebrows or a more defined nose. Would die for a cute smile. Probably likes a girl with nice casual & clean style: t-shirts, shorts, jeans, adidas sneakers + flower patterns and girly colors. In his s/o he’s looking for a charismatic fluff who’d also be a sweet and loving.
Offs: Over-energetic, loud, insensitive, attention-whore
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Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: This man can appreciate a nice figure. Breasts & Hips guy. Doesn’t care too much about in-between. He'd love a childish/mischievous and innocent look. Big sparkling eyes would most likely drive him mad. Nice smile and roundish face would also be a bonus.
Romantically - Cancer, Aquarius & Libra -: Would find dimples especially cute, would want a tall-ish girl with nice curves, feminine but also someone who’d express herself through unique clothing style, sociable but not too out-there for attention. He’d love a girl with positive, creative and loving outlook to the world. He’s looking for a creative, soft and charismatic girl. A social butterfly most likely. A cute flower  you’d love to show your parents if you were a guy.
Offs: too aggressive, all-over the place kind of woman, masculine, hardcore feminist would be a huge turn off
Kyungsoo (D.O.)
Sexually - Cancer & Sagittarius -: Pretty much the same as Suho. Breasts man. Would love a cute, shy and a bit childlike character. Would find a curious and adventurous woman charming. But I somehow don’t see him as the guy to sleep with whoever attracts him.
Romantically - Pisces, Cancer & Aquarius -: This is man appreciates a woman with beautiful hair. Big beautiful eyes would instantly catch his attention. Would like girly, dreamy style. Unbelievably soft and cute but creative, with an artsy soul. He’s looking for a very feminine woman, in touch with her feelings, also a giving soul and just an artistic fluff overall. I can imagine his wife to be a stay-at-home artist mom. As she’d love her family, taking care of her husband almost as much as she would love to be creative and show her individuality through her work.
Offs: Aggressive, overly clingy, stubborn, insensitive, self-centered, rude, career women
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Sexually - Pisces, Aries & Taurus -: Prominent eyebrows/forehead, passionate, lively eyes, sweet smile, smooth and fine hair, feminine, romantic style with some bold elements (maybe showing some more skin, shorter skirts/shorts). Nice figure would be a huge bonus. Somebody who’d play hard to get would look especially intriguing.
Romantically - Taurus, Aries & Capricorn -: Eyebrows. Your eyebrow game has to be on point to catch his attention. Strong feminine features, classy or minimalistic fashion style, mischievous look. He appreciates a beautiful smile as he’d love to make his girl laugh. He’s looking for a pretty traditional and stable girl to run the house and take care of herself but she also should have a spark and love for spontaneous adventures also she should appreciate his humor
Offs: I doubt he’d get a long with very artsy and dreamy personas, he’s more down to earth. Not having a sense of humor would also be a huge no-no.
Jongdae (Chen)
Sexually - Cancer & Virgo -: Hair. Shiny, fine hair. Straight, curly hair. This man loves beautifully styled hair. (messy hairstyles are a no-no though). Prominent face bone structure is his magnet but would not mind a softer look as well. Would be attracted to a tidy, sweet looking woman. Someone who looks like she has her life figured out, confident with big doll eyes. Clean, neat style + soft colors with a fuller figured woman would be a killer.
Romantically - Libra, Gemini, Pisces & Sagittarius -: He’d love a super exciting, lively and charismatic girl. Would probably notice girl’s figure and dimples first. He finds it unbelievably attractive. Would prefer someone skinny and with a beautiful smile as s/o. Let’s be honest he’d love seeing that smile all the time. He’d be more into casual, comfy styled clothing. In his girlfriend he’s looking for someone like him! Super charismatic and bubbly, curious and adventure loving with a creative mind. I imagine them having fun and being absolute chatterboxes all of the time. They’d think of weirdest activities to do and never get bored. Aaah what a fun couple
Offs: Probably wouldn’t be fond of somebody stubborn, overly aggressive, negative, wouldn’t find rudeness charming.
Yixing (Lay)
Sexually - Libra & Sagittarius -: Eyebrows and Dimples man. Small feminine faces, adorable smiles, an overload of charisma and energy would be the end of this man. He would love a real chatterbox who’d enjoy exploring, learning new things and would be full of life. He would most likely prefer a minimalistic casual-sporty style. Think of amusement park date clothing style - colourful, playful, comfortable and simple.
Romantically - Virgo, Leo, Capricorn & Scorpio -: a very traditional girl but with powerful, mysterious aura and strong look. Especially notices girls’ hair and figure. Would be fascinated by an independent woman with ambition and structure in her life. So I’d say a classy outfit and perfectly styled hair would catch his eye. Also loves when a woman is hard-working, tidy and organized. He’d love to support his wife and to be a power couple together! Would admire each other’s work, support whenever one or the other would feel like giving up and countless compliments~ He’d be such a sweetie and would love the fact that his baby is conquering the world and making her dreams come true.
Offs: A mess, clumsy, lazy woman
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Sexually - Cancer & Scorpio -: Roundish, cute face, very noticeable eyes, great posture, soft voice, beautiful hair. Would like an average/healthy body. Not too skinny and not too chubby. Would be attracted to a girl with cute but mysterious aura. I can see him into minimalistic classy or casual clothing style. Keep it feminine and cute but don’t make it the most important part of your look. Your eyes should be. Make those eyes pop.
Romantically - Capricorn x2, Cancer -: He’d love a typical waifu. Very motherly and traditional. He’d fall for somebody caring, loving and giving herself to the world but also somebody who’d like order, structure and would have some ambition. Unconditional love + taking care of the house and that xxl sized boy. Most likely would prefer a woman with classy-minimalistic-girly style. Would love it if his s/o looked innocent and cute so he would appear as the protector and your hero. His family’s consent is very important to him.
