#some really talented people i love have covered it and it's beautiful
wildunchrtedwaters · 1 year
idc what anyone says, jonah was not only the perfect person to play prince eric, but also the perfect person to sing wild uncharted waters for the film! the fact that he doesn’t have a traditional or trained musical theatre voice simply added to the emotions of the song and where it fell in the story! the rawness! the longing! the passion! the desperation! the absolute british-ness of how he sings it! the way he emphasizes certain words and phrases! i have yet to hear a cover that captures all of those things the way jonah did in the movie! and i hope you’re there! in the open air! there’s no map ooor COMpass to guiiiide me, no! time may change the shoreline, but TIME will not chaaaange meeeeeh! if it takes my life, i will FINally find you aaaagain!
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ellecdc · 1 month
HIII!!!!!!!!! first off i wanna say - I LOVEEEEE ALLLLLLLL THE RECENT WORKS SM i came back and i was reading through them and they're soooooo good ur so talented omgomomg
ok so request (take ur time if u want!!) idk if u write platonic fics but i really really love how u write barty and that one fic where reader and reg were fighting and she was bsfs with barty- i loved it smmmmm so can we please get some platonic barty x reader being the main focus? (i dont mind anyyy romantic pairings i just want best friend barty being absolutely insane plsplsplpslsl
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of course MY LOVE; this request is from back in March hahaha sorry
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who they find in bed with Barty
CW: fluff, swearing
Regulus had spent the last umpteen years believing himself to be a light sleeper, likely thanks to growing up in a house straight out of a muggle horror film where his fight or flight reflexes were always at the ready to flee from any danger. It appeared, though, that being,  like, loved by and feeling safe with the people you surround yourself with could do wonders to a person’s subconscious…
Who knew?
This meant that though Regulus was typically a light sleeper, he seemed to have slept through your departure from his bed in the Slytherin boys’ dormitory.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sleep through the sudden jolt Remus caused in the bed as he sat up and began panickedly feeling around the bed. 
“What’re you doing?” Regulus groaned as he pulled his pillow over his head and rolled onto his side in order to point his back towards his - currently skating-on-thin-ice - boyfriend. 
“Where’s dovey?” Remus hissed back; an urgent quality taking over his words that Regulus could tell it was far too early to be dealing with.
“What d’you mean?”
Remus groaned in exasperation as he cast a lumos with his wand. “I mean where is our girlfriend, you sod.”
“Have you checked with Barty?”
Regulus almost allowed sleep to pull him back into its sweet, sweet embrace before Remus ruined it again.
“Barty, Remus. Have you checked with Barty?” Regulus repeated irritably.
“No? What? Why would I have checked with Junior?” Remus sputtered, though his asinine question was answered by none other than Barty himself.
“Finders keepers mother fuckers.” He snickered quietly.
Remus ripped open the curtain of Regulus’ four poster bed in the Slytherin dungeons to see you sleeping quite peacefully on the opposite side of Barty who was grinning arrogantly at your two boyfriends. 
“She was too hot over there; I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here, Lupin. What the fuck is that about?”
“She could have taken a blanket off!” Remus argued petulantly.
“You kept tucking her back in saying she was going to catch a cold.” Regulus added helpfully sleepily.
Barty snickered at Remus’ disbelieving scoff. 
“No. Absolutely not; Junior, give me our girlfriend back.” He demanded.
This time it was Barty’s turn to scoff. “Would you shut the fuck up, Lupin; we’re trying to sleep over here.”
And to Remus’s absolute horror, you seemed to stir at the conversation causing you to reach an arm over Barty’s chest and rest your head on his shoulder before you settled back into a restful slumber. 
“Leave her be, Rem.” Regulus chided, causing Remus to divert his malcontented glare to his boyfriend.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re always going on and on about how we need to prioritize sleep; she’s doing that.” He explained simply.
“With him!” Remus nearly shrilled, earning him a ‘shut up you stupid sod’ from said girlfriend stealer.
“Well would you rather have both of us be tetchy tomorrow for having our beauty sleep interrupted, or just me!?” Regulus finally barked, pulling his pillow away from his face to shoot Remus a stern glare. 
Remus seemed to consider his options before he begrudgingly relented and sunk back under the covers with a very petulant harumph.
“She’s going to smell like him tomorrow.” He pouted as he pulled Regulus into his arms possessively. 
Regulus sighed and nuzzled further into Remus’ neck. “You can fix that tomorrow.”Regulus felt the tension in Remus’ body relax as he no doubt imagined all the ways he would be doing just that.
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Summary: Y/N gets invited onto The Late Late Show with James Corden and does a game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with Harry.
I feel like this is a long beginning but just go with it because I promise it gets F I L T H Y.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, praise kink, squirting, oral, fingering, unprotected sex, biting, F I L T H and some fluff
Master List
∘₊✧── 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 ──✧₊∘
"As you all know, we have the wonderful and talented Mr. Harry Styles here with us tonight!" James reintroduces his guests and the audience claps and cheers, especially for Harry.
"Y/N. Are you ready?" One of the crew asks. I nod, "Oh, yes." She nods and gives a thumbs up to some people.
This is going to be so fun. I've known James for years and everyone knows that Harry and I are friends, but what they really don't know is that we're actually together.
We agreed to keep our relationship as private as we could, for now. I’m honesty surprised we have been able to, It's more intimate for us that way, but Harry has been acting.. weird? I don’t know. He’s asking if I’d ever want to go public and I’m not really opposed to it.
But anyway, I've asked James to keep it a secret that I'm coming on the show, so I've been labeled as the surprise guest for weeks now, so Harry is going to be put on the spot, and we're going to have to pretend that we're strictly 'just friends'.
"As you all know, I like to play a little game.." The crowd starts to cheer, "What? I haven't even told you the game yet!" James laughs, "We'll, since you all know what I'm about to say next, Harry." He motions for him to get to come over to him.
Harry gets up and pulls his suit jacket down as he walks over to him, "Yes, James." He lays an arm around his shoulder. James looks at him with a smile and starts to laugh, "Are you ready to either spill your guts or fill your guts?"
Harry covers his face and laughs, "Oh god. I knew it."
James laughs and motions to the table, "Why don't you go and have a seat over there, but don't touch anything!" Harry walks over to the table and has a seat.
"Now, Harry. You know how this game works correct?" James walks over and sits down across from Harry.
"The title is uh, pretty explanatory, James." Harry chuckles.
"Right, right. Of course it is." James rolls his eyes exaggeratedly and reads his cards, "Oh wait. One more thing before we get started."
"Okay." Harry nods.
"I won't be doing this challenge with you." James stands up and laughs, "Everybody, if you would please give a wonderful round of applause for the very talented and very beautiful Y/N Y/L/N!"
James claps and turns to welcome me onto the stage.
I walk out smiling as I wave my hands to the crowd. I walk over to give James a hug, "Hello, hello." He kisses my cheek, "Hello there, love. How are you?"
I nod, "I'm good, how are you?" He smiles, "I'm great. You look amazing by the way." I smile and wave to the crowd again.
Harry looks at James, "Now I see why you wouldn't tell me who the surprise guest was." He smiles and shakes his head.
I smile and walk over to greet Harry, keeping it very professional. He kisses my cheek, "Hello, darling." I walk around to take my seat and Harry gets up and helps me push my chair in.
"What a gentleman, yeah?" James motions towards Harry. Harry bats the air and pretends to be shy.
That man is not shy around me, let me tell you.
"Okay." I look down at the table and make a face, "Harry? You want to go first?" He shakes his head quickly while smiling, "No, all you."
I roll my eyes, "Fine." I bite my lip and tap my fingers on the table, anticipating Harry's first question for me.
"On your phone.." he smirks and the crowd "oohs", "Calm down, I didn't even ask the question yet." He laughs and looks at me, "On your phone, what is the last thing you google searched?"
He leans back in his seat and watches me as I think.
I shake my head, "I don't.. I don't know."
Then it hits me, "Oh. Oh no. I can't- nope. It's embarrassing, we'll not.. no." I laugh and can feel my cheeks getting red.
"Y/N? Is it that bad?" James asks leaning in. I shake my head, "Not really.. just like.. personal?" I shrug, "Oh god that's not-" I look down at the glass in front of me, "What the hell is this James?"
Harry wags his finger at me, "Naughty, naughty." I roll my eyes and look at James, "Y/N.. that is blended up fish with plain yogurt."
I gag and shake my head, "I was-" I laugh and cover my face, I lean back and hold my arms out, "Vibrators. I was looking up vibrators. A girl has needs, people."
The crowd cheers for me as I look over at Harry and his brow cocks up as he smirks.
He clears his throat and looks up, "Definitely didn't expect that." He laughs, "Go." He nods towards me and I shake my head with a smile, "hmm."
"Y/N, what are you going to ask Harry?" James asks walking over and sitting down.
"Are there any songs on any of your albums that are about me?" I rest my elbows on the table, knowing damn well there is because he told me himself.
The crowd '0ohs' again and Harry shakes his head laughing, "Yeah, actually there's track.." he mumbles into his napkin, "On the-" he mumbles into his napkin again, "Album."
He shakes his head and tucks the fabric into his shirt. I laugh and clap my hands together, "You don't have to eat that. You can just tell us."
He looks up at me, to the crowd, at James then back at me, "Bull Penis.. sounds.. delightful." Harry shakes his head, "Can I just tell you one?"
I look at James and he looks at Harry shocked, "So there's more than one?"
Harry cuts a piece of the disgusting food off and locks eyes with me as he pulls it off with his teeth, "That's disgusting." He says leaning over to spit it into the garbage can.
He takes the napkin and wipes off his mouth, tongue and teeth. The crowd absolutely loses it with laughter. Harry turns to the crowd, "It's really not that complicated to figure out." He laughs.
I shrug, "Wow. Looks like I'll have to give your albums another listen." I smile and shake my head, "I'm nervous for the next one."
He laughs and nods towards me, "Rank my Movies." I lean my head back, "Damn it, Harry." I shake my head and spin the table, slowly looking at my options, "My policeman, Don't Worry Darling, and Dunkirk."
James scoffs and laughs, "My god that was fast."
Harry nods, "I honestly didn't expect you to answer." He laughs and claps for me, "Thank you."
I shrug, "I'm not eating bird saliva, sorry."
"Okay, y/n, you get the final question and Harry, you get the final spill or fill." James taps the table, "Let's do this. Drum roll please..”
The crowd drums their legs and I smirk slightly.
"Is it true, Mr. Styles." I lean forward a bit, "About what the magazines say?”
He leans in, “What do they say exactly?”
“That there's a possible future Mrs. Styles floating around with you?”
Harry's smirk turns into a slow smile as he quickly picks up on what I'm asking. He gives me a look and I nod and smile, "Go on. Tell us or enjoy those delicious-" I lean over and pick up the the card, "grasshoppers in ghost pepper sauce."
He look at the crowd and looks over at James, "I will say.." he picks up the napkin, "You know.." he laughs and shakes his head, "These grasshoppers don't look half bad."
I hide my smile behind my hands and watch as he teases everyone.
"So Harry." James says, "Is it spill or fill?"
Harry stares at the plate and then his eyes glance up at me. I nod once and my heart starts pounding.
The crowd goes absolutely insane and James leans in, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Alright, alright, alright." He waves his hand to get the crowd to quiet down.
I look over at the crowd and lean back in my seat, "Spill your guts, Styles." I smirk, "We're all dying to know."
He sighs, "I've had a girlfriend for four, going on five years now." James mouth drops and he looks over at me, "What?"
I laugh and shrug.
The crowd loses it again and Harry laughs and shakes his head, "You'll know who she is soon enough and that's all I'm giving you!" Harry stands up and throws the napkin down, “That’s all I’m giving you.” He walks away and turns around laughing.
God I love his laugh and smile.
I’m so in love with this man, it’s insane.
"Wow." James covers his mouth, "What on earth, y/n. You just got Harry to-" he stands up and walks over to him, "Come on, you have to tell us one thing. Do we know her?"
He smiles and nods, "Mhm."
"Wow. Unbelievable! There you have it ladies and gentleman. Mr. Harry styles and Y/N Y/L/N!"
I walk over and stand on the other side of James. I smile and wave to the crowd when they suddenly gasp and start screaming.
"What's going on?" I look at James and he quickly turns around and gasps with a smile, "Oh my god."
I turn around to see Harry down on one knee. I cover my mouth and my eyes instantly well up with tears, "Harry."
"It's y/n!?" James yells, "Oh. my. god." He gets the crowd to quiet down and he holds his card over his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes now, too.
I look back down at Harry and he smiles, "Y/N, you stuck by me these past, almost five years and I am forever grateful for you. You kept me going and stayed with me through the highs and lows of making music. I want you to be the one who continues to do that for me in ever single thing for the rest of my life. Will you please, do me the honor in marrying me?"
I don't even have to think about my answer, "Yes. Yes. Yes!" He hugs me as he stands up, lifting me off the ground. He spins me around and sets me down, immediately taking my hand to slide the ring on.
"What did we just witness here today? Magic. Absolute magic!" James hugs us both and congratulates us.
"What a way to end the show. They really had us going there for a while, didn't they?" He claps and thanks the crowd, "Goodnight!"
We walk backstage and I look up at Harry, "I had no idea you were going to do this, I thought we just talked about confirming that we were dating."
"We just did." He leans down and kisses me, "Now if you don't mind. I want to take my new fiancée and fuck her in my dressing room."
My cheeks get hot as Harry lays a hand on my back.
James stops us and congratulates us again.
"Thanks, mate." Harry pats his shoulder, "We're off to celebrate."
"Don't break anything please." James laughs with a sigh as we practically run into Harry’s dressing room.
He shuts and locks the door, peeling my dress from my body. He shrugs off his plaid jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, "You just got so much sexier, Mrs. Styles."
He throws his shirt down and pushes his body against mine. His lips attack my lips before they quickly move down my neck.
He lifts me up and takes me over to the couch, setting me down and getting on his knees between mine.
He leans up and kisses down my chest. His hands kneading my boobs. I moan as he sucks and leaves a little trail of bite marks down to where he takes one of my nipple into his mouth.
I moan and arch my back as he holds it between his teeth and flicks it with his tongue.
"Harry." I moan tangling my fingers in his hair. He switches and does the same to my other boob, only this time he takes a hand and slides it down to my pussy.
His fingers slide up and down my slit teasingly.
"You're so fucking wet, baby. Fuck." He groans kissing and leaning another trail of bite marks down my stomach.
He slips two fingers in and I gasp, pulling his hair tighter. He moan as my action and kisses down my one thigh.
His fingers move in and out and I can hear how wet I am.
