#i have cried like six times within the past two hours
so, ik not a single person gives a shit, but fun fact/story time about me: i've never actually, in full, watched the last three episodes of merlin. i've been in this fandom for about a year, and have even written entire analyses on specific scenes in the last episode, so let me explain my madness lol.
when i was younger, maybe like 10 or 11, my mom was OBSESSED with this show. like, she'd watch it all the time. i could distinctly remember random scenes i walked in on, like when they try to execute Gwen and the soldiers pull Arthur and her apart, or that one random episode when Arthur is placed on that wheel with an apple in his mouth and knives are thrown at him, or, the one that probably left the most impact, was the entire ending of the show. i watched probably the last ten minutes of the last episode, and watched Arthur die and Gwen be crowned sole ruler of Camelot. i didn't really care tbh lol.
but because of that, i knew exactly how the show ended. i had also seen bits and pieces of the two episodes before, so i just generally had a vague idea of the final three episodes, arguably the most important in the entire series.
but then, i got older, and got more and more interested in fandom. and yk which fandom i saw in every corner of the internet? that goddamn show my mom used to watch as a kid. i always told myself i'd watch it at some point, but i didn't get around to it until they announced it was being taken off netflix. let me tell you, that was the binge session of my LIFE. i watched all five seasons (except for the last three episodes) within a week and a half. but when i had around half a week left to finish the series before it was removed, i completely avoided those last three episodes. i buried myself in fanfic, tumblr posts, and the like. then i found them all free on youtube, around two days before it got removed, and i just told myself i'd watch them later. newsflash: i didn't.
i've been VERY active in the fandom ever since (honestly way too active, im like mentally ill lmao) and still havent seen those episodes. i wrote an entire 3k word essay (that i had to cut A LOT from lol) about the series and even analyzed the scene where Arthur dies in a portion of it. now, i keep saying i still haven't seen those episodes, but that's actually untrue. because as of ten minutes ago, i watched them.
so what does that make this post? well, it makes it a warning, because i am going to be so completely insufferable about this series i am 100% sure someone is going to poison me within the next 72 hours. be warned—i am a changed woman now, and i am absolutely unstoppable.
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hannieehaee · 3 months
Hi, please do a continuation of your idol mingyu fics🥺 I really love me a nsfw idol mingyu fic so if you could continue it im gladly waiting for it!!
18+ / mdi
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content: idol!mingyu x idol!reader, established relationship, secret relationship, simp!mingyu, afab reader, smut, oral (f receiving), etc.
wc: 2013
original fic
a/n: thank u for requesting idol!gyu i love him so bad <33
handling a brand new relationship was already hard enough on its own. now add the extra stress of having to keep it a secret from the entire world, and then you have mingyu's current situation.
he had waited years to finally confess, never really expecting that the day where he could have you would ever come. and now that he had you, he was slightly frustrated at how little of you he could actually have.
not only did the two of you have constant conflicting schedules, but you also had to keep things as discreet as possible due to the nature of relationships within your industry (and maybe also due to mingyu's many exes being spread all throughout the industry).
mingyu tried not to be too annoyed by how little of you he got to keep to himself these past few weeks, with your schedules conflicting far too much for his liking. whenever he was off work, you just so happened to have a last-minute appearance at some fashion event in another country. in any occasion in which you were finally off idol duties, he suddenly had yet another shoot for a company he was the new ambassador of. there was just no way for the two of you to be in the same place for longer than an hour before one of you was called away to some over-complicated schedule.
and though mingyu really really did his best to not let this affect his mood, the inevitable eventually happened, and he finally snapped.
okay, he did not snap per say, but the drastic change in his mood was easily noticed by not only his members, but even staff.
throughout the past week, he had been the talk of the town (re: hybe) due to his unusual behavior. the usually high-spirited and highly energized mingyu everyone knew and loved had been overcome by a shell of his former; a grumpy and lazy giant who would grumble in response to any and every inquiry and would give his bare minimum during group activities (though never in front of carats – he could not help but always be a sweetheart to his carats).
for the past six days or so, mingyu had not been in contact with you. the most he could get were a few texts throughout the day due to both your groups having a comeback at practically the same time. he had not heard your voice or seen your face. not only were you promoting in america (giving you a sixteen hour time difference from korea), but you were also running on about four hours of sleep since your departure. in the meantime, mingyu was preparing for his own group's promotions, knowing that by the time you got back, seventeen would also leave the country and you would find yourself in the same situation.
the thought of yet another week with zero communication made mingyu lose his mind even further, causing him to be even more snappy as the days went by. one week became two, and you were finally due to come back, something that would've usually elated mingyu, except that his departure was scheduled just a few hours after your arrival.
today had been the worst day of all for his members, who had had to deal with mingyu's sour mood these past two weeks (and occasionally deal with his cries due to missing your presence). but enough was enough. not only was mingyu inadvertently messing with the synergy of the group, but a few members also felt bad for the pathetic mess mingyu had become due to your incidental separation. it was time to take matters into their own hands.
mingyu had never loved his members more than he did at this current moment.
sure, they'd been with him through thick and thin; since the beginning of his career up to the moment where they finally made it to the top. but none of those moments compared to the makeshift 'intervention' they had prepared for him just one day prior to your arrival (and consequent break from comeback activities).
he had been annoyed by it at first, assuming they were just going to grill him due to his lack of effort these past few weeks, but he was surprised to find that they had spoken to the company on his behalf. before he could protest about what he assumed to be some sort of punishment for his unusual behavior, he was informed by an easily-excitable soonyoung that they had convinced the company to allow him to stay in korea for an extra week before joining the rest of the members in overseas promotions. they had come up with a fake statement – something about conflicting schedules with one of the brands he was meant to promote for – in order to give justification to the public as to why he'd be staying behind. they comforted him and told him they understood his frustrations and knew what a hard worker he was, that they simply wanted to give him a few days to recover with you.
mingyu could've cried – and he did. he was beyond elated. he apologized profusely for becoming a weight to his members, getting on his knees to thank them for doing him such a solid, promising he would come back better than ever and that he would work as hard as he could to make up for the past two weeks. he was met with reassurance from his members and a few lighthearted curses due to jealousy of his free time with his girlfriend.
he spent the rest of the day with a reinstated good-mood and the most energy his members had seen from him in weeks.
as mingyu came to find out a few hours later, you were blissfully unaware of the sudden change of plans, still believing that he'd be out of the country by the time you got back home.
mingyu fell in love with you all over again the moment you gasped in shock and immediately ran into his arms as you found him waiting for you in your apartment, wrapping his arms around you with the warmest embrace he could muster, lifting you so that you could wrap yourself around him.
"gyu! what are you doing here?", you inquired excitedly as you pulled away.
mingyu didn't let go of you as he responded, "hybe gave me the week off. i get to stay with you til monday. surprised?", he grinned.
"a week?! oh my god! fuck, i've missed you so much," you went back to burying your face in his neck, drinking in the embrace.
"missed you more, beautiful. can't believe i finally get you all to myself again," he put you down slowly so that he could grab onto your hands, bringing them up to his lips so that he could kiss them over and over as you giggled at his antics, "i have so many things planned for the two of us."
"yeah?", you moved closer to him, placing your hands on his shoulders, "like what?", you flirted.
"gonna do everything ive been holding back on ..." he breathed out as he lowered his face down to yours.
"wanna show me?"
"yeah, angel, i'll show you ..."
those were the last words spoken before he took over your senses with a heady kiss, kissing you with so much strength that he physically pushed you back a few steps. his control was lost pretty quickly into the kiss, his senses weakened by the feeling of your body so close to his own.
wordlessly, he guided you in direction to your room, not allowing for your lips to disconnect for even a second as he laid you down on the bed and hovered over you. even as you began to lose your breath to the kiss, mingyu would only allow for your lips to disconnect for a few seconds at a time, taking a single breath before going back to licking into your mouth.
his hands had a mind of their own as they felt every inch of skin they could find, simply ridding themselves of any obstacles by removing your clothing as he unlocked new skin for his hands to touch.
"fuck ... did you get prettier, angel?", he finally disconnected your lips, though not without groaning at the way in which your lips chased after his despite your lack of breath, admiring the almost fully nude body under his own.
remaining fully clothed, mingyu could not feel your skin against his own, a circumstance that frustrated him too much to not solve it immediately. without a second thought, he ripped off his clothes and leaned down to kiss at your neck as his hands took care of the remnants of your clothing.
"hmm, angel? get prettier in my absence? were you keeping all this beauty safe and sound for me?", he was as soft in his words as he was with his movements, caressing the skin of your breasts as he removed your bra.
"gyu ... do something. please," you whined as he traced your nipple and kissed at your neck.
"what do you want, angel? cause i have a few ideas of my own."
"anything, just ..."
"anything? can i have that pretty cunt, then?", he breathed, his lips now against your ear.
"y-yeah, fuck. please."
within seconds he had made his way to the ground, kneeling before you as he buried his face between your thighs and went to town. his lips had already traced every inch leading down to your cunt, fully prepared to bring you to your first orgasm of the night with those same plump lips.
"so fucking good ..." he purred against your cunt, "grind it against my tongue, yeah, baby? wanna feel you gush on my tongue," his words were slurred, refusing to disconnect his lips from your cunt for even one second.
"g-gyu? i'm ... i, fuck ... gonna cum. need to cum. please ...", you whined, fully delirious from the feeling of his tongue.
"do it, angel. gonna lick it all up n give it back to you. been dreaming of you gushing all over my face," he breathed just a few moments before granting his own wish by leading you to your high.
you whined and cried as he continued to lick and suck at you throughout your orgasm, pulling at his hair and grinding against him simultaneously as your body fought against the sensitivity of your cunt while he refused to halt his attack on you.
after your high finally dissipated, mingyu made his way back up your body, once again kissing a trail through the entirety of it until reaching your lips.
he groaned against you as you gave him a kiss so nasty it had his eyes rolling back. he licked your taste right onto your own tongue, sucking it back as your tongues danced with one another. his cock was beyond hard by now, making him grind against your sensitive cunt as the two of you made out.
he reluctantly pulled away before he could get too carried away again.
"i really did miss you so much," he whispered against your lips.
"i missed you too, gyu."
"no, but i genuinely felt like i was going insane," he continued, "i didnt know i could miss anyone this much."
you cupped his cheek as you reciprocated the sentiment.
"now that i finally have you, being away from you at all is torture," he confessed, chuckling at how dramatic yet serious he sounded.
"i love you, gyu," you concluded, "i'm so happy i get to have you a whole week. i .. i'll make it so we can be together more often. i don't know how, but we can do this. right?"
he smiled and pecked you once, "yeah. not letting anything keep me away from you. i love you."
the soft moment was eventually interrupted by even more unseemly activities between your sheets. and the week was filled with constant love shared between the two of you as you finally reunited, fully determined to make this a frequent occurrence.
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
Fool's Fare: Chapter Five
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Fool's Fare: Chapter Five
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Trigger Warning: Language, Big brother Bradley, Secrets, Feelings of betrayal, Abandonment issues from the reader, Reader says something she'll regret later, Allusions to prostitution and violent men, Magic, Curses, Supernatural is real, Reader cries, Feelings of helplessness, Pirate!Jake. I think that's it, but let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 4k
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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“What do you mean you still haven’t eaten?”
Bradley winced at your tone, running a hand through his brown locks as he eyed you wearily. You had meant to drag him to the physician at the last port you had docked at, but the excitement from the day prior had wiped the issue completely from your brain. Who knew falling overboard could do that to a person?
Now here you were a week later, and it had finally dawned on you that you hadn’t seen your brother eat much more than an apple here and there. You had kept quiet the past two days, silently observing him, and here you sat in the galley, Bradley to your right with Mickey and Nat sat across from you. The rest of the crew milled about, and it wouldn’t be long before Bob and Reuben joined your little group for breakfast.
“It’s not that serious, Guppy,” he murmured, casting a weary look at the two sitting across from you. “I feel fine.”
“Bradley, you aren’t eating,” you scowled, turning your own gaze to your new friends. “Tell him he needs to go see a physician.”
The two shared a look before Mickey shook his head, putting his hands up in surrender while Nat sighed.
“Yeah, I’m definitely not getting in the middle of a sibling squabble,” she drawled, taking a bite of her apple. You rolled your eyes, turning back to look at the brunette beside you.
“As soon as we dock, I’m going to go find a physician,” you told him, pressing your lips into a firm line as you stared him down. Your father had always said that you get your temper and attitude from your mother.
“It’s like a miniature you running around everywhere, Pen!” He’d laugh, throwing his head back as you gave him the best scowl your six year old self could come up with. Your mother would roll her eyes, biting back a smile as she watched you glare at the older man.
“She’s going to strike fear into the heart of everyone who crosses her, mark my words!” He grinned, reaching out to gather you in his arms.
“Don’t give me that look,” you scowled as Bradley gave you a dubious look. “I mean it! We’re finding a physician the next time we dock.”
“Alright, fine,” he grumbled, moving to stand, holding up his hand when you made to say something else. “By all means, go find a physician, Guppy. In the meantime, I’m going to go get some work done on deck before we dock.”
“Javy said we should make landfall within the hour,” Nat provided, watching as the brunette rounded the table towards the stairs. You watched after him, chewing on your bottom lip in worry. Were you really in the wrong for worrying after him so? Surely not. Bradley had always been stubborn, ever since the two of you were children. If anything, he wasn’t worrying nearly enough about his current condition.
“He’s going to be okay, you know,” Nat said, reaching out to hold your hand in hers. She offered you a gentle smile as she squeezed it lightly. “Maybe you should give him some time?”
“I’ve given him plenty of time,” you mumbled, glaring half-heartedly at the stairs where Bradley had just disappeared. “He needs to see a physician if he’s not eating. It could be illness.”
“He seems fine to me,” Mickey offered with a shrug. “A physician would be a waste of time, anyway.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, brow furrowing at his words. Nat shot him a pointed look, and Mickey straightened up as if just realizing what it was that he said.
“Oh, I just mean,” he trailed off, looking at Nat for help. All she offered was an unimpressed glare as he fumbled for how to continue.
“I just mean,” he stammered, “that physicians never really know what they’re doing, right? I mean, they’ll prescribe plants and leeches and-”
“Mickey?” Nat interrupted, raising an eyebrow and resting her chin on her fist.
“Shut up.”
“Oh thank God,” Mickey mumbled, looking away and catching sight of Bob and Reuben making their way towards your table. Bob sat down next to you, bumping your shoulder with his in greeting as Mickey and Nat made room for Reuben on the other side.
“What are we talking about?” Bob asked, taking a bite of his oats.
“I’m going to go and find a physician for Bradley once we dock,” you told him. He paused, stiffening next to you for a moment before continuing with his food.
“What?” You asked, a tinge of annoyance evident in your town. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just chewing before swallowing.
“Is a physician really what he needs?” He asked carefully, glancing up at your friends on the other side of the table. You rolled your eyes fixing the bespectacled man with an annoyed look.
“Is there some sailor superstition about physicians being bad luck that I don’t know about?” You questioned, glancing around the table. Everyone refused to meet your eyes, and you felt another twinge of aggravation in your chest.
“No,” Bob replied, shaking his head, spoon clacking against the side of his bowl as he moved the oats around. “It’s just that they’re costly, you know? I’d hate for you to waste all that money only for there to be nothing wrong with him.”
“He’s not eating,” you replied dryly. “I think that’s plenty of cause to go and see a physician. I’ll deal with the cost when we get there.”
Shouting could be heard from on deck, and all of you glanced up at the sudden outcry.
“Sounds like we’ve reached land,” Reuben commented, focusing back on his plate.
“Perfect timing,” you chirped, already moving to stand. You cast a final smile to your friends, giving a small wave as you made your way towards the stairs. “I’ll see you all up there!”
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It was still a few hours before anyone was allowed to leave the ship, Jake and Javy making sure that everyone had been inspected for signs of illness per the harbormaster’s orders. You kept silent about Bradley’s lack of appetite, certain that if it were contagious, then the others would be showing signs as well. Once the ship had been cleared and deemed healthy, you all set about preparing the ship to settle.
It was the late afternoon by the time you finished your tasks, and you set about trying to pin down Bradley.
“Have you seen him?” You asked Nat as you hung in the doorway to your shared cabin, having ran from the galley to the private quarters. She glanced up at you in the mirror, a quizzical look on her face as you fought to catch your breath.
“Bradley, of course,” you chuckled, straightening up and stepping further into the room. “Who else would I be talking about?”
She hummed noncommittally, turning her focus back towards her bun.
“I haven’t seen him,” she responded finally. “But I haven’t seen the others either. Perhaps they’ve already gone ahead and gone out?”
Your lips pulled into a frown as you realized that, save for Bob just moments before, you hadn’t seen Mickey or Reuben either.
“He wouldn’t,” you growled, earning another look from the woman in front of you. Your jaw dropped in indignation. “That rat!”
“He’s your brother,” she shrugged, once again turning back to the mirror. You let out another growl, turning to stomp your way back onto the deck. The oaf you called a brother would have to come back to the ship at some point, and it was then that you would corner him.
Meanwhile, your boots stomped across the deck and towards the gangway, mind bound and determined to find a physician at this small port. The docks were already crowded in the late afternoon, and you found yourself having to push through throngs of people just to get into the streets themselves. You weren’t sure where you should be looking, but you were sure that a port town of this size had to have some kind of physician. All around you, merchants of all kind hollered to the passing travelers, some selling food, others selling trinkets.
“Fine wares for your misses, sir!”
“Fish for sale!”
“How’s about a shilling for an hour of your pleasure, mister?”
You shied away from the last one, not wishing to be caught up in that business. People did what they needed to survive, but you were weary of the men who tended to hang around those parts.
“Interested in apples, miss?”
You turned to find an older woman staring directly at you, knobbed fingers outstretched to offer you a bright, red apple. She was missing a few teeth, that you could see as she smiled up at you, her silver hair falling out of her bun in wisps.
“They’re just a three for a shilling,” she continued, waving it up at you. “Tha’s quite the bargain.”
“No,” you shook your head. “No, thank you. Would you happen to know where I can find a physician?”
“A physician?” She parroted, her arm dropping back to her side as she studied you. “Doesn’t look like anythin’s wrong with you.”
“It’s not for me,” you corrected her. “It’s for my brother. I think he might be sick since he hasn’t been eating.”
“Not eatin’, you say?” She hummed thoughtfully. “Was a boy back when I was a girl meself who stopped eatin’ one day, there was. Was fit as a fiddle and then just dropped dead one day, the poor lad.”
“Yes, well,” you swallowed thickly, feeling ice run up your spine at her words, “I’d like to keep that from happening to my brother, if you don’t mind. So, do you know of any physicians here in town?”