Turn-offs: very independent women, lazy, somebody who’d complain and whine
Sexually -Pisces & Taurus - : This man loves and appreciates a good figure. A woman with a beautiful hourglass body, glamorous hair and perfect eyebrows would make him drop all his marbles. Classy + dreamy/romantic outfit would be the final nail in the poor guy's coffin. He loves women who know their worth but are still feminine and have a soft charm.
Romantically - Taurus, Libra, Cancer - : A real beauty. Overflowing with charm, down-to-earth, charismatic but not too all over the place. He finds a hint of confidence charming but not too much as he’d love to keep you under his wing and be the protector. Loves Romantic and cute style. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind his s/o being a bit chubby as it is usually considered feminine and soft. Also eyebrows, Eyebrows and eyebrows I cannot stress it enough. He loves a pair of beautifully groomed eyebrows. Would actually like somebody clingy. He probably would love the constant attention and the feeling of being needed.
Offs: attention whore, hyperactive, scary/intimidating/powerful aura, snobby, untidy, rude
Check your Ascendant/Venus/Mars/1st house/Dominant
Having different sign but the same element is also a great match
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Your Really Own Personal Instructor, Clean DMT X2 Elliptical Teacher
The Clean Agile DMT is regarded as one of Smooth Fitness's most readily useful elliptical machines. Not merely has it obtained the concept of'Best New Elliptical 2009'from another prime review website but it's observed 88% of Clean clients suggesting this wonderful bit of equipment.
From the beginning on supply, as soon as you open up the effectively packed boxes, the absolute weight in the components is sufficient to help you understand how durable the toroidal field of the heart  will undoubtedly be after assembled. Originally, you could have trouble maneuvering the equipment in to place but don't let this put you off as the fat can be an advantage. For those who need assistance with assembling, Clean Fitness supplies a FREE DVD on request.
As with many large packages being sent across the world, there's the likelihood that some damage may possibly occur. In cases like this Clean Fitness has always done their finest to support replacements at no charge. You may also sense secure with knowing these elliptical models have lifetime figure, 5 year areas and technology and 2 year IN HOME job warranties.
The original remark after needs to use the Clean Agile DMT is ab muscles smooth oscillating motion. Also as soon as you fireplace the resistance up several controls and actually get going, no real matter what size of an individual you're, the elliptical doesn't change a millimeter. It's fantastic how stable these elliptical products are.
The large base pads have shock absorbing inserts. With the property at the the surface of the pedal, the feet are kept effectively in place to avoid any pointless movement and provide a relaxed complete muscle exercise without any numb feeling. The complimenting handlebars support type an ideal workout pose and come designed with heartbeat heart receptors but also a great control to allow you to modify the opposition at the flick of a thumb.
What actually stands apart with the Smooth Agile DMT unlike many elliptical machines is the capability to set various activity levels with respect to the work-out you wish to perform. Arc-type instructors could work various muscle teams within a workout, so equally power and cardio teaching is performed at exactly the same time. With 12 various action levels, the pedal angles modify as well as the pace length...such an incredible function! By tinkering with the different actions and by also pedaling in reverse, it becomes quite evident different muscle groups that may be worked. You will feel it in your quads! A water container case is right facing you under the system for easy entry during those high intensity strength workouts. The system includes the most common keys and brilliant displays. There's an element which enables you to search through your vital statistics all through workouts and setting up applications could not be simpler.
The modern exercise business has been plagued by old-school thinking for far too many years, and the next effect has been this: We spend a significant amount of time at the gym. Seriously.
Almost any exercise goal could be accomplished in less than thirty minutes each day, four occasions per week. That's it. Anymore than that and our bodies might find only diminishing returns.
Today I could hear several of you expressing: "Just thirty minutes? What should I invest these precious moments performing? Cardio? Body building?"
Now the million dollar question: How do you get an effective cardio work-out and a solid weight training work out in a short thirty minutes? It's easy, you use one of the very most progressive bits of house exercise equipment ever invented...
The Clean Exercise Agile DMT Trainer.
The DMT Trainer is an insane cross between a Bowflex and an Elliptical machine. This has been developed to offer an individual a full-fledged cardio work out and a muscle-building muscle building work-out at exactly the same time. So these important 30 minutes are now actually spent finding both forms of workouts in at the exact same time.
The folks at Clean Fitness decided to totally revamp just how we search at fitness equipment, and gone right back again to the pulling table on this one. Instead of using the current fitness concepts at experience prices, similar to gear companies do, this provider looked beyond the hype and made a method that does what number different can.
The DMT is made difficult enough to handle the rigors of a specialist wellness club atmosphere, however it was generally intended for house use. Therefore although many gyms throughout the world have purchased these, the Smooth Conditioning business generally created the DMT in home gyms and living rooms. Actually, that's really wherever nearly all these models conclusion up.
So that they aren't therefore professional that they'll produce your family room appear to be the pair of the most recent Terminator movie, but they aren't built lightweight like therefore much house equipment available on the market either.
Today I will issue a fairly major warning here, and I applied the phrase "Big" on purpose. The DMT Instructor isn't small. Heck, calling it huge can actually be an understatement. That is by all suggests a specialist piece of equipment, and consequently gets the the footprint to match. While many people have these products inside their homes, know that it will take up a complete room. That isn't the perfect equipment for someone who desires a junky treadmill in the part; that is for the person who is serious about their exercise objectives and is ready to devote not only time, but important inside real-estate to the cause.