"You hear that baby? You hear how soaked you are for me?" He looks up at me and I look down at him, nodding as my eyes roll back, "Ye- yes, baby." I grip the couch and arch my back.
"I'm going to devour you. You're so fucking- Mm." He groans and dives in, licking and sucking my clit as he fucks me with his gorgeous hands.
I moan loudly and struggle to keep it together.
I can feel the pressure. I can feel myself getting ready to cum.
He quickly slips in another finger and curls them upward as he thrust them in and out.
I brings my arm up by my head and dig my nails into the back of the couch, "oh fuck!"
"That was fucking hot, sweetheart." He pulls out and lifts his hand up, liquid drips off and onto the floor. I smile shyly and shake my head.
"Don't be shy baby. You squirted all over me. I love when you do that to me." He smiles and goes right back to eating me out.
His tongue fucks my pussy. His nose rubs against my clit. His fingers squeeze my thighs. He sends me into absolute bliss, "H-ha-" I arch my back and my legs shake against his body.
He continues to eat me out until I'm panting.
"You taste so fucking good. Fuck. I can't get enough of my fiancée and her delicious fucking pussy." He goes back down and the pleasuring sensation makes my mind go blank.
All I can do is moan.
He pulls away and come up, his lips wet with my slick. He kisses me and I wrap an arm around his neck.
"Did that feel good, baby?" He kisses down my neck slowly, "Are you okay?" I nod and smile, "That was amazing."
He smile and kisses back up to my lips, "Want to continue?"
"Please." I whimper, "I need you."
He stands up and take the rest of his clothes off, gently positioning me on the couch, "You're so beautiful when you're fucked."
I smile and bite my lip as he pushes my leg up slowly, "You're so fucking-" He moans as he slips the head of his cock in, "Fucking amazing."
He pushes the rest of the way in, moaning as his hips hit my body. He reaches down and grabs my chin, his thumb running over my lips before I open and take his thumb in my mouth.
I grab his wrist and suck while I keep my eyes on his.
He starts to thrusts and my eyes flutter shut. My lips part as I let out a loud moan. He groans and slides his hand down to my throat.
My boobs bounce with each of his thrusts and I whimper as his hand tightens around my neck, "I love you so- fucking.. much." He leans down and kisses me, his hand still around my neck.
I moan quietly into his mouth and grab his hair, pulling as I feel myself about to cum again. I don't even had to say anything for Harry to know.
"Cum again baby, I know you can do it." He whispers into my ear, "I want to feel you cum as I fuck that tight little cunt of yours."
I moan and arch my back, "f-fuck." I whimper pulling his hair harder.
He moans and slips and arm under my back, holding me to him as he continues fucking me. I cling to him as much as I can, clenching around his cock as I cum again.
"Fuck, I want to cum so bad." He moans, "I-I." He lets out a loud moan and buries his face into my neck, "Fuck, y/n. You feel so, so good."
He continues to praise me, "You're taking me so, so well, baby."
"You feel so good around my cock."
"I love it when you cum for me."
I dig my nails into his back and practically scream out his name.
"That's it baby, let the studio know that you feel good."
He groans as I drag my nails up his back, "Fuck."
His thrusts get sloppy and he pushes as deep inside of me as he can go, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He pants, "Y/N?" He asks brushing hair out of my face.
"I'm still here." I smile and look at him. My eyes are heavy and my brain feels fuzzy. "You fucked me good, baby." I lay a hand on his cheek as he kisses me, “I love you so much.”
He smiles and kisses my forehead as he slowly pulls out. I wince slightly as he lays my leg down, "Sorry."
I shake my head, "No. no. That's a good kind of pain." He smirks slightly and kisses my hip, "We’ll go home and I'll run you a bath, give you some time to recover before we celebrate again." He winks.
I shake my head, "I'm giving you a blow job in the car on the way home."
He smirks and nods, "Fair enough."
Requests are accepted! Send me a message!
Part 2?
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Marion Davies (Show People, the Patsy)— JUSTICE FOR MARION DAVIES. I am always so upset when I learn that some people STILL think she was some untalented pretty face who was only a success because of her relationship with Hearst. Please watch literally any of her movies, silent or sound, to see how untrue this is. She was successful in spite of Hearst's constant meddling. She really shines as a comedienne. Just watch her imitate other silent stars in The Patsy, or her screwball antics in Show People. I've watched so many silents just for her, but she was also really good in sound films, too, like Blondie of the Follies. She's absolutely adorable, and she deserves to be recognized for her talent, alone.
Rita Hayworth (Gilda, Cover Girl)—Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. She steals every movie she’s in; she was Fred Astaire’s favorite dance partner, as you can see in clips from their movies [link][link]. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, Rita's story had its tragedies—her father was awful and had her performing in nightclubs way, way too young; the studio totally remade her look because they were afraid of her hispanic image, putting her through painful treatments and diets; she had a string of failed marriages. But beside all that, I think there's something about Rita that still glows through—an inner beauty that has nothing to do with the studio, or the men who pinned their dreams on her. Rita brings an incandescence to roles that's impossible to replicate, and was truly a great actress in that she could switch from herself—shy Margarita—into a bold and glamorous femme fatale so convincingly everyone fell in love with her as Gilda. She's my favorite movie star, and I think she was a beautiful human through and through—Rita, gorgeous and real and shining bright.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Marion Davies:
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the queen of comedy
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 If anyone is looking for a tragic infamous funny fav, this is your girl! She came from a catholic convent to become a showgirl! As many of these early Hollywood stars, she fell victim to falling in love with the wrong man. She had a long lasting affair with a older powerful married man, William Hearst. Their story was so iconic and scandalous that it is largely what inspired Citizen Kane. She gained her fame through him, which eventually gathered her the reputation of being social-climbing and taking advantage of more her looks than her talent. This made her controversial, which wasn't helped by her flirty fun personality and attitude towards other actors (including Charlie Chaplin). All of this hate meant that she was eventually ostracized by Hollywood and even blamed for Hearst's death. My poor girl was excitable, funny, charismatic, energetic, and extremely talented. I believe that at her heart and soul, she was truly a clown. She possesses an incredible gift for mimicry, a deceptively animate face, and an absence of on-screen ego that allows her to throw herself into anything, no matter how foolish or potentially embarrassing, with all of her considerable energy. And it's those ridiculous moments that are almost always her best in film, because to me, that's really who she was. She was silly and sweet and so so so so so funny! And she deserved better than the tragedy of the life she got.
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Rita Hayworth:
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Do you need any other propaganda? Here’s the video.
She was not called "the love goddess" for nothing: beautiful, glamorous, despite playing sexy and provocative roles her inherent shyness somehow also would shine through sometimes, creating this contradictory and incredibly attractive image
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Often played "the bad girl" who tempted the male hero away from "the good girl"; but did have roles that broke her out of that mold. She was also the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit. THE pinup girlie.
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She was soo beautiful when she was young and she MAINTAINED that beauty into her later years and I think that old lady glamour is hot. bombastic sex appeal
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every line she delivers in gilda is so flirty and passionate or absolutely desolate and it's so good
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I just have a lot of feelings about her
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carmenberzattosgf · 16 days
my hand is good! I have two scars now under my middle finger on my palm but all is well!
I'm also here to ask about birthday treatment from carmy? I dontnthink he does a lot for his birthday and I personally don't do a lot so I think its either a sup casual affair or he's celebrating the fuck out of it because he's like that's my s/o and I love them and this is the day they started existing and I love that.
it is simply my birthday and i want to be spending it with fiction people but alas!
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day my dear friend <3
To answer your question though, Carmy is 100% celebrating the fuck out of you. He’s going to wake you up with breakfast in bed with your favorite breakfast foods. He’ll even buy some silly little balloons to have in the kitchen and the living room. They’re not even displayed all cute they’re just, floating on the ceiling, but he made the effort!
The whole day is all about you. If you want your nails done? Okay, sold, he’s paying for them. Hair done? Yep, he’s tagging along and covering the bill. He’s going to watch all your favorite movies and shows with you cuddled up on the couch.
If you want to have a proper birthday dinner, he’s going to make a phone call and get a table for you and all of your friends ( and him of course) at the nicest restaurant in Chicago. Carmy’s also going to make sure they do a dessert with the candles in it as well.
Although, if you don’t want a proper birthday dinner, he cooks one for you at home, anyway. Carmy’s already come up with the perfect birthday dinner menu. Literally, he’s thought of an appetizer, main course, and he’s made your favorite flavor of birthday cake. Oh, and he sings you happy birthday while you blow out your candles. To be completely honest, he films you blowing out your candles just because he wants to keep the moment forever.
Now to talk about gifts, he probably asked Sugar or Syd for help a couple of days before your birthday. While Carmy is talented in so many things, gift selecting is not one of them. He’d much rather prefer to go ahead and buy you the things you’ve mentioned wanting. There’s so much going on in that head of his, he doesn’t want to forget about things you’ve said.
I like to think that after talking with Syd and Sugar, he decides to buy you a gold necklace with his initial on it. It’s not huge or flashy. The necklace is a simple gold chain with a small round pendant attached to it. He opts to have a “C” engraved on the pendant in a dainty, cursive font.
The gift is perfect. You can’t help the tears that well up in your eyes as you look over the pendant in the velvet box. Your eyes widen when you see the 18k gold certification in the box. “Carmen—this is so gorgeous—you really didn’t have to splurge like this. I would have been happy with nothing.” At this point the tears freely flow from your eyes as you look at Carmy, who’s just smiling happily.
“It’s your birthday, baby. I love you.” There’s a break in Carmy’s sentence as he cups your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “You’re worth every single penny and more,” he says before leaning in to give you a small kiss.
“I love you so much, Carm. Wanna help me put it on?” He’s eager to see the necklace on you, so he stands up fast to get the box from you. Carmy stands behind you and clasps the necklace at the back of your neck.
“There we go. How’s it look?” Carmen asks before walking back in front of you. Honestly, he has to catch his breath for a second. He didn’t realize how much of an effect seeing you wear his initial would have on him, but he is a man after all.
“It’s so gorgeous, Carm.” Your face beams you stand up to look at the necklace through the mirror on the wall of the living room. “What do you think?”
Carmen walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and setting his head on your shoulder. “I think you’re beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, my love.”
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urcatslitterbox · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking about Sebastian crushing over his friend who is also an actress.
Cw: masturbation
Sebastian had just finished shooting the last scenes for an upcoming show before heading home. Since shooting just wrapped, he had some down time before interviews start.
He plopped down on his couch after showering and trading his clothes from the day for a pair of grey sweats and a loose t-shirt. He wanted to start his little break off right and what better way to do it than catch up on his ‘to watch’ list.
Sebastian’s friend, Y/n’s new movie had come out a week ago, and though he couldn’t wait to see it, he had just been too busy with his own work.
So getting comfortable he grabbed the converter and began to type in the name of the movie. Up popped the films title cover featuring a very attractive Y/n and another actor he didn’t recognize. The film seemed to be a romance of sorts, which excited Sebastian.
You see, Sebastian has had a crush on his dear friend pretty much since they met. But it’s not his fault! Anyone, and trust people do, would have a crush on her. In the public eye Y/n is beautiful and talented, and while of course she certainly is both of those things, Sebastian is lucky enough to know the true Y/n. He knows how kind and caring she is. How bright her real smile is and the way she throws her head back when she laughs really hard.
He knows how drop dead gorgeous she is in person. He’s seen how flawless each spot on her face is, how deep her eyes are, how soft her lips look-
Stop. Control yourself, she’s your friend.
Sebastian got about half way through the movie, and so far it’s pretty good, he’s enjoying it.
That is until y/n and her love interest kiss.
He feels a slight anger bubbling deep within him. He knows he has no right to feel angry. They aren’t together and the kiss isn’t even real. It doesn’t mean anything.
The scene is starting to get intense. The kiss becoming deeper and the two moving to the couch. Both Y/n and her co-star are panting and grasping each other.
Sebastian knows where this is going. He can feel himself getting slightly hard because of what’s happening on the screen. Normally he can handle sex scenes and they don’t affect him because he knows the ins and outs of what goes on behind the camera. However he’s having a hard time controlling himself this time because this one is with Y/n.
God he shouldn’t be feeling this way about her. She’s his friend for fuck sakes!
He actually prides himself on how well he’s holding back considering how enamoured with her he is. That is until she lets out a small whimper.
Oh fuck.
He knows it’s fake. He knows it’s just for the camera. He knows none of it is real.
But he’d be damned if he said she didn’t sound heavenly. Though he’s sure he could pull much prettier sounds from her.
Without realizing, his hand starts to move lower, palming himself through his sweats.
He really shouldn’t be doing this.
She lets out another whimper, louder this time.
He starts to rub himself harder within his pants. I mean this doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s not like she’s gonna know so what’s the harm really?
Y/n full out moans now.
Fuck it.
Sebastian pulls his cock out, red and already leaking precum. He starts spreading it with his thumb over his angry head. The moment he wrapped his hand around his length his head fell back as he let out a hiss.
God when was the last time he was this hard?
Gathering himself, Sebastian looks back up at the screen. Obviously it’s a movie, not a porno, so they can’t show everything. But what he can see, oh man. Y/n’s eyes are rolled back as she pants and moans.
His eyes travel lower, stroking himself slowly.
This is wrong. It’s so wrong but god does it feel right.
Her breast are in frame and fuck are they perfect. Nipples perky and looking so delicious. What he wouldn’t do just to suck on them. He groans at the thought, picking up his pace slightly. Again his eyes move lower, following the curves of her body down to her belly button, where it cuts off to keep it suitable for T.V.
The actor accompanying her leans in and kisses her harshly. She lets out a whine as her co-star moves to suck and kiss at her neck and jaw. Y/n’s nails rake down his back as he does so.
Sebastian outright moans at this. He wishes that were him so bad. He longs to mark her, to make her feel pleasure only he can provide.
He feels his balls tightening as he bucks up into his fist.
Fuck he’s not gonna last. Not with Y/n making her pretty sounds. Not with her looking so fucking delicious. So perfect.
His breaths quicken as he nears the edge.
“please..”, he begs into the open air.
God he’s so close, so goddamn close he just needs a little more. Then it happens. Y/n cries out as she ‘cums’.
There it is.
Sebastian cums with a loud groan of Y/n’s name. Chanting it as he comes down from his high, legs twitching with the force of his orgasm. His hand sticky with his own spend.
His head falls back once again as he attempts to catch his breath.
He closes his eyes and images of Y/n flash through his mind. He doesn’t know how much longer he can keep his feelings hidden. Especially after that.
