#source: Pokemon: Battle Frontier
crossoverquest · 4 months
Location: The road leading up to the Hazbin Hotel
Hime to Megumi: I don’t want to see Sir Pentious or another exorcist class angel as long as I live.
An annoyed Sir Pentious: To think I put my plan through the painstaking process of proving its prowess…
Lucy: You’re giving me a pain, but I can’t say where because doing so would defeat the purpose of the Hazbin Hotel!
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thesilvercondor · 1 year
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^^ custom Frontier Ball, based off art by Tom Higgins on etsy. (at least, I haven’t been able to find this pokeball design on any canon sources/merch. it uses the canon HBF logo tho)
-a deep desire for official merch of the battle frontier (it no exist :( )
-one of those little plastic premier balls you get from the pokemon-figurine vending machines
-several coats of glue (paint doesn’t stick to plastic)
-paint markers (regular paint should work too)
Unfortunately the blue is starting to come off/fade (its been a few months), so maybe I should invest in a top coat. idk how paint works.
[4 extra pics (making-of and post-fade) under the cut]
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(lining was just done with a fine-liner, but it might have looked better if i skipped that and stuck to a pencil outline. also, i only put glue under the blue and black bits, bc the white turns a bit grey if you put glue on top. that might be because i was using a shitty glue though.)
Post-fade photoshoot:
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(its closer to the canon blue now, so i don’t mind the fade too much. might need to go over it again eventually tho, cos the fade’s a bit uneven)
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delightfuldevin · 2 months
Pokemon Battle Frontier: The Green Guardian
(Except Ash and his friends don’t exist and are replaced by my self insert)
The origin story for my Pokemon self insert and his partner Fairy the Celebi. Basically that episode of the anime, but rewritten so that I take the place of Ash and his friends.
Author’s Note: I go by they/he pronouns, but since this takes place before I transition, I use she/her pronouns for my s/i. Also her name is shown as [—]. Shoutouts to @kakusu-shipping this one’s for you bestie <3
The portal closes behind her and her eyes adjust to her new surroundings. All around her are trees and giant spiky vines. It's certainly the strangest forest she's ever seen. She reaches out to touch one of the vines. It's nearly as hard as a rock, and it's thicker than her entire body.
Well, she can't stay here, so she starts walking, weaving around the giant vines as best as she can and avoiding their spikes. They seem to go on forever, as does the forest itself. Surely there must be other people somewhere.
After walking for a few minutes, she realizes that the vines are getting closer and closer together, making it harder to weave around them. They all seem to be coming from a common source, and this is it. The closer she gets, the thicker the vines get. She gets down on her belly and scoots under one last vine, and behind it, she finds an odd little creature lying on its belly on the ground.
The creature is green with wings and antennae. It's about the size of a baby, and at first, it freaks her out and she stumbles back. But then, she realizes the creature is hurt, covered in scratches and breathing really slow. Cautiously, she crawls up to it and gently puts her hand out to touch its large bulb-shaped head.
"H-hey... Are you okay...?" she asks, though she doesn't expect the creature to be able to answer. It flinches at her touch, one of its eyes opening slightly.
"Bi...?" it replies, then immediately passes out again. Retracting her hand to her chest, she ponders for a moment. She doesn't know what to do or how to help it, but she doesn't want to just leave it here.
She looks around in the immediate area and finds some berry bushes nearby. She collects a few and brings them back, offering them to the creature. "Hey, it's me again," she whispers to it, gently patting it to wake it up. "You should eat. Do you like these?"
It opens its eye again and tries to reach for one of the berries, but its arm falls back to the ground. Hesitating just for a moment, she picks the creature up and cradles it in her arms, then tries to offer it a berry again. Both of its eyes open and it takes the berry, putting it into its mouth and chewing slowly.
After eating the berry, the creature already seems to get better, a few of its cuts healing. Even its breathing gets better. "That sure helped, didn't it?" It looks up at her and smiles, then curls up on her and closes its eyes again. "You're still pretty weak, though. I should get you out of here. Maybe I can find a vet who can help you."
Still cradling the creature in her arms, she stands up and starts weaving through the vines again. She had only wanted to find a way out of this weird forest, but now she has another reason to get out as quickly as possible. She doesn't get very far, though, before a blue-haired woman suddenly appears, slashing through vines with the help of a group of hairy creatures with long claws.
"Oh, hey, you found it!" the woman exclaims excitedly. Another small creature runs up from beside the woman, calling out "Plus! Plus!" Startled, the girl takes a few steps back, hugging the green creature closer against her chest. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt it. I'm here to help."
"Wh-who are you?" she asks in the most demanding tone she can muster.
"My name is Solana." The woman gestures to the small creature beside her. "And this is my partner, Plusle. I'm a Pokemon Ranger." Solana speaks gently, giving the girl a soft smile. "Can you tell me your name?" The girl pauses and thinks to herself.
"What's... a Pokemon Ranger...?" she finally asks. Solana is patient with her, still smiling and trying her best not to make her uncomfortable.
"I protect Pokemon, like that one you're holding." The girl looks at the hairy clawed creatures behind Solana, Plusle who stands beside them, and then down at the creature in her arms. Pokemon... "That one is a Celebi. Have you heard of it?" Solana continues.
"N-no..." She doesn't bother telling the ranger that she hadn't even heard the word "Pokemon" until just now.
"Celebi is a very rare and special Pokemon, and bad people could come after it while it's weak like this. You have to come with me so we can help it get better and keep it safe. Can you do that?" Her eyes are still on the cre—the Celebi—in her arms. Then, she looks up at Solana. She wants to help it, and the ranger definitely knows more about this than she does.
"Okay. My name is [—]."
"Great! Let's go, then! There's a city nearby with a Pokemon Center. I can administer some first aid care to it now, but we'll need to go there to treat it fully." As she follows Solana, she asks her a few questions about Pokemon. The ranger doesn't seem surprised with how little she knows, maybe because she's a kid. Pokemon are creatures with incredible powers that live all over the world in unison with humans. Celebi and Plusle are just two of hundreds of different kinds.
"Celebi is a time traveler, protecting forests of the past, present, and future. It might've gotten into some kind of trouble in a different time period and used the last of its power to travel here to save itself," Solana continues. As they finally reach the edge of the forest, some tall buildings come into view. "Ah, there we go! Fuchsia City!"
As they exit the forest, the girl turns around and notices the giant vines start to disappear one by one. "The vines..." she whispers in awe. Now she understands. Celebi must've created those vines to protect itself while it was weak, but now that it's left the forest, there's no reason for the vines to remain. Celebi truly is an incredible Pokemon.
She resumes following Solana to Fuchsia City, but they both stop in their tracks as a giant robot appears coming toward them. "What is that?!" the girl cries out in surprise.
"Remember the 'bad people' I mentioned?" Solana groans back as an answer. "Plusle, get ready!" she calls, and her partner replies with a "Plu!"
