fidjiefidjie · 7 months
😁 Humour du jour 🤣
Faites un vœux ! avec Benny Hill
Bel après-midi 👋
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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HISTOIRE | La France en 1789 d’après les Cahiers de Doléances ➽ http://bit.ly/Cahiers-Doleances Travail destiné à brosser le portrait sans fard de la France à la veille de la Révolution, « La France d’après les Cahiers de 1789 », publié en 1897, révèle que le Tiers-Etat, qui supplie alors « le roi de défendre la foi contre les atteintes de la nouvelle philosophie », ne réclame pas l’ « égalité », ne songeant à l’abolition ni de la noblesse ni du clergé ; ne suggère jamais l’idée d’une guerre des classes, qui lui est étrangère ; que le désir de « liberté » n’a à l’époque jamais été assimilé au souhait d’instauration d’un système parlementaire
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latristessedelange · 1 year
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raphaelbattu · 1 year
Planification financière et gestion de fortune : pas pour moi ?
Une chose est sûre : investir à long terme en bannissant la spéculation de court terme est l’une des méthodes les plus fiables pour faire croître un patrimoine. Si en plus vous évitez de vous conduire en girouette avec vos placements pendant ces longues années, vous pourriez assez facilement obtenir une rentabilité intéressante et supérieure à la moyenne de vos amis et de vos collègues. Cela…
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
Liste des choses que j'aimerais faire 🗒
Travail & argent :
Trouver un travail ou lancer ma boite.
Gagner de l'argent ...
Culture :
Voir un ballet de Tchaikovsky pendant les fêtes de Noël
Aller à un concert
Voyages :
Aller à Londres :
Visiter le studio Harry Potter
Visiter Buckingham
Faire un tour dans la grande roue de Londres
Faire un tour sur la Tamise
Voir le musée d'Histoire Naturelle
Visiter le musée Madame Tussauds
Retourner à Paris :
Retourner à Disneyland
Faire le musée du Louvre
Rentrer dans le Sacré-Coeur
Visiter le château de Versailles
Visiter le musée Grévin
Visiter le musée d'Histoire Naturelle
Visiter le musée des Arts et Métiers
Retourner à Lyon :
Visiter le musée Ampère
Visiter le musée Lumière
Visiter la basilique de Fourvière
Prendre le funiculaire
Retourner au parc de la Tête d'Or
Revoir la place Bellecour
Retourner à la Part Dieu
Voir le centre commercial Confluence
Visiter le musée Confluence
Aller à Strasbourg :
Visiter le marché de Noël de Strasbourg
Santé :
Reperdre 5 kilos
Perdre 5 autres kilos
Compétences :
Faire du théâtre d'improvisation
Terminer tous les items de Duolingo :
En anglais
En espagnol
Apprendre :
à coudre
la langue des signes
Bricolage :
Faire une maison de fée
Cuisine :
Faire des sushis
Faire une soupe pho
Faire des ramens
Sport :
Reprendre les arts martiaux
Juste pour le fun :
Conduire une voiture à boite automatique
Manger à une table étoilée
Apprendre à jouer au poker
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dandanjean · 5 months
Bonne et heureuse année 2024 !
Un témoignage émouvant, un vœu pour devenir de meilleures personnes grâce à l’éducation, dont par l’université de Senghor.
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Pour les autres une pensée - Lucienne Maville-Anku
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'En souhaits d'anniversaire' Pour les autres une pensées Certes, me réjouit le cœur L'on rit et d'autres pleurent Et rêvent de bonheurs D'un sourire d'un frère Tel un clin d'œil du ciel Un esprit solidaire L'accueil d'un solitaire 'En souhaits d'anniversaire' Pour moi est un sourire Vœux pour tous de bonheurs Paix toujours en les cœurs 'En souhaits d'anniversaire' Fais-je cette prière: Terre exauce le ciel Qu'on embrasse la paix Qu'en soi cessent les guerres Que jubile la Nature La Création meurtrie Terre exauce le ciel En embrassant la paix Aux multiples couleurs 🌈 ©️LucienneMaville-Anku, 13/05/23, 12 :20 Read the full article
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notesdepapier · 1 year
J'ai pas eu une vie amoureuse, heureuse.
