#soo much malec
ayearofmalec · 1 year
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Welcome to A Year Of Malec,
This is a year long event for all you other Malec lovers! Since there are so many wonderful fanfictions written by brilliant authors, we wanted to share the fantastic works with you - FOR A WHOLE YEAR!
So this is how it works: Every day for a year, we are going to post a Malec fanfiction rec. THAT'S 365 MALEC FANFICS! And because we don't want to loose ourselves in so many awesome stories, we sorted them into monthly themes.
For the month of January, we're looking at Malec as parents and there are so many amazing stories that capture their love for each other and their children.
Our first recommendation is "New Starts" by aurora_chiroptera!
Rating: Mature
Even with the Institutes closed following the Revised Accords 15 years ago, Magnus still found he had to deal with the Clave more than he liked. But when Alexander Lightwood shows up at his door in need of a place to lay low and work on starting a new life, he finds little reason to say no.
In a world where the Downworld rebelled and won, Magnus is High Warlock of NYC and Alec was his contact within Idris to smuggle out captured downworlders. But when Alec needs to flee the Clave, Magnus finds himself with three unexpected roommates. Luckily, the kids seem to get along.
Or, I made an AU just to write a fic that is 90% single parent fluff and 10% to say Fuck the Clave.
Link to "New Starts" 
If you enjoy the story, you should definitely let the author know by leaving kudos or a comment.
We hope you decide to join us for the ride!
Your AYOM-Team, @springlily25 and @lifeofpatterns
P.S.: If you have any good Malec as parents recs or ideas for future themes, feel free to put them in our ask box - thanks!
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Hi not a prompt, but i love your writing soo soo much! I wanted to know what are your headcanons for malec and the SH universe in general. Also have you read the books?
oooh okay so i loved this ask and here we go. it's a bit long jsyk
Oh wow, okay. My headcanons for malec. This might get a bit long and it’s not going to look pretty so please bear with me because I don’t have the time to make it look nice though I’ll do that eventually.
So first things, individually.
I think alec is autistic and demi-sexual and I pretty much write that into my fics. I also am pretty hardcore in the belief that malec are soulmates and that’s often written into my work/implied/referenced oh, and he’s a slytherin
Magnus I headcanon as adhd and a ravenclaw because while he’s ambitious, his interest in knowledge and learning and inventing (he created the portal and worked with a shadowhunter to do it) is one of his biggest traits and also, you can’t tell me that one of the signs of an adhd warlock wouldn’t be them just tossing things into the void because object permanence and realizing three centuries later that was one of their favorite cups and they miss it. Or even ‘oops, that’s where that spell book went. Got distracted’. (saeth   adhd and let me tell you if they had magic. This would be them. Half the things in the house would be tossed into the void BECAUSE THEY DO THAT WITHOUT MAGIC and I am projecting lol) anyway ravenclaw because I feel like magnus just really loves learning and knowing things tbh. Team immortal is there no matter how dark magnus is and they support him through everything unless they’re dead and I don’t normally write that they’re both gone, if even one of them is.
I don’t think I could write a universe where Alec hated Magnus, not after meeting him. There’s something about Magnus that calls to Alec instinctively, in a primal way and Alec is kind of helpless to resist it and more than that, he usually doesn’t want to. It takes more effort for him to ignore and avoid magnus, than it does to give in. The same for magnus, though he tries better to hide it.
Magnus is the more wary of the two tbh, once alec falls he falls. Once he takes that first step and kisses magnus, there is no turning back for alec and that’s pretty overwhelming for him. Also this is just the way alec is wired and how he loves. He’d rather make sacrifices and cut out other things than lose magnus and he often struggles with what he wants and what he feels he needs to do. Because alec is used to sacrificing what he wants and loves so a part of him probably always feels like he shouldn’t be allowed to keep magnus. Which is why its so important that he’s kept, because the choice is out of his hands and he no longer has to battle against himself and the brainwashing that was beat into him.
Letting magnus keep him is probably the most selfish thing Alec ever does and it’s also the best thing for himself.
In my fics where they’re already established relationship, i often skipped the parts where magnus has lowered his guard enough to let alec in and fully let himself love him. Like magnus is already gone before alec ever kisses him in canon but he’s in denial and trying to protect himself. They fall near the same time but they’re both in denial for different reasons.
In soulmate au’s and fics like Elysium’s Tears, there are often outside factors that let Alec slip past Magnus’ boundary guard. In the fics that there aren’t those factors, Magnus normally finds a way to bind alec to him and keep him. Because magnus is too protective of his own heart to let alec in when there is a risk he could leave.
And alec is, as I mentioned. Very happy to be kept.
In most of my fics, alec stays on as hoti and tbh, magnus adores his competent shadowhunter but he’d much rather someone else deal with the drudgery and alec just supervise them. Which is why magnus is very invested in mirai’s health in a lot of my fics.
I write competent shadowhunters and warlocks btw.
Who use common sense because they’re militaristic but they’re not soldiers. They’re hunters and they need to have instincts and be able to think for themselves when their leader is unavailable and they are tracking prey or being tracked.
And I write warlocks as if they, you know, actually live in a world that had a genocide happen 20 years ago. Wary, battle worn and with a lot of defensive magic and jewelry. Because that shit doesn’t fade, especially when you’re already long lived and weary.
I write malec as Dom/Magnus and Sub/Alec because that’s my headcanon and I don’t plan on changing that. That’s just how my thoughts of their dynamic works and even when it’s not explicit, it’s how I tend to write things. I don’t want to get into it because it often gets gross, but I’ll say I don’t think dom = top or sub = bottom. Its just sex and scenes and the enjoyment they derive from it and how I end up writing is often based on what kind of intimacy I’m trying to convey.