"Oh great, a Pokemon Ranger..." one of the grunts mumble, and it's then that the girl realizes that there are two people inside the robot, both wearing uniforms with a big red R on the front. "You know what we came for, so hand it over!"
"I don't know how you found out Celebi was here, but you're not getting it!" Solana yells back. As she and Plusle engage in battle with the robot, the girl starts running.
"It's okay," she whispers to the Celebi as it slowly opens its eyes. "I'll keep you safe."
"Cele..." it mumbles back, worry in its big blue eyes.
"You're not going anywhere!" the other grunt calls from inside the robot. He pushes a button and a long claw shoots out from the robot's hand, pursuing the girl. She throws Celebi just as the claw grabs her. Floating in the air with its little bit of strength, Celebi calls out to her. "Damn it, I got the kid instead of the Celebi."
"It's alright," the first grunt says. "We'll use her as a bargaining chip. You hear that, Ranger?! Give us Celebi, or the kid's getting crushed!" To show they aren't bluffing, the robot grabs the girl in both hands and closes its claws around her. She whimpers, but doesn't cry out, trying to keep a brave face.
"Damn! Plusle, hold off your attack! We don't wanna hurt [—]," Solana calls. Plusle looks up at the girl with worry, then angrily stares at the robot, waiting for the chance to attack again.
"Clock's ticking, Ranger. We don't have all day," the grunt taunts, making the robot squeeze tighter.
Finally, the girl can't take it any longer, her fear taking over her as tears prick her eyes. "Help! Get me out of here!"
When Celebi hears her scream, a sudden burst of power returns to it. It summons a telekinetic wave that attacks the robot, severing its arms. The claws fall to the ground and Solana rushes to pry them open. Once the girl is out, Celebi sighs with relief, then passes out again, falling from the air. She runs over to catch it, holding it close to her like before.
"You were still so weak, but you used the little power you had to save me... Thank you." Solana looks over at the two of them, then back at what's left of the robot.
"Thanks, Celebi. Plusle and I can take it from here. Right, Plusle?" She looks down at her partner. Plusle charges up electricity in its cheeks, smiling deviously.
"What just happened...?" one of the grunts mutters as the two of them recover from the shock of Celebi's attack.
"Oh crap!" the other yells as Solana and Plusle rush in to attack. It doesn't take long at all for Solana to send them running. After all the commotion, she's finally able to call in backup for the disposal of the robot parts.
Walking up to the girl, Solana puts a hand on her shoulder. "You were so brave today. Thank you for helping me defend Celebi."
"I should be thanking you," she replies with a smile. "You and Plusle did all the heavy lifting."
"You should take it to the Pokemon Center in Fuchsia City now. The other Rangers and I can handle the clean up." She nods and starts heading to the city.
"Bye, Solana! Thank you for everything!" Waving back to Solana behind her back, she quickly travels the last bit of the route to get into Fuchsia City.
Though she finally arrived in a human city, she doesn't let herself get distracted, hurrying to the building labeled Pokemon Center. She rushes inside and finds a lady behind a counter.
"Hi! Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Here, we can heal your injured Pokemon to full health. Would you like to heal your Pokemon?"
"Yes, please! This Celebi needs to be healed quickly!" the girl exclaims, holding the Pokemon out to the nurse.
"A Celebi! How rare! May I?" The nurse takes the Celebi and turns around. The girl starts to panic when she notices the machine the nurse puts Celebi on.
"W-wait! What's that thing?! What does it do?!"
"It's alright. Watch." The machine blinks a few times, letting out a little chime. Then, quite suddenly, Celebi rises from the machine looking completely healed. All of its injuries are gone and it seems to be full of energy. Happily, it flies over to the girl, latching to her neck. She giggles as she pats its head. "See? Your partner's as good as new!"
She pauses when the nurse says that. Partners? Solana and her Plusle are partners. Best friends who work together and take care of each other. Sure, she helped save Celebi, and Celebi saved her, too. But, they don't have that kind of bond... Celebi is a wild Pokemon... "O-oh, no, Celebi isn't my partner. I just found it and came to get it healed..."
"Oh, well then, now you can release it back into the wild! It's completely healed now, so you don't have to worry!" the nurse replies.
"Yeah, thank you..." The girl sighs as she leaves the Pokemon Center. She should be happy, and she is, but she can't help her sudden feeling of loneliness. Even after learning from Solana about humans having Pokemon companions, she never expected Celebi to become her partner. After all, she just wanted to help it get better. That's it. Now that that's done, there's no reason for Celebi to stay with her.
She stops at the edge of Fuchsia City and Celebi, who was flying beside her, comes to float in front of her so that they're face to face. "So... I guess this is it, huh? Stay out of trouble okay? I might not be there to help you next time..." She would be if she could.
Celebi doesn't say anything in response. It floats closer to her, pressing its forehead against hers. She smiles and pats its head again, stroking the soft tip. "You should get going now. I'm sure you have somewhere, or I guess some when, you need to be."
Still, Celebi lingers, and it gets harder and harder for her to say goodbye. She turns away from it, and finally, Celebi rises higher into the sky, emanating a bright green glow. In seconds, it's gone, probably in some other time already. She sighs, blinking away the sharp sting in her eyes. Maybe she doesn't need a Pokemon partner anyway...
She doesn't know where she'll go next. Maybe she'll just explore the area around here. She is still new to all this Pokemon stuff, so it could be nice to learn some more about them. But, before she can even take a single step, she hears a woosh! and a bright light flashes behind her, the sound of a tranquil bell filling the air.
"Bi!" She gasps and turns around when she hears that familiar little chirp, a bright smile on her face.
"Celebi?! You're back! B-but, why... what're you..." She trails off when she notices the little green and white sphere in its hands. The only ones she's seen so far have been red and white, but still she recognizes the object immediately. "A Pokeball...?"
From what she learned from Solana, Pokemon who partner with humans are captured in Pokeballs. Pokemon who don't have Pokeballs are wild and can be captured by other people. So...
"You want to be my partner...?" Celebi smiles and puts the ball in her hands. She presses the little button in the center, and the ball activates, getting about twice as big as it was. Still smiling, Celebi touches the activated Pokeball and is absorbed inside. She gasps as the ball wiggles a few times, then locks. Immediately, she lets it back out and Celebi is back floating in front of her again.
Giggling, it latches onto her neck again and she wraps her arms around it, spinning happily. "So, you're really my partner now aren't you? Can I give you a name? How about... Fairy?"
"Hehe, I'll take that as a yes! Fairy it is then!" She hugs her new partner tightly. "I promise I'll always take care of you." And unbeknownst to her, Fairy makes the same promise back.
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torchickentacos · 1 year
Battle frontier arc episode ??? 5?- The Symbol Life
It's been a week or two but let's get back into it! Time for the noland fight.
