#so when you’re sad just remember that you can grab some nice characters and make them kiss
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dnkinktober day 12: size difference
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🦋 Hello~
Could you do scenarios ; How the Hetalia guys would motivate and help with studying, basically making sure their S/O stay on top of school work. Any character is fine, you can pick, no pressure.
Tho speaking of who Is your favourite character? 🍬 you don’t have to answer if you’re uncomfortable it’s cool
America, China, Canada, and France helping/motivating their S/O with schoolwork
note: i’m sorry it took awhile, idk how to format it yet. oh also i couldn't finish canada since idk what to write for him (sorry again) my favorite character kinda depends on my mood but Hungary, Canada, and Switzerland are my top three.
He would try and help you study but sadly your face is too distracting for him.
So, he ends up just looking for articles or books that can help you.
America would force you on a burger break because while he cares for your education, your inner peace is more important to him.
He would hang out in the room you’re studying in, (or you're studying where he's working) occasionally looking over your shoulder to see what you’re doing. He always compliments your good work after checking too.
Alfred hugs your back, resting his head on your shoulder. “Lookin’ good, babe.” You can’t tell whether he said that to you, or if it was directed towards your work. Either way the statement is still flattering though. You look up at him to notice him looking right back at you. Alfred chuckles once you look back to your schoolwork.
China will be really helpful, he’d probably encourage note taking and other good methods to remember things.
He’d make you some tea, or just water if you dislike that. He doesn’t want you to forget about staying hydrated.
Wouldn’t distract you as much as some the others might, he finds your schoolwork to be very important.
Altogether very helpful, does his best to help you with it. He probably knows a lot too with how ancient he is.
"S/O, I made you some tea! This helps with memory so it should help you a lot." He smiles, placing the cup down gently for you. "Thank you." You sighed looking to him, you appreciated the stuff he did for you. It might not be much but it helps. He presses a soft kiss to your cheek, "Call for me if you need anything." then he leaves. Even if he never stays for long, it's still nice when he does check in on you.
He makes you some pancakes to eat while working, might even try to shape it into something cute like a heart for you.
Extra helpful if you’re writing something. I feel like that’d be his best subject.
The way he’d help with that is spelling corrections, telling you different ways to phrase something you said.
If it’s anything else he’s still helpful, mostly just there for moral support though.
(I WROTE SOMETHING HERE WHY THE FUCK DID IT DISSAPEAR?!?!??! i'm so sorry canada lovers but i aint rewriting that shit😭)
France is the classic "i will help you study!" but you end up getting nothing done becasue of him.
Keeps asking you to take a break, he's kind of needy about your affection. Will try and look sad if you say no, does his own version of puppy dog eyes.
Eventually he gives up and goes to at least make you a snack, you deserve it for being such a determined worker.
He'll come and go, definitely the least helpful but he is pretty fun so that kind of makes up for it.
"S/OOO~." He whispers in your ear, his persistence for your attention is starting to become sad with how desperate he's getting. Currently, your lovely boyfriend is trying to convince you how taking another break will help your work ethic. You love him loads but he's really time consuming. Sighing, you turn around and grab his shoulders. "Francis. If you give me another hour to work, I will go out and have dinner with you. Okay?" He seems pleased with this compromise, already going off to get ready and plan where you two will go.
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xbunny-k · 2 years
The Actor & I: PART SEVENTEEN – I Just Don’t Know How to be Single
This is part SEVENTEEN of a very long, SLOW BURN series on Austin Butler and a Production Assistant on set of Elvis (2022).
Masterlist here!
Another short one, but Part 18 will drop tomorrow ✨
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Anything italicized is main character’s thoughts!
Warnings: Fluff, eventual Spoilers for Elvis (2022), mild language (If i missed anything, please comment so i can add!)
Tags: @manddor @pumkiinpasties​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @karamelcoveredolicity @butlerstyles @feral4austinbutler @mirandastuckinthe80s @emilykolchivans @atombombbibunny @francescababy @starry-night-20 @yeetfack-blog @milaa24 @londonalozzy @xo-aurora @chaoticbilly @mamaspresley @sageskywalker (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
Please, if you like this, share it, comment, like it and enjoy! xx
Panic rushes over me. I feel my face react without even thinking. They broke up? They’ve been together forever. Poor Aus. I grab his hand and look at him even though he’s looking down and say, “Aus, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He takes a deep breath and rubs my hand. The light changes and I continue forward, but still keep my hand in his.
I can tell he’s trying to think of what to say, and I whisper, “You don’t have to say anything, or you can just tell me anything you’re thinking or feeling. I’m here as your friend and if you just need to get things off your chest, I’m here, Aus.”
I can see Austin relax a bit and he squeezes my hand a bit. “We’ve been fighting a lot. And I’m about to just through myself into work like I never have before, and it just feels like it’s too much. We were only fighting the last few weeks. There’s been no easy times. I’m not giving up, but I just don’t feel like I could keep on like that with all this work I’m about to put in both mentally and physically,” he says firmly, but almost as a whisper.
We come to a light and I look over at him. He looks serious and just so sad, almost defeated. “Aus, it’s okay to put yourself first. You know your limits and what you need in your life right now,” I say. He looks up at me as if he’s looking for something.
Did I not say enough? I don’t want to push him…but I want to offer support. Just try to stay neutral, Ana. If they get back together, you don’t want him resenting anything you said. “It’s just so hard. We’ve been together through so much… She encouraged me to go after Elvis. She filmed my initial tape,” he says in a defeated voice.
“I didn’t decide this on a whim, it’s been a longtime coming with us. I just wanted to end it so we can look back nicely at what we had. I don’t want to let the arguing be what we remember about each other,” he says quietly. I squeeze his hand and let go, “Hold on,” I say as I make a quick U-turn. I grab a spot and look over at Austin, “follow me, Aus.”
We both get out of the car and Austin looks confused. We climb down some rocks, and I head over to one of my favorite spots. When we get to the edge, I look back at Austin and he smiles, “This is perfect, wow.” He sits down and I join him on the rocky cliff as we look out over the dark ocean. There’s not a ton of lighting, so the ocean looks dark and a bit scary.
We sit in silence looking out at the Pacific Ocean, but eventually I look over at Austin and say, “It’s good to get out while you know you’re both ready for something new, but don’t dislike each other or have ill will towards one another.” I sigh and look back at the ocean. Austin lets out a deep breath and rubs my shoulder again. He looks over at me and moves a strand of hair out of my face.
What is that? Ana, stop blushing.
I try to calm myself down on the inside as I can feel my cheeks warming up. Austin says, “I just don’t know how to be single. I’ve been with her my entire adult life pretty much.” I smile at him, “This is the best time to learn. You’re about to go through the biggest moment of your career and while I know you’d love to have her there to share it with, but you’re gonna learn so much about yourself while on this journey. It may be the best time to be single.”
He smiles and pulls me into a side hug, “You always know what I need to hear, Anastasia.” Why do I love it when he says my full name? “I’m really happy I’ll have you as a friend while we’re working on the movie,” Austin says. Friend, Ana. A friend. You’re a co-worker and a friend, remember that.
“I can’t wait, Aus. It’ll be great. For both of us,” I giggle. Austin gets up and holds his hand out to me, “Now what do you say we pick up some food and get back into your version of Scrabble?” I smile and take his hand, “after you, Mr. Presley.”
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whitefoxgirl · 2 years
Dreams (Yoongi Drabble Continuation)
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Author's Note: This will be the end, thank you to those who read my fic. If you have any suggestions or even ideas for new ones, let me know! This is a continuation to the drabble I posted a few weeks back. I would just like to thank @dreamescapeswriting who's been supportive of me writing a 2nd part as well as @lovesavepeace97
Pairing: Yoongi x reader (Gender Neutral pronouns) Fandom: BTS Warnings: Soulmate!AU; Slight cursing, fantasy, very slight spoiler for Attack On Titan(?) Genre: Fluff, angst Word Count: 4k Songs that helped me:
• Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji • I will become a cat! - Fruit Basket OST • Kanashimi no Yoru - Ao Haru Ride OST • Onore no Sentaku - Mayuko (Ranking of kings OST) • Ashes of Fire - Kohta Yamamoto (AOT OST) • Gales of Song - Belle • Lend me your voice - Belle
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“Be nice” I whispered in their ear as we danced, their soft giggles blended as we swayed to the music. I felt the ground around me break slowly. I smirked softly knowing it was their doing. They always liked magical things to happen around us when we’re in our dream world. Slowly, I see butterflies around us, surrounding us as if we’re the main characters of a love romance movie. I chuckled and looked at them saying
“You’re so cliché” They laughed and pulled away holding my hands then said, “And you’re not?” with their eyebrow raised slightly. I felt my heart beat faster, trying not to fall in love with my soulmate faster. This is dangerous, this is why people make themselves sleep 24 hours a day, God… I’m so in love with them. As I pulled them closer and twirled them, our outfits changed into a more cottage-core look.
“You’re right…” I cupped their cheek as I looked into their eyes and sighed. Fuck… Why can’t this be easy? They leaned into my touch and said, “Your music, as always, is perfect, Yoongi”. I smiled and said, “A little criticism would be nice” They gulped and smiled gently, grabbing my wrist.
“If you want it to sound sadder, take inspiration from Joji.” I scoffed smirking, knowing that it’s one of their favorite artists. They sighed and pulled away.
“I’m sorry, Yoongs… I think my alarm is about to ring”. I see them slowly fade with lights surrounding them slowly. They press a kiss on my lips, and I close my eyes trying to savor the feeling.
I sit up as I wake up sighing taking off my headphones. I rub my eyes and look at my desk. I stare at the ceiling and close my eyes for a second trying to think of what happened in my dream world. Jo… Something about Jo…? The door of my studio opens, and I see Jungkook coming in, probably to ask me for help with a track.
“Jungkook-ah… What’s some popular artists right now?” He pulls his chin back slightly and smirks gently saying, “All of the sudden?” I look at my keyboard then at him, pressing my tongue on my cheek. I sighed and leaned my head on my hand looking at him.
“My soulmate talked about this artist and all I can remember is ‘Jo’.” He gets closer to sit on the chair next to mine humming, probably thinking, rubbing his chin gently. “Jo Gwangil?” He asks and I shake my head no. “It was two syllables… Joke? Jo… Johnny? No that’s not it…”
“Hyung… Could it be Joji?” My eyes widened and I look at him. “I… I think so… Are his songs sad?” To which Jungkook nodded and said “Pretty sad…” I scoffed smirking, putting on YouTube to look at what they’re listening to. I looked at Jungkook trying to help him with his lyrics and melody after listening to a couple of songs. I smiled at myself gently. So… Joji is one artist they like? I wonder who else they like. I vaguely remember them telling me they know BTS and how they’ve always supported us, even before we dreamed of each other. If I try to follow Joji with his r&b mixed with lo-fi, maybe I can find more artists they like. As I head to the cafeteria of the company, I see a group of little kids forming a line.
Kids? I look down smiling, they like kids… I like kids too… I look at the kids and sigh wondering if it’s going to be soon that I’m going to see my kids with them. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at the teacher making the kids follow them in a straight line, like a train. Then I see them stop abruptly and laugh with the kids. Their smile seems familiar somehow.
“Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee are always so rambunctious with the kids.” I hear one cafeteria employee say, and the other responds with, "Yeah, but they take such good care of them! I swear, my Yumi did not like coming to daycare until the company built this one for us.” I looked at the cafeteria employees then at Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee high-five each other, saying something to each other then an employee signaling them to eat, probably to take the kids to another area to eat themselves. Mx. (Y/N) and Mrs. Lee making their way towards the line, and I gulped gently feeling my hands sweat. I rubbed them on my pants as I looked at the cafeteria worker to order.
I take my food to go and looked back at the pair. Mrs. Lee smiles at something that Mx. (Y/N) said. I furrowed my eyebrows again. Their smile seems really familiar. I bumped into Namjoon while trying to look at the pair. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows then looks down at himself and then at me.
“Hyung? You good? You look like you’ve seen your soulmate” He chuckles, not knowing that he might be correct. I feel my chest tighten. Is Mrs. Lee my soulmate? I gulped and looked at Namjoon, who furrows his eyebrows worriedly. “Hyung, you look pale as fuck…” I shake my head thinking I shouldn’t rush into anything. I reassure Namjoon that I’m okay and looked back at the pair, Mx. (Y/N) has their head down while Mrs. Lee looks at me and Namjoon. I see Mrs. Lee move her lips and Mx. (Y/N) look up. I furrowed my eyebrows again, confused. Then turn around to leave to my studio.
I sighed as I entered my dream word, and smiled when I see the familiar door, but instead of seeing a home like apartment I see a giant pool. They haven’t had a bad day in a while, I wonder what happened. I sink down, knowing that I’ll be able to breathe and that they wouldn’t do anything to trigger my phobia of the ocean.
I see them swimming around with little moon jellyfish, a sea star getting close to them whispering in an ethereal voice “He’s here!” They… Even without the fantasy around them, look amazing. I see them look at me, and the water levels go down as if draining towards the walls of the apartment, everything was back in place, back to how it usually looks for both of our comfort places. The little sea creatures now floating upward the ceiling and disappearing. I smiled gently and with a soft, worried gaze I looked at them while grabbing their hands.
“You usually play mermaid when you’ve had a bad day… Is everything okay?” They pulled their hands away from mine and pouted.
“You looked at Mrs. Lee…” they said, my smile remained not understanding what they meant. Then it hit me.
“You… Are working in the Hybe daycare?!” They sighed pouting, looking up at me with puppy, doe eyes.
They then nodded and said “I wanted to surprise you… Since… You know… I’m the only one of us who remembers these interactions clearly. But it looks like you had your sights on someone else.” They sat down on the couch hugging a jellyfish plushy I had made them in our dream world. I touched their shoulder.
“Baby… I didn’t know… You know I don’t remember… Why didn’t you approach me?”
They turned to look at me and said “I want you to do it. You know I get shy…” I scoffed smirking; they really are cute. I cupped their face and pressed a kiss on their lips smiling.
“Plus! I feel like if I approach you, you might not recognize me… I mean… You mistook me for Mrs. Lee!” I hugged them and smiled saying “Okay!… Okay… Just give me a clue on where to find you tomorrow, I’ll walk up to you, I promise” I see them look up at me holding back a smile, then them pouting again.
“Tomorrow we’re gonna read ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ with the kids! So I’ll wear something like… This!” They stand up and twirl. Their clothes change instantly, a long green skirt with a white long sleeve shirt and colorful striped socks. I cover my mouth and look away blushing. What the hell? Are people really allowed to be this cute? How come children get to see them be this cute all the time and I have to wait? First, the train towards the kid’s cafeteria and now a children’s book-inspired dress? They’re too cute. I look at them again and smile. I stand up and hugged them.
I sighed smiling and whispered, “Okay, cute daycare teacher whom I definitely did not fall in love with”. They giggled bringing their shoulder up. I pulled back to look at them. Their cheeks were red from blushing and their skin looked so soft to touch. My eyes soften as I looked into their eyes, their smile softens gently as they close their eyes. I lean in slowly to kiss them gently. All that was heard was our soft kisses echoing through the living room.
“Yoongi! Wake up!” I groan as I pull away slowly. I opened my mouth to tell them I loved them but got quickly pulled into my reality.
I gasped looking for something to write quickly. Hoseok already knew what was happening. I mumbled to myself as I wrote. “Daycare. Caterpillar. Green long skirt, white long-sleeved shirt, colorful socks.”
I looked at Hoseok sightly annoyed. “You couldn’t have waited a bit?”
He shook his head saying “Sorry… We just have to go to Inkigayo today and you’re the only one not ready. I gave you plenty of time.” I exhaled and looked at him tiredly. Not today… Of all days, today?
I fake coughed and said, “I- I think I’m coming down with something…”
Hoseok looked at me unamused and said “Hyung, you have to come. We all know you’re not sick.” My shoulders slumped as I nodded. I looked down at what I wrote on my phone and scratched my head. Daycare?… So, it is Mrs. Lee? I smiled gently and sighed almost relieved. I got up quickly and got ready. If we finished early, I’ll be able to see her before the daycare closes.
As I arrived to the Hybe building, the boys looked at each other like I was crazy. I don’t blame them; I would look at myself like I was crazy, who sprints towards their workplace? But this is different. The daycare was closing and there were only a few students left. It was 6:00pm. I saw Mx. (Y/N) bowing to a parent and waving at the student. I paused and looked at them interacting with another student.
They bent down and picked them up as they cried. “Mx. (Y/N) … Mommy always picks me up last…” They smiled gently, their eyes softening, something felt familiar about their smile and eyes.
They whispered “It’s okay, Yumi. Mommy’s just cleaning up, she’ll pick you up”
Yumi, the student, pulled away to look at Mx. (Y/N) and said, “Can I make more clay flowers for the caterpillar?”. Mx. (Y/N) giggled and nodded bringing them inside. Caterpillar…? The… Very hungry caterpillar? Mrs. Lee told me about that in our dream world! I walked towards the daycare and let myself in. I hear Mx. (Y/N) welcome me as I look around. Slightly gulping. I approach Mx. (Y/N) and inhale gently, they, for some reason look nervous but are smiling softly, but I try to brush it off.
“I-Is… Mrs. Lee around?” I ask, and their smile softly falls as they nod blinking. I see them get Mrs. Lee and I smile gently. I gulp as I rub my hands. I look at her appearance, a long white skirt with a green long-sleeved shirt. Did I mix the pattern? It’s possible. I opened my mouth and looked into her eyes.
“D-… Do you mind if I hold your hand?” She looks at Mx. (Y/N) and then at me shrugging, saying “Sure.” I waited. I waited for me to see our dream memories, but nothing came. I furrowed my eyebrowed and looked at our hands together. I waited. This is wrong, they said that they would be here, but I don’t see them. I gulped and looked at
Mrs. Lee then smile gently “Not your soulmate?” she said then I shook my head. I’m getting tired. Maybe, they led me towards Mrs. Lee because they don’t feel the same way about me because I’m an idol. But… They’ve been… Waiting for me. They’ve been shedding tears for me, hugging me close in our dreams. I sighed and I looked at Mrs. Lee for a long minute before saying “Wanna go on a date with me?” I saw in my peripheral vision a shadow move away from us. Mrs. Lee smiles brightly and nodded her head.
I looked at my dream apartment door. It’s been a couple of weeks since I asked Mrs. Lee out, Hana is nice but she’s not… I opened the door, hoping that (Y/N) will allow me to look at them again. Ever since that happened, they’ve been avoiding me, even having a different sleep schedule so that we would avoid each other. But every single time, I see the floor being wet. This time, I am greeted with jellyfish and fish; the apartment space looks completely like the ocean being held by an aquarium. I start hyperventilating. Shit… I’m scared. I hate the ocean. Whenever (Y/N) played mermaid in our dreams they would be thoughtful of my feelings, but I guess that after asking out Hana, (Y/N) drowned in their sorrow, much like I did, but while they found comfort in pretending to be a mermaid or a dragon rider, I found comfort in creating music, which is how I guess I ended here. With sleepless nights because I can’t see them in my dreams, trying to find a distraction with Hana and music from the longing I feel, I finally fell asleep at the right time.
This is worse than before, at least before I got to be with them and hold them close in my dreams, but now, I can’t even see them. I close my eyes trying to calm down my breath. I can do this. I can do this! I miss them so much. I- Why did I ask Hana out? Memories of my dates with Hana flash before my eyes, but I don’t see her face, no… In my mind, I see (Y/N)’s face. Is that why? A replacement? Was I so tired of searching that I just gave up? No. That’s not it. I just… Wanted to fill a hole as quick as possible because I couldn’t bear this pain anymore. But that was selfish of me… I’m not the only one feeling this way, (Y/N) hasn’t even gone out on dates because they have been waiting, and yet I couldn’t have the decency to do the same? I looked at the ocean in front of me and my eyes saddened. I can’t fight for my relationship with them in the dream world, and I can’t find them in the real world. I’m pathetic.
A fish, small like Dory come up to me. She gets close to my nose and says “Hi, I’m Dory” in a very kid-like voice. I wipe the tears I didn’t even realize were falling and sniffle saying hi back. “Majesty is having a sad week…” My eyes sadden as I touch the little fish, the fish giggles like a little kid. “Yeah… Because of me.” The little fish swam near my face and hair tickling me slightly and then looked straight at me, I gulped and asked “H… Have they been playing mermaid a lot?” the little fish shakes her head then said “Sometimes they play Attack on Titan. The titans all have Mrs. Lee’s face” I smirked softly then looked at the ocean in front of me. In the real world, this would look like an aquarium and the door would be the glass holding back the water from flooding everything, but this is a dream, anything can happen.
Wait… That’s it! “Mr. Min?” I heard the fish say. I gulped and looked at them before touching the water. This is the first time I do a fantasy thing in our dream, but maybe I’ll catch their attention to not wake up. I stepped in and closed my eyes making buildings, and a night sky, and giving myself a body suit like the anime they’ve been watching, Attack on Titan. The tower bells begin to ring signaling them that there are titans coming their way. I need to think, what does that main character look like in his titan form? I see a hoard of titans coming their way and I hide. “I know you’re here, Yoongi!” I hear them yelling very faintly, as they’re far away from me. I sigh and grab a nail from the rooftop. Calm down, you can do this, Min Yoongi. I stab my hand hard knowing that’s how they do it on the show to transform into their titan form and run off the rooftop. I hear a clap of loud thunder and a light coming from my body then I crash down and look around being successful in my transformation. I start walking slowly as I feel the ground underneath me rumble. Shit. Another loud clap of thunder and bright light. They sure like to put on a show, I feel my titan furrow his eyebrows angrily. Gigantic speakers start floating, and near where we are, music from the show starts playing. Fuck, they're really angry. I hear a titan growling very loudly and their voice coming through the speakers “Once again, there’s a threat to this world. A rebel against peace…” I see them coming out of the smoke, on the shoulder of Eren Jaeger’s titan. They point at me and say “His name is Min Yoongi” I get into a running position and start running towards them and the titan. As I go to grab them, they fly out with their 3D gear. The choir of the anime plays in the background giving the dream a very cinematic feel. I see them in my peripheral vision falling slowly. My titan growls loudly, even more than the one they’ve created. They cover their ears as I jump out of my titan form pushing myself with the 3D gear upwards and towards them to grab them. They push me away with a sad and angry look; the city, everything that was created was being destroyed and being replaced with a sky.
I look around and yell toward her to get their attention “(Y/N)! We’re falling! Hold my hand, don’t wake up yet! We need to talk!” I see them covering their face, tears floating up as we fall. I go towards them and hold them; they, once again, try to push me away but I hold them tightly trying to push their hands away from their face so I can finally look at them. “Please…” I plead with them. They look at me and I hold their hands intertwining our fingers as we fall.
“I don’t wanna feel this way” they say sobbing. My eyes sadden and I feel tears on my waterline, “You have to! You have to be honest with me so we can move on…” I tell them holding back the crack in my voice.
“Why did you ask her out, Yoongi? You saw me! Y-You talked to me!” They sobbed harder. I shake my head then respond “I don’t know! I don’t why I did it… I just… I got tired of missing you…” they pushed my hands away and said, “And you think I don’t?”
I grab their hands again and tell them “I understand that now!… I understand what you mean when you said you can’t fill the hole in your heart that has my name on it with someone else. Please… I didn’t mean to hurt us… I love you so much… These past few weeks have been hell without you. I don’t care about Hana! I just care about you!” I see them having shaky breaths. Their hair floating everywhere, tears floating up as we still fall. “I love you. I don’t wanna take anything else from you or create any more pain. I love you!”
My voice slowly softens into a more passionate and calmer one as tears fall from my eyes “I love you…Just as you are… Whatever thought you have of you thinking that you need to change, throw it away! Even if you were not my soulmate, I’d fall in love with you”
I hug them tightly and whisper in their ear closing my eyes tightly “God… I love you so much… I’m so sorry…” I hear a soft thud as we land safely on our couch, everything being in order.
A soft whale sound is heard in the house. I pull away to look at our apartment. It looks like an aquarium, but, not scary, it’s soft, warm, like them. A school of fish passes us saying “They talked to each other!” and “The majesties are back together!” They look down sadly and then look at me with teary eyes.
“I… I’ll approach you. Even though I’m scared you’ll reject me… I’d rather you reject me and know who I am than to date someone else in front of me.” My eyes saddened as I cup their face.
“Baby… I could never- ” They sighed and stood up gently
“You already did…” they said looking away then they looked at me saying “… but at least this time you’d do it knowingly.”
I see jellyfish around them. I stand up slowly pushing away every marine life around them. “Let me look at you a little more, please” I caress their cheek slowly with my thumb as I take in their features slowly.