Excerpt from ‘an extension of you’s notes on ao3:
also i will not write my characters being transphobic (unless it's a rare occasion i want to write asshole about to get curb stomped and crushed and even then that’s rare because i normally don’t want to write about it). Alec has had a lot of conversations about genitalia and gender with magnus and it took a while but he figured it out because honestly, alec had never given it much thought before. if a guy had been giving birth, alec would have still been just as horrified by the vaginal fluid. the same way he was horrified to be propositioned by a woman, even if she had a cock. it just, his brain does not compute. cat is pleasantly surprised btw, because of how rampant all the prejudice-phobias are in shadowhunter culture.
alec is demi-sexual coded in a lot of my fics because i headcanon that and i am also repulsed by genital and birthing fluids.
alec: my boyfriend is my boyfriend regardless of whats in his pants. and if i end up not liking it we'll just do other things for as long as he wants, because it's his body and he gets what he desires in his pants.
magnus: i desire you in my pants
alec: magnus this is supposed to be serious
magnus: im always serious about wanting you
— end excerpt –
I headcanon that alec loves strawberries and raspberries and has terrible eating habits because of how he was raised and trained. And that magnus wants to pamper alec in every way he can with decadence. Alec likes the fruitier/tart drinks and avoids gin and vermouth and he loves champagne and once he gets used to the burn, whiskey. Beer is a hit or miss and he’s not fond of ipas.
Magnus doesn’t necessarily change alec’s style, but he does change his wardrobe. Switching it out for softer clothing and nicer textures, more protective features. Sometimes alec feels adventurous and he’s always allowed to browse magnus’ closet but magnus doesn’t push him unless they’re going out and alec’s exasperatedly fine with magnus coordinating their outfits. He’s hopelessly endeared by it actually.
Alec likes watching magnus enjoy himself and magnus enjoys alec watching him and they both are winning but they both think it’s for the wrong thing. Alec thinks magnus enjoys the shopping and magnus thinks alec likes watching him try on things. Which I mean is a perk, for alec, but not the draw.
There is just a lot of mutual adoration from the two tbh. Alec is touch starved and Magnus is hungry to touch and be touched and alec is shocked that he’s allowed to touch and delighted by it.
And appreciated. Alec isn’t used to being appreciated and magnus is very appreciative and in the same turn, magnus isn’t used to being worshiped and alec worships him
Magnus loves confident alec btw, he just also likes turning confident alec into a blushing mess because alec is: heart eyes motherfucker
I think the reason I sometimes say I write soft/dark and soft/horror is because there’s never really a universe where alec isn’t mesmerized by magnus and magnus isn’t entranced in return. So there’s always this element of longing/wonder between them, even in the darker of verses. It’s really hard to not have those parts when it’s just so intrinsic to them and it’s why even in something like kiss with a fist, I’ve been told the ending is very soft.
Also I have not read the books, but saeth has and so they tell me information from it when I need it and I do incorporate small details that they share.
and alec will always end up immortal in my verses even if it's not stated.
Putting this on here with a link since I don’t want to overload the page:
okay so yeah, i hope you like this insight?
<3 lumine
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Hi do you think cassie will ever remember she has a ongoing series called eldest curses? its been two years and i ( i assume i can say we too) have been deprived of canon malec content .. i miss them a lot ... though your stories help a lot .. i think your characterizations are soo beautiful and complicated and intense ... i know there was a discourse going on abt alec's toxicity in TLND ... and i cld see his toxicity from miles away ... and how mavid both are a bit intense which might result into unhealthy relationship choices ... but i love how not simple they are . even alec was a bit toxic in very early books ... early tmi i mean .. but he has grown to be much better ... i think the one diff i saw between tlnd alec and canon alec is that teh latter is much more clam and rational and peace loving in his approaches .. ( like dealing with exiled clave and zara in teh few snippets we have had) which i like teh transition that he has had in a more rational logical and calm person that he has become .. he doesnt have big explosions of emotions but he like take sit in process it and respondes accordingly .. very rarely does he lose control ( aka when his family is in danger like rafael the adoption story of his, or magnus in tlbow) sry this got a bit long but i just reread tlbotw and tlnd and i am feels rn
About TEC - if I remember correctly, the second TEC book is set between the first and second TWP book (or something like that). So, we won't get any content until TWP is out. CC kind of fucked up with the release dates, me thinks. She released TEC too early and now the wait for the final book is too far away sigh.
Thank you for your kind words about my writing. I like writing relationships that are complicated - and perhaps even a little fucked up. I've written fics where it's all butterflies and roses (like LMLT). But as a writer, it's so rewarding to explore different aspects of characters in different universities. I think TLND Alec was the most 'toxic' in my fics because of the universe and circumstances he was in. I can't compare Consul Alec to Governor Alec because we know TLND Alec's life was very different. Everything is shit in the mundane world. I feel despite the demons and the cohort and all else, canon alec has the luxury of being calm, whereas in the mundane world it's just more stress and pressure and chaos (i mean look at our own leaders...)
I personally always found LBAF Alec to be the calmest and most responsible one in my fics, because again, there is something about that universe that gives him more control, I think. But it's not the same for all the characters. For eg, Max to me, is most unhinged in LBAF universe.
But yeah, like i said, it's fun to play around with all of this :)
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butterforbrain · 1 year
It took months and two episodes of Interview with the vampire to understand the tragedy of what happened with book! Malec because of camille.
She was so cruel and manipulative, played on the young boy's insecurities. The way this makes more sense to me now is that she made alec (want) to take his immortality. She's a mf vampire, even sweet Simon got to learn fast how to encanto in the show.
she detangled his reality: he loves the man, he has insecurities, he's young. She put a mirage of a solution in front of him to. And he found himself revisiting that mirage over and over.