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Okay. First off, is Noland's VA the same as Drew and Brock (and king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule, interestingly)? Am I even post va change rn? Let me check. Okay, the answer is no on both accounts but also when i looked up pokemon noland, "noland x reader" showed up so do with that what you will. people like a mechanic I guess. I personally feel like the closer you are to noland, physically and emotionally, the more likely you are to probably explode via noland-ness and his seeming penchance for machinery issues, so not my thing, but whatever. Moving on.
First, I'd say it's an uncharacteristic move of ash to care about the type matchup with charizard, since AG ash is very much about proving himself no matter the odds, but it's a fucking articuno so I'll let it slide.
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me and the mutuals tormenting our blorbos. someone put drew or gary into the middle of the torches. /j
Tbh this episode is very enjoyable but I don't have much to say on it. Battle episodes tend to be this way, where it's very fun but there's not much to analyze other than battle style, which in this case I don't have all that much to say on.
Team rocket is pretty fun in this one. I ADORE TR but in most of AG they're kinda. just there. I like them here, but they're outta the way pretty fast.
In battle, max says that ice shouldn't do much to the fire type charizard, but wouldn't flying give it normal damage?
Noland actually uses a combination. Does he have any ties to contests? Just an interesting detail, though I guess to be as skilled as a frontier brain you'd have to pick up everything you can from different sources.
I do like that Noland's battle style here seems to be very setting-up-the-pieces instead of just 'hit it dead'.
Ash also uses overheat, which. One, cool move. Two, May actually uses it some too in alter contests, which hammers home how much she learns from him. By this point in ag he's not mentoring her as much but you can still see a lot of similarities in how they fight, both very aggressive.
Scott is just. aways B). I love that for him.
Really good battle!
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sleebyjam · 2 years
The new region looks like it'll be fun to explore, definitely an improvement over galar being mostly short straight line routes. The cities all look amazing, like ones you'd see in the pokemon movies minus the iffy texturing and I can't wait to get lost in them like real cities, such immersion. And in the overworld they've mostly been showing fieldy areas that I assume are early areas, but still niver than the first wild area, and a couple shots reminded me of isle of armor/crown tundras terrain, which where some of my favorite areas to explore in the series. The map also shows a lot more interesting terrain with lots of little tucked away areas to find. Plus I bet that crater in the middle is gonna be something interesting. Probably a big crater lake where whatever 'treasure' you're after/the source of the terastal stuff is, maybe with a big ancient ruined city inside? Or the entrance to a big final cave dungeon like poni canyon? Or maybe it's just a regular city like sootopolis. Battle frontier or other post game, maybe?
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healbellls · 9 months
Rp Hooks are scenarios With Your Muse and Helping Information about Your Muse for easier plotting between RP-Partners!  Original by @treasurechestrpmemes !  
Stolen from the dash! Feel free to steal it!
|| Who is your Muse? Write down their name and a quick description!  
// I've got 5 canon muses and one OC on this blog! They are all being based on the games, taking very little from other source materials.
Morty - Ecruteak's gym leader - Johto - Clairvoyance as his power Juan - Sootopolis' gym leader - Hoenn - Former top coordinator Drake - Elite four member (the leader of it) - Hoenn - Captain of his own ship, travels all over the world. Rowan - Pokemon professor - Sinnoh - Researcher and is in constant contact with young trainers Barry - Trainer / Future Frontier brain - Sinnoh - Currently travelling the world on his journey and collecting badges along his way / In the process of becoming a Battle brain Brendan - Trainer / Future League Champion - Hoenn - Currently travelling the world / In the middle of transition to take the mantle from Wallace
Matsuba is an OC that can be loosely considered a PLA OC. I say loosely, because Matsuba is an OC that's way more focused in the ancient time period, rather than the game's events/story per se.
|| Who knows your Muse? Which Groups are they connected with?
// See the answer above for my canon muses, read below for those that weren't mentioned:
Morty - Eusine, Kimono dancers, Silver, protagonists, Team Rocket members Juan - Wallace, Lisia, Fantina Drake - Steven Stone, Wallace, protagonist, mr.Briney, Devon Stone Rowan - Augustine, prof. Oak, Agatha, Birch, Elm, Juniper, Cedric, Kukui, Cynthia, Sinnoh's league members Barry - Palmer, Sinnoh's frontier brains, Lucas, Dawn, Crasher Wake Brendan - Norman, Steven Stone, Wallace, May, Prof.Birch
Matsuba is connected to another OC of mine, and a whole lot of ancient worldbuilding.
|| Where can your Muse be found? In which Places are they usually found?
Morty - Ecruteak city (The gym, the burned tower, Kimono dancers' theater), Goldenrod city, Olivine city, Celadon city, Saffron city, abroad while travelling Juan - Sootopolis city, Lilycove city, Hearthome city, Nimbasa city, abroad travelling or performing in contests Drake - Cities with docks/ports both within Hoenn or abroad, Pacifidlog town, Mossdeep city Rowan - Sandgen town, Jubilife city, Canalave town, Pallett town, Newbark town, Oldale town, Nuvema town, abroad visiting his research colleagues Barry - Either within Sinnoh, or abroad in the middle of his long trip Brendan - In any route within Hoenn, or abroad travelling, Lilycove city, Ever Grande city. Matsuba - On the road within the Johto of the past, Hisui
|| What Scenarios would you like to play them in?  Write 2-5 Scenarios or Plotlines you wish for!  
I’m a sucker for slice of life, expanding on the relationships and things we didn’t get to see much in canon. So I’m always down for some chill intermission stuff, type of interactions between muses. Especially if it ties in, with some kind of important/key moment in overarching story;
I actually suck coming up with generic / open types of scenarios for RPs, bc I much prefer coming up with them, as we plot and I get to learn more about your muse!
With Matsuba: GIMME UR ANCIENT STUFF, I DEMAND. Ancestor OCs? PLA muses? Ancient period muses?
|| What relationships and dynamics are you seeking in those RPs?  
// I'm very iffy in regards to any form of found family stuff, due to some really bad experiences with it in the past. I'll be very selective about it, and might back out if this is forced upon my muses.
I'm always open for discussing and playing rivalries/antagonizing dynamics, and platonic things. Romance is always based off the chemistry, between our muses. Although, I'll definetely be all ears if you approach me specifically for it!
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maddmuses · 1 year
Listen I can argue the case that Satoshi's adventures were like this:
-Kanto was Spring after his 10th birthday (82 episode segments) and he turns 11 partway through if you believe the May 22nd birthday (never citing a source anywhere I can see the claim) --Optional +60 days for Orange Islands but that only slightly skews anything -Johto was Summer (92~ segments total and some movie stuff, but even then we still have some flexibility there from last season even with multi-day stories I'm sure) -Hoenn SHOULD just be fall and winter (a longer adventure) as it has 208 segments though it's about 7 months + 1.5 months in the Battle Frontier and we're right back in Spring in time for -Sinnoh appears in Spring just in time for Dawn to start and somehow manages to be a SIX AND A HALF MONTH JOURNEY?!?!?!?!