Des expériences, tout au plus.
C'est un regret que j'ai.
Pour plus tard, j'aimerais : partager de bons moments, voyager, faire des activités avec la personne, construire des projets.
Vivre de bonnes expériences.
Mais être en couple, c'est s'aimer au quotidien.
Le quotidien me fait un peu peur aussi, la routine.
J'aimerais être avec quelqu'un que j'aime, qui m'aime et avec qui j'ai le sentiment de m'épanouir et d'évoluer aussi bien affectivement que matériellement.
Pour moi, le matériel et le concret est fondamental, je ne pense pas que les flirts, la séduction soit suffisants dans ce monde instable.
Il faut des sentiments, de la légèreté mais aussi pour moi, une sécurité affective et matérielle.
Ma vie me semble trop fragile, je ne peux pas vivre sans confiance et sécurité.
Et j'ai aussi besoin de rêver, un peu.
Je veux tout.
Je ne veux pas, plus de relation "toxique".
0 notes
ericzonecom · 1 year
Bon temps des fêtes de Bowi & Mali
Cette année, j'ai l'immense plaisir de vous souhaiter un très beau temps des fêtes par le biais de Bowi & Mali! Ces deux petits personnages sont les vedettes d'une série web éducative originale qui est destinée aux enfants en bas âge et leurs parents.
Cette année, j’ai l’immense plaisir de vous souhaiter un très beau temps des fêtes par le biais de Bowi & Mali! Ces deux petits personnages sont les vedettes d’une série web éducative originale qui est destinée aux enfants en bas âge et leurs parents. Voilà plusieurs mois que je travaille sur ce projet incroyable et j’ai bien hâte de vous montrer tous ces épisodes à venir très prochainement. Pour…
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Posted @withrepost • @titemadame Ex-voto détourné en boîte à souhaits… j’ai pas fini d’y trouver plein de petits papiers 😁🥰 @_boncoeurs_ @wanderlust_concept_store #souhaits #petitsbonheurs #enfance (à Wanderlust concept store) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3G-MqMWiM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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icedteainthatbag · 3 months
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leehamwriting · 2 years
Un garçon d'enfer - Marc GERARD - 2022
Un garçon d’enfer – Marc GERARD – 2022
Quatrième de couverture Moi, Éléna, 14 ans, je serais parfaite si je n’avais pas deux gros défauts… Un, j’ai beaucoup de mal avec la prononciation de certains mots. Deux, je ne peux m’empêcher de mentir. À cause de ma dysphasie, j’ai dû consulter des spécialistes, orthophonistes, rééducateurs… C’est normal. Par contre, je n’aurais jamais imaginé que mes mensonges me conduiraient tout droit… en…
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alexa-crowe · 1 year
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Mulder & Scully + dates (original)
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cecilysass · 1 month
The Penultimate Partner Episode: Analyzing the Second-to-Last Episodes of Seasons 3-7
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So I was thinking about the show’s tendency to do an episode that is explicitly about the Partnership—about the deep abiding bonds between Mulder and Scully—right before the season finale.
This doesn’t seem to happen in season 1 and 2 (the penultimate episodes are Roland and Our Town, respectively, which don’t seem to play the same role). And something different is happening in season 8 and 9, so I don't think they fit as well.
But during the show’s peak popularity, seasons 3-7, the second-to-last episode seems to be setting up baseline emotional stakes for whatever plotline is about to hit. These episodes are giving us the state of the partnership, reminding us how devoted they are to one another. They also tend to have to do with one or both partners having a distorted perception on reality that requires the other partner's intervention in some way. I’m calling them the Penultimate Partner episodes.
