#sometimes uncle also means putting your foot down
soapyghostie · 2 months
Hey! Can I request Bubba sawyer x reader where the reader is pregnant with bubba’s child and how the family (brothers and grandpa) would react to it and what they’d do (especially if the reader had been in the family for years and all love her very much, in their own ways).
I’ve been working on this request for so long since I had to put it aside for schoolwork. However, I had sometime to finish writing it so I did so I could post it. Hope you enjoy!
Bubba Sawyer
When you first announce your pregnancy to Bubba, his face lights up with excitement and joy. He’s jumping up and down, squealing happily. He’ll give you a big hug too. The hug is not as tight as Bubba’s normal hugs are so as to not hurt the baby. But God! He’s just so excited to become a father to your child! 
Although excited, internally Bubba is hiding his nervousness about becoming a father. He wants to be able to provide for you and y’all’s unborn child, but he worries about his abilities as a parent. If you notice his nervousness through his body language, please reassure him. He needs a lot of reassurance from you that he’ll be a good father to y’all’s child. 
Bubba’s protective instincts will kick in upon learning about the pregnancy. He becomes more vigilant, ensuring your safety within the Sawyer family home. He can’t be by your side 24/7 because he has chores and provides ‘meat’ for the family so he has you stay inside the house throughout the day when victims are around. It is the safest place for you to be. 
Bubba always cherishes quiet moments with you, as it’s often chaotic in the Sawyer household, often placing his hand gently on your stomach to feel the child’s moments. 
Bubba is always at your beck-and-call, getting you whatever you want or need. Snacks? Water? Foot massage? Whatever you ask for Bubba will get it for you! He’ll make sure that you're always comfortable. He grunts and nods conveying his love and concern as his way of making sure you’re alright. 
Drayton sees the pregnancy as an opportunity to expand the Sawyer family and continue the family legacy. He’s eager to welcome another member into the fold and spoils you with his cooking a lot. You gotta feed the baby, even before it’s born, so it becomes big and strong. 
Nubbins is ecstatic about becoming an uncle. He’ll get in your face and bombard you with questions about the baby names and nursery decorations, his enthusiasm is infectious. He’ll even help decorate the baby’s room too!
ChopTop, in his usual eccentric manner, jokes about being your baby’s quirky uncle. He’ll pepper you with offbeat parenting advice, much to you and Bubba’s amusement. Don’t even listen to him. He doesn’t even know what the heck he’s talking about. 
Grandpa Sawyer, though most of the time silent, will offer you quiet words of wisdom and true parenting advice (not any of ChopTop’s bullshit), imparting lessons learned from generations of Sawyers. 
Despite their unconventional lifestyle, the Sawyer family works to create a nurturing environment for you and the unborn child. They all eagerly await the new addition and with their help you and Bubba prepare for parenthood. 
The family loves to shower you with gifts for the baby, each item reflecting each family member's unique personalities and interests. Some of them are “interesting” if I do say so myself. What I mean by that is that you are really questioning about keeping some of the gifts, especially the ones from Nubbins and ChopTop. However, you do get gifts such as handmade toys and small clothes for the baby.  
You and Bubba will bond over the anticipation of parenthood. Y’all discuss a lot about y’all’s hopes and dreams for y’all’s child as y’all lay in bed, drifting off to sleep. Y’all share your dreams about being future parents, envisioning a life filled with love and laughter even though y’all don’t have the best or the brightest life (if you know what I mean since the Sawyers are technically cannibals that are always on the run).
Y’all would also bond over preparing the nursery for the baby’s arrival. You would put up the decorations, since it’s the easiest thing to do, and Bubba will try his best to create a crib. He’s not the best at carpentry, but he knows enough to get by and make a decent and stable one. 
As y’all wait for the baby’s arrival, you and Bubba embark on a new chapter together. Despite the uncertainty of y’all’s circumstances, you both find solace in the bond y’all share and the love that binds y’all together to y’all’s peculiar family.
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starsurface · 4 months
Can you please do Nightwolf caregiver headcanons?? I haven't seen a single agere post with him yet 😭
I love Nightwolf!! He'd made an AMAZING CG, fr!
Also on the side note: I do not know much about Native American culture, so if I do get any of these either incorrect or ‘eeeeeeeeh’ tell me and I'll make sure to change or alter them!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Nightwolf Hcs
🐺 Would be amazing with ANY age, fr
🐺 Tiny soft baby? Oh my goodness of course!! Wrapping you up in soft furs, rocks you gently
🐺 Toddler that just likes sitting around, watching cartoons and coloring? Cartoons might not be entirely his thing, but of course he'd love to watch an episode or 17 with you!!
🐺 Excited kid that likes running around and doing things? He's all up for some tag and arts and crafts!!
🐺 Emo or Moody preteen? He use to have a emo phase back in middle school too, what's your favorite band? Do you wanna share eyeliner secrets?
🐺 ^ If your not Moody preteen (i really project on that sometimes), he still likes hanging out with you. Whether its gossiping over making those kanji (?) bracelets or letting you rant about your favorite current thing in the entire world
🐺 Adores pet regressors!!! Playing tug-in-war with a puppy, letting a kitty curl up on his lap, finding yummy treats for a bunny, etc etc
🐺 Will highly encourage you to spend some time outside with him
🐺 Outside is good for you!! Plus you can go on a nice walk, or play hopscotch, or sit on his lap and play with the grass or whatever toys you brought
🐺 If you can't handle outside for whatever reason, such as sensitivity to grass or lightness sensitivity, he is very understanding and won't force you outside
🐺 Even five minutes is good for him, but if you really can't or just don't wanna, he will never force you to
🐺 If you do like going outside, that's great!! But if your too fearful about going outside because your small and someone might judge or see, he'll make sure to find secluded spots like the Motako Woods or Fujin's Temple Garden
🐺 If Nightwolf is busy hell most likely leave you with Fujin because thats who he trusts the most
🐺 Off topic, Fujin would so spoil you if Nightwolf dropped you off to him (he's gotta keep the fun Uncle title!! Otherwise he might get the Grandpa title, like Raiden!! 😨)
🐺 I feel like he'd make you wooden toys, hand crafted
🐺 I don't know a ton about Native culture, but I know there's a BUNCH of really cool stories/legends!!
🐺 He'd love story time, sharing one's passed down from his Mama and Auntie
🐺 He doesn't mind reading from a book either, but does prefer legends passed down
🐺 Favorite CG nicknames would be Nighty Wolf (I dunno why, but it sounds cute), Cloudy (based off his true name), Papa, Bubba, and any other one you wanna call him
🐺 His favorite nicknames for you would be Little One, Young One, Cuddle Bug, Moonlight, Starlight, Baby Bear, and more
🐺 Although truly his favorite nicknames for you are your favorite nicknames because you perk up at them and have the biggest smile and ugh- His heart!! 🥺
🐺 He's a stickler for the rules though >:/
🐺 Doesn't like seeing you pout and whine but will put his foot down on very certain rules (if you use your acting skills and tear up a bit you can get past half of them)
🐺 Not a health nut, but does give you mostly healthy snacks . . . >:(
🐺 But if you ask for it, he'll give you a piece of candy on the side, he's not that mean
🐺 Doesn't let you eat too many sweets though, tries to explain that it's not the best and you might get a tummy ache
🐺 (Although one look of ‘🥺’ and he'll probably crack)
🐺 The most he's ever done for punishments is the naughty corner, and that's only if you've hurt someone or did something really, really bad
🐺 Firmly believes in talking about what you did and how to fix it
🐺 Doesn't ever yell but he has this stern voice that you know your testing his limits
🐺 And he knows it's a scary stern voice (will only use it if he must must)
🐺 Any boo-boos you have get a band-aid and a kiss, you don't have much arguing room
🐺 (^ Also kisses make everything better anyways 🥺)
🐺 On the topic of band-aids, if you have a favorite show or something, he'll try his hardest to find band-aids with that specific design!!
🐺 Really likes cuddle time because it's time to relax and he can ‘protect you’
🐺 Man has big arms, feels like he's protecting you whenever you two hug
🐺 If you ask for permission and he grants it, he'll let you play with his hair
🐺 But you must use soft hands!! No tugging whatsoever pretty please
🐺 He'd love to do hairstyles on you though!! Even if its a super complicated, he'll try his hardest to do it perfect!!!
🐺 If you babble when regressed, most of his reply are ‘Hm?’ or ‘Is that so?’ but his tone is always very gentle and loving
🐺 Feels like the type of CG that if you place something in his hands, unless it's trash that he'll throw away, he'll hold it until you need it again (even if you already forgot and two hours went by)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all there were so many amazing gifs for Windwolf. Also like 97% of Nightwolf gifs have Fujin in them??
I love this man, he's so Dad coded. 🥺
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Parent slashers with a rebellious teenager
Michael Myers
This man found you when you were around 4 and ever since then he had taken you in and had become a parental figure towards you
He’s not the best parental figure considering he’s out killing most of the time to provide for you and to satisfy his blood lust
So he’s most likely quite an absent parent towards you but he tries his best to raise you in his own twisted way
But when you reached the age of 14 you began to rebel against him because of his constant absence from you
You would talk on the phone purposely loud to your friends about how lucky they were that their parents actually showed up for them
You began smoking regularly to the point where Michael would come home after a long week of killing and the house would reek of smoke
Of course he confronted you about it but you mostly just hurled insults at him and asked him why he cared so much if he was never here
He could tolerate a lot considering he had done many worse things in his youth like y’know killing people
But he drew the line when you began disappearing all night to go binge drinking with friends
He knew of the many dangers that lurked in dark alleyways, he was one of them so the thought of you out there, drunk and vulnerable angered him beyond belief
He sat you down and did his best to get his point across to you through sign language but you just ignored him or fought back with him
He would never ever become physical with you in any way but that doesn’t mean he won’t scare you with the thought of it
He would become angry and start smashing things around you, successfully scaring you into agreeing to cool it with the attitude and stop all of your bad habits
He’s a toxic parent but what did you expect from THE Michael Myers
Bo Sinclair
In my imagination bo seems like he would get along with his kid better if they had some attitude and rebellion in them
So when you had entered your rebellious phase bo thought he would be fine and in fact you guys would bond over the experience
But what Bo didn’t know was that you would rebel different from most people your age
You had your uncle Lester enrol you in the local high school outside of Ambrose and he would drive you there every morning and pick you up after
You became a top of the class, straight A student
The kind of student that Bo hated when he was in school
The goody two shoes act gave Bo a physical reaction of disgust so you carried it on
Day after day of spite studying so you could have the satisfaction of giving Bo your report card which was practically shining from how hard you had worked
You would also use big words to insult him like he would call you a little shit and you would start an entire character assassination which half of Bo couldn’t actually understand but he just knew that it was an insult
He would complain to the brothers who would promptly be like “you have the perfect kid what are you complaining about?”
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent and you had been close for a while
He loved you more then anyone else in the world and would give anything to make you smile
But sometimes he goes a bit overboard
Like the time you had talked about your new friends and you had seemed so happy so Vincent suggested they come over
But while you thought he had innocent intentions he actually did something that you had to spend years processing
When your friends had entered your home your uncle Bo had asked you to help him get something from the truck
This gave Vincent the perfect opportunity to knock out your friends out and take them down to the basement
When you had gotten back in you assumed your friends went home so you went about your usual routine
It wasn’t until you had gone to bed you had seen them again
At the foot of your bed stood your friend in wax figure form dressed in your old clothes with a permanent smile put in their face
Your father presented it as a some sort of surprise because In Vincent’s eyes he was giving you something that always made you smile in a permanent non changing form
Because of this you distanced yourself from Vincent
You weren’t rebellious in the usual party animal way, more in a avoid and isolate kind of rebellious
And believe it or not that hurt Vincent more, you really couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him
But when you had decided to stay with your uncle Lester in the village for a week, only really returning to get clothes, Vincent drew the line and confronted you
You, obviously angered by the fact he didn’t understand why you were upset, argued with him until your throat was sore
Vincent only really got your point when you broke down crying because of how frustrated you were
It took a while to fully heal your relationship but you both got to a healthy point again
He does sometimes wish he could go back up the way you were before where you would both cling to each other but he understands you need to set boundaries and respects that
Thomas Hewitt
Well the Hewitt residence is fully messed up
So add an angsty teenager to the mix and you get absolute chaos
I think you wouldn’t just rebel against your father but the entire family
Because of their Christian beliefs you would buy shirts that have what Luda May would call “devil signs”
You would at some point get your tongue pierced and it would piss your grandma off thoroughly
You dad would be more worried why you didn’t want to spend time with his as much any more and when you get your tongue pierced his worries will increase because he thinks you “mutilating” yourself is a cry for help
He’ll have a gentle talk with you and ask you why you’ve been acting like this lately and you talk to him about your frustrations and how you can never express yourself without being seen as a “devil worshipping degenerate”
He’ll support you and tells you he loves you no matter what
Until you drop the bomb
“Hey dad I just wanted to let you know I think I want to be vegetarian”
Uh oh
Well you get a giant glare until you back down completely
Asa Emory
Asa couldn’t quite tell you why he kept you around
He tells himself that he did it to keep up public image but he knows that’s not true
He was lonely so when his latest victim had given birth and you came along he just couldn’t stop himself from taking you home
But because of Asa’s hobby he is obsessed with public image and everyone has a part to play in this, even you
You would have to keep perfect grades and keep yourself eating healthily and being the all round perfect child
If you didn’t you would be ignored until you corrected your mistake and If you disobeyed him he would treat you as if you were one of his victims at the hotel minus the torture
So when you rebel you would have to go big or go home to get your fathers attention on you again
You’d start with having your grades drop from straight A’s to D-‘s at best
Then you would go to the hotel and you would patch up your fathers pets which would really piss him off
You even formed a connection with one of them, a man who was kind and gentle towards you and gave you praise whenever you did something, even when you didn’t think you deserve it
You started to visit the hotel with your father more regularly under the deception that you were torturing the man which your father encouraged greatly
He did however find it suspicious that there was never any screams of agony coming from the room so he checked it out for himself
When he found out about your connection with the man and how you had began to see him as a second father figure, an intense jealousy came over him
You were meant to be his child not the man’s
The loneliness creeped in slowly and asa realised he had to take action
he called you into a room and killed the man in front of you through torture and at some points made you commit acts under the threat that he would do worse to you
After that experience your bond faded away to the point that when it came time for you to go to college you wouldn’t interact with your father more then a phone call every month or two to check in with your grades
Of course Asa kept tabs on you and watched you regularly to make sure you were safe but he knew he had hurt you deeply with his actions
He began to feel lonely again without you in the home with him so he tried to mend your relationship slowly
It would slowly heal but would never go back to your original bond because of how he had treated you throughout your childhood
He’s a toxic father and even though he loves you, he’s Asa Emory and he will always have a hard time with emotional needs
What did we expect from the torturous bug man?
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desultory-novice · 7 months
I don't know if this is going to be expanded upon in Apologies but... What's Adeleine's relationship like with Characters like Meta Knight Magolor and Taranza? I'm just genuinely curious as we don't see them interact with her like the others! I mean... We did see Taranza clean himself up and prepare to go talk to her, Ribbon, and Susie in Star Allies, but not much else.
(Also I just wanted to say, I love how She and Daroach have a little sister/niece/daughter like relashionship!)
Heck yes, Daroach is absolutely Adeleine's super cool uncle! (To contrast Dedede's goofy dad attempts!) He just seems to naturally knows how to be there when she needs it and give her space to grow when she doesn't while Dedede is still trying to figure out if he's going too far or not going far enough?! (Then again, Dedede's origional encounter with the siblings is what put him in that awkward position to begin with. We'll soon see a little more about how his "relationship" with Noir influences his relationship with Adeleine.)