The timeframe of pokemon very much decompresses the further you go, with more and more meaningless one-off episodes especially as more emphasis is placed on the growth of Ash's adventuring partners rather than himself (it makes sense). But the games support that most kids can pretty much do their 8 gyms and challenge while on summer break, or over the course of a school year while balancing two other adventures, meaning that it should only roughly take about 1/4 a year.
Honestly lbr you can also trim some serious fat or treat certain happenings as the same days and probably advocate for a pretty tight adventure that Ash has.
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musesbymeri · 1 year
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I posted 1,379 times in 2022
That's 1,294 more posts than 2021!
526 posts created (38%)
853 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,239 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#alola! [promo] - 189 posts
#memes - 147 posts
#that's personal | asks - 134 posts
#dash commentary - 116 posts
#hoenn's savior: may takagi - 115 posts
#back to reality: ooc - 102 posts
#i'm so glad i got to meet queue - 89 posts
#specify muse - 61 posts
#the quiet storm: lillie aether - 58 posts
#psa - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#look as long as it's not fresh meat and needs to be cooked to a safe temperature or it'll either be undercooked or charred she can survive
My Top Posts in 2022:
consider this an itty bitty starter call! Please specify which muse you want! Mutuals only.
15 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
The Hoenn Pokémon League!
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- Trainers register for the Hoenn League at their local Pokemon Center. The Elite Four and Champion keep tabs on the challengers as they move across Hoenn (hence why Steven was able to "run into" May as often as he did after their first encounter in Dewford).
- Trainers may complete their badge journey in any order they choose (Minus Norman. Then he makes you earn four badges before you can battle him)
- The Elite Conference is held once a year. During the time the League is not open, Ever Grande City is a peaceful place, mainly visited by nature lovers who want to see the strong water types that can make it up the enormous waterfall.
- Trainers who intend to enter the Conference must make their way up the waterfall. They cannot fly into the city, like spectators/the press will.
- The Ace Trainers and Experts in Victory Road are paid for by the League. They are the first challenge trainers will face on their way to battle the Elite Four/Champion. Challengers who choose to give up are escorted the rest of the way by one of the trainers and given a ticket to watch the conference.
- Trainers that do make it through Victory Road are given accommodation in the Ever Grande Resort, the biggest hotel in the city.
- The city is flooded with spectators and reporters, and the matches are broadcast worldwide.
- The rounds play out similarly to the anime, where there will be knockout rounds until eight trainers are left standing.
- Those eight trainers will get the chance to battle the Elite Four and the champion. They are also registered in the Hall of Fame and gain access to the Battle Resort (later Frontier).
- Those matches are the most hotly anticipated, because the number of trainers who are able to battle the champion fluctuates every year. Some years, all eight will battle the champion, other years, it's just one.
- May was one of two trainers to make it to Steven (the other was Wally)
- Max was the only trainer to make it to May when he competed a few years later, and he lost.
17 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Knowledge is Power!
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PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE - readily available information to anyone with access to any source of media
- May defeated Steven Stone and retained the title of Hoenn champion for almost a decade
- She has a brother named Max.
- Her father, Norman, is the gym leader of Petalburg City
- She is originally from Olivine City, Johto, and speaks of it often in interviews.
- May was the one to quell Kyogre's wrath
- May was the one to beat the strange space Pokemon while on the back of Rayquaza. This information was revealed by a reporter named Gabby.
- May is poised to helm Hoenn's Battle Frontier, and will battle under the title of Battle Legend.
- She is very warm when giving autographs and interviews. She really does like being looked up to by young children/trainers.
- May is very outspoken about her belief that humans should not, under any circumstance, control Legendary Pokemon. She belives they should be left alone, and humans should only intervene if they pose a danger to humanity. Kyogre just wanted to take a nap there was no need to wake them up TEAM AQUA!!!
- May once had a nightmare of her team dying to Kyogre. She woke up panicked about it in the crowded Pokemon Center lobby at EverGrande City, so there were witnesses.
- May is really bad at cooking human food, but is a wiz at making Pokeblocks. No, she doesn't understand how she's accomplished that either.
- The information about May being the one to defeat the legendary Pokemon was actually stolen from the Mossdeep Space Center or the city of Sootopolis by the reporting team of Gabby and Ty.
NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE (unless plotted otherwise)
- May has a deep, deep loathing for Team Aqua, and especially Archie. Despite the façade she puts on regarding them, she wishes she'd been strong enough to tell Interpol exactly what they'd been planning.
- Wallace, Steven, and Professor Cozmo were the ones to hide any footage of May's deeds, at her request.
- May is still severely traumatized by what happened with Kyogre and Rayquaza
- May suffers from aquaphobia (phobia of water) and astrophobia (phobia of stars/space). It can be difficult for her to do things like shower, or have a romantic evening stargazing.
- Flash, her Raichu, very nearly died in the battle against Kyogre, and was the member of her team that dealt the finishing blow to the beast.
- May released Kyogre back into the Seafloor Cavern after catching it. She commanded it go back to sleep.
- She also refused to take Rayquaza with her on her journey, but does still have the ability to call it if need be.
- She never caught Deoxys. She only beat it back into deep space
- Latias is the one legendary she met that doesn't mind.
19 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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I'm checking my vital signs
Drawing my battle lines
Going to w a r again
Independent, semi-selective Pokemon multimuse blog, featuring retired champion May, gameverse Max, and postgame Lillie!
Multimuse + Crossover friendly!
Rules || Muses
21 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I need a shot again
That sweet adrenaline
Indie, semi-selective Pokémon RP blog, featuring Alpha Sapphire based May, Gameverse Max, and Post-USUM Lillie.
Crossover friendly. Must be 18+ to follow.