“Oh, aye, aye,” she nodded, her wayward strands of hair flying all over the place. “Physician’s just a few streets over, love. A fine man he is, too. Helped me sister when she was puking buckets a few years back. Set her right as rain he did.”
“You said he’s a few streets down?” You prodded.
“Aye, just three streets down and to the right from here. There’s a big ole sign out front, you can’t miss it,” she said, waving in the general direction of where you needed to head. You followed the gesture, looking back and nodding.
“Thank you,” you smiled, turning and making your way through the crowd once more. It took you all of fifteen minutes to find the building the old woman was talking about, a bright blue sign with the word “physician” painted in white letters hanging above the streets as you approached. Worming your way through, you finally managed to trudge your way through the door, slamming it closed behind you with a wince at the loud sound in the unusually quiet room.
It was your standard physician’s office, the wood floors creaking as you wandered further into the dimly lit room. The walls behind the counter were filled to the brim with different herbs and potions meant for treating different ailments. It wasn’t long before an older man walked out from the backroom, peering at you curiously from over the rim of his glasses.
“Might I help you with something, young lady?” he inquired, rubbing his hands clean with a cloth towel.
“Yes, actually,” you smiled, crossing the rest of the distance to stand just in front of him, only the counter separating the two of you. “I came because of my brother. He hasn’t been eating the last few weeks, and it has me worried.”
“Hasn’t been eating, hm?” He hummed, an eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Does he have any other symptoms?”
“Now that you mention it, no,” you frowned, suddenly finding it odd that the only thing physically wrong with Bradley was his apparent lack of an appetite. “He sleeps just fine, and he looks healthy as he usually does.”
“No fever?” He continued.
“No, nothing like that,” you assured him.
You shook your head, earning another hum from the older man.
“And, uh,” he smiled, a gesture you were sure was meant to be comforting, “what is it your brother does for a living?”
“He’s a sailor.”
“A sailor,” he nodded, cocking his head to the side. “And why isn’t he here with you now?”
“He thinks he doesn’t need a physician,” you scowled, crossing your arms. “He was supposed to come with me, but snuck off before I could grab him.”
The physician chuckled at that, tossing the cloth onto the counter as he leaned against it.
“Well, unfortunately, there’s not much I can do about his situation without seeing him in person, miss. How long is he in town for?”
“We’re here for at least another day,” you told him, earning another nod.
“Bring him by tomorrow,” he instructed. “I’ll take a look at him before you two leave town.”
“Thank you,” you sighed, relief washing over you in waves. “I really appreciate this, you have no idea.”
“I’ll keep the shop open until sundown. After that, I make no promises.”
“We’ll be here!” You assured him, turning to leave, weary of the setting sun shining through the window. You waved at him from over your shoulder, offering one last smile as you exited the shop.
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“Bradley,” you huffed, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at the taller brunette. The two of you were currently in another argument about going to the physician, your window before the shop closed rapidly waning as the sun sank lower and lower towards the horizon. You had tried to stay awake the night before, waiting for Bradley on deck before falling asleep on one of the dozen barrels scattered about. You had inexplicably woken up in your bed that morning, still dressed in the clothes from the day before. When you had entered the galley, he was still absent, the rest of your little friend group remaining tight lipped about where he might be. The rest of your day was spent meal prepping and taking inventory with Bob until finally, the man had run out of chores for you two to do. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was keeping you busy on purpose.
You had sat perched in the same spot as the night before, eyes trained on the gangway until a familiar head of brown hair peeked over the deck. He spotted you right away, freezing in his tracks before making a beeline for the stairs leading below deck. You were hot on his heels, your temper surfacing as you finally cornered him.
“Guppy,” he replied cooly, refusing to meet your eye as he scanned the galley for help.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” you accused him, earning a scoff.
“Have not.”
“Have to.”
“Have not.”
“You have to, and don’t even try to deny it again,” you snapped, poking him in the chest. “We have precious little time to get to the physician before he closes up shop for the day. He was kind enough to keep it open as long as he is, now let’s go.”
“I’m not going,” he muttered. You froze, balking at his tone.
“I’m not going, Guppy,” he repeated, still not meeting your gaze, golden eyes locked on something just past your shoulder. You let out a humorless chuckle, shaking your head in exasperation.
“I’m not going, and that’s final,” he growled. “Drop it.”
You stared at him for a long moment, your anger and sadness welling up all at once inside of you.
“You really want to leave me alone, don’t you?” You whispered. Bradley’s eyes snapped to you, still firm, but now with an edge of uncertainty to them. “First it was Papa, then Mama. I only had you, and now you’re determined to leave me too. You’d rather see me alone than go see the stupid physician, is that it?”
His face dropped into a look of horror, regret swirling in his eyes as he reached for you. “Guppy-”
You took a step back, feeling the hot, angry tears sting at your eyes. You fixed him with your meanest glare, cursing yourself when you felt your bottom lip begin to tremble.
“If you want to die so bad,” you sniffled, “then by all means, go ahead. Just leave me out of it.”
And with that, you turned on your heals and practically sprinted towards the stairs, the eyes of the rest of the crew fixed on you the entire way. You were vaguely aware of Bob’s concerned face peering at you from the kitchen, Mickey and Reuben seated not too far away. You passed Nat, ignoring her outstretched hands as you thundered past her and Javy up the stairs. The wind sent a chill down your heated face, only made worse when the tears finally began to fall. The sun was just above the horizon now, the sky painted in an array of pinks and oranges as it beckoned the night.
“Rough time?”
You jumped, spinning around to find Jake leaning against the railing on the far side of the ship. His golden blonde hair shimmered in the evening light. The sun kissed the horizon just passed his shoulder, creating a halo that glowed around him. If you didn’t already know him, you’d think he was an angel. He stares at you as if he could see into the very depths of your soul, his olive green eyes never wavering.
“What do you care?” You snapped, furiously rubbing at your eyes to rid them of any tears. Jake watched you intently, as if knowing that you would continue. “Bradley’s not eating.”
“Of course he’s not,” Jake replied, no hint of malice or sarcasm in his voice. Just a simple statement, but it made you tense up nonetheless.
“He hasn’t eaten in weeks,” you clarified, unsure if maybe he misunderstood you. He nodded, face unchanging.
“I know.”
“You know?” You asked incredulously. “You know, and you’ve done nothing about it?”
“There’s nothing to be done about it,” he shrugged, and you felt your whole body stiffen in anger.
“He needs a physician,” you snapped, fists clenched so hard at your sides, you thought you might draw blood with how your nails dug into your palms.
“A physician can’t cure what’s wrong with him, darlin’,” he drawled, as if explaining something so obvious. Your jaw ticked in annoyance.
“And what, pray tell, is wrong with my brother, captain?” You spat, the title earning a twitch from the blond’s lips.
“Do you believe in Davy Jones, Guppy?” he asked. That was unexpected. The change in conversation had your head jerking back, confusion stifling the anger momentarily.
“I believe he’s a scary story that parents tell their children to scare them into being good,” you responded, thinking back to the stories your own father would tell you. “He’s not real.”
Jake gave a humorless chuckle, closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh. He ran a hand through his golden locks, looking out over the side of the ship and to the sea. The sound of the gulls and the creak of the ship as it rocked in the waves were the only things to be heard before he spoke. “I can assure you, he’s real.”
“Stop teasing,” you snapped, crossing your arms and fixing him with a glare. He gave you a wry smile, a look of sadness barely discernable in his eyes as they swept over you.
“If only it were that,” he started. “I didn’t believe in curses until six years ago, if you can believe that.”
“And what happened six years ago to make you a believer?” you asked, rolling your eyes. You were in no mood to be mocked or played with, and this man was wasting your time with his nonsense. You glanced over his shoulder. If you could wrap this conversation up, perhaps you could somehow convince Bradley to go with you to get the care he needed.
Jake paused. “Six years ago, I met a woman. She was beautiful, sweet, caring. The kinds of things most men want in a woman.”
“And you don’t?” you questioned.
“Those are nice things to have,” he hummed thoughtfully, then he gave you a small smirk. “But I’ve always wanted a little more.”
You ignored the shiver that smirk sent through you. “So, I’m guessing you took this woman to bed?”
“I did,” Jake admitted, pursing his lips. “And then I left her. Only, I didn’t know that there was another man in love with her at the time.”
“And he beat you senseless?” You guessed, letting out a snort of derision.
“Haven’t you been paying attention, darlin’?” He chuckled. “That man was none other than Davy Jones himself. Risen from the deep to exact vengeance on little, old me.”
“Right,” you scoffed. Surely he couldn’t be expecting you to believe him? He was speaking of fairytales. “And what, pray tell, does this curse involve exactly?”
“I, and everyone in my crew, are destined to exist on this earth in limbo. Not alive, but not dead either. A half-life. We eat, but we are never full. Our food tasting like ash.” He stood up, walking slowly towards you as he continued talking. “We drink, but our thirst is never quenched. The finest wines leave our throat dry like the desert.”
He cupped your cheek, stroking it before resting his thumb on your bottom lip, and you willed yourself to stay focused on the conversation at hand, despite the warmth the seemingly innocent action sparked in you. “We can feel, but no touch leaves us satisfied. I and every other member of this crew have taken many women to bed, only to crave more and more as this insatiable need for contact drives us mad. I’ve not known relief from another person’s touch in over six years.”
“Must be lonely,” you said softly. A look of unadulterated despair ran across Jake’s face, and it was then that you knew in your heart that he was telling the truth. It was the look of a man with ghosts that followed him, taunting him into submission, and you sucked in a harsh breath as he stared at you. His eyes shone with unshed tears, his breaths coming in ragged for a moment before he was able to compose himself.
“It’s agony,” he admitted quietly, dropping his hand back to his side, almost reluctantly.
“Did Davy Jones give you a way to lift the curse?” you asked, a sense of urgency in your tone. If there was a way you could help Bradley and your new friends, you had to try.
Jake didn’t say anything for a moment. Then he sighed, “I have to find what he considers to be the greatest treasure of all.”
“And what is that?”
“He didn’t say,” Jake muttered, head hanging low.
Your brow furrowed. “But, how are you supposed to find it if you don’t even know what it is you’re looking for?”
“Isn’t that the point?” he snorted, a humorless smile etched onto his face as he looked back at you. A sense of dread filled you, and you did your best to push it to the side. Giving up was not an option, it never had been for you.
“Well, you have all the time in the world to find what it is you’re looking for,” you offered, giving him a soft smile. He shook his head, the wry smile finding a home on his face once more.
“Old Jonesy only gave me seven years to find it before the curse becomes permanent.”
“Seven years?” you exclaimed, ice drenching your bones. “But you said this happened six years ago!”
“I did,” he said softly, watching you put the pieces together.
“But, that means…” you trailed off, horror overtaking your senses. Jake nodded.
“I have less than one year left to find the treasure.”
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A/N: This one goes out to all my Fool's Fare girlies who have been waiting patiently for two months now for an update and haven't complained once! Y'all are the real MVPs. If you haven't heard, I'm redoing my tag lists, so please be sure to sign up for this new one! As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated and encouraged! And don't ever hesitate to pop into my inbox to talk about my fics or anything else! You can also find my works on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator!
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Tag List: @goldenseresinretriever @fanficfandomlove @bobgasm @stoptaking-the-good-names @dempy @sky2nd @hookslove1592 @bellaireland1981 @justherebecausesafarisucks @jupitercomet @atarmychick007 @katfanfic @devil-angel-winchester @mamachasesmayhem @sorchathered @blue-aconite @topnerd03 @roger-that-cap @nouis-bum @aworldwideapart @aviatorobsessed @els-marvelvsp @seresinsbrat @maximus890 @na-ta-sh-aa @rosedurin @djs8891 @jakeseresinlover @roosteraloha @fudge13 @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog @avengersgirllorianna @senawashere @uniquedreamlandcheesecake @tgmavericklover @cmroczkab @yuckosworld @pinkdaisies1106 @boiolay @kmc1989 @toomanytocountsposts @fudge13 @perfectprettypisces @veyzus @maydayfigment @uniqueobjectcollective @dreamlandcreations @lilylilyyyyyy @acarboni21 @jessicab1991 @tgmreader @allepaula @viximillarumvitarum @topherwrites
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wildlife4life · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @lover-of-mine @theotherbuckley @jesuisici33 and @daffi-990 Thank you! You are all so amazing and I can't wait for all your upcoming works!
Alrighty ya'll, I am super tired, and I literally just threw this snippet together, but it is part of the noted NFL Buck plan. Here is some more Buck perspective before coming to LA. (Everything NFL Buck can be found here!)
Somehow, he and Eddie went almost eight months without having the whole Buck not being out in public discussion. There had been some tossed away comments, 'I'm just your dirty little secret.' and 'What would the fans think if they knew pretty boy Buckley liked to suck cock?' and even 'Apparently you're the schools most eligible bachelor. If they only knew.' But no actual conversations. To Buck it was a hypocritical unspoken agreement between, him, Eddie, and the handful of people who did know. Let the world see Evan Buckley as the handsome, college football star, bachelor who isn't looking for true commitment with a woman at the moment. Once the door to it all is closed, he is Buck, bi-sexual college student who was deeply in love with a single father paramedic with the most amazing kid. The very man, who used to be so very deep in the closet and was still working through his well ingrained internalized homophobia, that Buck called him out on all those months. Buck shouted and cried and spewed out every part of his heartbreak. Each lash of pain he felt when Eddie failed to hide his disgust and panic at Buck's physical affection. The misery he pushed away each time the paramedic hesitated to return it. All the extra weight he took in his heart for Eddie because Buck could see how the ex-solider tore himself up by being with him while the internal voices of his upbringing raged within him about the wrongness of it. Then with one last ragged breath, Buck ended their lopsided two month relationship that was hurting them both. The break up was less than 24 hours, but Eddie came back with the commitment to be with Buck and to be better. Six months later and there Eddie was, still with the college quarterback, sharing his son and his life with him, and making an effort every day to be proud openly gay man. Eddie was being better. And yet, Eddie never once called Buck out on his unwillingness to be out himself or the effort the younger man puts into keeping their relationship a secret. It had Buck twisted in immense guilt and anxiety. He just kept waiting for the day Eddie would project all his own heartache and anger at Buck for being a hypocritical asshole. So far it hasn't happened and Buck spiraled further each day it didn't. Eventually, he broke, Buck always did when all the remorse and nerves became too heavy. He just wished the dam of emotional turmoil didn't burst while Eddie's mouth was inches away from Buck's half hard cock. And he really wished the end of his internal spiral didn't present itself with the statement, "I hate this."
Getting the mindset of a man who isn't closeted to those he trusts, but needs to be to the rest of the world. This will also be the set up into the agreement of their secret relationship that's been brought up in the past. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @bekkachaos @diazsdimples @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @rainbow-nerdss @spaceprincessem @fortheloveofbuddie @athenagranted @eddiescowboy @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @try-set-me-on-fire @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @shortsighted-owl @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @princessfbi @honestlydarkprincess @vampbuckley @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @gayedmundodiaz @lemonzestywrites
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ravenromanova · 9 months
Is it really you (backstory)
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Pairings: Wanda x Female reader
Summary: This chapter is going to be the backstory of how our Wanda and the reader got together and how the ended up where they were in the first chapter. This isn’t going to be a regular chapter since it’s gonna be a backstory i wanted to format it a little differently. But I’m gonna make this a mini series since a few people wanted a little bit more! So @cakechan123 this one is for you!!
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~Third person point of view~
How Y/n and Wanda met~
Wanda was on a mission with Nat,Steve and Sam to take down Strucker since they had gotten word that we was continuing his human experiments. They were told he was operating out of Germany this time so they all suited up and got onto the jet and left within an hour.
Once they all had landed they didn’t bother with being stealthy and just went right in. Wanda was told to go find the people he was experimenting on down in the basement. With a nod of her head she uses her magic to fly through the building until she makes it to the basement. When she gets down there she only sees one person there. She sees you curled into a ball with a collar around your neck.
Wanda went to go approach you after she unlocked your cell but since you were so scared you threw her against a wall with your mind. It was then that she knew she needed to help you.
“I’m not here to hurt you” She said as she used her magic to free you from the confines of your collar. You thank her softly and take the hand that she reaches out to you. She leads you out of the basement to the jet outside telling you that you’re safe now.
Wanda tells the team that you were the only one down there and that it’s clear you have telekinesis. The team nods their heads and tells her that after they get you back to the compound and clean you up that they’ll ask you questions. You dont speak while you’re one the jet you just try and let yourself relax as much as possible.
When you land at the compound you get taken into a medical room and you tense up. Wanda senses this and takes your hand and asks you if you want her to be next to you. You nod you head still not speaking. And wanda stays with you while Bruce cleans you up.
The team asked you questions and you answered to the best of your abilities. Wanda was there the whole time letting you know that you aren’t alone. Eventually the question of whether or not you wanted to be an avenger came up and you quickly said no. You told them that you had never asked for these powers, That Strucker kidnapped you and tried to make you a weapon against your will. You said that you didn’t want to be an avenger or learn how to use your powers.
The team had said that was okay and asked if you wanted to be Tonys lab assistant since you had mentioned being versed in engineering. You happily said yes and told them that you’d love that. And within a week you had started your new job and moved into the compound.
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How Wanda asked Y/n out~
You had been at the compound for about six months at this point. And you and Wanda had grown really close since you two had a similar past. Wanda had quickly developed feelings for you quite fast and you did too but being the idiots you were you never said anything.
One day you had walked into the kitchen to get something to eat when you had a flashback from your time with strucker. Your hand went numb and your mind went haywire as you ran to your room. When you had gotten to your room the dam had broke. You fell to the floor and held your knees to your chest. Things started to fly around the room as you cried and that made it even worse.
You felt like a freak as you watched what your mind was doing. Things were crashing and slamming into the wall and you didn’t know how to stop it so it made it that much worse. Wanda had heard crying and things breaking as he came down the hallway. She immediately ran into your room and saw you on the floor. Her heart broke as she stepped inside. She has used her powers to gently place everything back on the ground before hugging you.
You sobbed in Wandas arms for what felt like hours. Eventually when you stopped crying she asked you what happened and you responded with. “I was making something to eat when all of a sudden i had a flashback of Strucker beating me” Wandas eyes filled with tears as she hugged you tighter.
“It’s okay malysh if you ever feel like this again please come to me” She said softly into your hair and you nodded in response.
From that day on you had went to Wanda anytime you felt any kind of sad. Secretly she loved that you came to her and that you felt safe with her. She finally got the courage to ask you out during one if your movie nights.
Wanda moved in closer to you and rubbed her hand up and down your leg as you turned to face her. “I have a question” She mumbles nervously and you raise your eyebrow in question. “Will you go on a date with me?” Wanda asked as she played with the hem of your shorts.