I gasp loudly as I wake up, sitting up. That’s the longest dream with them I’ve had. I go to see my phone only to have Hana text me telling me she wants to break up because she found her soulmate. I smile to myself thinking it was one less problem to worry about. I start getting ready for my day and I look at my phone background, being marine life, full of jellyfish, fish, crabs, and more. It’s scary. I hate water, I hate swimming, I hate the ocean, but when it comes to them, they make everything not scary, even things that petrify me.
I go to the studio dragging Taehyung with me, asking him for his opinion on pieces that I’ve been working on. He sighed when the clock hit 1pm asking me if I wanted something from the cafeteria. I nodded and told him I’d just accompany him.
I see Hana leave with, who I presume is her soulmate out of the daycare, and Mx. (Y/N) leave the kids with another teacher as they make their way towards the cafeteria line. They’re behind me and I smile softly at them. Once again, everything about them is so familiar to me. When they smile back, I feel my heartbeat slightly faster, and my cheeks redden slightly. I see them gulp gently as I turn to look at Taehyung, debating what to get. I tell him that I’d pay for him if he features in one of my songs and he agrees.
“Y-Yoongi?” I hear a soft voice behind me say. I turn and it turns out that Taehyung does the same. His face, though, looks displeased that someone is talking to us at work, where we’re supposed to not give attention to fans.
“You know you shouldn’t talk to us, right?” Taehyung tells them and they nod then looks at me with soft pleading eyes. I gently gulp and feel my hands sweat as I turn them into a soft fist.
“I understand but-“ they whisper gently, they look at Taehyung then at me. Taehyung looks at me then at them then back at me.
“Do you know them, Hyung?” I nod at his question and then say “They work at the daycare” He nods then turns his back saying “Didn’t you date someone from there?” I sigh and look at him at then at them
“yeah but…” I furrowed my eyebrows thinking.
I- I’ll approach you.
What…? That has never happened before. I’ve never heard their voice outside my dreams. I look at my hand and then at them. They blink then extend their hand gently. Taehyung looks at us weirdly then his eyes slowly widen with realization. I extend my hand slowly and then gently grab their hand softly. I feel this warmth overcome my body, like a light coming from their body towards mine and a light going from my body towards theirs. Flashes of our memories in our dreams pass before my eyes as I slowly remember everything. Tears start falling from my eyes as I smile gently. I blink as our memories finally intertwined. I looked at them then smiled softly.
“(Y-Y/N)?” They smiled brightly as they hugged me tightly and I responded by hugging them tightly. I closed my eyes to take in their scent, their figure, everything. Lavender. I felt my body relax. I pull away to lean my forehead with them and chuckle gently whispering
“Finally.” As I lean in to press a soft kiss on their lips, which slowly turn into a more passionate one. I pulled away to look into their eyes and see stars in them. I smile something which they return.
“I love you” I whisper near their lips closing my eyes, finally at peace with myself and the world.
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toonjazzy · 10 months
Writing about a character I’ve shown before but never explained. You will fully meet her one day…
Pearl Palacio laid in bed after realizing what she saw was just a dream again. But why did it seem so familiar? Who were those 4 girls? Why was she safer with them? Why did the sky appear to be blue if it’s actually orange? Why was the sun yellow if it’s blue? And why was it so much prettier than reality? The questions went all through her head. She so badly wished her dreams were real, they were much nicer than her actual life. She had been found all alone when she was three and a half years old, placed from foster home to foster home. She was always bullied, told her family abandoned her because she saw the world differently. Anytime she talked about her dreams, she got told she was weird and needed to start acting like everyone else.
Pearl walked by her foster family, like always they pushed her buttons. “Hey Pearl, see any blue skies?” Joseph said with a mocking tone. Pearl ignored him and went to get herself some breakfast. “Hellooo? Earth to Pearl? What’s the matter? Woke up with your monthlies?” He said with a smirk. Before he knew it, she already had him knocked to the ground despite her being under 5 feet tall. “I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO STOP FUCKING SAYING THAT! THIS IS WHY YOU CAN’T GET A GIRLFRIEND!” Pearl yelled in anger. Her foster parents grabbed her, “You can’t hit your brother, and you can’t say those things. You’re supposed to calmly say you don’t like it.” Her mother said. Pearl scoffed, “Why? It’s not like he ever listens to me.” she said. “Well maybe stop saying he can’t get a girlfriend.” Her dad said annoyed. Pearl shot back, “Why? It’s true, all the girls in this neighborhood hate him. Ask any of them!”. Joseph’s face turned red, “Well all the boys said you’re a weirdo and you’ll never get a husband if you keep acting like this!” He said as a lame comeback. “Who says I want a husband, anyway? I can live on my own happily.” Pearl said. “Oh so you admit you’re a man hater?” Said Joseph. “HOW THE FUCK DO YOU COME TO THAT CONCLUSION!? I DON’T HATE MEN, I JUST DON’T FEEL ATTRACTED TO THEM!” Pearl yelled in annoyance. “I knew you were a weirdo” Joseph said as one final blow before Pearl ran out of the house crying. Everyday it was like this, why did nobody understand her? Why was she “weird”? Why were her words always twisted? She went to her best friend’s house to talk.
She knocked on the door waiting for an answer. Ambra opened the door, “Hi Pearl. You look sad, what did they do this time?” She asked. Pearl just walked in muttering “Same as usual. Joseph is sexist, I fight him, parents blame me for him bullying me, he twists my words, calls me a weirdo, I cry.” She flopped onto the couch. Ambra tried to cheer her up, “Have any cool dreams? About the blue skies?” She asked, she loved hearing about Pearl’s dreams despite never understanding them. “Yeah…I saw those girls again this time. We were running through a forest, I was with the small one. She was singing to me, it felt so real…Like I’ve heard it before…” Pearl muttered. “Do you think it’s about your real family?” Ambra asked her. Pearl was silent for a second, it was hard to talk about that. “Maybe…I still think something happened to my family. I don’t think they actually abandoned me. Maybe they died tragically and I’ll never remember them…” she said sadly. Ambra knew how it felt, her parents died when she was a kid. She knew what Pearl went through, except the poor girl had zero memories. “I just wish I knew who the girls were. They seem so nice and familiar, they remind me of your sisters, honestly.” Said Pearl. Ambra shook her head, “Impossible, they would never be THAT nice” She said with a laugh. Pearl laughed as well. “Hey, Pearl. Stay over tonight. My sisters are making a wonderful dinner tonight, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you stayed.” Ambra offered. “Bestie, it’s still morning time.” Said Pearl. “Yeah well…You are like family to me. I love seeing you here with us.” Ambra said grinning. Pearl smiled, family…How she longed to have a nice family. How she wished she knew what happened to them. How she wished those girls from her dreams were real. How she wished to find all the answers…
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snimeat · 1 year
Heyoooo~ oh, the sun emoji is because I think some people need more sun in their lives - figuratively and literally. If that makes any sense that is.
Did you start 10 years ticket? I cried through the entirety of episode 2. Episode 1 was something like beautiful idyllic scenery and then bam! profound sadness. But since I am a huge angst lover, this is fiiiiiiiiiine. I can cry through all the episodes if it'll satisfy my hunger for pain.
So, yeah, I don't think I'm okay, but that's fiiiiiiine.
Anyway, how have you been?
Oh and NLMG is Never Let Me Go, but I'm sure you figured it out since my last ask.
☀ (i should stop sending asks from desktop)
heyooo, nice to see you’re back!!!! that’s a very nice way to put it. i can’t even disagree with that. i hope people are giving you just as much back!!!!!
OH WAIT! IS IT OUT ALREADY!? OMG???? i guess i’ll try my best to watch it but i found myself in the heaven’s official blessing hole and idk how to get out. gotta blame mxtx for it, after the untamed and mdzs shenanigans, which i’m still going through *head in hands* and suffering. i hope by next time you make a nice appearance here i started it, so i can say i cried my eyes out too. who doesn’t love a good amount of angst and seeing characters suffer makes me so happy. so maybe that’ll make it up for my love for pain too, nice, very nice.
well, if it’s any consolation my friend, who truly is? so, grab a nice cup of tea or coffe or whatever *unhealthy* beverage you like and let’s cheer for a better sunny day huh ☀️
me? oh well, you know, ✨anxiety✨ but that’s fiiiiiiine. (see what i did there, i’m so dumb and not funny i know, but that’s my humour for you lmao). you have no idea how i laughed when you said i *figured it out*. i did not figured it out because one. i couldn’t remember any show’s name and two. i forgot, my dory’s brain doesn’t retain information for that long. i wish i could say it won’t happen again but it probably will, so don’t take that personally.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
yay! requests are open! y'know that thing where the s/o being so weak for their partner? I wanted to request the demon bros being weak for their s/o? does that make sense?
like, for example, MC would pout a little, and say 'pwease 🥺' and the demon bros would be like, 'yes, go on, what do you want from me? would you like my-' they'd just be so weak for mc.
I hope that makes sense! also, if it's too much characters, you can just do mammon and satan :) thank you ;3
Their One Weakness: MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Lucifer is known as the cruel eldest of the brothers. A sadist whose word is law, whose will can only be bent by Lord Diavolo himself. And yet since you came to the Devildom, all you ever seemed to do was the opposite of what he asked. Yet he still came to love you. He wonders if he spoils you too much...
Especially when you always seem to get your way one way or another. When you proposed the chaotic idea of a massive get together between the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall, Lucifer immediately said no. It’d be way too noisy and he had things to do.
But THEN... You fixed him with those damn EYES of yours.... The big eyes filled with sparkles and hopes that pleaded to him.... stop staring at him with them big ol eyes-
Lucifer REFUSES to acknowledge how cute you are when you look at him like that. Well, verbally anyway. You look like a kicked puppy...and he loves puppies...
"............I suppose if we prepare right now and get a dinner menu ready, it could be possible. And if you pout any harder you might pull a muscle, and I doubt I could explain that to Lord Diavolo. Now, go tell the others what you have planned."
Mammon is practically the biggest MC simp in the world. You always occupy his thoughts any time of the day. 'Oh, MC would probably like one of these'. 'MC's always eatin' this for lunch. I'll grab one.' 'This would be way less borin' if MC were around...'
But as the Tsundere 🤢 king of the Devildom, there's no way he'll admit to any of that! So what if he's head over heels for you?! That doesn't mean he's gonna be all weak in the knees the moment you-
Wait, you're saying that because he lost a bet yesterday and promised he'd take you out to Ristorante Six and pay for the whole thing, now he's gotta pay up?!?! No way! He doesn't remember what you're talking about, and that voice recording you've got on your phone is clearly fake!
Mammon's dead set on weaseling out of his promise, until you freeze him in place with your pouty face... then you hit him with a "please..?" and the Avatar of Greed swears he might die right then and there.
"Tch..! Damn it, I ain't got a choice when ya look at me like that!!! What're ya playin' at, pulling' my heartstrings like that?! Hurry up and get dressed so we can go! A-and ya better eat your fill, too!"
The founder of the top secret MC Cult Fanclub, there's not much that could keep Levi from becoming putty in your hands. He's used to idolizing the objects of his affection, and you're no exception!
So when it comes to bending to your will, he's definitely the easiest. Except when it comes to n-...normie stuff...
Seriously, do you think someone like HIM should be going to The Fall?!?! No way! Not in a million, billion, trillion years!!!! You shouldn't get him to go to that crowded club even if you dragged him there!!!
Then... you hit him with the cute act... You declare your loyalty to him as his beloved Henry, fixing him with a pleading look that shoots him straight through the heart, and... GAH, HE'S GOT NO CHOICE!!!!!
"At... at least help me choose something to wear..! I don't know how I'm supposed to dress for normie stuff like this!!! Aaah... I wanna stay home, b-but when you say something like that, I just can't win-!"
Satan openly admits to how he likes to spoil you. It's cute seeing how big your grin becomes when he gives you something you wanted, and how happy you are when he takes you out for the evening.
But there are some things even he doesn't want to do, like when you suggest going to a chess tournament with Lucifer. You've been pressured by Lucifer wanting to attend, but figured it'd be easier to sit through with someone else. So why not Satan, who'd mentioned liking chess?
Yeah... he'd go if Lucifer weren't involved. As much as he'd love to go and pull some strings to ruin the match for the dear eldest, he's got something else planned involving a well timed glue bomb and Lucifer's study. So he'll pass.
Or so he thought, until you started poking your fingers together and mentioned how you'd hoped you could both enjoy it together. Kind of like a date..? Gah, his heart and its weakness for unconventional dates-!!!!
"...I... suppose I could go. It’d be nice to study how Lucifer plays, so I can finally beat him. Don't you think the look on his face will be priceless? And if you're there as well, I'll be able to stomach watching his face for an hour."
Asmo LOVES you more than aaanyone!! There's no one who loves you more, you know? Why, he wants to involve you in every aspect of his life, and actively tries to do just that! He's even tried dragging you into the tub with him a few times...
And when it comes to spoiling you, he loves it! He's always the one being spoiled, so it makes him giddy when he can give a little back. If there's anything you want from him, just tell him and he'll make it happen!
Eh? You want to play fangol? With HIM?? Um... pass. You know he just got his nails done, right? Asmo's not really a fan of running around with a ball and getting knocked to the ground, so... no thanks! ❤️
Wait, don't make that face! What're you looking so glum for?? He'll kiss your sadness away, and- Eh?! You don't want a kiss?? You really wanna play THAT badly?????
"....You really don't have me mistaken for Beel, right..? You really want to play with ME? ...Haaaah, fine! I'll play one game with you, and in exchange, you have to spend all of tomorrow with moi! Sounds good, right~? Now let me see if Satan will let me borrow some of his clothes...urgh..."
As a 'go with the flow' guy, there's not much Beel won't do with you, even if it's not really something he's interested in. As long as he has you around and a surplus of snacks, he's fine with anything.
Until you suggest going to Majolish to try on some stylish outfits. You mention how Beel wears variations of the same thing all the time, so it's time for an update! He thinks you're spending too much time with Asmo...
Beel isn't really into tight, itchy, stiff fabrics like the 'stylish' things they sell at Majolish, and decides he'd much rather go to Hell's Kitchen instead. He's hungry. Are you hungry?
'Stop changing the subject'? Ah.. damn it 😔 Wait, now you're saying you just wanted to buy fancy outfits because you were planning to take him to Ristorante Six?! You can't tell if he's blushing over your consideration or the idea of food, but now Beel's looking through the clothes with earnest.
"I didn't know you were the winner of that 'all you can eat' coupon lottery. When I didn't win I was pretty upset, but I'm glad to know it was you. Even if these clothes are weird, I'll wear them. Can you pick something good for me?"
Belphie likes to spoil you in more subtle ways, instead of simping as hard as his brothers. He's still as much of a sucker for you as they are though, much to his dismay. All you have to do is smile and you've got him wrapped around your gross human finger.
But when you mention wanting to go biking with Lord Diavolo and wanting him to come along, Belphie suddenly discovers that his ears don't work anymore. Anyway, goodnight-
Hey, stop poking him like that. Can't you see an deaf man is trying to sleep here?? And what's with that face..? You're pouting so hard you look like you're going to explode. It's cute, but Belphie can close his eyes an not see it.
But then you scoot into bed with him and hold him from behind, and the sleepy demon starts feeling his resolve crumble. You have some dirty tactics, huh..? Getting all cozy with him just because he's got a soft spot for you...
"...............Why Diavolo of all people..? I'd prefer anyone over him. Ugh... Hey, they still rent out those two person bikes, don't they? I'll only go if I can ride on that with you. I'll sit right behind you and cheer you on, okay? ..What's with that look? I'm joking...maybe."
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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madame-wilsonn · 2 years
Just three little words
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Summary: three times Emmett realized he loved you and the one time he said it
A/N: yes I am not dead and yes this is...well whatever this is! it's late and I should be asleep but I really wanted to finish this and post it. I honestly don't know what to say, I'm not really proud of it and I'm pretty sure I make no sense but I spent too much time to delete and start over! please, tell me what you think! this is my first time writing for this character and I didn't feel very confident about it so I really need feedback to know what I can improve! anyway I will stop rambling now, hope you enjoy and nice reading! ♡
Warnings: mentions of death, it's a bit sad sometimes and also kind of cheesy ig; I didn't have time to proofread and English isn't my first language
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You pushed back the blankets from the simple makeshift bed, shivering. It was the first truly cold night of the season, summer had finally left with its warm days and sweet nights to be replaced by a cold, unforgiving fall.
The basement of the abandoned factory you were living in was freezing which may have been a real advantage the last few months but quickly became a hindrance now that the temperatures were lower.
You pulled the sleeves of your cardigan over your hands, nothing Emmett who was laying blankets on the ground.
“What are you doing?” You asked, frowning
He shot you a confused look, not really understanding what you were talking about. Before he could ask you to be more precise, you objected:
“You’re not sleeping on the ground!”
The man rolled his eyes. Ever since he rescued you and allowed you to stay with him, he let you sleep on the bed he had made. At the beginning because you were in a poor condition and then because the remnants of a past chivalry left in him pushed him to offer the more comfortable place to you. And to be fair, even when you weren’t there, he didn’t use that bed often.
“I think I’ll be okay, just go to bed”
You pursed your lips, crossing your arms over your chest.
“No. You’re not sleeping on the ground! You’re going to catch death and we could use the extra blankets!”
Emmett thought about it for a moment. He didn’t really want to share the same bed as you, it felt awfully wrong to him. But at the same time, you were right. You would both sleep a lot more better and avoid a certain fever if you shared the bed.
Defeated, he sighed, grabbing the plaids and covers from the ground to add them to the other pile of blankets. You took the far left side of the bed, pushing yourself for him to have enough space to lie down as well.
Although it was a bit narrow, there was still place for the both of you without having to be glued to the other’s side.
You sighed happily as the blankets finally seemed enough to keep you warm. You wished Emmett a goodnight and within a few minutes, you had reached a peaceful slumber. He tried to do the same, close his eyes and try to find that undisturbed state. However, he would always end up staring at the ceiling again.
He listened to your regular breathing, glad that you could at least get some rest. Some nights it was impossible for you to sleep and during those nights, you would both stay awake, trying to pass time. You had taught him a few card games which he loved and spent some rare nights where you would just talk. There weren’t many moments where Emmett wasn’t constantly on his guard, tensed or anxious but most of the times he felt slightly relaxed, it was around you.
He remembered the day you found his hiding place. You had to run away from your last home, in the middle of summer. You had wandered in the forest for days, slightly dehydrated and exhausted from the lack of sleep.
You had managed to find the building and in your hazy state, triggered the few traps Emmett had placed. His initial reaction was to make you leave or, if it came to it, use his gun against you.
He then saw the condition you were in, half of him thought it wasn’t his problem and he shouldn’t be caring for a complete stranger but the other half, the more merciful one chose to help you.
He was glad he let you in, he found some sort of peace in your presence. You helped him in more ways he could have imagined and probably even more than you thought you did.
As the hours passed, Emmett witnessed a slow and painful decrease of the warmth in the basement. He noticed the blankets covering you had fallen a bit, making you shiver. He extended his arm to pull them back over your body but you turned around, facing him. Your hand came to rest against his chest, your head nuzzling closer to him.
The man froze, surprised as he felt the warmth emanating from your body shield him from the low temperature around. Hesitantly, he looked down, making sure you were still asleep before sighing. It was a strange sensation, a rather comforting one.
He had had an increasing lack of human touch as the world slowly crumbled around him, turning into this hellish, completely muted place. And he had been too busy thinking about his family’s then his wife’s and finally his own survival, trying to keep his head out of the water that he didn’t realize how cold and forlorn he felt inside.
Your gesture, albeit an involuntary one, brought him a sense of that long lost affection he clearly craved. It felt good to have a…what were you? A friend? The word didn’t feel strong enough to qualify the relationship he had with you.
You were more than a simple “friend”, you were…kind and cheerful and caring. You were the one he could trust, the one he knew he could rely on. You made him want to fight and stay strong long enough to give you more than this life, you made his heart stop and his stomach flutter…and Emmett may not have had many friends but he knew for sure friends didn’t do that. He thought about it for a moment. Maybe he needed to be a little bit daring to find the answer to that question? His eyes fell on your sleeping form and he breathed in deeply. He passed an arm around you, almost timidly and brought you even closer than before. You snuggled up against him, his heart growing twice its size in his chest. Emmett closed his eyes again, feeling more tranquil than ever and finally, as he held your body against his, sleep came to him.
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“It’s going to sting” you announced in a soft voice as you pressed the compress against the arch of his right eyebrow
Emmett winced a little which earned him an apologetic smile from you.
“I’m sorry” he muttered after a beat of silence, adding at your confused look “for the groceries”
After leaving this morning to go to the store for supplies but on his way back, he got ambushed. Some survivors hiding in the forest attacked him, attracting the creatures with the noise. Thankfully he had managed to escape almost unscathed before one of the monsters got to him. However, the bags of food and first aid supplies had been lost in the fight.
“Don’t apologize for that, okay? I’m just happy you made it out alive.”
The man sighed, staring at his hands. Over the last few months of you living with him, he had slowly began to care about you, taking it as his responsibility to protect you. Having this urge to make sure nothing happened to you, he only wanted your safety and for you to be as happy and healthy as possible as it was in this world. Maybe it was the fact that he had already lost too much to now lose you as well. Maybe it was the desire to have someone to protect again. Regardless, what happened a few hours earlier only made him feel like he had failed at taking care of you.
“I mean it! We can always go back for the supplies, your life is definitely worth more than a couple of cans to me.”
The man scoffed but still felt his heart miss a beat at your words. You finished patching him up, putting away the first aid kit. However, you didn’t move from your place, you stood between his legs, your soft eyes analyzing his features.
Emmett gazed at you, his face warming up and he almost rolled his eyes at his reaction. He felt like some teenage boy with his silly crush. He was convinced it was insignificant, something that would go away with time. It was a fairly normal reaction, you were the first person he was actually interacting with in the last few months and his mind just associated this with some sort of crush…nothing more. Just a crush.
But Emmett’s breath hitched in his throat as your fingers brushed away the few strands of hair falling over his brow. They trailed all the way down to his right cheek and his beard.
The gesture almost felt ticklish but the man found himself needing for more. Your fingers were so soft…how was he only realizing it now? Your touch provoked a strange sensation in his stomach, his heart began thumping faster, louder, so loud he was convinced you could hear it as well. Nevertheless, you just kept your eyes on him, an innocent smile adorning your face.
And as if it wasn’t enough, you slowly leaned in, letting your lips rest on his cheek for a moment. It was gentle, comforting and a part of him never wanted you to pull away. For just a few seconds, Emmett was convinced he could live just fine if you could kiss him and never stop. The man closed his eyes trying to etch the feeling of your impossibly soft lips against his skin, capture the moment before it disappears, leaving him cold and empty and dying for just another crumb of your intoxicating tenderness.
You finally leaned back, that damned smile still taunting him as you whispered:
“You should lay down, you need to rest”
Emmett was speechless, incapable of forming any coherent words so he just nodded. He lay on the bed as you quietly left the room, his heart still pounding in his chest. The man sighed hopelessly, closing his eyes.
It was definitely not just a crush.
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It was a lovely evening. The sun was setting, covering the scenery in hues of warm pink and orange, children were running around, laughing and carefree while their parents chatted away. No whispering, no cautiousness.
You sat on a little bench, Evelyn talking to you about Marcus’ upcoming birthday. It was the first one he would celebrate ever since they left the “other world” like people called it. You promised you would help, it was a special occasion.
On the other side of the bench, Emmett was staring at the camp fire in front of him. He hated these little gatherings. He had absolutely nothing against the people, they had welcomed him on the island, offering him a house and safety. Regardless, he would still rather spend his evening on the couch, reading a nice book with you cuddled up against him.
But your neighbor, Agnes, had insisted, so much you found yourself unable to turn her down. And you had ran out of excuses you could give to avoid the barbecue.
You knew how much Emmett hated this. It was crowded and noisy and people were making small talks. He still agreed to come, you promised you wouldn’t stay too long and be home soon enough to enjoy the rest of the night together.
Evelyn excused herself to check on her children and you turned towards him. He was looking at the kids playing, his eyes lost as he probably tried to remember what his sons’ laughs soundedlike.
He didn’t mention his family a lot, only once when he told you what had happened to them. It was back in the factory, one night when neither of you could find enough peace to sleep. You told him about your old town, your loved ones, your friends, the high school you went to and after being quiet for a while, he mentioned his kids and his wife. You had already guessed he lost his family with all the drawings but you were considerate enough to not bring it up.