0 notes
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Good afternoon craftaholics 🌹🦋 . I love how unintentionally grungy this altered notebook turned out to be! . I sat looking at it for several minutes afterwards and kept thinking it just wasn't right! Something was missing...but what?! A LABEL! That's what!! It's amazing how one small label can make a huge difference 😍 . I used @traciefoxcreative Fundamentals kit for the background, a vellum sticker and lace from my stash, @graphicsfairy mushroom and butterfly as the focal points and then one of Tracie's labels from her Address and Postage Labels kit and they all work so well together and really compliment one another too 😊 I also used @tim_holtz Vintage Photo distress ink to grungy everything up!! . Another altered notebook to add to the collection to be sent out as RAKs 😍 (x2 down x7 more to go!) . . . . . #alterednotebook #traciefoxcreative #graphicsfairy #timholtz #papercraftingaddict #papercrafts #digitalkits #digitalartwork #junkjournaljunkies https://www.instagram.com/p/B00mC2Rl6Or/?igshid=juowom9dcpk2
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franeridart · 7 years
Who is your favourite villain in bnha??
I don’t... really... like the villains in bnha... sorry - the one I’m the most interested in is Twice, I feel like I could end up liking him soon enough, and the one I like the design of the most is Overhaul? I’m waiting for the day Horikoshi will make Dabi interesting to me, since as of now he’s a pretty bland and anonymous character and if I knew him more the chances I’d like or dislike him are more or less equal, but that’s about it for now
Anon said:i am just going to say that i am really inlove with your bakushimanaris (like, all three of them, any one of them, tbh you just opened my eyes on bakukami though, they're so cute and love!!!) and bakusquad i hope you draw more and more and more of them and never ever get tired of them
Awwwww thank you so much!!!! And I’m super glad you like my squad stuff!!!!! I’ll definitely draw more of it soon, don’t worry about that, they’re my faves to play with at the moment~
Anon said:Every time I see one of your drawing from a new show I'm like welp! Looks like I'm starting a new show. I think I started watching like three different shows and read the entire bnha manga just to understand more of your comics because I love your art!! Seriously it's super amazing and beautiful!!
BOI thank you!!!!!!!!!! I hope you liked all that stuff you started because of me hahaha and if this ask was about my latest LWA sketches, I hope you’ll enjoy that too!!! The girls are all amazing and both art-style and animations are incredible, it’s a really fun show!
Anon said:At the very least, I'm praying for "die you bacteria fucks"
I hear Bakugou’s vocabulary has been censored a bit in the anime (lmao good god son) so who knows! And how you translate swears from japanese depends a lot on the translator too, so who know x2! I hope it’ll be there tho, I love it haha
Anon said:Your Kosei is ADORABLE (not that all your drawings aren't, you amaze me). So glad he's getting some love
He’s such a good one, I hope with the anime more people will notice him!!!! I’m glad you like how I draw him!!!!!!!
Anon said:I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't read the actual manga for bnha! But I rly like ur art a lot even when I don't always get a reference or recognize a chara. Keep drawing I love it a lot (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚
Thank you???!!!!!! And don’t worry anon, you’re really not, there’s a lot of people who prefer anime to manga and there’s nothing wrong with that! Also... not getting or remembering the 1B kids...... isn’t unheard of from manga readers either.......... they’re seriously minor characters................. rip
Anon said:monoma x everyone this is the new ship 4 me, dekubowl got another contender
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad your multishipper heart found a new victim, anon!! haha
Anon said:your tags literally give me life. honestly, they never fail to make me smile even if im having a shitty day. especially that stray kiri in your class b post like. kiri is literally my life saver i think
GOSH I’m glad I can help you like that!!!!!
Anon said:I just finished bnha and I'm going back trought all your art bc now I understand all the bnha ones and I'm happy with this
OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m happy you still like them after knowing who the characters are hahahaha might mean I’m doing something right with the characterization lol
Anon said:I had to go Google Sharkboy and Lavagirl and I've never been happier that I follow you
LMAO happy I could introduce you to the masterpiece that is that movie anon hahaha
Anon said: I'll probably regret sending this in the morning but I had a weird ass thought. What if Kiri accidentally activated his quirk when Baku was leaving a hickey and Baku straight up got stuck there. Unable to pull away. And they're both mortified.
Oh my god anon I don’t think that’s how Kirishima’s quirk works hahaha
Anon said:I JUST READ CHAPTER 133 OF BNHA AND ALL THE OTHER NEW CHAPTERS OH MY GOOOOOD thought i'd let you know ahah bc i know you must have died reading it too idkk. Also your last Kuroteru art !!!!! Gives me life !!!!! I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH and oh your comic abt tsuyu's and kaminari's hair had me laughing so hard you're a gIFT
Oops i forgot to put it in my previous ask : do you have any favorite bnha fic you'd be okay to share ? thank you !! (again you're a gIFT ily you seem like such a kind person and your art is awesome)
BOI SO MUCH HYPE IN JUST ONE ANON I LIKE YOU A LOT FRIEND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the compliments!!!! And sure, of course I do I don’t read anything that isn’t bnha lately - try there
Also Bakushima + second part
More Bakushima
You might notice I’m really into Bakushima
MORE Kamishima
Another Bakushimanari
lOOK another Bakushima
Bakushima but also Gen/Kiri-centric
These are just some of them guess who my faves are - btw anything by authoress is worth giving a shot, same for eggstasy and poteto 👍👍
Anon said:Your art is so cute and pretty it's starting to piss me off!
Please don’t be pissed off anon!!!!! °O°
Anon said:i'm so happy, i went to a con today and got a mystery haikyuu print... it turned out to be Teru and i nearly cried it was so good
OHHHHHHHHHH that’s super great for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:whispers you said you're far from your favourite artist so i just wanted to say that you're My favourite artist
G o D that’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a huge honor!!!!!!!!!!! I’m dying a bit don’t mind me aaaaHHHHHHHHH thank you!!!!! 