“Of course i will wands” You said smiling as you kissed her cheek.
And the next night Wanda set up her room and made a blanket fort. She lined the fort with fairy lights, out pillows and blankets for you two to lay down on, She also got your favorite pizza and candy.
When she had came to your room to pick you up you were already waiting for her with a smile.
“Come on” She said taking your hand and leading you two in her room. She covered your eyes with her hands and took them off when you got inside. You gasped when you saw the set up she had made for you.
“This is beautiful Wands” You gush as you wrap you arms around her and smile.
As that night went on you two cuddled together and watched a halloween movie marathon. By the time the last movie ended you were falling asleep a little. Wanda laughed a little and held you closer to her chest. She sighed as she kissed the top of your head and smiled.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” She whispered in your ear and you immediately nodded your head and squealed out a yes and sealed the deal with a kiss.
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How Wanda and Y/n moved in together~
You and Wanda had been together for six months when the topic of moving in together got brought up. You two had already practically been living together but you felt like it was time to take it a step further.
You had been walking around the city one day when you had found a listing for an apartment in brooklyn. You searched the place up on your phone and fell in love. Quickly you went back to the compound and had asked Wanda if she was ready to move out together. She said yes with a dopey grin on her face and you squealed in excitement.
The next day you guys had went to the apartment and talked to the landlord and within a few hours you two had the keys. And the next week was spent packing up and settling into your new place.The apartment wasn’t too far from the compound since you both still worked over there, But it was a nice change of scenery. The two of you were in complete bliss as you started your new life together.
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How Wanda surprised Y/n with a kitty~
You had been really stressed after you and Wanda had settled into the apartment. Tony had you working on a new suit for him and it was stressing you out to the point of you having panic attacks again. Wanda had come home one day to see the living room in complete disarray. Pictures were flying off the walls, Dishes broken, Cabinets opening and closing repeatedly. She had used her magic to gently stop the chaos before sitting next to you.
You clung to her for dear life as you subbed and told her what was going on. She rubbed you back and picked you up before carrying you to the bedroom. Wanda laid you down before laying next to you and helping you fall asleep.
The next day when you were at work Wanda went to the local animal shelter to pick you out a cat. You had been talking about getting a cat since she has met you. When she walked in she was greeted by a lovely old woman at the front desk. Wanda proceeded to ask the woman if there were any kittens available. The woman told Wanda to follow her, and she did and she was brought to a room with a bunch of kittens. Her heart swelled at the sight of the little babies.
Her eyes wondered to a little black kitten in the corner of the room. When she approached the kitten it immediately began purring. The woman told Wanda that the kitten was the anti social one of the group but loved cuddles. It was then Wanda knew this was the right cat.
She told the woman that she wanted this one. The woman nodded and then her a Wanda proceeded to start the adoption process. It went by smoothly and after Wanda had walked out with a kitten.
She went to the pet store and got everything she needed before bringing the kitten home. When she got home she set everything up on your shared bed and put the kitten there as well.
You got home that day to your girlfriend acting suspicious. She looked at you like she was waiting for you to notice something. Before you could even ask her what was up her butt you heard meows coming from your room. You rushed to the door and saw a little black kitten on the bed and you immediately started crying.
“She’s for you malysh” Wanda cooed as you held the kitten close to your chest.
“Thank you Wanda” You beam and kiss the kitten repeatedly. The kitten meowed at your kisses and your heart swelled.
“You gotta give her a name you know” Wanda joked as you were telling the kitten how much you loved her.
“I shall call her Luna” You said with a nod and continued kissing Luna.
“Luna it is” She laughed as she brought you and Luna in for a hug loving the start of your little family.
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How wanda proposed to Y/n
It had been a year since you and Wanda had been together and you both couldn’t have been happier. Wanda’s love for you grew more and more each day as did your love for her. You two lived in a bubble of love and happiness. Even on the darkest days Wanda found a way to make everything better.
Wanda knew from the moment she met you that she wanted to marry you someday. And after a year of blissful happiness she finally thought the time was right to ask.
She had been downtown one day shopping with Natasha when she found this gothic jewelry store and she was immediately drawn to it. When she walked in her eyes landed on a triple moon goddess ring with a red gem in the middle. She bought it immediately and thanked the shop keeper before walking back out with Natasha.
She bought that ring six months ago at that point. The day came where she was thought you both were finally ready. Wanda got home before you and once she got home she started her plan.
Her plan was to recreate your first date. She set up a blanket fort in your living room, She ordered pizza, queued up your favorite movie, got your favorite snacks ready and waited for you to come home. When you got home your heart melted at the sight in front of you.
Your wonderful girlfriend had setup the most beautiful blanket fort and greeted you at the door with a glass of wine and a kiss.
“Welcome home malysh” She said taking your hand and leading you into the fort. You giggled as you sat on the couch as she wrapped you in a blanket.
The whole night was spent giggling and little make out sessions while watching the movie. Wanda had waited til the second movie ended before she grabbed the ring from inside the couch where she placed it. Wanda grabbed your hand and turned your attention back to her.
“Malysh i-i” She stuttered a little. “i have loved you for what feels like forever. I can’t imagine waking up to anyone else in the morning other than you. I never really used to let myself think about things like this after this” She uses her magic to make the red tendrils circle her fingers. “But then i met you. And that was the day i knew i wanted to make you mine, Ive loved you since the moment i laid eyes on you Y/n. You are the most important person in my life. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. So-“ She pulls out a little black velvet box from behind her back. “ Y/n L/n will you marry me and continue this life we’ve started together?” She opens the box and your jaw drops and by the time she finishes you are full on sobbing.
“Yes Wanda i’ll marry you” You say wrapping you arms around her and you litter her face in kisses. She hugs you back before slipping the ring on your finger.
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Y/n’s and Wanda’s wedding
A year after Wanda proposed you two finally got married. You two had the ceremony in the woods behind the venue underneath an arch that resembled Wandas powers . The venue was an old catholic church decorated to the nines in black and red decor (< i made a little pinterest board)
Wanda worse a red dress that complimented her figure and skin tone perfectly. And you worse a black gown that looked straight out of a fairytale. The vows you two said to each other will be permanently etched in your hearts forever. After the ‘i dos’ you two and your guests proceeded to spend the night inside the venue dancing, laughing and making memories that will last forever.
When you two had your first dance as wives the entire world melted away. You two danced to “Lonely day by system of a down” (its a good dong dont judge) And while you danced you stared into the emerald eyes of your wife and your heart grew even more fond of her in that moment.
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How Wanda found out about Billy and Tommy and how her and Y/n ended up where they were in pt.1
It was a few months after your wedding and you and Wanda were in paradise together. You two went to Paris for your honeymoon and enjoyed two weeks of just being together. It was the last night of your honeymoon when Wanda first had the dream.
The dream was of you and her with two little boys, named Billy and Tommy. The two of you were chasing the two boys around outside, Laughing, watching a movie together and the two of you putting them to bed. When she had woken up in the morning she could’ve sworn the dream was real.
As the weeks went on Wanda had dreams about your children almost every night. One day she told you about her dreams and while you loved the idea of having kids you knew that you couldn’t. You never told Wanda that you were infertile until that day. You went on to tell her that after everything that happened with Strucker it left you unable to have kids.
Wanda was heartbroken for you and just held you as you cried that day. She had told you that she loved you no matter what and that if you ever wanted to have kids with her that she would carry. You told her that you were open to the idea of kids but not for a while with everything you had going on. And Wanda was very understanding at first that was until the dreams became every night and becoming more real to her.
She had contacted Dr. Strange and asked him why her dreams had been so vivid and frequent lately. That’s when he had told her that dreams were windows into our other lives. When she heard that her heart broke knowing your kids existed in another reality not this one.
Wanda spent weeks doing research in secret trying to find out how to either bring your kids to this reality, or have you both go to one where they existed. When she finally found out about The Darkhold and Americas power to travel the multiverse she knew she finally had the answer.
She had came to you once she figured it all out thinking you’d be excited. But when you heard her plan your stomach twisted in knots. You told her that she couldn’t hurt a child for her own gain. She told you that she just wanted you both to be with your children. Wanda didn’t like the fact that you weren’t pleased with her idea. She told you that you were being ungrateful and that she found a solution to your problem.
Your heart broke when she said that to you. She continued saying that if you dont want to be with your children then she has no problem raising them herself. That’s when Wanda uncovered the Darkhold and told you that she was going to be with your children no matter what. With or without you. So what did you do? Grabbed the Darkhold and ran.
~the end~
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I hoped you guys like this! I plan on making “Is it really you” around ten or so parts so the next chapter will pick up where pt. 2 left off. Let me know what yall think and dont forget to like and reblog! 🖤Masterlist series masterlist
I do not give permission for my work to be translated or posted on other sites
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Lost Part Five | Vegeta x Reader |
part one | part two | part three | part four | part six
author's note: i keep ending up in a bit of a slump after i release a chapter of this where i hardly get anything done for a month or so and then inspiration strikes and i write almost the entire thing within a couple of days 🫠 i am very tired. the story should be wrapping up soon, i'm estimating maybe two more chapters total!
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: canon typical violence, does not follow the canon timeline of events
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Chi-Chi watches you carefully as you help her prepare dinner. You and Goku came home just a few hours ago, yet you've hardly said a word at all. A year spent with Vegeta, your husband that's spent the last year of his life with another woman and their child, and you've got nothing to say? Nothing happened?? Not even a single thing worth mentioning???
Bull. Shit.
"So." She hums to herself, sliding over more vegetables for you to chop. "You're awfully quiet tonight."
"Just ask the question instead of beating around the bush." You mutter, quickly dicing the veggies in the way Gohan likes best.
Chi-Chi huffs to herself, considering her words more carefully than her initial approach to the conversation. You are not in a good mood and no doubt being hangry on top of it isn't going to help anything. But she's gotta know!
Chi-Chi takes a careful breath, losing her false sense of aloofness. "You seem upset. Did something happen during your training?"
"My husband is a bastard." You mutter bitterly. "Gives me the training of a lifetime and then caps it off with a plan to kill our son."
"Wow." She murmurs softly, and her heart cries to go hug her son tightly and never let go. "I can't say it surprises me that he'd think to do it. He came to this planet and killed his own partner he arrived with."
"Nappa? God how I would've loved to see that." Despite the gravity of your situation, learning that Nappa's death was at the hand of Vegeta fills you with such a sick, satisfactory feeling. "He was always a pain to deal with."
"He killed several of our friends." Chi-Chi mutters, and you do have at least a little grace to feel shame. It's disgusting how in the short time you've been here, these humans have made you think twice about your kind's culture… You always knew it to be despicable yet you've never been this close to feeling ashamed of it.
You sigh to yourself. "It was nice to be so connected to Vegeta again. I've missed him more than you could ever know. I love my husband, but the man I mated wouldn't dream of killing his own son."
"Twenty years apart is unimaginable." Chi-Chi says gently. "And maybe… After growing up with him and then being married young to him, you two never got much of a chance to grow separately. And just maybe that gap allowed you both to be who you truly are… Which might not be compatible, despite your history and what you want to feel."
The tears that well up in your eyes surprise you; you've never been a crier. But she's not wrong— you're not the spoiled, battle-hungry princess you once were, and raising a child alone changed you in ways you never imagined.
Ways that Bulma will change in too, should Vegeta leave her and Trunks to come back to your side.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore." You murmur, and bless Chi-Chi as she turns away and allows you to wipe at your teary eyes. You stare at your hands, feeling the new power you trained for in the chamber run through right alongside your racing blood.
The young Saiyan woman from your past would certainly be in awe of your power, and wouldn't have a care in the world for your family's plight. She only sought to be the strongest warrior possible— and you shake your head at the idea that a younger you would agree with Vegeta's solution to the problem.
It's offensive, the idea of murdering your only son. But Chi-Chi is certainly right— it's no shock Vegeta thought of it. He's clearly not grown all that much, spending much of his life still under Frieza's thumb, doing his pillaging and continuing to live similarly to how he had even on Planet Vegeta. He trained, he fought and killed, and mourned his wife and son with every expedition.
He's a stubborn Saiyan male, one full of pride and an ego forever unmatched. And goodness do you love every bit of him. But letting go of your pride to raise your son in the precarious environment you were left to scramble for, an environment you were in because Vegeta didn't listen, has you still so angry at him. Could you really forgive him? Do you even want to?
I love you so much, Vegeta, but I hate you too. Why didn't you listen to your wife?!
"Alright…" Chi-Chi's voice is practically straining as she attempts to hold herself back, and you can't help the ugly snort that leaves you when that thin barrier breaks. "Just… Did you… Y'know…" She grins conspiratorially, reminding you of your favorite attending from back in the day.
Rolling your eyes, you slide the chopped veggies to her and head for the kitchen's exit to hide your celebratory smirk. "Yes, we did. And it was amazing."
Gohan's not sure what his mother's laughing so loudly about, but he smiles to himself as he resumes his studies. He's glad she's made a friend.
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Bulma tosses her wrench aside, burying her pretty face into her hands as the frustration takes its toll on her. She's readying the ship you and Vegeta will take to go find your son, but the nagging worry that Vegeta won't come back lays a thick pressure down on her bones. Sleep is already hard to come by with a baby, especially one that's getting increasingly mobile with each passing day, but she's gotten less and less ever since you came into the picture to ruin her life.
Maybe she's being a little dramatic. This all happened by chance— it was pure coincidence you ended up on Earth, and as an amnesiac you were friendly to her. But what was yours is now hers, and there's no doubt in Bulma's mind that you want to retake it. It's what she would do, after all, if the roles were reversed. You're not wrong for how you feel, she supposes.
But there is entirely too much on the line for her to be relaxed.
She looks up at the sound of boots approaching, and the relief in her body is so harsh and sudden that she feels light. Vegeta's back from wherever he went, and he's got Trunks in his arms. "I didn't know he woke up."
"He's been up only a few minutes." Vegeta hands off the boy to Bulma, Trunks grinning happily at the sight of his mother.
"When did you get back?"
"Not long ago."
Bulma bites her tongue. "So…"
"So?" Vegeta crosses his arms, taking in the frazzled sight of his child's mother. She hasn't been sleeping well, probably hasn't eaten much either— how can she take care of Trunks like this?
Bulma glares at Vegeta, forcing down the bulk of her rage to keep Trunks in a happy mood. It's difficult, though, to deal with the stubbornness and aloofness of her whatever he is to her. Boyfriend? Baby daddy? Disappearing isn't entirely new for Vegeta, though it's been some time since he's done it. But with you in the picture, anything is possible and he's slowly seeming to retreat back into the shell he started out in.
"Where have you been?" Her tone isn't accusatory, and Vegeta's stance relaxes slightly.
"Training in the chamber." He's honest, but his short reply concerns Bulma anyway.
Bulma sighs, ignoring the way Trunks tugs at her shirt. "So when are you leaving?"
"I'm not sure." Vegeta murmurs, looking off to the side at nothing in particular. He can't find V without you, and he's currently your number one enemy again. Giving you space is a minimum requirement before he can attempt to talk plans for leaving, discovering V and then—
Well, you'll have to come to an agreement on that front as well.
"Will you come back?"
His brows come together then, but he can't fairly be mad at the question. He's left before, made no indication or vow to Bulma to be present from now on, and while it hasn't crossed his mind, it would be quite the opportunity to reunite with his first family in space and fuck off to who knows where. But for many reasons outside of just Bulma and Trunks, he would never leave Earth.
It's his home, plain and simple, and he must defend it as such.
"Of course I will."
Doubt fills her tummy as Vegeta walks out of her lab, leaving her alone with the baby.
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Chi-Chi's dragged her boys out of the house for clothes and grocery shopping around noon the following day, and you're left alone to your own devices for a few brief hours. Daring to check the contents of the slow cooker Chi-Chi set up this morning, you hear the front door opening up just as you start to open the lid.
"Whatever you think I'm doing, Chi-Chi, I'm—" The hairs at the back of your neck prickle, and defense mode rises as you don't recognize the energy to belong to any one of the Son family.
But luckily for Bulma, she's got a fairly recognizable hair color.
You narrow your eyes as she finishes inviting herself in, watching as she closes the door behind her and looks you right in the eye, adjusting the baby on her hip. "Bulma. What do you want?"
Oh, for Kami's sake!
"You have him, don't you?" Your jealousy confusingly runs parallel with your anger at your mate— he's a bastard, but yours.
"I hoped he was." Bulma murmurs, and you don't miss the sadness in her eyes. Truly, she does love your husband. "He's been… A challenge."
"That's the biggest understatement I've ever heard." You cross your arms and look away from her.
"But I love him. He's not romantic or particularly soft or anything, but I love him anyway. And he's my son's father, and I just… I want Trunks to grow up knowing his father."
"My son didn't."
"So you should know exactly the pain Trunks would go through. The pain I would go through when he asks me about a man he doesn't remember meeting. I…" Bulma sighs and rubs her tired face, and boy you don't envy her position as a new mother in this sticky situation. At least when V was out of the incubator, you had a solid marriage to back you when dealing with the baby got to be too much at once.
But she steels herself quickly, the fiery look in her eye you remember from that night in the forest coming back to the present. "I met a version of my son where he grew up without Vegeta."
"I'm sorry— Huh?!" She met a version of Trunks??
"He came here from the future, and he's the one that actually killed Frieza."
"A halfling killed Frieza…" You say slowly, gazing at the child in her arms. This child will one day have that sort of power?!
"He's a child of Vegeta, of course he did!" Bulma scoffs, and damn she'd be quite the catch on Planet Vegeta. And bitterly, she reminds you of yourself. Vegeta certainly has a type.
"This place gets stranger the longer I stay here." Your tail tightens around your waist, frustration and confusion swamping your brain. "What in the hell did he get himself into?" You ask yourself the question more than Bulma, and once again you're met with a reminder of Chi-Chi's words.
Twenty years apart is unimaginable…
Bulma sighs. "Trunks traveled from the future because of a threat that completely ruined the world, and everyone except me and Trunks died. He came back to warn us, and then left again. We haven't seen him since."
"And I don't suppose he mentioned me in any capacity."
"No, he didn't."
"So either I never showed up, or I left Earth."
Or V killed me.
"I don't really know." Bulma adjusts the squirming baby in her arms. "But I'm not willing to take Trunks' sacrifice and doom this Trunks to the same fate. The Androids are set to arrive in a few years, and we need Vegeta to even have a chance."
"So what exactly are you asking me to do? Fuck off and give you your happy ending, and leave me and my son in the dust?"
"I'm asking you, mother to mother, to give my son the gift your son couldn't have. A family, and a chance at a happy life."