So can we look at the themes of each of these Partnership episodes and see development over time? I think yes. It’s gonna be long. I rewatched them all, so buckle up.
Season 3: Wetwired - partnership as trust Season 4: Demons - partnership as loyalty Season 5: Folie a Deux - partnership as shared madness Season 6: Field Trip - partnership as touchstones Season 7: Je Souhaite - partnership as happiness
Season 3: Wetwired  (right before Talitha Cumi)
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This episode, like several in the Penultimate Partner episode category, involves a X-file that distorts perception. Because Scully can’t trust her own senses due to the mind control, she also can’t trust Mulder, calling into question the key tenet of their partnership. (And by season three, they have definitely established trust as the bedrock.)
Her gradual mistrust of Mulder in this episode is tense and painful; you can see on her face how much she argues with herself about it even as her mind is tricking her. Others who fall victim to this mind control phenomenon wind up murdering their romantic partner, but in the end of the episode, when they’re discussing what happened in the hospital, they both seem pretty unsurprised that Scully’s paranoia focused on Mulder. They both know, late season three, how crucial trust is between them. They understand that it’s Scully’s worst fear that Mulder would betray her. It’s not even news to them.
What Mulder’s worst fear might be is also hinted at, although it’s unsaid. He’s furious that her life is put at risk by the mysterious informant. When Mulder believes Scully may be dead and he’s going to identify her body, his reaction is chilling. He seems to completely shut down emotionally, not even showing any reaction to the Gunmen. Tellingly, when he is offered a choice between getting answers and going to ID Scully’s body, he doesn’t hesitate—he chooses Scully. (Sometimes people claim Mulder doesn’t show this kind of commitment to her until much later, even until Home Again in season 10, so it’s interesting to see it so unequivocal here.)   
I want to say that Scully’s anxiety about trusting Mulder in this episode is foreshadowing aspects of the cancer arc in the next season, but I don’t think that’s really what’s happening. This episode seems more like an entirely season 3 cap to the Anasazi / Blessing Way / Paperclip storyline, especially the murder of Melissa. Scully’s paranoia calls back Mulder’s in Anasazi, and Scully explicitly blames Mulder for her sister’s murder when she’s drawn a gun on him. Even just the fact that we're there with Maggie, who has a picture of Melissa displayed prominently, tells me that loss is supposed to be on both partners' minds. (Actually, the interaction between Mulder, Scully and Maggie is pretty amazing in this scene; they’re an emotionally complex trio who seem to be communicating on some other level. I love how when Mulder and Maggie are talking to freaked-out Scully they almost sound strangely unreal, almost like they really are speaking falsely. It allows us to imagine the scene as it looks from Scully’s point-of-view, as a massive betrayal.)
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Wetwired is, technically, a mytharc episode, as this whole mind control thing seems to tie back into X and the Syndicate. Personally I think the episode’s ending, emphasizing the mytharc-related plot and X’s involvement and whatever tf was happening there, was a little misguided. For my tastes they would have done better to play up the more personal, character-based themes a little more. But I also think this episode was the first real Penultimate Partner episode, and it was setting some patterns that were going to be expanded on.
Season 4: Demons (before Gethsemane)
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From the cold open, we can already tell this is already a more personal episode than Wetwired. Mulder is the one having perception problems now; he wakes from a disturbing dream, covered in blood, muddled memory. This is also technically a mytharc episode, but much more concerned with direct impact on character than Wetwired was. 
Scully instantly rushes to Mulder’s aid—walks right into his shower, for heaven’s sake—and absolutely never wavers in loyalty to him, even when he looks real, real guilty and a "rational" person would be suspicious. She is in fierce, must-protect-Mulder mode throughout this entire episode, from the moment she shows up palpating his head with her hands to her back-off behavior with the cops to her badass cold “I know what you do” comment to Dr. Goldstein. She also helps Mulder see through his distorted perception, telling him "this is not the way to the truth" as he holds a gun on her.
