#sorry the caption's dumb i couldn't think of anything better
starr-finn · 1 year
do you think you could write Chains with a silly s/o?? like they just joke around with each other a lot and he often sticks up for her. thank you!
Hiii! sorry this took a bit, had to figure out how I was gonna do this one, I'm not the best at writing chains tbh, anyways hope you enjoy it. I wrote these as headcanons because I happen to be better at those. hope that's ok, I also kinda forgot about the sticking up for her part
Author's note: here we go, I've only ever written some small chains headcanons before so a whole story worth is new, but let's do this
Chains mostly finds it funny how much you joke around during and off heists
he loves you and your silly jokes
He can listen to your jokes for hours, but he also knows when its time to work
when it is said time, He'll lightly redirect you to the task at hand
"hey sweetie, I understand you really like telling jokes, but it's work time right now"
afterwards He'll 100% listen to all your jokes though, He'll groan but chuckle at the bad ones and the really good ones get actual laughs out of him
He also really likes your silly stories, no matter how much you tell them to him
Bro couldn't tell you to shut up even if he tried
He'll tell you some of his own jokes too, all of which are either bad, kinda dark, or way to funny
He likes hearing you laugh, its so cute to him
I swear if you start giggling at something dumb, he falls even more head over heels for you
like, there was one time you had been scrolling through something on your phone and suddenly you just start giggling like a madman
it was a picture of a platypus that was kinda deep fried looking with a really bad misspelling of platypus as the caption
He watched you giggle at this the whole time just smiling, and he didn't even get the joke
He'll try and understand your random memes sometimes, but he really can't get it
but they do make his day, any bad heist, any injury, any loss of money, or over all any bad day?
just send him a cute meme or a really stupid silly one and he's smiling like a dork
he loves you far to much to do anything about your silliness
Hey! sorry these are short! if you want a full fic of this send in a request but i hope you like these
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Part 1 of 2
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
Awww I love doing smol readers and where Peter's actually the one that has it together lol sooo thanx for this
The TikTok is that new body positivity trend with that Megan Thee Stallion song. Couldn't link it because tumblr acts weird about links but part 2 will have a video for Peter. Also reader will be 18 (senior in high school) cuz some people think minors shouldn't participate in the trend lol
A/N: Either a motivation fairy hit me in the middle of the night or I'm really just that bored to the point where I had no choice but to get my motivation to write back. Either way I'm happy lol. Enjoy! Thanks to @yumings and @kelieah for helping me feel confident in this lol
Will definitely be a two parter🙂
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Body oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy-
You'd finally finished editing the video.
It was a simple, short collage of all of your favorite selfies and pictures that showed off your body well. There was a new trend going around on TikTok and when you saw it you just had to jump at it headfirst.
People would take their favorite pictures of themselves, ones that showed off their bodies just the way they liked, and they'd put it to the sound of Megan Thee Stallion's song "Body".
You looked through your entire phone gallery to find pictures that you were confident enough to post, some you'd forgotten you even took in the first place.
When you were done, you threw in the simple caption that everyone was using.
Heard we're using this sound to show off. My turn then😜
Yeahhhhhh, the caption sounded much more confident than you actually felt.
You actually thought about deleting it from the minute you posted it. Insecure wasn't even the word for it. And even with your followers there to hype you up, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. So, albeit hesitantly, you went to your friends for support.
The first person you showed was Michelle.
"You killed that," she said in math class as she passed you the phone underneath the table so that the professor wouldn't see.
"Thanks," you said. "I was honestly kinda nervous about it." You noticed her incredulous look and explained yourself, toying with the loose strings on your jacket. "Like seriously, I don't wanna fish for compliments, it's just that there are so many better ones out there."
Michelle gave a lopsided grin. "That's just you being insecure, you dork," she retorted. "You look hot." She gave an uninterested glare at the teacher when they told her to be quiet. Then she turned towards you with a smile. "You shown Peter yet? I bet he'd agree."
