#some quick pose studies....
filia-floris · 3 months
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Some strange guys and one little cutie patootie
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dreameroftheblue · 2 months
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bunch of recent crowley studies + a few doodles from memory; sorting my wing ref folder made me wanna practice some less common poses/angles... so of course they all became God's Favourite Demon™. because he lives in my brain and hands and demands to be released
(listen I know that the wings are meant to be metaphysical/spiritual/etc,, but also. monsterpeople with realistic proportions doing natural sorts of movement will never not be fun lol)
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zosanbrainrot · 22 days
ok yall feel free to send me OP drawing requests over my askbox 💗💗💗
no guarantees I'll get to them but I really enjoyed drawing the two quicker sketches I've just posted, I wanna get back to the quicker looser style I was using in the WCI comic!!
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Hello Dearest!
May I request König (I love this man) and the 141 squad (separately) where fem! reader catches them staring at her joocy ass as she's slightly bent over a table, translating some papers for them, and when she turns to see if they're listening she catches the way their eyes panic and look elsewhere.
Please my lord, I'm on my knees
Fem!Reader Catches The 141 + König Looking At Her Ass
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cod masterlist
I’m having a 400 follower celebration!
A/N: i hope you enjoy!! also this gets a bit dirtier than i intended,,,,
You’re standing up with your hands on the table, slightly bent over it with your eyes scanning the documents in front of you. The words that flood these pages hold valuable information and it’s a language none of the main members of the 141 understand. Your their main translator for any documents and prisoners as you’ve studied and have become fluent in a variety of languages. Your eyebrows furrow as you lift one of your hands and move the document a bit to the side to reveal the one underneath it, and then that hand hovers over the laptop you have set aside to type up your translations. Your back is arched in such a way where your ass is slightly bending outwards. “Hey, where did you guys say you got these document from?— What Country?” You pick the document up that caught your eye and your eyes scan every word, muttering quiet translations. You notice he doesn’t say anything, causing you to look back at him. “Hey, are you listening?—“ Suddenly his head looks the other way with a clear of his throat and you’re left confused. Did this topic make him nervous? Did something happen when they got these documents for this reaction to occur?—and then it hits you. He was staring at your ass. “Were.. were you looking at my ass?”
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-> John Price
He clears his throat and his fingers go to his chin, rubbing at it nervously. Price hoped you didn’t notice him staring; he couldn’t help it. The way your back is arched just puts your ass on the most perfect display, and the way your pants are hugging your ass?? God, it’s like you wore them to kill him.
He can’t deny it, not when you so clearly caught him red handed. “Guilty.” He responds, his eyes darting anywhere but you. He’s being careful, as he knows this could very well go a way he didn’t want. “I’m sorry.”
Price has always noticed you around base, always thought it was a pleasure working with you. Your skills and talents in quick translation always impressed him. Your quips and your remarks have always intrigued him as well. It’d be a lie to say this is his first time staring.
“I don’t mind.”
He nearly asks you to repeat yourself but the glint in your eye, combined with your eyelash batting and the way you’re sticking your ass out even further, openly letting him take it in.
You then turn back around to your work, purposely bending your leg to stick your ass out into such a glorious pose, causing him to swear under his breath.
-> Kyle Garrick
He laughs with a nervous hue, his hands behind his back, one hand gripping the wrist of the other. Kyle can feel his heart pounding through the pulse on his wrist. His face feels hot from embarrassment as he clicks his tongue and rocks on the balls of his feet for a second, avoiding any eye contact with you. “Nope.”
You smirk because you know he was, you saw that split second of enthrallment, admiring the way your pants hug your ass, curving in on the underside, folding in such a perfect way, showing off how grabbable it is, how the meat of it would sink under his fingers. His face begins to heat up as his fingers twitch, the want to squeeze filling his gut.
“Mhm, sure.” You didn’t sound mad, in fact you sound.. amused. You turn back to your work, but not before pulling your pants up even further, digging into the crevices of your muscle. You pretend you don’t hear the quiet, shocked “damn” come from his lips for his own sanity.
-> John MacTavish
His cheeks are red while his hand scratches the back of his head, which he does when he’s embarrassed. Soap hesitantly looks at you again after a second of not responding. You look back at him with a smirk curled on your face, tilting your head as you oh so innocently change poses by leaning your back more into a down position, arching your back ever so slightly more than before.
Okay, now he was definitely obvious with his staring. Soap has to admit that he’s glanced once or twice before, but he never stared when he thought there was a chance where he could get caught.
You hum and turn back to the documents below you, and Soap thought that was that for a moment—oh, how he was wrong. You begin to talk.
“I know you were,” You quip. “How long?” He jolts ever so slightly, offering a nervous chuckle. You note his accent seems to thicken and drip from his voice like thick honey now. “What d’ya mean?” You look at him with a raised brow, and he gives you a smile that shows his gums. You roll your eyes playfully.
“Y’know, if you just admitted it, I would’ve let you touch.” Wait, what?
-> Ghost
He weighs his options and lets out a heavy sigh with an admission of guilt which you grin at; it’s not easy to get Ghost to admit to something like this. Admit to a mistake made on the field, sure, no problem, he’ll take full ownership but fuck, this is different.
You tread carefully, but you bite your lip, keeping your eyes on his. You notice the way his eyes are slightly wider than normal and he’s looking away; you guarantee that he’s blushing under that black grease and dark skull mask and you love how nervous he seems.
“It’s alright to look.” You murmur, and you turn your head back to the papers in front of you. As soon as he knows you look away, he looks back at you, and more specifically your ass. “I know these pants are tight, hm?” You can’t help but tease him about it, bending your spine so your ass is out more. “I beg your pardon?” His words are slow and connected in a swift sentence, his voice slightly tight.
You don’t respond verbally, but you shoot him a look over your shoulder that says it all, and he returns a lidded look that involuntarily pulls a grin from your lips.
-> König
“I apologize..!” He blurts out as he looks away, his fingers intertwining nervously. He did not mean to stare, really, but your pants are so tight and he’s usually really respectful and he doesn’t usually stare, and he can usually keep his eyes from wandering—
You tilt your head as you notice the man just lock up in place and you can’t help but bark out a laugh, causing him to glance at you before glancing away, pure shame radiating off of him. “König, it’s fine, I don’t care,” You begin, the corner of your lip lifting in amusement.
König keeps his eyes off of you even after you say you don’t mind as he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but that doesn’t stop his mind from wandering. He wondered if those pants fit you that tight everywhere? Did you own any pants that fit you tighter?
His eyes do end up on your ass again as he wonders if you own any tight leggings, the type that are sheer and and hug your legs and waist tight. The type that leave little to the imagination as it hugs the swell of your ass and the roundness of your cunt—
“König.” “Es tut mir Leid!!”
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asmosmainhoe · 6 months
MC draws the brothers
im kinda shy to ask this but, can u make artist!mc drawing brothers and others and them reacting to it?(*´-`)
- @maiitski
Note: This was incredibly fun to write! I also only did the brothers, because I don't write for more than 7 characters in one post
Gender: neutral
Warnings: heavy language
You often draw him when he's working, because then he's absolutely still for hours
At first he doesn't exactly know what you're doing over there with your notebook. The first guess is some kind of study and you're simply looking for some peace and quiet to focus
Once he's done with the mountain of paperwork he walks over to you and glances over your shoulder
Oh wow. The portrait you drew of him looks fantastic and he nods proudly until he notices some special details
"Why are the spots under my eyes so dark?"
"Well, you've been working for hours now."
"I see..my hair looks so disheveled as well."
"You just really need some rest."
A portrait falls out of your notebook when you leave the room and he quickly hides it in one of his drawers. There is no way he won't treasure your hard work
To say that it's difficult to draw a picture of the greedy demon is a complete understatement since he's in constant movements
The only time you catch him truly sitting still is when he's counting money after a long day of casino activities
"Look at what I won, MC! Hey, you're not even listenin'!"
"Sorry, Mammon. I didn't notice that you talked to me."
"What are ya doin' anyways, huh?"
His voice gets caught in his throat and he starts coughing violently. Partly to hide his embarrassment
"It l-looks pretty cool."
"I can get rid of it if you want me to."
"Are ya mad?! You can't just destroy a picture of the great Mammon! Give that to me."
By now it's routine for you to chill in his room to watch him play in the evening, but sometimes it does get a bit boring. Especially when he's playing a game that isn't your cup of tea
So you take out your notebook and start drawing whatever comes to your mind. This time it happens to be the envious third born
But you can't satisfy yourself with a normal portrait, no. You decide to draw him as if he's a character from the game he's currently obsessing over and proudly show him your work once you're done
You can watch Levi's soul leave his body in real time once he realizes that out of all the cool things in his room you drew him
"I-I can't believe you drew me! Me! It looks so good too! MC, I've got to have this! Please!"
I can see him roll around the room crying and screaming if you refuse to hand over the drawing
Once he loses himself in a book he turns into a freaking statue
Of course he has seen your drawings before and he absolutely adores them. There are several cat pictures from you hanging on his walls
But seeing you put his own features onto paper is a whole other thing
You manage to make him blush a little and chuckle in embarrassment as he inspects your work
"You're extremely talented. It almost looks real."
As Satan inspects your portrait an idea comes to his mind and a mischievous grin forms on his lips
"Do you perhaps take requests? I'd love for you to draw me tower over Lucifer. Preferably him cowering on the ground while I step on him."
"You know exactly that he will kill me if I do that."
"Oh, well. It was worth a shot."
Please, the moment he notices that you're drawing him he's going to strike poses left and right
"Let me fix the light real quick! Oh, I how do I look? Is my hair sitting correctly? Oh, why am I even asking? Of course it does!"
It's not the first time that someone either draws him or takes a picture of him, but with you it's special
Now you have to show him your entire notebook! He has to know if there are more portraits of him!
And there are. Most of them are him in an absolutely relaxed position and often times when he's not dolled up at all
"Why didn't you tell me? I would have gotten ready!"
"You looked the most beautiful in these moments. I didn't wanna disturb them- are you crying?"
Please, to him you're the most talented artist he has ever seen! And he doesn't hold back with that thought!
One time you drew food just for fun and he ate the entire paper, because it looked way too good. You have to admit that that's quite the high compliment
And Beel has such beautiful and drawable features so how couldn't you put that on a piece of paper?
"Can I see what you're doing?"
The hungry demon gets to lost in it that he's just silent for a very long time. It gets to a point where you worried that he might not like it
"I can throw it away if you want to."
"No, why? I love it."
He never really realized how good he looks until now
"Can I keep it?"
Our sleeping beauty over here is perfect to draw considering he sleeps so still that one might think he actually died
One time you don't even notice that he woke up from his nap and is wondering what you're so focused on
It's only when he leans over to get a peak inside your notebook. You quickly hide the drawings of him, but it's too late for that now. The damage is done and you brace yourself for his teasing
"Wow, you must really like me."
"Shut up."
"This is some Levi-level simping."
You guys wrestle over the notebook for a little while until he grows tired of it and lays down again with a yawn
"Fine. Keep your secrets. Your notebook is probably full with my face anyways."
"Next thing I will find out is that you have a shrine dedicated to me."
"You're such an ass."
"But a pretty one."
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astarion-approves · 10 months
Tav making astarion a flower crown?
Astarion x GN! reader
Tav makes a flower crown for Astarion. 400+ words drabble
Fluff, just 100% fluff, short and sweet. Third person. No beta and rushed proof reading.
Through the woods and over countless bridges, Tav was always stopping to pick up a flower along the way. Didn’t matter if it was raining, if there was a battle waiting in the distance, or if the team was exhausted and needed to stop for the night— Tav was always grabbing flowers.
None of the others saw exactly what they were doing with them, mostly assuming it had something to do with creating potions or that it dealt with their magical abilities. Sorcerers were always a strange breed after all.
Perhaps chewing on some flowers would grant them the ability to talk to animals or even as a quick caffeine boost. They all paid no mind to it.
At night, for weeks, Tav would sit away from the rest of the group, fiddling with something in their lap, little glows of light coming from them as they worked in silence.
But then, one morning, Astarion woke up to a surprise waiting beside him.
A crown made entirely of flowers, little daisies and peonies, roses and hydrangea, lillies and buttercups, more flowers than he could even name or count. They were shrunken down so that such a wide variety could fit in a single crown. Their stems weaved together in such a delicate and elegant design. Each flower looked like it just bloomed for the first time, even when Astarion recognized some of them as being picked from the ground weeks ago.
