#solar eclipse 2022
wailveid · 2 years
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Eclipse ~
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Yesterday's Partial Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan).
Viewed from Satara.
Got to witness Sunset and Solar Eclipse at the same time.
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luupetitek · 2 years
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SOLAR ECLIPSE! :D Aaah, it was so exciting! I was scared clouds would ruin the fun, but they actually helped catching some pretty photos with a sun shining through them and the sky cleared out for the maximum phase, so it was just perfect! I managed to take some good shots with and without the protective foil and also some with a home made camera obscura x3 How did your observations go?
All pictures from the gif in higher res can be seen below ✨
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And a small additional one, as I couldn't resist :V Pacman version!
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Venus Ketu in Libra as part of solar eclipse. Time to review relationships and relationships may end and new ones may begin. Business might be affected. Contracts may end and renewed and new deals can be made. it's time to review what you are giving and getting in life.
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nuitapp · 2 years
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Welcome to eclipse season, 🌑 aka cosmic course correction season!
This is a season where CHANGE is in the air and karmic, fated events transpire. 🦋 While this can be a transformative window of time, it is important to heed some eclipse wisdom, as eclipses are NOT for the faint of heart!
Here’s how to ensure you have the most soulful, powerful eclipse season yet:
DO - Stay calm
DON’T - Panic
Things get a little intense during eclipses, and the MOST important thing for you to hold onto is your head during this season! You can notice you are WAY more erratic, impulsive and emotional at this time. Strive to stay grounded and level-headed as we navigate these rocky waters!
DO - Notice where you feel called to transformed
DON’T - Make impulsive decisions
Eclipses ARE to shake things up. But you will KNOW when you are being “eclipsed” which is a huge shift that is being thrust upon you. However, if you are just contemplating making a HUGE life change - moving, breaking up, changing career - perhaps see how you feel after the eclipse, once the dust settles a bit.
DO - Protect your energy
DON’T - Overextend yourself
When the cosmos are busy, busy, busy, we can feel busy here on planet earth! While rushing around can be the norm at this time, see if you can go slow and be extra mindful when it comes to what it is you put on your plate. Keep your to-do list low and your boundaries high!
DO - Observe what happens
DON’T - Indulge in escapist tendencies
Eclipses are a time where this is more going on than meets the eye. While you could feel tempted to escape into your own world at this time, this is an essential time to stay vigilant. The events that transpire around eclipses have significance that ripple out FAR beyond this present moment in time.
DO - Tune into what’s coming up for you
DON’T - Feel like if you’re not being “eclipsed” there’s nothing significant occurring
Whether the changes occurring are external or internal, dramatic or subtle, there IS an eclipse story playing out for you. It may not be as intense for you if your sign isn’t one of the emphasized ones, but there will be life events that help to accelerate your soul’s development. Pay attention to the ideas, conversations and nudges you receive at this time - even if it’s not LIFE CHANGING, you will see in the future how it makes more sense.
DO - Listen to your intuition and be discerning
DON’T - Feel pressured to do a ritual
In traditional astrology, eclipses were considered too volatile, dramatic and unpredictable to do rituals or spellwork. Use discernment and trust your intuition on what’s right for you.
👉🏽 Find all astrological events and educational content ⭐️ on our Blog Post at nuitapp.com
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painting-aphrodite · 2 years
Partial Solar Eclipse
At the 2nd Degree of Scorpio
Tuesday 25th of October 2022
Starting 8:58
Maximum 11:00 - UTC
End 14:02
Some cities where partial eclipse is visible
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Helsinki, Finland
* Tallinn, Estonia
* Minsk, Belarus
* Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
* Moscow, Moscow, Russia
* Tbilisi, Georgia
* Yerevan, Armenia
* Astana, Kazakhstan
* Baku, Azerbaijan
* Baghdad, Iraq
* Tehran, Iran
* Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
* Tashkent, Uzbekistan
* Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
* Almaty, Kazakhstan
* Dushanbe, Tajikistan
* Kabul, Afghanistan
* Islamabad, Pakistan
* New Delhi, Delhi, India
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, blocking off the light of the Sun.