27 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Thousands turn out to Australias largest gaming expo
Australia’s largest video game convention is on in Melbourne this weekend, with 80,000 people expected to walk through the gates. PAX Aus is back and in person for the first time since 2019, and it’s not just a day for people to get hands-on with games and tech, it’s also a day that sees communities from all over the country come together. Showcases and panels by industry experts are open to those searching for something new or looking for inspiration, as well as thousands of Independent local game creators raring to show off their stuff. And while the major gaming companies didn’t have the most significant presence at the event, there was still plenty to enjoy.  Day One saw thousands of people flood the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, with colourful videogame-themed costumes and props.  9News.com.au went along to check it all out.  PlayStation’s Shuhei Yoshida headlined the panelists for day one, with a storytime discussion on indie game development.  Yoshida says this was his first time back in Australia in over 30 years and shared his passion for Indie games, including Melbourne’s own Cult of the Lamb, which drew a stellar crowd at their booth near PAX Rising. PAX Rising is the prime location for small studios and independent game developers to show off their work.  Cult of the Lamb was recently awarded Australia’s Game of the Year. (Nine) Many of the game studios on the PAX Rising show floor are from Melbourne, including Massive Monsters, Things For Humans, Catchweight Studio, DragonBear Studios and Piotr Rochala.  The highly anticipated SEGA video game, Sonic Frontiers, had a hands-on exhibit, allowing gamers to get a good look at the game before it launches on November 8.  Gamers could play a demo of Sonic Frontiers. (Nine) While over at the Lenovo Legion booth gamers could get a sneak peek of horror game Alone in the Dark. Also at the Lenovo booth, a string quartette performed the Halo: Combat Evolved theme song live.  Indie game publishers Devolver Digital had one of the comfiest setups in the main hall, allowing gamers to sit down on a couch with their friends to play many of their upcoming games, including Anger Foot and Gunbrella.  Tens of thousands have ascended on Melbourne for PAX Aus 2022 (Nine) Gaming giants Square Enix has an epic Final Fantasy Online display, with their team running Battle Challenges to defeat the Ifrit and Zodiark Trials.  There’s a beanbag heavy zone to rest your legs, and a stage area to see some hardcore gamers show off their speed running skills.  Devolver Digital were showcasing upcoming titles Anger Foot and Gunbrella. (Nine) Many other gaming industry professionals are holding talks, offering gaming advice and sharing stories, in various theatres across the expo. It’s not just video games, there was plenty of tech on show too. (Nine) ASUS ROG (Republic of Gamers) has a mega showcase on the main floor, where gamers and tech lovers can check out the brand’s latest gaming laptops, like the ROG Zephyrus Duo, as well as other gaming accessories and merch.  Wacom is showing off its latest tablet for digital design, they had character artist Pablo Munoz Gomez and concept designer and artist Simon Scales on hand to demonstrate the tech. (Nine) HTC Vive has a virtual reality space set up to allow people to get a look at the latest VR technology.  A retro arcade has been installed at the Aussie Broadband booth, while all the classic consoles can be found in, you guessed it, the Classic Gaming section of the expo.  There was also an entire zone dedicated to Twitch streamers.  The most anticipated video games of 2022 and beyond Up the back of the main hall was a zone dedicated to card and tabletop games, with retailers loading up their booths with the latest in Magic the Gather, Pokemon TCG and Warhammer – just to name a few.  There’s no shortage of things to see at PAX Aus this year, it’s running across the weekend with some tickets still available for Sunday.  Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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despazito · 5 years
Complete list of all problems known so far in Pokemon Sword and Shield with data and/or proof for each problem
[I am copying this post from the pokemon subreddit from u/Terotu]
Seeing as there's a lot of people that don't quite know the extent of the issues and that there's no real compilation of the problems, I feel like everyone needs a list with info and sources of each and every current problem with the games, it's a long list but I've tried to put it all together, it's not just dexit people. I will post everything that is 100% confirmed and known so far, there's potentially other problems, but this is made as a somewhat "quick" digest with info that has been 100% proven, for anyone out of the loop that wants to know exactly what's happening with these games.
1. The number of usable Pokemon has been cut, only less than half are now usable, known as Dexit, it means that you won't be able to use these pokemon in the new games, you won't be able to transfer them in, and you won't be able to do anything with them sans sticking them in home for the foreseeable future (Home will probably be a paid only subscription based service just like its predecessor), for all intents and purposes, these Pokemon are basically removed from the main games franchise and they will take probably years to come back, if ever. An image with the cut/not cut pokemon can be found here, pokemon in green are confirmed to be in, pokemon in purple have galar forms, pokemon in yellow are in the data, but there's nothing for them, they could be leftover data like the items and other things, could be giveaway/event only, could only come from other games, etc, there's no way to know what's the plans for them at the moment, if any, pokemon in red are cut. The excuse GF used for this culling was that it let's them work on delivering better animations and a more carefully crafted game, since they don't have to put more time and effort into redoing the models. This is complete BS as the game polish is worse than ever, and the models seem to just be somewhat edited XY models.
2. Just like the Pokemon cut, about 144 moves were removed, 99 moves excluding the let's go and other outlier moves, this includes extremely important and used mainstay moves like Hidden Power, return/frustration and Pursuit, on top of extremely old moves that have been there since gen 1, some of these moves were important for the viability of several Pokemon, which may cause them to be way less effective if not way worse when it comes to battles, on top of this, it also removed some SIGNATURE MOVES of certain Pokemon. The full list for deleted mainstay pokemon moves can be found here Attempts at transferring Pokemon with these moves will apparently get this message: "This move can’t be used. It’s recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can’t be remembered."
3. Short game, the first streamer beat the champion at around the 14 hour mark, while he did this by skipping a fair amount of trainer battles, other streamers are clocking in about 16-20 hours, seems like the average will be about 18 hours to beat the game. Here's one of the many streamers, he's right before champion and clocking in at 14:34.
4. The graphics are extremely mediocre, it constantly looks worse and less polished than LGPE, the textures are often inexcusable. Examples of the bad graphics seen here 1 2 3 4 5 6 A comparison with LGPE can be seen here and here Here's a game recently released for switch, another picture found here, the difference is unreal.
5. There's constant graphical issues, not just low quality graphics, pop in is present at all points of the game due to bad coding, trainer models will also disappear mid battle when an attack with a high number of particles is used, this also happened in SM, however, SM moved the camera away to avoid people seeing it, they didn't even try this time. This means it's either a carry over from SM and they just copy pasted most of the code, or they somehow have to remove the trainers to avoid a switch from somehow getting fps drops. The pop-ins can be evidenced here and here. Trainers dissapearing mid battle can be evidenced here
6. Animations, one of the main reasons why GF cut pokemon, at least in the interviews, are as shoddy as ever. There's extremely lazy animation all over the game, from normal attacks to key moments in the game, such as the encounter with the box legendaries. Most of the animations are also completely copy pasted from older games, one example seen here with Hau(the entire character of hop is basically a copy paste of hau.) Most of the animations for the camp are also copy pasted from xy amie, evidenced here. Pokemon battle animations are just as bad as before, if not worse, pictured here is a pokemon headbutting with its feet. Another example found here, THE MAIN BOX ART POKEMON CINEMATIC, THIS IS THE GAME CLIMAX, another example on the other version found here In fact, it could be considered way worse if compared to the last gen, example of upscaled USUM cutscenes. (Notice the graphical change isn't that big, the only difference here is increasing the resolution)
7. Cutscenes and restrictions, like previous Pokemon games the cutscene and story forcing and restrictions are insane this time around, seems to be even more intrusive and in your face than before at times, while keeping the same level of cutscene intrusion than past gen. The video for this point was taken down, but if you wish to see this you should be able to find it by searching the gameplay clips/streams online
8. The difficulty, just like the cut scene problem, this carries over from earlier games and it's even worse.There were constant heals, to the point where in the first routes you're not able to go beyond 3 trainer fights without getting a full heal. The first streamer avoided fights and didn't train at all, it still was one shotting gym leader dynamaxed ace pokemon.This can be seen here.
