#sof absolutely loses her shit
so, ik not a single person gives a shit, but fun fact/story time about me: i've never actually, in full, watched the last three episodes of merlin. i've been in this fandom for about a year, and have even written entire analyses on specific scenes in the last episode, so let me explain my madness lol.
when i was younger, maybe like 10 or 11, my mom was OBSESSED with this show. like, she'd watch it all the time. i could distinctly remember random scenes i walked in on, like when they try to execute Gwen and the soldiers pull Arthur and her apart, or that one random episode when Arthur is placed on that wheel with an apple in his mouth and knives are thrown at him, or, the one that probably left the most impact, was the entire ending of the show. i watched probably the last ten minutes of the last episode, and watched Arthur die and Gwen be crowned sole ruler of Camelot. i didn't really care tbh lol.
but because of that, i knew exactly how the show ended. i had also seen bits and pieces of the two episodes before, so i just generally had a vague idea of the final three episodes, arguably the most important in the entire series.
but then, i got older, and got more and more interested in fandom. and yk which fandom i saw in every corner of the internet? that goddamn show my mom used to watch as a kid. i always told myself i'd watch it at some point, but i didn't get around to it until they announced it was being taken off netflix. let me tell you, that was the binge session of my LIFE. i watched all five seasons (except for the last three episodes) within a week and a half. but when i had around half a week left to finish the series before it was removed, i completely avoided those last three episodes. i buried myself in fanfic, tumblr posts, and the like. then i found them all free on youtube, around two days before it got removed, and i just told myself i'd watch them later. newsflash: i didn't.
i've been VERY active in the fandom ever since (honestly way too active, im like mentally ill lmao) and still havent seen those episodes. i wrote an entire 3k word essay (that i had to cut A LOT from lol) about the series and even analyzed the scene where Arthur dies in a portion of it. now, i keep saying i still haven't seen those episodes, but that's actually untrue. because as of ten minutes ago, i watched them.
so what does that make this post? well, it makes it a warning, because i am going to be so completely insufferable about this series i am 100% sure someone is going to poison me within the next 72 hours. be warned—i am a changed woman now, and i am absolutely unstoppable.
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atsumiye · 3 years
put a ring on it!
summary: your first trip to vegas was supposed to be a fun girls trip that included getting drunk, going to clubs, and even going home with a few strangers. however, that all comes to a halt when you lose your job, get wasted, end up in a strangers bed and now your married? with divorce off the table for a while, how do you two manage being exposed to the public? by continuing with a (now legal) fake marriage of course.
masterlist ll two ll three ll four
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you wanted to scream. mr.gonzalez was the worst human being you have ever encountered. and you knew this, but you still put in the utmost effort during the 4 years you worked with him. you tended to every ridiculous need and request that spewed out of his mouth.
"y/n, this coffee tastes disgusting. i asked for 3 and a half sugars not 4."
"y/n, do you not know how to copy a piece of paper? the lines are uneven. redo all 300 pages again."
"are you incompetent? i asked for the papers to be placed in a binder with a 4 inch round-ring. not a 3 inch d-ring."
each comment he made about you and your ability to understand simple tasks crushed you. but you pushed ahead and now you regret ever working for the shit head.
you grumble to yourself, pulling out the key card to your shared hotel room and tossing the bag of items onto the nearest nightstand. you drop down onto the bed next to sofia, "sof. i just got fired from my job."
sofia's head jumps up from the pillow and despite both of your pounding heads she shouts, "what the fuck!" you both wince at her volume before she turns her body to face yours, "i mean good for you but also fuck him. ive been begging you to quit because he was horrible." you nod your head as she continues, "and dont worry. you’ll find another job once we go back home but for now we are in vegas!"
you both laugh and you slowly sit up, "okay, i know we said no drinking tonight but what if," you turn to look at her, "we got absolutely wasted again tonight?"
she smiles, "hell yeah! i lied about not wanting to drink." she shrugs her shoulders as you both dig through countless reviews for clubs nearby. after about 40 minutes of searching, you both settle on a club called omnia, only a 10 minute walk from the hotel and hundreds of 5 star reviews.
"lets grab dinner before hand then?" you poke sofia's side, "we can pre-game a bit before we head over too." sofia nods, "then lets get ready now! we can get all dolled up. who knows what will happen tonight?" she wiggles her eyebrows before throwing you a wink.
you scoff, "the only thing that will happen tonight will be us drinking to our hearts content. got it?" she throws you a small salute before you both head to your suitcases, pulling out your best clothes to head out for a very fun night out.
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three- with your own money
- sofia drank almost double what y/n drank, which is why y/n was able to get up earlier to buy a few things
- y/n started working for mr.gonzalez after she graduated from university. the job had little entry requirements and a good pay so y/n took it.
- those are only a few of the things mr.gonzalez has complained about in the past 4 years.
- sofia is actually excited y/n got fired, she thinks y/n's boss was a complete dick head :p
- the boys were all in separate places: oikawa was out shopping, matsukawa and hanamakki were nursing hangovers and iwaizumi was at the gym
- oikawa and iwaizumi didnt have much to drink while matsukawa and hanamakki had to be carried back to the hotel
taglist: @decaffeinatedtealover @broken-from-fandoms @nanamisbento @t2iara @rintarovibes @bakarinnie @tooru-luvs @szeonn @jojowantstocry @sunavf @geektastic84 @lilith412426 @speakfrenchbetweenmythighs @kenmaslov3r @crustycookiebestie @art-junkie-13 @joy-laufeyson @tetsuhoes @neologyro
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zotlel · 3 years
Fall Into You (M) - 01
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pairing: jaebeom x you 
genre: romance, angst, series, eventual smut
synopsis: Your love life has been filled with nothing but bad experiences. Determined to give up on the idea of finding the one you meet a man who is desperate to change your mind and have you see him as more.
word count: 5.0k
This was it, you thought. It was something you had feared for months, something you wanted so desperately to not be true. You felt empty, dead, barren, all the things you told yourself you would never be, yet here you were.
The thought had finally occurred to you as you felt your recent Tinder meetup thrust inside of you. His name was Xavier, a Spanish entrepreneur in his mid-20’s who just so happened to be in town testing a study group on his latest business venture. Yet the only thing this man had come close to doing all night was testing your patience. From his sleaze-ball attitude to the way he aggressively attempted to fuck you. Let’s just say you were grateful he couldn’t see your distasteful facial expression as he took you from behind. 
You were depleted of all emotions in this moment as the man attempted to make love to your empty womb. You didn’t even feel anger or sadness at this point, your body felt like some sort of abandoned amusement park. The rides and attractions were there for everyone to see, they were just void of life. You feared that eventually, a dead body would feel warm compared to yours. The fear for you was so real, so scary, to think that you were just some damaged goods.
You started to feel suffocated from the motel’s disgustingly tacky red satin bed sheets that your head was currently being shoved deeper and deeper into. So you decided to end this God-awful encounter early. Sitting your body up causes the poor Xavier to lose his rhythm effectively allowing you to overtake power and position his dumbfounded body beneath you. Luckily the man lasted about as long as you had the capacity for, he gripped your hips tightly, possibly leaving a bruise, causing you to at least enjoy one sensation that night. 
Once the man had finished he attempted to grab your naked form in one could only assume to be a cuddle, you had absolutely no capacity to even humor the idea. Feigning an early morning you quickly gathered your things and headed directly for the door, not so much as even pretending to want to see him ever again. 
The walk of shame. 3 AM, unknown neighborhoods, brisk weather, and a clearer state of mind all accompanied you on your walk home. You officially felt at a total loss with yourself. You had tried the relationship thing, the casual dating, and now here you were attempting one-night-stands, and yet nothing helped you feel complete.
“If only he could see me now,” you say quietly to no one in particular.
Morning light hits you like a bucket of cold water. Apparently in your self-loathing state last night you completely neglected to change out of your cocktail dress and close your blinds. You groan audibly pulling your plush pillow to cover your head from the obscene light. The damage had already been done, you were now officially awake and forced to begin your day.