You didn’t know that but Emmett felt good about talking to someone who understood his pain. Until that night, he had tried to bury it, keep going because he couldn’t allow himself to grieve. The sorrow was too great, he couldn’t handle it, not if he wanted to survive. But he realized as he heard you speak about your life that trying to forget about his grief was trying to forget about the love he had for them. So he shared some moments of his old life as well: Luke’s passion for baseball, movie nights and afternoons in the park, he talked about having to carry them back to their room because they’d fall asleep in the car, how he used to carry his youngest, Noah on his back when they would go hiking and how his wife always made up the best bedtime stories.
Now, he was looking at those children, wondering what his would be doing if they had the chance to come here, his heart aching for the family he lost when it had been his job to protect them.
Noticing how quiet and absentminded he seemed, you gently took his hand in yours, giving it a light squeeze. He broke out from his thoughts, turning to look at you and you offered him a kind smile.
You reached out to caress his cheek with your free hand, your delicate fingers brushing away his pain.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
You got up, your hand still holding his. Before leaving, you had the courtesy to tell Agnes you were feeling a bit sick and needed to go home which she thankfully didn’t question.
You walked on the silent roads that lead to your house, never letting go of Emmett. He needed to feel your support, to know he wasn’t alone anymore and could share some of his grief with you.
As you passes the doorstep, you let out a content “ah, home sweet home” before going to sit on the couch. Emmett joined you and you pulled his arm so he could rest his head on your lap. Your fingers began to thread through his hair in a soothing motion.
“They’re proud of you, Emmett.” you broke the silence “I know that from wherever they are, they’re proud of you”
The man nodded, clenching his jaw as you leant in to kiss his temple.
He couldn’t say it out loud but he was grateful for you. And he knew you understood which only made him care more about you. He grabbed the hand you had around him and dropped a kiss over your knuckles, silently acknowledging your comfort. He missed his family terribly, he would have wanted to discover this new world with them but as much as he had lost, he had also found you along the way. You were his second chance to find some sort of bliss, to find harmony and peace.
To find love.
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The timid sun rays filtered through the white curtains in the room, the delicate light brushing over your face. Your eyes fluttered open, meeting the clean and simple bedroom.
Your first instinct was to turn around but you only found a cold, empty spot besides yours. You knew Emmett wasn’t working today but he always woke up earlier than you did so it wasn’t unusual for him to get up before you.
After taking a few minutes to enjoy the feathery soft mattress underneath you, trying to remember the dream you had had. Finally, you decided to push back the covers, passing a tired hand over your face as you slipped out of the coziness of your bed.
You walked through the small, quiet house, making your way to the modest living room.
Still nowhere to be seen. You guessed he left to take a walk on the island but as you approached your kitchen to prepare some breakfast, you saw him sitting on the porch steps, his back towards you.
A smile found its place on your face and, after grabbing the plaid laying on your couch, you opened the front door to join him.
He was so lost in his own thoughts he only noticed you when you placed the blanket around his shoulders, softly greeting him.
"‘morning” he answered as you sat down next to him.
Almost instantly, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders so you could be under the blanket as well. Your head came to rest against him and you sighed pleasantly.
Neither of you spoke, it wasn’t really necessary. Your relationship…or whatever it was between you was built on silent agreements, quiet marks of affection and unspoken kisses.
It was probably what Emmett loved the most about it. Yes, loved. Because as difficult as it had been to admit it to himself, Emmett was finally ready to accept he loved you.
But it was actually not as painful as he thought, quite the opposite. He didn’t feel the heart wrenching loneliness anymore, the need to survive but at the same time the wish to just wait for death to come for him and free him from his torments.
No, Emmett was…happy. In the way he could wake up in the middle of the night and find you next to him, the way he could simply kiss your forehead or your cheek or even your lips when he wanted to, the way he could feel your loving touch slowly heal him, piece by piece. For each moment by your side was one more reason he was glad he never gave up.
The only obstacle for him now was that he may have accepted his feelings for you but he had yet to voice them. And that was terrifying him.
He lived in a world full of deadly creatures but the thought of you rejecting him seemed a whole new kind of worse. Of course, he felt terribly stupid for that but he couldn’t help the fear that crept up on him every time he wanted to say it.
And it was simple.
Just three little words.
I. Love. You.
But the idea of you not saying it back left him wordless.
He knew you cared about him, he knew that whatever was going on between you two was miles away from friendship but did you really shared the same feeling he did?
Before his thoughts could swallow him in their dark, profound abyss, Emmett felt your lips against his collarbone.
“Everything alright?” you murmured against his skin.
He lovingly caressed your hair, his heart pounding against his chest as he swallowed thickly. He was about to reply a simple “yes, everything is good” but he chose to be daring again, just like that first night in the factory.
“I love you.” He blurted out
And then silence.
An unbearable, suffocating silence as you heard his confession.
Emmett felt his cheeks heat up, shame and a different kind of hurt he had been used to rushing through his body. He was about to get up, leave and maybe act as if nothing happened. Maybe you could just go back to how things were, maybe nothing had to change.
You pushed yourself away from him. Fear overtook his body and the dread of losing you because of those stupid words, because of his own folly made him dizzy. He was about to mutter some excuse, try to get out of this terrible situation because he couldn’t handle your look of utter disbelief, your lips slightly open in shock. He couldn’t endure your lack of response and your seemingly inability to say the words back.
But to his own surprise, he felt your arms wrap themselves around his neck. You pulled him close to you as relief washed over Emmett. He embraced you back, a pure sense of happiness and contentment overwhelming him.
You leaned back, just enough to look at him, your hands cupping his face and you smiled. It was so beautiful, so radiant he was sure the image was now engraved in his memory. And then you said those three little words back:
“I love you too, Emmett”
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doderyscoffee · 2 years
safe & sound (pt. ii) | z.cl
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after the second rebellion, an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow panem’s government, the districts are once again subject to the notorious hunger games. except, this time, the games have been given a little twist. now faced with the possibility of having two victors from the same district return home, two district 7 tributes are forced to overcome their life-long rivalry to make it out in one piece.
PAIRING: tribute!zhong chenle x tribute!fem!reader (oc)
CHARACTER(S): ft. nct and red velvet members
GENRE&AU(S): angst, enemies to lovers, slow burn, love triangle(ish), forced proximity, hunger games!au, tribute!au, dystopian!au
WARNINGS: language, major(ish) and minor character death, death, murder (descriptive), gore, blood, chemical burns, mentions of suicide/ideation, death threats, hunting, ticks, trypophobia, drinking, beginnings of alcoholism, hallucinations, mentions of cannibalism (non-descriptive), mentions of raw skin, mentions of throwing up, mentions of being cut, mentions/implications of ptsd and depression, bittersweet ending, Y/N and Chenle are both 16, Sungchan is 17, Y/N and Chenle both kill,Y/N has a scar on her leg, Y/N sees dead people, inaccurate portrayal of learning how to throw a knife, inaccurate portrayal of preparing medicine, some inaccuracies for sake of plot, please tread lightly if any of these topics are triggering to you and let me know if i missed anything!
LENGTH: 21.2k words
AUTHOR’S NOTE:      here is the second part of my fic for @neo-shitty‘s game of survival collab! i am both happy and sad to have finished this fic and it holds a special place in my heart. although i do feel like it is a little rushed in some places, i do love it! please remember that the hunger games is gory and devastating with themes of murder and death. this fic is no different.so if this is not your scene or something you might be upset by, don’t read it. this is your warning and you know what you can handle. as always, please let me know if you enjoyed this! feedback is always appreciated. and may the odds be ever in your favor. (p.s. i made a playlist for this, so enjoy the heartbreak x2)
TAG LIST:      @neo-shitty @neowritingsnet @quokkacore @jenlvr01 @fullsunicfics @winsmoke @kiiaraplay @fourleighter @4-eternity @chokowako @hotdogct @cappujeno @fixxxxxxxcs @haepii @stardust150-0 @daegalzhong @aquamxrina @malineoo​ 
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Someone shook me awake when the morning light seeped into the hollow. I blinked once, twice, three times until the blur of black, brown, and green came into focus, and I nearly jumped when I saw who crouched in front of me.
Chenle watched me with a hint of an amused smile, one hand on my arm and my water bottle in the other. I pushed his hand away and took the bottle.
He looked ten-times better than when I had found him. The color had returned to his cheeks, his brow was void of sweat, his breaths no longer heavy. My theory was right: the suma root was enhanced enough to get him walking overnight. I laughed.
I placed the bottle between my legs. “You’re healed.”
He nodded and reached inside of my pack, rummaging through it as if it were his own. He pulled out a few strips of dried beef and the bag of nuts, dividing them equally between us. Did the suma root have some type of nice drug in it, too?
I nibbled on a strip of beef. It was rock-hard and seemed to have become saltier since I had last eaten it. By the face Chenle made, I knew that it wasn’t just me who was disgusted by it.
“Did you dip these in the sea?” he asked, reaching for the water to cleanse his tongue.
I grabbed the bottle from him as soon as he stopped drinking. “Do you see a sea around here?”
He ignored my comment, holding his hand out for the water once I was finished with it. We did this for the rest of our pathetic excuse of a breakfast. Take a bite of dried beef. Drink. Hand over the water. Repeat.
I stuffed the handful of nuts in my mouth and washed it down with one last gulp. Chenle did the same, tapping the bottle’s bottom until the last drop fell on his tongue. “We need to get more water,” he said.
“We won’t be able to drink it until tomorrow morning.”
“Why not?” He put the bottle back in the pack.
“We have to purify it first. I have a bottle of iodine, but it takes a while to work.”
He nodded and closed the pack. “We should look for the quest.”
“We also need to find your pack.” I slipped the bag’s straps over my shoulders. “Do you have any idea where you left it?”
“No, I was a little too sick for that.”
Despite myself, I laughed and I thought I saw Chenle’s lips quirk up just the slightest bit.
“We should find a way to mark the tree,” he said once my laughter died down.
I bit the inside of my cheek. “How? We can’t chop a line into it. That’s too obvious.”
Chenle ducked under the hollow’s entrance. He disappeared behind the leaf and I heard his footsteps in the mud, the rustle of leaves and the creak of branches as he moved them. He came back a few minutes later, after I had finished cleaning our hollow until it appeared untouched, with a rather large stick and a handful of ripped leaves in his hands.
“I don’t think we need a fire right now,” I said.
“It’s not for a fire.” He bent his legs the tiniest bit and jumped, shoving the stick and leaves in what I assumed was a small hollow. “How dumb are you?”
“Dumb enough to find you,” I said under my breath. I remembered his words from last night and how much they must’ve struck his pride.
I’m thankful.
Not thankful enough, I thought. If he was, he wouldn’t be talking to me like I was a little girl who had yet to attend her first day of school.
Chenle rubbed his hands together, ridding his palms of dirt, and stepped inside. “Where did you find your last quest?”
“You didn’t get an envelope?”
“I found it in a hollow of the tree I slept in,” I said, brushing his shoulder as I passed. I pushed back the leaf and looked up, basking my face in the patch of sunlight a few feet away from the entrance. “Well, get a move on, Zhong! We don’t have all day.”
He muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t make out and joined me outside. We split up, looking on the ground, pushing leaves out of our way, climbing up trees to get a better look, but it was to no avail.
“Did they post it in the sky?” Chenle asked, coming to stand under the base of the tree I had climbed. His voice barely reached me and I pushed another leaf out of my way, reaching up to pull myself higher.
“So why are you climbing so goddamn high?”
“To get a better look!”
I pushed the last leaf that separated me from the open sky out of the way, sucking in a deep breath of crisp air. I looked over the trees, at the rich green sea that went as far as the eye could see and then some. Even though I already knew how big the arena was, my stomach still filled with dread. The other fourteen tributes were out there somewhere. Maybe there were some near the cornucopia, hoping to come get supplies now that the bloodbath was over and the Careers were wandering around the jungle, cutting down leaves and tributes alike.
I climbed down slower than I had climbed up. It was harder going down, not as safe. Your feet could go anywhere. Branches could break and plummet without warning. Your fingers could give out. Your weight could become too much. Every danger invaded my mind. I wasn’t scared of heights—how could I be?—but right now, so far off the ground that I couldn’t see the mud below, I wished Pa was here with a safety rope and a warm hug.
“Hey!” Chenle’s voice was no louder than a whisper, but I knew that he was screaming at the top of his lungs. “Get down here!”
I lowered myself a little more, digging my fingers into the bark. I looked down, placing my foot on the next branch and moved my hand to rest next to the other. There was a loud creak. Gravity pulled me down. My feet dangled in the air and my fingers slipped. And even though I told myself not to, I screamed.
I wrapped my arms around the branch, trying to pull myself up, but it was to no avail. It was as if everything was in slow-motion. The bark split and the branch dipped, starting at the base and then, I was falling.
“Chenle!” I screamed even though it wouldn’t do me any good. What was he going to do? Catch me and this giant branch?
“What?” His voice was still distant. I was too far from the ground to survive the fall.
My back hit a branch, not at all softened by my backpack, and my body curved like an arch. I cried out.
“Y/N?” I heard him call. Was that concern in his voice?
I rolled over on my stomach, tears streaming down my face, and wrapped myself around the branch.
I didn’t answer, inching myself to the side. If I dropped again, I would die, and I knew then that those branches didn’t just fall because they were weak. They dropped because the Gamemakers told them to.
I bit my lip to keep from screaming and pushed myself up to sit. I wrapped my arms around the trunk and began to climb down at a sloth’s pace. When my feet hit the ground, I fell to my knees. Chenle stared at me when I collapsed, resting my forehead on my arms.
“What are you doing?”
“The branch—” I choked out. Even speaking hurt. “I fell.”
“What are you talking about?”
I looked up at him through my tears and it felt as if my back split in half at the movement. “The branch snapped.”
“The branch didn’t snap.”
“Are you going to make me repeat myself?”
“The branch didn’t snap?”
I looked around, careful not to move my neck too much. There were no branches on the ground. There were no branches on the ground.
“I fell,” I said again.
“Is that why you screamed?” Chenle laughed. “You fell?”
“I fell.”
“There are no branches, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“So how did you fall?”
“I don’t know.”
Chenle crouched in front of me and pressed down on my back, covering my mouth with his hand to muffle my scream. But no scream came. Wait—I didn’t scream?
“There was probably some hallucinogenic in the air,” he said. “You’re fine. Get up.”
I rose to my feet, still looking around in case I found something, anything, that proved that I wasn’t crazy. The branch had snapped. I knew that for a fact. But did I?
“I found the quest,” Chenle said.
“In the hollow.”
“I want to do the honors.”
He handed me the envelope and I slipped my thumb under the seal. There was a piece of paper neatly tucked inside and I carefully pulled it out.
Chenle’s eyes never left my fingers, and when I brought it up to my face, he crossed his arms. I cleared my throat. “District 7 has lost a valuable ally,” I read aloud. “Find the other and send her home. Chosen by the Capitol.” I handed the paper to him with a scoff. “What sick joke is this?”
“It’s the Capitol,” he said nonchalantly. “Everything they do is a sick joke.”
“They’re shoving Sungchan’s death in my face.”
“They want us to kill your friend.” He folded the piece of paper and looked me in the eye. “So we’re killing your friend.”
I bit the inside of my cheek.
“I’m glad she’s not dead,” Sungchan had told me on our first night in the jungle, secured in our tree, tightly tucked in my sleeping bag. “I know that I’m not exactly allied with her, but she’s from home.” And now, I would be sending her home with him.
Chenle’s voice pulled me back to reality. “Let’s go.”
I followed him into the jungle, looking back at our hollow. I told myself that we would be back, but I wasn’t sure if I believed it.
Chenle swatted a leaf out of his way and I ducked before it could hit me. “Would it kill you to hold the leaf for a second longer?”
“Yes,” he said without looking back at me.
“Nice to know you’re still an asshole even after I saved your life.” I made a point to enunciate the last part.
He gave no response, but his hand lingered on the next leaf a little longer. I fell into step beside him and we ventured on foot for a while. For this, I was thankful. I didn’t want to admit that I was a little scared to climb again, but it seemed like Chenle understood and was doing me a favor. But, eventually, we would have to travel through the trees. It was safer the closer we were to the sky.
Chenle slipped his fingers in a tree’s crevice and hoisted himself up. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye as I did the same on a neighboring tree. It was as if we were in sync, reaching even branches at the same time.
I led the way, jumping from branch to branch with more nerve than I had an hour ago, but Chenle was never too far behind. And to my horror, I found myself at ease knowing he was there.
“Do you know where we’re going?” I asked over my shoulder.
“No.” He landed on the branch next to mine. “Do I look like I have a tribute map?”
“Do I look like I have a tribute map?” I repeated mockingly, raising my voice an octave.
He glared at me and I was thankful that his eyes weren’t daggers. “She’s District 4,” he said. ��Where would a tribute from District 4 be?”
“This isn’t the time for a pop quiz.” I leaned against a trunk and crossed my arms. “She’ll be near water if she knows where to find it. Sungchan and I found a swamp on the first day and I found a swamp yesterday when I was looking for you. So there are two swamps that we know of, unless you happen to know about another one.”
“You sounded smart for once. I’m impressed.”
“Do you know of another swamp or not?”
“Not a swamp, but I know of a few streams.”
“We can’t visit every water source, so we have to choose which ones she’s more likely to be.”
“Swamps have fish,” said Chenle. “She’s probably looking for breakfast.”
I nodded. “Swamps it is. There’s one straight south. That’s where I got your medicine.”
Chenle waited for me to jump to the next branch before he did and we fell into a steady rhythm, moving much faster than I had alone. Maybe it was because I had gotten a good night’s sleep—or as much of a good night’s sleep as one could get while crying until they couldn’t breathe—or because there was someone else to help bear the weight of my actions. Whatever it was, I was grateful for it.
I paused when I saw the familiar sparkle of sunlight on water. I scanned the ground below, looking for footprints or traces of human presence. There was a crushed leaf next to the roots of a tree with the imprint of a sole, but it looked to be old and the mud around it was dry, so I moved on.
“Wait.” Chenle reached out to stop me. Once his hand touched my shoulder, he pulled it back as if I was poisonous and wiped his palm on his pants. “Over there.” He pointed with his chin towards the water and I realized we had found the swamp where I had found Chenle’s cure, but dread filled my stomach when I saw who else was wading in its depths.
He motioned with his chin for us to split up and circle her from both sides, but I didn’t move when he jumped to another branch. He looked at me over his shoulder and I shook my head. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill her.
Chenle landed on the branch next to me. “I’ll kill her,” he said.
“You can’t do it. You’re too weak for that and we’ll die because of it. I’ll kill her.”
“I’m not weak,” I said through gritted teeth.
He leaned in, lowering his voice. “Then kill her.”
I sucked in a shaky breath. “I can’t.” My voice was nearly inaudible
“That’s what I thought.” He straightened himself with a smug tilt on his lips. I wanted to smack it off. “You go over there and watch my back,” he said. “We’ll get in and get out.”
“Do you have a weapon?” I asked. “A knife? An ax? An arrow?”
“Give me your ax.”
“What? No!” I stepped away from his reach.
“Y/N, give it to me.” His voice was low, angry, and I didn’t know whether to be amused or scared. “We’ll lose her if you waste any more time. Do you want to die?”
“No,” I said quietly.
“So give me your ax.”
“I need to defend myself, too. It’s not my fault you lost your pack.”
“This isn’t the time to argue.” He sucked in a deep breath. “Give me the ax, Y/N.”
“Be quick.” I turned around and he took the ax from the pack, leaving without another word.
I reached my post before Chenle did, but for someone with an ax in his hand, he moved rather quickly. It dawned on me then that I didn’t know how he scored a ten. Only the Gamemakers did. Could he get her in one hit? How accurate was his aim? He only had one chance.
“Forgive me, Sungchan,” I whispered as Chenle raised the ax over his head. I watched his shoulders rise, his chest expand, and when he exhaled, he let go.
I would never forget the wet sound of my ax burying itself in her back or get her scream out of my ears. I would never forget the sight of her body falling face first in the water, floating in the ripples she made.
Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. The words repeated themselves over and over in my head and a tear slid down my cheek. We had killed her. I had betrayed Sungchan and killed her. And there was little consolation that it wasn’t me who had thrown the ax.
A leaf in Chenle’s direction rustled and water dripped off, creating a waterfall as it trickled from one leaf to the next. He was leaving his post. I watched him drop to the ground, running over to the swamp and our victim.
I carefully climbed down, jumping when there was only a few feet between me and the ground, and joined Chenle at the swamp. He waded out to her, grabbed her by the arm with one hand, picked up my ax with the other, and dragged her towards the shore. It was a slightly funny sight and I let out a small laugh before realizing that Sungchan was probably frowning at me from above.
“That was a good throw,” I said when he dropped her in front of me, her upper body on land and her legs still in the water.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t let out so much as a hum as he crouched in front of her and ripped the pack off her shoulders.
“Could you be any rougher?”
“It’s not like she’s going to feel it.” He motioned for me to give him my pack and I slipped it off. “She’s dead.”
“She was still Sungchan’s part—”
“Sungchan isn’t here anymore,” Chenle said coldly. “So stop talking about him.”
I stared at him and bit the inside of my cheek. Did Chenle not know what it was to mourn? Had he ever lost a loved one? A friend? But he didn’t have any friends and despite all the attempts my friend group made to include him, he rejected us without hesitation.
“I hope your mother dies,” I said before I could stop myself.
Chenle’s head snapped in my direction and he got to his feet, grabbing me by the collar. “Talk about my mother again and your head will be hanging over the hollow.”
He dropped me and I rubbed my neck. I deserved that. I would’ve done the same to him.
Chenle finished transferring everything in the District 4 girl’s pack—a flashlight, a bag of nuts and berries, a box of matches, a bottle of iodine, a coil of rope, six throwing knives, and a scalpel chain—to ours and handed it back to me. He kept the ax. “Let’s go,” he said.
There was a footstep somewhere and the zing of an arrow leaving a string. I screamed.
Chenle stared at me as if I were crazy. “What the hell are you do—” His eyes drifted to the arrow buried in the back of my left leg. He quickly scanned the area before spotting a flash of green that didn’t match the green of the leaves and raised the ax over his head, throwing it just like he had at the District 4 girl. I dropped to my knees, biting my lip to keep from crying out, but it was no use. I hadn’t felt pain like this since I was ten, when Pa accidentally cut my leg with an ax.
There was a dull thump and the boy’s body came crashing through the leaves. There was a white “10” on his sleeve and a bow in his hand. It was the same bow that the District 2 girl had tried to shoot me with. This boy was smart enough to steal a bow from a Career tribute, but too dumb to realize that shooting me, a girl partnered with the killer known as Zhong Chenle, would be his end.
Chenle didn’t ask if I was okay. Instead, he approached the body and rummaged through the boy’s pockets, finding a pair of night vision glasses and a compass. Then, he stood and crouched down next to me, putting the goods in my pack, before shoving his hands under my arms.
“I don’t need another injury,” I said, hissing at the movement.
“Be thankful I’m saving you at all,” he said, his voice strained.
“You owe me, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
With me in his arms, there was no way we could travel through the trees. We were stuck on foot and I could tell by his rigid posture that he didn’t like that at all.
Chenle handed me the ax and told me to watch his back. He carried me bridal style, and if it hurt him, he didn’t show it. I rested my cheek on his shoulder and watched the trees and dirt behind us. Nobody and nothing was there.
“Your tears are staining my jacket,” he said, shifting me around a bit and I hissed in pain.
“You try getting shot in the leg.”
“It’s not on my to-do list.”
I wasn’t sure how long we walked for, but I preoccupied myself with smacking all the mosquitos that tried to land on Chenle’s neck and head. At first, he pinched my arm in return before he realized I was helping him. He had been quiet ever since.
He kicked leaves out of the way with his feet and skillfully dodged large roots as if it were a game of hopscotch. We reached the hollow around mid-afternoon and Chenle cursed when he remembered that we forgot to refill our water bottle in the midst of the District 10 boy and his brilliant idea.
“You can go back,” I said, adjusting myself in the hollow where Chenle had put me down. “We finished the quest. We’re safe in that aspect.”
“You’ll die of infection,” he said, digging through the pack for the leftover suma root.
“Aw, you care.” I placed a hand over my heart and he looked like he was going to slap me until my teeth flew out of my mouth.
“You’re useless if you have an arrow in your leg.” He found the root wrapped in a piece of cloth hidden in the sleeping bag. “Give me your hand.”
He put the root in my hand and I popped it in my mouth. Chenle took the sleeping bag and bunched it up. Then, he picked up my leg, pausing when I sucked in a sharp breath. He didn’t spare me a look or a word of reassurance as he gently rested it on the bag, turning it the slightest bit, and dug through my backpack. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, he stood. “Stay here,” he said and left the hollow.