An eclipse of the Sun never comes alone..
always taking place 2 weeks before or after a lunar eclipse. ( Lunar eclipse in Taurus on 08th of November)
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the Moon.
The Zodiac sign Scorpio is associated to:
Other peoples money, taxes, debt, shared resources, armed forces, intensity, secrecy, death, rebirth, healing, concentrative faculties, investigation, digging, power, regeneration, occult topics, taboo, satiation, those who work in the shadows, mafia, letting go and pro-creative systems etc,.
Ruled by the element Water.
Fixed outcomes can be anticipated. Much emotionality.
Both Venus and the Moon are conjoined the Sun at the time of the celestial event.
Venus is associated to relationships, women, children, freedom, beauty and finances etc,. Its known as the lesser benefic. Immense importance of all mentioned.( particular significance of financial systems)
Expect transformative, sudden and moving happenings in the days leading up to the Eclipse + afterwards.
Use this energy to bring about any personal alchemy - worthwhile alterations in order for something new and lasting to emerge.
The ruler of Scorpio - Mars.
Is in the sign of Gemini where it will turn retrograde on the 30th of October - a turning back, revisitation, delays, changing of course for all Martial themes. Fire (Mars) \ in a Air sign - hyperactive thoughts, learning, many discussions, returning paperwork at times manipulation and purging.
Instigating and cathartic unveiling of information. News platforms/ online spheres among other Gemini ruling are emphasised.
A complete opposition between the Law-makers/ religious systems of countries and the masses. A push from the left wing .. - much fraud, lies, obsessions, loss and vice.
‘Currently The Sun (The State, governing bodies) is in the sign of Libra, in its fall.
When the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd of October we will see a clear change of approach + status of the rulers - along with converting mundane happenings.’
“An eclipse
in Scorpio denotes ruin of houses and ancient buildings, divisions and hatred amongst the clergy, and they shall excite tumults.
In the watery triplicity, it promises the death of the vulgar and ignoble sort of people, seditions and rumours of wars and eruptions and floods of sea banks.
If a eclipse is in the first Face (Decan) of Scorpio it moves and stirs up wars and tumults, slaughter, hatred, captivities, plots and treachery.”
from the Book Astrology Munda.
Consider the whole chart
Al Mumtaz, signs, rulerships, aspects etc,..
if the 3rd house is ruled by Scorpio…
3rd house. relates to siblings, local community, things revolving around your transport, travel and communication to name a few..
If its your 4th house - then noticeable things related to Home, nurturing and family etc.
If its the 6th then it shall be work related, daily habits, health, co- workers, institutions, confinements, learning etc,..
The relevant life area (house) will be activated..
and Allah (swt) knows best
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encyclopedia4y · 2 years
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Surya Grahan 30 April 2022 : आंशिक ग्रहण आज, गर्भवती महिलाएं ध्यान रखें ये उपाय
Surya Grahan 30 April 2022 : आंशिक ग्रहण आज, गर्भवती महिलाएं ध्यान रखें ये उपाय
Surya Grahan 30 April 2022 : इस बार का सूर्यग्रहण आंशिक है और साथ ही यह भारत में नहीं दिखेगा। ऐसे में कहा जा रहा है कि इसमें सूतक नहीं होगा। खासकर जब ग्रहण भारत में दिखेगा नहीं तो इसका असर भी लोगों पर नहीं होगा। लेकिन में लोगों को कन्फ्यूजन है कि 30 अप्रैल और 1 मई को पड़ने वाले सूर्य ग्रहण के असर को लेकर सावधानियां अपनाएं या नहीं। ज्योतिषियों के अनुसार इस बार का सूर्यग्रहण, एक छाया ग्रहण यानी…
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pixelchills · 1 year
🎉Happy New Year!
Here's my monthly summary of art from 2022! I was super active with art this year, especially on January-March and October-December period. Hopefully I'll have time to work with art just as much in the upcoming year! (And without injuries)
Wishing you all the best for the starting year! <3
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godbirdart · 2 years
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commission for Beetlebytes
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helaniara · 1 year
Wheel of the year for beginners <3
The Wheel of the Year is a term used to describe the cycle of the seasons and the holidays that are associated with them in many Pagan and Wiccan traditions. The Wheel of the Year consists of eight major holidays, known as sabbats, which mark the turning points in the solar cycle. These sabbats are:
Yule (Winter Solstice): Celebrated on or around December 21, this holiday marks the longest night of the year and the return of the sun. It is a time of renewal and hope.