You shifted in your seat nervously and MJ immediately caught on. "What, you don't wanna show him?" She gave you a look when you took a while to answer. "Dude he's literally your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he'll like it."
"MJ, we haven't even-" you looked around secretively. "-we haven't even taken our shirts off in front of each other yet. There's literally a pic of me in my sports bra and I.." You shrugged, a little embarrassed by the conversation topic. "I-i just don't know how he'd react."
You and Peter were a fairly new couple and were taking it slow. You'd only ever kissed, cuddled, and held hands so far. Plus, you were a major causal clothes wearer. Sweatshirts and jeans, those were your specialty. The two of you were in no rush and you were both fine with that, but you had no idea how he would react to seeing pictures of you like that.
And, though it wasn't the most feminist approach, you kinda wanted to impress him. Was that so bad?
MJ, forever the voice of patronizing reason, rolled her eyes at you. "So, let me get this straight. You're not fine with your boyfriend seeing sexy pictures of you, but you're okay with literal strangers seeing you instead?"
"Look, I know it's-"
"No, no I totally get it," she said with a sympathetic smirk, before laughing. "I just wanted to show you how dumb it sounded though."
The bell rang, signaling the end of class.
"Look," she said, standing up and getting her things. "You have nothing to be worried about. Peter practically worships the ground you walk on. He'll love it."
When you showed Ned, he genuinely didn't give a shit.
"Oh my God, there's a new Megan Thee Stallion album?!"
"Uh, yeah."
"I have to listen to it right now!"
"Yeah okay, but do you like the-"
He was already plugging in his headphones before you even finished your sentence.
You showed Harry next. If anyone was gonna rate you unabashedly, it'd definitely be him.
He was the only friend you had in your lunch period, so you met up with him every day. Towards the end of lunch that day, you'll pulled out your phone and asked if he wanted to see the video. He enthusiastically agreed.
He watched the short video with an amused expression, bopping his head to the music all the while.
When it ended, he handed you your phone back and gave you a high-five. "Damn girl!," he praised. "Just throwing it out there, if Peter fails you, I'm hella available."
"Heh, thanks." You smiled as you felt your entire face heat up. "Ya think he'll like it?"
"What, you haven't shown him yet?" You shook her head, giving a nervous smile. "Oh-" he nodded confidently. "-he'll love it. Trust me."
"Are you sure?," you asked.
"Yeah," he responded with a shrug. "Why are you so worried?"
"Because he's not-..he doesn't really seem-" You couldn't find the right words for it. "I dunno, I just really want him to like it!"
Harry scoffed. "Look. Let me tell you a little secret about Peter Parker," he snickered. "Or practically all guys for that matter."
"Okay?," you said, curious as to where this was going.
He smirked. "You remember when he introduced himself to you at my party last summer?"
You nodded.
"Well, hon..." Harry lowered his head to where he was whispering in your ear. "Your personality wasn't what he was noticing from across the room.. catch my drift?" He chuckled when he saw you blushing as you caught where his eyes had wandered. "Just sayin'."
Seeing your incredulous expression, Harry continued. "Peter likes to act like he's not checking you out every second of the day, but I promise you he is. That little "I'm so respectful and bashful" crap he has going is complete B.S."
You smirked and rolled your eyes as he pulled away from your ear and kept walking. "You're an ass."
Harry shrugged. "True, but I'm a realistic ass." The alarm on his phone sounded which marked his time to start heading to his next class. Standing up, he smiled down at you. "Seriously, if I could take back all the time spent listening to Pete go on about how good you look in your jeans, I'd be one well rested guy."
You rolled your eyes, but it betrayed the small smile growing. After all, he wouldn't be Harry if he wasn't a flirtatious dweeb. "Bye Harry."
"Show him the video, [Y/N]. He'll love it. You know I'm right."
And then there was one...
Later in the day, you were talking with MJ after school, waiting because Peter always insisted on driving you home because chivalry was not going to die as long as he was alive to keep it going.
When he finally showed up, the first thing he did was take you by the hand and give you a quick peck on the forehead.
