#so that was actually interesting bc that smile isn't in the episode
scoobydoodean · 14 days
it is interesting to me that sam is judgmental about dean’s eating habits, but, from what I remember, he’s fairly non-judgmental about his drinking habits in comparison. while sam goes through phases of wanting to eat “cleaner” he never wants to give up alcohol. do you think this indicates that sam is also pretty dependent on alcohol himself but less “showy” about this than dean who jokes about needing alcohol more often? or is it more that he knows it comes off as insanely hypocritical bc of his demon blood addiction where he went off the rails while dean is still functional even during periods of heavy drinking?
(Does Dean joke around about needing alcohol that often?)
Interesting question. I don't think hypocrisy has ever stopped a character in Supernatural from saying anything tbh. But I also don't think Sam sees anything wrong with the way Dean drinks most of the time. This is a man who tried to give Dean beer for breakfast when he was suicidal (13.05). And I think the reason he was offering Dean breakfast beer is also pretty key to understanding why Sam, for the most part, shuts the fuck up about Dean drinking: He isn't actually good at dealing with Dean not being okay. It scares him. I'll come back to that in a minute.
I think fanon sometimes makes more of Dean's relationship with alcohol than it is. I'm not saying there aren't points in the show where Dean is very obviously shown to have an alcohol problem. I'm not saying his relationship with alcohol is normal (though his relationship with alcohol is pretty normal prior to him going to hell). I am saying I think a chunk of fandom tends to think of Dean as someone who is more or less constantly buzzed for most of the series, and that's just not accurate. After hell, Dean begins drinking to fall asleep. He is binge drinking a significant amount before bed by mid season 5 after the Harvelle's deaths (5.11, 5.16). But it is to fall asleep and it cuts back to a glass or two a night by the beginning of season 6 after a hard fought struggle we get small references to between Dean and Lisa (6.01, 6.06). Dean would be dead on a hunt within a month if he was constantly day drinking, and the show notes to us specifically when Dean is so out of sorts he feels the need to do that (see: 6.06, where Dean drinks just to be able to stand being near Sam, after being assaulted the previous episode while Sam watched and smiled). A glass of whiskey or two before bed becomes Dean's new normal from season 6 onwards. When his drinking ticks up from that in one season or episode to another, there's a deeper problem going on that Dean is struggling through. I only mention this because when I actually think of points where Sam might say something to Dean about an uptick in drinking... it's not going to happen as often as fandom sometimes imagines.
Sam understands Dean's options as far as dealing with nightmares from decades of reality-bending torture are highly limited. Realistically, Dean has zero access to qualified professional support. Suppose Dean took sleeping pills instead of drinking to fall asleep. Would he actually be better off? Would he eventually abuse sleeping pills instead? Would that just put something in close proximity to him that he could even more easily overdose on? Because... Dean also isn't a stranger to suicidal ideation, and Sam is very aware of that, and I wager he gets a hell of a lot more antsy about the thought of Dean having constant access to sleeping pills than he does about Dean drinking a glass of whiskey or two before bed. In the fucked up world they live in, as far as Sam's concerned, Dean's relationship with alcohol is usually "under control" in a relative sense. I think Sam understands Dean's use of alcohol and he accepts it... and he isn't going to get judgy, because Sam isn't good at actually handling Dean not being okay. Dean not being able to cope scares Sam however he might pretend to play Mr. Therapist (see my tag: #bad therapist sam).
If Dean chooses to cope with nightmares and sleep disturbances using alcohol while still being functional during the day, Sam isn't going to say a word. When Dean's drinking gets bad, for example, in season 7 when Dean constantly carries around Bobby's flask, I seem to recollect Sam speaking up about it at least once—at least in vague terms? But we'll see when I get back into season 7. (All I remember right now is him joking that alcohol is a "vitamin" for Dean in 7.18). I really do think in general, as far as Sam as concerned, as long as Dean's drinking doesn't effect his job performance... it's all good. He generally isn't going to touch it with a ten foot pole—not even to joke.
It is true at the same time that Dean's relationship with food also is and continues to further develop into a coping mechanism. Dean eats when he's grieving or sad and when he wants comfort. Food makes Dean feel safe. However, Dean also eats when he's happy, and Sam's judgments when it comes to Dean's eating usually happen when Dean is happy eating instead of sad eating (or when Sam at least perceives him to be happy eating).
I think the specific connection between Dean's drinking and hell may also play a role here. Sam failed Dean deeply on the hell front and I think he knows it. I won't even mince words: it is Sam's fault that Dean never talks about hell. Dean was opening up between 4.08 and 4.11, but because of Sam's cruel turn in his framing of that traumatic experience, Dean's hell trauma is forever the silent looming thing that no one talks about. Not Sam, not Dean, not anybody. Getting judgy about Dean drinking to fall asleep could easily open cracks in Dean's own self-imposed wall and Sam is smart enough not to scratch at it. Not just for Dean's sake, but for his own, because that betrayal intersects deeply with Dean's broken trust in Sam in season 5, and if there is one thing Sam's ego absolutely cannot take, it's reminders of moments where he proved Dean could not trust him.
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taikanyohou · 1 year
no bc. like. the eighth sense is getting EVERYTHING right.
it's compelling. like. you feel like you KNOW where the storyline is going, what's going to happen next, and then BHAM! NO! something entirely different happens. its never boring. and it makes the wait for the next episode jittery and anxious and it leaves you on tenterhooks BUT THAT'S THE POINT! its meant to leave you guessing. its got this "impending sense of doom" vibe to it that i referred to in a previous post, but that describes the current vibe of jaewon and jihyun's relationship and the atmosphere surrounding it: its thrilling.
characters can breathe!!! and we can breathe with them! jaewon and jihyun are allowed to have scenes where its just them alone, immersed in a hobby that THEY like, and you're there with them! they get to have scenes with so many other people that aren't just with each other. they get to form real relationships with their boss, their therapist, their new and old friends. and each relationship and dynamic brings something new, each dynamic formed between jaewon or jihyun and the people around them is made to allow a certain type of conversation to be had for jaewon and jihyun that they can't really have with someone who isn't that character, for example jihyun can only really openly speak to his boss in the same way jaewon can to yoonwon or his therapist. jihyun can't talk in that same manner to anyone else, nor can jaewon. at the same time, it also soooo BEAUTIFULLY illustrates how performative we can become in certain relationships and situations and around certain people, and how unhealthy and detrimental that can be for us - look at jaewon and taehyung, who are meant to be best friends, but are anything but it.
its such a QUEER show. it takes the small little scenes you'd normally see in a white western heterosexual movie, like the two love interests linking their pinky fingers together to then clasping each other's hands and smiling shyly to the side, to sitting opposite one another on a train and just gazing and gazing and gazing at one another, to calling a taxi after your not-a-date-but-its-so-a-date to go home in and the taxi is literally stood right there waiting but you can't let each other go ..... its taken all those cliche scenes and made them feel so ... new and fresh and vibrant and so so QUEER and any queer person watching the show FEELS those butterflies in their stomach.
oh to see a main character who is asian and queer actually GO TO therapy, and imply that jaewon has been going for 10 whole years to therapy. to have his mental illness be given a name (depression!), to have him talk about his issues so openly!!, to discuss what the struggles of being in your mid-twenties feel like!! to see him talk about how burdensome he finds it being "nice" to everyone and wearing a mask all the time and ultimately his therapist telling him straight that, "in fact, in life, you don't need to be loved by everyone." or when jihyun's boss stood up for him and fought eunji over how she treated him bc she KNOWS jihyun would never bc he isnt a confrontational person, but jihyun's boss did not stand for it, and how she continues to just give him the correct life advice as and when he needs it.
the romance. the chemistry. the way jaewon and jihyun pull you into their bubble. the way you feel the excitement and joy and apprehension and tension and heartache and disappointment between the two of them. YOU feel it. and thats all down to the way the show has been shot and the muuuuusic (oh my god the muuuuusic) and the way the camera is used. it makes it feel personal. in first person. not you watching them, but rather, you BEING them. the way you can FEEL how nervous and anxious jihyun gets when he is in ANY kind of social situation. how you can FEEL the quiet anger and the exhaustion from being so performative and the lack of patience in jaewon like a ticking timebomb when he's around taehyung. you do, you just FEEL it.
anyway. the eighth sense might just be (who am i kidding, it already is) on its way to claim the title for the best bl of 2023, and its only april.
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alright it's official I'm rooting for Ozzie/Fizz/Blitz/Stolas polycule 👍
"You've lived rent-free in Fizz' head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things." - Ozzie going to Blitz for backup
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"Well, my special skills are killing things without giving fucks and pointing out people's flaws... alright, count me in!" - Blitz being Blitz
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"Come on, it's just like old times. I'll make sure no one gives you shit today." || "You mean besides you?" -Blitz & Fizz banter gives me life
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Fizz covering Blitz' ass after Blitz insults Mammon, love that
Also another Fizz-Blitz banter moment: "He thinks he's funny." || "Offended." (Fizz & Blitz, respectively)
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the ATTITUDE. Blitz coming in with the comeback and Fizz changing up his posture/attitude to match Blitz', just. Them.
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He protect 🥺 but also the fact that he didn't kill this guy right here for everyone to see after seeing Fizz' expression hh
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Blitz is so gentle with him now that they've made up I love him. We all know he's a softie underneath but ya know, ya love to see it
Don't have a screenshot for this bc it's a whole scene but can we talk about how before, Blitz claimed Fizz didn't have to try for anything, but in this episode Fizz is saying how he needs to do this to prove he's still good enough and Blitz (as well as Ozzie) are telling him he doesn't need to prove anything? Just. Ugh, THEM.