I rested my head against the bark, closing my eyes, and focused on breathing. When I opened my eyes again, the rays of sunlight had turned to a rich gold that was beginning to fade to a deep orange and the arrow had been removed from my leg. There was a vine wrapped tightly around my thigh and I realized that I had no feeling below it.
I could barely see in the hollow, but there was no outline of Chenle or anything else. I turned to watch the leaf that acted as a makeshift door and the dimming color of the forest, which didn’t have much light to begin with.
Footsteps approached and Chenle pushed the leaf open. He held my water bottle in one hand and a knife with an impaled fish in the other. The sight reminded me of the first breakfast I had in the arena, a breakfast I had with Sungchan. I shook my head.
“You’re awake,” Chenle said, crouching next to the pack and putting the water bottle next to it. “You can be of use.”
“Thank you.” I pointed to the makeshift tourniquet with my chin. “How did you learn how to do that?”
“Training. And I owe you, like you said.” He handed me the knife to hold as he dug around in the pack for matches. “Now, we’re even.”
When he found them, he busied himself trying to make a fire with the wood he had stashed in the corner earlier this morning. The flame crackled to life and I handed him the knife. As he rotated the fish over the fire, I kept watch and squeezed five drops of iodine in the water like Sungchan had taught me. I screwed the lid on tight before violently shaking, deeming it mixed enough when my arm began to ache, and put the bottle in the pack.
“Five drops and a shake?” Chenle asked, his eyes still trained on the fish.
He nodded and we fell into another silence. He took another knife from his pocket and cut the scales off the fish just like Sungchan had. How much had Chenle learned during those three days of training?
He came to sit beside me and we split the fish evenly, and when the only thing left was its bones, he threw them in the fire. “Sleep,” he said.
“I’m fine.”
“You need to sleep for the root to take full effect. I’ll take first watch.”
So I closed my eyes and let fatigue pull me under.
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Chenle let me sleep in. He had gone long before I opened my eyes and part of me wondered if he had left me for dead, or maybe for tribute bait. I was unable to move after all, let alone shift around without wincing.
My leg looked no better than it had last night and although Chenle had done his best to stop the blood flow, there was still a steady trickle of red oozing out of the open wound. Johnny had said that infection was as deadly as a blade. Who knew what dirt could do if I put my leg in it a little too long.
My tongue was dry and it hurt to swallow. I gritted my teeth and pushed myself up the slightest bit. The light in the hollow was dim, but I could see just fine. The fire had died long ago. Chenle had probably stomped it out before he left. I glanced around to take inventory of what I had left and, to my horror, my pack was gone.
I sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Chenle had taken everything and left me with a useless, colorless leg. My water was gone. My food was gone. My ax was gone. At least he hadn’t been cruel enough to steal my sleeping bag.
Leaves rustled outside. Branches creaked. Footsteps squelched in the mud. I held my hand over my mouth, squeezed my eyes shut, and prayed. Then, someone spoke.
“What are you doing?”
Chenle. I almost cried in relief.
“You left me,” I said.
“You didn’t give me much of a choice.” He slipped the pack off his shoulders and I saw the silver parachute in his hand.
“What’s that?”
“What do you think?” He crouched in front of me and placed the silver basket-looking thing on the ground between us. Hidden in the silk of the parachute was a white envelope with a black “7” printed on it with the Capitol seal. I reached for it but he smacked my hand away. “I’ll open it. You can’t help me anyway.”
“No need to be a dick about it. I’m just as upset as you. Maybe even more.”
He handed me the envelope. “How’s your leg?”
“I don’t think the suma root did anything.”
“Is the tourniquet too tight?”
“I can’t feel it,” I said. “I can’t feel past my waist on that side.”
Chenle placed his hand on my leg, the color of his skin a scary comparison to the near blue hue of mine. “I’m going to touch it.”
“You’re going to stick your finger in there?” I didn’t like how scared my voice sounded.
“No. I’m checking how much you can feel.”
“I just said I can’t feel any—” I cried out when he squeezed.
“Can’t feel anything, can you?” There was a smug expression on his face and I couldn’t help but laugh. His lips quirked the slightest bit, as if he was holding himself back.
“What’s in the parachute?” I asked, pointing to it with my chin.
“How would I know?” His hands moved up my leg, settling just under my knee. “I didn’t open it.”
I reached for it and placed it on my lap, hissing when Chenle squeezed, and when he moved up to my thigh, I cracked the parachute open down the middle.
“It’s a container,” I said and handed it to him. He unscrewed the lid and tilted it towards the light. Inside was a slimy, puke-colored thing. Was that some kind of weird soup? Why the hell would Yuta send us that?
“A container with medicine,” Chenle said and I sighed in relief, resting my head back. He could stop squeezing what little blood I had left out of my leg.
“Who died last night?” I asked.
Chenle stuck his fingers in the salve and gently massaged it into the wound and the skin around it. “Girl from 4, but we already knew that. I killed her. Boy from 8 and the boy from 10, but we knew that, too. I killed him.”
“There’s eleven of us left,” I said quietly, more to myself than to him, but he nodded anyway.
He gathered more salve on his fingers. “Open the quest.” 
I slipped my thumb under the seal and broke it. “Read it,” he said. I seriously wondered who gave him the authority to boss me around, but I did as he said anyway.
“District 7 should beware of creatures that lurk in the dark. If not, you will lose the one you love most.” The one you love most? That had to be a mistake. I continued with a frown, “Chosen by the Capitol.”
Chenle didn’t say anything when he finished applying the salve. He screwed the lid back on the container and dropped it in the pack. “Is there anything else in the parachute?” he asked as if there was nothing wrong with the words on the quest.
I placed the envelope on the ground and reached inside the parachute, wiggling my fingers along the side and bottom. There was something soft, paper-like, tucked in the edges and I picked it up. Printed on the note were the words “Jaguar. Play along. -Y”
I handed the note to Chenle and he looked as if he wanted to leave the arena, storm up to the Capitol, and slap Yuta where he stood. But he took a deep breath, exhaled, and nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll find this thing and you stay here.”
“It’s not like I can go anywhere.” I took the note back and dropped it in the parachute with the quest.
“You keep the water bottle and the ax.” Chenle sifted through the backpack, pulling out the bag of berries, the water bottle, and my ax. He placed them on the ground next to me. “You can keep one of the match boxes, too. Just don’t be stupid about it.” He slipped two knives in his jacket pockets and zipped up the pack, shrugging the straps over his shoulders and pushing himself to his feet. He was halfway through the hollow when he looked over his shoulder. “Try to get some rest.” He was gone before I could speak.
When his footsteps had completely receded, I opened the bag of berries and slowly snacked on them. Despite the fact that they had been briefly soaked in swamp water the day before, they still had the sweetness of normal, dry berries.
My stomach grumbled, begging for me to eat until there was nothing left, but I knew that wasn’t a luxury I had. There was always a chance that Chenle wouldn’t come back. The jaguar took Sungchan. It could very well take Chenle from me, too.
I unscrewed the water bottle’s lid, shifting onto my hip to hold the water under the few streams of sunlight the leaf let in. From what I could see, the water wasn’t murky, so I slumped back against the hollow and took a few sips. Then, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to focus on the tingle that was barely there, the tightness of the vine around my thigh.
The one you love most. The words stuck in my head like a thorn I couldn’t pull out. Did the Capitol know something I didn’t? Did Yuta somehow convince everyone that Chenle had a secret crush on me? I laughed at the idea. The Capitol was probably trying to push a love story, just like Sungchan had said.
I tried to pull my right leg up to my chest, wincing when it moved my other leg the slightest bit and gently let it go. The District 10 boy had been smart in choosing his target although he probably had been aiming higher, somewhere more deadly. Smart, smart boy. But not smart enough.
I quickly grew bored. The hollow looked the same no matter how many times I squinted my eyes, trying to look for something different. My butt was numb from sitting on it for so long. My hands were bored from lack of things to fiddle with. Even my mouth felt lonely from the little food Chenle had given me. The only thing I could think of was to sleep, which was bad for two reasons: One, I had slept through the night. Two, I had no way to defend myself. So, my only option was to sit here and blankly stare at the other side of the hollow.
I drew shapes in the mud—circles, squares, triangles, and out of pure boredom, a heart. But I quickly grew bored of that, too. If only I had a book, a deck of cards, a child’s old, ragged toy. Anything. I was too desperate to care.
A twig snapped outside and I grabbed my ax. I held my breath and watched the space under the leaf. Gold and black spotted paws blocked the little light that streamed through the leaves. Had Chenle failed? Could I take a good swing and possibly chop its head off? Could I save myself? Or was this my end? But, to my relief, whatever creature it was—a jaguar, I assumed—passed without pause and I was once again left with nothing but the noises of the jungle.
My shoulders relaxed and I slid myself down a little, biting my lip to keep from crying out. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply to try and help the pain subside. I took a few sips of water and poured a few drops in my hands to wash my face. Then, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.
Gold light shone through my eyelids and I blinked myself awake. It had to be early evening and Chenle had yet to return. I was still alive, though, and that was enough reason to be relieved.
I rolled myself inch by inch towards the charred wood that we had burned last night. Why had Chenle put his firewood stash on the other side of the hollow? He couldn’t have moved it near me before he left?
It took me an embarrassingly long time to set up five pieces of wood in a triangular shape. I lit a match, threw it through the open space, and watched it spark to life. I realized then, after I had gone through all the trouble to start a fire, that I had no way to put it out. 
“Just don’t be stupid about it,” Chenle had said and I had gone along and been stupid about it.
If this was to be my end, at least I would be warm and with the familiarity that came from the wood and fire and smoke distinct to my district. At least I would die with that.
I watched the flames dance like lovers, swirling around each other, wrapping themselves in each other’s warmth. Ma had told me once that fires told stories. “It can be heartbreak or it can be a spark,” she’d said as we sat by the fire one night. Which story was this? Was it even a story? I was unsure if I wanted to know.
I sat there until the sky darkened. Chenle still hadn't returned. Worry started to creep in and plant itself in my brain. I needed him to survive, especially now. I didn’t want to admit that part of me desperately wanted him to return for another reason. Was that the fire’s tale? Unrequited love? A suppressed crush? I shook my head. It was just a District 7 wives’ tale.
Something stumbled around outside and my eyes immediately snapped to the leaf. Whatever was outside would have to be blind not to see the orange light coming from inside the hollow and smoke had a strong smell, too, nearly burning my nose. I reached for my ax, falling back against the ground. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and weakly raised my ax when someone stumbled through the leaf, falling on the ground in front of me.
Chenle’s fingers dug into the mud, his knives falling out of his pockets, sliding over the dirt. He was sweating, bleeding, and his shoulders barely lifted with his breaths. He had beat the jaguar, but at what cost?
I carefully pushed myself up and inched towards him, wincing when my injured leg slid off the sleeping bag. I left a trail in the dirt where my butt dragged, and when I reached him, I hooked my hands under his arms and pulled his head onto my lap, doing my best to turn him upward.
“Thank you,” he said, his voice as soft and breathy as it had been when I saved him two days ago.
“I thought you told me not to get used to you saying that.” I brushed the hair plastered on his forehead away. His skin was shiny from sweat and he was burning up. What had happened out there?
His lips quirked upward and he chuckled softly. I didn’t think he was capable of such a thing. “This will be the last time,” he said.
“What happened?”
“The goddamn thing bit me.” He tried to push himself up, but I stopped him. “I think there was poison in its teeth.”
“Like a poisonous snake?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. “I don’t know anything about poisons.”
“Neither do I.”
“So you know how to tie a tourniquet, but you don’t know anything about poisons?” I tried to keep my voice light, but panic was quickly spreading. We needed to survive. How were we supposed to survive if neither of us knew anything about poisons?
He winced when I shifted the tiniest bit. “I didn’t see you doing any of the safety stations.”
“Well, aren’t you better than me?”
“I am.”
I couldn’t help but laugh and he let out a soft chuckle. I liked this Chenle much more than I liked yesterday’s Chenle, but our bonding moment was short-lived.
“We should try to treat the bite,” I said. “Can you take the pack off?”
He gritted his teeth and pushed himself up on shaky arms. “Help me.”
I slipped my hands under his arms to keep him steady. He slowly slid the straps off and I placed it next to us as he slumped back against my chest, his hair tickling my neck.
“I can hear your heartbeat,” he said, his eyelids fluttering slowly.
I carefully reached for the sleeping bag, rolled it up, and placed it next to the side of the hollow. I wrapped one arm around his waist and did my best to scoot us both backwards. My leg begged for me to stop, to drop Chenle and rest, but I clenched my teeth and continued on.
I nearly fell on the sleeping bag, my head hitting the fabric and I let out a deep exhale. Chenle’s head still rested on my chest and it felt rather intimate, but I didn’t have the energy to move him.
“You owe me again,” I said, my chest rising and falling. “This is the second time I dragged your ass.”
“Don’t make me say it again.” He shifted his head, resting his cheek just above my breast. His breaths synced with my heart and I soon realized he was using it to steady himself. Part of me warmed up at the thought.
“I want to hear it again.”
“Well, tough luck.”
I laughed and his voice joined mine. I wrapped my arms around him and, to my surprise, he let me. He closed his eyes.
“I’m going to clean your wound,” I said.
He made a sound of protest, but let me roll him off of my chest anyway. I reached for the bag and pulled out the salve, unscrewed the lid, and rolled up his sleeve. Staring back at me was the biggest bite wound I had ever seen. Green and red oozed out of his skin and I remembered what he had said about the jaguar’s teeth having some kind of poison. I could only hope that the salve would rid his wound of that, too.
I dipped my fingers in the container and gently massaged the medicine into the skin around his wound, just like he had done to my leg this morning. I gritted my teeth, muttered an apology, and stuck my fingers in the wound. He nearly screamed and I clamped my hand over his mouth, his wide eyes meeting mine, and I saw the wet shine in them.
“Just a little longer,” I promised. “Then, I’ll give you the tastiest dried beef in your life.”
Chenle scoffed, wincing when I moved my fingers. He watched me work, gritting his teeth to keep from crying out, but by the way his shoulders slumped, I knew the salve was beginning to work.
“Are you done?” he asked when I screwed the lid back on the container. I nodded and fished through the pack for the dried beef. “You’re going to torture me with beef now?”
“I promised you I would.” I took out a strip and held it to his lips. He reluctantly took a bite. “If you’re busy dying from dehydration, you won’t notice your arm.” He considered this for a minute and took another bite. 
He finished the strip a few minutes later and, because I was merciful, I gave him some water to drink. Then, I snacked on a few nuts and three sips of water before the national anthem rang through the night. We exchanged a glance and I slowly scooted towards the hollow’s entrance, pushing the leaf away just enough to see a sliver of the sky. Two canons sounded and the pictures of District 6’s boy and District 8’s girl appeared. I didn’t know much about the girl, but I felt a pang of sympathy for the boy. He would never get to be a father. And for that, I was sorry.
“District 6 and 8 are both out,” I said as I scooted back inside. “That leaves—”
“Nine of us.”
I nodded. “We might actually have a chance of going home, Chenle.”
A faint smile touched his lips, but his eyes still held a hint of doubt. “Yeah.”
“I’ll take first watch,” I said, reaching for the water bottle.
“No, I’ll take it.”
I shot him a look. “You can barely lift your arm, let alone throw a knife.”
At the mention of his injury, his face fell and I knew I had won.
He closed his eyes and I tossed water on the flames. It sizzled to death, leaving us to the mercy of the dark.
I scooted back towards the side, my leg brushing against Chenle’s uninjured arm. He looked peaceful, innocent, and I brushed a few stray hairs off his forehead. He stirred the slightest bit.
I returned my eyes to the entrance of the hollow, resting my ax on my lap, and thought of home.
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A toucan croaked as it passed over the leaf covering the hollow. I blinked, upset that that damned bird woke me up, and looked over at the entrance of the hollow. A white envelope rested on the ground just outside the leaf and my anger quickly dissipated. Thank whatever was above for that lovely toucan.
I crawled towards the entrance and it didn’t hit me until seconds later, when I sat criss-crossed in the space between the hollow and the outside, that there was no pain in my leg. There was no pain in my leg.
I looked down to see that color was beginning to seep past the tourniquet. The quest was temporarily forgotten as I pulled and scratched and bit at the vine. I laughed when it fell away, wincing as warmth and blood and color spread through my newly healed leg. I bit my cheek. I forgot how uncomfortable it was when feeling returned to sleeping limbs.
I stuck my hand through the space under the leaf and grabbed the envelope. Just like all the others, a bold, black “7” was printed on the front and the Capitol’s seal stamped it closed on the back.
I looked over at Chenle, who was still sound asleep, and flipped the envelope open. “For District 7,” it read, “poisons are tricky, but if knowledgeable, are valuable. Chosen by the Gamemakers.”
“Poison?” My voice was no louder than a whisper and, naturally, no one responded. I bit my lip.
I crawled over to the backpack and took out the medicine. I applied the salve to my leg first before rolling up Chenle’s sleeve and slathering a generous amount on his arm. He didn’t so much as stir. This was probably the most rest he’d gotten in five days.
I split the contents of the backpack, putting Chenle’s knives, the bag of nuts, the water bottle, the medicine container, and a bottle of iodine next to him. I kept everything else and zipped up the pack.
I moved six pieces of wood next to the fire I had made last night. I decided to be kinder than Chenle had been and wouldn’t make him scoot all the way over to the other side of the hollow, even though he deserved it.
I crouched next to him and shook his shoulder. He groaned. “I’m leaving,” I said although I wasn’t sure he understood me. I stared at him for a second before very carefully pressing a kiss to his forehead. He wouldn’t remember it anyway.
I didn’t look back at him when I left the hollow. Bird calls filled my ears and dew drops dampened my hair, which hadn’t changed since I had left the launch room. Of course, it was greasy from lack of washing, but that wasn’t a priority. I was sure my prep team would understand.
I wandered on foot for a while, trying to remember what I had learned about plants during training, but drew blank after blank. If I could take my brain out of my head and give it a good shake, I would. Two lives were on the line if I couldn’t find this stupid thing.
Eventually, I turned to higher ground. The air was crisper up here, but I made sure not to climb too high. I didn’t need another incident, especially not alone. Chenle wasn’t here to differentiate whether it was real or not and I learned the hard way that I couldn’t trust my judgment.
When my feet began to hurt, I sat and ate a disgusting strip of dried beef, hating myself for leaving the water with Chenle. I resorted to scraping the extra salt off my tongue with my fingernails and after a few more minutes of rest, I continued on.
I jumped in a zigzag pattern just in case there was a threat somewhere on the ground. One of the seven remaining tributes could have ripped the bow and arrow from the District 10 boy’s cold, blue hands and was running around shooting whoever they saw fit. I didn’t want to think of a string-happy teen.
I came across a stream and carefully climbed down. I crouched on the bank, grabbing a harmless leaf and sticking it in the water. Nothing happened, but I wouldn’t be so easily fooled. When I had been dumb enough to blissfully enjoy water from a stream, I had been chemically burned. I wouldn’t risk that again.
Wait—I had been chemically burned!
Would that count as a poison? I hurriedly took the backpack off and dug around looking for some type of container, but the only one I could find was the iodine bottle, and that was too valuable to give up.
I put the pack back on and reluctantly turned my back on the stream. I returned to the trees and traveled further into the jungle. 
Green leaves, brown trees, and multi-colored flowers became a blur and it felt as if I was in some type of hallucination. In the 75th Hunger Games, the Gamemakers had planted tracker jackers in the arena to throw tributes for a loop. I remembered the District 1 girl—I thought her name was Glimmer—had fallen victim to them. And the District 12 girl, the infamous Katniss Everdeen, a secret hero to the districts, had suffered severe hallucinations. I didn’t think the Gamemakers had added them here, but, naturally, there was always the chance that I was wrong. They were unpredictable.
I hit a tree face-first and stumbled backwards, landing hard on my ass. I gingerly touched my nose, praying that I didn’t give myself a nose bleed, and sighed in relief when my fingers came away bloodless. Fuck me for not paying attention to where I was going.
I brushed the dirt off my pants and carefully tested the next branch with my foot. Safe. I moved on.
There were no tributes, no traps, no mutts to hinder me from my fruitless search, and as I traveled farther from the cornucopia, from the heart of the arena, it struck me as odd that the Gamemakers weren’t throwing traps in my path to herd me back towards the center. Maybe the Capitol’s citizens were rooting for me and voted for the Gamemakers to show me mercy just this once. They knew that Chenle waited helplessly in the hollow and deemed it collateral enough for my return. The Capitol really wanted this love story. And a secret part of me thought I was starting to want it, too.
I shook my head. I was being silly. The arena was messing with my head. This was the same Chenle that promised on national television that he was going to kill me; the same Chenle that treated me and my friends like we were the dirt under his shoes; the same Chenle who had the prettiest face when he was fast asleep.
I needed to snap out of it and focus on the task ahead. I could figure out my feelings later.
“If I were a poison,” I said to myself, “where would I be?” Of course, there was no response, but it did get the gears in my head turning.
Plants needed water to survive and grow, meaning that I needed to find a stream, which had already been in my plan, but did poisonous plants grow there? The answer was yes. Yes, they did.
I slapped myself on the cheek. How could I be so stupid? I should’ve looked for plants at the stream I had passed just like I should’ve looked for medicine at the swamp Sungchan and I had camped by. This place was seriously messing with me.
I headed back towards the stream, doing my best to keep myself in the present. It was a little difficult, however, when there were a thousand different things on my mind and they all demanded to be heard right now.
My feet hit the ground when I found the stream and I toed one plant after the other, hoping that one would stick out to me. I pulled my foot away and something small and brown scurried up my shoe and under my pants. I jumped back from the stream bed and rolled up my pants to see a tick—a castor bean tick—making its way up to find the perfect place to bury its head and suck my blood dry.
I picked it off my leg with a quiet, panicked scream and threw it as far as I could, watching the stream ripple from the tick’s entrance. After I had calmed myself down and my breaths returned to normal, I began to carefully dig through the plants again. Castor bean was a plant that could be made into a poison. I remembered that now, and I needed to get my hands on as much as I could.
I picked six and quickly checked them and myself for ticks. I didn’t wash them in the stream for obvious reasons—mostly fear—and threw the berries in my pack.
From what I could tell, it was about early afternoon. I could take my time going back to Chenle and the hollow. If I wanted to, I could go scavenge for more supplies at the cornucopia. There might be something in there that could help me make the berries into something useful.
“To the cornucopia,” I said with mock enthusiasm. I wondered if I was going crazy.
The journey back was quick now that I knew where I was going. My confidence in the trees had returned and my heart finally felt at ease again—or as much ease as it could in this situation. The leaves still blurred together, but it was as if an arrow had appeared, pointing me towards the cornucopia. I followed it.
I landed on the silver platform with steady feet, brushed my hands on my pants, and entered the horn. Nothing had changed since I had left it on the first day, except for the fact that it was barren. I took a hesitant step inside. Nothing. I deemed it safe enough to continue.
The lighting was a dim, tinted blue. The weapon stands in the middle were empty. Nothing hung from the hooks on the back wall. Not even a pack was left, kicked in a corner or stashed under a stand. There was absolutely nothing except for a silver container. And despite not knowing its contents, it held hope.
I slowly wrapped my fingers around it just in case there was a trap connected. It was cold to the touch and a shiver ran down my spine. I unscrewed the lid and looked inside. Hanging from the top of the lid was a stick-looking thing with a blunt end and the bottom of the container looked rough, rock-like. A mortar and pestle. I almost laughed. A mortar and pestle!
I slung my pack onto one shoulder and carefully put the container inside. I left the horn and climbed down the main tree, landing in the middle of the launch plates. Sometimes, the Gamemakers hid landmines underground and I ran as fast as I could out of the circle just in case one decided to explode under my feet, heading for the hollow.
I pushed past the leaf, almost falling on my face from the momentum. Chenle looked up at me, his under eyes dark, as I rested my hands on my knees and sucked in deep breaths.
“Where’d you go?” he asked.
“I finished our quest.” I sat beside him and took the berries and the tiny mortar and pestle out of the pack.
“Is that more medicine?” A swirl of hope slithered around the brown of his eyes and he pushed himself up the slightest bit. He reached for the berries and I slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch it,” I said. “It’s poison.”
His face fell and he returned his hand to his lap. “Oh.”
I put the berries in the container and crushed them with the mortar until the fuzzy, red berry was nothing but mush. I screwed the lid shut and put it back in the pack. “How do you feel?” I asked, taking off my jacket to do another tick check.
“I feel better.” He looked at his arm, his jacket sleeve still rolled up. “Thank you for putting the salve on it.”
“You need to stop saying that.” I stood up. “Close your eyes.” He did as I said and I kicked my pants off, shook them over the makeshift fire pit, and patted my legs down. I did the same with my shirt, underwear, and socks. “You can look now,” I said, slipping my arms through my jacket sleeves.