"And why should I care about the quality of your son's life?" Your fists clench at your sides; you're not a monster to an innocent baby's plight, not at all. If anything, the last twenty years have softened you and as a mother, you more than understand Bulma's situation and what she's asking. But to assume a savage of you without knowing you—
You did threaten her life, you suppose. Perhaps her anger is a tad deserved.
"If you won't do it for Trunks, then do it for Gohan." Bulma spits out, heading for the door. "Because if you don't, he'll grow up without his dad and spend his life protecting Trunks until the day they finally kill him too."
She slams the door shut behind her, and the cold realization trickles through your veins. Should you be selfish and take what you want, those you've come to cherish will die, and that innocent boy that didn't choose his parents will suffer directly. You're more than aware what it's like to lose everything, and at the very least you could attribute some of it to karma for your Saiyan heritage and the things you've done out of pride for it.
Could you really damn a baby like that?
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"Why didn't you tell me about the Androids?"
Goku freezes, not even entirely in the house when you question him. His arms are loaded with shopping bags that he subsequently drops when Gohan runs into him with the rest of the bags, the two of them tumbling into quite the mess. Chi-Chi's luckily getting a manicure, though Goku doesn't know which is the lesser of two evils— angry Chi-Chi, or angry you.
"Uh, wh-whaddya mean?" Goku pointedly averts your gaze in favor of picking up the dropped bags of clothes and groceries.
"Don't play dumb, Goku." You growl. "Androids. Why didn't you tell me?"
Goku sighs and stands. "We didn't know if you should know, since…"
"You're not staying." Gohan mumbles.
"That, and those guys are four years away. Your situation is more urgent." Goku hands off the groceries to Gohan to put away, leaving you alone in the living room. "We've been training for it pretty hard though."
"You should've told me."
"Would you be willing to help us with them?"
"Of course I would!" You snap. "Like I'd ever miss a fight, especially one of this gravity."
"Really?!" Goku scoops you into a crushing hug, and your tail steps in for your trapped arms to bat the back of his head.
"I will be here for these Androids, whatever the hell they are. You can count on that."
"Does that mean you'll stay?" Goku carefully puts you down, his hands on your shoulders.
"Certainly not." You look away from those honest eyes. "But I will return to help you fight."
"Why won't you stay?"
"I have a life elsewhere, with my son. Earth is not as bad as it first seems, but I don't see a long-term future here."
"But… What about us, your family?"
"I…" You falter for just a moment, remembering the way you lived with the Son family during your amnesia and how right it felt at the time.
As an amnesiac, it was of course easy to feel such a way— you craved a sense of belonging and a home, and naturally gravitated towards what you had found, and wanted to keep it even in the event your memories were restored. Building something new was a possibility lost at the exact moment Vegeta entered your life again, but only as a result of your unyielding rage.
Could it really be possible to stay on such a planet? There's more here for you than where you spent the past two decades, surely… But it's the presence of your husband's bastard family that sends a shot of resistance straight to your heart. That woman and her child serve as the cherry on top to all that's happened to you; why in the hell would you ever subject yourself to such torture?
"I can't stay, Goku. My son needs me."
He's all I have left, and I'm all he has ever known.
Goku doesn't argue, but the sadness that rolls off of him slinks onto you as you walk out of the house.
"Mother?" V asks softly as you head for your training grounds. He was oddly quiet on the ride over to this planet from your home, and evidently something's been plaguing his young mind.
"What was Father like?"
You knew this day would come, but no amount of pondering the answers or possible questions could prepare you for how broken your son's voice is— how long has he asked himself these questions? He's six years old now, surely it's been on his mind for at least a little while. And though you've never made it a point not to bring up your husband or your home planet to your son, the memory of what you had and the grief over what could have been breaks your heart daily, even with your pent-up rage at your late husband's refusal to listen to your concerns.
"Your father was… Amazing." Damn the tears in your eyes and just how wistful you sound. You need to be strong for the boy! "A master tactician, stubborn as all hell, witty, prideful man. He was everything. Strong and handsome and fierce."
"What happened to him?"
"He died when our home planet was destroyed."
"He was that strong and still died?!" V's dark eyes widen in fright, and you cup his face gently.
"Your father's downfall was also his greatest strength— his pride. Had he listened to me, he'd be alive today. So always listen to your mother, my son. I only want what's best for my family."
"My family means everything to me." You mutter to yourself, gazing up at the sky and finding the sole twinkle of the brightest star as dusk settles in and finding it to be a lot like the sparkle in Gohan's eyes when he finds an interesting bug.
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A bead of sweat trickles down into Vegeta's eye, stinging as he pushes through the pain of the gravity room. Train for his son, train for his other son, train for himself and his goals… Never has he ever felt so tired, where he yearns more for sleep than a battle.
Well, he may not be willing to go quite that far. But there was a time where he was beyond dead tired and all he longed for was one single thing.
Vegeta slams shut the door to his dorm on the Frieza station, huffing at his near loss of balance from expelling the last bit of his energy on the child's tantrum tactic. The food on this ship isn't good enough for how tightly he's under Frieza's thumb now— it's surely intentional and to keep Vegeta from rising above and killing the dictator that stole everything from him. Frieza is cruel, and sees Vegeta as a mere tool or even a toy.
Vegeta can only hope his life remains fun for Frieza to play with until he gets his chance to strike and take revenge for his glorious race's extinction.
Taking revenge for the murder of his dear wife and son is the only thing to keep him going these days. And those idiots Raditz and Nappa don't understand a thing about it— they're living it up on this ship, doing Frieza's bidding just as loyal dogs and not having a care in the world for what was lost. Perhaps that's why they get fed properly; Frieza knows they'd never give up this lifestyle.
And bitterly, Vegeta knows he'd be just like them if he never got married. His pride is insurmountable, but his love for his family outweighs even that. He'd never bow down to the one that cost him everything, even if he was given an 'ideal' life of battling and feasting.
Someday, he will rise above in his Super Saiyan form and avenge you. But for now he must bide his time until he can master and make true use of it.
Falling to his knees at the foot of the bed, so exhausted his tail lays limp rather than around his waist, Vegeta pulls his lady's favor from his armor. Your scent faded so, so long ago, yet he can swear he remembers it anyway. Your preferred body scrub was infused with mint, and it mixed well with your natural scent and Vegeta could never get enough of it. Fruitlessly, he buries his nose into the silk cloth.
Tears fill his eyes as he wills the favor to smell like you again. It's getting harder and harder to pretend he's with you, laying in bed and nosing along the curve of your neck while you rest in bed. He'd rub your swollen belly as you near the end of your pregnancy, the strong little Saiyan inside of you nearly ready to be born and incubated and you were in quite the discomfort during that time.
All you wanted was your husband's presence, and he should've appreciated it more. Hindsight is 20/20, but he remembers feeling aggravated at times, being trapped in bed and feeling restless and anxious for the incoming parenthood. To go back and live in the moment, to see you, hold you, kiss you… He'd do anything.
"Please." He begs softly to a God that may not even exist, let alone be listening to his plea. Tears wet his face and he collapses to the floor. "Please give them back."
Vegeta closes his eyes as his vision clouds, and with a huff he forces himself up and out of the gravity room. He got his wish, and damn if he'll just let you go like this. You are alive, and the year in the chamber wasn't nearly enough. Saiyan mates are connected until the end of time, and he will not waste another damn minute without you.
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You're at Vegeta's little hidden cabin when the hairs at the back of your neck raise. Vegeta's here, but why? You meet him at the door, and the determined look in his eye sends a shiver down your spine.
"You are a difficult woman to find." He seethes. "For anyone else, anyway."
"For what purpose are you looking for me?" Your eyes narrow suspiciously— the aura around him is different. He's hellbent on something.
"Because you're my goddamn wife!"
You stumble backwards as Vegeta wraps you up in his arms, his hold crushing you against that solid, strong body. Trembling as he holds you, he brushes the tip of his nose along the curve of your neck. "I can't lose you again." He murmurs before kissing you deeply, and it's just like in the chamber— temporarily, you feel whole again.
I don't want to be lost again.
"For everything, I'm sorry. I should've been better, I should've listened, I—"
"I love you." You whisper against him, eyes shut tightly as you bask in his embrace. "Forgive me-"
"There's nothing to forgive you for." Vegeta mutters, smoothing a hand down the curve of your back. "You've done nothing-"
"For what I'm about to do."
Vegeta frowns, and you mash your lips to his for a quick distraction against the power generating in your palms and his cry of pain and confusion breaks your heart as you slam one palm against his lower back, in the exact spot his tail once was. Even with the appendage lost, it's still a deeply-rooted sensitive area and he's weakened immediately by your thrust of power to it.
Your husband falls to his knees, angry but unable to move. "W… What the hell was that?!" He coughs, wheezing as if you punched all the air from his lungs.
"I have to do what's best for my family. And my family needs you safe here, love."
"I need you." Vegeta pleads, reaching out to you with a shaky hand. "Don't… Don't!"
"I'll see you again for the Androids."
If I survive that long.
Before Vegeta can ponder how you even know about them, your powered up fist meets the side of his skull and he's out cold, sprawled out on the floor of his secret cabin. Without wasting too much time, you fish his beloved lady's favor from your breasts and leave a wistful kiss on it before tucking it into your mate's open palm.
Leaving him behind, you quickly fly to Capsule Corps as you recall the direction Vegeta came from. Bulma's up with the baby, and your eyes lock onto hers as she opens up the door to her home.
"You have maybe ten minutes to get me into orbit before Vegeta wakes up."
Baby Trunks is swiftly thrust into your arms as she leads the way to the ship, and you and the child lock eyes for just a moment.
For all these things I've done, I had better see heaven one day.
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alexblakeisgay · 2 months
Dating App Mishaps (Ch. 12)
Ship: Alex Blake/Reader
Summary: Alex didn't have Tinder by choice...but that doesn't mean it isn't going to come in handy.
Word Count: 1044
For six weeks, whenever Alex was in town, the two of you were, without exception, fucking like rabbits. You were still a little salty that that's all it was, but you'd (more or less) made your peace with it because, like Lennox said: you wouldn't get this kind of opportunity again...
"Lie back, Princess," Alex purred, gently pushing you to lay flat on the bed, "Daddy wants to sit on your face." You felt yourself soaking your panties at the thought of being completely helpless, a slave to her arousal. As if reading your mind, Alex smirked knowingly. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? You want me to cum all over your cute little face?"
With a little whine, you nodded, perhaps too eagerly. It was a little pathetic, you knew, the hold she had over you without even really trying. But, in your own defence, when she looked like that, kissed like that, fucked like that...what could you really be expected to do?
She patted your cheek with an I thought as much laugh. "Tap my thigh three times if you can't breathe, okay, Baby?" she said as she climbed up your body to straddle your face.
You were, perhaps, a little too eager in your desire to please her... From the moment she lowered herself within reach of your tongue, you sought out her clit, laving it with attention. You'd spent more than enough time between her legs to know exactly how she liked to be eaten out and you were more than happy to oblige.
In fact, you would gladly have spent the rest of your life pleasing her, if she only asked.
As it was, though, you were determined to enjoy every single moment you had, so you lapped at her dripping cunt with single-minded focus, paying special attention to every sound you were able to coax past her lips.
Sinking your teeth into her thigh, you delighted in the moan that escaped as you laved the bite marks with your tongue. "Jesus, Y/N," she cried out as you dove back into her cunt with renewed vigour. She braced herself on the wall behind the bed as you redoubled your efforts to make her see stars.
Truly, you couldn't believe your luck that you were the one who got to experience this. How her ex-husband had ever let a Goddess like this get away, you would never understand...
Before you could succeed in making her cum, though, her phone rang.
You'd gotten used to her being called away at all hours of the day or night, but that didn't make it any more palatable to be interrupted before you'd even been granted permission to cum. (Not that it would be the first time you'd been left – frustrated – to your own devices.)
"Fuck," Alex muttered as she climbed off of you and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. "What?" she answered, perhaps more abrupt than she normally would have been, if for no other reason than that she also hadn't been able to cum...
You moved to sit up and collect your clothes, expecting her to have to leave as soon as she'd hung up the call, but with one stern look, she stopped you in your tracks. And, before you could fully reconcile the situation, she'd pushed you to lie back.
Shooting her a questioning look, you silently asked her what she was doing...and she responded with a mischievous smirk. While using one hand to hold the phone to her ear, she pushed the soaked fabric of your panties to the side and eased two fingers into your soaked cunt, causing you to keen softly.
All it took was one sharp look for her to convey the message that you needed to keep quiet if you wanted her to continue what she was doing. And, since you very much did want her to continue, you sank your teeth into your bottom lip in a meagre attempt to stifle the sounds that wanted to come bubbling up past your lips.
"Who was that?" you asked, panting, after you'd sufficiently come down from your orgasmic high to be capable of forming coherent speech. (Coherent, of course, was a relative term, given that carrying on a conversation was currently requiring quite a lot more brainpower than it normally would've.)
Alex heaved a frustrated sigh, tossing the phone on the bed and combing her fingers through her dishevelled hair in irritation. "That was James..." she said wryly.
She nodded. "Apparently, he's throwing a Fourth of July party and he wants me to attend..." A beat. "And he suggested I bring along my 'girlfriend'."
"Oh..." You winced, realizing that, while your little charade at the bar had been fun, it was apparently coming back to bite you in the ass. "So, umm...what are you..." you stumbled over your words, unsure what to say, seeing as this was kind of your fault.
"I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" she replied, sounding rather resigned.
You quirked a brow in confusion. "Meaning?"
"Well, I can hardly tell him it was all an act to make him jealous, now can I?"
You had to concede that was a fair point. "Couldn't you just tell him we broke up?" you asked meekly, realization slowly dawning on you.
She shook her head. "Not a chance," she insisted. "If he's inviting me – us – it's because he has a point to prove and I'm not about to let him win at this bullshit game of sexual politics."
"Oh-kay..." you said slowly, turning her words over in your mind. "So, that means..."
"We're going," she said firmly, interrupting your sentence (not that you'd known what you were going to say anyway...). Your expression must've been one of slight panic because she proceeded to pull you in for a kiss. Against your lips, she murmured, "I'll make it worth your while..."
And, not that you'd ever been all that good at saying no to her in the first place, her kiss was nothing if not convincing...
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empressofthelibrary · 3 months
15 questions, 15 friends
tagged by @pendrvgons
are you named after anyone? My mother picked my legal first name based on her late best friend, who passed shortly before I was born. My penname began as Alanna West, and both halves of that are from fictional characters. I use Alanna as a middle name now, and "Emory Alanna" has such a nice ring to it. I'm really happy with it -- I might make it my legal name, if I ever wanna set anything in stone.
when was the last time you cried? Within the last thirty-six hours. I've slept a lot today as the last two days caught up with me, so beyond that I'm not sure.
do you have kids? What, in this economy? Hah! ...Jokes aside, no, I don't, and tbh I'd probably be a terrible parent anyway.
what sports do you play/have you played? I used to do archery as a hobby when I was a teenager. I miss it, but I never had the opportunity to really practice.
do you use sarcasm? Me? Sarcastic? Noooo...
what is the first thing you notice about people? Their voices, I think. I'm not good at eye contact and I'm pretty faceblind, so those things tend to slip past me. But voices are much easier for me to recognize.
what is your eye color? Blue!
scary movies or happy endings? I'm not a horror movie person. I'll enjoy the occasional thriller, I guess, but I want to know the heroes win. Even if it's a temporary victory, with a bigger threat still out there. "The heroes die, the villains win" is basically impossible for me to enjoy. Tragedy can be fun, you know I love Hamlet. But I need to be expecting a tragic ending, in such a case, and the villains need to lose too, even if the heroes die in the process.
any talents? I write! I've been told I sing well, but I still waffle back and forth on if I can believe it. I can draw decently, both digitally and traditionally. I used to be really good at climbing trees, too, but I'm too heavy and too short to haul myself up like I used to.
where were you born? Oklahoma, unfortunately.
what are your hobbies? Reading, drawing, writing, and I'm trying to learn to play guitar. I also do very bad, off-key karaoke sometimes.
do you have any pets? Three cats. They are needy baby terrors and I love them.
how tall are you? 5'4", I think?
favorite subject in school? I excelled in English in k-12, and art was great. I loved science, but I wasn't good enough at math to really get into it. I wanted to enjoy my history classes more, but the sliced-up way it was taught made it really difficult.
dream job? Oh, jeez, I dunno. I'm not sure I even have one anymore. I honestly wish I could just spend all my time doing art and creating things, and not have to worry about money. That's the dream, really.
I'm not tagging fifteen people, but: @lovelyladylavie @lilyntlrs @saberwriter @twinklecupcake aaaand... @techmomma and @crayonurchin 💛 (no pressure, only if y'all wanna)
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Not One of Many - Chapter Thirteen.
Another Alfie and Beth fuck fest, you say? Why, yes. Have at it. Huge thanks as always to my wonderful audience :)
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,116
Warnings - 18+ content, adult audience only. Minors DNI!
“Good bloody fuckin’ lord, that noise. If that ain’t the prettiest sound I ever fuckin’ heard, petal.”
She was lost, drowning in bliss, sparks rocketing up her spine as she felt the thick swell of his hardness sliding in and out of her arsehole, his hands clutching the rope as he kept everything steady and contained, knowing she was more than a little brave to take him anally and respecting the fact that with a man his size, he couldn’t go full force within her.  
“Oh my god, oh! Please go deeper, please, fuck, you feel incredible!” she wailed, her nails dragging the sheets, her cunt dripping onto the bed below, she was so acerbically aroused. He did, the slow spear into her evoking a primal cry, feeling so full, every nerve ending in her body sizzling in response to being stretched so wide. His hand came down in a hard spank on her bum, his groans gone to gravel, spanking her again, the other hand yanking at the rope, the friction making her skin tingle. “Go harder, please go harder!”
“Oh no, little kitten. There’s only so much demanding I’ll take before you’ll be punished for it. Understand?” The slap he bestowed hurt like hell, but Beth glimmered in the wake of it.  
“Well, if sir does insist on obedience,” she purred, turning to pucker her lips at him sultrily.  
Fire shot through him, spanking her again. “Sir does. Be a good girl, now.”
His hand left another aggressively administered print upon her pale flesh, yanking at her rope as he slipped in another inch deeper, her mewl evoking a fierce cock twitch, Alfie closing his eyes tightly with a grunt as he tried to hold himself back. She did not make that easy for him, her little cries and lustful growls as he felt her pulsing around him, watching as her hand slipped back between her legs, stroking his wet, well-lubed cock as it began to drive in a little faster.  
He wanted to be in charge of it, reprimand her with a command demanding her obedience, but hell, he couldn’t. It felt too good. His pleasure was the leviathan that pulled him down beneath the water and into the depths, tingles shooting through him as his senses burned, assailing her harder the more she moaned, knowing she was racing towards the same sweet swell.  