Taranza, once he heard Adeleine's story, probably considered inviting Adeleine to one of his and Susie's "grief nights" ...and then remembered those sometimes (often) involve alcohol and inappropriate yelling and decided against it XD
He offered her a patch of his sizable flower garden instead, if she wanted to plant some flowers for Noir.
Honestly, he doesn't know how to talk to her as well as Susie does because, unlike the two of them, he didn't lose family. TLDR, he wants to be someone who can help and impress and make things better but is a bit too awkward to try.
He has better success with her older brother in the Alternate Timeline, because they have much morein common...
Speaking of! I have this ask on that subject!
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Which was such a good idea, I wrote a little scriptlet for it!
:Noir in the gardens outside Castle Dedede, training: :Taranza floats up behind him, cordial: Taranza: "You're quite good with that."
Noir: "...You know your way around swords?"  (I thought you were just another squishy wizard...)
Taranza: "Ahaha... Not me! My queen did though. She was...amazing. Glorious. Beautiful..."
Noir: "Oh, right. I remember you now. You're the guy who merc'd his own...!" 
:Noir claps a hand over his stupid mouth: :Taranza looks away: :Noir, ashamed:
Noir: "...Sorry. At some point, I got stuck in the habit of trying to push everyone away on purpose and now...I don't know how to talk to anyone without shoving my foot in my..."
Taranza: "No, it's fine. In fact... it's true. Truer than how most people would phrase it."
:Folds his hands, reflective:
Taranza: "I can lie to myself that the corruption made her a different person but...I know better than anyone that she was still..."
:Noir interrupts him:
Noir: "...She wasn't any different! I could still see her in there! She was calling to me...! Why couldn't I...?!"
:He stops before he breaks down again: :Taranza smiles faintly, sensing a connection building:
Taranza: "I've heard a little about you too. You and...your sister. Has it been hard to talk to the others about?
:Noir trying to play indifferent but struggling: Noir: "...What's there to say? They've already told me it's not my fault."
Taranza: "Do you believe them?"
Noir: "..........No."
Taranza: "Mmm..." :He turns away from the camera:
Taranza: "'I gave her the gift.' 'I wasn't watching her closely enough.'"
:Noir stares at him in disbelief: :It's like he's speaking Noir's mind aloud:
Taranza: "To the others, it sounds like I'm wallowing in my guilt. But to me... it's not something so emotional as 'guilt.' It's just my reality."
Noir: "..."
:Taranza, smiling:
Taranza: "I didn't meant to interrupt your practice however!"
:He starts to leave before Noir stops him:
Noir: "Hey, uh...! What if... there was someone... I wanted to talk to about this...? Would that be...cool?"
Taranza: "It would be excellent! I'm always open for company on the weekend for tea and knitting!"
:Noir cringes in 'guard down' way he hasn't in a while:
Noir: "Tea and...knitting? Seriously...?"
Taranza: "It keeps your hands occupied!"
:Points at Noir's hands, curled tightly around the Rainbow Blade: :Noir admits defeat, giving the first signs of a potential smile:
[Back to the Ask]
It's a similar deal with Meta Knight, really. It's not that he doesn't care, it's because he does care that he doesn't have a lot to say to Adeleine. Meta Knight is the "watch silently from a distance" type.
His attention is focused much more on Noir than Noir's remarkably emotionally well-balanced and together little sister.
As for Magolor...
I actually did write (another) scene with Adeleine and Magolor but it started to spin off in a direction I couldn't quite wrangle back into place, and I wasn't wholly satisfied with where it was going or what it was doing for either Adeleine or Magolor's characters so I scrapped it. Since I already dropped another script here, we might as well make this an Apologies AU script party and drop that one here too!!
[Old Unfinished Thing]
:Adeleine steps inside the Lor:
Adeleine: "Magolor?"
:He is asleep on the console, murmuring:
Magolor: "...L-let...let me go... ...Help...me... Ki...rby..."
:She shakes him, worried:
Adeleine: "Magolor! Are you okay?!"
Magolor: "AH!?" "What?!" "Oh! Adeleine..."
:He calms down, finally seeing her:
Adeleine: "Sorry to surprise you. You asked to see me?"
:shockingly chipper given a second ago:
Magolor: "Yes, yes! It won't be long! I just need to 'fit' you for something!"
Adeleine: "What is it?"
Magolor: "I'm calling them 'dress-up masks.'
:Magolor points to the Lor's screen, showing the ones he's got already. They start to scroll by, renders of the masks' various 'models' showing up alongside them: :Adeleine, impressed:
Adeleine: "...Wow! You made all of these yourself? They're so cool!"
Magolor: "That's right! And every last one was snapped and modeled by yours truly! With the Lor here, I was able to hop back and forth across timelines like it was nothing!"
:Eyes closed, getting into his boastful story:
Magolor: "Some of these very VERY tricky to get of course! Not everyone wanted to be immortalized in the galaxy's BEST theme park! I got in a couple of fights... Won them all, of course!"
:He trails off when he opens his eyes and realizes Adeleine is staring at the Dark Matter Blade mask and model: :Magolor, pensive:
Magolor: "I heard... from Susie, that is... ...that unusual looking Dark Matter...was your brother?"
:Adeleine nods slowly:
Adeleine: "Noir..." "You...met him? While he was like that?"
:Adeleine, frightened to ask: :Magolor reads this emotion on her:
Magolor: "Yes! He was...strong! Truly a noble warrior! The toughest I ever faced! You ought to know I barely got out of there with my...!"
:Adeleine's expression sinks: :She knows Magolor is making stuff up for her sake:
Magolor: "...Sigh."
:He taps a button: :text appears beside the image: :the label "Dark Matter Clone" now displays beside the mask:
Magolor: "I couldn't do it. It's not him up there. Not your brother. Not...exactly. I snapped a recreation from another timeline. One without emotion. I did try to go back there. Back to the source."
:His expression tighens:
"But what I saw fighting Kirby in those dark skies... frightened me."
:He turns off the mask display:
"...Because I've been there."
Magolor: "I made a decision when I started this project: I wouldn't shy away from anything. Even the bad. I felt that everyone, like me, deserved the chance to own up to their sins and become free."
Magolor: "...But I'm a hypocrite."
:He taps at several more keys in a row: :A model shows up on screen as Magolor turns away from it:
Magolor: "Because there's one mask missing..."
:This model has no accompanying mask: :Magolor Soul's haunted expression stares back at the camera:
Magolor: "...I can't stand to look at it. To remember. I couldn't just neglect your brother but, honestly? I can't stand to see him either."
"Do you think I'm an awful person?"
:Magolor's own face reflects the haunted, mauled smile of his soul:
Adeleine: "...No. An awful person wouldn't have felt bad enough about lying to tell me the truth. ...Even if it's unpleasant."
"I'm not sure I'm ready to hear pleasant stories yet. I only saw him once and I was so scared, I ran away. Maybe...if I hadn't, if I'd tried to reach out to him, he'd still be here in some form...?"
(For your sake, Adeleine, I won't repeat the things I saw or heard that night. I'm sorry if that means you'll never know your brother's last moments. But I can't...I'm not ready to face that part of myself yet.)
[//ANNND like I said, this is about where I realized that not only had this gone on way too long and I had no ending in mind, these two had gotten massively OOC over the course of it and cut the story here!]
TLDR, Magolor is usually pretty good with kids and pretty good with "faking it" too but he's also something of what we would call a "bad adult." That said, Magolor's status as a non-paragon means that he can give her a perspective NONE of the good adults WILL give her.
Which is valuable.
(It's just not the one above. Because I don't like that XD )
PS: Since Apologies actually crosses over into Salty French Bread(!!) it ought to be said that unlike her brother, Adeleine thinks Marx is the cutest, funniest little guy and because Adeleine loves him so much, Marx in turn loves playing silly tricks with Adeleine like eating all her crayons and then splitting in two to create a rainbow.
Oh? What's this?
Are you still here?
I suppose since I'm giving out Apologies script bits in this post there's no harm in delivering a final little tidbit. Like the above, this monologue is also NOT Apologies Canon, but if we have any fans of mindbreak + horror in the audience, you might enjoy this brief (non-canon!) potential exploration into Noir's mind during Arc II...
********... ****...**...
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oliveroctavius · 5 months
Did you check out the first issue of the new Ultimate Spider-Man? I'd be curious to see your thoughts
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I was planning on letting it pass by me, zen-like. I kind of... disapprove of the entire concept. The more redundant universes Marvel creates (note that I say redundant, in that I like some AUs with recognizably different heroes and story lines) the more it approaches a DC-like level of story fragmentation, where nothing has to matter and everything runs on vibes. Every new restart survives an even shorter amount of time. It's a death spiral.
But alright. I may not know who Hickman is but some other people seem to like him. I'm Charlie Brown, the new title is a football, here's some of the whistling my foot makes as it flies through the air.
First off a disclaimer: comics are into longform storytelling these days, so almost nothing happens in this issue by design. This is a setup, not a story. I can point out some pettier dislikes, but I can't know what might turn out well yet.
I get that this is going to tie in to the Maker, but calling this USM is a bogus decision that is going to cause so much confusion down the line. It's like they didn't want to admit they were setting up yet a third story. See above grouch about redundant universes.
Uncle Ben being alive instead of Aunt May is a hell of a decision. But I like Hell Of A Decisions if they're pulled off with confidence. I miss og USM's ponytailed gentle old hippie Uncle Ben, I admit. He had a surprising amount of characterization, which I always liked about that series.
I... do not get... why they are homewrecking Robbie + JJJ for Ben. Like, I'm kind of offended on Robbie's behalf. og USM already put some of Robbie's plotlines into Ben--I mean, Ben Urich's hands, but this is more based on 616, isn't it? Robertson's personal moral compass and how that interacts with his job and his safety and his journalistic ethics AND his relationship with Jameson's short-sighted tendencies have been the core of his character for 60 years. Could we not think of something new for Uncle Ben to be doing instead of overwriting an existing character relationship and adding next to nothing to it? And Robbie's there and just kind of fine with the Kingpin's proposal as far as we see so far. This is probably my biggest complaint.
The kids could be an interesting element, but we don't really see any of that yet so it's purely potential.
The Harry fans seem to like this new Harold and his visual design so far. I suppose he's not fully flavorless but the flavor that is there is like. Salt and pepper.
MJ could stand to look older and have more characterization but that is not an original observation. Wait, she's definitely based off her 616 self and not her USM self isn't she? God why DID they call this USM, this is a structural publishing nightmare
The Goblin design is what people think the Raimi goblin costume was, which is not exactly a compliment. Also I *know* I'm the Goblin Fan but are there, really no other villains you could think of to open with? No? Is this the only plot point that's ever going to get adapted over and over again? Maybe it will be good and I'll be glad, I think! And then imagine Charlie Brown and the football again.
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Another thing that really got me was the churning camera angles on some of the simplest scenes here. I respect the dutch angle hustle, Chechetto, but if I'm feeling seasick while trying to follow a scene where people have a conversation while sitting down then you might want to rethink your strategy.
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To misquote Roger Ebert for a second, "the penciler has learned from better comics that artists sometimes tilt their panels, but it seems he has not learned why."
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luxeberries · 1 year
now on ao3
Steve yawns when he wakes up, jaw cracking painfully as it happens, and, immediately, his heart drops to his stomach. Because of course, of course, his stupid, three-time damaged brain would choose today of all days to lay down and scream about how damaged it is. Like a toddler hitting a stuffed toy with its little fists but the toy is the left side of Steve’s head and the toddler is the phantom remnants of Billy Hargrove and evil Russian interrogators beating him unconscious. 
Steve buries his face into the pillow as if suffocating is a better fate than a migraine. Sometimes, it feels like it is. And it’s definitely a better fate than making Eddie’s big, brown, twinkling eyes turn dull and disappointed with the ruining of their plans. Just the memory of them makes Steve’s heart break a little. 
Face shoved into the pillows, Steve thinks suffocating himself may be less painful than disappointing Eddie. 
He finds Eddie in the little kitchen, wearing mismatched socks, worn in boxers, and a tour t-shirt from 1973. From the hall, Steve watches Eddie flip a pancake without the spatula; practised and showy. The floor creaks under Steve’s foot when he shifts his weight, breaking Eddie out of his little bubble. He turns to Steve with a smile, dimples popped, eyes bright. There’s a smudge of batter on his chin. 
“Morning, Stevie,” he says, sweet and sugary in the mornings as always. "I tried making hearts. To be cute and all. But, uh” - he turns back to the stove - “shit's hard, so."
Steve tries to hide his yawn behind his hand. Jaw aching horribly, he mutters, "G’morning,” and moves to wrap his arms around Eddie's waist. Looking over his shoulder, Steve laughs softly at the misshapen blob in the pan.
"Oh, he's laughing,” Eddie says. “You hear that? He's laughing at you, in there. You gonna take that, Mr Pancake?" 
Amused, Steve tucks his nose into Eddie's hair. Yawns again. He feels Eddie’s shoulders stiffen up a little. Feeling caught, Steve just watches the pancake bubble up. 
"You tired?" Eddie asks carefully, head turned towards Steve. "You've been yawning a lot."
Steve burrows further into Eddie. He’s aware that it’s silly to feel ashamed, but he is. He hates this and he hates that it’s ruined their day.  
"Not tired,” he whispers. 
For a moment, Eddie's quiet. The pancake is probably black underneath at this point, but he’s not flipping it. “You having auras? Are you nauseous?"
"Not yet."
Steve can feel it when Eddie makes the decision to act nonchalant and unbothered. It’s there in the way he sets his shoulders and finally flips the pancake - with the spatula this time, so he doesn’t jostle Steve. 
"Well, at least you can eat breakfast before your day goes to shit,” Eddie jokes, deadpan.
Steve snorts, but he’s still upset. “I’m sorry. I could just…” He knows as he says it that it’s a lie. “I could ignore it. Stick it out, whatever.” 
Put on a brave face and act like the pain doesn’t sort of make him want to kill himself. Nothing he hasn’t done before. 
Eddie pours more batter into the pan, trying, again, to shape it into a heart. “We both know how that’s gonna end, Steve. Baby, it’s fine. I’m not- upset, or anything. I mean, I’m sad for you and all, but… It’s fine. We can stay in and watch shitty TV and binge chick flicks, or something. I’ll eat junk food while you try not to yak on my uncle’s couch.” 
Steve laughs, but also sort of groans at the same time. He lets himself go slack against Eddie. 
“I hate this,” he whispers. 
“I know, sweet thing,” Eddie comforts, putting the jokes aside. He kisses Steve’s temple. “I’m sorry.”  
It makes the job harder, but Steve doesn’t stop clinging to Eddie like a koala the whole time Eddie’s plating up. He pours the syrup for Steve even though Steve is more than capable of doing it himself, and he hands Steve the plate of heart-blobs along with a knife and fork. 
“I promise it tastes just as good coming up as it does going down,” Eddie says, taking up his own plate with just a fork and a lake of syrup. 
“That’s disgusting,” Steve says, grimacing. 
“Disgustingly sweet,” Eddie jokes. “Just like you.” 
Stupidly in love, Steve just smiles at him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Eddie grins. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Stevie.”
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
A/N: I’m starting to think ya’ll are lying about getting poll privileges. Anyway, part 9!
Haru turned the ribbon over in her hands while the carriage bumped around her. The ends were marked with their initials – pre-marriage – and Haru tried not to think of another wedding ribbon she’d encountered not so long ago.  
Across from her sat Baron. Her (temporary) husband. 