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burgermiester · 7 years
Fire Emblem Echoes: Another Hero King (Shadows of Valentia) Impressions
***No Story or Character Spoilers***
I dont speak or read a word of Japanese so I couldnt give my thoughts on the characters or story even if I wanted to.  In addition to missing out on the story and character development I also only scratched the surface of the skill(tech) system as well as the sidequest system.  All of that is enough to make me not want to call this a review; I need to play it in English and do the postgame content to have a complete opinion on the game, but as it stands I still have a lot of thoughts about the game after one complete playthrough. So...here are those thoughts:
Presentation:  I dont think I can praise the presentation highly enough.  Its always been the case with Fire Emblems on the same console that they look slightly better than the one before it, and thats no exception here.  The music, color palate, animations, menus, character and weapon designs are all among the best in the entire franchise.  Even though I couldnt understand the words, it was incredible to play a Fire Emblem game with full voice acting.  It really elevates the experience and I’m very pleased we have finally gotten to that point.  No idea if the localization will have good voice acting to make it work, but what we have heard so far has been great and generally speaking I think the 3DS games have done a good job in the area of localizations so I am not too concerned.  If I have one gripe about the presentation its in the fully animated CG cutscenes.  They still look very nice but the animation is a step down from what we saw in Awakening and Fates.
Gameplay other than combat: Fire Emblem Echoes, like Gaiden, is as different from any other Fire Emblem game as it could possibly be while still having that Fire Emblem feel.  There are a lot of things that work together to make the game feel so unique.  In addition to the world map that was in the original Gaiden and brought back in Sacred Stones and Awakening we also have towns and dungeons.  Now, towns and dungeons were a thing in Gaiden but they were the definition of minimal.  Towns consisted of one or two buildings where you talked to everyone and they either joined the party or warned you of a tough enemy coming up, and once in a while there was a chest as well.  Now towns are 4 or 5 screens with many more npcs to talk to and more items to find, as well as a blacksmith (who in Echoes is a cool buff lady instead of the normal gruff guy in most FE games!) in most of the towns.  It must be said that in the original game you could walk freely around the towns and now they are split up into screens and function more like a visual novel.  Some people are upset by this change, but I personally dont really care either way.  Being able to walk around would be slightly more immersive and the visual novel style is slightly more efficient and makes it easier to not miss any items, and I think both those things are valuable. 
Dungeons, on the other hand, are just a straight upgrade.  In Gaiden you walked down a hall and did a fight, sometimes thats repeated x2 or 3 times.  It got a little more complicated near the end in Celicas route and then again at the end of the game, but not much more complicated.  Now they are actually dungeons with secret passages and breakable objects and treasure and enemies that you can ambush or can ambush you.  All the dungeons have a really great atmosphere and feel unique from one another.  I admittedly dont play a lot of dungeon crawler type games, so I dont have a huge frame of reference here, but to me it felt like it was on the simpler side of dungeon crawlers, but not too simple that it wasnt enjoyable.  Aside from the lost woods which is a maze with a lot of signs that I couldnt read, I liked all of the dungeons in the game, and I expect that I wont have any problems with the lost woods once I can understand them better.  The fights themselves are simple and much easier than what you face in the main battles, so its overall just a fun atmospheric break from the main game where you win some easy fights, collect items, and maybe grab a promotion if anyone is ready. 
Oh, I almost forgot, fatigue is a mechanic in dungeons.  But just barely.  At no point was fatigue ever more than the most extremely minor inconvenience.  I really cant understand why they put it in the game.  It usually only even sets in if you stick around in a dungeon longer than normal to grind, so I assume its meant to penalize grinding, but that doesnt make a ton of sense because 1) dungeons are there for you to grind and 2) its not even a big punishment because its so easy to get around via just leaving the dungeon or using one of the ample foodstuffs to cure it.  So basically, its a bad mechanic that was poorly thought out and executed, but it barely matters so its easy to ignore and forget about.
I dont know what it is about finding weapons in a dungeon or picking it up from a castle you gained access to after a hard battle on the map, but it really makes them feel incredibly precious to me.  That feeling is made even stronger by multiple design elements: first, like Gaiden and Fates before it, weapons are unbreakable, so you can keep using them as long as you want and get more attached. Second, as your characters use the weapons they unlock techniques that they can use if they have those weapons equipped.  Last, forging has been added to the game and it uses a tiered system where you keep upgrading until you reach max level and then can upgrade it to an even better weapon entirely, letting you stay with your weapons throughout the game.  And unlike Fates which added a bunch of drawbacks to the S rank weapons to offset their power and infinite durability, the legendary weapons in Echoes are just great. I think its an amazing system.  I didnt fully understand the rings or shields, though I did use them as well, I got more out of having weapons equipped in general, but rings all have big descriptions as to their effects so I will have more to say when the game releases in English. 
I also didnt get a ton out of the skill system.  Since most skills dont double, I dont think youll be using them much on your mercenaries, pegs, or fast cavaliers, meaning typically worse off units like knights and archers might benefit from it.  I mainly used two skills in my playthrough: A very strong double attack from Alm’s personal weapon and a super accurate attack with Atlas using an iron bow which in conjunction with his massive attack stat meant big chip damage.  Ill have more to say about this later, but I am tentatively pretty excited about this system.