9. Post-Game is almost non-existant, as usual since masuda-Ohmori started directing, there's no frontier, there's also no frontier like facility. The post game consists of battle tower and a very short sequence of missions where you beat some dynamax pokemon for your rival to catch the other legendary. Not only this, but the battle tower is also an inferior version of past towers, it doesn't have super single nor super double battles, it has no triple battles and there's no "tower bosses", it's just random trainer npcs after another.
10. Problems with game design and behavior, beyond difficulty and progression, there's other problems in the overall game design. Examples of this is not being able to catch Pokemon in the wild areas until you got a badge allowing you to do so, which usually covers your current level. Meaning if you find a level 31 shiny or a level 31 pokemon you really want, you won't be able to catch it until you go and beat the next gym. For shiny hunters, this one is gonna be really important, you cannot see if your Pokemon is gonna be shiny or not in the overworld, this means that on top of the badge limit, you also got this potential problem. Evidenced here.
11. Removed past features with virtually no new additions, seems like this is a mainstay in Pokemon, removing older features so they become one of a time gimmicks, but unlike earlier titles this new game doesn't adds anything new except dynamaxing, which is limited to gyms only. This particular gen removes Mega Evolutions and Z moves, mega evolutions in particular were a huge deal and seeing them suddenly removed means that there's little reason to get involved with any new addition, no matter how mainstay or how much GF forces it when it will very soon be gone. A list of these removed features can be found here.
12. No scaling whatsoever, models are the same sizes of XY (giving more plausibility to them not really redoing the models).Any argument against this is thrown out of the window when dynamaxing exists, since the models seem to be edited XY models then the problem remains. Here's the non scaled model in sword and shield. Here's an scaled model, released in a game that came out 15 years ago for a the Nintendo Gamecube, something way less powerful than the switch.
13. No GTS, retera thread on the discovery found here, the only strings that refer to the GTS are leftovers from Let's Go code, as seen here and here. This is most likely due to Home(this means that you will have to pay for switch online+home for services older games already included) Thanks to /u/c_will for pointing this one out and gathering the info.
14. A 20 dollar price increase for less content than earlier 3DS games, with subpar graphics and removal of features, an overall shoddy release for a higher price point.
15. Performance, game is locked to 30 fps, and while that's not a big issue by itself, this is coupled with slowdown at certain moments such as dynamaxing, it can drop fps to the floor and turn the game into a slideshow for a while. Evidenced here. Still gathering more info on this one, as it's a relatively new occurrence that hasn't happened to all users, take this one with a grain of salt
16. The overall lack of quality, polish and effort put into the game, this is all the minor/somewhat minor but still very telling problems with the game. This is apparent in many ways all throughout the game, things like the wrong backgrounds or just voids for pokemon battles. Two example of the wrong backgrounds seen here and [here] (https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyCleanOstrichArsonNoSexy) One example of the void background seen here (these happen on indoor fights and some non indoor but scripted battles)Examples of backgrounds on indoor and everywhere else in both LGPE and colosseum, seen here and here. Then there's complete lack of music in the game story most important moments, seen here. Starters are also shiny locked. The entire world freezes when using certain objects, as seen here. To this, you add up the emptiness of the wild area and the badly implemented weather changes that don't make much sense, both seen here No animation for flying, no elite 4, no victory road, etc, this is added to all the other problems that show the lack of effort put into them.
This franchise deserves better.
You deserve better.
These games are not only a huge step down from earlier titles, but it goes beyond what used to be already barely  tolerable standards to way below standards, keep in mind this is the biggest, most profitable franchise on earth.
This is the first time a pokemon main game is released on console, people were excited for game freak to finally do whatever they wanted and it's been done with the most minimal of  efforts, all the money you've spent on Pokemon didn't went on making this a better game, it went straight into the pockets of the people in charge, those that made sure this was made with the most minimum effort and those that cut  corners.
Companies that made games decades ago on hardware less powerful than the switch shouldn't be doing a better job than game freak, and companies doing work in the switch have completely obliterated game freak when it comes to developing a video game.
Keep in mind that your purchase of these games causes this:
Continue the yearly release cycle that makes the games rushed and forces the devs to insane crunch time, creating the low morale problem
Tells them that you're ok with these problems, and they will keep lowering the bar and cutting corners on development
Your money will continue going into the pockets of those responsible for these problems
I implore you to be a smart consumer, I've played Pokemon since I red, ever since I was a child, I can no longer support this franchise, I probably won't buy a Pokemon product ever again if this is gonna be how they're gonna treat the games and its fans.
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askappos · 2 years
Arcshuan Cosmog line
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Arcshuan Cosmog
Nebula Blot Pokemon
Dex Entry 1: "Cosmog seems to gather in places of light. It's theorized that this variant of Cosmog comes from the same place as standard Cosmog but adapted differently." Dex Entry 2: "It's born with less light, so it sits and absorbs light rays. The pitch black part of its body seems capable of blotting out any light source as a result."
Notes: Found in a post-game side quest where you track down cries of a mysterious Pokemon. It joins your party at Lv. 5 with Teleport and Fake Tears. Evolves into Arcshuan Cosmoem at Lv. 43.
Arcshuan Cosmoem
Protostar Pokemon
Dex Entry 1: "It is absorbing very little light at this point. Instead the light rays it gathered as a Cosmog is beginning to coalesce around the black body inside." Dex Entry 2: "Cosmoem is oddly cold to the touch. This is because if it didn't gather enough light before evolution, it begins to draw in heat to fill in the gaps."
Notes:  Evolves into Eclisuchus at Lv. 53 in either game.
Eclipsis Pokemon
Dex Entry 1: "In ancient times, it was known as the Beast That Blots Light. People depicted it with Solgaleo or Lunala defeating or overseeing it, as they believed letting it roam free in illustration will bring misfortune." Dex Entry 2: "Despite being fully capable of producing its own light, it always remains darkly colored unless it goes into its Total Eclipse form. It's theorized to be an adaptation to avoid Necrozma."
Signature Move: Sundark Slash or Moondark Wave Dark Physical or Special A peculiar move that infuses the user's attack with the darkness from blocking the sun or moon. It changes based on the time of day.
Notes: Its form while using Sundark Slash or Moondark Wave is known as the Total Eclipse form. If fighting online or in the Battle Frontier, it uses the version of its signature move from the last time it was put in the PC. Unique ability is Unblockable Blot, which is a clone of the ability Infiltrator.