“What’s this?” He picked it up with careful hands, and a sudden warmth flowed through his fingertips and down his arms.
“It—“ Tav sat in their own bedroll, watching Astarion as he studied the crown. Tav was nervous, their hands closed together and blush filling their cheeks. “It’s a flower crown.”
Astarion snorted. “Yes, I know that. Allow me to rephrase. Why the flower crown?”
Tav took a breath, their eyes cast down words as they spoke quietly, “We don’t know what the future holds with these tadpoles and… The crown— it’s enchanted. Protection from sunlight. The flowers will absorb any sun that touches you.”
“You’re telling me,” Astarion began, his lips pressing together for just a moment. “That you… made me a crown to protect me from the sun?”
“Y-yes, but I can’t guarantee that it works. I just… I wanted to at least try.”
“Without asking for anything in return?”
Tav shrugged. “We’re friends, why would I?”
Astarion sighed and put the crown on, looking up to the sky he saw that the day was mostly overcast, but it felt like the sun was shining directly on him and keeping him warm.
He would never admit how good it felt.
“Well, how’s it look?” Astarion leaned back, facing Tav and posing with the crown. “Am I still as handsome as ever?”
Tav smiled. “Always.”
It felt strange having someone you barely knew care so much for you… and to expect nothing in return. Now Astarion felt all warm inside, his heart aching as he gazed back at Tav.
And it wasn’t because of the crown.
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rubylace · 29 days
ni-ki — studydate
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pairing! ni-ki to be riki (real nick) wc! 2,651 note: a mess, gone wrong oop
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You arranged your textbooks and notes on the table preparing for your study date with your boyfie. He spammed at the messages that he misses you and has thousand excuses, this one you can't help but accept for by teaching him.
You was determined to tackle your upcoming exams together, but you knew Riki's tendency to be more playful than studious could make things harder.
As Riki arrived, his grin was as mischievous as ever. He leaned in for a quick kiss before plopping down opposite you. “Hey, gorgeous. Ready to face those exams?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to maintain your focus. “Yes, but only if you actually study.” Riki chuckled, tracing circles on your hand with his finger. “Oh, I'll study alright. I'll study every inch of you.”
You blushed, feeling you concentration slipping away already. “Come on, we have to focus.”
But he seemed more interested in distracting you than studying. He began peppering you with kisses on your cheek and neck, making it impossible for you to concentrate.
“Riki, seriously.” You protested, trying to push him away gently.
He flashed you a grin. “What? I thought studying was supposed to be fun.”
As much as you loved his playful nature, she couldn't afford to fail your exams. “It is, but we need to actually get some work done.”
Riki relented, finally opening his textbook. But even then, he couldn't resist making comments that had you blushing and laughing in equal measure.
After a while, you found yourself doodling hearts in the margin of your notebook rather than taking notes. He noticed and leaned over to whisper in your ear. “Thinking about me, huh?”
You shoved him away. “No, I'm trying to focus.”
But despite your protests, you couldn't help but smile at Riki's antics. Even if your study didn't go as planned he started making silly faces at you whenever you tried to concentrate.
Causing you to burst into fits of laughter. “Stop it.."
You scolded between giggles, trying to regain your composure, but he was relentless. He pulled out his phone and began snapping selfies, posing dramatically with his textbooks and sending them to you with exaggerated winks.
You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, but she knew they needed to buckle down if they wanted to make any progress. “Seriously, Riki, we have to study.” He flashed her a charming smile. “But studying is so much better when you do it with me.”
Despite your frustration, you couldn't resist his charm. You leaned in and kissed him softly. “Fine, but no more distractions.”
Riki nodded eagerly, but as soon as your opened her textbook, he started drumming his fingers on the table, humming a tune under his breath.
You sighed, closing one of your book and giving him a pointed look. “Riki, I mean it. We need to focus.”
Riki pouted. “But I can't help it if I find you more interesting than calculus.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't suppress a smile. “You're impossible.”
Finally, after some gentle coaxing Riki managed to settle down and you two started reviewing their notes together. But even then he couldn't resist slipping in the occasional flirty comment or joke, keeping the atmosphere light.
“Blame me if your grades are bad, then I'll kiss your whole face instead.”
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bby-deerling · 2 months
zoro + quality time
masterlist || commissions
@eelnoise @willowbelle @atanukileaf @cloudzoro @stsgluver
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you and zoro had developed a bit of a routine on the merry; he trains, you either draw or paint him, and you both meditate together afterwards. the time you pass together started as a sharing of productive, comfortable silence, but over time, small flakes of conversation began to sprinkle into your quality time—including some curiosity on zoro's part as he begins to take an interest in all the practice sketches you're making of him.
"how come you're always sketching me all the time?" zoro asks, setting down his ridiculously large barbell. he watches you as he takes a swig of his water; you're still meticulously scribbling and adding some few final touches onto your last drawing.
"you never have a shirt on. makes it easy to study anatomy." you reply teasingly with a soft giggle, looking up at him to take stock of his features one last time, comparing them to the ones you've translated onto your paper.
zoro scoffs in response, a playful smirk creeping onto his features. "i'm sure the stupid cook would take his off if you asked him to. how come it's always me?" he pries, leaning back against the mast.
"ew, no thanks. he's the last person i want to see shirtless." you respond with a grimace, cringing at the mere thought of sanji shedding his shirt for you with hearts in his eyes as he swoons. answering his question, you tell him that since he usually does the same exercise for a little while, it makes it easier for you to do gesture drawings. zoro tilts his head in confusion, prompting you to clarify. "i'm capturing some quick ideas of some poses—i draw you so often that i have a decent idea of what goes where on your face, so i fill those in as an afterthought, even if you've already moved. the important part is making sure the figure looks fluid and accurate." you say, putting a couple finishing touches on your last sketch before showing him.
his eyes widen in awe—they were rough around the edges considering they were a set of practice sketches, but they were good. "you've really got this all figured out, huh?" he asks, unable to take his gaze away from your hard work.
"of course i do—mindful practice is the only way to get better." you tell him with a lopsided smile. zoro gives you a grin in response and nods in agreement. your dedication and commitment to your dream make his heart feel an unfamiliar swell; a bit of introspection while he meditates makes him realize that maybe that's exactly why he's so drawn to you in the first place.
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missuswalker · 6 months
𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 || 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✮ summary: after peter finishes… well, you know, he can’t stop himself from coming to see you. as if he’s not clingy enough, he can’t help but be all over you. at least he’s (trying) to sit still for once
✮ warnings: brief nsfw content, masturbation (not proofread)
✮ notes: man idk i just feel like peter is all clingy and touchy after he nuts
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peter’s mind had been on you all day, trapped on the image of your hand wrapped around his cock. of course, that wasn’t exactly the case at the moment, considering it was his own hand. as he pumped himself, he tried his best to remember that little face you make when you cum. he’d been working on this problem of his for way longer than he should have, and he was searching for anything to push him over the edge.
the more he thought about you, your pretty tits, and that hella tight skirt, the closer he could feel his release building. picking up his pace, he bites back a whimper. more thoughts of you didn’t help his attempt at silence, a grunt or two escaping his lips. he pushes his head further back into his pillow, squeezing his eyes shut. free hand balled into a fist, he lets out a low moan, cumming all over his stomach and fingers.
after cleaning himself up, he stares at the photo of you two on his bedside table. he wanted to see you so bad. maybe it was just the post-nut fog, but he just needed you wrapped up in his arms. throwing on some jeans and a tshirt, he lets his mom know he’s heading out with a quick shout. he’s at you window in less than a second, sliding it open. he always told you to lock your window in case a creep decides to crawl in, but, in reality, the only creep that ever used it was him.
“hey, peter,” you greet, not even bothering to turn around. whenever your window was suddenly opened, you automatically knew it was your idiot boyfriend who could never just use the front door. “it’s not peter, it’s a scary murderer and i’m here to kill you,” he says, making a stabbing motion behind your head. “oh no,” you say, your tone bored and plain as you continue to study for your exams.
peter rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “not happy to see me?” he teases, his lips connecting with the smooth skin of your neck. you push his face away, writing something down in a tiny notebook, papers scattered across your desk. “i’m studying,” you respond, eyes locked on your notes. his mouth is back on your neck immediately, despite you having just pushed him away.
“come on, babe, let’s hang out, you can study later, yeah?” he hums, nibbling right below your jaw. he absolutely would not be giving up, and you knew it. turning around in your chair, you look up at the silver-haired boy, giving an agitated look. he only gives back an innocent smile, pulling you up by your hand. “why are you so adamant on hanging out specifically right now,” you groan, allowing him to lead you to your bed. “no reason.”
pushing you down onto your unmade bed, he jumps, landing beside you. “hey, hot stuff,” he grins, posing with his face resting in the palm of his hand. “hey, dipshit,” you say in an overly-lovey tone, sarcasm evident in your dramatic smile. “you love me,” he laughs, pulling you into his arms, ruffling your hair. “sometimes,” you joke back, feeling less aggravated at your distraction of a boyfriend. he smiles, his face finding a place in the crook of your neck.
“mm, missed you,” he hums, taking a deep breath. you grin, playing with his hair. “i missed you, too.” he kisses your shoulder multiple times, moving up your neck and jaw. “i love you,” he continues, his lips lingering on your cheek. “i love you, too,” you snort, furrowing your eyebrows at his overly-affectionate behavior. eventually he settles, his leg bouncing a bit as he lays next to you, arms loose around your waist. “don’t fall asleep,” you tell him, trying to get a look at his face. “i’m not asleep,” he grunts, though it was clear he was about to be.
“yeah, okay.”
“i’m not.”
“shut up.”
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short and sweet, i love him sm
(send in requests, i beg)
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somerandomdudelmao · 6 months
Quick question about your art! Can I use it as a reference? I mean I would like to redraw some poses and pages from your comic to learn anotomy. I won't post it anywhere. Maybe show to 1 or 2 friends to get their opinion, but again, no posting. Is it okay?
You can, I don't mind:) But if you want to learn anatomy that way, I recommend you do it by studying real people, not my drawings. I was a baaaaaad anatomy student. I barely looked at references.
Maybbe idk try looking at @thegunnsara blog if you need to study turtle anatomy? For much much better references~
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spidybaby · 25 days
Dull Shine
Summary: The circumstances might have dulled the shine she had. Feeling empty even with his company.
Warnings: cursing.
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"What do you think about this?"
You turn your head away from your phone, looking at him up and down. "I like it, but maybe the black and white Jordan's?"
He nods, walking back into the closet and changing his shoes. You look at him while he does that.
It's like a routine for him, going back from training, quick visit to his mom or dad, going home to shower, and getting ready to go out.
He's been trying to spend as much as he can with his friends, Hakimi, Dembele and the team. They like to hit the club in a vip area, the other invite girls who look like the typical hooker.
You didn't worry about it, Kylian is not a cheater. He barely even acknowledged the girls. He likes to go there to be with the team.
"What about now?" He poses, showing you the fit and pulling his leg up your nightstand. "Do I look good?"
"Like a million dollar baby," you smile. Watching him get all cocky at the praise. "I feel like I should be worried. You're going out looking like this." You joke.
You walk over to him, smacking his ass in a playful way. He turns to you, smiling, wrapping his hands around your body.
"You know you're my only one." He kiss your neck. "If you want, you can come with me." He smiles into your skin. "Think about it," He says, kissing your neck again and pulling away to walk into the bathroom.
You are thinking about it, but you can't help but think of how the other girls go to those places. Dressed in the most expensive things, the best type of jewels, Cartier, Van Cleef, their expensive Louboutin or YSL heels.
You don't have that. You worked a nine to five job that didn't allow you to get the designer things.
You moved to Paris to study, wanting to get a better future for yourself. You were still paying some debt from your college.
Kylian begged you to move in with him a year into your relationship. You accepted only with the condition of him letting you help with some bills.
He obviously didn't allowed that. Letting you believe that you were going to help but in reality he was taking care of the two of you.
You never accepted his money. You loved your little job. It was not much, but it was enough for you.
You look into your things, finding a pair of cargos, and a backless bodysuit. You liked the combo, and you know he would too.
You weren't so sure about the shoes, you usually wear the outfit with some Jordan's to match him.
"I like that look." He says as you enter the bathroom, you smile, grabbing your makeup and lightly applying some.
"You look like a billion dollar baby, now." He says, kissing your cheek. "And what better way to match your look than with this."