(also Fizz finally calling Blitz "Blitz" and not "Blitzo" I'm hhhh)
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"That guy is a fucking dick, and he's USING you for everything, 'cause you're likeable, and he's a fucking trashfire."
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Blitz' absolute worry when Fizz runs.....
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Unrelated to Blitz and Fizz' relationship, are we gonna. Uh. Talk about how Fizz' scars aren't pure white? Blitz' are but Fizz' aren't (Blitz' scars are the same color as Fizz' foundation). I assume it's a stylistic choice to show that he hides his "undesired" markings here (the makeup comes off and shows his original markings, and having the area around it be different from his makeup better shows what's going on) and they're actually the same color but I thought it was interesting. Also the black of his horns is super faded out so...
And of course that whole scene with Ozzie was heart melting but enough people talk about that, so moving on-
FIZZ' SONG. God it was so good. And Mammon just dancing along... beautiful. Fizz quitting so publicly, YESSSS KING.
Anyway this
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I hope we see more of them honestly. Blitz becoming Fizz' go-to bodyguard/Blitz just sitting in the rafters of his shows waiting for someone to be Weird™ would be so fun actually. But also probably the first time Fizz has been so DELIGHTED to see Blitz kill someone they are everything to me.
Again I would need a whole video but Fizz ripping his clothes as he goes as he sings his "I fucking quit" song, I hope it means we get to see him out of the clown costume/persona (tbh it would delight me if he ditches it for good, ripping it up isn't very good symbolism if you're just gonna put it back on again). I want to see more of who he genuinely is <3
VERY sad it took Fizz so long to finally see/understand what Blitz saw immediately. Wonder if things would have been different if Blitz had just... told Fizz what he really thought of Mammon when they were younger. If Blitz' opinion mattered so much... of course, maybe he did. It would explain why if Mammon was the one to separate them.
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just them <3
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"So, uh.... who tops?"
This is so funny but also Ozzie's smile I love that. They all know the answer.
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cchallucination · 1 year
Just a stupid ramble
I don't care what ANYONE says, Drew totally has some sort of cursh on Jake; Henry and Liam know abt it too. You might think: but he's dating Zoey, he can't be gay. (Well he was dating Zoey lmao, they broke up in the most recent episode)
Being closeted is a thing. There's a chance that he's gay and just has some internalized homophobia, so he dates Zoey as a way to 'prove' he's straight. Also, throughout the series it is shown how shallow this relationship is, and just how little they seem to like each other. And Zoey is literally a gold digger and cheating on him sooo…… ALSO IN EPISODE 6, when Jake sees him in the mall and goes to hide from him, DREW LOOKS SO UNHAPPY, PROB CUZ JAKE "COULDNT" COME
Okay now that that's out of the way…. Even if he was gay, Jake is just his best friend, how would you think he has a crush on him?
In episode 5, in the starting scene in the cafeteria Drew gets annoyed when Jake isn't listening to him. He also acts Jealous over Jake thinking abt the music club, saying, AND I QUOTE "Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if you prefer their company over ours." You can't tell me that isn't showing blatant jealousy over it!!! Then Henry mentions that it makes Drew sound Jealous, and Drew BLUSHES tell's him to shut up, then AGAIN I QUOTE "I'm just saying, you used to care to listen to me." ME. He wasn't talking about him, Liam, and Henry when he said that, just HIMSELF!!! AND THE LOOK HE GIVES JAKE AFTER JUST…IDK IT SCREAMS JEALOUS BOYFRIEND ENERGY. Also then they start discussing how Jake is doing the competition to confess to Daisy, and when Liam is talking to Jake telling him to just confess normally, DREW LOOKED SO SAD. I MAY JUST BE DELUSIONAL BUT HE FR SEEMED SAD ABT IT. Then Jake has to leave cuz he's going to be late for music practice, and Henry (our fav character <333) says, once again I quote, "Don't look so blue, Drew. I know it must be sad to see your boy running off to the music freaks, instead of into your arms" and Drew blushes AGAIN. Alsooo its worth mentioning that Drew is rarely seen smiling. But every time he IS smiling (with maybe ONE exception), he is with Jake!!! ANOTHER THING I FIND THAT REALLY SUPPORTS THIS THEORY. Drew acts supportive towards Jake's crushes, but it seems like he only is when he feels like Jake won't get with them. Like with Daisy!! In episode 1, when Liam tells Jake he should just ask Daisy out already, Jake says he's "waiting for the right moment" (When someone says that u know damn well they ain't doing it) And Drew doesn't think he's actually going to do it, saying, and I quote, "You've been waiting for the 'right moment' for years" if this comment doesn't show you that he clearly doesn't see Jake taking a step to get with Daisy, then idk what else could. But Drew see's that Jake seem's to be taking an interest to Hailey, he doesn't act the same way. Well, at FIRST he does. Once again, I'm using episode 5 to support this lmao, when Jake is distracted during the game, Drew and Liam come up asking why he's making them lose blah blah, he looks over to where Hailey is and pretty much puts two and two together. He teases Jake in the moment, clearly thinking nothing will come of it. But when he sees they are spending more time together, he gets angry over it. Also when Jake says he doesn't like Hailey in this scene, his "Okay" comes off as so angry lmao. Also in episode 9 (the episode that genuinely makes me wanna kms /hj) When Jake is acting all blue, and finds out it's about Daisy, he seems SO annoyed over it. (Though, to be fair, it could be bc he justs wants to spend some time with his friend without him moping abt shit, but still.) When Drew says "Are you singing for Daisy, or for Hailey" He doesn't seem happy about either option fr. When Drew gets reminded of how Jake is singing for Daisy for Hailey specifically, two girls he thinks Jake likes, he has angry outbursts (once again, bro is so jealous) Drew doesn't even bother to mention Zander by name, his anger is clearly just about how close Hailey and Jake have gotten. And what about Daisy? Her and Jake barely ever speak, so Drew isn't nearly as bothered about that.
OKAY. That's all I feel like writing, but there is quite a few more examples throughout tmf that could support this theory!! Just a note, unless Drew has a redemption arc and becomes less judgemental and controlling; this relationship would be toxic, and I understand this. I don't want Drake to become canon (Well if drew has a redemption arc..then maybe I do…) and I don't believe it has any chance of becoming canon, though I really do think that there's a possibilty of Drew liking Jake. Which makes me rlly feel bad for the dude even if he is sort of an asshole :(
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x08, part 1.
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Opening the episode with literally Jamie's name is !!! I'm already smiling. My boooy. <3 A streak of four wins just bc Jamie saw the flaw in Total Football, fixed it, and there we go <3
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I am so incredibly sad for what Ted has to go through. This SUCKS. Some other man is bad enough, but your fucking therapist is a punch in the gut. Especially when you still have feelings for the woman you love, but she doesn't love you anymore.
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I don't UNDERSTAND! If TedBecca isn't supposed to be romantic like Hannah and the writers say, why this? Like, yeah, they've been to the same party, obviously. And the mention is casual, "they're brother and sister to me", but I still see the foreshadowing. Like, I'm all TedTrent and bi Ted, but ????
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Mae is so sweet. What a woman.
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Seeing wlw in s3 of Ted Lasso was the last thing I expected, but hell yeah. Please don't make Jack evil. Please. If they're gonna break up, let it not be a scandal and a mutual breakup or something. However, I can see Keeley staying with Jack and Roy telling her he has feelings for Jamie and they hit it off pretty nicely. But that's just my shipper heart's desire. We'll see bc I don't think this show might be that bold.
I wonder how many women actually sleep with their bra on. It's the most uncomfortable thing EVER imo.
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Keeley is such an excitable puppy. Just like Jamie when with Roy. :)
I'm actually surprised about Nate and Jade. Like... it's almost a complete 180? Idk, I still dislike him. I think I understand the point, be kind and and not judgemental, all of that, but I can't with him. I don't like him and his storyline. A lot of screen time was wasted on him when imo when it could've been something way more interesting.
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She might as well might be a butch bi.
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Laughing. Trent with his what I almost sure is an empty mug, just for the drama of it. Doesn't matter that he 'drinks' from it after. Show me liquid in there or I'm not fooled.
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S1 Roy would never, and I'm proud of his development. Ted is one of his people now, isn't he? A good friend for sure. It's also very interesting for me to watch in terms of Roy's other relationships and interactions. He already went somewhat there with Jamie in Amsterdam, "I was a dick today, I'm sorry" and how he realizes that he often releases his negative emotions on Jamie "whether you deserve it or not".
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Crying with laughter. Roy is ready to "talk about it", but definitely isn't ready to do THAT. It makes me feel good for getting this part of a relationship right in my fic, lmaoooo. Also, where is Higgins?
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A real conflict here, hehe. Hopefully, one day, he's gonna be ready to join them and talk about it. That would be fun to watch.
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Higgins summoning succeeded.
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What are you doing there, Helga soft boy, with your sparkling pencil? This makes me think of that "Jamie — Jamie" thingy. Yeah, no, Roy and Jamie are in love.
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This is more like a soft howling/whining :')
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Babe, wake up, new reaction meme just dropped.
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He sure does, but he's still repressed about it.