"How are you guys doing?," he asked as your little trio started to walk.
"We're good," you chirped, ever so conscious of the phone in your pocket that you were suddenly very hesitant to pull out.
MJ noticed and nudged you. "You got anything you wanna show anybody, [Y/N]?," she asked with a smirk, causing Peter to look at you curiously.
You stayed quiet, but MJ still wasn't putting up with it. "I think you may have a video that you made..."
You remained silent and Peter looked at you, a lot more confused now. MJ frowned. "Um... cough.. cough."
Peter laughed and stopped walking. "Okay, what am I missing?" He looked to you and when he didn't see your expression falter, he looked to MJ. "What's going on?"
Michelle shrugged. "[Y/N] wants to show you a dumb TikTok she made but she's scared about how you'll react."
"Michelle!," you scolded.
She shrugged again. "What? You weren't going to say anything anytime soon."
"A TikTok?," Peter questioned. "Cool, which one did you do this time?"
You could feel your face heat up for the hundredth time that day. "It's a...um.." You stared down at the ground. Jesus, this was hard. "..It's a body positivity trend."
His eyebrows went up at that. "Oh, well um.. is it cool if I see it?," he asked.
You blushed. "Sure." You pulled out your phone and opened the app. When you got to the video you quickly shoved it into his face before you had a chance to second-guess yourself.
Both you and Michelle watched Peter's face as he watched the video.
His cheeks immediately turned red but his expression was unreadable. He had to have watched it over 5 times before MJ pulled the phone out of his hand. "Helloooo, earth to Peter Parker?"
She snapped into his face several times and he started to blink wildly, apparently being pulled out of a trance. "I...um- heh.."
You gave a small, nervous smile. "..did you like it?," you asked, growing confused as stared at you, his expression still the same. "Um, Peter?"
Suddenly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle. "Sorry... just..." He laughed again and scratched his head, unable to keep eye contact. "You're just- like.... really hot."
You blushed. Fuck. "You're not just saying that are you?"
"No, really like-" He looked back at the phone. "...Damn." He bit his lip. "How on earth did I get so lucky?"
"Okay, can we please get in the car before I throw up?"
The two of you looked at an uncomfortable MJ with embarrassment riddled on your faces. "Yeah, totally," you said with an awkward cough. "Sorry."
"Nice video [Y/N]," Peter murmured bashfully, opening the door of his car for you, his face still beet red. "Really nice..."
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil l, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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Hey. Sorry, it’s been like two weeks or something, I couldn't really find time to write for a little bit. So, last time I wrote, I said I’d talk about my homecoming this year that also doubled as Will and I’s one year anniversary. So, it started out quite nice actually. Will and Tyler had gotten to the park that we were going to take pictures at before we went to dinner before the dance; Tyler's mom tagged along as well. My mom and I walked over to the fountain where Will and Tyler were since she also had wanted to take pictures. We waited like a half an hour for Jamie to get there, but it was okay because we made sure that we had had enough time in the first place. The three of us also joked about it and I took pictures of Tyler while he was pretending to have his arm around a ghost and we captioned it “When your date is late to pictures”, and they were as if he was telling a joke and laughing which was really funny and quite nice. Once she had finally gotten there, her mom and older sister came as well to take pictures and help with posing. We all had some fun walking around the park and taking pictures together. Messing around and messing with each other, looking back, it was quite blissful. Then the four of us went to dinner with Jamie's mom and sister because they drove us and Jamie's cousin worked at the restaurant that we were going to and would be the one serving us. We met up with our friend who I will call Mers, he was pretty cool. While we were all sitting at the table talking and making fun of each other, I sent a video of Will to Tyler that I had taken while we were home alone at his house. I was lying on the couch looking over the edge where Will was lying and I blew into his ear which always made him squirm which I thought was adorable. Will obviously knew that I had sent something to Tyler since only him and I were laughing about it and it made him kind of mad, but I was a little dumb and when I said it was nothing it was just something dumb and he said it was alright and I believed him. Then he had acted as if he was fine for the rest of the time that we were at the restaurant. We then all went to the dance, minus Mers because we just had felt bad that he was left out so we