Dragging yourself to your bathroom you start by turning the shower to the hottest temperature possible and begin to strip from your attire. The woman staring back at you in the mirror is one that you had unfortunately been well acquainted with recently. With the smudged raccoon eyes and red nose that had broken through last night’s foundation, she was an absolute mess.
You scrub and scrub your body under the hot water as if it were some kind of remedy for the way you felt inside. No matter how raw you made your skin you still couldn’t erase the emptiness you felt throughout your core.
That is enough, you think to yourself. Enough of this vile attitude that you had towards yourself. Did you really need to remind yourself daily about what an amazing life you had? A great job, amazing friends, and a beautiful apartment in which you shared rent with a great roommate. Had you really stooped low enough in your womanhood that you would consider yourself empty just because you lacked the place of a man? Your mother would be so disappointed if she could see you now.
You had grown so tired of these men. Hanging in doorways, standing too close to you, their breaths thick with alcohol. Men who didn't come to the emergency room with you, men who left you alone on Christmas. Men who slammed their bedroom doors, who made you love them then changed their minds. You decided you would no longer let this gender be oppressive, you were a warrior.
“Well someone got in late last night,” your roommate, Sofie, called to you over her morning coffee. You had just made your way down to the kitchen in need of caffeine to help break through your early morning fog.
“Please don’t remind me,” you say to her as you begin searching for a clean mug.
“What? Did you not like this guy? Was he not good in be-”
You cut her off promptly by slamming the cabinet door, yourself being surprised by your own actions you turn to face her. 
“I’m sorry I just really don’t feel like talking about it.”
Sofie nods her head in understanding instantly making a pool of guilt form in your stomach from the way you acted. This aggression was a new thing of yours that you had yet to get used to. Rage had begun to take a grip on your life, and on your friendships. You never wanted to be this way. It sickened you to imagine you would have ever become a person to hurt a close friend of yours because you couldn’t contain the fire that you felt inside.
“I’m really sorry Sofie I didn’t mean to snap it’s just-” your words stop as Sofie patiently waits. 
“Last night was hard because it made me realize,” you take a big breath, “I am broken.”
“Sweetie you are not broken! You have just been burned, badly might I add, and you are having a hard time coming to terms with it that’s all.”
Is that all? Could Sofie finally have cracked the code that all of this just so happened to stem from one incident? There was no way you could allow this to be true. You were not just a victim who gets to bear her scar for the rest of the world to see. Your story would not end like that.
“No Sofie, you don’t get it, when I say that I am broken I am really not looking for sympathy,” her back straightens at your serious expression. “I just mean that I am giving up on relationships, all kinds of relationships with men, for now.”
“So no more dating?” You shake your head to confirm. “No more hookups?”
“When I say no more. I mean it,” you say with an icy tone.
“I don’t think that is such a bad idea,” Sofie begins. “I think you may just need to take some time before you go out again, learn about yourself, love yourself. Y’know all that shit that Teen Vogue used to tell us.”
You laugh at this, your roommate was a sweet girl, older than you but innocent enough. You envied her star glazed eyes when she talked about love and romance. Her heart was so pure and untainted, you hoped that she would never change, you prayed that she would never know. 
“I think you may be right Sof.”
“Right about what?” 
In the most perfect of moments Sofie’s boyfriend, Jake, comes down the stairs to join in on your impromptu counseling session. Jake and Sofie were long-time boyfriend and girlfriend since your guys’ days in college. They were each other’s first everything's, love, relationship, they had even lost their virginities to one another. The first day the two of them had met during your study session you could see it happen, the sparks. And throughout the years you were able to watch their love bloom and unfold.
“Oh you know the usual, my life is fucked,” you joke responding to Jake’s question.
“What fucking men with no feelings is finally getting old?” Jake says.
“Ouch, you don’t have to be so harsh,” you respond back to him in which he just shrugs you off. 
Sometimes you wondered how a person as blunt as Jake managed to win over the tender-hearted Sofie. Jake reaches above Sofie’s head to grab his own mug for coffee while pressing a kiss to her forehead causing her face to flush with joy. Some couples just couldn’t be scrutinized, Jake and Sofie just worked.
“Hey, you’re still gonna come with us to Dominic’s New Year’s party on Friday, right?” Sofie asks you.
“That depends, will Dom stay far away from me for the entirety of the night?” you respond back.
“Oh come on, he’s really not all that bad!” Sofie says making your eyebrows go up in disbelief. “And if I recall correctly you hooked up with him a couple of months ago so you obviously don’t hate him that much.”
“First off, I was drunk,” you begin to feel yourself getting worked up. “Secondly, my heart was just broken, if you haven’t forgotten, so let’s just say my judgment was a little fucked.”
Sofie takes a long sip of her coffee and avoids eye-contact. You turn your body from her and breathe deeply from your nose in order to regain your composure.
“Okay, ladies let’s take it down a notch,” Jake effectively breaks the tension. “Y/N, I would love it if you came to celebrate with all of us. And I promise I will be keeping Dom busy so you don’t have to worry about him.”
“Fine, I’ve never been one to say no to free drinks anyways,” Sofie perks up at your response and excitedly hugs you causing you to smile.
Your workweek drags on leaving you anxious to get absolutely trashed at the upcoming party. You’ve had enough corporate bullshit to make certain that when Friday came no one would even be able to recognize that you played as a stock manager by day. One last sweep of your ruby red lipstick against your lips and your look is complete. Despite the bitter winter air you opted to show skin tonight in your tight black body-con dress. You knew that this look would attract lots of attention, but you didn’t care. You would relish in the way men would stare at you, and then doing something you have become unfamiliar with, you would deny each and every one of them. 
You, Jake, and Sofie all share the same Uber from your apartment to Dominic’s swanky new penthouse. The four of you had all met in college, each of you finding different paths in life yet always keeping in touch. Back then Dominic was a promising young student swiftly on his way to becoming an engineer. Until suddenly he decided to leave school and follow his true passion for cuisine. Now he was one of the most successful restaurant moguls in the city. 
His hard work truly paid off, you thought to yourself as the three of you entered his pristine penthouse suite already packed with people ready to celebrate the new year. The ceilings were high and the interior design was entirely bachelor-esque, true to his lavish lifestyle. Waiters attended to people throughout the room holding silver platters of champagne and the occasional finger-food. The scent in the air was lofty with alcohol and the various types of cologne worn by desperate men looking for a lay. 
“You guys made it!” 
Speak of the devil. Dominic makes his way through the crowd to greet his old friends. The four of you exchange hugs and hello’s but you were more than ready to end the interaction with him as quickly as possible. You look around the room until your eyes land on the small minibar across the living room.
“I need to be drunk,” you yell in Sofie’s ear causing her to giggle and excusing the two of you to the bar being worked by a dashing young bartender. It was a bit of a challenge to remember why exactly you weren’t going to be hooking up with anyone tonight. Until the young Colgate smirk shot you a knowing look. It all came rushing back, you fucking hated men.
Quickly you order a shot for both you and Sofie which she reluctantly agrees to, what a great friend, you think. The burn of tequila crawls its way to your stomach lighting a pleasant fire. You settle on champagne to sip on the rest of the night after taking the beverage from the bartender to promptly end his suffocating stare on you. 
“I’m gonna go find Jake, are you okay here?” Sofie asks you.
“Yes of course I’ll be fine as long as the bartender can keep it in his pants.”
Sofie laughs and hits your arm for speaking so loudly, but you truly didn’t care. You begin to move away from the bar towards the floor-to-ceiling windows exposing the city life below. Upon approaching you can’t help but ogle at the beautiful scenery. The life of the city could be seen even from fifty floors up. The hustle and bustle of people eager to celebrate the new year had mesmerized you along with the mass of skyscrapers glittering against the deep purple horizon.