Imbolc (Candlemas): Celebrated on or around February 2, this holiday marks the beginning of spring and is associated with the goddess Brigid. It is a time of purification and renewal.
Ostara (Spring Equinox): Celebrated on or around March 21, this holiday marks the beginning of spring and the balance of light and darkness. It is a time of new beginnings and growth.
Beltane (May Day): Celebrated on or around May 1, this holiday marks the beginning of summer and is associated with fertility and growth. It is a time of celebration and joy.
Litha (Summer Solstice): Celebrated on or around June 21, this holiday marks the longest day of the year and the height of summer. It is a time of abundance and joy.
Lughnasadh (Lammas): Celebrated on or around August 1, this holiday marks the beginning of the harvest season and is associated with the god Lugh. It is a time of thanksgiving and abundance.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox): Celebrated on or around September 21, this holiday marks the beginning of autumn and the balance of light and darkness. It is a time of gratitude and reflection.
Samhain (Halloween): Celebrated on or around October 31, this holiday marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is a time to honor the ancestors and to reflect on the past.
The Wheel of the Year is a way for Pagans and Wiccans to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the changing seasons and is a time to reflect on the cycles of life.
blessed be lovelies <3
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theuncrucified · 2 years
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I refreshed the Exalted Art Challenge with a couple of new topics and a list of weekly topics for the slow folks like me! We moved right in the middle of this challenge for October, so I only had time to partake in the weekly topics, instead.  Still, this challenge is always a lot of fun and a great excuse to experiment with different methods and styles!
Read more about the lore of each drawing and watch time lapses of their creation here.
Week 1 - Your PC - Laughing Fox, my Changing Moon Lunar
Week 2 - A Meal In Creation - A Feast for The Plentimon of Dice
Week 3 - Fave Charm - Archery (plus some exploration of Kalara's anima)
Week 4 - Fave Fashion - A Chiaroscuro Glass Gown for Kalara
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saturniandevil · 2 years
October 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s October Forecast. This episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and returning guest host Diana Rose Harper. Our hosts are in the US but the dates on the calendar are based off UTC.
September recap With Mars in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler Venus in fall (while Mercury was in Libra), and the Sun in Virgo for most of the month, this month has been full of the most stereotypical Mercury retrograde events. For example, GTA VI was leaked online, further delaying the game’s official release; automobiles and theft are both Mars-Mercury significations. Chris also connects this to the death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II, whose Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising posits questions around the place of monarchical authority in the modern world; and additionally this happened just before Mercury stationed in Libra, her 10th house, further indicating a focus on public image and reputation. In light of Uranus-Saturn we can also see this as another foundation that people take for granted falling.
Another Saturn-Uranus event is the power grid failing in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Fiona hit its already weak power grid. This foundation was stress-tested and failed 5 years ago when Maria hit, and no money was put into strengthening it, so this known weakness has shown us murderous negligence once again. This also relates to the flooding in Pakistan where millions have been displaced as the mountain glaciers melted to essentially form a new inland sea.
Also keep in mind that with Mars retrograde upcoming, we’re going to see a return of events that we have already witnessed when Mars revisits these degrees. The upcoming Jupiter-Neptune copresence (a repeat of earlier this year) can be connected to the rise of AI-generated images being used in place of images usually made by hand. Last time Neptune and Jupiter were together in Pisces, we saw a rise of tons of new dyes, only for many of them to turn out to be toxic, and Diana wonders if something similar will play out in visual art. Can we tell what’s “real” or “fake?” How will we define authorship?