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Trent Crimm woof'ing with a soft look on his face can be SO personal. I love him, your honor. I wonder what he'll write in his book about that. I also wonder when is Roy gonna join them. Oh, i'l watch him barking and woofing, alright. Jamie wouldn't let that go, EVER. At the same time I feel like Roy would refuse to imitate barking & they would let him just bc that's Roy. A simple "fuck you" and that's ok.
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The difference in body language, wow. Love hounds though? Nate, you need to get back with Ted then. Gosh, this entire storyline is SO awkward.
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I think I'm still in love with her a little bit. What a woman.
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panpanpanini · 20 days
detco salt. tl;dr i am officially in the 1000s now and i wish i was in a better mood about it
i already said my piece about 1000/1001 as failures of commemorative specials but 999 really wasn't much better either. like really not. they super dropped the ball on a real milestone section of the series, huh... to say nothing of smile village and frying pan of hatred which come right before this too
i don't actually have -that- much to whinge about on this one [spoilers: i proceed to whinge on and on about it] bc it IS just filler at the end of the day but there are times when i'm just so, SO confused about the messages detco is trying to get across. its stance on certain things, especially as pertains to morality and justice, are sometimes just so wildly inconsistent (as is expected from a show with over 1000 episodes and 27 movies, but still). to save you 20 minutes, in episode 999 the victim-- a man who can only be described as a serial abuser of emergency services-- is first assaulted by a restaurant patron, then later found dead by his colleague. he did not die from the assault, instead it was his colleague who dealt the final blow. the victim had wronged both people with his frivolous tattling, so to speak. the episode ends with conan/kogoro reading the first assailant--the restaurant patron-- as a guy who consciously chose not to follow through with murder and praising him for "controlling himself" in the end. which. ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i remember this being a bigger issue in some of the earlier episodes but...to put it bluntly... -attempted- robbery/murder/assault is still a crime, is it not????? i'm not talking about how -bad- of a crime it is, getting halfway through the crime -is- still a crime, right?? why on earth does this show sometimes try to impart that it isn't?
i just find it so weird every single time the series insists that justice is black and white [1] because it's not and [2] for as many instances of moral binaries that exist within the show there are just as many grey areas that it creates to which it applies those binaries anyway, even if it fails to address them like a deeper crime show would. morality is a gradient and that gradient is different from person to person, from culture to culture, and oftentimes the laws which write this code into the legal system don't reflect those shades of grey, but. i think most people would agree that trying to commit a crime is still... committing a crime... and stooping to a thesis statement which basically boils down to "you get a gold star for only assaulting a guy when you could've killed him" is horrifically careless. ESPECIALLY literal seconds after the same character chides the murderer as a guy whose crime is 'unforgivable.' is the bar really so low? what the hell is this weird double standard? i understand what they were trying to get across (that is, "this could have been much worse") but wowee zowee it's so badly executed and frankly probably shouldn't be your first choice of message in this situation. who wrote this???
episodes like this cause me to wade in disappointment because like plenty of other detco filler, there's opportunity to explore other things which make the detective genre endearing beyond serialized whodunits. in isolation the idea of a guy being fooled into believing he may have gone too far and killed someone is interesting. speculating on why he didn't follow through with killing the guy in the first place is interesting too and could be an exploration of character. the guy who did actually end up doing the killing could also be explored since it's never really established whether he premeditated the exact circumstances that led up to the murder, especially since he wasn't in cahoots with the first assailant-- rather, he comes across as an opportunist who already had it in mind to take out the victim and just saw that the time had come. in short... there's just a lot more to comment on here than capping the episode with something weird like "good job on not 100% killing the guy who ruined your life." why not consider something like regret, or whatever the criminal equivalent of buyers' remorse is?? more than once detco episodes have said some bizarre pieces on situations like this and, at least to me, transcends from [weird OOC dialogue] to [mouthpiece for the writer.] is it a crime in itself to plan a murder but not act on it? if not, how far is too far? when does someone cross the line from fantasy to premeditation? the victim was the type of person to call the police on people who "looked suspicious" - we can agree that this was cranked up to cartoonishly karen levels for the show, but there are definitely people out there who behave similarly, with behaviors having roots in things like systemic unconscious bias or xenophobia. how does the law deal with these people who call emergency services willy-nilly? is there legal punishment for such people who abuse the system (and in the presence of vigilante justice, as is what ultimately happened here, does that suggest there is none)?
these are all things that are infinitely more intriguing than the final product. and i didn't make any of it up either, i pulled all of this from what we were shown; the groundwork is there but time and time again detco does this low-key infuriating thing where it just doesn't ask questions. more than anything that i mumble and grumble about in this series i find this above all to be extremely annoying. like i almost can't take it sometimes, there have been a few other episodes like this where i can't really do anything but be bewildered (553 comes to mind as THE worst offender so far). i would argue that detective fiction is one of the greyest brands of storytelling out there, so for detco to consistently-- and seemingly willingly-- avoid shades of grey like water and oil is utterly baffling to me and i'm mostly sure this is The Thing that will eventually drive me away from it again [context: i fell back in love with detco in 2021, the first was in 2004 and my interest tapered off in 2007/8 or so]. i'm pessimistic it will ever change course to the degree that i would like (that's a silly expectation), but... there are episodes peppered throughout its catalogue that do, at the very least, acknowledge that these questions are out there (ie 956/957) but rather like other story beats and character developing moments it's almost like the series is cursed to rubber band back to the status quo each time it takes a risk! why??? (this is rhetorical, i'm not looking for an answer)
okay. that's all. i didn't like episode 999 lmao
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altschmerzes · 1 year
jamie tartt (doo doo doo doo doo doo)
character ask meme time!!!
one aspect about them i love
this is a very specific thing but watching the trajectory of not just his character development but his willingness to be.... happy? in front of people, specifically, across time? bc one thing i've noticed watching season 3 as it airs and then going back and watching the show from season 1 on through with a friend of mine who's watching it for the first time w/ me is that he barely smiled in season 1. not like.... for real. he smirked and sneered a lot but he didn't Smile, not in a real way, and now that we've seen what he actually looks like when he's smiling it's just. it's really jarring to go back and realize oh he just. never smiled, when we met him, huh. the kinda thing that drives me nuts.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
i feel like this is one area where my lack of exposure to fandom at large is gonna hamstring my ability to coherently answer one of these questions slksjv but i guess i'll just say with No specific judgement or thought towards any particular person or thing i've seen in particular, i wish people generally Understood More about trauma and what they're saying about it wrt jamie, if that makes sense.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
[points at icon] The Man Is Aromantic Gd Bless. i could go on about this forever in all the ways i see it manifest in his storyline and the way i think about him. but that's pretty much a gimme around here, given The Icon and my fic XD
so for another one, i think he would be, depending on the sort of person you are, either extremely fun or extremely obnoxious to watch movies/tv with. i feel like he's the sort of person who Talks To the tv and has very strong feelings about whatever is going on and NEEDS to share them. in order to get him to shut up during movie nights at away matches somebody needs to basically be designated to sit next to him and play with his hair because that is pretty much the only guaranteed way to get him to be quiet bc when people are like Directly Affectionate with him it turns his brain off.
one character i love seeing them interact with
well there's roy, because that dynamic is as i have described before "a rich tapestry of things that make me fully insane" and i will never tire of pondering it but there has been SO MUCH good stuff with him and sam in season 3, particularly in background moments. the trajectory of their dynamic has been very fun to watch and the way that relationship has been communicated lately, largely without dialogue, has been a very engaging game of Watching For That as episodes progress.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
i'm gonna take what could perhaps be an interesting pivot here and say rebecca. i think they are both like..... a very particular kind of Awkward in a lot of situations that i think would be very fun to watch in a situation Together. they'd bump off of each other like roombas. there's a reason i have at least one or two Rebecca And Jamie Are Left In An Interaction Together During Some Kind Of Serious Moment scenes in several of my fics. also i would just.... really like to see something made of how he was one of the bigger pieces of collateral damage in her war against rupert early on, i think there's some very fun space to like. get very interesting with that.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
this is a bit of a cheater answer since it isn't 'one' other character but i think jamie often has trouble sleeping (i could say about a million things abt this) and sometimes when he's having a particularly Bad Time with it i'll make an excuse to go find someone he knows and trusts and take a nap on their couch while they play video games or read or watch a movie or something. everybody has just sort of acclimated to this being a Thing That He Does, with a wide variance of understanding of what exactly he's doing and why.