Once you and Sofie had left to find the bar, Jake and Dominic were across the room talking of old times while Dominic showcased his new apartment. Jake could tell that Dominic was proud in the development of his empire, it was obvious in the way he had to mention price tags on every item in his home. Just when Dominic was about to go on and on about a particular piece of art a man whom Jake had not met before interrupts their conversation by placing a hand on Dominic’s shoulder.
“Jaebeom you made it!” Dominic says to the man while pulling him in for a hug. Dominic, as anyone could tell, had a bit too much to drink tonight, hence the sudden affection.
Jaebeom didn’t seem to mind Dominic, perhaps already familiar with this behavior, he pulls back from the brief embrace and gives Dominic a tight smile. Jaebeom had dark hair that was tucked neatly behind each ear. His ears were littered with silver jewelry while his nose also adorned a single stud. His eyes were set deep giving him a mysterious aura.
“Jaebeom this is my good buddy from college Jake,” Dominic introduces the two while both the men shake their hands in a greeting. “Jaebeom is a photographer, he did all the shots for my new restaurant.”
“No kidding, that’s really awesome man,” Jake says trying to make conversation with the stranger.
“Thanks for saying so, I really appreciate it,” Jaebeom says.
A silence fills the space before Dominic asks, “So did Claire come with you tonight?”
Claire, from what Jake had heard, was Dominic’s newest conquest. She was a hostess at one of Dominic’s restaurants and apparently good friends with Jaebeom. Jake found it odd that Dominic could not work up the courage himself to ask out a girl instead of having someone he hired to be his wingman.
“Unfortunately she wasn’t able to swing her shift,” Jaebeom tells Dominic to which he shrugs in an attempt to seem unaffected. Jaebeom then suddenly turns to Jake.
“I’m sorry if this comes off as too forward, but I couldn’t help but notice the girl you came in with earlier.”
Jake laughs, this wouldn’t be the first time that he had to break it to some poor bastard that Sofie was his girlfriend. She was absolutely gorgeous and he knows that his girlfriend Sofie does garner lots of attention. Not that he feels jealous, he just hates having to break it to these dudes that they stand no chance.
“That would be my girlfriend actually,” Jake says.
“Both of them?” Jaebeom raises his eyebrow quizzically causing Jake to facepalm at the way he is handling this interaction.
“Oh no sorry,” Jake searches the room to see Sofie and you leaning against the bar on the other side of the room. “My girlfriend is the one in the white dress over there by the bar.”
Jake points out the two of you and watches Jaebeom’s eyes follow.
“Oh I see, I was actually going to ask you about her friend.”
Jake sputters the champagne he is sipping feeling caught off guard at the question. If Jake remembers correctly you had completely sworn off men not too long ago. Then again, Jaebeom does look like a nice guy and seems genuinely interested in you. As your friend, Jake feels at a standstill with what to do. Although Jake was harsh in words when it came to you, he always had a soft spot for you. And he knows when you put your mind to something, you do not tolerate when people disregard you. But before Jake can say anything, Dominic beats him to the punch.
“Are you kidding? Y/N is practically fucking anyone that even looks her way these days.”
Now Jake remembers just why Dominic and you never got along. He was a complete asshole to you.
“Hey dude come on, don’t say that shit about her,” Jake comes to your defense.
Dominic raises his hands in surrender while wearing that typical shit-eating grin, “I just call it as I see it.”
Jake begins to become increasingly frustrated with the way that his best friend was being talked about, but he is even more afraid of your image being potentially slandered in front of a total stranger. And perhaps a potential match.
“You know better than anyone that she is going through a lot right now. Besides just the other day she said she had absolutely no interest in dating anymore,” Jake internally cringes at himself for potentially scaring Jaebeom away with that last point, but he really couldn’t let Dominic continue to trash you.
“Oh, Jesus don’t give me that. Ever since she got dumped she has been acting like a complete who-”
“Alright I think that’s enough,” surprisingly Jaebeom beats Jake in coming to your defense by putting an end to Dominic’s drunken rant. 
While listening to Dominic trash you and Jake attempting to defend you, Jaebeom was continually getting more and more upset. It was bad enough that Dominic has just shown himself to be a terrible friend, but now he was going to stoop as low as calling his friend such a derogatory term? 
He thought again about the girl that caught his attention. His eyes were on you the moment you walked through the door. Even with the masses of people in the penthouse, he felt like he was on another world with you, floating distantly away in a turquoise sea. To your beautiful skin, gorgeous locks of hair, and even just the way you carried yourself. Jaebeom had found himself completely enraptured with this complete stranger. And he was not going to let one of your supposed “friends” go on ruining your image.
“It’s not very cool to talk about someone like that when they’re not here to defend themselves. Especially to someone whom they have never even met,” Jaebeom told Dominic with a stern tone.
If Jake was impressed before by this man, his respect for Jaebeom increased even more. If only you were willing to put yourself out there again, he thinks Jaebeom might be a really good change for you. He clearly was a person who stood for what they believed in, and Jake knows how much a person like that could have such a great impact on you.
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” Jake waves to Jaebeom too stunned to even say anything as he walks off.
“What the hell is his problem?” Dominic starts as Jaebeom leaves, “Does he think that Y/N will blow him with that bullshit Mr. Nice Guy act?”
“You are such a prick, you know that?” Dominic just shrugs off Jake taking a large gulp of his beer.
While roaming throughout the penthouse you would stop occasionally to scope out the room around you. The people, the music, even the drinks were just so mind numbingly dull to you. You thought to yourself either you were truly broken like you thought so earlier that week or you were perhaps just a narcissist. Neither of those options made you feel particularly good about yourself, but if you weren’t going to be the one to say it, who would?
“Are you enjoying yourself so far?”
Over the loud bass of the music somehow you were able to hear the question coming from the man who had just approached you. You turn towards him slightly startled. Only once you turned to the voice you felt your breath leave your lungs. He was handsome, no beyond that, you had seen handsome men before, fucked handsome men, he was something else. There was no word in the English language to describe his looks.
His cheeks were set high on his face along with his straight nose. The dark locks of hair that framed his face rested softly on his moonlit skin. The way he held your eyes with his stare had you almost in a panic until you remembered, you had lost all your patience for men. 
Still, there was no harm in just conversing, your drunken state thought.
“I’m going to have to say no to that one,” you reply back honestly while setting your empty champagne glass on a waiter’s tray. Had it not been for the few drinks you had already you would not have even spared this man a second glance, right?
“Can’t say I blame you,” the man says. “I am Jaebeom by the way.”
He flashes you a tender smile with his perfectly straightened teeth, you quickly tell him your own name hoping to God this conversation could die. Your resolve while standing next to Jaebeom was slowly dwindling. You need to leave his side. Continuing this conversation leads to dangerous territory that not you nor your heart was ready for.
“I’m sorry, will you excuse me? I need to find my friends, I haven’t seen them all night,” you inwardly cringe at your lame excuse. Yet Jaebeom seems completely unaffected, holding his arm out to his side to allow your departure. A man that doesn’t get angry when you deprive him of attention, that was new.
Somewhere amongst the sea of people Sofie appears at Jake’s side effectively easing the growing anger Jake felt towards Dominic’s drunken antics. 
“What were you two boys talking about,” Sofie says sweetly while looping her arm around Jake. Jake knows that if Sofie were to hear the things Dominic had been saying about her best friend, she would have an absolute fit. So he thought it best she didn’t know.
“Oh you know just guy talk,” Jake says smiling.
“My photographer has the hots for Y/N,” Dominic slurs while it takes everything in Jake not to strangle his friend.
“Your photographer? Who is that? I want to see what he looks like,” Sofie replies sounding interested, to which Dominic scans the room before landing his finger on Jaebeom talking with some other guests.
“What really? He is so perfect I have to go tell her,” Sofie tries to walk away until Jake pulls her back.
“Okay first of all, ouch, I am your boyfriend. How can you say a guy is perfect while I’m right here?” Sofie rolls her eyes but let’s Jake continue. “Secondly, wasn’t it just a couple days ago that she mentioned never wanting to date again?”