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cinemastyles-backup · 8 months
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Summary: Y/N gets invited onto The Late Late Show with James Corden and does a game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with Harry, which reveals something earth shattering for everyone.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, biting, hair pulling, oral (f rec), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, sexual innuendos, general filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
"As you all know, we have the wonderful and talented Mr. Harry Styles here with us tonight!" James reintroduces his guests and the audience claps and cheers, especially for Harry.
"Y/N. Are you ready?" One of the crew asks. I nod, "Oh, yes." She nods and gives a thumbs up to some people.
This is going to be so fun. I've known James for years and everyone knows that Harry and I are friends, but what they really don't know is that we're actually together.
We agreed to keep our relationship as private as we could, for now. I'm honesty surprised we have been able to, It's more intimate for us that way, but Harry has been acting.. weird? I don't know. He's asking if I'd ever want to go public and I'm not really opposed to it.
But anyway, I've asked James to keep it a secret that I'm coming on the show, so I've been labeled as the surprise guest for weeks now, so Harry is going to be put on the spot, and we're going to have to pretend that we're strictly 'just friends'.
"As you all know, I like to play a little game.." The crowd starts to cheer, "What? I haven't even told you the game yet!" James laughs, "We'll, since you all know what I'm about to say next, Harry." He motions for him to get to come over to him.
Harry gets up and pulls his suit jacket down as he walks over to him, "Yes, James." He lays an arm around his shoulder. James looks at him with a smile and starts to laugh, "Are you ready to either spill your guts or fill your guts?"
Harry covers his face and laughs, "Oh god. I knew it."
James laughs and motions to the table, "Why don't you go and have a seat over there, but don't touch anything!" Harry walks over to the table and has a seat.
"Now, Harry. You know how this game works correct?" James walks over and sits down across from Harry.
"The title is uh, pretty explanatory, James." Harry chuckles.
"Right, right. Of course it is." James rolls his eyes exaggeratedly and reads his cards, "Oh wait. One more thing before we get started."
"Okay." Harry nods.
"I won't be doing this challenge with you." James stands up and laughs, "Everybody, if you would please give a wonderful round of applause for the very talented and very beautiful Y/N Y/L/N!"
James claps and turns to welcome me onto the stage.
I walk out smiling as I wave my hands to the crowd. I walk over to give James a hug, "Hello, hello." He kisses my cheek, "Hello there, love. How are you?"
I nod, "I'm good, how are you?" He smiles, "I'm great. You look amazing by the way." I smile and wave to the crowd again.
Harry looks at James, "Now I see why you wouldn't tell me who the surprise guest was." He smiles and shakes his head.
I smile and walk over to greet Harry, keeping it very professional. He kisses my cheek, "Hello, darling." I walk around to take my seat and Harry gets up and helps me push my chair in.
"What a gentleman, yeah?" James motions towards Harry. Harry bats the air and pretends to be shy.
That man is not shy around me, let me tell you.
"Okay." I look down at the table and make a face, "Harry? You want to go first?" He shakes his head quickly while smiling, "No, all you."
I roll my eyes, "Fine." I bite my lip and tap my fingers on the table, anticipating Harry's first question for me.
"On your phone.." he smirks and the crowd "oohs", "Calm down, I didn't even ask the question yet." He laughs and looks at me, "On your phone, what is the last thing you google searched?"
He leans back in his seat and watches me as I think.
I shake my head, "I don't.. I don't know."
Then it hits me, "Oh. Oh no. I can't- nope. It's embarrassing, we'll not.. no." I laugh and can feel my cheeks getting red.
"Y/N? Is it that bad?" James asks leaning in. I shake my head, "Not really.. just like.. personal?" I shrug, "Oh god that's not-" I look down at the glass in front of me, "What the hell is this James?"
Harry wags his finger at me, "Naughty, naughty." I roll my eyes and look at James, "Y/N.. that is blended up fish with plain yogurt."
I gag and shake my head, "I was-" I laugh and cover my face, I lean back and hold my arms out, "Vibrators. I was looking up vibrators. A girl has needs, people."
The crowd cheers for me as I look over at Harry and his brow cocks up as he smirks.
He clears his throat and looks up, "Definitely didn't expect that." He laughs, "Go." He nods towards me and I shake my head with a smile, "hmm."
"Y/N, what are you going to ask Harry?" James asks walking over and sitting down.
"Are there any songs on any of your albums that are about me?" I rest my elbows on the table, knowing damn well there is because he told me himself.
The crowd 'Oohs' again and Harry shakes his head laughing, "Yeah, actually there's track.." he mumbles into his napkin, "On the-" he mumbles into his napkin again, "Album."
He shakes his head and tucks the fabric into his shirt. I laugh and clap my hands together, "You don't have to eat that. You can just tell us."
He looks up at me, to the crowd, at James then back at me, "Bull Penis.. sounds.. delightful." Harry shakes his head, "Can I just tell you one?"
I look at James and he looks at Harry shocked, "So there's more than one?"
Harry cuts a piece of the disgusting food off and locks eyes with me as he pulls it off with his teeth, "That's disgusting." He says leaning over to spit it into the garbage can.
He takes the napkin and wipes off his mouth, tongue and teeth. The crowd absolutely loses it with laughter. Harry turns to the crowd, "It's really not that complicated to figure out." He laughs.
I shrug, "Wow. Looks like I'll have to give your albums another listen." I smile and shake my head, "I'm nervous for the next one."
He laughs and nods towards me, "Rank my Movies." I lean my head back, "Damn it, Harry." I shake my head and spin the table, slowly looking at my options, "My policeman, Don't Worry Darling, and Dunkirk."
James scoffs and laughs, "My god that was fast."
Harry nods, "I honestly didn't expect you to answer." He laughs and claps for me, "Thank you."
I shrug, "I'm not eating bird saliva, sorry."
"Okay, y/n, you get the final question and Harry, you get the final spill or fill." James taps the table, "Let's do this. Drum roll please.."
The crowd drums their legs and I smirk slightly.
"Is it true, Mr. Styles." I lean forward a bit, "About what the magazines say?"
He leans in, "What do they say exactly?"
"That there's a possible future Mrs. Styles floating around with you?"
Harry's smirk turns into a slow smile as he quickly picks up on what I'm asking. He gives me a look and I nod and smile, "Go on. Tell us or enjoy those delicious-" I lean over and pick up the the card, "grasshoppers in ghost pepper sauce."
He look at the crowd and looks over at James, "I will say.." he picks up the napkin, "You know.." he laughs and shakes his head, "These grasshoppers don't look half bad."
I hide my smile behind my hands and watch as he teases everyone.
"So Harry." James says, "Is it spill or fill?"
Harry stares at the plate and then his eyes glance up at me. I nod once and my heart starts pounding.
The crowd goes absolutely insane and James leans in, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Alright, alright, alright." He waves his hand to get the crowd to quiet down.
I look over at the crowd and lean back in my seat, "Spill your guts, Styles." I smirk, "We're all dying to know."
He sighs, "I've had a girlfriend for four, going on five years now." James mouth drops and he looks over at me, "What?"
I laugh and shrug.
The crowd loses it again and Harry laughs and shakes his head, "You'll know who she is soon enough and that's all I'm giving you!" Harry stands up and throws the napkin down, "That's all I'm giving you." He walks away and turns around laughing.
God I love his laugh and smile.
I'm so in love with this man, it's insane.
"Wow." James covers his mouth, "What on earth, y/n. You just got Harry to-" he stands up and walks over to him, "Come on, you have to tell us one thing. Do we know her?"
He smiles and nods, "Mhm."
"Wow. Unbelievable! There you have it ladies and gentleman. Mr. Harry styles and Y/N Y/L/N!"
I walk over and stand on the other side of James. I smile and wave to the crowd when they suddenly gasp and start screaming.
"What's going on?" I look at James and he quickly turns around and gasps with a smile, "Oh my god."
I turn around to see Harry down on one knee. I cover my mouth and my eyes instantly well up with tears, "Harry."
"It's y/n!?" James yells, "Oh. my. god." He gets the crowd to quiet down and he holds his card over his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes now, too.
I look back down at Harry and he smiles, "Y/N, you stuck by me these past, almost five years and I am forever grateful for you. You kept me going and stayed with me through the highs and lows of making music. I want you to be the one who continues to do that for me in ever single thing for the rest of my life. Will you please, do me the honor in marrying me?"
I don't even have to think about my answer, "Yes. Yes. Yes!" He hugs me as he stands up, lifting me off the ground. He spins me around and sets me down, immediately taking my hand to slide the ring on.
"What did we just witness here today? Magic. Absolute magic!" James hugs us both and congratulates us.
"What a way to end the show. They really had us going there for a while, didn't they?" He claps and thanks the crowd, "Goodnight!"
We walk backstage and I look up at Harry, "I had no idea you were going to do this, I thought we just talked about confirming that we were dating."
"We just did." He leans down and kisses me, "Now if you don't mind. I want to take my new fiancée and fuck her in my dressing room."
My cheeks get hot as Harry lays a hand on my back.
James stops us and congratulates us again.
"Thanks, mate." Harry pats his shoulder, "We're off to celebrate."
"Don't break anything please." James laughs with a sigh as we practically run into Harry's dressing room.
He shuts and locks the door, peeling my dress from my body. He shrugs off his plaid jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, "You just got so much sexier, Mrs. Styles."
He throws his shirt down and pushes his body against mine. His lips attack my lips before they quickly move down my neck.
He lifts me up and takes me over to the couch, setting me down and getting on his knees between mine.
He leans up and kisses down my chest. His hands kneading my boobs. I moan as he sucks and leaves a little trail of bite marks down to where he takes one of my nipple into his mouth.
I moan and arch my back as he holds it between his teeth and flicks it with his tongue.
"Harry." I moan tangling my fingers in his hair. He switches and does the same to my other boob, only this time he takes a hand and slides it down to my pussy.
His fingers slide up and down my slit teasingly.
"You're so fucking wet, baby. Fuck." He groans kissing and leaning another trail of bite marks down my stomach.
He slips two fingers in and I gasp, pulling his hair tighter. He moan as my action and kisses down my one thigh.
His fingers move in and out and I can hear how wet I am.
"You hear that baby? You hear how soaked you are for me?" He looks up at me and I look down at him, nodding as my eyes roll back, "Ye- yes, baby." I grip the couch and arch my back.
"I'm going to devour you. You're so fucking- Mm." He groans and dives in, licking and sucking my clit as he fucks me with his gorgeous hands.
I moan loudly and struggle to keep it together.
I can feel the pressure. I can feel myself getting ready to cum.
He quickly slips in another finger and curls them upward as he thrust them in and out.
I brings my arm up by my head and dig my nails into the back of the couch, "oh fuck!"
"That was fucking hot, sweetheart." He pulls out and lifts his hand up, liquid drips off and onto the floor. I smile shyly and shake my head.
"Don't be shy baby. You squirted all over me. I love when you do that to me." He smiles and goes right back to eating me out.
His tongue fucks my pussy. His nose rubs against my clit. His fingers squeeze my thighs. He sends me into absolute bliss, "H-ha-" I arch my back and my legs shake against his body.
He continues to eat me out until I'm panting.
"You taste so fucking good. Fuck. I can't get enough of my fiancée and her delicious fucking pussy." He goes back down and the pleasuring sensation makes my mind go blank.
All I can do is moan.
He pulls away and come up, his lips wet with my slick. He kisses me and I wrap an arm around his neck.
"Did that feel good, baby?" He kisses down my neck slowly, "Are you okay?" I nod and smile, "That was amazing."
He smile and kisses back up to my lips, "Want to continue?"
"Please." I whimper, "I need you."
He stands up and take the rest of his clothes off, gently positioning me on the couch, "You're so beautiful when you're fucked."
I smile and bite my lip as he pushes my leg up slowly, "You're so fucking-" He moans as he slips the head of his cock in, "Fucking amazing."
He pushes the rest of the way in, moaning as his hips hit my body. He reaches down and grabs my chin, his thumb running over my lips before I open and take his thumb in my mouth.
I grab his wrist and suck while I keep my eyes on his.
He starts to thrusts and my eyes flutter shut. My lips part as I let out a loud moan. He groans and slides his hand down to my throat.
My boobs bounce with each of his thrusts and I whimper as his hand tightens around my neck, "I love you so- fucking.. much." He leans down and kisses me, his hand still around my neck.
I moan quietly into his mouth and grab his hair, pulling as I feel myself about to cum again. I don't even had to say anything for Harry to know.
"Cum again baby, I know you can do it." He whispers into my ear, "I want to feel you cum as I fuck that tight little cunt of yours."
I moan and arch my back, "f-fuck." I whimper pulling his hair harder.
He moans and slips and arm under my back, holding me to him as he continues fucking me. I cling to him as much as I can, clenching around his cock as I cum again.
"Fuck, I want to cum so bad." He moans, "I-I." He lets out a loud moan and buries his face into my neck, "Fuck, y/n. You feel so, so good."
He continues to praise me, "You're taking me so, so well, baby."
"You feel so good around my cock."
"I love it when you cum for me."
I dig my nails into his back and practically scream out his name.
"That's it baby, let the studio know that you feel good."
He groans as I drag my nails up his back, "Fuck."
His thrusts get sloppy and he pushes as deep inside of me as he can go, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He pants, "Y/N?" He asks brushing hair out of my face.
"I'm still here." I smile and look at him. My eyes are heavy and my brain feels fuzzy. "You fucked me good, baby." I lay a hand on his cheek as he kisses me, "I love you so much."
He smiles and kisses my forehead as he slowly pulls out. I wince slightly as he lays my leg down, "Sorry."
I shake my head, "No. no. That's a good kind of pain." He smirks slightly and kisses my hip, "We'll go home and I'll run you a bath, give you some time to recover before we celebrate again." He winks.
I shake my head, "I'm giving you a blow job in the car on the way home."
He smirks and nods, "Fair enough."
You can find part two here
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated and don’t forget to hit follow! ♥
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st4rgzer · 5 months
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FIREWORKS (matt sturniolo)
summary: fireworks aren’t your best friend but Matt’s knowledge of this helps you greatly when they unexpectedly happen.
genre: fluff, a bit of angst
cw!: fireworks if that wasn’t evident, kissing, crowds, use of “y/n” female pronouns.
a/n: kind of long but I hope you like it! (a bit inspired by my conversation with @eyelessdemon last night)
“love, the party is at 8, it’s currently 7:30, are you ready yet?” Matt’s eyes searched my face for any sort of answer as I rapidly put makeup products on my face. I was already rushing so it wasn’t necessarily the best time to remind me of the few minutes I had to get ready.
“Matt, I love you, so for your sake I won’t answer till im ready and don’t have increasing anxiety!” I cautioned, advising him so I wouldn’t end up shouting at him or saying some pressured snarky response, in order for both of our sanity’s to remain intact.