He hands you a black box with a golden bow. You already know that there's something extravagant inside the box.
"Amour, we talked about this." You say, applying gloss. "What did we say?"
He rolls his eyes. "No gifts without consulting first."
"And what did you do?" You smile a little.
"Getting you something that my heart told me you would love." He left the box in the bed, walking over to you. "It will go amazing with your outfit, mon amour, s'il te plaît."
You sigh, nodding your head. You walk over him, kissing his cheek and thanking him. "Let's see." You fake a smile.
What you can't help but feel bad is the way he smiles that he has. He loves giving you things.
You pull a black Saddle Bag from Dior. you love it, you were trying to save for this bag for some time, always having some sort of problem and needing to use the money.
"Come here." He pulls your arm, walking you to the tall mirror in the closet. He grabs the bag from your hands. Positioning it on your shoulder. "What do you think?"
You feel bad from how much you love the bag and the way it goes with your clothes. "Thank you." You smile, turning around to hug him and kiss him.
"Now what if you put your things inside and we go meet my friends?"
You nod, kissing him one last time. You grab your bag, moving your things. You look at yourself one last time before joining him in the living room.
You were his designated driver since he didn't have a license. He picked one of his less extravagant cars, not wanting to call the attention.
The first person you see is Achraf, he was talking with this pretty brunette. "Don't let him trick you, he's still married." Kylian jokes, knowing that will make Hakimi awkward.
"I'm not, don't believe him."
The girl only nods, laughing and kissing Kylian's cheek. "Bonjour to you too."
"Y/n, come here." Achraf stands up, hugging your figure. "This idiot finally convinced you to come, so amazing."
You smile, smelling the alcohol in his breath. "I finally left the crib." You laugh.
"Pamela, this is Y/n." He introduced the girl to you. "She's Kylian's girlfriend. She's so amazing, talk with her." He push your shoulder down, making you take a seat next to her.
You felt uncomfortable, the girl clearly didn't like that either. You turn to see kylian and Achraf talking with Marqhinhos and Vitinha.
One waiter gets close to them, Kylian turns to you. "Something you want to drink, bébé?" He kisses the top of your head.
"Whatever you're having." He nods, turning and leaving you again with the very judgy girl. "I like your nails." You say, trying to start some conversation.
She scuffed, turning to you. "Where's Emma?"
"Emma?" You ask confused. "As Kylian's ex-girlfriend Emma?"
She nods, looking you up and down. "Yeah, I miss her."
You didn't answer, getting up to go next to Kylian.
"Hey, you left my girl alone." Achraf says.
"Your girl's an asshole." You say to him, making Kylian laugh. "You really suck at picking, Haki."
The rest of the night was good. You didn't feel like leaving Kylian's side, and he didn't seem to mind.
Once you're home, you find yourself next to him in the bathroom, both preparing to sleep. "We should go out again. It was fun." You nod, finishing with washing your teeth.
You felt so out of place tonight. All these girls, all these drinks and other substances. You didn't feel like doing all that again.
You didn't belong to his world. You were used to parties back in college, but the type of being in your pj's and drink cheap alcohol from a cup.
You can't get used to the extremely overpriced drink he likes, the extremely overpriced restaurants, trips, clothes.
You turn to him. He was applying some cream, too concentrated to mind the way you're questioning yourself.
"You have to be joking," Celine says. "That can't be real."
"I can't make this up. That freaking girl asked me where his ex was." You laugh, passing her another dress.
"Look at the bright side. She's just a one night stand, and you're the girlfriend."
You two share a good laugh. Celine is your boss, you started working for her in your second year living in Paris.
You loved her, and she loved you. That's why even when Kylian offered to find you something closer to where he lived, you said no.
She trusted you even when you barely understood French. She helped you and taught you a lot.
She has her own brand. It was very successful. She dressed so many french models and football wags. Like Antonella and Bruna.
She's not the type of designer to order and sit around her company. She loves her stores and mostly hangs around with you on the one you work.
"Well, at least you had fun."
"I don't know." You say honestly. "I feel so weird when I'm at these places."
"I used to feel the same, but it's all in your head. You do belong there, with him." You nod, smiling at her. "Now go. I got a fitting, and I'll close the store." You nod, saying your goodbyes.
You walk for a while, trying to de-stress. You text Ethan, sending him a pic of the cinema poster that's outside a mall.
You missed hanging with him now that he's more involved with football and practicing. But you were proud because he and Kylian were playing together.
When you get to Kylians house, you see Brice there. He was doing something with your boyfriends head.
"Getting Cinderella ready for the dance?" You joke, taking a seat in the coach next to where he's seated.
They laugh, explaining that the little trim was because of the party the club does for their foundation. They have an auction in order to raise money to help the foundation.
"You have your dress ready? Maybe I can get a tie to match you." He asks, looking at you.
You freeze, you forgot to think about a dress, even tho he told you about this a while ago. You even wrote in your notes to look at some dresses.
"Wait, when did you say was the party?" You ask, trying not to show your worries.
"In two days, mon amour."
You nod, excusing yourself to go upstairs. You can't help but panic, you did forget about getting a dress.
You see into your dresses, nothing is up for the occasion, nothing says exclusive party with extremely rich people.
You chat with your friend, asking her if you can borrow a dress from her. Sadly for you, her dresses were all short ones. And the party attire is long formal.
You search online for dresses, but all of them were way too expensive for your budget. You didn't want to ask Kylian for money.
Also, you didn't want to admit that you forgot about the party and that you didn't have anything to wear.
"I feel so dumb." You say to Celine. "I forgot about the party, and now I'll have to admit that I don't have a dress."
"Why don't you take one of the dresses we have?" She asks, confused.
You look at her, ironing some dresses. "As much as I love your dresses. I can't afford them."
"Aren't you dating the footballer who earns the most in Europe?"
You hate that reaction, Kylian wins his own money, but that wasn't yours to waste or to use.
"You say it. He's the one earning that money." You go back to ironing. "I think I'll just skip this. It's no big deal." You shrug.
She nods, walking over to the back. You can hear her opening something and moving things around. When she's back, she's holding a gorgeous orange and yellow dress
"I made this for a French singer. She never got to wear it. I think I can let you borrow it." She smiles.
You looked at the dress, it was beautiful, a classic figure and the colors were subtle, nothing crazy just beautiful.
"Are you sure?"
"Just keep the tags. They are there for reference of the model and size." She hands it over to you. "I think it will fit."
You smile, hugging her tightly. "I can't thank you enough for all you do for me."
She shakes her head no. "You can thank me by taking a picture with him and having him tag me."
You nod, smiling like crazy because now you can wear something pretty to the party. "I'll make him post a solo picture of me just to thank you." You laugh, hugging her again.
When you got off work, you asked Kylian if his chauffeur could pick you up. You weren't going to take public transportation with a borrowed dress.
"Bonjour madame." Kylian smiles, pulling his window down. "You asked for a ride."
"Did I?" You acted confused. "Well, I asked my boyfriend to pick me up, but since he's not here, can you give me a ride?"
He opens the door to get off the car. Closing the door and opening it again. "Ladies first." He says, a very deep tone to look more serious. "Careful with the head."
He joins you in the back of the car. Kissing your cheek as he lays his head on your shoulder. "Thank you for picking me up." You grab his hand and kiss it.
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k.mbappe 👔👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽📸
Liked by ethanmbappe, celinedesigns and 3,950,647 others
psg 💙❤️✨️
ethanmbappe love is in the air 😩🤪
celinedesigns the outfits 😍✨️
achrafhakimi where's the picture we took? 😔
"Oh great, Achraf brought his side chick." Carol says, rolling her eyes at the sight of Pamela.
"So I'm not the only one who doesn't like her." Alessia laughs.
"No, this one right here also dislikes her." Caron elbow you, you scuff.
You turn your head to where Hakimi and Pamela are, they are chatting with Marquinhos and Donnarumma.
"She asked me if I could bring her some wine the other day at the barbecue Marcos organized. When I told her it was a self serve kinda thing, she told me nannies aren't supposed to bother the guests and just follow orders."
You and Alessia just laugh, that girl definitely had the nerve to think she was better than others.
"Talking about drinks, I'm going to get one more, you guys coming?" They shake their heads, lifting their half full drinks. "I'll be back."
You walk over to the bar, ordering a cocktail. You feel someone tap your shoulder.
"I like your dress." Pamela says, ordering a drink. You nod smiling. "So Haki and Kyky are friends."
You squint your eyes at the nicknames. "Yes, I noticed that." You sarcastically say. "Also, I think the whole city of France knows that."
"What I'm saying is, I'm here to stay." She gets closer. "And I don't want us fighting, our men's are friend. We can be too."
You turn your head at where Kylian is, even tho he's leaving the team. You know Achraf is a very important person in his life.
"I like your dress too."
"Thank you, it's Versace." She smiles. "Where's yours from?"
"Oh, I didn't knew they did discounts."
You choke on your drink. The audacity of her to say that with the biggest smile like it's nothing.
"They don't."
"Well, Haki told me you work in retail, very Georgina of you." She scuffed. "And let's be honest, unless Kylian bought that for you or they gifted you the dress, I don't think your nine to five allows you to get expensive brands, with the way you dress regularly."
You stare at her, wanting to wipe that stupid grind off her face with a slap.
"Emma used to buy that brand all the time, I get you want to he like her, just don't make it that obvious." She laughs.
You smile. You weren't going to make a scene there like she hoped for. "Well, if you care to know that much, Celine herself gave me this dress to wear tonight. She's a good friend."
"Yeah, sure." She turns back to the bar.
You grab your drink, not wanting to spend more time with her. Just before you left, you got closer to her.
"Talking about copycats, maybe look in the mirror because Hiba's whole wardrobe was Versace. But not from the rack like yours, she knew Donatella."
You don't even walk back with the other wags, you walk into the bathroom trying to calm your anger.
Why did she think that because you have a regular job you were less. Yes, you couldn't afford a dress like the one you're wearing and maybe you couldn't do all the things Kylian does for you. But you were happy with your job, you liked being down to earth.
You wipe the tears that your anger made you let out. Not wanting for all the girls or even her to look at you like that, you walk out, trying to get some air.
After some time of not seeing you, Kylian asked Alessa where you were. She answered with a shoulder shrug.
You walked back into the venue at the right time. He walks faster to you. "Amour, where were you?" He kiss your cheek.
"I was taking air, needed it." You half smile. "Maybe I'll ask the chauffeur to take me to your house. I'm tired."
If there's something he used to do, it was reading you like an open book. You missed that. The way he would tell something was wrong before you even did.
"I'll just wait a little more because of the club bosses." He kiss you quickly. "I'll ask my bodyguard to accompany you to the car."
You nod, walking quickly to the table to say goodbye to your friends. Saying the same excuse. You're tired, but not physically, you are tired mentally.
From all the pressure you put yourself into. Even when you want to try, you can't do it. You don't feel like you belong to his world.
You change into your pajamas, as you wash your face and do your routine. You can't help but feel anger at the words of Pamela.
You looked at the dress before turning the closet light off. She was right. You couldn't afford it. You were playing Cinderella with it.
"Are you sure you don't want me to pay for the dry cleaning?" You ask again. "It's the least I can do, just let me-"
"Honey, since you wore that dress, my lines are going crazy for the same style in different colors." She smiles, taking the dress from your hands. "Actually, when did you say was the ballon d'or?" She laughs
"Not until a few months." You laugh with her.
"I think it's enough time to design something just for you. But that would be me as a brand, this was me as a friend."
You thank her again, turns out wearing her dress made not only the signer but other models want the dress.
You felt special when she told you that, asking you to help her with the online orders, even when she had a team she trusted you with her life.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Coffee is on me, by the way."
"Hey. Take tomorrow off, I think you deserve it after how hard you work."
You nod, saying your goodbyes and leaving the store. You got to your favorite coffee shop, getting yourself a treat.
Kylian asked you to pick up his mother's birthday gift, giving you his card and telling you to go crazy if you wanted.
"I called the bank and told them Ma femme is going crazy with the plastic." he says before leaving to practice. "If it's something like a bag, she wants it in blue."
You tried to find something blue because that's what she asked. You know she likes jewelry too. Maybe both can be nice.
You text Kylian a picture of the options you have. He was in a meeting with Luis Enrique, and they were creating a plan for the UCL game.
You walk out of the store with the bag for Fayza, moving to Cartier to get her some jewelry, maybe a necklace.