“Oh come on you know she doesn’t mean that, and besides that guy is so her type. The second she sees him she will forget her hatred of men altogether,” Sofie says.
Jake sighs but lets Sofie go over and tell you about your secret admirer. He didn't appreciate the way people took your words so lightly. Was he the only one listening to you for the past couple months to know that you needed time to heal? Then again Sofie was your closest friend and perhaps she knew what was best for you.
“Okay you are never going to believe this,” Sofie approaches you from behind as you finish off your third glass of champagne.
“Tell me quickly I can feel the alcohol beginning to fog my brain.”
“Literally the hottest guy here asked Jake and Dom about you, they say he is interested in you!”
Through your slightly buzzed state you can still feel the burst of annoyance come over you. You have to breathe deeply through your nose in order to not completely go off on your sweet enthusiastic friend. Did your words a couple days ago mean nothing to her?
“Sofie, like I told you, I am not at all interested,” you tell her causing her excitement to dwindle. “So you can pass along that message to this mystery man too.”
“Oh come on! At least let me show you who it is, you will just die,” Sofie says causing your eyes to roll.
You decide to play along, “Fine show me.”
Sofie excitedly turns both your bodies to the crowd of people, she scans for a minute until she finds the said man, excitedly pointing him out to you. Jaebeom was in the middle of a conversation. The man who was interested in you was him? The guy you completely blew off just moments ago? 
You could feel yourself start to become overwhelmed. First when you started to talk to Jaebeom you began to have these feelings that you had never felt before. The fact that you couldn’t identify them frustrated you and made you want to leave this party. Now come to find out the whole reason he approached you was because he was interested? For reasons unexplained you began to feel the anger turn in your stomach again.
Who did this guy think he was? Was he just someone who felt he was so charming that just a simple greeting would have you spreading your legs for him? You felt so angry with yourself for even faltering for a moment on the resolution you made with yourself. This just proved your theory that all men want the same things from you. How could you be so stupid to think differently? Your head was turning into a swirl of red, clouding your judgement, perhaps the cheap booze was stronger than you anticipated.
It wasn’t until Jaebeom turned his body towards you, locking his eyes on yours. You expected to see the smirk, the smirk that all the men wear on their faces when they just want their dick wet. Instead, he smiled. Not a forced smile, it was genuine, you could feel the warmth of it from across the room. His smile had you faltering. You’ve been with so many men these past few months that you thought you had them all figured out. So why was he so unpredictable? 
For this, the rage overcame you.
With all your might you are able to look away from him and down at the floor. Your chest felt tight, all the air around you had been sucked away as you struggled to get a grip on where you were. Breathing exercises were not going to help you at this point.
“Hey, are you okay?” Sofie looks down at your shaken figure.
“No, I’m not, I think I’m going to leave. I really don’t feel well,” you say as you begin to make your way through people not wanting to let anyone submit to your anger.
Sofie grabs your arm, “It’s almost midnight you can’t leave now!”
“Sofie please, I am being very serious right now. Let me go,” your tone is icy as Sofie draws her hand back in fear.
Taking the opportunity you start your journey towards the exit needing so desperately to get out of the sea of people. Your chest began to heave as you felt the world closing in on you. Tears prodded in your eyes as you clenched your fists. The crowd was suffocating, you felt like you were about to burst, until finally you made your way to the door. You hurried down the hallway to the elevator practically throwing a punch at the call button.
Jaebeom was across the room when he had seen the entire exchange. He noticed your change in expression and then proceeded to watch you suddenly turn to leave the party. Jaebeom had a hard time understanding why, but he felt worried for you. Suddenly he begins to weave in and out of the drunken mass as the countdown from ten begins to be shouted out. He sees only a glimpse of you as you finally slip your way out the front door.
He reaches the door, opening it to find there is no one in the hall, he looks down and sees the elevator doors slowly closing with you inside. He tries to make a run for it, what will he even say when he reaches you? He doesn’t care at this moment, all Jaebeom knows is that he doesn't want you to be alone. 
Running fast towards the titanium doors you look up and catch his eye. Tears can be seen falling down your flushed cheeks. Your eyes were wild and bright as you stared through Jaebeom, making his steps come to a halt. He was shaken by the look in your eyes, so much so that he lets the elevator doors stop him from reaching you.
He hears the party happening behind him. The cheering and laughing as people celebrate with their friends and loved ones. Yet the noise is completely drawn out as Jaebeom thinks of you.
This girl he had only just met, yet he longed for so desperately so.
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rebelcap · 3 years
We are not just friends — 21
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she’s brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
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Chris was sitting on the couch, absently looking at the TV as he recalled last night.
" Come on," Chris quickly said when she hit the floor in front of him, he forgot for a moment there that she was obviously under the influence.
"I wanna go home," Sofia said as she grabbed her bottle from the floor and tried to take a sip but Chris took it off her hands and left it on the bench.
"You've got enough, let's go home." Chris said, sternly as she just pouted grabbing his hand and put it over her shoulders.
"I wanna see Dodger." she said, looking up at his face, he looked down, pretty glossy dark eyes and swollen full lips—God, he couldn't say no to her.
"Okay, sure," He whispered back and caressed her cheek and she leaned on his warm hand, closing his eyes for a second.
He drove her to his home as she insisted on holding his hand the whole trip.
"Chris?" She said standing from the couch and stumbling throughout the living room. She was drunk as hell and tired, little out of her mind. "Chris!?"
"Yeah?," He said walking out of the bedroom and she was standing, well, trying to. "You're drunk, come on." He said walking up to her and she shrugged.
"Just a little," Sofia said and as soon he was close enough she put her hands under his shirt, feeling his soft skin and looked up. "I know what I'm doing."
"Do you?" Chris asked, licking his lips. Sofia nodded and leaned on to kiss him.
"I missed you," She whispered against his lips as she pulled the hem of his shirt, Chris took it off. They kissed again, sloppy as they walked backwards towards the bedroom.
Sofia tripped with her own foot, again and Chris catched her. He knew that he shouldn't be doing anything with her, she was obviously drunk.
"We can't do this, Sof." He pursed his lips together as he put a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I know, I know," She sigh laying her forehead on his chest, feeling the ground spin under her feet. "what are we doing?"
"I don't know," Chris answered back, rubbing her back as he looked away. "Want me to drive you home?"
"You want me to… Go?" She asked, looking back at him, still holding each other in the middle of the bedroom.
Chris shook his head, "No."
"Okay," Sofia sighs and rubs her face again and looks at her hands, black spots from her makeup. "Ugh, do you have make up wipes?"
Chris chuckled and guided her to the bathroom, sat her down on the ample counter as she turned around to see herself in the mirror and gasp in horror.
"I look like absolute shit."
"You don't," Chris said as he looked on a cabinet and pulled out the wipes for her.
"Thanks," She murmured and looked at the wipes, noticing that they weren't hers. "This isn't mine."
"Yeah, those are… Jenny's," He rubbed the back of his neck and Sofia rolled her eyes at him and took one wipe and started cleaning her face, while she looked at him through the reflection of the mirror.
"I hate that you made me hate her," She pointed at him. "Because I liked her," Sofia said, throwing the wipe on the sink and grabbing another. "Now I can't fucking stand her," She murmured more to herself than Chris.
"If it's of any help, the feeling is mutual," Chris said and Slfia stopped mid-wipe to look at him from her shoulder.
"What do you mean?"
"I called her by your name a couple of times,"
"Ugh," She said, going back to wipe her face. "I would literally hit you if you called me Jenny." Sofia saw the smile forming on Chris's mouth and before he could ever mutter. "Don't you fucking dare." She pointed at him, a murderous look on her eyes and Chris chuckle raising his hands at her.
"I kinda wanted you to see you trying to hit me,"
"I'll slap what's left of your hair out of your skull. Don't try me," Sofia threw the other wipe away and jumped off the counter.
