peoneys · 1 year
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Last time people were requesting the Solass, here it is AH
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chakiryshka · 2 years
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pblumpkins · 4 months
reading the sun and the star rn here's my current thoughts;
I'm so tired of reading these boys fight atp I want em dead if I have to read Will being offended by something Nico says or Nico going "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IVE BEEN THRU...." at Will one more time I'm gonna lose it I'm gonna tear my hair out.
WHY did they establish that Will can grow and control plants at will (plantbender?) if he'll NEVER USE THAT POWER... bc he can't grow plants here bc plants are life and Tartarus has no life!!! no life allowed!!!
I like that grandma that gave them the boat and I love the idea for her dress being that it's made of spirits of the lonely and that her husband is the river and that's why she stays by it and never leaves. makes sense that she'd choose the lonely - by putting them together in a dress that she wears they might not be as lonely anymore and she definitely won't be be bc even though the spirits don't acknowledge her at all they're technically there I'm gonna draw her I have to
this is like reading Nick and Charlie where it feels like I'm in my room listening to my parents argue and it's so uncomfortable 😭
someone tell Nico to take a chill pill like bro Will basically never leaves the infirmary he don't go on quests ofc he's gonna be like "hey wtf is that"
I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today (whenever a characters clothes get torn / removed in a fight I go 🤨 purely bc I'm so used to that being for fan service)
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fanfic authors are having a fucking field day with this one boys
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Will is based confirmed
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breachinthesky · 1 month
did i really just make a solavellan edit to the smallest man who ever lived....yes, yes i did
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larkoneironaut · 2 years
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Hot buns fresh from the Fade 🍞🍞✨
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chknbzkt · 7 months
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“That smile… that damn smile…”
Soleil belongs to @venomous-qwille and he’s actively making me worse 🫠🤌🏽
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lostlosersclub · 2 months
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@bassguitarinablackt-shirt you are blind. blondes are beautiful.
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nespyofire · 1 year
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hawkeshep · 2 years
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What a fine day to listen to one of my very specific Solavellan playlists
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softboynick · 1 month
prompt: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folders, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks for the tag @tinyarmedtrex <3
rwrb big bang 2024
the king of new york and his princess
george x henry x alex, abo, mpreg hehehe
[marco x elliot] choking?
george x somerset
henry in lingerie !!!!
james bond: quantum solASS
little prince au
pool boy x older henry
prince henry and his knight
taken and tenured
Thinking i might have a heart attack
two sugar babies pt 2
untitled 1 (medieval)
alex and henry's infinite playlist
i didn't realize how many WIPs I had omg
tagging: @henrysfox @henryspearl @taste-thewaste @bigassbowlingballhead @anincompletelist
@anchor-bird-94 @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie
@wordsofhoneydew @bitbybitwrites @itsmaybitheway @magicandarchery @luainthewild
@firstprincehornyramblings @lfg1986-2
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how was ur day solass? :3
killing you killing you killing you killing you-
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thenewausten · 3 months
cellbo e uma amiga de infância q tbm é streamer!!uma vibe bem duo caótico q os dois juntos é equivalente a dois neurônios negativos !!
- 🌷
aaaaaaa obrigada pelo request!!! 🌷
Sendo amiga de infância do Cellbit HC's
Vocês juntos seriam puro caos, com certeza. Eu super imagino ele te chamando pra jogar os piores jogos possíveis em live, principalmente de terror. Spoiler: Um de vocês sairia surdo kskdjdkdkdk
Nas suas lives você chamaria ele pra fazer alguma receita de comida, tipo as lives que a Bagi já chegou a fazer, sabe? Se vocês fossem fazer um bolo, se não solasse, ia queimar um pouco. Certeza que o Cellbo não saberia fazer direito e ficaria perdido, e se ele esquecesse de colocar o fermento ele ia falar que foi você que esqueceu. Resultado: Vocês dois discutindo e comendo bolo solado/queimado enquanto discutem. No final, vocês iam olhar o vod da live ou algum clipe.
Pra lavar a louça depois ia ser uma guerra também, e provavelmente ia ter guerra de farinha (você começaria só pra irritar ele)
Vocês se conheceram na escola e depois não se separaram mais, ele te chamava pra jogar na casa dele e assim como os irmãos mais velhos dele ensinaram ele a jogar RPG e resolver enigma, eles te ensinaram também <3
Você com certeza faria parte de Ordem Paranormal e com certeza faria um caos nas sessões de RPG, ele tinha que se segurar muito pra não rir enquanto mestre te vendo fazer merda em todo lugar possível
Ia se perguntar como você não morreu ainda dentro do RPG, e às vezes ia ficar irritado com a sua bagunça, mas nada muito sério
Se você fosse do QSMP também, você ia trolar ele o tempo todo. Colocando mina no quintal dele, chamando ele pra perto só pra ele se explodir... Entrar no castelo e ficar assustando ele, fingindo ser um fantasma...