She cried out, her body fizzing with bliss as he fucked an orgasm of total divinity into her, her palm shifting her clit ring back and forth adding to her glimmers, Alfie’s rumble of undoing perhaps the sexiest thing she’d heard as he pulled out and shot his load all over her back.  
“Bloody hell, that was too good.”
“Innit?” he panted, head resting between her shoulders, their sweaty bodies heaving in an effort to regain breath. “You took that so, so well, by the way.” Kissing the back of her neck, he began to untie her bindings, loving the pink marks left behind by the rope, her body decorated in diamonds. Lifting her into his arms, he slid off the bed and carried her through to the bathroom, placing her on the side of the tub and switching the tap on. Ten minutes later and she was lying back against his chest, watching the lights of London flicker from the large window, his fingertips idly stroking her clavicles.  
It was the rest they both sorely needed, enjoying one another thoroughly for the past four hours off and on, the tranquillity from the water soothing their overstimulation, sexual war wounds and tired bodies. Both knew it wouldn’t end there, though. The embers that had crackled between them for the past two months had been ignited into a roaring fire of lust; the flames would not die down just because they’d been submerged in water.  
“The last time I was in the water with you, this is exactly where I wanted you to be,” he told her, of course referencing when he’d jumped into his pool to cool off after a workout.  
“I’m sure you likely wanted me bent over the side more so.” Her assertion had him laughing softly, kissing the side of her head.  
“Yeah, maybe a little of that an’ all. I’m gonna be honest though, right. It pissed me off something chronic, that you weren’t easy. Made me respect you, though, even more than I already did.”
“When you have to wait for something you want, it always ensures the end goal is just that little bit better.”
He snorted, fingers running over her damp hair. “A little bit? I’d say that’s selling it short, personally.”  
“Yeah, I’m not bad, am I?”  
He laughed, arms tightening around her. Not bad. What an understatement.  
As they lay there, they began talking, conversing deeply, asking one another the kind of interesting questions Beth sometimes found herself posing to interviewees, and Alfie realising he didn’t get asked enough.  
“If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?”
“Hmmm, that’s a good one. Give me a moment.” She thought on it for a few moments before answering him. “I’d wish for an end to poverty, an end to corruption, and then reward myself with a wish for a Birkin bag, because I’ve always wanted one but never been able to afford it because of such a high price tag. What about you?”
“I’d wish to end world suffering, give everyone on the streets their own home they could afford, and more time to myself. I could probably facilitate the last one without the genie, though. I just need to realise that I don’t have to do it all myself and the people who work for me are perfectly capable of running my empire without me constantly helicoptering over it all.”  
“You are somewhat of a workaholic,” she observed. She’d noticed it while staying with him, that he rarely took time for himself. Even when at dinner, he’d be answering business emails between courses before giving the girls his attention once more. “Was being what you are always what you wanted to do, or did you have different ideas as a child?”
“I knew I wanted to be successful at whatever I ended up doing, especially after dad died. Before that, though, when I was only little, I wanted to be a rally car driver. Colin McRae was my bloody hero, the speed he used to bang them cars around a course at. What about you?”
“I always wanted to write,” she began, idly trailing her fingernail over the top hat skull tattoo upon his forearm. “When I was a child, I did think perhaps a novelist, but I began to find interest in so many different subjects as I grew that journalism was the natural choice. If I have a book in me, it has yet to materialise.”  
“You’re talented enough to write just about anything, so when you do find that subject, you definitely should. I’d buy it. I love your writing.”
She turned to him, surprised. “You’ve read me?”
He chuckled, stroking her cheek. “Yeah! ‘Course I have, darlin’. I read most of your stuff when taking breaks at my desk while you were staying with me. I liked the interview you did with Vivienne Westwood, and that for pictures, you used polaroids of your meet with her, too. It just set it apart from anything else, not having professional pictures to accompany the text. Yeah, I liked it.”
“I like my polaroid camera, but I’m a sucker for nostalgia.”
“Should have brought it with you tonight, could have been interesting.”
“Alfie, I have an iPhone for that,” she teased flirtily, moving to her knees and kissing his chest, “Would you like to know what else I have?”
“Go on.”
“A very deep seeded desire for your cock in my mouth.”  
“Well, if there was ever any words I’m fond of hearing, they would be them,” he chuckled, his abs shaking when she softly bit his nipple.  
“Sit on the edge.”  
“Yes, miss.” Hauling himself up, he perched at the edge, praying he didn’t slip since the tub was freestanding, grinning with anticipation as she moved between his legs, slowly running her tongue up his inner thigh while grasping his cock, beginning to slowly pump at his shaft.  
“I’m going to need to unhook my jaw for this beast, Jesus.” She muttered, Alfie chuckling, hissing a groan when she closed her mouth over his hardness and sucked deftly, her tongue swirling the head before slowly descending. Her lips swept over him, satin encased iron, pushing against every engorged vein as she swallowed as much of him as she physically could, her hands stroking his hard thighs, his combing through her hair as he gently held her head.
His cock pulsed in her throat, Beth tightening her lips around him, squeezing and releasing the pressure all the way back up his shaft in a slow, pulsing drag, the noise he made in response all deep grit, arrowing straight to her cunt.  
She added her hand to drag the length of him, following her mouth up and down, squeezing the base while her tongue ran back and forth over the head of him, making his hips buck against her deft grip.  
He felt himself starting to escalate rapidly, overwhelmed by the pleasure she delighted him with. Quite simply, it was the best blowjob he’d ever received. She knew exactly how to make his senses burn.
His chest began to rise and fall faster, his arousal growing exponentially, his heart starting to hammer aggressively, her mouth moving quicker upon him. He could scarcely believe how good she was, evoking pure fire to roar up his spine, his hand fisted tight in her hair, tugging at the roots while the other gripped the edge of the bathtub.
“Fuck…fuck.” He gritted as she moved her hand and mouth opposingly to one another, twisting and tightening on him until his further gritted curses and a sudden jerk of his cock signified his undoing, spilling plentifully into her throat.
Slowing down, she continued to caress him lightly with her hand, wringing a few more pulses of cum from him.
“Bloody… hell…” he panted, breathless and dazed, Beth laying gentle kisses along his still twitching shaft. “You need to switch places with me right now, because for that, young lady, I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin you with my mouth.”
She needed no further incentive than that.
Once places were exchanged, he pushed her legs wide apart, biting her inner thigh before burying his mouth at her apex. There was no slow build, beginning to eat her with keenness that bordered on predatory, tongue gliding through her folds, lips sucking on her clit, gently nibbling at her, his big hands grasping her waist. He was so thorough, thriving on pleasing her with his mouth, his deep groans saturated in heat and hunger.  
He then focused on circling her clit with the very tip of his tongue, flicking back and forth, rendering her a panting, shuddering wreck, her hands clutching at the edge of the tub, her soft moans sending tingles of bliss shooting through him. Another couple of sweeping, long licks sent her reeling, his tongue pushing inside to tongue fuck her before closing his mouth over her entire slit, sucking, biting softly, growling playfully with arousal.
“Fuckin’ hell. I could eat you alive. Such a pretty little cunt.” His tongue continued to swirl through her pink, trailing down to her burning hole, probing inside, feeling her pulse around him. As he told her, he spared absolutely nothing in completely ruining her with his mouth. His hands moved to grasp her thighs, short nails leaving red crescents behind upon her milky flesh, his steel blue eyes fixing upon hers as he sucked on her clit with a satisfied groan.
“You look so pretty. You like that? Like my tongue all over your clit?”
Her answer was not given in words, her voice breaking on a cry, especially when his teeth tugged at her piercing, tongue going back to laving over her bud in quickly licked flicks. The speed he could move his tongue at was utterly mind blowing, evoking tingles, her legs tensing as his hands gripped at her legs, keeping them splayed once more.
She panted hard, glimmers skittering through her, practically crying with pleasure as his mouth sucked on her greedily again, blistering heat driving cool fire through her veins, bliss filled moans leaving her mouth as his tongue worked her apex without reserve. He licked at her so incessantly and hungrily, her nails dug into his arms and tore, leaving bright red scratches over tattooed flesh, Beth squirming against the inquisitions of such a truly unrelenting mouth.
“I need to be inside of you, right now.” Rising from the water, he lifted her, stepping carefully out of the bath and carrying her to the sink, sitting her atop it, his cock pushing fluidly into the warm clutch of her heavenly cunt, his groan deep, dark and rolling, like thunder rumbling.
His hand grasped gently at her throat, the other hitching her leg up, staring at her intently, a gaze unmatched in its intensity, Beth feeling her heart somersault as they both felt the energy in that moment shift, Alfie resting his forehead against hers, his kisses seeking her lips.
He might have fucked her hard upon that sink, but he couldn’t deny it was with more feeling than he’d given to anyone in quite some time.  
It did not stop there either.  
After he’d made her cries of release fill the bathroom, he carried her back to the bed, pinning her down, bearing his weight into her as he fucked her deep, her legs winding around him, arms clasping him to her as he kissed her throat, her back then arching as her hands slipped mindlessly to grip his shoulders. He sat up, hand pressing to her neck gently, holding her down with a baleful grin, his clutch tightening and releasing in gentle dominance, returning his mouth to hers momentarily.  
“Fuck, darlin’. You look so bloody beautiful with my hand around your neck.”
The fire that danced in the cool blue of her eyes told him she liked it, watching goosepimples flush over her chest, her nipples tightening into stiffened peaks, his mouth attentive with them in turn. The coil of pleasure winding through her core was intensified by the feel of that grip, her soaking wetness speared deeply by long, hard thrusts, her body keening as he drove into her with force. His hardness claimed her entirely, hips rocking into each of his thrusts, her mouth hanging open as she gasped.  
He felt thick and heavy within her fluttering cunt, her sensitive walls tingling for him as he began to pump into her with merciless delivery, pounding her wet centre, dragging sparks through her. All that was hurried and urgent then abated as he slowed down, a slight rotation of his hips shifting his weight a little further, bearing down into her, ensuring those sparks began to ignite.
He coaxed a string of expletives from her, her heat clenching around him furiously, bathing his cock in her wetness as he thrusted so deeply and precisely, she hollered hopelessly, at the mercy of him completely. “Come on, treacle, you know you wanna cum hard for me again, don’t ya? Yeah, that’s it, let go.”
And she did. And it was wildfire, his hand gripping tightly on her neck until he sensed her pulsing, letting go, the headrush of blood returning making her feel like she was soaring through constellations, adrift entirely from herself. She’d never, ever experienced an orgasm like it, swimming in bliss, lost to soft kisses as he slowed.  
But still, he did not stop. The snippets she had heard regarding his stamina had not been exaggerations. He was an absolute beast. He poured ceaseless pleasure into her, igniting her to her bones, her very marrow once more quickly, the pace becoming uncontained again.
He made Beth feel as if he was about to go through her with the sheer merciless voracity of each thrust, her body lighting up gradually until suddenly, the light completely illuminated her again, white hot and charging, striking each nerve ending and reducing her to a quivering wreck, and Alfie showing no signs of ceasing.
How was he even real?
The pace slowed so he could enjoy the beauty of her cunt flexing around him, wet heat contracting and clutching against his girth, his hand moving between her legs to rub at her clit with his thumb while speeding back up again a little. The sensations were intensity unmatched, his cock stroking her insides so deftly while his thumb caused waves of warmth to emanate, making her so dizzy and high on pleasure, she didn’t think she’d ever come back from where he repeatedly sent her to.  
Sex with Alfie was like touching the edges of heaven, gilded in divinity.  
His hips smacked against her body, pounding her wetness with primal need, her little cries disturbing the still silence of the early hours, only fettered slightly when he held her throat again gently, fingers flexing at her neck as he stared at her, winking and leaning to assail her mouth with his. Her body started to pulse once more, the ebb and flow of sexual energy now relentlessly flowing, a hum of utter erotic exuberance between them both doing nothing but gaining momentum as they groaned helplessly.
The bed began to furiously creak as the pursuit of climax was zealously undertaken, both of them chasing their releases with illimitable determination, until they shattered at the same time, completely unmoored, adrift upon a sea of pleasure, panting, sweaty and breathless.
“You’re too mind blowing by far, Bethany,” he spoke, once he could actually engage his brain enough to speak.  
She smiled, frowning in disbelief a little. “You must have wild sex all the time, though.”
He shook his head, kissing her. “Not quite like that, I don’t.” Leaning to her, he kissed her again, cock still twitching within her, fingertips stroking her neck, the moment giving her pause for thought, thoughts creeping in that she didn’t want to entertain, that she’d give anything to avoid. So, she did. She lay beside him until he’d had an adequate enough recovery time before sucking him hard again and riding him into the bed until she was thoughtless and mindless.  
Being held in his arms when they finally drifted off to sleep at around half past three in the morning did somewhat negate that diligence to cancel out such thoughts, though.  
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sug4rsweet · 6 months
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— MIRACLE is the FIRST christmas mini album by KAORI TAKAHASHI, released by AVEX TRAX on december 20th, 2013. although not an “actual” album release, the album was still a success, selling over 400,000 copies and becoming the FOURTH HIGHEST SELLING album of the year in japan. the album was well received and well loved by fans, and although it wasn’t a full era, it clearly meant a lot to KAORI to be able to release it.
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the music video for “SANTA TELL ME” was simply adorable. structured like a movie and consisting mainly of archive footage, it felt like an old christmas film. most of the “scenes” were home videos taken by KAORI’s father of past christmases, taken between 1998–2001, when KAORI was three to six years old. the footage features her and her family ice skating, sledding, opening presents, baking christmas cookies, and posing in front of the camera. towards the end, the footage switches to scenes of 18-year-old KAORI and her parents celebrating christmas and sledding together (which wasn’t recorded on christmas considering the album’s release date). there’s two seconds of the three of them playfully dancing to the track (KAORI came up with the “choreography” on set), and the video ends with them lip syncing to the song, blowing snow at the camera, and laughing. there are also scenes during the credits which show various bloopers.
this video was incredibly well received, and people could not stop talking about how cute it was. KAORI frequently mentioned in interviews about how she cried on set, as it was the first time she spent time with both of her parents since their remarriage, and watching the music video made her and her parents emotional. the video garnered over 3 MILLION views in its first 24 hours, finding itself at #9 on youtube’s trending page.
the music video for “MIRACLE” had rather simple but movie-like visuals, as well. shot in paris, it features KAORI walking the streets, standing in the snow, and sitting inside a scarcely decorated apartment. the music video is somewhat melancholy, as it features KAORI preparing for a christmas party that’ll never happen, and her standing amongst and walking past people who don’t care. within the last minute, she returns home, and sees people who have prepared a party for her. the last few scenes showcase KAORI and her friends celebrating, and the last scene before the credits is of her smiling. the camera quickly zooms out of the apartment’s window and into the falling snow, which shows the song’s title card. the credits roll shortly after, featuring just the instrumental and no extra shots.
a lot of audiences adored this video, as it really reflecting the story of the track, which told the story of a lost, struggling young girl who ends up finding solace in herself and the people that care about her, told through the allegory of christmastime. KAORI wrote the entire track, and later said that it was rather personal and a bit autobiographical, as the lyrics took from her own experiences. the music video was praised for its simple and understated visuals, as many felt it added to the feel of the song. it garnered 2 MILLION views within its first 24 hours, but would end up surpassing “SANTA TELL ME” in view count. additionally, some of the extras that were seen in the “surprise party” scene were actually some of KAORI’s own friends. it was a surprise planned by AVEX, and it had her crying on set.
the music video for “WHITE CHRISTMAS” was also simple, only featuring a single set. it features KAORI and MAMIKO sitting in chairs in the snow, illuminated by streetlights and christmas lights. they both have microphones (with MAMIKO having a white one to match KAORI), and are mainly singing the song’s lyrics into them. the entire music video is just that, and it ends with both of them laughing and joking about the cold as the video fades to black.
although simple in its visuals, the music video carries on the stylistic choice of being shot like a movie. it was also praised by audiences, with many loving the “mother and daughter” aspect shown in the video. KAORI would later say that it was her idea to have her mother featured in the song. MAMIKO herself asked to be in the music video, and of course, KAORI said yes. she also said that it was the most fun she’s had shooting a music video, and that she’s glad that it gave her a chance to spend much needed time with her mother, even while working. the music video surpassed a MILLION views within its first 24 hours, and found itself at #13 on the trending page.
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this era was so cute ! chill, but cute !
since the lead single was in english, kaori did a lot of american promotions !
she performed on gma (ofc MSNSJS), the rockefeller christmas tree lighting ceremony, and at the iheart jingle ball !
she actually got to help light the tree with her mom, and they sang “white christmas” together <33
and girl people LOVED that performance ! kaori and mamiko sound phenomenal together, and they truly sound better live ! like kaori was working to improve them vocals y’all
another thing people loved was “miracle,” especially kaori’s japanese audiences,, like that song dominated charts for weeks !
in fact, it was her second no. 1 on the oricon charts !
“santa tell me” didn’t fare too well in america, BUT it did end up at no. 79 on the billboard hot 100 ! and it surprisingly debuted at no. 1 on itunes !
people were eating UP the late nineties / early 2000s r&b sound that “miracle” had going on though,, and she went kinda viral for the performance of it on music station’s christmas special bc girl she truly sounded great
the way kaori’s american fans were so mad though 😭 like at first “miracle” was only released in japan, and it was such a good song so ofc they felt a lil left out !
eventually kaori and avex caved and released “miracle” worldwide jsuwjjsj
she also did a cover of “my favorite things” on the special, too ! just felt like i had to mention that !
this era lasted for 3 seconds bc kaori had to continue her tour ofc, but everyone loved it ! like she especially had a blast at the iheart jingle ball bc she got to interact with her fans a bunch
she even did her call and response chant with them, too !
all of it was just so perfect ! like kaori was wearing this cute red versace mini that was tailored specifically for her, and it was from the archives !
but that was pretty much it ! like i said, incredibly short but everyone enjoyed themselves skiwjsjs kaori absolutely loved how chill it was
it gave her a break from touring at least ♡
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merry christmas, u guys ! this is my little gift to y’all, and i hope u enjoy urselves today ♡
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lgwifey · 2 years
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platonic!lennon gallagher x fem!reader
platonic!gene gallagher x fem!reader
Summary : in which a nepotism baby finds herself dealing with her first true life issue, letting him go.
Warnings : none
Y/n/n : your nickname (character goes by a nickname instead of her full name)
Thalia Watts : oc - portrayed by Alice Pagani
Five year old y/n ran away from the pack of boys who where chasing after her in the sectioned off Reception playground of King Alfred's.
"Y/n/n !"
Two shouts from the blonde haired, six year old Lennon echoed after her. Three boys followed their designated pack leader.