October 2nd - Mercury stations Direct Having just regressed into Virgo, Mercury stations in his domicile/exaltation, but is almost exactly opposite illusive Neptune and square tense Mars (and trine Pluto). We want to move forward with clarity about things that are vague and undecided. As Mercury rules Mars, we want to make order out of conflicts as well, but Neptune clouds things. Think divination from clouds or fire, where the traditional guides are extremely specific and ordered, or dream interpretation, where we have to figure out the new rules amid lots of information. Diana describes it like birds chattering while you are trying to do another form of divination--how do we sift the important information from the noise? We can also think of white noise, where enough noise can bring stillness.
Generally, Virgo significations can include pens & writing, spreadsheets & numbers, putting things in order, and going back to the facts to find patterns rather than fitting events into a preexisting narrative. Virgo seeks perfection, which can result in trying to create it but can also involve finding the purpose and function of what’s already there. With Mercury-Mars contacts we can think of doing subtractive sculpture with a chainsaw, where Aquarius Saturn trining Mars says “cool your jets, but here’s a chainsaw.” However, Neptune’s opposition to Mercury makes the lines blurry--measure twice, cut once.
October 8th - Pluto stations Direct In Capricorn, this gives us an elongated trine to Mercury--which goes exact on the 6th when both planets are slowing as they change motion. This is the third of three trines between them, with previous ones at August 2nd and September 22nd. Mercury-Pluto contacts involve the uncovering of secrets and a desire to dig deeper for the truth. With Neptune hanging around, watch out for projection clouding our judgement.
October 9th - Full Moon in Aries
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This is gonna be the last Aries Full Moon for awhile that’s not an eclipse, as the nodes are moving to the Aries-Libra axis. Venus within conjunction (Sun)/opposition (Moon) distance brings in some harmony, with sextiles from Mars and Saturn looking to help (as does a copresence with Jupiter). This lunation and the days around it are a good time to put things in as much order and harmony as we can in preparation for eclipse seasons. Diana compares it to tuning instruments or having backup strings and bows in case of difficulties at the concert. For those of us whose spirits have been brought down in recent years, the Moon in the middle decan of Aries with Jupiter around brings us upright energy--strength to act justly and inspire others through our actions.
October 10th - Mercury reenters Libra When the Moon is in an air sign, this gives us 6 out of 7 visible planets in air signs. With too much air, the wind can scatter the leaves without ever landing any of them in the bucket. This gusty environment can pull us in 50 different directions while flattening our priorities. This year Libra season is bookended by cazimis (began with exact Sun-Mercury conjunction, ends with Sun-Venus), which figuratively can be a calm in the storm where we have sudden clarity. Generally Libra cares about spatial relationships and balance, like taking the bookshelf Virgo organized and making sure it’s placed in the right relationship to the desk and door. Where Gemini wants symmetry, Libra wants to balance asymmetry--a scale doesn’t need to have the same things on either side as long as the weights add up. As a cardinal sign, Libra is always actively harmonizing--you have to tune an instrument before every performance.
October 22nd - Electional Chart
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This election is around 6AM (😰) local time, when the Ascendant is at about 08Libra. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are all in Libra in the first house (whole signs). Libra is both in domicile and of the sect in favor as this is before dawn. The Moon is in Cancer in the 10th house, applying to a square with Venus, and Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house serves as an angular benefic. The malefics are not in focal points in the chart. This is great for of course Libra/Venusian activities such as art, balance, redecorating. What does it mean to articulate ephemeral beauty? Literary and artistic works are especially indicated, considering Mercury-Venus-Jupiter. On the subject of elections, Chris and Leisa’s report for next year is available now, and next year includes some great elections.
October 20th - Venus and Sun square Pluto (not pictured) We can see the things we’ve tacitly agreed not to get into come up anyway--what you resist persists. Venus-Pluto connotes power dynamics (whether real or projected) or unsolvable impasses. Austin cautions that some things are hidden for a reason, and we can’t necessarily overpower all the dark difficulties we find. With Virgo this can also bring up the impulse to sanitize can result in sterility, or celebrities who start from humble beginnings but can no longer relate to the average person after huge success, making their work less believable for audiences.
October 22nd - Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra The Sun and Venus have both squared Pluto before this cazimi. This is the first Venus cazimi in Libra since 1879, and the first superior cazimi in Libra since 1867, so we can expect feelings of a brand new era with even more air energy.