Wary of not being too presumptuous, he’d gone out of his way to take the seat opposite her, rather than taking the one at her side. The only slight issue with this act of chivalry was that Muta had already been occupying most of that side of the carriage. The two Cats were elbow-to-elbow and were doing their best to make it look manageable. 
“It’s usual for one of the newly-weds to wear it for the following day,” Baron remarked, probably meaning to be helpful, but mostly managing to make Haru very aware her fidgeting was rather overt. “We probably should adhere to that tradition, if nothing else if to keep my family’s suspicions at bay.”
“Are they likely to be suspicious?” Haru asked. 
“Well, I am turning up with a bride who I failed to mention until yesterday.”
“So you have told them?”
Baron hesitated. “My uncle has passed it on to the rest of the family.”
“You haven’t even given them the news yourself?” she demanded. 
Baron held up his hands defensively – or as best he could while his shoulders were pinned between Muta and the carriage door. “For what it’s worth, I discovered my sister’s wedding through a great aunt.”
“So yer whole family’s like this,” Muta grunted. 
“Not – not all of them,” Baron said, although the hesitation made it sound as if such folk were in the minority. “My uncle on my mother’s side – Toto – is a fairly down-to-earth Cat. He’s also,” Baron added, “the only family member who knows the true circumstances of our marriage.”
Muta coughed, with what might have been covering for a laugh. “Yer have an uncle called Toto? Like the Wizard of Oz dog?”
Haru kicked Muta’s foot. “Says the Cat who goes by Muta No Last Name. Be nice. Or,” she added, remembering just who she was talking to, “at least civil.”
“Toto won’t tell anyone the realities of our situation,” Baron assured them. “He may doubt my sanity, sometimes, but he’s loyal.” 
“That’s at least one thing we can agree on,” Muta muttered. 
Haru kicked Muta’s foot again. To Baron, she asked, “Do you think they’ll like me? Your family, I mean?”
“What do you care, Chicky? It ain’t like yer sticking around for the long term.”
“They’ll love you,” Baron promised. “And you won’t be the only new addition to the family; my sister is bringing along her recently-wedded wife too, remember? And, if my sister is still the same as ever, I’m sure she’ll be hoarding all the limelight.”
Haru thought back to Baron’s (brief, it had to be said) cape phase, and somehow doubted that this elusive sister had inherited all the dramatics the von Gikkingen family had to offer. She held out the ribbon to her ‘husband’. “Since this started life as your bowtie, do you want to be the one to wear it?”
“Seems sensible.”
"Well, that’s no good,” Muta said once Baron had returned the tie to its rightful place. “Yer can’t see the ends.”
“Are the ends important?” Haru asked. 
“If yer can’t see the initials, it just looks like an ordinary tie. You’d better put it into yer hair, Chicky.”
Haru grinned. “Aw, I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
“If yer gonna be sticking with this ridiculous ruse, you might as well make it convincing. Right, Fancypants?”
Baron’s whiskers twitched with only a hint of irritation at the nickname, but he removed the bowtie, passing it across to Haru without any complaint. She turned it over in her hands, preparing to set it into her hair, when her eyes lingered over the initials. “Hey, Baron, what’s the ‘A’ stand for? Your side says ‘B.H.A.vG’?”
There was a flash of something which may have been mortification on Baron’s face. “That must have been a mistake.”
“But they used your birth certificate to validate the paperwork?”
“Yes, but you recall our clerk,” Baron said. “He was a few fish short of a lake.” 
 “You’ve got a secret middle name and you won’t tell your wife?” Haru demanded, faux-insulted. Her hand pressed against her heart. “We’ve been married not even two days, and you’re already keeping things from me! Oh, the betrayal!”
Muta grinned. “Good luck, Baron.” 
“Haru, you know my first name is Humbert,” Baron said. “Don’t you think that if my middle name was any less embarrassing, I would be going by that? Not all of us were blessed with reasonable names like Haru Yoshyko.”
There was a pause. 
“Yoshyko,” Haru echoed. 
Muta snorted. 
“Yes,” Baron said. “I – that is, was, your name, was it not? Am I... Is that the wrong pronunciation?”
“Oh, no, it’s perfect,” Haru replied.
Muta’s snorted again, and this time his shoulders began to shake with unshed laughter. 
“I rather feel,” Baron said slowly, “that you might be lying to me, dear wife of mine.”
“And whyever would I lie to you, Baron Humbert Ambrose von Gikkingen?”
“That was a good guess, but wrong.”
“No, and it’s pronounced ‘an-tig-gony’ not ‘anti-gone’.” 
“Bold words from the Cat who can’t even remember his wife’s maiden name.”
Muta leant back in his seat, grinning. “You’re perfect for each other.”
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 11 months
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Instructions: fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people as you want!
1) What does your muse smell like?:
The funny answer is "he's stinky," but that's not necessarily the case most of the time at least. Usually the main thing you'll smell on him is actually that earthy, slightly sweet smell of good leather. It's kind of off-putting that he smells this nice given everything else about him.
2) How often does your muse bathe/shower?:
Surprisingly? He does it daily when he can - he’s not a clean freak by any means, but when you’re spending hours running at top speed in a leather jacket, you’re going to want a shower even if you’re a slob.
3) Does your muse have any tattoos or piercings?:
Before the Master Emerald transformation, he was always too fixated on swapping places with Sonic to get any body mods that might distinguish them. After the transformation, he considers the scars across his chest cooler than any other modification that could be made.
4) Any body movement quirks? (EX: tapping heel, shaking knee)”
He does the same impatient foot tap and arrogant nose rub thing as Sonic. Fun fact for that second thing though: Scourge (and his Sonic) picked that little quirk up from watching martial arts movies. It’s basically their way of imitating the kung fu action stars they grew up watching. Of course, both of these movement quirks also double as neuroatypical stimming things.
5) What do they sleep in?:
Answering this in two different ways: He used to sleep in a race car bed. He even had it brought to Castle Acorn when he moved in. Now he sleeps in a big bed with his girlfriend, but he really, really, really wants that race car bed back. As for what he wears when he sleeps - well, just the gloves, usually, though those sometimes come off depending on temperature or if they need a wash.
6) What’s their favorite piece of clothing?:
This one feels a little obvious - he loves his shades and he loves his jacket. Neither of them are the originals he received from his Uncle, but for him they've become synonymous with his transformation from a punchline to someone who can give Sonic pause and get his attention.
7) What do they do when they wake up?:
He rolls out of bed, usually when someone else makes him get up, he downs some black coffee, he puts on his clothes, he styles some quills, and he hypes himself up in the mirror. Like, he actually gives himself a pep talk to convince himself that he's as cool as he presents himself to other people.
8) How do they sleep? Position?:  
Poor Fiona - Scourge not only tosses and turns constantly in his sleep, but even worse, he’s constantly mumbling threats to some unseen dream-person. She’s gotten used to it - he doesn’t snore, at least, and it’s nowhere near as bad if he’s holding someone and being held, which seems to pacify him.
9) What do their hands feel like?:
Underneath those gloves are some seriously soft hands. Scourge hasn't worked a day in his life, and the kinds of exercise he gets doesn't develop callouses.
Tagged by: @omniversentertwined
Tagging: No one! I’m shy, but feel free to do this yourself.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a pre-dad!MH/EMH guys (of your choice kinda like the one you did way back in march) before they were traumatized and everything went downhill (😭) I kinda feel like they’re parenting would kinda change sense they are not burden by their respectives trauma. Besides Tim cause he was been through it since birth but he was getting better
Warnings: I don't think that there's really anything other than just some minor talk about common parent-child issues 
Author’s Snip: I wrote for just Evan, Tim, and Vinny. If you guys want the others/any others than just say so in my inbox.
Notes: I arguably picked the most dad-esk characters in EMH and MH. I mean Evan technically already was a dad so he's already got some dad in him other than just his vibes 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
I've mentioned before that Evan would be the type of dad that would basically be his kid's best friend
Obviously he'll put on the parental pants when he needs to to make sure you aren't doing things you aren't meant to and also take care of your needs
But Evan believes that a parent and child's relationship should be one of the closest bond and relationship in a person's life. And so he has a big emphasis in making sure that you two get along and have a close bond
You're honestly his whole world, he practically revolves around you. He's secretly really doting on you and will deny it if anyone points it out
He's still his regular self and maybe to some more serious people he seems like an immature guy and that he might not be the best dad
But Evan really does do a lot and isn't afraid to put your needs before his
Vinny and Jeff are like uncles/god-fathers to you since you probably grew up and were taken care of by them too
I've said this before but Evan would be such a good fun dad. He's perfect for being a dad
I've talked about before the being a parent is scary because he's scared of his condition and the Operator getting in the way
But let's just. Pretend he doesn't have that, just so we can see this man be a father without any worries of paranormal beings and things tormenting him or his child
I think Tim is still scared of messing up and being a dad at first.
I mean, who isn't. You are in charge of meeting the child's needs, providing safety and security, forming morals and understandings, and have to put in a lot of physical, emotional, and mental energy.
So it all scares Tim a bit, but he's able to get it together and find some support systems like Brian and the rest of the group
He's actually not too bad at it and actually grows from it
It's a little bit funky for him when their small but he gets used to that
I feel like he's best as the dad who you can talk to and he can give you some life advice and stories that are semi-good. I mean it's not bad so at least it's not that
Vinny makes a pretty okay to good dad
His personality and attitude strikes be as both a good one for being a dad but also that maybe be would have some faults
He seems like he'd enjoy it and the thought of being a dad and makes jokes about it
But sometimes Vinny will have moments where he doesn't know what to do or how to handle it
Like lets say is kid is a teen and they're doing stuff and getting into things that he doesn't like, or he and his kid get into a fight/argument
He sort of has no idea what to do and might put his foot down too harshly or not enough
I feel like it would be a little to heavy with him because he just sort of trouble shoots and just goes off what he thinks he should in that moment rather than stepping away for a moment and thinking about it
He's doing his best, don't get me wrong
But sometimes he just has a moment where he just doesn't know how to handle something and thinks that he should
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, so, now my brain is on Servantis and his manipulation of the kids, a topic I’ve touched on before but that was ages ago so I’m doing it here now. We’re gonna hit on a fair bit, I promise, both a bit regarding his manipulation of the whole and a lot of Kevin specifically, but first we’re focusing on the whole
Because we’ve got general forms of manipulation- he convinces all the kids they’re heroes and fighting for the greater good and basically makes them feel like they’re being Good People and that the things he has them do are Good even if they involve blowing up compounds and trying to kill other kids, and also he established ‘friendly’ physical contact, which is used to generate a sense of camaraderie. You’ll sometimes see that in videos of interrogations, or being done by your random fuckwit in a bar. But the more interesting thing is how he personalizes his interactions with the kids to better manipulate them
Now, we don’t see how he does with Pierce, Helen, and Manny, but we can compare his interactions with Alan to his interactions with Kevin, and they’re very different. With Alan he takes on the role of a supportive adult authority, almost a teacher or uncle sort’ve vibe, which makes sense. There’s no indication that he’s been alone a long time, he doesn’t seem untrusting or anything, I would guess whatever is going on with him hasn’t had time to do much damage before he gets snatched up, which means that the childhood need for a trustworthy adult authority is still set in place, by offering himself up for the role Servantis gives Alan the room to slot himself in place under his thumb.
But then we get Kevin. And he and Kevin have a wildly different dynamic than him and Alan. Servantis puts Kevin in a position of authority all his own (something we’ll touch on again later) and more-or-less treats him as an equal, at least in front of Kevin. And this is important to note for two reasons- 1) kids who’ve been taking care of themselves for a long while tend to push back against adults who try to step up and take over for them, they feel like they’re being looked down on or the little power they have is being taken away, so by treating Kevin as more of an equal Servantis is bypassing that pushback, and 2) Kevin already had an adult successfully manage to take on that role, only to then be fucking murdered, something Kevin could do nothing to stop (and you know he probably views it more as just ‘did nothing to stop’, and whether Servantis knows it or not he likely enforced that guilt, again we’ll get there), so trying to step into those shoes is only going to do more harm than good. So instead, Servantis makes out their relationship to be one between partners. And he does a damn good job, even when Kevin confronts him the first time he says specifically “you and I aren’t partners anymore”. It’s so ingrained that they’re on even footing that even looking back on memories of how he was manipulated and used Kevin still doesn’t clock that they never really were.
And Servantis doing this is brilliant for another reason, namely, if he and Kevin are partners then Kevin gets the blame. And that’s not even something you have to extrapolate, Servantis, during their confrontation, is constantly saying things like ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘we’, trying to shift Kevin back into that ‘us vs them’ mindset where he’s at Servantis’s side. But even while he’s doing that, he’s pushing blame and control on Kevin.
Which is interesting, because he goes back and forth a bit during all that, between blaming Ben and blaming Kevin. It’s apparently Ben’s fault he lost it, and Ben’s fault he ended up in the Null Void, but Ben’s actions are also Kevin’s fault because he never stopped him. It’s a back and forth attempt to manipulate Kevin’s emotions, to turn him against Ben and accept that everything that’s happening, everything that Servantis is doing, is both because it’s what Kevin wants and also because it’s what’s best for the galaxy.
Am I even making sense outside of my head at this point? I can’t tell, I’m rambling.
Basically what I’m getting at is that by pretending they’re partners, Servantis has sort’ve made Kevin the fall-guy for his ‘kill Ben’ plan. Not for outsiders, but within Kevin’s own head and among the Amalgams. He back and forths between Kevin’s personal history with Ben and the ‘Ben is a threat’ story because the latter allows for a feel good cause for him to twist the kids around, while the personal history allows him to look at Kevin should he turn on him or start questioning the plan and go “we’re just doing what you want”. He’s presented the illusion that Kevin is in control, and so can use that against him.
Gods, and I haven’t even touched on the mirroring, when Servantis mirrors Kevin’s movements during their confrontation, another tactic used to encourage feelings of camaraderie-
Then you continue on the ‘control’ thing, by putting Kevin in charge of leading and looking out for the other kids that got piled up higher. Stroke the ego a bit by making him the most important, but also doing that makes everything that goes wrong with them Kevin’s fault again. He was in charge, it’s his team. Not only does this free up time that could be spent actually looking after the children that’s instead been thrown on Kev, but it also gives another place where Servantis can twist to pull Kevin back under his thumb. You see it before Kevin starts his new plan, when his attention is directed to Ben summarily beating down the other Amalgams and he’s told he, quote, “knows what he must do”. He’s the one responsible, because it’s his team, because he didn’t kill Ben.
His essentially back-up fuel for controlling this child was the potential for guilt. The way Servantis has things set up, everything ends up looping around to be Kevin’s fault. Mission goes wrong? Kevin’s fault. Ben pulls some shit? Kevin’s fault. Kevin has any doubts about the plan? Well it’s his fault it exists in the first place. Servantis is just the one supporting Kevin’s actions and desires.
But then you’ve also got Servantis going back and forth on just how grown and capable Kevin was, against twisting and muddling things to play with his emotions. Kevin instinctively knew Ben was bad, but Kevin was an innocent child, but Kevin was a big strong hero, but Kevin was a victim of Ben’s negligence- Again back and forth in an attempt to manipulate Kevin’s feelings and decisions. Kevin was weak and helpless because that lets him be the innocent victim with just cause, but he’s also strong and capable because that ‘justifies’ him and the other kids being used as child soldiers.
(And gods, tangent but I hate when I see people go ‘well Servantis had a point’ because no, no he didn’t have a point. If he really had only planned to off Ben then maybe, but if you pay attention during the arc it’s really fucking clear that killing Ben is only to get him out of the way of his grander plans and that the ‘Ben is dangerous’ talk is just to justify the action and make the kids feel like they’re the heroes so they don’t argue.)