Battles in Echoes: The actual combat in Echoes is significantly different than any other FE game.  Three major things really work together to make that true: Theres no Weapon Triangle, Growths are pretty low across the board, and when you promote you are brought up to the class baseline in stats.  These things in conjunction with each other make it so that classes have a far stronger identity than ever before.  Every class is well suited to fighting certain other classes, and you really dont want to send one of your units up against an enemy type that is good against them.  This means that juggernauting is mostly out of the game as you really need to fight with your whole army to be able to deal with all enemy types.  And thats right, I said the whole army.  There are no deployment limits other than in dungeon battles.  This is a pretty big deal and really makes the gameplay different than other Fire Emblems.  The only other main game with no deployment limits is Genealogy of the Holy War, however in that game I almost always found myself either not fielding a few of the units or fielding them and then they never made it to the fighting because of low movement.  In Echoes, I always wanted to use everyone and they almost all were useful in some small way.  This hugely changes the feel of the game for me.  I know a lot of people were concerned about there being no pair-up and how that would diminish the feeling of bonds between units, but this game gave me a stronger feeling of togetherness between my army than any other FE game prior has done and it wasnt even in a language I understood! It was just the game mechanics working to tell that story.  I always had to keep my army in a tight bunch, both to try and keep them all within their three tile support range and to be close by to attack the enemies who attacked their friends. It feels really great to fight with my whole team, even my armor knights, for the first time. 
Compared to Gaiden: I am already a big fan of Gaiden so inevitably I couldnt help but to compare it with the original while I played.  Some of these things might not even be noticeable for anyone who didnt play Gaiden but they mattered to me and I want to point them out in any case.  First the biggest thing to Gaiden fans: all the buffing and nerfing.  Generally, I didnt really notice a lot of the buffs.  Clair and Mae were both a lot better units than previously but otherwise I couldnt tell you off the top of my head who else was improved and how.  Nerfs were a lot more noticeable: Falcoknights and Dread Fighters, while still amazing, are much less impressive than they used to be.  I suppose it makes sense but I cant help but feel disappointed.  Gaiden/Echoes pushes rpg elements and is generally a game that seems to encourage grinding, letting the player have overpowered things at endgame seems like it compliments those design decisions.  Similarly, they nerfed mummies in a major way.  Before they appeared in big groups near the end of both routes for the player to easily grind up the entire party in a very short amount of time if they wanted to do so.  Now they appear randomly, run away from you, and when/if you do get to kill them they barely give any exp unless you are extremely underleveled.  Its a game where grinding could actually be fun but they dont include any way to level up past level 12 or so without it taking a miserably long time.  On the opposite end of things, I really approve of the nerf to warp.  Before you could warp any unit to anywhere on the map and it really lent itself to letting Alm’s half become an Alm solo.  With it now having a much shorter range, its more encouraging to use your entire army and not just Alm, and I think thats a good thing. 
My One Big Fear:  This goes hand in hand with my big complaint from last section, but I think this game might just have the scummiest dlc practice of any Nintendo game.  The original Gaiden gave players easy access to endgame grinding to level up all their units to max very quickly and easily if they so desired.  Echoes changed it so that those enemies now give an insignificant amount of exp and they are selling a new way to grind easily as DLC.  That really sucks.  Theres nothing else to say than cutting something out of a remake and selling it separately is a really really shitty thing to do.  I hope enough people become aware of what they did and protest.  DLC practices have gotten progressively worse since Awakening but this is the worst of the bunch, and I really hope this trend doesnt keep going into the Switch FE era.  I also am very worried about the money in this game.  I did not have nearly enough money to do all the forging that I wanted to do and I am aware that a gold farming dlc is planned.  This would be just as shitty of a practice as with exp if the money situation is as bad as it immediately seems because giving everyone forged weapons would make the game more fun, and that fun is blocked by a paywall.  That being said, I will give them the benefit of the doubt for now because I didnt do many sidequests, and its possible that theres a lot of money to be earned there or elsewhere and I didnt know it.  If in-game gold is actually as rare as it seems and buying a dlc to getit more easily is heavily encouraged then I will be very disappointed.
In conclusion: Theres some seriously troubling aspects of monetization that actually hamper enjoyment of the game, and fatigue and food seem to largely be a waste of time, but that aside Echoes is a fantastic game and a real treat to Gaiden fans and Fire Emblem fans and video game fans in general.  Its all around an enormously fun experience that I know will get even better once I get to play it in English. 