In this Penultimate Partner episode, we see something more than simple trust going on, although there’s trust, too. Maybe the word is loyalty or devotion. We see Mulder coming apart and Scully completely and utterly devoted to him. It’s actually very clear foreshadowing for the following week’s episode, Gethsemane. Mulder isn’t stable, and he needs Scully to keep him from “los[ing] his course,” as she says in Demons’ end narration. Gethsemane will follow up on the Mulder losing-his-course idea, and also will explore the idea that Scully’s bottomless support of Mulder isn’t always good for her. (This idea is voiced especially by Bill.) 
There are some ways in which this episode is a neat little bookend to Wetwired. In Wetwired, Scully flees to her mother’s house, desperate and paranoid; in Demons, Mulder, similarly unhinged, seeks out his mother at her house. In Wetwired, Scully sees things that aren’t there, and in Demons, it’s definitely implied that Mulder may be seeing things in his past that weren’t actually there. In Wetwired, Scully pulls a gun on Mulder, and in Demons, Mulder pulls one on Scully. 
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I adore this episode, even though it’s definitely vulnerable to the critique that Mulder acts like a self-obsessed loon and Scully a hopeless enabler lol. Especially because it comes before the Gethsemane / Redux three parter, I wish the episode would have explicitly connected his behavior to the cancer arc, as I feel like that would have made his wild choices seem more understandable. If he felt like he needed to find answers faster because he knew Scully’s time was running out and he saw it all tied together with her fate, then we would get why he was acting so rashly. It would also tie more nicely into Gethsemane, which misleads the audience into thinking Mulder has killed himself, in part, because he believes she’s been given cancer to make him believe. But again, I love this episode. Scully showing up and putting that blanket around Mulder when he’s shaking. Her hugging him at the end when he’s desolate on the floor. This shows a partnership that’s been through Paper Hearts and Memento Mori—that’s moved beyond trust alone.
Season 5: Folie a Deux (before The End)
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This is another episode about perception—about one partner seeing things the other can’t. Unlike in Wetwired or Demons, however, in this episode the altered perception actually represents the real truth, something everyone else fails to understand. The episode plays around with the tropes of earlier episodes like Wetwired, at first encouraging us to think that it's a delusion that Pincus is a monster, but then convincing us, through Mulder’s eyes, that the delusion is actually reality.  
As other people have observed, this episode ends up being a nice little metaphor for the whole show: Mulder knowing what no one else does, being ostracized and considered insane, asking Scully to find evidence to corroborate him and ultimately convincing her to believe him and see what he sees. Their partnership is, quite precisely, a madness shared by two. 
It’s a monster of the week, not a mytharc, so there’s no distraction of elaborate mytharc plot, just characters and monster. And this is a Vince Gilligan operation, so our focus is definitely on character. From the first scene with Mulder and Scully, we sense that we’re going to be talking about the partnership. Skinner gives them an assignment in Chicago that Mulder doesn’t think is worth it, and he complains in a particularly self-centered way to Scully, which she observes (“You’re saying I a lot.”) The episode is going to be very explicit that while Mulder might be monster boy, they are in this unhinged partnership situation together. Another important moment comes later, when Scully is calling the perp crazy for thinking he saw a monster, and Mulder says, “Well, I saw it, too.” Scully’s careful about-face after that, her delicate avoidance of implying she thinks Mulder is actually crazy, is part of the dance they’re doing at this late season five stage of their partnership. She doesn’t quite believe him, but she doesn’t knee-jerk not believe him either. 
And the foreshadowing of what’s to come in this one, whoo boy. Most obviously, we must acknowledge that 1013 knew exactly what they were doing when Mulder tells Scully “you’re my one in five billion.” A mere seven days from now, a mysterious beautiful ex who believes his theories is going to show up to immediately cast doubt on that claim. And this episode is also toying with the question of whether Scully actually does always back Mulder up when it’s important, when she has to accept she saw something illogical. At the end, does she tell Skinner she actually saw a giant bug in Mulder’s hospital room? We don’t know, but I think it’s implied she doesn’t. That’s all presaging what will happen in The Beginning coming off of Fight the Future. It’s Scully’s little way of resisting the madness, but it also hurts Mulder and damages the partnership, which will be a problem in season six. 