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omg thank u for introducing me to the term kuleshov effect, that is my favorite aspect of fan edits it makes me go insane
it's so fucking cool, i was actually gonna make a video essay for a final project (before i realized that i don't know how to use a video editor + other problems befouled me) comparing two movies illustrating the connections and the contrasts i was making using the kuleshov effect, which would have pretty much just straightup been an amv using songs from one of the movies.
it's part of why a good gifset is one of my favorite kinds of fandom meta - clips from x episode paired with clips from y later episode, etc - like !!!!! you're making a connection and holding it up for me to look at directly so i can then make that connection myself purely through the juxtaposition!!!!!!!! that's so cool!!!!!!!!
like, look at this
you see what i'm saying??? the meaning comes from the interraction of the paired gifs/lines
or this one
which does like, angle or lighting comparison in addition to the contrast in emotion - shot comparison! match shots! et cetera!
like, the meaning here isn't coming from the caption, i don't see that until later, it's coming from seeing these visuals & dialogue juxtaposed and interpreting something from the decision to pair them. that's video essay
but like to get back to videos and amvs and the kuleshov effect and soviet montage in general - look at this supernatural amv. i've never seen supernatural but this is one of my favorite songs by the mountain goats, and there are lines in it that were put in a completely new perspective for me by watching this amv and seeing what shots the editor put under which lines
soviet montage is a style that developed pretty much in direct response to western/hollywood continuity editing, and specifically in response to the film birth of a nation, which was interesting to the soviet filmmakers in the way that they saw the style of filmmaking aided the film in selling the story of the KKK to the american audience
continuity editing stylistically wants to be noticed as little as possible, and guide you along the viewing of the movie, blurring the lines between your reality and the reality of the film (the idea of the suspension of disbelief) through things that mimic the real life experience of moving throug the world - shot-to-shot things like showing the exterior of the building and then the interior, keeping the camera within the same 180 degrees in a single scene so the people you're filming aren't suddenly on different sides of the camera (the viewer); and scene-to-scene things like having events occur chronologically (and if not, having a clear indication of flashback or flash forward as per filmmaking convention)
the soviet filmmakers saw this as like, some capitalist propaganda bullshit because it encouraged you to take in these ideas without necessarily thinking or critically examining them, and so it was very easy to make the KKK the heroes by just building a triumphant narrative around them, and how that narrative is shown to the viewer depends on how it's edited
and so montage editing, which is rising out of the same school of filmmaking as the kuleshov effect, is in direct response to that, to try and find a style of editing that makes the viewer pay attention to the techniques and to the fact that they're watching a film, keeps their brain engaged, and has them draw their own conclusions from what they're shown rather than being gently handed the conclusions by the film. so it's a style that is built on inviting thought and critique, and therefore a pretty natural style for expressing audiovisual critique and analysis
(amvs also have their roots in this style bc soviet filmmakers were often working with recutting american films rather than filming their own due to lack of funds for purchasing film. which is pretty cool)
if you wanna check out a cool classic example of soviet montage editing, vertov's man with a movie camera (1hr) is really fun, kind of a "day in the life" but also a display of different effects you can get by using a film camera in different ways, bit of stop motion, etc
(vertov is also a really interesting, he coined the idea of kino-eye, which is about the way that the camera looks at the world and how that's different from how a human eye looks at the world, and also, the way the world reacts or changes in response to being looked at by the camera. which is Pretty Relevant Right Now I'd Say! glares at tiktok. glares at surveilence state. anyway you might wanna check that out too it's a bit tangental to the topic but still relevant in terms of the idea of film as unique medium which can be used to express ideas differently than the written word)
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whenthechickencry · 6 months
Umineko EP4. Replay Part 4
This must have hurt Maria a lot even if Ange didn't mean anything bad by it... kids are really cruel to things they can't understand often.
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I am pretty sure cage made of flesh is explicit wording used by Beatrice before too!
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This is Ange at her most raw so far, she doesn't want to live. She doesn't want to keep going. She has no one on her side,,,,
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And now we go back to Maria having her own breakdown over Ange's word to remind us that Maria truly is miserable. Having a 9? 8 at this point maybe? year old describe living as holding out is so heartbreaking....
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It is interesting to see the contrast in how Maria and Ange do with magic when they are faced with a bad situation - Ange starts denying it entirely and Maria instead leans harder into it ie believing the Good and the Bad Mama thing. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer as to which is better, though, both are harmful to both in certain ways.
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Maria brings up how NOT LONELY she is so you know she really ISN'T LONELY did you know Maria is NOT LONELY.
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Maria is fucked up but then when the police WAS contacted. It just caused Maria's situation to escalate... obviously, I am not saying the good thing to do was ignore this obviously neglected child. Still, sadly that's the fucked up reality of how it is in real life for a lot of children who finally have their abuse reported.
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Tearing up again.... this episode certainly takes the cake in that regard....
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And yet, no one really helped Maria.... I don't know exactly the situation with abused children in Japan but I always imagined Rosa used her connections and money in order to keep Maria with her.
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If you think about how Maria is very likely autistic, this is all the more horrifying, not that it would be good either way, but having someone be punished and be considered their way of being just for the way they were born is just too harsh.
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The smile with which she says this is so fucking horrifying.
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Beatrice is under the belief that Rosa made the toy, too.... it's funny, if she knew she could probably get it replaced for her....
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Even at her lowest, she is still trying to not hurt the Rosa in her brain, haha....
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You can judge Sayo for teaching Maria 'bad coping mechanism' and while, yes, it's probably not ideal for a child to have such thoughts, all her positive coping mechanisms were removed forcefully from her, so what option did Maria really have....
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She does end up rethreading to that "naive belief" once the harsh truth of her parents murder is presented to her and she wants an alternate truth....
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Yeah like getting dunked by a group of ~10 year olds anyways what Amakusa is saying is extremely important and true otherwise, and Ange really wants to be at that point where she can be happy with/satisfy herself, even with all her faults and trauma.
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Ange's coming to important realizations about magic and how she has hurt others, something Battler will realize soon enough too... though I think her general view is not really correct, it's not that Maria was truly self-actualized in her life, it's that she constantly lied to herself about being like that. But she needed someone to understand and help her as she is not someone that would try to change her or remove her coping mechanisms bc they are strange.
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Some people feel that Ange is too self-actualized for her to go back as she did in ep8, but like, I don't agree. First of all the temptation to deny her parents the murderers is strong and second even here she is still trying to find ways for her to be the fault for an incident that happened when she was 6. She still desperately wishes for control for her life and is still probably considering killing herself on Rokkenjima.
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This is, ironically after talks about hating Beatrice, the sort of understanding Sayo always wished for. For someone to not only be able to respect her and her interests but also understand the deeper pain that lead to it.
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"And while still unfulfilled, she met with death," Sadly describes most of the Umineko cast and that's always hard for me to think about for me...
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B-battler? Okay, I gues... I am not sure George will appreciate that statement but I am sure Shannon appreciates the hint that maybe you didn't forget her after all (crushed hope on the end of this chapter)
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Eeugh, I mean, Jessica didn't mean anything by it but it's kind of a cruel thing to say with full context....
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Oh, I forgot about this, I guess Sayo just did her Krauss act in front of Maria...
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Was it Sayo? They did solve it on like 30 mins when they really tried.... Also the hammy and crazy version of Kinzo is kind of entertaining lol.
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The irony of all of this coming out of Nanjo's mouth when he's currently being both bribed to hide the death of his Dear Friend and being bribed to assist in a murder is funny.
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Damn uh, yeah uh, yeah sure.
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Rosa can't even be assed to prop Maria up in any way haha.....
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Maybe I am biased but I think this is 100% more Sayo's view than anything Kinzo ever remotely thought, the "hoping for a magical miracle" combined with the test that are done later being about love....
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This is so fucking funny to me? Uwaaaaaaah.
Immediately setting up both Beato and Gaaps' relationship and Beatrice's relationship with Beato, damn!
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
for the Bro Bone Bang, bc I had an afternoon free and why not, and isn't that in the spirit of bro boning, really?
rating: E length: 3100 tags: Established Relationship, Post-Episode: s10e06 Ask Jeeves, Face-Fucking
summary: Sam's looking for an old book; Dean's looking for a distraction.
for the @brobonebang prompt: in a dusty occult bookshop
“Dude, what is taking so long? I think I’m spontaneously developing asthma down here.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Sam says, but absently, because he’s paging through this book and—this might actually be the real thing, he’s thinking. A lot of it’s gibberish and there’s a lot of really fanciful business about dancing under the moonlight in the altogether (along with illustrations, which he really can’t show Dean or he’ll never get the book back), but some of these demon-summoning sigils look legit, and if those are legit then maybe this part, this part toward the back where the writing gets more serious—
“I’ve got the black lung,” comes Dean’s voice, a whole lot closer, and a hand settles on Sam’s lower back at the same time that he jerks, feeling caught somehow. Dean coughs, high and fake and pathetic, his flashlight pointed up toward his chin like a horror story. He mimes big sad eyes for a half-second and then smiles at Sam, perfectly irritating. “You know, that movie wasn’t half-bad.”
“If you ever say blue steel again it’ll be too soon,” Sam says, half-hiding the book. He doesn’t know why—Dean’s not interested.
Dean narrows his eyes at him, makes a half-hearted version of that stupid face, and then swings his flashlight up through the hanging crystals and the overly-gilt mirrors and the dusty bookshelf Sam’s been raiding, because on their way back from Connecticut he remembered a note in the Letters’ archive about an occult shop outside Trenton that had been a real marketplace, at least back in the ‘40s, and at this point Sam’s in the market for absolutely anything that will get that foul sore thing off of Dean’s arm.
Not, again, that Dean’s interested: “Can we go? I don’t know why you need more of this crap, not like we don’t have enough back home.”
“Why are you so antsy?” Sam says. He shoves the book into his bag, along with a few other odds and ends he’s picked up. Dean was playing with a huge brass-engraved magnifying glass downstairs—it’d be a good surprise, for when they get home, if he can pick it up without Dean noticing. Dean’s slow to answer and Sam zips up his backpack, turns around, finds Dean twirling the flashlight back and forth in his hands, making a weird zigzag pattern on the dusty carpet. “Dude, seriously. You’re like a little kid with a sugar rush.”
Or a murder-addict who’s just done a murder, his brain supplies.
Dean lifts a shoulder, sets the flashlight down on a table filled with faux-magical dreck—pointed up, like Sam’s, so that their little nook up here is filled with a thin barely-there light. “Want to get home,” he says. Surprisingly sincere. “I don’t know. Been a while. And—” He bites his lip, flash of white teeth in the dark. Sam raises his eyebrows, and Dean lifts a shoulder again. “Well, it was—kinda weird. Everybody knew we were brothers. Felt like—best behavior required, you know, when I just wanted to tell those cougar broads how big your dick really is.”