had invited him to dinner. We waited in line with our ID’s, since they doubled as our tickets, and went into the dance. Will had kind of not been talking by this point but I brushed it off not really noticing it much. The dance started at 7 and it was maybe 7:10-15 by the time we got into line, so it was maybe 2:20-25 by the time we had gotten in. We put our stuff in the bags that they had sitting in the cafeteria for us and Jamie and I put our shoes in them as well. And we walked into the gym together, we went to somewhat of the back but not completely so we’d still be with the crowd. Jamie and Tyler were having fun and dancing so of course, I wanted to dance and tried to get Will to dance with me since we were at a dance. He seemed to not want to really do anything and I pegged it as he has some anxiety with crowds so maybe he’s just not really into it. So I tried harder and took his hands and was messing around, trying to talk and looking at him while he seemed to be looking everywhere but at me. And it made me feel like complete shit. Yet I still tried to dance with him so we could have fun and took his hands in mine and started moving them back and forth when he all of a sudden started to sort of aggressively doing what I was doing which got really annoying and I still tried to slow him down and make it more smooth. Yet he still seemed to never look at me or even try to talk to me. While I asked if he was alright about three times throughout this, and each time he said he was fine. I then got really upset and started to tear up but I obviously didn’t want anyone to see so I texted my friend if she would meet me outside but I realized she didn’t have her phone with her so she didn’t see it for a while; it was 7:36 when I looked at my phone. Though I am grateful that as I walked out the gym doors I saw my friend, who I will call Marie, and pulled her aside when she said hi and explained what was happening while trying not to cry. And she asked if I had wanted to go and join her and her group of friends which I gratefully said yes to because it seemed to be exactly what I had needed. So I danced with them and a few other of my friends, almost forgetting about how much of a terrible time I had been having before, almost. Then Tyler and Jamie came up to me saying that Will was looking for me and that I need to go dance with him because it was kind of rude that I had just left him. And I’d agree if he hadn’t been making me feel like shit the whole time and make me run out crying. Which is what I told them, but then Jamie was like, “Just go talk to him then”. So I did. And, in the loud gym with everyone, we talked and I said how it made me feel and how I ran out of the gym almost crying. He then explained how I made him feel with talking to Tyler and not telling him what it was about, which Tyler ended up showing him anyways to make him feel better. We stood there, at homecoming, yelling at each other. The funny thing is, while we were in the middle of screaming at each other, my friend danced up to us and saw we were yelling and danced away. I am a stubborn person yet I realized, from a rational perspective, and in the middle of it, thinking how I’d feel if the roles were switched, I admitted to being in the wrong so we’d stop yelling. I apologized and he mumbled an apology which I could tell was forced but I’d take what I could get because I knew that it would not be much more from him at this point. We then danced to the slow song that was playing together. Which I know seems like a complete 180 after everything that happened at this point, but what else could I do. Anyways, tonight was out One Year as well. I hadn't brought his gift with me for fear of something happening to it. I had painted him a picture, since I like to draw, of two hands holding each other, and I loved it because it meant so much to me as well. I gave it to him before one of my games since it was a home game and I had my backpack with me. He was getting out of his marching band practice when I saw him walking outside, behind the gym, and called his name and told him to wait for a second while I grabbed it. I ran and got it and gave it to him, he said he loved it and we kissed. The dance was Saturday night, the day I gave him the gift was Tuesday. And I had not heard of the gift that I would receive. I painted a picture because I could not afford anything and it was the best I could do. I also wrote him a small paragraph that morning. I got nothing for two weeks, with word that he still had not ordered it, they still had not “reordered it” when it had apparently not gon through the first time. All I had gotten was a stuffed animal that looked like it had come from a children's arcade. It made me feel horrible and was the last straw. I broke up with him the Friday, two weeks after homecoming. I’ll tell you about that later though because I didn't realize how long this one was getting I am so sorry lol. Bye for now.
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