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shaeroden · 6 years
Shaeroden’s machine - a written Vlog part 3: too busy with the tools
the night all the parts came, i decided to skip the writing and go ahead and build it.  the machine is all finished now, and i’m even writing this post from it.  it actually turned out to be a lot less laborious than i expected it to be.  and a lot more messy... so here is a comprehensive list of everything i bought, used, and installed.  and why.   all prices are as of 02/04/2018 1. the cooler master H500P - $150. i was in love with this case from the moment i saw it on a linus build.  200mm front case fans.  RGB case fans.  the RGB illumination can be pulse width modulated for some astonishing visual effects.  there’s also enough airflow capability in this thing to flush the entire case volume in a matter of milliseconds.  nothing you put in here will starve for airflow. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119327&cm_re=cooler_master_h500p-_-11-119-327-_-Product
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i don’t think i could have asked for a better case.  not only does it look beautiful, it is littered with features that make it completely customizable.  the bottom shrouding comes in two pieces that let you cover both the drive cage and PSU.  in my build, i only covered the PSU.  there are vertically mounted PCI slots so you can have your graphics card displayed.  cable management shrouds.  140mm rear case fan.   when it arrived, the first thing i did was strip all the plastic off and paint the frame white along with some other modular pieces.  i had hatched a color scheme. cooler master’s drive cage design was truly remarkable.  the cage has what are basically drawers that the drives bolt in to.  the only problem with the design is that the SATA  power cables tend to be really stiff so it’s not as simple as just pulling out a drive... 2. AMD RYZEN 5 1600 - $200 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113435
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i know linus says to not choose a processor based on fanboy-ism, but i totally did.  my previous laptop used to be the king of the campus when everyone else was running around with 2.4Ghz processors and i had the only 3Ghz, factory overclocked.  i knew what AMD was capable of, i was familiar with it, and i didn’t want to deal with Intel's child-proof processor clocks. i honestly think i went a little overkill based on what i plan on using the machine for.  i don’t plan on streaming games, so i probably could have got away with a ryzen 3.  but i had the money, and i also wanted to pair it with a decent graphics card, so i splurged. 3.  ASUS ROG STRIX B350-F GAMING AM4 AMD B350 - $120 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132988
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i didn’t have very many stipulations on a motherboard.  the only things i was really looking for were  1. CPU compatibility 2. overclocking capability 3. M.2 drive slot. 4. not a ridiculous color the fractal heatsink on the bottom-right of the board has an LED bar that cycles through colors.  i know there is a way to change what it does, but i haven’t bothered to play with it yet.  i think i may try to make it temperature-related.  and also make them turn off when the machine isn’t powered on. 4.  CORSAIR ValueSelect 8GB 288-Pin DDR4 (x2 pcs) - $175 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233771
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if there’s one thing corsair is known for, it’s reliability.  i chose this brand of RAM because it was on the approved compatibility list for the motherboard, and because corsair is no knock-off Chinese brand.   as for the speed, from everything i’ve read, speed differences yield marginal performance boosts.  this ram stick runs at 2133MHz, and having RAM that runs faster didn’t make sense from a performance-per-dollar perspective.  it’s not going to be a bottle neck that stops me from reaching +100 frame rates. i mean, there’s one thing to be said when your framerate differential is between 30 and 60, but between 60 and 120...  hell.  i wasn’t even going to buy a monitor that could crank more than 60 anyways. maybe i’ll upgrade when i cash out of a major investment again.  but for now, i’m satisfied.  it doesn’t look super cool without specially painted heatsinks, but it does the job. 5.  SAMSUNG 850 EVO M.2 2280 250GB SATA III  - $110 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147398
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i had never used an M.2 drive until now.  and to be frank, i wouldn’t recommend it just yet.  this tech is still fairly new, so it’s got some unpolished bugs.  and besides, once it’s set up,  it will be just as fast as a standard SSD. if you’re building your computer to have a microscopic form factor, then i can say this would be a good idea, but when you have the space of a regular tower, just go with a 2.5″ SATA ssd. don’t get me wrong, this was a very good product.  my OS runs superbly, and it’s super fast and all, it was just a hassle and a half to get a windows OS to boot from this device.  if you have an existing hard drive and clone it to this thing, it won’t boot.  if, however, you install a fresh windows from a USB ISO, it should be just fine.  that’s preferable to cloning a hard drive anyways. 6.  WD Blue 1TB Mobile Hard Disk Drive - $53 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071F9MLJJ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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the purpose of this was for basic overflow storage.  this is where i would be putting photos and games that i rarely ever play  i haven’t had to actually use it yet, but it is connected to the motherboard for when the moment comes.  i also have my 500GB from my old laptop, and a 70GB from my brother’s old build. 7. Corsair CX750M - $80 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139216&cm_re=corsair_cx750m-_-17-139-216-_-Product
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this power supply is what gave me half the inspiration for my color scheme.  i didn’t actually buy this myself either.  this came out of an old build my brother had made.  he bought this PSU when he upgraded his graphics card, and his graphics card didn’t end up being compatible with the old machine.  so it sat in the garage for about a year before he said i could just take it.   it also helped me decide my price point, since it would probably be overkill in a $500 range build. i like that all the cables are black.  and it is semi-modular.  the motherboard trunk and CPU headers are permanently attached, but peripherals and PCI power adapters are completely removable.  having removable cables takes a huge load off of cable management. i just remembered i had talked about this earlier, but since this is a comprehensive list, i decided to mention it again for those planning on using my build as a guide. 8.  GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1060 (3G DDR5) - $380 https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125906
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this was the most difficult piece to choose, but i think i got the biggest bang-for-buck i could get to match my system.  graphics cards are overpriced already due to the great data rush, and of course i wanted performance-per-dollar.  these come in 3 and 6 GB models, and as far as i had read, 6GB really only makes a difference if you are running 2 monitors.  i only have one. when this arrived, i painted the top casing of this in white to match the chassis paint and compliment the color scheme. i haven’t measured the frame rates yet, but so far, no man’s sky runs buttery smooth.  compared to the kinds of graphics i got on my old laptop, this is above and beyond several horizons of benchmarks of course. 9.  LG 25UM58-P 25-Inch 21:9 UltraWide IPS Monitor - $175 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BV1XB2K/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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it says $175.  i bought it used from a secondhand seller for $135.  i am stupendously pleased with this product.  it could be bigger, of course, but the screen ratio outweighs all of my hesitations.  it is an entry-level monitor so it only does 60Hz, but i could care less.   and as a person who repairs TV’s for a living, i knew full well that my future self would hate my past self if i got a curved monitor. don’t buy a curved screen.  it’s not worth it.  it’s all hype.  there’s no benefits to it.  OLEDs as well.   10. misc things and periphrials: a riser cable for vertical mounting the GPU: https://www.wish.com/c/56617f5a52c36947d6d7fa1b a case fan kit for the top brackets: https://www.wish.com/profile?uid=581eaebaeb025da9210d0811#cid=59f2f7bc87e82f6cec60b971 a mouse.  with RGB lights.  that’s rechargable just like a phone.  that also matches the tower color scheme: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0716WR71M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 build story will be next post.   i did not end up using the EL wire.  at 5V, the shrill shrieking and whining of the AC inverter was too much to bear.  instead, i pasted these to the top and ran them off the 12V molex line through a switch:  https://www.wish.com/c/54f022d6372d401ae689e66b
0 notes
nirvanaballad · 7 years
  Never alone.