He opened his eyes. “Did you bring any food?”
“No.” I took the match box from Chenle’s side and lit a match. “I forgot about that.”
“Of course you did.”
“You didn’t bring any food either.” I tossed the match on the wood and turned to look at him. “Do you want more medicine?”
“Yes, please.”
“What’s gotten into you?” I sat next to him and put the medicine container in my lap. “I’m starting to get worried.”
He laughed softly as I applied the salve on his arm. The bite mark had gone from a bloody, dirt-stained gash to a mere dog bite. Capitol medicine worked wonders.
“I should ask you the same thing.” Chenle rested his head back, resting his arms over his knees. “You’re being nice. Almost too nice.”
“Are you still bedridden or are you milking it?” I put the medicine down and checked on the fire. The flames grew at a steady pace and warmth filled the hollow. I sighed.
“I need you alive,” I said. “Nothing else.” Everything else. I pushed the thought away.
“We need to stop getting hurt. We’ll owe each other a leg if we keep doing this.”
“My leg is pretty much useless.” I rolled up my pant leg to reveal the arrow wound and the scar Pa had given me. “It wouldn’t matter to me.”
“I would leave you for the dogs,” Chenle said, but his voice held humor. I was shocked, to say the least. What had happened to Zhong Chenle?
“You’d leave me for bait?”
“What else would I leave you for?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. “Did you finish the nuts?”
“No.” He picked up the bag and handed it to me. “You can have the rest. I’ll be nice and take the beef.”
We switched food and ate in a comfortable silence. We took a few sips of water and I killed the fire just in time to watch the pictures of the late tributes. Chenle went outside with me and we climbed up a tree, although he moved rather slowly, getting used to his arm again. We sat on a branch, our legs dangling over the sides and turned our heads to the sky.
Only one cannon sounded and the girl from District 10 appeared in the sky. Then the anthem stopped and the world went quiet. The world went quiet.
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Since we had finished the last of our food the night before, Chenle and I decided to go hunting the next morning. He woke me up rather early and when my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized that the sun hadn’t risen yet.
He grabbed the night vision glasses from the pack and offered me his hand. I took it. “We have to be quick,” he said, handing me the pack. I put it on and followed him out of the hollow.
It was nearly impossible to see and since Chenle had the night vision glasses, I held onto his hand so tightly that I wouldn’t be surprised if I broke his fingers. He didn’t seem to mind, though, as he guided me through the leaves and low-hanging branches. He didn’t lead me up to the trees and for that, I was thankful. I didn’t feel like plummeting to the ground because I thought the ground was a branch.
“Watch out,” he said quietly, almost inaudibly amongst the night birds’ songs and the buzz of mosquitos. “There’s a tree root.”
He helped me over, placing his hands on my waist. He brushed his palms on his pants when my feet hit the ground and I thought I could see red on his cheeks.
“Are you sure we have to do this right now?” I asked after a leaf slapped me in the face, leaving it wet and… sticky?
“Yes.” Chenle placed his hands on my waist again and picked me up. “So we won’t waste time later on.”
“I can walk, you know.” I wrapped my arms and legs around him anyway.
“You can’t see. We’ll move faster this way.”
“I’m hanging onto you like a sloth.”
He put me down and picked me up bridal style, just as he had done when I got shot in the leg. I didn’t say anything and he carried me into the night.
I didn’t know how Chenle knew his way around the arena so well considering that the both of us had been immobile for a few days at a time, but he seemed to have a map on the back of his hand and he took turns left and right, jumping over trunks like it was no trouble even with my extra weight, as if he had walked through this jungle for his whole life.
“Do you know where we’re going?” I asked, resting my cheek on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“We’re going to the swamp,” he said. “I’m good at fishing.”
“Cocky ass,” I muttered under my breath and Chenle chuckled softly.
“It’s not cocky if you know what you’re doing.”
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I’m not stupid.”
“That’s not the same.”
“I’ll drop you.” His arms dipped the slightest bit and, for a second, I thought he was actually going to. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Okay, okay,” I said. “You know what you’re doing.”
“Relax.” He shifted me around a little and continued walking. “I’m not that big of an asshole.”
“I beg to differ.”
He dipped his grip again.
“Okay, okay!”
He smiled smugly. “That’s what I thought.”
“You know,” I said, readjusting my arms around his neck, “I like you a lot better now.”
“I’ve always been likable.”
I snorted. “Yeah, right.”
“You know, I could say the same about you.”
“That you like me better or that I’m likable? Because I know the last part.”
I stared at him.
“Are you feeling okay?” I placed the back of my hand against his forehead and despite being a little sweaty, he was fine.
“Look who’s being a dick now.”
“How? I’m worried about your well-being!”
“I’m worried about your well-being,” he said mockingly. I hit him in the back of the head.
We fell into a comfortable silence as Chenle navigated through the jungle. I listened to his heart and closed my eyes. Had this always been the real Chenle? The one his family knew? And, for some reason, I felt honored to know him, too.
“Wake up.” Chenle’s voice dragged me out of my nap and he put me down. “Stay here.”
He left me on the bank and waded into the swamp. I couldn’t see much, only his silhouette, but I watched him anyway. I knew I should be watching our backs, but I didn’t want to move my eyes from him.
He stabbed the water like it was his enemy and when he proved successful, he made his way back to shore. “Hold this,” he said, handing me the knife and picking me up again, “and don’t stab me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
We returned to the hollow when the first rays of sunlight touched the sky. Chenle put me down in front of the leaf and cracked his neck. “Damn, you were heavy.” I could hear the humor in his voice. “With a capital H.”
“I could say the same about you.” I walked backwards into the hollow. “I had to drag your ass twice and I won’t let you forget it.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He threw a few logs of firewood on top of the useless ones. “At least I didn’t get shot in the leg.”
“I didn’t get mauled by a mutt.”
We stared at each other, eyes narrowed, until Chenle burst out laughing and I followed suit. I realized then that I loved the sound.
“Give me that,” he said, grabbing the knife from my hand.
“Would it kill you to say ‘please’?”
“Yes.” He crouched in front of the low flames and held the fish over it. “You’ve heard me say it enough.”
“And I bask in it every time.” I sat next to him, pulling my knees up to my chest. It was as if I were eating breakfast with Sungchan all over again and before I could stop myself, I said, “Tell me a story.”
Chenle paused, staring at the flames. “When I was younger,” he said slowly, “I really loved to play with rocks. Stuff like hopscotch and rock toss, but I didn’t want anyone to know. It was too… childish, and I didn’t want anyone to think of me like that.”
“But you were a child. What’s wrong with being one? We were all kids.” After a moment, I quietly added, “We are kids.”
He nodded slowly, as if he were processing my words. “I always felt like I needed to be older… to be like my brother.” His eyes met mine. “My parents loved me either way, but I wanted to prove myself.”
“I didn’t know you were so deep, Zhong.”
He shrugged and rotated the fish. “Now, you tell me something, Kim. I want to know your juicy secrets.”
“I don’t have any. My whole life has already been broadcasted.”
“We both know that’s not true.” He smirked and my cheeks heated. “I told you something, so pay up.”
“Okay, well…” I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to think of something to tell him. I wasn’t the most interesting person, but I certainly wasn’t the most boring. “I like to climb.”
“Everyone knows that.”
I shot him a glare. He shut his mouth.
“After everyone went to bed, I would climb up the tree in my backyard and look at the stars. I’ve always liked them for some reason. Maybe it’s because they give me hope.” I shrugged. “The stories about them are so… romantic, you know?”
“Romantic?” Chenle took another knife out of his pocket and began to remove the scales. “I didn’t take you for a romantic.”
“Because I’m not.”
“You just admitted to it.”
“I did not!” My cheeks heated and I looked towards the hollow’s entrance. Since when did I get so flustered?
“Whatever you say. The fish’s ready.”
He cut me a piece and then cut one for himself. When we finished eating, Chenle tossed the bones in the fire and stomped it out. I slipped the pack over my shoulders and we left the hollow. Finding the quest was the worst part of the morning. There were no clues as to where that pretty, white envelope was hidden, nor was it in the same spot every day. Chenle and I did figure out, however, that the quest was never too far from the hollow.
“Nothing here!” Chenle called from behind the tree. We had searched everywhere—up and down, side to side, and I even climbed up the slightest bit to look down.
“There has to be something,” I said when he came to join me in front of the hollow. “They wouldn’t stop giving us quests.”
“How many tributes are left?”
“Uh…” I bit the inside of my cheek. “Eight.”
“Don’t you find it weird that they haven’t made the arena smaller?” He crossed his arms. “When there are about ten tributes left, they usually herd them towards the cornucopia.”
“You’re saying that our quest is to kill the other tributes?” I asked skeptically.
“I think so.”
“But how do you know?”
“I’m smart.”
“I don’t think you’re right on this one.”
“Let’s go with my plan first, and if we find a quest on the way, we’ll do it.”
I sighed and pushed past him. “Come on, then. We have tributes to find.”
Chenle followed me away from the cornucopia a little ways. He looked up at the treetops and then at me. “Y/N,” he said, “where are you going?”
“To find tributes.”
“You’re walking away from the cornucopia.”
I paused. “I know.”
“I want to go this way.”
Chenle came to stand in front of me. “Are you scared?”
“You couldn’t kill the District 4 girl. Are you scared?”
“Are you not?”
“I’ve done it.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re not scared.”
“We need to go to the cornucopia.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. “You have to face your fears.”
“Not this one.”
“Come on.” He pushed me a few steps. “I’m not pushing you the whole way. Start walking.”
I turned to face him. “Chenle, I can’t!”
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t let my family watch me kill someone on a screen!”
“You have to! Do you want to live?”
“Of course I want to live!”
“Then get it together!” His face was red from anger and his fingers gripped my shoulders so tightly I knew there would be a bruise.
I leaned in close enough to feel the warmth of his breaths. “Yell at me one more time, Zhong Chenle, and I’ll kill you myself.”
He stared at me, his grip faltering, and it was clear that he hadn’t been expecting those words to come out of my mouth and, frankly, neither did I. But I couldn’t take them back and part of me didn’t want to. Why was he the only one who could give death threats?
“Threaten me again,” he said, shoving me away, “and you won’t see tomorrow.”
I gingerly touched my shoulder, but no pain came from where Chenle had grabbed me. My heart hurt the slightest bit. I felt like a silly teenager who had gotten in an argument with their partner. What was happening? Why me? What did I do to deserve to be partnered with Zhong Chenle? Why did I have to ruin it? No. Scratch that. He ruined it. It had nothing to do with me.
“Are you coming?”
I turned to look at Chenle who had started towards the cornucopia without me. He looked slightly confused as to why I froze, but I just waved him off and followed.
The trek wasn’t long but the silence between us was tense. My words repeated themselves in Chenle’s head just as much as his did in mine. I could see it in the way he walked, his gait slower than it was before, and the look on his face. Was that guilt?
“The first one is always the worst,” he said, falling into step beside me. “You just have to aim, breathe, and let go. You can close your eyes once they’re dead. It helps a little.”
He sucked in a deep breath. “I’m sorry… for what I said about killing you earlier.”
I froze. He stared at me. “What?”
“I didn’t think you knew those words.”
He shrugged. “Don’t get used to it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh and Chenle smiled, looking down at his feet.
The cornucopia loomed high above us at the top of the tree in the middle of the launch plates. I took a cautious step inside the circle, hoping not to get blown to bits, and once I deemed it safe, we sprinted to the tree.
My fingers found home in small crevices that only those from District 7 could see and pulled myself up to the top. Chenle wasn’t far behind, his hands reaching the platform just as I pulled my feet up.
“Now what?” I asked when he stood.
“Now, we wait.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. I didn’t like the sound of that.
Chenle and I made our way inside the horn. It was cooler here and there was more sunlight. I sat on a stand near the back wall and pulled my legs up while Chenle rummaged around for hidden goods. I didn’t tell him there wasn't any left.
I closed my eyes. We would be waiting here for a while. Wait—
I opened my eyes. “Chenle, does the poison still apply?”
He was standing outside the horn, overlooking the ground below. “What do you mean?” he asked without turning around.
“If we don’t find someone to kill, will the poison kill us?”
“We don’t have to find someone.” He slowly moved into the horn, hiding in its shadows. “He’s right there.” He pointed his chin towards the male tribute running through the trees. “You kill him.”
“You kill him,” Chenle said again.
“No! Why?”
“He’s coming.” His eyes met mine. “You kill him.”
“Chenle, I can’t.” I knew he could see the desperation in my eyes, but he refused to relent.
“You have to, Y/N. You have to face your fears.”
I gulped and turned to look at the boy. He was still ignorant of our presence and there was a pang of guilt in my heart knowing that he was running right into a trap. But it was either him or us and I chose us. I chose us over and over again.
“Okay,” I said. “I’ll kill him.”
I crouched behind the stands and slipped the pack off. I took the ax out with unsteady breaths, my hands shaking more than they ever had before. I didn’t know how to kill. I didn’t even know how to hunt correctly. But Chenle was waiting for me to prove myself and, to my horror, I was, too.
“Okay,” I said, meeting his eyes. He nodded. I turned my attention back to the tribute, whose feet had just touched the platform. He was running at full speed, his arms swinging like pendulums, and I wasn’t sure how he hadn’t seen us yet.
“Okay,” I whispered to myself, sucking in a deep breath, and let go.
The ax spun in the air, almost in slow motion, and my mouth opened to scream when the blade stuck to the boy’s head. He dropped to the floor with a nearly muted thump and Chenle rushed to him, pulling the ax out of his head and rummaging through his pockets. The boy’s body wasn’t even cold.
I couldn’t move. It was as if I was floating outside of my body, unable to return.
Chenle’s voice sounded like it was underwater. I slowly brought my eyes to meet his, and he beckoned for me to follow him. 
My body felt like it was submerged in honey, my legs refusing to move, my arms unable to leave my sides. Chenle glanced behind his shoulder to see that I had barely moved an inch.
“We don’t have time for this,” he said almost angrily. He shoved the ax in my hands and picked me up bridal style, just as he had this morning, and carried me out of the horn.
The sun was bright on my face, warming up my cheeks and blinding my eyes. It was far too cheerful, as if it were smiling down on me for killing the poor boy. When I had regained enough of myself to speak, I asked, “Who was it? Who did I kill?”
“The District 1 boy.”
“I killed a Career?” I couldn’t hide the shock in my voice.
Chenle nodded. “And you did it flawlessly, too.”
I didn’t want to hear that. I didn’t want to know how well I did it or how skilled I was. I didn’t even want to think about it, to have the sight play across my eyelids every time I blinked.
“But how?” I asked.
“What do you mean ‘how’?”
“How did I do it?”
“With an ax.”
“No.” I shook my head. “I mean how did he not see us?”
Chenle shrugged, shifting me in his arms. “That I can’t tell you.”
He put me down at the edge of the platform and pointed his chin towards the branch I had used to escape on the first day of the Games. I took a step back to get a running start and jumped, wrapping my arms around the branch and swinging myself up in an arc.
Once I was stable on my feet, Chenle did the same. We walked along the branches, letting the silence speak for us.
“Can we sit for a while?” I asked. “I need to think.”
“If you think about what you’ve done, you’ll only make it worse for yourself.” Chenle stepped onto another branch. “Let’s keep moving.”
“I just need five minutes.”
“Thirty seconds.”
“Please, Chenle.”
He turned around. “Fine. Five minutes.”
I sat down, dangling my legs off the branch. Chenle sat next to me, watching the ground below.
“Who was your first kill?” I asked. I couldn’t muster anything louder than a whisper.
“The girl from 6,” he said nonchalantly, as if it didn’t bother him at all. “She was running behind me, so I thought she was after me and… I killed her.” I could hear the crack in his voice, but I couldn’t tell if it was guilt or sorrow. Maybe it was both.
I placed my hand on his shoulder. “You did what you had to. It’s us or them.” And I chose us.
“I know.” Whatever he had felt seconds ago was gone. “And you shouldn’t let what you had to do haunt you either.”
I nodded slowly.
“Okay,” Chenle said, getting to his feet. “Time’s up.”
I stood and brushed the dirt off my hands. Chenle stepped onto another branch and I followed, shoving every thought to the back of my mind.
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Our search was fruitless until nightfall. We returned to our hollow, thankful to have eliminated the District 1 boy, but I felt no real joy at all. Chenle tried to reassure me that it wasn’t as big a deal as I was making it out to be, but it was to no avail. How was killing someone not a big deal?
I was ready to turn in for the night, but I knew it would be a sleepless one. I reached out to push the leaf in front of the hollow back, but Chenle reached out to stop me.
“Look,” he said quietly, pointing his chin towards the tree in the middle of the launch plates. Climbing up its trunk were two tributes. “Come on.” Chenle grabbed my arm and we made our way over to the tree.
I followed him, biting the inside of my cheek. Deep down, I knew we needed to do this, to kill them, but I didn’t know if I could bring myself to. One murder was enough for a life time, but Chenle wouldn’t kill if there wasn’t a reason and he certainly wouldn’t drag me into it if there wasn’t any other choice.
“Climb,” he said, leaving me at one of the trees neighboring the cornucopia. I watched him slip into the shadows.
I reached a branch level with the cornucopia’s platform, crouching near the end of it. The two tributes were still climbing, oblivious to our presence.
A leaf rustled on the other side of the cornucopia and I could make out Chenle’s silhouette. He motioned for me to take the ax out of the pack and I carefully slipped it out. When it was safely in my hands, Chenle nodded and raised his hand. I stayed still.
The knife skimmed the girl’s arm, sticking itself in the mud below. She let out a pained cry and her partner looked up just in time to see that Chenle's second knife had embedded itself in the side of her head. Her eyes rolled and she fell backwards. Her partner watched her with horror.
I brought my eyes to meet Chenle’s, barely making out the word he mouthed: Go. I shakily raised my ax to throw at the boy, who still climbed despite the loss of his partner. I sucked in a deep breath and let go, watching the ax spin in the air until it made contact with the boy’s leg. I closed my eyes when I heard him scream.
To my surprise, he was still climbing, but it was clear that his injured leg was slowing him down. He reached up, trying to slip his fingers in a crevice, but failed and now dangled by one arm. I could see the panic on his face, could hear his scared cry, and when his arm failed him, he plummeted. His bones cracked when he hit the ground, the ax buried itself deeper, and he hit his head on the roots of the tree. He didn’t move.
I slowly climbed down, trying to keep the tears at bay, but it was to no use. I met Chenle next to their bodies, only a few feet apart.
“District 2,” said Chenle, bending down to remove his knife from the girl’s head.
I looked at the body sprawled on the roots. I remembered his name to be Jeno, the boy who had almost saved my life. Unintentionally, of course, but now, for some stupid reason, I felt like I had wronged him. The District 2 girl on the other hand, I did not feel bad for. She had tried to kill me twice and, in the end, we had killed her.
“Get your ax,” Chenle said. “Let’s go home.”
Home. What an odd word to call the hollow. But I didn’t comment on it and followed him.
Chenle pushed back the leaf and waited for me to walk in first before following suit. He made a fire with the matches we had left in the hollow and patted the spot next to him. He didn’t say anything as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pulled me in. I buried my face in his neck, breathing in the scent of moss and smoke, and cried.
He ran his hand over my hair and I listened to the steady beat of his heart. He rested his chin on my head, pulling my legs over his lap so he could hold me closer. I didn’t want him to let go.
“Do you want to eat?” he asked when my tears died down.
I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. He let me. “Do you?”
“A little.”
I laughed softly. He gave me a squeeze. “You should eat,” he said.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it down.”
He nodded. “Do you want to sleep?”
We fell silent, holding each other as if we were the other’s lifeline. After a while, Chenle moved to throw another piece of wood in the fire, still holding me against his chest. We stayed there, sitting in front of the fire, until the heat burned us, but we still didn’t move. I felt like I deserved it.
He hummed.
“Are we monsters?”
“Remember what you told me earlier? About doing what I had to?”
“We did what we had to and that doesn’t make us bad people.”
“But we killed someone, Chenle.” I met his eyes. “We killed people.”
“It was us or them,” he said softly. “You said it yourself.”
“I know, but…” Tears welled in my eyes and I sniffled. “It doesn’t make it any better.”
“Listen to me, Y/N.” He cupped my cheek to make sure I couldn’t look away. “You’re not a monster. You’re not a bad person. You’re not a killer.”
“But I am!”
“No.” He shook his head. “Killers enjoy what they've done. Did you enjoy it?”
“Then you’re not a killer. Say it.”
“I’m not a killer.”
“Do you believe it?”
“Say it again. Say it until you believe it.”
I did. I repeated the words over and over again, but they didn’t stick. In fact, I felt worse.
“Are you tired?” Chenle asked when my tongue ached.
I nodded.
He gently moved me off his lap and went over to the sleeping bag, unrolling it so we could sleep inside instead of using it as a pillow. He came back to pick me up, as if I couldn’t walk by myself, and placed me on the bag. Then, he stomped out the fire.
“Can I sleep here?” he asked.
“We’ve slept next to each other for the past two nights.”
“But this is different.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Because our bodies will be pressed together.”
I scooted over as much as I could. “I’m getting cold.”
He tucked himself in next to me and slowly wrapped his arms around me, waiting for me to object, but I didn’t. I wanted the comfort.
He hummed.
“Tell me something.”
“I told you something already.”
“Tell me something else.”
He paused for a moment then said, “When your friends first invited me to play Spoons with them, I was really nervous.”
I propped myself up. “Why?”
“You all looked like you hated me. You, especially. You were frowning the whole time.”
“Can you blame me? You were mean all the time.”
“I know, but I still appreciated it anyway.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I didn’t know how.”
“What?” I nudged him. “Too childish?”
He chuckled softly. “Something like that.”
“Being nice isn’t childish. It’s actually very mature.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He smiled.
I snuggled closer. “I hope we win,” I said, “or I killed for nothing.”
“We have a chance. Despite what Yuta said, we actually have a chance.”
“I know.”
“What’s the first thing you’d do if we win?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. “Kiss Yerim and tell her everything’s alright.”
“I’d dance.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’d dance?”
“Because we’re alive.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Why not?”
“Because we have blood on our hands and you’d dance.”
“Way to kill the mood.”
I scoffed. “I can’t believe you.”
“You never do.”
“Doesn’t that tell you something?”
He went silent and I closed my eyes.
“I know you think I’m a dick,” he said.
“You don’t say.”
“But I feel just as horrible as you.”
I opened my eyes. This whole time, he’d seemed so unfazed about the deaths he’d caused, like it was a normal, run-of-the-mill activity. I remembered what he’d said earlier about being haunted by the District 6 girl’s death—a death in which he’d been the Grim Reaper. Who would’ve thought that a being such as he mourned every soul he took.
“I never would’ve guessed,” I said, unsure if the humor in my voice could be heard.
“I’m human, you know.”
I shifted onto my back. “When we get home, I’ll make sure you’re never alone. I promise.”
He turned to stare at the roof of the hollow. “Do you think the world can hear us?”
“What do you mean?”
“The arena has cameras and microphones everywhere. Do you think they can hear us? Like truly hear us?”
I bit the inside of my cheek. The world heard what it wanted to. Those in the other districts with late children would see us as monsters. Those in the Capitol would see us as victors. And those at home would do their best not to cower in fear from what we’ve done.
“No,” I said. “No, they don’t.”
“So you’re the only one who understands?”
“I guess so.”
“What a lonely world.”
He hummed.
“Can you hold me?”
He paused. “Sure,” he said.
I snuggled into his arms and he pulled me close. I could hear his heartbeat, thumping against his chest like a rabbit’s foot, could feel the way his chest rose and fell. His hand brushed over my hair just like Ma used to when she tucked me into bed. It was a comfort.
“Your hair is soft,” he said.
I laughed. “Grease and all?”
“Grease and all.”
“Should I ruffle your hair, too?”
“If you want.”
I reached up and ran my fingers through it. It was surprisingly soft and I wondered if he snuck off to a stream to wash it, but that was silly. Knowing the Gamemakers, they probably would’ve set his hair on fire.
“Your prep team will have a blast taming this,” I said.
“I can brush my own hair.”
“I can do things, you know. I’m pretty smart.”
“So you keep saying.”
“Do you believe me?”
I paused, then quietly said, “Yes.”
He pulled me closer. “I’m glad it’s you,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m glad it’s you with me.”
I was quiet for a moment. The one you love most. “Why?”
“You’re not too bad.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“We should sleep,” he said. “We have to stay alive tomorrow.”
It would be a miracle if sleep would find me. I could still hear the thump of Jeno’s head against the tree roots, the District 2 girl’s scream when Chenle’s first knife cut her and the way her eyes rolled into the back of her head. I couldn’t forget all the deaths I’d caused, whether I was holding the knife or not.