You get a pair of earrings and a necklace to match. You know she will like it, you and her have similar taste in clothes, bags and jewelry.
Kylian texted you to get him a bucket hat from Louis Vuitton. He wanted one for a long time, and now that you're out and about.
You picked two for him, a black one and a white one. You text asking if that will be all or if he would like something else.
You check the store, finding a cute Alma Nano bag that in your eyes was so cute, You think about what he says, you can spend as much as you want on his mom gift and if you want something you can pick anything.
You text Kylian a picture asking if he likes the bag. You were questioning if you should or not.
"Madame, I'll go get the hat you requested. I'll be right back." the sales girl says to you. "You can wait on the couch, or you can keep looking around."
You nod, looking around the store for something else. Eyes going back to the bag.
"Oh God, you're here." You hear someone saying. "If you're filling applications, I need a maid." Pamela laughs.
Her hands were full of designer brands. You smirk when you see the Versace one. "Trying to fill Hibas side of the closet, I see."
She rolls her eyes. The knife digging hard on her with all the ex-wife jokes. You enjoy the way her face turns kinda red.
She was about to say something. The sales girl interrupts her. "Madame, I have the items upfront per your request."
"Merci, I'll be right there." You pass Pamela, ignoring her for the sake of your evening. "Can I add this bag to my bill, please."
You pay for the things, getting out of the store without paying mind to Pamela. You didn't need her to ruin your mood.
The chauffeur was waiting for you, Kylian texted you to go pick him up after picking you up.
"Hello, sunshine." You smile as he opens the door of his car. "Long time no see, Mister Mbappe."
"Like what?" He asks, following your joke. "It's been like five years, isn't it?"
"So long, Paris." You dramatically say. "I got you your hat, two actually."
He kiss you hello, seeing the bags in the front seat. "Perfect, I can look fancy at the beach."
You two chat about his day during the way home. Kylian was excited about the ucl game and you loved that for him.
You two walk with the bags, well, he did. You carry his toiletry bag. "So you want to make something for dinner together?" You ask, leaving his things at the entrance of the house.
He nods, searching for a tutorial on something he's been wanting to do for a long time. You collect the ingredients, helping him with the preparation.
"Tomorrow we are invited to Hakimi's sister birthday party." He says, opening the oven and leaving the food there. "It's going to be at Hakimi's."
You think about the whole Pamela situation. You know you want to tell Kylian about it, but you're not sure if you want to ruin his mood today or ruin the whole invitation thing.
You think about it while you finish with the salad. You hate confrontation and you hate creating an opportunity for her to bother you some more.
"Ready, bébé." He says, placing the dinner on the table. "Let's eat and I'll tell you about my day" He says, kissing your neck.
He serves you two. You bring some water for him and a soda for you. Needing some sugar to sweeten your day.
Kylian talks about his day training and how he will shoot a new commercial for Oakley, the glasses brand that he models for.
"And I asked them for a pair of glasses for you. So you'll be the first one to try the new collection."
"Woow." You laugh. "Since we have connections, we are getting free sun glasses."
You finish dinner between jokes and talking about what to buy for Hakimi's sister.
You have to talk to him. You tell yourself that again, and again, and again. You don't want to look like the bitter friend of the ex who doesn't approve the new girl.
You move to your room, fixing the washed clothes into their designated spot in the closet. He was in the bathroom, applying his night skincare like you taught him.
"Hey, can I talk to you about something?' You ask loudly.
"Oui, bébé." He shouts back.
You keep putting the clothes in the racks. "I know this might sound weird, but I don't like Pamela." You began. "She's just so mean and such a freaking brat around me. Thinking she can diminish me because of my job and shit. I don't feel like putting the nice act with her anymore."
You let everything out, feeling more relieved now that it was out and you didn't have to tip toe around her in front of kylian.
You wait for his response. Silence is taking over the room. You can hear a sound of voices in the background.
You move to the bathroom, finding him with his phone in his hand, watching a video about a show or something like that.
"Did you even pay attention to what I said?" You ask mad.
He looks at you, pausing the video. "Pardon, oursamme sent me this video. It's so funny. Here, watch it."
You shake your head no. Walking back into the closet. You're mad at how you can hear him talk about everything, but he can't even hear you for two minutes.
You finish what you are doing. Walking into the room and finding him still watching his video. You roll your eyes and walk into the bathroom to take a nice shower.
You can't help going to bed mad at him. You felt trapped, he didn't pay attention to you, and you only want to be able to say things that you feel.
The next day, you didn't even say goodbye to him when he left, he was too busy with his phone to notice, only saying a quick goodbye and patting your head.
You spend the rest of the day in a mood. Not really caring about anything but being angry at how much he diminish your feelings and focus on something dumb.
The night approaches, you want to send him alone to the party, but Hakimi's sister was always friendly with you. And she came to your birthday last year with a nice gift.
You dress simple, a one-piece full bodysuit you like, since it was chilly you picked a jacket and your black and white dunks.
You fixed your hair and did your makeup. Something natural since you knew everybody there and everybody knew you with and without makeup at this point.
Kylian was sitting on the couch, waiting for you to be done. He was now aware of your mood. When he came home you just rolled your eyes and refused to heard about his day.
"Ready?" He asks.
You nod, grabbing the gift you got and grabbing the house keys. "Which car?" You ask, very dryly.
Kylian hates when he knows he fucked up but doesn't know at the same time. He can't piece what he did to make you mad.
"The chauffeur is waiting for us." He says, low tone. His hand find the small of your back. You move, not wanting to have his hands on you.
The whole trip was like that. He's thankful Achraf's house is relatively close to his own. Because he can't stand the silent treatment you're pulling on him.
"Hello" You smile, hugging Hakimi's sister as you enter the home. "Happy birthday, you look so beautiful."
You make some small talk, Kylian watching you. His sight is burning your skin. You can tell he's observing, he's like a hawk watching his prey.
"Happy birthday." He says, hugging his friend's sister.
You stayed with her, walking into the home and saying a quick hello to the other people. The list of invitations was mostly known faces.
"Thank God you're here. I can't stand being alone with that woman any more." She whispers, head pointing towards Pamela.
You roll your eyes. "I can't stand her either, she's a narcissist with pretty hair." You joke to get some frustration out.
The subject changes, you were talking about life, about updates on different topics you discussed in the past.
"Excuse me just a moment, I'll go check if the food is ready." Hakimi's sister says, walking to the kitchen.
You take the opportunity to go to the bathroom. Going quickly and checking your makeup. You apply a little more lip balm and go out.
"Well, well, well. Cinderella's here."
You sigh, not wanting to engage in the conversation you pass over Pamela, who quickly grabbed your arm.
"Didn't your parents teach you that it was rude not answering when you're being talked to or taught you basic manners?"
You lift an eyebrow, asking back. "Didn't your parents teach you how to respect others?"
She wanted to answer, trying to dig the knife she's been planting on your chest, but you're quick.
"And didn't you know that even with that prude face you're just a stuck up little bitch who thinks is better than anyone else but in reality, you're just an insecure piece of crap?" You whisper close to her, looking her up and down. "Look at you, hiding under all that. Your parents must hate you, having such a hypocrite for a daughter. Being such an ugly person on the inside must feel bad. So don't worry, I get what you're doing. It's not about my job or my clothes. It's that you feel inferior even with all that gold on you."
You walk back to the living room, leaving her there alone. You feel nice. Letting all that out was refreshing.
You went on with your night, some of the wives came to the party, leaving you with a nice circle and not only the birthday girl and you.
"Why is Hakimi looking at you like that?" Alessia asks, making you turn your back to where they are.
Hakimi was looking at you in a weird way. Talking to Kylian while doing it. He turned his head to find you.
"Don't know, maybe his gold digger told him something about me." You shrug, not minding it.
The night was good for you. You walk into the house happy and relaxed. Kylian was silent. You thought it was because of the silent treatment and decided to stop it.
"Hey, what if we see that movie you told me about?" You were finishing your night routine. He enters the bathroom, his eyes fixed on your reflection. "You okay?"
He sighs, not feeling like fighting. "I know what happened with Pamela." He confess.
You lock eyes with him in the mirror, his rough energy making it obvious that he was mad about the situation that happened at his friends house.
"You do?" You ask, making him nod. "Well, about time. She's crazy if she thinks she can get close to me again. What a loser."
He chuckled, shaking his head no. "Are you serious?"
You turn to him, confused about what he knows and how he knows it. "What?"
"You insulted Pamela." He says, his tone is so serious you feel like your parents are scolding you.
"What?" You repeat. "Are you serious right now?"
"Look, I know you didn't like her the night Achraf introduced you to her, but leaving her alone is one thing and belittled her about how Hakimi is just using her to forget his ex and how she's just replaceable is wrong."
You stayed quiet, not believing his words. How is it that you two are discussing the interaction her and you had in so different ways?
"I never say that"
"Well, she left saying you say that."
"Oh, so you believe her over me?" You ask offended.
"Non, but why would she lie? She even left telling Hakimi that she needs to think about their relationship because of what his best friend girlfriend thinks."
You laugh. "Is this a joke?" You ask, turning again and closing your creams. "Because if it is, it's a good one. Stop playing."
He's not laughing, he's quiet as a tomb. "I'm not laughing, am I?"
"Kylian, that never happened. How convenient it is that you get to believe her when a night ago I told you how she belittled me in every way she can."
"You never say that."
You turn back at him, mad at him. "I did."
"You didn't."
"I did, but you, asshole, were paying attention to that stupid video Ousmane sent you." You threw your hand towel at him. "I told you how I felt, but you chose to ignore me, and here we are."
"I don't recall that."
"How convenient." You exit the bathroom, grabbing your pillow and blanket. "You prefer to call me a liar and believe that I would do something like that than talking to me and getting my side."
"Where are you going?" He asks, joining you in the bedroom. "Don't be ridiculous, leave that there."
"No, Kylian, you can sleep alone tonight. I have a feeling that maybe you don't want to sleep with someone who belittles people the way I do and who treats people the way I do. Because it's how I am, of course, even after years of dating, you would think that and take someone else's side."
You walk out of the room, pillow in one hand, and blanket in the other. You enter the guest room that was near your room.
"And don't bother trying to get my story, I'm sure with her side, you have enough to make your own mind." You yell at the door frame. He's stood in front of your bedroom door. "Oh, and I know for a fact Pamela is not going to be the only one thinking about her relationship because I certainly am too."
You slam the door as hard as you can. Locking it . Not even ten seconds later he's shaking the doorknob, asking you to open the door.
"I'm not going to open the door. You chose her, Kylian." You yell again. "You chose to believe her over me." You say lower, crying about the whole situation. "I'm your girlfriend, and you chose her."
The overwhelming feeling of anger and guilt is making you cry, you don't even know why you feel guilty about what you say.
Kylian gave up after twenty minutes. You weren't going to open the door. The way your cries can be heard from outside the door is killing him.
He thinks about what you say, but he can't remember if you told him or not about how Pamela was treating you.
He remembers that you ask him to talk about something, but his stupid self didn't pay attention to the things you told him.
He couldn't sleep. He can't even rest because every time he closes his eyes, he can hear your cries. Even when you're sleep in the bed.
He needed to apologize. He texts Achraf, explaining that Pamela has been bothering you and you just responded back to her.
Hakimi knew you. He had never seen you disrespect anyone. You're friendly and kind to everyone, so maybe you're not lying here.
You woke up extra early, and he had a deep sleep, so when you got to the room and took your clothes and basic things to get ready, he didn't even feel it.
Your eyes were swollen from all the crying. You tried your best to cover your exhaustion with concealer.
The sad eyes you have are impossible to cover. That's why people say the eyes are the windows to the heart. Because you can lie all you want, but your eyes will tell the words your mouth can't.
"Bad night?" Celine asks, handing you a coffee. "It's a double, thought you might need it."
You gave her a half smile. Not wanting to say anything about the topic. She understood, not wanting to push your boundaries.
"Any plans for this weekend?" She asks. Trying to get you to talk and not look like a sad puppy.
"Kylian has an important reunion with his new coach. He invited only five of them with a plus one." You say, remembering the reunion he told you about during dinner on the weekend. "But I'm not sure if I want to attend."
"First, because I'm mad at him." You began telling, making Celine surprised about the first point in your list. "Second, some of these players I don't even know about. I've seen them, but never even talk with them." You exhale, already uncomfortable.
"And third?"