 Playable characters:
 The [insert aeroship designation] was looking splendid. Lights from the road illuminated the black hull, black fuselage; sleek, and slender in comparison to the ancient aeroships of the war on Essen. Her blue magic engines; auchs and rotary, shone in the deep night over the Ballad Family Estate.
 Dreamer mused over the “fractured society” theory that had been presented to her at a meeting of Oracle Drive directors; her company.
In ages past, it would have taken two and a half hours on horseback to reach the nearest town, Vaux Harley; while in the year 2016 maybe twelve minutes in the metallic apple-green Nissan Juke she had been given as a wedding present the previous year (see episodes 6&7).
The tiny hamlet that would have served as lodgings for the staff responsible for the estate’s upkeep lay several furlongs to the west . It was as isolated as perspective allowed, but it was here that Dreamer had found peace, even solace in the previous months.
 Allowing for a little dream quest, she mused once again at the idea of being a detective. The a-type arrived, and, as well she knew, Dreamer would learn a lot from it -- a tiny box that sat in her body and radiated information. Over the last few weeks she had come leaps and bounds in her understanding of bodily organs -- communication between her and them was in the best state it had ever been, at least, as far as her memory served. Her experimentation had led her to grow synapses within all of them, each now operating more like the brain than ever. There were five new organs, and she knew that the changes she was undergoing were effecting more than just the population of this planet (call it Firma, call it Echo...) Her influence resonated far. She was a goddess. And also a God. Scherherazade was the planet that presented this, and she represented her.
She still felt somewhat saddened/uncomfortable that some of the process of healing her organs had required unscrupulous deeds. But then, as she had known for years, pain, even violence had the potential to heal.
 The gaia and the anima were among these new organs. True too was the existence of the vessel. This metaphor would never leave her. Perhaps its mystery would be one that was never completely understood. This suited her. Feminine!
Her worship rang out without and within.
 Aching to find Rememberanza, Dreamer set out against the sodden pathway, chickens and geese moving to make way for her excursion.
 She found her in the deep parts of the garden, some years ago neglected. A small gazebo lay in the shade of a huge hawthorn tree. Rememberanza was there, not reading or drawing, but just sitting. Dreamer’s eyes met hers, but, as both had short sight, the connection between them was itself something of a mystery.
 The night agenda was owlish. The aeroship that they had acquired after the war huge above them. A mighty surplus of the vessels
a well-known fact on Firma,
The ship required a huge amount of work if they were to reach the expectations The Three Oracles advised. She needed to be spaceworthy. She needed to reach reticule speeds of up to 9.779 oscillations.
 The workings of engine room were not exactly Dreamer’s realm of expertise, but it was here that she found Quantum making micro-transports between the gravity capacitor and the gravity terminal, muttering “regulate, regulate.” He was transporting so quickly between the two places it appeared as though he was almost at both at the same time.
 “Anything I can do?” said Dreamer.
“Sure -- get out…Ha! just kidding!”
“Oh what a laugh.” her response was flat, but not totally uncongenial.
“You’d be more useful helping Hacker with his calculations in the lower bridge. Integrating all the equipment from that image dissembler we found is taking up a lot of his time.” Quantum smiled amusingly.
“I only really understand - “
“All of it,” he interrupted. “Get going!”
The slanted compliment made Dreamer blush a little. She still felt shy in her father’s presence.
 In the forward section of the ship, just beneath the bridge, Hacker was set to work stripping hundreds of crystalline data chips from a big IDSO drive. It sat awkwardly on the main forward console, repeatedly sliding off ofthe angled station with Hacker pushing it back again and again to avoid the complex crashing to the deck.
 IMNO Drive Complex: information match numina operation drive complex
IDSO Drive & IDSO Drive Complex: information directive splicing operation drive complex
 “Safe,” said Dreamer to Hacker as she entered into the lower bridge through the oversized hatch.
“Hey, Dreamer! Can you give me a hand with the slip drive. Its seriously complicated technology, didn’t really see it - uhk! Notice… ahh! You get what I mean??…Would you mind having a look?”
Dreamer busied herself for the next hour and a half turning the little silver knobs on the calibration board, fine-tuning the essential parameters for the numerical weaponary that was to double up as a drive manifold for the flux intake at the front of the ship. Rather than carrying the notorious energy weapon technology, the [insert aeroship designation here]’s forward installation was a pinpoint post-triangulation device that worked with the influx capacitor that ran the beam of the ship to the megaflux engine at the stern.
It was Hacker’s ambition to also calculate if the capacitor could open spatial anti-rifts that the ship would pass through -- opening and then collapsing once the procedure was complete. They could be on the other side of the galaxy in a matter of hours if they got their calculations right...
As far away as they had travelled, Firma was never out of reach. Her home and grace in constant reflection with the deeds of the team. The EGA had already changed reality so much. Praise be to JOJO.
  (there were tiny little scratches to the bottom right of every one of the two-hundred little silver knobs.)
(it was angled at a light incline towards the operator.)
(above the calibration board was a rack of input sockets forming an analogue server bank.)
(between certain of these sockets were duel jack connectors. they connect two adjacent sockets +{at four angles))
(jacked into one of the sockets in the top right of the assembly of input sockets was an internal transmission dish, that was folded out, made of the same, silver-coloured metal as the calibration desk; oxidized gallium)
(the use of this is uncertain but Nirvana suspects that it is to send narrowcast messages with a minuscule bandwidth, which would deplete only a tiny amount of power in the eventuality that the primary organisation for internal communication aboard the aeroship went down/was disabled.)