Inspiration: Arcshuan Cosmog is inspired by a dark nebula, which blocks out light. Eclisuchus is mostly inspired by Apep in Egyptian mythology, although in general by how snakes and eclipses are both seen as ill omens, and it partly derives its name from the constellation Ophiuchus.
Shinies below
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grainjew · 3 years
Chapters: 13/21 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaki | Kiawe & Satoshi | Ash Ketchum Characters: Kaki | Kiawe, Kiawe no Garagara | Kiawe's Marowak, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, Satoshi no Dodaitose | Ash Ketchum's Torterra, also the rest of their teams Additional Tags: Friendship, in keeping with the source material there are exactly zero (0) stakes in this fan fiction, i am simply here to have a good time, Pokemon Contests, Gym Challenges (Pokemon), Canon Compliant, this fic used to have an update schedule and now it doesn't and im very sorry about that Summary:
Olivia insists Kiawe go on an adventure before tying himself to Alola forever. Ash, newly a Champion, hasn’t quite figured out what he wants to do next. The Kanto gym and contest circuits are right there.
A post-Alola pre-Journeys regionfic in the same sort of vein as the Battle Frontier arc.
CHAPTER 13!!! this chapter has some of the scenes i had the most fun writing in it
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soulshield40 · 3 years
Trigger Warning: Blood, Child Death
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Have you heard the tale of Shinjuku Jack?
He was a robot built by Silph Co. to work at Celadon City’s Game Corner and other establishments like it as a bouncer/floor manager, heavily influenced by the popular “Mega Man” series (both in and out of universe). His purpose in life was to work at the game corner and primarily keep kids aged 10-15 out if they didn’t have trainer cards. He had blades in his arms in case he needed to pry things open. He had large metal dice as an accessory, but could also be used as a tripwire to apprehend children or people who tried scamming the location.
One busy night, someone had too much to drink and began attacking people. Naturally, Jack stepped in to assist, but the attacker stole the dice and bludgeoned the robot with them repeatedly, breaking him. The next morning, the corner was closed to the public so Jack could be repaired. Silph Co., not wanting to expend their most experienced staff (who were working on the Silph Scope prototype) on this machine, sent an experienced intern to repair him. Unfortunately, the intern was not familiar with Jack’s code or blueprints, so when he was finally repaired properly, the code had accidentally been tampered with, and the project was rushed, meaning there was no proper kill switch Silph Co. could reliably use in a safe manner. The robot snapped awake and attacked the intern, who barely made it out with his life. While escaping, Jack’s scanners broke, meaning he could no longer detect trainer cards. However, he still had code indicating that kids 10-15 years old were bad, which meant eliminating them according to what little actual judgement he had.
Jack sought a child that didn’t have any signs of being a trainer capable of defending themselves, and found a 10 year old girl with nothing but an eevee. He would follow the child everywhere, until finally, it was night. The girl was scared and alone, wandering the alleyways trying to find her eevee. Then Jack struck. He knocked the girl to the ground with his dice, budgeoning her. When she tried to crawl away, Jack tackled her and used the blades in his arms to finish the job. He then disappeared into the night in search of more potential victims.
He would continue doing this, killing at least one preteen a day, for years, until 1996, when his code made a lapse in judgement. A ten year old boy, orange hair, blue eyes, a jacket, jeans, and a backpack, was found wandering the streets at night. His name is Blue Oak, and rather than keep pokémon around his waist, he would keep them in his bag. This caused Jack to assume he was an easy target, maybe even the easiest target that week. He ensured the boy was alone and attempted to attack him. Blue panicked, and made the mistake of sending his starter out to fight. This did minimal damage, as Jack was designed to be waterproof due to the nature of his previous job. It wasn’t until Red used his Charizard to fend off the robot that Blue was finally safe. The robot fled and only became a threat to those who passed him alone at night.
Jack would be active for another four years until the year 2000, when his energy source finally gave out and his exoskeleton was reclaimed by Silph Co. In the year 2003, Silph Co. faced a class action lawsuit. It was known as “Celadon City v. Silph Co”, and there were allegations of negligence, child endangerment, and involuntary manslaughter. They ended up losing the lawsuit due to the overwhelming amount of evidence against Silph Co. and had to pay thousands if not millions of dollars to the families of the children who were killed or endangered by Shinjuku Jack. They also had a mass recall of all Shinjuku Jack models all over Japan.
Jack has since been deactivated for good and placed inside Silph Co.’s main building, never to be seen again. There were rumors of an updated model making Jack less prone to violent behavior, but the plans were cancelled to the obvious negative reception. The remaining intact Jack models have since been used as spare parts for other robots or sold to collectors in a deactivated state.
As of 2021, Silph Co. has made more robots in a variety of shapes and sizes and in a better quality. Now professionals are sent to make repairs, and there is a remote kill switch in case one of them go rogue. They are generally also incapable of moving without human intervention. Despite all of this, Shinjuku Jack will never make a return.
Shinjuku Jack is inspired by an unused trainer class in Pokemon Red and Green, going by the same name.
At first, I didn’t know how to implement him into the AU, but had an idea when I learned that he was meant to be the series’ first robot trainer. I immediately assumed a robot named Shinjuku Jack would work at Celadon City’s Game Corner and other places like it, such as Goldenrod’s Department Store, Celadon’s Department Store, Goldenrod’s Game Corner, Olivine Cafe, Frontier Access, Slateport Market, Hoenn’s contest halls, Hoenn’s battle tents, Mauville City in general, Lilycove’s Department Store, Jubilife TV, Veilstone Department Store, Veilstone Game Corner, Sunyshore Market, the Fight Area, the Survival Area, and the Resort Area.
In shopping areas, Shinjuku Jacks function as security and do not use the programming that forces them to exclude children who are not also trainers. Jubilife TV had a Jack that excluded all but trainers and members of the crew.
Naturally, I thought of killer robots, and that led me to think of stuff like Mega Man.
So the natural conclusion was that there was a serial killer robot that looks like he’s ripped straight out of Mega Man X.
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heartbxnd-blog · 5 years
@roleplayersoul has sent: what would matsuba do in modern times if he had the role as gym leader?
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// Oh man it is so funny for you to ask me that- bc I was discussing with @auraguardians a time period swap Au with them. And lmao here is what I have for it!
Actually I don’t think he would be a gym leader- in fact, he isn’t someone who would own all that many pokemon to begin with! In fact I actually was thinking of him as some sort of staff trainer working at the battle factory in the Frontier in Johto! The most notable he has with himself is a shiny Lotad, which he keeps it as a pet in his flat!
He isn’t a passionate trainer, but it is enough to maintain a job there! He really needs a stable source of income- because he much like Morty would also charge his clairvoyance sessions. But he only takes them at night, and in his dragsona character.
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// But if he were a gym leader- he would take the position from Azalea town rather than Ecruteak’s. He just really isn’t fond of that city’s atmosphere.