"I don't have anything for the occasion, I feel like my closet is a second-hand craziness that makes stupid bratty models think I'm not enough to be in their presence." You throw the pencil in your hand on the counter.
Celine listen closely to your words. "You are more than welcome to take any of the clothes from the store, you know that."
"And I'm grateful for that. Thank you so much for offering me to take something from here on a loan." You say with honesty. "I just feel like I'm playing dress up with your charity." You feel your eyes tear up. "Celine, I can't afford any of the clothes you design, and somehow, I'm posting on social media about me wearing them, like if I'm not five euros away from breaking the bank."
You can't help the sobs, walking to the bathroom to hide. You feel embarrassed, with your boss, with your life and with your social status.
You were done with people diminish you because you were a retail worker. People calling you a gold digger because you date Kylian.
You're done with pretending to be someone you are not just to be able to fit with the people he's around.
He can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars in clothes, in shoes, in hats or watches. You can afford some pieces from boutiques at the mall when you got a bonus or when you have a special occasion.
You live in a house he paid with a month of working. House you could never afford in this lifetimes or the next five.
You were basically living out of him, and still not even close to making ends meet because the neighborhood stores were five times more expensive that the ones downtown, because just in transportation to where his house is you spend half your income.
You were leaving a life that was not for you. Everybody around him knew that. It was just about time for him to figure that you were just a bump on his way.
You gather composure, thankful for your waterproof mascara. You walk back upfront, meeting a very concerned Celine.
"I'm fine, I don't want to talk about it." You say. Helping her with some things at the store.
You remained quiet for the rest of the day, feeling embarrassed. You missed your family, you missed your friends.
You feel alone. That was an issue.
You have Kylian's family. You have the wags who were your friends. You have Celine. But at the same time, you didn't.
You can't go over to his family to talk about things he does or to get advice because that's not correct in your eyes.
You can take advice when it's asked, but you are not going to rant about your issues with him like you would with your best friend.
You won't rant about the problems of being in the public eye and how people like Pamela treat you with disrespect. But they know about it. Some of them got the same comments, maybe not directly to their faces but on social media every day.
You need your family and friends.
Moving out to a different country with no one to relate to, with no one to talk to about the struggles of barely know the language.
"I'm going home. Do you need me to help you with something else before I leave?"
"No, it's okay." She smiles. Kissing you cheek goodbye. You nod, grabbing your things, giving her the report of the day like always. "Hey, Y/n."
You turn back to her. "Yes, ma'am?"
She hands you a bag. "Open it at home. It's something I forgot to give you." She smiles.
You nod, saying your goodbyes to her and telling her that you will text her when you are home.
You feel a headache, entering home and walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You find Kylian eating and sitting on the counter.
You don't like not talking to him. You want to hug him and cry in his arms. You want him to tell you that everything will be fine and that you are okay and safe.
He has earbuds on, not noticing your presence. You open the fridge and grab the water. Passing next to him and touching his arm.
He jumps a little, quickly taking his earbuds off to pay all the attention to you. "You're home."
You nod, drinking a whole glass of water. "Yes, you're early." You say, serving a glass for him. "What you got there?"
He thanked you, sipping some water. "It's a sandwich. Want a piece?" He placed the sandwich back in the plate and slid it to you.
You took a bite out of the sandwich. It tasted weird from all the ingredients he put inside of it. "It's an interesting flavor. But I think I'm not that hungry."
He finished the sandwich. You took a seat next to him on the counter, a glass of water in hand. "How was your day?" He asks.
"Good, same as always."
He nods, not sure how to approach the situation. He feels horrible about everything. "Can I be honest with you?" He asks.
"Always." You smile, reassuring him.
"I don't know what got into me, I should have listened to you instead of watching that stupid video. And I'm mostly sorry for making you cry and feel like you are something that you are not."
You want to speak, but you let him finish his rambling apology. Knowing he's being honest, this was his way of saying sorry, rambling about the thing he's sorry for, and then getting to a point.
"I know Pamela is someone I know before we even met, but that doesn't mean she's allowed to tell you things or make you feel a certain way. And I won't tolerate that happening to you. I know you and your character. I'm sorry about last night and any other night in the past, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you don't matter, you do, to me you are the most important person."
You feel your eyes getting teary. You needed those words more than anything. You needed the reassure he's giving you. You needed him.
"Can I give you a hug?" He asks, getting down.
You open your arms, letting him get into your embrace. "Je t'aime." You kiss his neck.
The hug lasted for what felt like hours. That was what you both needed. Specially you.
"Want to go upstairs and take a well-deserved bath?" He asks, kissing your head. "I can even get some strawberries to eat with the chocolate you like." You nod, kissing his lips.
You didn't work on weekends, mostly because since you weren't just a regular worker at the store, you were upgraded to a little privilege of having you weekends off.
You spend the day organizing some papers you left unattended for a while now. You moved some books that you planned to donate to some students that needed them.
You still needed to find a dress for the activity that was taking place tonight. Ready to go back to Celine and see if she can help you pick something.
You promise her that you will always come to her for anything if you ever needed help. And as much as you feel like you're abusing your privilege, she will likely not let you pay for anything you pick even if you could.
You finish your organization and change into something more presentable to go out with. Asking Kylian's chauffeur to take you to the store.
"Bonjour, mon ange." Celine greets you when she seed you walk in. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good, I'm sorry about that scene. I was just not in a right place that day." You hug her hello.
"It's okay. We all have those days." She laughs. "I know I'm a little lost when it comes to dates and days, but I know for a fact that today you are not working." She hums.
"I'm not, but I have an event, and I want to get something pretty. Maybe you can help me?"
You bat your eyelashes at her. Making her laugh and hug you by the shoulders. "I have the perfect dress for you."
She showed you some dresses, most of them way too formal for the event. But then you see this beautiful short long sleeve black sequin dress.
"It's perfect." You say. "Can I try it on?"
She nods, "Show me how it fits."
You try it. It fits like a glove, it's the perfect length, the perfect material, everything. "What do you think?"
"Fits like a glove." She smiles, making a sign for you to spin. "Parfait" she happily says.
You change quickly. Wanting to run home and get ready for the night. You pass the dress to her as you finish putting your shoes back on.
"So, here's that dress for you." She hands you the brand bag.
"Will you let me ever pay you?"
"I dont think so. But I think I have an idea. If you want, you can return it on monday or keep it." She smiles.
"I'll bring it back, I promise you that one day I'll be able to pay you back everything you do for me."
She hugged you goodbye. Wishing you a great night. You went back straight to the house. Excited about getting ready.
You took your time, getting your hair and a very natural makeup. Kylian got back home in the middle of your routine.
He got ready with you. He was wearing something between formal and not so formal. Nothing too serious, but nothing casual.
"Can you zip me up?" You ask.
He looks at you up and down. Your back greeting him. He runs a finger down your spine, making you arch from the sensation.
"Amour, no." You chuckle.
He kisses your shoulder, moves to your neck, and finishes with your other shoulder. "I love how you look." He whispers in your ear as he zips the dress.
You turn, kissing him and thanking him. "Ready, Mister?"
"Ready, amour." He smiles.
You two arrive at the house of Luis Enrique, his wife and daughter were there with him. He invited Zaire-Emery, Zague, Lee Kang, Vitinha and Kylian.
They came with their plus one, some of them brought their girlfriends and some of them brought their agents.
Kylian sat next to you, on the other side of him was Lee and on the other side of you was Zague.
Lee was with his agent. "You are Kylian's agent?" He asks. His English sounded so adorable since he's not used to it yet.
"I-" You were going to answer, but kylian interrupted.
"She's my girlfriend, Y/n this is Lee, Lee this is Y/n."
"Oh, nice to meet you, you are so pretty. Kylian always talks about you." He shakes your hand.
"Thank yo-"
"Hey Lee, did you saw that we are going to change the training schedule?"
You decided to remain quiet, Kylian was nervous, and that shows, he's very talkative with everything.
They keep talking about different topics. Luis Enrique and his wife were making sure everyone was comfortable.
"Can you pass the salt?" Zague asks. "I'm Zague, by the way, sorry." He laughs.
"Here that salt." You laugh too. "And I'm Y/n. Kylian's girlfriend." You shake his hands the same way with Lee.
"Nice to meet you. This guy always talks about you." He smile. "Are you from Paris? You don't sound french."
"No, I'm actually from -"
"Zague, Lee wants to tell Luis about that day you fell into the pool." Kylian laughs.
"Do it." He chuckle. "Sorry, I didn't get to hear your answer."
You were interrupted again by Kylian. Feeling a little off about it. Zague notices your face falling from the cut in your words.
Not that you were complaining, but kylian interrupted every single interaction you had with everyone. You feel dumb, people asked you things, and you were cut off almost every time.
The dinner was good. You got to sit in front of Luis's daughter, Sira. She was a cute girl and very talkative too.
"Horse riding? that's so cool." You smile at her.
"Yes, I love doing it."
"She's amazing. You should come to one of the competitions they do here in France. It's an experience." Luis says.
"She's afraid of horses." Kylian joined the conversation.
"I'm not." You laugh, thinking he's maybe joking. "I actually think horses are cute and powerful."
"Didn't you once fall off of one?" He asks.
Luis and Sira look at each other, confused about why kylian was bringing that up. "I've fallen a good amount of times. It's pretty normal."
"Yes, and believe me. At first, horses can be scary." Luis says. "Kylian, another glass of wine?"
"Yes, let me serve this one."
Kylian took the bottle, moving his arm a little faster and by mistake throwing your glass all over you.
You feel the cold drink hitting you, moving the chair back quickly, trying to save the parts where it didn't hit yet.
"Oh my God." Sira says, getting up and grabbing a napkin. "It's okay, I think my mom has a cleaning product."
"Let's not worry, your dress is black and I think it'll be safe." Kylian says, tapping his napkin on your legs where the wine hit.
You want to say something, but you are too mad at him to even say something. Being afraid that you will lash out in front of everybody.
"Wait, you have your tags on. Let me take those." Kylian tear off the tags. Making you let out an angry but small growl.
You close your eyes and inhale. "Luis, can I please use your bathroom?" You ask nicely, smiling to hide your emotions. "It's okay, it was an honest mistake. Please do take that glass of wine. I'm just going to dry myself, and we can keep talking."
Sira walked you to the bathroom. She even gave you some wipes and a towel to help with the situation.
"If you need anything else, I'll be over here at the rooms. Second door to the left." She smiles, leaving you alone at the bathroom.
You want to cry, you feel weird, you're dirty and sticky from all the wine you have on you. And kylian pulling the interrupting act was stressful.
You clean the wine off your legs and arms, and you fix your dress that was still wet, and you throw the used wipes and paper at the trash can.
Three knocks made you open the door. Kylian was standing there. "Hey, you okay?"
You roll your eyes, stepping outside. "Can we go home? I don't feel well, am sticky and uncomfortable." You whine.
"Yes, I'll go get your bag, wait for me outside." He says, hurrying to get your things.
He excuses you with everybody. Saying goodbye and thanking Luis for the dinner. They all understood and told him to tell you goodbye.
The drive home you were silent, trying to calm your anger at him. You don't want to yell. You don't want to fight. You just want a shower and a good night sleep.
You enter the house and take your shoes off. Leaving them by the door. You try to unzip your dress, but you can't reach the zipper.
You feel his cold hands, undoing your zipper. "I'm really sorry." He apologizes. Hands massaging your shoulders.
You put your hands in your chest to hold the dress. "Please don't touch me." You walk one step forward. "I'm taking a shower."
He sighs. "It's was an honest mistake, Y/n."
You stop your steps. Turning and walking down two steps. "Was you interrupting on everything I said also unintentional?" You ask, stern tone.
He shakes his head no. Moving upstairs to be at the same height as you. "I said I'm sorry, let's get ready for bed and call it a night."
"A tasteless sorry is supposed to make it up for me?" You walk the rest of the steps. He was already on the second floor. Walking towards the room. "I'm talking to you. Stop ignoring me."
He pulls the silent treatment card, going to the closet to change into his night clothes. You slam the bathroom door, angry at him.
You left the dress on the floor. Feeling nervous about ruining the dress Celine let you borrow.
You shower, taking that hideous feeling. Trying to calm down to be able to face what's outside the bathroom.
He's ignoring you. Under the covers with his phone. Back turned to you. You close the closet door. Not sure if you want him to address anything.
You try not to cry, you have been feeling ignored, you have been feeling bad bout different aspects of your life, and all because of him.