She stopped, doubling over and leaning her palms on her thighs, her navy blue and white gingham sun-dress scruffling up a bit.
Lennon tapped her shoulder lightly. She spun around to face him, folding over her arms and huffing at him.
"Why d'you keep running off y/n/n, we just want to play football."
"I can't play with you anymore, you're a boy."
"So ?"
Lennon tryed to walk closer to her, kicking the rock solid foamy floor with the front and sides of his scuffy black shoes as he walked.
Y/n paniced, her first reaction being to swing her leg and cause her black buckled Lelli-Kelly boots to contact Lennon's knees.
A loud gasp echoed through the playground from the door of the Reception class, the small group's heads turning to their teacher stood gawping. Within a second, the middle aged woman began storming over to the children.
"Y/n Taylor, young ladies do not kick people !"
The shout attracted the rest of the class' attention, everyone swizzling around to look at the group which 'was ran by' Lennon Gallagher.
Her eyes watered up at the sight of the teacher getting closer. Lennon wasn't paying attention, he was sat on the colourful floor crying over his bruising right knee.
A loud whine echoed through the playground as her wrist was gripped onto and the pair of children where dragged inside by the vampire-like teacher. Lennon limped at a quick pace whilst y/n was pratically running in order to keep up with the woman who was dragging her across the playground.
The two children where situated by the harsh woman onto the blue plastic chairs outside the headteacher's office and a minute or two, or an hour in children time, past before the demon teacher reappeared, ignoring the rockstars' children and walking away back to the class of five and six year olds in a huff.
Another three minutes past, or in Lennon's mind five hours of utter bordom, before the headmaster appeared. He crouched down infront of Lennon and y/n before speaking to them.
"Y/n, Lennon your parents have had to be called in because of the incident, they will be here soon."
Her lip wobbled and despite her prior actions Lennon wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her shoulder.
The headteacher looked sympathetically to the pair, offering to go and get their jumper, cardigan, bookbags and coats whilst they waited for their parents, informing them that they'll be being sent home soon. By the time their items had been given to them, Liam had arrived.
Lennon was buttoning the blue cardigan over y/n's sun-dress while she continued to sob, being set off by her failing to properly do the white flower buttons. He'd gotten over his scrapped knee quickly once his friend started crying.
The office woman, who would sneek the children haribos sometimes, let the Oasis vocalist into the securitied doors. Lennon smiled to his dad and Nicole as she carried four year old Gene on her hip.
"Alright kiddo."
Liam bend down and scuffed up Lennon's already messy hair.
Y/n let out a sob as the Gallagher's turned up, unintentionally gaining Nicole and Liam's attention.
"Oh Y/n/n, sweetie what's wrong ?"
Nicole put Gene on one of the plastic chairs, the toddler immediatly taking the oppurtunity to make a break for it, only to be picked back up by his dad after making it a meter from the chair.
Nicole wrapped her arms around the girl who cried more.
"Oh Y/n/n, your mum and dad will be here soon, don't worry."
After another ten minutes, Roger and Debbie where let into the primary section of the private school. The group where all immediatly all cartered off to the headteacher's office.
Lennon and y/n sat at the very front of the mahogany desk, y/n holding in tears and Lennon trying to silently comfort her.
Roger and Debbie sat either side of their daughter, Liam and Nicole doing the same with Lennon. Liam muttered complaints to his wife about the plastic children's chairs needing straps on them as he held Gene down, the toddler once again practicing his escape artist act.
"Now I only gave a brief explanation over the phone because I believe there isn't too much danger in what has happened,"
Y/n swizzled around in her chair as Liam scoffed only for Roger to shift her back to face forward, telling her to 'pay attention'.
", but we work very hard here at King Alfred's to maintain a zero bulling tolerance."
"Look, they where clearly just messing about. They're best mates, ain't ya y/n/n, Lens."
Liam leant forward in his chair, quickly grabbing back onto the back of Gene's parka coat and he tryed to jump off of the chair.
"Mr Gallagher, y/n kicked your son without agrivation and we must therefore list it as a concern."
The young girl started crying again, Lennon turning to her and holding her hand in an attempt to stop the streams of salty water flowing down her blotchy, red cheeks. He surprised the adults by speaking up in defence of the both of them.
"Y/n/n didn't do anything, we where just playing and I fell."
"Lennon, lying isn't a good trait. There where multiple people and security cameras who said y/n kicked you."
Lennon gave a huff, crossing his arms whilst still holding onto his friend's hand.
"Stop calling her y/n, she doesn't like it."
The group of parents stiffled smiles and laughs at Lennon's overprotective-ness of the younger girl, their headmaster quickly moving to a different subject after he was told off by a glaring six year old.
"Y/n, would you like to tell us why you kicked Lennon ?"
She immediatly burst back into tears. Through sobs she managed to get out translatable words.
"I, I don't wan-wanna bec-become a b-boy."
The adult all looked at her confused, Debbie held loosly onto Y/n's shoulder.
"Y/n/n hunny, what are you going on about ?"
"Marie said,"
She wiped tears off her face harshly with her cardigan sleeve, Lennon passing her a tissue off of the head teacher's desk to wipe her nose with,
"Marie said the reason I look like a boy is because I spend all my time with Lennon and his friends."
Roger looked confused.
"Y/n/n who says you look like a boy ?"
She burst into tears again.
The adults looked to Lennon for answers as per usual.
He gave them a look as though it was basic knowledge before shaking his head disappointly and giving the parents an actual answer.
"The newspapers and magazines say it, they have big pictures of us on them and keep talking about how her hair's short and makes her look like a boy."
Y/n pointed to her hair, which had been attempted to be styled with a pair of glittery black bobbles that had pulled what little hair she had into pigtails, which resembled baby bull horns, and a black hairclip with a little silver bow on.
Liam pulled an eyebrow up, further confused as to where he'd found pop culture magazines. He asked him, gaining the responce of "mum hides them in her bathroom bin."
"Oh y/n/n , you're not going to become a boy because you're friends are boys."
"And you don't look like a boy because of your hair."
Roger added onto Debbie's sentence.
" 'ight,"
Liam pushed off the chair, quickly grabbing Gene and resting the struggling child on his hip,
"So, we've sorted everything out. Y/n/n booted Lennon because she didn't want to become a boy, she now knows she isn't going to suddenly turn into a boy and we're all good."
Y/n and Lennon nodded their heads and before the head teacher of the conjoint primary and secondary school could add any legalities into the meeting, Liam dragged everyone out off the office and to the carpark, wishing goodbye to the office lady who passed a packet of haribos to y/n and two to Lennon for him and Gene.
Before Lennon could manage to open both packets of sweets and scoff the lot, Liam grabbed the packet of starmix, leaving his older son with the cola bottles, and gave the half open packet to his escape artist of a son to distract him from trying to jump out of his arms whilst he walked to the car where he could finally capture him in a carseat.
Y/n calmly skipped alongside Lennon, ripping the heads off of her jelly-babies and chewing their insides before eating the top of the sweet.
Nicole, Debbie and Roger looked ahead at the kids, slightly concerned at the girl as they watched her decapitate her sweets and offer Lennon the de-attatched heads before he declined and she ate them herself.
"Is she -"
"I'm sure she'll grow out of it soon."
Nicole and Debbie nodded slowly.
Their attention was distracted by Gene, having finished his gummy sweets and begining to restart his escape attempts, launching himself towards the floor. Liam eventually regained control of the four year old. He stood him on the floor only to have Gene start flopping about on the concrete trying to wriggle free.
Lennon and y/n giggled at Lennon's younger brother acting like a fish, their hands re-attatched and swinging between them.
A grimace fell upon her face as she tried to force herself through the masses of mediocre tiktokers who blocked her path of the Brit Award's red carpet.
Behind her, Thalia Watts clung onto her best friend's hand, the slightly smaller girl dragging them both through once she found a gab.
The two girls' heads flicked over to a group of bright flashes and even louder shouts as photographers for numberous magazines and newspapers begging the two women for at least one angle on both of their outfits. Thalia gave them all a wide smile, now being the one pulling Y/n to the cameras.
Soon enough the photographers where lapping up the stunning dresses the two girls adorned. Thalia angled herself carefully as she showed off the dark green velvet camisole dress which fell to the floor, stepping one of her feet out so the photos would show the thin silver heels studded with diamonds, the heels which she bought because they matched a necklace and earring set she had owned. Meanwhile, y/n modeled her creme tulle and satin dress which fell to her mid-calf and had a thin layer of white mesh scrunched over it. She didn't need to move her dress to show off the black strap heels which wrapped up her ankle and so stuck to modeling the main piece of clothing and the black leather jacket which was thrown over her shoulders.
After a minute or so, the next pair of nepotism babies came along, Lennon and Molly. Gene followed shortly behind his siblings, a stunned look on his face as he tried to catched another glimse of one of the bizarre outfits someone had chosen to wear.
Thalia and y/n stood to the side pactiently, smiles etched on their lips incase a camera moved.
Soon the Gallaghers decided they where done and Molly strutted off of the roped off spot and past the two models, giving a wave to them as she walked inside where her mum and brother where waiting for her. Lennon and Gene joined the girls as their sister waved, Lennon wrapping an arm around y/n's waist, dodging the unbuckled jacket, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Evening Grim Reaper."
"Yeah whatever Chucky's Bride."
She gave a gasp of faux offence, slapping his suit jacket covered arm as the four started walking into front doors of the O2.
Y/n looked up to Lennon as they walked. He remained oblivious as the smaller girl studied his face, butterflies growing in her stomach and lungs as she watched his eye. The pale blue irises with their atlantic blue dashes and the thick, murky blue line which surrounded the colour sent shivers through her, good shivers.
"Oh, i've got someone for you to meet by the way."
He had addressed all of the small group but Gene and Thalia where the only ones who actually understood what he meant, sending each other a worried look once they'd noticed how y/n's facial expressions had stayed the same.
"Okay. Oh, youse get a table and just text me where it is, i'll get drinks before the bar gets completely blocked."
The tall, black haired woman waved to the other three as she set off in the direction of the alcohol supply, slipping through the maze of tables.
Gene set off infront of Lennon and y/n, looking for a table with a good view. They finally found one which was close enough to the stage but not so close that you couldn't see the preformances, y/n sending Thalia a text so she knew where they where and, more importantly, where to bring the drinks.
Thalia was back quicker than expected, a tray of drinks acompaning her.
"They said I was only allowed eight glasses at a time, so I got a bottle of red, a couple bottles of beer and cider and a round of shots."
"But I though you just said you where only allowed eight glasses ?"
"Bottles don't count as glasses apparently."
She gave a smug wink as she attempted to surpress the smirk which was growing on her slightly smudged, painted lips.
"Watts, you are a gem."
The black haired girl gave a laugh as Lennon started pouring everyone a glass of red wine, y/n having completely ignored him and popping off one of the dark fruit cider's tops. He looked to his side unamused when he noticed the elegantly dressed girl tipping back a bottle whilst his brother filmed her to see how fast she could finish it.
"You two are actually children."
She just gave him a grin and put the bottle down on the black, dewy tray.
"Anyways, who did you want us to meet ?"
Lennon gave the y/h/c girl a smirk, relaxing his right arm onto her shoulders instead of where it was previously on the back of her chair. He glanced across her face, the perfect natural makeup she wore with her strawberry lipgloss. She made him smile.
"You'll have to wait intill the break."
"Aw come on Lens, that's not fair. I'm not good with waiting."
"Exactly, you have the pactience of a five year old, it'll be a laugh watching you wait."
Y/n scowled at him, nose scrunching up and eyebrows twineing in.
He just squished her contoured cheeks with his left hand, puffing her lips into a fish pout.
Throughout the Awards, Lennon and Gene made quiet conversation, commenting on each of the awards or the nominees.
Y/n remained leant against Lennon through the whole thing, his arm thrown over her bare shoulders and her manicured hand holding loosely onto his hanging one as she payed attention to Mo as he presented the show.
Sometimes she would drown out his voice, tilting her head to gaze up at Lennon as he jumped between conversation with Gene and listening to the comedian sat next to celebrities throught preformances.
At the half way preformance, y/n offered to go and give the glasses back, grabbing more drinks for the table. Gene and Lennon had took it in turns through the award show so the girls wouldn't miss anything.
She held the empty glass filled, wet tray in her hands as she strutted over to the bar, the strutting being the only way other than running which she was able to move in the three inch heels.
Soon enough she had slid the tray onto the bar, leaning against the gold rail as she ordered the next round before being given the tray back and heading all the way back to the table.
When she reached the spot she was sat before, she had to take a double look. At first she'd walked straight past the table holding two Gallaghers and a Watt seeing how there wasn't a free chair where she had been sat a moment before, but then she noticed her bag and jacket on the floor next to Thalia and she realised that was her table.
Just someone was sat in her seat.
She walked behind Lennon, tapping him on the shoulder so he wouldn't flinch when she leant over him and put the tray of drinks down.
She assumed that that was the girl who Lennon wanted them to meet, though he hadn't mentioned it was a girl, or that it would move her belongings onto the floor.
Without thinking any different, y/n pulled Lennon's chair out slightly and slid through the gap between him and the table so she could sit on his lap since there where no more chairs, which was a common thing for them to do since they had a large friend group and would usually ending up having to share seats, so she didn't fully understand why the stranger was pratically gawping at her.
Lennon, as if it was a second nature, placed a hand on her hip to stable her from falling off the seat, also a common thing for y/n to do.
He must've twigged that he was in the presence of his girlfriend quickly after he did so because he pushed his chair out and moved the woman onto his brother a second after.
Lennon let out a dry laugh, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked to the blonde stranger with a nervous smile.
", must've got the wrong Gallagher there y/n/n."
Y/n knotted her eyebrows, completely fuzzled by Lennon's nervous tone and comment.
The twenty two year old sent a look to Gene, who picked it up straight away and thought up an excuse to whisk y/n away and explain the current situation to her.
"Sorry, one sec. I just need to go and ask Molly for something, come on y/n/n."
Y/n was even more confused when Gene started dragging her off to the other side of the room where Lisa, Molly and Astile where sat for the evening, picking up the black channel clutch and leather jacket off of the floor whilst he was at it.
After walking a few minutes, she stopped them.
"Gene, what's going on ?"
The brunette displayed a worried look, ice blue eyes filling with caution as he began to speak.
"You have to promise not to overreact."
Her eyebrow raised, a questioning tone filling it.
"Okay, promise."
"Okay. So..."
"Fine !"
He dragged her again, this time out to the empty foye. The double doors left a slight thud as they closed and Gene placed two hands on y/n's shoulders before breaking the news which, with y/n, could only go down like titanic.
"Lennon has got a girlfriend but she was suspicious that youse had a thing going on so Lens has told her that we're dating."
For a moment, her face remained blank.
Then she made a run for it.
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Prey of the Hunt- Chapter 8
A/N: wow its been a hot minute since the last chapter, huh? I hope you all enjoy this chapter as wont lie, I cried a lil when I was writing it.
Pairing: Eskel x Reader
Words: 1.5k
Warning: this will include some spoilers about who is involved in the Battle of Kaer Morhen from TW3, this is also kind of a depressing chapter.
Summary: It’s time to prepare for the final battle. The long hours and endless preparation begin to wear on you, and so do the endless questions. Will spring come for you and Eskel?
Chapter 9
The next day had everyone immediately working on their assignments; Geralt and Yennefer left before most people awoke, trying to get a jumpstart on recruitment. You barely saw anyone that day besides Vesemir, catching people here and there as they stopped by to grab a quick lunch before getting back to it. Even Eskel you only saw in passing, brushing knuckles as you walked by, or quick touches when he came to run something past Vesemir. But you wouldn’t ever be upset about it, not when you knew it was for the good of a member of the Keep.
It went on for long, seemingly endless days like that, though some of the pressure slid away once reinforcements started to arrive.
Letho was the first, much to the dismay of later visitors, but he was a welcome guest when it came to preparing bombs. A few members of the lodge were next, Phillipa, Keira, and Triss, each of them finding their own usefulness here and there, whether it be traps, planning, or otherwise. Zoltan, Roche, and Ves were next, the latter two vowing to help only as long as they could stay far from Letho in the process. Even a small group of druids showed up in the later days, intent to join in the plight.
Within hardly any time, facets of the plan begin getting laid out; traps were finished and set up around the perimeter, swords and armor were sharpened and mended, and just about everyone was getting a refresher on the Wild Hunt and how best to fight them. Everyone except you and Eskel that is.
The two of you were holed up in the workshop on one last late shift preparing potions. You had promised Ciri and Geralt to give Eskel the same briefing as long as he could be the one to help you- and with how much the worry and late nights had begun to show on you physically, you were glad they allowed you that much.
“How much longer on the White Raffard in cauldron three?” you asked as you stirred a completely different brew and tried to keep track of about six others.
“10 minutes… Hey, Y/n-“ he started, only to get cut off by your hyper-focused mumbling.
You could feel the glaze of lost sleep over your eyes as you drifted about the room, making notes, and checking bottles. “Okay, that’s 10 minutes on that, 18 minutes for the full moon potion, 27 for the-“
“Dear.” Eskel’s arm came out to snag your waist as you moved past, tugging you into his embrace. “Take a minute to breathe… You hold your stress in your shoulders you know. We both do,” He said, biting back a grin and he repeated your own words back to you.
Strong arms wrapped securely around you as you leaned into him, resting your head in the cradle of his neck. Your hands dropped the notes you had been taking and wound their way around his torso, closing your fists around his tunic. As your sigh escaped you some of the tension did too, your fists loosened and your shoulders came to rest a little closer to their natural state.
“You’ve been throwing yourself into this work so much lately…”
“But I need to. When the Hunt comes- “ you started, your mind already drifting back to work and the battle that inevitably lay ahead.
“-But you need a few minutes before you go back. Just exist with me for a few minutes....” His voice rumbled quietly through his chest and into yours, enticing you to hug him that much closer.
“You’re right, you’re right…” you relented, “I know everyone is just here to help, and a few of them have been very nice… but I can’t wait for it to be quiet again.” You laughed out, Eskel’s own laugh following yours.
“The path is going to feel like a lazy afternoon once we get through all this, not that I’m complaining.” Eskel already couldn’t wait for the cold season to end, let alone the confrontation with the Wild Hunt. Even if it meant the end of a guaranteed bed for some time, he wanted to show you the world in a far better light than the Wild Hunt had left it. He wanted to see the way your face lit up when you came across the various festivals, the joy and relief when you two got a hot plate of food at an inn after days of camping outside, and the pride of you getting your first monster. The best part of the path surely would be sharing it all with you.
“Where will we go when we set out in spring?”
“Wherever you want to go, dear. Wherever you lead us I will follow.” Eskel’s easy smile pulled at the notch in his lip, revealing just a window into what bigger expressions you may pull from him yet.