Sam blinks. Dean smiles at him, wide as a shark. “Wow,” he says, flat, “so—not a sugar rush but more of a—”
“A dick rush is totally a thing,” Dean says, crowding in, and Sam holds up his hands but just in surprise, really. He’s caught between the bookshelf and a curio cabinet with all manner of weird taxidermied birds and ugly cameos of people long-dead and Dean’s thigh sliding warm and easy along his, his hands on Dean’s chest and then on Dean’s waist, Dean immediately and thoroughly here, the smell of him, his heat. Feels like he burns hotter, since getting the mark.
Sam isn’t actually turned on by books in dead languages, no matter what Dean says, but with all this in his arms he’s getting there. Dean murmurs, “Maybe it’s a ball rush,” and he snorts, and Dean pushes his nose up against the bolt of Sam’s jaw and breathes out hot along his neck and whispers, “or a jizz rush, you think? All hopped up on your spooj?” and Sam groans, pinches Dean’s side, feels Dean’s mouth stretch into a grin against the hollow of his throat, and then he kisses there, and Sam gets a hand in his hair, feels it. Nice. Sweet, but then there’s teeth against his collarbone and it’s less sweet, and his dick really does start to wake up, then, a warm surge from his balls to his guts, Dean’s hair soft against the underside of his chin, Dean’s hands creeping up under his flannel, scratching through his undershirt.
“Thought the whole point was you didn’t get any,” Sam manages, and Dean hums against his throat, where he’s reapplied his mouth, with a hint of teeth. “Can’t be a jizz rush if you haven’t gotten some, right? Don’t you dare give me a hickey.”
“Like you wouldn’t love it,” Dean says, with enough of an edge that Sam’s eyes open again onto the half-dark, surprised—turned on—hard to tell, at this point. He does bite, but only a quick sharp nip, and Sam grips him by the freshly-cut hair, pulls him back, looks down, and Dean’s smiling, lazy, wide. His eyes are so dark they almost, almost look—but then Dean turns his head and Sam catches the white edge and his heart restarts, and thumps heavier in his throat, his fingertips cold, his dick—yeah, he’s interested.
“What are you thinking?” Sam says. He drags a hand down Dean’s chest, feels the soft of it, his giving skin. Only been a week or so, since they finished up that job with Kate and did quite a bit of celebrating—it should be easy to wait, but. Dean comes in against his throat again, pressing against him full-body, and Sam maybe sees what Dean means, about the rush. There’s a motel that they were vaguely heading toward before they broke in here, but maybe they could get one a little closer.
“I’m thinking,” Dean says, soft, “how that table could probably hold our weight,” and Sam gets a chance to say, what, before Dean drags him bodily backwards, and they stagger two steps with Sam matching Dean’s strides before Dean’s ass hitches up against the table and—it shifts a good four inches but holds, against the carpet, and some overpriced glass thing goes crashing over the edge, but who cares because Dean’s getting his legs around Sam’s hips and dragging Sam down over the top of him by his hair and Sam barely catches his weight on the table but then he’s kissing Dean, so everything else seems kind of secondary, at that point.
Dean kisses—fiercer, now. Wanting more, now. Sam thinks he knows why and it should worry him but it’s frankly hot as fuck, and he gets a grip on Dean’s hip and gives as good as he gets, biting Dean’s bottom lip and making him groan, smearing his mouth along Dean’s jaw, biting there—hard pressure between them, Dean’s nails dragging against his neck, heat rising. Fuck—yeah, it’s good, Dean wanting him this badly. Like those first heady days, a decade ago, when they were scared and young and hurting and only this made it better, except now—
“I will pay you ten dollars if you suck my dick,” Dean says, and Sam laughs, goes for his belt right away, says, “Little low, don’t you think?” while he crushes his crotch right up against Dean’s, grinding through the double-layer of denim, and Dean blinks at him all stupid and doesn’t seem to know how to let Sam’s hair go, his thighs clenching around Sam’s hips. Sam grins at him, takes another taste of his mouth—hot, absurdly plush—whispers against his lips, “Buy me dinner, at least,” and breaks Dean’s hold to slide down his body and haul his jeans and boxers down the requisite distance and Dean’s dick slaps up against his stomach—christ, he really is hard, has been—maybe was getting hot for it downstairs, dicking around while Sam was trying to work, and Sam goes down on his knees while Dean pushes up on the table—some heavy curio sliding off and slamming into the carpet—and Sam doesn’t waste time, knows Dean’s dick and knows what he likes and spits on him, slicks it down with a fist, following right away with an open, soft mouth, gets Dean to groan like he’s been shot, gets him to give it up.
Yeah—better now, so much better than when they were younger. Sam’s only ever blown this dick and at this point he’s familiar with its behavior. Just the taste is good: bitter, always, because Dean’s diet is appalling, but the salt, the slight sweat—yeah, it’s good. Sam screws down to the base, knowing how to open right up, and Dean yelps, his hips arching, his thigh jerking against Sam’s shoulder. Sam lets him. He can hold Dean down but it’s more fun to have him all body-shock, sweating and staggered, helpless to whatever Sam wants to do to him. He releases the head from his throat with a gasp, lets the gooey spit track down as he slides his lips along the shaft, holding it in a loose grip while he licks firmly at Dean’s balls, dragging his tongue between them, almost-harsh in a way that Dean pretends he doesn’t like but always makes his dick spit wet.
“Christ alive,” Dean says, faint up above, and Sam smiles. He sucks in one nut, careful but not too careful, and Dean curls forward over him, groaning, gripping Sam’s hair hard enough that it really pulls. Another little pulse in Sam’s gut. He breathes through the noise he can’t help, drags soft teeth up the side of Dean’s shaft, goes back to work more seriously, shutting out the dust-smell and the worry that’s with him all the time these days and focusing on the fat soft sweetness of Dean’s cockhead under his tongue, the easy give of the slit when he drags his tongue through it, the way the ridge pops through his lips when he pulls all the way off, breathes hot over it, goes right back down. Dean came back from being a demon all clean-shaven, a bizarre surprise, but Sam likes it now, likes tracing over Dean’s soft skin and dragging his fingers down between Dean’s legs and finding him sweaty, bare, nothing between Sam and his goal.
Dean spreads his legs as wide as he can in his jeans, lets Sam play around. Sam nurses at the head of his dick, digs two knuckles hard into Dean’s taint and takes the drip of precome like a reward. Hard, low groan, and Dean cups the side of his head, fingers tangling in Sam’s hair, says, “Fuck, Sammy,” all thick and satisfied and admiring, too, like he forgot somehow that Sam would do this once a day if he could, like he doesn’t love every minute of getting Dean flat on his back and making him come so hard he forgets everything in the world that’s not this.
A shift, though—Dean’s thigh drags down Sam’s shoulder and he gets his boots back on the ground. His jeans slide down to his knees and Sam helps them along, enjoying the flex of Dean’s hamstrings, the pop of muscle in one quad when he shifts his weight. A hand on the back of his head, then—and one on his shoulder, keeping him close—and Dean feeds his dick all the way in, to the back of Sam’s throat, makes him cough—and he pulls back, lets Sam adjust, but he doesn’t let go. Sam blinks the tears away, looking up, and Dean’s looking right back at him, steady, mouth open and gleaming wet in the dim. Sam kneels up higher, palms Dean’s ass, takes a deep breath, and when Dean feeds in that time Sam takes him all the way to the base, nose ground against the shaved skin so tight he can feel the prickle of new growth, Dean’s ass flexing hard against his palms. Trying to get deeper. When Dean pulls out Sam gasps for air and says, raw, “Do it, come on—do it, if you’re going to—” and Dean shoves right back in, hard enough that Sam almost chokes, and he swallows and opens wide and pulls Dean in tighter, nails in his ass, and Dean laughs soft and high-wild up above him and says somewhere deep past the ringing in Sam’s ears you’re the best brother in the goddamn world, you know that? and then he fucks in, and Sam gives himself over to it, mindblanked, free.
Dean comes in his throat. He coughs and Dean ignores his coughing, crushes in deeper, groaning loud and keeping Sam ground down right against his crotch. Sam swallows, lightheaded, gripping Dean’s hips, and it’s not until Dean says fuck! and releases his hold on Sam’s hair that Sam can even taste him, thick and bitter and bleachy-familiar, this instant flush of absolute want thrumming through him the moment it registers. That flavor that’s meant Dean for a third of his life.
After coming Dean’s hands and thighs and knees are weak. Sam gets a hand on his wrist, knocks his legs out from under him, and he drops hard enough that it sounds like it hurts, but at this moment Sam doesn’t care, with his lips sore and his throat bruised—and Dean doesn’t care either, swaying against Sam as he gets to his feet, helping while Sam shoves his jeans out of the way, sliding boneless warmth over his hips, his waist, opening up easy for Sam’s dick, letting Sam slot it in past his throat in one quick slide. Fuck, the heat of him—the slick soft of him—his body so easy, opening up all around Sam, like it’s the only thing he’s wanted all day. The unaccustomed sharpness before is all gone and he takes Sam fucking into his throat like a doll, closing his lips and breathing heavy through his nose and looking up with this heavy-lidded addict’s gaze while Sam rides his face, his body loose, his skull heavy in Sam’s hands, his tongue fat and slick and everything about him the only thing, the only thing that makes it worth—the reason Sam—
Sam pulses, shuddering. He pulls out after the first furious flexing pump, creaming Dean’s throat and then jerking himself through the rest. Before he can pull away Dean kisses the head, takes a pump against his lips, and then his cheek when Sam slides his dick hot-eyed against his stubble, the prickle of it a spine-tingling jolt, Sam’s balls spasming and giving up another helpless spurt that jets across Dean’s cheekbone, gleaming in the dim.