Point being, Servantis’s every third word and action in relation to Kevin for pretty much their entire history has been aimed at manipulating him, and it’s been done very well. And the why’s are also incredibly clear. 1) Kevin is seriously powerful, and having a way to keep someone like that under your thumb is always good for not-dying purposes. 2) Kevin is an easy target, a kid who was already broken down and whose pieces Servantis could try to arrange to his liking. 3) Kevin is the key to Servantis’s whole operation and so has to be kept under control. The rest of the kids, the donors, even the other Rooters are expendable, but if Servantis loses Kevin then everything he’s been working on is fucked.
So, he manipulates the shit out of him, twists the world into a fucking chain around the kid’s neck to keep him in line and just broken enough. And he does a damn good job of it too, enough so that even when Kevin has turned and is done with him, it’s still clear that those claws aren’t gone.
And of course this isn’t even touching on the fact that he actually went in and messed with all their heads. Blocked memories, formed connections, implanted imperatives. When the Amalgams attack Ben at the base Alan even says he can’t tell how long they’ve wanted to do so, possibly always, even though just minutes before there was no issue between them. It’s not even that Servantis taught these kids this was good and right, he fucked with their heads to make it a potentially lifelong goal they’d had, at least from their perspective. But that, that’s not even tools of manipulation as we’ve been discussing them that’s just literally going in and overwriting parts of people’s brains. Turning them into what you want of them. Something he presumably only didn’t do to Kevin because A) he couldn’t for some reason or another, or B) he had at least enough self-preservation to know that going too far mucking around in Kevin’s brain could end with the base leveled and everyone inside dead.
And that, little loves, is why Servantis is my most hated villain of this franchise.
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unsleepingtales · 9 months
Mentopolis Ep 3! We have life things so this is late but we press on
Freddie said the whole thing!
Just a damp damp man 😐
Once again. We need Stacy Fakename merch pls.
I love the wonkaness of Gobstopper Industries
The heart being the Boston to the brain’s New York is interesting
Phrenology lmao
I slap him. I kiss him.
Hunch keeping so much stuff in his pants is such a Choice
I really think it’s a phone buzzing and not a sexy thing because Elias is so convinced he doesn’t deserve pleasure that I don’t he would do that
If not ___, ___? is such a great sequence I’m gonna rewatch that several times probably
Turn yourself in to who???
Every part of the brain can notice conscience but pleasure. Sometimes the dice do really cool things.
The Fix being vaguely southern always cracks me up
Conrad not wanting to say fucks aw
He’s the only one who can DRIVE
Hank why
Ooh yay psychometer info
This thing could alter thoughts. Ok.
I love lengthy lore drops. I love them so much.
That wave is designed to create impulses maybe?
The editing is simultaneously really cool and gonna give me a headache
This thing erases color from the mind? Does it erase memory?
This boiling down to ‘has the government been corrupted by external capitalist forces or was the already corrupt government merely enabled by this capitalist presence’ is incredibly interesting
Cool! Very convenient!
OH the reflexive switchboard yay
F for freezer!
Hunch why do you wanna see Anastasia’s apartment
Trapp is so great I don’t think I’ve appreciated him enough
I think killing the conscience will probably not save the life of someone who has been thrown out of a window
Hank what
“It’s about what happens when you’re the next age” I’m gonna cry?
Babe what
(a ballad of balls on tracks)
Oooh does the Fucks family also have keys
(everyone getting a kick out of the foot fetish joke)
Hank jostling Freddie because he’s so delighted <3
Splitting the partyyyyyy
fLiGhT 😉
Uncle Hunch and Uncle Fucks 🥲
So many hats!
Imelda Pulse supportive cousin of the year <3
The cops. Great.
Something that ladies wear … …
Imelda Pulse coat rack of the year <3
Oh nooo
She’s just sooo estranged from her faaaamily she doesn’t know her cousiiiins
The commitment Siobhan has keeping her arms like that for the whole scene
The Police 😐
Incredible sneak skills
Threw a robe over her trench coat I’m dead
Yeah a newspaperwoman would have to get pretty good at lying lol
Iconic trio
Why is he the only one who can drive 😭
He really just lives to make people uncomfortable
Oooh d20 explosion
Why does he drive like that
Put that tongue back in your mouth SIR.
(group trying to hold back laughter to keep it tense…)
(and failing)
The word fight is losing all meaning
I was gonna say Gilear energy but he’s honestly more confident than Gilear.
Self doubt is so strong and dominance is so weak.
I feel like dominance being weak is a trick tho. It feels too simple.
Also. Self Doubt isn’t even a pun of any kind his name is just straight up his job.
I just was busy.
Why is fight russian
Conrad is so sassy today
The fuck just happened
The poor Fakename family
Box of Doom!!
The one thing that always bugs me is the box is never level and I don’t know if that affects how the die rolls
What a power
How are the fakenames even a family. What concept are they.
Dice are cool
One of those inflatable clowns that are weighted at the bottom so they bounce up whenever you hit them
(the crowd goes wild for Stacy Fakename)
I love character feats!
Flight was in control when Elias got hurt. Interesting.
I love how Hunch just has cartoon logic
I also forget that I’m playing and not just watching a story sometimes
You like my facts right?
Oh god
Hank leaning into being intimidating is so good to watch
Man. Okay.
Oh that’s so cool. Focusing on breathing lowers the pressure. That’s so good.
What are you close to achieving
That’s SO fucked up
Who are you
Is this fucking adderall or something
Probably the psychometer. But it would be an interesting take for it to be meds lol.
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desolateice · 1 year
Rewrite from “Buku Buku Cha”
This is a short part I changed before chapter 20 was published where Chozen comes to the California. The flight from Okinawa to LA is about 13 hours and any time I travel that long I generally want a shower first thing or take a nap and not necessarily go out... so I changed it to what was published. 😅
Johnny had picked out the best bouquet he could, he washed and waxed the Avanti so it sparkled in the LA sun.
He’d circled the day on the calendar and had spent all his time counting down.
His mom kept reminding him to focus on schoolwork, it was part of the deal. He still had to graduate, even if his boyfriend was coming. But she was smiling anyway.
He waited impatiently with his bouquet in arrivals at LAX, straining to see everyone getting off the plane.
He spotted Chozen, wearing sunglasses like his uncle usually wore and it took everything in Johnny not to rush to him, to run down the gate towards him.
He smiled warmly when Chozen’s eyes met him, taking off his sunglasses, pushing them up into his hair and Johnny held out the bouquet thrusting it towards Chozen.
“Haisai,” Chozen said warmly taking them.
“Haisai,” Johnny said, he took Chozen’s arm, gently hooking it through his.
 He wanted to hug him, embrace him but it was crowded and his heart was pounding so fast in his chest that the best he could do was put one foot in front of the other in an effort to not trip over his own feet and walk with Chozen.
He couldn’t believe Chozen was there.
Together again.
He had a million questions.
He wanted to know how everyone was doing.
How graduation had gone?
What had they all done?
They picked up Chozen’s luggage and Johnny was adamant about carrying it out to his Avanti. He needed a distraction before he started blabbering the way Daniel did sometimes.
“The Avanti,” Chozen said, breathed, running his fingers along the side.
He smiled, proud of the car, glad he’d gotten his license again. It was a beautiful sunny California day and having Chozen next to him, having the chance to show him around made him so happy and nervous.
Partway through the drive, Chozen reached out, gently taking Johnny’s hand in his, lifting it to his lips. “It’s good to see you.”
“I missed you so much,” Johnny breathed.
He wanted to just be somewhere, to sit with Chozen.
He wanted to kiss him. But holding his hand was nice too.
He took Chozen to an In-N-Out Burger and Chozen laughed, walking with him, studying the menu. “So, now that you’ve eaten all the Okinawan foods you’re going to have me eat all the American foods?’
“That’s the plan,” Johnny said. “I’ve made a list. Burgers here and animal fries and a shake or something and then I’ve got a Mexican restaurant for us to go to, and there’s some pizza and American style Chinese food and—“
“Not all today I hope,” Chozen said.
“I mean if you’re up for the challenge we can try.”
“No way, also please say there’s something green mixed in somewhere. I need some vegetables.”
“You can get lettuce, tomato and onion on your burger,” Johnny said.
Chozen laughed softly. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Don’t worry, mom loves vegetables, the house is full of them. You can have a carrot with breakfast if you want.”
“Now I know you’re teasing me.”
Johnny grinned, putting in their order, pleased that this time he could show Chozen around and that he’d learned enough that he could. That thanks to the guys he knew how to make his way around LA, that he knew what was good to try, what was popular.
“I also thought,” Johnny said leaning against the wall while they waited for the food. “We could go to the mall, the movies, the art museums, there’s a popular arcade and game place called Golf N Stuff—“
“Is there just a lot of “N” places?” Chozen asked amused getting their tray of food when it came out, walking with Johnny to a booth.
Johnny tilted his head thoughtfully. “I don’t know. There’s also a lot of botanical gardens that I thought would be nice, zoos and stuff. We could go swimming at the beach too if you want.”
“I’m happy to go on any and all the dates you want to,” Chozen said softly, a warm smile that made Johnny’s stomach fill with butterflies.
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amberjazmyn · 7 months
bau team one-shot
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - panic room alt ending 
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - normal criminal minds warnings, torture, angst, loads of tears 
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - what if agent ellianna johnson actually survived the torture from the unsub that is her uncle? what if she actually survived and was able to be one of the few people to testify against her uncle in the court hearing? what if, the bau never had to grieve the loss of their best friend, girlfriend and fellow ssa agent? 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - whilst i do love the original story, i suddenly decided that i would write this chapter with an alternate ending that has ellianna surviving and having the opportunity to testify against her uncle because i do want y'all to know that i also imagine what the opposite of the story i've written looks like. so, pretty much, the chapter will look the same except, ellianna survives and is able to testify against her uncle in the court hearing so everything else will stay the same except ellianna's death. 
part one masterlist
- - - 
ellianna knew she had to do something so the unsub wouldn't get away with his crimes but, she really should have been more thought out with her decision-making skills, especially as an fbi agent with the behavioural analysis unit. yet, if she was questioned later about the decision she made, she would 100% defend herself and say that whilst she could absolutely have been more thought out, her plan was the most logical idea and the only way in which the unsub was going to meet his end as a serial killer. 
now, ellianna, in her almost ten years with the fbi's bau has been through many a torture chamber but, none were as horrific as the one that she was currently hanging in by her wrists that were attached to the top of the ceiling of the old manky warehouse she was being held captive in. refusing to show the fear that she didn't have, she put her life on the line so many times at this point that it almost becomes something of an "inside joke" within the bau to act like some "lighthearted" therapy. and to make light of all the times the thirty-year-old had been kidnapped and tortured whilst on a case. however, this torture was going to be the one case that wouldn't ever be a laughable one, even in the far-off future. this one was for sure the one that ellianna was about a hundred million per cent sure going to kill her. this warehouse was the panic room that haunted the agent's dreams every single night, despite the constant denial to her fellow agents and sometimes herself about the nightmares she'd have about the said warehouse. 
the unsub that ellianna and her boyfriend dr spencer reid were tasked to capture was a sixty-year-old male, just shy of six foot tall, with shaggy brown hair, and dirty brown eyes with the stench of a garbage collector. the man's name was peter johnson and heartbreakingly, ellianna's own uncle from her dad's side of the family. hence why she threw herself into the warehouse rather than jj, derek, emily or her two bosses aaron and david. but that didn't mean that ellianna threw herself into that warehouse on her own entirely, she had her boyfriend and fellow supervisory special agent dr spencer reid as her number two. she made a promise to her parents, basically her whole family, that even if it killed her, this job, she'd be the person to eventually take down her serial killer uncle so no one else had to go through the trauma that this man was bringing not just to her family but to the wider state of virginia and the country of the united states of america. 
"...why is it that you always have to sacrifice yourself for your team, ellianna? is this something that gives you a buzz? an excitement?" the gruff voice of the unsub, who was ellianna's uncle, made her entire body shiver as she grunted, really showing her body strength as she held herself up 
"why else do you think, peter? and no, why would this give me a buzz or excitement? i'm doing my goddamn job!" the thirty-year-old spat back, not wanting the niceties to be much longer, the man understanding that almost straight away
"oh, that's right, how could i forget! you want to prove to our family as well as to your team that you can arrest me after i've spent the last thirty years committing these crimes and only now i've been caught and you wanted to be the final victim!" the older man snarled as ellianna dryly chuckled at her insane family member 
"i don't want to prove myself to them because i don't need to prove anything to anybody. i promised my family years ago when i first joined the fbi academy that i would do anything in my power to make sure they and i were all alive to see you finally be thrown into prison. i was nineteen then and i'm thirty now and only one small thing has changed about that statement!" ellianna huffed out, her attitude really testing her uncle's patience, just like it did when she was younger as the older, grotesque man crossed his arms over, daring to challenge his fed niece 
"what's changed then, enlighten me, my dear niece. what has changed in the last ten years, ellianna johnson?" peter spat out as ellianna chuckled to herself, always up for the fun that was challenging her dad's older brother 
"what's changed, is that i no longer care whether i come out of here alive or not. as long as the rest of my family is alive and healthy to see you get thrown into prison and have their witness statements taken and given justice by getting charged and thrown away for the rest of your life, it no longer bothers me whether or not i'm alive or dead. as long as my family gets justice for the despicable and abhorrent crimes you committed, i'll know i died a hero and a role model for the family because i helped them take down the serial killer who destroyed not just the name of our family but also all the good that's in our family because of the decision you made over thirty years ago to finally listen to those little voices in your head that you had been ignoring for so many years until they got so loud that you couldn't deal with them anymore and the only way you thought you could stop them was from killing others!" ellianna was raging mad at this point, not caring that she was covered in blood, blood that was dripping from her forehead and feet - all she cared about was her family and all the other families getting the justice they deserved years ago 
this was when ellianna wished that she had eidetic memory because she couldn't even remember that spencer, her boyfriend and fellow agent had come with her into the warehouse, also getting caught by her uncle - though only getting restrained to a chair in front of her as he opened his eyes and made eye contact with the love of his life
a flash of memory then came across ellianna as she moved to make eye contact with him. she knew he'd be just as terrified as she would be. wordlessly, without peter realising since he was distracted, ellianna comforted spencer, letting him know that whilst it looked like it hurt from the way she was hanging by her hands, she was completely fine and that she was able to handle it. the moment that she got the confirmation head nod from spencer, she focused back to peter, who had seemed to remember also, that he had kept spencer restrained to a chair sitting right in front of ellianna, whilst he had stood slightly off to the side. 