You let yourself get humiliated for the sake of not creating any drama that can get used against him.
You have been a good girlfriend. You're not a bad person. You won't categorize yourself as someone who deserves bad things because you never do bad things to others.
You grab your small suitcase. You pack some basics. You walk into the bathroom with a toiletry bag. Grabbing your most necessary products and things. You walk back into the closet. You finish packing.
You don't move the suitcase just yet. You get down to where your purse is. Walking back upstairs and locking yourself in.
You open the browser. Searching for a flight home, finding one in three hours. You book it.
Texting your friend and telling her that you will be home at the time the ticket says it's landing, she asks you if you are okay and you just say you'll talk once you are there.
You don't move for a few minutes, you tear about the fact that you will leave Kylian alone. That you will have to tell him that you will leave to be able to rest your mind.
You gather courage, order an Uber. Opening the door. He's now watching something on the tv. "Kylian, we need to talk."
"I don't want to fight. Let's talk tomorrow."
"I won't be here tomorrow." You say, your voice is shaking.
He turns, you're with tears rolling down your face, suitcase in hand. "Amour, what are you doing?" he throws the sheets quickly.
He walks over to you, trying to grab you. But you back off. Lifting your hand and making him stop.
"Kylian, I need time. I can't keep going with my days like this. It's not just about tonight. It's the whole Pamela situation. It's just too much." You cry.
"You don't need to leave. I'll go. But please stay here. Mon Amour, please."
"I have my ticket already booked. I'm going home. " You whisper. "I'm not breaking up with you. I just need time. I can't keep going like this."
"This is our home." he whines, not being able to get your reasoning.
"No, this is your house. Those are your friends, this is your country."
You walk past him. Feeling your heart break. You hurry to the strairs. The suitcase is not cooperating with you, wanting to go quickly.
He grabs the suitcase, making you turn to face him. "When are you coming back?" he asks, tears in his eyes. "Because you will be back, aren't you?"
You nod, sobbing. "I'll be back in two weeks"
He then gets your suitcase down the stairs. When you are at the bottom, you throw yourself on his arms.
"I'm sorry, Kylian." You cry. "But please understand that I need to do this. I need to get all this out of my head. I feel so unworthy. I feel so out of place that I don't fit in your world."
"Stop, you do. You are so worthy to me and to everyone around us who loves you and cares about you." he hugs you.
"I'll be back." You pull away. "My Uber is here." You say seeing the notification of the driver. "Je t’aime"
He kisses you. He dries your tears with his shirt. "Text me when you get there. You have the card I gave you? If you need anything please use it."
You nod, kissing his lips. You pull and walk outside. Once you are about to get into the car, you turn to see him standing there. You wave and close the car door.
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twinkwish · 7 months
Too Cocky
“See you tonight, Jacob?” Brad asked his friend in the locker room, about to leave after practice.
“For sure, bro. I just gotta shower real quick and I’ll be there.” After their big win, the team had planned to celebrate with a bar crawl.
“Awesome, don't take too long, bro!” joked Brad. 
Jacob was always the last person in the locker room after games. He was the star of the team—talented, big, handsome—which meant he was highly complimented. Jacob loved nothing more than to walk around the locker room to the adoration of his teammates, flexing and showing off his godlike stature to earn their praise and remarks. 
With Brad out the door, Jacob finally went to take his shower. He stopped in front of the mirrors in front of the sinks lining the outside wall and began to put on a show for himself—he rarely passed up such an opportunity.
“Yeah, man. I always get such a good pump after a game,” he said to himself as he lifted his arms into a double bicep pose. He certainly had a body to be proud of. At 6’3” and 215 pounds of solid muscle, he was one of the biggest on the team. And with long blond hair and a chiseled jaw line, he was looker for sure. “Imagine what that team would be without me.”
After posing a bit longer, he walked over to the showers and undressed. He turned on the water and looked down at his beautiful cock. “Yeah, I’m definitely the biggest on the team.”
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“Maybe,” commented a voice from behind.
“What the fuck!? Who’s there!?” cried Jacob, swinging himself around. 
“No one important. Just an admirer,” responded Brad.
“Oh, hey man. You freaked me out there. I thought you left.”
“I did, but I forgot my bag. When I came back, I heard you in here and thought I would see what you were up to. You put on a good show, stud.”
“You liked that, bro. You like seeing this?” he gestured to himself. “I wouldn't have pegged you for a fairy. I mean, I guess I don’t blame you.”
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for one,” said Brad with a sly smile.
At that moment, Jacob began to look at Brad in a way he hadn't before. Brad was also pretty built, standing around 6’1” on a muscular frame of around 190 pounds with a big powerful chest. Jacob gulped.
“I think I’ll join you,” added Brad. “I was going to shower at home, but might as well do it here.”
Jacob remained frozen as he stared at Brad’s tree trunk legs sliding out of his pants. He nearly drooled when Brad’s biceps squeezed as he slowly removed his tight t-shirt.
“Woah, dude,” he said finally. “You’re lookin’ swole.” He was surprised at himself. It wasn’t like him to compliment others.
“Oh yeah?” Brad answered, bouncing his pecs slightly. “I have been doing some extra training with coach.”
“It’s been payin’ off, bro. Your pecs are huge.” Again, he was surprised. His mouth hung open as his eyes hungrily studied Brad’s godlike torso. Is dick twitched a bit.
“Feel them.”
And with that, Jacob rushed eagerly over to Brad and began to submissively worship his chest, in complete admiration of the size—the power. “What is happening?” he thought to himself. “My chest bigger. I am the strongest guy on the team.” But he strangely didn’t believe that. 
Smiling that sly smile, Brad responded by flexing. Breathing deeply, he taunted, “That’s right, bitch. You just can’t get enough of me. You wish you could look like this, to feel as big and powerful as me.”
At that moment, Jakob became aware of a strange sensation. It was as if he was shrinking. He looked up at Brad, who looked taller and taller in comparison as Jakeb shrank down to 5’7”. He stepped back for a moment to see his once bulging biceps contracting. His defined, prominent chest lowered and nearly flattened out. His formerly thick thighs became much more lithe as his ass began to expand with a mixture of fat and muscle. Simultaneously, his mind was drained of all knowledge of sports and chicks while an intense focus and obsession with the hunk before him replaced it. After only a second, Jake practically leapt back towards the muscle jock, burying his head in Brad’s armpit while the jock moaned.
Brad was going through his own transformation. His joints cracked slightly as he grew a few inches taller and his feet expanded into giant size 15s. His already beefy muscles expanded even more, veins popping out of his arms as he hit a double bicep pose. “Fuck yeah, you little fairy,” Brad moaned through heavy breaths and deep grunts. “Worship a real man.”
With that, Brad pushed the twink to his knees.  Jake, excited and eager, began to suck Brad’s growing cock. 
“Take it all, slut!” he roared in a deep voice, his giant hand gripping the top of Jake’s platinum blond head while his 8” python grew in his mouth. With his other hand, Brad felt his new engorged muscles, running his fingers up his chiseled abs before groping his pecs.. “MmmmMmmM.”
Jake could only moan slightly as his mind focused on Brad’s amazing dick. The twink’s now thick, seductive lips smacked and sucked as his tongue worked its magic. His mind was filled with images of pleasuring men. Being used as a vessel, a little fucktoy. As he deep throated the expanding rod, the muscle god’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy. 
“Shit!” Brad yelled. He began to grunt, bucking his pelvis as his load exploded into the face of the submissive twink, who swallowed it in turn.
“Yaaassss, Brad!” Jake squealed in his newly high voice as he pulled away from the muscle god’s pelvis. “That was, like, so hot.”
“Huh,” he laughed. “What did you expect? That’s what you get from a body like this.”
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“Mmm. Love it, stud. Hehehe. Come on, big boy. Let’s, like, go out to the bars. You can, like, use me to make the rest of the team, like, jealous.”
“We’ll catch up with them later. First I have plans for you at home,” Brad responded as he grabbed Jake’s juicy bubble butt.
They both liked the sound of those plans.
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bananadramaaa · 1 month
I don't even know nor like Hazbin Hotel but I love your art for it! I'm invested in your comics and the character designs are lovely <3
By the way, sorry if it may be an odd question but how did you learn to draw poses and anatomy? You're my favorite artist and I really hope to be as good as you someday so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. You don't have to answer though, I'm just wondering
Take care! You're amazing!
Awww, happy to know that even though you don't know HH stuff you still enjoy my work with it. That means a lot💜
To your question, my only answer is practice😅 I mean, I'm a self-taught artist. I didn't attend any art schools to learn all the basics academically, so to speak. So learning from references was my way to improve. And loooots of drawing. Don't be afraid to use references btw. From them, you can understand how our body works, the same anatomy. Also, your visual library can help you to improve. What I mean by that is you can study other artists' artworks to try to understand how they draw and what techniques they use. I did that too, analyzing some of my favorite artists and trying to use their methods. Redrawing scenes from films can help as well (in learning composition for example).
Also I usually 'warm up' before I start drawing anything. It's just quick sketches of different poses or emotions.
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Sometimes I take, let's say, a random basic reference pose (e.g. crossed legs sitting pose like here) and then try to change it slightly depending on the character or their mood. Just a fun little exercise but it can help to get better at expressiveness too.
In conclusion, practice really makes perfect XD
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fandom-go-round · 1 month
Obey Me! Demon Brothers’ #1 kinks?
I did some classics and some new ones here, just having some fun. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Sex, Sexual Situations, Wax Play, Orgasm Denial, Somophilia, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Cock Warming, Voyeurism, Semi Public Sex, Sex Videos, Taking Photos During Sex
Lucifer is really into wax play. Not just the wax of course but the entire set up and prep. Having you willingly give into him, let him tie you up and then trust him to know your limits? He’s so hard it hurts. You’ve already cum twice before he even gets to the candles, the scent your favorite. He’s determined to draw this out so be ready; he’s not going to stop until the flames snuff out.
Mammon is into orgasm denial, both for himself and you. There are days when he’s being extra whiny and bratty. Those are the best days to make him work for his orgasm; he’ll do anything to cum. Be ready for him to flip the scrip though. He wants you to feel good for as long as you let him. He wants all of your attention all of the time. Call him a brat or praise him, as long as you give it your all and Mammon will return it times ten.
Levi’s biggest kink is anal sex. It doesn’t sound like much but it’s the one thing Levi goes back to consistently. He loves are sorts of things but has issues expressing what he really wants. Anal is ‘tame’ enough that he doesn’t mind requesting it and that makes him more comfortable to bring up other kinks. He always wants to use his tail, especially when doing anal. Be clear and gentle with Levi and he’ll reveal all his dirty secrets to you.
Satan loves a long cock warming session. It’s two fold; he loves being close and intimate with you but he’s also a horrible tease and wants to see how long you can hold out. He’ll happily pick up a book or start studying with you in his lap. He might scold you for squirming but he doesn’t mean it; Satan loves seeing how desperate you are for him. If you’re ever able to reverse the positions? He’s not going to last long, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes as he grits his teeth. He’s gorgeous.
Asmo loves voyeurism in all forms. From having sex in a semi-public space to teasing you in public, he’s into it all. He never wants to do it where you’ll actually get caught but the thrill can get him going. If you’re not into that, it’s alright. Asmo also loves to take pictures of you and record videos. His eyes only of course! But if you pose for him and let him snap a quick pic? Oooh he’ll love you even more!
Beel is a man with simple tastes. Simple tastes meaning you on his tongue of course. He’s into oral, not if ands or buts. Beel is happiest between your legs, wherever is most comfortable for you. On the bed? He’ll kneel on the floor. Straddling his face? Don’t worry babe, he’s got you. Against the wall? He’ll hold you up. Just don’t ask him to stop any time soon, he’s content where he is.
Belphie isn’t a huge surprise but he loves sleepy sex. He loves the feeling of being half awake and sliding into you, rolling his hips slowly. It’s even better when you’re the one riding him, barely raising your hips as you fuck yourself on him. He can’t help but mark you up with his teeth and hands; his hips might not be moving but that doesn’t mean the rest of him isn’t.
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waterhousse · 1 year
That Funny Feeling
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Pairing: bestfriend!ellie williams x reader
Summary: you slowly start to realize you’ve fallen in love with your best friend.
• • • •
“are you done?” you groaned, tired. the girl in front of you gazed up at you, eyes wide and eyewbrows up.
“does it look like i’m done?” ellie gestured at herself. you almost laugh at how sassy she looked.