Chris was cackling like a fucking bird and she couldn't help but smile at his stupid ass titty grabbing while he laughed.
"I should be offended at your outburst of random violence," He said, giving her a side smile, still laughing. "But that's the funniest threat I've ever received." He started laughing again and Sofia pushed him and he grabbed by the arm and pulled her in.
"Stop laughing," She said rubbing her face on his chest like a cat, smiling.
"I'm sorry," Chris said cupping her face, looking at her eyes, nose, mouth and sigh. "I'm sorry," He whispered and kissed her forehead. "Let's get you something more comfortable, yes?"
"Yeah, okay…" She agreed standing in the middle of the bedroom, alone.
"Hey, you okay?" Scott asked his brother, because the Patriots were about to do a touchdown he didn't even react.
"Uhm?, yes—yes," He quickly said and put his attention back on the TV. His whole family was staring at him.
"Is this about Sofia?" Her mother asked him and he shuffled on the sofa and looked at his mother.
"Can I talk to you, ma?" He asked biting his finger, nervous and Lisa quickly got up and they walked to his room.
"Scott told me you two left together last night," Lisa said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah, but nothing happened. I mean we kissed, she told me she loved me which was new, I know she does but it was different." He explained sitting down besides her mom. "And I told her that I bought her a ring,"
"A ring?," Lisa frowned as Chris looked at her. "An engagement ring?"
"Yes, ma." He bit his lip and looked down.
"That's new, you've never done that before…" Lisa pointed out and put a hand on his son's back. "you've given it a good thought?"
"Yes, I did. It just keeps popping up in my head and thinking of a future and… everything I've ever pictured with a woman it's with her. I've been infuriatingly in love with her for three years. Haven't stopped not once, I'm sure. I know she's difficult, it's hard and her wounds are still raw—but she's worthy."
Lisa had to smile, proud filling her chest at her son's words. Her little boy even thought that he was way past being a boy.
" I know you two push each other away all the time and I've been thinking that maybe you love each other so much and the fear that losing each other it's too much."
"I need her to trust me, if she doesn't trust me. It's never working out."
"Be her friend again." Lisa said rubbing Chris's back. "I think you should take things slow. If she's worthy, everything will sort out alone."
Chris thought that it was wonderful advice and it made sense, because all that she ever asked was…
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soft-boy-writes · 4 years
"Just Friends"
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Bakugo Katsuki X Reader
Social Media AU/College AU
- You and Katsuki have been friends since you were kids. Throughout elementary school, middleschool, and high school, you two had always been close. Had, being the key word. Once you two hit college, meeting up became harder, and through that, Katsuki realized his feelings were stronger than ones for a friend. Now in your second year of college, you're on a journey of self discovery and romance. Will Katsuki confess or will you find someone else? Will you two forever be "just friends"?
Word Count: 1,034
Warnings: None
Part 1: At my house???
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You opened the door for Katsuki. He had been dressed in a simple pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt with a hoodie. You smiled cheerfully. “Ahhhh, there he is!”, you teased. He glared at you and rolled his eyes. “Just fucking let me in, would you?”, he asked, a small chatter of his teeth slipping it’s way into his normally gruff voice. You laughed and moved to the side for him. “Geez, no “Hi! It’s good to see you! How are you?” I mean the least you could do is give a thank you. “, you continued your little banter with a joking smile. 
In truth, you had missed him. He was your best friend after all. With your conflicting college schedules it was difficult for you to make time for each other. You walked back with him back to your living room that happened to be connected to your kitchen. Walking from the carpet to tile, you opened up the fridge and grabbed him a water. “Think fast.”, you said and tossed it to him, shutting the door behind you. He grunted at you after catching it. You were always so reckless. It annoyed him. “Watch where you’re throwing shit. You almost hit my face!”, he shouted. 
“Oh, and like you could do any better.”, you replied sassily. He glared at you and huffed. “You know what? Fuck this. I’m leaving.”, he growled and turned away to leave. You frowned and quickly went behind him, holding onto him. “Nononononono!!!”, you pleaded. “Let me go, now.”, he demanded. You hugged him tightly. “Don’t leave meeee!!! You just got hereee!!!” He sighed. “Fine. I’ll stay. But on one condition only.”, he gave in. He knew you too well to think you’d just give up, and if you weren’t letting him leave, he might as well get something out of it.
Your expression brightened. “Oh, really?!”, you asked excitedly. This was new. Katsuki wasn’t normally one to bargain. What could it be?.. He turned to you after you released him. “Come on, tell me!”, you pressed further. You hated when he just went silent out of nowhere. He gave a menacing smirk. “You have to have an All Might marathon with me.”
You groaned almost immediately. “Ughhh… REALLY?”, you asked him with a whine. You hated All Might films. It’s not like you had anything against him as an actor but... They were just SO cheesy! Like the guy gets the girl, the villain loses, that type of cheese. Honestly, you had never expected him to like that kind of stuff. It was weird. If it were up to you, you’d watch horror films but because SOMEONE would stay up all night texting you with some bullshit excuse like dogs making noise or police sirens, you couldn’t.
“You gonna give me a fuckin response?”, he asked. You glared at him. You could either spend the night procrastinating on your homework alone or procrastinate with Katsuki to keep your mind off of the fact that you’re procrastinating… You placed a finger on your chin feigning thought. It was clear which you’d choose, but you didn’t want to. You sighed in defeat. “Fine!”, you said and threw your hands up. “But only if YOU buy us food.” His smirk turned into a frown. “Sure whatever.”, he said and turned away from you, slipping out his phone and entering the passcode. “But I get to choose what.”, he snickered, gaining the last word. You stuck your tongue out at him and threw yourself onto the couch, your leg hit the side of it and you yelled out in pain. “Ah fuck!” He threw his head back and laughed loudly. He didn’t need to see what happened.
A few hours passed and you tiredly rested your head against Katsuki’s shoulder. It was something he let only you do. His face rested his knuckles, eyes fighting the sleep he desperately needed. What time was it? He checked his phone. 10PM? He needed to be at home… He looked down at you. This was the only reason he put up with you. To see you at peace this way. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but the comfortable silence you two had, the constant bickering, the clinginess of you, he enjoyed it. He felt himself grow tired once more and decided he had to go home. Gently shaking your shoulder, he spoke, “Hey, I gotta go.”, he said quietly. You let out a small yawn and blinked your eyes open. You sniffed a bit and rubbed your eyes as you sat up straight. “Oh, is it that late already?”, you asked. He nodded silently.
“Alright then, let me get the door for you.”, you said and stood. The shirt you wore rode up, exposing a bit of your skin as you stretched. He averted his gaze in an attempt to not stare. He stood as well and walked towards the door. “Hey thanks for coming over. It means a lot.”, you spoke tiredly through a yawn. He turned and smiled a bit, but only for a split second. “You’re saying that now?”, he asked. You knew him enough to see past his words. What he meant was ‘No problem’. He slid his shoes on as you opened the door for him. “I’ll see you later.”, you said and he stepped outside. He only nodded and turned away. You shut the door and he began to walk home.
When he arrived at his house Bakugo slipped off his shoes. He rolled his neck and yawned. The shit he did for you. He smiled a little and opened up his phone. Looking back at the old messages, he laughed a bit. You were the only person that stood up to his assholery. It was attractive to him if he were being honest. He wondered when you’d ask to hang out with him again. As he thought that, he noticed a new message flash across his screen. He opened up the text and read the grey speech bubbles.
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His lips stretched into a smile. A new All Might poster and a day out with you at the movies? How could he possibly say no?