"hmm, seems like you hadn't forgotten about spencer like i would have thought you did, i mean, i forgot about him for a second because of how quiet he is..." peter trailed off in a taunting voice as ellianna rolled her eyes as the sounds of the warehouse lights sounded, the burst of light making both spencer and ellianna turn away due to how bright it was and how their eyes still needed adjustment 
"...of course, i didn't, you douchebag! now, what are you going to do to him, peter?" ellianna started to slightly panic, on the inside that is, she was staying calm on the outside as she hoped that whilst the team were all wired and connected, they were still close by and had the opportunity and a chance at rescuing spencer 
"absolutely nothing dear niece of mine. i mean, i haven't forgotten and i don't think spencer here has forgotten the entire screech of a speech you made to me and everyone that cares to watch this live feed at the start of this entire ordeal. you screamed for spencer not to be hurt and i haven't. i haven't laid a single finger on dr reid and i won't because i'll be way too busy laying every single finger on you to even give that squib a second look..." peter trailed off as spencer let out a wrangled cry, making peter and ellianna snap their heads, peter moving closer to his niece to move a strand of her hair behind her ear
"...shh, spence, please, it's okay! i'm okay, i promise, he isn't hurting me!" ellianna tried her absolute hardest to convince her boyfriend that the torture by her uncle wasn't painful at all - and it was true, ellianna hadn't screamed one single time
"she's right, boy genius, she hasn't screamed, not once. not since she begged on her knees for me to hurt her, instead of you..." peter snickered as all spencer's mind could go back to was that moment, he had never seen his girlfriend beg like that in their entire time at the bau together, and neither did the rest of their team who was watching via the live feed that penelope had hacked into after being given the link by peter
"--please, peter, i beg of you. take me instead, leave spencer alone. hurt me, touch me, rape me! whatever it is you want, just do it to me. just leave spencer and the rest of my team alone, they've done nothing wrong! and keep your bloody hands off of him!" she begged, she had never sounded so sure but so pained at the same time as she saw her uncle drift closer to her boyfriend as though he was taunting his niece
in her almost decade of serving as a federal agent with the fbi's behavioural analysis unit, ssa ellianna johnson hadn't ever begged an unsub for something more than for her boyfriend, ssa dr spencer reid to be spared by them, the unsub they were trying to take down, which had turned out to be ellianna's own uncle.
the rest of spencer and ellianna's team; derek morgan, emily prentiss, jennifer (jj) jareau, penelope garcia, david rossi and aaron hotchner watched the security camera live footage with anxiety and uncertainty for their two youngest members. the team was usually so fearless so whenever something bad happened to spencer and or ellianna, the team was always at their most vulnerable. the girls had tears blurring their vision and the guys tried to hold back their own tears and their anger as the team sat in silence as they watched the live feed that had been sent to penelope for this very reason and it boiled their blood.
peter was still not budging on his niece's pleas to leave spencer alone. neither spencer nor ellianna had been restrained as yet as they had just arrived but peter had already thrown things at them and given both of them minor concussions.
if it took ellianna to get on her knees begging her uncle for him to stay away from spencer, she would do anything to make sure he would be safe and, that's what she did. ellianna got down on her knees, her hands in the air and her gun out of its holster and discarded on the floor, begging for her uncle to leave her boyfriend alone and to take her as his hostage and torture her so that her boyfriend would be safe and sound.
"for fuck sake, peter, please! stay the fuck away from spencer, don't you dare think about even laying one of your dirty fingers on him. put all those grubby, bloody, serial killer fingers on me and torture me with every ounce of your body because you'll have so much more fun hurting me than you would if you were hurting spencer. please, let me take spencer's place he has so much more life left to live for and new things to research and find out about life. he...he has to take care of his mom, he has to find a cure for her! please, leave him alone!" ellianna begged again, on her knees as peter finally changed his mind, ellianna eased as spencer was then placed in the chair, right in front of the chains that were suspended in the air with all different kinds of torture devices next to it
spencer had never been known fear in his life until this moment right here. it wasn't him being tied up to the chair that terrified him, the thing that scared him was having to watch the love of his life, the girl he wanted to marry, watch getting tortured and killed right in front of him with a front-row seat, their team also helplessly watching, by someone who once loved her, he'd do anything to protect her as her uncle.
"ellianna, what are you doing?" spencer whimpered, not caring that he sounded like a weak, scared little boy in front of the unsub because, at this moment, that's how he felt as ellianna smiled softly
"i'm saving your life, spence. i can't let you die, you mean way too much to me. you've been through so much, it's time i deserved some pain once in a while, i'm lessening the load," ellianna smiled, keeping up her strength as peter drew ever so closer to his niece so he could start assembling the torture, grabbing her and chucking her against a wall, causing spencer and the team watching to flinch at the noise ellianna's body made as it connected with the wall as more blood started to pool at the back of her head, matching the blood trickling down her forehead, due to the force the push had created
the metal chains loudly clasped her hands above her head as she hung with her feet no longer touching the ground beneath her as she remained tough and unafraid. a smile suddenly formed on the young agent's face as she suddenly giggled at how unflattering this pose must have looked to spencer and the team at the angle they were watching it at. saying it in a way to make the horrific situation more comedic, however, it of course didn't land as well as she wanted it to land.
"this pose must look very unflattering to you guys right now..." ellianna giggled suddenly as she then looked down, the mortified look of her boyfriend, spencer, as well as her team who she couldn't see, didn't find it as comedic as she thought they would have
halting her laughter, ellianna quietly gulped, not knowing what else she could say to fill the suddenly eerie silence that fell throughout the abandoned warehouse - peter ignoring the exchange
it seemed as if ellianna's begs to save spencer in replacement for her was working. she smiled to herself that her boyfriend was safe, though he was having to watch his girlfriend be tortured right in front of him whilst restrained, he was safe. 
no more than a second longer did peter wait before his homemade torture equipment was powered up before it started to tear into and shock ellianna's body. the equipment varied from kitchen appliances like knives, screwdrivers, ice picks, and a baseball bat to an electric wire that would end up being bound around ellianna's legs as well as other things that burnt into the agent's skin. ellianna's entire body was being torn into and was on fire however that gorgeous, loving, caring, bright smile remained etched on her face, not once letting it falter or letting herself scream out in pain for her uncle to switch the torture equipment off.
ellianna knew that it was bothering her uncle immensely that she wasn't reacting to the torture. she knew that he always thrived off of the pain of his victims yet, she'd always been known to have the physical and mental strength throughout her entire life to be able to withstand whatever torture that was subjected to her. so, ellianna could tell that if her uncle was a firecracker about to explode, he would have set the entire warehouse ablaze because he wasn't getting the reaction and what he wanted from his victim. but, the catch was, due to how smart peter was, it didn't take him too long to figure out what could possibly make his niece falter and that was seeing her boyfriend falter and freak out. for ellianna, the only known thing to cause her pain in the world was seeing her boyfriend spencer in pain. whether it was seeing him cry, seeing him sick or just seeing him in some sort of pain made ellianna break. it was definitely her biggest weakness but it hadn't ever been a worry to think about because, until today, none of their unsubs had a personal connection to any of the team where they would know any of the agents' weaknesses in the way that peter knew what his niece's weakness was. so, peter then decided to use it against her by turning up the level of pain on all of the equipment which effectively made spencer start to thrash around in his seat, crying out for peter to stop.
the rest of her team were barely able to continue watching as peter turned up his dial on the equipment's power grid when they heard spencer's screeches for peter to stop. and the worst part of all was that penelope and the rest of the team were nowhere near close enough to finding where on god's green earth this abandoned warehouse was in downtown virginia.
"ellianna! peter, stop it! please, leave her alone! stop it now! you've done enough, you've hurt her enough! she's bleeding, peter! please, peter....put...put her down! you're hurting her!" spencer sobbed, the hot tears streaming down his face as he thrashed around in the restrains that were stopping him from saving her himself
"spence, please, it's okay! it doesn't hurt, i promise, i can't even feel a single thing!" ellianna attempted to comfort her devastated boyfriend as peter groaned, both his plans of inflicting the most pain on his niece and making her scream and cry weren't working so, that was when he decided he needed to go a step further and bring out the big guns
"is it bad that she can't feel it, hotch?" jj questioned, her tears that had pooled in the corner of her eyes now dousing her cheeks, her head turned from the screen to her unit chief, hotch not knowing how to respond
"i...i don't know jj but just trust ellianna. trust that she knows what she's doing," hotch gulped nervously, just hoping that his not-so full proof statement was correct and that one of his very much beloved agents was going to be safe - especially after he promised that he would keep her safe
whilst hotch was correct, that ellianna knew what she was doing, it still didn't mean that the hope for ellianna to come out of this torture alive was a strong hope. it looked as if, in the small, slither of ellianna making it out alive, she'd be fighting for life in a hospital bed for at least a couple of weeks. then suddenly, out of nowhere, everything happened so quickly that it was as if the team and spencer had just blinked before they heard a gunshot ring through the warehouse. spencer's heartwrenching and guttural screams followed shortly after as he helplessly tried to free himself from his restraints to shoot peter. 
from the time it had taken the rest of the team to find the banged-up industrial warehouse that spencer and ellianna had found peter johnson in, it felt like time had slowed down. because it felt as though spencer just blinked before one other shot rang out. morgan and prentiss had rushed in within seconds. morgan had delivered the shot that hit peter in the leg, not killing him only immobilising the elderly man so the arrest would be easier. prentiss then quickly rushed over to spencer to untie him from the seat, however, that only accomplished spencer collapsing to his knees, more gutwrenching sobs and screams leaving his mouth that had come from his gut. morgan moved to see if he could discover a pulse from ellianna. in his complete and desolate world, spencer thought the worst and that peter's quick and sneaky gunshot trick had killed ellianna. as prentiss tried her absolute hardest to console spencer, it seemed as if the only thing that could console him was the possibility of a miracle, for ellianna to have survived. and, bless every deity, god, goddess, angel, saint, sister, brother and martyr, for morgan had found ellianna's pulse. whilst it was a weak pulse, it was still a pulse meaning that ellianna still had a chance of survival and that peter had not won. 
pulling out of the hug, it seemed as if prentiss had figured out from the way morgan had a relieved smile on his face whilst he talked to the paramedics who had just arrived at the warehouse, that ellianna had a pulse and still had a chance. immediately, prentiss knew she had to tell spencer, knowing that even the weakest pulse would be the best news for spencer to hear. 
"spence, i need you to look at me. derek is with ellianna right now with the medics and, a pulse was found. ellianna is still alive, she still has a chance of recovering, okay?" prentiss whispers to her distraught friend who perks up slightly
"wait, what? she...she's alive?" spencer muttered, his voice scared and hoarse from his sobs and screams as emily, with the smallest smile on her lips, nods her head and pulls spencer back in for a hug 
"yes, spence, but she will have to be transported to a nearby hospital to get treated because what peter did to her isn't just something that is a quick healer," emily whispers as spencer nodded his head, sniffling softly as he tried to wipe the tears off of his cheeks 
the rest of the bau had been called into the scene now that peter had been seized and taken into police custody to then be later interviewed. rossi and hotch rushed over to spencer, to take him to safety, which was the awaiting ambulance that was going to patch up the lesions and lacerations on his wrists, and ankles from being tied up to the chair and the cut on his forehead from the concussion he had received. 
emily, jj and derek had the worst task of all, having to turn on every single piece of equipment that peter had used to torture his niece and all of his other victims over the last thirty years and had to wait a couple of minutes so they wouldn't blow up themselves and the entire rusting building. then, after everything had cooled down, derek, the strongest out of the three agents, were able to release their best friend and fellow agent from the ceiling restraints. derek carried her to the ambulance to then be transported to the hospital to see if they could keep her alive and heal her. 
hotch and rossi, alongside spencer, were now walking over to the ambulance after they had successfully coerced the boy wonder to have him get properly checked out and make sure his injuries to his wrists, ankles and forehead weren't at the risk of infection. usually, in a situation like this, spencer would be fighting tooth and nail to be by his girlfriend's side, however, this time, he was way too weak to even scream anymore. let alone even try to fight to be placed in the same ambulance, which had already taken off to the nearest hospital anyway, hotch and rossi carefully walked with spencer out of the warehouse and to the ambulance as they saw the one that carried ellianna already speeding down the street with the lights flashing and sirens blaring loudly. 
"...spencer, are you okay?" rossi questions his fellow agent, the younger paying the elder no attention, for all he could think about was ellianna and whether or not she would stay alive 
"hmm?" the younger agent hums as he finally faces rossi's worried look before responding again 
"i...i'm, i just, i hope ellianna is okay," spencer sighed tearfully as he meddled with his fingers to keep himself occupied, rossi sighing softly as he sat down next to his fellow agent 
"we all wish the same thing, reid. but, she's a strong girl, she'll be able to recover and she'll be back on the field with us in no time," rossi smiled softly, placing his hand on the upset boy's shoulder to provide some form of comfort that wasn't too invasive 
"i just... why...why did she have to throw herself in the middle of the danger over me? i...i could have handled it too..." spencer trailed off, despite the fact that he knew that last little part was a lie considering the way he reacted to seeing it happening to ellianna - he knew there was no way he could have handled it any better if it was him hanging by his hands and, rossi knew that as well 
"...reid, she put herself in danger because of how much she loves you. i know that you two have said those words to each other and this is why she knew she had to throw herself in danger. because she loves you and she also didn't want anyone, even if the person was related to her, to cause you any harm. she'd rather get hurt by her own family, herself than let them hurt you. she'd always put herself above you because she loves you and would do anything to protect you from the horrors that those in her family can show," rossi explains to the brown-haired boy who sniffled as tears still tracked his red, wet and puffy cheeks and he nodded his head, finally understand due to rossi's explanation 
"oh..." spencer sniffled before looking down at his pair of converse that was now very dirty and needed cleaning 
"we're about to take the suvs to the hospital, do you wanna come with us, spencer?" rossi then asks, spencer's head shoots right up, a hint of a smile on his lips as he nods his head
rossi then smiles at the way spencer stands up to walk back to their fbi issued sport issued vehicles so they could drive to the hospital. whilst he didn't have his pep in his step like normal, he was still able to carry himself without his feet coming from underneath him like they were moments earlier. which, was a very good sign not just for the medics but also for the rest of the team to see that spencer no longer needed someone to help him walk. 
from the outside, spencer looked as calm as you could look in a hospital waiting room. however, you didn't have to be a profiler to see that his body language was completely different to the calm look on his face. his right leg was bouncing, he was twiddling his fingers and his eyes couldn't stay in the same spot for more than a couple of seconds. he would also slightly flinch whenever a doctor walked past the group and he stayed silent and didn't want to talk to anybody. he was absolutely losing his mind on the inside which was identifiable by small idiosyncrasies in spencer's body language that he couldn't ever hide from anyone on the outside. 
"family of supervisory special agent ellianna johnson?" a nurse calls out, spencer immediately standing up alongside the rest of the team, all of them just hoping that she was okay 
"i...i'm her boyfriend, umm, her parents are out of state but her siblings are on a plane as we speak right now to virginia. so...is...is she okay?" spencer stammered out, the nurse smiling softly, for it wasn't her first rodeo dealing with federal agents and their families 
"due to all of her injuries, theoretically, she shouldn't be alive right now..." the experienced nurse trailed off which made the group absolutely terrified, tears building in spencer's eyes yet again after he had only just managed to cease the crying 
"...however, defying all of my team's odds, agent johnson is completely fine. she'll need a few more blood transfusions due to how much blood she lost from the two head injuries and the gunshot wound but other than that, all her injuries have been tended to and stitched up. she is, however, asleep and a bit high on some pain medication but you guys are more than welcome to visit her. she has full recollection of who she is, her job, what happened to her, where she is and you guys, not that amnesia was anything that worried us but, just in case it worried you guys due to her head injuries, i'd thought it'd be something worth mentioning," the nurse explained, a small smile covering her face as everyone exhaled as tears streamed down spencer's cheeks out of pure relief that his girlfriend was okay and that she had, in fact, survived  
the nurse had started walking back to ellianna's room when hotch ushered for spencer to follow her, "go, reid, we'll visit ellianna later!" nodding his head, spencer sniffled before following the nurse as she led the two of them to ellianna's hospital room 
it was as if he could feel his heart drop to the floor. he hadn't ever seen his girlfriend look so peaceful yet in so much pain at the same time. no matter how many times she had told spencer that she wasn't in pain, they both knew it was due to the adrenaline pumping through her veins and that because, during that time, it truly didn't hurt her because it wasn't the first time she had been tortured so she knew how to triage the pain and focus on pure survival. 
sniffling as quietly as he could, he hesitantly walked over to the hospital bed, "hello sweetheart," spencer couldn't help but feel bad as though his heart had been stomped on 
without thinking, spencer grabbed ellianna's hand that laid backside down, palm up, against her hospital bed and just started muttering apology after apology repeatedly until he had found himself falling exhausted and then shortly thereafter, asleep. 
mumbling and slightly restless, ellianna found her eyes fluttering open and looking around as she tried to recognise the surroundings of the hospital room and the person who was loosely holding her hand. she couldn't hide the smile that formed on her face at seeing her boyfriend sleeping and looking so flustered and adorable. spencer's hair was messy, his hand was holding ellianna's and his head and some of his body was resting on the empty part of the slightly large bed that ellianna was laying in. with a slight squeeze of his hand from ellianna, spencer's head shot right up. his eyes widening and his pupils dilating, loose tears still trickling down his cheeks.