Season 6: Field Trip (before Biogenesis)
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Full disclosure: this is my favorite episode. So I’m going to make some big claims about it. This is the ultimate Penultimate Partner episode—the one that best knits together what it wants to say about their partnership and what it wants to establish for the finale. It's a monster-of-the-week episode (another Vince Gilligan ep, with John Shiban) but refers to the mytharc often. It’s also one of the best episodes about their partnership, period. 
This is yet another episode about distorted perception. This time, however, under the influence of a giant mushroom, both partners are unable to perceive clearly, to determine what is real and what is a lie. And when they’re confused, they critically turn to one another to help them see what the truth is.
Coming off of season six, the partnership is rocky. Mulder is frustrated that after so many theories of his have borne out, he still can’t get the benefit of the doubt from Scully, something he explicitly says in the dialogue here. Scully has felt like she’s not been trusted or heard, like Mulder has turned to others (Diana Fowley, for example) rather than his partner.
This is an episode about how they absolutely need one another to be able to make sense of the world—that individually each of their points-of-view are not enough. In Mulder’s hallucination, Scully accepts his claims about alien life forms too completely, not applying enough skepticism, not pushing back against him. In Scully’s hallucination, a world without Mulder, everyone is unacceptably unquestioning of the status quo, refusing to dig deeper, lacking Mulder’s critical acumen and drive. Neither partner likes the feeling of being unopposed, and it makes both of them suspicious about the hallucination’s reality. They may think they want their own view to prevail, but they need one another to be a whole person.
The theme of what’s real and what’s not – and needing one another to discern the truth–is exactly what is picked up and developed further in the Biogenesis-Sixth Extinction-Amor Fati arc that follows this. Scully’s skepticism has to stretch to incorporate more of Mulder’s worldview to make sense of what she sees in the Ivory Coast, and of course, Mulder calls on Scully’s worldview to see through his misleading dream world in Amor Fati. In fact, you could argue Field Trip is really about the idea that Mulder and Scully are one another’s touchstones—the people they need to know what’s right and real. 
Incidentally, this episode also plays around with some of season 6’s other subtextual throughlines: Mulder and Scully’s anxieties about possibly entering a non-platonic relationship, their unease about what a normal, domestic life might even be for them. For the entire episode they’re directly compared and juxtaposed with the Schiffs, a young married couple who died on Brown Mountain. The Schiffs are a tall man and a redheaded woman. They even die hallucinating lying together on a hotel bed after she asked him to “hold her” (although I do seriously doubt 1013 was intentionally foreshadowing a full year ahead). The last shot is of Mulder reaching out to take Scully’s hand across the ambulance, suggesting a kind of partnership beyond just, you know, partnership. Which takes us to the next season.  
Season 7: Je Souhaite (before Requiem)
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Truthfully, I don’t think this episode fits quite as well in the Penultimate Partner category. It doesn’t share some of the same traits as these other episodes—it’s not quite as notably about perception, for instance—and it’s not fundamentally about the partnership in the same way. But it does end up commenting on their partnership (even their relationship, really) as part of its theme, so I think we can include it—especially because its position right before Requiem ends up being important. 
Je Souhaite (btw, written and directed by Vince Gilligan) has a bit of an unsettled feeling to it because it was kind of treading water, waiting to see what happened with DD and the series. Nothing too monumental could happen with the partnership or the plot because it wasn’t clear to anyone what would happen next with the show: whether it would end or continue, whether DD would be involved or not.