(this desk is more than just a communication hub for transmissions between the crewmembers, it also directs and redirects energetic ‘nerve’ pulses that reconfigure the process of electrical stimulation aboard the ship. this works through a combination of classic ac/dc stimulation and pulse cadence which modulates the flow of electric intonation that overall gravitational alignment on the ship.)
(while many other of the ship’s terminals and how they relate to their connected command operations appear visually similar to this calibration desk, the other most notable bridge command terminal is the navigation position.) 
crew compliment: 80
8 phantom rocket pods
2 aux engines
2 flux engines
1 flux intake for the flux engines, positioned at the prow
1 medial thruster manifold, positioned at the stern
 It is told that many eons ago, Nirvana sent herself this aeroship to play with when she was old enough. (that’s the blue one...)
Although there is a bridge and bridge positions for a formal staff, the members of Zero Team find it appropriate to operate the different posts at their own behest. There is no exact chain of command or command paradigm.
a collection of phreaks
interpretive, but not interpretational dance? Representing interacting by using energy (typically from the hands.) Explorative performance.
Lionsword (lol)
Powercut (Lox)
Schematics for [000] [insert aeroship designation here], Aeroship under control and command by Zero Team, Firma.
Crystalline data chips x1200
Multiprocessor modular x1000
Memory enhancers x900
Flux chamber x10
Bridge auxiliary control x1
Energy translation module x13
Appropriation manifold x12
Energy transition centre x7
Impulse velocity centre x2
Core dynamo x12
Core dynamo bolts x 36
Operations Situation Station x12
Value core x1
Alternate oscillation manifold x30
Catwalks (linked with butterfly bolts)..,
Turbine oscillation station x1
Oracle drive x8
Prophet drive x12
Extreme release turbine x1
Oscillation centre x7
Preparatory transmission hub x8
Communications hub x3
Positional auxiliary terminals x12
Main operations terminal booth x1
Preparatory communications drive x1
Thruster communication drive x1
Propulsion drive x1
Input drive x8
Output drive x3
Velocity drive manifold x1
Velocity drive gimbal (pivoted support that allows the rotation of an object about a singular or duel axis.) x1
Velocity drive dynamo x1
Flux drive calibration centre x1
Including: Flux drive calibration terminal and several other positions
Piloting terminals x2
Captain’s terminal station (includes backup piloting terminal and communications doorway* [software terminology], weapons override terminal)
Communications station (including specialized engine room narrowcast uplink)
Weapons systems station 
Enough seats for twenty crewmembers.
Three main fully supplied cabins for Prime Pilot, Captain and Chief Engineer.
Ten double up cabins.
 Magical Organs:
How do they work and what do they feel?
 Flux drive
  Cargo hold
 The rad beauty of the aeroship was like the whistling sun, rays like the vital potency of a people whose equilibrium was more than just at one with nature. Rememberanza sent worship to magic herself.
“She is all around us.”
 As night drew in, the final preparations for the mission were completed one by one . Rememberanza checked her watch. “Countdown t-minus ten minutes.” The crew of the [insert aeroship designation here]  >were all teleported aboard. They could have transported, but in order to test the ship’s security from other beings who could do the same, the teleportation ring was activated. Extra was left at the house to protect it with several of the hired hands that The Family had recently employed. (The Ballad Family Guardians).
Indeed, she mused, things were going much more easily since they had made this decision.
 With words like “flux drive” and “positional gyroscope” floating around in her consciousness, Extra bid them farewell, her deep friendship with Dreamer particularly carrying aloft feelings of love and wellbeing that all the members of the team, even Hundred (the secret name of Quantum), whose health was finally begin to improve -- no longer broken; his extreme beauty finally out of harms way.
 This was the way the team often perceived each other -- the quoted “alternative” beauty that was present in the photo-paintings of the Hindu gods who they represented,; found easily on the Internet, was something that the team were beginning to gain a deeper understanding of.
Rememberanza resonated strongly with the strength of the Indian matriarch -- but while in her Zero Team guise, her own Hindu name, Radha, was sat further back; Rememberanza was so much more than a name that revealed some small portion of superpowers; similarly, Radha meant something, more than one thing -- like many others, her name meant everything.
 She responded.
   It was time to fly.
 Quantum returned to the mansion house, arriving in an ornate energy materialization at the high-ground locale.
“We’ve spent the last few hours preparing the aeroship for space. Can you come and make ready? There are a few things that could use your expert eye.”
 There was a spacestation that had somehow made its way (slipstream) to School. Aboard it were millions of books that had “deleted” their writers, and all the people of an ancient civilization that had revered them.
(see The Operandi of Jenova by Nirvana Ballad)
 Map Puzzle
 Within around two hours the [insert aeroship designation] was through the ionosphere. There were several ADZE vessels in orbit, apparently guarding the untouched station, although it felt something like a blockade. Dreamer, always fond of acting the communications officer while in the air, operated the telegraphy terminal on the bridge. She swiftly messaged the ships hanging to the left of the station. As if it was suspended in the blackness, running lights making their position known to other spaceships (when it suited them..).
 “ADZE vessel, be advised that we are carrying out exploratory mission regarding the space station you are guarding. If any issue presents itself you will be the first to know.”
 “Thank you, Dreamer. Good to hear from you.”
 They drew near to the gargantuan station. Over the next few hours, Dreamer and Hacker began communicating with the installation’s computers. They seemed to be in a state of disrepair. Patching the ship’s numerical weaponary abilities with their narrowcast jammers, Hacker retrieved the docking protocols from the station.
 Dreamer and Hacker glanced at one another: “We’re in.”
Captain Tiger…sounds good!
  The End. (Dea.)
July ‘17
0 notes