"el...ellianna? sweetheart, you're...you're awake!" spencer whispered frantically as she smiled small and pouted as she watched the new and old tears that littered her boyfriend's face 
she smiled with a small groan, prompting spencer to get up to get the nurse. erratically wiping his face of the tears he'd seemed to be crying all night, he went to get the nurse. 
"i'm just going to grab the nurse and tell them you're awake. i love you ell," spencer whispered as ellianna nodded her head, a small smile on her lips as she watched spencer leave the room with the slightest pep in his step
no less than a minute later, the nurse came in and after the rest of the blood transfusions, and some visits from the team, ellianna was cleared to be discharged from the hospital. with the exception of returning in a week's time to remove ellianna's stitches, it seemed like ellianna made herself and the rest of her team promise to each other to steer clear of hospitals now - at least for a little while. 
a month had passed since the peter johnson cause wrapped up and the man was now serving twenty-five life sentences alongside the possibility of the death penalty due to the consideration of him being extradited back to his original hometown outside of virginia - where the death penalty was legalised. 
it haunted the minds of the whole bau to think that, they nearly lost ellianna during that case because of how unstable and insane her serial killer uncle actually was. they weren't prepared for how erratic and unstable that man was since he was so different to the rest of ellianna's family, whom they all had the pleasure of meeting throughout ellianna's service with the team. yet, no one was more haunted and emotionally scarred over that case than spencer. his mind always trickled back to the court date when his girlfriend had to go up to the stand and explain to everyone all the things or sick, twisted, serial killer uncle had done to her in the hopes that he would kill her and come out with his final victim after thirty years at the top. he wept that day whilst he watched and listened as his girlfriend took the stand and he'll cry any other time he thinks about it because of how much it traumatises him in ways that he's never had trauma before. 
"...what did your uncle do to you, agent johnson?" the high judge questioned, a worried look planted on the elder lady's face as the young agent gulped, still not mentally able to comprehend that she was having to say it out loud
"uncle peter had me suspended in the air, by my wrists that were tied together by rope, my legs weren't at all tied up but i guess something did happen to my legs as they were very red...and itchy, like they had been burnt by something. umm, i was hit by a baseball bat, stabbed by an ice pick and a couple of knives. i think there was an electric wire that electrocuted me which i think my feet were at one point bound by, which is why i think my legs were red and itchy like they had been burnt...and then, he shot me in the stomach, not so much at point blank range but not that far from it. which was something when my team and i were discussing in our victimology and his mo, we never came to the realisation that after he had tortured his victims that he would then shoot them and that was how they died. the other police departments that were put on this case before my fbi team hadn't seemed to make the connection about why the victims would have gunshot wounds on their stomachs either. that was until i was put in that situation and my partner, dr spencer reid had to see it happen right in front of him that we finally realised that it was the gunshot wound to the stomach from him that was the main cause of death for the victims. i...i think..." ellianna suddenly trailed off, she had been doing brilliantly until something, or someone, caught her attention and was all of a sudden too scared to continue as she suddenly felt the burning eyes of her uncle watching her from his box 
"...you can continue agent, mr johnson cannot do anything to harm you. he is locked in his box, all he can do is stare at you and try to scare you. he is only trying to elicit a reaction, it's a scare tactic that all criminals do which you would be very familiar with. you can continue, darling," the judge spoke calmly, letting ellianna know she could continue and was safe to continue, reminding her that she was safe 
"uh, okay, he...um, whilst uncle peter used a variety of different equipment in this specific case when i was with dr spencer reid, it...it wasn't the first time per se, that he had sent me to the hospital..." ellianna stopped, realising that she hadn't even told the full story to the rest of her team about every other time during her childhood that her uncle had sent his niece to the hospital 
the judge swallowed, her eyes wide before speaking, "what else has your uncle done to you, sweetheart?" completely disregarding ellianna's professional title and any sort of court ruling, the judge was worried for the young agent 
"when...when i was a teenager, uncle peter would touch me in...in places that made me uncomfortable and he would always talk to me like i was in a sexual relationship with him to fulfil his fantasy that he had..." ellianna gulped as spencer couldn't help but shake his head as his tears slipped down his cheeks 
the girl continued to explain before the judge asked another question, "did he ever rape you, agent johnson?" the judge asked the one question no one wanted the answer to but was needed as ellianna sniffled in fear, she had never told a single soul that story and now, she was 
"mhm..." ellianna mumbled, too embarrassed to say it properly as she wrapped her arms around herself, her defence attorney right next to her and her team in the stands behind her 
"...was it multiple times or was it just once?" the judge asked again so she could form more of a picture as ellianna sniffled again 
"uncle...uncle peter would rape me up to three...three times a week until one day he...he just...until one day he just stopped..." ellianna struggled but once she took in a deep breath, she choked it out but remained relatively stoic 
"did you ever find out why he stopped or were you just grateful that he was no longer hurting you?" it seemed as if everyone, including the judge, were on the verge of tears as ellianna finally had the courage to make eye contact with her team - all of them looking back with glassy eyes
"i...i didn't think to ask because i was just so...relieved that i could stop scrubbing my skin so harshly to the point of bleeding and peeling to feel clean again that i just didn't think to ask why he stopped and i just didn't tell anyone because...because i knew if i told anyone, they'd worry or start asking questions because, i knew if they did, straight away, they'd assume it was uncle peter..." ellianna's voice wobbled a little bit but she refused to let herself cry as the judge nodded her head 
"...ellianna, why do you still openly refer to mr johnson as uncle peter, even after the fact he abused you throughout your childhood whilst also being a serial killer, you almost an inch from becoming his final victim whilst he held your boyfriend dr spencer reid captive as well?" the judge asked softly and ellianna smiled sadly as she huffed, finally making eye contact with her uncle, her eyes filling with tears 
"because...because he...he is still my uncle and, there is still that same little ellianna that loves her uncle peter and wishes he could come home and just play with her and not make her do things she didn't know how to say no to..." 
despite the pain and heartbreak that peter johnson had caused to so many people, including his own family, ellianna couldn't help but still find that little girl in her who loved her uncle. whilst he did abuse her and then went on to kill and torture so many others over a span of thirty years, he was still a man who once upon a time, truly cared for his family and would do anything in his power to protect them. but, that was also his downfall as that was how he turned into the monster that was now the entire reason he was in jail for the rest of his life or until his death row day and that was something that comforted ellianna, spencer, the johnson family and every other family who had been affected by peter's crimes. 
- - - 
now that i rewrote the original version of this, i, of course, had to rewrite the alternate ending otherwise it wouldn't have made any sense because i also changed the name of the main character, her name was originally florianna but, i decided to change it ellianna in both versions (obviously) which is something i didn't mention in the author's note of the original one-shot so, apologises i forgot about it. 
ok ily bye xx
wc; 6953
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exxa1812 · 2 years
Voldication: Capter 2
Chapter 2: I should be in school... But now I'm fighting DUMBledore and Potter on vacation in Italy.
Summary: This chapter will be in Draco's POV. It'll take place on a beach. There is a lot of crack. More family vacation and DUMBledore and Harry Potter.
Draco POV Day 3. I hate this vacation. This is so boring. What was Uncle Voldi thinking? I should be in Hogwarts right now. Do schoolwork and torment little eleven-year-olds. But no, I’m stuck here. And now Oma is here as well. What was she doing here? I don’t have a problem with her, she is nice. Sometimes she can be a little bit much. And I don’t like her drinking so much Vodka. It’s as bad as my father’s alcoholism. And that means something.
Anyways. Oma wasn’t there for breakfast, which meant that everybody was happy. At least I think so. I wasn’t really paying attention because I was on my phone texting with my archnemesis, Harry Potter. Since I cannot go to school and be mean to him, I have to be mean to him over WhatsApp. Uncle Voldi decided that we all should go to the beach. When I mentioned that we aren’t even near the ocean, he said ‘that nobody knows where we are in Italy, so we can go to the beach even though we aren’t near one.’ So, we all went to the beach, even Oma.
Well father didn’t come with us, since he is very allergic to sand. After everybody had packed their stuff, we got into the bussle and drove to the beach. The beach was genuinely nice. Not so many people were there, and the ocean was calm. I laid down my towel and set up the parasol. I have to lay in the shade and put on a lot of sunscreen because my skin is very sensitive when it comes to the sun. I kept my distance from my family as I wanted to relax. I still saw what they were doing. Mother was doing the same as I. Lying on a towel in the shadow, while reading a book. Uncle Voldi and Aunt Bellatrix were building sandcastles with Delphi. Oma just sat in her klappchair (folding chair) with binoculars to watch birds (spy on people and stalk them) and her bottle with ‘water.’
I laid there for a while, playing games on my phone, texting friends, and listening to music. Then Delphi practically forced me to go swimming with her. I didn’t really want to, but I knew I would get in trouble if I didn’t. The water was cold but still comfortable. I played a little bit with Delphi and had actually fun with her. Suddenly Delphi started to freak out because something touched her foot. When I looked down to see the thing that caused my cousin trouble.
I saw a water owl with a bottlepost (Message in a bottle). I reached into the water to get the bottle, while I also tried to calm Delphi. Once she was calm, I sent her back to the beach. As soon she was gone, I opened the bottle, took out the rolled-up paper, unrolled it and read the message. As soon as I read the message, I sprinted out of the water and ran to my family. I shoved the message and bottle into Uncle Voldi’s hands. He looked at me questioningly but read it quickly.
All the colour drained of his face. DUMBledore and Harry Potter were on their way to us. Uncle Voldi explained the situation to the rest. Mother looked panicked, so did Aunt Bellatrix. Uncle Voldi looked afraid while Delphi had no clue what was going on. Oma was calm. “Please, there is no reason to panic. It’s just DUMBledore and a stupid child. We are way more powerful than they are. And I mean we don’t even have to fight them. Give me a minute with DUMBledore and I will seduce him. He may be your enemy, son but he has a cute butt.”
WTF? Oma thinks DUMBledore has a cute what?!” Mommy!” Uncle Voldi shrieked “Don’t say that. Ewwwwww.” Yeah, same. Ewwwwww. “I think we should come up with a plan to destroy them. And if that doesn’t work, we will try Oma’s plan.” Aunt Bellatrix said. “Bella’s right. We need a plan. Let’s pack our stuff and discuss this over pizza.” Mother said, agreeing. We gathered all our stuff and went to the next restaurant to discuss the upcoming war.
Day 4. After I woke up and got dressed the next day, I headed to the kitchen for breakfast. My family was already gathered at the table eating. Except Delphi since she hasn’t been allowed to hear about DUMBledore and Potter and our plans to defeat them. Father wasn’t there either. According to mother he was with Delhi. “DUMBledore and Potter are on their way here.
I don’t know how they know where we are.” Aunt Bellatrix said, exhausted. I definitely should not mention that Potter knows where we are because he saw my location on Snapchat. “That doesn’t matter now. They’re coming and we have to stop them. They’ll be here soon.” Mother said worried. “When they’re here I want Draco to take on Potter. He knows him the best and his weaknesses. I will take on DUMBledore.” Uncle Voldi said. “Lucius is going to stay with Delphi. Mommy, so will you.”
At that Oma made a small noise of protest but didn’t say anything. “Bella and Narcissa will help during the battle where they can.” Uncle Voldi added concluding. After breakfast we all did what Uncle Voldi told us. We were now allowed to use magic again. Yay:) We prepared ourselves for their arrival. I stood guard in the garden in case they show up here. Mother was by the gate. Aunt Bellatrix by the pool and Uncle Voldi in the house. “What do we have here?” said a familiar voice suddenly behind me.
I turned around to see Potter smirking at me with one of his charming smiles. I raised my wand at him and said: “Really, Potter? You couldn’t wait to see me again after my holiday, so you came all the way to Italy for me. How sweet of you.” He looked at me unimpressed and also raised his wand. “I’m here for Voldemort and not for you, Malfoy. And you know it. So, tell me where he is.” Potter said. “Don’t know where he is. Probably already fighting with DUMBledore.” I told him.
There was a sudden crash behind the house. Potter and I started running and once we reached the house, we saw Uncle Voldi and DUMBledore having a fist fight. Oma was also there chanting:''FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! Finish him off. Finish him off, Voldi!” Before anything could escalate Potter and I broke the fight off. They are both fragile, old men. They shouldn’t fight each other with their fists.
We had to hold both of them back. Oma was just standing there laughing. Mother and Aunt Bellatrix came. Both trying to hold their laughter. Once Uncle Voldi and DUMBledore were calm, Uncle Voldi said: “What do you want here, Albus?” “I want to defeat you, Voldi.” DUMBledore said calmly. Suddenly Uncle Voldi started yelling at DUMBledore and throwing insults at him. “Would you leave the lovely man alone, Voldi! There is no need to fight when you can manage all this over a good glass of fine wine.” Oma said flirtingly to DUMBledore. Gross. DUMBledore agreed, even though Potter protested. Yet he came with us to the house.
Once we reached the door, there was a weird noise that came from the roof. And suddenly a ziegelstone (brick) fell off the roof and hit DUMBledore on the head. DUMBledore fell to the ground, unconscious. Potter ran to his side, to check on him. He felt his pulse and shook his head. “Dead.” He spoke. It was silent until Uncle Voldi started a victory dance. Well at least I thought that it was. It also could’ve been a stroke.