His specialty wouldn’t be different from Morty’s! In fact, not even his signature pokemon would be different- it isn’t like they have many options, when it comes to Johto or Kanto.
In regards to occupations- they aren’t all that different from one and the other. But the way he’d tackle things, is most definetely be different! For starters, Matsuba would be no doubt about it- overall a much better coworker to have around. He is a lot more laid back, flexible, and way less inflamatory.
I’m not saying that it would fix Johto’s dysfunctional League state, but AT LEAST he wouldn’t be making things a lot more difficult for everyone.
Also Im tagging @thetreeofbeginning here bc they’ve been asking me about something like this kbjhsdjbhsd  <3
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The clipboard felt extra heavy in his hands as he soundlessly approached the counter, hyper-awareness causing his hair to stick out more on end than usual as he warily eyed his surroundings.
When he’d decided he was gonna show up and surprise Misty during his second journey around the Kanto region to compete in the Battle Frontier, he hadn’t expected to walk in on her collapsed and breathing shallowly near the staircase leading to the second floor of the Cerulean Gym.
The Pokemon had all been dropped off at the PokeCenter, including Pikachu, May had said she was going to visit the cape and view some local trainer matches and see if she could strategize for the next coordinating festival event, Max and Brock were out shopping for supplies and food. The plan had originally been for all of them to meet up in the late afternoon hours at the gym and treat Misty to dinner.
Ash, having nothing else to do with his time, had eventually come to the genius conclusion that he should sneak up to the Cerulean Gym and see how busy things were. It was tough work being a gym leader, after all, and it would have sucked for their group to show up and take Misty out only to discover she was too swamped to join them...
But, upon approaching the front sliding double-doors to the familiarly dome-shaped building with the Seel sculpture encompassing the archway over the entrance, he began to think perhaps he was wrong.
He’d stared through the slightly tinted glass into the semi-dark building, wondering why everything was locked up... and saw a silhouette on the other side slouching against the bottom of the stairs down the hall.
“What’s going on...? Is that...” He squinted his eyes so hard it almost caused him to lose focus, blinked away the incoming headache, and barely made out the unique distinguishable trait that was a side ponytail, “... Misty?”
Knock, knock on the glass but she made no move to get up and unlock the doors. Brow furrowing and frown setting in, he tried once more, rapping on the glass a little harder with his knuckles. Still, the redhead didn’t move to greet her visitor or make any attempt to turn on the lights.
The original plan was clearly out the window. Now he was worried.
It had been the longest thirty minutes that Ash could remember. From finding a maintenance door on the side of the building that thankfully happened to be unlocked that he could enter through to unsuccessfully attempting to wake his unconscious friend up to dialing out for emergency responders to scrambling to scribble a note to their other friends and post it on the front double doors before locking up and leaving once more so that he could accompany Misty in the ambulance to the local hospital.
That had been a wildly overstimulating hour or two ago. Now he was forcing himself to shuffle awkwardly up to the nurses station so that he could ask a question he had never been bothered to find the answer to. Most of the staff were shuffling around, one filing, two making phone-calls, one was walking around the other side of the counter with one of those IV drip bags he’d seen once or twice before in his years on the road...
“Excuse me, dear, did you need something...?” an elderly woman in similar scrubs as the rest of the adults around him were wearing asked, a kindly smile on her wizened face as she stepped forward.
“I, uh... this part here,” the teenage boy gulped as he lifted the clipboard and pointed the source of his dilemma out to her, “I don’t understand it. I came in with...”
“Ah, you’re the boy who came in with our city’s gym leader, right? Let me see that...” She accepted the clipboard from him and followed his finger down a few inches of the first page. “My, you’ve done a pretty good job so far filling this out considering you’re not her family.”
“Well, we’ve known each other for years. Used to spend all day every day together so I guess I just... know her pretty good after all that.”
Somehow he was feeling both flattered by the woman’s acknowledgement and flustered by his own admission at the same time.
“Ah, I see.”
“Yeah, that part... What’s a primary emergency contact?”
“Well, that just tells us who to reach out to in the event that something changes with Miss Waterflower’s medical condition.”
“Changes? Changes like what?” he asked, confusion swirling amidst dark thoughts in the back of his mind.
The older nurse paused, mouth slightly agape before apparently thinking better than to confirm his suspicions and choosing a different response.
“You don’t have much to worry about. Miss Waterflower is just being given IV fluids and nausea medications. She probably won’t even have to stay overnight. She just caught a really terrible flu bug that’s going around town right now.” She paused here long enough to watch a subtle sense of relief flood Ash’s features before going on. “Unfortunately, the administration still needs the contact information for her file. She runs the gym with her sisters, right?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to reach them... I know they’re out of town though. They all take turns when it comes to the gym.”
He took the clipboard back from her, that strange foreign anxiety niggling at the back of his mind still and getting stronger with every passing second. He gave a cursory glance down the hall in the direction of her room and then back at the forms in his hand.
“Could I... I dunno, could I put my own name and number down?” Their eyes met momentarily but the ensuing embarrassment caused him to clear his throat and look away once more from the helpful elderly nurse.
“Would you be comfortable with that?”
“I... I dunno if I am. We never had this kinda thing happen to us before. But I don’t know what else to do and, like you said, I know her - I mean, of course I know Misty real well, we’re best friends, and she’s sick and needs my help so how could I not do my best to give her what she needs most now,” he rambled on, tapering off towards the end, but only long enough for his next thought to make itself coherent for his audience, “even if what she needs most is me.”
The nurse’s smile widened knowingly at the clearly baffled, unsettled yet brave teenage boy before her as he apparently made his final decision and scrawled his own contact information down on the board and then shoved it across the counter in her direction.
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mille-marteaux · 5 years
alright so killing the gamefreak lolicon npc is just a simple matter of deleting them. i want to do this but i don’t want to just put out a small update that does nothing but remove this one npc, so i guess i’ll use this time to revisit the difficulty level patches. i am a nerd and a loser, so i will be using pso nomenclature. this is what we are getting into:
- normal: this is the stock hack. you are all very familiar with this. - hard: swap mode will be removed and you cannot use in-battle items anymore. they can still be used on the field. - very hard: in addition to hard, the player can no longer gain EVs from any source. - ultimate: in addition to very hard, enemy trainers will all have 31 IVs and 252 EVs in every stat, significantly ramping their stats up.
for ultimate in particular, i am considering bumping the league to level 100 and putting the battle frontier’s rare candy NPC in the large pokemon center just so you can’t overlevel against it.
sandbox will not be made for h/vh/ult, but nothing’s really stopping you from getting everything you want from it and then importing your save but yourself.
its something i’ve been wanting to do for a while, but making difficulty patches is a very niche prospect for  what may as well be a niche rom hack that’s going on five years old now.. and a lot of this depends on if i can even delete EVs anyway, half the tools are just broken with how much duct tape i’ve put on this poor game lol
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