 Your heart fluttered in your chest, “Really? Even if I wanted to go someplace far like Skellige or Toussiant..?” you pulled back from his arms to look up at him, did he really mean anywhere?
And yet without hesitation, he nodded in agreement, “I’m sure we could find a boat to the isles in Novigrad, and it may take a little while but we could make our way down to Toussiant as well. Wherever you want to go this year we can do, And then next season we can find some other places to visit or we can just do it all again.”
You couldn’t even muster a verbal reply, all you could manage to do was to throw your arms around his neck and bring him close once more. “You’re too good to me…” You mumbled into his neck.
Another laugh bubbled up from his throat as he rubbed your back, “I’ll always do my best. And as much as I never want this moment to end, I think the potion is done…” With a kiss to your temple, he pulled his arms back to let you go.
“10 minutes already? It usually feels like they can’t brew fast enough.” You began doling the potion out into bottles, while Eskel cleaned up the spills and put them away.
You could hear the shuffling of many feet outside the door as those getting briefed made their way back to their rooms to get some sleep. You and Eskel still had some time yet to stay awake, the whole keep taking the day in shifts so there’s always at least one person with eyes open to watch for the Hunt. Phillipa was also on the late shift with the both of you, everyone has joked that she was a literal ‘night owl’, but you hadn’t known her long enough to understand or feel like you wouldn’t get an eye poked out for asking.
When you two were finally done with your shift in the early hours of the morning you made your way back to the room. The only thing left to do now was get some sleep and wait for the Hunt to finally arrive; Everyone knew where they were expected to be when the alarm rang, if they had a task at a certain time, or if they were expected to be in one spot. However, you knew that for most of you your job would doing anything and everything you could to either kill them or make sure they didn’t kill you.
No one wanted to say it out loud, but there was one thing weighing on every mind tonight and as you and Eskel lay in each other’s arms it weighed heavily on you too.
Who would be left alive when the battle ended?
Who would die on the field surrounded by their friends and foes?
Would anyone but those gathered here remember the ones who died and what they died for?
Tears threatened your eyes as you dwelled on whether you would live to see the next few days, or even what you would do if Eskel happened to perish. That last thought no matter how quickly you tried to pass over it in your mind succeeded in pulling tears from your eyes that quickly slid down onto Eskel’s chest.
Your beloved witcher said nothing as his hand came to wipe the streaks from your cheeks, no words could help right now. You both knew it.
By the grace of some god you two were able to find sleep, despite the tossing and turning. Your bodies stay locked in an embrace, your legs intertwined as even your subconscious minds held on to what was dear.
It wasn’t until late the next morning when you two were roused from sleep by the furious ringing of a bell.
Adrenaline went through you like a gunshot, as you and Eskel both woke with a start, glancing to each other knowingly.
The Hunt has arrived.
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @dark-academia-slut @madamemelancholysstuff @weaponizedvirtue
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tojisbbg · 2 years
✧ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ✧
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❝i don’t know what i’m supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you, oh take me back to the night we met.❞  
♡ manjiro sano ♡  
chapt. 4
description: a short story in which a young girl who's having a hard time coping with the death of her family stumbles upon the presence of a young restless spirit one night.
content warnings: mikey x oc, very heavy angst, comfort (?), soft mikey, heavy fluffy romance, suicide, mentions of suicidal thoughts, swearing, death, not checked for grammatical errors.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷    ˏˋ°•*⁀➷    ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
"no, no, no! please stop!" she whimpered, helplessly laying on the floor as her body weakly crawled further away from the figure. the little girl was struck with fear, traumatized by the sight in front of her.
she could never forget the way he menacingly smiled at her before turning around his body, a loud series of what felt like ear deafening firecrackers being set off.
her body froze, the tiny figure trembling on the cold wooden floor that would be soon soaking up with blood. she wanted to scream, yell her lungs out to beg someone just anyone at all to help her.
"you're next, little one." she heard him say as he inched closer to her, the horrid smell of alcohol and cigarettes defiling her sense of smell, making her want to puke. she quickly scrambled, grabbing the flower vase on the small table as she aimed for his head but he dodged it.
"how cute, but how about i aim this at you and see if you could miss it, hm? now wouldn't that be fun?" he continued, a chuckle leaving his mouth as he pointed the machinery gun at her.
her eyes widened, heart stopping, and that's when the old nori was gone. seeing everyone in her life disappear within seconds and waiting for the moment for her to meet the same fate.
she was only fifteen.
"please!" nori shot up from the bed, panting hard due to her irregular breathing, while cold sweat began to trickle down the sides of her face. her hair was a mess, and she couldn't help but close her eyes and squeeze both of her hands tightly together to get some kind of stability over herself.
it was just a bad dream. a really, really, really bad dream. he's not here, he's gone and he won't come back.
after finally calming down, she opened her eyes, looking around the dark room in search for her clock. it was almost eleven, meaning that she has only slept for two hours. a heavy sigh left her lips as she leaned back on the headboard, staring at her wall.
peaceful as it was for now, that's when her eyes began to deceive her.
still paranoid from her dream, even the shadows of the trees began to looking like his figure. but of course, nori was too out of it to piece it together. her hands gripped the blanket tighter, pulling them up to her mouth as she felt like someone was restricting her airway, feeling it difficult to allow oxygen to pass through her lungs.
please, just leave me alone! why won't you go away?
nori was on the brink of tears, her body violently shaking as she felt like it was that night over again. the shadow began to inch closer, the arms holding a long cylindrical like object.
her eyes widened in shock, it was the same weapon from that day too.
"please, why are you here again? what do you want from me?!" nori cried out, tired and afraid of her brain eating her alive for the past six years of her life. not knowing if he'll come for her after getting released from jail or how to cope with her family's death.
she just wanted to disappear without a trace.
she just wanted to run away, somewhere far away from here. where it was just her.
no, where it was just her and manjiro. yeah, that sounds better.
the free arm of the figure rose, point the index finger straight at her and as if on cue she heard a loud booming noise coming from a direction that she didn't even bother to figure out. a choked out scream left her mouth as nori tumbled out of bed, her hair falling to her face.
but she didn't care, she scrambled to her feet, knocking down the things near her with her out of control body movements as she ran out the door. she never looked back, running as fast and far as her legs could take her.
the cold winter wind hit her flesh, sending goosebumps all over her skin. she was a sobbing mess, heart pounding in her chest as she began taking random turns, anything to get away from him.
and it was ironic, a girl who wished to die was now running for her life. and that was the one thing that nori didn't understand about herself.
she could vividly remember her fifteen-year-old self ready for the consequences, allowing the murderer to end her life with just a mere bullet striking her head or chest. what was the point of living if there was no one to be by her side?
but it was different now, so different.
she wanted to live, she wanted to grow old and go to places that she dreamt of and do the things she has never done before. she wanted to see what more life has to offer, other than the remorseful feeling of living with survivors guilt.
nori wanted to do it all with manjiro.
he was the reason why she wanted to live for another day, see him once again, and do the things that they had promised each other. she wanted to go ice skating with him, see the orion constellation, eat dorayaki under an umbrella while it rained, and take care of kei.
nori wanted to live.
she took her last turn, hands on her knees as she crouched down to catch her breath from running for almost fifteen minutes straight. nori had no idea where the hell she was but when she looked up, she was stunned.
it was the park.
was i running around in circles?
she wondered, looking back in paranoia, hoping that she didn't lead that jackass here. cautiously, nori walked inside the park as she made herself walk towards the wooden small walkway bridge that went over the river.
the girl peered down at the water, feeling the temperature drop a bit more, but she didn't mind. nori felt her nerves calm down, that was until she heard the loud booming noises once again.
instinctively, she turned around and stood in a position of self-defense. she wasn't dying without a fight. but the color on her face drained once she turned around.
her mind playing games as it almost seemed like the figure multiplied himself, coming at her in all directions to surround her. her breath hitched, a shaky gasp leaving her lips as she fell on the ground, her knees giving up from all the running and drained out from the emotional wreckage she's been through.
it's no use, i can't do anything more. this is where it end, isn't this a bit too cruel? i never asked for this, all i ever wanted, was to live with everyone. i guess that's too much to ask for.
nori bitterly laughed, salty tears falling onto the wood below her as she cried in despair. there was no saving her now, so she just accepted it.
she felt weight on her left shoulder, as someone tapped her which made her yelp in surprise before shutting her eyes tightly.
"please don't hurt me!" nori blurted out, her cheeks wet with tears and the person in front of her looked down with concern and horror.
"nori? it's me, manjiro, i'm not gonna hurt you." he softly said, bringing a hand down to caress her cheeks as he wiped away her tears. nori recognized the familiar feeling of skin on hers, opening her eyes to only be met by the same onyx color she loved seeing.
nori didn't know whether it was all an illusion or if he was really there, but she was happy to see him, real or not.
"manjiro!" she breathed out in relief, getting up with her wobbly legs before throwing herself on him.
manjiro quickly caught her, feeling her legs wrap around his waist and arms protectively wrapped around his neck. he was confused on what had shaken the poor girl up this bad, wanting to get to the bottom of it.
"don't worry, i got you. i'm here, it's just me and you, nori." he assured, soothingly rubbing her back as her tears began to wet his shirt. a series of loud crackling noises went off, making nori's grip on him tighten.
"please, make it stop, jiro. make him stop!" nori loudly sobbed out, shaking within his embrace as the poor boy stood there dumbfounded. he had no clue who you were talking about since no one else was in the park.
the fireworks had already started as he heard them start a while ago, waiting for nori's arrival so that they both could watch it together. he never expected things to twist this way, but he didn't care. the well-being of nori was more important to him than anything else.
"okay, let's go. i know a place where no one could come." manjiro began to walk with the weeping girl in his arms, and soon enough he walked deeper into the park.
nori raised her head, vision blurry from her tears as she tried to make out her surrounding. she squinted, not recognizing the place.
"where are we, jiro?" her voice cracked a bit, making him hum as he sat her down on the ground before plopping himself next to her.
the area was beautiful, a water fountain that was still operating in front of them. there was still grass on the ground and some tiny flowers, which was surprising considering the winter weather.
"my secret hideout. i like to come here often to clear my mind, you know, when the world gets too loud." manjiro explained, turning his face to look at her with a comforting smile. nori looked at him and couldn't help but smile herself.
he was like this protective wall, shielding her from her thoughts and anything else that could potentially harm her. nori didn't know how to get the words out of her mouth, it felt like they were lodged in her throat.
"you're not obligated to explain anything to me, nori. but, i just want to tell you that whatever has been bothering you to make you randomly wander into an abandoned park at night without any care and make you feel this way just like the night we first met, your feelings are valid." manjiro said each and every word so delicately, she didn't know how to react.
nori was struck, a fuzzy feeling coating her chest. those words were all it took for her to lose it, unable to control her emotions once again as she covered her face with the palm of her hands to protect her pathetic sobbing face away from him.
do i even deserve this? no, i don't deserve him.
manjiro quickly pulled her on his chest, his fingers stroking her back as he gave her time to let it all out and compose herself. he didn't care whether she wanted to share her story or not because right now his only goal was to make her feel better.
"why me? they didn't deserve to go out like, i'm tired of carrying the burden of being able to live on my shoulders. i never asked for this, it's not my fault!" nori cried out as she shook her head in denial, choking on her words as manjiro simply remained quiet, paying attention to her words while nodding.
"my family was murdered about six years ago, a ruthless beast breaking into our house before taking away their lives. my mother wasn't aware that my dad got involved with a powerful loan shark, needing the money to cover my little sister's medical bills since she was diagnosed with heart failure." she explained, pausing a few times mid-sentence as she could just see the event flash before her very eyes once again. it was trauamtic, scarring her for the rest of her life as she knew well enough that she would never recover from it.
"that bastard had no mercy on anyone, not even my little sister who was ill. she was only ten, she still had hope to live a life that waited for her. who gave him the right to steal that away from her? all because of money? a bunch of paper that us shitty humans put value on?" nori looked at manjiro, eyes glossed with tears that soon streamed down her cheeks as she spoke.
manjiro brought his hand down to grab her trembling ones, squeezing it for comfort as she harshly swallowed, sniffling before opening her mouth to continue.
"it was too late for him to come at me, the police got here before he could do so. i could never forget the look that he gave me at the door, it makes my skin crawl every time." she shuddered, silence taking over the atomosphere for a quick minute before manjiro sighed out.
"i never knew that you were going through so much all alone. nori, i need you to listen to me very carefully, okay?" manjiro requested, but the girl looked down at her lap.
"i know what you'll say, that it's not my fault and that it'll eventually get better. i've heard it all, but it's all a bunch of lies. it never gets better, and once it does for a while, it's ruined. everything's always ruined!" nori yelled, frustrated and fed up.
manjiro gently took a hold of the sides of her face, turning her around to face him and meet her eyes. his heart wrenched in pain, feeling it bleed from how hurt she looked.
"nori, you need to understand that it truly wasn't your fault. you were just a kid, you didn't know that this would happen or what to do. running away from this won't make you go back in time and change anything. you need to accept things as it is, and heal from it. i know your parents wouldn't want to see their daughter live in such misery and i know your little sister wouldn't want to see her big sister wishing that she was dead. live for them nori, life has so much more to offer." he advised her, taking his fingers to wipe away her tears as she listened to his words.
nori couldn't help but grip on his shirt tighter, pulling him closer to her as she buried her face into his chest, feeling his arms lace around her waist.
"how could you be this kind to someone like me? someone as selfish as me." nori questioned, not having the guts to look at him in eye.
"selfish for escaping death? that's crazy talk." manjiro lightly chuckled, making her break into a small giggle as well as she calmed down from that frenzy of overpowering emotions.
and that's how they stayed like for ten minutes, nori sitting on manjiro's lap as he allowed her to be engulfed in his warmth and embrace.
"i had a brother and a sister." manjiro started, making nori pinch her eyebrows in confusion as she was able to take note of his wording.
"had?" she asked, making him suck in air before releasing it to compose himself.
"they both passed away. my older brother got stuck in the head by my best friend who didn't know any better at the age of twelve and my little sister also got struck in the head by some hit and run." his body became stiff, making nori pull away to face him as she saw his eyes becoming red, tears threatening to spill out.
"i really looked up to him, you know? he was never popular among the ladies, probably cause his farts stinked, but he was so kind and forgiving. shinichiro was the best big brother i could ever ask for. and emma? she was the most sweetest, caring little sister ever." manjiro revealed, lips tugging on the sides to form a small smile as he pictured the faces of his siblings in his mind.
"it must've been so hard for you, jiro. i'm so sorry that you had to go through that all alone." nori softly said, coming out as a whisper as she brought his head to her chest, stroking his hair.
"don't be sorry for me. i always believed that i'm a curse, bringing death among my loved ones. emma and shinichiro died because of someone who was involved with me. isn't that so awful of me?" he weakly smiled, warm tears trickling down his cheeks before seeping into the fabric of nori's sweater.
"a curse? you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. you deserve the whole world, and if i could, then i would give it to you myself." her eyes sparkled as she looked down to face him, manjiro looking at her with nothing but pure adoration before guilt sank into him.
"that's too generous of you for someone like me." he laughed, sitting up as he dried his eyes. however, nori shook her head.
"manjiro, your siblings deaths wasn't your fault. it was out of your control, so stop thinking that  you're an awful person. i can't even explain to you in words how much you mean to me and how you really did save me." nori continued to ramble, making him blush at her words as he felt his body shoot up with heat, which was unusual for his usally frigid cold body temperature.
"you really mean it?" manjiro asked, his ears not believing what he heard. it's been so long, so long since he's heard someone assure him like that.
" of course, i do." nori said with a bright smile, making him reciprocate one back to her.
"thank you for taking me here." nori said with gratitude, making a small laugh escape his throat.
"just say the word and your wish is my command, you know that. i'd do anything for you, nori." he honestly said, eyes shimmering with a loving glint that set her heart on fire.
"stay with me." she whispered, making manjiro's heart skip a beat as her own one was beating in her chest rapidly.
"nori.." he trailed off but the girl beat him to it.
"stay with me, jiro. i need you to be here with me, to give me purpose. to tell me that everything is okay even if it's not. i need you to be here to hold me because i can't live without you. i love you, i love you a lot." nori admitted, hopeful eyes looking at him as she could slowly feel her heart cracking from how he's stalling.
maybe it was too early to confess or maybe she wasn't the one for him. but she couldn't help it any longer, her feelings were getting too much for her to control.
"who said that i was leaving, hm? i love you too much to let go." manjiro chuckled before leaning in, closing the remaining space between them.
nori closed her eyes, feeling his soft lips on hers. an electric spark shooting up her spine once she felt one of her hands push her waist forwards to brush her body against his. his other hand softly touching on her cheek, tilting his face at an angle to deepend the kiss.
he smelled and tasted so sweet, she craved more of him. more of his touch, more of his taste, more of him. nori wanted him all to herself so bad, she couldn't let go.
she was madly in love with him and so was he.
manjiro smiled against her lips, contented as the both of them finally came to terms with their feelings and that made nori smile as well. as if on cue, the fireworks went off as they could hear people cheering in the distance.
the new year was here, which meant new beginnings.
"lets live for each other, jiro." nori said before leaning in first this time, planting a kiss on his lip before going in for another slower kiss, not giving him the chance to speak, loving the feeling of his lips on her.
it was addicting and she was excited to start this new beginning with him.
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residentdormouse · 1 year
Counting to Up to Ten and Beyond
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I wish I could articulate a good intro for this @mrsmungus . Possibly with a positive number of consumed wine glasses as well, but all I have is: eight hours stuck in this damn cubicle. Maybe I’ll go home and start the clock with something more pleasing. Six times walking across the bridge over the creek. Seven songs from my Glen playlist going in my headphones, while I pass nine off trail spots to adventure down later. But with my luck, it’ll just be ten times of repeating, ‘please just eat your food’ to small children that will not have any of it.
My words: six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Since our small ones have dominated the themes before, and preschool lessons have done what they can, I propose a new path to take inspired by the recent post. Guess the theme.
Your words: Shiny, Space, Smuggle, Sky, Serenity (substitution as you see fit)
Open tag if anybody would like to jump in!
All of mine this time are coming from Diving. Spiral has a distinct lack of numbers apparently. And all but ‘Six’ are dealing with Max. Two from the same short section of Chapter 25 no less.
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The stiffness in her legs cried out at her as she stood from her spot on the floor, but Hayden continued on to the kitchen despite the initial discomfort. Pain quickly fading to nothing within the first few steps, her feet hit the stone floor of the kitchen just as Glen set the kettle on the burner. Her hand trailed along his back as she passed by to reach the cabinets, and the upward twitch of his lips into a subtle smile was the exact reaction she hoped to see.