I do not remember what happened that well but it makes sense. If he didn't give her what she wanted, she'd still want to see something burn, enter magnus knowing about the meetings.
I am yet still amazed at how forgiving Magnus Bane is and thankful for this fact.
These books I swear.. you just can't read one series and leave the other, you'd miss soo much. Thank God I've read tales from the shadowhunters academy because the version of alec there is priceless 💖 all sassy, full of life, opinions, character, wit and compassion.
Still haven't read the red scroll yet, hopefully starting 2023 with it may bring me some much needed dopamine and serotonin lol
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soulless-baka · 1 year
hey there! list five things that make you happy, then put this is the askbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you! spread the happiness and positivity ☺️❤️
Hey 🥺 thank youuu!! 💕
Gonna share some constant, general things and I hope I don’t forget something because my mind is everywhere ajsjjs
💛) My friends — the pure happiness of seeing them again and getting to hug them and spending time with them! 🥺 or simply good company with going out to eat something and sharing stories 🥺 so all my online friends too — which I can only hug virtually — but going on discord every day and spending time chatting with them and spamming them with weird things and talking about fanfic scenarios or how our day was, is always going to make me happy and excited and I’m thankful for knowing them!! 🥺 wouldn’t know what I would do without them because they make my life bright!! 🥺💛
🏹🔮) Malec — Magnus and Alec will always hold a special place in my heart too!! Their happiness is kinda my happiness ajsjs I don’t care if that’s not healthy or something … but yeah seeing fanart or them, reading fanfic, any content of Malec is making me smile again 🥺 they’re my comfort!! 😭🥺💕 they make me wanna be a better person, keep me going, make me feel hope and yes, happy!! 🥺🥺
📚🖋️) Fanfiction and Books/Stories — It’s the best to project yourself into a fantasy world for a little while!! And Fanfiction is really important to me too! What would I do without Malec fics?!?! They make me soo happy!! The pure serotonin I get when I see another new fic or another chapter getting updated!! It’s the best and I wanna thank all authors for sharing their work with us and creating their own universes!! Honestly one of the best things in life 😭🥺💕
✨🪐) The Night Sky or well space in general — I can’t really explain it but driving home at night and seeing the moon above you and all the constellations and planets is so wholesome for me too… or simply being outside at night and looking at the sky!! There’s so much beauty there and it never fails to make me feel happy and content!! Learning new things about space is so exciting too!! Or seeing all those pretty photographs of planets or nebulas!! 🥰
🐲🧋) Ok I can’t really decide what my fifth point will be so have a little bit of ✨everything✨ 😂 (am I cheating?!) — Simple things like food - especially comfort food, or some berries .. bubble tea is high on that list too!! Like I already said with friends, I love to enjoy good food with the company of dear people 🥺 .. I also love everything with dinosaurs and dragons - sounds probably silly but seeing a dragon artwork or plushie etc makes me happy too!! 🥺💕 I also love cursed and cute things at the same time .. like cursed things make me often laugh :D or all rainbow things and gay things make me happy too 🥺💕 comfort characters,… to see pretty flowers or birds flying around 🥺 the sunset, waves, the sound of the ocean 🥺 a lot of animals like sharks, jellyfishes, octopuses, lizards, moths, … good music that gives me serotonin boosts, piano music,… the LOTR movies, … being successful or finishing some work 🥰 just simple life things that make you smile or feel content 🥺💕
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bimagnus · 5 years
Okay but what if Magnus and Alec don't marry in the season finale (like many of us suspect) but already in 3x19? The episode that is literally titled “Aku Cinta Kamu“ (“I love you“ in Indonesian)? What if Magnus is going to say these words with tears in his eyes to Alec in his wedding vows because obviously Indonesian is his mother tongue and it will always hold more meaning to him personally and be closer to his heart than English? What if that would make me cry my eyes out? In this essay I will-
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raziyekroos · 2 years
Okay my name is Mahta (مه تا) but my online persona name is Asterin (cause it sounds nice and pretty).
I did celebrate Norouz yesterday. In my time zone it was it the morning so we did a bunch of our عید دیدنی yesterday… it was so exhausting. How about you?
Oooo i love fic recssss. I read more fanfics than book-books…😅 especially cause i dont have school this week im gonna be reading all of those you recommended✨
Also yes. If i could marry one person and divorce would never be an option it would be Julian. No elaboration needed, he is amazing and hot and wonderful and deserved better and i love him so so so much. If for some god forbidden reason he didn’t exist than i would marry Jem. He’s so precious and sweet but i still like julian better :))
I love magnus so so much too but tbh i dont think anyone (perhaps other than alec) is good enough for him. We would be too chaotic together and i can’t imagine him with anyone but alec.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane is the only politician to ever exist that we can idolize. He is my favourite politician.
I dont think you can imagine how happy and excited i am to get to know you. I literally don’t know ANYONE in real life who is a tsc fan (let alone another iranian).
Oh speaking of iran (not really but still) i freaked out when i found out cassandra clare was born in TEHRAN😭😭 when i was reading TOG i CRIED cause Cordelia was the first ever persian representation ive seen in western books and because of that she’s just special to me🥹
Oh girllll your real name is sooo pretty too 😍😍 I love it!! I really love all names that have مه in them, like مهتاب,مهیاس, مهتا, مهسا,... Cause like... I really love moon 🌚🌝🌚🌝
But your online name is so cool too 🤭🤭❤️ Soo I call you Asterin! Hello Asterin 🤭 is that Persian btw? I don't think I've ever heard it, maybe it's گیلکی?!