A/N: Ahhhhh! Ok ok! I think I should explain what's happening! I follow this amazing writer named Sof who has her own writing blog @myherowritings and I absolutely LOVED her series called YSAG (YOU SUCK AT GAMING) It's a Shinsou X Reader fic that takes place in a smau (social media au!) and is AMAZING!!! Please check it out, you will not regret! Anyway, back to the story! I read her awesome fic and felt inspired to play around with a little app called Social Dummy (it can only be found on iphone atm). I was playing around with it and suddenly this fic was born! I can't wait to continue it and see everyone's thoughts! I hope this makes up for forgetting to post when I hit 300! Please please please tell me if you enjoyed it! I love hearing you guys and communicating with everyone! Thank you so much and I'll catch y'alls later!!!
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rebelcap · 3 years
We are not just friends — Part 20
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she’s brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues both of them, my girl Sofia kinda messy.
Series masterlist
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Sofía opened up her eyes because there was so much fucking sun on the bedroom, as soon she opened one eye she knew. She knew she fucked up when she realized it was Chris's bedroom and his fucking thing about sleeping without curtains. 
She turned around on the bed and indeed, he was there, sleeping as an oak. On his belly, one hand under the pillow and looking peaceful as he can be. 
She sighed and looked under the covet, not naked but she wasn't on her clothes, one of Chris's shirts and some basketball shorts, real sexy. 
"I need to get the fuck out." She whispered to herself and stood from the bed, as quietly as she could and tipped toe out of the room just to be received by Dodger, jumping and barking because he was happy to see her. 
"Oh God, I love you but shut up baby," She tried to sush the doggo by rubbing his face but Dodger wasn't having it. She cursed under her breath as she heard Chris moving on the bed and beeline to the living room to grab her things. She only wanted her phone to get the fuck out because she was remembering the shit she pulled last night on her fucking alcohol mania episode. 
"Morning," Chris said, walking up on her throwing the sofa pillow to the side as she was looking for her phone. 
"Have you seen my phone!?," She asked without even looking at him. Chris hummed and walked past her to the kitchen, where he left it charging before sleeping. It's started to ring on Chris's hands. 
"It's Ron, " He said, showing her the phone and Sofia grabbed the phone from his hands and started talking business right there, hangover as she could possibly be and her ex boyfriend watching her pacing in the living room with an amuse smile on his face. 
"Ron, hold on a second," She said on the phone and put it on mute. "Where's my shit?" Sofia asked Chris and he pointed at the other sofa and indeed her clothes were there. "Thanks," She muttered and went there and started talking with Ron again, ignoring Chris as much she could. "Yeah, okay. Look, we will figure it out, I'll be there as soon as I can." she said and hung up. 
"Everything okay?" He asked, looking how she was quickly getting dressed. 
"No," She muttered and took off the shirt and put on hers. "Look, whatever happened last night I was drunk," 
"I know, don't worry—
"It won't happen again," She said and sigh. "Thanks for not leaving me alone, I was pretty fucked up."
"Sof, it's okay…" He said and gave her a side smile. "Want breakfast?" 
"I can't, I have to go—work and stuff," She looked down and put on her shoes. "Thanks." 
Sofia took a step forward, wanting to say something or at least hug him but she decided against it. "I'm just—" She pointed at the door and started walking towards it. "Yes, bye thanks."
"Bye," Chris said, watching her go and rubbed his face, signing. "Jesus Christ."
Sofía was literally screaming while she was taking shower, memories flooding her mind of the things she did last night. 
After Chris told her that, all that she had left to do is either cry or get fucked up. She chooses the second and proceeds to drink all she can. 
"Okay, what happened?" Scott asked once Chris reunited with them by the grill, grabbing a cold beer. 
"Nothing, we just… Talk." He shrugged. "I don't know, men. It's so complicated between us. I don't wanna lose her by any means but," He shook his head. "We both stupid around each other."
Sofia was again by the little bar and Alex was there, still talking with Ryan. 
"Hey," She said with a smile, he did too. "sorry about that, you still got that drink?" 
"Yeah, yeah. Beer it's good?," He asked and she shook her head. 
"Let's try something stronger, shall we?," She said and pointed at the vodka, Alex chuckled and went for it. 
And they did, a lot of shots later they were still chatting and chasing down the vodka with some beer. She was drunk as she could be, all inhibitions were out of the window and Chris was staring at her like a hawk the whole time.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" She asked, giving him a look and Alex laughed. 
"God, yes," He said, biting his lip and looking her up and down. "But I gotta be straight with you," 
"Alright, shoot."
"I was told you're off limits so I can't mess with you," 
"Excuse me?" She said surprised at what he just said and instinctively looked at the crowd outside and saw Chris looking at them, beer in one hand as he smoked with the other. 
"Yeah, you're Chris Evans ex and he's here… Boston ita a pit stop for me and I want to be an actor, if you know what I mean—
"Oh my God," She rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed grunt.
"Believe me, I would absolutely love to rail that ass you got but he's an A lister, think of the connections he—
"Just shut the fuck out." She wave a hand at his direction and grabbed the vodka, taking a sip and bee line to Chris not fucking caring at all about making a scene. 
"Excuse me," She said walking between the little circle of friends around Chris and all of them went quiet, knowing that was about to go down. "You," She said pointing at Chris and he looked at her, giving his beer a chug. 
"Yes, Sof?" 
Sofia scoffed and had to take a swing at her vodka, straight out of the bottle. She literally don't give a fuck anymore.
"Don't yes Sof me. What the fuck are you doing?" she muttered and Chris frown.
"What are you talking—
"oh, don't you pull what you are talking about, bitch. You know, what the fuck I'm talking about." She said with an accusatory finger pressed to his chest. 
All the guys ohh at them and Sofia had to laugh because she went for it, she was mad but not that mad. 
"Baby," Chris said, smiling and grabbed her by the hand. "Come on." he led her again to the side of the house where it was somehow private. 
"Not your baby, you dumped me." She reminds him again as he leads the way to talk, again. 
"And I told you I'm an asshole, what are you talking about?",
"You're cockblocking me with your fame." She explained with a pout and Chris had to chuckle. "Why are you laughing? This is-is bad. Like—
"Why is it bad?" he asked, drinking his beer, still smiling. "I Don't want to see some other asshole kissing you."
Sofia had to blink four times, slowly as her drunk brain tried to process. Was that… Christopher… Jealous? 
"Oh, my Dios mio. You—Christopher. The audacity, oh-" She was throwing her hands on the air and ranting in Spanish at him. "Boy, imma throw hands at you right now. I swear to God almighty I want to slap the shit out of you." Sofia pointed her finger at him and let out a scream with both hands on her mouth. 
"At least I'm saying what the fuck I want."
"Well, I don't want to see you getting back with all your fucking exes right on my fucking face." She rubbed her face messing up her eyeliner because she was feeling anger, frustration and honestly a little aroused at him behind fucking toxic because she was used to that and bring her some twisted type of comfort and validation. 
"That includes you?" He asked and leaned on the wall right beside her and Sofia turned around so fast that she tripped on her own two feet. Chris pulled her into his body, right between his legs and held her there. He tossed his beer on the ground and put both hands on her hips. He's drunk, he has to be drunk. She thought for a moment as she just…let him… touch her. 
"God, fuck you." She said pressing her lips onto his mouth, he kissed her back with no hesitation. 
"You didn't answer my question." He said pulling back and Sofia rolled her eyes at him and tried to pull away but Chris grabbed her by her neck and pulled her in again, Sofia let out a subtle moan and curse. 
"Fuck," She breath out, closing her eyes as Chris pressed her lips against her jaw, nipping and kissing. 
"I'm answering you shit." Sofia whispered and grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him again. Chris grabbed her ass and pulled her up, Sofia wrapped her legs around his hips and Chris turned around and pressed her against the wall, she forgot everything for a moment and it felt exquisite. 
Kissing him, feeling him against her skin, his perfume, the softness of his hair between her fingers and the roughness of his hands on her body. 
"God, I love you," She muttered as he nipped her neck and Chris stopped right away to look at her, making Sofia open her eyes and find him looking at her, serious. "What?," She asked, leaning. "Kiss me." She murmured against his lips but Chris didn't respond. 
"You meant it?" He asked and Sofia stared at him. 