“Lunatic,” Sam breathes, brain circling the drain, and Dean licks his fat lips and looks straight up at him and the jizz starts to drip, sliding into the hollow of his cheek, and Sam reaches down and hauls him up his jacket in one furious pull, drags him in against Sam’s body—they crash back against the curio cabinet and something smashes—and he licks in one broad swipe from the corner of Dean’s mouth to the corner of his eye, his own come saltier, strange—and Dean opens up easy when Sam feeds it right back into his mouth, kissing him deep, shoving in where Dean’ll have to swallow it.
Dean swallows. Sam presses their foreheads together, catching his breath, and Dean holds a flat hand against Sam’s chest, where his heart feels like he’s just coming down from a marathon. Their noses brush and Sam covers Dean’s hand. His breath slows, and the world comes back in like a lazy tide: the nine pm emptiness of the store; the smell of dust and cheap incense underlying the smell of sweat and come and warm end-of-day bodies; the way the carved edge of the cabinet might actually be doing something permanent to his kidney. He doesn’t want to move. Screw his kidney.
“How much magickal crap did we just break?” Dean says, soft against the edge of Sam’s jaw.
He doesn’t sound like he cares, much. Sam sighs. “We’ll leave Eleanora some cash.”
Dean huffs, and gets his other hand up against Sam’s chest, and pushes off with a groan. Sam’s eyes are well-adjusted enough that he can see every detail of Dean’s face. The crow’s feet, the easy relaxed curve of his mouth. Freckles, even, when they’re this close, and he lifts a hand and drags his thumb over Dean’s wet cheek, the skin tacky before it’s rough with growing beard. Dean looks back at him, steady. All his sharpness and frantic edge just… smoothed away, until he’s only Sam’s brother. The truest part.
Dean’s hand slides up to the side of his neck, squeezes softly. Heat at the back of Sam’s eyes, from nowhere, just from—how many times has Dean held him, just that way—and then Dean says, gentle, “My ass is getting cold here, man.”
Sam snorts. “Yeah,” he says, and the corner of Dean’s mouth lifts, and he ducks in and kisses Sam quick and close-lipped and then pushes entirely away to drag up his jeans. Sam zips up, redoes his belt, sitting still in the pool of warmth that feels like it’s issuing from somewhere around his breastbone. His head full, again, but only of—that last, best part. What counts, in the end, for everything.
“Damn,” Dean says, and Sam looks up to find him holding what looks like a pair of glass scales, cracked and refracting the light a hundred different ways. “I’m blaming you for that one.”
“Don’t even,” Sam says, and Dean smirks, but when they leave they pile the broken crap on the big old-fashioned cashier counter along with the four hundred bucks in cash they have between them. When Dean’s back is turned Sam slips the magnifying glass into his bag, too, and adds an extra twenty to the pile.
They re-lock the back door, re-arm the sad excuse for a security system. “Guess it was worth the pitstop after all,” Dean says, rocking on his heels in the damp alley.
“Guess so,” Sam says, thinking of the book in his bag. Cursed marks, damned souls.
Dean grins at him and it sparkles and that just hits Sam in the gut, like it always does, every time. “I’m thinking—a beer, and then we hit the motel in Wilmington, and in the morning we get those cinnamon rolls, you remember, at Sue-Ann’s? Big as your head, and that really is saying something?”
Sam sighs. “Sounds like a plan,” he says, and Dean says, “Awesome,” and Sam follows his brother to the car, loving him despite everything.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
time for a star trek update. sunday we watched ds9's "dax" and tng's "tapestry," and last night* we watched ds9's "the passenger"
*times changed as always i am actually typing this up at 1am and scheduling it to go up later
dax (ds9):
i feel like we sorely needed this episode bc we havent gotten much out of dax yet, except for how she (he? to refer to the old one right) and sisko fucked twins together or something (and good for them)
i like the ethical questions it presents. IS jadzia responsible for crimes curzon committed? she both is and isn't the same person, but who she is can't be split down the middle, so how can you be fair to both halves?
WWWILD that people fight for the honor of being possessed by a worm. i think that sounds horrible. not everyone has to agree with me, of course
i like whatever sisko and dax have going on. "you used to be way older than me and my father figure and we fucked twins one time but now you're a SUPER hot young woman who i both know very well and also don't know at all and one time you touched my face oh So gently." like, what the hell was that, firstly, and secondly, he can't even decide if he's attracted to her or not. the upshot of it all being that if jadzia was only jadzia she would, hilariously, be way too young for him
kira didn't have much screentime in this episode but i like when she and sisko instantly and nonverbally worked out that she was gonna be a shit about bureaucracy simply to get dax's ass out of the frying pan. and she smiled the whole time she did it!! i love i love i LOVE that she smiles when she's angry. one hundo percent my fav thing about her
they didn't exactly answer any of the questions they set up in this episode bc dax got off on a technicality (didn't do the murder) but i kind of like it better that way. like, you really CAN'T answer where dax ends and jadzia begins, that's the point of it. if i was ranking ds9 characters from most to least favorite (adn trust me i WILL get to that), dax would probably be near be near the bottom, not bc i don't like her but because usually she's very closed off and not interesting, but this was fascinating af. good for her
tapestry (tng):
this episode fucking sucked ass
firstly, q didn't add anything to this episode. like he didn't save picard from danger, or affect change in any way whatsoever. picard coded but lived. that's the exact same thing that would have happened had q not interfered. so what did he even do that for? normally he gives a reason even if it is a bad one but this time it's ???
way too few moments of q wanting desperately to fuck picard while picard wants desperately to be away from him bc he a wretched little man. i bet he watched picard fuck that girl though
which by the way is sooo weird. she's too young to be kissing sir patrick stewart, love and light
the story picard told about getting stabbed to wesley was actually one of the cooler moments of that episode, but seeing it acted out, especially by the actor who played young picard, made it...less cool. sir patrick stewart did a better job because he's sir patrick stewart, but i was so done with the episode by the time we got there that i didn't care
what was the message of this episode exactly? it's dumb to have regrets? you should always get into bar brawls that can kill you and you're a bad friend if you don't do it? don't attempt to initiate a romantic relationship with a girl you've been crushing on who has stated that she likes you back? picard's like "hey maybe we shouldn't provoke these guys who can kill us over a fucking game" and suddenly everyone in his life thinks he's a bad person?? like he was afraid for his life and his friend was just bulldozing over all his concerns THAT GUY is a bad person. not picard?? for once??
johnny nickname stupid. actually picard's whole younger self persona sucks. it's like what society thinks captain kirk was, because of KIRK DRIFT. he's a caricature. and old present day picard is a pussy who never leaves the ship and told worf to kill himself?? is there no middle ground???
oh yeah and isn't it a little insulting to be like...my god, this LOSER who carries around papers all day and does nothing else, this life is a fate worse than death! it's better to be DEAD than in a body of a low ranking science officer. If You Don't Get Stabbed In Bar Fights No One Will Ever Notice You You Will Never Be Offered Opportunities
like sorry who did they think watched star trek...surely not people with day jobs which involved carrying papers to superiors
at least we have dom jot. it look sooooo fun i was utterly captivated by it i wanna play it in REAL LIFE
anyway. bad episodes when we not only don't have the side characters doing nothing but they straight up arent even here. SIGH. i want tng to be good so bad please please please let the next ones be good
the passenger (ds9):
HELLOOOOOO this one served SOOO much cunt. like, first of all, i want that twink obliterated
it's increasingly funny to be watching julian get shot down by dax. it's like the vibe q and picard have but more grounded and less horrible. and you can tell she really likes him but not Like That, more like a "aww this is my pet twink who keeps hitting on me hes so funny" kind of way. she thinks he's adorable but wouldn't fuck him.