The party, as Matt reminded me, was at 8, and we were already quite late. Turns out we overslept and there was some kind of surprise so it was important to be punctual.
Some minutes, which felt like seconds, passed. Me and Matt were finally able to get in the car, fasten our seatbelts, and head to the party.
I checked myself in the car mirror, reapplying some lipgloss and pushing my lashes up. I huffed, still frazzled by the prior event that felt like being in hell’s kitchen.
“you look beautiful, really, it’s a talent to be able to get ready in so little time” Matt laid his hand on mine, grabbing it reassuringly, trying to ease the anxiety he was aware I got, in any way he knew how to.
“thank you” I smiled at him and planted a kiss on his palm, earning a slight flush in his cheeks from him.
We approached the party with intertwined hands. I took in the view of what seemed to be, more than 100 people, quite anxiously. Everyone seemed to be influencers or content creators. I tugged on Matts arm gently and nodded towards the backyard, where it seemed to be less crowded.
“y/n! you both made it finally” Nicks familiar voice put me slightly at ease, relieved to have at least some tranquility in knowing other people.
“yeah it took sometime but we’re here!” The nerves were evident in my voice, thankfully, the music was loud enough for it to be quickly overlooked.
As the party went on, it got easier, Matt’s figure always looming over me gave me a sense of security, latching onto him when I felt uneasy.
“are you ok?” He whispered, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head, and rubbing patterns on the small of my back.
“yes, surprisingly, this is fun” I smiled up at him. Trying not to think much about the blasting music, distracting lights, and 50 conversations going on at the same time around me.
Our conversation was interrupted by a group of friends telling us we had to go outside. There was a pretty big crowd outside, but if something fun was happening, why would we want to miss out.
Matt’s arm was wrapped around my waist, guiding me through the crowd.
The commotion began to calm down, lights of blue, yellow, purple, and pink illuminated the sky, but the bangs also started.
As soon as the first firework was launched, Matt looked down at me with worrying eyes. He knew I hated them, he had recollection of me having negative reactions towards them. So he almost instantly took action.
His hand found mine and grabbed it tightly. One of my hands covering my ear. He led us through the crowd once again, to the inside of the house. I had my eyes squinted, and my brows furrowed as the fireworks continued to go off, on top of the screeches of everyone watching.
Once we got inside of a room in the house, Matt let go, only to engulf me in a hug immediately after.
“im so sorry, if I knew there were going to be fireworks, I never would’ve brought you out” He stumbled over his words, trying to justify the things he had no control over.
“it’s okay, im okay, I promise” I said, slightly shaken up, but in a much more calmer state after Matt’s reaction, too distracted by my thoughts of wanting to marry him instantly, to process how stressful the prior situation was.
He paused, removing himself from the hug, taken back by my casual reaction, unsure of my words.
“are you sure? like, for real?” He said, cautiously.
I laughed at his untrusting expression, and nodded with a smile. Cupping his jaw and leaning into him, placing a soft kiss on his lips, and grabbing his hand.
“yes, very sure. Only because of you, so, thank you” He smiled at me in adoration and returned the kiss.
We both stayed there a while, watching the fireworks from the window, minus the noise. My head on Matt’s shoulder as he ran his fingers through my hair, and held me just a little tighter every now and then when a louder firework sounded.
Quietly waiting. I yawned as the time went by, resting my eyes “for a few moments” Who cares about fireworks when you have Matt Sturniolo?
a/n: kind of rushed and low key hate it but i’ll try to come up with something tomorrow😭
taglist: @dwntwn-strnlo @gabbylovesreading @lovelysturniolo @ssturniolo @eyelessdemon @stvrni0lo @strniolo @sturniolol
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anythingforjtk · 8 months
Scream for Me
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x reader
Word count: ~2,500
Warnings: alcohol, cursing, unprotected sex (p in v) (wrap it up!), light choking, fingering, mentions of murder (not seriously), minors DNI!!!
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a/n: I wanted to pick a halloween fic topic based off of the list @hearts-hunger created! I picked topic 17 (halloween party) It’s different from the other fic I recently wrote but it was fun to make! enjoy the halloween jake smut 👻
“y/n would you hurry up! The uber will be here in two minutes!” Shouts your best friend Cam from the bottom of the staircase.
The two of you are about to leave for a Halloween party. You decided to go with a classic yet sexy costume, a pirate. You’re wearing an off the shoulder long white dress with a corset around your waist. You are covered in silver jewelry: necklaces, bracelets and earrings. You opted for a dark smokey eye and eyeliner in your waterline. Your finishing touches include fishnet stockings, black boots and a red bandanna over your hair.
“I’m coming Cam!” You reply before throwing your phone and keys into your purse and running down the stairs to meet her at the front door.
“You may have taken forever but I can see it was worth the wait, you look sexy girl. Now let’s go!” Cam pulls your arm and drags you through the front door, guiding you towards to uber.
Once you get inside of the car you finally have time to take in and appreciate her costume.
Not only is she dressed as Pennywise from the movie IT, but she is the sexy version. She’s wearing a white corset top, embellished with red pom-poms, small white shorts, clown makeup and a pretty orange wig.
“I admire your ability to be scary, funny and sexy all at once. You truly have a talent,” you giggle to her.
“Oh what can I say my dear? I’m multifaceted,” Cam says as she jokingly flicks her orange wig behind her shoulder.
The ride to the party is fast, only lasting about fifteen minutes. You both hop out of the car when you arrive and hook arms, walking to the front door together.
The party is hosted by Cams new boyfriend Daniel. You have only met him two times but he seems like a sweet guy.
Cam opens the front door without knocking and you’re immediately transported into a Halloween wonderland. You didn’t expect so many decorations.
The lighting in the house is dim. There are string lights and cob webs hanging from every inch of the ceiling. You see black and red streamers hanging from the walls and candles lit on every table. The kitchen island was filled with spooky treats and alcoholic punch. It is very impressive for a twenty-something year old guy.
“Wow Cam,” you shout over the loud and eerie music. “Daniel really goes all out. This is amazing.” You try to keep your jaw from hitting the floor.
“Isn’t it?!” She doesn’t seem shocked by his effort, only proud.
There are a good amount of people in the house. Not too many but not too little. Just enough for a comfortable party.
“Im going to search for Danny,” Cam shouts over the music into your ear. “Go get some punch and i’ll meet up with you when I find him.”
She runs off and you’re now left to fend for yourself.
You take her suggestion and walk over to the kitchen island to get a drink. You are completely sober currently and in need of something to lighten your anxiety.
Your pour yourself a class of the punch and it’s delicious. It’s strong, but really good. It is the perfect drink to get you drunk fast without feeling the burn of consuming alcohol.
You lean against the counter while sipping your drink and begin to people watch. You love taking in everyone’s costume choices. Some people are opting for a scary approach, some look beautiful and some look funny. It is interesting to see what people choose. As you’re looking at the crowd, you feel a presence beside you.
You look over to see a man wearing black from head to toe. He’s wearing black skinny jeans, black chelsea boots and a black shirt that is holding on by one button.
You think the outfit is rather sexy but you can’t see his face. That is because he’s wearing a Ghostface mask.
He speaks, breaking you from your thoughts. “Hey I haven’t seen you at one of Danny’s parties before. What are you doing standing over here alone?”
His voice is kind and boyish but raspy. It’s very attractive.
“Oh my friend just recently started dating him so this is my first time here. I don’t really know anyone but her and she’s looking for Daniel,” you reply.
He extends his hand out to you, “Well my name is Jake. Now you know someone else.” You can’t see his face but you can almost hear it in his voice that he’s smiling.
You reach out in return, shaking his hand. “It’s nice to meet you Jake. I’m y/n.”
“Well y/n, I must tell you that I was intrigued to come over here and talk to you because you’re dressed as a pirate and if there’s one thing about me, I find pirates to be very intriguing.”
A blush comes across your face. You hope he can’t really see it through the mask he’s wearing.
“I hate to disappoint you Jacob but,” you lean in closer and whisper towards his ear, “I’m not a real pirate. Don’t tell anyone tho.” You shush him by putting your finger over your lips.
He giggles genuinely at your attempt at a lame joke.
Jake speaks up from behind the mask, “Well then you should know that i’m not a real cereal killer.”
“Oh damnit. I was kind of hoping you were,” you reply. Although you weren’t actually hoping that, the idea of a sexy and dangerous man in a mask turned you on.
“I mean, I can be anything you want me to be tonight darling,” Jake says with sex dripping in his voice.
You didn’t know if it was the alcohol, the halloween party or the masked man in front of you but you wanted Jake to take you away from this party immediately.
“If you take me somewhere quiet i’ll show you exactly what I want from you mr. Ghostface. Just as long as you don’t kill me of course.”
Jake grips your wrist firmly and guides you up the stairs and away from the party noise at a fairly quickly pace.
He throws your body into what looks like a guest room, slams the door shut, locks it and pushes your body against the wall.
The room is dark, only lit by the moon in the night sky.
Jake begins to grab the bottom of his mask, getting ready to reveal his face to you but you quickly grab his hands to stop him.
“Keep it on.”
His strong hand then snaps around your neck. You can’t quit see his eyes but you know he’s staring at you like you’re his next meal. He slowly moves his head so his mouth is hovering over your ear.
“I like you sweetheart.”
You slowly begin to smirk, knowing he’s willing to keep it on.
His hand leaves your neck and slowly travels down your body. He lifts your skirt up, revealing your black thong covered in your fishnet tights.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
You nod your head quickly in reply.
His hand shoots back around your neck. “Words baby.”
“Y- yes. Yes it’s okay.” You struggle to say through your heavy breathing.
“Good girl,” he says while lowering his hand beneath the band of your thong. His fingers reached your heat and he begins swirling his middle and ring finger in your wetness.
Without much warning he shoves both of his fingers inside of you. You gasp at the sudden contact and grab at his strong forearm to ground yourself.
“How fast do you want it baby?” He questions, wanting to know the proper way to please you.
“Fast and hard,” you moan out to him while leaning your head back against the wall behind you to prepare yourself.
His fingers start plunging in and out of you at a painfully delicious speed. He curls his fingers at just the right angel to hit a spot that makes you nearly scream.
You feel sweat beading on your forehead as he drives his fingers into you. You squeeze around him as you feel yourself starting to unwind.
“Come on pretty girl. You’re about to cum, I can feel it. Be so good for me and cum on my fingers.” he demands.
Hearing his silky voice speak those words to you were enough to have you unraveling on his hand.
“fuuuckkkkkk,” you scream out at a volume too loud considering there are other people in the house.
When you come down from your orgasm he gently pulls his hand away from your core.
“Open up,” he requests.
You follow his order. He places his two fingers onto your tongue. With his other hand he guides your chin to close around his fingers and he slowly pulls them from your mouth as you suck them clean.
You look down at his pants and see how painfully hard he is. You softly trace your fingers over his bulge and he sucks in his breath sharply as if you were hurting him.
“I want all of you. I want to feel you,” you say to him.
He picks you up from under your ass, carries you over to the bed, and slams you down.
While hovering over you with his hands on both sides of your head Jake says, “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
He removes his jeans and boxers while you remove your corset and dress.
He’s left in nothing but his low buttoned shirt and his mask, while you’re in just your tights and a thong.
You make eye contact with his dick and notice how thick it is. It excites you so much that you notice your wetness pooling beneath you.
“You don’t have to stare honey, it’s all yours tonight,” Jake giggles to you, noticing where your eyes have been lingering.
“Then what are you waiting for Jacob? Give it to me,” you demand from him as if you’ve grown impatient.
He wastes no time and crawls on top on you on the bed and you both move up until you hit the headboard.
He reaches down to your core with one hand and rips your fishnet tights to create a hole.
You feely annoyed that he ripped your clothing for one minute until you realize you were never going to wear them again anyway.
His hands begin to explore your body. He grabs at your breasts, massaging them firmly. He rolls your nipples between his thumb and pointer finger as you let out a heavy breath of ecstasy.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he compliments you.
“I’d say the same for you mystery man but I haven’t seen your face yet,” you wink back at him.
He chuckles in response to you and continues working his hands over your body.
“Please Jake I need you now,” you practically beg him.
“You need me to what darling?” He mockingly asks you, wanting to hear you plead for it.
“I need you to fuck me.”
“You want me to fuck you baby? Is that what you need?”
“Yes. Yes. Please,” you almost sound like you’re crying.
“Oh baby… I’ll fuck you so hard someone will think you are getting murdered in here.”
He pushes your thong to the side and lines himself up with your core. He snaps his hips against yours in one quick motion, causing you to shriek. He begins rapidly pounding into you.
He quickly grabs and pillow and puts it under your hips, making the pleasure triple. You grab at his back and dig your nails into him, slowly running them down his back, hoping to leave him with a memory of tonight.
“Fuck- you feel so fucking good around my cock,” he says through his staggered breathing. “Does that feel good baby?”
“Yes Jake you feel so good inside of me I never want you to fucking leave,” you shout back to him.
Your response to him causes him to moan deeply in chest, so much so that it sounds like a growl.
He grabs one of your legs and wrap it around his waist so he can reach a new angel. Between the pillow placement, your position, and his rapid thrusts, your body is experiencing a feeling it never has before.
You can feel his dick brushing past your g-spot causing you to yell out his name and a string of curses.
You start to squeeze around his cock, getting close to your release. You can tell he’s almost there too as you feel him twitch inside of you.
“Cum with me y/n. I want you to soak my dick as I finish inside of you. Come on baby you’re almost there. Be good for me.”
His final praises bring you to the finish line as your body shakes through a mind bending orgasm. You let out a chorus of yeses and grab at his arms with all of your might. As you’re finishing you feel him twitch inside of you.
You both come down and catch your breath before he pulls out of you and falls onto his back on the bed beside you.
You turn your head to look over at him, still wearing the Ghostface mask, “That was fucking amazing.”
“Holy shit, yea it was,” he responds. “Can I take this fucking thing off now,” he laughs referring to the mask on his face.
“Oh please do,” you reply.
You feel nervous watching him begging to situate the mask to lift over his head. You have no idea what he looks like yet but you had been extremely attracted to everything he’s offered so far and there was no denying he is the best sex you’ve ever had.
The mask gets fully yanked off of him to reveal one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen.
You gasp out loud.
His hair is shoulder legnth and chestnut brown. His eyes are dark and filled with honey. His thick eyebrows and long eyelashes compliment his deep eyes so well. He has a strong and sharp nose and plump pink lips. He smirks slightly at you, revealing his perfectly straight teeth.