"What?" She asked avoiding his eyes and lean on again but he pushed her away. 
"Do you love me?" He asked and Sofia let out a sigh. 
"There's no point. We're never getting back together," She now pushed him away, untangled her legs around him and tried to walk away but her legs gave up as soon she hit the floor. 
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 6
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5
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6. Stay.
Chris's brain was barely functioning as they kissed, slowly. Her lips were soft and gentle against his, she was sucking and licking his lips as Chris caress her neck and slide his hand slowly to her lower back. Sofia grabbed his wrist and pulled his down under, to get a hold of her ass and Chris smiled.
“Damn, Sof—” He whispered as he kissed her neck and pull her close, sliding his leg between hers. She gasped when she felt that sweet friction on her pussy, that only encourage Chris more as he moved his hand under her shirt and lifted it, planting kisses on her belly as he goes up.
He's abruptly interrupted as Sofia pushed him off and she quickly straddles him as she planted a firm kiss on his lips. His hands go to her hips making her feel how hard he already was.
“Fuck,” She mumbles against his lips and Chris took that as a cue and moved her against him again, now she fully set down on his clothed dick rubbing her pussy alongside. Chris sat down pushing her further down as he kissed her again, Sofia began moving her hips as she used his shoulder as leverage to move.
The friction was enough to get her going and Chris was kissing her neck, rubbing his beard and holding her close.
“You're so fucking warm,” Sofía said as he pushed her hands under his shirt, feeling his muscles tense as she moans softly at Chris's ear. Chris was about to take off her shirt as an annoying ringtone started blasting from her forgotten hoddie.
“Shit,” Sofía exclaimed as she reached for the hoodie.
“Do you have to get that?” Chris asked as she tried to fish out her phone, never stooping to plant kisses on her neck.
“It's Ron,” She said triumph as she slides her finger and put the thing on her ear. “Hey boss, ” She answered as she played with Chris's hair, dischaved it more.
Chris felt like he was on a cloud, feeling beyond intoxicated as she touched him so lightly. He kept trying to take her shirt off and she swats him shaking her head.
“But-” Chris tried to argue and she mm-uhm at the phone and leans on to kiss him fully on the lips.
“Yeah, sure. I'll be there. I might take a little bit because I'm not on the hotel-yeah, sure. Alright, I'll take a few samples and meet you there.” She said smiling through her voice as she hung up. Sofia let out a sigh and look down at Chris that had to lay down to the grass. “I have to go.”
“You're kidd-wait!” Sofía was quickly on her feet as he almost couldn't move, his dick was painfully hard. “Sof!” He sat down and saw her sliding inside of her jacket and put her backpack on. She walked back inside and kissed him but on the cheek, which took Chris by surprise.
“See you,” She smiled casually, ruffled his hair, and before Chris could even answer she was out.
“Stay,” Chris Whispered as he laid back to the grass and palmed his dick. “Fuck.”
"What the fuck?!” Sofía muttered angrily at herself as she wiped her cellphone and quickly texted her Jiminy Cricket.
I heavily make out with Chris, thoughts?.
Before she could even pocket her phone it rings to like.
“Fucking finally!.”
“No, Mandy. I never meant it to do that, he was talking about her ex and fucked up shit people do to him and he said he trusted me and I kissed him!” Sofía stressed herself as she tells what happened. “I almost fuck him if it wasn't that Ron called!”
“Then why did you kiss him?” Mandy asked as she shushed someone, it was probably Luke.
“I don't know!” She shouted as she crossed the street and wave down a taxi. “What I'm supposed to do now?,” Sofía asked as she gets in and quickly told the driver the address of the hotel.
“What if I ruined a perfect friendship?, because you know I adore that idiot.”
“Sofía, you need to talk about it then.”
“No fucking way.”
“Are you going to avoid Chris?”
“Fuck yes, until I can look him on the face again. Oh my God!, why I'm such a hoe?, Why I'm like this?” Sofía covers her face as the driver cleared his throat.
“Sof, don't avoid him. Chris is your friend, not some guy…” Amanda told her making her curse under her breath.
“Yes, I know that—I'll a with it later.”
Later, much much later. The meeting went more than amazing, Ron had managed to seal a deal with a bar that was a household of LA, this was a big step in the right direction.
“You did well today, kid. I'm proud of you.” Ron grabbed her shoulder and give it a warm squeeze making Sofía smile.
“Thanks, Ron, it means a lot.”
Ron smiled back at her and keep on chatting with the bar people, the place was packed but she had managed to be on a place that was kind of quiet and her beer kept getting warmer by the second.
“You need a refill?” The barmaid asked her and she nods a few times giving her back the glass. “You okay?” She asked putting back the full pint in front of her.
“I guess,” Sofia sigh and put both elbows on the counter bar. “I kissed one of my closest friends and he kissed me back and now I'm confused as fuck.”
She laughs but understood. “You like him?”
“Yes, besides that he's freaking captain America—” She laughed. “He's great, awesome and we had so much fun together. I've known him for a year now our best friends date each other.”
“So, there's been pressure?”
“You've got no idea, we mostly laugh and joke about it—he was with someone until a couple of months but he slept with her recently and he's avoiding her and I'd kiss him and he kissed me back and if it wasn't that I'd have to come here we were going to sleep together.”
“Alright, you two obviously like each other of any of that wouldn't have happened.”
“Guess so.”
“That doesn't leave much room for thinking, girl.” She wiped the counter and Sofía just hummed.
Her phone started ringing and it was Mandy calling her.
“Hey babe, what's up?”
“Hello, gorg, where you at?”
“I'm still on the bar—”
“I know but where?”
“On the last stall of the bar—why you want to know?” Sofía asked sipping her beer and heard mumble over the phone.
“Just asking for a friend—”
“Mandy no.”
“Mandy yes, you'll thank me later I know, I love yoooooou.” She sings over the phone and Sofía hung up and grunted and started to drink her beer.
“Shit.” Sofía gulped and drank the rest of her beer on one go and asked the barmaid for something stronger—she was going to need it.
“Yeah, I see her. thanks, bro, yeah yeah.” Chris spoke making his way through the crowd of the bar, it wasn't many people. He could easily see her on the back of the bar, chugging down the rest of the beer.
“Sofi,” He spoke sitting on the stall beside her. Sofía gives him a quick look and bites her bottom lip. “You run on me,” Chris said with a smile, seeing her acting this shy was… endearing.
“Yes, I know.” She hummed and nod a few times, still looking forward and made a face. “Sorry, I didn't mean that to happen—I mean, you know. Dude—I don't want you to think that—Chris, fuck. I'm sorry, I don't want to fuck up what we have.” Sofía stumbles over her words, not really knowing what to say because she didn't even know what to think about it. One thing she was sure was that she absolutely didn't want to lose Chris over anything.
“You don't fuck up nothing, sweetheart.” Chris quickly assure her. “Trust me, it's everything alright but we do have to talk about it—
“No, we'll talk about it.” He interrupted, sternly. Sofia sigh and nod a few times as she kept an eye on her boss.
“We can't, my boss is there and there are people and I'm trying to prolong this not talking. So, maybe back at the hotel?”
Chris laughed and Sofia covered her face with her hands, half embarrassed and half smiling. Couldn't help to feel relief that Chris wasn't giving her shit about it, it makes sense what she was saying.
“Alright,” He bows his head to then look back at her, smiling like a freaking ray of sun. “Don't panic, Sof—
“I'm not, It's just—I like you, I really like you, dude. I don't want to fuck this shit up.”
“Baby—it's not,” Chris quickly interrupted shaking his head. “I like you, in all honestly I've wanted to kiss you since I saw you at the bar.”
“Chris… really?”
“Yeah, you kidding me?” He laughed hiding his face under his hat, he was blushing. Sofía laughed and pull his cap down.
“Idiot.” She mutters biting her lip and looked around, at least no one seems to notice him. “I should go to see if Ron needs any help, you wanna stay or…
“I honestly prefer to be alone with you, I can't kiss you here.” He shrugged and Sofía rolled her eyes.