Ohh great! Here it was at 7 pm but my uncles came to our home right away so we kinda did part of our عید دیدنی too 🌝🌝
But yes it is kinda exhausting assdghjjj
I actually won't be going to that much parties this year, because I have to take my konkour exam this year so I have to study 💀💀💀 but I'll still attend a few more
I'm happy to know you like fic recs 🤭🤭 then I'll make sure to tell you whenever I see a good one^^ please do the same I'll be more than happy 😁
YES?!?! I mean Julian is just husband material dude 😭😭❤️ his only flaw was that I didn't like how he treated Magnus in TDA but then again, he was kind of an asshole to anyone who wasn't Emma and his family so I don't take it personally 😂
And I LOVE JEM TOO!!! he's just precious 🥺 he would definitely be my second choice too! Alongside James Herondale 👀👀 they're my unproblematic bebes
And I get what you say, the world does not deserve Magnus Bane :') and I don't think anyone deserve malec except themselves yes 🥺😭❤️
Oh I think I can imagine 🤭🤭🙈 I know other Iranian people who like Shadowhunters, but that's it. They haven't read the books 😭😭 they like SHTV and have no idea who Jem, Julian, Will, Emma, ... is 😭😭😭 and whenever I wanna tell them about sth I'm excited about they're like DON'T SPOIL IT like dude, you've been saying that for the last two years if you wanted to EVER read the books you've had by now 😭😭😭😭 and like, the only thing they do in the Iranian Shadowhunters Channel is updating about the lives of Shadowhunters actors 💀💀💀💀💀 they don't even know about Alastair and Cordelia like WHAT KIND OF PERSIAN ARE YOU 😭😭😭😭
soooo yeah I'm so excited to see you too 🙈🙈❤️ it's really nice to have another Persian babe here 🤭🙈❤️
And YESSS when I read that I was like wtfffff?!?! OUR Tehran?! How? When? Whereeeeee?!
And I know exactly what you mean, I'd never seen Persian representing in any books before :') except maybe A Man Called Ove, because it had a main character named پروانه too 🤭❤️
But Cordelia is just different to me, I always call her Leila cause it's more familiar for me 😅 and also ALASTAIR CARSTAIRS is also a precious babe and I love him 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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Helloooo baby 🤭🌹how are you doing ^^
I was watching WandaVison today and I loveddddd it!
Also I just remembered you had a malec fic in this au?!?! Soooo plss can I know about your hc for it? Who is Wanda? Is it gonna have a happy ending? I AM EXCITED ADFFGKJKJKJKJ
I had a anatomy test today. I'm pretty sure I flunked it 😔✌ but now I'm on the way home in the metro and listening to ts and it's just started to rain sooo yeah shits nice 🥰
Eeee nice!! 😁 Wandavision was so damn good
I did!! I do!! but it's on pause rn buut you can see the snippets I posted on my wandavision au tag here. Ignore the chapter 3 snippets cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna rewrite them oof.
(Tagging @khaleesiofalicante cause I got her invested in this au lol)
Okay soo *rubs hands* some details -
Wanda is, obviously, Magnus. Alec’s gonna be vis and max and rafe are gonna come in later too. But I'm taking my inspiration mainly from the plot and not Wanda and Vision's characters, so yeah.
Alec dies in Edom, and later, Magnus kinda accidentally creates this world where Alec is alive and they're thriving. I can't go into much details about Alec’s death and the world, cause spoilers :)
HMMM it's gonna be a hopeful ending. For both Magnus and malec. 😇
Like I said earlier, I put it on hold for now (meaning I haven't written shit for like the past few months) buuut I've been thinking about it lately (meaning ive been daydreaming about the angstier scenes) AND ive finally figured out the proper plot of the third chapter cause it needed to be different from the show cause idc how cracky the third episode was I can't write mpreg to save my life 😭
Sooo for now I'll have to revise what ive written of the third chapter so far, finish the first chapter (It's technically finished, but there's a scene I want to add in there) aaaand rewrite the outline I made cause goddamm this au's changed so much since I first conceived it lol
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ayearofmalec · 1 year
I have loved reading every single one of these fics the past month. So, thank you so much for having started this it was much needed to get through some shorty things in RL. You two are wonderful for doing this and I can’t wait to see what you have prepared for us for the Malec as Soulmates month.💜
Thank you so much for your kind words!
We're so glad that you enjoyed our recommendations so far! It is completely unbelievable to us that our little project means something to you!
For the Malec as Soulmate month we actually got too many fics. There are just soo many amazing fics for this theme! That makes it quite hard to pick the ones we're going to recommend! (as soon as we got polls, we might just ask you guys to help us choose, in some form or another xD).
We hope you'll like them!
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ladyhindsight · 2 years
First of all, I'm soo glad I found your account 💖 I love reading your opinions and reviews💖
Second,I'm not a native English speaker so I'm sure you may find many gramatical mistakes, I did my best to avoid them.
Third, It's completely fine to correct me if I got anything wrong or disagree with my opinions.
If you haven't read Bane Chronicles then don't continue reading
I just finished 'The Bane Chronicles' and had a lot of thoughts about it.
I think Magnus as a character has so much potential: his mother committed suicide when she figured out he was warlock, he burnt his step father and probably killed a lot of others (accidentally or willingly),he had to learn how to survive and he worked his way up to the social position he's in rn.
So when I heard about 'The Bane Chronicles' I was excited. I thought it's going to have stories about how Magnus started lying about his age to get more clients, or how on earth did Magnus ended up in the Silent brother sanctuary, or about his first love, or at least know what sort of feud does he have with Selie Queen (mentioned in City of Fallen Angels).