“He is DEAD! He is DEAD! DUMBledore is dead! Juhu!!!” he sang while doing a cartwheel. I looked at Potter. He looked sad and broken, but I somehow saw a bit of relief in his eyes. He held onto DUMBledore and disapparated. While everybody celebrated DUMBledore’s death, I only thought of Potter’s charming smile and sparkling eyes.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being Thena’s adoptive daughter
Thena x daughter!reader
a/n: i think from now on for child!readers i’ll be going with daughter or son specifically if it’s requested!! also i kind of headcanon that the eternals can’t reproduce since theyre not real beings (?) like theyre space androids kinda. terminators.
prompt: anonymous: “Hey love your blog ❤ could I request in being thena's child/ daughter whatever is comfortable with you headcanons? If that's okay like thena is their mother or mother figure through out the centuries and time and even after reader goes their own way? If that's okay 😊”
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thena cared deeply for you, her bonds were always strong
and although she was told not to interfere with the humans, she felt the need to save you and take you in
she missed her family dearly, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a new one
“hello, my darling. momma’s here” -thena
she was so gentle with you, worried that she may accidentally hurt you one day
gilgamesh definitely took care of you, too, of course
“hi there, little one. would you like some pie?” -gilgamesh
he ALWAYS spoiled you
thena loved seeing you happy and with pie stains on your face, but she did have to put her foot down to make sure you didn’t push yourself over the limit
family dinners too <3
which sometimes resulted in dancing and singing
she told you war stories to lull you to sleep
“and then i sliced off the deviant’s head and it fell down and died and mommy saved the whole village. the end” -thena
“can you tell me another?” -you
“mommy stabbed a deviant in the eye and then again in the neck and it died slowly. the end” -thena
“thank youuu” -you
tons of forehead kisses from her
she let you play outside a ton, just using your imagination
“you’re just going to let y/n play alone? that’s so sad, she needs company!” -gilgamesh
and that was around the time your mom began taking walks with you outside, holding your hand and looking at the vast nothingness while you played games together, sometimes made up games
gilgamesh played soccer with you
thena and you drew by the tree
she complimented your work often
“is that supposed to be all of us?” -thena
“gilgamesh, mommy, me” -you, pointing
gilgamesh hung your work on the wall for sure
your mom told you about the eternals
and always referred to the others as your aunts and uncles
and you grew up wishing you could meet them
the two of them homeschooled you, but not with a real curriculum
they also taught you to fight, despite you not having powers
“here you go, hun, a sword just for you” -gilgamesh
“thank you!” -you, beaming
gilgamesh died (sorry) when he saw ur smile bc that’s a precious smile
thena made sure she didn’t hurt you during training, but you were a super fast learner
so you two were sparring in no time
she still took it easy on you, though
thena lets you lay on her lap on the couch as she watches the fire a lot, zoning out while she misses her old friends
she’s had cases of mahd wy’ry in front of you, which have prompted the discussion of safe spaces and exit routes and deescalation tactics
she almost hurt you a few times, but you know it wasn’t her
and your mom apologized a million times through tears
gilgamesh protected you, as well
and he taught you to cook!!
making mother’s days very sweet and special
even if they turn out a little….messy
“hahah, you look like a ghost!” -gilgamesh
*you brushing flour away from your eyeballs*
your face did get caked with flour yes
long hugs with momma
and group hugs w gilgamesh
and them happily watching you grow up, something that never failed to fascinate you
“when do i get to meet my aunts and uncles?” -you
“that really depends, my love. maybe one day, maybe never” -thena
you dreamed of fighting beside them
and maybe one day you would
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @buckyeojin // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl //
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
OOOOOO, I really like your writing and u asked for prompts. So, maybe u could do a really shy!reader or mute!reader with peter? I think that be cute! Or you can do it with tom since u said once that you like writing for tom more :)
secret language
Pairing: Peter Parker x Mute!Reader
Synopsis: a study in the silence that comes when two people understand each other
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You sat alone at on a bench on your first day of kindergarten, feeling intimidated by the noise and spectacle of it all. You hugged your backpack to your chest, wishing the day could go faster so you could fo home.
Then he came up to you.
“Hi. I’m Peter.” A curly haired boy pulled the seat out next to you and sat down. You waved at Peter and put your backpack on the table, deciding to give him a chance.
“Do you have a name?” Peter asked, and you nodded your head. You took his hand and laid his palm flat, carefully writing your name with your finger.
“Wait, do it again.” Peter requested, watching your every move intently. You wrote your name again on his palm and he titled his head, staring at his hand like the word would be written there.
“Y/n?” He looked up at you once he figured it out. “Am I saying it right?”
You nodded happily and pointed to yourself before giving him a thumbs up. Peter smiled proudly and looked at his hand again.
“Do you not talk?” He wondered, making you shake your head no.
“That’s okay.” Peter shrugged. “Sometimes I don’t like to talk either.”
Peter began to swing his legs, looking around the classroom in awe before his eyes fell on Aunt May, who was talking to the teacher.
“Is your mommy still here?” He turned to you to ask. You nodded and pointed to your mom, who was laughing with one of the single dads.
“She’s pretty. Her shoes are so tall!” Peter exclaimed as he pointed at her high heels. You laughed silently, smiling to show that you agreed. Peter smiled back at you, several teeth in the front row missing. His smile faded suddenly as he looked down at his lap.
“My parents just died.” He confessed to you. “Uncle Ben said they’re in heaven. I tried to look for Heaven on the map on the subway, but I couldn’t find it. Do you know where it is?”
You shook your head and Peter sighed.
“Me either.” He said, pouring a little as he slumped in his seat. You sat in silence for a moment until you heard a little noise from Peter.
“I miss my mommy.” He said quietly, his voice sounding weak.
Your eyes filled with sympathy for Peter as you stuck your bottom lip out. Peter watched you curiously as you reached out your hand, taking his little one in your own and squeezing it three times. Peter gasped a little, looking up at you with wide eyes as you gave him a gentle smile. It reminded him of what his mother used to do when he was scared, three squeezes to say three words.
I. Love. You.
Aunt May didn’t know about their little ritual, so when Peter squeezed her hand three times as they lowered his mom into the ground, she didn’t squeeze back. It made Peter wonder if anyone would tell him they loved him in the secret language ever again. But here you were, squeezing his hand to let him know it was okay.
“Thank you.” He smiled, his eyes no longer glassy. “I love you too.”
You smiled at him and he noticed that were missing teeth too. Peter pointed to your mouth and laughed before pointing to his own. You both doubled over on the bench (I was over on the bench) in a fit of laughter, as if you had reached the very apex of comedy with missing teeth and gaps in your smiles.
You and Peter spent the day together, communicating though words written on his palm or on a piece of paper. He found it very easy to understand you, even when you didn’t speak. He liked your quiet company far better than the loud children in the class, knocking over blocks and crying over toys. You were different, and Peter liked different.
At the end of the day, Peter saw his family and grabbed your hand, running towards them with you in tow.
“Aunt May! Uncle Ben! I made a friend. She’s a mule.” Peter proudly presented you to his aunt and uncle. You smiled politely at them as they shared a confused look.
“What sweetie?” Aunt May asked as she crouched down a little. In the mean time, your mother had spotted you holding hands with Peter and made her way over.
“Mute. Y/n is a selective mute.” Your mother explained as she came up behind you. “Hi, I’m her mother.”
“Like on a remote!” Peter cheered as the adults shook hands. “Can she come over?”
“Is that alright with her mommy?” Uncle Ben looked at your mother for permission.
“Sure.” Your mother complied. “If you give her a piece of paper, she can write some words down. I’ll give you my number just in case.”
“She doesn’t need paper.” Peter shook his head. “We can already talk, look.”
Peter held you your enjoined hands and squeezed yours three times. You squeezed back, making him grin.
“See? She said she loves me.” He exclaimed, letting your hands drop back to your sides.
“That’s so cute. I was so worried about her making friends. She stopped speaking after her father passed.” Your mother quietly explained to May and Ben.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Peters parents just passed as well.” May said sympathetically while Ben watched the two of you. A complicit smile sat on his lips as he saw his nephew genuinely smile for the first time since his parents died.
“My condolences.” Your mother touched May’s arm kindly.
“Thank you.” May put her hand over your mother’s. “It’s been really difficult for him. It’s been so long since he-“
She was cut off by Peter laughing loudly at something you didn’t say, but conveyed. Tears brimmed in her eyes as you wrote something on Peter’s palm, something that made him light up like the forth of July.
“Since he’s been happy.” She finished.
“Lucky they found each other, huh?” Your mother smiled fondly as she watched you and Peter play, earning a nod from May.
And lucky you were.
Over the next few years, you and Peter developed a secret language entirely comprised of soft touches, expressive looks and squeezes. It was a dialect that only existed between the two of you, and that was how you liked it.
“Welcome, students, to your first day of high school. My name is Mrs. Ingrid, I’ll be your english teacher this year. I’d like us to go around the room and say your name and what you did this summer.”
You looked at Peter with panicked eyes as tired groans echoed around the classroom. It was your very first period of your very first day and you were already freaking out. Peter gave you a gentle smile as he reached across his desk and took your hand, giving it three solid squeezes.
“It’s okay.” He assured you. “I got you.”
“Mr. Parker.” Mrs. Ingrid said suddenly. “Since you’re talking, would you like to go first?”
“O-Okay.” Peter stuttered as he stood up from his desk. “My name is Peter Parker. This summer I watched all the Star Wars movies in a row without breaking to sleep.”
“Thank you for sharing.” She nodded curtly and turned to you, as you were seated next to Peter. “Ms. L/n, you can go next.”
“This is-“ Peter began.
“I believe she can speak for herself.” Mrs. Ingrid snapped, narrowing her eyes at Peter. You looked at Peter with eyes full of guilt as you unintentionally made him get off on the wrong foot with the teacher. You expected Peter to be scared, but his face showed that he was perfectly calm.
“Actually she can’t, ma’am.” Peter said politely. “This is Y/n L/n and she’s mute. She also spent her summer watching the Star Wars movies but she fell asleep sometime between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.”
Surprised murmurs swept though the crowd at the mention of the word “mute”. It was something the students hadn’t been exposed to yet and you felt the individual pricks as they sunk their teeth into it. Knowing the pantomime spotlight was being shone on you, you turned to the class and gave a weak smile.
“My apologies.” Mrs. Ingrid said shortly. “I forgot we had a disabled student this year. Thank you, Peter. And welcome Y/n.”
She turned her back to the class to hide the flush of embarrassment as a student called her out, but Peter had more to say.
“It’s not a disability.” He spoke up, shrinking in his seat when everyone’s eyes went to him.
“I’m sorry?” Mrs. Ingrid turned around with an unamused grin.
“Well, Y/n is mute because of an anxiety disorder.” Peter explained. “She physically has the ability to speak, but she mentally feels like she can’t. She doesn’t see it as a disability.”
“Did she tell you that?” Flash, a boy with his name stitched onto the pocket of his shirt, asked from somewhere behind the room, making the whole room laugh at you.
The whole room except Peter
Peter turned around in his seat and glared at Flash, armed and ready to defend you if needed.
“Yes, she did.” Peter stated. “She tells me everything.”
Flash snickered and rolled his eyes as Peter turned around in his seat. Other students continues to gawk at you, as if your mutism could be seen on the outside. Your face flamed red until you felt Peters hand on your shoulder, squeezing it three times to calm you down.
“I apologize, Y/n.” Mrs. Ingrid smiled at you. “Would the next student like to go?”
You walked home once the day had ended with Peter by your side, quietly thinking to yourself as he talked about his science class.
“Anyways.” He paused time catch his breath as he finished his story. “How was your day?”
You looked at him sideways before grabbing his hand and writing an “E” on his palm.
“Come on. English wasn’t that bad.” He insisted, grimacing a little when you glared at him. You made a gesture of a circle before sharply pointing at yourself.
“I know. But I bet everyone had a moment today where they felt like everyone was staring at them.” Peter tried to assure you but you rolled your eyes.
“Tomorrow will be better.” Peter said decidedly. “That Flash kid is so annoying though. How many classes do you have with him?”
You held up three fingers and Peters eyes widened in sympathy.
“Three?” He gasped. I’m so sorry. Hopefully he was just trying to show off for the first day.”
You shrugged a little and pantomimed popping your collar, to which Peter laughed.
“Right?” Peter exclaimed. “Why does he dress like a mobsters son?”
Your shoulders moved up and down as you silently laughed with him, nearing your apartment building now.
“We should do something to celebrate our first day.” Peter decided. “What do you want?”
You looked at him and raised your eyebrows, a smile appearing on his face as he caught your drift.
“You read my mind.” He sighed happily and he shifted the weight of his backpack to his other shoulder. “Coffee ice cream and Impractical Jokers it is.”
You put your hands over your heart and made a dreamy expression, to which Peter let out a groan.
“Stop it.” He laughed though a whine. “You’re the only one who thinks Sal is hot.”
You shoved him playfully as you entered the lobby of your building, making a face he knew all too well.
“I’m not having this argument with you again.” He wagged his finger in your face as he pushed the elevator button. You pouted and took his hand, writing out an expletive on his palm.
“Don’t use that tone with me young lady.” Peter feigned a gasp as he held his hand to his chest. You gave him an unamused look as he laughed at his own joke.
“Hey. “ He said suddenly as he took your hand. “Happy first day.”
You reluctantly smiled at his newfound sentimentality and squeezed his hand three times, for for each word.
“Mrs. Ingrid.” Flash’s hand shot up one November morning. “When we present the projects tomorrow, can Brian present mine?”
“No, Eugene.” She sighed, a snicker coming from the class as he used his first name. “Every student must do their own presentation.”
“Then how come Y/n doesn’t have to do one?” He asked spitefully, making everyone look at you. You looked to Peter for help, who was already turned in his seat to face Flash.
“You know why she doesn’t.” He said dully, tired of Flash’s unjustified vendetta against you.
“Well I don’t think it’s fair that she gets special treatment.” Flash short back, making some students “ooo” and agree.
“It’s not special treatment. Y/n is mute, Flash. You, on the other hand, have made it very clear that you are not.” Peter sassed, making the class laugh. Flash’s face turned red in embarrassment as he looked around the room for help.
“Selective mute.” He emphasized. “That means she can talk if she wanted to. You said so on the first day, Penis Parker.”
“It’s not like a light switch she can turn on and off, Flash. She doesn’t feel like she has a choice. Leave her alone.” Peter barked, getting up out of his seat now.
“If she wants me to leave her alone, she should tell me herself.” Flash snapped, getting up as well. You looked between the two boys with fearful eyes, tugging on Peters sleeve to get him to back down.
“What’s your problem?” Peter asked angrily. “What are you, jealous because she’s never spoken in this class yet still outperforms you?”
The class laughed at Peters insult, only making Flash angrier.
“I’d like to see how well she’d do without you as her interpreter.” He yelled as he pointed a finger at Peter.
“That’s enough.” Mrs. Ingrid slammed her hands on her desk. “Both of you, sit down. Y/n will be doing a power point presentation. End of discussion.”
“Yeah, that’s enough Eugene.” Peter hissed as he took his seat.
“That’ll be all, Peter.” Mrs. Ingrid narrowed her eyes at your best friend. “If this continues, I’ll have to request that the three of you be separated and put into different classes.”
“Why should Y/n and I be separated just because Flash is a dick?” Peter asked, eyes widened when he realized what he said. The students laughed at the sound of a curse word, even if it was one the uses on a daily. You looked at Peter scornfully and tapped his desk twice, communicating with him to calm down.
“Mr. Parker. I’ll be seeing you in detention.” Mrs. Ingrid stated. “Everyone, take out your textbooks and turn to page 117.”
You put your textbook on your desk and looked at Peter, giving him a sympathetic pout for getting him in trouble. You reached over and took his hand, squeezing it twice to apologize.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He whispered to you. “Detention is a small price to pay for getting to call Flash a dick to his face.”
You squeezed his hand again and tilted your head to the side, making him shake his head at you.
“No, it’s not your fault.” Peter insisted.” It was mine. I interrupted the class, not you. Don’t worry about me.”
You sighed and brushed the side of your nose with your thumb, causing Peter to smile.
“I know.” He said softly. “I always worry about you too.”
You found Peter waiting for you at your locker at the end of the school day, bouncing with excitement to tell you a story from his algebra class. You listened intently as you collected your books, linking your arm through his once you were done. You walked past Mrs. Ingrids classroom and heard someone clear their throat, making you both stop in your tracks.
“Going somewhere, Mr. Parker?” She asked as she appeared in the doorway, arms folded and glasses perched on the lower part of her nose bridge.
“Shoot. I forgot I have detention.” Peter groaned before turning to you. “Do you mind waiting?”
You pointed behind you with your thumb and shrugged as Peter chewed his lip nervously.
“Are you sure? What if somebody asks you for directions?” He worried, not liking the idea of you walking home by yourself. You looked at him like he was silly and pointed your finger in both directions, signally that you could just point someone in the right direction of the asked.
“Well what if the directions are really complex?” Peter added, coming up with any excuse he could think of. You made a gesture that Mrs. Ingrid didn’t understand, but seemed to make all the sense in the world to Peter.
“You’re right. You don’t need a babysitter.” He agreed. “Do you want to meet back in my room at 4?”
You nodded and took his books from him so you could drop them off in his room.
“Okay. I’ll see you then.” He promised as you took his hand and squeezed it three times.