“i’ve been posing for an eternity.”
“it’s been like ten minutes!”
“well, i can’t feel my ass anymore.”
“i’m sure it’s still there,” she said without even looking at you.
after a few moments of silence, you spoke up again, “you’re gonna have to pay me for this.”
ellie looked up from her sketchbook, completely offended. “is my art not enough payment?”
“i can’t buy shit with your art,” you deadpanned.
you had been so quick with your reply that an inevitable chuckle escaped your friend’s lips. “fuck you,” she laughed and you found yourself wanting to come up with an infinite amount of jokes just to hear that sound again. “hold still or i’m gonna have to start over.”
your eyes stayed on her as she went back to her job, unable to look anywhere else. you had always enjoyed watching her draw, founding it soothing. it also allowed you to study her and notice quirks only you could know about; the way she slightly frowned during the whole process due to the concentration and the countless huffs she let out, especially when she had to restart after a mistake. your favorite one, though, was when she sung. ellie’s voice was sweet, you had told her that many times, so you loved being able to hear it. she didn’t even notice she did it, the melodies just came out without warning.
“aaand, done.”
you jumped out of the big rock you had been sitting on for the past fifteen minutes and ran to her side, trying to catch a glimpse of her drawing, but she closed the sketchbook on your nose.
“hey, let me see.”
“it’s not ready yet,” she started gathering her supplies. you rolled your eyes at her. “stop that,” she muttered.
“what— i haven’t even said anything!”
“i know you rolled your eyes at me,” ellie said as she looked for something inside her backpack. you scoffed, but it actually warmed your heart how well she knew you. “c’mon, let’s go to my place. it’s getting late.”
you were currently behind the town’s barn, ellie had chosen that spot because, apparently, the moonlight hit your face just right. it was cold as hell that night, but being the supportive friend that you were, you decided to respect ellie’s struck of inspiration.
“i’ll show you the drawing when it’s finished, by the way,” she spoke up once you caught up with her.
“kay, well, finish it quick or else i won’t pose for you anymore.”
“fine, i’ll ask stella.”
you dramatically gasped at the mention of her. stella was relatively new in Jackson and the only person in the world you truly despised.
“don’t even joke about that.”
the fact that you hated someone that much was hilarious to her. it didn’t match your personality at all. you were the calmest, sweetest person she had ever met. besides, no one really knew why you hated her so much. even you, which was ridiculous. for some reason, everything that girl did or said annoyed you. you couldn’t stand her, feeling there was something off about her, but couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” she placed an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to her. you tried to ignore how fast your heartbeat had gotten. that seemed to be happening a lot lately around her. “but hey, you gotta admit she’s not that bad.”
your heart dropped, “you’ve talked to her?”
“what? no. i just think she’s hot.”
you crossed your arms as you hummed in response, suddenly feeling very sick. there was a sharp pang in the pit of your stomach, so you spent the entire walk quiet, only answering to ellie’s babbling with monosyllables. your friend had noticed, so once you arrived at her place she grabbed you by the arm, making you turn around.
“hey, you, uh, you okay? i was kidding about stella. she’s not— i’m not interested in her, y’know?” ellie was nervous, but you were too busy staring at the hand that was stopping you from walking away and how your skin tingled beneath it.
“it’s fine,” you gave her a small smile, eyes back on her. “but i think i’m about to come up with a fever or something, i feel a little weird.”
ellie stepped closer, letting go of your arm and placing her hand on your forehead. “yeah, i think you’re hot.”
you let out a chuckle, “thanks, i’m glad you’re finally admitting it.”
your friend rolled her eyes before opening the door for you. she stood by the doorframe, waiting for you to go inside, but you hesitated.
“i think it’s best for me to go home—”
“what? no, shut up. i’m gonna head over to joel’s to see if he has some painkillers or something, you stay here,” she said as she softly pushed you inside her house. you opened your mouth as you turned around, ready to protest, but the sound of the door closing stopped you. letting out a sigh, you looked around to finally set your eyes on the couch, where you decided to wait for ellie as you tried to ignore whatever you were feeling.
you swept your gaze over the place, warmth spreading over your heart as you spotted little details that screamed ellie; a bunch of savage starlight comics, her guitar perfectly set next to the window, art supplies, books about astronomy and many, many drawings that were either on the walls or just laying on top of the furniture.
you spotted one of her many sketchbooks laying on the floor by her bed, so you went to pick it up and put it on her nightstand, next to the lamp.
after a while, you heard the sound of jiggling keys followed by ellie’s characteristic cursing. you got up from the couch and went to open the door for her since she was clearly struggling. ellie’s frown disappeared once she laid her eyes on you.
“you okay?” you asked, amused.
“this fucking door, i swear to god—” she mumbled as she stepped inside. “look! joel made you soup. i swear he likes you more than he likes me.”
you chuckled at the last part, “i mean, can you blame him?” you joked. there was no way he liked anyone more than ellie, but that didn’t change the fact that you felt incredibly loved and protected by him, too.
ellie gazed at you, a small smile hiding on her lips, “yeah, i supposed i can’t,” she almost whispered. “c’mon, get into bed,” she ordered.
“jeez, ellie. buy me a drink first, at least,” you said, missing ellie’s flustered state. it only lasted a second, though, because her usual smug smirk was already forming on her lips.
“oh, you wish,” she teased back.
maybe it was what she said, maybe it was the way she said it, but your stomach flipped at her words. it was such an unexpected reaction that it made you froze in your spot, completely startled.
“you’re gonna get in bed or…?” ellie’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, she was holding up the covers for you.
“i can go to my house, you know. i don’t wanna be any trouble—” you said as you sat down on the bed. your friend pointed at your shoes and gestured for you to take them off.
“shut up and just let me take care of you, would you?” ellie carefully placed the soup on the nightstand. she went around the bed and sat on the other side just as you wiggled under the covers. she looked down at you, slightly leaning down, “you’re so stubborn,” she murmured as she passed you the soup.
you frowned, offended, “look who’s talking,” you bickered as you glanced up, but you weren’t prepared to see her so close. your eyes met hers, forcing you to avert your gaze elsewhere. you felt her stare still on you, making you malfunction. maybe that was the reason you took a sip of the soup without even considering how hot it would be. ellie laughed shamelessly at you when you burned your tongue. “shit!” you shrieked.
“i’m not saying you deserved it, but…” ellie teased. you would’ve pushed her off the bed if you hadn’t had a flaming hot bowl of soup in your hands, instead, you silently watched her take off her converse. she looked back at you, “move over, i’m cold.”
your breath hitched on your throat at the request, but did as she said. you kept your attention on the bowl of soup that warmed your cold hands, not feeling brave enough to make eye contact with the girl next to you.
“how’s the soup?”
“oh, it’s great. joel’s the best. remind me to thank him tomorrow.” you smiled. “want some?”
“nah, thanks. i don’t like soup.”
“what do you mean you don’t like soup?”
“i just don’t.”
“what’s not to like? it’s yummy.”
“i’m gonna ignore the fact that you just said yummy. and i don’t know! i just don’t like it.”
“weirdo. you’re missing out.”
“okay, soup’s best defender, whatever you say,” she muttered as she closed her eyes. you bit the inside of your cheek as you allowed yourself to scan her face, stopping on the freckles you had complimented so many times.
you looked away, leaving the bowl of soup on the nightstand of your side. the sound made ellie open her eyes.
“you’re gonna sleep?” she asked, her eyes were even more hypnotizing up close.
you nodded, suddenly losing the hability to speak.
“me too,” ellie said before yawning.
“hold on. you’re gonna sleep in jeans, you freak?”
ellie let out an exaggerated groan, “i don’t have the energy to get up and change. it’s too much work.”
“don’t be lazy, c’mon. i’m gonna change, too.” you began to softly push her off the bed, which eventually worked. she walked to her closet and threw you a big white t-shirt, it was the same one you always wore when you slept over.
you averted your gaze from ellie once she started to take her pants off, but it strangely took a lot of strength for you to do so. you shook your head and climbed up to bed, shortly followed by your friend.
“there, happy?”
“great. oh, and try not to kick me so fucking much this time or i’m gonna have to fight back,” she muttered with amusement.
you let out a chuckle, “i’ll do my best,” you whispered before everything fell quiet.
you didn’t know exactly how much time had passed since ellie turned off the light, but you were sure it was a while. still as a statue, you layed next to her while staring at the ceiling, trying to make sense of how you were feeling. eyes wide, stomach in a knot and heart fluttering as if it were a butterfly.
you realized you had fallen asleep once you opened your eyes and daylight touched almost every corner of the room. you blinked a few times before you fully adjusted to the light, that’s when you noticed ellie’s closeness. she was almost on top of you, breathing into the crook of your neck. it wasn’t the first time you had woken up like that with her, but it was the first time you felt different.
“ellie,” you whispered. she whined in response, mumbling something inaudible. you felt your heartbeat race when she nuzzled further into your neck, feeling her lips touch your skin. you squeezed your eyes shut, noticing the unknown feelings from the day before were still present. “hey, ellie. c’mon. it’s almost eight,” you pronounced softly, but ellie ignored you. “i’ve got somewhere to be, y’know.”
“where?” she asked almost immediately.
“i told dina i’d have breakfast with her. i would’ve invited you, but i know you’re not a morning person, so…”
she complained once again, but eventually came out of her hiding. you almost laughed at her expression.
“were you born with that frown?” you placed your fingers in between her eyebrows, making her smoothen the lines.
“shut up,” she laughed softly. “and i could be a morning person, you know.”
“so you’re coming with me?”
“no, i wanna sleep.”
you laughed and got up, ellie’s eyes following you on your way to the bathroom until you closed the door. you stared at yourself in the mirror, suddenly feeling embarrassed because of the way your hair looked. ellie had seen you like that a million times before, but that time you actually cared about looking at least presentable for her.
with a sigh, you grabbed the toothbrush you had left once and started brushing your teeth. everything felt strange, but you tried to act as normal as possible.
after washing your face and brushing your hair, you changed into your clothes. you took a deep breath before getting out of the bathroom, trying to calm down the sudden nerves that attacked you, but the sight that welcomed you once you opened the door didn’t help at all; ellie’s bare legs were crossed on top of the bed, she had tied her hair into her usual half-bun and a few strands fell over her face as she drew on her sketchbook.
“i thought you wanted to sleep,” you commented, picking up your jacket from the floor.
“just wanted to add some finishing touches to yesterday’s drawing,” her voice sounded even raspier when she was sleepy. “oh, and i forgot to give you that jacket you asked me for the other day,” she said as she got out of bed and quickly walked to her closet, leaving the sketchbook on top of her nightstand.
“trade?” you held up your jacket, making her grin. she grabbed it from you and gave you hers, which you immediately put on.
“you look great,” ellie complimented you, a faint blush spreading over her cheeks.
“thank you,” you smiled, your voice sounding incredibly weak. “and thank you for taking care of me. i—” love you, you almost said, but for some reason, those last two words died in your throat. it was weird. even though you always said it to her, that time that phrase seemed to carry a heavier, still unknown, meaning. “i gotta go.”
you turned around to leave, but ellie called your name. you looked back at her and watched her grab her sketchbook from the nightstand. “here,” she handed it to you. just as you were about to open it, she stopped you. “wait! look at it later. i don’t wanna see your disappointment if you don’t like it.”
“don’t be silly, you could never disappoint me,” you sincerely replied. “but okay, i’ll see it when i’m home.”
“have fun with dina. not too much fun, though. you’re not allowed to enjoy life to the fullest if i’m not there.”
“i promise i won’t. see you later,” your eyes met hers one last time before closing the door.
when you arrived at your house, you saw dina already waiting for you. once she spotted you, she started frenetically waving at you. a laugh escaped your lips as you copied her action. yeah, two people with that much energy at 8 am would be a lot for ellie to handle.
“finally! i’ve knocking on your door for the past 10 minutes. i thought you were dead,” was the first thing she said to you as she gave you hug.
“sorry, i slept over at ellie’s.”
dina let out a chuckle, “of course you did.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“you two are always together, i should’ve known. that’s all,” dina shrugged her shoulders. she decided not to comment on the fact that you were wearing ellie’s favorite jacket.
you opened the door and stepped aside, inviting her in. you followed her to the kitchen, where you put water to boil.
“oh, i saw your friend on my way here,” dina commented as she took out two mugs from your hand-painted cupboard. ellie had participated in the process too, drawing different kind of flowers.