I thought we would see younger version of Magnus (maybe when he's like below 100 or something).
I was disappointed. Aside from a few chapters, the rest of them are about other characters.
What Really Happened in Peru - is a waste of time. Horrible way to start a book if you ask me.
The Runaway Queen - a fun little adventure but wasn't that interesting? The only thing I learned from this : Magnus had a thing for blue eyes long before he met Alec. Oh wait. We already knew that! Also, I love the monkey!
The Midnight Heir - okay- sort -of - chapter but it's not about Magnus. CC simply wrote that for nostalgia (herongraystairs) and to introduce a few TLH characters.
The Rise of the Hotel Dumort - okay, I will admit I didn't concentrate on this chapter.......while reading all I thought was "how/when did Magnus figure out that Asmodeus is his father?" (That question was never answered).
Saving Raphael Santiago - ngl it's enjoyable. I like Raphael's character and all but, the whole scene when Ragnor walks in and tells Magnus that they agreed not to date anyone below 18 was weird? How did Ragnor just took one look at Raphael in Magnus's appartment and assumed they are dating?
The Fall of the Hotel Dumort - Did Magnus really love Camille soo much that even years after their breakup he couldn't come in terms with it? And he had to get rid of the memories he shared with her? Ykw....that kinda sound interesting but, of course we wouldn't get to see the entire backstory where Magnus and Camille were genuinely in love or shared nice moments (I mean Magnus really loved her soo much, there must be some reason why he believed Camille loved him back).
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund - finally we could see how Magnus and rest of the downworlders agreed to sign the Accords. Right? No. We get to see beginning of another Herondale's love story. A Herondale who was far less important than Stephen Herondale. Tell me again how knowing about Edmund Herondale's love story is more important than knowing why exactly downworlders and shadowhunters decided to sign Accords? What happened between shadowhunters and downworlders that (clearly) forced Shadowhunters/clave to arrange a formal meeting with downworlders?
The Last Stand of the New York - 😒 Circle. Well....we get to see Luke, Stephen, Valentine and his atrocities.
What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
The Course of True Love (and First Dates)
It's good to know about Malec's first date and early days of their relationship. But I feel like CC should have put more effort and actually show us the growth in their relationship. Maybe include more scenes where Alec talks about his family or clave or weapons and in turn Magnus talk about downworlders, magic Or both talk about their daily routines, their interests etc etc...like how people would talk in any healthy relationship.
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane - it's funny at some parts...that's all I can say about it.
Overall......Bane Chronicles is underwhelming. It's BANE CHRONICLES don't you think it should be more ABOUT Magnus Bane not some random chapters from Magnus's Perspective.
Personally, I think CC only wrote it because of the popularity the character is getting (especially with a lot of people liking show!Magnus too at that time)
Thank youu, you’re amazing. 💖😊
Firstly, no need to ever apologize for that. Speaking more than one language is already awesome, and I don’t pay attention to any mistakes or errors in messages that I receive. Those don’t honestly matter at all. And secondly, I sometimes write in such a hurry because I can’t keep my thoughts together that I spell words wrong or miss them altogether because I have a bad habit of never proof reading properly anything until way later, so I get the feeling.
I’ve read The Bane Chronicles some years ago, and I agree. Magnus as a character had way more potential than whatever that book consisted of. It was a light read but mostly because it felt like a skin-deep look at Magnus and some events in his life. The stories feel more or less half-assed also.
What Really Happened in Peru. The whole story basically piggybacks on what Magnus said to Alec in CoLS:
“Or we could go somewhere else,” said Magnus. “Anywhere you want. Thailand, South Carolina, Brazil, Peru —Oh, wait, no, I’m banned from Peru. I’d forgotten about that. It’s a long story, but amusing if you want to hear it.”
And I remember it being not amusing at all. One quip did not warrant such a long story. There were some parts that I enjoyed and found humorous, but mostly it was just dozens of pages of meaningless drivel that wasn’t anywhere near gripping, although I was interested in reading about Magnus. So yeah, it was a weak start. And the end of this story was a total copout and made it completely pointless.
Runaway Queen. This was just plain boring. I don’t get why it needs to be said so many occasions how Magnus really likes dark hair and blue eyes. It’s really strange to be that fixated on something like that, but then again, any eyes but dark ones are Clare’s point of fixation. There’s no point for this story to exist on the first place. Nothing would be amiss if this were to be forgotten.
The Midnight Heir. Whenever there is a Herondale in sight—Tessa included—it’s always about them and any character in their presence is just narrating them for the readers. When Herondale gives their heart so someone, it’s a big deal. Herondale loving you is a great gift, yadda yadda. It would actually be interesting to properly read this again and see how it fits to TLH.
The Rise of Hotel Dumort. Like Runaway Queen, this was more like Magnus doing stuff not about Magnus per se. I did enjoy Aldous Nix as a character. I wonder if The Black Volume of the Dead will answer to more questions about Magnus and Asmodeus.
Saving Raphael Santiago. I liked reading about Raphael too, but that Ragnor thing was just bizarre or rather, to quote Raphael, revolting. It went on for a whole page too. To me it felt more like it was forced in there to address how they do not date anyone under 18.
Then again, this is pretty classic Clare. Clary wonders if Isabella and Jace are dating despite having just met them not knowing them at all, going as far as to speculate their relationship with Simon. Maia makes inappropriate comments about Clary and Jace to Clary. Clary constantly assumes things about Simon and Isabella. Alec assumes everything about Magnus. There is so much speculation on people’s relationships in the series and it always centers on assumption of them being romantic ones.