October 23rd - Saturn stations direct, Sun and Venus enter Scorpio This is the last time Saturn stations in Aquarius before he enters Pisces next year, so for anyone with a natal Saturn or generally experiencing this transit, this is the final storm.
Venus is combust (so close to the Sun she’s invisible) for almost all of October, but in exaltation or domicile (in this case, Libra) a combust planet will still retain its ability to do things. Not only does she lose her protection leaving Libra, in Scorpio she’s especially weak, and then the solar eclipse smashes into her. One may think as a benefic that she can lessen the eclipse a little, but in December 2019 eclipse on Jupiter ended up smashing the benefic (explosion of the virus in Wuhan).
October 25th - Solar eclipse in Scorpio This eclipse is in the sidereal 14th lunar mansion (the Moon’s path in the sky divided into 28 pieces, analogous to the zodiac and the Sun)/tropical 17th, asking us, “what do you do with the resources you have acquired? What are the consequences of actually getting what you asked for? ” Getting what you want isn’t the same as understanding the consequences of getting what you want. What happens after the dog finally catches the car he’s chasing?
The first decan of Scorpio can be described as hunger, and combined with this being a South node eclipse, this event indicates hunger and the question of whether this hunger can be sated.
This eclipse also reactivates the Saturn-Uranus square, which is reaching 1 degree of separation in October--its last hurrah before Saturn enters Pisces. This outer planet tension has indicated economic troubles and disurptions in basic industries or commodities (from the US rail worker strike to increased famine in Syria), which the eclipse only accelerates. Unfortunately the hunger signification (and a hunger for energy) will likely manifest literally in many countries this fall/winter, considering the disruption in wheat, fertilizer, oil and gas supply lines this year. On a local level Diana suggest this is an important time to support your local food bank and other organizations that help people’s basic needs. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, and combined with the Saturn square and eclipse, on a personal level our hosts have found many fixed sign clients are making much-needed changes.
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October 28th - Retrograde Jupiter enters Pisces This means Jupiter and Neptune will be in loose conjunction. Jupiter-Neptune has had some economic effects, such as with crashes in cryptocurrency. Bubbles tend to pop. We don’t have time for new ones to form so much as going back to things from earlier this year. The dreams that survive this aren’t just fantasies. Diana also predicts the potential for genuine feasting or escaping into a small fantasy for a minute, especially in November during the almost 50 hours of the Moon not aspecting anything (void of course) immediately after Thanksgiving. Venus’s abilities to help will be curtailed around this time, but we can turn to our domicile Jupiter for some (different) help.
October 29th - Mercury enters Scorpio Mercury will follow the Sun and Venus’s path, meaning he’ll also square Pluto before entering this sign.
October 30th - Mars stations Retrograde Chris compares this to the feeling of eating an extremely spicy pepper, where you have to just sit with the discomfort until it goes away. Diana points out capsaicin requires milk to neutralize--the Moon may be a remedy to these troubles. However, Mars doesn’t sneak up on you, and with a trine from Saturn we can look for coolheaded time-management to best apply our unstable energies. During this retrograde Mars will become increasingly brighter at night and visible for longer periods of time, until the middle of the retrograde in December when it will rise as the Sun sets like a Full Moon.
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crazycatkatetrap · 1 year
Random Sketch Dump🙃
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This sketch is personally my favorite👆 (it's based off of the "I'm respecting your privacy, but coming in anyway" thing)
Oh, and credits go to CourtneysConcepts on DeviantArt for the poses seen in the third image and credit to @kaleidoscopek9 for her punk Moondrop design (this is just a lazy WIP, I was experimenting with the idea from the post)🙃
And I also did a mini thing of my Moon hugging bread (I know it looks like a football, I tried😂)
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Little Moony huggin' a loaf:3
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clownmfxx · 2 years
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#11 eyes
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Solar Eclipse
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
So far the climax of the spooky season has a sense of impending doom and loneliness to it. 9/10 perfect October.
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P.S. I saw a beautiful bug with Halloween colours earlier, will post that early trick or treater soon enough!
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