I stared at the top of the hollow, studied the way it curved to make an arch. Would I feel better if I could see the stars? Would that bring me some kind of solace? I couldn’t be sure unless I found out.
Chenle’s breaths were slow, his face relaxed, peaceful. I carefully moved his arm off of me, pausing every time he seemed to stir, and slowly crawled out of the sleeping bag. I glanced back at him when I left the hollow.
I climbed until I could see the sky through the leaves and crossed my legs, resting my head back. Were nineteen young lives shining up there? Were they smiling down on us? If I wished on one, would it come true? I knew that Sungchan might answer my prayer—he had allied with me after all—but would the others stop him? I bit my lip, trying not to cry, but it was to no avail.
I closed my eyes as tears trickled down my cheeks. If I won, I would kill the Gamemakers myself. I would avenge the lives that had been taken. I could do it with Chenle by my side. But the last two rebellions failed and a third wouldn’t be any different.
“Save us,” I said quietly to no one in particular, but I hoped it reached Sungchan anyway and I thought I saw a star shine especially bright before it dimmed to the same color as the others.
I stayed up there for a while, crying until my eyes were puffy and there were no tears left. And when I slipped back in the sleeping bag beside Chenle, I closed my eyes and replayed my cruelty over and over again.
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Sungchan crouched in front of me, cupping my cheek. “Y/N,” he said softly, “wake up.”
I blinked once, twice, three times and almost cried at the sight of him. Sungchan.
He smiled and hugged me tight. “I’m so proud of you.”
I thought you died. I reached out to touch him, but my hand went straight through him.
“I did.” His face fell and I wished I could hold him like he held me. “I promised I would protect you until I couldn’t…” He sucked in a deep breath. “And I didn’t.”
No, no, no. I tried to scoot closer, but it was to no avail and I jabbed Chenle with my hip. No, you saved me.
Sungchan smiled sadly. “You can win,” he said. “I know you can.”
I shook my head, but deep down, I knew I could, too. Chenle can win. I can’t.
“That’s not true.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
Stay. You can stay.
“I can’t.”
But you’re here. You’re here right now.
He gently placed his hand over my heart. “I’m here,” he said. “I’m with you here.”
No, I need you alive.
“I’m not alive.” He hugged me tighter. “I heard your wish.”
I pulled back to look him in the eye. They still held a hint of that beautiful honey-brown. You heard me?
“That’s why I’m here.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. My wish is for you to stay.
Sungchan shook his head. “You know it’s not.”
I know.
“I can’t save you,” he said and it hurt to hear even though it was the truth, “but I can tell you one thing.”
I leaned forward as if it would help me hear better.
“Trust your gut,” he said. “Listen to it and do what it tells you even if you don’t want to, even if you think you can’t.”
You want me to kill someone.
Sungchan nodded, his face grim. “I do.”
How can you say that? I pulled away, but there was nowhere to go. He didn’t reach for me. How can you ask me to do that?
“Because you need to and you know that.”
I shook my head in disbelief. No.
“I’m not real, Y/N. I’m just a figment—”
No! No, you’re real! You’re right here!
“You’re not speaking.”
I paused. He was right. I refused to believe it.
He pulled me in. “I believe in you. You can win.”
I can’t. I sobbed and it was a wonder Chenle didn’t wake. Sungchan, I can’t.
“You can and you know it.” Sungchan pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I have to go now, but I am so proud of you.” He held my hands one last time. “And I’m here with you always.”
I watched him dissipate like an apparition, leaving me in the dark of the hollow. I lowered myself next to Chenle when I saw the District 4 girl standing in front of the leaf. “I don’t blame you,” she said.
“I don’t blame you for killing me.”
I stayed upright. Why not?
She stepped towards me until she was sitting just inches away. “Because I would’ve done the same.”
You don’t hate me?
She shook her head and looked over at Chenle. “I should hate him.” She reached out to brush his arm. He didn’t stir. “But I don’t.”
Because you would’ve done the same.
She nodded. “Sungchan loved you. He told me.”
I froze. What do you mean?
“He wanted you to live. He wanted you to live more than him…” She looked at me sourly. “More than me.”
I didn’t—
“I know.” She sighed. “But I agree—you deserve it.”
Thank you.
“My advice is the same as Sungchan’s.” She glanced around the hollow. “Do what you have to and do it well.”
I’m guessing you can’t stay either.
She shook her head. “And I don’t want to.” She slowly got to her feet. “For Sungchan’s sake, I hope you win, District 7.”
Thank you. I didn’t know what else to say.
“I ask you one thing.”
“Mourn us for a day,” she said, “then let us go.”
I watched her leave the hollow, walking through the leaf as if it wasn’t there. I watched the entrance, unsure if anyone else would come and, one by one, they did. Some were forgiving. Others were not. I appreciated their company nonetheless.
When the last tribute faded, the dimmest rays of light slipped through the leaves, and that was when Johanna came. Johanna Mason, the last District 7 victor, had come for me.
“So you might win,” she said, sitting criss-crossed in front of me. “You and Chenle.”
We might.
“And I’m proud.”
I stared at her. What did I do to deserve her praise?
“Because you survived,” she said as if she heard my thoughts. She probably did.
I’m sorry… for what happened to you.
Johanna shrugged. “I was screwed over, but there’s nothing I can do now.” She placed a hand on my arm. “But there’s a fuck ton you can.”
Like what?
“We all heard your thoughts last night.” She leaned in. “You can avenge us.”
No. I shook my head. I’m not a leader.
“But you are.” Johanna leaned back and flicked back the hair on her shoulder. “You have to figure that out yourself.”
I don’t—
Johanna rose to her feet and gave me an approving nod. “For District 7,” she said. Then, she was gone.
Chenle shook me awake and I shot up with heavy, slightly panicked breaths. “What?” he asked, his eyes full of concern.
I frantically looked around the hollow, but there was no sign of the ghosts that had come. “I saw—I thought I saw—”
“Hey.” He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Calm down. It’s okay.”
“No,” I said and I could feel the tears well. “No, you don’t understand. They were here.”
“Who was here?”
“The—The trib—Sungchan was here.”
“Y/N, you just had a nightmare. Did you sleep?”
I shook my head, staring down at my fingers. “No.”
“You were hallucinating.” Chenle hugged me, but not as tightly as Sungchan had. “You’re just freaked out.”
“I saw them,” I said, pleading for him to believe me. “They talked to me.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Chenle placed his hand on my forehead and I wanted to cry even more. Why didn’t he believe me?
I batted his hand away. “I’m fine.”
He dropped his hand but not without question. “Do you want to stay here? We’ll have to kill again.”
I shook my head. “No.” Trust your gut.
“We missed the canons last night,” I said.
“We already knew who died.” Chenle dug through the pack, searching for food, but came up empty. “We were their deaths.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. “I know.”
“So why did you ask?”
“To make sure I’m not imagining it.” I looked down at my hands. “It doesn’t feel real.”
Chenle hummed and slipped the pack on. “We should go find food,” he said. “Then, we’ll go back to the cornucopia.”
He looked at me questioningly.
“Can’t we just wait for them to kill each other off? We don’t have to do anything! We can just let them do it.”
“Y/N,” he said, crouching in front of me, “that won’t work.”
“Why not?”
“There’s only five of us left: the District 1 girl, District 11, and us. If District 11 kills her, then we’ll need to kill them. The Gamemakers aren’t going to allow us to wait for them to die.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. I hated that he was right.
“If the District 1 girl manages to kill both District 11 tributes,” he continued, “then we’d have to kill her. We can’t just sit this one out.”
I pulled my knees up to my chest.
“We won’t kill unless we absolutely need to and if you can’t lift that ax, I will do it. I promise.” He reached for my hands and I let him.
Chenle helped me to my feet. “We can make it.”
You can win.
“But let’s find breakfast first.”
I followed Chenle out of the hollow and into the morning light. Bird calls filled the air and we joined them in the trees. We left the cornucopia behind us, heading towards the swamp that had become our sole source of water. It was also where we killed the District 4 girl.
I don’t blame you.
Chenle lowered himself onto the branch under us.
“We don’t have time to fish,” I said.
“But we have time to find berries.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. Did Chenle know about the poisonous berries on the swamp’s bank? Did he know about those dastardly ticks that crawled on them? I opened my mouth to call out to him when a shrill cry pierced the air.
I snapped my neck towards the cornucopia. “What was that?” My heart pounded in my chest.
Chenle didn’t respond. He climbed back up to me, grabbed my hand, and led me back to the cornucopia. Tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of watching the slaughter of another tribute, but I didn’t have a choice.
You have to face your fears.
We stopped a few trees away from the platform. The tribute let out another pained cry and I slapped my hand over my mouth before I could join them. Chenle wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in. My tears stained his jacket.
“We need to get closer,” he said after a minute.
“I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“I know.”
Chenle carefully removed his arm from my shoulders and jumped to the next branch. I followed him. We stopped right next to the platform and Chenle jumped onto it. I stayed in the tree.
“Are you that weak?” the District 11 girl asked her victim with a sick smile on her face. She waved her sickle in her hand before gripping it tight. “I’m going to send your chopped up body back to Mommy and Daddy. That’ll teach ‘em.”
She was enjoying this. She was a killer.
I exchanged a glance with Chenle right as the wet sound of pierced flesh reached my ears. I turned to stare at the District 11 girl hack into the last tribute from District 1. Her head rolled off to the side and her back had enough holes to home colonies of ants. I bit my hand to keep from screaming and shut my eyes. I didn’t know if Chenle did the same.
The world went quiet and I slowly opened my eyes. Nothing felt real. This was all a very bad dream. I was home, in District 7, and if I pinched my arm hard enough, I would wake up in my bed, cuddled next to Yerim. I dug my nails into my skin.
Noise flooded back to my ears. The District 11 tributes were laughing, kicking the girl’s head like it was a ball. I was going to vomit.
The girl looked up as if she were to praise whatever deity was above, and when she did, she saw Chenle standing on the platform. She whistled to her partner, who was rolling a dismembered arm in the mud, and he followed her gaze. Their sick smiles grew.
“Chenle!” My voice sounded like it was underwater and even I could barely hear it. He spared me a glance and gripped the knives in his pockets.
“We’ll get her later,” the District 11 girl said to her partner as she started to climb. He grunted in response.
Chenle went to the edge of the platform and got on his hands and knees. What was he doing? If the girl got close enough, she could make his head roll with just one swipe of her sickle, but he slowly got to his feet and ran the other way.
I watched him for a moment. Then, I realized what he was doing.
I took a step back and jumped on the branch pointing away from the cornucopia. I slipped behind the trunks, out of their view, and met Chenle on the tree directly across from the platform. I wasn’t sure if the other tributes had caught on, but they continued to climb anyway.
“We can jump,” I said. “They can’t kill us if we jump.”
“We’re not commiting suicide,” Chenle said lowly.
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my head to be their new toy!”
“And it won’t.”
“Then what are you doing?”
“I want you to run,” he said.
“You came all the way over here to tell me to run?” Was he crazy?
“Yes.” He took my hands in his. “If they get me, there’s still a chance you can win. You can hide. You know how to get food.”
“But they’ll push us together,” I whispered hurriedly. “Chenle, we don’t have time to make a game plan.”
His voice was stern as he said, “Run.”
“Over there!” the District 11 girl called.
Chenle pushed me away. “Go,” he said. “Now.”
I didn’t think twice. I ran. And even though my heart was telling me to turn back, I ran, stopping before I could get too far. I climbed further up the tree and jumped back the way I came, crouching at the end of the branch. I watched Chenle race back to the cornucopia, making a full circle, and when he reached the tree I had stood in, he threw a knife. It lodged itself in the District 11 boy’s head and he fell, spinning in the air like a diver until he hit the ground. The knife buried itself deeper from the impact and I heard his skull crack.
Chenle jumped onto the platform, spinning a knife in his hand. He sized up the girl and she did the same, her eyes nearly red with fury.
“I will kill you,” she said, taking a step towards him. He took a step back. “I will hurt you like no one has ever hurt you before.”
She took another step. Chenle stepped back. She was going to push him off the platform.
I chose us.
I hurried to get closer to them, and I saw her lips move, but couldn’t hear a single word. I could only think of one thing: I needed to save him.
“I will skin you and wear it as a pelt!” She swung her sickle and Chenle ducked, rolling under and standing up behind her. She whirled around. “We can play this game all day. No one is coming to save you.”
A rush of hope spread through my body. She had forgotten about me. I creeped closer.
Chenle didn’t speak, didn’t beg for his life. It was driving the girl mad.
“Fine,” she said, stepping closer. “You want to die with pride?”
Still, Chenle didn’t speak, didn’t so much as hum. She clenched her jaw and swung.
He jumped back and I wondered how he did it so gracefully. He led her around in circles, getting her close to the tree—close to me. But she didn’t know that.
“Goodbye, District 7.” The girl raised her sickle. “You don’t get any last words.” She aimed for his throat and paused. I could barely process what I had done.
She toppled over, landing inches from Chenle’s feet, my ax buried in her back. I had killed her. I had killed her. I had killed her.
“Come down, Y/N,” Chenle said.
I shook my head, not bothering to suppress the tears. “I killed her.”
I pressed my forehead against the branch, digging my fingers into the bark. My tears made rivers in the cracks and they seeped into my pants. I couldn’t move.
Chenle left the platform and climbed up to me. He slipped his arms around my stomach and pulled me up, resting the back of my head against his chest. My lower lip wobbled. The tears didn’t stop. I cried.
Chenle brushed my hair back and whispered calming words in my ears, but it was to no avail. I only cried harder, and when three canons sounded and the national anthem played and the top of the dome opened to let the helicopter in, I curled myself into Chenle. He carried me into the craft and the staff buckled me in. He sat across from me and looked as if he was going to kill the woman for separating us.
When the craft’s door opened, I was exhausted. Yuta, Joohyun, and our prep teams waited on the ground and I ran into Yuta’s arms. He hugged me tightly. Chenle stood awkwardly behind us.
“You did it,” Yuta said. “You little shits did it.”
I cried harder. There was no doubt in my mind that I looked pathetic.
“Let’s get you all cleaned up,” Joohyun said, prying me from Yuta’s arms. She slipped an arm over my shoulder and walked me towards the gray building behind us. I didn’t check to see if anyone followed.
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The trees outside turned into blurs of green and brown. The sky was too bright and blue for my liking. Thankfully, dusk was only a few hours away and the shadows would surround me once again.
I discovered that I liked the dark. For some, it was filled with thoughts, but for me, it was filled with nothing. It was the only peace I had now.
My stomach rumbled and I turned away from the window, clenching my fingers around the white, silk sheets. I hadn’t eaten in days and, somehow, it didn’t bother me. The first dinner Chenle and I had back in the Capitol had been fish and I couldn’t even look at it without bursting into tears. Berries had turned to poison, nuts held no appeal, and I wouldn’t even think about dried beef.
The last few days we spent in the Capitol were mostly a blur, but I remembered the interview with Ten Lee, being crowned victor by President Colton Snow, the last feast Chenle and I had in the penthouse. Seulgi had held me after dinner that night as we curled up on the couch and watched the highlights of the Games. Watching the ends of twenty-two lives had made me sick to my stomach.
When the words “District 4” had appeared on the screen in gold, bold font, I had gotten up and retired to bed, although with no real sleep. No one had followed me and for that I had been thankful. Now, as I holed up in my room, I could only think of the Games. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow. Maybe the memories would fade with time, but I knew that would never happen—memories like that never went away.
Mourn us for a day, then let us go. I wasn’t sure I could keep that promise.
I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. Nothing could hold my interest for more than five minutes and nothing could take away the empty feeling that consumed my being. Chenle had asked me once if anyone truly heard us and my answer had been no. Only Chenle understood and sometimes, I wished he didn’t.
The door slid open to reveal Joohyun standing in the doorway. “Lunch is ready,” she said, coming to sit on the bed. She ran a careful hand over my hair. “How are you feeling?”
I turned to face the window. I didn’t need to see her to know she was offended. I didn’t have the energy to speak to anyone right now, except for Chenle, and even then I only said a few words. Joohyun was too talkative, which some might find comforting—a way to distract them from their thoughts—but it only gave me a headache.
I sucked in a deep breath and said, “I’m not hungry.” My voice was monotone, dead. I felt like a husk and I guess it showed in every aspect.
“Would you like me to bring you a drink?” She was referring to those sparkly, green drinks that settled your hunger for twenty-four hours or so. I shook my head. “Okay.” She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “When you’re ready, we’re in the main car.”
She stood when I didn’t reply and left the room. I wanted Chenle. I never thought I’d want him when I was Reaped. Now, I wanted him every day. What a funny world we lived in.
The room turned black when the train passed under a tunnel. I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes. When I awoke, the stars were shining and the dim, light blue night lights were on. I pushed myself up to sit, but dropped back down from the exertion of energy I didn’t have. I steepled my fingers over my stomach and stared at the ceiling.
There was a knock at the door and before I could tell whoever was outside to go away, the door slid open and Chenle stepped in. I made room for him and he cuddled under the blankets, pulling me into his arms. I let him.
We didn’t talk for a while, basking in the comfort of the other’s presence. Somehow, Chenle was still unfazed from the seven days we’d spent in the arena and was able to talk and eat and play with Joohyun and Yuta in the main car while my soul was taken bit by bit.
“We had quail and jello for dinner,” Chenle said in an attempt to break the silence.
I hummed and even that took effort.
“We played darts, too—well, Yuta and I did. I was pretty good.”
That didn’t make me feel any better. Darts had points. Arrows had points. Knives had points. Axs had points. Points could kill. Chenle didn’t seem to notice my discomfort.
“Do you know what a movie is?”
I shook my head.
“It’s a video story that plays on a screen, like the news, but more entertaining.”
We had screens in District 7, but they were only programmed to show the news and, of course, the annual Games.
“We watched a funny one—a comedy, I think it’s called—before dinner.” Chenle tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You should join us next time.”
“Don’t make me drag you out of bed.” Chenle cupped my cheeks so I couldn’t look away. “You’ll kill yourself if you don’t get up.”
“I should’ve died in there.”
“No.” He looked like he was going to cry. What a sight that would be. “Don’t talk like that.”
“We weren’t meant to win.”
“But we did.”
“And it’s killing me,” I said quietly.
He didn’t say anything more and pulled me closer. We stayed like this for a while, syncing the rise and fall of our chests, the beat of our hearts. We became one, and just like in the arena, we saved each other.
“I was never going to kill you.”
I looked at him. “What?”
“I was never going to kill you,” he said.
“Why not?”
He sucked in a deep breath. “Because I wanted to bring you home.”
I paused. “But you said—”
“I know what I said.”
I studied his face, the earnesty in his eyes. “You were getting them off my back.”
He nodded. “I hoped they would leave you alone if they thought you were taken care of. They seemed to believe me for the most part.”
I fell silent, processing what he had said. Chenle had always meant to save me and I had thought I was the first one on his to-kill list. I didn’t know what to think, so I stayed snuggled in his arms, and when the clock read 1:04 a.m., I said, “I’m ready.” I sucked in a shaky breath. “I’m ready to watch the Games.”
“Okay.” Chenle sat up, shifting me a little, and picked up the remote on the nightstand. He slid his finger over the black surface and the blue panels in front of the bed slid back to reveal a screen. I sucked in a deep breath when he placed the remote back on the bedside table and the Games began. The first boom sounded and I shut my eyes. Chenle’s arm tightened around me and I slowly opened them again.
You have to face your fears.
I saw Chenle and myself first. I had run into the horn as he ran out, jumping on the closest tree and climbing away. I hadn’t been too far behind when Jeno, the District 2 boy, reached the platform, eyeing me as his first victim, but I’d been too fast and escaped through the trees.
The first day had been boring for the most part. Only eight had died and I knew the Capitol must’ve been disappointed in such a bloodless blood bath. When the first night had ended and the sun had risen on the second day, I straightened myself and gripped Chenle’s hand.
I watched myself share one last hug with Sungchan, heard his promise to meet me back at our tree and our last goodbyes before we had to part. I already knew what had happened to me, so I trained my eyes on Sungchan.
He had wandered through the jungle for a while, twirling his knives in his hands. His walk had been peaceful while digital me ran for her life away from the Careers. I heard Sungchan grunt and turned my eyes back to his screen. He had lowered himself onto a tree trunk and closed his eyes, resting his head back. What a rookie move.
His eyes had snapped open when he heard mud squelch around him and I realized he had been waiting for the beast to find him. It hadn’t been a rookie move after all.
Sungchan had calmly risen to his feet just as the District 4 girl pushed her way through the leaves, scalpel chain in hand. The two had exchanged a glance and advanced on the jaguar. At first, it had looked as if they would come out alive, but I knew better.
Voices had carried through the air and Sungchan paused for a split second. He must’ve recognized their voices for he said to his partner, “I’ll cover you.” She had nodded and continued to fight the beast as the Careers creeped closer.
The beast had reared on its hind legs, towering over Sungchan and his partner, completely covering them with its shadow. The girl had swung up her chain and it roped around the jaguar’s neck like a lasso as Sungchan lowered himself into his throwing stance. His first knife had left his fingers as his partner tugged the chain towards her and the beast’s head fell to the ground, followed by its body.
She had made a sound of glee when Sungchan released his second knife, hitting the District 2 girl in the leg. Then, his cries had filled the air. At the sound, the District 4 girl had whirled around to watch her partner fall to his knees, eyes turning wet with tears. An arrow had lodged itself in between his lungs—in his heart.
I slapped my hand over my mouth, tears streaming down my cheeks like waterfalls. Chenle didn’t say anything and pulled me closer. I let him.
The District 4 girl hadn’t thought twice and took off in the opposite direction. Part of me hated her for leaving him—they were partners after all—but I realized that her life had been on the line, too.
“Turn it off,” I said when the Careers had begun to chase after her. “Turn it off!”
Chenle slid his finger over the remote and the screen disappeared, covered by the panels. I let out a shaky breath.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“No.” I wiped my tears away, but they were soon replaced by others. “No, I’m not.”
“I know. It was a stupid question.” Chenle wrapped both arms around me and squeezed until I couldn’t breath. I wanted him to squeeze harder.
Of course pure-hearted Sungchan had died saving his partner. Why couldn’t he have been selfish for once? But selfish for what? So he could have come back to me? No, I couldn’t be angry at him for this—for dying for a person he had known all his life, even if they hadn’t spoken before the Games.
I’m glad she’s not dead.
“I’m thirsty,” I said.
Chenle pulled himself away the slightest bit. “Do you want me to get you something?”
“No.” I pushed myself up, throwing the covers off my legs. “I’ll get it.”
He watched me stumble across the room, placing my hand against the wall to steady myself. The door slid open for me and I stepped into the hallway.
It still amazed me how steady the train was considering how fast it raced down the tracks. There were so many wonders in this world, even though most of them were small, that Sungchan and all the other tributes could no longer experience. I had robbed them of such things and for that, I would be eternally guilty.
Yuta sat in a seat next to the window, taking sips of whiskey and staring blankly at the seat I had sat in when we first rode the train. He looked downcast, like something was eating at him, and when I sat down, he slowly met my eyes.
“Welcome back to the world of the living, kid,” he said with a chuckle that held no real humor. “Too soon?”
“A little.” I pulled my knees up to my chest. “I thought you would be in bed.”
He shook his head. “Too much to think about.” He sighed and slumped back in his seat. “You probably have a lot to think about, too.”
I hummed.
“Want to talk about it?” He raised the glass to his lips. “I went through it all, too.”
“Does it ever go away? All the memories?”
He paused mid-drink. “No,” he said, resting his hand on his thigh. “No, it doesn’t.”
“So, how do you do it?”
Yuta raised his glass, putting it near his forehead and flicking it out like a salute. “I drink.”
I shook my head. “You’re not a drunk.”
“I’m not.”
“So, how do you do it?”
He was silent for a while and I could tell by the look on his face that he was trying to find an answer. “I don’t know,” he said. “I tried to get into alcohol, but I couldn’t forget what I’d done like that. Sure, I drink every now and then, but I can’t use it as an escape.” He met my eyes. “I think I’ve come to terms with what I’ve done, if that makes sense. I learned all their names, their faces, their eyes. They haunt me every night and I let them.” Tears welled in his eyes and before I could think better of it, I hugged him.
“I’m sorry,” I said, my voice muffled by the seat cushions. “I’m sorry.”
He slowly wrapped his arms around me and we held each other for what felt like forever. When I pulled away, wiping tears from my eyes, I knew that I had to do the same. Twenty-two memories would live inside me and I would carry them—live for them—just as Yuta did for the twenty-three lives he took. And, somehow, I was filled with a new purpose.