So we have a story about Mulder and Scully making peace with not having a significant impact on the world—e.g. not bringing about world peace, not introducing invisible bodies to science. Instead, they are content to delightfully share a beer and comment that they have made one another “pretty happy” (as Scully says about Mulder). Through the jinni character, they seem to take the lesson that they can enjoy being with one another, accept the simple happiness that their relationship brings them. Rather than wish for success that comes too easily, they take joy in the little things with one another.
Comparing this episode to the Penultimate Partner episodes that come before, we can really see how Mulder and Scully’s dynamic has evolved by season seven. We have a Scully who is much more open to supernatural phenomena, for example, and whose skepticism seems more like a reflex or a defense mechanism now. Scully’s move towards belief is partially reflected in the plot of the episode: the X-file here really isn’t even science fiction. It is just straight up fantasy or magical realism. Aside from Scully's brief mention of a disease to explain what happened to the mouthless man in the cold open, no plausible scientific explanation for the jinni's long life or wishes is really even floated.
Scully is delighted by the discovery of the invisible body, and Mulder is visibly delighted by her delight. He’s also frustrated by her retreat into doubt when the body disappears, of course. But even the reversal into her old skepticism is half-hearted, as she soon after she's engaging in discussion with Mulder about what his final wish was. This is consistent with the overall blurring of the old hardline believer-skeptic dynamic we see in season 7. It’s also peeking ahead to Scully’s coming role as resident basement believer in season 8. 
The last scene, with the beers and Caddyshack, is meant to be a callback to djinni Jenn’s comment that she wishes she could “live my life moment by moment... enjoying it for what it is instead of... instead of worrying about what it isn't.” Mulder, we see, is taking a cue from her. (And good for him, as we almost never see these characters do this. Except on rare baseball-related occasions.)
However, this episode’s position right before Requiem—and right before the events of season 8—ends up giving this scene a real bittersweet bite. We know, after Requiem, that they were probably a romantic couple at this time. We know, after Requiem, that this time is going to be their last happy time together for a long while. Later in season 8, we learn that one lingering wish of Scully’s in season 7 is that she wanted to conceive a child with Mulder. And of course we know, after Requiem, that she gets her wish—but with a vicious catch, with a terrible side effect, much like what happens with the jinni’s wishes. 
So that’s my academic thesis on that. I know others have pointed out the existence of this type of episode before. What did I miss? Do you think I am wrong to leave out seasons 1, 2, 8, and 9? Why do we think these episodes focus so much on distorted perception? Interested to hear others’ thoughts (if they make it through this lol).
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flexibledig · 8 months
when he could have anything in the world but he realized he already has everything he wants and decides to use his wish to free the genie and then goes to watch caddyshack on a date
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deathsbestgirl · 3 months
Favorite Mulder’s couch moments?
my absolute favorite is definitely in all things. scully telling him about her experience, him interpreting it as she talked to god. the way she says 'what if there was only one choice and all the other ones were wrong? and there were signs along the way.' and she falls asleep immediately after, the way he covers her with the blanket. absolutely incredible. precious really.
but i also really love pine bluff variant. when mulder comes into his dark apartment and scully's there waiting for him. and he tries to kick her out, but scully forced her way into his secret undercover mission and takes care of his broken finger. like i just love it. she was so confused & upset & mad. there was no way the mulder she knows would commit treason and hurt people. people he's always fighting for. like i know we talk about mulder's relentlessness & determination & passion, but it's so true of scully too. especially where mulder is concerned. i adore them
and i can't not mention je souhaite. "well i'm fairly happy, that's something." we don't get to see scully happy very often. and she really is so happy in season seven. her admitting to him, watching his reaction to the fact that he makes her happy? it's just so sweet. she buried it for so long, didn't know how to ask him for what she wanted, couldn't really accept it because she really cares about their work too. they spent all of season 6 trying to figure out how it could work, and in season 7 it does work. they are still them. their cases become real dates and then they can go home with each other. their communication still isn't perfect, but they start saying so much more *directly* they don't have to talk around it anymore. they can live and work. they can have both!! partnership in every sense
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