“I love you too.” He smiled, giving you three squeezes before walking in the direction of the detention room. Mrs. Ingrid watched him until he disappeared around a corner, turning to you once he was gone.
“You and Peter, are you two together?” She questioned, making you shake your head. She smiled a little, looking amused as she took off her glasses and rubbed them on her shirt.
“Someone should tell him that.” She chuckled, sliding her glasses back on her face. You put your hand over your heart and rubbed it in a circle, the first gesture Mrs. Ingrid understood.
“I see.” She nodded. “You have a nice day now, Y/n. Get home safe.”
You smiled in appreciation at her before waving goodbye, walking out the doors of the school and towards your building.
You tucked your thumbs under the straps of your backpack as you walked, taking every precaution to step over the cracks in the sidewalk as you approached them.
“Hey, Hellen Keller, wait up.”
You froze for a moment when you heard Flash’s voice behind you before quickly picking up your pace. Unfortunately, he had the same idea and ran to catch up with you, grabbing your arm and forcing you to turn around when he got there.
“I was talking to you. Are you deaf too now?” He snickered devilishly as you pulled your arm out of his grasp. You kept walking, but he fell into a stride right beside you.
“So how does it work? Can you and Peter read each other’s thoughts? Does he ever think about me?” Flash batted his eyelashes but you ignored him. You swallowed nervously as you began to wish you had just waited for Peter.
“Come on, Y/n. You should take my interest in you as a compliment.” Flash smirked, making you roll your eyes. “I wanna hear you speak.”
Your unbreaking silence woke up something animalistic in Flash, making him grab both your arms and pushing you into a vacant alley. He pressed you against a wall, gripping both your arms so tight, you were sure they’d bruise.
“Didn’t you hear me? Say something.” He bellowed, getting right in your face as he screamed. You turned your face away and grimaced, fidgeting to get out of his grasp.
“Fine.” He laughed in a way that made your blood turn cold. “You don’t want to talk? Then I wanna hear you scream.”
Your eyes widened as he threw you to the ground, your body skidding on the pavement as you moved. He stalked up to you like a Brute, towering over you as you held up a hand.
“Where’s your little boyfriend now?” He asked, raising his fist above your head. A scream ripped through your throat as his fist came down, never making contact with your face. You opened your eyes slowly and saw him wiping his hands, a satisfied smirk on his lips.
“That’s what I thought. See you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see your PowerPoint.” He quipped, spitting on the ground next to you before leaving. Once you were sure he was gone, you sat up. Your hands went to your elbow first, as you felt blood tricking from an open wound. It wasn’t anything serious, just a scrape and a friction burn. Your hands then traveled to your neck, fingers resting over your vocal chords. You hadn’t heard a sound come from your mouth in 10 years, not even a laugh. The scream that came from your mouth was different from screams you’d heard in movies. It was deeper and hollow, as if it came from an animal. Tears stung your eyes as you got up, body aching from hitting the ground. You looked around the corner before continuing your way home, looking over your shoulder every so often out of fear.
You cleaned your elbow up in Peters bathroom, sticking a few Paw Patrol bandaids to the cut as you waiting for him to come home. You ended up falling asleep on his bed, only waking up when he came in a quarter last five.
“Hey sleepy head. I’m sorry I’m late.” He spoke in a hushed tone as he knelt beside his bed. “Mrs. Ingrid made me write on the board 100 times like Bart Simpson. Did you get back okay?”
You nodded as you sat up, slowly opening your sleep heavy eyes. Peter smiled as he smoothed the hair that was sticking up on either side of your part, smile fading when he took a closer look at your face.
“What happened? Have you been crying?” He worried as he cupped your face, turning it slightly to get a better look. Taking a deep breath to brace for Peters reaction, you held out your arm. He caught sight of the bandaids almost instantly, looking at you in disbelief before gently examining your arm.
“Who did this to you?” He demanded as he carefully twisted your arm to see the full extent of the wound. You weakly pantomimed a popped collar, seeing the anger in Peters eyes grow as he understood.
“Fucking Flash.” He stood up abruptly and slammed his hand on his wall. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you walk home alone.”
You got up and went over to him, shaking your head sympathetically.
“I did too have a choice.” He disagreed. “People skip detention all the time. How could I let this happen?” He asked, more so to himself as he sat on the bed. He put his head in his hands, hiding out of the shame he felt. You took a seat beside him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders while resting your head on his body. You tapped his leg four times, making him bring his head out of his heads to shake it.
“It is my fault.” He told you. “I provoked him in English and that’s why he went after you. I should’ve been there. I’m so sorry.”
You pouted and took his chin between your fingers, squeezing his arm twice with your free hand.
“It’s not okay!” He yelled. “He’s been targeting you since day one. I bet he planned this. He’s probably been waiting to get you along. Did he hurt you anywhere else? Oh god, did he touch you?” Peter could barely see past his disgust long enough to get the words, turning a little green as the worst case scenario played in his mind. You frantically shook your head and Peter calmed down just a little.
“He’s lucky. He’d be a dead man if he did.” Peter stated assertively. You tilted your head and gave him a disapproving look that he read in seconds.
“How am I overreacting?” He asked. “You’re hurt! He hurt you! Screw this - I’m gonna kill him.” He got up again and heading towards the door. You sprung up from the bed and threw your arms around him from behind, stopping him in his tracks. You squeezed his tightly, resting your chin on his shoulder as you held him back. He struggled to break out of your grasp until he heard a strangled sound emit from your throat. As distorted and muffled as it was, Peter knew was you were trying to say.
He hung his head in shame, knowing it scared you when he raised his voice. He put his hands over yours, which had been resting on his chest.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, keeping his eyes down. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. You know I worry about you.”
You slowly withdrew your hands and turned him around, taking his face in your hands and making him look at you.
“I know you don’t need me to protect you. Is it wrong that I still want too?” He smiled weakly as he leaned into your palms. You shook your head and moved your hands down to his shoulders, shrugging a little to tell him you didn’t mind.
“I’m walking you home tomorrow.” He promised as he pulled you into a hug. “And everyday for the rest of my life.”
You patted his back four times, making his body shake with laughter.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “Sounds good to me too.”
You entered Peters room a little over a year later after receiving a frantic text. The text contained exactly one word, “ouchie”, and the rest was gibberish. Peters wise eyes met yours and you smiled at him, smile fading as your eyes trailed down his body. He was clad in nothing but his boxers and one single sock, glistening with sweat from head to toe. Your best friends lean and scrawny body that you has seen hundreds of times since your childhood was replaced with broad shoulders and solid muscle, features that made your face burn all the way to your ears. That wasn’t what shocked you, though. What shocked you was the series of papers, pens, shirts, and granola bars that were sticking to his body as if adhered with glue.
“Whats happening to me?” He screamed, tugging at a Nature Valley bar sticking to his nipple. You held back a laugh when you saw how scared he looked and approached him slowly like a deer in the woods. You reached out a hand but he backed away as if you might burn him.
“Don’t.” He croaked. “You’ll stick too and I don’t…I don’t want to hurt you.”
You waved your hand in dismissal and reached out again, placing a cool hand on Peters burning cheek. His eyes shut in tranquillity as he leaned into your hand, letting your touch calm him as it had done so many times in the past.
You peeled a shirt off his shoulder and plucked a pencil off his thigh as his breathing slowed down. You cupped his face in your hands and looked at him, wordlessly asking him to tell you what happened.
“I went to Oscorp yesterday and this spider bit me and I woke up really sweaty - and I mean really sweaty - and then I got super hungry so I went ham on granola bars - and I’m talking ape shit Y/n I didn’t even chew I just went feral on those crumbly bitches - and then things kept sticking to me and I don’t know what to do and-“
You acted on a whim and pulled Peters face towards yours, kissing him firmly on the lips. The only noise in the room was the sound of pens and granola bars hitting the ground as they slowly unstuck from his body. Peter places a gentle hand on your face as he kissed you back. You pulled away, feeling his eyelashes tickle your face as his eyes fluttered open.
“And you just kissed me.” He laughed slightly, pace significantly slower now. You gave him a knowing look and shrugged a little, making him laugh.
“You’re right.” He realized. “You didn’t stick.”
You wrapped your arms around Peters neck and pressed your forehead against his, letting silence fill the room as he held you.
“I don’t know what this means. I’m…I’m scared.” He whispered as he nuzzled against you. You shook your head a little, telling him he didn’t have to be scared. Moving your head up to look at you, you took his face between your hands and kissed his lips three times in a row. After the third kiss, a cheeky smile lingered on Peters lips.
“I love you too.” He told you, grinning widely before kissing you again.
You laid on Peters chest, a few years out of college now. His shirt was riding up a little, exposing bare skin that served as your canvas. A shy smile made on a home on your face as you traced letters on his skin.
“What was that?” He asked when he felt your touch but couldn’t make out your words. “Say it again.”
You chuckled a little at his phrasing, and he did too. In accordance to his request, you wrote your sentence again, taking your time with the curve of each letter. Peter furrowed his eyebrows a little as he propped himself up on his elbows, a little annoyed with himself for not being able to decipher what you were saying. He prided himself on being fluent in your secret language, so the only possible answer was that whatever you were writing now was something you had never written before.
“Wait, do it again.” He asked, determined to crack the code. You sat up on your elbow as well, looking at him through your lashes as you traced the words again.
“I’m convinced this is gibberish.” Peter shook his head through a chuckle, looking at curiously to see if you were messing with him. You let out a tiny whine as you stuck your bottom lip out, patting his chest twice to tell him to try harder.
“Fine, fine. Try again. But go slowly.”
You sucked in a breath and held your fingernail to his skin, slowly tracing the first word.
“Will?” He asked, grinning when you nodded and continued to write.
“You?” He looked to you for confirmation. “Will you?”
You nodded again, feeling butterflies now and you moved to the next word.
“Many?” He questioned. You shook your head repeatedly, anxious for him to figure it out. You wrote it again and saw it click for him.
“Ohh. Marry.” He smiled, proud of himself for getting it. His eyes met yours and all at once, he understood why he couldn’t figure it out before.
No one fault really, you just never proposed to him before.
“Wait.” His lips curved into a smile as he cupped your chin with his hand.
“Do it again.” He asked, unable to contain his excitement as you repeated your actions.
“One more time.” He pleaded, eyes filling with tears now. “I know what it is, I just want to feel it again.”
You wrote it again, writing it on every exposed part of his body now. You proposed on his arm, his chest, his leg and his bicep, a man excited squeal leaving his throat each time you did it.
“Give me your hand.” He fully sat up now, wrapping his arms around you and taking your hand in his. He opened your hand and flattened your palm, bringing his finger to your skin.
“Y-E-S.” He spelled out loud as he wrote on your palm. “Yes. I will marry you.”
Smoothing your dress with a shaking hand, you turned to your mom for last minute adjustments before you walked down the isle. She smiled widely as she touched up your hair, handing you your bouquet once she was satisfied.
“Are you ready?” She asked. “That’s a dumb question. You’ve been ready for this since kindergarten.”
Nodding at your mothers words of encouragements, you nervously clutched your bouquet of sunflowers and roses, yours and Peters favorite flowers.
“You’re so lucky to have found each other.” Your mother smiled fondly as she dusted off your shoulders. “To understand someone the way you do, it’s rare. Your father would be proud.”
Emotion overcame you as you pulled your mother into a hug, thanking her the only way you could for getting you that far. The vamping of the organ signaled to you that it was time to go, all your nervously butterflies turning into petals of excitement. Your mother gave you an assuring smile as she slipped her hand into yours, both of you facing forward now as the doors opened.
Everyone turned to look at you, a welcome gesture this time around, as you made your way down the isle. You made eye contact with Peter, who had a hand clamped over his mouth to hide his emotions. He wiped tears from his eyes as Ned patted his back, silently willing you to come faster down the isle. In his mind, you couldn’t walk fast enough. He was not interested in spending one more minute as just your boyfriend. As you got closer to the alter, you waved at the Avengers who had put on their best suits to attend your big day.
And finally, you made your way to Peter.
You whole life had been about making your way to Peter, and now, dressed in white, you had arrived. You handed your bouquet to your mother and accepted Peters hand to help you step onto the alter. Peter sniffled a little as he took your hands in his, overwhelmed in the moment by your beauty.
The priest began to speak, but you didn’t hear much. All you could focus on was your childhood best friend, soon to be husband. Your palms sweat as the vows approached, an unfamiliar tickle resting in your throat.
“And now, the vows.” The priest handed the baton to you and Peter.
“Sunsets, flowers, and you. Three beautiful things that don’t make any noise. I believe some of the most wonderful things a human being can experience happen in silence. I believe that because of you.” Peters voice cracked momentarily. “I stand before you today as someone who is permanently subscribed to your silence. I look forward to a lifetime of knowing looks and written messages on the palm of my hand. I never knew how much could be said through three simple squeezes of my hand, but it feels like my entire life has happened since the first time you touched me and the last. Though your voice has never fallen on my ears, I’m confident I could identify it anywhere. You and I have created something incredible rare, a silence that only comes when two people truly know each other. And I know you. I am blessed to say I know you. I have never heard you speak, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hear you. I hear you in the early hours of the morning when the birds begin to chirp. I hear you when the blood rushes to my face because you looked at me in a certain way. I hear you when the music swells in my favorite song, and I hear you in every beat of my heart. I won’t tell you I’ll love you until death do us part, because even the jaws of death couldn’t end my love for you. I will just find you in the next life, and the one after that. Nothing could keep me away.”
You touched delicate fingers to your under eyes as you dabbed away tears, squeezing Peters hands three times to thank him for his beautiful words. Now the spotlight had once again returned to you and this time, you were ready.
Peters eyes widened in astonishment before brimming with tears as your voice fell on his ears for the very first time. It wasn’t perfect after so many years of being unused, but it was yours. That’s what made it Peter’s favorite thing in the world. He bent over and rested his forehead on your enjoyed hands, almost like he was bowing to you. He stayed there for a moment before standing up again, his face full of emotion. You knew he was composed enough for you to continue, so you did.
“I shut my mouth when I was 5 and I didn’t think I was going to open it ever again. But then I met you.” You broke into a smile. You spoke slowly, taking deep breaths every few words. “There is no other way I would want to use my voice than to tell you that I love you. I have always loved you.” You sucked in a deep breath as you got emotional. “My mom worried that I wouldn’t make any friends my first day of school, and I didn’t. I made a partner for life. It is one thing to be loved and another thing to be understood. You give me me both in three small squeezes. I love you, Peter.” You finished, punctuating your vows with three squeezes of his hands.
“I love you too.” He whispered, a steady flow of tears streaming down his face now.
“I love you more.” You said, verbally for the first time.
“Peter Parker, do you take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?” The priest asked.
“I do.”
“Y/n L/n, do you take Peter Parker to be your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish and honor, for better or for worse?”
“I do.”
“Oh my God.” Peter gushed, making the crowd laugh. Peter was still recovering from the fact that your first word was his name, and now you had said the two sacred words he’d been waiting his whole life to hear.
“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife.” The priest smiled. “You may kiss the bride.”
Peter wasted no time in taking your face between his hands and kissing you, smiling with joy into the kiss as you officiated your marriage.
“You did so good baby.” He whispered against your lips as the crowd clapped for you.
“Thank you.” You giggled, proud of yourself for what you did. “I’ve been practicing with my therapist since the proposal.”
“It was amazing. That’s was the greatest surprise anyone’s ever given me. Even if it was just for today, I’m so happy I could hear your voice. I love you so much.” He told you before pulling you into a hug. You rested your head on his shoulder and held him tightly, thanking God that he came up to you that first day of kindergarten.
“I love you too.”
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