“What? Did my face scare you sweetheart?” He asks as a joke.
You press your body into his and brush the sweaty hair sticking to his face behind his ears.
“The only thing that scares me is how attracted I am to you,” you say in full seriousness.
“You’re in luck because I feel the same way about you.” He gives a quick peck to your nose. “Give me your phone. Let me put my number in it.”
You reach down to the floor where your purse was thrown and grab your phone from it.
You hand it over to him and let him type in his contact himself.
When he hands the phone back you look down to see the information he filled out and giggle at the screen.
His number was put in its rightful place and his contact name was labeled as “Ghostface🔪”
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celiciaa · 9 months
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Together with the prince.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
If even the biggest villain on the continent could have a wish come true,
I would have loved to have met Emma as a child.
I have been thinking about the beautiful girl who I have heard about through other people.
Walter: You…
Roderich: ….You can't be serious…..
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Gilbert: Hehe, isn’t she adorable?
Walter, a personal doctor belonging to the imperial family, and Roderich, an easy-to-use aide,
Time stopped the moment I saw the adorable angel.
(You’re really cute no matter how many times I look at you.)
I stared down at the girl in my arms.
She has shiny, soft hair, squishy cheeks, and an innocent face with round eyes.
Those innocent eyes that do not doubt others are looking around.
Gilbert: I understand how you feel, but those who harbor evil feelings should be executed.
Roderich: No…it’s not like that….
Walter: ….Why didn't you tell your doctor that you had an illegitimate child!
The girl's body trembled and her eyes moistened as she heard Walter's deafening yell.
Emma: Weeh…
Gilbert: Yes, I’m executing you. Goodbye.
Walter: Oh no! Don't cry, please don't cry!
When I pointed the tip of my cane at Walter, he turned pale and began to panic.
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(I've decided that I'm going to kill anyone who makes her cry.)
(But Walter is talented and easy to use, so that’s a problem.)
Roderich: My lady, look here.
Roderich, whose eyes were covered with a hood, quickly took out candy from his pocket.
Gilbert: Why are you carrying that thing around?
Roderich: I thought it might be a good idea for when Lord Gilbert gets hungry.
Emma: Can I have it?
Roderich: Yes. It's sweet and delicious, so please try it.
Emma: Thank you, big brother hoodie.
Emma: Mmm, yummy…!
Roderich: I'm honored that you like it.
Gilbert: Little rabbit, do you like this brother?
Emma: Yes, I like him!
Gilbert: Got it, execution time.
Roderich: Isn't that too unreasonable!?
(Roderich is also a good pawn, but I hate it when he's liked more than me.)
When I held up my gun that it was a day for execution today, both Walter and Roderich knelt on the floor at an invisible speed.
Walter: Lord Gilbert, I apologize for my outburst.
Roderich: But please tell me one thing. Who is this young lady…
Gilbert: This girl is Emma.
Walter and Roderich: Ha?
Gilbert: Emma has turned into a child.
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Roderich: W-What do you mean?
Gilbert: As I said, when I woke up in the morning, this child was next to me.
Gilbert: By the way, I made the dress she is wearing right now. Isn’t it cute?
Emma: It is cute!
I almost writhed at the sight of Emma, who was smiling so proudly.
Walter: Lord Gilbert…let's do the medical checkup right now. There is a possibility that you have some kind of aftereffect….
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Gilbert: You're a doctor and you can't even tell if the little rabbit is real?
Gilbert: Keeping such an incompetent doctor in the castle is a waste of personnel expenses——
Walter: Don't be absurd! It's so unrealistic that anyone would react the same way as I did!
Emma: Uu… *hic* ….
Gilbert: Yes, it’s execution time.
Roderich: Lord Gilbert! That young lady over there is Emma. I understand that.
Roderich: But why and how did she become a child?
Gilbert: That’s your job today to figure it out.
Walter and Roderich: What?
While rubbing Emma's back as she sobbed, I just smiled, trying not to let her know what I was doing.
Gilbert: While I have other things to do.
Walter: What is that? There is nothing more important than finding the cause of the problem.
Gilbert: There is. I have something important to do: play with the little rabbit.
Roderich: A….aaah…that’s right. The young lady looks like she is at a playful age.
Walter: Hey, I don't agree. In other words, you're forcing the trouble on us.
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Gilbert: What, are you complaining? You made the little rabbit cry——
Walter: We will be happy to accept your order. All the medical staff will find a way to change her back to normal.
Gilbert: You are very understanding. If you don't get any results, you'll get a pay cut for incompetence, okay?
Walter: ….You're being too unreasonable.
Emma: …Gil…
Emma let out a small yawn, perhaps because the conversation was taking so long.
Gilbert: Oh, I'm sorry? Shall we leave that scary big brother alone and go have some fun?
Emma: Where are we going?
(The innocent little rabbit won't know that I'm thinking something bad.)
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Ignoring Walter and Roderich's disapproving/questioning glances,
I pecked Emma on the squishy cheek.
Gilbert: Somewhere fun.
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Emma: Wow, so many people! And so many sparkles!
When we left the castle and arrived at the main street of the town,
Emma's bored expression changed drastically.
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(But there are more people here today than I thought.)
(It can't be helped since it's a festival.)
Once a month in the central town of Obsidian, an ore festival is held.
Direct trading of ores produced in various regions,
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Many pieces of jewelry, made by skilled jewelers, were on display in the marketplace.
(Emma is Emma, even though she's a child...I'm sure she'll tell me honestly what she loves.)
Adult Emma knows the weight of the word "love," and she doesn't say it carelessly,
In this respect, the child Emma seems to be honest.
I was planning to take this opportunity to learn about many people I love and use them as reference for future misdeeds.
(But there's one thing that worries me.)
Gilbert: Do I have to hold you?
Even as we walk together holding hands, my heart is filled with the desire to hold her.
(You’re so small, it's hard for you to walk through the crowds….)
(Well, I'm not planning on leaving the man who bumped into us alive.)
Emma: Let's walk.
Gilbert: Why?
Emma: Because the shoes Gil bought me earlier are cute.
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 ▸       [  next ]
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hello ! I read your Kitana fic and I must say your a really talented writer! id love to see you write some general sfw headcannons on her if you wouldn’t mind ! thanks :)
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pairing: kitana x reader
warnings: none!
a/n: my first sfw headcanons. Thank you so much for the kind words ♡
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Kitana is not a very emotional person on the outside, but she is a wonderful lover. Due to being raised as the princess of Outworld, she was taught to conceal her feelings, keeping them hidden away from the public as to keep the image of the royal family prime and pristine. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel her feelings, specially through her acts of love.
First, there as somethings that make Kitana, well, Kitana, such as:
Kitana is definetly a very serious individual, years of royal training leading to it. She tends to keep to herself, her interest hidden from view from most people, exept her close ones.
I image her being into dancing, due to all the acrobatics she performs while fighting with her fans, but she prefers to dance alone in her room than in a room full of people.
Kitana has a collection of fans ranging from all the colors of the wheel made with materials from all regions of Outworld. Her favorites being the Fartahk Cutters and the Nekrotonan Bladed Fans. She collects them like someone who collects card seals.
Due to her long life span she has seen a great deal of thigns, so I like to imagine she keeps multiple diaries to keep track of all the happenings. These diaries are carefully made with leather bound covers painted in the most intricate designs, the writing on the inside pristine and sophisticated. They are stored carefully in wooden bookcases in an adjacent room next to her bedroom, to be read when desired.
I definitely see Kitana’s love languages being quality time and physical touch, let me explain
Kitana cares for her loved ones deeply, but because of her royal duties she hardly had time to spend with them. So she tries her best to aline her schedule to do something with her special one at least for a few hours of the day. This is where I see a bit of acts of service coming in. Kitana, with all her decorum, arranges a diner on a quiet and reserved part of the castle, complete with fairy lights, rose petals on the ground and a good variety of Outworld’s finest beverages. As soon as she is freed from the thousands of appointments os the day, Kitana pushes through the tiredness and heads towards their shared quarters. It would be easy to order a servant to invite her lover to the planned diner, but she prefers to spend every little moment with them. The diner goes perfectly, just as something planned by a meticulous princess would. They talk for hours, the warm colors of dawn slowly merging into the night sky, conversation flowing swiftly as neither seem to notice how late it has become.
Kitana values all the little moments she shares with her lover, specially long walks in the palace gardens. They walk unhurriedly through the hanging gardens, admiring the beautiful scenery. The bioluminescent flora lights up the lovers way as they cruise through the garden. This is usually where Kitana feels most free- free from her royal duties, her worries and her fears. Something as simple as walking with her lover brings her a sense of calm that no other thing can reproduce.
Even though it’s not her favorite thing, she allows her lover to accompany her in missions. As the empresses most trusted assassin, she would often lead missions with the Umgadi, and even in a band of most trusted allies, it can turn dangerous at any minute. But, depending on the nature of the danger, she would rather have her lover closer than away, even if she has the utmost trust in the Umgadi. She knows her lover could manage by themselves, but she would rather not take any chances.
Kitana is very touch starved, even though she won’t show it. She was deeply loved during her childhood, by both her parents, specialy Jerod, so the distance brought by royal duties was often breach through warm hugs and that love for touch carries to her romantic relationships.
During the time spent together, Kitana always has a hand on her lover. She either holds her special someones hand or has a hand strung around her lover's arm when promenading through the hanging gardens.
She also tends to have an arm behind her lover's waist while guiding them while socialazing in royal events so as to never lose sight of each other. Royal events can be very stressfull for Kitana, as she is usualy the one organzing them as Mileena is not as inclined to participate is such events, leaving Kitana with most of the organization and meddeling with the public. As such, it often leads to burning her out, so being around her lover and with her hand touching them keeps her grounded.
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the-tragic-heroine · 1 year
Haitani Brothers Analysis
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While the Haitani brothers didn’t get as much screen time in the series as many fans would probably like, we did get a small glimpse into their characters during the main events of the manga and some extra content in the character books—enough for me to reasonably speculate on some things. As always, these are just my own thoughts, and you are more than welcome to disagree with me.
Neither Ran nor Rindou actually enjoy fighting that much.
In the main series, they don’t have an actual clear reason for participating in the gang wars. They even state stuff like “well, I guess we have to” before entering the battlefield
Whenever they are beat up they very readily accept defeat.
They fight very unfairly, with Ran using his baton to beat up opponents while Rindou holds them still and breaks their bones. Once they are separated, they lose quite easily. If they really enjoyed fighting, they likely a) wouldn’t be using these underhanded methods at all and b) wouldn’t be this bad on their own.
Both of Rindou’s extra stories in the character book involve being unwillingly dragged into some kind of conflict.
EDIT: I was mulling over this point and I think I mean to say that while they do like fighting, because it’s clear they do have fun beating people up, they don’t CARE about fighting the way some of the others do. Eg, those who fight to protect, those who fight for a cause, those who fight because they have a passion for it, etc.
This is pretty much where the similarities between the two brothers end, though. So, if they don’t care about fighting, why are they even delinquents in the first place? What do they care about?
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Ran cares about maintaining an image.
Rindou talks about being annoyed about Ran trying to strike ‘cool’ poses when fighting
His special skill is “presenting himself in a favorable light”
In CB3, his profile states that Ran wants to be a celebrity and he enjoys getting his hair done at beauty salons
In fact, he tends to talk out of his ass, shown in his conversation with the hairdresser and…what he says about music here…
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The two living in Roppongi makes even more sense, as it is a very high-end district
However, with that being said, there are a few additional pieces of information that may strike people as rather odd, as they seem a bit contradictory to what we are led to believe Ran is like.
His hobby is sleeping, he likes staying in bed, and his special talent is sleeping 24 hours in one go
In Rindou’s story, Ran was so pissed off at getting woken up because of his party that he got violent
What this reminds me of are my interactions with people who tell me that their hobbies involve clubbing and drinking, only for them to admit later on that they don’t actually like doing those things at all and would much rather be at home. Instead, these hobbies are simply a means to make up for something that they are lacking: something like, human connection, self-esteem, etc. In Ran’s case, delinquency—because what it got him was an army of followers in Roppongi that he and his brother can command. In the delinquent world, he is that celebrity he wants to be.
When Kakucho invited them to join Tenjiku, their conditions to accepting were that their uniforms be a different colour than the rest. Izana beat him up because that made them stand out more.
We don’t get much more info beyond this, but I think there’s some valid reason to believe that, like many who choose to surround themselves with material possessions, he is merely putting up a front to cover up a deep-rooted insecurity. Perhaps one that developed in an environment full of wealthy elites that is difficult to stand out in.
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Rindou cares about his brother.
This might take a little more explanation because sibling love-hate relationships are complicated, and like Ran a lot of Rindou’s character traits are contradictory, but there are a few things that make this evident both in the series and the character book.
Rindou’s interests are DJing and martial arts, the latter of which is quite known for promoting stuff like peace, respect, etc unlike Rindou’s delinquent tendencies
Again, both of his stories involve being dragged into conflict he didn’t wanna be a part of. Kakucho once invited him to train, which Rindou thought was weight lifting, only to be brought to a Yakuza hideout. Rindou vowed never to hang out with him again.
He is actually ranked 2nd best boyfriend and 2nd least vicious in Tenjiku, which would strike people as odd considering his special technique in combat is literally breaking bones
All of this should make Rindou a pretty chill guy but he isn’t. Instead he follows his brother into gang wars, gets sent to prison, and in the Bonten timeline gets involved in criminal activity. While we don’t see him or his brother really doing anything during this arc, I think that itself (just standing and watching) tells us enough about how they feel being a part of it. So, we get into the next key part of Rindou’s character book profile.
Rindou’s most feared/disliked person is Ran
In his second story, he locks himself in the bathroom to avoid Ran’s angry outburst and has to buy him Mont Blanc to appease him
I don’t think Ran is abusive in the way Taiju was toward the Shiba household, because in their interactions it’s quite clear that they do care about one another and are comfortable enough together. They always stick together throughout alliance changes, their signature technique involves teamwork, and are in the same business owning a club in the final ending.
Instead, I think it’s clear that Ran was a pretty terrible influence to Rindou. I think he was pulled into this pretty early on due to circumstance and was unable to get out because he didn’t know much else—again, because of Ran’s influence as the older brother. Otherwise, I don’t think he’d have chosen this path voluntarily.
There isn’t much else for me to use to make more speculations on Rindou’s character, but I think based on all that info he really just seems like a big himbo on the inside. All the dude wants is to make music and get buff. Also, probably a tsundere, because it seems that he calls Ran “aniki” in public but “niichan” in private. So cute!!