“my friend? who?”
“stella,” she amusedly pronounced. you inevitably rolled your eyes, making her laugh. “you still hate her?”
“yes! ellie brought her up yesterday and i almost threw up, i’m not kidding. i don’t even know why i hate her so much, i’ve never even talked to her,” you sat down at the kitchen island while dina stood on the other side of it.
“uh, yes you have,” your friend frowned, confused. “you seriously don’t remember? jesse’s party a few weeks ago, it was the night after she arrived to town.”
you tried your best to remember, but nothing came to your mind. you remembered the party, but not stella. your lost expression must’ve been enough for dina to know that you actually had no idea what she was talking about.
“woah, so you were more fucked up than i thought you were,” she muttered more to herself than to you. “okay, so, jesse invited her because she was new and all that. you had a lot to drink, apparently, so you were already drunk when you approached her. you introduced ourselves and asked her if she had met anyone else besides jesse and us and she said she hadn’t, but that she had seen a girl she was interested in and she was planning on finding her. when she started describing her, we realized she was talking about—”
“ellie. she was talking about ellie,” you replied, eyes wide. the memories came flooding back, making you freeze for a second. “oh my god.”
“you totally snapped at her and told her not to go anywhere near her or you’d scratch her eyes off,” she laughed, but you were completely horrified. “yeah, you get pretty violent when you drink. in my opinion, it’s hilarious.”
“i remember the way she ran away after i said that,” you cover your mouth in disbelief.
the more you processed the forgotten information, the more you worried. that uncontrollable hatred you felt towards stella was because of jealousy over your best friend?
“i mean, i support you. you gotta defend what’s yours,” dina cheered, but her smile disappeared once she noticed your expression. “hey, you okay?”
“i shouldn’t have done that. i had no right—”
“hey, it’s okay. i’m sure ellie wouldn’t have been interested in her anyway.”
“she told me she thinks stella’s hot yesterday,” you muttered, eyes set on your own fidgeting hands.
dina stayed quiet for a bit, but you could still feel her staring at you.
“what’s that?” she pointed to the sketchbook next to you.
“oh, it’s ellie’s. she drew me yesterday and gave it to me so i could see it,” you couldn’t help but smile. you watched dina take it and look at the pages with a blank expression.
“have you seen this?”
“not yet, why? is it good?”
“well, yeah, they’re good. there’s a lot of them.”
confused, you reached over to grab the book from her hands. your eyes widened at the content. you felt your heartbeat increase by the second and a deep blush color your cheeks as you rummaged through the pages. you were on each and every one of them; smiling, laughing, dancing, sleeping and more. you recognized some of them, since you remembered posing that way, but the majority of them were ellie’s invention. you were left speechless at how well she had managed to capture you, down to the smallest detail.
“she may think stella’s hot, but i can assure you she thinks you’re the most beautiful girl to ever walk the earth. i mean, look at those. you’re her muse,” dina smiled sweetly at you.
“i have to talk to her,” you whispered before standing up. “i don’t wanna leave you alone, but—”
“it’s okay, dummy. i’ll be here, drinking my tea and waiting for you to come back and to tell me everything. take your time, though.”
with dina wishing you good luck, you left with the sketchbook in hand and ran to her place without even thinking twice about it. you ignored how dizzy you felt and the way your heart was beating at an abnormal speed. nothing else mattered, because everything suddenly seemed crystal clear.
your heart skipped a beat once you arrived at ellie’s place and saw her sitting on joel’s stairs, staring down at something in her hands. she looked up when she heard you approach.
“i gave you the wrong sketchbook,” she whispered, staring at the object in your hands. you frowned, stepping closer to her. “you weren’t supposed to see that. i’m— shit, i’m sorry.”
“what? ellie, no. i loved it.”
“listen, you don’t have to lie. i know it’s really fucking weird and pathetic—”
“you wanna hear something really weird and pathetic? i scared the shit out of a girl just because she told me she was interested in you. you wanna hear the funniest part? that girl was stella. i drunkenly told her to stay away from you or else i would scratch her eyes out.”
ellie’s eyes widened, mouth slightly agape. worry had started spreading through your body. “what?”
“i forgot about that whole interaction but the anger i felt in that moment stuck with me to the point i hated a girl without even knowing why,” you let out an awkward chuckle. “i… i hated her because she thought about you the way only i can think about you.”
everything became a little too real since the moment those words left your lips, and even though a weight had been lifted from your shoulders once you made that confession, it was soon replaced with the weight of the question ‘what will happen next?’
ellie’s gaze softened, going from confusion to something indecipherable. was it pity or was it what you hoped for?
suddenly, she stood up. you watched her as she walked painfully slow at you, torturing you. once she was only inches away from you, she smiled. with a hand placed on your waist and the other on the side of your face, she finally leaned in and captured your lips in an agonizing, yet perfect, slow kiss. you melted into her touch, feeling as if you were about to explode of happiness.
it was what you had hoped for.
“i can’t believe this is actually happening,” ellie murmured, lips touching yours. she leaned back a little, allowing herself to look at you. her eyes expressed so much love you couldn’t understand how you went so long without realizing that.
“you’re blushing,” you commented, eyes sparkling.
“oh my g— why would you point that out?” ellie complained, but she wasn’t mad. “you’re blushing too, by the way.”
“shut up.”
you silently stared at each other with shy smiles. ellie caressed your face with her thumb and softly pressed her lips on yours, giving you one small kiss. everything felt so intimate that you had forgotten about the rest of the world, completely unaware of the fact that you were on the street.
“i was so fucking scared when i realized i gave you the wrong sketchbook. i thought i’d messed everything up,” ellie whispered, her eyebrows furrowing a little. “i’ve dealt with loss in the past, and even though it hurt like hell, i got over it. or at least i’ve been able to live with it, but losing you? There’s no way i’d make it.”
your heart fully stopped at her sweet words, “you’ll never lose me.”
“good,” she smiled. “y’know, i told myself to draw you whenever you were on my mind, just so i could do something with what i was feeling. turns out that i’m never not thinking about you.”
not knowing how to reply to that, you launched yourself forward, crashing your lips with hers. you could feel her laughing, making you giggle too.
“i was so nervous on my way here. i wasn’t sure if you felt the same way,” you let out a small laugh, lips a little swollen.
“what? the sketchbook didn’t make that clear?”
“well, i didn’t want to jump to conclusions. i could be another stella, you know, just some girl you find hot,” you bitterly said.
ellie grimaced, “yeah, about that…” she awkwardly chuckled. “i don’t she’s hot. i only said that because i was hoping to get a reaction out of you.”
you gasped, “ellie, what the hell? first of all, you’re a bitch. that was a low blow. second of all, well played. it worked. it made me sick, literally.”
“i thought that was a coincidence,” she let out a laugh. “am i a mastermind or what?”
you rolled your eyes at her gloating, “yeah, yeah. don’t let it get to your head. it’s already big enough.”
“kidding,” you pronounced in a sing-song voice. as happiness spread all over your body, you placed your arms on her shoulders and locked your hands behind her neck. grinning, you brought her closer and kissed her again, and again, and again, and again.
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 7
Mickey Milkovich + Wrestling or sparring
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Still been studying, thanks to my teacher giving us twice as much work than usual, so this isn’t as long as I would have wanted.
I have no idea what warning to put for Mickey talking and thinking the way he does, but mickey warning I guess??
kinktober 2023 masterlist
Mickey Milkovich wasn’t the type to go down without a fight, it laid deep in his blood to never go down, and if he did, to go down swinging. Even just playfighting always lead to real scuffling or outright fighting resulting in bloody noses or knocked out teeth. Apparently, he had anger issues, and they always seemed to flare right up when someone got him swinging. It was why he found himself in some less than stellar gym in the south side, run by some gay guy and his friends.
Everyone knew about the gym’s main owner, (Y/N), his family had lived in the south side as long as anyone else’s, were mixed up in the same stuff as everyone else, and got into trouble like everyone else. Only difference about this guy was that he was openly gay, and would knock anyone out cold if they tried to target him for it. Mickey had found him at the ends of his fists a couple of times, and had always woken up with the sickest migraines, maybe even concussions, though he had never gone to the hospital about it.
(Y/N) had left the south side for a while, apparently he was off to get an education on a scholarship, but strangely enough he had returned to the shithole that was the south side. No one had recognized him as first. He left as a skinny guy who packed an insanely mean left and right hook, and came back packed in muscle and taller, with a confidence that few saw in gay guys in the south side. His muscles weren’t for show either, as rumors quickly spread that his hits were not only harder but quicker than ever.
Then he had opened up a gym for anyone who wasn’t gonna start trouble, and if you did start trouble, he took care of you real quick and efficiently. He had quirked a brow as Mickey stepped into the gym, but like he never questioned the local gun dealer being there, he wasn’t gonna question a milkovich being there as long as he paid. Mickey went about his business, taking out some of his burning anger on the punching bags, trying to put all the hatred and anger in his soul into those punches.
Mickey almost swung around and knocked (Y/N)s teeth out when the taller guy had placed his hand on Mickeys shoulder. “You’re standing all wrong, you’ll mess up your shoulders” he explained, his strong hands grabbing Mickeys arms and pulling him into the better pose.
Mickey wasn’t gonna ever admit that he felt warmth rise to his cheeks as (Y/N) grabbed him and moved him around, it was just cuz the guy was eyecandy around the south side. Few guys cared about their appearance around this part, so seeing a guy who actually bathed on the regular and walked around in tight tank tops always caught Mickeys attention. If Mickey wasn’t the type to deny himself so much, he might have seen how his appreciating stares were returned.
One night when Mickey showed up to the gym, a time where there were never anyone around but the owner, he had been stewing in anger. The punching bags just didn’t seem to be enough, even as Mickey cursed and made his knuckles bleed. (Y/N) had sauntered up in that tight tank top and a pair of sweats that left little to the imagination and goaded Mickey into a spar in the wrestling part of the gym.
In reality it was just some mats laid on the floor and against the walls, no way a place like this could afford an actually wresting ring, but it was good enough. Good enough for Mickey to charge at the guy, his normal south side approach foiled by (Y/N)s actual talent for fighting. Mickey only grew more and more angry the more he kept losing, even as his muscles ached and burned, even as he found himself pinned over and over against the mats.
Mickey growled at the smile on (Y/N)s lips, the guy had been smiling the entire time, and though he was sweating and breathing harder, it was in no way as much as Mickey himself. Even as Mickeys moves grew sloppy as he felt exhaustion creep up on him, his pride wouldn’t let him just give up or call quits.
(Y/N) must have felt some pity, as he finally let Mickey pin him, Mickey crouched above his head, pinning his shoulders with his legs and holding the taller man’s arms above his head. “Good job Mick, you finally got it” he laughed, looking almost too pleased as Mickey panted above him. “That deserves a reward, right?” he almost purred, and before Mickey could question it, (Y/N) had freed his hands and reached up towards the waistband on Mickeys pants.
Mickey choked on his breath as (Y/N) dragged his pants down, freeing Mickeys half hard length to the heated air of the gym. The sparring must have gotten the blood pumping in Mickeys system, and he shivered. On instinct alone Mickey almost jumped to his feet and spat some homophobic comment, but before he could warm lips wrapped around his tip and sucked him down, a broken gasp slipping from Mickeys lips at the action.
(Y/N)s hands gripped Mickeys hips as he lifted his torso to keep bopping his head, taking Mickey down his throat with skill one only got from repeating an action many times. Mickey gripped onto (Y/N)s hair as he thrust his hips with little to no rhythm, panting from the strain in his muscles and the pleasurable feeling as he grew fully hard, his toes curling in his shoes as he shivered.
Mickey groaned as he spilled down (Y/N)s throat, his muscles finally giving out, and if it wasn’t for (Y/N) catching him, he would have tumbled down onto the mats beneath them. Mickey didn’t even notice the murmured praise leaving the taller man, even as he tucked Mickeys spent length back into his pants or rubbed his sore muscles. Mickey didn’t even fully comprehend that he was pulled into what looked like a back room, or that he was placed on a comfortable sofa, or even that he dozed off.
It seemed that the energy that hadn’t been wrung out of him from the wrestling, had been sucked right out of him by the very man that had goaded him into said fight. (Y/N) gave a snort as he watched Mickey become dead to the world, leaving a water bottle beside him before leaving the office to go disinfect the mats. This might be the south side, but he was at least semi professional and serious about his business’s hygiene.
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