The Fall of the Hotel Dumort. I never liked Camille’s character, and I could never see why Magnus loved her when she clearly was a manipulative and a nasty person. And yep, it’s difficult to find it plausible that Magnus believed their love was mutual when there are no scenes of them having any kind of genuine romantic relationship. Camille’s character always appeared devious, so I can’t imagine why Magnus would fall for someone like that. I guess in this book she shows more human emotion than anywhere in TMI.
Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale. Why does anyone even care about Edmund Herondale? Stripping Edmund off his Marks was interesting, but this was once again more about Herondales and the Nephilim cruelty against one another that Magnus just happened to be around for.
The Last Stand of the New York Institute. This is just a big no thank you as to continuity and sense and my nerves. I don’t see much worth in this and why this story even exists. There’s bad foreshadowing about Maryse’s brat that is Alec and Luke and werewolves.
What To Buy The Shadowhunter Who Has Everything/The Course of True Love (and First Dates). These were definitely the most enjoyable reads because it centered on characters that were familiar and aspects of a relationship we never get to see as such in the main series. But you’re right, Magnus and Alec don’t really connect or talk about things. There’s always a scene or a thing that need taking care of that takes over the story. Magnus even regrets going out with Alec more than once.
The Voicemail of Magnus Bane. It was a bit pathetic but a bit funny at the same time. That’s about it.
The Bane Chronicles could’ve gone way deeper into Magnus’ character and explore more intricate events in his life instead of these superficial takes on his life and, mostly, other characters. The first story of The Bane Chronicles collection was released in 2013 and the TV show began in 2016, so it was earlier than the show, but Magnus definitely was one of the most popular characters at the time (and probably still is).
This book was just a lot of misses for me. Most of the stories weren’t entertaining or enjoyable, and I don’t think the stories necessarily portrayed Magnus favorably—which could actually be said about many of Clare’s characters.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Fuck, I live the new chapter soo much! Malec loving each other with this much passion and care just makes me melt! And Alec's thoughts at the end of being Gods favorite are everything!
Thank you so so so much for writing this story! I love the tlnd world so much, so I am incredibly happy and honored every time we get a further glimpse into their lives :)
I’m really glad you enjoyed it
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igonecrazy · 2 years
Heyyyy 🙈❤️ can I have sth for TFoL pls 🥺
Yesssss yes yes you can <3 <3 <3
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soooooooo....the last I left them was at Magnus and Jace recovering from their respective injuries at Magnus's place..under the stern care of one Alec Lightwood.. :P
I have so maaannnyy ideas for this which all currently live rent free in my brain coz i dont know how to charge them..:P
soo...because they cant go anywhere..they're having a movie night at Magnus's..Simon shows up early so he is hanging out with them and they are both sizing him up (their relationship is going to be like Simon is the braincell in this trio :P) aaannd.. Magnus is sitting between Alec and Jace on the couch and Magnus and Jace keep on talking in whispers between the movie and they are talking about how Jace should ask Clary out and Jace is like how can I? i dont think she even likes me and Magnus is like she definitely likes you and they continue this for a while unaware that they are very much audible to everyone in the room and Izzy and Alec are smirking at each other they just love Jace embarrassing himself in front of Clary who is red as tomato and Simon is the one who is finally like would you two stop! we can all hear you! :P
These are a few ideas I had saved in a separate files..these were all supposed to be chapters :) in no particular order..
Jace has nightmare, gets into Malec’s bed cuddling Magnus Alec be like huh??
Izzy arrives in the morning and sees them all walk out of Magnus’ bedroom and is like do you boys have some weird arrangement going on that I don’t know about?
Magnus’ fashion show, Jace arrives early, they stare at a model named Matt thinking…..doesnt he remind you of someone? They give Matt an eerie wave in the mirror, Raphael is like stop leering at the guy! He looks like Alec, you dumbasses! They go ooooooohh!!
Magnus’ show stopper model Dom hurt, and then Magnus goes wait a min you look like him!!! Jace takes spot as show stopper.
Alec arrives a little late, he is worried about Jace not being there, the show is set to start in 30 minutes, he knows Magnus would be upset a lil if Jace doesn’t show up.
Clary Simon and Izzy arrive, they all get concerned too about Jace, Izzy is like He wont miss this, im more worried about why he isn’t here.
Alec asks Clary if she has seen him, she’s like he texted me an hour and half ago that he was leaving.
Raphael comes over to greet them hears their conversation and goes, “Now I’m more worried that Papa isn’t here either,” he looks at Clary and goes, “are we sure Blondie isn’t cheating on you?”
Clary Raphael!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alec, offended and amused.
Si throws a knowing smirk at Raph, who winks, and Izzy looks at him questioningly.
Then Jace walks out at the end of the show and Alec is relived but also wants to murder him.
Jace and Magnus walk the ramp, Alec is like thank fuck he is my boyfriend or I’d have moved to England.
Magnus pulls Alec up, and they kiss as paps take pictures.
Family dinner.
Magnus standing grumpily next to Asmo,
Alec and Izzy are standing on either sides of Maryse, both grumpy.
Maryse and Asmo are annoyed too.
Si, Clary and Jace arrive.
Jace goes and hugs Maryse, gets glared at by Izzy and Alec.
Jace then pulls away from her and grins at Asmodeus, “Papa!” before hugging him too, much to Magnus’ irritation.
Si, chuckles, and Clary who can sense the sour mood on everyone’s face whispers, “What?”
“Raphael said Magnus and Asmodeus had a fight, and Izzy texted me she and Alec had a fight with Maryse, since Jace doesn’t work with either of them and hasn’t fought with them, the kids are a little jealous of the golden boy.”
Clary smiles.
Alec cuddles into the warm body as sleep slips away from him. He buries his head in Magnus’ neck and takes a deep inhale as he stretches out his body. Weird! This isn’t what Magnus smells like?