Vocês iam zoar o Quackity juntos com certeza 😭😭
Vocês têm uma amizade muuuito longa, então se entendem muito bem e apesar de sempre serem caóticos juntos, vocês têm seus momentos fofinhos <3
Obrigada por ler, espero que você aproveite a escrita!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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spicywarl0ck · 9 months
You tried to change me
I felt inspired for a quick, small drabble for my daily writing <3 I try to write every Day to get my inspiration back, and while I love Fenris, Dorian was my first ever Dragon Age romance. I never wrote him to this point, because I was always afraid my writing is not enough to be of justice of him, but lately I try not to overthink too much and just write what's in my head to get better. Have to start with something after all :) Fandom: Dragon Age Inquiisiton Pairing: Dorian Pavus/Male Lavellan Rating: T Words: 664
“You tried to… to change me”
He can’t forget the words Dorian said to his father, the hurt in his words and face. It was like seeing the real Dorian for the first time, a man hurt over the inability of his father to accept him for simply being himself.
It’s an emotion he understands all too well.
The rotunda is quiet, except for the cawing of Leliana’s ravens up in the rookery. An opened book still lies on Solass's desk, abandoned for the night as the man had eventually retired for the evening. All well of course and yet, it’s still odd to see the usually occupied chair abandoned for once.
His feet take him up the stairs, casting one last glance at the faintly illuminated murals before the smell of old books and parchments hit him.
He was told, the Inquisition’s library is supposed to be small against others and yet, for him it’s still a small kind of miracle to see so many books in one place. But maybe, an elf growing up outside of any cities, couldn’t make a real comparison after all.
Not that this thought is going to lead him anywhere for the time being though.
His eyes spot the man he is searching for, settled down on the big armchair a glass of wine in his hand as he holds it into the light. He watches as the colourful light, falling through the painted window dances on the surface, the liquid still untouched and its holder only staring at it blankly.
The silence is unbearable.
“I’m sorry about the way it went down with your father.” Lavellan’s voice is soft when he speaks up. “I wouldn’t have put you up to this if I had known.” He watches Dorian’s fingers moving slightly, showing his alert before he even shifts his face to look at him.
“Oh, Don’t apologize.” Dorian puts the glass away to wave his hand absentmindedly. “You couldn’t have known, and it’s not like you kept the meeting a meeting to begin with. We both know that this hen of a revered Mother asked you to keep the letter a secret.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to keep it from you. It didn’t seem fair.” He shrugs, shuffling his feet a bit awkwardly. This is not going as he had thought it would when he decided to approach the Tevinter mage in the first place. But, then again, it never happens as someone played it out in their head before, didn’t it?
“But, nevermind that. Are you alright?”  He watches Dorian’s expression falter for a moment, the hurt crossing his eyes once more before he takes a deep breath.
“Not really. But I will be.” Dorian pauses for a moment, his lips and moustache twitching. “You knew all along, didn’t you? About me?” he adds, causing Lavellan to shuffle his feet again before he answers.
“I mean… I flirted with you a lot, and you returned it.” Lavellan chuckles softly. “So, I at least took you for being interested in both at least.” he pauses for a second, before adding: “But even if I wouldn’t have, it wouldn’t have mattered to me.”
Surprise shifts over Dorian’s face, the smallest hint of a smile following that warms his eyes just a tad.
“Thank you.” his voice is surprisingly soft when he speaks. “For both telling me that and for giving me the opportunity to tell my father how I truly feel. It won’t make up for the past years, and I doubt we will become close with each other again but… it’s a beginning I suppose.”
Lavellan watches when Dorian reaches back for the glass, about to bring it to his lips before he pauses again, padding the cushioned stool standing next to him. 
“Join me for a drink, would you? Your ambassador managed to get her hands on the most exquisite tevene wine. It would be a shame to drink it all on my own.” 
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arcann · 2 months
love the concept of da protagonists dying in their game, would have gotten sick in the head if solass could even touch one bit of hair out of any of my ocs and weekes could still go on with their merry life saying "yeah he's the alpha wolf, the sigma male, the poor little meow meow" for the next ten years
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ilovewillsolace · 1 year
funfact in russian Will's last name sounds like "solass"
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thanekrios · 2 years
i’m romancing solass🤡
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