Mourn us for a day, then let us go. I couldn’t keep my promise and it felt like I was betraying Sungchan once again, but they needed to be remembered. Every life deserved to be kept alive in some way or another.
“Where did you get that?” I pointed my chin at his whiskey glass.
“Cooler,” he said without looking at me.
I made my way over to the table full of food and drink. Sandwiches and pastries were stacked neatly on white plates and bottles were stashed in an ice bucket held up by a black stand made to look like vines. I pulled out the whiskey bottle at the bottom and unscrewed the lid. I didn’t know if Yuta was watching me, but if he was, he didn’t try to stop me. I brought the bottle to my lips and drank.
It burned my throat and I brought the bottle away, gagging. I screwed the lid back on and headed towards the sliding door. I looked back at Yuta, who still stared at my seat. “Goodnight,” I said. “Thank you.”
He grunted in response and I went back to my room.
Chenle hadn’t moved from the bed, the covers still bunched around him, and his eyes zoned in on the bottle in my hand. “I should’ve guessed you meant that kind of drink.”
I settled next to him and held the bottle out to him. “Want some?”
“No, I’m good.”
I shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
I brought the bottle to my lips, pouring drop after drop into my mouth. Chenle grabbed the bottle from me and whiskey spilled on the white sheets. I stared at him angrily. “Hey!”
“I think that’s enough,” he said, placing the bottle on the nightstand.
I slumped against him, closing my eyes. “How are you so calm?” Tears sprung to my eyes and my voice cracked.
“I’m mature.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in. I buried my face in his neck.
“That’s not funny,” I said, but I couldn’t make out the words I had said. Chenle probably couldn’t either.
“It’s killing me, too,” he said softly. “I just don’t know how to show it.”
“You could cry.” I sniffled and rubbed my nose with my knuckles. “I’ve never seen you cry.”
“I don’t want to. It’s too childish.”
I laughed. “Naturally.”
We stayed cuddled like that until the sun rose and morning light spilled in through the windows. Chenle’s soft breaths filled my ears and I watched him, finding comfort in the face I had come to know in the arena. I didn’t want to think about how sick that was.
You’re the only one who understands.
“You should sleep,” Chenle said groggily without opening his eyes. Did he know I was staring at him? “We’ll be home in a few hours.”
“What if they’re scared of us?” I asked quietly. “What if they don’t accept us?”
“We have each other and that’s all that matters.” He pulled me closer and I rested my head under his chin. He kissed my hair and rested his head against the pillow. “Now, sleep.”
“Will you dance with me?”
“I’m going to live for them,” I said. “I’m going to live for all of them.”
“I’ll dance with you.”
I smiled, but I still felt empty. “Can I have another drink?”
“Will you sleep?”
Chenle groaned as he sat up and handed me the bottle. I took a few gulps, put it back on the nightstand, and waited for him to fall asleep. When his soft breaths filled the room again, I carefully reached for the remote and turned the Games back on. I studied everything—their clothes, their hairstyles, their eyes. Their souls possessed me and I cried for each of them.
They haunt me every night…
I repeated their names over and over again in my head.
... and I let them.
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planetsano · 3 years
you're drunk.
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SYNOPSIS: he's taking care of you while you're wasted.
WARNINGS: alcohol, being under the influence, vomiting
CHARACTERS: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, kaminari denki, izuki midoriya, tamaki amajiki.
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— bakugou
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Bakugou doesn't mind what you do as long as you're responsible and safe about it.
So he's not the biggest fan of when you decide to drink, because you do it to get blackout drunk. He doesn't drink often so he's usually taking care of you after a night out.
"You never fucking listen.." Bakugou's hand holds your chin up as he takes the makeup wipe in hand to gently wipe your face. The coldness from the wipe makes you inhale a tiny gasp and scrunch your nose cutely. It felt nice though since your face was warm from all the alcohol you ingested previously.
"You're wiping away all my pretty." You giggle and dainty hands find his wrist holding it gently. He scoffs at your comment and rolls his eyes continuing to clean your face. He knows you're drunk, but you've already expressed some insecurities in your appearance while you were sober too
"You're pretty with or without makeup, dummy," Bakugou murmurs. He wipes your face one last time before tossing away the wipe in the tiny trash can beside your bed. He put it there just in case you got sick. There were also two bottles of water, Advil, and saltine crackers neatly placed on your bedside table for later.
"Arms." That was all he said before you raised your arms over your head. Bakugou pulls your shirt over your head.
"Katsuki.. you think I'm pretty?" You're looking up at him with such heart eyes. You loved him so much, but the alcohol was amplifying your emotions. A warm feeling spreading across your chest.
"Yeah." He stares down at you blankly.
"How pretty?" You asked.
"Very." He replied.
"Even without makeup? And when I get pimples? And when my hair is messy-" He cut you off by grabbing your cheeks with a rough hand before you could start rambling nonsense.
"Listen, even when you feel like you're at your shittiest, I'll still think you're pretty. Now the hell shut up and let me finish getting you ready for bed."
"Okay." You hummed happily. You weren't going to remember any of this in the morning but you were grateful to be in his care.
— todoroki
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It's girl's night and you're way past tipsy because wine Momo brought was incredible. Maybe you had three glasses, maybe you got sad listening to the R&B music playing on the stereo and maybe you went to the bathroom to call your boyfriend, Shoto.
It was late but the phone rang twice before he answered.
"Hey, love," Todoroki answers the phone. He sounds sleepy voice made your tummy do flips.
"Shoto," You bit your lip trying to keep yourself from getting too excited.
"I'm really drunk." You brought your knees up to your chest. You heard him chuckle on the other line before speaking again.
"Didn't you tell me that it was against the rules of girl's night to call boyfriends?" He sounded amused since you were the one explaining these secret rules girl's night.
"I know but I miss you," You hiccuped. "-And I wanna see you." Your bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
"Do you want me to pick you up?" He asks, now fully sitting up in his bed. He looked at the time and it was a few minutes past 1 am.
"Dunno... just wanted to hear your voice.." Your voice sounded so sad, but you couldn't help it! You missed him! You can't just listen to SZA while being wine drunk, or you'll end up like this.
"I see," He paused. "Well, I love you." He finished.
"I love you too.." You trailed off and heard a shuffle on the other line. "Shoto?" You called his name.
"Hm?" He hums.
"What are you doin'?" You ask.
"Coming to see you." He says as he grabs his keys. "You sound upset."
— kirishima
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Kirishima is that boyfriend you see carrying his wasted S/O over his shoulder out the party because they can't walk without falling.
So that's exactly what he does. The friend group was bummed out seeing that you two were the first to leave the party but it was getting late anyway. He wanted you in bed.
Kirishima is leaning against his car. His are arms crossed as he watched the numbers on the gasoline pump run-up. He's lost in thought until he hears your tiny voice call for him from the passenger seat.
"Kiri," Your head was spinning and your body felt unbearably heavy. It felt like you were moving in slow motion, the feeling was pleasant at the party but now it was beginning to make you feel sick. You can't blame anyone but yourself, Kirishima tried to stop you after your fifth shot of hard alcohol but you insisted that you could handle yourself. Now, look at you.
"Yeah, babe?" He's bent over with his forearms rested on the car's window trim.
"I don't feel good..." You murmur.
"Are you gonna be sick?" He asked with furrowed brows. At this point, he's worried and feeling pretty bad because he should've cut you off regardless of your protests. As soon as you nodded your head yes, he opens the passenger door and leans over to unfasten your seatbelt. He helps you out of the car and walks you to the nearest area of secluded grass to let you relieve yourself.
"It's okay, pebble. Let it all out, I'm right here." Kirishima holds your hair back and rubs your lower back while you vomit. He's on high alert though because it is late at night and he could never be too safe, especially when you were under his care. When you're finished he helps you back to the car.
"Feeling better?" He asks while squatting in front of you as you sat in the passenger seat. His hands were placed on your thighs massaging them to comfort you. You gave him a small nod and he smiled feeling slightly relieved.
"I'm gonna go in the gas station, do you want me to get you something to eat and drink?" He asked.
"Yes, please."
— midoriya
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Oh, he's so amazing at taking care of you. He's the boyfriend that holds your purse, your heels and a water bottle around.
The definition of "oh my gosh, who's kid is that... oh, oh! that's my kid! hey! get down-!"
Midoriya had his hands full with you tonight. From nearly falling off the tables and counters you attempted to climb on to catching you every time you tried to pour more alcohol into your cup when he cut you off for the night. He was just glad the party was over and he was about to get you tucked in for bed. It's been a long night. He had fun regardless though, don't worry!
He's giving you a piggyback ride back to the dorms because your feet hurt from your heels. You were carrying them in one of your hands as he held you up.
"Baby, am I heavy?" You asked, your words a little slurred as you spoke.
"No, not at all." Midoriya replied.
"Next time, I'll carry you, okay?" You closed your eyes and snuggled up to him more. The night breeze feeling almost euphoric after attending the stuffy party. He smiled at your cuteness and nodded.
"Sure, baby. But are you sure I won't be too heavy for you?" He asked and you gasped.
"No! You won't be! I'm strong, 'member?" You suddenly felt an all too familiar fighting spirit.
"Oh, of course. How could I forget?" He chuckled.
— denki
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He would be drunk too but probably not as far gone as you. It's like one baby trying to take care of another. You both just end up enjoying each other's company.
He tries to take care of you though! Even if he can't really stand properly.
You both were giggling as you fell on his bed, wrapped up in each other's limbs. Denki's body rested on top of yours, his face resting comfortably in the crook of your neck while you held onto his body like a baby kola. His breathing tickled your neck causing you to giggle more.
"What's so funny?" Denki is smiling against your skin.
"You tickle." You replied softly. You both laid there for a minute or so more enjoying the feeling of being in each other's arms until Denki spoke up again.
"I gotta get up and get you in comfy clothes, you know?" Denki's eyes were closed as he spoke. He was enticed by the way your fingers were running through his hair. He didn't want to get up because he felt good, but he wanted to be a good boyfriend and get you ready for bed more. Even if he was a little under the influence.
"Mhm.." You were on the verge of passing out.
Denki paces around his room looking for something, what was he looking for again? Oh, right! Pajamas. Fuck, he was more wasted than he thought he was. He stumbled a bit before reaching his dresser and picking out the comfiest shirt for you. He's so proud when he turns around holding up the shirt with a smile. He almost falls from the enthusiasm.
"I got-" He stumbled. "I got you a shirt, babe! See?" He smiles at the shirt in hand. Your lack of response makes him look up at you. You were hugging one of his pillows asleep peacefully. He smiles and climbs over you and cuddles up to you. Comfy clothes could wait till morning.
"Goodnight, babe..." He says softly as he drifts off to sleep.
— tamaki
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You don't go to many parties because Tamaki didn't do well in social gatherings and you didn't want to just go without him either. It wouldn't feel right nor would it be fun without having him with you.
Much to your surprise, he actually suggests going to the party some 3A students were throwing. To his surprise, you get really cute and affectionate when you drink.
"Yeah, bunny?" He rubs the small of your back while you're currently snuggled up against his chest. He was a little taken back when you stumbled your way over to him in his designated corner solely to cuddle up to him.
"Let's go." You looked up at him with unintentional puppy eyes.
"But I thought you were having fun?" He frowned slightly. It was just that he was a little surprised at your request to leave early. He thought maybe it was something he did, after all, you seemed so excited to come to this party with him. Maybe he was being too shy and it was killing your vibe-
"I am, but I wanna cuddle with you." He visibly relaxes the moment you say that. A small smile appears on his face as he looks down at you, taking a hand and pushing a few stray hairs from your face. You looked so cute like this, and he wasn't exactly opposed to leaving to spend some time with you.
"Okay, we can go-"
"Aw, what! You guys are leaving already? No fun!" Mirio walks up to you both with a red solo cup in hand. His cheeks a flushed red and he still has his cheerful smile.
"Sorry, Mirio. (Name) is feeling tired." Tamaki says and takes his arm and puts his around your shoulders. Mirio only smiles in response to his friend. He was just happy that he even came to begin with. You must really be bringing him out his shell.
"Don't apologize, you love birds. I'll see ya tomorrow!" Mirio waved. Tamaki gave his friend a sincere smile before walking you back to your room.
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© all content belongs to rekiri 2021. do not modify or repost.
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Haikyuu boys and wearing their clothes
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Characters: Asahi Azumane, Kageyama Tobio, Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Kotaro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, all with a gender-neutral reader :) (let me know if I missed a pronoun change or made something too femme! I very much so did not proof read this lol)
Warnings: Probably some swearing
A/N: This might be an overdone topic but I love it so much soooooo no regrets :) Let me know if you’d like more!
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Asahi literally carries a picture of you in his phone case because he loves you in his clothes so much. He also has a pic of you wearing his hoodie as his wallpaper, and another printed pic of you framed in his room. I don’t care what size you are, his sweaters still manage to feel gigantic on you. It is like a hug FOREVER. 
He literally could not care less that his closet is slowly growing smaller because it means that he gets to see you in his clothes. Eventually, you’ll carry them all back to him in a bag so that he can make them smell like him again. But this is his favourite part, because now his favourite items smell like you. 
Daydreaming in class? Thinking of you wearing the sweater he has on. 
Gets smacked by a volleyball during practice? It’s cause the smell of you is still on his jersey. 
This man trips over his own two feet cause he’s trying to find you in the halls and you wave at him wearing his volleyball jacket ”So that’s where that went. I thought I forgot it somewhere...”
The two of you would trade sweaters before he went on any overnight trips and you’d send him snapchats of you cuddling with the sweater over a pillow or just you snuggled in bed with it on. He’d screenshot all of them, regardless of if you thought you looked good. 
He has an album of you. He will never delete them because they’re all precious.
His teammates have accidentally caught him looking through it before a game because it really de-stressed him if you weren’t able to attend the game in person (though you made it to most of them). Tanaka would burst into tears over not being able to have a significant other with cute photos of and would make Asahi promise to always treat you right. And Asahi would just stare at your photos with his cute little smile and obviously promise because his least favourite thing in the world is seeing you sad.
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(Look at how cute he is omg)
Kageyama is confused when you ask to wear his sweater. You probably did it at a time that made some sort of sense. Like it was late at night and you were studying in the gym while Hinata and him were practicing. 
The cool breeze into the gym made you shiver a little and you noticed that his sweater was just sitting there on the ground so when he came over to grab some water you just looked up at him with your signature puppy eyes. “Can I wear it?”
“Oi, stupid head. They’re probably cold!” 
It would probably annoy him so much that Hinata figured it out before him. He’d kneel down and help you put it on, pulling it over your head and giving you a little smile cause you looked so damn cute in his sweater. 
But now that you’ve started wearing his things, he’s still very confused as to why you ask for them. “Should we go shopping?” He’d ask you randomly on a weekend when there was no volleyball practice. And you’d just stare at him because why would Kageyama want to stand somewhere that wasn’t a gym. “Aren’t you running out of clothes to wear or something?”
It would take a while and some conversations before you realized he was asking cause you had like 3 hoodies, a t-shirt, and some track pants in your room that were very much so his. “I just like having a piece of you with me,” you’d explain. He would have to think it over but he was very happy with this idea.
There’s only one shirt you’re not allowed to take and it’s this cute little graphic tee you got him for his birthday that has a nice drawing of a milk carton on it. He loves it. He will kill anyone that laughs at it. And no, you cannot wear it because if you’re wearing, what is he supposed to wear.
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Sugawara and you regularly switch clothes because this man gives no fucks for your gender roles thank you very much. He shows up to practice one day wearing a dark pinkish basic, or some floral print shirt that you had in your closet and the boys are like “um Suga what are you wearing?”
And he’s probably just like “it’s call fashion, look it up.” (Like Suga sweetie, it’s just a shirt lol)
If you own any tighter pants like yoga pants or leggings? Suga has worn them because his legs and ass look great in them and he will strut around fully confident with that knowledge.
Honestly, he probably steals your sweaters more than you realize. You guys are baking at his house one day and you’ve made a mESS of your clothes and he’s just like oh it’s okay I’ll get you some new clothes.
And you’re expecting this cute little pj set that he has that might fit you or some comfy clothes that he’s lending you. No. He legitimately has some of your clothes and gives them to you and you’re just like.... “Suga I’ve been looking for this shirt for weeks. I even asked you about it.”
And he is suddenly deaf, little shithead.
He likes you in any clothes but they have to be his comfy clothes or he will set that shit on fire. Ennoshita once offered you his gloves because it was fricken cold out and you forgot yours at home and Suga literally threw him across the road and was like “hello angel I have gloves for you”.
You’re just like “um... Ennoshita are you okay?” Boy probably has a concussion and Suga’s just like “who’s Ennoshita?”
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Tsukishima will kill you if he finds you raiding his closet. Like if he walks into his room when you two are supposed to be studying and you’re just casually picking out a sweater, he will throw you on the bed and tickle you until you call for mercy.
Will he offer his clothes to you if you’re in need of something? Most of the time, yes. But you have to ask. No stealing allowed in this household.
Except one night you stayed over and totally forgot a night shirt. Tsukishima is already like half asleep because he woke up way too early for practice that morning, so you just sneak into his drawers and pull out the first shirt you can. You can’t even see what it has on it cause it’s fucking dark. Then you crawl into bed with him, figuring you’ll accept your punishment for stealing tomorrow.
And when he wakes up, you best believe he was annoyed. First off, who plans to stay over and doesn’t bring a shirt? Stupid, can’t you remember anything? But then he realizes, you grabbed this cute little dino graphic shirt and his face is RED. Pasty boi so bright, he might as well be Hinata’s hair. And he’s desperately trying to get out of the bed and run to the bathroom before you wake up because holy fuck you’re PRECIOUS?
But all of his squirming just wakes you up and you see him all flustered, and just assume he’s mad and you’re like I’m so sorry I just didn’t have anything else and was stupid and forgot. And he just hits you (lovingly) on the head, mutters some sort of insult, and moves on.
From then on, that is your designated shirt. It’s a comfort item almost. He’ll only really wear it when he has to be away from town overnight, in which case he’ll wear it as a reminder of you (he won’t admit to it but you tried to take the shirt as a keepsake for while he was gone and he only had a heart attack. Tsukishima Kei does not believe in lucky charms. But he has yet to lose a game when he wears that shirt the night before).
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Bokuto has been WAITING for you to wear something of his, but you haven’t yet. And it’s been stressful. He keeps trying to find a good excuse to see you in his clothes but you’re always too well-prepared.
“It’s kinda chilly out, Y/N, want my sweater??”
“I brought one, don’t worry!”
-.- *cue owl boi pouts*
And he doesn’t want you to wear something of his just because he asked. He wants to you want to wear his things. So he just waits. And pouts. And waits some more.
The day finally came when he was least expecting it. The gym that his game was in was freezing and you couldn’t imagine why. Most of the gyms they had played before in were pretty standard temperature but you were going to die if you stayed in the clothes you came in.
You had snuck onto the court while the boys were stretching, Akaashi smacking Bokuto in the head and interrupting his hype session to help him notice you.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a sweater with you, would you? It’s freezing!”
His eyes would widen. The day has finally arrived. He would finally get to see you in his clothes!!!!
But of course he has no sweater because he had not planned on needing one. Cue more sulking. Of course Akaashi comes over and offers his sweater and Bokuto almost bites his hand off.
“Well offer her your jacket then, idiot.” Akaashi just needs this man to hold off pouting till later. 
Bokuto’s jacket just looked so perfect on you and it was a nice way to keep warm. You cheered him on during the games and after some jaw-dropping move of his, he would turn to your direction and send you a kiss. Embarrassing? A little. But he was such a cutie, how could you deny his air kiss?
Wearing his clothes became more common after that and he will literally bring you his whole closet so you can pick your favourites.
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Ushijima didn’t even wait for you to ask to give you his clothes. He probably folded up his hoodie or jacket for you before a game and placed it awkwardly on your lap or in your arms and you’re just like um... do you want me to put this away for you or?
“Would you wear it for me?” How can you say no??? His cheeks are just slightly going red and he’s avoiding your eyes a bit so of course you have to wear it.
Ushijima thinks you look so nice in his clothes and he really likes how happy you look when he asks you to wear something, so he keeps doing it. That and he knows that sometimes people ask you out during his matches and he likes knowing that they’ll recognize his school colours or his jersey number and at that moment, he will send a calculated glare in their direction. And they will run for the hills, never to bother you again :)
I feel like he’s accidentally shrunk his clothes in the wash before and he just keeps them in a small pile in his room so that you can wear them when you come over. He also buys you proper house slippers that you can wear around his home because he wants you to be as comfy as possible.
Sometimes when you guys are just standing around waiting for a game to start, or if you’re all done eating lunch, he’ll unzip his track jacket and open it up so you can stand there and hug him, and he’ll hug you back with his hands in the pockets so it’s like you’re in the jacket with him (Tendo has definitely zipped it up before and trapped you guys in an awkward hug like stance and he will continue to do this because he thinks it’s hilarious. Has definitely snapped pictures of it and sent it to Ushijima. Ushijima saved it because it was kinda cute).
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Razor:  Jealous HCs
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Hey anon!! As much frustration I hold for crippling oblivious couples, I also love the trope so much. Plus I adore Razor. Even though I try to not call Razor a dog, I still google “jealous dog traits”. Also, I found out both Hanniejji and I secretly HCs Bennet is friends with Razor and Fischl. If genshin won’t give me character interactions then I’ll write it myself.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 3: Cuddle HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
 @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @ aanne2601 @hanniejji​
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Razor:  Jealous HCs
Bennet and Fischl are both foaming at the mouth at how deeply in love you BOTH are and yet you’re both equally blind. Fischl wants to grab you by the shoulders and yell at you that Razor returns your feelings and you need to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing. A sad Razor looks like a kicked puppy and even she can’t handle it. But Razor absolutely refuses for anyone to confess for him because he believes that you might just genuinely be uninterested in him. Plus, it wouldn’t feel right if he couldn’t confess himself. It’s his first love, this is important to him.
Bennet thinks it’s really sweet that his friend is in love. Even if he does get a bit pouty that whenever he get’s hurt, Razor will ask if he’s alright and leave it at that. But if you accidently trip Razor is already at your side and fussing over you. Bennet uses this as physical proof that yes, your feelings are returned and this man is in love with you, but you always brush it off as Razor’s nature to be caring. He’s smiling patiently on the outside but on the inside he has his hands in his hair and he’s screaming.
God forbid anything upsets you. Razor hasn’t been around other humans long enough to pick up on most social cues but he does have a good sense of smell. If you’re happy then the wind smells like sweet flowers. If you’re upset then it smells like mint. While Razor usually keeps himself in check and is somewhat indifferent, the second he catches any signs of distress from you he’s on high alert. Until you tell him what’s been bothering you - a group of hilichurls stole your bag of snapdragon flowers - he’s going to be on guard and stressed out. He’s already throwing his claymore over his shoulder to go and fight the monsters that tried to upset you. Wow, what a good friend you say to Fischl. Fischl is ready to punt you off a cliff.  
Razor tries his best to show that he likes you by bringing the things you need and looking like such a proud pup. He looks at you with such hopeful eyes that it takes you a second to register what he’s asking before you feel your own heart rate speed up and pound into your ears. You flush pink before you move to embrace him and ruffle his hair as praise as he nuzzles into your shoulder affectionally. You assume his affectious actions are apart of his wolf nature and how they act so you try not to read too deep into things. Even if Razor seems a bit too happy to be hugging you and receiving pets. Or the fact he doesn’t let anyone else pet him...
Bennet tries his best to help his friend out by giving Razor some advice but considering Bennet himself hasn’t been in a relationship yet, it’s all practical. Telling Razor that he’s seen couples bring each other flowers as a sign of affection, maybe Razor could find some plants to bring you? It ends horribly when he offers you a wolfhook and you just stare at him. He says that these are his feelings towards you but you’re just...so confused?? Wolfhooks have thorns so does that mean he thinks you’re clingy? Isn’t that a bad thing? Are you annoying to him?? But wolfhooks also symbolize wolves so is he saying you’re like family to him??? You’re internally screaming while debating if you just got family-zoned or if Razor is trying to subtly tell you that he doesn’t like you.
Just because Razor is, somehow, unsure if you actually like him or not. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get incredibly jealous and possessive at any unknown presence. He’s still a bit wary of the City due to all the conflicting smells and noises but he can’t help but look so sad when you have to run errands and you can’t visit him. But when you mention that a really nice knight gifted you a flower does Razor see red. He gave you a flower?? Shouldn’t you be happy with his? Why do you need another one when you have his? Is his gift not good enough? Is this your way of saying you’re interested in someone else? This poor boy is on the verge of either running off to go sulk or find the man that gave you this flower, which up until his knowledge - courtesy of Bennet - is a sign of courting, and absolutely destroy him to prove he’s the better partner.