He nuzzles Magnus’ neck and presses a light kiss.
“Mmmm, not Magnus!”
Alec’s eyes snap open and at the sight of blond hair he jumps out of the bed.
“Oh! Fucking hell! Fuck off! You fucking-“
“Stop shouting!” Jace says as he rolls over pulling the covers over his head.
Alec snatches the covers away from him and throws them to the recliner, and proceeds to literally kick his brother off the bed.
“What the hell, Alec!”
“You’re asking me? Me?”
“Do you see anyone else here?”
“You’re not allowed in our bed from now on! I will kick you out if I see you in this fucking bed again!”
“Oh yeah! I didn’t want to wake up to be molested by my brother either! But here we are!”
Alec picks up something off the nightstand, which he would later realize to be his own cell, and threw it at his brother, who ducked just in time.
Magnus entered the room with Chairman in hands just as whatever he had thrown crashed into the wall.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, confused, “what’s going on here?”
“He isn’t allowed in our bed anymore, Magnus, that’s final,” he said in lieu of explanation.
Magnus seemed to ponder for a bit before he shrugged, “I can’t say I’m opposed to that, but why the sudden assertiveness?”
“He molested me, that’s why,” Jace said, and this time alec threw a pillow at him.
“What?” Magnus said frowning.
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kithairondial · 3 years
*Sees you reblogging a lot of Malec posts*
Hello. I love Malec. Thank you for bringing that to my dash. I cannot thank you enough.
Aww thank you soo much for this💖💖💖. It's literally 3 am rn and I am reblogging Malec bcuz I love Malec and bcuz why not.
This made me soooo happy, have a great day♡♡♡
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maluke anon here!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOUR POSTS ARE GOD TIER AHHHHHHHHH anyway I’m feeling like shit so just wanted to give you this idea: I’m thinking several years after defeating valentine and lilith and that creep jonathan (and this is an au where maia is alaric and luke’s adoptive daughter and the polycule are thriving and happy and malec are the soulmate power couple we know and love) and anyway it’s a few years after all that and between dismantling the clave and changing the world, magnus alec luke and alaric have become close and hang out together on double dates and hook up on the regular, no big deal, except that thanks to magnus and alec still being very active in their leadership roles while luke and alaric are stepped back into more mentoring positions they often don’t have much time as they would like to have. so because alec is irritated that he barely got to have a honeymoon before being swept up in work and kept away from spending time with the love of his life, and magnus is close to burning out with how much he’s working to make sure everyone else is taken care of, so they resign from their posts and are like “we have done a lot for the shadow world so we are now taking an extended vacation and if you need us don’t contact us unless it’s the apocalypse and maybe only if it’s a major apocalypse k thx bye” and just do whatever they want (they have eternity after all) and ANYWAYS GETTING BACK ON TRACK they are having a double date/casual make out session in the loft with alaric and luke, exchanging kisses between good wine and good food when magnus is like “hey maybe we should go on vacation together all four of us” and that’s how the four of them decide to spend a month or two on a private island magnus owns (a small Indonesian island???), just relaxing on the beach, taking trips to the mainland to explore and have great food, and of course, copious amounts of sex in their lovely beachside house.
Maybe magnus and alec go out for a stroll along the beach at sunset (because alec will take every opportunity to be romantic af and woo the pants off of magnus) and they get back and you KNOW magnus is horny af bc romance kink and they get back to find luke splayed out on the couch, getting his ass worshipped by alaric and they’re like “holy fuck this is so hot alexander” “oh my god magnus i wanna eat him out so bad” and alaric is like “why don’t you join in? show luke what he deserves” so they do and it’s great because hello luke’s ass was designed by the gods. And yeah it’s just chill and casual and they established that as long as the doors are open, they’re down to fuck, (barring anyone safewording of course) and they don’t always have foursomes; sometimes alec and magnus need that intense, romantic, life-affirming sex so they close their bedroom door and no hard feelings (but they definitely get teased when magnus comes down for breakfast in nothing but a too-short silk robe and so many hickies; alec sporting marks along his runes especially his neck, and scratches from magnus’ nails along his shoulders biceps and back) and sometimes alaric and luke want some time alone to just be with each other and they do and it’s no big deal and yeah just warmth and comfort and sex and love and friendship and ahhhhhhhhhhh
*sobbing* you are my favorite person on earth
this ask is so wonderful and ugh YES you are so right about the retirement thing. I don't know if they would Retire Officially because i think magnus in particular would go crazy, like, he needs to be working, and alec too to a lesser extent, but they do need breaks and because they are important and irreplaceable they can be like "we are retiring" and then come back and everyone will just be like "oh thank god you're here again"
also, i wheezed at "and maybe only a major apocalypse k bye" cuz like yeah they have too many apocalypses this only slightly narrows it down
and this is an au where maia is alaric and luke’s adoptive daughter and the polycule are thriving and happy and malec are the soulmate power couple we know and love
ah so like the canon ending? gotcha
in all seriousness tho maluke friendship is seriously where shit's at. luke and magnus have soo much in common and i feel like they could be such great friends for each other, and they are all just... fun. and like the only adults in this mess daoijdsaoj and they deserved to have more time together, be it working together and being like "Thank God, Someone Mature Who Isn't My Partner For Once" or just chillaxing and drinking margaritas and possibly gossiping because i feel like they might not be huge gossips individually (well except maybe magnus) but they absolutely ARE when together. luke flops into the couch and magnus is like "so, how's russell doing" and luke is like "oh my god you will not beLiEVE"
(also ye regular child gossipping like luke and alaric gushing over maia and magnus gushing over raphael and talking about the polycule in general and how proud they are of them all, maia's work as an alpha and rapha's as clan leader and all that stuff you know? they are so proud of them and it's so sweet)
and yeah absolutely like they get along well because they are all great with boundaries and confident enough to understand that you don't need to Always Be Together to have a good relationship (romantic or not; it's fine that aluke and malec want private time and it's also fine if magnus and luke are doing their own thing and alec and alaric are doing other thing, or even that they are all separately doing their own thing) so everyone has their own space whenever they want, all they gotta do is say the word or even just go to some secluded space and have their good time. so their vacations always go splendidly because their respect for each other is all over the place
and i did noT EXPECT THE ROMANtiC StrOLL to EnD LiKE THaT, but you are so valid and correct. they get back and it's like "oops alaric is eating luke out. can we join?" "oh sure i was just telling him how great it would be if all got to fuck his beautiful ass again" "nice"
but also on the romance kink note, like... they totally have some sort of romantic double date in a nice restaurant or something just the four of them but they all Know that magnus is gonna be horny af from alec in a suit being all suave and flirty and taking him to dance and shit, so they're all kinda on edge cuz they know that as soon as they get back everyone will absolutely ruin magnus 👌
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it’s been like forever since i’ve been to india and now all my cousins have children. yikes, i might have to invest in that rope hairband thing lol or maybe those child harnesses.