I HOPE. i'll be crushed if he has any romantic entanglements because i want to exclusively imagine him with garak but also because whatever he has going on with jadzia is really funny
also, whatever speech he was making to kira in the shuttle about how fucking great he is when this is his first field assignment. he is so unwell and also funny. her giving up in sheer incredulity and playing along for the bit because he's so stupid you can't even be insulted was like. really good.
odo my beloved...he was really autistic in this episode. he was like, i need to know exactly what my duties are and who's in charge and know that i won't be undermined here. considering the xenophobia he's dealt with i absolutely get it. AND!!! he gave that annoying yellowshirt guy full credit where it was due even though he was being annoying and a big meanie earlier. i loved also that sisko was straight with him, said he liked him, AND!!! stood up for him behind his back. picard never supports his people like this he's too busy telling worf to kill himself ro whatever it is that he does
i also like, of course, all that he has going on with quark. "i'm always watching him" or whatever he said. so true. not to be space racist, but if you'd told me before i watched ds9 i'd have so much fun with the ferengi i'd have thought you were out of your fucking mind
anyway, i haven't decided if anyone in ds9 is my specialest little princess yet but odo, sisko, and kira are currently my top contenders.
oh, speaking of that annoying yellowshirt guy, i was SOOO sure the bad guy had jumped in him bc of his personality transplant but he really did just get his act together and the bad guy was in bashir instead. LOVED that twist bc star trek so rarely manages to trick me, but also i solved it ahead of time because of Clues so i got to feel tricked AND feel smart
the guy who plays julian certainly did act. in those scenes. he opened his mouth so wide to enunciate. he spoke so slowly. it was so fucking hilarious
i like when he got back and he was like it's me, don't shoot! they shot his ass anyway. i literally want that twink obliterated
anyway 9/10 great episode the only thing i missed was o'brien
NEXT TIME: tng's "birthright," parts i & ii, hopefully at the same time lol
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okay, i didn't like the star beast, but thank fuck it was a one-off, i really liked wild blue yonder
cons: it still looks bad. the cgi's cheesy and obvious, which i don't mind too much, but what i do mind is the editing. it wasn't quite legend of the sea devils bad, but it was awkward, frenetic and difficult to follow, just like last week. which kind of worked for the first duplicates scene, given it was supposed to be confusing, but enh.
in all honesty, the episode i kept coming back to was smile, which also does the "just let the main two wander alone for half the ep" thing. both sort of move more on strength of personality and vibe more than anything else, although i'd say this had more interesting vibes than smile. but in both cases, that chemistry is doing some extremely heavy lifting, and i imagine i'd find this much less interesting with, idk, 6 and peri, or 13 and yaz, or something
music was less irritating (like the synths, loved the bit where the music drops out as he presses on the glass but they didn't time it quite right) but still ott
it feels like the star beast was the "mission statement" episode and this was the "just make a good episode" one, which is okay, i liked this more, as i said, but it means that this felt a bit shallower. like it didn't really have much to say. which again, isn't a dealbreaker, but it means it's never gonna be an all-timer
pros: whew. scary! funny! mysterious! compelling! the atmosphere at the start in particular, before they showed up was exquisite. loved the imagery of a battered robot slowly walking down an empty hallway forever, very ominous, although nothing else quite lived up to that.
fucking hell it's so nice to have two main characters who actually like each other again. who understand and respect each other. it's lovely to see the doctor and donna bantering, joking, arguing, supporting each other, i've missed that so much.
not said much about the plot, bc it was just kinda nice. spooky, barely explained cosmic horror is my jam so i basically couldn't dislike it lmao
also, keeping up the "casually questioning pronouns" thing and making the doc explicitly gay is cool too. i prefer my ace headcanon, as always, but i appreciate rtd's confrontantional stance on this stuff
also also, as much as i disliked chibnall's run i do appreciate the "yes, and" approach rather than just ignoring it. i doubt it'll be too intricately woven but it's nice that he's considering and incorporating elements from both his predecessors
but yeah. enjoyed very much. good show
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Tldr; the wwdits writers know a thing or two about depression and being tired of life, nandor is a prime example, allow them to bring about his character arc in a natural way
Nandor's 'I'm whispering bc I care about marwa and don't want her to know I'm about to replace her' gives me hope and much food for thought. Excuse the rambling because I'm fleshing this thought out as i go.
Because he's just self aware enough to know when his actions are making people sad. It means that he knows when he's doing/ done something wrong, and actually, I was super mad about this episode be guillermo and marwa and freddie deserved better, but now that I'm thinking more clearly, the writers have been leading up to this.
Everytime nandor does something wrong, he does notice. A lot of it is stupid dumb shit like getting locked in a cage at the rescue shelter. But when he pushed guillermo off the balcony during their fight, he has a millisecond of hesitation before he says OOPSIES. Likewise, when he's discussing the freddie fiasco, he considers for a moment that he's doing something wrong, then very deliberately glosses over it like it's nothing. (For more, see nadja figuring out he pillaged her village, leaving benjy alone and hypnotised, turning Gail without her consent, etc)
I believe the reason for this is a very specific turn the writers want to take with nandor as a character. It's a fact that nandor hasn't been happy for a long time, but this fact only becomes evident from the latter half of season 2 onwards. This is also when he starts fucking up more, and instead of taking responsibility the way he did with Sean and the brain scramblies, he starts to write things off like they don't really matter.
Had the vampires not stated clearly that he was going through vampire depression, it would have been evident from the way he just... stopped caring about everything and everyone. Compounded by guillermos apparent betrayal in 3×10, I believe he just kept sinking into these feelings, until he became the nandor we see in s4.
I know in a previous post i said they'd just made him into an asshole incel (which btw I do still think), I believe its a mask for the terrible depression he's going through. He's a lonely lonely vampire who wishes he could be human, who wants a lifeline so badly he'll cling to one made of gum and feathers at this point, and he's been in this despairing state for a while.
First, he clutched onto guillermo, thinking if he made him a vampire then they'd be happy. Then, he decided a wife would fix him. But she didn't, so he thought she needed to be changed. All this while he's struggling both with depression and buried feelings for guillermo. Which means when guillermo and freddie show up, happy and gay, he is intensely envious and immediately latches on to "what he's been missing".
Freddie. Freddie is the stand in for everything nandor wants but can't have. A human, slightly nerdy boyfriend, who dresses like the pits of fashion and knows enough about nandors niche interests to be interesting. He's the "perfect fix". Until he isn't.
This episode made a lot of people, including me, very very angry. But I think we need to look past this to what nandors really struggling with and allow the writers to let him grow without praising them for some episodes and cursing them for other, heartbreaking but necessary ones.
Honestly I'm pissed about the ending they forced on marwa, because yes she deserved to stab him at least once. But once again, I think that last shot of them together just highlights how far gone nandor is. She looks miserable, because he IS miserable. Marwa doesn't like him because he doesn't like himself. Marwa doesn't like living because nandor doesn't like living.
Sure, he smiles and laughs with freddie, but he's uncomfortable not knowing human jokes. Even the second time around he looks deeply unhappy when he's laughing at the roomba joke. He wants to be a part of this little clique humans have SO SO badly, but at the end of the day he is other.
And finally, that shot at the end where nandor cries after leaving freddie on the train. Is he grieving leaving freddie or is he grieving the travels he could have had with guillermo? Is he really crying or just scrunching up his face for the cameras? It all comes down to the original question: does he care? And the answer is, no, not anymore, not for a long time.
In conclusion, this has been long and rambling, but I can't wait to see how far he has to fall before he hits rock bottom, or if this is perhaps rock bottom. At that point I would like to see if he wishes to become human, or wishes that he'd always be happy. Or, my favourite option, I would like to see who the writers bring in as the person who shows him how to heal himself. Either way, the writers have brought the show this far without ruining it, and I trust them with this episode and the bigger picture, and I can only hope that they follow through on that.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Y'know, abt Uraraka's crush, i find it interesting the way that crush came to be known as an actual crush. I'm not big in saying that other ppl influenced her to think like that, but that as time goes on, became what would make a connecting between her and Toga.
As of right now, the crush seemed to be more of a plot tool than something of an endgame. Bc the only talk abt love that goes from Ochako to Toga, is something totally personal between them, not Deku. Deku was a part of it, sure, but he isn't the driver of that conversation.
Agreed, Anon.
One factor about Uraraka's crush on Midoriya that I like is how much later it came into her story. It wasn't even named "crush" until later in season 3 (Ashido). In season 2, she first was just more embarrassed than actual attraction (Gunhead teasing her) and then when Aoyama brings it up he doesn't say "crush", he says "you like him" which could have mean anything really. And knowing Aoyama (if you're a manga reader), he could have meant it any other way.
Interesting enough, when her "attraction" to Midoriya is introduced or at least teased, it's around the same time (season 2, going by anime) Toga herself is introduced.
Now why I like this detail?
Because in typical shonen fashion, anytime a girl is introduced to be used as the "love interest" or "her personality is going to her crushing on the boy" it's right at the very beginning. It takes about 1 - 3 episodes.
Uraraka though? Nah.
Her personality, her drive to be a hero is given first.
It lays the foundation of her journey in this story.
Her crush on Midoriya would have been no different if she crushed on any other guy in her class.
Why? Because simply as you said, it's a plot tool. It was a needed piece, a cleaning wipe to wipe away the dirt that was blocking her view of what was needed to be seen for her arc.
Again, any guy could be put in Midoriya's role for this. Toga only "crushed" on him because when he was bloody, mind you she sees him bloody their first meet, he looked exactly like a dude she went to middle school with when he was bloody.
Anybody else could be in that role and it would be the same.
The only reason why it was Midoriya is because HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER.
And, let me add this, I think, and this is a stretch, another reason why some people don't like Midoriya paired with Bakugou (or just any guy) and prefer Uraraka is because in Midoriya’s case, he would be "manly enough" to be the protagonist.
People already say he's a crybaby and say it's annoying. No, he just has fucking emotions. Like every other character in this damn story. Kaminari whines quite a bit and I don't see him being called annoying.
Midoriya is by far the scariest person to get angry for me. He has no sense when he's angry and that glint in his eyes is murderous. Forget Bakugou! Midoriya? The moment he's angry, it's like "Okay, there goes your kneecaps". He doesn't care to actually talk to someone and reason with them unless it's to tell them to shut the hell up. And it's a shock because being angry isn't his default. He usually is smiling and he doesn't even cry as often as some people make it seem. Most of the time, it's a running gag.
Something that has been seen with other anime protagonists and I don't see anyone calling them crybabies.
Him "getting the girl" is like the only way he could be "redeemed" for some people because "getting the girl" is a must, it has to happen because "we say so and it's not right if he gets with a boy, he'll be more manly". 🙄
That way of thinking is just unfair to both Midoriya and Uraraka.