He tries to keep it under wraps since he's been told that while in the City, he needs to exercise restrain and understand that if he enters. He's expected to at least respect the laws and people. But this poor wolf is so feral over this new development and this new smell that's been clinging onto you that whatever worries and isolation issues Razor felt about the city flies out the window as his protective instincts kick into overdrive. He sees other people and even pets as a rival for your attention and love. He just wants to scoop you up and growl at everything as a message to say “this is mine, go get your own”.
Even when the both of you are far away from the city, Razor’s continued mood seems to hang heavy over both your heads. You’re not sure what exactly caused Razor to be on high alert. He’s snapping and growling at everything little thing that comes close, even a butterfly!
You abruptly stop walking to Razor’s surprise as you whip around and frown at him. He can feel a chill run up his spine as he stands perfectly straight as you study him before you hold your palm out and looked at him expectantly. He looks at your hand with a small spark of perked attention before his nose twitches and he goes back to sulking. You’re still waiting for him as he shuffles a bit, his hair that resembled a wolf ear is twitching, before he whines and trots over and places his chin on your palm. He’s looking up at you with the most kicked puppy expression and you don’t even know what you did but you feel like the worse person in all of Teyvat.
“Razor...what’s gotten into you?” you ask gently as you rub circles into his cheek as he nuzzles into your palm. He seems really conflicted as his eyes dart away from your face and he almost looks guilty. He just whines and turns and buries his face into your warm palm. You’ve never really seen him like that before as you awkwardly try and comfort him. Until the same flower slips out of your pocket and you hear something primal growl out of Razor. His teeth are pulled back and he snarls at the flower as his pupils dilate. You quickly get between him and the poor flower before Razor tries to do anything.
“Seriously Razor, what’s gotten into you?” you asked concerned. He quickly shifts his attention to you as he pounces and knocks you over. You left off a soft noise as the wind get’s knocked out of you but you peep when his hands cage you from above. Razor’s red eyes bore into yours and you’re suddenly thinking the air is getting too hot. 
“Do you like Razor?” he asks, tilting his head in a cute pout. It makes you internally coo before you quickly snap out of it. Stay focused! 
“Of course I do! Remember we talked about this?” you say as you remember back to your previous interactions but this only seems to frustrate Razor more.
“No. Not that like. More...” Razor struggles with his words as he tries to piece together the right string of sounds to try and convey what he’s feeling. He seems so conflicted that it breaks your heart a bit. So you reach up and gently rub behind his ear as he closes his eyes and relaxes. He breathes in deeply as his eyes open and his pupils return to normal, but vastly determined.
“Together. Always. Just...us,” Razor says softly as he looks at you hopefully. There’s a small pink dust to his cheeks as his fang digs into his lip in nervousness. You’re not sure why but your heart absolutely sky rockets at it and you can feel your face flush pink.
“Um, yes?” you nod along, you think you’re understanding what he’s trying to say. Maybe he was just upset you were spending so much time in the City and away from him that he felt your friendship was neglected? That would make you really upset. But the way he phrases his words makes you believe that perhaps...
Before you can think more on it. Razor’s face breaks into a grin that nearly blinds you from the pure affection that sprouts from it. He’s already hugging you harder as he starts rubbing his nose and cheek against your neck. Making soft and happy sounds as he nuzzles you. He’s never done that before but you assume he’s just so happy. You breath a sigh of relief that it appears that your message to him was clear enough.
Yeah of course, friends always, you think
Lupical. Partner. Mate, Razor thinks.
whistling as I pretend I don’t see your stares. Yeah ik but it’s ok. This is a sorta semi series. We’ll build upon it. But Xiao content is next lol. I’m taking inspiration from this. I mean, when I don’t feel like shit 😷
I’ve been listening to [  Softy - Dear Moon ]. This isn’t the usual kind of music I listen to but it came on shuffle and this is now my mental breakdown song.
Quick edit: Turns out this is an ost from “My Mister”. I’ve never been into kdramas (I think I’ve only seen goblin, she was pretty, and Hwarang) but the cover picture looks so upsetting? My friend is really into tgcf and I believe that had a live action as well. 
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
PINKY STAR (RUN) :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆
SYNOPSIS: isagi as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi yoichi my boyfriend of many several years
WARNINGS: swearing? i think idk i forget also yah pretend they all go to the same school and stuff. also horribly self indulgent if u couldn't already tell
A/N: if you remember my old one delete it from your memory it was literally so bad help anyways the re-up because my boyfriend deserves better. also i really like this one and i feel like it’s more in character for him :P lol i've had this in my drafts for like, ever <3 but also my last post for a while because i have ap exams and my sat soon :P
FOR: the anon that asked me where my original isagi bf hcs went :’)
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after the initial awkwardness of being in a new relationship fades and you two become comfortable with each other, a relationship with isagi would be like dating your slightly awkward best friend who you make out with sometimes.
like, i don’t really see isagi being high maintenance, so i feel like a relationship with him would definitely be on the relaxed side, but still romantic, you know?
isagi’s inner monologue is so funny and he definitely lets his thoughts out to you. it makes you laugh to see your usually friendly-to-all boyfriend have his moments, too.
you guys are one of those couples that give each other a look when someone’s doing something weird in public #telepathicconnection <3
but, isagi’s really such a sweetie with you. i know user isagisyoichi may be slightly biased when they say this, but believe me when i say that isagi’s 100% boyfriend material.
walks you to class whenever he can. always either holding your hand as he listens attentively to you complaining about school.
writes down things he feels are important about you in a digital note entitled “y/n 💗,” so he can remember them in the future.
isagi's used to talking to all kinds of people, so even if you're not the most talkative, he can adjust with no problem.
and he’ll always entertain you about whatever stupid conversation you wanna have.
kinda basic with pet names. babe, baby, dork (he would, i don’t wanna hear it), are his usual rotation.
randomly compliments you/says these really romantic things out of nowhere because he can’t control himself and often blurts things out.
“yeah, of course, when we get married, i’ll-”
“when we get married?” you inquire as you cut isagi off. you two have never discussed marriage, just but the thought of isagi wanting to spend the rest of his life with you is enough to make your head spin.
isagi’s eyes go wide when he realizes what he’s said. damn his mouth that moves faster than his mind.
swallowing hard and taking a breath, isagi says, “y-yeah, when we get married,” further affirming his statement with a nod, albeit a bit of a nervous one.
now both of you guys are flustered LOL.
likes to sit his head in your lap and have you play with his hair, while you two talk or just sit in silence.
such a good listener, perfect person to rant about anything with. he’s very understanding, he’ll hold you if you need him to, wipe your tears if you’re crying, give you advice if you need it, just overall so sweet.
also always knows when you're sad because of his intuition. isagi encourages you to open up to him, but ultimately doesn’t force you, just lets you know that he’s always there for you <3
(that's kind of lie because isagi does pry a little LOL, but he means well)
takes care of you! nags you a little, tries his best to make sure you're not doing anything stupid, and if you are, that someone responsible (him) is watching you, looks after you when you’re sick, etc.
gives you his jacket when you’re cold (he’s been waiting to do that his whole life bro LMAOO), carries your things, always texts you good morning and good night, just overall sooo good to you.
but as soft as he is for you, isagi does have this tendency to get these random spouts of confidence, so sometimes he’ll say or do something really bold out of nowhere.
like, he’ll suddenly grab your waist and pull you closer to him, or he’ll kiss you out of the blue. the flustered expression that rests on your face for a change always makes him smirk *heart eyes*
in general, though, isagi's still kind of awkward sometimes regardless and does say or do things that make you go "???" and make him be like "why did i do that" LOL he's so cute though <333
he’s pretty basic with dates, usually opts for things like restaurants, walks in the parks, movie nights, or stuff like that, but they’re still really fun!
but, if you ever want to do something out of the norm, he wouldn't be opposed to it, either. but, you do have to tell him ‘cause he's not a mind reader lol.
(okay but, one time, isagi tried to watch a scary movie with you because he wanted to do that thing where he wraps his arm around you during the scary parts, but HE ended up being scared instead 😭)
isagi’s the type to put your name with a heart emoji or the date you guys started dating in his instagram bio LOL
y/n 💓 IHS Forward #10 ⚽️ *insert some soccer quote about grinding*
it’s a bit middle school, but you let it slide because you know he just wants to show you off <3
study sessions are normal between you two but, you guys always get bored or distracted halfway through and start watching youtube or something LOL.
it’s canon he’s a thigh man lol, so if he ever sees you wearing an oversized shirt, especially one of his, with shorts, isagi will literally short circuit in real life.
he keeps his hand on your thigh when you guys cuddle that day, tracing patterns on your skin, or just squeezing it every now and then.
in general, though, isagi likes poking at and playing with them whenever they're out <3
once, isagi wanted you to do that trend on tiktok where he sits between your thighs and stuff, but he had no idea how to bring it up LOL
so, isagi just watched tiktoks of it in front of you and hoped eventually you would get the hint 🙄
and you did, thanks to his incredible lack of subtly. he doesn’t even care when you giggle and tell him how bad he is at being slick, isagi got your thighs around him, he won!!!!!!
takes a picture (or two or three) to savor the moment.
(even though he could literally just ask you to do it again in the future, but whatever, i guess)
when you’re dating isagi, the team comes with him too LOL
they’re always snapchatting you pictures of isagi when they’re hanging out without you, with stupid captions like, “look how sad your boyfriend is without you 😞”
isagi’s not even sad in the picture, he’s just confused as to why they’re shoving a camera in his face 😭
isagi one hundred percent attempts to get you to run the mile with him during gym if you don’t already.
“babe, just try!” isagi pants, as he catches up to you and your friends, as you guys are still on your second lap.
admittedly, the effort is cute, but beloved, i hate to break it to you- i will not be doing anything of the sort.
he will sit down or walk around with you after you finish the mile, though. if he’s not already playing soccer lollll.
when he does choose to go with you, expect exclamations from the team about how isagi “abandoned us for his little relationship” 👎
isagi’s receiving love language is words of affirmation (also basically canon LOL) so, he really values the compliments you give him with his whole heart.
you could tell him how his hair looks nice in the morning, and isagi will think about it all day.
whether it be about how cute he is, or how talented of a player he is, isagi really is happiest when you praise him <3
speaking of soccer, isagi has this tendency to get lost in the moment and talk your head off about some soccer related tangent that probably makes no sense to you.
his eyes light up and his voice is just oozing with passion for what he does as he goes into detail about how he made this crazy goal at practice while you stare at him with the biggest heart eyes ever, adoring his dedication.
and of course when isagi realizes he was rambling, he apologizes profusely for “boring” you, like the gentleman he is.
but when you reassure him that he could never bore you and that you want nothing more than for him to go on, isagi begins to feels lightheaded due to his adoration for you <3
if you're the type to go all out when it supporting isagi at soccer- like make one of those corny signs, yell from the crowd, wear his spare jersey to games, isagi will physically have to withhold his heart from jumping out his chest.
he's a little embarrassed that you're doing all that for him, but the effort means soooo much to him.
and speaking of soccer, it would mean a lot to isagi if you not only supported him at games and stuff, but expressed an interest in learning more about soccer as a whole, too.
you know, learn a little more about the game on your own accord, ask him to teach you how to properly play, or even challenge him to a one on one, do stuff like that, and he’ll literally be head over heels for you. well, more than he already is.
(he always goes easy on you on your guys 1v1's and he thinks your efforts are adorable, no matter how much you may or may not suck)
he'd repay the effort and try to get interested in whatever your hobbies are!
also, you can get him to do almost anything if you pout and beg hard enough, you’re literally so hard to say no to in isagi’s eyes <3
isagi’s the type to not realize when other people are flirting with him LOL
he just thinks they’re being nice (unless they’re being straight up) and i don’t think he would really process it because he’s so focused on you romantically, if that makes sense.
once he realizes you’re jealous, isagi apologizes earnestly, reassuring you over and over again that you're everything he could ask for and that he would never intentionally try to hurt you and all that jazz.
although, i will admit, sometimes isagi’s kinda smug when you're jealous, especially when it’s over a dumb reason 👎
however, when he’s jealous i feel like it could go one of two ways-
on normal days, isagi would just stand there to “intimidate” the other person, maybe cough a little for emphasis until they go away lol.
but on days where he’s already mad/filled with adrenaline/or someone’s really not taking a hint and you’re visibly uncomfortable- oh boy, it’s like a switch flips in him.
has those same fiery eyes he has during the climax of a game. the energy he’s exuding is dead serious, and that alone is enough for the person bothering you to go away. not bad for a man that’s only 5’8 🥰
adding on, isagi doesn’t take any shit about you, ever. even if it’s from his friends. usually isagi’s very neutral and doesn’t actively try to start conflict, but there are some things he’ll always defend and you’re one of them.
isagi always listens/watches/reads/etc whatever you recommend him (on that note, please recommend him good anime because isagi’s out here willingly telling people his favorite anime is darling in the franxx), even if he doesn’t necessarily like it LOL
you could show isagi objectively, the worst song ever and he would be like “yeah, it was good babe!” (it was not)
also does the same thing when you bring him shopping with you, like he's absolutely NO HELP 😭
you could try on the ugliest sweater known to man and he’d like “you look nice 🙂” pls be honest isagi, you can say it’s hideous!!!!!!
but isagi’s also being somewhat truthful in his statement because he does genuinely think you look nice in everything <3
also loves when you wear his clothes- always feels a mixture between pride and slight shyness?
kinda lol idk but overall, isagi really is sooo happy you wanna show him off that much, especially when you're wearing something of his around his friends :')
he says “i love you” first, no doubt.
he’s a bit nervous when he does because he doesn’t know if you’ll reciprocate, but he really does love you and he feels like he physically can’t hold it in anymore.
“i promise you don’t have to say it back!” isagi reassures anxiously. “i know it’s a really big commitment, and if it’s too early for you right now-”
“i love you, too.”
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I want to say that your posts are so wholesome 😊 and can you do a courting headcannon please. Thank you in advance.
I fell asleep and woke up thinking about this, so as I leave some tabs open for reference, I shall grab an energy drink and get right onto this~♡
You didn't specify what characters you wanted so I will do just for the brothers.
How The Brothers Court You
Gloves Off!
You got cold hands? Well, not anymore. Lucifer will often just take them off and give them to you as soon as he feels your hands are slightly chilly. They may be too big to fit on your hands but believe me when I say he is melting at the sight.
He Totally Doesn't Know How to Choose Gifts.
You know that one thing you really liked while you were window shopping but didn't have the money to buy it and Lucifer saw you? Congrats, it's yours now. He thinks he's smooth but the truth is that if it was up for him to choose, it would lead to disaster.
Your Obedient Servant, Lucifer.
This man is BIG on acts of service. You need a coffee in the morning? He is already carrying both yours and his on each hand. Need some help carrying something heavy? He was already sticking his hands and carrying it for you before you even had the chance to find it too heavy. He's a mess.
Love Letters.
A callback to his birthday, Mammon has promised to write letters to you, and he is so adorable at them. Some are small with him giving you compliments, others are big as he writes his heart out to you.
Sing Us a Song You're The Broke Man.
And a callback to the wedding event, you can bet that was not the first time he has sang a song for you. Expect many to be directed to your humble self at every karaoke you take part on with Mammon. Sometimes he is drunk and it's hilarious.
Humble Gifts
Who needs expensive things when you have a blushy Mammon giving you small, yet meaningfull, things? A change of pens, a little candy you wanted to taste, an origami you taught him how to make, and even shiny stones he finds around the devildom, he gives them all to you.
Love of Love by Love For Love.
Sitting down for hours listening to you ramble attently? Being angry with you, happy with you, sad with you, he will do it with pleasure. To him, if he loves you, therefore he loves what you love too, because he loves the way you love.
Your Personal Benefactor
You need that copy of your favorite book? He totally didn't already plan to go with you. You need a place to concentrate in your studies? Blue actually helps you remember things so he totally didn't think being in his room would help, pff no. He totally isn't always there to give you a hand because he cares what are you on-
What Is Yours is Yours and What is Mine is Also Yours
Callback to a chat with him where he asked to put some of his posters in your bedroom because he ran out of space in his. Don't be fooled, if there is one thing I know from personal experience, letting him put his stuff on your walls makes him go over the moon.
The Art of Seduction
The friendly approaches, the teasing, the weekly dates, although he already did it all before catching feelings for you, he totally doesn't know any better. The only difference is how he becomes much less formal, and a lot more smiley.
The One Thing You Can't Replace.
Making your own stuff means there will be nothing else like it in the world, so expect him to get out of his way often to make you handmade gifts. A plushie, a bracelet, a spoon, a book, you name it.
Are You a Turtle-
I headcanon Satan as a biter. He is the person who will playfully try to bite your fingers when it's too close to his mouth, he will nibble on your neck and your earlobe. He won't hurt you, he just likes biting, and he likes you so-
Another Benefactor
A callback to season 1's ball on Diavolo's birthday where Asmo gave you your clothes as a gift, so just like with clothes, expect him to buy creams and oils, give you massages and invite you to a spa. He will treat you and himself to all the nice things he can afford.
Show Off.
Oh how he will show off how close you two are. There are selfies on Devilgram with heart emojis, mentions of you in his social circles, everyone knows how Asmo is already fell deeper than the lowest layer of Hell.
Boyfriend Material
Call back to two chats where Asmo has proven to be good at handcrafts by fixing a doll and making his own shopping bag. Expect him to not only buy you things, but to also make some things on his own! Need a new bag? No problem! A purse? Coming right up! A pencil case? He will make it amazing! A coin pouch? Just leave it to him!
Hold Me Tight Like Hamburger
Social distancing? Scratch that, he is going to give you a bear hug for every time you guys greet each other, he even lifts you up a bit. He is just really happy.
Eat This
"Bell doesn't share food" yeah right, say that to all the food he has personally held out for your to eat with his own bare hands. And it's not just any food either, the more you like the food he is eating, the more he shares. Oh, it's your favorite? I see, you can have it all, he will get another.
There For You on Thick And Thin
He will be there with a supportive hand when you need encouragement, he will be there by your side when you're sad and suffering, he will be there by your side when you are so excited and happy you can't stay still, he will drop everything, anything, just to be there for you.
He's a Brat Because He's in Love
Yes he will mess your hair, put things out of your reach, draw on your face while you're asleep and drop pillows and blankets right on your face with love. He can't be honest with his feelings and this is the result.
This boy will be you personal sneak buddy. Need alone time in a big party? He does too so c'mon. Can't sleep? He just woke up so c'mon. You just want to run away for a while? He knows a good place, c'mon!
Personal Pillow
Belphie basically ditches his cow print pillow for you. Be it your lap, your shoulders, your belly, he will sleep on you. And the best thing? He loves to let you sleep on him too. Everytime you do it, he curls up around you.
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shotorozu · 4 years
your ex is still obsessed with you
characters : togata mirio, kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral reader, reader has an overpowered quirk
fic type : headcanons that are kinda telling stories [fluff, kinda angsty??]
notes : self indulgent because this person that i used to talk to is still obsessed over me— even though he was the one that said we couldn’t be friends anymore, and he still talks shit about me too 🧍 it’s some serious fan behavior, if anyone does this to you— then don’t give into their bullcrap because they probably want a reaction from you.
edit : november 17, 2020 — i edited the mistakes :)
warning : signs of toxicity in relationships, it’s not severe so don’t worry :)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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togata mirio
you’ve been with this ray of sunshine for a while now
and you guys were just vibing per usual, mirio was probably discussing about your last visit with eri
and suddenly, you run into your ex!
mirio can see your facial expression scrunch up in dissatisfaction
so he could kinda connect a few dots, and conclude that it’s your ex
mirio remembers a while back, recalling that your ex cheated on you— leaving you in a sad state.
he hated seeing you that way
and he kinda has a grudge against him
but, mirio being mirio— he decides to play nice
“oh! are you Y/N’s friend?” your ex asks you, almost as if he didn’t diss you a few months back
“ah no, i’m their boyfriend :)” he says that, pulling you near to him with one strong arm— showing off his signature smile.
you don’t look at your ex in the eyes, not wanting to seem interested in him one bit
the two talk for a bit, and your ex cuts to the chase
“did Y/N bribe you into being with them?”
mirio frowns, “of course not! why?”
“oh well.. i find it hard to believe that the person you’re describing about is the Y/N i know.”
you lowkey want to punch him, however— you guys are in public. you want to be civil
but the little insult under your ex’s breath doesn’t go unmissed
“weren’t you the one that cheated on me a while back?? you make it seem like i was the spawn of the devil or something”
it catches him off guard for sure, not expecting you to be speaking back at him.
“don’t you remember Y/N, i couldn’t like you at all because of.. well— everything, and i’m surprised that you—” and that’s when mirio decides it’s time for you guys to leave
“see you next time! or never.” he says as he dashes away from your ex
you guys are back at his place, and he’s apologizing
“Y/N, i’m sorry. i tolerated that guy, and i didn’t even know he was that bad.”
you shake your head, you seemed unfazed so that’s the good part
“let’s just agree to never see him again.”
he nods happily, pulling you next to him
you guys don’t see him again, you ask mirio about this and he goes “i don’t know what you mean, Y/N :)”
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kirishima eijirou
you’re walking back to your dorm after getting some ice cream near the heigh alliance
you both are surprised when you run into your ex which was totally not because he was stalking you or anything
he plays it off as a nice guy, acting like good old best friends
kirishima isn’t a himbo though, he knows exactly who this is
this is the same person that ridiculed you for struggling mentally, before you and kiri got together
kiri thinks that it’s super unmanly of him.
kirishima notices the discomfort in your body language, noticing how you shift behind him
like mirio, kirishima plays it off as nice— not wanting to be totally rude
but unlike mirio, he cuts it short so you guys can relax in your dorm
“oh and by any chance— your relationship isn’t depressing right?”
you blink, and kirishima frowns “i’m happy with Y/N,” he has his arm around your waist— a protective gesture
“oh, alright then. one last thing Y/N”
he tries to grab you with both hands, but kirishima moves quickly
“grow the fuck up Y/N, if you believe that this red bimbo actually loves you— then you’re mistaken. no one will-”
kirishima pulls you away— and runs full speed at your dorm entrance
you guys are in his room now, and you’re trying hard to not tear up
“hey Y/N, i want to apologize for that. i shouldn’t have tolerated him.”
“no eijirou- it’s fine. i can tell that you wanted to leave early.”
you hate how your ex literally left you, only for him to swoop back into your life when you’re in a stable relationship
but, kirishima won’t let you be haunted by toxicity.
he smiles at you, moments before he rushes to his closet to throw his favorite shirt onto you
he makes you forget about your ex, disinfecting your hard feelings and memories with sweet kisses
you don’t see your ex again- why? because, because.
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todoroki shouto
prior to you guys getting together, he was pining after you
and he’s really heartbroken when he sees your empty expression— as he ridiculed you for something you couldn’t control
he also found out he was cheating on you, and broke the news to him
because you couldn’t be lied to by some idiot
you guys have been together for a while now, and you’ve forgotten about your ex
you guys were out getting some soba, and your grip tightens ever so slightly
which is weird because, you don’t ever grip on him— ever. just because of your quirk.
he follows where you’re looking at- and he sees your ex
he recognises the stupid bastard
your ex is calling for you now, and you actually move behind him— creating some sort of boundary
“this is your new boyfriend, huh?”
“yes.” shouto says abruptedly
unlike kiri and mirio, he does not waste time moving out of the area
because— why would he let you stay in an area you wouldn’t want to be in?
your ex doesn’t leave you alone for some reason. he grabs your arm, and you can feel your adrenaline increase
shouto glares at him, shoving his hand off of you.
“you’re holding his hand, huh?” your ex speaks, his laughter fake. shouto doesn’t reply, and he steps in front of you
“i’m not sure why someone would want a ticking bomb for a significant other— don’t you hate how they can’t always hug you?”
you can’t always give back hugs, and you can’t squeeze shouto like it was the last day on earth like how you wanted to
but, shouto is content with just— being with you. his Y/N
your ex is word vomiting, and shouto cuts him off
“Y/N does hug me, they gives me more than i need— and being with them makes me happier than i’ve been in the longest time.”
shouto then turns to you, lacing his hands against yours— before walking away
you’re in awe, and your ex is shell shocked
you guys enjoy the soba when you get back, and he makes sure to bathe you
scrubbing you clean of that guy’s touch, while having a nice conversation with him.
he showers you with kisses after you’re done, giving you as many kisses as you wish
his touchstarved self popped out
you don’t see him again, and the next time you encounter him
he’s locked in a barrier of ice :)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
don’t steal my work :)
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