Anyways, I think that’s it for now! I typed this all up in one sitting so I hope I didn’t miss anything. If you have any input do feel free to comment as I love these boys and am always looking to read more headcanons and scenarios with them!
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r0ckgoblin · 1 year
Would that I- bella ramsey xreader
“true that i saw her hair like the branch of a tree”
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summary: bella is a person of many trades, your favorites just so happen to be when they play guitar and sing. you have always admired this about her, as any friend would. b/c you and bella have always been supportive of each other’s interest, they always come to you first when he’s written a song or learned a new one. why would this time be any different?
a/n: idk how to write summaries… but anyways enjoy:) (p.s. hc wise, i think they listen to hozier…yea she definitely does)
warnings: unproper grammar(maybe) how i've passed all my lit classes i will never know. probably not fully proofread, i miss the smallest things smh
*all pronouns for bella used*
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you wiggle the key into the stubborn door of bella’s apartment, eventually winning the fight against it. opening the door you’re met with the sound of guitar strings being plucked and you smile softly. setting your bag on the kitchen counter you begin wandering around looking for your best friend.
“hey bels?” you call out.
“in here” he says from the sunroom.
you laugh softly grabbing a small throw blanket from the couch.
"hi" you smile, bending down to hug her, finding it a little difficult due to the guitar in their lap. the smell of old spice wonderfully clouds your sense of smell as they reach up to hug you back. the two of you gently sway for a few seconds before you pull back to adjust yourself next to him on the small couch, covering your legs with the blanket.
"how was your day?" he asks smiling over at you.
"it was good, slow, it was just a lot of cleaning up some scenes" you exhale recalling your most recent project, a movie you had been working on for the last few months, one only the people a part of it and the people closes to you knew about. acting was stressful sometimes, but the final project was always worth it, and that's something you and bella could both agree on.
"those days are inevitable, but i believe in you." they say as the lean back to rest their head on your shoulder. this caused you to blush a light pink color, luckily, he couldn't see your face at the moment. you didn't know what it was but lately you've been feeling certain ways about your best friend, and you were scared you wouldn't be able to hide those feelings for much longer. the only thing stopping you was the incessant fear of losing her friendship if they didn't feel the same way.
after moments of peaceful silence bella breaks it be jolting up excitedly. "oh! i learned a new song!"
"really? show me!'' you smiled mirroring her excitement. for as long as you've known bella your favorite thing about them has been her ability to play guitar and sing. they were so good at it, and it seemed to be a big passion of his as well.
"of course! you're going to love it, it's a hozier song" they beam at you holding eye contact waiting for your reaction, which didn't take long because you immediately grinned so big.
" you learned another one? which one?!" you question with giddy.
"you'll have to guess."
"c'mon that's no fun" you whine putting on a fake frown.
"you'll live" she jokes.
"okay, fine go." you pout resulting in a laugh from her.
she plucks some cords before playing, listening to them intently. you just stare at him in awe. before you know it, you're hearing the first notes of hozier's "would that i". you gasp in amazement, and they let a small laugh leave their mouth, somehow without losing focus. as if it couldn't get any better, he also starts singing the words along with the music.
you feel your eyes water, you have no idea why that would be happening. was it the emotional toll of being in love with your best friend, someone who you've watched grow into a beautiful and talented human being? the fear that if you were to express how you feel, it could all turn against you, and you lose the one person who means the most in the world to you? or maybe it's just because the song is so beautiful? its defiantly the song.
you got so lost listening to his voice and the way the sun setting through the window made their skin glow and made his hair shine like honey. shit you were head over heels.
by down you had drowned out her voice due to your staring that you didn't even realize they had finished. not until they're talking directly at you. you blush a little realizing you 100% got caught staring.
"so what do you think?" she ask not making eye contact.
"i loved it," you smiled,
"thank you so much." he grins, and you swear you see faint pink on their cheeks.
"i, um-", you go to say something, but you stop yourself.
"what was that?''
"i uh... i should get back to my hotel.''
"just stay here'' she says but its more of a begging question.
"no, i can't, ive got an early morning and we both know i'm not quiet in the mornings, i wouldn't want to wake you that early.'' you try and lie.
"y/n please'' he begs, grabbing your hand giving you those big brown puppy eyes.
"i'm sorry.'' you shake your head.
they tug you closer, your chests touching. they stare you in the eyes, you notice her give a quick glance to your lips. you in return look to theirs.
"there's something uh... i've mean meaning to tell you," they exhale nervously, "and i really need to get it off my chest. this um..." they swallow hard, "this is harder than i thought."
"shut up" you say with a fake serious tone.
"what i haven't even gotten to what i wanted to say." they knit their eyebrows in confusion.
"you don't have to, if it's what i think it is, i already know," you smile, "because i want to tell you the same thing."
"i like you, like REALLY like you okay!"
"i-" they were speechless. you two just stared back at each other, waiting for the other to speak.
"i like you two, like reeaallyy like you." they smile wide.
you smile and release a breath of relief, resting your forehead on theirs. you two stay like that giggling back and forth.
"can i kiss you?" they speak up.
"of course." you smile.
she then softly presses their lips to yours, grabbing your face, she deepens the kiss making it more passionate but soft. his hands travel to your hair gently brushing it while your hands find the small of their back caressing softly. this goes on until your both pulling away for air, laughing breathlessly.
"so... stay the night?"
you laugh hugging them as they spin you around like something out of a movie.
the rest of the night you spend cuddled on the couch watching your favorite movies until you're both passed out in each other's arms.
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a/n: AAAAHHH LETS GOOOO!!!! so BAHAHAAHAH this took longer than i wanted and it's not even as long as i wanted it:( anyways here it is, i hope you really enjoy it. there will hopefully be more in the future:) feel free to request, also let me know if my replies are off bc i clicked on one of my post and it says my comments are turned off??? idk, but my asks should be on:) love you! have a great day/night!🫶
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astranva · 2 years
How We Met.
Word Count: 4.4K
Category: Fluff
Warning: some swear words
Summary: In which Chris was a nervous mess when he met his A+ list celebrity crush, highest-paid, and the most iconic actress!YN at Vanity Fair’s 2014 after party.
Pairing: overprotective!chris x pregnant!actress!yn from Planet Evans when they were younger.
Can be read independently x
Planet Evans Universe
“I absolutely love it,” you said to Laura Mercier, your makeup artist for the night as you looked at your makeup through the mirror before turning, your cheeks touching in a kiss, “Always giving me the best treats, love.”
“You’re just easy to work with,” in her lovely, enunciated accent, Laura replied, smiling at you.
“You look amazing, Y/N. Absolutely beautiful,” Ted Gibson, your hairdresser, commented from the side of the hotel suite with a wide smile on his face.
“It takes a village, doesn’t it?” You chuckled, approaching him to press your cheek to his in a kiss, “Thank you, Ted. You know I trust you the most with my hair.”
“And it’s such an honor, you have no idea.”
“Y/N, ready for the dress?” Evie, your personal assistant, asked, “Kate’s coming up.”
Getting ready for events wasn’t always your most favored time, but at moments like that, you were grateful to be working with professional people whom you enjoyed spending time being stuck in a chair for a minimum of 3 hours with. 
Kate Young, a trusted young stylist you trusted and enjoyed working with for a couple of years, was sporting an eager grin the moment she stepped inside the suite, immediately approaching your open arms for a greeting hug and a kiss on your cheek, “You already look so beautiful.”
“Aw stop,” you waved her off with a giggle, “Did you have a nice trip?” 
“I did,” she replied, “Thank you for letting them pick me up. That was a very nice car.”
“Only the best for my friends, yeah?” You gave her a sheepish shrug, “Are we ready?”
“Whenever you are.”
As your dress was pulled put of its protective bag, a wide grin was painted on your lips, looking at the gorgeous black and orange dress in awe. 
“God, I can’t wait to wear you,” you mumbled, running your hand over the soft material. 
“Was the Oscar’s one uncomfortable?” Kate asked.
You shook your head, “Was perfect. You know I can never thank you enough for making sure I wear comfortable clothes,” you said, “Nothing beats that pink Valentino gown from last year though.”
“You loved that one so much that you actually kept it,” Kate replied with a laugh.
You hummed with a nod, “It was so good.”
As you stepped out of your robe and into your dress with Kate’s help, she was hesitant to ask you the one question she was very curious to ask.
“How do you feel? I can’t believe you don’t have an Oscar nom this year.”
You smoothed down the front of the gorgeous dress before giving her an assuring smile, “You know I don’t care about that, right?”
“I know, I know, but still. It just doesn’t make sense to me that you didn’t win anything this year, I don’t know.”
“I’m just glad the reviews about The Spectacular Now were good,” you said, “Miles is over the moon about it, and I think–I don’t know really, I’ve been enjoying his reactions to it all more than anything.”
Kate sighed, shaking her head at you as she adjusted the dress, “If you can just be a little selfish and petty for a minute or two.”
You laughed, “Oh yeah? Would you want to work with me still?”
“Well duh, you’re Y/N Y/L/N. Do you realize how much work I’ve been getting ever since I started styling you?”
“It’s because you’re talented.”
“It’s because you’re effortlessly beautiful and the world loves you,” Kate said.
You smiled sheepishly, not replying back as you let her do the final touches before she helped you put on your heels. 
Kate stepped back, her hands going to cover her mouth as she took you all in.
“No, stop that,” you laughed, “How do I look?”
“I can’t believe-Y/N, look at you!”
“Best dressed?” You teased her, remembering how she always told you that you were going to be labelled as best dressed whenever she styled you.
“For sure,” she nodded.
You walked back to the living room in the suite, a shy smile on your face as everyone who was helping you get ready gasped and gazed at you.
“You deserve an Oscar for best dressed.”
The ride to the Vanity Fair After Party wasn’t at all eventful, as in its 13-minute glory, you, your driver and personal assistant were jamming to ABBA songs in between Evie taking pictures of you.
“Are you ready?” She asked as soon as the car came to a stop.
“Does it matter?” You joked with a chuckle before Evie gave a nod to the bodyguard standing outside your door.
An awaited entrance was what everyone described it as, because the moment your foot stepped out of the car was the same moment that everyone went wild.
Deafening screams and shouting of your name were heard, the frantic camera shutters in the background as you stepped out of the car with a smile on your face.
“She’s here! Y/N Y/L/N is here!” Multiple interviewers and reporters announced to their cameras.
“I just know that Y/N Y/L/N arrived,” Jennifer Lawrence said in the midst of her interview, attempting to step back and catch a glimpse of you, “God, I’m sweating at the thought of her being here.”
“There’s a photo booth inside, who’s someone you’re excited to take a photo with?” Another interviewer asked Emilia Clarke.
Giving a laugh, Emilia replied, “I’ll be trying my best to impress Y/N Y/L/N to take a picture with her. I’ll be working o-Oh, is that her? That’s her. That’s her.”
You waved to the crowd of eager paparazzi and interviewers, walking down the carpet in a composed strut and giving them your infamous small smile as you followed the carpet’s coordinator before standing in spot and beginning to pose.
Further down the carpet and in a classic black suit stood Chris, hands in his pockets as he smiled at the paparazzi, unaware of the fact that his celebrity crush was breathing the same air as him. 
In your orange and black gown, you looked at the snapping cameras, posing to all angles. It wasn’t until you looked beside you that you had spotted Stevie Nicks, whose eye instantly caught yours and with open arms, you both approached each other.
“You look absolutely wonderful,” she said, looking at you from beneath her dark sunglasses.
“No, look at you,” you shook your head before bringing her in another hug, “Let’s take a few pictures together.” 
With linked arms, you and Stevie posed together, making other celebrities pause and look so they could witness two icons of different industries just effortlessly make everyone lose their cool.
As you posed, with a calm and collected stance that masked his growing anxiety and butterflies in his stomach, Chris approached an interviewer who instantly beamed at the opportunity of interviewing Captain America.
“You’re looking absolutely amazing,” she began.
“Thank you, thank you,” Chris smiled, giving his suit a quick glance before looking back at her.
“We wanted to know who’s someone that Captain America wants to see tonight? Maybe talk and mingle with inside?”
“Uh, there are a lot of people-a lot of people,” he nodded, looking beside him for a fleeting second before looking back at her, “So many incredible people I want to see. I’m meeting Hemsworth inside though,” he smiled, pointing behind him.
“A little Avengers reunion,” she joked.
“Yeah, just a quick get-together,” Chris chuckled.
“If you can be introduced to one celebrity here tonight, who would it be?”
Chris hummed in thought, looking up as he did before bringing his index to his chin, “Just one?”
“Just one.”
“Probably-Alright, alright,” he nodded, “It has to be Y/N Y/L/N,” he answered.
“Ooo, you went there.”
“I went there,” Chris laughed with a nod, “That’s-That’s the dream.”
“You know, we were just talking to Michael B. Jordan and he gave us the same answer.”
“Oh, oh, guess that’s a challenge now, huh? A competition?” Chris joked with a laugh.
“You need to have a word with him,” the short interviewer joked, pointing at Chris.
“Let’s get to it,” he nodded, playing along.
“Well Chris, thank your for the nice chat and have fun inside.”
“Thank you,” Chris smiled.
As celebrities posed and talked, you were escorted to your first and only interview of the after-party’s red carpet.
With sweaty palms and a frantically beating heart, Vanity Fair’s interviewer had a tight hold on her microphone as you approached her, “Y/N is here,” she announced to the camera.
“How are you?” You asked, sensing her nerves, making you reach forward to give her a brief greeting hug, “You look lovely.”
With a flushed face, she grinned, “Wow, thank you so much but look at you,” she motioned towards you, “Who are you wearing?”
“This is Schiaparelli,” you answered, glancing down at your dress, “It’s such a nice dress, we’ve been working on it for a while now and they did an amazing job.”
“They really did,” she agreed, “You look absolutely stunning.”
“Thank you, thank you so much,” you smiled.
“So, you have two new movies coming out later this year, Gone Girl and Interstellar,” she began, “What should we be expecting?” 
“I mean, it’s David Fincher and Christopher Nolan,” you chuckled, “You know better than to have expectations, really. I feel like with Gone Girl, you’re going to need to stay focused when you’re watching it, especially if you haven’t read the book first.”
“Do we need to read the book first before watching it?”
“I feel like it’s a matter of preference here. Some people prefer to read first, others like the surprise of it,” you gave a shrug, “So I can’t really give you a definite answer, you just do what you think is best honestly. There are no rules to how you decide to enjoy the movie.”
“And how was working with Christopher Nolan on Interstellar?”
“Phenomenal,” you smiled, “I admire Nolan and I-I have always wanted to work with him in any way, so I’m just honored to be part of something I believe will be so big—So promising. It’s definitely been an amazing experience that I’d love to go through again.”