Some people don't care for either of them unless it's for straight romance reasons. Them getting together would do nothing for the end of their arcs because it wasn't a set goal in the first place.
Forget romance!! Aren't their arcs important? Their morals? Personalities? Is nothing else about them make them interesting enough for them to be liked? Jeez.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
theres this south park episode where two kids get shipped by some asian girls and the whole town of south park starts shipping them too, so they fake a break up so everyone will leave them alone but it backfires bc one of them is a lil too good at acting and accidentally makes everyone believe the other guy cheated on him. The whole town becomes depressed and at the end they get back together to make everyone happy again, so like imagine that but with sarumi lol I had a south park phase a couple of months ago, I'm sorry. It's from the episode "tweek x Craig" btw!
Somehow I imagine this happening post-ROK, where all the clans assume Yata and Fushimi are dating (and they would be correct on that). Like say Yata and Fushimi have been spending more and more time together as they start becoming friends again and maybe they are actually crushing on each other but neither one is able to admit it. Of course their respective clans have noticed that they're spending all this time together and they all support this relationship, like the S4 boys know that Fushimi's been interested in Yata all this time and they think it's wonderful that he and Yata have finally gotten together. One day Doumyouji and Hidaka are visiting Bar Homra and Fushimi happens to stop by to pick Yata up, after they leave Hidaka says it's nice they finally hooked up. The Homra guys are like wait they finally hooked up, no one said anything to us. Hidaka's like isn't it obvious and thinking about it the Homra boys have to agree, like yeah they do spend a lot of time together and Yata seems way happier now that he and Fushimi aren't enemies, I guess they're finally dating.
The rumor even gets over to the Silvers and now three clans are shipping it. Yata finds out when one of the Homra guys accidentally lets it slip that they're all supporting him, Yata's like wait supporting me in what and the Homra guys are like you and your relationship with Fushimi. At the same time Fushimi overhears some of the S4 alphabet talking about him dating Yata and he wonders if Yata told them something. Yata calls him right about this time and they meet up to talk about it, Yata's like yeah I don't know why everyone thinks we're dating, giving this weak laugh and maybe also trying to not very subtly find out if Fushimi is, like, into this idea because Yata might be. Unfortunately since this is an emotion thing Fushimi absolutely misses Yata's not subtle hints and instead takes this as Yata admitting that he isn't interested in Fushimi at all and Fushimi figures well why would he be of course he only wants to be friends it was stupid of Fushimi to hope otherwise. Fushimi says it's annoying that everyone keeps gossiping and Yata's like 'I guess...we could break up?'. Fushimi shrugs and is like yeah I guess we could, it would make everyone leave us alone. Yata's like all right cool so we can like break up in front of everyone and then go on being just friends. Fushimi's like right just friends. Yata smiles all totally just friends nothing else and Fushimi agrees, just friends.
So a couple days later Homra and S4 have a mission together and when the mission is over Yata and Fushimi put their plan into motion and have a fake fight (somehow I imagine this fools everyone except Munakata, who's already been in this rodeo so to speak). They 'break up' in front of everyone and separate, Yata sending Fushimi a text afterward just to remind him that this was all fake because he is a bit worried about Fushimi taking things personally. Fushimi texts back that he knows that but maybe he really is somewhat gloomy because this is just a reminder that Yata won't ever love him. Unfortunately the squad have been around him long enough that they can tell Fushimi is extra gloomy and now they assume Yata must have broken his heart. Doumyouji idly comments that didn't one of the things Yata said sound kinda like he cheated on Fushimi-san and this immediately gets the rumor mill going, eventually Yata walks into Bar Homra to see everyone glaring at him and even Chitose is like seriously Yata cheating isn't cool.
Yata wants to walk the whole thing back now because he's tired of being called a cheater and anyway doesn't it seem like everyone's in a bad mood now that we 'broke up.' Fushimi clicks his tongue all are you trying to get me to take you back, being mostly sarcastic but Yata's like actually I think I am. Fushimi gives him this acid look like I'm not going to be your fake boyfriend Misaki and Yata gives this nervous cough as he's like 'well...what if you were my real boyfriend?'. Fushimi freezes and Yata ends up admitting all his feelings, that he was actually really happy when he thought Fushimi might want to really date him and he didn't want to ruin their friendship but he's been in love with Fushimi since middle school even if it took a super long time to realize it. Fushimi eventually admits his own feelings too, they kiss and agree to 'get back together.' Yata's like and you'll tell everyone I didn't cheat right and Fushimi gets this wicked grin as he's like I don't know, maybe you need to make it up to me first.
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wikiangela · 1 year
911 lone star 4x05
it seems that the season is finally picking up, and this is my fave episode so far 😂
more thoughts and spoilers ahead!
jfc Rob Lowe is so good in comedic roles fr, I think that's why I enjoy Owen now, because he gets funny stuff 😂 that scene was so funny 😂
the boy calling about the math problem was so adorable, and Grace's reaction was even more adorable, she's so fucking cute I can't 😩😍😍 that smile with a nose scrunch??? 😍😍😍😍
"not a math whiz, just a math fan" SAME I love math, I miss it, why did I go study English at uni lmao
we should see more of the 911 dispatchers, like we do in the og - like, I'd love to at least learn like 3 names of something 🙄😂
ngl, I have no memory of this paramedic they're talking about 😂 (also, the music in this scene is kinda loud isn't it? like the drums or whatever? idk, it makes my head hurt lol)
waaait, I knew it was a more Marjan focused episode from the promo, but... someone complained about her to HR???? what the fuck about, she's a delight 😂
oh my god the lady from the mobile home?? over the word "crazy" when Marjan saved her life?? seriously?
we're focusing a lot on Linus, huh - I bet something bad is about to happen (clearly something's wrong with the mom, and I'm anxious waiting to see what haha)
jfc it was one stupid word, that people used to throw around at anything and anyone, jfc I don't wanna be one of those "why are people these days so sensitive" bitches but... she saved you life lady, leave her alone
I love seeing more Marjan but I feel so bad for her
I almost forgot about this dude since the beginning tbh, I'm enjoying this episode a lot haha - no idea what his deal is but it's stressing me out
I am loving getting more of the dispatch - if this is how this season continues, I might change my opinion about it (which is that this season is kinda whatever so far, but maybe just the first four episodes were bc this is good)
I kinda like Marjan and Owen's dynamic, this is fun (pls give me more Owen and TK tho, I miss them, and I'm always a sucker for a father son relationship 😂)
this couple is so ridiculous, jfc, Owen's right, how is that guy not in jail 😂 and they want her to post an apology for calling her "crazy"? and tag their gofundme? lady, you are fucking crazy 😂😂
they're blaming the fire department, aka people who rescued her life, for destroying their home??? that dude fucking took it - oh my god they're insane and it's infuriating but also kinda funny 😂
I love Grace and Judd and I missed them, we barely saw them the last couple of episodes haha (and Charlie is the most adorable baby 😍😍)
thank God for Grace and her instincts about what's happening, and that Judd nudged her to go over there right away
also, Tommy is amazing and I love her and her friendship with Grace
Paul "notices things" - I completely forgot about that because it hasn't been referenced since like s1 - pls give him an actual storyline that includes all aspects of him, including this superpower of his 😂
Paul and Marjan are one of my fave friendships, they're really ride or die's, I just love them (also, I just love the way Paul speaks if that makes sense? I'm weird about voices and cadence and pronunciation idk 😂)
sooo, Asha's sticking around, right? 😂 they wouldn't have her know Paul from way back when if they weren't starting something here right? 😂 I'm not complaining, pls give Paul a storyline, and if it's finally a good love interest, even better haha
I'm sorry, but making such a big deal over the word "crazy" is literally so ridiculous I can't help but laugh
nooo, don't tell me she's really leaving
I'm crying
not Nancy and Mateo being the parent friends 😭😂
like, she's not gone forever is she? I'm sure she'll be back eventually... right?
okay, promo: I am so excited for this bomber storyline, it seems more interesting than the first 4 episodes of the season (like, I loved the Carlos episode - 4x04 but like... eh)
so, I loved this episode, please tell me this is when the season picks up finally, I was finally engaged from the beginning until the end, and enjoyed all of it
I did miss Carlos, and he's my fave character, but also, like I mentioned a lot already, the tarlos storyline so far with Iris etc was so fucking boring and it took a lot of time in those first episodes (and it's crazy I'm even saying that because I always say to give Carlos all the screen time 😂) so it was nice to kinda have a break from them haha and I'm so glad we're over the whole FBI thing
now, I adore Grace and I loved her storyline this eps, it was great and interesting
I feel like Asha's gonna stick around and I'm excited if they're gonna do anything with her and Paul (or just fucking give Paul some more screen time ffs)
I loved that we got more of other dispatchers aside from Grace and please keep it up, I wanna know them like we know Josh and Sue and Linda, for them to be around you know? 😂
and Marjan.... I don't believe she left for good, and I don't wanna believe that, and I get her reasoning, because fuck those people, but also.... this was just so ridiculous, do people really get that offended over the word crazy? I know it's offensive or whatever but since when it's a slur? 😂
anyway, it was a great episode for Marjan, loved seeing her more and her struggle with this whole situation, and her and Owen actually have a great dynamic, wish we'd seen more of that (if they didn't give 90% of screen time to Owen alone 🙄 I like him but sometimes it's like.... there are people who are more interesting that I wanna find out about lol)
genuinely can't wait for the next one, and it's the first time this season I'm actually looking forward to the next episode, I hope it's gonna only get better now haha
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