ahh you’re so right! like there’s so many family secrets that i didn’t know of until my grandma spilled the tea lmao.
ooh I’ve heard of aru shah, it was like published by rick riordan! I haven’t read it, but it seems super cool. the artwork for the books is so pretty though 🥺
i don’t think I’ve read the actual text but I’ve heard the stories growing up. i really want to read it on my own so i can get my own perspective on things.
i can’t believe you’re telugu and haven’t heard of dhee!! it’s a dance show and it’s been like running for 13 years?? i used to love it as kid, but the jokes are repetitive and kind of homophobic so yeah...
but dancee sounds cool and kind of similar to dhee lol
same!! i remember as a kid I always wanted a pen pal. handwritten letters make me soft cause like you took time of your day :)to write :) to me:))
also i can’t believe you like shadowhunters too. like stop, you’re stealing my identity. i do respectfully disagree malec in the books is so much better (even though i didn’t rlly watch the show, i just have a lot of opinions lmao)
completely unrelated, i am fully surprised that you’re 5’2 you give off tall person energy and i can say that cause i’m 5’8
mwah mwah (sorry this is so long and ily for putting up with my shit)
indi <3
actually. the summer we were planning to go was when the pandemic hit, and we cant go this summer either, so its been over three years (which i know isnt a lot compared to others, but due to covid and other things, there've been a lot of deaths in the family and i wont be able to go to their funerals and i need to stop talking about this or itll make me sad) and a lot of my friends got married 😔 some of them im okay with, but i have a few friends who are young and their husbands are iffy, and one friend im terrified for bc she just graduated seventh class and her dad married her off to a 40 year old and he does not seem like a good person, but i wasnt there to help and phone calls can only do so much. okay this is way too dark way too fast
lmao forget the grandmas, weddings are when the uncles open their mouths and spill every little secret their wives told them, i could make ten tv shows after spending half an hour with one uncle 😭
mhm, its by Roshani Chokshi but it was written under Rick Riordan Presents instead of her usual label, and you are soo right!! the covers are stunning, especially the one for the fourth book? could cry from the beauty (but maybe its bc John Rocco's interpretations of Rick's characters were ugly as fuck) (sorry John, your art style is cool but literally everyone hates how you drew nico)
no exactly, i do remember reading it but not any part of the stories that i havent heard from other people, so i want to read it on my own someday
i think i have vague memories of dhee, but i only recently started watching telugu shows lol. i watched this one called Nagini for a little while and that was cool but i lost interest when i came back to the us bc it was just too hard to find it. dancee+ is a bit homophobic, but there was one group who did vacking and one of the judges went on to explain the lgbtq+ origin of it and another judge joined in and no one was outright hostile about it, bare minimum i know, but it made me very happy
i knowww, i used to write letters to the universe when i was younger, mostly like "did you think i wouldnt notice. i just learned that word and now its everywhere. shut the fuck up universe." and did that up until seventh grade actually. you know, that was kind of cathartic, maybe i should start doing that again. listen here you little shit-
we literally... are the same person. i am having... a crisis
and idk i kind of swing back and forth between which one is better, but i usually say the show version is better bc alec never had that whole thing of trying to take away magnus' immortality after finding out how many people he'd been with like sir 😭✋🏽 he literally has been around since "the Dead Sea was a little pool of water feeling a bit poorly" (love that line). but also in the books theres a lot more development bc of that, plus we get to see their kids (max 🥺 and rafael that little bastard 🥺 aw remember when max said bapak for the first time 😭) and their wedding (idk if their wedding was in the show) so again, its back and forth. i havent actually seen the show either, so im probably not a valid person to have an opinion on this.
tall person energy just reminds me of finn and that whole "i know you" fiasco 😭 idk if you were there for that, i'll look back and see if i can link them in the next letter/ask/whatever this is *resists making a "what are we" joke*
you're 5'8??? *resists "hows the weather up there" joke* im trying my best to grow but im stuck i dont think ill be getting much taller than this 😔 im too old
mwah mwah mwah (three kisses bc i love talking to you and its not putting up with your shit, its a fun conversation and i wouldnt dream of doing anything else right now)
i love you indi <3
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marziblogsworld · 4 years
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This is how my delivery guy wants me to start my mornings
@cassandraclare i just love u soo much for giving me books about malec ❤️
I will post my reviews on this but in a different way and a different style soo stay tuned.
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