“Everyone’s so excited to watch it, it’s all we’ve been talking about,” she smiled, “How does Miles feel about the movies? Is he excited?”
If there was anything you were sure of, it was that after going public a year ago with your relationship with Miles Teller, you were always going to get asked about him. 
“He’s very excited,” you nodded with a smile, “He’s been so supportive. He’s-He’s incredible.”
“Awww,” she cooed, “Alright last question, anyone we expect to see you partying with inside?”
You laughed lightly, “Well,” you looked around for a moment, “So many friends here,” you said, “I think I’ll be floating around,” you answered, “There are so many people I want to see inside. There’s the incredible Serene Williams, there’s Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Taylor Swift,” you listed, “So many people, so many people.”
“It’s going to be a busy night.”
“Busy night for sure,” you chuckled.
“Well, thank you so much, Y/N. We hope you have a great night.”
“You too, love, thank you,” you gave her a smile, inching forward to give her another brief hug before moving away.
After what seemed like forever of posing to flashing cameras and screaming grown women and men, all voices of shouting were replaced by the sound of music and chatter as celebrities of all statuses mingled, danced, and talked.
There you stood, your big gown looking smaller after you had taken off your big orange train and were left with the black fitting dress, the orange on the front not being the only vibrant thing about you–it was you as a whole.
Nervous celebrities eyed you, wishing they had the courage to approach you. Envious celebrities ogled at you, wishing it were them whom people worshipped the ground they walked on.
And then there was Chris.
You seemed engrossed in the conversation you were having with Jennifer Garner; back straight, eyes set on Jennifer, nodding to what she was saying, and Chris couldn’t help but keep glancing at you.
“Join the line,” Hemsworth joked, elbowing him with a quiet chuckle before bringing his drink to his lips.
“You can introduce yourself,” Liam Hemsworth said from beside his brother, “She’s lovely. A fucking gem.”
“You talked?” Chris asked.
Liam nodded, “A couple of years ago at The Hunger Games premiere,” he answered.
“He almost shat himself,” Hemsworth said, laughing when Liam jabbed him in the ribs.
“Coming from the guy who fucking cried when she shook his hands during Snow White and the Hunstman premiere.”
“Oh fuck off,” Hemsworth scoffed.
“I can’t blame either of you,” Chris said, “She’s–Look at her,” he discreetly motioned towards you, “She’s successful as fuck, right? She is. But she’s–She’s so fucking beautiful, look at her.”
“Join the fucking line,” Hemsworth repeated, laughing when Chris flipped him off, “She’s intimidating, I admit.”
“But she’s also so sweet,” Liam said with a slight shake of his head, “But I think-Look, don’t get offended but imagine you go up to her and she has no idea who you are.”
“Thank you, Liam,” Chris replied sarcastically, “Thank you so much. That-That honestly makes me feel so much better.”
The older Hemsworth chuckled as his younger brother raised his hands up, “Sorry, mate, just-You probably thought about it.”
“Of course I did,” Chris replied, “She’s Y/N Y/L/N for fuck’s sake,” he discreetly motioned towards you.
“And if she did know you? Then what? You date? Get married?” Hemsworth joked.
“That’s as if she’s single,” Liam chuckled, “Miles is one lucky fucker.”
“Is so,” Chris nodded, glancing at you, “It’s not like I want something. I just-Don’t we all just admire her? Like, look at that,” he pointed, “Here’s Orlando Bloom looking at her, and here’s-I don’t know who the fuck that is but she’s been taking a step forward then backward for the past, like 15 minutes and trying to talk to her,” he said, making the brothers watch, “There’s no way I can set a foot near her without making a fucking fool out of myself.”
“Aw come on, mate,” Hemsworth patted him on the shoulder, “That’s some negative talk.”
“Oh yeah?” Chris raised his eyebrows, “Go talk to her then.”
“Nah,” Hemsworth, with a feigned nonchalant expression, scrunched his nose and shook his head with a shrug, “I’m-I’m good.”
Unaware to the conversations happening about you, you laughed with Jennifer Garner, only beaming when you were joined by Anne Hathaway, greeting each other with a kiss to the cheek.
“How was filming with Nolan?” Anne asked.
“A breeze,” you answered, “And Mathew’s just amazing to work with. They brought this kid,” you began, “I think he’s eighteen or nineteen, I can’t really remember. His name is Timothee Chalamet.”
“Is that French?” Jennifer asked.
You nodded, “American-French,” you stated, “And you heard it from me first but give him a few years and everyone and their mother is going to want this kid.”
“You always do that!” Anne laughed, pointing at you, “You always predict these things!”
“Exactly like what happened with Jennifer Lawrence,” Jennifer laughed, “You have a radar.”
You laughed, giving your friends a shrug, “I don’t even know, I just-His role is pretty small, but I have a gut feeling about him, I can’t explain it.”
“You never do,” Anne said, “But hold on now,” she held her hand out, “Where’s Miles?”
“Things have been a little messy with his movie’s release date,” you said, “He hasn’t been sleeping well, hasn’t been, like, dealing with it all so well. Just tired, you know? So we figured it’d be better if he sat that one out,” you said.
They both nodded, “How does he feel about the movie? Was it draining?”
You nodded, “It was, but I have a good feeling about it.”
They smiled at each other, “That’s when you know it’s a good movie,” Jennifer said, pointing at you.
“Speaking of good movies,” Anne began, “Did any of you get invited to that new Marvel movie coming out next month? The Captain America one?”
You nodded, “I did, but I’m not sure I’ll be going.”
“Because Marvel’s been on my ass since 2008, I don’t want them thinking that by going I’ll be giving them a shot.”
“What do you have against them so bad?” Jen laughed.
“Because I don’t want to belong to one universe,” you answered, “It’s different when it’s drama—when it’s a series, but with movies? I like to experiment with those, and that’s just not something I can do with Marvel.”
“Good point,” Anne said, “Man, fuck superheroes.”
“But-wait, wait,” Jen held her hands out, inching closer, “Have you actually seen Captain America? Like the actor?”
“Isn’t he-The blond?” You asked, “Big body?” You puffed your chest.
“He’s not looking very blond right now,” Anne said before bringing her glass to her lips, tilting her head slightly to the right.
“Don’t look because he’s been looking here,” Jen told you.
“I won’t,” you said, “I have a boyfriend. Stop that.”
Anne gasped dramatically, “You can’t deny it when someone’s good looking.”
You rolled your eyes, chuckling, “Doesn’t mean I need to look.”
“Just a tiny glance.”
“A glimpse.”
“A little peak.”
“A-Holy fuck, he’s coming over.”
The 3 of you cleared your throats, straightening your postures as you put up a nonchalant front, beginning a random conversation of “wow, that happened?” and “and what else did you do?”.
It wasn’t until you heard someone clear their throat that your head turned to the sound, coming face to face with a bearded, not blond, and anxious Chris.
“Hey, um, I’m really sorry if I’m intruding,” he began, looking at you before glancing at Jennifer and Anne, “But I’m a huge, huge fan and just-I just-um, I thought it would be okay if I came and said that. That I’m a huge fan, I mean.”
Chris felt like the biggest loser.
Between being in your close proximity, to your eyes on him, to him fumbling over his words, he wished for nothing more than for earth to swallow him whole right there and then.
But then you gave him a warm smile, eyes glistening under the lights and face welcoming to his nervous, shy aura.
You held your hand out and Chris almost melted. 
Warm and delicate are two adjectives he’d use to describe your hand as you shook hands.
“What an honor,” you began, “We were just talking about your movie that’s coming out next month.”
And then he felt like crying because holy shit you knew he was an actor, you knew his movie, and you knew its release date.
The moment your hand left his was a moment that Chris would never forget because if he had a last wish, it definitely was to keep your hand in his for the longest while and that was something that your boyfriend didn’t need to know.
“Were you?” In surprise, Chris asked.
You nodded, “I loved the first part,” you said.
Unbeknownst to Chris, you did love the first part and you did want to watch the next one but there was one thing you couldn’t remember.
His name.
“Oh, oh wow,” he laughed, “Thank you, that means a lot,” he put a hand to his heart, “Means so much,” he said, “I can’t wait for your movies either. I’m-I’m sure they’re going to be incredible.”
“Right? She never disappoints,” Anne said, smiling at you before looking back at Chris.
Jennifer nodded, “Only Y/N can have Nolan and Fincher movies coming out in the same year.”
“Only Y/N,” Chris agreed, “Let’s not forget Peaky Blinders.”
“Peaky Blinders!” Anne exclaimed with wide eyes, “I physically can’t wait for the second season.”
“It’s a good one,” you said with a smile, “We were talking about you, how did this turn to be about me?” You asked Chris, “Have you been enjoying the title? The Captain America title?”
“I’ll go check on Ben,” Jennifer said, “Excuse me,” with a smile, she walked away.
You hummed at Chris, letting him know that he had your attention.
“I need to use the restroom,” Anne then said, “Sorry. Excuse me,” she smiled at the both of you before walking away.
“Sorry,” you smiled at Chris, “Go on.”
At the fact that it was just you and him, Chris grew more anxious. He wasn’t sure if it was respectful to put his hands in his pockets as he talked to you, deeming you as royalty, but his sweaty palms chose otherwise by letting him stuff them in his warm pockets.
“Um, it’s-it’s been a positive experience at most, I’d say. Maybe-It’s definitely stressful,” he said, you nodding as you intently listened, “You know, having to-having to always look a certain way, behave a certain way because there are children who are-children who are taking Cap as a role model, that sort of stressful, you know?”
You hummed, nodding, “I understand,” you said, “It’s definitely stressful and I can’t say you’ll be getting over it any time soon,” you chuckled slightly, “But I feel like you have so much power to set a right example to kids right now.”
Chris nodded, “Definitely, definitely,” he agreed, “That’s the half full cup right there.”
“The half full cup,” you nodded with a smile, “Are you excited about the world seeing your new movie? How does it feel?”
Liam was right. You were a fucking gem.
If it weren’t for Hemsworth bribing Chris by telling him that he’d steal the Captain America shield for him, Chris wouldn’t have been standing with you, that was for sure. But what Chris didn’t expect was that you were going to keep the conversation flowing, wanting to make him feel seen and heard in a way he didn’t expect someone of your status to care about.
“I’m excited,” he began, “Nervous for sure,” he laughed, making you nod with a laugh, understanding where he was coming from, “But I’m trying to mask that with excitement.”
“Fake it till you make it,” you gave him a shrug with a smile—an innocent act that shouldn’t have made Chris swoon. 
“That’s right,” he chuckled. Chris knew it was risky. He knew that he’d be kicking himself in the balls later, but nevertheless, he still asked: “Would you-Would you like a drink?”
It wasn’t the first time that you were asked the same thing by those who feel adventurous enough to ask, and in a way, it was easy to answer.
“Um, I don’t drink,” you said, not wanting to bruise his anxious ego.
It was one thing that you didn’t want to be grabbing drinks with people who might misinterpret your agreement to you being interested even though you had a loving boyfriend, and it was another that it was your history with an abusive, alcoholic, sick excuse of a father keep you away from putting alcohol anywhere near your lips.
“But I did hear that Bill Murray has a special order that everyone’s been getting,” you added quickly, not wanting him to get embarrassed, “I’m sticking to my lime soda,” you chuckled, raising your empty glass.
His cheeks were already flushed red, giving you a smile as he nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I-I understand,” he said, “I mean I understand that you don’t drink. I respect it. Not that I understand Murray’s order,” he rambled before his face fell a little, “I understand that Murray has a special order though, I just-I don’t know what it is, but I get it. I-Fuck,” he said the last part under his breath, embarrassment almost seeping through his skin.
You gave him an assuring smile, “I don’t know what the order is either,” you said.
Before Chris could further embarrass himself, he watched as Lady Gaga approach you, putting her hand on your shoulder before you turned, letting out an excited “Oh!” before hugging her.
He couldn’t hear what Gaga said to you, but he could see her pointing behind her before you nodded and turned to him, “Would you excuse me?”
“Yeah, of course, sure. Yeah,” he nodded, “Go ahead.”
Reaching your hand out, “It was nice talking to you,” you smiled, “Good luck with your movie.”
“Same here,” he smiled, shaking your head, “Thank you.”
“Get that special order, will you?” You joked before turning with Gaga and walking away.
Walking back to the Hemsworth brothers, Chris tried to maintain a calm and collected stance, pursing his lips as to not laugh at their reactions; Chris Hemsworth bit his fist in feigned worry, Luke covered mouth as he laughed, and Liam was calmly clapping and nodding his head at Chris.
“How was it?” Chris H. asked as soon as Chris approached them.
“I-I might have made a fucking fool out of myself but I’m pretty sure that was my ‘I made it’ moment,” he pointed behind him.
Like a bunch of high school kids, the tall men were giggling, laughing and clapping each others on the backs as Chris acted out his brief conversation with you, being everything but professional actors at a high-profile after party. 
It wasn’t until Evie, your assistant, approached you later to make sure your makeup and hair were all set that you managed to ask:
“Who’s the guy who plays Captain America? What’s his name?”
“Chris Evans,” Evie answered with an eager smile, “Saw him looking like a nervous kid and talking to you.”
You chuckled, “He was nice,” you said, “Just felt bad for not remembering his name.”
“Poor guy,” she said, brushing back a piece of your hair and lightly patting it into place, “He’ll probably remember this moment all his life.”
You only hummed before thanking her, going back to your night of mingling, unaware that until the very last moment of his night, Chris was as bright as a kid on a Christmas night over talking to you.
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wlfhrdlover · 1 year
hello can you do a jenna ortega reader when the reader is a new singer and she admitted that she was in love with wednesday and the actress that portrayed her. Jenna was behind her. with fluff please
Jenna Ortega x singer!fem!reader
summary: you never thought that your longtime celebrity crush would be in the same room as you, neither that she would find out about your crush like that.
WARNINGS! none, just fluffiness and the author being extremely lazy of turning it on a slow burn.
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Everything started when you posted a cover on YouTube, a simple cover of one of your favorite songs.
You never thought that it would blow up like it did, in a blink you already had thousands of fans.
Then you decided to write for fun, adding to the fact that you knew how to sing, you made your own career, a lot of producers or even other singers appeared to buy your songs and other things.
But right now? You stared at the paparazzis from your seat, the red carpet of the Golden Globes staring back at you. Your song in one of the best movies of the year were unbelievable.
You couldn't believe it.
You wrote some lines and when you turned, the movie blew up and with your music as the main soundtrack, you blew with it too.
Best Original Song, what the actual fuck.
You took a deep breathe and finally stepped out of the car, smiling and looking around for help so you didn't tripped.