“Christopher.” He laughed again.
“Alright, alright—” He raised his hands and rub his beard. “I'll go to the hotel, okay?”
Sofía nods a few times and he laughs, making her laugh.
“What are we doing!?” She exclaimed putting both hands on her face, embarrassed. Chris couldn't help but hug her, placing a kiss on top of her head.
“We'll figure it out.”
Well shit, finally.
Thanks everyone, your support means so much!
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 10
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
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Sofía was in a meeting with Chris's publicist, his assistant, and lawyer as they all went through the contract along with the brewery lawyers.
"My client had already told me to give whatever your asking," The lawyer spoke and Chris's publicist kept eyeing her. "so, this is more a formality."
"We already discussed it, just a photoshoot. We're going with the social media route of promoting." Sofia explained and the lawyer nod a few times, she was on the last page of the contract.
Sofía looked at his publicist and the woman kept looking at her phone and then back at her, multiple times like she was trying to figure something out.
What the fuck? Sofia kept thinking and she heard Chris's voice carrying from the other side of the co conference room. He had arrived a while back but Ron and his kid were giving him a tour of the brewery that was barely getting it together. Nothing was set up but the skeleton was there and Chris was delighted.
They still haven't really seen each other, until this very moment, the first thing he did was stare at her, puppy eyes and everything and Sofia was acting like she was already over it, guess Chris wasn't the only actor in the room.
Of course, Ron started his usual little speech as they signed the contracts, even cracked the champagne at nine o'clock. The photoshoot was going to be after lunch as the crew gets the things together—Ron had really splurged on the production, he really took it to himself on how much money he was saving.
Sofía could see from the corner of her eyes as Chris was discussing something with his publicist, she kept discreetly pointing in her direction as Chris looked something on her phone. He kept shaking his head no, getting quickly irritated.
When they both turned around to look at her, she quickly looked at the other way—attention back whatever she was doing.
"Sof," Chris called her, voice soft. She looked up and he was right there with his publicist. "I need to show you something."
"What is it?" She asked and the woman asked if they could speak somewhere else. "Yeah, the office." Sofia leads the way.
"Thanks for the privacy," The woman said, and Sofia nod. "I don't care what you two are doing but I do care about this," She said showing her the paparazzi pictures of Chris and her when she arrived at the stupid party yesterday. Sofia could practically remember everything they talked on that brief moment, her full face was on display.
"Oh," Sofia explained and blinked a few times. "Well, shit,"
"And you didn't have anything to do with it?"
"Megan." Chris cut her off and the girl just rolled her eyes.
"He's insisting that you didn't but I gotta ask, I'm just trying to protect Chris's privacy."
"Megan, come on," Chris interrupted her.
"Wait. Are you asking me if I staged this?"
"Did you?"
"Sofi, I know you didn't, you don't have to answer, look Megan—
" It's okay and no, I didn't. Chris you know I would never," Sofia said looking at him, whatever what had gone down last night she would never break his trust like that, she loved and value their friendship to do something like this.
"Yes, I know," He touched her arm, looking at her apologetic. "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this, I was sure there was no one."
" I'm glad you weren't, I just have to ask. The pictures are already out and you guys were on the street there's not much we can do." Megan explained. "For now you're the 'mystery woman' but I'm sure with time they'll find out who are you." She locks her phone and put it in her purse and looked at Chris.
"Okay, I'll deal with it when it has to deal with it, I'm cool with it." Sofia shrugged and Chris stared at her.
"This doesn't bother you?" Chris asked.
"It bothers me for you because I know you're a very private person but no worries for me, I'm pretty much obscure on social media, all I do is tweet about how much I hate Donald Trump and re-tweet dogs pics."
"She does," Chris nods and she shrugged again.
"Okay," Megan said looking down at he phone again. "Do you wanna release a statement or…?"
"I prefer not brought more attention to it, I'll leave it like this," Chris said and sigh, looking a little bit defeated.
Megan, the publicist, finished up the talk and quickly excuse herself, leaving them alone in the office.
"We should probably," Sofia said looking at her watch and tried to walk past him but of course Chris wasn't going to just let her.
"Can we talk?" He asked and she sighs.
"Chris, it's really okay,"
"No, it's not. I'm sorry I disrespect you,"
"You obviously still had things to figure out and I just don't wanna be in the middle of that. We are friends, if you need to vent with me I'm here, always." Sofia explained, leaning against the desk with her arms folded against her chest.
"Sof, I already figured it out," Chris said walking up to her. "I don't, I don't want anything with her. It's done -
" Yeah, her tongue down your throat last night didn't necessarily say 'I'm done with her',"
" Shit. I know, can we call it a lapse in judgment? " Chris made a face, he truly didn't know how to salvage this. Sofia was difficult and stubborn and he had fucked up.
"Call it whatever you want," She shrugged and sigh deeply.
"Hey," Chris said grabbing her hands as she kept looking anywhere else but him. "Hey, look at me," She did and closed her eyes.
Don't Sofia, don't don't. She kept thinking because he was so fucking attractive, she just wanted to kiss him all the time.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I was a complete asshole and I shouldn't even try to explain, I fucked up it was my fault."
"Yeah," She pouted.
"But, I did figure it out—" Sofia was about to interrupt him again but he was quicker. "I know it didn't seem like it, but I did."
"I wanna be with you, Sof. I don't wanna be just friends—
"Are you fucking with me?" She squints her eyes at him and scoffed." I'm going just to pretend you didn't say anything because I like my job." Sofia muttered and walked out of the office.
"Jesus Christ," Chris muttered, running his hands over his beard and sigh.
Christofer Robert Evans was relentless, couldn't take no for an answer and Sofia was about to snap at everyone at any giving moment. Between Chris trying to make a truce, Ron losing his shit constantly, his fucking son and friends that were fucking around the brewery, and on top of everything Amanda kept blowing her phone.
"Sofia," Ron called her and she walked up to him and his son that was chatting with Chris.
"What's up?" She said walking up to her and he took her to aside.
"I'm going to send you back to Boston for a while," He said and Sofia was about to cry.
"Oh God, thank you I fucking hate this place so much." She said making a face and Ron laughed at her expression.
"I know, I can see the amount of pressure that I've been putting you into this last couple of days and you did more than deliver. You deserve a little break,"
"Oh, man. Thank you," She sighed with relief. "Everything here it's pretty much set up, the machines are getting installed this week, everything with the bank it's already resolved, permits too. Thanks to Chris's lawyers, contractors are coming at the end of the month… I mean everything it's on track, at least for a week." She explained pulling out her cellphone and Ron was amazed.
"You pulled this off in a couple of days, I'm never letting you go, that's for sure," Ron said and made a gesture. "So, he likes you." He pointed at Chris with his mouth and Sofia roll her eyes. "And I thought you were only into Chicks."
"That's why your wife loves me so much and I have a weakness for pretty white dudes, it's pretty unhealthy if you asked me." She said with a smile looking at Chris for a moment. "it's complicated right now."
"Shit I bet, guess he's really into you by doing all this pro-bono. So, I'm going to be absolutely a greedy selfish man and said to trap this one." He said pointing at his finger and Sofia let out a laugh.
"No way, man." She shook her head. "Let's focus on beer and stop talking about my non-existent love life, after crazy bitch Tiffany. I'm done,"
"Yeah, and I thought my ex-wife was crazy, you definitely got it worse," He put a hand on her shoulder and murmur. "Good rebound, uh?" He pointed at Chris.
"Ay por Dios, Ron." She rolled her eyes and he laughed, walking away toward his son and started saying their goodbyes to a Chris.
"Ah, men. Listen, just be patient with her," Ron said to Chris while they shake hands. "She seems tough but she's all fragile inside, treat her right." The men said as he put another hand on his, squeezing a little bit.
Chris got the point right away.
"Yes, sir."
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