Autopilot guided her hand to the burnt auburn colored ceramic mug on the bottom shelf, and she passed it over to him. Sure, he could make due with any mug, but over the past six months they had been staying at the small cottage, this seemed to be his mug of choice, so much so that her mental image of him now incorporated the object.
One of the plain glasses on the next shelf up would suit her needs though, and it was dug out next. Tea was a Glen drink, but in this season, in their cozy cottage, hot apple cider was her go to. To her, it had all the benefits that tea had; it provided comfort when you were drained, would warm your hands just as thoroughly as your insides, and the lingering sweetness that followed each sip…
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(Gotta have some Gwen too since Morena Baccarin is who I use as her faceclaim.)
A burly man with cat-like yellow eyes looked over their company, and then back at the woman now taking charge of said group. “Only have three doubles, Gwen. Sorry. There was a raid out on northside; we’re housing what’s left. Think there might be a spare cot in storage I could pull.”
A raid; she knew what those were like. With her skillset, she was involved in many of them. The side eye that Gru gave to her as he said it, the same look others in the room gave her… they did not go unnoticed. Guilt was staining her and she felt dirty with it.
What fight was she just in?
Who was she fighting?
Anybody we know?
Why is she here now?
The hushed questions by worried patrons scattered about the bar area. It made sense to be concerned, alarmed, she would be too. Blood was on her hands and smeared on her clothes. Metaphorically and physically at this point.
Sauntering over, Gwen stood in front of their party, and clapped her hands together. “Well, looks like you’re going to have to double up.” Giving an immediate appearance of humor, the gesture itself was deceiving, and Max could tell she simply wanted a resolution to be done with the matter. To be done with them. "Volunteers, or do I have to find straws?"
Everybody was making their own mental calculations at the news. Two beds to a room, three rooms, one spare cot. Seven spots, eight people, in three rooms. Glen and Hayden sharing went without question, and Dinny was small enough the cot would be fine. Beds weren't the issues. Roommates, now that could be a problem…
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"Alright, so where we at? Attempt six. Or is this seven. We're not on eight, are we?"
Not waiting for an answer, she stepped into the article of clothing, and shimmied it up over her hips. While not waiting for an answer, she knew there was one coming; Harold would never let a comment like that go. And he certainly didn’t fail expectations.
"I don't see you doing any better."
"Not why I'm here, Tex."
Signature cheek was sent at him with the small quip, and she flashed a smirk to enforce the meaning. Ruffling Harold’s feathers became a favorite past time. Especially when he sent it right back at her. One comment would led to another, a build of back and forth that usually ended with a loss of clothing, loss of breath, and sweat glistening along exposed skin.
"Well, that's also not the point, Max. Of course it’s not why you’re here. Hate to break it to you, but you’re not exactly the best suited for the task. Nobody around here is, for that matter. Without Steph, sorry to report, I’m the best you got.” He stood up to emphasize the point, but all she saw was the lean figure of a young adult taking a strong stance to hide the self conscious boy hiding inside. A boy she had come to know very well. “You’re not doing any better because you can’t, Max. The fact is, you need me here to try and figure this out–"
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“Alright, yeah, okay. Well maybe you can pass a message along then?”
Feet squared, arm back, fist forward.
If she were rating shots, this would surely be in the top five with regards to overall satisfaction. The blood splatter, the instant tears, and an immediate drop to the ground; it was an experience that she couldn’t put a price on. Certainly worth the incoming assault from the additional security personnel around her.
She held her own for longer than most would anticipate. You didn’t get a reputation like she did without knowing how to hold your own, of course, but everybody has their limitations.
After dropping three more, she felt herself crashing back against the control panel. The alarm that started to sound off as she crashed down to the ground was more concerning than the open gash on her arm or the blood matting down her hair. After all, neither of these wounds were a nine, and she could handle herself. But initiating a lockdown? That would affect them all.
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"Great, everybody's happy. Gru, could you also call Shay? We obviously need a few patch ups. And possibly grab Celia for, well…"
A gesture was made towards them, and Gru simply nodded. No further explanation was needed for him, and Max didn't see a need to ask, sure they'd know her purpose soon enough.
"Yeah, 'course. Ten through twelve in the back."
Before anybody had a chance to leave, Nick made a writing motion towards Gwen. Rudimentary type charades for her benefit, but it got the point across.
"Oh, you got a notepad and pen or something back there?"
"Yeah, uh, probably."
Once the objects were rounded up and passed over, Gwen held up an arm towards the staircase to their left. With no further objections, they all began to head up. Her absence now noted, Max could hear the atmosphere below them change. A frivolity came back to them, and a warmth she would expect from a place like this. The same guilt from before hit her like a brick, and she bit her bottom lip to distract.
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funkyshortstories · 9 months
Does Everyone Have Problems With Their Dad?
On the morning that they had decided to go into town, Charlie was awake before the sun. By the time I was up, he was already dressed and pacing around. Breakfast, slim as it was, had already been made and was sitting by the fire. 
Charlie was in nice clothes that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. The stitching was neat in a way I was unfamiliar with. They’d clearly never been mended. The cloth was nice. His vest was buttoned. I caught a whiff of the pomade he kept at the bottom of his bag. 
“You okay?” I asked as gently as I could. 
“Fine,” he snapped, then ran his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t get angry at you.”
I shrugged. “I’ve had worse than you shouting at me, I promise. Want to talk about what’s on your mind?”
That worried me. It was odd enough to see him dressed in something nicer than a dusty old shirt, but his nerves seemed frayed like an old rope. He looked about ready to snap. I worried about him, silently. 
We were staying in an inn tonight. By some stroke of luck, we’d gotten a private room, too. Just the two of us in a soft, real bed. We dropped our things off, and Charlie, looking ready to kill a man, said he had business to take care of. He came back hours later. His eyes were red and glassy. 
Now, I’ve never claimed to be a soft touch for emotion, but Charlie needed someone to look after him just then, and I’ve never minded that work. Not when it’s for him. Never when it’s for him. 
The clothes ended up scattered across the room, and Charlie was on the floor at the foot of the bed, fighting tears. We didn’t talk. I washed his hair in a ceramic bowl with lye soap. It stripped off all that pomade he’d worked so hard to get right. 
“I hate the smell of pomade,” Charlie whispered. I got the feeling he wasn’t talking about pomade, not really. 
I started to comb out his hair with a wide-tooth wooden comb. “Do you want to talk about your ‘business’?”
“My father lives here in town.” Charlie’s voice held more poison than a hemlock bush. “He wanted me to see him when I was here. I visited. Apparently, not seeing me for months didn’t make him any kinder towards me.”
“The pomade,” I said, “it’s his?”
“I’ve never liked it.”
I supposed that was enough of an answer. 
That night, we slept together, his head on my chest, our legs entwined. He cried more than once before dawn. I didn’t ask why. I didn’t really have to. 
“Why don’t you grow your hair out?” I asked as the sun came in through the window. “Never use that godawful pomade again.”
We both knew the pomade wasn’t the issue. 
Two months later, Charlie’s hair was falling down past his collar. Within six months, his hair was long enough to braid. We moved our camp further west, and the first night away from Silver Creek, we burned all those clothes, and the pomade too. 
It smelled better when it burned. 
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Is this seat empty? " Yes and this one will be too if you sit down" , "Don't be like that my love."
For MLB!Harry first stupid fight in a relationship 😂
Okay this turned into something entirely different then the prompt. Sorry anon 😂
Peace & Quiet (Please)
If you enjoy please like, reblog, comment, or come talk to me!
I write for free so if you enjoy my work please consider donating to my kofi page.
“Where d’you put m’protein mix?” Harry asks, padding into the kitchen and opening every single fucking cabinet.
“It’s in the same place it’s been for the past five years,” YN bites out with a slight irritation, mixing the pancake batter a little rougher.
She’s been up since three in the morning and Harry sauntered in around six-thirty after coming home late from a baseball game last night.
All the babies still asleep.
“Ah - fuck,” Her husband huffs when he spills the powder all over the countertop and floor she had just swiffered ten minutes ago.
When he goes to open the other cabinet and grab for a shaker bottle - they all come tumbling out onto the floor in a loud clash.
“Could you be any louder? You going to wake up the kids!” YN scolds harshly, pointing to the closet, “Go get the swiffer.”
He obliges - surprised by her attitude, grabbing it and slapping it (by accident) on the ground like a fucking baseball bat, the head of the mop snapping off and breaking.
“S’broken,” Harry states the obvious, shrugging and going about peeling a banana before leaving the peel near the sink.
YN turns to face him, voice irritated, “I’m about to break you, just like you broke the swiffer.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” He asks cheekily but her glare tells him there is no amusement to be had this morning.
“I just spent all morning cleaning and you’ve made this place a disaster already!” His wife bites before flipping one of the pancakes.
Harry dejectedly cleans up his protein mix mess, neatly places the shake bottles into the right place, throws away the peel, and closes all the cabinets.
“M’sorry,” He murmurs, coming up behind her and kisses the nape of her neck, “Y’seem a bit cranky this mornin’.”
And man. He should have not said that.
“Do you have a baby who needs to fucking feed from your body every hour even during the night? I don’t think so,” She mutters, shaking him off of her.
“Hey, mama. M’bein’ an ass, what can I do to help?” He changes gears, choosing to stand next to her since she didn’t seem to want to be touch.
“Breastfeed - let your nipples feel like their constantly on fire and about to fall off. Make all this post-partum bleeding stop. Let me sleep for a day straight. I don’t know,” YN begins to sniffles, plating a few mini pancakes.
He’s taken aback, eyebrows furrowing in concern, and he leans forward to flip off the stovetop, “Can I touch you?”
She nods, wiping her eyes, and allows him to haul her up into their marble countertop, “Mama, y’need to tell me when y’feeling overwhelmed? Please baby. I’ve asked you a million times to wake me up and I can bottle feed her.”
“No, she…I have to feed her. It helps bonding and it-“
Harry interrupts firmly, “She will be perfectly fine being fed by a bottle a few times a day. You’re putting too much stress on yourself.”
Her head falls on his shoulder and she mumbles, “I just feel so…gross, not attractive at all.”
He pulls her back, searching her face in confusion, “Baby, why would you ever say somethin’ like that?”
YN let’s out a quiet sob, “My nipples are chafed and sore, I’m constantly bleeding, my belly hasn’t deflated -“
Harry can’t help but lean in and connect their lips harshly, he’s pulling her loose shirt up and over her head.
“Harry, what-“
“Listen t’me,” Harry rasps seriously, his hands are tender and careful as they cup her swollen breasts - thumbing at her painful nubs.
“I’m literally obsessed w’your tits, baby. They’ll go back to normal after y’done feeding and even if they don’t - I love them just as fucking much. You fed our three healthy strong boys and now you’re makin’ sure our chunky little girl is eating good.”
Then he hands move to cup her belly, large hands splayed over the still softening, firm bump from where Briar had been housed for nine months.
“Y’gave me four, four fuckin’ babies from this belly. I’m fucking in love with your body. God, y’thighs, y’tummy, the stretchmarks - fuck, getting me hard just lookin’ at you.”
It was true, he was stiffening up in his shorts but neither of them acknowledged it - it was a love boner more than anything else.
He literally got hard from how much he loved her.
“I’m tired,” She sighs softly, letting Harry tug her shirt back on as the children would be waking up soon to eat breakfast.
“I know, mama,” Harry acknowledges softly, giving her another kiss before taking over the pancake station.
When all the boys are downstairs and chomping away on their food, Cash, who is just about four decides it’ll be funny to squirt the sticky syrup all over their expensive stool cushions and the floor.
When YN turns from the sink to see the mess, she admits she snaps a little bit, “Really Harry? You’re supposed to be watching them, not checking the sports news on your phone!”
Harry is about to defend himself but his wife is stomping over to where Cash has emptied the bottle and gives him a firm look, “Cash Edward Styles, get your bum upstairs, right now.”
Cash’s eyes widen, his mother rarely needed to use a harsh tone with them, “Mama, I’m so-“
“If you are not upstairs, by the bathtub this instant, you get no outside time today. Do you understand me?” YN tells him, giving Easton a warning look when he licks at the syrup on his finger.
“Yes mama,” Cash squeaks out sadly, abandoning his plate and walking up towards the bathroom upstairs to get clean.
Easton and Ezra are dead silent as they watch their brother leave - not wanting the same fate as him so they sit proper.
“Sweetheart-“ Harry begins, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“No, I have my hands full taking care of four kids. I don’t need you acting like a fifth. Go bathe your son,” YN tells him coldly, an angry stare directed his way.
Harry clenches his jaw, biting his tongue as he stands up and pushes his chair in with force - making a loud noise before following after his second son.
A few minutes after they’re out of sight, Easton thought it’d be funny to wipe syrup down Ezra’s cheek which made Ezra cry and throw a pancake at his older brother - now soaking him in syrup.
YN starts to leak milk at the sound of Ezra’s cries.
“Easton Robin - get you butt upstairs this instant too. You know better - no outside time today,” She informs him as she uses a wet wipe to clean Ezra’s cheek.
“Mama,” Easton whines, fat tears starting roll down his cheeks as he stands up, loitering by the kitchen stool.
“Do not make me repeat myself,” YN warns, swiping a paper towel over the wet spot on her shirt from the leak.
Harry had just started washing up Cash who was still melancholy when his blubbering older one comes in - still tearful.
He sighs, looking at his syrupy son, “Wha’ happened?”
Easton looks hesitant, “I put syrup on Ezzie and mama said no outside time today.”
His father is tight-lipped, he can already predict that Easton’s actions upset Ezra, “Alright, c’mon. Let’s clean y’up too. Y’know better, Easton.”
Harry had just finished helping both boys dress when YN appears in the doorway with Ezra who has a binkie popped in his mouth.
She steps over and hands their son to Harry before muttering, “I’m going to feed Briar, keep the boys out of the room. I need some peace.”
YN disappears from the room before he can even reply to her.
Harry can admit he gets distracted when one of his coaches calls him up for a game change, doesn’t notice when Cash sneaks from the playroom.
It’s less than five minutes later when YN leads Cash gently by the hand back into the playroom, with Briar still latched and feeding.
When she sees Harry on his phone, she’s fucking livid with him.
“Really Harry?” His wife scoffs, guiding Cash to join Easton in where he’s playing with legos.
“I’ll call you back,” Harry replies to his coach before hanging up, “Sorry, it was Donny-“
“Good to know your job is more important than watching your kids,” She spits out before storming back out of the room.
Harry is up and following behind her, jaw clenched and irritated, “Just ‘cause you’re in a pissy mood doesn’t mean that y’say shit like that.”
She turns on her heel, eyes fiery, “You have no god damn consideration. You’ve been swamped this week because of your nike promotion and games. I’ve had the babies all by myself for four nights while you get to gallivant around!”
Harry goes to speak but she puts her free hand up.
“I ask for you to keep our house clean and to let me have one moment of peace with our daughter but you don’t even let me have that! You do not understand how hard it is to push a baby out of you and then have them rely on you to feed them twenty times a day!”
His anger fades when his wife starts sobbing - chest shuddering sobs, “I just had her four weeks ago. I-I haven’t had a break yet. You act like it’s so easy!”
He starts to walk towards her, “Sweetheart-“
YN shakes her head, a desperate plea in her tone, “Please just give me time with Briar.”
Harry swallows harshly and nods - feeling like shit as his wife walks back towards the stairs - all the while still feeding their daughter.
“Mum, I-can you take the boys for the night?” Harry asks quietly, standing in the kitchen while the two older boys are still playing quietly.
Ezra’s passed out, on Harry’s hip with his little face smushed against the cap of his shoulder with parted lips.
“Dear, is everything okay?” She replies cautiously.
“No, I-I don’t know. YN is overwhelmed and I don’t think I’ve been supportive enough,” Harry feels himself begin to sniffle.
Anne doesn’t pry for information which Harry loves about her, she agrees to take them, and states she’ll be over within the hour.
Harry goes about packing their pajamas and other necessities in their little backpacks as the squeal excitedly about going to Nana’s.
“Can we say bye to mama?” Easton asks anxiously as they clear out of their bedrooms.
“Let me go ask,” He murmurs, running a hand through his son’s curls.
When he cracks open the door, YN is sprawled out on her back, fast asleep with Briar also asleep in the bassinet next to the bed.
His heart aches because her shirt is off, and the remnants of her nipple cream which was a pinkish orange color wasn’t fully rubbed in on her bruised breasts.
Harry guides them downstairs, promising that their mama will call them later.
After the boys leave, Harry doesn’t know what to do so he cleans whatever he finds that is dirty or messy so she won’t have to.
He does all the laundry in the house, cleans up every single toy, and when Briar starts to whimper - he sneaks in to snatch her up so she doesn’t wake YN.
Then he takes her out to the shops with him to grab groceries, her favorite snacks, and maybe he does stop by a jewelry store and buy her something nice.
(casually a pair of 20k earrings)
YN fell asleep around eighty-thirty in the morning and doesn’t wake up until about nine at night, Harry had put Briar in her nursery about an hour ago.
When she does awake, Harry is sitting in the living room - watching a stupid action movie to pass time and dwell on everything.
She comes in quietly, stands in front of her husband who looks up at her with anxious eyes - she looks brighter now that she’s had adequate sleep.
“Will you hold me?” She rasps quietly, just in one of Harry’s shirts and soft pair of sleep shorts.
“Never haven t’ask, mama,” He murmurs, guiding her until she’s straddling his lap and burying her face into the crook of his neck.
His hands sneak beneath her shirt to massage the sleep-warm skin as he kisses her shoulder - over and over again.
“I’m so sorry,” YN whispers into his skin, voice croaky as she tries to not get upset.
He pulls her back to study her face, “Do not apologize, y’allowed to get mad at me and feel frustrated. You’re emotions are valid. There’s a lot going on and I could be doing more to help.”
YN wipes a tear that trickles down as she laughs in disbelief, “No, you can’t do anymore to help.”
“Wha-? I can, I promis-“
She interrupts his with a kiss before telling him sincerely, “You can’t do anymore help because you’re already doing the most amazing job. As a husband and dad. I was just tired and stressed - it’s not an excuse.”
It warms his heart, he fucking loves her so much it does make sense, has to button their lips together one more time.
“You have a really hard job too, on top of being a husband and dad. You give us all this, support us and take care of us.”
“Are y’kidding me? Y’the one who keeps this family together. Y’the fuckin’ love of my life, you know that? I love you so much, so so much,” He emphasizes, rubbing a thumb across her bottom lip.
The kiss one more time - the anger was subsided and they were okay once again.
Harry laughs and agree when YN murmurs, “S’time for bed again, m’tired.”
“Okay mama, anythin’ for you,” He responds before peppering her in kisses to make her giggle lightly.
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