When you reached the Red Carpet you were almost fangirling, being the biggest movie fan was something else right now, every actor and actress that you adored were right in front of you.
You were a pile of nerves right now, your hands slightly shaking but you took deep breathes, you made it. If you're here it's because you owned it! You need to calm down!
— Y/N!- you heard a voice and you turned, an interviewer called you and you walked up to her- Oh my God! You look absolutely gorgeous!- she exclaimed.
— Thank you so much!- you said smiling.
— How are we feeling tonight?- she asked and you laughed.
— Nervous, really nervous, I barely went on Tour and I'm already here! This is really crazy, I grew up watching every Award possible and I'm here today! This is really insane!- you said truthfully and she smiled at you.
— I can imagine it, I mean, one moment you were releasing an album for some people and now your music is getting all the nominations possible, congratulations!- she said and you nodded.
— Thank you so much, it's really a dream coming true- you chuckled.
— Well, you mentioned that you watched a lot of Awards, I'm guessing that you're a movie person?- she asked and you nodded happily.
— Dude, definitely! I'm really freaking out because I'm seeing a lot of people that I absolutely admire and we're at the same place- you laughed nervously- I've always loved watching Movies and Series and everything, I'm just really passionated about it.
— Do you have a favorite actress or actor that you wish to see tonight? Or even better, a celebrity crush?- the woman wiggled her brows and you laughed loudly.
— Oh man, I'm gonna be honest with you, I heard that Jenna Ortega is here tonight and oh my God, she is my favorite actress from all time, I mean, I've been watching her since she was on Stuck in the Middle, I do remember a lot of her jobs and the last one?- you made a sound with your mouth- Wednesday Addams could totally crush me and I would never complain, Jenna is so beautiful and talented, not to be this type of person but I'm so free for her all the time, Jenna is definitely the girl of my dreams.
What you didn't know is that Jenna was standing behind you and smirking like a devil with your words.
— What would you say to Jenna if you saw her tonight?- the woman asked chuckling knowing that Jenna was right behind you.
— One chance Jenna, that's all I ask- you said shyly- I would so invite her to I don't know man, go to a cafeteria, tea shop, I don't know, because I really have no idea of how to treat someone so perfect like her, if she says no I would still be blessed for even breathing the same air as her- you blushed and jumped when felt a hand on your waist.
Your dress had a slightly open part on your waist, so the coldness of the rings through your skin made you shriver.
— Don't worry about the 'no' part, because I would gladly accept it- Jenna fucking Marie Ortega was holding your waist and really close to you.
Your brain melted, you stared at her in somehow a love gaze and she definitely adored it, principally when you bite your own finger with a blush spreading on your face.
— You're so pretty- you blurted out and they laughed, Jenna hugged you tightly and you quickly hugged her back- Holy shit- you muttered with wide eyes when you noticed what was happening.
— Oh please, look at you! Not only your voice but you have such a pretty face- she said and you blushed even more.
— Me? Oh baby, you're the it girl of my dreams- you said.
Jenna never thought that love at first sight was real, but just looking at the way you talked and how your whole face would shine under the light whenever you moved because of your nervousness, did little sparks explode on her heart and brain.
When you two got to hide from the cameras, you were really shy, but Jenna was too. It was awkward for a moment before you two bursted out laughing.
— Oh my God, you heard me being a simp for you- you whispered covering your mouth and she laughed more.
— Don't worry about it, I thought it was really cute and most of the time I think it's creepy- she made a disgusted face and you giggled.
Jenna could hear your giggles all day.
— Sorry, I couldn't help it, you're... well, I didn't lied, you're the girl of my dreams really, there is no other way of being honest with you- you said and your whole body burned in embarrassment.
— Well, is our tea shop date still up?- she asked and you nodded.
— Oh definitely, I can take you anywhere you want- you said and she smiled.
When the ceremony started, you got lucky to sit on Jenna's side, you two talked and definitely judged the whole thing.
You also found out that she would be the one to present your category.
You were so lost staring at her that you didn't noticed when she opened the envelope in her hands.
— And the winner is...- she grinned- Y/N L/N for (song name)!- you widened your eyes.
After the Awards you went to the after party just to see Jenna, you planned on just going back to your hotel room, but Jenna begged you to go so she could talk to you.
— So, you really watched my whole filmography?- Jenna teased you and you blushed but laughed.
— You got me, I just always... I don't know, I really like to see you- you eyed her and she was definitely checking you out, you blushed more and looked around.
You leaned closer to Jenna and your hands touched, she smiled and your fingers almost danced together.
— I lied in that interview- you whispered and looked at her, she hummed.
— About what?- she followed your eyes.
— About what I would ask you if I saw you tonight- you muttered and Jenna leaned closer.
— And what do you want to ask me pretty girl?- she smiled, the few sips of alcohol on both of your systems made the two of you completely forget about the world, it was only you and Jenna right now.
— Have you ever thought of dating a singer?- you whispered and smiled while you moved your hand to gently hold her face.
— I'm willing to give it a chance- she said and your lips brushed against each others and without thinking, you pulled Jenna to a sweet and soft kiss.
The actress Jenna Ortega and the singer Y/N L/N officially confirmed their relationship after 2 years of fans theorizing about the two together!
Everything started in a interview on the Golden Globes....
tap to read more!
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fillinforlater · 1 year
can i request for smut bomi?
missionary, tits play
Phone: Return of the Angel +2
Male Reader x Yoon Bomi, Kim Minju x Yeh Shuhua
Length: 1730 words
Tags: kinda an orgy, missionary, tits play, tits sucking, cumming on tits, light bondage, loser/winner as dom/sub dynamic, thigh worship, needy, loud moans, pussy eating, thighs as ear muffs, smothering thighs and tits, everyone = horny
TW: very stupid also UNEDITED QUICKIE
Inspiration: dude, this anon waited over a year (23rd January of 2022 till now lmao). I hope it was at least somewhat worth the wait. Bomi is not only a talented and hilarious idol, she also got a killer body ffs. Thanks for the GIFs @friskyriskywhisky
(A/N: HAPPY MINJU DAY! (Ey, this is technically a Minju fic? There is angel in the title.) Ofc I got a fic that at least features our beautiful Minmin, but also show love to Bomi and Shuhua for they are HOT.)
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“Actually, I forgot the punishment. I’ll go to the bathroom and clean up, maybe I have a punishment idea till then.”
Shuhua leaves you baffled and quickly walks out of the room. Her cum covered thighs and ass sway with every step. It’s like she is dancing while searching for your bathroom.
“On the left!” you shout. Shuhua disappears around the corner and you hear her lock the bathroom. You return and see a wet, naked Minju, clearly distraught that she lost the competition. Before she can jump you, you walk towards the kitchen, out of her sight. Maybe this will prevent her from acting on her hyper-horniness. Suddenly, the doorbell rings.
“Oh, fuck,” you curse out and quickly reach for something to put on. Shuhua is in the bathroom so a bathing robe or towel is not an option. Some sweat pants and a jacket will have to do. The doorbell rings again. You look insanely stupid when you open the door.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“Oh, hello,” the person responds in a feminine voice, “are you the guy from—”
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"The app?” you interrupt her with a cheeky grin, before scanning her body. She wears a large overcoat that looks like one from the 1920s. Something about her mature look and overall allure makes your fantasy go wild. Hopefully she really is here for this one thing.
“From the flip phone?” she adds and wiggles her eyebrows. You nod and grab the top of her jacket. When you pull her in she almost stumbles over her own feet. You must have caught her by surprise there. 
“Sorry, didn’t want you to get cold,” you try to explain yourself, but her lips are already on yours. They are smooth and moist, you can feel her lip stick stick to you. She wiggles her shoulders and her jacket comes loose. The tight white dress below looks way better anyways. Although this woman might be a stranger, she is leaning into the kiss with all her passion and her sizable breasts crash into your chest like airbags of pleasure. 
“I’m not cold at all,” she huffs in a sultry tone and begins to undress you too, “but thanks for being such a gentleman.”
“Before we continue this,” you respond and wrap an arm around her small waist, “at least tell me your name.”
“I’m Bomi, but please, just call me Noona.”
You smile. Your heartbeat increases after hearing her needy, yet imposing words. Wordlessly, you guide her to the living room as she pulls off each piece of your clothing. The couch still looks like a mess, and Minju sits on it with a grumpy, annoyed, yet cute expression. These glasses are something else. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, scraping the back of your head,”but I have other people over. You know, for the same reason as you.”
“I know her,” Bomi giggles in her most sultry tone,”Who could forget Angel? I think she is the one who caused this mess?”
“Yeah. She brought a friend and things went overboard.”
“I see.”
Bomi spins you around and your already stiff rod presses against her dress. She urges you to push her into the cushions, into the dirty juices. You oblige and land on top of her. The two of you giggle and Bomi pins you with her gaze. She has this ability to entice you with just her eyes, so her body might actually give you an untapped boost of desire. 
A wink and she tugs down her dress. Two massive melons jump free from the tight enclosure. Their dark pink bipples are stiff and urge you to latch your lips onto them. But first, you have to give them a good squeeze, feel the softness on your fingers. It’s unlike Minju’s or Shuhua’s thighs, but they are just as arousing. 
“Noona, fuck,” you groan and lean down to her bosom, eyes still fixed on hers.
“Suck them,” she responds, a hand in your hair,”but please, fuck me already.”
Bomi pulls aside the silk that blocks off her entrance. It’s wet and inviting, so you slip right into it. The woman below you writhes and moans loudly, as if to free herself of all the stress and tension from everyday life. You gladly help her to achieve this goal. You suck harshly, you pistion hard, you give her your all. 
The contortions of joy and pleasure on Bomi’s face are great, but your ass gets attracted to a different sight. Minju sits at the other end of the couch and thrusts her three of her fingers into her tight cunt. She looks very envious of Bomi and—whether willingly or unwillingly—tries to seduce you with her wide hips and squelching pussy. Luckily, someone puts an end to this.
“Yah, Minju!” a nude Shuhua shouts from the doorframe,”You lost the game! No orgasm for you!”
She walks over to Minju and forces the Angel’s arms behind her back. With a belt that you recognize as yours, Shuhua ties Minju up and leaves her standing, with needy eyes and shaky legs. You want to watch this story unfold, but Bomi forces your drooling mouth back to her nipples. Apologetically, you continue to suck on them.
“Focus, boy,” she moans,”you’re so good at this. Give me all of your cock.”
You spread Bomi’s legs a bit further apart to pound her faster, which evokes her to throw her head back into a puddle of your cum. The gooey mass sticks to her hair, but she doesn’t give a shit and pushes her pelvis up into yours. You switch up your rhythm and to the other nipple, all to give Bomi the best experience. 
In the meantime, Shuhua has fun teasing Minju. 
“Ah, it’s so fun to know I won. I made him cum and you didn’t. That’s although your thighs are so round and big.”
Shuhua puts two fingers at Minju’s mouth and fishes out her tongue. With her other hand, she caresses Minju’s body, her breasts, her waist, her thighs. When Minju starts to drool, Shuhua collects the saliva in the palm of her hand and slaps it onto Minju’s pussy. It’s a mesmerizing game, and Minju’s whiny, needy moans show that she loves and hates it.
You put your thumbs on Bomi’s nipples and rub up and down like on a control stick. Your lips place kisses on other spots of her tits, while you find the right spot to pound her into oblivious bliss. The way her muscles flex, both on her face and in her pink cavern tells you that she is close to an orgasm. A few more thrusts and she—
“Yes! Oh my God, hng!”
Unbothered by her shacking Unnie, Shuhua sits down on the couch and tells Minju, who kneels in between her spread legs, the punishment of the game:
“You have to kiss and lick my thighs, every single spot, until I’m satisfied. Oh, and don’t forget to cover them in praise.”
Minju gets to work and so do your balls. With Bomi’s orgasm subsiding, your own is impending. You continue to jolt your hips forward, but you remember that not everyone might enjoy you cumming inside them without asking. You stop your licks on Bomi’s tits and ask:
“Noona, I’m close. Where can I—”
“Not inside,” she gasps,” on my boobs, cum on my boobs.”
You chuckle at her words of choice. Words won’t form, as her suffocating pussy leaves you breathless. Pull out and position yourself over her round chest. While you jerk your mind to numbness, your eyes pick up how Minju drags her tongue up Shuhua’s trembling underthigh. The victorious girl coos and giggles. 
“Hm, who has the best thighs?”
“Miss Shuhua has,” Minju pouts on the smooth skin.
“True. Now kiss them. Good girl—or should I say, good loser?”
You stare at them for a second longer, before realizing that Bomi still awaits your cum on her tits. As if to say ‘my bad’, you tighten the grip and a couple of strokes later, you unload on Bomi’s round melons. She gasps in surprise of the hot stuff covering her even hotter skin.
The two of you say nothing, both chest heaving after this exercise and superb stimulation. Shuhua’s chest heaves as well, but her stimulation is still ongoing. Minju goes from smothering one massive thigh with kisses to the other, hands still tied behind her back. Shuhua has both hands in her own locks. She gets off from a simple tongue on her meaty thighs, but you are certain that she would enjoy it—
Before your thought can manifest itself, Shuhua already takes action. She locks Minju’s head in a tight grip of her round, trunky tree trunks of thighs. The poor girl was just about to pass back from one gigantic thigh to the other, when Shuhua starts to suffocate her in a glistening slit. 
“Yes, eat me! Your tongue is so good!” Shuhua screams manically and throws her head back. She misses the view of a pussy-drunken Minju, who licks and sucks and devours Shuhua’s entrance as if her life depends on it. In the case of this horny angel, you’re fifty-fifty on if she perhaps needs some form of sexual activity to not die. Maybe she is just horny, maybe she needs the bodily fluids of others to survive. Either way, her esophagus will inevitably be flooded.
“Oh fuck, Angel, I—”
Shuhua’s consistent moans and screams get cut short right before her climax. Bomi has risen from her post-orgasmic state of limbness and now presses both her cum covered tits into Shuhua’s face. Bomi looks mildly annoyed, and you can’t really blame her. 
“You may cum,” Bomi whispers in a threatening tone, “but do it quietly, while you clean my tits. You’re not some winner, just a horny bimbo with massive legs.”
Rub your eyes, then continue to gawk. Shuhua convulses and her pussy sprays messily, like a broken water hose. Minju gets drowned in the clear nectar and laps it up with dazed eyes, like it’s liquor making her drunk. Bomi squeezes her breasts from both sides and spreads your spunk on Shuhua’s face, like it’s the canvas for a postmodern art project. 
With every female person in this house insane, you’re the only bastion of sanity left. And you’re hard. Screw sanity.
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